Solar Case Studies
Solar Case Studies
Solar Case Studies
Table of Contents
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Tri-County Electric Cooperative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative. . . . . . . . . 8
San Miguel Power Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Okanogan County Electric Cooperative . . . . . . . . . 19
Green Power EMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Cherryland Electric Cooperative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Kit Carson Electric Cooperative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Great River Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Fast evolving technologies and policy initiatives are transforming all sectors of the elec-
tric utility industry, including electric cooperatives. No energy source is changing faster
or generating more questions than solar energy.
Promoted by federal and state mandates and financial incentives, the use of photovolta-
ic panels to produce electricity is surging. Declining system costs have made the tech-
nology more affordable and further juiced the solar surge. That growth, however, is not
without consequences for how cooperatives do business. There are serious implications,
financial, technical and strategic.
As solar generation's capacity grows and solar power's cost continues to decrease,
non-utility providers are inviting consumers to choose solar for a portion of their elec-
tric power needs. Many electric cooperatives are wrestling with the question of how to
respond. Is solar a promising opportunity for future growth? Or is it a competitive threat
to cooperatives’ core business?
Electric cooperatives are embracing the challenge and in many places leading the way in
bringing solar energy to people. Across the country, co-ops have almost 240 megawatts
of solar capacity online or on the drawing board. By empowering their consumer-mem-
bers to have a role in determining how their energy needs are met, cooperatives provide
innovative solutions that balance their business priorities and consumer goals while
ensuring reliable, affordable and sustainable electric power for all.
The following eight case studies illustrate some of the innovative ways cooperatives are
satisfying member-consumers’ demand for solar-derived electricity. These profiles run
the gamut—from generation and transmission cooperatives to small distribution cooper-
atives, from Washington state and New Mexico to Minnesota and Georgia.
You’ll find that the solar solutions they’ve devised are equally diverse.
2. Renewable Profile
The cooperative has constructed a community solar array of 73.8 kw. Tri-County selected tenKsolar’s RAIS XT-
28 photovoltaic system (, an integrated system whose components are designed to work
together. The reputation and Minnesota roots of tenKsolar played a large role in its selection.
This array consists of 180 modules of 410 watts each, and 10 6 kw RAIS inverter buses. They were ground
mounted using Hubbell Helical Coil foundations on a tenKsolar-rail mount-system. The system is projected to
produce 107,651 kwh annually. The footprint of the array is about 107 feet by 78 feet. The co-op had been con-
sidering a solar project for three years prior to the project’s commissioning on July 22, 2014, and it took approx-
imately one year from Board approval to final construction of the project.
6. Telemetry
The cooperative does not utilize SCADA technology, and none was required for this array. Output of the array is
monitored and posted in real time on the co-op’s website through the use of a third-party vendor, Solar Edge,
using its eGauge system. Tri-County does have an advanced metering infrastructure system, but it is not cur-
rently being used to actively manage DG on its system.
7. Administrative Impacts
No additional personnel were required; however, the marketing and member services departments were
overwhelmed at first by questions from members. That has since scaled back to a manageable level. Account-
ing personnel worked with their software provider, NISC, to accommodate changes needed in order to bill
purchasers of units in the array; the changes related to being able to apply the kwh credit for production from
the array. Some additional work on the cooperative’s website was required to accommodate the program.
Tri-County communicated this project through newsletters, press releases, social media, its website, and other
normal communications channels.
2. Renewable Profile
In December 2012, SMECO completed construction of a 5.5-MW solar array, located on 33 acres of a 47-acre
parcel owned by SMECO that is adjacent to its engineering and operations center in Hughesville, Maryland. The
capacity factor of the array is estimated to be 18.5 percent. The duration of the project, from start to finish,
was just under two years. The construction and commissioning period took approximately five months.
The 23,716 MEMC 280-W DC module solar array is connected to the local electric distribution system using 11
Advanced Energy 500-kW inverters. All components were specified by the developer, Sun Edison. Total output
of the array is 5.5-MW AC. This project fits into the cooperative’s overall power portfolio needs both for energy
and for Maryland state mandates for renewable energy. The array provides a small percentage of energy but a
large percentage of solar renewable energy credits to meet a portion of SMECO’s renewable portfolio standard
(RPS) requirements.
