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Underground Kingdom-Choose Your Own Adventure 18 - Edward Packard PDF

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Do not read this book straight through from be-
ginning to end! These pages contain many differ-
ent adventures you can have as you try to reach
the Underground Kingdom. From time to time as
you read along, you will be asked to make a
choice. Your choice may lead to success or to
disaster! The adventures you have will be the
result of the decisions you make. After you make
your choice, follow the instructions to see what
happens to you next.

The Underground Kingdom is not easy to reach.
Many readers never get there. Others never re-
Before starting out on your journey, you may
want to read Professor Bruckner's theory, which
is set forth on the pages that follow.
Professor Bruckner is a rather boring writer,
and I wouldn't suggest that you bother to read his
theory, except that, if you ever get to the Under-
ground Kingdom, it might save your life.
Good luck!
The discovery of the Bottomless Crevasse in
Greenland by Dr. Nera Vivaldi supports my
theory that the earth is not solid, as has been
thought, but that it is hollow. The Bottomless
Crevasse is probably the sole route from the
earth's surface to a vast "Underground King-
dom." The only other possible link would be an
underground river, flowing in alternating direc-
tions in response to the tides, but this seems
How, you may ask, was the earth hollowed
out? My studies show that more than a billion
years ago a tiny black hole collided with our
planet and lodged in its center, pulling the
whole molten core into an incredibly massive
sphere only a few hundred meters across.
If you were to stand on the inner surface of
the earth, like a fly on the inner shell of an
enormous pumpkin, you would see the black
hole directly overhead, like a black sun.
The gravity of the earth's thick shell would
hold you to the inner shell of the earth, though
you would weigh much less than you would on
the outer surface because the mass of the
Black Sun would tend to pull you toward it. If
there were a very tall mountain in the Under-
ground Kingdom and you were to climb to the
top of it, you might be pulled up into the Black
Sun because gravity gets stronger as you ap-
proach a massive object.
In all other respects the Black Sun would
not be dangerous to any creatures in the Un-
derground Kingdom. On the contrary, the
Black Sun would be necessary to life in the
underworld, but in the opposite way that the
sun is necessary to life on the earth's surface.
Our sun gives us heat and keeps us from freez-
ing. The Black Sun absorbs heat. If there is an
underground kingdom, it is the Black Sun that
keeps its inhabitants from being baked to
death by the heat within the earth!
You are standing on the Toan Glacier in north-
ern Greenland, staring down into the black void
of the crevasse. You shiver as you wonder
whether you were lucky or unlucky to be invited
on this expedition.
Standing next to you are Gunnar Larsen of the
National Research Institute and Dr. James Sneed,
a geologist. A small black box containing a signal
transmitter is suspended over the crevasse by two
long poles. The transmitter is wired to a console a
few yards away in the ice. Dr. Sneed turns a dial
as he monitors the display screen.
"Well?" Larsen's voice is impatient.
Sneed looks up, a broad smile on his face.
"This is it, friends—the Bottomless Crevasse."
"Any radar return?" Larsen asks.
Sneed shakes his head. "None."
For a minute no one speaks. Like you, the
others must feel excited to have reached their
goal but also a little sad. It was just a year ago that
your old friend, Dr. Nera Vivaldi, radioed from
this spot that she had reached the Bottomless
Crevasse. A few moments later, her radio went
dead. She was never seen again.

Go on to page 2.
Now you stand at the edge, lost in thought
How could the crevasse have no bottom? Could it
really lead to an underground kingdom? What
happened to Dr. Vivaldi?
But your thoughts are shattered. You didn't
seem to slip, yet suddenly you are falling into the
crevasse! A ledge is coming up fast beneath you.
You could land on it, but you're falling so fast
you're sure to be badly injured. You might only
be saving yourself for a slow, agonizing death.
These thoughts race through your head in a
split second.

If you try to land on the ledge,

turn to page 5.

If not, go on to the next page.

Your consciousness slips away as you fall faster
down, down, down.
The next thing you know, you're floating in air.
In the soft, reddish light you can see that you are
in a cavern, drifting toward the ceiling—or is it the
floor? In a flash you realize what has happened—
you've fallen to a point where gravity above you
is almost equal to gravity beneath you!
You brush against a firm surface—a wall that
feels like clay. You cling to it for a moment. Then
you're floating again, drifting slowly down. You
begin to lose your fear as you realize that gravity
here is so weak that you can fall mile after mile
without being hurt After a while you begin to
relax and enjoy drifting through a fantastic twi-
light world. You only wish it weren't so hot! Clos-
ing your eyes, you try to pretend that you are
safely home in bed.

Turn to page 6.
Your whole body is racked with pain as you
crash onto the ledge. You're shaken and bruised
but still alive! A snowbank cushioned your fall.
"HELP!" you cry.
"Hold on!" Larsen yells. "It's going to be tricky,
but we're rigging our ropes. We'll get you up."
You feel a flash of joy; then you remember
something that chills you to the bone. You were
very careful not to fall in. You're quite sure you
didn't slip; you were pulled as if by an unknown
force within the Bottomless Crevasse.
Should you warn your friends about the
strange force? If you do, they may be afraid to get
close enough to rescue you.

If you warn Larsen and Sneed,

turn to page 13.
If you just yell, "Please hurry!" turn to page 9.
Once again you brush against a firm surface.
This time it's the floor of the cavern. In fact, you
have touched down on the mossy bank of an
underground stream. You drink from the cool,
clear water, then step out of the cavern into this
strange world.
The only illumination is a dim red-orange glow
that seems to come from the ground. The air is so
clear that you can see shadowy, curving hills and
valleys stretching out in all directions, even above
Why do you feel so good? It must be because
you are so light—you could hardly weigh more
than ten or fifteen pounds. You spring to your
feet Every movement is easy. You jump—twenty
or thirty feet high—and float gently to the
Then you realize that you are not alone. Only a
few yards away is an odd creature. As big as you
are, it seems to be some kind of bird yet much
more than a bird. Under a crown of soft golden
feathers are enormous blue-green eyes, so vivid
and intense that they seem to be not only a
means of vision, but also a means of power.
There is something terrifying about that face,
but also something angelic, something that draws
you to it In fact, you feel as if you are being
hypnotized by those eyes—eyes of an angel bird!

If you run from the strange creature,

turn to page 15.

If you hold your ground and face it,

turn to page 10.
You run as fast as you can, hoping that once
the mother sees her baby is safe, she will not
pursue you.
You dart into a cavern. It's darker and hotter
than the pleasant spot where you found the fledg-
ling. Is it the same passageway you came
Still running, you look back over your shoulder
to see if the mother bird is following. At that
moment you find yourself falling, or rather rising,
toward the earth's surface—drawn up into what
must be the same shaft that forms the Bottomless
Soon you stop rising and start falling. Then you
rise a shorter distance, stop, and begin to fall
again. You feel like a yo-yo, bouncing up and
down, up and down, until you finally come to rest
at the center of gravity, the point where you will
neither rise nor fall. Like a cork thrown in the
ocean, you seem doomed to drift forever.

The End
"Hurry!" you yell.
A moment later you see Dr. Sneed's reassuring
face on one side of the opening above you.
Larsen peers over the other side. "Don't worry,"
he calls.
"Hey, what's..." Dr. Sneed's voice is cut off as
he slides over the icy lip of the crevasse. You
watch with horror as his body hurtles by, down
into the abyss!
You yell at Larsen to get back from the edge.
But a blur whirls by, and you feel the rush of air as
his body plummets after Sneed's.
They're both gone, and now you are alone,
trapped on a narrow icy ledge. If only you had
warned them, you would have saved them and
probably yourself too.
Now your chances look slim. A search helicop-
ter might fly over. But will it land? Will anyone
ever find you down here? Will you even survive
the arctic night?

Turn to page 12.


You stand there and watch as the strange crea-

ture walks slowly toward you. Then you see the
large, blue-white pieces of broken shell. This an-
gel bird is only a fledgling, just hatched!
Losing your fear, you walk up and stroke the
creature gently. It cocks its head to the side and
touches you with one of its wings. At that moment
it seems almost human.
But suddenly you hear a loud whirring sound.
Hovering above you is another angel bird, a
much larger one. It must be the mother of the
fledgling. She swoops toward you.

If you run, turn to page 8.

If you grab the fledgling and try to use it to

shield yourself, turn to page 14.

