Florida Building Code Handbook
This document contains material reproduced from the 2010 Florida Building Code and is used by permission of the
International Code Council. This document can be reproduced but cannot be sold without the express permission of
the Florida Department of Education. Although the authors have done their best to ensure that any advice,
recommendation, interpretation, and information given herein is accurate, no liability or responsibility of any kind
(including liability for negligence) is accepted by the authors or the Department of Education. This document only
contains excerpts from the Florida Building Code and does not duplicate all the requirements for any particular
subject found in the Florida Building Code. Users should review all requirements found in the Florida Building
Code for any omissions in the excerpts of the Florida Building Code represented in this handbook.
This edition of the Florida Building Code handbook is a modification of the original 2004 Florida Building Code
handbook that was developed for the Department of Education by Michael W. Kuenstle, A1A, and Nancy Clark,
School of Architecture, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
423.3 Code enforcement 11
101 General 1 423.3.1 School boards and
Florida college boards
105 Permits 1 423.3.2 Owner review and
107 Submittal Documents 1 423.3.3 Local government review
and inspection
423.3.4 Other regulatory agencies
CHAPTER 3: USE AND OCCUPANCY 423.3.5 Day labor projects
CLASSIFICATION 423.3.6 Routine maintenance
423.3.7 Certificate of occupancy
301 General 2 423.3.8 Reuse and prototype plans
*For convenience, subsections in Section 423 dealing with public educational facilities are listed.
801 General 72
HEIGHTS AND AREAS 803 Wall and Ceiling Finishes 73
501 General 53
503 General Height and Area
Limitations 53 901 General 74
* For convenience, subsections in Section 443 dealing with public educational facilities are listed.
1020 Exits 94
1022 Exit Enclosures 94
501 General 109
1026 Exterior Exit Ramps
505 Domestic Kitchen
and Stairways 95
Exhaust Equipment 109
1027 Exit Discharge 96
507 Commercial Kitchen Hoods 109
1028 Assembly 96
509 Fire Suppression Systems 109
1029 Emergency Escape
and Rescue 102
1030 Business 102
601 General 110
1031 Educational 103
602 Plenums 110
Safety and Fire-Rated Glazing A-22 Regular Stage (Stages 1,000 sq/ft maximum Area
and with a Stage Height of 50 ft maximum) A-64
Classrooms with All Primary
Egress to the Exterior A-24 Site Requirements A-66
Egress From Rooms Divided with a Shade and Green House A-80
Folding Partition A-32
Kitchen and Food Services A-82
Egress from Classrooms through an
Intervening Space A-34 Toilet Rooms A-84
This handbook is a guide to the code requirements for the design of new construction, additions, and remodeling of
educational facility buildings and physical plants in the State of Florida. The 2010 edition of the Florida Building
Code handbook: State Requirements for New Educational Facilities Construction replaces the 2007 edition of the
building code handbook. This new handbook incorporates significant changes recently made to Florida’s life safety
and building codes governing new educational facility construction.
This handbook will be helpful to design professional, educational facilities planners, engineers, and building
contractors. It offers guidance for using the 2010 Edition Florida Building Code (FBC) and the 2010 Edition Florida
Fire Prevention Code (FFPC), as well as facilitating a better understanding of the State Requirements for New
Educational Facilities Construction. The handbook provides background information, discussion of code
requirements, and examples of how the code can be applied.
The handbook includes two sections: (1) 2010 Florida Building Code and Commentary and (2) Appendix. In the
first section, the text reproduced from the Florida Building is printed in green and the commentary is printed in
black. The graphic illustrations and diagrams in this section supplement the written commentary. In the second
section, the appendix is formatted as a quick reference guide summarizing code-related issues through the use of
labels and example diagram drawings and illustrations.
The code requirements covered in this handbook represent only a portion of rules and regulations that may apply to
new construction, additions, and remodeling of educational facilities construction. The handbook is intended to be a
general guideline for reference and should not be considered a binding interpretation.
We hope that this document will serve all of the dedicated professionals involved in Florida school design and
The provisions of this code shall apply to the Construction documents, special inspection and
construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, structural observation programs, and other data shall be
replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, submitted in one or more sets with each application for a
location, maintenance, removal and demolition of every permit. The construction documents shall be prepared
building or structure or any appurtenances connected or by a registered design professional where required by
attached to such buildings or structures. Chapter 471, Florida Statutes or Chapter 481, Florida
Statutes. Where special conditions exist, the building
Exceptions: official is authorized to require additional construction
1. NA documents to be prepared by a registered design
2. Existing buildings undergoing repair, alterations professional.
or additions and change of occupancy shall
comply with Chapter 34 of this code. Exception: The building official is authorized to
waive the submission of construction documents
In accordance with Chapter 34, Section 101.2, and and other data not required to be prepared by a
Scope Exception: additions, remodeling, and/or registered design professional if it is found that the
renovations of existing educational facilities are to nature of the work applied for is such that review of
comply with Section 423, Florida Building Code. construction documents is not necessary to obtain
compliance with this code.
105.1 Required.
The provisions of this chapter shall control the Assembly Group A occupancy includes, among others,
classification of all building and structures as to use and the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, for
occupancy. the gathering of persons for purposes such as civic,
social or religious functions; recreation, food and drink
consumption; or awaiting transportation.
1. A building or tenant space used for assembly
302.1 General. purposes with an occupant load of less than 50
persons shall be classified as a Group B
Structures or portions of structures shall be classified occupancy.
with respect to occupancy in one or more of the groups 2. A room or space used for assembly purposes
listed below. A room or space that is intended to be with an occupant load of less than 50 persons
occupied at different times for different purposes shall and accessory to another occupancy shall be
comply with all of the requirements that are applicable to classified as a Group B occupancy or as part of
each of the purposes for which the room or space will be that occupancy.
occupied. Structures with multiple occupancies or uses 3. A room or space used for assembly purposes
shall comply with Section 508. Where a structure is that is less than 750 square feet (70m²) in area
proposed for a purpose that Is not specifically provided and accessory to another occupancy shall be
for in this code, such structure shall be classified in the classified as a Group B occupancy or as part of
group that the occupancy most nearly resembles, that occupancy.
according to the fire safety and relative hazard involved. 4. Assembly areas that are accessory to Group E
occupancies are not considered separate
1. Assembly (see Section 303); Groups A-1, A-2, occupancies except when applying the
A-3, A-4 and A-5. assembly occupancy requirements of the Florida
2. Business (see Section 304); Group B. Building Code, Accessibility.
3. Educational (see Section 305); Group E.
4. NA Assembly occupancies shall include the following:
5. NA
6. NA A-1 Assembly uses, usually with fixed seating,
7. Merchantile (see Section 309); Group M intended for the production and viewing of the
8. NA performing arts or motion pictures including, but
9. Storage (see Section 311); Group S-1 and S-2 not limited to:
10. NA Motion picture theaters
11. Day care (see Section 313); Group D Symphony and concert halls
Television and radio studios admitting an
Pre-K through grade 12 facilities are classified as audience
Educational occupancies. Florida colleges and Theaters
universities are classified as Business occupancies. A-2 Assembly uses intended for food and/or drink
consumption including, but not limited to:
Banquet halls
Night clubs
Taverns and bars
Figure 303.1
Educational Group E occupancy includes, among others, Storage Group S occupancy includes, among others, the
the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, by use of a building or structure, or apportion thereof, for
six or more persons at any one time for educational storage that is not classified as a hazardous occupancy.
purposes through the 12 grade. Religious educational
rooms and religious auditoriums, which are accessory to 311.2 Moderate-hazard storage, Group S-1.
places of religious worship in accordance with Section
303.1 and have occupant loads of less than 100, shall Buildings occupied for storage uses that are not
be classified as A-3 occupancies. classified as Group S-2 including, but not limited to,
storage of the following:
305.2 Aerosols, Levels 2 and 3
Bags; cloth, burlap and paper
Public and private educational occupancies shall comply Belting; canvas and leather
with Section 443. Books and paper in rolls or packs
Boots and shoes
305.3 Cardboard and cardboard boxes
Clothing, woolen wearing apparel
Public educational occupancies shall comply with Furniture
Section 423. Glues, mucilage, pastes and size
SECTION 309 Lumber
MERCANTILE GROUP M Motor vehicle repair garages complying with the
maximum allowable quantities of hazardous
309.1 Mercantile Group M. materials listed in Table 307.1(1) (see Section
Mercantile Group M occupancy includes, among others, Resilient flooring
the use of a building or structure or a portion thereof, for Soaps
the display and sale of merchandise, and involves stock Tires, bulk storage of
of goods, wares or merchandise incidental to such
purposes and accessible to the public. Mercantile 311.3 Low-hazard storage, Group S-2.
occupancies shall include, but not be limited to, the
following: Includes, among others, buildings used for the storage of
Motor fuel-dispensing facilities noncombustible materials such as products on wood
Retail or wholesale stores pallets or in paper cartons with or without single
Restaurants and drinking establishments with thickness divisions; or in paper wrappings. Such
an occupant load of less than 50 persons. products are permitted to have a negligible amount of
Sales rooms plastic trim, such as knobs, handles or film wrapping.
Group S-2 storage uses shall include, but not be limited
309.2 Quantity of hazardous materials. to, storage of the following:
The aggregate quantity of nonflammable solid and Cement in bags
nonflammable or noncombustible liquid hazardous Chalk and crayons
material stored or displayed in a single control area of Dairy products in nonwaxed coated paper containers
Group M occupancy shall not exceed the quantities in Dry cell batteries
Table 414.2.5(1). Food products
Foods in noncombustible containers
Table 414.2.5(1) lists maximum quantities allowable Fresh fruits and vegetables in nonplastic trays or
without classifying the building as a Group H occupancy. containers
Frozen foods
Glass bottles, empty or filled with noncombustible
313.2 Subclassifications.
SCOPE 410.2 Definitions.
401.1 Detailed use and occupancy requirements. The following words and terms shall, for the purposes of
this section and as used elsewhere in this code, have
In addition to the occupancy and construction the meanings shown herein.
requirements in this code, the provisions of this chapter
apply to the special uses and occupancies described FLY GALLERY. A raised floor area above a stage
herein. from which the movement of scenery and
operation of other stage effects are controlled.
401.2 Additional design criteria.
GRIDIRON. The structural framing over a stage
401.2.1 Scope. supporting equipment for hanging or flying scenery
and other stage effects.
In addition to the provisions of this chapter, the following
special occupancies, standards, requirements and codes PINRAIL. A rail on or above a stage through
shall conform to the following sections: which belaying pins are inserted and to which lines
are fastened.
Section 423: State requirements for educational facilities
Section 443: Schools, Colleges and Universities. PLATFORM. A raised area within a building used
for worship, the presentation of music, plays or
401.2.2 General. other entertainment; the head table for special
guests; the raised area for lecturers and speakers;
Where in any specific case, Sections 419 through 437 boxing and wrestling rings; theater-in-the-round
and 443 specify different materials, methods of stages; and similar purposes wherein there are no
construction, design criteria or other requirements than overhead hanging curtains, drops, scenery or
found in this code, the requirements of Sections 419 stage effects other than lighting and sound. A
through 437 and 443 shall be applicable. temporary platform is one installed for not more
than 30 days.
Provisions concerning materials, methods of
construction, design criteria, or any other requirements PROSCENIUM WALL. The wall that separates
specific to educational facilities are found in Section 423, the stage from the auditorium or assembly seating
Florida Building Code. In the event of any conflict area.
between other portions of the Florida Building Code and
Section 423, the requirements of Section 423 govern STAGE. A space within a building utilized for
and shall be applicable. entertainment or presentations, which includes
overhead hanging curtains, drops, scenery or
In the event of any conflict between the Florida Building stage effects other than lighting and sound.
Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code, the more
restrictive requirement shall be applicable. A stage is defined as a space within a building used
for entertainment or presentations including the use
of drops, scenery, or other stage effects. The intent
SECTION 410 of the Florida Building Code is to permit non-
STAGES AND PLATFORMS theatrical stages to be categorized as platforms.
The provisions of this Section 410.1 through 410.7 shall Stage construction shall comply with Sections 410.3.1
apply to all parts of buildings and structures that contain through 410.3.7.
stages or platforms and similar appurtenances as herein
Stages shall be constructed of materials as required for Where protection of openings is required, exterior exit
floors for the type of construction of the building in which doors shall be protected with fire door assemblies that
such stages are located. comply with Section 715. Exterior openings that are
located on the stage for means of egress or loading and
Exceptions: unloading purposes, and that are likely to be open during
1. Stages of Type IIB or IV construction with a occupancy of the theater, shall be constructed with
nominal 2-inch (51 mm) wood deck, provided vestibules to prevent air drafts into the auditorium.
that the stage is separated from other areas in
accordance with Section 410.3.4. 410.3.4 Proscenium wall.
2. In buildings of Type IIA construction, a fire-
resistance-rated floor is not required, provided Where the stage height is greater than 50 feet (15 240
the space below the stage is equipped with an mm), all portions of the stage shall be completely
automatic fire-extinguishing system in separated from the seating area by a proscenium wall
accordance with Section 903 or 904. with not less than a 2-hour fire-resistance rating
3. In all types of construction, the finished floor extending continuously from the foundation to the roof.
shall be constructed of wood or approved
noncombustible materials. Openings through 410.3.5 Proscenium curtain.
stage floors shall be equipped with tight-fitting,
solid wood trap doors with approved safety Where a proscenium wall is required to have a fire-
locks. resistance rating, the stage opening shall be provided
with a fire curtain complying with NFPA 80 or an
410.3.1.1 Stage height and area. approved water curtain complying with Section 903.3.1.1
or, in facilities not utilizing the provisions of smoke-
Stage areas shall be measured to include the entire protected assembly seating in accordance with Section
performance area and adjacent backstage and support 1028.6.2, a smoke control system complying with
areas not separated from the performance area by fire- Section 909 or natural ventilation designed to maintain
resistance-rated construction. Stage height shall be the smoke level at least 6 feet (1829 mm) above the
measured from the lowest point on the stage floor to the floor of the means of egress.
highest point of the roof or floor deck above the stage.
Proscenium opening protection is required for Legitimate
The Florida Fire Prevention Code, NFPA 101, refers to Stages. See the Florida Fire Prevention Code, NFPA
stages with a height greater than 50 feet as “Legitimate 101, for more information. (See Appendix, Legitimate
Stages” and stages with a height of 50 feet or less as Stage.)
“Regular Stages.”
410.3.7 Stage ventilation.
(See Appendix, Legitimate Stage and Regular Stage.)
Emergency ventilation shall be provided for stages larger
410.3.2 Galleries, gridirons, catwalks and pinrails. than 1,000 square feet (93 m²) in floor area, or with a
stage height greater than 50 feet (15 240 mm). Such
Beams designed only for the attachment of portable or ventilation shall comply with Section 410.3.7.1 or
fixed theater equipment, gridirons, galleries and catwalks 410.3.7.2.
shall be constructed of approved materials consistent
with the requirements for the type of construction of the 410.3.7.1 Roof vents.
building; and a fire-resistance rating shall not be
required. These areas shall not be considered to be Two or more vents constructed to open automatically by
floors, stories, mezzanines or levels in applying this approved heat-activated devices and with an aggregate
code. clear opening area of not less than 5 percent of the area
of the stage shall be located near the center and above
Exception: Floors of fly galleries and catwalks shall the highest part of the stage area. Supplemental means
be constructed of any approved material. shall be provided for manual operation of the ventilator.
Curbs shall be provided as required for skylights in
Educational facilities are required to use non- Section 2610.2. Vents shall be labeled.
combustible construction.
410.5.3 Stage exits. Public educational facilities shall comply with the Florida
Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code as
At least one approved means of egress shall be adopted by the State Fire Marshal. These are minimum
provided from each side of the stage and from each side standards; boards may impose more restrictive
of the space under the stage. At least one means of requirements. Additional requirements for public
escape shall be provided from each fly gallery and from educational facilities in Florida, including public schools
the gridiron. A steel ladder, alternating tread stairway or and public Florida colleges, are found in these
spiral stairway is permitted to be provided from the standards.
gridiron to a scuttle in the stage roof.
Note: Other administrative and programmatic
(See Appendix, Legitimate Stage.) provisions may apply. See Department of Education
Rule 6-2 and Chapter 1013, Florida Statutes.
410.6 Automatic sprinkler system.
423.2 Public schools and Florida colleges
Stages shall be equipped with an automatic fire- general requirements.
extinguishing system in accordance with Chapter 9.
Sprinklers shall be installed under the roof and gridiron 423.2.1 Owner.
and under all catwalks and galleries over the stage.
Sprinklers shall be installed in dressing rooms, performer Each school board and Florida college board of trustees
lounges, shops and storerooms accessory to such is deemed to be the owner of facilities within its
stages. respective jurisdiction. Boards shall provide for
enforcement of the Florida Building Code and the Florida
Exceptions: Fire Prevention Code as adopted by the State Fire
1. Sprinklers are not required under stage areas Marshal, including standards for health, sanitation, and
less than 4 feet (1219 mm) in clear height that others as required by law.
are utilized exclusively for storage of tables and
chairs, provided the concealed space is 423.2.2 Exemption from local requirements.
separated from the adjacent spaces by not less
than 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) Type X gypsum board. All public educational and ancillary plants constructed by
2. Sprinklers are not required for stages 1,000 a school board or a Florida college board are exempt
square feet (93m ) or less in area and 50 feet from all other state, county, district, municipal, or local
(15 240 mm) or less in height where curtains, building codes, interpretations, building permits, and
scenery or other combustible hangings are not assessments of fees for building permits, ordinances,
retractable vertically. Combustible hangings road closures, and impact fees or service availability
shall be limited to a single main curtain, borders, fees as provided in Section 1013.37(1)(a), Florida
legs and a single backdrop. Statutes.
423.3.3 Local government review and inspection. Reuse and prototype plans shall be code updated with
each new project.
As an option to the owner providing plan review and
inspection services, school boards and Florida college According to Section 1013.37(2)(a), Florida Statutes,
boards may use local government code enforcement when prototype plans are reused on another site, the
offices who will not charge fees more than the actual facilities list and Phase III Construction Documents must
labor and administrative costs for the plan review and be updated for the new site as well as for compliance
inspections. Local government code enforcement with the Florida Building Code, the Florida Fire
offices shall expedite permitting. Any action by local Prevention Code, NFPA 101, and any laws relating to
government not in compliance with Section 553.80(6), fire safety, health and sanitation, casualty safety, and
Florida Statutes may be appealed to the Florida Building access for physically handicapped individuals that are in
Commission, which may suspend the authority of that effect at the time a construction contract is awarded.
local government to enforce the Florida Building Code
and the Florida Fire Prevention Code as adopted by the 423.4 Reference documents.
State Fire Marshal on the facilities of school boards and
Florida college boards. School Boards and Florida College Boards of Trustees.
In addition to complying with the Florida Building Code
423.3.4 Other regulatory agencies. and the Florida Fire Prevention Code as adopted by the
State Fire Marshal, and other adopted standards and
Boards shall coordinate the planning of projects with this section, public educational facilities and sites shall
state and regional regulatory and permitting agencies, as comply with applicable federal and state laws and rules.
Florida Building Code Handbook | 11
found online at www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/pubs/325.pdf.
Note: The correct reference is Rule 6A-2.0010, Florida American Society of Civil Engineers.
Administrative Code (FAC).
A commentary for ASCE 7-10 is provided at the end of
Rules 6A-2.0010 FAC, and SREF, Chapters 1-6, can be ASCE 7-10.
found online at www.fldoe.org/edfaci.
For additional information, see www.asce.org.
423.4.2 Flood resistant construction.
Educational facilities in flood hazard areas shall comply
with ASCE 24. Life Cycle Cost Guidelines for Materials and Buildings
for Florida’s Public Educational Facilities, available from
For flood resistant construction, see the Department of Education, Bureau of Educational
www.floods.org/PDF/ASCE24_Highlights_1008.pdf. Facilities shall be considered.
Including, but not limited to, Chapters 1013, 240, 255, 423.5.1 “Assembly”
468, 471, 481, 489, 553, 633, and Section 287.055,
Florida Statutes, and various state rules as applicable to Assembly occupancies are buildings or portions of
specific projects. buildings used for gatherings of 50 or more persons,
such as auditoriums, gymnasiums, multipurpose rooms,
Florida Statutes and State Rules can be found online at classrooms and labs, cafeterias, stadiums, media
www.flrules.org. centers and interior courtyards. Assembly occupancies
include adjacent and related spaces to the main seating
See especially Chapter 1013, Florida Statutes area, such as stages, dressing rooms, workshops,
(Educational Facilities). For additional information, see lobbies, rest rooms, locker rooms, and store rooms.
www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes. School board and Florida college facilities shall follow
the requirements of Florida Fire Prevention Code as
423.4.4 Accessibility requirements for adopted by the State Fire Marshal for assembly spaces.
children’s environments.
Auditoriums and gymnasiums are considered mixed
U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Architectural occupancies. See Section 423.8.1.1., Florida Building
and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board. Code.
423.5.5 “Courtyard”
Figure 423.5.5.1(b)
Exterior Courtyard
423.5.6 “Facility”
Is a building which is designed with the capability of Per Section 468.604, Florida Statutes, the permit is
being moved to a new location. issued by the building official.
Is a structure which, when combined with other modules Is the changing of existing facilities by rearrangement of
and/or demountable roof and/or wall sections, forms a space and/or change of use. Only that portion of the
complete building. This facility may be relocatable. building being remodeled must be brought into
compliance with the Florida Building Code and Florida
423.5.7 “Maintenance and repair” Fire Prevention Code as adopted by the State Fire
Marshal unless the remodeling adversely impacts the
Is the upkeep of educational and ancillary plants existing life safety systems of the building.
including, but not limited to, roof or roofing replacement,
short of complete replacement of membrane or
structure; repainting of interior or exterior surfaces;
resurfacing of floors; repair or replacement of glass and
hardware; repair or replacement of electrical and
plumbing fixtures; repair of furniture and equipment;
replacement of system equipment with equivalent items
meeting current code requirements providing that the
equipment does not place a greater demand on utilities,
structural requirements are not increased, and the
equipment does not adversely affect the function of life
safety systems; traffic control devices and signage; and
repair or resurfacing of parking lots, roads, and
walkways. Does not include new construction,
remodeling, or renovation, except as noted above.
(See Appendix, Number of Required Means of Egress.) 423.7.5 Fire alarm sending stations.
The requirements in Section 423.7.8, Florida Building Florida college board educational facility projects
Code, apply to rooms containing a boiler, which is whether owned, lease-purchased or leased shall comply
defined in Section 423.5, Florida Building Code, as a with the business occupancy and the assembly
fuel-fired, heat-producing appliance with a minimum occupancy of the above referenced codes as applicable,
input capacity of 60,000 BTU's per hour intended to except where in conflict with this section.
supply hot water or steam.
423.8.1.3 Ancillary facility.
423.8 General requirements for new construction,
additions, renovation, and remodeling. School board and Florida college board ancillary
facilities such as warehouses or maintenance buildings
423.8.1 Codes and standards. shall use the applicable occupancy section of the Florida
Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code as
Educational facilities owned by school boards and adopted by the State Fire Marshal. Ancillary facilities on
Florida college boards shall meet the construction educational plant sites shall be separated from the
requirements of the Florida Building Code and the educational facility as required by code.
Florida Fire Prevention Code as adopted by the State
Fire Marshal state and federal laws and rules, and this
section for Florida’s public educational facilities for new
School board and Florida college board facility sizes 1. Covered walkways open on all sides may be
shall use standards in the “Size of Space and Occupant Type V construction.
Design Criteria Table” found in the Department of 2. Single story dugouts, press boxes, concession
Education document, “State Requirements for stands, related public toilet rooms, detached
Educational Facilities (SREF).” Exiting from occupied covered play areas, and nonflammable storage
spaces shall comply with Table 1004.1.2 of the Florida buildings that are detached from the main
Building Code, Building. educational facility by at least 60 feet (1829 mm),
may be Type V construction.
See Chapter 6 of the State Requirements for
Educational Facilities (SREF) for more information. Spaces used for programmed instruction or field house
are not exempted from Type I, II, or IV construction
423.8.3 Construction type. types.
School board and Florida college buildings including 423.8.4 Standards for remodeling and/or
auxiliary, ancillary and vocational facilities shall comply renovation projects.
with the following:
Portions of buildings being remodeled and/or renovated
423.8.3.1 Noncombustible Type I, II or IV. shall be brought into compliance with current required
Florida Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention
The minimum construction type for one- and two-story Code as adopted by the State Fire Marshal as required
public educational facilities shall be noncombustible by the plan review authority in its best judgment.
Type I, II or IV construction or better.
Remodeling of educational facilities requires the entire
See Table 503, Florida Building Code, for area and space or spaces being remodeled to be brought into
height limitations. code compliance, including exit access to exit discharge.
Items being renovated are required to comply with code
423. requirements.
