Abstract—Automated object detection algorithm is an impor- i.e., the extraction of a license plate region from an image, is
tant research challenge in intelligent urban surveillance systems the key module in a VLPR system [3], which influences the
for Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities applications. In accuracy of the VLPR systems significantly. Different algo-
particular, smart vehicle license plate recognition and vehi-
cle detection are recognized as core research issues of these rithms have been proposed for identifying a vehicle license
IoT-driven intelligent urban surveillance systems. They are key plate using image processing [4]. One typical way is vertical
techniques in most of the traffic related IoT applications, such as edge matching [5]. The idea is to first locate the two ver-
road traffic real-time monitoring, security control of restricted tical edges of a license plate, and hence to detect its four
areas, automatic parking access control, searching stolen vehicles, corners. In this way, the license plate can be extracted accu-
etc. In this paper, we propose a novel unified method of auto-
mated object detection for urban surveillance systems. We use rately. Using the contrast between the grayscale values, [6]
this novel method to determine and pick out the highest energy proposed a vertical edge-based license plate recognition
frequency areas of the images from the digital camera imaging method.
sensors, that is, either to pick the vehicle license plates or the Another technology is morphology-based license plate
vehicles out from the images. Our proposed method can not only detection. This method is to extract important features of con-
help to detect object vehicles rapidly and accurately, but also can
be used to reduce big data volume needed to be stored in urban trast as guidance to search the license plates [7]. In [8], to
surveillance systems. extract potential text information from the image, a method is
proposed using adaptive threshold, fractal filter and morpho-
Index Terms—Internet of Things (IoT), smart city, smart
transportation, urban surveillance system, vehicle, vehicle license logical analysis. In [9] and [10], edge statistics in combination
plate. with morphological approaches are proposed to eliminate the
undesired edges in the images.
Color-based methods are also attempted which make use
of the colors of the vehicle license plate. In [11], a color-
MART transportation and urban surveillance systems
S are important Internet of Things (IoT) applications for
smart cities [1], [2]. In these smart transportation and urban
based method combined with the texture characteristics is
proposed to try to detect license plate from the color image.
In [12] and [13], the combination of edge information and
surveillance applications, cameras/imaging sensors are com- plate color are utilized to identify the vehicle license plates.
monly installed to automatically detect and identify potential Based on neural network techniques, other recognition
vehicles/cars through automated object detection methods. methods of vehicle license plates are proposed. These meth-
Usually, such automated object detection methods demand ods are designed to train classifiers to offer a proper response
high-complexity image/data processing technologies and algo- to the license plate images. Sun et al. [14] applied genetic
rithms. Hence, the design of low-complexity automated object algorithm to the training process and combine the statistic fea-
detection algorithms becomes an important topic in urban tures together with structure features. In [15], a vehicle license
surveillance systems. Among these researches, both vehi- plate detection method using neural network approaches is
cle license plate recognition (VLPR) and vehicle recognition proposed. The proposed scheme utilizes a neural network
are hot research topics worldwide, which can be applied chip named as CogniMem to detect the vehicle license plates.
to many IoT applications, such as road traffic data col- Sharma et al. [16] proposed a method using wavelet transform
lection/monitoring, automatic parking charging and access technique to decompose the images into different layers, and
control, and searching stolen vehicles. then utilize the low frequency images to combine with neural
It is known that a license plate number is a unique identifi- network technique.
cation of a vehicle. Specifically, the license plate recognition, While most approaches have attempted to deal with the
Manuscript received April 7, 2017; accepted May 4, 2017. Date of publi- VLPR with optical characteristics recognition, another method
cation May 18, 2017; date of current version April 10, 2018. This work was is proposed based on the horizontal and vertical frequency
supported by the Institute of Software Application Technology, Guangzhou energy differences. Rajput et al. [17] used Daubechies wavelet
and Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dongguan CAS Smart City Software
Co. Ltd. under Smart City Urban Surveillance Systems project under Grant transform method to calculate the vertical and horizontal
CSA7035. (Corresponding author: Qiang Ni.) frequency energy curves, considering the frequency is the
The authors are with the School of Computing and Communications, highest near the number plate.
Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4WA, U.K. (e-mail:
l.hu@lancaster.ac.uk; q.ni.@lancaster.ac.uk). Other researchers focus on the vehicle recognition.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2705560 Mendoza-Schrock et al. [18] proposed a combination of the
2327-4662 c 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Fig. 8. Horizontal filtered image using improved filter. Fig. 11. Matrix filter in perpendicular direction.
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IV. C ONCLUSION [11] G. Li, R. Yuan, Z. Yang, and X. Huang, “A yellow license plate location
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cities. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to design pp. 804–808.
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