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Jurnal 14

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Man In India, 97 (18) : 107-118 © Serials Publications


Deden Komar Priatna, 2*Nandan Limakrisna and 3Winna Roswinna

Manufacturing indistries have done bureaucratic reform, wrong one element set back is resources
issues improve our mankind. So the importance of human resources factors it makes company
management doing improvement human resources in the area. All restructuring the management
be done to improve of employee performance. The purpose of this research is building the model
of commitment organization and employee performance. This research took samples from 171
employees. The kind of research in writing this is descriptive and association causal relationships.
Data processing used namely by SPSS ver 5 pm. Research instruments consisting of engineering
data analysis and the hypothesis. The results of the study states that contribution competence,
leadership and commitment to explain employee performance is of 81. 6 %. And explained that
competence, leadership and commitment awarded to an employee together or simultaneous had
links and real impact of the performance of employees.
Key Word: Competence leadership commitment performance

The existence of resources improve our mankind in the company holding a very
important role in exercise company. The potential of every human resources that
is in the company has to be good, so it could give the maximal result. Company
and employees is two things that needed each other. If the employee succeeded in
carrying progress for the company, the advantage gained be plucked by both parties.
For employees, success is actual potential self and opportunities to meet the life.
For the company, success is a means of to growth and development company.
Companies often ignored human resource management, despite having often
hear the importance of human resource management, but the handling in a planned
fashion and are focused, either by both firms and individuals as an employee itself
rare. Human resources management well will increase the performance of
employees and will increase the company.
Business environment is currently being two facing the main challenges. First,
change business environment rapid accompanied by the increase in the quality
and the need for consumers. From one side a rapid change that resulted in the
dynamics of a job of change and the demanding dexterity and skill that exceeds
than before. On the other hand it turns out that the wants and needs of consumers

1, 3
Post Graduated Program of Universitas Winayamukti, Bandung, Indonesia
Doctoral Management Science Program of Universitas Persada Indonesia Y. A. I. Jakarta. Indonesia.
Corresponden Author : E-mail: amarta. nandan@gmail. com

is not a static, but continued to bekembang dynamically also. Consumers wish the
wants and needs of could be met in quality and satisfying. Second, the increased
competition between the company mengharuskannya each company to run their
operations in a more efficient way, effective and productive. To face the challenges
of this, so companies need to demanding of employee performance tall one of
them influenced by competence that should be owned by each employee. If
competence was not optimal namely the tolerance of crimes against employees
performing bad with will be given authority and tasks a great, it will not encourage
the employees to understand competence to be present. In exercised their activities
all plant Manufacturing Industries around the world have a strong commitment to
create harmonious relations stated in commitment as follows:
1. Commitment to customers, as satisfaction the hearts of customers, will
always offer products and services quality superior through advanced
technology and traditional, creativity and sensitivity colorful, and always
be a brand that recognized keberadannya, trusted and full of the impression.
2. Commitment to parties that works with: really make brand shining in and
of itself is all those that have a working relationship with yamaha. Building
relationships trust within the framework of regulations that fair based on
community social norms, simultaneously indicates best performance and
realization self through working on, and to the creation of climate a
company that cheerful having the pride of and confidence.
3. Commitment to society: put the main priority to safety and environmental
sustainability the earth, obey rules very high moral, and as a company
residents the community, play an active role in develop social aspects,
cultural and economic good to the community regional and the global
So the importance of factors human resources it makes company management
doing improvement human resources in the area. The main focus of improvement
human resources among others is a factor competence and commitment employees.
According to R. Palan in his book, “ competency management”, (2007, 8). R.
Palan use the model iceberg who describes the six kinds of characteristic of
competence namely : knowledge, skills, values, self concept, traits, and motives.
These characteristics can be grouped into two a large group that is hard competence
and soft competence. Hard of competency as background education and training
an employee of Manufacturing Industries in general good enough, but should also
in upgrade to employees can produce performed well. Soft competence who can
be competence functional and leadership is competence not seen so it is more
difficult to di-upgrade.
Based on the above analysis, look the important role competency and committed
to increase of employee performance. Of preliminary observations conducted in

