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1a Primer

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Year Made 2017


These are just general overview of the professors. This is not 100% reliable because our professors attitude may
vary from time to time these are just compiled experiences from previous batches. It will really help you because
most of them are true. Also, it would be dependent on your attitude and performance as block whether the
professors will like you. Always do your best! When you are chasing excellence and being magis (going beyond
what is expected) all professors may be “chill” for you.

We compiled all the professors in one document because sometimes we cannot predict who will be for each block.
The professors may shuffle.


This will be your adjusting period. You will somehow put stress on the three bar subjects you will have this semester
– CRIM1, CONSTI1 and PERSONS. Persons have 4 UNITS wherein it could really affect your QPI. Unfortunately,
some minor subjects will be taxing depending on the professor. Enjoy this semester and study smart- make a
schedule. Always have time for de-stressing! It’s really tough but don’t let yourself burn out. Don’t compare your
progress to others. You individually have your own style and your own threshold. Don’t pressure yourself! It will
work out in the end! J Goodluck, Freshies!


Atty Blessie Abad Gamo

AY2016-17 Block A

She follows the Candelaria syllabus. She’s a new professor last year.

She seems intimidating/ "mataray" but that's just how she is in class; outside she's really friendly and she doesn't
take anything personally. Don't let her intimidating persona scare you.

She allows laptops so make sure to take advantage of this.

For recit, she calls by rounds (rounds is when she call everyone first before getting the chance to be called again)
then shuffles after she's finished the deck.
Consti is case heavy, so make sure to read all cases IN THEIR ORIGINALS. Some people would say that her
class is survivable using digests alone, but in the end you'll be the one having a hard time especially when it comes
to understanding doctrines/concepts or even during the bar.

Don't shortchange yourself. During recit, make sure to recite the facts, the issue of the case, and the ruling. But
always focus on the doctrine/ "why she assigned the case." If you're not getting the doctrine of the case, she'll
usually ask, "Why did I assign this case?" so when you're discussing always remember to go back to the topic and
how the case relates to the topic. If she's in a hurry she'll care less about the facts and focus more on the doctrine.
But to do well remember the bare essentials (Facts/Issue/Ruling).

She'll also always remind you to memorize your codal provisions, so MEMORIZE YOUR CODAL PROVISIONS.
It's how you'll survive this subject (even during Consti 2), and also some recits because she asks people to just
recite provisions. Sometimes the difficult questions she asks are answerable by codals, so always always always
remember to read and memorize them.

Recommended Reviewers
For the digests, we recommend NERDSREV.
(Fun Fact: NERDSREV reviewer is made by the now 4th years of Block A AY2017-18)

It only lasts until Article 8 though, so we also suggest cooperating with your entire block to make digest groups.

Pool all cases together and assign cases to each person for him/her to digest. That way no one will be left behind
during class. It's ok to review using digests but make sure you've read all the originals first.

Midterms and Finals

For our midterms and finals, four professors (together with the other profs who follow Candelaria syllabus) made
our exams.


Atty Giovanni Vallente

AY2016-17 Block A/B/F

Dean Vanni is arguably one of the most beloved professors of ALS, ask any student taught by him and they’ll tell
you that you’ll get your money’s worth by taking his classes. He makes sure of it too, anytime you miss a class he
will always schedule a make-up class to make up for the lost time. Dean Vanni is also the Associated Dean for
Student Affairs, and also heads the litigation department of EMSAVVIL Law office.

He is oftenly referred to as “Dean Vannie”

Relies on Reyes Book 1
Rarely asks class to read cases (we were only given around 4 cases for the entire semester, which he asked us to
recite in groups).
He will always ask for the elements and an example. (higher grades if your own example)
Do not show your Beda Memory Aid reviewer during class
He seems scary sometimes but he really is a great professor and he loves talking about his sons during class.
Sometimes he cracks jokes. Basta don't be disrespectful to get in his good graces.

During UAAP season all students from schools that beat Ateneo will be called, but this is all in good fun. Most of
his answers will come from the Reyes Book 1 as well as the provisions of the RPC so memorize the provisions. His
questions may sometimes be tough however he’ll do follow up questions as to “lead” the students to the right

Make sure to read the assignment before each class so you're prepared every time, because he always shuffles
the class cards.

Sometimes he calls those who haven't done well in their previous recitations.

During recitation he asks you to recite the article – Memorize them verbatimly and he either gives examples and
you apply the article/law, or you give an example of your own.

Observe proper decorum in his class, don't talk while he is talking/ someone is reciting.
STRICTLY NO UNNECESSARY NOISES DURING CLASS – he will ask you to leave the class and automatically
get a 60 recit grade.
Don't talk to your seatmate/ do anything that will distract him because he will call you out.

