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Medicine: A Rare Subtype of Meningioma

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Clinical Case Report Medicine ®


A rare subtype of meningioma

Case series of anaplastic meningioma and review of the literature

Hongyi Cao, MDa, Biying Jiang, MDa, Yang Zhao, MDb, Chuifeng Fan, MDa,

Rationale: Anaplastic meningioma, a rare subtype of meningioma, has malignant morphological characteristics and a World Health
Organization (WHO) grade of III.
Patient concerns: In this report, we present findings from 6 cases of anaplastic meningioma.
Diagnoses: Pathological examination of the tumors, including hematoxylin and eosin staining and immunohistochemical staining,
was performed. Of the six cases of anaplastic meningioma, two were recurrent tumors from original seminoma with a WHO grade of I.
Histologically, three cases had carcinoma-like morphology, one case had sarcoma-like morphology, and two had two kinds of tissue
structures: carcinoma-like tumor cell nests and areas with spindle tumor cells. Necrosis was detected in most cases (5/6). Ki67 index
was high and varied from 20% to 70%.
Interventions: All the patients received surgery. 3 patients received adjuvant radiotherapy. 1 patient received chemotherapy.
Outcomes: 4 patients had no recurrence at follow-up of 19, 30, 46 and 54 months after the last surgery. 1 patient had recurrence 3
months after the last surgery. 1 patient died 12 days after the last surgery.
Lessons: This malignant subtype can be secondary to a WHO grade I meningioma after a long quiescent period. Necrosis was
common in the tumor tissues, and Ki67 index was usually high. For patients with a history of meningioma, including benign cases,
regular physical examination is important for early detection of tumor recurrence and malignant transformation.
Abbreviations: CT = computed tomography, EMA = epithelial membrane antigen, HE = hematoxylin and eosin, MRI = magnetic
resonance imaging, WHO = World Health Organization.
Keywords: anaplastic meningioma, case series, meningioma

1. Introduction metastasis to the lung in a 3-year-old boy.[6] The prognosis of

patients with anaplastic meningioma is generally poor, mainly
Anaplastic meningioma is a rare type of malignant meningioma,
because of aggressive growth. However, it is not clear whether the
accounting for less than 5% of all meningiomas.[1,2] The
clinical outcome of this tumor is worse in children than in adults.
diagnostic criterion for anaplastic meningioma is that the tumor
In a study of 755 cases, Orton et al[7] found that the 5-year
should have at least one of the following characteristics:
overall survival rate of patients with anaplastic meningioma was
carcinoma-, sarcoma-, or melanoma-like morphology, and a
41.4%. In addition, they found that the factors associated with
high mitotic index (≥20/10 high-power fields).[1] It commonly
poor prognosis included older age, high comorbidity score, and
occurs in the convex surface of the cerebrum, and in rare cases, in
subtotal resection.[7] Moreover, a study by Moliterno et al[8]
the parietal region,[3] brain parenchyma,[4] and spinal cord.[5]
revealed that patients with primary anaplastic meningioma had
Anaplastic meningioma occurs mostly in adults, and is rare in
better survival than those with anaplastic meningioma arising
children. Honda reported a case of anaplastic meningioma with
from low-grade meningioma.
Herein, we present the findings from 6 cases of anaplastic
Editor: N/A. meningioma and a review of the relevant literature.
Funding: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (no. 81472599 to CF).
2. Case presentation
Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Department of Pathology, First Affiliated Hospital and College of Basic Medical 2.1. Clinical history
Sciences of China Medical University, b Department of Hepatobiliary and 2.1.1. Case 1. The patient was a 64-year-old man with a 1-year
Spleenary Surgery, The Affiliated Shengjing Hospital, China Medical University, history of weakness in his left lower extremities without any
Shenyang, China.
∗ apparent cause. He developed a severe headache the day before
Correspondence: Chuifeng Fan, Department of Pathology, First Affiliated
he visited our hospital. A computed tomography (CT) scan
Hospital and College of Basic Medical Sciences of China Medical University,
110001, Shenyang, China (e-mail: cffan@cmu.edu.cn). showed a mass in the parietal and occipital lobe. The patient had
Copyright © 2018 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
no fever, convulsions, or weight loss.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-
2.1.2. Case 2. A 45-year-old man was referred to our hospital
ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is for further diagnosis and treatment because he had developed a
properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially subcutaneous mass above his left ear a month ago. The patient
without permission from the journal. had a World Health Organization (WHO) grade I meningioma
Medicine (2018) 97:23(e11019) 10 years ago, which had been removed. The tumor recurred
Received: 24 February 2018 / Accepted: 18 May 2018 3 years before his visit, and the patient underwent a second
http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000011019 surgery.