6. Telemetry
Array output is posted to a Sun Edison Client Connect website using its proprietary programs. The website is
linked to the cooperative’s SMECO Solar website so members can view the array output in real time. Array
monitoring is provided by Sun Edison as part of the five-year contract.
7. Administrative Impacts
The addition of the array added some work to all departments. Additional legal and accounting work was
needed to develop the for-profit subsidiary, SMECO Solar, and to fulfill annual reporting and tax requirements.
Because the array was not marketed to the membership, most outreach efforts consisted of maximizing the
project's public relations value to the membership and the community at large. As part of this effort, a com-
panion website for the subsidiary was developed ( The cooperative also utilized press
releases and articles in the monthly newsletter, Cooperative Review, to keep members informed about SMECO
Recognizing its achievement with the SMECO Solar array, SMECO was named 2014 Electric Cooperative Utility
of the Year by the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA).
In 2014, SMECO held a series of open house meetings that were well-attended by members who wanted to
learn more about solar generation. The open house meetings, which were held in response to recent national
solar developer marketing campaigns geared toward rooftop solar installations, have strained cooperative engi-
neering and administrative resources. As a result, the cooperative is currently evaluating staffing and organiza-
tional changes to better address the increased workload as interest in rooftop solar continues to grow.
2. Renewable Profile
SMPA’s solar array, located in Paradox Valley, Colo., has a nameplate capacity of 1.1 megawatt DC. In 2013, the
unit maintained a 20 percent capacity factor. Siting, permitting and installation of the array took approximate-
ly one year and was completed Dec. 13, 2012. The array consists of 4,784 Hanwha Solar One modules of 235
watts each. Power conversion is accomplished with an AE Solar Energy PowerStation 1000 NX with two AE 500
NX inverters. Racking was ground-mounted on driven piles. The site covers more than 6 acres of a 9.27-acre
parcel of land.
4. Project Development
SMPA had already been looking at the Paradox Valley site prior to the RFP process and assisted CEC by recom-
mending the site and sharing in a small portion of the siting groundwork. All other development issues, includ-
ing site development criteria, engineering, procurement and construction up to and including final commission-
ing, were CEC’s responsibility.
SMPA wanted to build as large an array as feasible and allowable under its power supply contract. However,
SMPA did not want to build a facility that would cause excess power flow back onto Tri-State’s system. One
MW was appropriate because its production would not exceed the native load. The size of the array was also
determined using a combination of engineering, economics and siting.
6. Administrative Impacts
No additional staffing was required, though additional front-end work with ATS, the cooperative’s billing provid-
er, was required to correctly bill the accounts of those who participated in this project, which totaled approxi-
mately 70 participants at the project’s inception. This was largely due to the need to credit the accounts for the
production of the array by integrating a crediting file, which is created by CEC monthly and then downloaded
into the ATS software. Since implementation, no major issues have arisen, although monthly monitoring by
SMPA is necessary.
Member service personnel spent considerable time answering members’ questions, the most common one be-
ing the economics of participation. As marketing and sales of the array panels were the responsibility of CEC, it
handled most of the inquiries and sales questions. Marketing pieces were developed jointly by SMPA and CEC.
A website for the array,, was developed.
9. Lessons Learned
Loss of control was the first lesson learned. The agreement with CEC called for branding the project as the
San Miguel Solar Garden. As CEC grew and staff turned over, SMPA ran into some issues with being left out of
marketing and branding activities and ads. Closer monitoring and communication with CEC in the marketing ac-
tivities would have been appropriate. At times, confusion existed among the membership regarding this third
party selling electricity and marketing to members. This was important to SMPA, as it wanted it to be clear that
no other entities would be selling electricity to its membership without its agreement. Better monitoring and
communication with CEC in this regard would have helped. SMPA may have chosen to have better control over
the sales, marketing and branding of its community solar array. Going forward, SMPA will analyze all business
options available to it as market conditions, the state of technology and societal attitudes toward solar evolve.