If you dive to the ground and shield your face

with your arms, go on to page 11.
You dive to the ground and shield your face
with your arms, hoping the angel bird will leave
you unharmed.
Nothing happens; the angel bird must have
taken her young one away. What's more, you
begin to have the feeling that you are completely
safe. Slowly you get to your feet. Standing
nearby are three more of the large creatures. One
of them effortlessly leaves the ground, glides
through the air, and lands beside you. You have a
strong urge to climb on its back.
Why is it you feel so safe? The angel birds
begin to make musical sounds, more beautiful
than anything you've ever heard. Is it this music
that causes your good feelings, or something
more? These creatures seem to communicate not
in words, or even ideas, but in feelings.
Without thinking more about it, you leap up,
and because there's very little gravity, you almost
float onto the creature's feathery back. You nestle
in. It feels like a bed of goose down, soft and silky.

Turn to page 16.

You look along the ledge. It curves up toward
the surface, but it also becomes narrower. You try
to gauge how close to the surface you could get
without losing your footing. By cutting a couple of
handholds in the ice with your pocket knife, you
could make it to the top, if you don't lose your

If you try to make it, turn to page 18.

If you decide to wait, turn to page 20.

"Get back from the edge!" you yell. "I didn't
fall, I was pulled in!"
For a few moments you hear nothing; then
Sneed yells, "Thanks for warning us. There may
be some force here we don't understand. But
don't worry, we're rigging a brace so we can pull
you up without getting too close."
A few minutes later you see a nylon climbing
rope dangling in front of you. You pull in enough
to tie around your waist and under your arms.
Taking a firm grip, you call up to the top, "I'm
ready—pull away!"
Your heart skips a beat as you're yanked off the
ledge. You dangle for a moment; then, slowly,
foot by foot, your friends pull you up over the
edge. You scramble across the ice into their arms.
"Thank goodness we got you!" says Larsen.
"The Bottomless Crevasse is a killer. I think we'd
better quit now."
"I agree. I've had enough," Sneed says.
After what you've been through, you're not
about to argue with them. The three of you pack
up and begin the long trek back across the glacier.
You're happy to be alive, but you know that
you'll always regret that you never reached the
Underground Kingdom.

The End
You lunge for the baby bird, hoping that you
can use it as a shield.
Even as you move, you feel a rush of wind as
the mother dives to protect her baby. You realize
that you've just made the stupidest decision of
your life.

Strangely, the mother bird did not harm you.

Instead, you feel that you have been put into a
trance. Stranger still, you sense that something
has set time back—that you are being given an-
other chance!

Turn to page 10.

You run from the angel bird—up a hill that gets
steeper and steeper. In the light gravity of the
underworld you can run faster than a deer, even
up this mountain. Twenty, thirty, forty feet at a
bound! You feel even lighter than you did before.
You try to leap only a few feet in the air, but you
find yourself floating. There is no way you can get
down. You are entombed between the ground
above and the ground below.
You close your eyes. Then, instead of feeling
warm, you feel cold; instead of feeling light, you
feel heavy. Instead of floating, you're lying on a
hard, cold surface. Opening your eyes, you see
ice walls rising above you.
Now you understand. When you fell into the
crevasse, you landed on this ledge, about thirty
feet below the surface. You must have hit your
head on the ice. What a strange dream you've
had! It seemed so real—as if the angel bird put
the dream in your head! But there are other
things to think of right now.
"HELP!" you shout
No one answers. Larsen and Sneed have prob-
ably given you up for lost

Turn to page 12.

The angel bird glides through the canyons and
corridors beneath the earth. It increases its speed,
and you hold tight as it swoops through long,
curving passageways. It's the most exciting ride of
your life, and would certainly be the scariest if
you didn't feel that you've never been safer.
Then, ahead of you, is a tunnel that flares out
into a broad new world. An endless landscape
stretches before you. It is bathed in soft, reddish
light, as if the sun had just set everywhere around
A great river forms a curving line that divides
the land. Trees line its banks. Farther back from
the river are mountains, some of them lavender
or blue and others that flicker like glowing em-
bers. Strangely there is no horizon; instead the
landscape fades into dusky reds and browns that
curve over your head, forming a sky that is almost
the same color as the ground. Directly above you
is something that looks like the sun, but it is
absolutely black!
So this is the Underground Kingdom—strange,
vast, and very beautiful. What people or creatures
live here? What mysteries does it hold? But you
are swept from your daydreaming by the realiza-
tion that your life here could be in danger.

If you set out to explore the Underground

Kingdom, turn to page 19.

If you concentrate on getting safely back home,

turn to page 22.
You inch your way along the edge, keeping
your body flat against the wall of the crevasse.
You should be able to make it, as long as you
don't panic. You try not to look down.
After almost an hour of slow progress, you're
able to raise a hand over the rim. But you still
can't pull yourself up.
You hack away at the ice, gouging out another
handhold, then another foothold. It seems like
hours before you can take even one step higher.
Then, with one great effort, you heave yourself
over the edge, then twist and roll away from the
deadly opening.
Stiff and shaky, you manage to stand and stare
at the bleak world around you. The sun has set
behind the western mountains, and you begin to
shiver in the chill wind. You're thankful that in this
part of Greenland it never grows dark in July. But
it does grow cold—well below freezing—and
you're too exhausted to run and jump to warm

Turn to page 21.

You know how you feel: the risks don't matter.
You want to explore the Underground Kingdom!
The angel bird seems to understand. Steeply
banking, it swoops down along the great river and
glides gently onto a mossy plain. Nearby is a
grove of tall trees. Short stumpy branches with
clusters of multicolored leaves thrust out from
their trunks. They look almost like hands holding
bunches of flowers.
You slide to the ground, and at once the angel
bird rises in the air. As it glides up into the dark
red sky, you feel a wave of happiness. You follow
its path with your eyes long after it has disap-
peared. Then, turning to survey the strange land-
scape, you wonder where you will go. What
dangers await you?

Turn to page 40.

You decide not to risk the treacherous climb to
the surface. Surely help is on the way. You huddle
on the icy ledge, stamping your feet and clapping
your hands, trying to keep warm. You feel your
body temperature dropping. You've got to stay
awake until a search party arrives.
The hours pass slowly. The sun dips below the
horizon, but there is still light in the sky. Straining,
you think you hear something. . . .Pocka pocka
pocka pocka pocka . . . overhead. A chopper is
Hovering over the crevasse! For a moment you're
blinded by a searchlight. The chopper drops to
just a few yards above you. The crew lowers a
harness. Eagerly you grab it and buckle it around
Beautiful words over the bullhorn. You're sud-
denly yanked into the air. Moments later a pair of
hands pulls you through the hatch. The pilot
pours you a cup of hot chocolate from his Ther-
"Thanks for staying alive till we got here," he
says with a grin.
You soon feel life seeping back into your body.
"Thanks for pulling me out!"
"This is the one place in the world everyone
should stay away from," the pilot says.
"Nothing could get me back here," you say.

The End
There is no shelter from the relentless wind and
no sign of Larsen or Sneed. It's getting hard to
breathe. You soon begin to feel the dull aches,
stiffness, and sick feeling you've read about—the
dread symptoms of hypothermia; you are freez-
ing to death. Maybe a search helicopter will arrive
any moment. Maybe in a few hours. Maybe
You are very tired. You desperately need rest.

If you huddle in your parka and try to conserve

your strength, turn to page 32.
If you force yourself to keep walking,
turn to page 25.
Your strongest desire now is to be home again.
You cling tightly to the angel bird. As if it knows
what you're thinking, it rises in the air, banks
steeply, and then, accelerating, hurtles into a cor-
ridor within the ground. You nestle into its thick
downy coat as it streaks through the darkness. All
the while you feel completely safe, and in time
you sleep.

When you awake, it is much colder. A chill

wind bites against your body. The brightness of
the world around you is not the warm red light of
the Underground Kingdom, but the cold white
light of the Arctic. The barren landscape,
pocketed with ice and snow, is a familiar scene, as
is the rude village of shacks and tin-roofed build-
ings nearby. You're in Greenland! The village is
the coastal settlement from which your party be-
gan its trek across the ice fields to the Bottomless

Go on to the next page.