Type IV construction attains fire resistance through the The federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act,
size of heavy timber members. (AHERA) 40 CFR, Part 763, as revised July 1, 1995,
prohibits the use of any asbestos containing materials in
Heavy timber members shall remain exposed to view. any public education construction project and requires
certification of same by the architect of record.
See Chapter 6 of the Florida Building Code for more
information. Information concerning asbestos in Educational Facilities
is available at: www.epa.gov/asbestos.
423.8.7 Life cycle cost guidelines for materials through the use of “safe school design” principles. Safe
and building systems. school design strategies are available from
DOE/educational facilities and include but are not limited
An analysis shall be included, as required by Section to the following:
1013.37(1), Florida Statutes, which evaluates building
materials and systems, life cycle costs for maintenance, A publication entitled “Florida Safe School Design
custodial, operating, and life expectancy against initial Guidelines,” which provides information on strategies to
costs, as described in Section 1013(1)(e)4, Florida enhance security and reduce vandalism, is available
Statutes. Standards for evaluation of materials are under Quick Links online at: www.fldoe.org/edfacil.
available from the department in a publication entitled
Life Cycle Cost Guidelines for Materials and Building These guidelines address the heightened awareness of
Systems for Florida’s Public Educational Facilities. school safety and security issues significant to the
planning and design of educational facilities and are
In addition to the above requirements and in accordance based on the idea that the proper design and
with Section 1013.37(1)(e), Florida Statutes, the Florida management of the physical environment can help
Building Code requires a Life Cycle Cost Analysis in prevent criminal behavior in schools and Florida
order to evaluate the energy efficiencies of alternative colleges.
architectural and engineering designs. The Life Cycle
Cost Analysis is the sum of the reasonably expected fuel Sections 423.8.8.1 through 423.8.8.7, Florida Building
costs over the expected life of the building that are Code, provide recommendations for enhancing security
required to maintain illumination, water heating, and reducing vandalism in Florida’s schools and Florida
temperature, humidity, ventilation, and all other energy- colleges.
consuming equipment in a facility, plus the reasonable
costs of probable maintenance, including labor and 423.8.8.1 Natural access and control of
materials, and operation of the building. schools and campuses.
The Department of Education’s general requirements for Natural access control is the use of design, including
documenting the Life Cycle Cost Analysis of mechanical spatial definition and designation strategies, to deny or
systems are as follows: increase the effort and risk of entry and detection to
offenders. An inherent benefit of natural access control
a. A Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) is required for strategies (as opposed to mechanical access control
projects with an air-conditioning load of 360,000 strategies such as locks, bollards, or other similar
BTU per hour (30 tons) or greater. devices) is that they tend to be more cost-effective over
b. At least three schemes shall be included in the time, especially when they are designed into the facility
analysis and one of the schemes considered must during the planning phase, rather than added as a
be a central system (four-pipe chiller/boiler, two-pipe retrofit.
chiller, or water loop heat pump).
c. The scheme having the lowest total life cycle cost 423.8.8.2
shall be installed. If alternative schemes are within
four percent of the lowest total life cycle cost, then Natural surveillance of schools and campuses both from
the board may make the final system selection from within the facility and from adjacent streets by removing
among those within the four-percent range. The obstructions or trimming shrubbery.
Office of Educational Facilities shall be notified, in
writing, of the scheme selected. Surveillance is defined as a general crime prevention
d. EXCEPTION: A Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) is strategy that seeks to decrease criminal opportunity by
not required when tying into an existing chilled-water keeping intruders under observation and/or by
system. The existing system shall have adequate increasing their perception of the risk of being observed.
capacity or be renovated to handle the total load. Natural surveillance uses design, including spatial
definition and designation strategies, to increase the
Life Cycle Cost Analysis data sheets and instructions are actual abilities of guardians to observe intruders.
available online at: Examples include the placement of windows near
www.fldoe.org/edfacil/formsplanreview.asp. building entryways and the design of entrance paths so
www.fldoe.org/edfacil/pdf/lcca.pdf. that they put pedestrians in view of observers.
Removing obstructions and trimming shrubbery can help
423.8.8 Safe school design. facilitate natural surveillance on school campuses.
School and campus territorial integrity; securing 423.9.1 Load importance factor.
courtyards, site lighting, building lighting.
Structural design shall comply with code requirements
Territorial integrity is the environment’s capacity, through and wind loads as stipulated by the Florida Building
the design and marking of space, to create in users and Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code as adopted
residents the sense of responsibility for and control of by the State Fire Marshal. Design shall be based on
that space such that they will protect it. Territorial ASCE 7, with a wind speeds determined from Figure
integrity is enhanced by the clear definition of 26.5-1B and Table 1604.5, FBC.
boundaries such that users can readily determine
whether spaces are public or private in nature. Fences 1.15 should read 1.0, in accordance with ASCE7-10.
and gates, as well as symbolic markers of space, such
as street pavers or ornamental entryways, are examples 423.10 Site requirements.
of boundary markers.
423.10.1 Fencing.
The Florida Building Code also specifies that courtyards
should be properly secured and that school campuses Fencing for school board educational plants shall be of a
and buildings should be adequately lit to prevent material which is nonflammable, safe, durable, and low
opportunities for unauthorized access, as well as reduce maintenance, provides structural integrity, strength and
opportunities for misbehavior, vandalism, and more aesthetics appropriate for the intended location. Fences
serious crimes. shall have no jagged or sharp projections. Fence
heights shall be in compliance with local zoning
423.8.8.4 regulations. Access shall be provided for maintenance
machinery. Prohibited materials for nonagricultural
Audio and motion detection systems covering ground educational plants include razor wire, barbed wire and
floor doors, stairwells, offices and areas where electrically charged systems.
expensive equipment is stored.
423.10.1.1 Required locations.
Fencing is required to separate students from potential
Designs which will promote the prevention of school harm, and shall be provided in the following locations:
crime and violence. Exterior architectural features which
do not allow footholds or handholds on exterior walls,
tamperproof doors and locks, non-breakable glass or
shelter window protection system; also landscaping and
tree placement should be designed so they do not
provide access to roofs by unauthorized persons.
Sections of schools commonly used after hours should
be separated by doors or other devices from adjacent
areas to prevent unauthorized access. Install locks on
roof hatches; apply slippery finishes to exterior pipes.
All buildings in K-12 educational facilities shall be Walls, railings, or other physical barriers which are at
connected by paved walks and accessible under least a minimum 12 inches (305 mm) in height, shall
continuous roof cover. New relocatable classroom define and protect any vertical drop between joining or
buildings shall be connected to permanent buildings by abutting surfaces of more than 6 inches (152 mm) but
paved covered walks where applicable. Roofs for less than 18 inches (457 mm) in height. Any vertical drop
covered walks shall extend 1 foot (305 mm) beyond of 18 inches (457 mm) or more shall be protected by a
each side of the designated walkway width. Gutters or wall or guardrail a minimum of 42 inches (1067 mm) in
other water funneling devices shall prevent storm water height.
from pouring onto or draining across walks.
Guardrails shall be in accordance with Section 1013,
Wet columns should contain diverters to direct water Florida Building Code.
away from the sidewalk.
423.10.2.5 Roads and streets.
(See Appendix, Site Requirements.)
Educational and ancillary site access shall consist of a
423.10.2.2 Accessible walks and bridges. primary road and another means of access to be used in
the event the primary road is blocked. Stabilized wide
Accessible walks shall connect building entrance(s) to shoulders of the primary road, unobstructed by
accessible parking, public transportation stops, public landscaping, planters, light fixtures, poles, benches, etc.,
streets, sidewalks, loading and drop-off zones, and other which allow a third lane of traffic, may satisfy the
facilities within the site as required by the accessibility requirement for the other means of access. Driveways
standards. School board sites where educational plants shall not completely encircle a school plant, to allow
are separated by highways shall be connected by student access to play areas without crossing roads;
overhead pedestrian bridges. vehicular and pedestrian traffic shall not cross each
other on the site; bus driveways and parent pick-up
(See Appendix, Site Requirements.) areas shall be separated.
Bus drives on educational sites shall be designed so that Vehicle parking areas shall comply with minimum
buses do not have to back up. The minimum width shall parking space requirements in this section. Except for
be 24 feet (7315 mm) for two-lane traffic. The turning parking space requirements to meet federal and state
radius on educational and ancillary sites and for turning accessibility laws, where alternate transportation or
off public access streets shall be as follows: one-way parking arrangements are available the parking area
traffic, 60 feet (18 288 mm) minimum measured to the requirements may be reduced from these standards if
outside curb or edge of the traffic lane; two-way traffic, sufficient justification documentation is provided and if
60 feet (18 288 mm) minimum measured to the the review authority approves the reduction based on the
centerline of the road. justification. Overflow parking areas may utilize
alternative parking surfaces which facilitate water
absorption rather than runoff when approved for use by
the review authority. This requirement usually applies to
a percentage of the parking spaces, not all of them.
423. Visitors.
illuminated to an average maintained horizontal foot-
Building perimeter. candle, measured at the surface as follows:
Playgrounds, equipment, and athletic fields shall be Accessible routes, including parking, building directories,
accessible, compatible with the educational facility building identification, and accessible entrances shall be
served and shall comply with the following: marked by exterior signage in conformance with federal
and state accessibility laws.
423.10.7 Landscaping.
Kindergarten play areas shall be separated from other
play areas, fenced, and shall be directly accessed from Refer to Section 1013.64(5), Florida Statutes, for school
the kindergarten classrooms. board and Florida college requirements. Xeriscape is
defined in Section 373.185, Florida Statutes.
(See Appendix, Site Requirements.)
Water irrigation systems shall be equipped with soil
Playgrounds and equipment shall be designed and moisture sensors that will override the irrigation systems
installed using the Handbook for Public Playground cycle when soil contains sufficient moisture.
Safety by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission, and the ASTM/CPSC Playground Audit 423.10.9 Transmission line right-of-way.
Guide as applicable, resulting in facilities which are safe,
structurally sound, vermin proof, and do not have jagged Buildings, play areas, and common use areas shall not
or sharp projections. be located within a high-voltage power transmission line
Figure 423.12
Exception: Only FRTW which does not contain
423.11 Wood: fire-retardant and ammonium phosphates sulfates, or halides, may be
treated wood (FRTW). used in roof structures of noncombustible Type II
ancillary facilities as allowed by the Florida Building
FRTW shall not be used in permanent educational Code, but only under the following conditions:
423.12.3 Phased installation prohibited. Doors when fully opened shall not extend into the
required exit width of corridors, except for door thickness
All new installed materials shall be sealed from moisture and required hardware. Doors may both be recessed
penetration at the end of each day. The contractor shall and hinged to swing 90 degrees, or if flush with corridor
provide the architect/engineer (A/E) of record a “final wall shall contain a view panel and be hinged to swing
statement of compliance” for the board. 180 degrees.
The roof shall be inspected by the manufacturer’s Special function doors, including balanced doors and
representative within one year of acceptance by the overhead doors, shall not be used in a means of egress.
423.13.4 Overhead and sliding security grilles.
Figure 423.13.7
Safety Glazing: Panels and Storefront
Florida Building Code Handbook | 29
All glazing in hazardous locations shall be safety glazing 423.14.1 Master control switch.
meeting the requirements of the Florida Building Code,
Building, Section 2406. In addition to the regular main supply cut-off, each
laboratory type space (such as biology, industrial,
423.13.7.2 chemistry, physics, home economics, and electronics
labs) equipped with unprotected gas cocks, compressed
Large glass panels shall be subdivided by a built-in air valves, water or electric services which are easily
horizontal member or a permanent chair rail not less accessible to students, shall have master control valves
than 1½ inches (38 mm) in width, located between 24 or switches with permanently attached handles, located
and 36 inches (610 and 914 mm) above the floor. and accessible within 15 feet (4572 mm) of the
instructor’s station or adjacent to the door within that
(See Appendix, Safety and Fire-Rated Glazing.) space to allow for emergency cut-off of services. The
cut-offs shall be in a nonlockable place and the location
423.13.8 Windows. and operation shall be clearly labeled. Valves shall be
completely shut off with a one-quarter turn. Computer
423.13.8.1 Natural light and ventilation. labs are exempted from this requirement. (Also, see
“Emergency shut off switches,” and “Emergency
Natural light and ventilation requirements for new disconnects” requirements under “Electrical.”)
construction shall be satisfied by windows with operable
glazing, providing a net free open area equivalent to 5 423.14.2 Interior signage.
percent of the floor area, in all classrooms on the
perimeter of buildings, where required by Chapter 1013, Signage is required in educational and ancillary facilities.
Florida Statutes. Auxiliary spaces, music rooms, gyms, Design, construction, installation, and location of interior
locker and shower facilities, laboratories requiring signage and graphics shall comply with the Florida
special climate control, and large group instructional Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code as
spaces having a capacity of more than 100 persons adopted by the State Fire Marshal and the following:
need not have operable windows for the purpose of
providing natural light and ventilation. Emergency 423.14.2.1 Emergency rescue windows:
access, emergency rescue, and secondary means of
egress windows may be included in the calculation to Windows for emergency rescue shall comply with NFPA
comply with this requirement. 101, Florida Edition as adopted by Florida Fire
Prevention Code, shall be operable from the inside by a
Operable glazing for natural ventilation is not required in single operation, and shall be labeled “EMERGENCY
Florida colleges. RESCUE–KEEP AREA CLEAR.” Hinged emergency
rescue windows shall swing in the direction of egress.
423.13.8.2 Projecting and awning windows.
Emergency rescue window signs shall be located so that
Projecting and awning windows shall not be located they are visible and will not be covered by curtains or
below door head height if in, or adjacent to, a corridor or blinds.
(See Appendix, Emergency Rescue Opening.)
423.13.8.3 Security/storm screens or grills.
If a security/storm screen or grille is installed on the
outside of an emergency access, rescue or egress Maximum capacity signs in each space with a capacity
window assembly then that security/storm screen or of 50 or more occupants. The signs shall be mounted
grille together with the emergency rescue window adjacent to the main entrance door.
assembly shall be operable from the inside by a single
operation without the use of tools to allow for exit under
emergency conditions. The emergency rescue window
shall be identified by signage, and the release device
shall be readily identifiable.
All equipment designed to be permanently mounted shall 423.15.1.3 Main supply valve.
be securely anchored to its supporting surface.
The main supply cut-offs for flammable liquids or gases
423.14.8 Interior finishes. shall shut down upon activation of the fire alarm system.
Refer to the automatic shutoff requirements of Section
423.14.8.1 Floors. 423.7.6.
423.15.5 Ventilation air make-up for HVAC In school board facilities, faculty and staff toilets shall be
systems. separate from student toilets.
Where peak occupancies of less than 3 hours duration Exception: Separation of faculty/staff and student
occur, the outdoor air flow may be determined on the toilet facilities is not required for Florida colleges.
basis of average occupancy for school buildings for the
duration of operation of the air-conditioning system, 423.16.3 Public shelter.
provided the average occupancy used is not less than
one-half the maximum. Refer to the public shelter design criteria of section
423.16 Plumbing.
423.16.4 Urinals.
423.16.1 Standards.
Trough urinals shall not be installed in any location.
Educational and ancillary facilities shall be provided with
toilets, hand washing facilities, and drinking fountains for 423.16.5 Floor drains and hose bibbs.
all occupants, in ratios and accessible as required by the
Florida Building Code, Florida law, and federal All group toilet rooms shall be provided with at least one
requirements. floor drain and one easily accessible hose bibb. The
floor shall be sloped down to the drain. Stall urinals shall
Exception: Unisex toilets shall not be provided in not serve as the required floor drains.
addition to group toilets in assembly occupancies.
423.16.6 Exterior entries.
423.16.1.1 Assembly occupancies.
Exterior entries to toilet rooms shall have outward
Toilet facilities for assembly occupancies (i.e. media swinging doors.
centers, gymnasiums, cafétoriums, and auditoriums) are
not required to be in addition to the overall required
plumbing fixture count.
Showers shall be provided only where required by the 423.16.11 Dousing shower and eye wash.
district’s educational program and, where provided, shall
utilize energy saving concepts for hot water as required Every science room, lab, or shop where instructors and
by Section 1013.44(2), Florida Statutes. When provided, students handle materials or chemicals potentially
shower areas shall comply with the following: dangerous to human tissue shall be provided with a
dousing shower and eye wash for emergency use,
423.16.9.1 Floor finish shall be slip resistant. including a floor drain.
Exception: Ordinary office machines, computers, Occupant capacity for egress shall be in accordance
sewing machines, potter’s wheels, residential with Table 1004.1.1 except as follows:
cooking equipment in home economics labs and
other nonhazardous machines do not require (See Appendix, Minimum Occupant Loads.)
emergency disconnect devices.
423.18.1.1 Dressing rooms.
It is recommended that a detailed diagram be provided
showing the operation of the emergency function. It is Dressing rooms at 20 net square feet (2m ) per person.
also recommended that each piece of shop equipment’s
disconnect switch be required to be reset after power is 423.18.1.2 Gymnasium.
restored before equipment can be energized. Also, see
Section 423.14.1, Florida Building Code. The number of fixed and telescopic bench-type bleacher
seats plus the main court area at 15 gross square feet
423.17.6 Sauna and steam rooms. (1.4 m ) per person, plus locker rooms at 5 net square
feet (.5 m ) per person.
A “panic” switch to deactivate power to heating
equipment shall be provided inside sauna and steam 423.18.1.3 Classrooms and labs.
rooms. The panic switch shall also be tied into an alarm
or other approved warning device in a supervised space If spaces are combined through the use of folding
in the area of the sauna and/or steam room. The partitions, the capacity and exiting shall be based on the
operation of the switch shall be labeled to indicate the capacity of all the spaces joined.
intended function.
423.18.1.4 Small group areas in media centers.
423.17.7 Lightning.
Small group room or area (view and preview) in media
All facilities in high lightning risk areas shall be evaluated center at 5 net square feet (.5 m ) per person.
using the Risk Assessment Guide in NFPA 780 and
other standards which address lightning protection, and Within the media center, smaller spaces are permitted to
shall be protected accordingly. provide exit through the larger media center room.
Analysis is to be performed and provided to the school 423.18.1.5 Closed circuit television production,
district for review and determination. distribution, and control.
423.17.8 Ground fault interrupter (GFI) The main floor area at 15 net square feet (1.4 m ) per
receptacles. person.
The location of the shade/green house shall not hinder Mechanical and electrical equipment may not be
exiting from new and/or existing structures. installed in storage rooms. Likewise, mechanical and
electrical equipment rooms shall not be used for storage
423.19.3 Required doors. other than in mechanical rooms, where a reasonable
number of items (e.g., filters) that are incidental to the
A minimum of two doors remotely located shall be maintenance of the equipment may be stored.
provided. Doors shall be side hinged and shall swing in
the direction of egress. The type of storage intended for each space will
determine whether or not mechanical ventilation or air-
(See Appendix, Shade and Green Houses.) conditioning is required. Some storage spaces may
require mechanical exhaust to the exterior to expel heat,
423.19.4 Accessibility. dust, or vapors, while others may require conditioned air
to protect the items stored. Storage spaces that do not
Green houses shall meet accessibility requirements. The receive either ventilation or conditioned air should
accessible walkway shall be connected to doors leading provide a clear indication of the items to be stored.
to an accessible route to the permanent structure.
(See Appendix, Shade and Green Houses.) 423.20.2 Custodial work areas and storage.
423.19.8 Space heaters. Provide custodial work areas with well supported
shelving for supplies, cleaning, and sanitation materials
Space heaters, when provided, shall be mounted at least and an office area including male/female lockers and
6 feet 8 inches (2031 mm) AFF. toilet facilities.
Custodial closets shall be provided with storage shelving Toilet facilities shall meet accessibility requirements and
and a service sink supplied with both hot and cold water. should open into the instructional space. The toilet may
They shall be located to serve each instructional floor be used by both sexes and shall contain a water closet,
and wing regardless of floor area, and other areas such lavatory and related accessories.
as stage, kitchen, gym, auditorium, clinic, offices and
shops. The travel distance to the nearest custodial closet 423.21.3
shall not exceed 150 feet.
If child care facilities are provided with a bathing area, it
423.20.4 Chemical and hazardous materials shall be within or adjacent to the child care area and
storage. shall contain either a shower with hand-held sprayer or a
tub. The water temperature shall be controlled by a
In addition to the requirements of the Florida Building mixing valve and shall not exceed 110ºF (43ºC).
Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code as adopted
by the State Fire Marshal for separation and protection, 423.21.4
chemical and hazardous storage facilities shall also
include: Toilet facilities shall have a non-slip impervious floor and
6-foot (1829 mm) impervious wainscot.
423.20.4.1 Chemical storage.
Doors shall be lockable from the outside and operable at
all times from the inside. Rooms shall be well Drinking fountain(s) shall be provided for the children
illuminated. Cabinets shall have shelves with a ½ inch and be within close proximity of the child care facility.
12.7 mm) lip on the front and shall be constructed of
noncorrosive material. 423.21.6
423.20.4.2 Hazardous materials storage. A towel and soap dispenser shall be provided at each
sink. Hand wash areas for adults shall be provided with
Buildings and/or rooms used for the storage, handling warm water; the water temperature shall be controlled by
and disposal of flammable, poisonous, or hazardous a mixing valve and shall not exceed 110ºF (43ºC). All
materials or liquids, and equipment powered by internal electrical receptacles shall be placed out of reach of the
combustion engines and their fuels shall be separated children.
from adjacent spaces by 1-hour fire-rated assemblies.
These requirements also apply to completely detached 423.21.7
buildings within 60 feet (18 288 mm) of student-occupied
facilities. Doors shall have a C Label and open directly to When provided, a residential-type kitchen shall include a
the exterior. Storage buildings and/or rooms shall be nonslip floor, a refrigerator, a residential range, a
mechanically ventilated. Electrical fixtures, switches, residential-type range hood mechanically exhausted to
heat detectors and outlets installed in flammable storage the outside, and a fire extinguisher located within 15 feet
rooms shall be explosion proof. (457 mm) of the range within the same room.
Clinics shall be provided with 10 designated parking An open plan building or portion of a building may be
spaces immediately adjacent to the clinic, one of which subdivided into smaller areas by use of low partitions
shall be accessible to persons with disabilities. [maximum 5 feet high (1524 mm)], movable partitions, or
movable furnishing, which by location and type do not
423.22.5.3 Sanitary facilities. hinder or obstruct the ability of persons in one area of
the plan to be immediately aware of an emergency
Sanitary facilities are required as follows: condition in any other area of the plan. Corridors shall be
identified with different color or type of flooring materials,
423. by permanent low partitions or by other means to
prevent blockage of the path of egress to exits by
Full-service school clinics shall include one accessible partitions or furniture. When open plan schools are
toilet room for males and one for females, complete with partitioned, the work shall conform to the code
water closet, lavatory, accessories, and shower. requirements for new construction. Demountable or
Additional toilets may be required for a full-service movable partitions in open plan classroom areas shall be
school clinic depending on occupant load and program. a maximum of 5 feet (1524 mm) in height and shall
terminate a minimum of 5 feet (1524 mm) from any
423. permanent wall. All circulation openings in open plan
areas shall be a minimum of 5 feet (1524 mm) wide.
Hot and cold water shall be provided at the showers and Movable furnishings shall not exceed 5 feet (1524 mm)
lavatories. The water temperature shall be controlled by in height and shall have a stable base.
a mixing valve and shall not exceed 110ºF (43ºC).
See drawing next page.
(See Appendix, Open Plan Classrooms.)
Toilet rooms shall have exhaust fans vented to the
423.23 Kilns.
423.25 Public shelter design criteria. Factors such as low evacuation demand, size, location,
accessibility and storm surge may be considered by the
423.25.1 New facilities. board, with written concurrence of the local emergency
management agency or the DCA, in exempting a
New educational facilities for school boards and Florida particular facility.
college boards, unless specifically exempted by the
board with the written concurrence of the applicable local Concurrence is required between the board and the local
emergency management agency or the Department of emergency management agency for exemption.
Community Affairs (DCA), shall have appropriate areas
designed as enhanced hurricane protection areas
(EHPAs) in compliance with this section.
423.25.2.3 Parking. Since the required fixtures for the EHPA are not in
addition to those for normal school occupancy, urinals
During an emergency condition, vehicle parking shall be may be substituted for up to fifty (50) percent of the
prohibited within 50 feet (15 240 mm) of an EHPA. required water closets in male toilet facilities, as is the
Designated EHPA parking areas may be unpaved. normal design procedure.
EHPAs may be above or below ground and may have Support systems for the toilets, e.g., bladders, portable
more than one story, provided the design satisfies the toilets, water storage tanks, etc., shall be capable of
wind load and missile impact criteria. Modular and open- supplying water and containing waste, for the designed
plan buildings may serve as EHPAs provided the design capacity of the EHPAs.
satisfies the wind load and missile impact criteria.