SMPA chose to build the larger array anticipating more member demand and participation. There was not
much response to pre sales notices, although the region is highly supportive of local renewable resources. The
array did sell out in the projected three-year period, primarily achieved through large purchases. Another
option, given the rapid decline in solar photovoltaic module costs, would have been to build the array in stages,
which might have ultimately resulted in lower panel prices for the members. In the future, SMPA will evaluate
this option as well.
What would SMPA tell a cooperative starting from scratch? Perform the upfront work to understand the de-
mand for the product, why you are offering it and how it will benefit the membership and the cooperative at
large. It should be a win-win for all. Otherwise, it might not be a good fit for your co-op.
Sally Smith buys 10 panels. Her portion of the total 4,784-panel array is .0020903.
September’s total output from the array was 163,245 kwh. Sally’s portion of this (163,245 x.002093) is 341 kwh,
less the 5 percent escrow for operation and maintenance, leaving 324 kwh to credit.
Thus, the credit applied for September is 324 x .11615 = $37.63
Brad Zamborski
Manager of Member Services, San Miguel Power Association
Ph: 970-765-5554
2. Renewable Profile
The cooperative has developed two community solar projects that use Silicone Energy solar modules and
inverters. Made in Washington state, the Silicone Energy equipment makes the co-op eligible for additional
incentives from the state. The first project, commissioned in September 2010, is the Okanogan County Electric
Cooperative Community Solar Project (OCEC CSP). It consists of 104 195-watt modules totaling 20.28 kw, that
are connected to four 4,200-watt inverters. The second, the Winthrop Community Solar Project (Winthrop
CSP), was commissioned in July 2011 and consists of 120 190-watt modules totaling 22.8 kilowatts that are
connected to five 4,200-watt inverters.
Energy Solutions, the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor, designed, engineered, pro-
cured and managed the construction of both projects. It subcontracted with Norwil Electric, Bart and Company
and Doug Hayes Excavating for installation of the systems. It used Cascade Concrete for the concrete ecology
blocks, and North Valley Lumber supplied the steel pipe for the racking system. Both the EPC firm and subcon-
tractors were local companies. Project implementation took approximately six months.
OCEC developed the community solar arrays because of the ecological inclination of the members and because
of the addition of the community solar section of the Washington State Renewable Energy System cost re-
covery program. Energy Solutions, the local solar provider, made a presentation to the cooperative's board of
4. Project Development
A location at the OCEC headquarters site was selected for the first array. It has a southern-facing exposure and
great visibility to the membership. The town of Winthrop agreed to host the Winthrop CSP at its water treat-
ment plant, which also had excellent southern exposure. Energy Solutions was the turnkey provider for both
projects and performed the yield projections, which turned out to be accurate. State and local governments
required electrical permits for both projects. An environmental impact checklist and building permits also were
required. Energy Solutions subcontracted some work to local contractors, but it provided final commissioning
and acceptance testing. Array output is recorded through OCEC’s advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) sys-
tem. Both projects are interconnected to Okanogan’s distribution system at a primary voltage of 12.47 kv.
6. Telemetry
The cooperative operates Aclara’s two-way automated communications system (TWACS) and advanced meter
reading (AMR) system. A standard TWACS meter was installed at each array and reports the output for moni-
toring and energy production to the OCEC’s website, which members can view.
7. Administrative Impacts
No additional staffing or personnel were required, but some additional member services work was required.
The board approved the community solar projects with the understanding that no construction or manage-
ment costs would be paid by OCEC, except in instances of additional insurance costs or necessary legal costs
to implement the project. The board was also involved in reviewing the project announcement and funding
solicitations mailed to the members.
Dave Gottula
CEO, Okanogan County Electric Cooperative
Ph: 509-996-2228
2. Renewable Profile
GPEMC’s most visible project to date is its Sun Power for Schools program, where it has provided 37 solar
demonstration systems to schools in its members’ service areas across the state. As each site averages about
1.2 kw, this program is primarily educational. To simplify installation, each system is a standard kit developed
by GPEMC and its contractor, and is mounted behind the meter at each participating school. Each system com-
prises of four to eight photovoltaic panels, from a variety of panel and inverter manufactures, including Sharp,
Suniva, Canadian Solar, SMA, Kaco and Fronius, as well as other appropriate electrical disconnects. The solar
array is pole-mounted to a Power Fab pole mount, which also houses the wiring. Each kit also contains a weath-
er station and data acquisition capabilities provided by Locus Energy. Installation and routine maintenance is
performed by a solar contractor. The average installed cost of each system is about $14,000.
