Elder Abuse
Elder Abuse
Elder Abuse
Author Manuscript
J Trauma Stress. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 March 28.
Published in final edited form as:
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
This study examines rates of potentially traumatic events and associated anxiety and emotional/
behavioral difficulties among 1,258 orphaned and abandoned children in 5 low and middle-income
countries. The study quantifies the types of events the children experienced and demonstrates that
anxiety and emotional/behavioral difficulties increase with additional event exposure. As policies
for orphaned and abandoned children are being implemented, this study helps policy makers and
providers recognize that: (a) children and caregivers are willing to report experiences of
potentially traumatic events; (b) those who report such events are at higher risk for experiencing
additional events; (c) resulting symptomatology indicates a need for appropriate mental health
services; and (d) male children are as vulnerable as females, indicating an equal need for
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Local, national, and international organizations are struggling to meet the needs of the more
than 143 million children worldwide who experienced the death of a parent and the millions
more who have been abandoned by both parents (UNICEF, UNAIDS, & USAID, 2004). In
Sub-Saharan Africa alone, it is estimated that 47.5 million children were orphaned in 2007
(UNICEF, 2009); the number is even larger in South and Southeastern Asia (UNICEF,
2010). The well-being of orphaned and abandoned children and their later ability to become
productive community members is important to the future stability and well-being of those
nations most affected by the new epidemic of orphaned and abandoned children (Senate and
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Kathryn Whetten, Duke University, Center for Health Policy and
Inequalities Research, 2812 Erwin Rd., Suite 403 Durham, NC 27705., katewhetten@gmail.com.
1In addition to the listed authors, the Positive Outcomes for Orphans Research Team consists of: Chris Bernard Otieno Agala,
Frehiwot Alebachew, Sisay Woldeyohannes Ameya, Robin Briggs, Sopheak Chan, Haimanot Diro, Rama Devi Durgam, Belaynesh
Engiadawork, Dafrosa Itemba, Venkata Gopala Krishna Kaza, Becky Kinoti, Rajeswara Rao Konjarla, Mao Lang, Dean Lewis, Ira
Madan, Cyrilla Manya, Restituta Mvungi, Laura Kathleen Murphy-McMillan, Robert Mujera, Kokeb Badma Negatu, Imliyanger
Pongen, Pelevinuo Rai, John Shao, Neville Selhore, Amani Sizya, Vanroth Vann, Augustine Wasonga.
Kathryn et al. Page 2
House of Representatives of the United States 109th Congress, 2005). In addition to the
availability of basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter, the well-being of these
children depends on their physical and emotional safety (General Assembly of the United
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Nations, 1989; UNICEF and UNAIDS, 2004). Creating comprehensive policies and
programs that ensure their safety requires an understanding of the extent and nature of
potentially traumatic experiences and their sequelae so that effective and targeted protection
policies and treatment services can be put in place if needed.
Recent studies of orphaned and abandoned children in low and middle-income countries
recognize the potential trauma of losing one or both parents (Cluver, Fincham, & Seedat,
2009;Cluver & Gardner, 2006; Cluver, Gardner, & Operario, 2007). These studies
demonstrate the potential for these children to be exposed to additional potentially traumatic
events and hypothesize that when children are orphaned they are at higher risk for
experiencing such events due to lack of adequate adult protection (Ahmad et al., 2005).
However, studies do not quantify the types of events that orphaned and abandoned children
are exposed to, or whether they are associated with increased emotional and behavioral
difficulties that may make it difficult to succeed in school and acquire life skills for
adulthood. Childhood exposure to potentially traumatic events has been demonstrated in
numerous studies to be associated with anxiety, depression, and antisocial behavior patterns
that last into adulthood (Koenig, Doll, O'Leary, & Pequegnat, 2004; Matshalaga & Powell,
2002) and can lead to high-risk behaviors, increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
diseases such as HIV/AIDS, and reduced health promotion activities (Whetten, Reif,
Whetten, & Murphy-McMillan, 2008). Exposure to such events in childhood has also been
linked to distrust of governments and systems of care later in life (Whetten et al., 2006).
