Cerdos en La Sala Frank Ida Hammond
Cerdos en La Sala Frank Ida Hammond
Cerdos en La Sala Frank Ida Hammond
D LOYALTY: The Reach Of The Noble Heart
D FOLLOWING THE RIVER: A Vision For Corporate Worship
D ENVY: The Enemy Within
D Secrets Of The Secret Place COMPANION STUDY GUIDE
D GLORY: When Heaven Invades Earth
interpretation of the book of Job
D IN HIS FACE: A prophetic call to renewed focus
XPLORING WORSHIP: A practical guide to praise and
All Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of
the Bible. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson Inc.,
Publisher. Used by permission.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 1 How God Feels About The Cross . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 2 Loyalty To The Blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Chapter 3 The Power Of The Blood . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Chapter 4 The Sprinkling Of Blood . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Chapter 5 Seated Between Father And Son . . . . . . . 41
Chapter 6 Drawing Near To God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Chapter 7 Holiness Proximity To The Throne . . . . 67
Chapter 8 Standing In Holiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Chapter 9 The War To Remain In Holiness . . . . . . 93
Chapter 10 Righteousness Pearl Of Great Price . . . 105
Chapter 11 Sprinkled In Innocence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Chapter 12 My Baseball Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Chapter 13 Our Pledge To Approach God . . . . . . . 143
Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
In tro d u ctio n
It is impossible to overstate the significance and power of
the blood of Christ. As you walk through these pages, may
your heart thrill at the magnificent privilege the blood of
Christ has provided us—the exhilaration of burning in ho-
liness at the throne of God.
At a glance, here’s where this book will take you:
D You’re going to see why the blood of Christ is so im-
portant to God, and why He responds so passionately
to those who place their faith in it.
D You will gaze at the horror and wonder of Calvary.
D While the blood of Christ accomplishes many things
for us, the primary focus of this book is on what the
Bible calls “sprinkling with blood.” It’s absolutely crit-
ical that the church recover all that God intended for
the sprinkling of Christ’s blood to accomplish in our
D I will share in a personal way how the Lord has brought
me, through the sprinkling of blood, into new places
of intimacy with Him.
If you want to know what someone feels most passionately
about, ask them about their highest joys and deepest sor-
rows. Their cheeks will flush; their eyes will flame; their
words will tumble; their face will light up animatedly. Not
only do they feel deeply about it, they remember every de-
tail. That’s because the stronger the emotions, the stron-
ger the memories. Emotion-laden events and experiences,
whether joyful or sorrowful, constitute the basis for some
of our most passionate convictions, values, and opinions.
In the same way, if you want to know what God feels
most strongly about, talk to Him about His highest joys
and deepest sorrows. I am persuaded there is nothing God
feels more strongly about than the cross of His Son. While
God has known many sorrows (Isaiah 53:3), there was
one that eclipsed all others. Never has anything torn and
lacerated the infinite depths of God’s heart as deeply and
severely as the crucifixion of His beloved Son. And He’ll
never forget.
Look at His cross and all you see is blood. Blood on His
scalp, blood on His face., blood on His neck, blood on His
shoulders, blood on His arms, blood on His hands, blood
on His back, blood on His chest, blood on His legs, blood on
still You are loving Me. Turn your eyes away from Me, for
they have overcome Me. Your love has ravished My heart.
As surely as I live, I am Yours forever!”
Calvary shook heaven to the core. God was undone.
Jesus’ fixation on His Father during His suffering moved
God’s heart to its very foundations. Could it be that God’s
heart has not yet recovered?
There is nothing more important to God than the cross
of Jesus. And the primary feature of that cross is the shed
blood of the Lamb. God the Father is intensely loyal to His
Son who laid His life down unto death, and when you
place your faith in the blood of Jesus, you are touching the
Father’s heart in His most tender place.
When you demonstrate your loyalty to the blood by
believing in the cross of Christ and invoking the blood of
Jesus over your life, the Father takes the full measure of
His loyalty to His Son and sets that same love upon you.
The Father loves you with the same infinite passions with
which He loves His dearly beloved Son.
Why should you be surprised at the extravagant, un-
conditional affections of the Father for you? You have the
blood of Jesus upon you!
