.Design, and Analysis of Pressure Vessel With Hemispherical and Flat Circular End PDF
.Design, and Analysis of Pressure Vessel With Hemispherical and Flat Circular End PDF
.Design, and Analysis of Pressure Vessel With Hemispherical and Flat Circular End PDF
A thin cylindrical pressure vessel has been analyzed for different end connection using analytical and finite element analysis. The
main objective of this paper is to compare stress distribution over pressure vessel for end connection viz. hemispherical and flat
circular. This paper designs the pressure vessel according to the pressure vessel handbook for both hemispherical and flat circular
end pressure vessel so as to determine the most economic and efficient design. The various dimensions of pressure vessel like
internal diameter and thickness of vessel and end connections has been decided using analytical design whose three dimensional
model is prepared in modeling software Pro-Engineer 5.0 and analyzed using FE tool Ansys 12.The analysis has been carried out
for two dimensional axisymmetric analysis, three dimensional horizontal pressure vessel with saddle support and vertical pressure
vessel over stand.
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, May 2017 12458 http://ijesc.org/
section or on the cylindrical walls. It may fail along the Sagar P. Tiwatane[4] analysis throws light on various stresses
longitudinal section (i.e. circumferentially) splitting the encountered in the skirt to dished junction which makes its
cylinder into two troughs, as shown in Fig. 1.2 (a). Tensile design critical. After this analysis optimum parameters
stress acting in the direction of the axis is called longitudinal considered which can minimize stresses in junction. This helps
stress. In other words, it is tensile stress acting on the in increasing life of pressure vessel & reduces its cost. He
transverse or circumferential section or on the ends of the concluded that stress and other parameters are also decreased
vessel. It may fail across the transverse section (i.e. by changing weld size of skirt to dished end junction.
longitudinally) splitting the cylinder into two cylindrical shells, Sunil Kumar D[5] designed and evaluated the pressure vessel
as shown in Fig. 1.2(b). and determined the static and thermal analysis considering for
a given pressure and temperature design conditions. Stress
linearization values greater than the allowable stresses of the
material and the min fatigue life is obtained less than1e6
cycles, factor of safety of less than 1 considered for fully
reversal cycle, hence designed fail. Then modified pressure
vessel has an increased thickness of pressure vessel and shell
by 5mm in accordance to ASME sec VIII Division 2 rules.
After increasing the thickness of vessel the stress linearization
results for modified design and hence obtained the induced
stress values below the allowable stress limits of the materials
and obtained the min fatigue life cycle greater than 1e6 cycles
for infinite life design and with factor of safety more than 1 to
achieve fatigue life greater than 1e6 cycles for considering
fully reversal cycle.
VinodKumar[6] he did comparative study on stresses by using
mathematical approach and by ANSYS software. He did
modifications in present design, reduced maximum stress value
at critical zone and optimizes the cost of equipment. Some
modifications are done like inserted wear plate between saddle
and vessel, made saddle support radius greater than vessel
outer radius and made it flexible at the saddle horn.
Zick[7]Find out the stresses in cylindrical vessels at various
Figure.2. Failure of pressure vessel along longitudinal
locations which are supported on saddles. Zick analyzed that
section and transverse section
which vessels should be designed for internal pressure alone
and how much stiffness is required for the vessels, by knowing
the stresses and a chart is given which covers support designs
for pressure vessels made of mild steel for storage of liquid
Adithya M, M. M. M. Patnaik [1] horizontal pressure vessel
weighing 42 lb. per cu. ft.
supported on saddles is designed and analysed. The FEA for
BhagatMeghrajVitthal[8] for calculating deflections and
different configurations of pressure vessel on saddle supports
stresses in each nodes, he did finite element analysis.