Cao et al. Medicine (2018) 97:23 Medicine

2.1.3. Case 3. A 77-year-old male patient was referred to our 2.1.5. Case 5. A 91-year-old man had undergone surgery for a
hospital because he had developed weakness of the right limbs WHO grade I meningioma 20 years before he visited our
and memory impairment 20 days prior. The symptoms hospital. The tumor recurred 13 years prior, and he underwent a
progressively worsened. The patient had no headache, nausea, second surgery. He experienced sudden-onset convulsions
vomiting, or convulsions. 6 months prior, and repeated convulsions for 25 days before
his visit.
2.1.4. Case 4. The patient was a 33-year-old man with a
6-month history of right eyelid swelling and a 1-month history of 2.1.6. Case 6. The patient was a 65-year-old man with a 1-week
discontinuous headaches. CT performed in a local hospital history of weakness of the lower limbs, somnolence, and
revealed a right intracranial mass. He visited our hospital for dizziness, with symptom aggravation 3 days before he visited
further diagnosis and treatment. our hospital.

Figure 1. MRI and CT findings. A mass with short T1 and long T2 signals (A, B) was detected inside and outside the right frontotemporal skull plate. The mass was
closely attached to the adjacent frontotemporal bone, and invaded the right temporal bone and the lateral orbital wall. The mass was also detected by CT. It showed
slightly low density and invaded the right frontotemporal bone, sphenoid bone, and lateral orbital wall (C). A mass in the right frontal lobe near the frontal bone was
detected in another patient by MRI. It had a short T1 signal and invaded the right frontal bone. CT = computed tomography, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging.

Cao et al. Medicine (2018) 97:23 www.md-journal.com

3. Materials and methods 4. Results

Tumor samples were subjected to hematoxylin and eosin (HE), 4.1. Imaging and gross features
and immunohistochemical staining. Immunohistochemical
staining was performed using an SP-kit (Maixin Biotechnology, Figure 1 shows images obtained using magnetic resonance
Fuzhou, Fujian, China) according to the manufacturer’s imaging (MRI) and CT. An MRI scan showed a mass with short
instructions. This study was approved by the institutional Ethics T1 and long T2 signals inside and outside the right frontotem-
Committees of China Medical University and conducted in poral skull plate in Case 4 (Fig. 1A and B). The mass wrapped
accordance with the ethical guidelines of the Declaration of around the adjacent frontotemporal bone and invaded the right
Helsinki. temporal bone and lateral orbital wall. CT indicated a mass with

Figure 2. Gross features of the tumor. The mass, measuring about 4 cm  3.0 cm  2.5 cm, was cut into pieces. The surface of the tumor is rough, with adhesion
between the mass and the surrounding tissue (A). The cut surface is gray yellow, with relative tenacious texture (B).

Cao et al. Medicine (2018) 97:23 Medicine

slightly low density, invading the right frontotemporal bone, Necrosis was detected in all cases except case 1 (C, E, I, N, O).
sphenoid bone, and lateral orbital wall (Fig. 1C). An MRI scan Large patchy necrosis was found in 4 cases: Cases 2, 3, 4, and 6.
showed a mass with short T1 signal in the right frontal lobe near
the frontal bone in Case 6 (Fig. 1D), invading the right frontal
4.3. Immunophenotype
bone. Figure 2 shows the gross tumor features of Case 6. A near
globular mass, measuring approximately 4 cm  3.0 cm  2.5 cm, Results of tumor immunostaining are shown in Figure 4. Tumors
was cut into pieces. The surface of the mass was focally smooth. from all 6 cases were positive for epithelial membrane antigen
A local adhesion was observed between the mass and the (EMA) and vimentin immunostaining, which indicated bi-
surrounding tissue, which had a rough surface (Fig. 2A). The cut directional tumor differentiation. EMA immunostaining was
surface of the mass was gray yellow, with a relatively tenacious generally focally positive and strong in 2 cases (Cases 2 and 6)
texture (Fig. 2B). and weak in 4 cases (Cases 1, 3, 4, and 5). Vimentin
immunostaining was generally diffuse and strong, except in
Case 3, where vimentin immunostaining was relatively weak. The
4.2. Microscopic features
Ki67 index varied from 20% to 70%, and was 30%, 70%, 20%,
Histopathological features of the tumors are listed in Figure 3. 30%, 50%, 60% in Cases 1–6, respectively (Fig. 4 and Table 1).
Tumor tissues of Case 1 (A) and Case 5 (L) were composed of 2
different areas: spindle cells and focal carcinoma-like cell nests.
5. Discussion
The tumor cells of Case 1 had large nucleoli (B) and those of Case
5 had medium-sized nucleoli (M). Tumor cells of Cases 2, 3, and Most anaplastic meningiomas occur in adults, although some
4 formed cell nests with carcinoma-like morphology (C, E, G), rare cases have been reported in children.[9] In the present study,
and the tumor cells had medium-sized nucleoli (D, F, H). The the patients were all adults, with ages ranging from 33 to 91
tumor cells of Case 4 invaded bond and muscle tissues (J, K). years. Anaplastic meningiomas are usually highly invasive and
Tumor cells of case 6 had sarcoma-like morphology and invaded grow rapidly.[10] Ahmeti et al[10] reported a case of an anaplastic
brain tissues (N). The tumor cells had medium-sized nucleoli (P). meningioma that destroyed most of the calvarial bone. In a case