The declaration of Scripture about this is absolutely
stunning. The Bible says that when we are under the
blood of Christ, God the Father no longer prefers His first-
born Son over us, but He accepts and loves us equally with
the same measure with which He loves His only begotten
Son. You are as loved as Jesus!
Jesus was the one who articulated this truth in its
clearest terms: “‘…that the world may know that You
When we’re awakened to the glory of the cross and the
blood that was spilled there, our hearts reach and yearn
for greater insight into what His blood accomplished. We
would be lost without the blood of Calvary. The blood
of Jesus is the most powerful cleansing agent in the uni-
Here are some of the ways the power of Christ’s blood
is made effective in our lives.
observed that the way the demon cursed the blood seemed
as though it believed the blood of Jesus was alive.1
I am told it was C.S. Lewis who said, “On the back
of Satan’s neck is a nail-scarred footprint.” The Lamb is
the ultimate military strategist! In six hours, Jesus undid
6,000 years of the accuser’s oppression over mankind.
One of the most empowering, liberating, and revitalizing
things you can do is acknowledge, on a daily basis, the effi-
cacious power of the blood of Jesus Christ upon your life.
And I want to tell you how to do it: By getting sprin-
kled with blood every day.
When I stumbled onto this secret, I found sprinkling
with blood to be so meaningful that it has become my dai-
ly practice.
Let’s be real clear about this: The only basis upon which
we draw near to God is the shed blood of Jesus Christ ap-
plied to our lives. As Paul wrote, “But now in Christ Jesus
you who once were far off have been brought near by the
blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:13). When we’re under the
blood, we’re as acceptable to God as Jesus Christ Himself.
And the inverse is equally true. Without His blood on
our lives, no one is ever accepted into God’s presence, for
“without shedding of blood there is no remission [of sin]”
(Hebrews 9:22).
When I have had a bad day—that is, a day in which
I’ve failed to attain full obedience—I am still able to draw
near to God, despite my failures. Why? Because I can con-
fess my sin, receive the sprinkling of His blood, and im-
mediately draw near to God with confidence. My basis for
drawing near is just one thing: the blood of Christ.
When I have had a good day—that is, a day in which
I have felt victorious in my Christian walk and have done
nothing to knowingly step outside the lines of obedience—I
am still not qualified to draw near to God on the merit of my
own righteousness. Why not? Because my own righteous-
ness, at its height, is still inadequate to qualify me to draw
near to the holiness of God. Isaiah made that clear when
he wrote, “But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our
righteousnesses are like filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). So again,
even when I’ve had a great day of holy living, my basis for
drawing near is only one thing: the blood of Christ.
My basis for drawing near to God, therefore, has nothing
to do with my performance as a Christian. Good day or bad
The Sprinkling Of Blood 33
Instant Intimacy
cherubim are, but still you keep moving forward. You come
to the seraphim, but your place is closer still. You come to
where the living creatures live in the throne of God, and
you step beyond even their proximity to the throne. The
blood brings you nearer than any of heaven’s hosts, right
into the embrace of the Father Himself.
I get sprinkled with blood every morning. And when I do,
I see myself instantly in the throneroom, standing before
God with full acceptance, confident in His love, and enjoy-
ing intimate fellowship with Him.
And now I want to explain what I see happening
A Childhood Illustration
to end like that. Just sit here at My right hand, Son, and
watch while I finish Your story. By the time I’m finished
with this planet, every knee will bow (of those in heaven,
and of those on the earth, and of those under the earth)
and every tongue will confess that You are Lord.”
The kind of intimacy we’ve been talking about is the very
thing that God has always wanted with His people. God
is extremely relational, and He created us in His image so
that we might long for Him in the way He longs for us.
From the very beginning, God has always wanted com-
muning friendship with man. We see that in the way He
came every day to visit with Adam and Eve in the Garden
of Eden (Genesis 3:8).
The Bible launches with a God who is seeking fellow-
ship with man, and it ends with the same motif. The book
of Revelation details how God has determined this present
age will end. We might have thought that God was prepar-
ing us for heaven, but in an unexpected twist, the saga
of redemptive history ends with God leaving heaven and
coming to earth to be with man.
Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for
the first heaven and the first earth had passed
away. Also there was no more sea. Then I,
John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem,
coming down out of heaven from God,
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying,
“Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,
Attempts At Intimacy
1 The Holy of Holies had no window nor source of light in it; it was
shrouded in complete darkness. So when the high priest entered on
the Day of Atonement, he would have stepped into a black room.
