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Understanding Defects in High Integrity Die Castings - EJ Vinarcik

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PAPER SERIES 2003-01-0824

Understanding Defects in High Integrity

Die Castings
Edward J. Vinarcik

Reprinted From: Non-Ferrous Castings


2003 SAE World Congress

Detroit, Michigan
March 3-6, 2003

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Understanding Defects in High Integrity Die Castings

Edward J. Vinarcik
Independent Consultant

Copyright © 2003 SAE International

ABSTRACT Squeeze casting, and semi-solid metal working have

been successfully developed and deployed for
When commercializing squeeze casting and semi-solid commercial use in high volume production. Products
metalworking processes, component producers looked produced using these high integrity die casting
to conventional die casting to identify potential defects processes have little or no porosity. Moreover, the
and control component quality. Several defects were mechanical properties are much improved in
expected including cold shuts, cold flows, flash, drags, comparison to conventional die cast components. This
warping, and gas entrapment, just to name a few. is due to reduced levels of porosity, the viability of
Efforts were taken to avoid these defects. New defect subsequent heat treating, and formation of
types, however, have surfaced unique to these high microstructures not possible with the conventional die
integrity die casting processes. Contaminant veins and casting process.
phase separation are presented. Although, squeeze
casting and semi-solid metalworking have proven to be When commercializing squeeze casting and semi-solid
successful, component producers have been reluctant to metalworking, component producers looked to
report defects for fear of giving these emerging conventional die casting to identify potential defects and
processes a bad reputation. Nonetheless, these defects control component quality. Several defects were
must be understood to avoid future problems. expected including cold shuts, cold flows, flash, drags,
warping, gas entrapment, just to name a few. Efforts
were taken to avoid these defects by addressing
processing methods, die design, and product design.
Defect types, however, have surfaced unique to
INTRODUCTION squeeze casting and semi-solid metalworking
Casting processes are inherently complex due to the
phase transformation from liquid to solid metal, which The purpose of this paper is to discuss potential defects
creates all geometric features as well as material encountered when manufacturing products using high
properties. With such an intricate process, many integrity die casting processes. Defects common to both
potential defects may result. conventional and high integrity die castings will be
introduced in the first section of this paper. Defects
Conventional die casting is utilized to produce many unique to high integrity die casting processes will then
products in the current global automotive market. be discussed in greater detail. An automotive case study
Unfortunately, conventional die casting has a major is also presented illustrating the occurrence of these
limitation, which is preventing its use on a broader defects in a practical application.
scale. This potential defect is porosity.
Commonly found in conventionally die cast
components, porosity often limits the use of the die cast
components in favor of products fabricated by other Many potential defects commonly found in conventional
means. Pressure vessels must be leak tight. die casting can also occur in high integrity die casting.
Conventional die castings often are unable to meet this Often these defects are avoidable if basic disciplines are
requirement. Moreover, the detection of porosity is followed related to component design, equipment
difficult. In some cases, an "as-produced" component is selection, die design, process design, raw material
acceptable. Subsequent machining, however, cuts into quality, process control, die maintenance, equipment
porosity hidden within the component compromising the upkeep, and material handling. Conventional die casting
integrity of the product. defects can be broken down into three distinct
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categories: external defects, internal defects, and solidified skin and the subsequent metal filling the
dimensional defects. Each group will be discussed cavity. The result is a thin partially attached lamination.
A short shot is the incomplete filling of the die cavity
EXTERIOR DEFECTS caused by an undersized volume of metal being
metered into the metal injection system. Such defects
Defects visually identified on the surface of the are easy to detect by examining the ejected
component are grouped into the category of exterior component(s) and the runner system. Without enough
defects. In some cases, an exterior defect does not metal in the injection system, the biscuit at the start of
render the component unfit for use as the structural the runner system may be absent or is very small. In
integrity of the component is unaffected, unless most cases, the component is not fully formed.
aesthetics is a necessary requirement. Discarding a
component because it "looks bad" when aesthetics is not Repetitive thermal cycling of dies from the injection of
a requirement does nothing but create waste to society. metal followed by the application of lubricants results in
fine cracking of the die face. This phenomenon is
Surface contamination commonly identified by referred to as heat checking. Once these cracks are
discoloration may occur in die casting processes. Often present, metal will fill these fine cracks creating veins or
this staining is caused by manufacturing lubricants. fins on the manufactured component. Although die
Altering the type of lubricants often resolves this issue. maintenance may delay the onset of heat checks, die
cavities must be replaced to correct this issue. If
Drags are the result of mechanical interference between aesthetics is not a concern, veins from heat checking
the component and the die cavity during ejection. may not render a component unfit for use.
Severe drags may also cause distortion or cracking of
the component as well. Proper die design and Lubricants are typically applied to the surface of a die to
maintenance is a must to avoid this issue. avoid interaction between the die surface and the metal
injected into the die. Be that as it may, interactions may
Sinks are surface defects, which are caused by localized still occur resulting in a metallurgical bond between the