GPEMC currently has three producing solar purchase power agreements in place for 465 kw. It has worked with
Cobb EMC in implementing the 7.5-MW Azalea Solar project power purchase agreement. Green Power EMC
and its member EMCs recently announced agreements with Silicon Ranch and Southern Power for projects to-
taling 203 MW. In addition, GPEMC is evaluating the development and construction of several small utility-scale
solar projects of approximately 1 MW each. The following is a list of GPEMC Solar PPAs:
1. 115-kw Rooker Rooftop Project (14 EMC participants)
2. 150-kw Clean Controls ground-mount project (14 EMC participants)
3. 200-kw ChemNut rooftop project (18 EMC participants)
4. 7.5-MW Azalea Solar Project (Cobb EMC contracted asset)
5. 20-MW SR Hazelhurst fixed ground-mount project (27 EMC participants)
6. 131-MW Taylor County (Warner Robbins) single-axis tracker ground-mount project (three EMC participants)
7. 52-MW South Loving (Hazelhurst) single-axis tracker ground-mount project (nine EMC participants)
4. Project Development
Since its inception in 2005, the objective of the Sun Power for Schools project has been education and member
relations. Power production has been minimal. As such, the location of the school and the visibility of the proj-
ect were of prime importance, and it was left to each participating cooperative member to determine the right
location for the package system. Member cooperatives do the legwork at the local level by contacting and re-
cruiting appropriate host schools, while GPEMC provides the equipment and arranges for installation and system
monitoring. There have been no permitting or licensing issues. Working with a recognized educational resource,
the University of West Georgia, GPEMC developed an off-the-shelf curriculum for middle and high schools. The
curriculum uses real-time and historic data from solar power generated from school installations. The program
also supports teaching requirements for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Course offerings
in the areas of physical science, physics, chemistry and mathematics have been developed and put into use at
partnering schools. By providing a current technology in a real-world setting in their communities, this program
has won the cooperative praise from parents, students, teachers and school boards.
For purchased power projects, GPEMC focused on matching members’ renewable energy needs with avail-
ability of solar production at a competitive price. The recent purchase power agreements with Silicon Ranch
Corporation meet those needs. As such, Silicon Ranch is responsible for the entire engineering, procurement
and construction process, as well as ongoing operations and maintenance. The only requirement set forth by
GPEMC was that the facility needed to be located in the state of Georgia.
In addition, small utility-scale solar projects (250 kw to 2 MW) will likely be developed with member coop-
erative ownership in mind. These projects will be located in participating EMCs’ respective service areas to
provide maximum visual exposure to end-use customers. The EMCs will determine a suitable location for the
project and will work closely with GPEMC to finance, construct and operate the facilities.
6. Telemetry
The Sun Power for Schools program uses the Locus Energy solar monitoring system. This data acquisition system
transmits data to a central server from each school’s solar installation using the school’s local Internet service.
Green Power EMC is evaluating Locus Energy as well as other data acquisition and monitoring systems for use
in the new utility-scale systems currently under development.
9. Lessons Learned
Frequent and effective communication with cooperatives and their staffs is the main lesson learned. EMC staff
awareness of renewable energy issues is critical to helping a cooperative maintain its mission as the energy
leader in its service territory. As the price of renewables, especially solar, continues to fall and those of tradi-
tional generation resources continue to rise, member interest in renewables will increase. Green Power EMC
has been successful in keeping the cooperatives of Georgia working together and leveraging their collective
strengths to meet the challenges and opportunities of renewable energy. GPEMC is working on instituting a
four-part strategy with its members to prepare them for the future:
1. Offer retail rates—Better current volumetric-based retail rate structures with the fixed-cost nature of the
utility business.
2. Build and/or buy solar—Participate, get hands-on experience and show leadership and credibility with an
emerging energy technology.
3. Become your community’s local solar expert by educating yourself, your staff and your membership—Be-
come the go-to solar experts that your members think of first when considering solar technology.