As you trudge across the frozen slope to the
village, you think about the angel bird and the
Underground Kingdom, and you think how
much more there must be in the universe, and
even on our own planet, than we can ever imag-

The End
"There's no chance of that," Professor
Bruckner's assistant tells you. "An aerial photo-
graph taken a few weeks ago showed that the
glacier has moved, sealing the crevasse with
6,000 feet of solid ice."
You hang up the phone and stand by the win-
dow, thinking about the world that lies beneath
the earth's surface. What is it like? What creatures
might live there? What happened to Professor
Bruckner? Did he find Larsen and Sneed? Is Dr.
Vivaldi still alive? Now, of course, you'll never

The End
You force yourself to keep walking. If you
wander too far from the crevasse, a search team
might miss you, so you walk in a large square:
fifty paces north . . . fifty east. . . fifty south . . .
fifty west . . . fifty north . . . again . . . again.
Your legs feel like lead. Your eyes are half shut.
You hardly notice when the weak arctic sun reap-
pears ... the sun . . . you can't think . . . dizzy
. . . you can't stand. . . .

It seems like another world when you wake up

in a room with pale green walls and gleaming tile
floors. Your head is swimming. What happened
to Larsen and Sneed? You feel as if you've lived
through a nightmare.
"You're lucky, we were able to save your leg."
A tall, bearded doctor is speaking. "You'll be
OK." Then his voice trails off as he tells you that
your friends, Gunnar Larsen and Dr. Sneed, have
joined Dr. Vivaldi, all lost forever.
"Larsen . . . Sneed." You keep mumbling their
names until finally sleep comes.
By morning your head has cleared. It was a
terrible ordeal, but at least you survived. In a few
weeks you'll be home—home for good, because
nothing could ever persuade you to go near the
Bottomless Crevasse again!

Go on to page 26.

Three months have passed. You return home

late one afternoon to find a man waiting at your
front door.
"I'm Professor Bruckner. From the National
Research Institute in Washington." He shakes
your hand warmly.
"Please come in. Are you still studying the
Bottomless Crevasse?"
Bruckner nods. "We've identified the force that
may have pulled Larsen and Sneed into the cre-
vasse. Would you be willing to go back? Precau-
tions would be taken so there would be no
chance of its happening again."
You shake your head. "I'm afraid not, Pro-
fessor. I don't think I could go back to the place
where my friends died."
Smiling, the professor leans toward you.
"Would it change your mind if I told you that your
friends may still be alive?"
"It's true. We received faint radio signals from a
point far beneath the earth's surface. I believe that
one or more of the others must be alive some-
where in the Underground Kingdom, and we
have the means to reach them. Now will you

If you say that you'll go on the expedition,

go on to page 28.

If you decide it would be too dangerous to go

with Bruckner, turn to page 30.
"Professor Bruckner, count me in!"
"Good," he says. "This time we'll be far better
equipped. NASA has put two helicopters at my
disposal. One of them will transport our party of
scientists and technicians. The other will carry the
Vertacraft, a rocket-propelled capsule specifically
designed for this mission."

Go on to the next page.

Three weeks later you find yourself staring
once again at the Bottomless Crevasse.
"It looks narrower than when I was here be-
fore," you remark.
"Yes," Bruckner says, "the glacier has been
advancing about three feet a year. It won't be
long before the crevasse is completely sealed."
While you and the other members of the party
stand at a safe distance, the professor cautiously
walks to the rim of the crevasse. In one hand he
holds an oblong instrument that emits an in-
creasingly rapid clicking.
"Don't get too close!" you cry.
"Indeed." Bruckner takes a few steps back. "I
think I know what happened to Larsen, Sneed,
and Vivaldi."
"Gravity waves coming from the center of the
earth have disrupted space-time enough to pull
them in." The professor looks down into your
puzzled face. "And you, as well," he adds. "I've
always suspected that the laws of physics may be
different in the vicinity of a black hole. Now we
have proof!"
"What does this mean?"
The professor smiles. "It means that the interior
of the earth—beginning about 800 miles deep—
is hollow."

Turn to page 75.

"No, thank you, Professor," you say. "I've seen
enough. I never want to get near the Bottomless
Crevasse again."
Bruckner shrugs. "I understand," he says as he
holds out his hand.

From then on, you follow the news eagerly,

hoping to hear some report on Professor Bruck-
ner's expedition. One day, passing a newsstand,
you see a headline that makes your heart sink:
In the months that follow you hear nothing
further about the Bottomless Crevasse, until one
night, watching the news, you hear an interview
with two scientists who claim to have picked up
radio signals coming from inside the earth. "We
can't explain their seemingly impossible origin,"
one of them reports, "nor can we decipher the
message, except for two words, All Safe."
The next morning you call Professor
Bruckner's office at the National Research In-
stitute. "I was wondering whether there were any
plans for another expedition to the Bottomless
Crevasse," you say.

Turn to page 24.

You huddle in your parka, but the cruel wind
penetrates your body. You feel yourself growing
numb. You try to stand up, but your legs won't
move. You feel as if you are drifting through time
and space. Then you feel nothing at all.

The search and rescue team almost reached

you in time. They were never able to locate
Larsen and Sneed. A few days later a memorial
service was held for the brave people who lost
their lives exploring the Bottomless Crevasse. Ev-
eryone spoke very highly of you.

The End
"All right," says Bruckner, "if no one will volun-
teer, I'll go alone." The rest of you help position
the Vertacraft over the crevasse and wish him well
as he snaps the hatch shut and releases the craft
into free-fall.
Hank Crouter, Bruckner's assistant, glances at
his watch. "If he survives, we'll get a signal back
within ten minutes," he says.
You all wait anxiously, watching the clock,
watching the crevasse. Ten minutes go by, fifteen,
twenty, twenty-five. A chilling wind bites through
your parka. You kick the icy ground.
"Thirty minutes," says Crouter. "There's no
way . . ."

Weary and sad, your party trudges back across

the ice fields. The moving glacier is rapidly closing
the crevasse. There won't be another chance.

The End
You know that your chances of surviving the
expedition are slim. Even if you safely descend
into the Bottomless Crevasse, there's no assurance
that the Vertacraft will be able to get you out
again. Still, it's your only chance to find your lost
friends and to explore a new world.
You grit your teeth and climb aboard. The
professor climbs in beside you.
"Ready?" he says. "I'm going to activate us as
soon as we're centered."
"Ready." You strap yourself in and say a
prayer. You feel like a larva inside a cocoon.
Looking through the port, you watch the oth-
ers position the Vertacraft over the crevasse. You
wave at them, and they wave back. Suddenly you
are falling—faster and faster, plummeting toward
the center of the earth. Has the Vertacraft gone
out of control?
"Professor Bruckner!" you yell. "Won't the
rockets work? Can't you slow us?"
"We're saving our fuel," he shouts. "Gravity
will slow us—you'll see."
Has he gone mad? You notice a red button on
the control panel. Next to it is a sign that reads:

Turn to page 37.

You and Dr. Vivaldi cross the Great River and
start your trek to the Shining Mountains. Along
the way your guide, Mopur, brings back moun-
tain game, breadbush, and tanga.
The air seems lighter and brighter than in the
valley of the Great River. Never have you felt so
happy as you do right now—hiking through the
Shining Mountains.
But your Archpod guide grumbles and frets.
He blinks and rubs his eyes.

Turn to page 92.

Thanks to the dual control system, it looks as if
you have a chance to escape this madness. Still,
you can't be sure it will save you. . . .

If you decide to push the Emergency-Reverse

button, turn to page 89.

If you try to reason with Dr. Bruckner,

turn to page 38.
"We're going too fast! Can't we slow down?"
you call.
"No. We have hundreds of miles to go. We've
got to get through the earth's mantle fast, or we'll
be baked to death." Bruckner's voice is cool and
reassuring. Maybe he knows what he's doing.
But every minute, the temperature rises. You
begin to sweat. Whatever made you think you
could survive such a trip? Sipping cold lemonade
from a plastic bottle, you try to close your eyes
and relax. Then it seems as if the Vertacraft is
slowing, but you can't be sure.
Suddenly everything is still. The Vertacraft has
come to rest. Looking through a porthole, you
see that you have landed inside a large crater.
Slowly you climb out of the Vertacraft and open
the other compartment. Professor Bruckner's face
is ashen gray. You feel for his pulse. Nothing. The
strain of the descent must have been too much
for his heart.