solidification shrinkage beneath the surface of the die and the injected metal. This phenomenon is known
casting. Although this defect is common in conventional as soldering and occurs most often when injecting
and vacuum die casting, this problem may be alleviated aluminum into ferrous dies.
by using squeeze casting and semi-solid metalworking.
Cracks often occur in die cast components. In some
cases, cracks may be caused by cold shuts or residual Several defects can occur below the surface of a
stresses which form within the component during component resulting in less than ideal mechanical
solidification and cooling. More often than not, cracks properties. Such defects are not visible to the
are caused by poor material handling techniques. Due to manufacturer making their detection difficult.
the high production rates, components are ejected from
the die near their solidification temperature. While in this Contamination occurs when unwanted debris is mixed
fragile state, care must be taken in handling the with the metal during injection. Common sources of
components. Cracks may occur due to uneven ejection contamination include degrading refractories,
from the die or due to an impact if they are dropped manufacturing lubricants, fractured equipment, and
immediately after ejection. unclean remelted scrap. In most cases, contamination
can be controlled by general good housekeeping
Cold shuts (also known as cold laps or knit lines) are practices, preventative maintenance, and proper metal
imperfections visible on the surface of the casting due to melting methods.
unsatisfactory fusion of partially solidified metal.
Although this defect can be seen on the surface of the Several techniques may be utilized to clean and prepare
casting, the defect may run deep into the structure. metal for injection into the die including the use of
During filling of the die, the convergence of two nearly fluxes. Excessive amounts of flux may contaminate the
solidified fill fronts may not knit properly resulting in this metal. Components manufactured with flux
defect. Although cold shuts are characterized by their contaminated metal have less than ideal mechanical
appearance on the surface of a component, this defect properties and higher susceptibility to corrosion.
often extends into the bulk metal creating a weak spot.
When heating metal for injection into the die, surface
Laminations are a type of cold shut, which occurs at the oxidation may occur. If the metal is not cleaned, the
surface of the component. Due to the turbulent and oxide may scattered throughout the component during
complex non-planar flow patterns within a die during injection forming inclusions. Since most metal oxides
metal injection, a portion of the die may receive a small are abrasive, inclusions often cause machining
quantity of metal, which freezes quickly to the die problems and excessive wear on cutting tools.
surface forming a thin layer of skin. As the die continues
to fill, a bond does not form between this thin layer of
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Porosity is a potential defect commonly found in contract at different rates during cooling. Warpage can
conventional die castings. In many cases, the be corrected by part design. If this is not possible,
functionality of a component is not affected. However, attempts can be made to compensate for the warpage
porosity is a serious problem in pressure vessels and during manufacture.
structural members. Porosity may be attributed to two
main sources: solidification shrinkage and gas Repetitive flow of metal across the surface of the die
entrapment. results in erosion. Depending on the metal alloy system,
erosion can be both mechanical and chemical in nature.
Most alloys have a higher density in their solid state as Although component design, die design, and die
compared to their density in the liquid state. This results maintenance may delay the onset of this defect type,
in shrinkage during solidification. Centerline porosity high volume production die will eventually show signs of
cavities can occur in alloys, which freeze over a narrow erosion. Component geometries must be monitored to
temperature range as in eutectic alloys and pure metals. assure compliance to specifications.
Interdendritic porosity can occur in alloys, which freeze
over a wide temperature. Inadequate feeding of metal to Repetitive thermal cycling can result in catastrophic
the die cavity during solidification will result in porosity failure of the die. Such failures occur most often to
due to shrinkage. cores and along die features with sharp corners.
Thermal management within cores is difficult. Often
Entrapped gas can originate from several sources and small cores can not be cooled with water lines and must
cause porosity. Air can become physically entrapped in be cooled exclusively with die lubricant sprays.
the metal during injection. Gases soluble in the liquid Combined with soldering, cores may fail. When this
alloy may exceed their solubility limit during occurs, the core is retained in a finished component
solidification and evolve as a gas forming porosity. during ejection from the die. All subsequent components
Reactions can occur between the metal and slags are produced without the cored feature.
producing a gas, which forms porosity in the final
component. Decomposition of lubricants and chemicals DEFECTS UNIQUE TO SQUEEZE CASTING &
used during manufacture can result in gas formation and SEMI-SOLID METALWORKING
entrapment in the metal. In most cases, porosity from
entrapped gas is caused by multiple sources making its Although, squeeze casting and semi-solid metalworking
elimination difficult. have proven to be successful for many commercial
applications, component producers have been reluctant
When dealing with liquid alloys, sludging may occur if to report defects for fear of giving these emerging
intermetallic compounds are allowed to precipitate in the processes a bad reputation. Nonetheless, these defects
metal. In some extreme cases, sludge formation may are easily classified and must be understood to avoid
alter the chemical composition of the alloy. If sludge is future problems.
mixed with the metal and injected into the die cavity, the
final component may have hard spots. These hard spots Presented in this section are two defects unique to high
often cause problems during machining including integrity die casting processes - contaminant veins and
excessive wear on cutting tools. phase separation. Initially reported as unique to semi-
solid metalworking, contaminant veins may also occur in
DIMENSIONAL DEFECTS squeeze cast products.