Figure 3. Microscopic features of the tumors. Tumor tissues of Case 1 and 5 had 2 kinds of tumor cells: carcinoma-like cells and spindle cells (A, L). The tumor cells
in Case 1 had large nucleoli (B). Tumor cells of Cases 2, 3, and 4 formed nests with carcinoma-like morphology (C, E, G). Necrosis was observed in the tumor tissues
in 5 cases: Cases 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (C, E, I, L, and O, respectively). The tumor cells of Cases 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 had medium-sized nucleoli (D, F, H, M, P). In Case 4, the
tumor cells invaded bone (J) and muscles (K). In Case 6, the tumor cells invaded brain tissues (N). (A, C, E, K, N, O: magnification  100; G, L, I, J: magnification 
200; B, D, F, H, M, P: magnification  100).

Cao et al. Medicine (2018) 97:23 www.md-journal.com

Figure 4. Results of tumor immunostaining. The tumor cells in all cases were positive for epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) and vimentin. EMA immunostaining
was focal and weak in Cases 1, 3, 4, and 5, and focal and strong in Cases 2 and 6. Vimentin immunostaining was generally diffuse and strong, with weak staining
only in Case 3. The Ki67 index was high in all cases: 30%, 70%, 20%, 30%, 50%, and 60% in Cases 1–6, respectively (magnification  200). EMA=epithelial
membrane antigen.

reported by Güngör et al,[11] a giant intracranial tumor invaded recurrence rates of 50% to 80%.[12] Kawahara et al[12] reported a
extracranial soft tissue and formed a cutaneous mass. Consistent rapid recurrence of this tumor < 2 months after surgery for
with these previous reports, the tumors in the current study removal of the primary tumor. However, distant metastasis of
were aggressive, invading brain, bone, and muscle tissues. The anaplastic meningioma is rare. In a study of 168 cases of atypical
recurrence of anaplastic meningioma is very common, with and anaplastic meningioma, Kessler et al[2] found that the rate of

Cao et al. Medicine (2018) 97:23 Medicine

Table 1 the present study, EMA immunostaining in the tumor cells was
Histopathological features of the 6 cases of anaplastic menin- generally focal and weak in most cases (4/6).
gioma. Anaplastic meningioma can be a result of malignant
transformation of meningioma with a WHO grade of I or
case Mitosis Necrosis Nucleolus Ki67 II.[26] Rammo et al[22] reported a meningioma progressing from
WHO grade I to III after 12 years. In the present study, 2 patients
1 >10/10HPF None Single, large 30% had a history of WHO grade I meningioma, supporting the
2 >20/10HPF Large patchy necrosis Single, medium sized 70%
possibility of malignant transformation.
3 >5/10HPF Large patchy necrosis Single, medium sized 20%
4 >1/10HPF Large patchy necrosis Single, medium sized 30%
5 >10/10HPF Small patchy necrosis Single, medium sized 50% 6. Conclusion
6 >1/10HPF Large patchy necrosis Single, medium sized 60%
Anaplastic meningioma is a malignant meningioma subtype with
malignant morphological features. Necrosis and a high Ki67
index are common features in this rare tumor subtype, which may
extracranial metastases was about 3%. Corniola et al[13] reported be secondary to a WHO grade I meningioma. Our findings
a case of anaplastic meningioma with pulmonary metastasis indicate that regular physical examination is important in
2 years after surgery, resulting in the patient’s death. In a case patients with a history of meningioma, including benign cases,
reported by Lambertz et al,[14] a patient with anaplastic to enable early detection of recurrence and malignant transfor-
meningioma developed multiple metastases in both lungs after mation of meningioma.
the first surgery; this patient also had liver metastases. Nishida
et al[5] reported an anaplastic meningioma in a very rare site, the
spinal cord, with subsequent metastasis to the mediastinal lymph Author contributions
nodes. Moubayed et al[15] also reported a case of anaplastic Conceptualization: Hongyi Cao, Biying Jiang, Chuifeng Fan.
meningioma metastasizing to the mediastinal lymph nodes. The Data curation: Hongyi Cao, Biying Jiang, Yang Zhao, Chuifeng
patient had a cervical lump, which was found to be a metastatic Fan.
anaplastic meningioma after removal of the primary intracranial Formal analysis: Yang Zhao.
tumor. The prognosis of anaplastic meningioma is generally poor Investigation: Biying Jiang, Yang Zhao.
because of frequent recurrence and occasional metastasis, and Resources: Hongyi Cao.
the median survival time is <2 years.[12,16] Supervision: Chuifeng Fan.
The primary treatments for anaplastic meningioma are Validation: Chuifeng Fan.
resection and adjuvant radiotherapy.[17] A study by Orton Writing – original draft: Hongyi Cao, Biying Jiang, Yang Zhao.
et al[7] indicated that adjuvant radiotherapy improved survival in Writing – review & editing: Chuifeng Fan.
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Muvdi et al[18] also indicated an association between radiother-
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