employees in Manufacturing Industries, it can be seen that the skill employees

especially competence, leadership and commitment employees is still low. This
can be seen from the phenomenon fact that there are still employees poor in
implementing the tasks, not can work together in teamwork and lack of a sense of
responsibility. Next seen from of employee performance, looked the limited of
employee performance. This can be seen from employees often procrastinate the
work so the completion of time the work is not on time, is not oriented at the
success employment and the provision of employment only to people certain, work
does not effective and work like robot without any creativity and the idea /
suggestions. This has led to the low kineja owned employees.

Malthis and Jackson (2006: 219) that competence is karakteristik-karakteristik
basic can be connected with the performance of which jumped from individuals or
a team. Gibson, James l, John M. Lvancevich, James H. Donelly and Robert
Konopaske (2012) provide explanations the process of competence in the work
will be benefits as:
1. Help meet the needs of individual, as: direct behavior in diharapan
standards and improved the skills.
2. The use of competency standard to help on policy selection to pick the
candidate employee who best, associated with conformity behavior
effective that have implemented functions, and responsibilities of. Someone
manager could lead on a target that is selective and reduce the recruitment
unnecessary, as for example by develop a set behavior needed for each
function office and focus on conduct interview selection.
3. Maximize productivity, with competency standard to make an organization
trying to effective and help to find employee who bias developed in a
purposeful manner and meet the gap keterampilannya, that have
implemented fungus duty.
4. A basis for development system remuneration, model competence can be
used to develop system remuneration (return) a more flexible and more
just. Policy remuneration will be directed and transparent by associating
as much as possible decision by a set behavior expected shown of an
5. Facilitate adaptation to change, in this era of environmental changes a
very fast, affecting the nature of a and the consequent need for the ability
new continues to rise. Model competence this gives means of to establish
skill what is required to meet needs that would constantly change.

6. Adjust behavior working with values organization, model competence is

the way the most striking to communicate values and things what it must
be focus on were work employees.

Kreitner (2008: 402) said, that leadership is the process of inspiration, affecting,
and guide others to participate in the joint effort to. With these words other,
leadership is a process influence inspiration social and guide others in the joint
effort to. Next Kreitner (2008: 402) added that leaders assume responsibility guide
a number of a constituent to the achievement of a goal thorough, whether to bring
employees lead to greater productivity, guiding suppliers to a better understanding
a way to work in order the more serve their customers company, or help investors
appreciate strategy and how achievement company of strategy will produces
increased shareholder value. All need a solid in vision who supervised leader and
eventually organization to a better performance.
Leadership shall jointly universal generate a level of performance and
satisfaction subordinate high. In a different situation requires style leadership that
is characteristic of personal and environmental forces. This theory also describes
how perception hope influenced by the kontijensi of four styles leadership and
various the attitudes and behavior employees. Behavior a leader gives motivation
up to the levels (1) lower the barriers the disturbing the achievement of a goal, (2)
guiding and support required by the employees, and (3) linked award which means
to the achievement of a goal.
Originating in employees to finish various duties, responsibilities and authority
supported by motivation owned. Gibson et al. (2009: 121) expressed their
commitment is acceptance employees over nilai-nilai organization (identification),
the involvement of (involvement) psychologically and loyalty (loyalty). This means
that commitment has three aspects: (1) an identification come into being in the
trust employees over organisation; (2) loyalty, shows the attitudes and behavior
that positive for his organization, an employee will have souls continues to defend
his organization, tried to improve achievement and have confidence indeed to help
realize organizational goal; (3) involvement, would have to have a sense of for
employees to his organization. We hope that it can run and achieve success and
welfare organization in the long term.
Further, hodge and anthony (1988, h. 541 will factors commitment organization
differently. As for factors affecting commitment organization is:
(a) satisfaction work when employees have personal satisfaction on duty,
they will be tolerance in driving and control her if those who

(b) identification when employees feel the goal in line with its aim company
will cause identification and confidence that the company will benefit
(c) involvement work employee who active participate in companies and work
(especially in decision-making also having a commitment and more
interested in the organization.