Some defects are related to the geometry dimensions of CONTAMINANT VEINS

the component. Even though a die may produce
acceptable parts when initially beginning production, Contaminant veins are unique defects which results
several defects may arise over time. from the planar filling phenomenon of squeeze casting
and semi-solid metalworking processes. To understand
Flash is the undesired formation of thin metal sections. this defect, one may examine the method of its
Flash most often forms along the parting line and formation on the planar metal fill front. When filling the
between other independent die components. In most die, the metal front remains relatively intact (Figure
cases, flash is the result of high metal temperatures, 1(a)) and picks up contaminants such as die lubricants,
high metal intensification pressures during solidification, die steel corrosion products, and other impurities as
dimensional variations in the die, and general die wear. illustrated in Figure 1(b). This contamination is
Regular die maintenance may eliminate or minimize the exacerbated by oxidation at the metal front. As filling of
occurrence of flash. However, flash is a chronic problem the die is nearly complete, this contaminated metal front
in for all die casting technologies. Secondary operations typically converges with another contaminated metal
such as trimming or shot blasting are typically used to front. The result is a contaminant vein composed of
remove this material. metal oxides and other impurities trapped within the
casting. Figure 2 is an illustration showing the locations
Components manufactured using die casting prone to this defect. Most often contaminant veins are
technologies may exhibit warpage. This phenomenon is located at the last location of fill in a die. In some cases,
caused by asymmetric geometric features, which
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contaminant veins are near or attached to cores contaminant vein has inferior mechanical properties in
opposite the direction of metal flow. This results when comparison to the bulk material.
the fill front is split and converges on the far side of the
core. Several actions related to processing, die design, and
component design can be taken to resolve issues arising
Contaminants from contaminant veins.

Contamination in the die should be minimized.

Lubricants should be used sparingly. Die sprays should
not be used to cool the die, but only to apply a lubricant
to ease ejection of the product after forming. Dies
(a) Metal F low should be thermally balanced using water lines to
achieve die cooling.