Turn to page 43.

You could probably climb a nearby tree and
hide among the clusters of giant leaves. But is it
wise to run like a frightened animal? Maybe
things will go better for you if you bravely face the
inhabitants of this world.

If you decide to face the creatures,

turn to page 42.

If you decide to hide in a cluster-leaf tree,

turn to page 46.
The scene around you reminds you of a photo-
graphic negative. All the shades and colors seem
reversed. The ground is grayish pink clay with
white outcroppings. In the distance you can see
areas that glow like beds of hot coals. Nearby is a
forest of trees with green trunks and white leaves.
The trees are short; yet their branches, taking
advantage of the light gravity, spread out for hun-
dreds of feet in all directions.
You climb a small hill to get a better view.
Wherever you look, the land curves upward, as if
you were standing in the bottom of an enormous
bowl. The sky is covered with what looks like
reddish yellow clouds.
Most amazing of all is the sight directly over-
head—a disc almost the size of the sun; but,
instead of shining brightly, it is absolutely black.
You can feel its coolness, as if it were drawing
heat from your skin. It's the black hole at the
center of the earth!
You turn sharply at the sound of chattering.
Coming up the ravine are more than a dozen
creatures, smaller than you, yet walking upright
on two legs. Half human, half ape, they look like
creatures that might have once lived on the
earth's surface. They are carrying ropes and nets.

Turn to page 39.

You step forward to meet the strange proces-
sion. The underworld creatures form a circle
around you, cackling and gesturing to each other.
You smile and hold out your arms. "Hello,"
you begin, but the creatures raise their nets and
close in on you. One of them barks an order.
They motion for you to follow them. You don't
have much choice. Despite their small size, they
move rapidly through the thick woods. Occasion-
ally they freeze, and you hear them whispering,
"Kota, ib saben Kota."
You march a mile or so through groves of trees.
It's as hot as you've ever known it, and you feel as
if you're going to faint, but finally you reach open
land. Instantly you feel cooler. The Black Sun is
drawing heat from your body.
Soon you reach a village of igloo-shaped struc-
tures that look as if they're made of green clay.
One of your captors leads you to the nearest one.
"Ib agon," he says as he takes you inside.

Turn to page 44.

You bury the professor's body near the Ver-
tacraft, and say a prayer. You feel sad and afraid
of setting forth alone in a strange world. But there
is no choice. You must search for food and shel-
First, you've got to get out of this crater. There
is a tunnel nearby. Peering inside, you see that it
leads straight down. Suddenly you realize that it
was through this tunnel that the Vertacraft trav-
eled; you're looking through the other end of the
Bottomless Crevasse. The tunnel doesn't lead
straight down, but straight up—to the surface of
the earth!
So Professor Bruckner was right. The earth is
like a hollowed-out pumpkin, and you're stand-
ing on its inner shell. Your feet must be held to
the ground by the gravity of the shell itself.
You look around at the walls of the crater. They
are too steep to climb. But you feel so light—as if
you were walking on the moon—you might be
able to jump out.
You stand there a minute, wondering why the
pull of gravity here isn't as strong as it is on the
earth's surface. Then you remember the rest of
Bruckner's theory: There is a black hole at the
center of the earth, pulling you toward it. You
leap as high as you can—twenty feet in the air!
Then, with one great bound, you're out, standing
on the surface of the Underground Kingdom.

Turn to page 40.

The interior of the agon, as it seems to be
called, is lit by glowing stones circling the inner
wall. In the center is a small fountain. Clear water
bubbles forth and flows along a silver trough
before disappearing underground. The floor is
soft and spongy, like a thick bed of moss.
The leader steps forward. "Ket," he says,
pointing to himself. "Ket Raka." Pointing to the
others, he says, "Akim Raka, Tor Raka ..."
You repeat each name, then pointing to your-
self, tell them your name. The Rakas laugh as
they try to pronounce the strange sound.
Tor, who seems younger than the others, brings
you something that looks like cheese but tastes
like honey. Ket gives you a small pink fruit. "Ib
tanga," he says, smiling.
Tanga is delicious, and you are eating a second
one when a large blue-furred Raka rushes into
the agon. Pointing at you, he speaks excitedly in
his own tongue. Tor begins to argue with him.
The others join in.
"Nar mg calla!" the blue-furred Raka says
loudly. It's clear he wants you to come with him; it
seems likely that he represents the chief, or
Ket and Akim gesture as if you should obey.
But Tor shakes his head, warning you not to go.

If you follow the blue-furred Raka,

turn to page 48.

If you refuse, turn to page 50.

You hide in the cluster-leaf tree. The strange
creatures pass by except for one straggler, who
stops to stretch. For a moment he looks right at
you. "Kota zaark!" he cries, then turns and runs
after the others.
Perhaps you needn't have been so cautious.
The creature looked more like a frightened ani-
mal than a fierce hunter.
As you climb down from the tree, you hear a
low moaning coming from the brush. A pair of
bright blue lights is shining from within the dark-

Go on to the next page.

Now the moaning comes from behind you.
Turning, you see another pair of blue lights. Be-
neath them are long, glistening fangs. Slowly the
creatures close in on you; their moans rise into
high-pitched shrieks. What are they?
You have only a few seconds to live, so it
hardly matters.

The End
Hoping for the best, you follow the blue-furred
Raka to the center of the village. As you walk
along the narrow footpaths, other Rakas emerge
from their agons and stare at you curiously.
When you reach the central agon the blue-
furred Raka lets out a long, low hooting noise,
which is answered from within. Inside an old
white-headed Raka sits near the central fountain.
A large black disc hangs from his neck. For a long
time he stares at you. Finally he rises and steps
closer. "So, you are what my hunters found. My
name is Arton. I am the High Raka of the village
of Rakmara."
You are so startled by the familiar words that it
takes you a minute to answer. "How is it you
speak my language?" you finally ask.
Arton smiles. "A visitor from the Nether World.
She called herself Nera."
"Dr. Vivaldi? She's alive? Where?"
The old Raka shakes his head. "She tried to
swim across the Great River. The river spirits have
swallowed her."
"She might have made it across!" you say.
"Even if she did, the Archpods would have fed
her to the Kota beasts."
"What are Archpods?"
"The Archpods live beyond the Great River.
For a long time the Rakas and Archpods have
each had one hunting boat; that is the law. Now
the Archpods build many boats. They are not
hunting boats; they are war boats. The Archpods
plan to conquer Rakmara."
You hold your head in your hands. Poor Dr.
Vivaldi! And now the threat of war.

Turn to page 51.

You shake your head and stand your ground.
The blue-furred Raka glares at you and strides
from the agon. He returns a few moments later
with two other Rakas, each holding ropes and a
"I won't be taken captive like some animal!"
you shout.
A Raka tries to rope you, but you duck out of
reach. They draw closer. Like a football quarter-
back, you spin and dart past them.
"Kela! Zaark!" the Rakas yell, but you're al-
ready out of the agon, running across the dimly lit
Helped by the light gravity, you quickly reach a
grove of cluster-leaf trees, and you keep running,
on and on. At last you reach the open coun-
tryside. In the soft reddish gray twilight you see
the Great River just ahead. You stop to rest beside
its waters.

Turn to page 53.

"Yes, bad times are upon us," Arton continues.
"But we shall protect ourselves. We have learned
to mix powders and call up the fire of the earth in
a great blast of noise and heat"
"You mean bombs?"
"We call them brakpa. With brakpa and with
your help, we shall destroy the Archpods before
they destroy us."
"What do you mean, 'with my help'?" you ask.
"You come from the Nether World, where war
is the way of life. If you ride with us, our warriors
will have courage."
"What are the Kota beasts?"
"You ask too many questions!" the High Raka
snaps back. "Now you must answer mine: Will
you go with our warriors to attack the Archpods?"
You shrink back from the choice. The High
Raka's voice grows stern and cold "If you are not
with us, then you are against us, and we shall deal
with you as our enemy."

If you tell the High Raka that you will go with

his warriors, turn to page 52.