This manuscript expands the understanding of the physical safety and emotional well-being
of orphaned and abandoned children in five low and middle-income countries by examining
rates of potentially traumatic events, the nature of these events, and rates of anxiety and
emotional difficulties among the children who experienced them. Differences by sex and
orphan status are examined and comparisons are made with a small sample of children
living with both parents, drawn from the same geographical areas. Increased knowledge of
potentially traumatic events and the associated emotional difficulties provides valuable
information to policy makers, funders, and practitioners that can assist in the creation of safe
living environments where the needs of traumatized children can be addressed. The study
uses data from the Positive Outcomes for Orphans research study which assesses the well-
being of children who were orphaned or abandoned in six diverse sites in five low and
middle-income countries (Whetten et al., 2009).
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
The Positive Outcomes for Orphans sampling strategy and characteristics of participating
caregivers and children have been reported elsewhere (The Positive Outcomes for Orphans
Research Team, 2010; Whetten, et al., 2009); we describe here the elements of the sampling
approach most relevant to this analysis. Six sites from five low and middle-income countries
(Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Tanzania) were selected for their cultural, historical,
ethnic, religious, political, and geographic diversity: Battambang District, Cambodia; Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia; Hyderabad, India; Nagaland, India; Bungoma District, Kenya; and
Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania.
The Positive Outcomes for Orphans study employed a two-stage random sampling survey
methodology to identify a sample of 1,480 orphaned and abandoned children, ages 6-12 at
baseline, who were living in family dwellings. In each study area, the sampling strategy
involved the selection of 50 sampling areas (“clusters”) and five children per cluster.
Geographic or administrative boundaries were used to define sampling areas. Orphaned and
abandoned children were defined as children who had at least one parent who had died or
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children who had been abandoned by both parents. In each cluster up to five eligible
children were selected, either randomly from available lists, or through a house-to-house
census conducted until five households with age-eligible children were identified. In
households with multiple age-eligible children, the child whose first name started with the
earliest letter in the alphabet was selected. Although the Positive Outcomes for Orphans
study also enrolled a sample of children residing in institutional care settings, those children
are not included in analyses for this manuscript, which focuses on community exposure to
potentially traumatic events. Enrollment and baseline data collection were conducted over a
6 to 8 month period at each site between May 2006 and February 2008.
In addition to orphaned and abandoned children, 301 children who were not orphaned or
abandoned at baseline were enrolled into the study to provide a qualitative reference group.
In each cluster, one household without orphaned and abandoned children was randomly
selected from the five respective nearest such households, and one child, ages 6-12, and his/
her primary caregiver, were enrolled.
Children and their self-identified primary caregivers were contacted twice-annually for up to
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The Life Events Checklist was created by the National Center for Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD) to facilitate the diagnosis of PTSD (Gray, Litz, Hsu, & Lombardo, 2004).
The list of experienced or witnessed events includes those that have been found to be
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
predictive of the diagnoses of PTSD, anxiety and depression and is one of the most
frequently used instruments by researchers to assess potentially traumatic event exposure
across countries and cultures (Elhai, Gray, Kashdan, & Franklin, 2005). The Life Events
Checklist asks about events such as being in a natural disaster, seeing someone hurt or
killed, being raped or beaten, or being forced to leave home. For each event, caregivers and
children ages 11 and older were asked if the child had ever witnessed or experienced the
event, and if yes, if the event had occurred more than once. At follow-up, an additional
question asked whether the event(s) happened more than one year ago, within the past year,
or both. When both caregiver proxy reports and child self-reports were available they were
combined; i.e., a child was counted as having experienced an event if either the caregiver or
the child reported the event. “Hearing about a family member who died” was not included in
analyses because nearly all children had heard of a family member who had died; “had a
brother or sister die” was excluded because it could not be ascertained whether the event
was witnessed by the child. The 19 remaining events were grouped into six conceptually
related categories: witnessing family death; physical or sexual abuse; witnessing family
violence; being forced to leave home; war, riots or killings; and disasters or accidents (see
Table 1). Similar groupings have been used in other studies of potentially traumatic events
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
in childhood and adulthood (Mugavero et al., 2006). Parental death and abandonment were
added as separate event categories; study inclusion criteria thus implied that all orphaned
and abandoned children in this study had experienced at least one potentially traumatic
event. Although one event may be associated with multiple event categories (e.g.,
witnessing a parent die from illness, or being forced to leave home due to war or conflict
would be included in two categories), it is not possible to establish from the data how many
events were included in multiple categories.