4. Offer opportunities for the cooperative membership to engage and participate in EMC/cooperative-spon-
sored solar energy projects and service.
Jeff Pratt
President, Green Power EMC
Ph: 770-270-7900
2. Renewable Profile
Michigan has a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) of 10 percent renewable generation by 2015. Wolverine is
capacity-short at present and has a new natural gas-fired peaking power plant under development. Wolverine
has created a subsidiary, Spartan Renewable Energy (Spartan), to develop renewable energy projects on be-
half of its members. Spartan is the owner of a 52-kilowatt DC Cherryland array called the SUN Alliance, which
is short for Solar Up North. The SUN Alliance array consists of 224 235-watt DC Sonali-branded solar panels.
The panels, mounted on AETR 24 and AETR 36 ground-mount racks, use 14 RENOVO inverters. Although some
components were imported, final assembly of the modules was completed in Michigan. The racks and inverters
were also engineered and developed in Michigan. The array encompasses an area of about 240 feet by 240 feet
(approximately one acre), and is located at the Cherryland’s headquarters in Grawn, Mich. Project development
started in October 2012, construction started in December 2012 and the project entered service on April 21,
2013. Given its northern location, the disparity in power production between high and low months is revealing.
The power produced in August, its highest production month, was worth about $2.75 per panel, based on the
current retail rate. In January, its lowest month, the power was worth about 27 cents! Examples of monthly
production for August and January are on page 32.
The array fits into Wolverine’s overall power supply portfolio because of the RPS mentioned above. Another
consideration leading to development of the community solar array was the significant presence of green ener-
gy advocates in Cherryland’s territory.
4. Project Development
A primary concern was to keep the project as simple as possible. It was quickly determined that Cherryland’s
headquarters could accommodate an array of this size. Three qualified contractors in the area were invited to
respond to a request for proposals. A local vendor with a history of solar expertise, Contractors Building Supply,
was selected to engineer, procure and construct the project. This vendor was selected not only because of its
bid, but because of its expertise with solar. It was also a co-op member. The vendor was responsible for the
turnkey operation, including commissioning, interconnection and acceptance testing.
There were no issues with the required local electrical inspection. Fencing was not required. The only zoning
issue encountered was related to the size and location of signage at the array.
6. Telemetry
No advanced technology is used to monitor or manage the array. Its output is collected weekly and posted in
real time on the co-op’s website. The RENOVO inverters were chosen with this in mind.
This Solar Garden Investment Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into this
___ day of ___________, 2013 by and between Cherryland Electric Cooperative (“Cherryland”),
with its principal place of business at 5930 US 31 South, Grawn, Michigan 49637 and the
Cherryland Member (“Member”) identified as follows:
Member: _________________________________
Service Address: _________________________________
City/Twp: _________________________________
State: _________________________________
Telephone: _________________________________
Member No.: _________________________________
1. Overview.
1.1 Cherryland has developed the Solar Up North Alliance (also known as the “SUN
Alliance”) Community Solar Garden (“Solar Garden”) located at 5930 US 31
South, Grawn, Michigan 49637, which is comprised of, among other things,
photovoltaic solar panels (each a “Solar Panel”).
1.2 Qualifying Cherryland members may purchase investment shares in the Solar
Garden and receive future billing credits by paying a one-time upfront charge.
1.3 This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of Member’s purchase of
investment shares in the Solar Garden.
2.1 Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Cherryland
hereby grants to Member credit for savings incurred by Cherryland’s headquarters
related to net metering the energy output from the Solar Garden in the amount set
forth in the Approval Form (“Solar Garden Credit”), attached hereto as Exhibit 1
during the term of this Agreement.
2.2 Member will receive the Solar Garden Credit as a credit on the Member’s
monthly billing statements for service provided by Cherryland at the customer
service address set forth in the Approval Form (“Service Address”) in the manner
provided in Section 6 below.
2.3 Member acknowledges and understands that Cherryland will retain sole
ownership, possession and control of the Solar Garden and each Solar Panel and
will have the exclusive right to maintain and operate such Solar Panels and the
Solar Garden.
3. Consideration. Member will pay Cherryland the amount set forth in the Approval Form
as consideration for the Solar Garden Credit granted, and to be granted, to Member
pursuant to this Agreement.
