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Computers in the medical sector

Uses of the computer in hospital provide many benefits for doctors and patient. Hospitals can create a
database of a patient with their treatment records, medicine records. Doctors are using a computer to
diagnose the diseases of patients faster. They are taking help of various medical applications of
computer and hardware devices. The use of computer and its application in hospitals are such as to do
the research on diseases, blood test, and urine test, brain testing, and body scanning etc. Computers can
keep track of prescriptions and billing information. They can be used to store the information
about the medicines prescribed to a patient as well as those, which cannot be prescribed to him/her. Computers
enable an efficient storage of huge amounts of medical data.
Medicine comprises vast base of knowledge. Computer storage can serve as the best means of housing this

Many of the modern-day medical equipment have small, programmed computers. Many of the medical
appliances of today work on pre-programmed instructions. The circuitry and logic in most of the medical
equipment is basically a computer. The functioning of hospital-bed beeping systems, emergency alarm systems,
X-ray machines and several such medical appliances is based on computer logic.
Computer software is used for diagnosis of diseases. It can be used for the examination of internal organs of the
body. Advanced computer-based systems are used to examine delicate organs of the body. Some of the complex
surgeries can be performed with the aid of computers. The different types of monitoring equipment in hospitals
are often based on computer programming.

Use of computer on regular basis in our life is very important. Technically in daily life computer
is used to convert raw facts and data into meaningful information and knowledge. Computer
science is explored and challenged by humans daily. The computer is like an electronic magical
device for our life. Use of computer on regular basis in our life is very important. Technically in
daily life computer is used to convert raw facts and data into meaningful information and
knowledge. Computer science is explored and challenged by humans daily.

● Uses of the computer in Education field

● Use of computer in the business
● Uses of the computer in hospitals
● Uses of the computer in the home
● Uses of the computer in government offices

X-ray scans

X-rays (radiographs) are the most common and widely available diagnostic imaging technique.
Even if you also need more sophisticated tests, you will probably get an x-ray first. The part of
your body being pictured is positioned between the x-ray machine and photographic film or
digital x-ray sensor. You have to hold still while the machine briefly sends electromagnetic
waves (radiation) through your body, exposing the film to reflect your internal structure.
x rays are performed to examine an area where you’re experiencing pain or discomfort
● monitor the progression of a diagnosed disease, such as osteoporosis
● check how well a prescribed treatment is working
Conditions that may call for an X-ray include:

1. bone cancer
2. breast tumors
3. enlarged heart
4. blocked blood vessels
5. conditions affecting your lungs
6. digestive problems
7. fractures
8. infections
9. osteoporosis
10. arthritis
11. needing to retrieve swallowed items

CAT scans

CT scan images allow the doctor to look at the inside of the body. This type of special X-ray, in a sense,
takes "pictures" of slices of the body so doctors can look right at the area of interest. CT scans are
frequently used to evaluate the brain, neck, spine, chest, abdomen, pelvis, and sinuses.

CT has revolutionized medicine because it allows doctors to see diseases that, in the past, could often
only be found at surgery or at autopsy

● They may also have a CT to check for specific symptoms such as pain or dizziness.
People with cancer may have a CT to evaluate the spread of disease.
● A head or brain CT is used to evaluate the various structures of the brain to look for a
mass, stroke, area of bleeding, or blood vessel abnormality. It is also sometimes used to
look at the skull.

A neck CT checks the soft tissues of the neck and is frequently used to study a lump or mass in the neck
or to look for enlarged lymph nodes or glands

● CT of the chest is frequently used to further study an abnormality on a plain chest X-ray.
It is also often used to look for enlarged lymph nodes.
● Abdominal and pelvic CT looks at the abdominal and pelvic organs (such as the liver,
spleen, kidneys, pancreas, and adrenal glands) and the gastrointestinal tract


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a large magnet and radio waves to look at organs and
structures inside your body. Health care professionals use MRI scans to diagnose a variety of
conditions, from torn ligaments to tumors. MRIs are very useful for examining the brain and spinal

During the scan, you lie on a table that slides inside a tunnel-shaped machine. Doing the scan can
take a long time, and you must stay still. The scan is painless. The MRI machine makes a lot of
noise. The technician may offer you earplugs.

The following are examples in which an MRI scanner would be used:

● anomalies of the brain and spinal cord

● tumors, cysts, and other anomalies in various parts of the body
● breast cancer screening for women who face a high risk of breast cancer
● injuries or abnormalities of the joints, such as the back and knee
● certain types of heart problems
● diseases of the liver and other abdominal organs
● the evaluation of pelvic pain in women, with causes including fibroids and
● suspected uterine anomalies in women undergoing evaluation for infertility

An ultrasound scan is a medical test that uses high-frequency sound waves to capture live
images from the inside of your body. It’s also known as sonography.

The technology is similar to that used by sonar and radar, which help the military detect
planes and ships. An ultrasound allows your doctor to see problems with organs, vessels, and
tissues without needing to make an incision.

Unlike other imaging techniques, ultrasound uses no radiation. For this reason, it’s the
preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy.

Most people associate ultrasound scans with pregnancy. These scans can provide an
expectant mother with the first view of her unborn child. However, the test has many other

Ultra sound is also used if you’re having pain, swelling, or other symptoms that require an
internal view of your organs. An ultrasound can provide a view of the:

1. bladder
2. brain (in infants)
3. eyes
4. gallbladder
5. kidneys
6. liver
7. ovaries
8. pancreas
9. spleen
10. thyroid
11. testicles
12. uterus
13. blood vessels

An ultrasound is also a helpful way to guide surgeons’ movements during certain medical
procedures, such as biopsies

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