EHPA support systems for toilets must be located on site
423.25.3.1 Excluded spaces. and protected for the storm event. The system(s)
selected must be sized to provide support for at least an
Spaces such as mechanical and electrical rooms, 8-hour period. When using bladders provided by the
storage rooms, open corridors, kitchens, science rooms local emergency management agency, only the
and labs, vocational shop areas and labs, computer connection is required to be provided.
rooms, attic and crawl spaces, shall not be used as
EHPAs. When bottled water and portable toilets are to be used to
meet these requirements, a copy of the written
423.25.3.2 Capacity. agreement between the district and the local emergency
management agency should be submitted with the
Fifty percent of the net square feet of a designated documents.
educational facility shall be constructed as EHPAs. The
net square feet shall be determined by subtracting from a) The agreement should delineate the entity that
the gross square feet those spaces, such as mechanical takes responsibility for providing the water and
and electrical rooms, storage rooms, open corridors, portable toilets.
kitchens, science rooms and labs, vocational shop areas b) The agreement should stipulate that the water
and labs, computer rooms, attic and crawl spaces that and portable toilets will be delivered prior to the
shall not be used as EHPAs. The board, with storm event.
concurrence of the applicable local emergency
management agency or DCA, may adjust this The plans should indicate the proposed location for the
requirement if it is determined to be in its best interest. portable toilets. If they are located outside the envelope
of the EHPA, they must meet the wind load and missile
Roofs shall have adequate slope and drains sized for HVAC equipment mounted on roofs and anchoring
normal use and shall have emergency overflow systems shall be designed and installed to meet the
scuppers. wind load criteria.
423.26 Time-out rooms. Timers shall not be used on the locking device.
Locking an individual inside a space without a means of The door shall have only a push plate exposed on the
opening the door from within that space is contrary to the interior of the room.
exiting philosophy of the Florida Building Code and the
Florida Fire Prevention Code as adopted by the State 423.26.3.1
Fire Marshal for educational facilities. The educational
program which requires containment of the out-of-control The door shall swing out of the room and shall be
student can be accommodated within this context only if equipped with a fully concealed track type closer.
the following are met:
The connection of the locking device to perform the
operations described in Section 423.26.2, Florida A vision panel shall be provided in the door, and it shall
Building Code, shall not be performed without the written be no larger than 144 square inches (.1 m 2). The view
approval of the State Fire Marshal. panel shall consist of a clear ¼-inch-thick (6 mm)
unbreakable plastic panel flush with the inside face of
Special permitting for the use of time-out rooms is the door on the inside of the room. The panel shall be
required by State Fire Marshal Rule 69A-58. positioned in the door so that a staff member may
continuously keep the student under surveillance.
423.26.2 Electromagnetic locking device.
When a time-out room is to be locked, an
electromagnetic locking device may be used and shall The door frame and jamb/head reveal on the inside shall
have the following features: be minimal. If provided, a flat metal threshold shall be
423.26.4 Finishes.
The lock shall remain engaged only when a push button
mounted outside the time-out room adjacent to the door The floor and walls shall be durable, vandal-resistant
frame, is continuously depressed by hand. Upon release of materials. The ceiling shall be of a solid and moisture-
pressure, the door shall unlock. The locking device shall be resistant material. There shall be no projections or
designed so that it cannot be engaged by leverage of an protrusions from the walls, ceiling, or floor. All surfaces
Compliance with floodplain standards is required for the 423.27.7 Fire-retardant-treated wood (FRTW).
initial and subsequent installation of public educational
relocatable units. The finished floor shall be 12 inches Only FRTW which does not contain ammonium
(305 mm) above base flood elevation, the structure shall phosphates, sulfates, or halides may be used in the roof
be designed to meet the Florida Building Code and structure of Type II construction, as authorized by other
anchored to resist buoyant forces. sections of the Florida Building Code. FRTW shall
comply with the specific requirements found elsewhere
Educational facilities in hazard areas shall comply with in these public educational facilities requirements.
ASCE 24. Contractors shall provide evidence of compliance to
inspectors. Inspection access panels shall be provided
(See Appendix, Relocatables for Classroom Use.) to facilitate initial and annual inspections for general
condition assessment of FRTW and connectors.
423.27.5.2 Covered walks and technology.
423.27.8 Doors.
New relocatables and “modular schools” acquired by a
board which are intended for long term use, shall be Exit doors shall swing in the direction of exit travel.
connected from exit door to the core facilities by
accessible covered walkways, and shall contain wiring 423.27.8.1 Classroom locksets.
and computer technologies which connect to the facility’s
technology, communications and fire alarms Each door shall be equipped with a lockset, which is
infrastructure. readily opened from the side from which egress is to be
made at all times, a threshold, heavy duty hinges, and
Exceptions: closer to control door closing. Each door shall have a
1. Covered walks and public address systems are view panel, with minimum dimensions of 8 inches by 42
not required in Florida college facilities. inches (1067 mm) and a maximum of 1,296 square
2. Temporary relocatables constructed after the inches (.84 m ), of ¼ inch (6 mm) tempered or safety
date of this standard shall meet all construction glass installed with the bottom edge of the panel at 30
(See Appendix, Relocatables for Classroom Use.) Partitions and walls separating group toilet rooms shall
be extended to the bottom of the roof deck.
423.27.8.2 Roofed platform.
All exterior doors shall open onto a minimum 5 foot by 5
foot (1524 mm by 1524 mm) roofed platform with Toilet room floors and base shall be finished with
handrails, which is level with the interior floor. impervious nonslip materials. Toilet room walls shall be
finished with impervious materials which shall be
(See Appendix, Relocatables for Classroom Use.) extended to a minimum height of 6 feet (1828 mm).
Classrooms shall have operable windows equal to at Ceilings shall be of solid-type moisture resistant-
least 5 percent of the floor area of the unit where materials.
required by Section 1013.44, Florida Statutes. Exterior
doors may be included in computing the required 5 423.27.11 Fire extinguishers.
percent. Awning, casement, or projecting windows shall
not be placed in walls with adjacent walks, ramps, steps At least one appropriate fire extinguisher shall be
or platforms. provided in each relocatable classroom unit and in each
classroom of a multiclassroom building.
(See Appendix, Relocatables for Classroom Use.)
423.27.12 Document storage.
423.27.9.1 Rescue.
Provision shall be made to secure foundation plans and
Windows for emergency rescue shall comply with NFPA to post the annual fire inspection report within each
101, Florida edition as adopted by the Florida Fire relocatable unit.
Prevention Code, shall be operable from the inside by a
single operation and shall be labeled “EMERGENCY 423.27.13 Time-out rooms.
Time-out rooms are not recommended but, when
423.27.10 Finishes. provided, shall comply with the specific requirements for
time-out rooms found elsewhere in these public
Finishes in relocatable units shall comply with the educational facilities code requirements.
423.27.14 Child care/day care units.
423.27.10.1 Interior walls and ceilings.
Standard classroom units intended to house birth to age
Interior wall and ceiling finishes in classrooms and other 3 children, including Teenage Parent Programs (TAP),
student use spaces shall be Class A or B as defined in shall meet the additional criteria under the title of Child
NFPA 101, Florida edition as adopted by the Florida Fire Care/Day Care/Prekindergarten Facilities for permanent
Prevention Code. Corridor finishes shall be Class A. buildings contained in these public educational facilities
Formaldehyde levels shall not exceed the minimum HUD requirements, as well as the following:
standards for manufactured housing.
423.27.10.2 Floors.
All TAP spaces where residential kitchens are provided
Floors shall be covered with resilient material, carpet, or shall have two doors exiting directly to the outside and
other finished product. Carpet in classrooms shall be remotely located from each other. Areas designated for
tested and certified by the manufacturer as passing the children’s sleeping mats, cots or cribs, shall have a
Radiant Panel Test Class II. Carpet in corridors shall be clearly marked exit passageway.
tested and certified by the manufacturer as passing the
Radiant Panel Test Class I.
Exit lights shall be provided as required by the Florida Soil, grass, and planting beds shall provide positive
Fire Prevention Code adopted by the State Fire Marshal. drainage away from sidewalks, but shall not fall away at
more than a 3-percent gradient slope for a minimum
423.27.16 Air conditioning, heating distance of 5 feet (1524 mm) from the edge.
and ventilation.
Wheelchair-bound individuals can inadvertently drift off a
Relocatable facilities shall meet Florida Building Code sidewalk. The 3 percent slope for 5 feet gives a
requirements. wheelchair-bound individual a fairly flat surface from
which to re-access the sidewalk. Also, a step-down
423.27.17 Technology. between the sidewalk and the adjacent zone should not
be allowed. A step-down presents an obstacle
Relocatables shall contain wiring and computer preventing an individual in a wheelchair from re-
technology appropriate for the programs to be housed. accessing the sidewalk and can also present a tripping
hazard to a disabled person walking with a cane.
423.27.18 Fire safety requirements.
443.2.2 Playgrounds and Equipment.
New relocatables shall be provided with fire alarm
devices meeting the code requirements for permanent Playground and equipment shall be safe, structurally
educational facilities and shall be connected to the sound, verminproof, and shall not have jagged or sharp
facility’s main fire alarm system as required by code. projections. Playground equipment shall be anchored to
suitable foundations to prevent toppling or dislodgement.
423.27.19 Inspection of units during construction. Cushioning materials such as mats, wood chips, or sand
shall be used under climbing equipment, slides, and
Boards shall provide for the inspection of relocatables swings.
during construction, as required by the Florida Building
Code, as authorized by statute. 443.2.3 Outdoor waste containers.
423.27.20 Inspection of units prior to occupancy. A smooth nonabsorbent surface shall be provided for
outdoor waste containers.
Prior to occupancy new relocatables shall be inspected
and approved for compliance to the Florida Building 443.3 Building construction.
Code. New units shall have foundation plans provided
and secured, in the relocatable along with the local fire 443.3.1 Rodent proofing.
inspector report. Certification of such inspection shall
remain on file with the district. Inventory/date of Buildings for Group E occupancies shall be rodent
construction signage shall be affixed to the relocatable. proofed per Appendix F, Rodentproofing.
Where FRTW is used inspection access panels shall be
provided and within easy reach to facilitate inspection for
general condition assessment of FRTW and connectors.
50 | Florida Department of Education
443.3.2 Glare from natural light. 443. Access to group toilet rooms.
Sources of natural light in instructional spaces shall be Access to student group toilet rooms shall not be
glazed with glare reducing materials or shall be shielded through an occupied space, storage space, or
to prevent glare that can interfere with seeing task within equipment space.
the instructional space.
443.3.5.4 Shielding device.
443.3.3 Automated external defibrillator.
The entry to each group toilet room shall be provided
Automated external defibrillators shall be provided in with a door, partition, or other shielding device to block
public educational facilities that are a member of the from view the occupants in the toilet room. If a door is
Florida High School Athletic Association. provided, it shall have a closer and shall swing out in the
direction of egress.
443.3.4 Diaper changing stations.
443.3.5.5 Walls.
A diaper changing station shall be located in or adjacent
to any classroom where children wearing diapers are in Walls in toilet rooms shall be impervious to a height of at
attendance. A hand washing lavatory shall be provided least 4 feet (1219 mm) above the floor. Walls in
within the changing station area. Access shall be kitchens, sculleries, can wash areas, and shower rooms
provided to the lavatory without opening doors or shall be impervious to a height of at least 6 feet (1829
touching a handle. mm) above the floor. Toilet and shower partitions shall
be impervious.
443.3.5 Plumbing.
443.3.5.6 Floor drains and hose bibbs.
443.3.5.1 Standards.
All group toilet rooms shall be provided with at least one
Educational and ancillary facilities shall be provided with floor drain and one easily accessible hose bibb. The
toilets, hand washing facilities, and drinking fountains for floor shall be sloped down to the drain.
all occupants, in ratios and accessible as required by the
Florida Building Code, Florida law, and federal 443.3.5.7 Handwashing facilities.
Exception: A single unisex toilet room is allowed
where provided in child care, pre-kindergarten Handwashing facilities shall be located within or
through grade 3 and ESE classrooms. adjoining each toilet room.
Faculty and staff toilets shall be separate from student Soap dispensers for liquid, foam or powdered soap shall
toilets. be provided at all handwashing basins.
443.3.6.4 Chemistry laboratories and science Placement of the luminaries should be such that
classrooms. overlapping reduces shadows and increases task level
HVAC systems in chemistry labs and science
classrooms shall be designed and installed to ensure 443.3.7.3 Brightness ratio in classrooms/
that chemicals originating from the space are not re- instructional spaces.
The brightness ratio between the student task level and
Exception: A high capacity emergency exhaust the instruction area or areas or visual display location
system providing twenty (20) air changes per hour shall be one (1) to five (5) or less.
may be used in chemistry laboratories and science
classrooms with fume hoods. Positive ventilation 443.3.7.4 Illumination failure of general and
may be provided via doors or windows opening to means of egress luminaries.
the exterior. Signs providing operational instructions
shall be permanently installed at the emergency Illumination systems shall be designed and maintained
exhaust system fan switch and adjacent to the so that the failure of any single lighting unit, such as an
door(s) or window(s) to be opened. electric luminary, does not leave any occupied space or
means of egress in the dark. (See FBC 1006 for
443.3.6.5 Chemistry storage. additional means of egress requirements.)
Rooms used for the storage, handling, and disposal of 443.3.7.5 Glare elimination.
chemicals used in school, college, and university
laboratories shall be vented to the exterior. The Illumination of permanently installed markerboards,
ventilation system shall not be connected to the air- chalkboards, and other instruction aids shall be designed
52 | Florida Department of Education
to eliminate glare and shadows.
Chapter 5
Florida Building Code, Building
GENERAL 503.1 General.
501.1 Scope. The building height and area shall not exceed the limits
specified in Table 503 based on the type of construction
The provisions of this chapter control the height and area as determined by Section 602 and the occupancies as
of structures hereafter erected and additions to existing determined by Section 302 except as modified hereafter.
structures. Each portion of a building separated by one or more fire
walls complying with Section 706 shall be considered to
SECTION 503 be a separate building.
AND AREA LIMITATIONS Area separations require a fire wall constructed as
defined in Section 702.1, Florida Building Code.
ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHTS AND AREAS When the square footage of an addition to an existing
Building height limitations shown in feet above grade plane. Story limitations building increases the overall square footage in excess of
shown as stories above grade plane. Building area limitation shown in square
feet, as determined by the definition of “Area, building”, per story. the area limits allowed for the construction type, as set
forth in Table 503, a fire wall shall divide the building into
TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION allowable areas.
TYPE I TYPE II 503.1.2 Buildings on same lot.
A B A B HT Two or more buildings on the same lot shall be regulated
GROUP as separate buildings or shall be considered as portions
HEIGHT UL 160 65 55 65 of one building if the building height of each building and
the aggregate building area of the buildings are within the
S UL 5 3 2 3
A UL UL 15,500 8,500 15,000 limitations of Table 503 as modified by Sections 504 and
506. The provisions of this code applicable to the
S UL 11 3 2 3
A-2 aggregate building shall be applicable to each building.
A UL UL 15,500 9,500 15,000
S UL 11 3 2 3
A-3 503.1.5 Group A and E basements.
A UL UL 15,500 9,500 15,000
S UL 11 3 2 3 Group A and E basements used as classrooms or
A UL UL 15,500 9,500 15,000
assembly rooms shall be counted as a story.
When the square footage of an addition to an existing
S UL 11 5 3 5 building increases the overall square footage in excess of
A UL UL 37,500 23,000 36,000 the area limits allowed for the construction type, as set
S UL 5 3 2 3 forth in Table 503, a fire wall shall divide the building into
A UL UL 26,500 14,500 25,500 allowable areas.
S UL 11 4 2 4
A UL UL 21,500 12,500 20,500
S UL 11 4 2 4 SECTION 504
A UL 48,000 26,000 17,500 25,500 BUILDING HEIGHT
UL = unlimited, NP – Not permitted
a. See the following section for general exceptions to Table 503:
1. Section 504.2, Allowable building height and story increase due to
504.2 Automatic sprinkler system increase.
automatic sprinkler system installation.
2. Section 506.2, Allowable building area increase due to street Where a building is equipped throughout with an
frontage. approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with
3. Section 506.3, Allowable building area increase due to automatic
sprinkler system installation.
Section 903.3.1.1, the value specified in Table 503 for
4. Section 507, Unlimited area buildings. maximum building height is increased by 20 feet (6096
b. For open parking structures, see Section 406.3. mm) and the maximum number of stories is increased by
one. These increases are permitted in addition to the
building area increase in accordance with Sections 506.2
Florida Building Code Handbook | 53
and 506.3. each portion of exterior wall and open space where the
value of W is greater than or equal to 20 feet (6096 mm)
The value of W shall be at least 20 feet (6096 mm). The total allowable building area of a single occupancy
Where the value of W varies along the perimeter of the building with more than one story above grade plane shall
building, the calculation performed in accordance with be determined in accordance with this section. The
Equation 5-2 shall be based on the weighted average of actual aggregate building area at all stories in the building
54 | Florida Department of Education
shall not exceed the total allowable building area. above grade plane, the total building area shall be such
Exceptions: A single basement need not be that the aggregate sum of the ratios of the actual area of
included in the total allowable building area, each story divided by the allowable area of such stories
provided such basement does not exceed the area based on the applicable provisions of Section 508.1 shall
permitted for a building with no more than one story not exceed 3.
above grade plane.
506.5.1 No more than one story above grade plane. Group A-1 and A-2 occupancies of other than Type V
construction shall be permitted within mixed occupancy
For buildings with no more than one story above grade buildings of unlimited area complying with Section 507.3,
plane and containing mixed occupancies, the total provided:
building area shall be determined in accordance with the
applicable provisions of Section 508.1. 1. Group A-1 and A-2 occupancies are separated
from other occupancies as required for
506.5.2 More than one story above grade plane. separated from other occupancies as required
for separated occupancies in Section 508.4.4
For buildings with more than one story above grade plane with no reduction allowed in the fire-resistance
and containing mixed occupancies, each story shall rating of the separation based upon the
individually comply with the applicable requirements of installation of an automatic sprinkler system;
Section 508.1. For building with more than three stories
Florida Building Code Handbook | 55
above grade plane, used as a place of religious worship,
community hall, dance hall, exhibition hall, gymnasium,
2. Each area of the portions of the building used lecture hall, indoor swimming pool or tennis court of Type
for Group A-1 and A-2 occupancies shall not IV construction, shall not be limited when all of the
exceed the maximum allowable area permitted following criteria are met:
for such occupancies In Section 503.1; and
3. All exit doors from Group A-1 and A-2 1. The building shall not have a stage other than a
occupancies shall discharge directly to the platform.
exterior of the building. 2. The building shall be equipped throughout with
an automatic sprinkler system in accordance
507.4 Two story. with Section 903.3.1.1.
3. The assembly floor shall be located at or within
The area of a Group B, F, M, or S building no more than 21 inches (533 mm) of street or grade level and
two stories above grade plane shall not be limited when all exits are provided with ramps complying with
the building is equipped throughout with an automatic Section 1010.1 to the street or grade level.
sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 4. The building shall be surrounded and adjoined
and is surrounded and adjoined by public ways or yards by public ways or yards not less than 60 feet
not less than 60 feet (18 288 mm) in width. (18 288 mm) in width.
The public ways or yards of 60 feet (18 288 mm) in width The area of a Group E building no more than one story
required in Section 507.2, 507.3, 507.4, 507.6 and 507.11 above grade plane, of Type II or IV construction, shall not
shall be permitted to be reduced to not less than 40 feet be limited when all the following criteria are met:
(12 192 mm) in width provided all of the following
requirements are met: 1. Each classroom shall have not less than two
means of egress, with one of the means of
1. The reduced width shall not be allowed for egress being a direct exit to the outside of the
more than 75 percent of the perimeter of the building complying with Section 1020.
building. 2. The building is equipped throughout with an
2. The exterior walls facing the reduced width automatic sprinkler system in accordance with
shall have a minimum fire-resistance rating 3 Section 903.3.1.1.
hours. 3. The building is surrounded and adjoined by
3. Openings in the exterior walls facing the public ways or yards not less than 60 feet (18
reduced width shall have opening protectives 288 mm) in width.
with a minimum fire protection rating of 3 hours.
If the second exit is to an interior corridor, the interior
507.6 Group A-3 buildings of Type II construction. corridor shall meet requirements for smoke-tight
The area of a Group A-3 building no more than one story
above grade plane, used as a place of religious worship,
community hall, dance hall, exhibition hall, gymnasium, SECTION 508
lecture hall, indoor swimming pool or tennis court of Type MIXED USE AND OCCUPANCY
II construction, shall not be limited when all of the
following criteria are met: 508.1 General.
1. The building shall not have a stage other than a Each portion of a building shall be individually classified in
platform. accordance with Section 302.1. Where a building
2. The building shall be equipped throughout with contains more than one occupancy group, the building or
an automatic sprinkler system in accordance portion thereof shall comply with the applicable provisions
with Section 903.3.1.1. of Section 508.2, 508.3 or 508.4, or a combination of
3. The building shall be surrounded and adjoined these sections.
by public ways or yards not less than 60 feet
(18 288 mm) in width. Exceptions:
1. Occupancies separated in accordance with
507.7 Group A-3 building of Type IV construction. Section 509.
2. Where required by Table 415.3.2, areas of
The area of a Group A-3 building no more than one story Group H-1, H-2, and H-3 occupancies shall be
56 | Florida Department of Education
located in a separate and detached building or
Accessory occupancies shall be individually classified in Where Table 508.2.5 permits an automatic fire-
accordance with Section 302.1. The requirements of this extinguishing system without a fire barrier, the incidental
code shall apply to each portion of the building based on accessory occupancies shall be separated from the
the occupancy classifications of that space. remainder of the building by construction capable of
resisting the passage of smoke. The walls shall extend
508.2.3 Allowable building area and height. from the top of the foundation or floor assembly below to
the underside of the ceiling that is component of a fire-
The allowable building area and height of the building resistance-rated floor assembly or roof assembly above
shall be based on the allowable building area and height or to the underside of the floor or roof sheathing, deck or
for the main occupancy in accordance with Section 503.1. slab above. Doors shall be self- or automatic-closing
The height of each accessory occupancy shall not exceed upon detection of smoke in accordance with Section
the tabular values In Table 503, without Increases in 715.4.8.3. Doors shall not have air transfer openings and
accordance with Section 504 for such accessory shall not be undercut in excess of the clearance permitted
occupancies. The building area of the accessory in accordance with NFPA 80. Walls surrounding the
occupancies shall be in accordance with Section 508.2.1. incidental accessory occupancy shall not have air transfer
opening unless provided with smoke dampers in
508.2.4 Separation of occupancies. accordance with Section 711.7.
Nonseparated occupancies shall be individually classified Required separation shall be fire barriers constructed in
in accordance with Section 302.1. The requirements of accordance with Section 707 or horizontal assemblies
this code shall apply to each portion of the building based constructed in accordance with section 712, or both, so
on the occupancy classification of that space except that as to completely separate adjacent occupancies.
the most restrictive applicable provisions of Section 403
and Chapter 9 shall apply to the building or portion TABLE 508.2.5
thereof in which the nonseparated occupancies are INCIDENTAL ACCESSORY OCCUPANCIES
located. SEPARATION and/or
508.3.2 Allowable building area and height. Furnace room where any piece of 1 hour or provide
equipment is over 400,000 BTU per automatic fire-
The allowable building area and height of the building or hour input extinguishing system
portions thereof shall be based on the most restrictive Rooms with any boiler where the 1 hour or provide
allowances for the occupancy groups under consideration largest piece of equipment is over automatic fire-
15 psi and 10 horsepower extinguishing system
for the type of construction of the building in accordance
with Section 503.1. 1 hour or provide
Refrigerant machinery rooms automatic sprinkler
508.4 Separated occupancies.
2 hours and
Incinerator rooms automatic sprinkler
Buildings or portions of buildings that comply with the system
provisions of this section shall be considered as 2 hours; or 1 hour
separated occupancies. Paint shops, not classified as Group
and provide
H, located in occupancies other
automatic fire-
than Group F
508.4.1 Occupancy classification. extinguishing system
Laboratories and vocational shops, 1 hour or provide
Separated occupancies shall be individually classified in not classified as Group h, located in automatic fire-
accordance with Section 302.1. Each separated space Group E or I-2 occupancies extinguishing system
shall comply with this code based on the occupancy 1 hour or provide
classification of that portion of the building. Laundry rooms over 100 square feet automatic fire-
extinguishing system
508.4.2 Allowable building area. 1 hour or provide
Waste and linen collection rooms
automatic fire-
over 100 square feet
extinguishing system
In each story, the building area shall be such that the sum
Stationary storage battery systems
of the ratios of the actual building area of each separated having a liquid electrolyte capacity 1 hour in Group B, F,
occupancy divided by the allowable building area of each of more than 50 gallons, or a M, S, and U
separated occupancy shall not exceed 1. lithium-ion capacity of 1,000 pounds occupancies; 2 hours
used for facility standby power, in Group A, E, I
508.4.3 Allowable height. emergency power or uninterrupted occupancies
power supplies
Each separated occupancy shall comply with the building 2 hours; or 1 hour
height limitations based on the type of construction of the and provide
Rooms containing fire pumps in
building in accordance with Section 503.1. automatic sprinkler
nonhigh-rise buildings
system throughout
the building
Exception: Special provisions permitted by Section
For SI:
509. 1 square foot = 0.0929 m, 1 pound per square inch = 6.9 kPa,
1 British thermal unit (BTU) per hour = 0.293 watts,
508.4.4 Separation. 1 horsepower = 746 watts,
1 gallon = 3.785 L.