There are some who believe, however, that God manifested Himself
on the Day of Atonement in the form of a light between the wings of
the cherubim. This would have given the high priest enough light to
perform his service, and it would have also allowed him to peer into
the glory of God. This theory is based largely upon Jonathan’s Targum
rendering of Leviticus 16:2, which reads, “‘for in my cloud the glory
of my Shechinah, or divine Majesty, shall be revealed upon the mercy
seat.’” The NKJV renders it, “‘For I will appear in the cloud above the
mercy seat.’”
it. God came to Moses, therefore, with some very specific in-
structions. He wanted His people to survive the encounter.
Here’s an excerpt from God’s instructions.
“And let them be ready for the third day. For
on the third day the Lord will come down
upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people.
You shall set bounds for the people all around,
saying, ‘Take heed to yourselves that you do not
go up to the mountain or touch its base. Whoever
touches the mountain shall surely be put to
death. Not a hand shall touch him, but he
shall surely be stoned or shot with an arrow;
whether man or beast, he shall not live.’ When
the trumpet sounds long, they shall come near
the mountain” (Exodus 19:11-13).
God’s warning was very clear: Take heed; don’t come
too close, or you’ll be put to death.
But that ominous warning was then followed by this
mysterious command: “They shall come near the moun-
tain.” After being warned about getting too close, they are
then commanded to draw near.
“How near is near?” I can imagine some sincere soul
It was quite the predicament. Hang back too far and
you’re in rebellion; get too close and you’re dead. Little
wonder the people drew near timidly and tentatively!
They had to draw near without getting too near.
“How near is near?”
Thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ! Because of
Christ’s shed blood, we can now enter with boldness into
the very throneroom of heaven. No more timidity. No more
hesitation. The blood has given us confidence. We know
we’re accepted into the eager embrace of our affectionate
heavenly Father.
When speaking of the blood of Christ, we must also speak
of holiness, for Scripture brings the two together. The
leading text for this book conjoins the two when it de-
clares that the blood of Christ qualifies us to enter with
boldness into “the Holiest.” The Holiest is the very Holy
of Holies in heaven where God dwells. Think of it—there
is no holier place in all of heaven than where we live!
Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter
the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new
and living way which He consecrated for us,
through the veil, that is, His flesh, and having
a High Priest over the house of God, let us
draw near with a true heart in full assurance
of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an
evil conscience and our bodies washed with
pure water (Hebrews 10:19-22).
The term “the Holiest” assumes that there are degrees
of holiness. Degrees of holiness vary according to proxim-
ity to the throne. Holier places are those places nearer to
the throne. The Holiest is the very bosom of God Him-
self. Since we have access to the Holiest, it’s impossible
to find a place in God’s highest heaven that is holier than
Holy Ground
When Moses saw the bush that burned but wasn’t con-
sumed, he approached it to get a better look. As he drew
near, he stepped unwittingly onto holy ground. Why was
the ground holy? Because God was present in that place,
and God’s presence made that place holy.
If you were to find that same plot of ground on Mt. Si-
nai, it would not be holy today. God would not command
you to take your shoes off, like He commanded Moses,
Holiness: Proximity To The Throne 69
Perfecting Holiness
Highway Of Holiness
Holiness Is A Fire
“Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may
stand in His holy place?” (Psalm 24:3). Holiness, for the
most part, just stands. Why? Because when you finally
attain to the holy place and gaze upon the glorious throne
that has fascinated God’s holy ones for untold millennia,
you are so overwhelmed at the glorious majesty before
you that all you care to do is stand and stare.
That’s all that the living creatures do: stand and stare.
And cry, “Holy, holy, holy!” These amazing creatures
whose entire bodies are covered with eyes—eyes represent
strength of intelligence, or capacity to comprehend and
absorb—can’t take their eyes off the throne. The smart-
est creatures in the universe are utterly consumed with
gaping at the boundless wonder of God’s matchless works
and peerless personhood.
The most pleasurable exhilaration is experienced by
the holy ones who stand in the holy place and gaze upon
God. Once you attain to this holiness, this will become your
chief occupation as well. You will simply want to be found
standing and “burning before the throne” (Revelation 4:5).