You can't ask him questions during class but he asks people to list their questions in any piece of paper to be given
to him and answered before the start of your next meeting.

Work hard for this class because if you fail you won't be able to take Crim 2 the following semester.

Prior Midterms of the semester: 15 articles only – it will be the first 500 pages of Reyes Book 1
Always prepare for atleast 15 articles (after midterms), and prepare yourself in making examples of each.
Sometimes you will be called to just give an example of the article provided. Or if your lucky, he'll give you a tricky

He'll guide you naman in making the correct answer, but as much as possible, you have to know the nuances of
each article. He will squeeze out the answer from you.

Midterms and Finals

For midterms/ finals most of our classmates used the Beda reviewer (memory aid) to memorize the requisites/
Midterms and finals are purely cases, so always use ALAC format when answering (if you will be able to gather
your thoughts).
His Finals is crucial – because if you pass his final exam as in 75 even if you fail your recit grade and midterms he
will pass you

His exams can be 20 pages long – one question can be as long as 3 pages. His questions are actual cases.

His exams are toughest out of all of the professors in the 1st Semester because of their length. Strategize, and
answer only the relevant questions, refrain from meandering in your essay. Length does not guarantee a better
grade. However, in answering cases, it is important to list down the requisites of each circumstance first before
explaining why such circumstance is present in the case at bar.

1/3 for each: Recitations, Midterms and Finals
He gives low grades but he curves, most in our class got a line of 7.

1. Expect a difficult exam. His exams are the hardest among your subjects.
2. Put your phones on silent
3. Read everything on Reyes’s book. (as in everything).
4. He sometimes ask the meaning of words (like dictionary meaning of “vindication”)
5. When he assigns a case, you must take note of every details of the facts, e.g., brand and quantity of the
detergent powder stolen by the accused. (Valenzuela case)
6. Make a good impression to him. During the first day, he will say that he will not answer some questions
you raised after the meeting, but in the middle of the semester, you can ask him for clarifications if your
class made a good impression to him.
7. Memorize all the elements of every doctrines and concepts discussed. He will give partial points in the
exam if you have listed down all the elements of a concept even if your answer is wrong.
8. Think of your own examples of concepts that will be discussed.

1. Pass. Usually, professors give a grade of 70 when a student passes on a recit, but Dean Vanni gives a
grade of 60 to those who pass.
2. Talk inside the classroom while someone else or he is speaking. Those who were caught speaking [he
considers murmuring to memorize a provision as talking] will be sent and will receive a grade of 60.
3. Pass. He wil give a grade of 60 if you pass.
4. Get rattled when he tries to confuse you. For example, you will answer yes in a question, but he will give
an example that might lead you to change your answer, do not retract your answer if you know based from
what you have studied that your first answer is correct. He will not give the right answers to his questions.


Dean Melencio “Dean Mel” Sta Maria, Jr.

AY2016-17 Block A B C & D

Dean Mel has retired from the ALS, so for Persons you'll probably get his wife Atty Ampy Sta Maria. You'll most
likely still use Dean Mel's book though. Atty Ampy subbed for Dean Mel a few times during our semester, and based
from those meetings Atty Ampy gives high recit grades but is very strict during recitation.

As for Persons in general, rely on Dean Mel's book because everything you need is on there. He never assigned
cases during our time but during recit he usually asked cases found in the book. Not sure if Atty Ampy will do the
same but just read your Persons book religiously.

For midterms/finals it's always essay so use ALAC format. However Atty Ampy has been known to ask MCQ so it's
probably going to be a combination of both. Recitation is rounds, you'll get called around 4-5 times during the sem.

Dean Mel is a "finalist", meaning, if you fail midterms and did bad in recit but get a high grade for finals, you'll surely

He gave us high grades and that pulled our GPAs up because Persons is worth 4 units. As your heaviest subject,
make sure to focus on this the most. The concepts in Persons are difficult to understand so make sure to read
everything closely and as many times as you can; also don't hesitate to ask your blockmates for help if you find a
concept difficult. We got by through asking each other for help when we don't understand something. For both
midterms and finals the samplexes from previous years are very helpful. Make sure to know the codal provisions
by heart.

Sta Maria Moot Court - after midterms you'll have to work as a class for the Sta Maria Moot Court where you'll be
going against other blocks to defend a side in an assigned case. Work it out amongst yourselves and WORK
TOGETHER. Three people will be mooters (who will argue your case before the judges) and the rest,
researchers/writers for the memorial (the written output of your arguments). Help your mooters because pressure
will be on them to do well especially during oral arguments. Everything will be explained during the semester. (moot
court was an ongoing tradition when Dean Mel was still in the ALS, not sure if it'll still be held after he's retired but
it's better that you know)

Teaching Style
He wrote a book on Persons and Family Relations, so the class discussion will be based solely on the book. During
exams, he takes most of the questions from his book even a paragraph that you think is not important or not
discussed may come out in the exam. His recitation questions are confusing, but he will push you to give the right
answer. He will assign cases only at the end of the semester and some of the questions in the finals are from
the cases.