4. Effective Date. The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the first day of the
Member’s billing cycle which follows the later of: (i) the interconnection date of the
Solar Garden (the date the Solar Garden starts delivering energy to the Cherryland
headquarters facility) or (ii) Cherryland’s execution of this Agreement.
5. Term. This Agreement shall run from the Effective Date for a period of twenty-five (25)
years or, if earlier, until the death of the Member (the “Term”), subject to early
termination as provided in this Agreement.
6. Solar Garden Credit. The Member will receive a credit on the Member’s monthly
billing statement equal to the Member’s proportional share of the total Solar Garden net
metering savings in kilowatt hours multiplied by the existing rate applicable to the
Cherryland headquarters facility.
7.1 Member shall notify Cherryland in writing within fourteen (14) days prior to any
change in Member’s utility service location during the Term.
7.2 If Member moves to a new location within the service territory of Cherryland,
then the account associated with the Member’s new service location shall be
substituted for its original account in effect when this Agreement was executed.
7.3 If Member moves to a new location outside of the service territory of Cherryland
and fails to effectuate a transfer of the Solar Garden Credit to another qualifying
member of Cherryland pursuant to Section 8 below, the investment shares shall
revert to Cherryland and Member shall have no claim to the investment shares or
future credits, and shall have no claim to a refund of the investment share price.
8.2 If Cherryland approves the Transfer Application, the transfer shall not be
completed until the Member receiving the Solar Garden Credit (transferee)
executes a new Solar Garden Investment Agreement and any other necessary
documents related to the transfer.
9. Additional Acknowledgments.
9.2 Member acknowledges that Member has no right, title or claim to the electric
energy produced by the Solar Garden.
10. Reporting and Marketing. Member authorizes Cherryland to use Member’s name, the
amount of purchased shares and Solar Garden Credit information (“Member
Information”) for reporting and marketing purposes. Cherryland may use the Member
Information only for official reporting to governmental authorities, public utility
commissions, and similar organizations, and in marketing materials generated and
distributed by Cherryland or its agent. Except as required by law and as otherwise
provided in this Agreement, Cherryland will not release or otherwise publish any
information collected from Member other than the Member Information. Notwithstanding
this section, Cherryland will not use or disclose Member’s name if Member provides
written notice strictly prohibiting such use.
11. Notice. All notices, requests, consents, and other communications under this Agreement
shall be in writing to the mailing address for each party stated above.
13. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including the Exhibit(s) attached hereto,
constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter
hereof and supersedes all previous proposals, both oral and written, negotiations,
representations, commitments, writings and all other communications between the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first
written above.
_______________________________ _________________________________
Member Name (please print) Signature
________________________________ _________________________________
Member Signature Printed Name
________________________________ _________________________________
Date Title
Tony Anderson
CEO, Cherryland Electric Cooperative
Ph: 231-486-9200
2. Renewable Profile
Since 2009, Kit Carson has undertaken 10 solar projects: four owned by the cooperative, three commercially
owned, two owned by the school district with power purchase agreements (PPAs) with the cooperative and one
community solar array. These projects currently total just over 6,000 kilowatts AC of solar capacity. They range
in size from 45 kw to 1,550 kw. Kit Carson was not committed to any set model, design or components. Rather,
it has used a number of different models to provide its community's solar needs. In fact, three entities own the
three commercially owned arrays. For the community solar array located at the Taos Charter School, Kit Carson
partnered with Clean Energy Collective (CEC).
The cooperative’s membership is interested in solar, and Kit Carson is responding to its membership. Kit Car-
son anticipates developing additional solar projects and is currently in discussions with Tri-State to increase its
self-provide limit in their supply contract. The four projects owed by Kit Carson are UNM Taos-435 kw, KCEC
canopy-82 kw, KTAOS canopy-45 kw and Eco Park Canopy-60 kw.
Kit Carson estimates the solar production peak matches its system peak demand about 75 percent of the time.
On January 15, 2015, Kit Carson announced expansion of its community solar program with CEC to provide an
additional 1.5 megawatts AC of solar to be located in four different areas within its service area. These projects
will essentially follow the same ownership model used with CEC at the current community solar array.