Effort should also be taken not to introduce metal oxides

into the die with the metal being formed. Oxidation
products should be removed from the surface of molten
metal prior to ladling for the squeeze casting process.
Even after ladling, care must be taken to manage metal
oxides. In particular to vertical squeeze casting, an
oxide layer often forms on the surface of liquid metal in
(b) Metal F low
the shot sleeve before injection. (Figure 3) If this layer
of oxide is not dispersed during injection, a contaminant
vein may form.

Build-u p o n
M e tal F ro n t

Figure 1 - Contaminant veins form as (a) a clean planar

fill front collects contaminants (b) as the metal
progresses through the die cavity.


Veins Form Near Core Pins Vein Forms at Last Location of Fill
Figure 2 - Areas prone to contaminant vein formation Layer
around cores and at the last location of fill.

Contaminant veins should not be confused with cold

shuts or cold laps as temperature is not the driving force Figure 3 - During vertical squeeze casting, oxidation
in the creation of the defect. Nor is a contaminant vein may occur on the liquid metal surface before injection
equivalent to inclusion type defects often observed in onto the die cavity.
castings as contaminant veins occur with consistency for
a given component and gating geometry. Specific to the indirect semi-solid processes, billets may
be scrapped to minimize contaminant vein formation. A
In many cases, the presence of a contaminant vein does semi-solid billet (Figure 4) is typically composed of a
not affect the functionality of the product. Contaminant spheroidal core surrounded by a dendritic case. During
veins often go unnoticed, trapped beneath the surface of handling and heating, an oxide layer forms on the
the product. Secondary processes such as machining or surface of the billet along with other contaminants. Prior
trimming, however, can open a path to the defect. In to placing the billet into the shot sleeve, the billet may
such cases, leak tightness can be compromised. The be mechanically scrapped to remove the combined
presence of a contaminant vein in a structural member oxide/contaminant layer. Only the surface facing the die
can be a major problem depending on its location. The cavity (Figure 5) needs to be scrapped as the other
surfaces are typically captured in the biscuit. For direct
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semi-solid metalworking processes, care should be machined or in the cases of structural members, does
taken to minimize oxide formation during heating by not see high stresses. Overflows can also be utilized to
avoiding atmospheric contact. Inert atmospheres can be capture contaminant veins. The overflows can then be
used for this purpose. removed from the finished product yielding a component
absent of the defect.

Oxide Layer Every processing defect can be exacerbated or

on Surface
minimized through product design. Product designers
and process engineers must work together as early as
possible to maximize the manufacturability while
meeting functional requirements. Geometric features
should be incorporated into the design to assist in gating
and minimizing metal flow distance during forming.


Unique to semi-solid metalworking processes is defect

know as phase separation. The metal injected into the
die cavity during semi-solid processing is partially solid
and partially liquid. This two-phase mixture does not
necessarily remain homogeneous. The liquid phase
Figure 4 - Anatomy of a semi-solid metalworking billet flows easily, and in some cases will leave its solid
produced by magneto-hydrodynamic stirring. counterpart behind resulting in phase separation.

Cases of phase separation have been observed when

the metal fill front must travel a significant distance
within the die cavity while flowing around multiple cores.
Figure 6 is a graphical illustration of this phenomenon.
The cores choke the passage of the solid phase. The
resulting product has non-uniform material properties,
as the microstructure of the metal near the gate is highly
Scrapped Billet Face spheroidal while the microstructure of the metal at the
last location to fill is dendritic. Solidification shrinkage
also becomes a problem in the dendritic region.

Spheroidal Microstructure Dendritic Microstructure

(High Solid Fraction) (Low Solid Fraction)

Figure 5 - The scrapped face of a semi-solid

metalworking billet should be loaded into the shot sleeve
facing the die cavity.