1. Read his book with all your heart.
2. Try to remember the examples he gave in his book. He usually asks for these during recitation.
3. Win the moot court! He gives a lecture when you won the moot court, and it will pull up your recitation
4. Impress him on your recitations because he gives a grade of 100 for good recitations.
5. Listen to his radio show if you have time. There is this one time where he asked our classmate about the
case of a caller in his show; the question was: “is the marriage officiated by the chief of Fire station of the
city valid?”

1. Get offended when he says “JJ” (jibber jabber) or “suntok sa buwan.”
2. Offend him [well, this applies to all professors] because there is a possibility that he will never call you
during recitations if you had offended him.
3. Give him a hint that you are using a book of another author.
4. Contradict his opinions in his book during recitations.


Atty. Patricia Ann Sta. Maria

AY2016-17 Block A/B

Teaching Style
She will be lenient at you at first, but she gets harder as the semester goes by. She will first ask you to recite the
cases, then she will discuss their relevance and how to cite different authorities. She has a good methodology that
can be useful to your other subjects, e.g., how to properly analyze a case and clarification of other legal concepts.

1. Read all the cases.
2. Ask her if she can give you incentives if you won the moot court or there is a school activity that is relevant to
Legal Research.

1. Pass. She gives high recit grades, so do not miss this chance by passing.
2. Hesitate to ask her anything about law school.


Atty Toto Villareal

AY2016-17 Block A

We don't know how to pass his subject. Just pray and hope for the best. Understanding the Philosophical Ideas
help, in our class only few really gets the idea of what's being discussed, but it's hella useful over time if you really
study and tried to understand everything he says. FIRST IMPRESSION MATTERS. He hated our class after the
first session because we're underprepared for his "Presentation" assignment.

repeats the question. Read and read and read his assigned materials like your life depends on it (try reading it
multiple times until you get it), you'd appreciate it in the future.

Former MTRCB Chairman Eugenio "Chair Toto" Villareal

AY2016-17 Block B

He gives hard recit questions. His mid-term exam will require you to combine different legal philosophies. In his
finals, he will ask you to write a paper.

1. Try to look pleasant in his class. He favors girls, and will most likely be more lenient towards them.
2. Think long and answer short during his recits and exams. He gives very tough questions during recits and exams.
3. Get your beadle to be close with him. The beadle can do a lot for the block. Chair Toto is very helpful and
considerate so it really helps to have someone negotiate for you guys.

1. Contradict his opinions.
2. Get offended. He will try to get into your nerves during class recitations, so keep calm and answer his questions
properly. You’ll eventually like him.


Fr Ferrer
AY2016-17 Block A and B

SOBRANG BAIT. Pero you really have to stay awake in his class. Pro-tip: Sit closer to him. Understand the basic
statutory construction principles, you'll really use it for Consti subjects. His midterms and finals are double edged
swords, it may look easy but it's sooooooo hard. He has this system of reading the Agpalo Statcon book, you'll have
to understand the system for you to get a better grip of his class. It's better if you try to participate in class since
he'll use the same system in both the discussion and the exams.

He usually discusses the concepts, and he rarely conducts recits. His exams are usually based on the cases
discussed in the class. He curves your grades, so it is better that the entire block will monitor everyone’s
performance to manipulate the outcome.

1. Try to participate in class. His exams will be very similar to how his classes go, and it is very difficult to cram
everything towards the exam.
2. Monitor the performance of your block in the mid-terms. He bases your final grades on your curve, so make sure
that there is a small variance of scores in the block. The closer your grades are the more chances of passing.

1. Have someone else sign the attendance sheet for you. He keeps track of attendance aside from the piece of
paper he asks everyone to sign.


Atty Patricia Cervantes – Poco

AY2016-17 Block A

Essentially chill class, she'll have you read about 10 cases each session about the legal profession, some about
ethics issues, with the most common case of the Plagiarism of Justice Del Castillo. In her recitation, you'll have a
partner (or partners, if the class has odd numbers or she's cathing up on recits), both of you will answer the recit
but your grade will be combined (or the same as she says). So both of you must be ready for the cases and catch
each other's blindspots. She'll notice the one who doesn't perform well and will be called close to the major exams
para makabawi sa recit. Don't be late and respect her class by reading and preparing for it just like any other major
subjects. Also, memorize the lawyer's oath early on.

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