4. Project Development
Kit Carson’s projects used different designs and specifications based on the best available at the time. The four
projects owned by Kit Carson were standardized. As some projects were only for purchased power, the cooper-
ative had less influence, but it did attempt to keep as much of the work with local firms as practical, and spec-
ified so in each project contract. Sol Luna Solar and PPC Solar are two local contractors that were used. Each
project was developed on a turnkey basis with the developer responsible for engineering, procurement and
The UNM Taos array consists of 2,640 Canadian Solar panels of varying sizes (180, 190 and 200 watts) that use
a 500-kw Satcon PowerGate inverter. The KCEC Canopy has 528 156-watt Yingli Panels and a 100-kw Satcon
PowerGate inverter. The KTAOS Canopy has 242 180-watt Trina panels and a 50-kw Satcon PowerGate inverter.
The EcoPark Canopy uses 308 230-watt Yingli panels and two 35-watt Advanced Energy inverters. The UNM
Taos array has single-axis tracking racks manufactured by Array Technologies; the other three canopy arrays
use fixed racks.
6. Telemetry
Kit Carson operates both a Cannon power line carrier and Next Grid mesh network smart metering systems to
monitor output from the arrays. In addition, those units in excess of 1 MW are also monitored by Tri-State as
part of its network. The community solar array at Taos Charter School has its output posted on the CEC website
and linked to the Kit Carson website. The other arrays do not have production data available for public viewing
at this time.
Luis Reyes
CEO, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative
Ph: 575-741-0213
Does KCEC actually own all these solar arrays? KCEC owns the UNM-Taos, KTAO, Taos High
School and our headquarters parking lot arrays. The rest of the solar arrays in our service territory
were built by other parties. We have Power Purchase Agreements with them.
What is a Power Purchase Agreement? When an investor plans to build an array a power purchase
agreement can be put in place. This means KCEC agrees to purchase the power produced by the array
at a certain price. The electricity produced is metered before it is fed into the electric grid. KCEC pays
for the power that is produced. At this time we are limited to 5% of our total electric needs coming
from these agreements.
Can KCEC add more solar arrays to their portfolio? At this time, due to the 5% limit, we are at the
maximum for solar production. We are working with our power provider, Tri-State Generation and
Transmission, to increase the percentage of power we receive for our abundant sunshine.
2. Renewable Profile
The Maple Grove solar array consists of three sections, each with a different manufacturer and configuration:
1. Sharp (180 panels of 300 watts, totaling 54 kw) supported by Creotecc racking and Cantsink helical
pile foundations.
2. tenKsolar (297 panels of 410 watts, totaling 121.7 kw) supported by tenKsolar rails and Chance helical
pile foundations.
3. Suniva (360 panels of 265 watts totaling 95.4 kw) supported by Carport Structures parking canopies.
The total nameplate rating is 272 kw. An Advanced Energy 100-kw AC central inverter was paired with the Suni-
va modules. A Solectria 50-kw AC central inverter was paired with the Sharp modules, and tenKsolar 500-watt
micro inverters in 6-kw inverter buses were paired with tenKsolar panels. The annual capacity factor is estimat-
ed at 15 percent.
Construction started in January 2014 and the project entered service at the end of May 2014. The array was
added as part of the GRE energy renewable generation resource mix and will serve as an overall learning expe-
rience for GRE as it deploys up to 20 planned 20-kw solar projects at each distribution co-op member’s location
through 2015. GRE members have the option to install additional solar modules to the array for community
solar on an incremental cost basis. Two of the five installations completed in 2014 have committed to doing so,
one sized at 57.4 kw and the other at 45.9 kw. Three of the 14 planned installations in 2015 have committed to
adding community solar and another four are still considering it. All co-op members are allowed to supply up to
5 percent of their own needs under the current all-requirements power supply contract.
The 20-kw membership initiative was started for three primary reasons:
1. To create visibility across the membership and to showcase how the GRE portfolio is evolving by providing
an opportunity for each member to have an array on its distribution system.
2. To provide a real-world, hands-on experience with small-scale solar design and installation.
3. To provide an opportunity for members to start a community solar program at a favorably priced increment.
The 20-kw-size project was chosen because it is manageable from an installation and budget standpoint. There
is no limitation on the size of incremental solar that a member can add.