If you tell him that you won't take part in a

war, turn to page 56.
"I'll go with your warriors," you answer.
"Very well," says Alton. "You will stay with
Tomo. Vivaldi taught him English, and he will tell
you what you need to know."
Immediately one of the Rakas steps forward
and takes your arm. "I am Tomo," he says. Then
he leads you to the outskirts of the village and
into his agon. He brings you woven mats. "You
must rest now," he says.
You peer outside at the red-streaked sky.
"Doesn't it ever get dark here?"
"We have no night or day," says Tomo. "We
measure time by the tides of the Great River. Dr.
Vivaldi said two of our tides equal one of your
days. It is sleeping tide now."
You realize that you have not slept since you
arrived in the Underground Kingdom. How long
have you been here? How many tides? Too tired
to think about it, you lie down and quickly fall

Turn to page 54.

Once you've caught your breath, you walk
along the river bank and soon reach a crude
wooden dock. Two Rakas are guarding their
hunting boat, a long flat-bottomed shell fashioned
from duster-leaf wood. Nearby is a smaller boat,
one you could paddle yourself. You just might be
able to untie it, push off, and get across the river
before the guards catch you.

If you try to take the small boat and make a

break for the other side, turn to page 57.
If you try to bluff the guards into thinking you
have permission to use it, turn to page 58.
When you wake, Tomo gives you a bright pink
tanga. You hadn't realized how little you've
eaten, and you wolf it down. Smiling, Tomo re-
places it with another.
"Someday we will go hunting," says Tomo.
"Are you a hunter?"
"Almost. I must first go on the Hunt of the
Black Sun. I must kill a Kota beast."
"A Kota beast? What are they?"
Tomo frowns. "Great toothed animals, with
eyes like blue flames and teeth like iron fangs.
They live in the darkest, hottest parts of the
woods. They tear anything apart, even them-
You start to ask about the Hunt of the Black
Sun, but Tomo raises a hand. "Now we must talk
of war. The Archpods will not expect an attack
when the river is low. That is when we shall cross
and destroy their boats."

The next morning as the Great River begins to

fall, the Rakas load their hunting boat, now called
the war boat, with brakpa—crude bombs packed
in hollowed logs. You shudder to think that you
are about to witness the beginning of a war. But
there seems to be no way to avoid it Before the
sleeping tide has ended, Tomo, you, and five
hunters set off in the war boat.

Go on to the next page.

The Raka hunters are clumsy at rowing, and
the boat is so heavy that a few small waves would
easily swamp it. You realize you might be able to
swim to shore before the Rakas could turn
around and catch you. It's risky, but it's your only
chance to avoid the war!

If you dive overboard and swim for shore,

turn to page 61.
If you stick it out in the war boat,
turn to page 62.
"I won't have anything to do with your
brakpa," you say. "I am not an enemy of you or
of the Archpods."
"Ig krig zaark!" the High Raka says angrily.
Two Raka guards seize you and march you out
of the agon. But the moment you get outside,
you make a break. You've always been able to
run fast when you needed to. In the light gravity,
you're even faster. As you dart through the
groves of duster-leaf trees, you can hear the cries
of the Rakas from both sides and behind you. But
the Great River lies just ahead, and for once
you're in luck—there's a crude raft tied up along
the shore. You quickly untie it, and push off as
you jump aboard. The current soon takes you
around a bend in the river and safely out of sight.
You lie low on the raft, afraid of landing until
you are well past Rakmara. Now you have time to
think. Where will the river take you? What will be
your fate?

Turn to page 63.

You quickly reach the boat, but you can't untie
the rope! Instantly the Rakas are upon you. Utter-
ing angry cries, they fling their nets over you. One
of them blindfolds you. Then they march you
along a winding, bumpy path.
"Where are you taking me?" you ask. But the
Rakas ignore you, muttering angrily in their own
Death seems certain. How will they execute
you? They seem to like ropes; maybe they will
hang you.
As you march on, hour after hour, the air turns
colder. You feel your strength ebbing.
Finally the Rakas stop. Exhausted, you crum-
ple to the ground. All is silent, and you fall into a
deep sleep.

Turn to page 60.

You think fast. Luckily, you remember the
command that the blue-furred Raka gave. You
walk up to the guards, smiling. You point in the
direction you came from, then to yourself, and
then to one of the boats.
"Nar mg calla," you say with authority.
The guards mutter. Then, to your surprise, they
smile. One of them unties a boat and motions for
you to board it. They must think you're a privi-
leged guest of the High Raka. You quickly get
aboard and push off.
As the current takes you around a bend, you
notice Archpod settlements on the opposite
shore. Soon you spot a good landing place. As
you get closer, you notice a band of Archpods
standing on the shore. Like the first Rakas you
met, they are armed with ropes and nets. They
don't look very friendly. You could be in for more
trouble than you had with the Rakas.

If you continue in to shore, turn to page 66.

If you start back across the river,

turn to page 65.
Hours later you awake, stiff and shaking from
the cold. Cautiously you pull off your blindfold.
Your captors are gone. All around you is dark
brown clay. There are no trees, no water, and no
shelter from the cold wind that blows across the
vast, empty plain. So this is your intended fate—
you will be left to die of exposure under the Black
It's a long trek across the desert of the Under-
ground Kingdom, but if you can only reach some
trees, you may be able to find a warm place to
rest. Somehow you know that you'll make it, if
you have the will.
Do you?

The End
In a flash you're over the side and swimming
for shore. The Rakas yell at you. One of them
tries to hit you with an oar while the others stroke
furiously, trying to turn their unwilling craft
Swimming hard, you hear screams behind
you. The war boat has overturned! The brakpa
have gone to the bottom, and the Rakas are
struggling to save their lives and right the boat.
Using all your strength, you swim in to shore and
start running for the groves of duster-leaf trees.
Almost at once you hear a loud, trilling song.
Above you is an enormous flying creature with
wings stretching twenty feet across! You stare into
its great blue-green eyes and at once feel com-
pletely safe. You know you've seen it, or at least
dreamed of seeing it, before. It's like some kind of
angel bird sent to protect you. Without thinking,
you leap right onto the creature's back.

Turn to page 22.

Swimming to shore looks too risky. You sit
quietly in the boat, hoping for the best. As the war
boat nears the middle of the river, the current gets
stronger. The Raka warriors can hardly row
against it As the Rakas struggle with their oars,
the boat is swept farther and farther downstream.
You wonder where the current will take you,
until you hear a sound up ahead that quickly
grows into a roar.
"Ig riba!" the Rakas shout. "Ig zaark!" They
begin to unload the heavy brakpa. Frantically you
help, but at the sight of the boiling white rapids
ahead, you lose heart. Moments later the boat
smashes into the rocks, and you and the Raka
warriors are swept away by the raging torrent.

The End
Your raft floats on past marshy banks and
yellow clay islands. The river grows narrow as it
flows through a deep canyon. Rock cliffs rise up
on both sides. You hold on, hoping to reach a
place where you can land.
Never have you experienced as dark a night as
this. It's as if the river were flowing through a
tunnel somewhere in the depths of the earth.
Finally you sleep, and it seems as if a very long
time has passed when you awake and find your
raft pitching up and down. Why has the river
grown so rough? It's still too dark to see much,
but at least the stars are out.
Stars? There aren't any stars in the Under-
ground Kingdom. You're not on the river—you're
on an ocean!

Go on to page 64.
So, the Great River must be an underground
link between the earth's seas. The tides were with
you and carried you through the earth's mantle
and crust to the surface. There's land nearby. And
you notice a faint glow on the horizon. Soon the
sun will be rising, not the cold Black Sun of the
Underground Kingdom, but your own warm,
bright, life-giving sun!

The End
You try to row back to the Rakmara shore, but
the current is now so swift that you find yourself
being carried downstream. Desperately you try to
paddle against it It's no use. And there's bad
trouble up ahead—foaming, white rapids! You
hang on for your life, but your raft smashes into a
rock with a terrific thunk. One end tilts straight up,
dumping you into the wild, swirling waters. You
try to grab the raft, but you can't reach it. You
start swimming toward shore, but you can't make
any headway.
You're not a quitter. You'll go down trying.