Once you see what they see, you’ll stare like they stare.
Jesus revealed that the angels mostly just stand before
God. “‘Take heed that you do not despise one of these little
To Be Found Standing
men, with heaven, and with hell. The battle of the ages,
therefore, is for the high ground of holiness.
There is no one more dangerous to the designs of
darkness than the man or woman who has learned to get
sprinkled with blood and stand in the holy place before
the Lord of the universe. These are the saints who rewrite
human history.
Noah became a historymaker by standing in holiness
while staring down the taunting sneers of a reviling, un-
believing generation.
Job became a historymaker by standing in holiness
while enduring the most horrific nightmare Satan could
concoct in his hellish laboratory.
Abraham became a historymaker by standing in holi-
ness even when every natural indicator told him it was
impossible for God’s promise to be fulfilled in his life.
Joseph became a historymaker by standing in holiness
in the face of Potiphar’s wife’s seductions, and in the suf-
focating clutch of an old-world, lice-infested, Egyptian
Naomi became a historymaker by standing in holiness
through the grinding grief of losing her husband and then
both her sons.
Hannah became a historymaker by standing in holi-
ness even though her rival incessantly provoked her with
malicious reminders of her barrenness.
David became a historymaker by standing in holiness
even while he fled from Saul for his life, living every day
with “‘but a step between [him] and death’” (1 Samuel
Jeremiah became a historymaker by standing in holi-
ness despite tortures from venomous leaders who viewed
him as an unpatriotic Babylon-lover.
Zacharias became a historymaker by standing in
our own! We’ll want to be able to say, “Sit down and listen
for a while, and let me tell you about the time…”
Therefore, we shall not be moved. We will get sprin-
kled with blood every day, take our stand at the throne
of God, burn with holiness in the courts of the King, and
wait on Him until He proves Himself the Finisher of our
Chapter 9
The primary battleground in every believer’s life is the
fight to remain in holiness. Satan will do everything in
his power to move us from holiness, so in this chapter I
want to deal with how he goes about it. It’s essential that
we understand our enemy’s schemes because, when we
understand the nature of the war, we are empowered to
withstand more effectively.
Restoration To Holiness
When David repented of his sin, he wrote one of the
most moving psalms in your Bible. I’m referring to Psalm 51,
We have talked about drawing near to the Holiest, but I
have not yet identified, in a clear and precise way, exactly
what qualifies us to approach God. So let’s back up a bit
and examine our basis for access to the presence of a holy
God. It all comes down to one fundamentally necessary
There is one commodity in the universe that is to be
coveted above and beyond all else, and it is this: Righteous-
ness. Righteousness is the quality of being just before God,
without sin or any defilement. More than anything else,
when you stand before God you want to be viewed as righ-
teous in His sight.
Why? Because entrance into God’s presence and king-
dom is granted only to those who are completely righteous
before Him. If you do not meet the full requirements of
God’s righteousness, He cannot receive you into heaven.
His kingdom and presence are too glorious to be sullied by
anything that defiles. Any kind of defilement, be it ever so
minuscule, disqualifies us from entrance into the eternal
city. To gain the high ground of heaven, we must fully
meet God’s standards of righteousness.
The Bible uses the phrase, “‘the wisdom of the just’”
(Luke 1:17). Said another way, righteousness is smart. You
Someone might ask, “Paul, how did you do it? You were
willing to do whatever it took, if, by any means, you might
attain to this righteousness. What was your secret?”
Paul’s answer was very clear: Faith. “…the righteous-
ness which is from God by faith” (Philippians 3:9).
The righteousness of God is attained by faith, and by
faith alone. No man can perform his way (through behav-
ior modification) into this righteousness. The only way to
attain the righteousness of Christ is to believe—to believe
Righteousness: Pearl Of Great Price 109
sprinkling righteousness
When you believe like that in the blood, the next logi-
cal step is a no-brainer: Draw near with boldness to the
throne of grace, and enjoy the access you have to the affec-
tions of God’s heart!
As a redeemed child of God, you have the glorious privi-
lege of being cleansed by the blood of Christ from every
defiling sin and standing with complete confidence before
Him. You can come to Him at any time, ask to be sprinkled
with blood, and be renewed in righteousness and holiness
before Him. Any time your conscience strikes you, you
have a way through the blood to be immediately renewed
and cleansed. It’s glorious!