Employee Performance
Performance individual employees increasingly important when an organization will
do reposition employees. It means how organization need to know what factors
influences the performance. The results of ananlisis is going to be beneficial for the
construct program the development of human resources in steady. In turn performance
individual would reflect degrees competence an organization. Ivancevich (2008:
109) define performance as function go on strike work in accordance with capacity,
chance and his part want to indicated. While gibson et al. , (2009: 67 see performance
as the level of success in implementing the tasks and the ability to hit its intended
purpose and robbins and judge (2009: 74) identify performance as the achievement
of its intended purpose is one of benchmark performance individual.
According to Suyadi Prawirosentono (1999: 30), in general there are four factors
that can affect organisational performance, namely:
1. The effectiveness of the effectiveness of an organization is that if the
purpose of these organisations could be achieved as the need planned.
Efficiency pertaining to the number sacrifice issued in achieving the
objectives. If salvation considered too big, thus it can be said inefficient.
According to hani handoko (1995: 7), efficient is the ability to finish the
job properly and effectiveness is the ability to choose appropriate
destinations or equipment appropriate to accomplish its intended purpose.
2. Authority and responsibilities of the authority and responsibility is an
important factor in mengefektifitaskan organisational performance.
Masing-masing a member of a know what has been duties and
responsibilities in an effort to reach a goal organization. According to
bernard based translated by suyadi prawirosentono (1999: 30), authority
is a person right to give orders (to subordinate). While responsibility is
part that cannot be separated or as a result of possession of the authority.
If there were authority mean by itself appear responsibility.
3. Discipline disciplinarian in general wisdom and insight obey laws and
regulations. Discipline employees obedience employees are concerned in
honor of the agreement is where he works. Discipline also closely related
to the need to sentence for parties who violate, so that the thing is will
give hue on performance organization.

4. Initiative the initiative the subordinate related to the power think of

creativity in the form of an idea to plan something pertaining to
organizational goals. In other words, the initiative participants organization
is thrust progress that finally influences the performance an organization
concerned. So the initiative is necessary to uapaya completed a work.
Without any initiative so a job will not be reached or intractable, the goal
effectively and efficiently. Hence each worker have to dig power he thought
to find different kind of the initiative in finish the job.


There are testing a positive influence competence (x1), of leadership (x2) and
commitment (x3) in together on the performance of an employee (y).
A) correlation test double the results of the analysis double correlation between
variables competence, leadership and a commitment to performance variables
employees shown in the table following this:



Model Summaryb
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 . 909 a
. 827 . 816 . 66602
a. Predictors: (Constant), Competency, Leadership, Commitment
b. Dependent Variable : Employee Performance
Source: output data spss table 1

On the top is double correlation between competence, leadership and

commitment to of employee performance which has indicated by value r = 0. 909.
This means that there is a correlation a strong positive and in line between
competence, leadership and commitment together on performance employees.
b) The significance correlation double the formulation hypothesis is as


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 103. 548 3 34. 516 77. 812 . 000a
Residual 21. 735 49 . 444
Total 125. 283 52
a. Predictors: (Constant), Competency, Leadership, Commitment
b. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
Source: output data spss

H0 = �1 = �2 = �3 = 0 of no is the competence, leadership and commitment

together on performance employees)
H1 � �1 �2 �3 0 (is the competence, leadership and commitment together on
performance employees). The significance correlation double at the � = 0. 05 is as

Value significance indicated by the magnitude of statistical produced, namely

f-uji = 77. 812 > f-tabel = f 0. 05; 3; 49 = 2. 79 with nilai-p (0. 000) < � = 0. 05 so
h0 rejected. This indicates that there is a positive influence competence 9 (x1), of
leadership (x2) and commitment (x3) together on performance an employee (y).
C) test regression double the results of the analysis regression double competence,
leadership and commitment to of employee performance is presented in the table
below this:


Model Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 32. 711 2. 791 11. 720 . 000
Competency . 015 . 071 . 015 . 209 . 835
Leadership . 922 . 085 . 849 10. 860 . 000
Commitment . 041 . 034 . 089 1. 217 . 230
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
The data: output spss

Table 3 above shows estimation the model, �0 (intercept) of 32. 711; �1 of 0.