The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist – Specific (PCL-S) was used to measure
anxiety (Weathers, Litz, Herman, Huska, & Keane, 1991). The psychometric properties of
the PCL-S have been tested and reported elsewhere along with studies confirming its
validity in various population groups (Blanchard, Jones-Alexander, Buckley, & Forneris,
1996; Weathers, Litz, Herman, Huska, & Keane, 1993). Although the PCL-S can be used for
a dichotomous classification of individuals likely to meet diagnostic criteria for PTSD
(Weathers, et al., 1993), in these analyses the PCL-S was used as a continuous measure of
anxiety symptomatology and not to diagnose PTSD. The PCL-S was only administered to
orphaned and abandoned children; the term “anxiety” is used when reporting on the PCL-S
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire is a brief behavioral screening tool applicable
to children 3-16 years old, used to assess behavioral and emotional difficulties and pro-
social behavior (Goodman, 1997). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire has five
subscales: Emotional Symptoms, Conduct Problems, Hyperactivity/Inattention; Peer
Relationship Problems, and Pro-Social Behavior. Each subscale has five items; items are
scored from 0-2. The 4 difficulties subscales were summed to form a Total Difficulties
score. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire was chosen for its brevity, its
psychometric properties, and its frequent use in other international studies (Goodman, 2001;
Youthinmind, 2009).
Household characteristics were assessed using the World Bank's Child Needs Assessment
Toolkit (World Bank, 2008), administered to all participating caregivers at baseline; selected
elements were also asked at annual follow-up assessments. An asset checklist, several
elements of which were used by DHS in the construction of wealth indices (Rutstein &
Johnson, 2004), was administered to all caregivers. Elements of the asset checklist and Child
Needs Assessment Toolkit that were comparable to items used in the construction of DHS
wealth indices were used to construct a comparable wealth index for each participating
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Bivariable logistic regression models assessed the association between lifetime potentially
traumatic event reports at baseline and reports of incident events during the last year of
follow-up. Linear regression models with PCL-S scores, Strengths and Difficulties
Questionnaire subscales, and the Total Difficulties score as dependent variables were used to
estimate the associations of potentially traumatic events with child well-being. Outcomes
models controlled for children's age, sex, orphaning or abandonment status, site fixed
effects, and reports of potentially traumatic events. Each of the six event categories (Table
1) was scored as 1 if an event was reported and zero if no event was reported. Principal
components analysis was used to reduce the correlated event categories, with correlations up
to ρ = .59 for physical/sexual abuse and family violence, into two orthogonal factors which
were used as covariates. Physical and sexual abuse and family violence loaded on the first
factor; war, riots, and killings, being forced to leave home, witnessing family death, and to a
lesser extent disasters and accidents loaded primarily on the second factor. Parameter
estimates from outcomes regressions were combined with component loadings for each
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event category to derive the individual and joint associations of each potentially traumatic
event category with each outcome. Separate regression models were estimated for the PCL-
S anxiety measure; the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Total Difficulties score, and
each subscale.
All models accounted for clustering by site. Weights were constructed to adjust for
differences in the number of children and their age and sex distributions across sites. In
sensitivity analyses we evaluated whether the relationships between potentially traumatic
events and mental health symptomatology differed by children's age, sex, orphan status (loss
of one or both parents or abandonment), relationship to the primary caregiver (biological
parent or others), household socioeconomic status, or site.
Threats to Validity
Several preliminary analyses were used to evaluate and control for threats to the validity of
our results. Logistic regression models were used to evaluate whether children who were
lost to follow-up (222 orphaned or abandoned children) differed with respect to baseline
rates of potentially traumatic event exposure or outcomes. In the aggregate, these children
were 8 months older, had higher symptoms of anxiety and emotional difficulties, and were
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more likely to have been abandoned, but were no more likely than other study children to
have experienced other potentially traumatic events (not shown).