But there’s something even more glorious.
It’s the glory of being sprinkled with blood when your
conscience isn’t striking you and when you’re aware of no
known sin.
It’s awesome to know you can receive the cleansing of
Christ’s blood when you feel the need to be washed. It’s
even more awesome, though, to receive the sprinkling of
blood when you have no awareness of sin or defilement.
In this instance, you’re getting sprinkled with blood—
not because of sin issues in your life, for your conscience
is clear. You’re getting sprinkled with blood—not because
you want to draw near to God, for you’re already in His
embrace. You’re getting sprinkled with blood—not because
you want to be made holy, for you’re already standing in
the holy place.
Washing In Innocence
An Everlasting Witness
I’d like to tell a personal story that underscored for me
the privilege and power of choosing to live in the bosom
of the Father.
The summer of 1994 was one of the darkest seasons of
my entire life. I’ll explain.
As mentioned earlier, I suffered a vocal injury in 1992.
After a bad surgery, my voice became very weak and very
sore to use. Being a pastor and worship leader at the time,
I could read the handwriting on the wall. What does a
pastor do who can’t talk? What does a worship leader do
who can’t sing? Unless something changed, it was becom-
ing increasingly clear that I would not be able to continue
pastoring the church we loved.
I was in pain in almost every compartment of life.
D I was in professional pain—I was called, trained, and
ordained to minister the word of God and to lead God’s
people, but that appeared to be coming to an end.
D I was in physical pain—I would use my voice each day
until the pain took over and I simply had to stop be-
cause my throat was raw.
intense, but there were two areas that were even more
painful for me. The first related to my children. While the
limited ability to communicate with my wife, Marci, was
very painful for me, the struggle to connect verbally with
my children was even harder. One reason was because I
would give what little voice I might have on a particular
day to my wife first, and the kids would have to settle for
whatever was left (which was often nothing). Another
reason was because communicating on a notepad was pos-
sible with my wife, but really quite impractical in relating
to my kids. So the loss of vocal interaction with my kids
was especially tough for me.
It was my custom before the injury to coach my chil-
dren in Bible memorization while feeding them breakfast.
Between bites, we would see who could recite the verses
best. Then we’d stop for prayer. Then hugs. And finally,
they’d run off to the school bus.
At bedtime, I told them Bible stories, and often we
would act them out in our living room. Neighborhood
children would sometimes join us for these animated in-
teractions with the great stories of the Bible. We would
kneel together at the sofa and pray. After being tucked
into bed, they were never satisfied until we laid hands on
them and prayed one final blessing. This was altogether
my joy and delight.
When my voice took the hit, everything changed. My
wife was able to continue to train them spiritually, but for
myself, I was simply incapable of continuing with Bible
memorization, Bible stories, and family prayers. I could
still lay hands on them, but my prayers were mostly silent.
The priority of training up my children in the way they
should go was paramount to me, and now my inability to
fulfill this role in their lives in the way I desired was more
painful to me than words can express.
Word Immersion
Black Sabbath
Pop Fly
The blood of Jesus is our way into an altogether glorious,
intimate, abiding relationship with Abba Father. Jesus
died to get us into Abba’s arms. His cross says, “I’m will-
ing to pay the ultimate price, if that’s what it takes to get
you into the Father’s bosom, because I know if I can just
get you there, everything will work out fine from there.”
I see His blood, I see the extravagance of the price He
paid, and I see the thrilling intimacy He has made avail-
able to me. Therefore, God forbid that I should ever ne-
glect this glorious privilege of approaching Him!
Approaching the throne of grace, however, is more than
just an awesome privilege. It’s a holy responsibility. We have
been entrusted with a stewardship: to sit with Christ in heav-
enly places and, from that place of ruling, bring the Kingdom
of God from heaven to earth. We will give account one day
for how we stewarded the access to God which Christ’s cross
granted us.
There is a generation—and I believe it’s today’s gen-
eration—that is willing to come into covenantal loyalty
related to the sprinkling of Christ’s blood. The blood of
Jesus will be so important to them that they will make an
inner vow to get sprinkled with Christ’s blood daily, and
spend every day of their lives in the bosom of the Father.
Making A Pledge