015; �2 of 0. 922 and of �3 of 0. 041. Until they reached the regression equation as
^=a+b X +b X +b X
Y 1 1 2 2 3 3\
^ = 32. 711 + 0. 015 X + 0. 922 X + 0. 041 X
Y 1 2 3

This equation can be defined as following:

a) constant of 32. 711 means: if competence (x1), leadership (x2) and
commitment (x3) the value of the three are 0 so employee performance
(y) value of 32. 711 positive.
b) the competence regression variable (x1) of 0. 015 which means: if
competence increased by a unit, then employee performance (y) will
increased by 0. 015 unit assuming variable leadership and commitment
worth constant 
c) the regression coefficient variable of leadership (x2) as much as 0. 922
means, if leadership increased by a unit, so employee performance (y)

will increase 0. 922 a unit of assuming variable commitment and variable

competence worth constant.
d) the regression coefficient variable commitment (x3) as much as 0. 041
means, if commitment increased by a unit, so employee performance (y)
will increase 0. 041 a unit of assuming variable competency and leadership
worth constant.
The formulation hypothesis is as follows
H0 = �1 = �2 = �3 = 0 (there is no a positive influence competence, leadership
and commitment together on performance employees).
H1 � �1 ���2 ���3 � 0 it is competence, leadership and commitment together
on performance employees). The significant regression double is presented
in the table below this :

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 103. 548 3 34. 516 77. 812 . 000a
Residual 21. 735 49 . 444
Total 125. 283 52
a. Predictors: (Constant), Competency, Leadership, Commitment
b. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
Source: output data spss

Table 4 shows the statistics f-uji = 77. 812 > f-tabel = f0. 05; 3; 49 = 2. 79 with
nilai-p (0. 000) < � = 0. 05 so h0 rejected. It means there are there are competence,
leadership and commitment together on performance employees. After the probe
so hypothesis research its fourth proven received or supported.
The size of the konstribus competence, leadership and committed to explain
performance variables employees measured by the coefficients determination (r2).
The size of the coefficient determination is presented in table 4. 29 the following:



Model Summaryb
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 . 909 a
. 827 . 816 . 66602
a. Predictors: (Constant), Competency, Leadership, Commitment
b. Dependent Variabel : Employee Performance
Source: output data spss

Table 5 shows the r of 0. 909 and value r2 of 0. 816 which means contribution
variable competence, leadership and committed to explain performance variables

employees is of 81.6% and the rest 18.4% described by other variables that not
included in the model.
The influence of competence, leadership and commitment together to of
employee performance is positive and significant indicated by value a correlation
coefficient of 0. 909 with probabilities significance 0. 000 < 0. 05. The influence
of significant shown also by value regression double, namely fuji of 77. 812 greater
than ftabel = f0. 05; 3; 49 = 2. 79. This means that competence, leadership and
commitment awarded to an employee together or simultaneous had links and real
impact of the performance of employees.
Analysing data who carried and which are presented in chapter before, so can be
concluded that:
1. There are positive and significant competence of the performance of
employees, so that employee performance can be increased by improving
2. There are positive and significant leadership of the performance of
employees, so that employee performance can be increased by improving
3. There are positive and significant commitment to of employee
performance, so that employee performance can be increased by improving
4. There are positive and significantly from competence, leadership and
commitment together on performance employees.
5. The result of this research said that the variable leadership a dominant
influence of employee performance, this can be seen of the value of the
coefficients determination more leadership greater than variable
competence and commitment is as much as 0. 906.

Based on the results an author in this study, so for uses further research can
1. Manufacturing Industries should see performance employees through
variable leadership stable existing the company.
2. That Manufacturing Industries being firm superior in maintaining the
results and employee performance, we need to increase the competency
and commitment.
3. Increase other variables to further research as: work environment,
compensation and satisfaction work.

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