4. Project Development
The main requirement was to locate the solar installation within GRE’s Maple Grove campus so it would be
visible to the public. The only calculation for yield projection was a site shade analysis. Engineering for the proj-
ect was largely completed in-house for conceptual design and component selection. Dunham Associates, the
original engineer for the GRE building, performed the interconnection. Components were selected based on
the country and state of origin, equipment type, availability and cost, with the goal of using as many U.S.- and
Minnesota-sourced components as possible, partially to take advantage of the state tax credit.
McGough Construction was the general contractor. Standard Minnesota electrical inspection and building
permits were required because this project was behind the co-op meter that serves Wright-Hennepin. The
only issue encountered during the electrical inspection was the need to either fence in the array or enclose all
low-voltage cables in conduit. However, fencing would detract from the look of the project and add costs, so
GRE proposed a compromise in which cables were routed away from any location where someone could walk
up and access them, thereby keeping conduit to a minimum.
GRE, Hunt Electric (electrical construction contractor) and Wright-Hennepin Electric Cooperative (the building
power supplier) commissioned the project. An anti-islanding test was important because the interconnection
was behind Wright-Hennepin’s meter to the building. This requirement was easily met with the equipment used
because almost all inverters today have that functionality built in. Each co-op has different metering require-
ments for distributed generation in terms of equipment needed and communications available to the meter.
GRE has been flexible in its design to meet those needs and to use different telecommunications options to
communicate with meters.
6. Administrative Impacts
The Maple Grove campus project did not require adding staff members. However, successful implementation of
the 20-kw membership projects required additional internal coordination between generation, business devel-
opment, land rights, billing, member services and legal departments. GRE is working on programs to help its
members understand the subscription costs and to market community solar. A team effort between GRE and
distribution member staff ensures that solar installation meets both parties’ objectives. The four GRE staffers
came from the generation engineering, member services and business development departments. Also includ-
ed is one person representing the installation contractor and two or three people from the distribution coop-
erative. Items typically discussed included interconnection, metering and communications, size of community
solar, zoning and permitting, ground preparation and soil conditions and shading structures. Other items include
ground finish under the array, fencing needs, construction lay-down areas, delivery/check-in of materials, site
signage, and marketing and pricing of the community portion.
The need for additional skill sets at the GRE or distribution member level is evolving and will depend on how the
members decide to participate in DG. GRE is still determining what the ultimate level of involvement will be as
the knowledge base increases and as the pilot program ramps up.
he electric cooperatives of Minnesota are working participating member cooperative to identify the ideal location.
together to convert the sun’s rays into electricity Additionally, Great River Energy will assist the member
throughout every corner of the state. cooperatives with interconnection efforts and collect key
In 2014 and 2015, solar arrays will be installed at sites information about energy production and system interaction.
owned by electric cooperatives. The projects are being led Most of the solar arrays will use a packaged system design
by Great River Energy, a wholesale electricity provider to from tenKsolar. One will install panels made by Silicon Energy.
electric cooperatives. Both manufacturers are Minnesota companies.
The local solar installations are part of a series of 18 projects, Some of the participating cooperatives are exploring plans to
each with an electricity generating capacity of 20 kilowatts install additional solar arrays at sites in their service area.
(kW). The solar projects will help Great River Energy and its
Research and development
member cooperatives evaluate the impact of solar energy
while providing up to 500,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of The first and largest in the series of solar installations was
renewable energy annually. completed at Great River Energy’s Maple Grove, Minn.,
headquarters site in June 2014. The 250-kW project has a
Although the installations will be designed, built and owned
research and development component that will test the
by Great River Energy, the company will work with each
performance of a variety of technologies and configurations.
The cooperative solar installations will employ solar technology from Minnesota companies tenKsolar and Silicon Energy. Energy Concepts installs and
commissions the projects.
Great River Energy’s headquarters site will test a variety of solar technologies and configurations. The new 250-kW installation expands upon 72 kW
of solar panels that were installed in 2008. The array includes panels made by Sharp (two rows pictured at bottom), tenKsolar (three square-shaped
clusters) and Suniva (three rows closest to the building).