Individual occupancies shall be separated from adjacent
occupancies in accordance with Table 508.4. The Florida Building Code identifies assembly areas in
Educational occupancies as part of the Educational
occupancy and does not classify them as a mixed or
separate occupancy for the purposes of space
separation, construction type, and fire sprinkler systems.
58 | Florida Department of Education
Section 423.8.1.1 indicates that support spaces such as occupancies shall be met.
TABLE 508.4
F-2, F-3, S- B, F-1, M, H-3, H-4,
Ad, D, E I-1 R H-1 H-2
2b, U S-1 H-5
A , D, E N N 1 2 1 2 N 1 1 2 NP NP 3 4 2 3a
S-2b, U - - - - - - N N 1 2 NP NP 3 4 2 3a
B, M, S-1 - - - - - - - - N N NP NP 2 3 1 2a
For SI: 1 square foot = 0.0929 m²
S = Building equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
NS = Building not equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
N = No separation requirement.
NP = Not permitted
a. For Group H-5 occupancies, see Section 903.2.5.2
b. The required separation from areas used only for private or pleasure vehicles shall be reduced by 1 hour but to not less than 1 hour.
c. See Section 406.1.1.
d. Commercial kitchens need not be separated from the restaurant seating area that they serve.
e. Separation is not required between occupancies of the same classification.
Primary structural frameg
3ah 2a 1 0 1 0 HT 1 0
(see Section 202)
Bearing walls
Exteriorf,g 4 3 1 0 2 2 2 1 0
Interior 4a 3a 1 0 1 0 2α/HT 1 0
Nonbearing walls and partitions
See Table 602
Nonbearing walls and partitions See Section
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interiore 602.4.6
Floor construction and secondary d d, i
3h 2 1d 0d,i 1 0 HT 1 0
members (see Section 202)
Roof construction and secondary
1½b, h 1b,c 1b,c 0c 1b,c 0 HT 1b,c 0
members (see Section 202)
A building or portion thereof shall not be required to Type IV Construction (Heavy Timber, HT) is that type of
conform to the details of a type of construction higher construction in which the exterior walls are of
than that type which meets the minimum requirements noncombustible materials and the interior building
based on occupancy even though certain features of elements are of solid or laminated wood without
such a building actually conform to a higher type of concealed spaces. The details of Type IV construction
construction. shall comply with the provisions of this section.
Fire walls shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less Fire walls shall extend to the outer edge of horizontal
than required by Table 706.4. projecting elements such as balconies, roof overhangs,
canopies, marquees and similar projections that are
within 4 feet (1220 mm) of the fire wall.
See Florida Building Code, Section 706.6 for exceptions. 707.1 General.
706.6.1 Stepped buildings. Fire barriers installed as required elsewhere in this code
or the Florida Fire Prevention Code, shall comply with
Where a fire wall serves as an exterior wall for a building this section.
and separates buildings having different roof levels, such
wall shall terminate at a point not less than 30 inches Exit passageways and horizontal exits are not permitted
(762 mm) above the lower roof level, provided the in public educational facilities.
exterior wall for a height of 15 feet (4572 mm) above the
lower roof is not less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated 707.2 Materials.
construction from both sides with openings protected by
fire assemblies having a fire protection rating of no less Fire barriers shall be of material permitted by the
than 3/4 hour. building type of construction.
See the Florida Building Code, Section 706.6.1, for 707.3 Fire-resistance rating.
The fire-resistance rating of fire barriers shall comply
706.8 Openings. with this section.
Each opening through a fire wall shall be protected in 707.3.1 Shaft enclosures.
accordance with Section 715.4 and shall not exceed 156
square feet (15m ). The aggregate width of openings at The fire-resistance rating of the fire barrier separating
any floor level shall not exceed 25 percent of the length building areas from a shaft shall comply with Section
of the wall. 708.4.
Figure 707.4
Shaft Enclosure Fire-Resistance Rating
The shaft enclosure shall be of materials permitted by Penetrations in a shaft enclosure shall be protected in
the building type of construction. accordance with Section 713 as required for fire barriers.
Shaft enclosures shall have a fire-resistance rating of not Section 1022.4, Florida Building Code, allows
less than 2 hours where connecting four stories or more penetrations in vertical exit enclosures for ductwork
and not less than 1 hour where connecting less than four necessary for independent pressurization.
stories. The number of stories connected by the shaft
enclosure shall include any basements but not any 708.9 Joints.
mezzanines. Shaft enclosures shall have a fire-
resistance rating not less than the floor assembly Joints in a shaft enclosure shall comply with Section
penetrated, but need not exceed 2 hours. Shaft 714.
enclosures shall meet requirements of Section 703.2.1.
708.10 Ducts and air transfer openings.
708.5 Continuity.
Penetrations of a shaft enclosure by ducts and air
Shaft enclosures shall be constructed as fire barriers in transfer openings shall comply with Section 716.
accordance with Section 707 or horizontal assemblies
constructed in accordance with Section 712, or both and 708.11 Enclosure at the bottom.
shall have continuity in accordance with Section 707.5
for fire barriers or Section 712.4 for horizontal Shafts that do not extend to the bottom of the building or
assemblies as applicable. structure shall comply with one of the following:
708.6 Exterior walls. 1. They shall be enclosed at the lowest level with
construction of the same fire-resistance rating as
Where exterior walls serve as a part of a required shaft the lowest floor through which the shaft passes,
enclosure, such walls shall comply with the requirements but not less than the rating required for the shaft
of Section 705 for exterior walls and the fire-resistance- enclosure;
rated enclosure requirements shall not apply. 2. They shall terminate in a room having a use
related to the purpose of the shaft. The room
Exception: Exterior walls required to be fire- shall be separated from the remainder of the
resistance rated in accordance with Section 1019.2 building by a fire barrier constructed in
for exterior egress balconies, Section 1022.6 for exit accordance with Section 707 or of horizontal
enclosures and Section 1026.6 for exterior exit assemblies constructed in accordance with
ramps and stairways. Section 712, or both. The fire resistance rating
and opening protective shall be at least equal to
The above exception applies to exterior ramps and the protection required for the shaft enclosure;
stairway protection.
Where required elsewhere in the code, doors in smoke Approved fire door and fire shutter assemblies shall be
partitions shall meet the requirements for a smoke and constructed of any material or assembly of component
draft control door assembly tested in accordance with UL materials that conforms to the test requirements of
1784. The air leakage rate of the door assembly shall Section 715.4.1, 715.4.2 or 715.4.3 and the fire
not exceed 3.0 cubic feet per minute per square foot protection rating indicated in Table 715.4. Fire door
(0.015424 m³/(s•m²)) of door opening at 0.10 inch (24.9 frames with transom lights, sidelights or both shall be
Pa) of water for the ambient temperature test and permitted in accordance with Section 715.4.5. Fire door
elevated temperature exposure test. Installation of assemblies and shutters shall be installed in accordance
smoke doors shall be in accordance with NFPA 105. with the provisions of this section and NFPA 80.
The space around penetrating items and in joints shall 715.4.1 Side-hinged or pivoted swinging doors.
be filled with an approved material to limit the free
passage of smoke. Fire door assemblies with side-hinged and pivoted
swinging doors shall be tested in accordance with NFPA
711.7 Ducts and air transfer openings. 252 or UL 10C. After 5 minutes into the NFPA 252 test,
the neutral pressure level in the furnace shall be
The space around a duct penetrating a smoke partition established at 40 inches (1016 mm) or less above the
shall be filled with an approved material to limit the free sill.
passage of smoke. Air transfer openings in smoke
partitions shall be provided with a smoke damper 715.4.2 Other types of assemblies.
complying with Section 716.3.2.2.
Fire door assemblies with other types of doors, including
Exception: Where the installation of a smoke swinging elevator doors and fire shutter assemblies shall
damper will interfere with the operation of a required be tested in accordance with NFPA 252 or UL 10B. The
smoke control system in accordance with Section pressure in the furnace shall be maintained as nearly
909, approved alternative protection shall be utilized. equal to the atmospheric pressure as possible. Once
established, the pressure shall be maintained during the
entire test period.
OPENING PROTECTIVES 715.4.3 Door assemblies in corridors and
smoke barriers.
715.1 General.
Fire door assemblies required to have a minimum fire
Opening protectives required by other sections of this protection rating of 20 minutes where located in corridor
code shall comply with the provisions of this section. walls or smoke-barrier walls having a fire-resistance
rating in accordance with Table 715.4 shall be tested in
715.2 Fire-resistance-rated glazing. accordance with NFPA 252 or UL 10C without the hose
stream test.
Fire-resistance-rated glazing tested as part of a fire-
resistance-rated wall assembly in accordance with (See Appendix, Doors and Appendix, Door Fire-Rating
ASTM E119 or UL 263 and labeled in accordance with Label.)
Section 703.5 shall be permitted in fire doors and fire
window assemblies in accordance with their listings and
shall not otherwise be required to comply with this
Fire door assemblies in exit enclosures and exit 715.4.8 Door closing.
passageways shall have a maximum transmitted
temperature end point of not more than 450°F (250°C) Fire doors shall be self-or automatic closing in
above ambient at the end of 30 minutes of standard fire accordance with this section.
test exposure.
715.4.8.1 Latch required.
Exception: The maximum transmitted temperature
rise is not limited in buildings equipped throughout Unless otherwise specifically permitted, single fire doors
with an automatic sprinkler system installed in and both leaves of pairs of side-hinged swinging fire
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. doors shall be provided with an active latch bolt that will
secure the door when it is closed.
Exit passageways are not permitted in public educational
facilities. 715.4.8.2 Automatic-closing fire door assemblies.
See Section 423.12.2, Florida Building Code, for The provisions of this section contain procedures by
additional requirements. which the fire resistance of specific materials or
combinations of materials is established by calculations.
719.3 Exposed insulation These procedures apply only to the information
contained in this section and shall not be otherwise
Insulating materials, where exposed as installed in used. The calculated fire resistance of concrete,
buildings of any type of construction, shall have a flame concrete masonry, and clay masonry assemblies shall
spread index of not more than 25 and a smoke- be permitted in accordance with ACI 216.1/TMS 0216.
developed index of not more than 450. The calculated fire resistance of steel assemblies shall
be permitted in accordance with Chapter 5 of ASCE 29.
Exception: Cellulose-fill insulation that is not spray
applied complying with the requirements of Section The code allows both a prescriptive and calculated
719.6 shall only be required to meet the smoke- method for figuring assembly fire ratings. See Sections
developed index of not more than 450. 720 and 721, Florida Building Code, for specific
See Section 423.12.2, Florida Building Code, for
additional requirements.
720.1 General.
TABLE 803.9
GROUP Exit Room and enclosed Exit Room and enclosed
Corridors Corridors
enclosures a,b spaces c enclosures a,b spaces c
A-1 & A-2 B B C A Ad Be
A-3, A-4 & A-5 B B C A Ad C
B, E, M B C C A B C
803.1 General.
Automatic sprinkler systems shall comply with this An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for
section. Group A-4 occupancies where one of the following
conditions exists:
[F] 903.2 Where required.
1. The fire area exceeds 12,000 square feet (1115
Approved automatic sprinkler systems in new buildings m;
and structures shall be provided in the locations 2. The fire area has an occupant load of 300 or
described in Sections 903.2.1 through 903.2.12. more; or
3. The fire area is located on a floor other than the
[F] 903.2.1 Group A. level of exit discharge, serving such
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided
throughout buildings and portions thereof used as Group [F] 903.2.3 Group E.
A occupancies as provided in this section. For Group A-
1, A-2, A-3 and A-4 occupancies, the automatic sprinkler An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for
system shall be provided throughout the floor area Group E occupancies as follows:
where the Group A-1, A-2, A-3 or A-4 occupancy is
located, and in all floors from the Group A occupancy, to 1. Throughout all Group E fire areas greater than
and including, the nearest level of exit discharge serving 12,000 square feet (1115 m ) in area.
the Group A occupancy. For Group A-5 occupancies, 2. Throughout every portion of educational
the automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in the buildings below the lowest level of exit
spaces indicated in Section 903.2.1.5 discharge, serving that portion of the building.
[F] 903.2.1.1 Group A-1. Buildings housing classrooms under 12,000 square feet
with fire-rated separation walls and independent exiting
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for directly to the exterior are not required to be sprinklered.
Group A-1 occupancies where one of the following
conditions exists: Exception: An automatic fire sprinkler system is not
1. The fire area exceeds 12,000 square feet required in existing educational buildings unless 50
(1115m ); percent of the aggregate area of the building is
2. The fire area has an occupant load of 300 or being remodeled.
3. The fire area is located on a floor other than the When 50 percent or more of the aggregate area of an
level of exit discharge, serving such existing educational facility is being remodeled, and the
occupancies; or facility’s fire areas are greater than 12,000 square feet,
4. The fire area contains a multitheater complex. an automatic sprinkler system is required.
Standpipe systems shall be provided in all new buildings [F] 907.2 Where required new buildings
and structures in accordance with this section. Fire hose and structures.
threads used in connection with standpipe systems shall
be approved and shall be compatible with fire An approved fire alarm system installed in accordance
department hose threads. The location of the fire with the provisions of this code and NFPA 72 shall be
department hose connections shall be approved. In provided in new buildings and structures in accordance
buildings used for high piled combustible storage, fire with Sections 907.2.1 through 907.2.23 and provide
occupant notification in accordance with Section 907.5,
Alarms for warning devices must meet Section 11-4.28 Exceptions: Manual fire alarm boxes are not
Alarms, Florida Building Code. required where the building is equipped throughout
with an automatic sprinkler system installed in
See [F] 907.2.3, Group E Exceptions for further accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 and the occupant
restrictions on a single pull station. notification appliances will activate throughout the
notification zones upon sprinkler waterflow.
[F] 907.2.1 Group A.
[F] 907.2.3 Group E.
A manual fire alarm system that activates the occupant
notification system in accordance with Section 907.5 A manual fire alarm system that activates the occupant
shall be installed in Group A occupancies having an notification system in accordance with Section 907.5
occupancy load of 300 or more. Portions of Group E shall be installed in Group E occupancies. When
occupancies occupied for assembly purposes shall be automatic sprinkler systems or smoke detectors are
provided with a fire alarm system as required for the installed, such systems or detectors shall be connected
Group E occupancy. to the building fire alarm system.
In determining means of egress requirements, the (See Appendix, Minimum Occupant Loads.)
number of occupants for whom means of egress
facilities shall be provided shall be determined in See Section 423, Florida Building Code, for additional
accordance with this section. Where occupants from requirements on occupant load that may be more
accessory areas egress through a primary space, the restrictive.
calculated occupant load for the primary space shall
included the total occupant load of the primary space 1004.2 Increased occupant load.
plus the number of occupants egressing through it from
the accessory area. The occupant load permitted in any building, or portion
thereof, is permitted to be increased from that number
established for the occupancies in Table 1004.1.1 provided
TABLE 1004.1.1 that all other requirements of the code are also met based
MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA ALLOWANCES PER OCCUPANT on such modified number and the occupant load does not
exceed one occupant per 7 square feet (0.65 m ) of
IN SQ. FT. occupiable floor space. Where required by the building
PER official, an approved aisle, seating or fixed equipment
diagram substantiating any increase in occupant load shall
Accessory storage areas, mechanical
300 gross be submitted. Where required by the building official, such
equipment room
diagram shall be posted.
See Section
Assembly with fixed seats
1004.3 Posting of occupant load.
Assembly without fixed seats
Concentrated (chairs only-not fixed) 7 net
Standing space 5 net Every room or space that is an assembly occupancy
Unconcentrated (tables and chairs) 15 net shall have the occupant load of the room or space
Business areas 100 gross posted in a conspicuous place, near the main exit or exit
Day Care 20 net access doorway from the room or space. Posted signs
Dormitories 50 gross shall be of an approved legible permanent design and
Educational shall be maintained by the owner or authorized agent.
Classroom area 20 net
Shops and other vocational room areas 50 net This section addresses the location of occupant load
Kitchens, commercial 200 gross signs in rooms or spaces used for assembly. The intent
Library of the Florida Building Code is not to specify the exact
Reading rooms 50 net location for these signs and only requires that they
Stack area 100 gross should be located to be easily visible. However, Section
Locker rooms 50 gross 423, Florida Building Code, does specify the location of
Mercantile such signs in public educational facilities. See Section
Areas on other floors 60 gross 423.14.2.2 and Figure 423.14.2.2, Florida Building Code,
Basement and grade floor areas 30 gross Building, for these additional requirements.
Stages and platforms 15 net
Warehouses 500 gross
For SI: 1 square foot = 0.0929m²
See 423.18.1 for occupant load for dressing rooms and 1005.1 Minimum required egress width.
The means of egress width shall not be less than required
1004.1.1 Areas without fixed seating.
by this section. The total width of means of egress in inches
(mm) shall not be less than the total occupant load served
The number of occupants shall be computed at the rate
by the means of egress multiplied by 0.3 inch (7.62 mm)
of one occupant per unit of area as prescribed in Table
per occupant for stairways and by 0.2 inch (5.08 mm) per
1004.1.1. For areas without fixed seating, the occupant
occupant for other egress components. The width shall not
load shall not be less than that number determined by
be less than specified elsewhere in this code. Multiple
dividing the floor area under consideration by the
means of egress shall be sized such that the loss of any
occupant per unit of area factor assigned to the
(See Appendix, Exit and Means of Egress Width.) The entrance doors in a means of egress in buildings
with an occupancy in Group A, B, D, E, M, and entrance
1008.1.1 Size of doors. doors to tenant spaces in occupancies in Groups A, B,
D, E, and M are permitted to be equipped with an
The minimum width of each door opening shall be approved entrance and egress access control system
sufficient for the occupant load thereof and shall provide which shall be installed in accordance with all of the
a clear width of 32 inches (813 mm). Clear openings of following criteria:
doorways with swinging doors shall be measured
between the face of the door and the stop, with the door 1. A sensor shall be provided on the egress side
open 90 degrees (1.57 rad). Where this section requires arranged to detect an occupant approaching the
a minimum clear width of 32 inches (813 mm) and a doors. The doors shall be arranged to unlock by
door opening includes two door leaves without a mullion, a signal from or loss of power to the sensor.
one leaf shall provide a clear opening width of 32 inches 2. Loss of power to that part of the access control
(813 mm). The maximum width of a swinging door leaf system which locks the doors shall automatically
shall be 48 inches (1 219 mm) nominal. The height of unlock the doors.
doors shall not be less than 80 inches (2032 mm). 3. The doors shall be arranged to unlock from a
manual unlocking device located 40 inches to 48
In accordance with Section 423.13, Florida Building Code, inches (1016 mm to 1219 mm) vertically above
doors when fully opened shall not extend into the required the floor and within 5 feet (1524 mm) of the
exit width of corridors and should be either recessed or secured doors. Ready access shall be provided
hinged to swing 90 degrees. See Section 423.13.2 for to the manual unlocking device and the device
more information regarding doors in educational facilities. shall be clearly identified by a sign that reads
“PUSH TO EXIT.” When operated, the manual
(See Appendix, Doors.) unlocking device shall result in direct interruption
of power to the lock—independent of the access
1008.1.1.1 Projections into clear width. control system electronics— and the doors shall
remain unlocked for a minimum of 30 seconds.
There shall not be projections into the required clear 4. Activation of the building fire alarm system, if
width lower than 34 inches (864 mm) above the floor or provided, shall automatically unlock the doors,
ground. Projections into the clear opening width between and the doors shall remain unlocked until the fire
34 inches (864mm) and 80 inches (2032 mm) above the alarm system has been reset.
floor or ground shall not exceed 4 inches (102 mm). 5. Activation of the building automatic sprinkler or
fire detection system, if provided, shall
In accordance with Section 423.13, Florida Building automatically unlock the doors. The doors shall
Code, doors when fully opened shall not extend into the remain unlocked until the fire alarm system has
been reset.
5. NA
6. Emergency lighting shall be provided at the
1008.1.10.1 Installation.
Exceptions: Exception:
1. Alternating tread devices in accordance with 1. Aisle stairs complying with Section 1028.
Section 1009.10.
2. Ship ladders in accordance with Section 1009.12 Handrails.
3. Spiral stairways in accordance with Section Stairways shall have handrails on each side and shall
1009.9. comply with Section 1012. Where glass is used to
4. Aisle stairs in assembly seating areas where the provide the handrail, the handrail shall also comply with
stair pitch or slope is set, for sightline reasons, Section 2407
by the slope of the adjacent seating area in
accordance with Section 1028.11.2. Exceptions: Handrails for aisle stairs are not
required where permitted by Section 1028.13.
1009.4.4 Dimensional uniformity.
Stair treads and risers shall be of uniform size and RAMPS
shape. The tolerance between the largest and smallest
riser height or between the largest and smallest tread 1010.1 Scope.
depth shall not exceed ⅜ inch (9.5 mm) in any flight of
stairs. The greatest winder tread depth at the walkline The provisions of this section shall apply to ramps used
within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by as a component of a means of egress.
more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).
(See Appendix, Stairs.) 1. Other than ramps that are part of the accessible
routes providing access in accordance with the
Where the bottom or top riser adjoins a sloping public provision of the Florida Building Code,
way, walkway or driveway having an established grade Accessibility, ramped aisles within assembly
and serving as a landing, the bottom or top riser is rooms or spaces shall conform with the
permitted to be reduced along the slope to less than 4 provisions in Section 1028.11.
Florida Building Code Handbook | 85
2. Curb ramps shall comply with ICC A117.1.
3. Vehicle ramps in parking garages for pedestrian
exit access shall not be required to comply with
the provision of the Florida Building Code,
Accessibility, when they are not an accessible
route serving accessible parking spaces, other
required accessible elements or part of an
accessible means of egress.
1010.2 Slope.
1. Aisle ramp slope in occupancies of Group A
shall comply with Section 1028.11.
The rise for any ramp run shall be 30 inches (762 mm)
1010.5.1 Width.
All ramps shall be built of materials consistent with the 1010.10 Guards.
types permitted for the type of construction of the
building, except that wood handrails shall be permitted Guards shall be provided where required by Section
for all types of construction. Ramps used as an exit shall 1013 and shall be constructed in accordance with
conform to the applicable requirements of Sections Section 1013.
1022.1 through 1022.6 for exit enclosures.
In accordance with Section 423.10.2.1, Florida Building
1010.7.1 Ramp surface. Code, guardrails shall be required where difference in
elevation is 18 inches or more.
The surface of ramps shall be of slip-resistant materials
that are securely attached.
1010.7.2 Outdoor conditions. HANDRAILS
Outdoor ramps and outdoor approaches to ramps shall 1012.1 Where required.
be designed so that water will not accumulate on walking
surfaces. Handrails for stairways and ramps shall be adequate in
strength and attachment in accordance with Section
1010.7.3 1607.7. Handrails required for stairways by Section
1009.12 shall comply with Sections 1012.2 through
All ramps that serve as required means of egress shall 1012.9. Handrails required for ramps by Section 1010.8
be of permanent, fixed construction. shall comply with Sections 1012.2 through 1012.8.
The ramp floor and landings shall be solid and without Handrail height, measured above stair tread nosings, or
perforations. finish surface of ramp slope, shall be uniform, not less
than 34 inches (864 mm) and not more than 38 inches
1010.8 Handrails. (965 mm).
Handrails shall be provided along both sides of a ramp Exception: Handrails for stairs not required to be
run with a rise greater than 6 inches (152 mm) and shall accessible that form part of a guardrail may be 42
conform to the requirements in Sections 1012. If inches (1067 mm) high.
handrails are not continuous, they shall extend at least
18 inches (305 mm) beyond the top and bottom of the
ramp segment and shall be parallel with the floor or
ground surface. Ends of handrails shall be either
rounded or returned smoothly to floor, wall or post.
Florida Building Code Handbook | 87
1012.3 Handrail graspability. 1012.7 Clearance.
All required handrails shall comply with Section 1012.3.1 Clear space between a handrail and a wall or other
or shall provide equal graspability. surface shall be a minimum of 1½ inches (38 mm). A
handrail and a wall or other surface adjacent to the
Exceptions: handrail shall be free of any sharp or abrasive elements.
1. NA
2. Accessible handrails shall meet the Exception: Accessible handrails shall comply with
requirements of Florida Building Code, Accessibility. Section 11-4.8.5(3).