Logistic regression models were also used to evaluate concerns that repeated assessments of
sensitive topics may have affected lifetime potentially traumatic event reports at follow-up.
In 36 individual regression models (one model for each site and event category), we
compared age-adjusted rates for lifetime potentially traumatic event exposure between the
baseline and last available follow-up assessments. In Kenya, significant increases in age-
adjusted event reports were observed in all categories except disasters and accidents. These
increases were arguably the result of election-related violence in January of 2008. In
addition, higher rates of physical or sexual abuse were reported in Cambodia, and higher
rates of family death and being forced to leave home in Tanzania. No differences in age-
adjusted event reports were observed in the remaining 24 models. Due to the specific nature
of the events in Kenya, all models were re-estimated in sensitivity analyses with Kenya data
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The average age of the sample at the 36 month follow-up assessment was 11.5 years (SD =
1.85); 53% were male (Table 2). One-third had experienced the death of a mother, and 75%
the death of a father, with an average of 7 years since the death of a parent. Sixty-three
percent of children lived with a biological parent, 21% with grandparents, 13% with aunts
and uncles. Nearly 3% lived in child-headed households (not shown). The average age of the
primary caregivers was 42.5 years (SD = 13.4). One-third of the sample was living in rural
Table 3 describes rates of reported potentially traumatic events, including the percentages of
children reported to have ever experienced the event; experienced the event more than one
time; and experienced the event in the 12 months prior to the interview. Rates of lifetime
exposure to each event category are presented by sex and orphan status, and for the sample
of children living with both parents.
Nearly all children experienced at least one additional potentially traumatic event beyond
the death of a parent or abandonment (98%), with more than half experiencing 4 or more
events (55%). The non-orphan sample experienced fewer event categories than the sample
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of orphaned and abandoned children, yet 87% reported at least one event; 13% experienced
4 or more types of events. Death of a family member (79%), physical and/or sexual abuse
(70%), and witnessing family violence (50%) were the most commonly reported events. One
third of children reported a potentially traumatic event during the past year. Sex was not
predictive of abuse. Abandoned children were most likely to experience physical and/or
sexual abuse (84%), followed by double orphans (79%). Double orphans were most likely to
have witnessed family violence (59%) and to have had to leave home (42%). War, riots or
killings were experienced by one-quarter of the sample.
There was little difference in rates of potentially traumatic events, rates of repeated
exposure, or the number of event categories by sex. There was a significant difference in the
mean number of reported event categories between children cared for by a biological parent
(3.47) versus other children (3.81; p < 0.001, not shown).
Experiencing a past event predicts experiencing such an event in the future (Table 4). For
example, reporting having experienced physical or sexual abuse at the baseline assessment
strongly predicted reporting such an event during the year preceding the follow-up
assessment. The relationship was statistically significant for three of the five potentially
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Jointly controlling for all event categories in multivariable regression models, four event
categories were independently associated with higher levels of anxiety and emotional
difficulties, three with total difficulties, and two with conduct problems (p-values < 0.05;
Table 5). For example, if a child had experienced war, riots or killings, this was associated
with increased anxiety (p < 0. 01); if they were also forced to leave home this was
independently associated with increased anxiety symptomatology (p < 0.001). Emotional
problems were predicted by witnessed death (p < 0.05), war, riots or killings (p < 0.01),
being forced to leave home (p < 0.001), and disasters or accidents (p < 0.001). The effects
on peer relationship problems and hyperactivity were not statistically significant.
Nearly all children experienced at least one potentially traumatic event in addition to the
death of a parent or abandonment. Additional event categories were associated with higher
PCL-S scores and greater difficulties scores (nonparametric trend tests; both p < 0.001).
Figure 1 suggests that the relationship between potentially traumatic events and PCL-S
scores, but not between events and difficulties scores, may differ between orphaned and
abandoned children, with additional events associated with the greatest increases in anxiety
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Sensitivity Analysis
Rates of reported lifetime exposure and incidence of potentially traumatic events differed
significantly across sites for all event categories and for the total number of categories
reported (p < 0.0001). Sensitivity analyses suggest significant differences in the strength of
the association between potentially traumatic events and mental health symptomatology
across study sites, by age, and whether the caregiver is the biological parent (less
symptomatology), but not by sex, household wealth, or whether the child was a single or
double orphan (not shown). Site-specific analyses indicated positive associations between
the number of event categories and adverse outcomes in four of the six study sites;
associations between event categories and symptomatology were strongest in the African
sites and weakest in India (not shown).