The End
Trying to act unafraid, you row straight in to
shore, hop out of the boat, and step forward to
meet the Archpods. "Hello. I come as a friend!"
you call out. But their only response is to take you
prisoner and march you back to their village.
You soon find that the Archpods live in agons
similar to those of the Rakas. Your captors lead
you into the largest one, where you expect to be
presented to their chief. Instead, a woman calls
your name. It's Dr. Vivaldi!
She hugs you warmly. "I thought I'd never see
another human face!" she cries, tears streaming
down her cheeks.
One of the guards says something you cannot
understand. Then the Archpods march out of the
agon, leaving you alone with your friend.
Dr. Vivaldi tells you how she barely survived
her fall through the Bottomless Crevasse, how
she lived for almost a year with the Rakas and
finally swam across the Great River to the land of
the Archpods. You tell her of your descent to the
Underground Kingdom and your adventures in
"We must set upon a plan," she says. "The
Archpods have learned that the Rakas are making
bombs. They think we may be Raka spies. That is
why you were treated so rudely. They have told
me that their chief, the Grand Akpar, will soon
decide whether to execute us."

Go on to page 68.
"What can we do?" you ask.
Dr. Vivaldi looks at you thoughtfully, then says,
"If there is a war, we cannot expect to survive. I
am going to talk to the Grand Akpar. But here,
take my gold bracelet. If you give it to the guard,
he will let you escape."
"But what will happen to you? I don't want to
leave you here. I'll go to the Grand Akpar with
Dr. Vivaldi replies, "Think carefully before you
make such a decision."

If you decide to face the Grand Akpar with Dr.

Vivaldi, turn to page 70.

If you decide to escape while you still have a

chance, turn to page 100.
You're glad that your friends are still alive, and
you hurry to meet them. A few minutes later you
are exchanging stories of your adventures in the
Underground Kingdom. But Larsen and Sneed
do not seem happy.
"Is anything wrong?" Dr. Vivaldi finally asks
"I'm afraid so," Larsen replies. "We've just
inspected the Bottomless Crevasse. The glacier
has sealed it tight. We are trapped here forever!"
"We'll never get home now," you say.
"That's the way it looks," says Larsen. "Like it
or not, we're pioneers. The only thing for us to do
is to make the best of our lives in this new world."
"That's not good enough for me," says Dr.
Vivaldi. "We're going to find a way out of here!"
She looks at you with a broad smile. "Right?"
"Right," you answer.

The End
"I'll face the Grand Akpar with you."
"That's a brave choice," says Dr. Vivaldi, "but it
also would have taken courage to escape." She
smiles. "Sometimes there's nothing to do but to
be brave!" As she speaks three Archpod guards
walk into the agon. They motion for you to follow
them, but when Dr. Vivaldi tries to join you, they
block her way.
"Good luck. . . . " Dr. Vivaldi's voice fades as
the guards march you out of the agon.
A few minutes later you are standing in the
central agon. Facing you is the Grand Akpar. His
long, silky fur is combed like an oval frame
around his stern, gray face. A pendant made of
smooth black stone hangs from his neck.
He studies you a moment and says, "We have
learned from Dr. Vivaldi that you come from the
Nether World—the world of warfare. You know
much more about such things than we do. You
can prove that you are not a Raka spy by telling
us how we can defeat them!"
You stand silently, trying to think of what to say.
"I'm waiting," the Grand Akpar says.
What will you do?

If you try to play along with him,

turn to page 73.
If you refuse, turn to page 104.
Suddenly, you feel a presence. Looking around,
you see pairs of bright blue lights staring at you.
Then you see brown bristly faces, iron fangs, and
long curled claws. Kota beasts! The last sounds
you hear are their unearthly shrieks of triumph.

The End
You try to think fast. You don't want to be
responsible for killing the Rakas, but you have to
sound helpful. "Land your fleet during the sleep-
ing tide," you say. "That way you will surprise
"Thank you." The Grand Akpar smiles. "But, if
your advice fails, you will be taken to the Mouth
of Fire."
The Grand Akpar motions to his guards. They
lead you back to Dr. Vivaldi.
You and Dr. Vivaldi wait anxiously, wishing that
you could do something to prevent the war. You
know that the Archpods are building boats as fast
as they can. Dr. Vivaldi pleads with the guards to
let her see the Grand Akpar, but they refuse to
One day the Grand Akpar comes to your agon.
"Our boats are ready," he says. "We invade Rak-
mara now."
That sleeping tide, you lie on your bed, dream-
ing of home. An explosion startles you. The war
has begun! The Rakas must have had their
bombs ready. You wait anxiously for news of
what's happened. Finally it comes—in the form of
Archpod guards carrying ropes and nets.

Turn to page 84.

Your head aches. You feel as if you've been
run over by a steamroller . . . but a cool hand is
pressed against your forehead.
"Don't worry, you're going to be OK," Dr.
Vivaldi says. "The radio worked. Help is on the
Your face is bruised. It's painful just opening
your eyes, but well worth it. For in the bright
sunlight you can see ice fields all around you.
You're back in Greenland, and right now the
whole surface of the earth feels like home!
You look up at Dr. Vivaldi. Her face shows she,
too, is in pain. "A broken arm," she explains.
"Otherwise, I'm OK."
"We were lucky," you say.
"Yes." She smiles. "The Vertacraft Just
squeaked through. The crevasse has narrowed
two more feet. In another few weeks it will be
impossible to get through. You and I will probably
be the last ones ever to visit the Underground
"I'm glad we had the chance," you say. "I
wouldn't have missed it for the world."

The End
"But what does that have to do with the black
hole?" you ask Bruckner.
The professor pauses to fill his pipe. "As I ex-
plained in my published theory, a tiny black hole
lodged in the center of the earth more than a
billion years ago. It pulled the interior of the
earth—everything except for the crust and man-
tle—into itself, leaving the earth hollowed out like
a Halloween pumpkin. That is what the gravity
readings tell us."
"Then where is the Underground Kingdom?"
"It is the whole interior surface of the earth.
And if you stood there and looked straight up,
you would see the black hole. It would look
exactly like our sun except that it would be jet
Professor Bruckner lights his pipe, then says, "I
did not expect to undertake this mission for some
months. I only planned to inspect the crevasse
and test the Vertacraft, but the crevasse is closing
rapidly. I must make the descent today. Other-
wise, my return path might be blocked. Who will
volunteer to come with me?"

Turn to page 77.

When you tell Dr. Vivaldi of the advice you
gave the Grand Akpar, she shakes your hand. "I
would have said the same thing. If our destiny is
to die at the hands of the Archpods, it will not be
your fault."

Now three tides have passed. You and Dr. Vi-

valdi are still waiting for the news that will seal
your fate.
It must be midway through the second sleeping
tide when the guards awaken you. A moment
later, the Grand Akpar walks into your agon. With
him is the High Raka.
"The Archpods and the Rakas have made
peace," says Akpar. "From now on we shall build
boats for both tribes, and there shall be no

Turn to page 78.

One after another, the team members shake
their heads.
Finally Bruckner turns to you. "Well?"
You hesitate. You don't want to risk your life.
But this could be the only chance of finding your
lost friends.

If you decide to go with him, turn to page 35.

If you decide not to risk it, turn to page 33.
From then on you and Dr. Vivaldi are treated
like honored guests. The Archpods bring you
baskets heaped with tanga, and cakes made from
golden grain. They show you their mineral pools
where you swim in the swirling, bubbly water.
Later you lie in the warmth of the glowing rocks,
then cool off under the Black Sun.
A few tides later the Grand Akpar pays you a
visit. "Would you like to stay longer and explore
the Underground Kingdom?" he asks. "We shall
lend you three hunters to guide you. Or, if you
wish, you may return to the Nether World."
"Which do you prefer?" Dr. Vivaldi asks you.
"There may still be a chance to return home,
though the risks are great."

If you say that you want to explore the

Underground Kingdom, turn to page 81.

If you say that you want to try to return to the

surface, turn to page 82.
"This may be the only chance earth people
have to explore the Underground Kingdom," you
say, "and I don't want to pass it up."
"I'm glad to hear you say that" Dr. Vivaldi
unfolds a map of the Underground Kingdom. "I
made this map from what the Rakas and Arch-
pods have told me. Although the Underground
Kingdom has an area sixty percent as large as the
surface of the earth, only a very small portion is
cool enough to be habitable. Most of the land is
too hot to set foot on. It is the molten red rock,
you know, that provides the reddish glow that
lights this dim world. If it were not for the tremen-
dous cooling effect of the Black Sun, life could
not exist here."
Sometimes Dr. Vivaldi gets too scientific for
you. "Where do you think we should explore?"
you ask.

Turn to page 83.