Handrail gripping surfaces shall be continuous, without On ramps, the clear width between handrails shall be 36
interruption by newel posts or other obstructions. inches (914 mm) minimum. Projections into the required
width of stairways and ramp at each handrail shall not
Exception: exceed 4½ inches (114 mm) at or below the handrail
1. NA height. Projections into the required width shall not be
2. NA limited above the minimum headroom height required in
3. Handrail brackets or balusters attached to the Section 1009.2.
bottom surface of the handrail that do not project
horizontally beyond the sides of the handrail 1012.9 Intermediate handrails.
within 1½ inches (38 mm) of the bottom of the
handrail shall not be considered obstructions. Stairways shall have intermediate handrails located in
For each ½ inch (12.7 mm) of additional handrail such a manner that all portions of the stairways width
perimeter dimension above 4 inches (102 mm), required for egress capacity are within 30 inches (762
the vertical clearance dimension of 1½ inches mm) of a handrail. On monumental stairs, handrails
(38 mm) shall be permitted to be reduced by ⅛ shall be located along the most direct path of egress
inch (3 mm). travel.
4. Where handrails are provided along walking
surfaces with slopes not steeper than 1:20, the
bottoms of the handrails gripping surfaces shall SECTION 1013
be permitted to be obstructed along their entire GUARDS
length where they are integral to crash rails or
bumper guards. 1013.1 Where required.
(See Appendix, Legitimate Stage.) (See Appendix, Travel Distance and Appendix, Dead-
End Corridors.)
In Group B and M occupancies, the minimum clear aisle Aisle accessways shall provide a minimum of 12 inches
width shall be determined by Section 1005.1 for the (305 mm) of width plus ½ inch (12.7 mm) of width for
occupant load served, but shall not be less than 36 each additional 1 foot (305 mm), or fraction thereof,
inches (914 mm). beyond 12 feet (3658 mm) of aisle accessway length
measured from the center of the seat farthest from an
Exception: Non public aisles serving less than 50 aisle.
people and not required to be accessible by
Chapter 11 need not exceed 28 inches (711 Exception: Portions of an aisle accessway having a
mm) in width. length not exceeding 6 feet (1829 mm) and used by
a total of not more than four persons.
1017.3 Aisle accessway in Group M.
1017.4.3. Table and seating aisle
An aisle accessway shall be provided on at least one accessway length.
side of each element within the merchandise pad. The
minimum clear width for an aisle accessway not required The length of travel along the aisle accessway shall not
to be accessible shall be 30 inches (762 mm). The exceed 30 feet (9144 mm) from any seat to the point
required clear width of the aisle accessway shall be where a person has a choice of two or more paths of
measured perpendicular to the elements and egress travel to separate exits.
merchandise within the merchandise pad. The 30-inch
(762 mm) minimum clear width shall be maintained to
provide a path to an adjacent aisle or aisle accessway. SECTION 1018
The common path of travel shall not exceed 30 feet CORRIDOR
(9144 mm) from any point in the merchandise pad.
1018.1 Construction.
Exception: For areas serving not more than 50
occupants, the common path of travel shall not Corridors shall be fire-resistance rated in accordance
exceed 75 feet (22880 mm). with Table 1018.1. The corridor walls required to be fire-
resistance rated shall comply with Section 709 for fire
1017.4 Seating at tables. partitions.
Interior exit stairways and interior exit ramps shall be Openings in exit enclosures other than unexposed
enclosed with fire barriers constructed in accordance exterior openings shall be limited to those necessary for
with Section 707 or horizontal assemblies constructed in exit access to the enclosure from normally occupied
accordance with Section 712, or both. Exit enclosures spaces and for egress from the enclosure. Elevators
shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 shall not open into an exit enclosure.
hours where connecting four stories or more and not
less than 1 hour where connecting less than four stories. Spaces such as mechanical rooms, custodial rooms,
The number of stories connected by the exit enclosure storage rooms, and any other non-occupied space shall
shall include any basements but not any mezzanines. not open into an exit enclosure.
Exit enclosures shall have a fire-resistance rating not (See Appendix, Stairs.)
94 | Florida Department of Education
1022.6 Exit enclosure exterior walls. 1026.6 Exterior ramps and stairway protection.
Exterior walls of an exit enclosure shall comply with the Exterior exit ramps and stairways shall be separated
requirements of Section 705 for exterior walls. Where from the interior of the building as required in Section
nonrated walls or unprotected openings enclose the 1022.1. Openings shall be limited to those necessary for
exterior of the stairway and the walls or openings are egress from normally occupied spaces.
exposed by other parts of the building at an angle of less
than 180 degrees (3.14 rad), the building exterior walls Exceptions:
within 10 feet (3048 mm) horizontally of a nonrated wall 1. Separation from the interior of the building is not
or unprotected opening shall have a fire-resistance required for occupancies, other than those in
rating of no less than 1 hour. Openings within such Group R-1 or R-2, in buildings that are no more
exterior walls shall be protected by opening protective’s than two stories above grade plane where the
having a fire protection rating of not less than 3/4 hour. level of exit discharge serving such occupancies
This construction shall extend vertically from the ground is the first story above grade plane.
to a point 10 feet (3048 mm) above the top most landing 2. Separation from the interior of the building is not
of the stairway or to the roof line, whichever is lower. required where the exterior ramp or stairway is
served by an exterior ramp or balcony that
connects two remote exterior stairways or other
SECTION 1026 approved exits, with a perimeter that is not less
EXTERIOR EXIT RAMPS AND STAIRWAYS than 50 percent open. To be considered open,
the opening shall be a minimum of 50 percent of
1026.1 Exterior exit ramps and stairways. the height of the enclosing wall, with the top of
the openings no less than 7 feet (2134 mm)
Exterior exit ramps and stairways serving as an element above the top of the balcony.
of a required means of egress shall comply with this 3. Separation from the interior of the building is not
section. required for an exterior ramp or stairway located
in a building or structure that is permitted to
Exception: Exterior exit ramps and stairways for have unenclosed interior stairways in
outdoor stadiums complying with Section 1022.1, accordance with Section 1022.1.
Exception 2. 4. Separation from the interior of the building is not
required for exterior ramps or stairways
1026.2 Use in a means of egress. connected to open-ended corridors, provided
that Items 4.1 through 4.4 are met:
For occupancies in other than Group I-2, exterior exit 4.1. The building, including corridors, ramps
ramps and stairways shall be permitted as an element of and stairs, shall be equipped
a required means of egress for buildings not exceeding throughout with an automatic sprinkler
four stories above grade plan or having occupied floors system in accordance with Section
more than 75 feet (22 860 mm) above the lowest level of 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.
fire department vehicle access. 4.2. The open-ended corridors comply with
Section 1018.
1026.3 Open side. 4.3. The open-ended corridors are
connected on each end to an exterior
Exterior exit ramp and stairways serving as an element exit ramp or stairway complying with
of a required means of egress shall not be less than 50 Section 1026.
percent open on one side. Outside stairs shall be 4.4. At any location in an open-ended
arranged to restrict the accumulation of smoke. corridor where a change of direction
exceeding 45 degrees (0.79 rad)
1026.4 Side yards. occurs, a clear opening of not less
than 35 square feet (3.3 m ) or an
The open areas adjoining exterior exit ramps or exterior ramp or stairway shall be
stairways shall be either yards, courts or public ways; provided. Where clear openings are
the remaining sides are permitted to be enclosed by the provided, they shall be located so as
exterior walls of the building. to minimize the accumulation of
smoke or toxic gases.
1026.5 Location.
(See Appendix, Separation and Protection of Exterior
Exterior exit ramps and stairways shall be located in Stairs and Appendix, Exceptions to Separation and
accordance with Section 1027.3. Protection of Exterior Stairs.)
Exceptions: The capacity of the exit discharge shall be not less than
1. A maximum of 50 percent of the number and the required discharge capacity of the exits being
capacity of the exit enclosures is permitted to served.
egress through areas on the level of discharge
provided all of the following are met: 1027.3 Exit discharge location.
1.1. Such exit enclosures egress to a free
and unobstructed path of travel to the Exterior balconies, stairways and ramps shall be located
exterior exit door and such exits is readily at least 10 feet (3 048 mm) from adjacent lot lines and
visible and identifiable from the point of from other buildings on the same lot unless the adjacent
termination of the exit enclosure. building exterior walls and openings are protected in
1.2. The entire area of the level of discharge accordance with Section 705 based on fire separation
is separated from areas below by distance.
construction conforming to the fire-
resistance rating for the exit enclosure. (See Appendix, Exceptions to Separation and Protection
1.3. The egress path from the exit enclosure of Exterior Stairs.)
on the level of discharge is protected
throughout by an approved automatic
sprinkler system. All portions of the level of SECTION 1028
discharge with access to the egress path ASSEMBLY
shall either be protected throughout with an
automatic sprinkler system installed in 1028.1 General.
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or
903.3.1.2, or separated from the egress path Occupancies in Group A and assembly occupancies
in accordance with the requirements for the accessory to Group E which contain seats, tables,
enclosure of exits. displays, equipment or other material shall comply with
2. A maximum of 50 percent of the number and this section.
capacity of the exit enclosures is permitted to
egress through a vestibule provided all of the 1028.2 Assembly main exit.
following are met:
2.1. The entire area of the vestibule is Every assembly occupancy shall be provided with a
separated from areas below by construction main entrance/exit. The minimum aggregate width of
conforming to the fire-resistance rating for the main entrance for Group A occupancies shall be
the exit enclosure. sufficient to accommodate 50 percent of the occupant
2.2. The depth from the exterior of the load and shall be at the level of exit discharge or shall
building is not greater than 10 feet (3048 connect to a stairway or ramp leading to a street. Each
mm) and the length is not greater than 30 level of a Group A occupancy shall have access to a
feet (9 144 mm). main exit and such access shall have sufficient capacity
2.3. The area is separated from the to accommodate 50 percent of the occupant load of such
remainder of the level of exit discharge by levels. Where the main exit from an assembly
construction providing protection at least the occupancy is through a lobby or foyer, the aggregate
equivalent of approved wired glass in steel capacity of all exits from the lobby or foyer shall be
frames. permitted to provide the required capacity of the main
exit regardless of whether all such exits serve as
Wire glass shall comply with CPSC 16 CFR 1201 in entrances to the building.
Educational occupancies. In educational facilities the
Each level of an assembly occupancy shall have access The minimum clear width for aisles serving seating not at
to a main exit and shall be provided with additional exits tables shall be as shown:
of sufficient width to accommodate one-half of the total
occupant load served by that level. Such additional exits 1. Forty-eight inches (1219 mm) for aisle stairs
shall be located as far from the main entrance/exit as having seating on each side.
practicable. Such exits shall be accessible from a cross Exception: Thirty-six inches (914 mm)
aisle or a side aisle. where the aisle serves less than 50 seats.
2. Thirty-six inches (914 mm) for aisle stairs having
Exception: In assembly occupancies where seating on only one side.
there is no well-defined main exit or where 3. Twenty-three inches (584 mm) between an aisle
multiple main exits are provided, exits shall be stair handrail or guard and seating where the
permitted to be distributed around the perimeter aisle is subdivided by a handrail.
of the building, provided that the total width of 4. Forty-two inches (1067 mm) for level or ramped
egress is not less than 100 percent of the aisles having seating on both sides.
required width needed to accommodate the Exceptions:
maximum occupant content. 1. Thirty-six inches (914 mm) where the
aisle serve less than 50 seats.
1028.8 Common path of egress travel. 2. Thirty inches (762 mm) where the aisle
does not serve more than 14 seats.
A common path of travel shall be permitted for the 20 5. Thirty-six inches (914 mm) for level or ramped
feet (6.1 m) from any point where serving any number of aisles having seating on only one side.
occupants and for the first 75 feet (22 860 mm) from any Exception:
point where serving not more than 50 occupants. 1. Thirty inches (762 mm) where the aisle
does not serve more than 14 seats.
Exception: 2. Twenty-three inches (584 mm) between
1. For smoke-protected assembly seating, the an aisle stair handrail and seating where
common path of travel shall not exceed 50 feet an aisle does not serve more than five
(1524 mm) from any seat to a point where a person rows on one side.
has a choice of two directions of egress travel.
1028.9.2 Means of egress capacity.
1028.8.1 Path through adjacent row.
The capacity of means of egress shall be in accordance
Where one of the two paths of travel is across the aisle with Section 1005. The width of aisles and other means
through a row of seats to another aisle, there shall be of egress serving theater-type seating or similar seating
not more than 24 seats between the two aisles, and the arranged in rows shall provide sufficient capacity in
minimum clear width between rows for the row between accordance with Section s 1028.9.2.1 and 1028.9.2.2.
the two aisles shall be 12 inches (305 mm) plus 0.6 inch
(15.2 mm) for each additional seat above seven in the 1028.9.2.1
row between aisles.
Minimum clear widths of aisles and other means of
Exception: For smoke-protected assembly seating egress serving theater-type seating, or similar seating
there shall not be more than 40 seats between the arranged in rows, shall be in accordance with Table
two aisles and the minimum clear width shall be 12 1028.9.2.1.
inches (305 mm) plus 0.3 inch (7.6 mm) for each
additional seat.
The minimum clear widths shown in Table 1028.9.2.1 Each end of an aisle shall terminate at cross aisle, foyer,
shall be modified in accordance with all of the following: doorway, vomitory or concourse having access to an
1. If risers exceed 7 inches (178 mm) in height,
multiply the stair width in the table by factor Exceptions:
A, where 1. Dead-end aisles shall not be greater than 20
feet (6096 mm) in length.
A = 1 + (riser height - 7 inches) 2. Dead-end aisles longer than 20 feet (6096 mm)
5 are permitted where seats beyond the 20-foot
(6096 mm) dead-end aisle are no more than 24
2. Stairs not having a handrail within a 30-inch seats from another aisle, measured along a row
(762 mm) horizontal distance shall be 25 of seats having a minimum clear width of 12
percent wider than otherwise calculated (i.e. inches (305 mm) plus 0.6 inch (15.2 mm) for
multiply by factor B=1.25). each additional seat above seven in the row.
3. Ramps steeper than 1:10 slope where used 3. For smoke-protected assembly seating, the
in ascent shall have their width increased by dead-end aisle length of vertical aisles shall not
10 percent (i.e. multiply by factor C=1.10). exceed a distance of 21 rows.
Exceptions: 4. For smoke-protected assembly seating, a longer
1. NA dead-end aisle is permitted where seats beyond
2. Grandstand, bleachers and folding and the 21-row dead-end aisle are not more than 40
telescopic seating as permitted by seats from another aisle, measured along a row
Section 1028.6.2. of seats having an aisle accessway with a
minimum clear width of 12 inches (305 mm) plus
1028.9.2.3 0.3 inch (7.6 mm) for each additional seat above
seven in the row.
Clear width shall be measured to walls, edges of seating
and tread edges except for permitted projections. 1028.9.6 Assembly aisle obstructions.
1028.11 Assembly aisle walking surfaces. Where the gradient of aisle stairs is to be the same as
the gradient of adjoining seating areas, the riser height
Aisles with a slope not exceeding one unit vertical in shall not be less than 4 inches (102 mm) nor more than
eight units horizontal (12.5-percent slope) shall consist 8 inches (203 mm) and shall be uniform within each
of a ramp having a slip-resistant walking surface. Aisles flight.
with a slope exceeding one unit vertical in eight units
horizontal (12.5-percent slope) shall consist of a series Exceptions:
of risers and treads that extends across the full width of 1. The riser height of aisle stairs in folding and
aisles and complies with Sections 1028.11.1 through telescopic seating shall be permitted to be not
1028.11.3. less than 3 /2 inches (89 mm) and shall not
exceed 11 inches (279 mm).
(See Appendix, Aisle Ramps and Stairs.) 2. Riser heights not exceeding 9 inches (229 mm)
shall be permitted where they are necessitated
1028.11.1 Treads. by the slope of the adjacent seating areas to
maintain sightlines.
Tread depths shall be a minimum of 11 inches (279 mm)
and shall have dimensional uniformity. (See Appendix, Aisle Ramps and Stairs.)
Figure 1025.11
Aisle Ramps and Stairs
Exceptions: Exceptions:
1. In places of assembly or portions thereof without 1. Handrails shall not be required for ramped aisles
ramped or tiered floors for seating and with 200 having a gradient not steeper than 1:8 and
or fewer seats, the seats shall not be required to having seating on both sides where the aisle
be fastened to the floor. does not serve as an accessible route.
2. In places of assembly or portions thereof with 2. The requirement for a handrail shall be satisfied
seating at tables and without ramped or tiered by the use of a guard provided with a rail that
floors for seating, the seats shall not be required complies with the graspability requirements for
to be fastened to the floor. handrails and located at the consistent height
3. In places of assembly or portions thereof without between 34 inches and 42 inches (865 mm and
ramped or tiered floors for seating and with 1065 mm), measured using one of the following
greater than 200 seats, the seats shall be methods:
fastened together in groups of not less than a. Vertically from the top of the rail to the
three or the seats shall be securely fastened to leading edge (nosing) of stair treads.
the floor. b. Vertically from the top of the rail to the
4. In places of assembly where flexibility of the adjacent walking surface in the case of a
seating arrangement is an integral part of the ramp.
design and function of the space and seating is 3. Handrail extensions are not required at the top
on tiered levels, a maximum of 200 seats shall and bottom of aisle stairs and aisle ramp runs to
not be required to be fastened to the floor. permit crossovers within the aisles.
Plans showing seating, tiers and aisles shall be
submitted for approval. (See Appendix, Aisle Ramps and Stairs.)
5. Groups of seats within a place of assembly
separated from other seating by railings, guards, 1028.13.1 Discontinuous handrails.
partial height walls or similar barriers with level
floors and having no more than 14 seats per Where there is seating on both sides of the aisle, the
group shall not be required to be fastened to the handrails shall be discontinuous with gaps or breaks at
floor. intervals not exceeding five rows to facilitate access to
6. Seats intended for musicians or other seating and to permit crossing from one side of the aisle
performers and separated by railings, guards, to the other. These gaps or breaks shall have a clear
partial height walls or similar barriers shall not width of at least 22 inches (559 mm) and not greater
be required to be fastened to the floor. than 36 inches (914 mm), measured horizontally, and
7. Restaurants, cafeterias, cafetoriums, the handrail shall have rounded terminations or bends.
gymnasiums, gymnatoriums and similar
multipurpose assembly occupancies. (See Appendix, Aisle Ramps and Stairs.)
8. Movable seating in rows with seats fastened
together in groups of not less than three nor
more than seven.
1029.4 Operational constraints. Emergency escape openings are not required in Florida
Colleges in accordance with Section 1029.4.1, Florida
Emergency escape and rescue openings shall be Building Code.
operational from the inside of the room without the use
of keys or tools. Bars, grilles, grates or similar devices (See Appendix, Emergency Rescue Openings.)
are permitted to be placed over emergency escape and
rescue openings provided the minimum net clear
opening size complies with Section 1029.2 and such SECTION 1030
devices shall be releasable or removable from the inside BUSINESSS
without the use of a key, tool or force greater than that
which is required for normal operation of the escape and 1030.1 Doors.
rescue opening. Where such bars, grilles, grates or
similar devices are installed in existing buildings, smoke Egress doors shall conform to the requirements of
alarms shall be installed in accordance with Section Section 1008 except doors serving office areas with an
907.2.11 regardless of the valuation of the alteration. occupant load of 10 or less need not be side-swinging
1030.2 Handrails and guardrails.
Every room or space greater than 250 square feet (23.2
m ) in educational occupancies used for classroom or Handrails and guardrails shall be in accordance with
other educational purposes or normally subject to Section 1012 and 1013.
student occupancy and every room or space normally
subject to client occupancy, other than bathrooms, in Exception: In areas not accessible to the public
Group D occupancies shall have not less than one and in fully enclosed stairways in office buildings
outside window for emergency rescue that complies with not serving a Group A or E occupancy, the
the following: cleardistance between rails or ornamental
pattern shall be such as to prevent the passage
of a 21-inch (533 mm) diameter sphere.
102 | Florida Department of Education
1030.3. Stairs. Section 1008.1.10, Florida Building Code, requires panic
hardware for an occupant load of 50 or more.
Spiral stairs complying the Section 1009.9 shall be
permitted as a component in a means of egress. 1031.2.2
1030.4 Common path of travel. If balanced doors are used and panic hardware is
required, the panic hardware shall be of the pushpad
In Group B buildings, which are sprinkle red throughout, type and the pad shall not extend more than one-half the
a common path of travel not exceeding 100 feet (30 480 width of the door measured from the latch side.
mm) shall be permitted.
SECTION 1031 Doors that swing into an exit access corridor shall be
EDUCATIONAL recessed to prevent interference with corridor traffic; any
doors not recessed shall open 180 degrees (3.1 rad) to
1031.1 Exterior corridors or balconies. stop against the wall. Doors in any position shall not
reduce the required corridor width by more than one-
1031.1.1 half.
1. Dwelling units and sleeping units.
2. Toilet rooms that are not accessible to the
public and which have not more than one
water closet.
GENERAL 2403.3 Framing.
Each pane shall bear the manufacturer’s mark 2406.1.1 Impact rest.
designating the type and thickness of the glass or
glazing material. With the exception of tempered glazing Except as provided in Sections 2406.1.2 through
materials or laminated materials, the identification shall 2406.1.4, all glazing shall pass the test requirements of
not be omitted unless approved and an affidavit is Section 2406.2.
furnished by the glazing contractor certifying that each
light is glazed in accordance with approved construction Wire glass in educational facilities shall comply with
documents that comply with the provisions of this CPSC 16 CFR 1201.
chapter. Safety glazing shall be identified in accordance
with Section 2406.2. 2406.1.2 Plastic glazing.
Each pane of tempered glass, except tempered spandrel Plastic glazing shall meet the weathering requirements
glass, shall be identified by the manufacturer and each of ANSI Z97.1.
panel of laminated glass shall be permanently identified
with the laminator, overall glass thickness and trade 2406.1.3 Glass block.
name of the interlayer. The identification mark shall be
acid etched, sand blasted, ceramic fired, laser etched, Glass-block walls shall comply with Section 2101.2.5.
embossed or of a type that, once applied, cannot be
removed without being destroyed. 2406.1.4 Louvered windows and jalousies.
Tempered or laminated spandrel glass shall be provided Louvered windows and jalousies shall comply with
with a removable paper marking by the manufacturer. Section 2403.5.
Where one or more sides of any pane of glass are not Except as indicated in Section 2406.3.1, each pane of
firmly supported, or are subjected to unusual load safety glazing installed in hazardous locations shall be
conditions, detailed construction documents, detailed identified by a manufacturer's designation specifying
shop drawings and analysis or test data assuring safe who applied the designation, the manufacturer or
performance for the specific installation shall be installer and the safety glazing standard with which it
prepared by a registered design professional. complies, as well as the information specified in Section
2403.1. The designation shall be acid etched, sand
blasted, ceramic fired, laser etched, embossed or of a
type that once applied, cannot be removed without being
Florida Building Code Handbook | 105
greater than 9 square feet (0.84 m );
destroyed. A label as defined in Section 202.1 and 7.2. Exposed bottom edge less than 18
meeting the requirements of this section shall be inches (457 mm) above the floor;
permitted in lieu of the manufacturer's designation. 7.3. Exposed top edge greater than 36
inches (914 mm) above the floor; and
Exceptions: 7.4. One or more walking surface(s) within
1. For other than tempered glass, manufacturer's 36 inches (914 mm) horizontally of the
designations are not required, provided the plane of the glazing.
building official approves the use of a certificate,
affidavit or other evidence confirming In educational facilities, a horizontal bar not less than 1½
compliance with this code. inches wide, set between 24 and 36 inches above the
2. Tempered spandrel glass is permitted to be floor, shall be installed.
identified by the manufacturer with a removable
paper designation. 8. Glazing in guards and railings, including
structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill
2406.3.1 Multi-pane assemblies. panels, regardless of area or height above a
walking surface.
Multi-pane glazed assemblies having individual panes 9. Glazing in walls and fences enclosing indoor
not exceeding 1 square foot (0.09 m²) in exposed area and outdoor swimming pools, hot tubs and spas
shall have at least one pane in the assembly marked as where all of the following conditions are present:
indicated in Section 2406.3. Other panes in the 9.1. The bottom edge of the glazing on the
assembly shall be marked “CPSC 16 CFR 1201” or pool or spa side is less than 60 inches
"ANSI Z97.1," as appropriate. (1524 mm) above a walking surface on the
pool or spa side of the glazing; and
2406.4 Hazardous locations. 9.2. The glazing is within 60 inches (1524
mm) horizontally of the water’s edge of a
The following shall be considered specific hazardous swimming pool or spa.
locations requiring safety glazing materials: 10. Glazing adjacent to stairways, landings and
1. Glazing in swinging doors except jalousies (see ramps within 36 inches (914 mm) horizontally of
Section 2406.4.1). a walking surface; when the exposed surface of
2. Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding the glass is less than 60 inches (1524 mm)
door assemblies and panels in sliding and bifold above the plane of the adjacent walking surface.
closet door assemblies. 11. Glazing adjacent to stairways within 60 inches
3. Glazing in storm doors. (1524 mm) horizontally of the bottom tread of a
4. Glazing in unframed swinging doors. stairway in any direction when the exposed
5. Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, surface of the glass is less than 60 inches (1524
whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and mm) above the nose of the tread.
showers. Glazing in any portion of a building
wall enclosing these compartments where the 2406.4.1 Exceptions:
bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than
60 inches (1524 mm) above a standing surface. The following products, materials and uses shall not
6. Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel be considered specific hazardous locations:
adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed 1. Openings in doors through which a 3-inch (76
edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch (610 mm) mm) sphere is unable to pass.
arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed 2. NA
position and where the bottom exposed edge of 3. Glazing materials used as curved glazed panels
the glazing is less than 60 inches (1524 mm) in revolving doors.
above the walking surface. 4. Commercial refrigerated cabinet glazed doors.