Gating design can significantly affect contaminant vein F lo w

formation. The distance the metal front must flow to fill
the runner system and die cavities must be minimized.
Longer fill paths have a greater opportunity to collect Core Pins Prone to Shrinkage Porosity
contaminants on the metal fill front. The metal front in
many cases can be manipulated to stretch the fill front
Figure 6 - Graphical illustration showing the effects of
out over a great distance such as with the use of a fan
phase separation in semi-solid metal working.
gate. Stretching the metal fill front disperses the
contaminants over a larger area and avoids the
formation of a concentrated contaminant vein. In many cases, the phase separation does not affect the
functionality of the products produced using semi-solid
metalworking. The dendritic structure may go unnoticed.
In many cases, contaminant veins cannot be avoided.
Be that as it may, secondary processes such as
However, the location of the vein can be controlled by
machining or trimming can open a pathway to
gating. In such cases, the contaminant vein can be
solidification shrinkage associated with a dendritic
placed in an area of the product, which will not be
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region. In pressure vessels, this phenomenon can cause 1. retaining fuel injectors mounted on the top of the
significant problems. engine,
2. targeting injectors to optimize engine performance,
Variation in the mechanical properties caused by phase 3. to support regulators and sensors used by the fuel
separation can be a serious issue in structural members. system, and
The dendritic region of the component has inferior 4. delivering fuel to each injector.
mechanical properties in comparison the bulk material.
Moreover, porosity caused by solidification shrinkage Several processes have been utilized to successfully
can act as stress concentrators increasing the chances manufacture fuel rails for the automotive industry
of failure. including brazed tubular steel, aluminum extrusions,
injection molding, and aluminum forgings. To reduce
Actions can be taken related to die design, to minimize cost and improve quality, alternative processes are
phase separation during semi-solid metalworking. being considered by the automotive industry. This has
Gating can significantly affect phase separation induced led to the manufacture of aluminum fuel rails by several
during fill. The distance the metal front must flow to fill companies using high integrity die casting processes.
the runner system and die cavities must be minimized.
Each time the metal front must change direction, the ANALYSIS METHOD
potential for phase separation increases. Choke points,
such as cores, should be minimized. Necessary choke Three categories of defects were examined in this study,
points should be fed with metal on both sides such as specifically: surface defects, internal defects
with the use of a fan gate. compromising leak tightness, and dimensional defects.
All data related to surface defects were collected by
Phase separation may be unavoidable for some visual examination of fuel rails after manufacture.
applications. Overflows can be utilized to capture the Internal defects causing leakage were detected using air
dendritic region of the component. Unfortunately, the pressure decay methods after machining. Further
use of overflows reduces processing yield. The location analysis of internal defects was performed using
of the dendritic region, however, can be manipulated by metallographic methods. Dimensional defects were
varying the location of the gate. In some cases, the determined using coordinate measuring machines.
dendritic region can be selectively located in a non-
critical location within the product. OBSERVED DEFECTS

CASE STUDY Shown in Figure 8 is a diagram of the fuel rail noting the
key elements of the design, specifically inlet [A] and
The purpose of this case study is to review defects outlet [B] flanges, injector pockets [C, D, E, & F],
observed during the production of an automotive fuel machining fixturing boss [G], mounting legs [H and I],
rail manufactured using the semi-solid metalworking and strengthening rib [J]. A large gate located opposite
process. (Figure 7) The fuel rail is intended for use in a the machining fixturing boss between injector pockets D
four-cylinder engine. After introducing fuel rail functional and E was used to introduce metal into the die cavity.
requirements and the analysis methods used in this The fuel rail is cored from end to end eliminating the
study, observations are presented related to the defects need for gun drilling of the main fuel gallery.
encountered in the manufacture of the fuel rail.

Figure 7 - Case study fuel rail for a four-cylinder engine.


Figure 8 - Fuel rail design with key functional elements
Components used in automotive fuel systems must noted.
maintain high structural integrity and pressure tightness
to assure customer safety and meet ever-increasing Several features were developed in an iterative process
durability and performance requirements. The use of to eliminate defects by design. Multiple design
single port fuel injection has lead to the introduction of configurations were developed for the end flanges.
"fuel rails" as a sub-component in engine fuel system Figure 9 is a series of diagrams showing the iterative
design. Fuel rails have evolved to perform the following flange evolution.
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fuel rail body and the flange also has a fillet added to
assist metal flow into the flange. Although not
understood at the time the design was developed, the
two converging metal fill fronts in the final design are
stretched and broken up by the flange ribbing. The
turbulent flow created by this flange geometry dispersed
oxides and contaminants on the surface of the metal fill
fronts avoiding the contaminant vein observed in the
prior flange design.