"If there's a chance of making it," you say, I'd
like to try to get home."
"Then we must hurry," says Dr. Vivaldi. "Ak-
par, there is not much you can do but lead us to
the crater where we arrived."
The Grand Akpar speaks in his own tongue to
a guard, who quickly leaves the chamber. Turning
to you he says, "I shall have a boat readied to
take you across the Great River. Come then, we
will guide you back to the secret canyon."
After a three-tides' journey you and Dr. Vivaldi,
guided by a party of Archpods, reach the Bottom-
less Crevasse. Dr. Vivaldi runs toward a small
metal craft on the crater floor.
"A Vertacraft!" she says. "With luck this will get
us back to the earth's surface."
Dr. Vivaldi gives instructions to the Archpods,
who then use their ropes to suspend the craft
directly over the shaft of the crevasse. You and Dr.
Vivaldi thank your hosts and bid them farewell.
The canopy cover closes. You watch anxiously as
Dr. Vivaldi checks out the instruments. "Are you
ready?" she asks.
"Ready." You grit your teeth as the Vertacraft
accelerates into the crevasse and begins the 800-
mile descent to the surface of the earth. You're
pressed flat against your seat. The g force is ter-
rific! It's getting worse. What's happening? Can't
Dr. Vivaldi stop it? You're blacking out.

Turn to page 74.

"There are three areas that fascinate me
equally," she answers, "so I'll let you choose
among them. To the west are the Weightless
Peaks, where you become lighter and lighter, the
higher you climb. To the south are the Hills of
Diamonds. The Archpods are afraid to go there.
They say it is too close to what they call the Lair of
the Ghost Wolf."
"What lies across the Great River?" you ask.
"Beyond Rakmara."
"The Shining Mountains. There we may find
creatures whom the Archpods call the Flying
Clera. They are great birds, who may be the true
rulers of the Underground Kingdom—higher
even than humans on the evolutionary scale.
What would you prefer?"

If you decide to explore the Weightless Peaks,

turn to page 85.

If you decide to go to the Hills of Diamonds,

turn to page 88.

If you decide to explore the Shining Mountains,

turn to page 36.
"You betrayed us," says the head guard. "The
Rakas threw bombs into our boats. Nearly all of
them were lost Many of our hunters were killed."
He turns to the others behind him. "Bind them
and take them to the Mouth of Fire."
You cry out for mercy, but you know there will
be none.
The End
A few tides later you and Dr. Vivaldi set out for
the Weightless Peaks. With you is a young Arch-
pod named Katu, chosen because she speaks
your language.
On the trek from the Archpod village to the
Weightless Peaks, Katu tells you the legend of the
Archpods who traveled through a shaft that led to
a new universe. Few Archpods believed there
could be such a place. Most of them thought that
the earth was infinitely thick, that nothing could
lie beyond it. "Now that human beings have ar-
rived, we know that there is a whole new world
right under our feet. We call your world the
Nether World," she says. "We are curious about
it. But we are also afraid of it, and of its creatures
who could destroy us."
"Sometimes we human beings are afraid of
ourselves," you reply.
After hiking for fourteen tides, you begin to
climb—first gentle hills, then steep mountains.
You tire under the weight of your pack, but Dr.
Vivaldi urges you on. "It will soon be easier," she
says. And she is proven correct, for as you strug-
gle up the next steep hill, you feel your pack
growing lighter, and you feel lighter too. Ahead of
you, Katu is bounding up the higher peaks like a
mountain gazelle.

Turn to page 87.

"Now you can see," says Dr. Vivaldi, "how on
the Weightless Peaks the higher you go, the
lighter you'll get Look!" She points to the highest
peak of all. Its top is a spire jutting into the sky. A
thin plume of smoke rises from the top.
"It must be a volcano," you say.
"No," says Dr. Vivaldi. "Something else is
going on. The mountain's gravity at its peak is so
weak that dust is being pulled off by the tremen-
dous gravity of the Black Sun."
"I bet I only weigh five or six pounds," you say.
"I could easily climb to the top of that spire."
"Better not," says Dr. Vivaldi.
You realize that if you're so light, the huge
boulders around you can't weigh very much ei-
ther. You decide to test your theory. You nudge a
boulder twice your size. It rolls into another boul-
der. Then above you, Katu screams, "Ava-

Turn to page 106.

Certainly the Hills of Diamonds must be an
amazing sight And, if you ever do make it back to
the surface, it wouldn't hurt to have a few dozen
diamonds in your pockets—you could be rich for
The Archpods provide you and Dr. Vivaldi with
their largest boat for the trip down the Great River
to the diamond hills.
After a journey of six tides, you hear a roaring
up ahead. The Archpods quickly beach the boat.
"We can go no farther," the leader tells you.
"There are deep canyons and fierce rapids
ahead. We must go on foot across the field of
white clay."
You soon find that the white clay is extremely
hot. Your feet would burn up were it not for the
light gravity of the underworld that permits you to
race across the field in great leaps.
Finally you reach cooler ground. Ahead of you
is a dazzling vision: dozens of little hills of brilliant

Turn to page 91.

You push the Emergency-Reverse button. In-
stantly you are pressed to your seat, almost
crushed by the forces as the retro-rockets fire.
The artificial weight squeezes the air out of your
lungs. Then, slowly, the pressure eases. For a
moment you're completely weightless. Your heart
is pounding as you check the depth meter. The
Vertacraft is rising!
"You fool. What have you done?" Bruckner
sounds wilder than ever.
"I'm returning us to the surface, Professor."
Your voice is cool. You feel confident now that
the Vertacraft has responded to your command.
"Why didn't you ask?" Bruckner's voice is bit-
ter. "The auto-return isn't programmed to adjust
for this gravitation."
Bruckner sounds more sane now. It's you who's
beginning to feel crazy. "What will happen then?"
you ask.
Suddenly the darkness is replaced by blinding
sunlight. The Vertacraft has reached the surface,
yet it's still accelerating, shooting up into the strat-
"Can't we bring it back down?"
"I'm afraid not, my foolish young friend,"
Bruckner replies in a cold, dead tone. "It's a
command procedure. There's no override. We're
headed into outer space. Within a few hours we'll
be frozen solid."

The End
"Look at all those diamonds," you say. "I'm
surprised the Archpods haven't already taken
"Villa tarem, zaark!" One of the Archpods is
screaming. Several of them point to the north.
"Tarem Agax!"
You can't see anything unusual, but the Arch-
pods are deserting you, racing back across the
"What's going on? Do you see anything?" you
ask Dr. Vivaldi.
She shakes her head, seemingly as confused as
you are. "It must be the ghost wolf. What we are
witnessing may be more interesting than the dia-
mond hills themselves. We may be in the pres-
ence of a life force that the Archpods can see but
we can't Or maybe what they see is an illusion,
and we are right in thinking nothing is there. This
is something that has always interested me: differ-
ent realities for different observers."
"I don't think we have time to figure it out
now," you say.
"You may be right," Dr. Vivaldi admits. "In any
event, I would guess that the Archpods have good
reasons for their fears. Are you willing to risk
continuing on to the Hills of Diamonds, or do you
want to turn back?"

If you say you want to continue,

turn to page 94.

If you say you want to turn back,

turn to page 97.
"I think I know why the Archpods and Rakas
avoid this beautiful land," says Dr. Vivaldi. "They
are conditioned to the dim red light of the Great
River valley. The broad daylight here bothers
Mopur as much as it would bother us to live in
"Why is it so bright—?"
You are interrupted by cries from Mopur.
"Clera! The Flying Clera!"
Craning your neck, you see several great bird-
like creatures swooping across the sky.
"They are like nothing that has ever lived on
the surface," says Dr. Vivaldi. "They may have
evolved on some other planet."
You fall silent as the music of the Flying Clera
begins—a great chorus you hear not only with
your ears, but with your whole body.
Like you, Dr. Vivaldi seems hypnotized. "They
sound truly angelic," she says.
But Mopur tugs at your sleeves. "This is not the
place for us," he says. "We are not ready."
"I have a strong feeling that we must turn
back," says Dr. Vivaldi.
"Yes," you say, "I have the same feeling. Some
force is pulling us back."
Dr. Vivaldi's gaze is fixed on the Shining Moun-
tains. "The Flying Clera are a very advanced
species," she explains. "They have the ability to
project their feelings onto us. Their presence and
purpose here is a mystery that I suspect we are
not yet ready to understand, but I feel certain that
they represent a force of good in the universe."
"If the Flying Clera are so advanced," you say,
"why don't they rule the Underground King-
Dr. Vivaldi smiles. "I don't know, but I would
guess that not wanting to rule others is part of
being advanced."
At that moment you are overcome by a strong
desire to return home, to the surface of the earth.
You exchange glances with Dr. Vivaldi. "Do you
have the same feeling I do?" you ask.
She nods and motions you to follow.