5. Glass-block panels complying with Section
Section 423.13.7, Florida Building Code, requires safety 2101.2.5.
glazing within 48 inches of a door in public educational
facilities. (See Appendix, Safety and Fire-Rated Glazing.)
7. Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, 2406.5 Fire department access panels.
other than in those locations described in
preceding Items 5 and 6, which meets all of the Fire department glass access panels shall be of
following conditions: tempered glass. For insulating glass units, all panes
7.1. Exposed area of an individual pane shall be tempered glass.
106 | Florida Department of Education
Chapter 3
Florida Building Code, Mechanical
This chapter shall govern the ventilation of spaces within Mechanical ventilation systems shall be provided with
a building intended to be occupied. Mechanical exhaust manual or automatic controls that will operate such
systems, including exhaust systems serving clothes systems whenever the spaces are occupied. Air-
dryers and cooking appliances; hazardous exhaust conditioning systems that supply required ventilation air
systems; dust, stock and refuse conveyor systems; shall be provided with controls designed to automatically
subslab soil exhaust systems; smoke control systems; maintain the required outdoor air supply rate during
energy recovery ventilation systems and other systems occupancy.
specified in Section 502 shall comply with Chapter 5.
SECTION 501 The exception for ductless hoods does not apply to
GENERAL educational facilities. Section 423 of the Florida Building
Code, Building, specifies that when small residential-
501.1 Scope. type hoods are used in schools, residential-type hoods
must be mechanically exhausted to the outside. See
This chapter shall govern the design, construction and Section 423.15.3, Florida Building Code, Building, for
installation of mechanical exhaust systems, including more information.
exhaust systems serving clothes dryers and cooking
appliances; hazardous exhaust systems; dust, stock and
refuse conveyor systems; subslab soil exhaust systems; SECTION 507
smoke control systems; energy recovery ventilation COMMERCIAL KITCHEN HOODS
systems and other systems specified in Section 502.
507.2.3 Domestic cooking appliances used for
501.2 Exhaust discharge. commercial purposes.
The air removed by every mechanical exhaust system Domestic cooking appliances utilized for commercial
shall be discharged outdoors at a point where it will not purposes shall be provided with Type I or Type II hoods
cause a nuisance and not less than the distance as required for the type of appliances and processes in
specified In Section 501.2.1. The air shall be discharged accordance with Sections 507.2, 507.2.1 and 507.2.2.
to a location from which it cannot again be readily drawn
in by a ventilating system. Air shall not be exhausted Domestic cooking appliances used in home economics
into an attic or crawl space. instructional spaces are not intended to be used for
commercial purposes and are not required to meet this
Exceptions: section or Section 509 requiring a fire suppression
1. NA system.
2. Commercial cooking recirculating systems.
SECTION 601 5. The space between the corridor ceiling and the
GENERAL floor or roof structure above the corridor is used
as a component of an approved engineered
601.1 Scope. smoke control system.
Duct systems used for the movement of air in air- The space between the corridor ceiling and the floor or
conditioning, heating, ventilating and exhaust systems roof structure above may only be used as a plenum
shall conform to the provisions of this chapter except as when the ceiling is constructed as a minimum 1-hour
otherwise specified in Chapters 5 and 7. rated horizontal wall supported by the corridor walls.
See Section 423.15.2, Florida Building Code, Building,
Exception: Ducts discharging combustible material for more information.
directly into any combustion chamber shall conform
to the requirements of NFPA 82. 601.4 Balanced return air.
601.2 Air movement in egress elements. Restricted return air occurs in buildings when returns are
located in central zones and closed interior doors
Corridors shall not serve as supply, return, exhaust, impede air flow to the return grill or when ceiling spaces
relief or ventilation air ducts. are used as return plenums and fire walls restrict air
movement from one portion of the return plenum to
Exceptions: another. Provisions shall be made in both residential and
1. Use of a corridor as a source of makeup air commercial buildings to avoid unbalanced air flows and
for exhaust systems in rooms that open pressure differentials caused by restricted return air.
directly onto such corridors, including toilet Pressure differentials across closed doors where returns
rooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms, smoking are centrally located shall be limited to 0.01 inch WC
lounges and janitor closets, shall be (2.5 pascals) or less. Pressure differentials across fire
permitted, provided that each such corridor walls in ceiling space plenums shall be limited to 0.01
is directly supplied with outdoor air at a rate inch WC (2.5 pascals) by providing air duct pathways or
greater than the rate of makeup air taken air transfer pathways from the high pressure zone to the
from the corridor. low zone.
301.1 Scope.
1. Water closet compartments shall not be required
in a single-occupant toilet room with a lockable
2. Toilet rooms located in day care and child-care
facilities and containing two or more water
closets shall be permitted to have one water
closet without an enclosing compartment.
315.1 Requirements.
403.1 Minimum number of fixtures. Section 423, Florida Building Code, Building, specifically
allows single-use toilets in Pre-K through grade three.
Plumbing fixtures shall be provided for the type of Single-use toilets may also be provided for all ESE
occupancy and in the minimum number shown in Table Classrooms. See Section 423.16.1, Florida Building
403.1. Types of occupancies not shown in Table 403.1 Code, Building, for more information.
shall be considered individually by the code official. The
number of occupants shall be determined by the Florida 403.5 Unisex toilet and bathing rooms.
Building Code, Building. Occupancy classification shall
be determined in accordance with the Florida Building In assembly and mercantile occupancies, an accessible
Code, Building. unisex toilet room shall be provided where an aggregate
of six or more male and female water closets is required.
The total required number of fixtures may be distributed In buildings of mixed occupancy, only those water
throughout the facility. Student toilets should be closets required for the assembly or mercantile
strategically located for convenient access and occupancy shall be used to determine the unisex toilet
continuous supervision. The path of travel to the nearest room requirement. In recreational facilities where
toilet facility should not exceed a distance of 200 feet. separate-sex bathing rooms are provided, an accessible
Toilet facilities for cafetoriums, gynmasiums, and unisex bathing room shall be provided. Fixtures located
auditoriums are not required to be in addition to the within unisex toilet and bathing rooms shall be included
overall required plumbing fixture count. However, toilet in determining the number of fixtures provided in an
fixtures shall be open for public events. occupancy.
403.1.3 Potty parity. Unisex toilets should not be provided for Assembly
occupancies in educational facilities. Section 423,
In assembly occupancies, restrooms which are open to Florida Building Code, Building, only allows unisex toilet
the public must have a ratio of 3:2 water closets rooms for Pre-K through grade three. See Section
provided for women as the combined total of water 423.16.1, Florida Building Code, Building, for more
closets and urinals provided for men, unless these are information.
two or fewer such fixtures for men, in accordance with
§553.86, Florida Statutes.
TABLE 403.1
(See Sections 403.2 and 403.3)
Public educational facilities, including those classified as Business occupancy, shall require service sinks in accordance
with Section 423.20.3.
601.1 Scope.
610.1 General.
701.1 Scope.
801.1 Scope.
1001.1 Scope.
401.1 Scope. Where the conduit originates and terminates within the
same building, the conduit shall originate and terminate
This chapter shall govern the design, installation, in an accessible portion of the building and shall not be
modification and maintenance of piping systems. The sealed. The conduit shall extend not less than 2 inches
applicability of this code to piping systems extends from (51 mm) beyond the point where the pipe emerges from
the point of delivery to the connections with the the floor.
appliances and includes the design, materials,
components, fabrication, assembly, installation, testing, 404.12 Piping underground beneath buildings.
inspection, operation and maintenance of such piping
systems. Piping installed underground beneath buildings is
prohibited except where the piping is encased in a
401.2 Liquefied petroleum gas storage. conduit of wrought iron, plastic pipe or steel pipe or other
approved conduit material designed to withstand the
The storage system for liquefied petroleum gas shall be superimposed loads. The conduit shall be protected from
designed and installed in accordance with the Florida corrosion in accordance with Section 404.9 and shall be
Fire Prevention Code and NFPA 58. installed in accordance with Section 404.12.1 or
404.6 Piping in solid floors. The conduit shall extend into an occupiable portion of
the building and, at the point where the conduit
Piping in solid floors shall be laid in channels in the floor terminates in the building, the space between the
and covered in a manner that will allow access to the conduit and the gas piping shall be sealed to prevent the
piping with a minimum amount of damage to the possible entrance of any gas leakage. The conduit shall
building. Where such piping is subject to exposure to extend not less than 2 inches (51 mm) beyond the point
excessive moisture or corrosive substances, the piping where the pipe emerges from the floor. Where the end
shall be protected in an approved manner. As an sealing is capable of withstanding the full pressure of the
alternative to installation in channels, the piping shall be gas pipe, the conduit shall be designed for the same
installed in a casing of Schedule 40 steel, wrought iron, pressure as the pipe. Such conduit shall extend not less
PVC or ABS pipe in accordance with Section 404.6.1 or than 4 inches (102 mm) outside of the building shall be
404.6.2. vented above grade to the outdoors and shall be
installed so as to prevent the entrance of water and
404.6.1 Conduit with one end insects.
terminating outdoors.
404.12.2 Conduit with both ends terminating
The conduit shall extend into an occupiable portion of indoors.
the building and, at the point where the conduit
terminates in the building, the space between the Where the conduit originates and terminates within the
conduit and the gas piping shall be sealed to prevent the same building, the conduit shall originate and terminate
possible entrance of any gas leakage. The conduit shall in an accessible portion of the building and shall not be
extend not less than 2 inches (51 mm) beyond the point sealed. The conduit shall extend not less than 2 inches
where the pipe emerges from the floor. If the end (51 mm) beyond the point where the pipe emerges from
sealing is capable of withstanding the full pressure of the the floor.
gas pipe, such conduit shall be designed for the same
pressure as the pipe, such conduit shall extend not less SECTION 409
than 4 Inches (102 mm) outside the building, shall be SHUTOFF VALVES
vented above grade to the outdoors and shall be
installed so as to prevent the entrance of water and 409.1.2 Prohibited locations.
insects. Shutoff valves shall be prohibited in concealed locations
and furnace plenums.
120 | Florida Department of Education
409.3.2 Individual buildings.
This appendix is formatted as a quick reference guide summarizing code-related issues through the use of tables and example
diagram drawings and Illustrations. The handbook is intended to be a general guideline and should be used for reference
purposes only.
Legend A-2
Doors A-16
Classrooms with Convenience Interior Corridor and Exits Directly to the Exterior A-26
Stairs A-38
Auditorium Seating A-52
Legitimate Stage (Stages 1,000 Sq Ft in Area and with a Stage Height greater than 50 Ft maximum) A-62
Regular Stage (Stages 1,000 Sq Ft in Area and with a Stage Height greater than 50 Ft maximum) A-64
Sq Ft per
Use Example Code Reference
Assembly without fixed seats
Dining Rooms/Cafétorium with Stage
Unconcentrated use Multipurpose Rooms
Media Centers
FBC Table 1004.1.1
Reading room and stacks 50 net
FBC 423.18.1.4
Small group area or room 5 net
Assembly with fixed seats
Stage 15 net
* See FBC Section 1028 for detailed required requirements in Assembly Occupancies.
** 36 inches acceptable if stair or corridor serves occupant load of less than 50.
The minimum width of egress shall be based on the number of occupants to be served. Minimum width may be no less than:
Passage Width: 32 inches minimum clear opening width (36 inches recommended). Florida Accessibility Code required
32 inches minimum at a point and 36 inches continuously. Refer to Figures 1 and 24(e) Florida
Accessibility Code. FBC Section 11-4.2.1.
Door: 32 inches minimum clear opening (36 inch wide doors are recommended). The clear opening at
swinging doors shall be measured between the face of the doors and the stop, with the door open 90
degrees. FBC Section 1008.1.1. Serves a total capacity of 160.
Stairs: 44 inches minimum width, except as noted above. Serve a total capacity of 147. Handrails may
project 3½ inches into the required stair width. FBC Section 1009.1.
Ramps: 44 inches minimum width. Serves a total capacity of 220. Handrails may project 3½ inches into the
required stair width. FBC Section 1010.5.
Exit Access
Corridors: Group E occupancy, 72 inches minimum width, serving a capacity of 100 or more.
Groups A, B,
and D Occupancies: 44 inches minimum width. Serves a total capacity of 220.
Exterior Corridors: The minimum width of exterior corridors or balconies in Group E occupancy shall be sufficient to
accommodate the occupant load, but shall not be less than 72 inches. FBC Section 1018.2.
The number of means of egress shall be determined to meet the requirements for egress capacities and travel distances, but
shall not be less than the minimum number of means of egress listed below.
Minimum Requirements Code References
1 to 5 One means of egress FBC 423.13.1
Unsprinklered Building Sprinklered Building
Two means of egress where one of the two opens directly to the exterior,
FBC Table 1021.1
50 to 500 or
FBC 423.7.1
Two means of egress to two separate atmospheres.
Separation of Means of Egress
Occupancy Minimum Separation
Code Reference
Classification Unsprinklered Building Sprinklered Building
½ Diagonal Rule:
Where two or more exits or exit access doors are required in an unsprinklered building, at least two of the exits or exit
access doors shall be placed a distance apart equal to at least ½ of the length of the maximum overall diagonal
dimension of the building or area to be served, measured in a straight line between the nearest edge of the exit doors or
exit access doors. FBC Section 1015.2.1.
⅓ Diagonal Rule:
Where two or more exits or exit access doors are required in a sprinklered building, at least two of the exits or exit
access doors shall be placed a distance apart equal to at least ⅓ of the length of the maximum overall diagonal
dimension of the building or area to be served, measured in a straight line between the nearest edge of the exit doors or
exit access doors. FBC Section 1015.2.1.
Travel Distance
Occupancy Maximum Travel Distance to Exit (Ft)
Code Reference
Classification Unsprinklered Building Sprinklered Building
Group A
200 250
Group B
200 300
FBC Table 1016.1
Group D
150 200
Group E
150 200
Dead-End Corridors
General: Dead-end exists where an occupant enters a corridor, thinking there is an exit at the end, and finding
none, is forced to retrace the path traveled to reach a choice of egress travel paths. Although relatively
short dead ends are permitted by Code, it is better practice to eliminate them whenever possible, as
they increase the danger of persons being trapped in case of fire. FFPC Section A. and FBC
Section 1018.4.
Dead-End Limit: The distance of a dead end is measured from the most remote point of a dead end to where an
occupant has a choice of direction of travel or to the centerline of an exit door.
Plan Schematic 1
Example: Dead-End Corridors
Corridor 1: The dead-end corridor from the uppermost portion of the corridor to the centerline of the stair door. The
doors from Corridor 2 swing in to Corridor 1 eliminating Corridor 2 as a possible second mean of
Corridor 2: Corridor 2 is classified as a dead-end corridor because the doors between Corridor 2 and Corridor 3
swing into Corridor 2. The occupants in Corridor 2 have a choice of only one direction to egress.
Corridor 4: The dead-end corridors exist from the lowermost portion of the corridor to the centerline of the exit stair.
Plan Schematic 2
Example: Corrected Dead-End Corridors
In this example, the dead-end corridors have been corrected to be less than 20 feet in length. The
doors separating Corridors 2 from Corridors 1 and 3 have been made to swing in both directions,
allowing the occupants of the corridors to have a choice of directions to reach an exit.
Emergency-Rescue Openings
Unsprinklered building
Minimum Net Sprinklered Code
Occupancy Classification and Location Minimum Net Maximum
Clear Area of Building Reference
Clear Opening Sill Height
Group D
Every room or space greater than 250
sq.ft. used for classroom or other 20 inches wide
Educational occupancies or normally 5.7 sq. ft. 44 inches Not required FBC 1029
subject to client occupancy, other than 24 inches high
bathrooms, shall have not less than one
outside window for emergency rescue
when a door opening directly to the
exterior is not provided.
Group E
In buildings of three stories or less: 20 inches wide
5.7 sq. ft. 44 inches Not required FBC 1029
All spaces with an occupant load of six or 24 inches high
more students where a door opening
directly to the exterior is not provided.
Latching Device: Operated from not more than 54 inches above the floor and operable by a single motion in the direction
of exit, without the use of tools. If a security/storm screen or grille is installed on the outside of the
assembly, a single release device for both the emergency rescue opening and security/storm screen
grills shall be operable from the inside by a single motion without the use of tools. FBC Sections
423.13.8 and 1029.
Signage: Emergency-rescue windows shall be identified by signage and the release device shall be readily
Above ground level: Door opens directly to an exterior corridor or balcony leading directly to a stairway.
Exterior corridor or balcony shall have open rails and shall be open to the exterior air.
Code Reference
Fire protection ratings for products intended to comply with the above shall be as determined and reported by a nationally
recognized testing agency in accordance with NFPA 252 or NFPA 257. Fire door assemblies shall be installed in accordance with
NFPA 80.
All such products shall have an approved label. FBC Section 715.5.9.
Doors and gates shall be equipped with hardware that will allow egress at all
times without assistance.
Doors that by code require closers, and other doors subject to wind exposure,
shall be equipped with closers to prevent slamming and uncontrolled opening.
Code Reference
Individual glazed areas, including glass mirrors, in hazardous locations shall pass the
test requirements of CPSC 16-CRF, part 1201.
Glazing in hazardous locations shall be tempered glass, safety glass, safety plastic, or
in fire-rated assemblies, impact-resistant fire-rated glass. FBC 423.13.7
Locations FBC 423.13.7.1
Specific hazardous locations include:
Glazing in swinging doors.
Enclosures of whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, locker rooms and showers. FBC 423.13.7.2
Display and trophy cases, casework.
Full-length mirrors subject to human contact.
Glazed panels in fire extinguisher, fire hose, and fire blanket cabinets.
Glazed panels within 48 inches of a door shall be tempered glass, safety glass, or in
fire-rated assemblies, impact-resistant fire-rated glass, excluding transoms or vertical
panels above 6 feet 8 inches.
FBC 423.13.7
Large glass panels shall be subdivided by a built-in horizontal member or a permanent
All Panels
chair rail, not less than 1 ½ inches in width, located between 24 and 36 inches above
and FBC 423.13.7.1
the floor.
FBC 423.13.7.2
All glazed panels beginning 18 Inches or less from the floor, greater than 9 sq ft in area,
with a walking surface within 36 inches of the panel, shall be tempered or safety glass.
All storefronts shall use tempered or safety glass for all glazing below door head height.
Fire-rated assemblies shall display a permanent stamp, label, or mark identifying the
product and fire rating.
Classrooms with all Primary Egress to the Exterior
Group E Educational Occupancy
Unsprinklered Building
Code Reference
Occupant Load 49 or less per student-occupied space. FBC Table 1004.1
Egress One means of egress leading directly to the exterior. FBC 423.13.1
Exit doors are sized to meet requirements of egress width:
Not required; egress is directly to the exterior of the building for all
Rescue and FBC 1029
student-occupied spaces.
Access Opening
Access opening
for Fire Provided by exit doors.
Department Use
Code Reference
Occupant Load 49 or less per student-occupied space. FBC Table 1004.1
Egress One means of egress leading directly to the exterior. FBC 423.13.1
Exit doors are sized to meet requirements of egress width:
Rescue and Not required; egress is directly to the exterior of the building. FBC 1029
Access Opening
Access opening
for Fire Provided by exit doors.
Department Use
Not required; at least one exit door from each classroom opens directly to FBC 1018.1
Fire-Rated Walls
the exterior at the ground level. Exception 1
Emergency FBC 423.17.1
Required in each classroom and in the convenience corridor.
Lighting FFPC 7.9.2
Illuminated Exit FBC 1006.3
Over each door exiting directly to the exterior.
Signs FFPC 7.10
A graphic diagram of primary and emergency evacuation routes shall be
Signage FBC 423.14.2.4
posted adjacent to the primary exit door from each space.
Code Reference
Occupant Load 49 or less per student-occupied space. FBC Table 1004.1
Room 128 exits through the exit access corridor. All other classrooms exit
Egress FBC 423.13.1
directly to the exterior.
Exit doors are sized to meet requirements of egress width:
Code Reference
Occupant Load 49 or less per student-occupied space. FBC Table 1004.1
FBC 423.13.1
Egress All classrooms exit through the exit access corridor.
FBC 1018.1
Exit doors are sized to meet requirements of egress width:
Required for student-occupied classroom where a door opening directly to
Rescue and FBC 423.13.1
the exterior is not provided.
Access Opening
Access opening
Access openings for fire department use are required in each 50 feet of
for Fire
exterior wall on an accessible side of the building.
Department Use
Fire-resistance rating of exit access corridors shall be 1-hour fire-rated
Fire-Rated Walls assemblies. Walls shall extend from the floor slab to the underside of the FBC 1018.1
structural deck above.
Emergency Required in each classroom and in the convenience corridor. FBC 423.17.1
Lighting Illumination level. FFPC 7.9.2
Illuminated Exit Shall be provided in the exit access corridor and at each exit door exiting to FBC 1006.3
Signs the exterior from the corridor. FFPC 7.10
A graphic diagram of primary and emergency evacuation routes shall be
Signage FBC 423.14.2.4
posted adjacent to the primary exit door from each space.
Rooms 128/129 and 131/132 shall be evaluated with the folding partition in both the open position and the closed position.
Folding Partition in Open Position
FBC Table
Occupant Load Combining two classrooms generates an occupant load of 50 or more.
Combined Classrooms 131/132 must have two means of egress. The first is a door
leading in to the lower exit access corridors system. The second is a door leading in
to the upper exit access corridor system. The lower and upper corridors are divided
into two separate atmospheres by the smoke doors and partition. Emergency
FBC 423.13.1
Egress rescue and access opening are provided to the exterior.
FBC 1018.1
Combined Classrooms 128/129 have two means of egress where one opens
directly to the exterior. Using either of the two doors that open into the exit access
corridor, ½ diagonal rule is met.
Folding Partition in Closed Position
FBC Table
Occupant Load Each classroom is 49 or less per student-occupied space.
Each classroom has one means of egress and one emergency rescue opening FBC 423.13.1
Emergency Rescue
directly to the exterior. Classroom 129 has one means of egress opening directly to FBC 1018.1
the exterior. FBC 1029
Folding Partition in Open and Closed Position
Exit doors are sized to meet requirements of egress width:
Rooms 100,101,102,103 and, 104 shall be evaluated with the folding partitions both in the open position and the closed position.
Folding Partition in Open Position
Combining Classrooms and gathering spaces generates an occupant load of 50 or
more. FBC Table
Occupant Load
Combined Classrooms 101/102 and 103/104 generate an occupant load of 50 or 1004.1
Exiting from gathering 100 is including Classrooms 101, 102, 103 and 104 two exits
Egress FBC 1020
directly to the exterior.
Folding Partition in Closed Position
FBC Table
Occupant Load Gathering 100 generates an occupant load of 50 or more.
Exiting Gathering 100 has two means of egress directly to the exterior.
Classrooms 101 and 104 have exit doors directly to the exterior. FBC 104.2
Egress Classrooms 102 and 103 have exit doors to Gathering 100. FBC 1020
The travel distance in Gathering 100 to exit doors from each classroom does not
exceed 75 feet.
Emergency Rescue Classrooms 102 and 103 have one means of egress and one emergency rescue
FBC 1029
Opening opening directly to the exterior.
Folding Partition in Open and Closed Position
Gathering 100 generates an occupant of 50 or more.
FBC Table
Occupant Load Combined Classrooms 101/102 and 103/104 generate an occupant load of 50 or
Exiting from Gathering 100 is two exits directly to the exterior.
Exiting combined Classrooms 101/102 and 103/104 is directly to the exterior and FBC 1014.2
Egress Doors
through Gathering 100. FBC 1020
Exiting meets requirement for two separated atmospheres.
Exit doors are sized to meet requirements of egress width.
32 inches minimum door opening width (36-inch wide door) recommended. FBC 1008.1.1
Egress Docks
6 feet 8 inches minimum height. FBC 423.13.1
FBC Table
Travel Distance 150 feet unsprinklered building.
Emergency Rescue
Classrooms 102 and 103 have emergency rescue openings directly to the exterior. FBC 1029
Access Openings for Access openings for fire department use are required in each 50 feet of exterior wall
Fire Department Use on an accessible side of the building.