Figure 9 - End flange evolution with (a) initial When beginning production of the fuel rail, dimensional
asymmetric design, (b) symmetric design, (c) symmetric variation was observed relative to the position of the
webbed design. ends. After some investigation, it was found that the
strengthening rib, located on only one side of the rail,
Figure 9(a) shows the initial flange design developed for cooled at a different rate than the bulk of the fuel rail.
ease in parting the die. This flange design, however, This asymmetric cooling caused the fuel rail to bow.
exhibited filling problems due to its angularity and
asymmetry. Also, the initial design of the fuel rail did not IMPROVEMENTS TO FURTHER REDUCE DEFECTS
include a strengthening rib. Microstructural examination
of the end flanged in these initial components indicate Several improvements may be made to the fuel rail
that some phase separation was occurring. design to further decrease the occurrence of defects. A
single strengthening rib is found to distort the fuel rail
Figure 9(b) shows the second iteration in flange design during cooling. A second rib on the opposite side of the
which improved filling by creating symmetry and fuel rail body may be added to create a symmetric part,
increasing volume. The strengthening rib was also balance cooling, and reduce distortion.
added to one side of the fuel rail giving metal a direct
flow path to the end flange eliminating phase separation. Although the mounting legs and the strengthening rib of
The large volume of this design, however, resulted in the fuel rail are of a consistent wall thickness, the
shrinkage porosity, which created leak paths after thickness of the fuel rail body is not uniform. The wall
machining. Also, two metal fill fronts converged in the varies in thickness relative to the taper of the core,
flange. Due to the planar fill associated with the semi- which stretches the length of the fuel rail. Due to the
solid metalworking process, a contaminant vein formed length of the core, the wall thickness at one end of the
at these converging metal fronts. Machining at the end fuel rail body is several millimeters thicker than the
flange often cut into the contaminant vein creating leak opposite end. Figure 11 is a micrograph showing
paths. Figure 10 is a micrograph showing typical shrinkage porosity in the thickest portion of the fuel rail
shrinkage porosity and contaminant vein oxide body. Although shrinkage porosity is present in the bulk
inclusions observed in the second flange design. mass of the component, the porosity is not a defect
unless leak tightness is compromised. To reduce the
potential for such a defect, the outside of the fuel rail
may be tapered to follow the taper on the gallery core.
Following the taper of the core would create a uniform
wall thickness for the body of the fuel rail.

Figure 10 - Shrinkage porosity and contaminant vein

oxide inclusions found in the second flange design.

The final design, used for production, is shown in Figure

9(c). This design maintains symmetry for metal flow
during filling and reduces the metal thickness, which in Figure 11 - Shrinkage porosity found in the body of a
turn minimizes shrinkage. The interface between the production fuel rail.
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CONCLUSION serves on numerous committees including the Editorial