Past studies have documented that orphans are exposed to stressors that include caring for a
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
dying parent, relocation from home and school, separation from siblings, child labor to
provide extra income, unstable living conditions, and abuse in living situation without the
protection of a biological parent (Foster, Makufa, Drew, Mashumba, & Kambeu, 1997;
Ntozi, Lubaale, & Nakanaabi, 1997). Studies examining the mental health symptomatology
of orphaned and non-orphaned children found that orphans were more likely to experience
internalizing disorders such as anxiety, a sense of failure, and suicidal thoughts (Cluver, et
al., 2007; Cluver & Orkin, 2009). Relatively few studies on the lives and wellbeing of
orphaned and abandoned children living in South and Southeast Asia have been conducted,
yet this is region is home to the largest number of such children.
This is the first study to examine rates of potentially traumatic events longitudinally in a
large randomly selected group of orphaned and abandoned children in multiple less wealthy
nations. It is also the first to examine the relationships between past and future events among
orphaned and abandoned children; between additional potentially traumatic events and
emotional outcomes; and whether the latter is influenced by orphan status or abandonment.
This study provides further evidence that potentially traumatic experiences of orphaned and
abandoned children in low and middle-income countries extend beyond abandonment or
parental death, and it begins to describe such events. The study demonstrates that double and
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single orphans and abandoned children are all at risk for additional potentially traumatic
events and that the specific events for which they are at highest risk may differ. The study
suggests that even though abandoned children and children living with both parents may
experience similar rates of potentially traumatic events, being a single or double orphan
results in greater negative psychological impacts of additional events.
This study indicates that caregivers and children are willing to discuss their experiences of
potentially traumatic events in interviews with trained interviewers; and by following
children longitudinally, the study documents that children who experienced potentially
traumatic events in the past are likely to re-experience such events in the future. This
suggests that further events could be averted with targeted protective interventions and
mental health care for children reported to have experienced such events in the past.
Importantly, male children appear as vulnerable to potentially traumatic events as female
children. Currently many policies target vulnerable female children specifically; our
analyses indicate that protection policies for both sexes are equally necessary.
A possible limitation of this study is reporting bias. Event reporting biases are likely in the
direction of underreporting, which could bias the estimated effects of additional potentially
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
traumatic events on anxiety and behavioral and emotional difficulties. Other limitations of
this study include the lack of data on the total number of events within categories, on when
the child experienced the events, the perpetrators of events, and on the sequencing of events,
including which events occurred pre- or post-orphaning and the causal nature of traumas and
symptomatology. However, this study indicates that children who experienced potentially
traumatic events are more likely to experience mental health symptomatology, and
symptomatology increases with additional events. Recognizing the possible contribution of
potentially traumatic events to emotional difficulties can aid in the development of
interventions to mediate their effects, thereby allowing children a greater chance of success
in education, work, relationships, and healthy adulthood.
Many orphaned and abandoned children live in poor communities and households where
adults spend long hours working away from the home, where rates of violence may be high,
and where perpetrators of potentially traumatic events may be family members. Protection
of children under such conditions can be difficult for families; protection policies and
services may need to target entire communities in such cases. The study finding that 87% of
children living with both parents experienced at least one potentially traumatic event, and
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
72% experienced two or more events, indicates that communities caring for orphaned and
abandoned children may be areas of high risk for such events for all children who live there.
Early and community-wide interventions could potentially provide protective systems and
coping skills. Such programs could help build resilience and reduce the number of
potentially traumatic events to which children are exposed. Researchers are beginning to
identify interventions that can be adapted to less wealthy nation settings to ameliorate the
mental health symptomatology resulting from potentially traumatic events (Lin, Sandler,
Ayers, Wolchik, & Luecken, 2004; Verdeli et al., 2003).