Partitions between Classrooms 101, 102, 103 and 104 are not required to be fire-
Fire-Rated Walls FBC 1014.2
FBC 423.17.1
Emergency Lighting Required in each classroom and related student occupied space.
FFPC 7.9.2
Illuminated Exit FFBC 1006.3
Require in assembly occupied spaces.
Signs FPC 7.10
Corridor Protection
Group E Educational Occupancy
Unsprinklered Building
Code Reference
Fire-resistance rating 1-hour:
Example 1 Corridor walls in exit access corridors shall be 1-hour fire-rated assemblies. FBC Table 1018.1
Partitions shall extend from the ground floor slab to the underside of the structural FBC 709.4
deck above.
Fire-resistance rating 1-hour:
Corridor walls in exit access corridors shall be 1-hour fire-rated assemblies and FBC Table 1018.1
Example 2
may terminate at a corridor ceiling assembly where the assembly has a 1-hour FFPC 14.3.6(3)
fire-resistance rating when tested as a wall.
Fire-resistance rating 1-hour:
Corridor walls in exit access corridors shall be 1-hour fire-rated assemblies and
shall extend from the ground floor slab to the second floor slab and from the FBC Table 1018.1
Example 3 second floor slab to the underside of the structural deck above.
FBC 709.4
The second floor slab shall be 1-hour fire-rated construction and shall be
supported by a 1-hour fire-rated assembly.
Fire-resistance rating 1-hour:
Corridor walls in exit access corridors shall be 1-hour fire-rated assemblies and FBC Table 1018.1
Example 4 shall extend from the ground floor slab to the second floor slab and from the FBC 709.4
second floor slab to the underside of the corridor ceiling assembly where the FFPC 14.3.6(3)
assembly has a 1-hour fire-resistance rating when tested as a wall.
Administration corridors in Group B occupancies, with an occupant load of less than 30 are not required to be fire-rated. FBC
Table 1018.1.
Administration corridors in Group B occupancies, with an occupant load of 30 or more in a sprinklered building are not required to
be fire rated. FBC Table 1018.1.
Corridors shall not be used as return air plenums. FBC Section 423.15.2.
Code Reference
changes in Changes in elevation of 12 inches or less shall be made by FBC 1003.5
elevation ramps.
Risers shall be maximum height of 7 inches and a minimum
Risers FBC 1009.4.2
height of 4 inches.
Treads shall be a minimum of 11 inches.
Proportion Where a change in level in a means of egress not exceeding 21 FBC 1009.3
inches is achieved by a stair, the minimum tread depth Is 13 FBC 1003.4
Stair treads and risers shall be of uniform size and shape. The
tolerance between the largest and smallest riser height or
between the largest and smallest tread depth shall not exceed ⅜
Variation FBC 1009.4.4
inch (9.5mm) in any flight of stairs. The greatest winder tread
depth at the walk line within any flight of stairs shall not exceed
the smallest by more than ⅜ inch (9.5mm).
Minimum stair width shall be based on the number of occupants
served, but not less than 44 inches.
FBC 1009.1
FBC 1009.4
Stairs shall not decrease in width along the direction of egress
The width of landings shall be no less than the width of stairways
they serve.
Handrails at Stairs
Code Reference
Separated from interior of building by walls with a fire resistance rating of not less
than 1-hour.
Fixed or self-closing opening protective as required for enclosed stairs. FBC 1026.6
Exterior Stairs
Protection shall extend vertically from the ground to a point 10 feet above the FFPC
topmost landing or the roof line, whichever is lower, and horizontally 10 feet from
each side of the stairway. FFPC
Openings within the 10 feet horizontal extension of the protected walls beyond the
stairway shall be equipped with fixed ¾-hour assemblies.
Code Reference
Exterior stairs may be unprotected when serving an exterior exit access
balcony that has two exterior stairways, remotely located. Exterior exit access
must be a roofed-over open balcony, porch, gallery, or similar space served by
Exterior Access at least two stairways located to provide a choice of independent, unobstructed FBC 1019.1
Balcony means of egress directly to the ground. FBC 1019.2
FBC 1026.6
Exterior access balcony shall be of sufficient width to accommodate the
occupant load, but shall not be less than 6 feet.
Wall Turns Corner Walls that are located 10 feet horizontally or less from any side of the stair, but
At Least 180 turn a corner at an angle of at least 180 degrees from the stair do not require
FBC 1022.6
Degrees protection.
Interior Stairs
Code Reference
Exit stairways between floors shall be enclosed or separated by fire-resistant
Protection All openings through a floor and penetrations through a floor shall be protected FBC 1022.1
by a shaft enclosure.
FBC 707.2
A shaft enclosure is not required for floor opening between a mezzanine and
another floor below.
A smoke-proof enclosure shall exit into a public way or into a yard, open court,
or open space having direct access to a public way.
Access and
Access to the stairway shall be by way of a vestibule or by way of an open FBC 1022.9.1
exterior balcony of non-combustible materials.
Code Reference
Aisles shall lead to exit.
Those portions of aisle access ways and aisles where egress is possible in
either of two directions shall be uniform in required width.
Dead-end aisles shall not be greater than 20 feet in length. FBC 1028.9
Exception: FBC 1028.9.5
Dead-end aisles longer than 20 feet (6096 mm) are permitted where seats
beyond the 20-foot (6096 mm) dead-end aisle are no more than 24 seats
from another aisle, measured along a row of seats having a minimum clear
width of 12 inches (305 mm) plus 0.6 inch (15.2 mm) for each additional seat
above seven in the row.
2. Thirty-six inches for aisle stairs having seating on only one side.
Aisle Widths 4. Forty-two inches for level or ramped aisles having seating on both sides. FBC 1028.9.1
1. Thirty-six inches where the aisle serves less than 50 seats.
2. Thirty-inches where the aisle does not serve more than 14 seats.
5. Thirty-six inches for level or ramped aisles having seating on one side.
1. Thirty inches where the aisle does not serve more than 14 seats.
2. Twenty-three inches between an aisle handrails and seating where
an aisle does not serve more than five rows on one side.
For width of means of egress of assembly without smoke-protection, see FBC 1028.6.1.
For width of means of egress of assembly with smoke-protection, see FBC 1028.6.2.
Auditorium Seating
Maximum Number of
Clear Width of Aisle Access Way Required Code Reference
Seats per Row
14 seats per row or less:
Rows of
12 inches minimum clear width.
Served by
Aisles or
Doorways at 100 Seats. More than 14 seats per row: FBC 1028.10.1
Both Ends
Increase 12 inches minimum clear width by 0.3 inches
for every additional seat beyond 14. Minimum clear
width not required to exceed 22 inches.
7 seats per row or less:
Determined by path of 12 inches minimum clear width.
Rows of
travel shall not exceed 30
Seating by an FBC 1028.10.1
feet from any seat to a
Aisle or More than 7 seats per row:
point where a person has
Doorway at FBC 1028.10.2
a choice of two paths of
One End Only Increase 12 inch minimum clear width by 0.6 inches for
travel to two exits.
every additional seat beyond seven. Minimum clear
width not required to exceed 22 inches.
Florida Building
g Code Handbook A-55
Code Reference
Aisles having a gradient steeper than 1:20, but not steeper than 1:8, shall consist of a
Ramps FBC 1028.11
Stairs Aisles with a slope exceeding 1:8 shall have an aisle stair. FBC 1028.11
Tread depth 11 inches minimum; depths shall be uniform within each aisle.
Non-uniformities shall not exceed 0.188 inches (3/16 inches) between
adjacent treads. FBC 1028.11.1
A contrasting marking stripe shall be provided on each tread at nosing or FBC 1028.11.3
leading edge.
Where there is seating on both sides of the aisle, the handrail shall be discontinuous
FBC 1028.13
with gaps or breaks at intervals not exceeding 5 rows.
FBC 1028.13.1
Handrail gaps or breaks shall have a clear width of at least 22 inches and not greater
than 36 inches measured horizontally.
Florida Building
g Code Handbook A-59
Code Reference
A raised area within a building used for the presentation of music, plays, or other
Platform FBC 410
No overhead hanging curtains, drops, scenery, or stage effects other than lighting FFPC 3.3.166
and sound.
A space within a building used for entertainment and utilizing drops, scenery, or
other stage effects. FBC 410
Regular Stage
FFPC 3.3.210
Stage height of 50 feet or less measured from the lowest point to the deck above.
A space within a building used for entertainment and utilizing drops, scenery, or
other stage effects.
Stage height is greater than 50 feet measured from the highest point of the roof to
the floor deck below.
Legitimate Stage
(Stages Over 1,000 Sq. Ft. in Area and with a Stage Height Greater Than 50 Ft.)
All portions of a stage area with a stage height greater than 50 feet (15.2 mm) shall
be within an area separated from all other building areas by 2-hour fire-resistant
Protection construction with protected openings. FBC 410.3
The 2-hour fire-resistant construction shall extend to the roof or floor deck above the
Smoke Control:
Maintain smoke level not less than 6 feet above the highest level of
assembly seating or above the top of the proscenium opening where a
proscenium wall and opening protection is provided. Activation by sprinkler
Ventilators system and by a manually operated switch. FBC 410.3.7
Roof Vents:
Two or more vents located near the center of and above the highest part of
the stage.
Net-free vent area equal to 5% of stage area.
Vents raised above the roof.
Open automatically by heat-activated devices and manually from stage floor.
Two means of egress required, with one means of egress located on each side of
the stage.
FBC 410.5.3
A second means of egress is not required from lighting and access catwalks,
galleries, and gridirons where a means of escape to the floor or a roof is provided.
Stages shall be completely separated from the seating area by a proscenium wall of FBC 410.3.4
Proscenium Wall
not less than 2-hour fire-resistive, noncombustible construction. FFPC
The proscenium opening shall be protected and an approved fire curtain or an
approved water curtain complying with NFPA 13.
Proscenium The fire curtain or water curtain shall be designed to close automatically upon FBC 410.3.5
Curtain automatic detection of a fire and upon manual activation. FFPC
The fire curtain shall resist the passage of flame and smoke for 20 minutes between
the stage area and the audience area.
Accessory spaces contiguous to stages shall be separated from each other and
Accessory Areas other building areas by 2-hour fire-resistant construction protected openings and FBC 410.5.1
shall be protected by a supervised automatic sprinkler system.
Regular Stage
(Stage 1,000 Sq. Ft. Maximum Area and with a Stage Height of 50 Ft. maximum)
Code Reference
Stage shall be of the material required for the types of building construction in which
it is located.
Site Requirements
Code Reference
Required Locations
Pre-kindergarten through grade 12 facilities:
Exposed mechanical, plumbing, gas, or electrical equipment located on ground
Prohibited materials
Non-agricultural educational plants.
Razor wire, barbed wire, and electrically charged systems.
Shall be in compliance with local zoning regulations. Access shall be provided for
maintenance machinery.
Required Locations
Walks, roads, drives, and parking areas on educational and ancillary sites.
Paving Roads, drives, and parking areas shall be in compliance with Department of FBC 423.10.2
Transportation (DOT) road specifications and striped in compliance with DOT paint
Maximum 3% gradient slope for a minimum distance of 5 feet from the edge of the
Drainage sidewalk. FBC 423.10.2.3
The location of all drains, grates, drop inlets, catch basins, and other drainage elements
and curb cuts shall be out of the main flow of pedestrian traffic.
(continue to next page)
School board sites where educational plants are separated by highways shall be
connected by overhead pedestrian bridges.
Required Locations
All buildings in pre-K through grade 12 educational facilities shall be connected by
paved walks and accessible under continuous roof cover.
Long-term relocatable classroom buildings shall be connected to permanent
building by paved covered walks where applicable.
Covered Walks FBC 423.10.2.1
Roofs for covered walks shall extend one foot beyond each side of the designated
walkway width.
Gutters or other water funneling devices, including diverters, shall prevent storm water
from pouring onto or draining across walks.
Required Locations
Any vertical drop between joining or abutting surface of more than 6 inches, but less
than 18 inches in height:
Protection for Protected by wall, railing, or other physical barriers that are at least a minimum 12
FBC 423.10.2.4
Vertical Drops inches in height.
Educational and ancillary sites and for turning off public access streets:
Bus Drives FBC 423.10.2.6
One-way traffic: 60 feet minimum measured to the outside curb or edge of the
traffic lane.
Bus drives shall be designed so that buses do not have to back up.
Vehicle parking areas shall comply with minimum parking space requirements. FBC Section 423.10.2.7.
Except for parking space requirements to meet federal and state accessibility laws, where alternate transportation or parking
arrangements are available, the parking area requirements may be reduced from these standards, if sufficient justification
documentation is provided and if the review authority approved the reduction based on the justification. FBC Section 423.10.2.7.
Overflow parking areas may utilize alternative parking surfaces that facilitate water absorption rather than runoff, when approved
for use by the review authority. This requirement usually applies to a percentage of the parking spaces, not all of them. FBC
Section 423.10.2.7.
Code Reference
Required Locations:
Security Lighting Auto, bus, service drives, and loading areas. FBC 423.10.3
Educational and Parking areas. FBC 423.10.3.1
Ancillary Facilities Building perimeter. FBC 423.10.3.2
Covered and connecter walks between buildings and between buildings FBC 423.10.3.3
and parking. FBC 423.10.3.4
Illumination Requirements
Location Average Maintained Footcandle *
Parking Areas. 1
Parking Areas FBC 423.
Covered and Connector Walks. 1
FBC 423.
Entrance/Exits. 2 FBC 423.
FBC 423.
Location Minimum Footcandle * FBC 423.
Building Exteriors Building Entrances. 5
Building Surrounds. 1
Parking area lighting standards shall be designed to withstand appropriate wind loads. FBC Section 423.10.3.5.
*Parking areas shall be illuminated to an average maintained horizontal footcandles measured at the surface. FBC Section
**Building exteriors, perimeters, and entrance may be illuminated to the minimum number of footcandles, measured at the surface
with a suggested uniformity ratio of 2:1. FBC Section 423.10.3.6.
Exterior lighting shall be shielded from adjacent properties. FBC Section 423.10.3.7.
Exterior lights shall comply with the energy efficiency requirements of FBE 13-415 as appropriate.
Built-up and Single-Ply Membrane
Code Reference
Fire Rating Class A by ASTM E-108, FBC Section 423.12.1. Certified by a nationally recognized testing ASTM E-108
laboratory. Excludes nailers and blocking. FBC 423.12.1
FBC 1507.10.2
FBC 1507.11.2
ASTM Roofing materials
FBC 1507.12.2
FBC 1507.13.2
Roofing membrane shall resist wind uplift forces as follows:
ASCE 7-10
Non-hurricane shelters: ASCE 7-10, wind speed per FBC Figure 1609.
FBC Figure 1609
Hurricane Shelters:
Wind Uplift
ASCE 7-10
Recommend: ASCE 7-10, wind speed per FBC Figure 1609 plus 40 mph.
FBC Figure 1609
ASCE 7-10
Minimum: ASCE 7-10, wind speed per FBC Figure 1609.
FBC Figure 1609
New construction: All finished roof surfaces shall have a minimum cross slope of 1/4 inch
FBC 1507.10.1
per foot, except coal-tar built-up roofs shall have a minimum cross slope of 1/8 inch per foot.
Cross Slope
Re-roofing: All finished roof surfaces shall have positive drainage or a minimum cross slope
FBC 1510.1
of 1/4 inch per foot.
Specification should provide a manufacturer's warranty against defects in materials and
Installation Should follow manufacturer’s printed instructions.
All new installed materials shall be sealed from moisture intrusion at the end of the day. FBC 423.12.3
Not permitted FBC 423.12.3
Primary A primary drainage system shall be provided, sized per FBC-Plumbing, Section 1106,
FBC-P 1106
Drainage Tables 1106.2(1), 1106, 2(2), 1106.3, and Figure 1106.1.
A secondary drainage system shall be provided when roof perimeter construction (Parapets)
FBC-P 1107
extends above roof deck so that water is entrapped if primary drains clog.
Separate from the primary system. FBC-P1107.2
Drainage Sized per FBC-Plumbing, Section 1107.3. Values obtained from Tables 1106.2(1), FBC-P 1107.3
1106.2 (2), 1106.3, and Figure 1106.1 FBC-P 1106.1
Minimum cross-sectional area of an overflow scupper to have a minimum
FBC-P 1107.3
dimension of 4 inches.
Overflow Scuppers shall be set at least 2 inches above adjacent deck and not more than 4 inches
FBC 1503.4.2.1
Scuppers above the roof covering. (Prevent ponding water from exceeding design depth.)
Overflow pipes shall be set at least 2 inches and not more than 4 inches above the roof
Overflow Pipes FBC 1503.4.2.1
covering. (Prevent ponding water from exceeding design depth.)
Energy Requires completed FLA/COM compliance form. This shall indicate compliance with Florida
FBC 1301.1.1
Efficiency Energy Efficiency Code (FEEC) for Building Construction.
The Contractor shall provide a "Final Statement of Compliance" to the Architect, which
Final Statement
states that the finished roof membrane complies with the approved contractual documents. FBC 423.12.3
of Compliance
FBC Section 423.12.3.
Inspection by The roof membrane shall be inspected by the manufacturer's representative within one year
FBC 423.12.4
Manufacturer of acceptance of the roof membrane by the Board. FBC Section 423.12.4.
Lateral and uplift forces on rooftop equipment. FBC 1620.6
Code Reference
Type I, II or IV (non-combustible)
Shall comply with:
Americans with Disabilities Act, Florida Building Code.
FBC 423.27.3
Construction Use at facilities housing pre-K through grades 5 or 6, shall also conform to the FBC 423.27.4
federal criteria "Accessibility Standards for Children’s Environments." FBC 423.27.5.1
FBC 423.27.2.1
Finished floor shall be 12 Inches above base flood elevation.
Exterior doors shall open on to a minimum 5-foot by 5-foot roofed platform with
FBC 423.27.8.2
handrails, which is level with the interior floor.
Operable windows equal to at least 5 percent of the floor area of the unit.
FBC 423.27.9
Exterior doors may be included in computing the required 5 percent.
Windows Awning, casement, or projection windows shall not be placed in walls with adjacent
walks, ramps, steps, or platforms.
Emergency rescue window shall comply with NFPA 101, and shall be labeled
FBC 423.27.9.1
Fire At least one appropriate fire extinguisher shall be provided in each relocatable
FBC 423.27.11
Extinguisher classroom unit and in each classroom of a multi-classroom building.
Illumination Provide an average maintained 50 footcandles at desk top. FBC 423.27.15
Each classroom unit shall be equipped with emergency lighting. FBC 423.27.15.1
Exterior Exterior lighting shall be provided as required elsewhere in these public educational
FBC 423.27.15.2
Lighting facilities code requirements.
Exit lights shall be provided as required by the Florida Fire Prevention Code adopted
Lighted Signs FBC 423.27.15.3
by the State Fire Marshal.
New relocatables shall be provided with fire alarm devices meeting the code
Fire Safety
requirements for permanent educational facilities and shall be connected to the FBC 423.27.18
facility’s main fire alarm system as required by code.
Code Reference
Construction Type I, II or IV Construction (metal frame) capable of withstanding the
appropriate wind load. FBC 423.19.1
The location of the shade/green house shall not hinder exiting from new
Location FBC 423.19.2
and/or existing structures.
A minimum of two doors remotely located shall be provided.
Egress FBC 423.19.3
Doors shall be side-hinged and shall swing in the direction of egress.
Green houses shall meet accessibility requirements.
Accessibility The accessible walkway shall be connected to doors leading to an accessible FBC 423.19.4
route to the permanent structure.
Shade cloth shall be tear-away fabric securely fastened to the structural
Shade Cloth FBC 423.19.5
A minimum of one Type 2A-10B C fire extinguisher shall be provided per
Fire Extinguisher FBC 423.19.6
shade/green house.
Fire alarm pull stations shall be located within 200 feet of any shade or green
Fire Safety house.
FBC 423.19.7
Requirements Fire alarm horns mounted on a permanent building must be audible inside the
shade/green house.
Space heaters, when provided, shall be mounted at least 6 feet 8 inches
Space Heaters FBC 423.19.8
above finished floor (AFF).
Code Reference
Kitchen and food service areas shall comply with design and construction
standards as described in the Food Code, Chapter 509, part I, or Chapter 500, FBC 426.1
Florida Statutes. Other administrative and programmatic provisions may apply.
Kitchens and food service areas shall be provided with toilet and hand-washing
facilities for employees as required by the Florida Building Code, state rules, and
state statutes.
Toilet and Hand-
Toilet rooms shall be completely enclosed and have self-closing doors and FBC 423.16.10
shall open into vestibules with self-closing doors. FBC 423.16.10.1
Toilet rooms shall not open directly into food preparation areas, serving
areas, or dining areas.
A minimum of one water closet and one lavatory, with hot and cold water,
shall be provided in each staff toilet.
Floor drains shall be provided in the food serving area, kitchen area, scullery,
Floor Drains FBC 423.16.10.2
garbage and rubbish rooms and can wash area.
All areas shall be effectively rodentproofed. Windows used for ventilation must
be screened, except when other effective means of vermin control are used. FBC 426.3.3
Vermin Control
Screening materials shall not be less than 16 mesh to the inch or equivalent, tight FBC 443.3.1
fitting, and free of breaks.
NFPA 96 provides the minimum fire safety requirements related to the design,
installation, operation, inspection and maintenance of all cooking operations.
These requirements include, but are not limited to, all manner of cooking
equipment, exhaust hood, grease removal devices, exhaust duct work, exhaust NFPA 96 1-1.1
fans, dampers, fire extinguishing equipment, and all other auxiliary or ancillary
components or systems that are involved in the capture, containment, and control
of grease-laden cooking effluent.
Toilet Rooms
Code Reference
Educational and ancillary facilities shall be provided with toilets, hand-washing
facilities, and drinking fountains for all occupants, in rations and accessible as
required by the Florida Building Code, Florida Law, and federal requirements.
Standards FBC 423.16.1
Exception: FBC 443.3.5
A single unisex toilet room is allowed where provided in child care and
pre-kindergarten through grade 3 classrooms.
FBC 423.16.2
Teacher Toilets Faculty and staff toilets shall be separate from student toilets.
FBC 443.3.5.2
Urinals Trough urinals shall not be installed in any location. FBC 423.16.4
All group toilet rooms shall be provided with at least one floor drain and one easily
Floor Drains and accessible hose bibb. FBC 423.16.5
Hose Bibbs The floor shall be sloped down to the drain. FBC 443.3.5.6
Stall urinals shall not serve as the required floor drains.
The entry to each group toilet room shall be provided with a door, partition, or other
shielding device to block from view the occupants in the toilet room.
FBC 423.16.6
Shielding Device If a door is provided, it shall have a closer and shall swing out in the direction of
FBC 443.3.5.4
Fire Alarm
Code Reference
All systems to be installed in educational facilities shall be in accordance with the
2010 Florida Fire Prevention Code and the National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 72 and FBC 907.2
shall meet the accessibility requirements of Chapter 11 of the Florida Building
General Manual
Manual fire alarm pull stations shall be located no more than five (5) feet from the FBC 907.4.2.1
Fire Alarm
entrance to the exit. This includes each individual classroom that opens to the
exterior. The exemption, under Section 907.2.1, Florida Building Code does not
apply to educational facilities.
Manual fire alarm pull stations may be omitted In a building provided it meets all of FBC 907.2.3
the exemptions listed in Section 903.3.1.1, Florida Building Code as clarified in the Exemption 3
Florida Fire Prevention Code, Sections and
Each Floor shall be zoned separately.
No one zone may exceed 15,000 sq. ft.
Zoning FBC 907.6.3
A zone indicator panel shall be located at grade level, at the normal point of fire
department access, or at a constantly attended building security control center.
Visible alarm indicating appliances in public and common areas. FBC 907.
Example EHPA Design Square Footage and Capacity Calculations
219 Student Station Elementary School
To determine the square footage and capacity for the EHPA in accordance with FBC Section 423.25.3 the following is required:
The excluded spaces shall be subtracted from the total net square footage.
50% of the Total Adjusted Net Square Feet determines the designated square footage requirement for use as an
Toilet and hand-washing facilities should be located within the EHPAs and provided at one toilet and one sink per
40 occupants.
Toilet facilities located within the EHPA area are not in addition to toilet facilities provided for the normal school
EHPA - Electrical and Emergency Power Systems
Standby Circuits.