Review Board for Advanced Materials and Processes
Both product designers and component producers must magazine and the Ground Transportation Industry
be aware of the potential defects, which may occur in Committee of ASM International. His efforts have been
components manufactured using squeeze casting and recognized by the Engineering Society who presented
semi-solid metalworking. Many potential defects are well him the "Outstanding Young Engineer Award" in 2002.
understood due to their occurrence in conventional high He may be contacted at evinarcik@mail.fwi.com.
pressure die casting. Contaminant veins and phase
separation are unique to high integrity die casting ADDITIONAL SOURCES
processes as observed in the design, development,
launch, and production of the case study automotive 1. Analysis of Casting Defects, 4th Edition, the
fuel rail. With a clear understanding of the mechanisms, American Foundry Society, Des Plaines, IL, 1974.
which induce these defects, efforts may be made prior 2. Doehler, H., Die Casting, McGraw Hill Book
to product launch to minimize their occurrence. Company, New York, 1951.
3. Flemings, M. "Behavior of Metal Alloys in the
In all cases, designers and product engineers should Semisolid State," Metallurgical Transactions,
consult the manufacturing engineers and tool builders Volume 22B, June, 1991, p. 269.
ultimately responsible for a component during 4. Kaye, A., and A. Street, Die Casting Metallurgy,
production. The vested interest of these individuals will Butterworth Scientific, London, 1982.
improve component quality and reduce total costs. 5. NADCA Product Specification Standards for Die
Castings Produced by the Semi-Solid and Squeeze
REFERENCES Cast Processes, North American Die Casting
Association, Rosemont, IL, 2000.
1. Jorstad, J. and W. Rasmussen, Aluminum Casting 6. Vinarcik, E., High Integrity Die Casting Processes,
Technologies, 2nd Edition, the American Foundry John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 2002.
Society, Des Plaines, IL, 1993.
2. Sully, L., "Die Casting," ASM Handbook Volume 15 - DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS
Casting, ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio,
1988, pp. 286-295. Dendritic: The treelike branch microstructure common
3. Ruden, T., Fundamentals of Die Casting Design, found in most cast components.
Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn,
Michigan, 1995, pp. 19-37. Atomized flow: Fluid flow in which the fluid is broken
4. Keeney, M., et al. "Semisolid Metal Casting and into spray of droplets moving in a consistent direction
Forging," Metals Handbook, Volume 15 - Casting,
9th Edition, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, Biscuit: Solidified metal left at the end of shot sleeve of
1988, p. 327. a cold chamber die casting machine which is intended to
5. Vinarcik, E., "Defects Encountered in Semi-Solid feed the gate and runner system.
Metalworking," Light Metal Age, Fellom Publishing,
South San Francisco, CA, October, 2000, p. 22-27. Core: A metal insert in the die which forms hollow
6. Moschini, R., "Manufacture of Automotive regions in a component.
Components by Pressure Die Casting in the Semi-
Liquid State," Die Casting World, October 1992, pp. Dendritic case: The localized dendritic microstructure
72-76. found along the perimeter of semi-solid feed stock.
7. Moschini, R., "Mass Production of Fuel Rails by
Pressure Die Casting in the Semi- Liquid State," Direct semi-solid metalworking: All semi-solid
Metallurgical Science and Technology, Vol. 12, No. metalworking process variants in which semi-solid
2, 1996, pp. 55-59. material is prepared just in time for manufacturing a
Flux: A metal refining chemical used to control
Edward J. Vinarcik, P.E. is a product engineer working chemistry and remove undesired substances prior to
for a major tier 1 automotive supplier. In 1993, he casting.
received his Bachelor's degree in Metallurgical
Engineering from The Ohio State University where he Inclusions: Particles of slag, refractory materials, or
conducted die cast research as an undergraduate fellow. oxidation products trapped in a component during
He continued his studies earning a Masters of Science pouring and solidification.
in Quality and an MBA. Prior to working in the
automotive supply base, he served as both a die cast Indirect semi-solid metalworking: All semi-solid
manufacturing engineer and product design engineer metalworking process variants in which solid feed stock
with Ford Motor Company. In addition to writing, he
Downloaded from SAE International by Ataturk Univ, Thursday, October 11, 2018

with a spheroidal microstructure is manufactured and Semi-solid metalworking: A variant of the die cast
then reheated for use in manufacturing products. process in which a partially liquid / partially solid metal
mixture is injected into the die cavity.
Magneto hydrodynamic stirring: The use of an
electromagnetic field to stir a molten metallic fluid Sludge: Intermetallic compounds that can precipitate in
without mechanical contact. liquid alloys causing hard spots in solidified components
and altering the chemical composition of the alloy.
Non-planar flow: Flow behavior prone to air
entrapment in which the fill front is not uniform and Spheroidal structure: The spherically shaped metal
progresses randomly in multiple directions. micro-structure observed in products manufactured
using semi-solid metalworking processes.
Overflows: Masses of metal cast with a product to aid
in the control of filling, porosity, and other potential Squeeze casting: A high integrity die cast process
defects. characterized by the use of large gate areas and planar
filling of the metal front within the die cavity.
Planar flow: Flow behavior in which the fluid front
progresses as a uniform surface in a consistent Turbulent flow: Flow behavior in which macroscopic
direction. mixing occurs with the fluid.

Semi-solid billet: Material with a spheroidal

microstructure which is reheated for use in indirect semi-
solid metalworking processes.

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