Turn to page 98.

"Let's get to those diamonds," you cry. And
you run toward the points of sparkling white light.
At the same time you begin choking on thick
sulphurous fumes. Behind you, thunder rumbles
from the ground!
Dr. Vivaldi has reached the first hill of dia-
monds. "They're the real thing!" she calls, sifting
them through her hands. "Within a few yards of
us are more diamonds than are worn by all the
people on earth!"
"Look!" you shout, for now the fields of white
clay are bubbling like boiling soup. Pale yellow
gases rise from cracks in the ground.
"We are trapped." Dr. Vivaldi's voice sounds
far away. "By the time the claybeds stop erupting,
these fumes will. . . p u t . . . u s . . . t o . . . sleep."
She coughs and staggers a few feet up a small hill
of diamonds. "Quick, over here!" she calls.
Gasping, you stumble up the hill and collapse
in a mound of diamonds. Dr. Vivaldi breathes
deeply. "We're safe for the moment This hill is
well above the toxic gases." Her voice is drowned
out by the ground thunder.

Go on to the next page.

"It looks like we're stuck here with all these
millions of diamonds," you say.
"Maybe not," replies Dr. Vivaldi. "The erup-
tions are quite localized. The gases are rising, but
I think we can make it across the deadly strip of
clay—it's less than a hundred feet, I'd guess.
There's only one way to do it - take a deep breath
and run as fast as you can. Don't breathe until
you absolutely have to. Are you willing to try?"

If you're willing to run for it, turn to page 101.

If not, turn to page 102.

"I don't believe the Archpods are running from
nothing," you say. "Let's get out of here!"
"OK!" Dr. Vivaldi starts back across the field of
white clay, and you are right behind her.
Running as fast as you can, still loaded down
by your pack, you feel a rumbling beneath your
feet. The ground begins to split apart. Great
slivers of clay are heaved up. Wide cracks open
around you. You think back to when you fell into
the Bottomless Crevasse in Greenland. This time
there may be no escape.
You see Dr. Vivaldi crawling on her hands and
knees, trying to work her way from the edge of a
crevice. The ground is shaking so hard you can
no longer stand. The air is filled with yellowish
haze as sulphurous fumes escape from beneath
the surface. Looking up, you see the blurred gray
form of a wolf looming as large as a mountain,
crowding out half the sky! Its bared, curving teeth
are like rows of elephant tusks. Its hot breath takes
your breath away, and the red world around you
goes black.

Turn to page 103.

"We mustn't waste time," says Dr. Vivaldi.
"The Bottomless Crevasse closes a bit more every
Led by the Archpod guide, you begin the long
trek back to the Great River.

Six tides have passed before your party de-

scends the mountain trail into the valley of the
Great River. You are eager to get back to the
Bottomless Crevasse—your only hope of return-
ing to the surface of the earth and home. As you
strain your eyes, looking for the Raka village, you
see two figures headed toward you up the trail.
They're human!
"Can it be?" you cry.
Dr. Vivaldi stares through her mini-binoculars.
"No doubt about it," she says, "Larsen and
Sneed! They made it here alive!"

Turn to page 69.

At the change of tide, Dr. Vivaldi leaves for her
interview with the Grand Akpar. Only one Raka is
left to guard you. You hand him the gold bracelet.
Taking it, he smiles broadly. You hurry past him,
but another guard is standing outside the agon.
You wheel past him and run for it. The surprised
Archpod yells; you soon hear others chasing you.
But in a few moments you reach the shelter of the
cluster-leaf groves, and as you go deeper into the
woods, you are relieved that you no longer hear
the Archpods behind you. It's strange,though,
that they didn't follow you into the woods.

Turn to page 72.

"Let's run for it!" you shout.
Dr. Vivaldi scans the bubbling fields of clay. "I
think I know the best direction to run, so I'll go
first, and you follow." You can just barely hear her
voice. "Remember to hold your breath, and don't
forget to . . . " Her voice is cut off by more
thunder as she races across the white clay.
What was she trying to tell you not to forget?
No more time to think! You take a deep breath
and run!

Turn to page 108.

"I'm worried we won't make it," you say.
"Maybe the eruptions will end soon, if we just
wait here awhile."
"Maybe so," Dr. Vivaldi observes without look-
ing at you. "And maybe it will get worse."
The two of you sit, waiting. Soon a breeze
begins to blow. A minute later you are coughing
and sputtering as the toxic gases rise over your
hill. You try not to breathe more than you can
help, but your vision blurs and your head spins.
You can't even sit up. . . .
It's strange. Diamonds are the hardest sub-
stance in the world; yet, if they are several feet
deep and you lie down on them, they make a soft
bed. And so the end comes easily for you.

The End
You are lying on a hammock woven of fine
clima vines. You feel flushed and feverish, yet
happy: you're alive! Dr. Vivaldi is beside you. She
brushes a cool, wet cloth across your forehead.
"Where are we?" you ask. "How did we get
out of there? Did you see the ghost wolf?"
"We're back with the Archpods," Dr. Vivaldi
says, smiling. "And I did see a great beast with
tongues of fire, but in truth there was no wolf, nor
any other beast And the cracks in the field were
only a few inches wide, just wide enough to
release a poisonous gas from beneath the
ground. A few whiffs of it was enough to make us
hallucinate and have the most horrible night-
mares. It's fascinating that the gas causes such a
specific common vision—I'd like to research this
some more. In any event, we were lucky to be
close to the edge when I realized what was hap-
pening, I was able to pull you away so you could
get fresh air."
"Thanks," you say. "After this I'm not going to
be afraid of anything in the Underground King-
"That's good," she replies, "because we still
have a whole new world to explore!"

The End
"I won't help you fight the Rakas," you tell the
Grand Akpar. "War is a terrible thing. Your vil-
lages will be destroyed and your people will be
killed. Our wars have always brought grief."
The Grand Akpar is silent for a time. "Then it
would be like that here," he finally says. "But how
can we avoid war? If we do nothing, the Rakas
will destroy us."
"Talk to them," you say. "Work out a plan for
"No," he says, shaking his head. "We can't
trust them."
"And they think they can't trust you! You must
tell them what you fear from them, and ask what
they fear from you. You might discover that you
fear the same things. Once you've reached an
understanding, you can work out a plan that will
let the Rakas and the Archpods live in peace.

Go on to the next page.

The Grand Akpar paces from one side of the
agon to the other. Rnally he stops and stares into
your eyes. You shrink back from his stern gaze. "I
will try what you suggest," he says. "Meanwhile
you will be kept under guard with Dr. Vivaldi. If
all goes well, you shall be freed, and we will do
everything we can to make you happy here.
When you are ready to return to the Nether
World, we shall help you."
You start to thank the Grand Akpar, but he
holds up his hand. "Do not thank me until I tell
you this: If we are betrayed and the Rakas attack,
you and Dr. Vivaldi will die."
There is not much you can say, and you would
hardly have time anyway, for the guards quickly
lead you away.

Turn to page 76.

It's an avalanche all right, but the boulders are
rolling up the mountain! Panicked, you run
toward Katu. The boulders are coming right at
you. At near zero gravity they're being pulled
toward the Black Sun.
"You've got to run down!" Dr. Vivaldi shouts.
But the boulders have cut off your escape. The
only thing you can do is run up the mountain,
trying to keep out of their path. You're running
higher and faster, leaping fifty feet at a time.
Ahead of you, Katu flies off the mountain. Before
you can stop yourself your feet lose touch with
the ground, and you're in the air, being swept
higher and higher, straight toward the Black Sun!

You've read that a black hole might somehow

be an entrance to another universe. If only that
were possible! It's your only chance once you
reach the Black Sun. A chance in a million
maybe, but still a chance . . .

The End
You made it!
Across the fields of white clay and safely back
to the land of the Archpods.
And, if you remembered to fill your pockets
with diamonds before you ran across the field of
white clay, you're very rich!

The End

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