Code Reference
EHPA Emergency Power Loads Primary First Priority Second Priority
Lighting FBC 4233.25.5
EHPA Fire Alarm System FBC 423.25.5
EHPA Main Office Receptacles FBC 423.25.5.3
FBC 423.25.5.2 -
Ventilation Fans FBC 423.25.5 (minimum)
additional requirements
Campus Fire Alarm System FBC 423.25.5.2
Campus Exit Lights (Illuminated) FBC 423.25.5.2
Campus Emergency Lights FBC 423.25.5.2
Intercom System FBC 423.25.5.2
Campus Security Lighting FBC 423.25.5.2
Additional Power Receptacles FBC 423.25.5.2
Recommended Acreage
Schools Florida State Colleges
Acreage Recommenced Vo-Tech School Acreage required
FTE FTE Student
Student Acreage Main Separate
Elem Mid/Jr Sr High Student Capacity
Capacity Required Campus Center
200-299 4 500-599 Minimum 40
300-399 5 6 7 600-699 100 42
400-499 6 7 9 700-799 44
500-599 7 8 11 500-549 20 800-899 46
600-699 8 9 13 510-599 21 900-999 48
700-799 9 10 15 600-649 22 1000-1099 50
800-899 10 11 17 650-699 23 1100-1199 52
900-999 11 12 19 700-749 24 1200-1299 54
1000-1099 12 13 21 750-799 25 1300-1399 56
1100-1199 13 14 22 800-849 26 1400-1499 58
1200-1299 14 15 23 850-899 27 1500-1599 60
1300-1399 15 16 24 900-949 28 1600-1699 62
1400-1499 17 25 950-999 29 1700-1799 64
1500-1599 18 26 1800-1899 66
1600-1699 27 1900-1999 68
1700-1799 28 2000-2099 70
1800-1899 29 2100-2199 72
1900-1999 30 2200-2299 74
2000-2099 31 2300-2399 76
2100-2199 32 2400-2499 78
2200-2299 33 2500-2599 80
2300-2399 34 2600-2699 82
2400-2499 35 2700-2799 84
2500-2599 36 2800-2899 86
2900-2999 88
1 Acre for each additional 100 students 3000-3099 90
3100-3199 92
Code Reference
FBC 1606.1
Dead Loads Actual weights of materials. ASCE 7-10
Tables C3-1 & C3-2
Permanent: part of dead load.
Partitions not shown or likely to be shifted: 15 psf in addition to permanent loads. FBC 1607.5
Exceptions: when live load exceeds 80 psf, partitioning not required.
Uniform: FBC Table 1607.1. See Section 1607.9 for allowable reductions. FBC 1607.3
Distribution: FBC Sections 1607.4 and 1607.10.
Concentrated: FBC Section 1607.4. FBC 1607.4
Live Loads
Interior wall loads: 5 psf minimum, applied perpendicular. FBC 1607.13
Truck and bus garages: FBC 1607.6, Table 1607.6. FBC 1607.6
Roof: FBC Section 1607.11.2.
FBC 1607.11.2
Reductions: FBC Section 1607.11.2.1.
Rain Loads Not more than uniform live load if roof is drained and scupper set properly. FBC 1503.4.2.1. FBC 1611.1
Impact: FBC 1607.8
ASCE 7-10 and commentary thereon:
Non-hurricane shelters: ASCE 7-10, Figure 26.5-1B.
Hurricane shelters containing EHPA.
ASCE 7-10
Recommend: wind speed plus 40 mph.
ASCE 7-10
Risk and Importance factors:
Table 1.5-2
Non-hurricane shelters: Risk category IV, 1 = 1.0. ASCE 7-10
Hurricane shelters containing EHPA: Risk category IV, 1 = 1.0. ASCE 7-10
Exposure: See FBC and IBC Section 1609.4 for definitions. FBC 1609.4
Directionality: 0.85 only when wind load is combined with other loads ASCE 7-10
ASCE 7-10, Table 26. 6-1 and footnote.
Topography: See ASCE 7-10 Section 26.8.1, Section 26.8.2, KZT = 1. ASCE 7-10
ASCE 7-10
Enclosed or partially enclosed building: ASCE 7-10, pages 241 and 242 definitions
FBC 1609.2
Main wind force resisting systems: ASCE 7-10. Chapters 27-29. ASCE 7-10
Components and cladding: ASCE 7-10, Chapter 30; FBC Table 1609.6.2(2). ASCE 7-10
Internal pressure Coefficients: ASCE 7-10. Table 26.11-1. ASCE 7-10
Enclosed building: plus/minus 0.18.
Partially enclosed buildings; plus/minus 0.55.
ASCE 7-10,
Minimum :16.
Section 28.4.4
(Continue to next page)
Code Reference
Combined force: FBC Sections 1605.2.1 and 1605.3.1, Load combinations. FBC 1605.2.1
FBC 1605.3.1
Structures other than buildings:
Round structures: ASCE 7-10, Figure 29.5-1. ASCE 7-10
(Continued) Free-standing walls and solid signs; ASCE 7-10, Figure 29.4-1. ASCE 7-10
Missile impact; SSTD 12 for hurricane shelters, see FBC Section 423.25.4. FBC 423.25.4
Deflections FBC Sections 1604.3.1 through 1604.3.6; Table 1604.3. FBC 1604.3
Foundations and retaining wall; see FBC Table 1610.1; also geotechnical engineering report
weights and lateral pressures.
Basement walls; if below grade, consider upward pressure of water.
Concentration: 200 pounds at any point and in any direction, along top. FBC 1607.7.1.1
Uniform: 50 plf in any direction, at top. FBC 1607.7.1
Grab bars, shower seats, dressing room benches - 250 lbs. concentration. FBC 1607.7.3
Awnings and Canopies (fabric construction supported by lightweight rigid skeleton structure) -
FBC Table 1607.1
5 psf.
FBC Section 1609.1.2 applies to glass only, One of the following shall apply:
Wind-borne Areas within 1 mile of coastal mean high water line, where the ultimate design wind
Debris speed is 130 mph or greater.
FBC 1609.2
See Figure Areas where the ultimate design wind speed is 140 mph or greater.
1609B Exception: Building designed as "partially enclosed." Missile impact resistance need not
be considered in window design.
General FBC 1615
Deflection FBC 1616
Volume Changes FBC 1617
Minimum Loads FBC 1618
Roof Live loads FBC 1619
Roof Drainage FBC1620
Special Load Considerations FBC 1621
Live Load Reductions FBC 1622
Wind Loads FBC 1623
Overturning Moment and Uplift FBC 1624
Screen Enclosures FBC 1625
Live Load Posted, Occupancy Limits FBC 1626
Foundation Design
Load Tests
Impact Tests for Wind-borne Debris
Code Reference
Soil brings representative of footprint
Soil profile
Soils Report Ground water level FBC 1803
Plasticity index
Expansion index FBC 1803.6
Standard penetration testing or cone penetration testing
Soil Containment See geotechnical report. Usually 18 inches minimum, except for pre-engineered,
prefabricated buildings.
Allowable Bearing FBC Table 1806.2 for maximum values.
FBC 1806.2
Pressure Exceptions: See geotechnical report.
Lateral Sliding FBC Table 1806.2 Exceptions: See soils report
FBC 1806.3
Resistance Increase: FBC Sections 1806.3.3, 1806.3.4.
See geotechnical report; usually ½ inch maximum.
Acceptable for Foundation:
Compacted fill.
Expansive geotechnical, plastic clays: Shrink-swell potential, over-excavate. Also FBC 1805.2.5
Problem Soils
see geotechnical report. FBC 1805.8
Allowable bearing pressure FBC 1803.5.4
Water Table Affects placement of foundation concrete if high. See Geotechnical report. FBC 1805.1, 1805.3
Located above finished floor; waterproofing required FBC 1807.2.2
Continuous Wall or
Not affected by differential settlement.
Strip Footing Only
Spread Footings
and Continuous See geotechnical report for recommended depth of soil compaction.
Method of load calculation: See FBC Section 1808.3. FBC 1808.3
Code Reference
Allowable stresses, FBC Table 1810.3.2.6. FBC Section 1810.3.2.8
Pile Foundations Splices develop minimum 50% least capacity in bending. FBC 1810.3.6
(Continued) Splices located in upper 10 feet of embedded portion of pile, resist moment and
FBC 1810.3.6
shear from 3-inch load eccentricity.
Pile caps: Tops of piles embedded 3 inches minimum in cap.
FBC 1810.3.11
Caps extend 4 inches minimum past piles.
Allowable Pile
Driven piles: Driving formula; 40 tons maximum capacity. FBC 1810.
Load test method:
FBC 1810.
Not more than ½ the test load-capacity per FBC Section 1810.
Determined by Florida registered P.E.
Allowable Frictional Resistance: 500 psf maximum. FBC 1810.
Uplift capacity, single deep foundation grouped deep foundation, the lesser of :
Proposed individual pile uplift working load times the number of piles in FBC Section
Allowable Pile group. 1810.
Two-thirds of the effective weight of the pile group and the soil contained FBC 1810.
within a block defined by the perimeter of the group and the length of the
pile. Not to exceed ultimate load capacity divided by 2.
Bearing Capacity:
Ultimate load capacity of at least twice the design working loads in the
FBC 1810.
designated bearing layers.
No soil layer underlying the designated bearing layers shall cause the
bearing capacity safety factor to be less than 2.
Structural Steel
Not outlined because not generally used on schools. FBC 1810.3.5.3
Concrete filled
Steel Pipe and Not outlined because not generally used on schools. FBC 1810.
Tube Pipes
Code Reference
ACI 318-08, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.
Reference ACI 318-08
ACI 506.2, Specification for Concrete.
Standards ACI 506.2
ASTM Standards.
FBC 1905.1.1
Strength Strength of concrete: 2,500 psi minimum, stated on plans and specifications.
Table 1904.3
Code Reference
Test cylinders. Two concrete test cylinders shall be broken at 28 days and the average ACI 301,11.8.2, 11.7.3,
value used as the test result. 11.9.1
FBC 1905.6
Criteria for acceptance of concrete cylinder tests. ACI 318-08,,
Slab at Grade Not less than 3 ½ inches thick. FBC 1910.1
Strength in tension.
Headed anchors FBC Table 1911.2
Strength in shear.
Vapor retarder; Vapor retarder should be 6 mil minimum polyethylenes with joints lapped 6 inches. FBC 1910.1
General FBC 1913.1
Proportions and materials FBC 1913.2
Aggregate FBC 1913.3
Reinforcement FBC 1913.4
Preconstruction tests FBC 1913.5
Rebound FBC 1913.6
Joints FBC 1913.7
Damage FBC 1913.8
Curing FBC 1913.9
Strength tests FBC 1913.10
Minimum thickness 2 inches FBC 1917.4.2
Light Weight Maximum Compressive Strengths per ASTM C 495 and C796.
Insulation Aggregate Concrete - 125 psi. FBC Section 1917.1.1
Concrete Fill Cellular lightweight insulating concrete - 160 psi. FBC Section 1917.1.2. FBC 1917.1
Cellular aggregate (hybrid) lightweight insulating concrete - 200 psi
FBC Section 1917.1.3.
General FBC 1919
Standards FBC 1920
Definitions FBC 1921
Materials FBC 1922
Concrete Quality FBC 1923
High Velocity
Mixing and Placing Concrete FBC 1924
Hurricane Zones
Formwork, Embedded Pipes and Construction Joints FBC 1925
Details Reinforcement FBC 1926
Precast Concrete Units FBC 1927
Prestressed Concrete FBC 1928
Pneumatically Placed Concrete (Shotcrete) FBC 1929
Code Reference
Code All design and construction of reinforced masonry shall conform to ACI 530-08. ACI 530-08
Portland cement: C150
Sand and aggregate: C33
Block: C90, Type N
ASTM Mortar: C270
Grout: C476
Reinforcing bars: A615
Truss reinforcing: A82
Concrete masonry 900f¹m, ACI 530-08, Section
Elastic Module ACI 530-08
Reinforcing steel: 29,000,000 psi, ACI 530-08, Section
Mortar-see ASTM C-270, FBC Table 2103.8. FBC 2103.8
Grout-see ASTM C-476, FBC Table 2103.12. FBC 2103.12
Slump for grout in filled ceils should be 8 inches to 11 inches. See ACI 530.1-05,
Slump ACI 530.1-08
Section 2.6.B.2.
See FBC Table 2105.
Minimum Strength of masonry units and grout stated. FBC 2105.
ACI 530.08, Section
General FBC 2107.1
ACI 530-08, Section
Allowable 2.1.10 and
Lap Splices. Modify ASCE 530-, Section values of splices.
Stress Design FBC 2107.3, 2107.4,
Empirical design limited to ultimate design, wind speed of 115 mph. ACI 530-08, FBC 2109.1.1,
Section 5.1.2 for general limitations. ACI 530-08, 5.1.2
Reinforcing Reinforcing steel should be free of mud, oil or non-metallic castings that would FBC 1907.3, 1907.4,
Steel decrease the bond with concrete. No field bends except as approved by the architect. ACI 318-08, 7.4
Lintel Bearing Specify the minimum lintel bearing, in inches.
ACI 530,,
Masonry Veneer Special wind load requirements per ACI 530, Section and
Use inspection and clean-out holes at bottom of wall reinforced vertical cells for
grouting lifts over 5 feet high. Clean-out holes should be 3 feet minimum, see ACI
Clean-out Holes ACI 530.1-08
530.1-08, Section 3.2F. See grout space requirements for various grout pour heights in
ACI 530.1-08, Section 3.5C with Table 7.
Design FBC 2118
High Velocity Quality, Test and Approval FBC 2119
Hurricane Allowable Unit Stresses in Unit Masonry FBC 2120
Zones Construction Details FBC 2121
Reinforced Unit Masonry FBC 2122
Codes Code Reference
A.I.S.C. Manual of Steel Construction, 2005, Thirteenth Edition, including FBC 2214.1-6
Specification for Structural Steel Buildings 360-05. AISC 360-05
Grades of steel:
A36: 36 ksi yield stress: Wide- flange and other shapes used for beams.
A572: 42 ksi and 50 ksi yield stress: Wide-flange and other shapes for beams.
Structural Steel A588: 50 ksi yield stress: Wide-flange and other shapes used for beams.
A992: 50 ksi yield stress: Wide-flange and other shapes used for beams. FBC 2205
A500; Grade B: 42 ksi (round) and 46 ksi (shaped) yield; Cold-rolled square,
round and rectangular tubes used for columns and pipe columns.
A501; 36 ksi yield stress; hot-rolled square, round and rectangular steel tubes
used for columns.
A53, Grade B, Type E or S: 35 ksi yield stress: Pipes used for columns.
Code: North American Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural AISI 5100-07
Members, AISI 5100-07. AISI 9200-07,
Code: Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing-General Provisions, Floor and Roof 5211-07, 5212.07,
System Design, Wall Stud Design, Header Design, Lateral Design, Trusses. 5213-07, 5214-07
Cold-Formed ASTM A-653.
Lightgage Steel Metal roof decks and floor decks. FBC 2209.1
Steel Deck Institute DDM-03 Diaphragm Design Manual. FBC 2210.1,
Steel Deck Institute MOC-2 Manual of Construction with Steel Deck. 2210.2, 2210.3,
Standing seam metal decks. 2210.4, 2210.5,
Lightgage steel trusses, Code: Standard for Cold Formed Steel Framing - Trusses. 2210.6
Standard Specifications for Open-Web Steel Joists, K-series
Open-Web Steel Standard Specification for Longspan Steel Joists, LH series and Deep Longspan
FBC 2206
Joints Steel joists, DLH-series.
Standard Specification for Joist Girders.
Welding Welding done by certified welders. FBC 2218.3
General FBC 2214
Material FBC 2215
Design Loads FBC 2216
Minimum Thickness of Materials FBC 2217
Connections FBC 2218
High Velocity
Tubular Columns FBC 2219
Hurricane Zones
Protection of Metal FBC 2220
General-Open Web Steel Joists FBC 2221
Cold-Formed Steel Construction FBC 2222
Pre-engineered, Prefabricated Metal Building Systems and Components FBC 2223
Chain Link Fences FBC 2224
The specialty engineer for the steel joist supplier shall certify, in a cover letter that the FBC 1609.3
Joist Bridging
steel joist bottom chords will safely resist the wind uplift, considering the spacing of Figure 1609
the joist bridging. Calculations shall be submitted. FBC 2206.3
Steel shop drawings shall be signed, sealed and dated by the Florida-registered
Section 471.025(1)
Submittals professional engineer who is responsible for their preparation, unless design of
connections is shown on contract plans.
Structural Steel
A.I.S.C. Manual of Steel Construction, 2005, Thirteenth Edition
AISC 360-05
Structural Steel
A.I.S.C. Manual of Steel Construction, 2005, Thirteenth Edition
Code Reference
NDS-05 Load and Resistance Factor Design Standard for Engineered Wood
Construction. NDS-05
National Design Specification for Wood Construction - 2005 Supplement
Educational facilities construction; Type I, II, or IV, no wood permitted for structural
use. FBC 423.8.3.4
Types III and IV are permitted as follows:
1. Covered walkways open on all sides.
2. Dugouts, concession stands and related public toilets.
Permitted Use
3. Press boxes located on the first floor or with nothing directly below.
FBC 423.8.3.4
4. Non-flammable storage buildings detached at least 60 ft from educational
5. Wood may be used for non-structural uses, such as blocking, moldings,
nailers, etc.
Non-bearing interior partitions in permanent educational facilities.
Code Reference
Fire Rating Shingles Class A FBC 423.12.1
Cross Slope Minimum roof cross slope for shingles 2:12. FBC 1507.2.2
ASTM Shingles comply with ASTM D225 or D3462. FBC 1507.2.5
Comply with ASTM D226, Type I or Type II, or
FBC 1507.2.3
ASTM D4869 Type I or Type II, or ASTM D6757.
For roof slopes between 2:12 and 4:12:
Two layers of felt, minimum.
Starting at the eave, a 19 inch strip of underlayment shall be:
Applied parallel to and starting at the eave, and
Fastened sufficiently to hold it in place.
Starting at the eave, 36-inch wide strips of underlayment felt shall be
Overlapping successive sheets 19 inches and FBC 1507.2.8
Fastened sufficiently to hold them in place.
For slope greater than 4:12:
Starting at the eave, one layer of underlayment felt shall be applied as
Applied shingle fashion parallel to and starting at the eave, and lapped
2 inches, and fastened sufficiently to hold it in place.
Fasteners for asphalt shingles shall be:
Galvanized, stainless steel, aluminum, or copper roofing nails, minimum 12
gauge (0.105. inch) shank with a minimum ⅜-inch diameter head, and
Fasteners Length sufficient to penetrate through the roof materials and a minimum of ¾
inch into the roof sheathing. Where the sheathing is less than ¾ inch thick,
the nails shall penetrate through the sheathing. FBC 1507.2.6
Comply with ASTM F1667
Asphalt shingles shall be secured to the roof with fasteners, per FBC Table
Anchoring FBC 1507.2.9.25
Valley linings shall be installed per manufacturer's printed instructions before
FBC 1507.2.9.2
applying asphalt shingles. Valley linings for the following types are approved:
For open valleys (valley lining exposed) lined with metal, the valley lining
shall be:
At least 16 inches wide and
Made of any of the corrosion-resistant materials listed in FBC Table
Valleys For open valleys, valley lining of two piles of mineral surface roll roofing is
Bottom layer shall be 18 inches wide, minimum.
Top layer shall be 36 inches wide, minimum.
For closed valleys (valley covered with shingles), valley lining shall be one
of the following:
Type 1 or 2 above. FBC 1507.2.9.2
One ply of smooth roll roofing at least 36 inches wide and complying
with ASTM D6380 Class S.
No elastomeric and/or maintenance coatings unless approved by the manufacturer FBC 1507.15.3,
and installed per manufacturer’s instructions. 1521.17.1
Photovoltaic Rooftop-installed photovoltaic systems shall be installed per FBC 1505.8 and FBC 1505.8,
System 1507.17. 1507.17, 1518.11
Drip Edge Drip edge shall be 3 inches minimum. FBC 1507.2.9.3
(Continue to next page)
Code Reference
Drip edge shall be:
Provided at eaves and gables of shingle roofs.
Overlapped a minimum of 2 inches.
Eave drip edges shall extend:
Drip Edge ½ inch below sheathing, and
Back on the roof a minimum of 2 Inches. FBC 1507.2.9.3
Drip edge shall be mechanically fastened a maximum of 12 inches on center.
Drip edge may be installed over or under underlayment. If drip edge is
installed over underlayment, there shall be a minimum width of 4 inches of
roof cement over the drip edge flange.
The Contractor shall provide a "Final Statement of Compliance" to the architect,
Final Statement of
which states that the finished roof membrane complies with the approved FBC 423.12.3
contractual documents.
Inspection by The roof membrane shall be inspected by the manufacturer's representative within
FBC 423.12.4
Manufacturer one year of acceptance by the Board.
A primary drainage system shall be provided, size per FBC-Plumbing Section
Primary Drainage FBC-P 1106
1106, Tables 1106.2(1), 1106.2(2), 1106.3 and Figure 1106.1.
A secondary drainage system shall be provided when parapets surround the
FBC-P 1107
Separate from the primary system. FBC-P 1107.2. Values from Tables
Secondary FBC-P 1107.2
1106.2(10), 1106.2(2), 1106.3 and Figure 1106.1.
Sized per FBC-P Section 1107.3. FBC-P 1107.3
Overflow scupper to have a minimum dimension of 4-inch opening. FBC-P 1107.3
General FBC 1512
Definitions FBC 1513
Weather Protection FBC 1514
Performance Requirements FBC 1515
Fire Classification FBC 1516
Materials FBC 1517
High Velocity Roof Coverings with Slopes 2:12 or Greater FBC 1518
Hurricane Zones Roof Coverings with Slopes Less than 2:12 FBC 1519
Roof Insulation FBC 1520
Re-roofing FBC 1521
Rooftop Structures and Components FBC 1522
Testing FBC 1523
Required Owners Notification for Roofing Considerations FBC 1524
Uniform Permit Application FBC 1525
Submit complete FLA/COM compliance form. This shall indicate compliance with
Energy Efficiency FBC 13-400.0
Florida Energy Efficiency Code (FEEC) for Building Construction.
Section K-12 College Ancillary
423.1 Scope: Public educational facilities X X X
423.2.1 Owner X X X
423.4.7 ASCE 7 X X X
423.4.8 Life Cycle Cost Guidelines for Materials and Buildings for
Florida’s Public Educational Facilities
423.5 Definitions X X X
423.5.1 Assembly X X X
423.5.2 Board X X X
423.5.3 Boiler X X X
Section K-12 College Ancillary
423.5.6 Facility X X X
423.5.11 Owner X X X
423.5.12 Permit X X X
423.5.13 Remodeling X X X
423.5.14 Renovation X X X
Section K-12 College Ancillary
423.7.4 Common fire alarm X X Footnote(2)
423.8.3.2 Type I X X X
423.8.3.3 Type IV X X X
423.8.7 Life cycle cost guidelines for materials and building systems X X X
Section K-12 College Ancillary
423.8.8.6 Exterior stairs, balconies, ramps, etc. X X N/A
423.10.1 Fencing X X X
423.10.2.3 Drainage X X X
Section K-12 College Ancillary
423.10.3.5 Lighting for parking areas X X X
423. Entrances/exits X X X
423. Entrances X X X
423.10.3.7 Shielding X X X
423.10.7 Landscaping X X X
423.12 Roofing X X X
Section K-12 College Ancillary
423.13 Doors and windows X X X
423.13.2 Recessed X X X
423.13.5 Gates X X X
423.13.6 Hardware X X X
423.13.8 Windows X X X
Section K-12 College Ancillary
423.14.5.4 Inclined wheel chair lifts X X X
423. Sensing X X X
423.14.8.1 Floors X X X
423.14.8.2 Walls X X X
423.14.8.3 Ceilings X X X
423.15 Mechanical X X X
423.16 Plumbing X X X
423.16.1 Standards X X X
423.16.4 Urinals X X X
Section K-12 College Ancillary
423.16.9.1 Shower facilities X X N/A
423.16.10 Kitchens X X X
423.17 Electrical X X X
423.17.7 Lightning X X X
Section K-12 College Ancillary
423.19.5 Shade cloth X X N/A
423.20 Storage X X X
Section K-12 College Ancillary
423.22.3.3 Include hot & cold water X Footnote(3) N/A
423.22.3.4 Toilet exhaust fans X Footnote N/A
423.22.3.5 Working counter top X Footnote N/A
423. Application X X X
423.25.2 Site X X X
423.25.2.2 Landscaping X X X
423.25.2.3 Parking X X X
423.25.2.4 Signage X X X
423.25.3 Design X X X
Section K-12 College Ancillary
423.25.3.1 Excluded spaces X X X
423.25.3.2 Capacity X X X
423.25.3.3 Toilets X X X
423.25.4.2 Roofs X X X
423.25.4.3 Windows X X X
423.25.4.4 Doors X X X
423.25.6 Inspections X X X
Section K-12 College Ancillary
423.25.6.2 Inspection of emergency electrical system X X X
423.27.1 Relocatables X X X
423.27.1.1 Shelter X X X
423.27.4 Accessibility X X X
423.27.5.1 Floodplain X X X
Section K-12 College Ancillary
423.27.5.3 Separation of units X X X
423.27.6 Structure X X X
423.27.8 Doors X X X
423.27.10 Finishes X X X
If Daycare Program exists
Where required by NFPA
If Vocational Program is present
If included in program