In summary, this study indicates that orphaned and abandoned children are at high risk for
experiencing further potentially traumatic events and that those who experienced different
categories of events are at high risk for repeated exposure. Double orphans are considered
the most vulnerable children (Huang and Panza, 2009) and appear in this study to be most
negatively affected by repeated exposure to potentially traumatic events. However, this
study also indicates that single and abandoned children, both male and female, are each at
high risk for further potentially traumatic events and associated difficulties, demonstrating
the need for similar protection and care, and appropriate psychological services. Site
variation indicates that protective and care services should be tailored to sites' specific
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
needs, and may need to be based on recent political events such as wars or riots, or cultural
differences such as views of family violence.
This work was supported by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), grant No.
5R01HD046345-04. We thank all the children and caregivers who participated in this study. We appreciate the
support that has been provided by the partner organizations: KIWAKKUKI in Moshi, Tanzania; ACE Africa in
Bungoma, Kenya; SaveLives Ethiopia in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Save the Vulnerables Organization in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia; Homeland Meahto Phum Ko'Mah in Battambang, Cambodia; and Sahara Centre for Rehabilitation
and Residential Care in Delhi, Hyderabad and Nagaland, India. We thank Max Masnick for database and editing
support and Anna Both for manuscript preparation.
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Weathers, FW.; Litz, BT.; Herman, DS.; Huska, JA.; Keane, TM. The PTSD Checklist - Civilian
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Figure 1.
Association of potentially traumatic events with anxiety and emotional difficulties. OAC =
Orphaned and Abandonded Children; PCL-S = Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist-
Specific; SDQ = Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. PCL-S was not used with the
non-OAC group.
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Table 1
Frequency of Exposure to Potentially Traumatic Events
Percent reporting
Kathryn et al.
Note. Based on 1,230 caregiver reports and 1,029 child self-reports. Maternal death, paternal death and abandonment identified by caregiver reports.
Page 12
Kathryn et al. Page 13
Table 2
Characteristics of Orphaned And Abandoned Children Ages 9-15 And Their Primary
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Percent Percent
n Unweighted Weighted a
Male 665 52.9% 50.0%
Single orphans 936 74.4% 74.0%
Double orphans 218 17.3% 16.9%
Abandoned children 104 8.3% 9.1%
Mother died 433 34.4% 33.5%
Father died 939 74.6% 74.3%
Living with biological mother 663 52.7% 53.7%
Living with biological father 115 9.2% 8.9%
Fair or poor caregiver health 365 29.2% 29.2%
Rural 395 33.1% 31.9%
Note. N = 1,258.
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Weighted to ensure equal representative of all ages, both genders and all six study sites.
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Table 3
Rates Of Reported Potentially Traumatic Events Among Children Ages 9-15 (%)
Ever >1 time Past year Female Male One parent Both parents Abandoned Non-OAC
Number of children 1,258 1,258 1,258 593 665 936 218 104 272
Parental death 91 17 - 92 90 100 100 -
Abandonment 9 - - 8 10 - - 100
None - 67 -- - - - - 13***
1 2 22 2 2 2 1 5 15
2 21 9 22 20 23 12 24 38
3 22 1 22 22 23 15 32 21
4 or more 55 1 53 56 52 73 39 13
Note. OAC = orphaned and abandoned children. Event reports among orphaned and abandoned children are weighted to ensure equal representative of all ages, both genders and all six study sites.
Significance refers to comparisons of event rates by loss category and among orphaned and abandoned children vs. the comparison group. Inclusion criteria implied that all children other than non-OAC had
Table 4
Baseline Reports of Potentially Traumatic Events as Predictors Of Potentially Traumatic Event Reports at Follow-Up
Physical or sexual abuse Family violence Forced to leave home War, riots or killings Witnessed family death
Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals from bivariate logistic regression models controlling only for prior event report(s).
Table 5
Effects of Traumatic Events on Anxiety and Emotional and Conduct Difficulties
Forced to leave home 0.59 *** 0.17 0.18 ** 0.07 0.05 * 0.02
Trauma Category b SE b SE b SE
Forced to leave home 0.01 0.03 0.10 *** 0.03 0.02 0.02
Note. PCL-S = Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist – Specific; OAC = Orphaned and Abandonded Children. Estimates from multivariable linear regression analyses controlling for age, gender, OAC