is done using ANSYS. The stress intensities in various cases
Comparison is done between bilinear and quadratic ranges for
are analyzed and the optimal location when the saddles are
same element number. He found that bilinear is showing more
placed away from heads is considered as the most suitable
variation than quadratic from the exact values. For same
design for the large horizontal vessels. The effect of stiffening
element type with different numbers results were expected that
is also considered in three cases. The reduction in stress
is results converge to exact values when number of element
intensity is found for one of the cases. For this the optimization
of thickness was done which resulted huge reduction of
Dr. D. V. Bhope[9] He did FE analysis of horizontal and
vertical pressure vessel and found out that magnitude of
PallaviJ.Pudke[2] the stress distribution of various geometric
stresses is high for flat circular end pressure vessel while
parameters of gussets and number of gussets of saddle is
magnitude of stresses is lower in case of hemispherical and
observed to select the optimal size of saddle. He shows that the
dished end pressure vessel. Flat circular end is not preferred
design by analysis is the most desirable method to evaluate and
for pressure vessel and hemispherical and dished ends are
predict the behavior of different configurations of saddle
considered for better end connections. Lengths of leg support
supports. The comparison of these results helps to provide the
have effect in vertical pressure vessel and arc length of saddle
most optimized design with an ability to meet the
support does not have much effect on stresses for horizontal
requirements. He suggested stress values obtain by empirical
pressure vessel.
method and analysis stresses are below allowable limits which
V. V. Wadkar[10] He did analysis of cylindrical pressure
are acceptable.
vessels with hemispherical head type .By ANSYS he
TapanMajumder[3] multilayer compound cylinders are
calculated maximum equivalent stress and compared results
suitable for high operating pressures, indicated results for an
with theoretical values. In his paper he concluded that smaller
optimum condition, the stress at the inner surfaces of all
values of equivalent stresses are appearing in pressure vessel
cylinders become equal to the yield stresses of the materials
with hemispherical heads and equivalent stress distribution is
used for multilayer compound cylinders. There is saving in
advantageous in case of head geometry.
material by using multilayered compound cylinder as
Chandrakant R Kini[11] By using FEA analysis and by
compared to solid walled cylinder. This decreases not only
analytically he calculated maximum equivalent stress (Von
weight of compound cylinder but also the cost of the material
Mises Stress) and also prepared a three dimensional model for
required to manufacture of multilayered compound cylinder.
finite element analysis. He found deviations in both the results.
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, May 2017 12459 http://ijesc.org/
The maximum equivalent stress obtained for the designed three incompressible elastoplastic materials, and fully
dimensional model was less than the yield strength of the incompressible hyperelastic materials. Figure 4 shows the 10
material SA 283 C grade that is 132.9742025 MPa< 245 MPa, node tetrahedral SOLID 187 element and 8 node PLANE 183
thereby advocating that the pressure vessel design was correct element.
and also that the three dimensional model could withstand the
operating temperatures and pressures. The deviation of
2.4860% was least among all the meshes that were applied on
the pressure vessel for analysis. The mesh size for which this
least value of deviation was obtained was 0.002m.The mesh
size for which this least value of deviation was obtained was
0.002m. Therefore this design of flat dish end pressure vessel
is safe and can be put to use.
The part model is converted into IGS file format to import the
geometry in ANSYS. ANSYS 12.0 is the finite element
analysis software which is used for the analysis of pressure
vessels. In design simulation 10-node tetrahedral SOLID187
element is used for meshing of three dimensional vessel and 8-
node PLANE 183 element is used for meshing of
two dimensional axisymmetric pressure vessel. SOLID187
element is a higher order 3-D, 10-node element and
PLANE183 is a higher order 2-D, 8-node or 6-node element. (c) Flat Circular Head with two saddle support
SOLID187 and PLANE 183 has a quadratic displacement
behavior and is well suited to modeling irregular meshes (such
as those produced from various CAD/CAM systems). A
SOLID 187 is defined by 10 nodes having three degrees of
freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x, y, and z
directions. The element has plasticity, hyper elasticity, creep,
stress stiffening, large deflection, and large strain capabilities.
It also has mixed formulation capability for simulating
deformations of nearly incompressible elastoplastic materials,
and fully incompressible hyperelastic materials. PLANE 183
element is defined by 8 nodes or 6 nodes having two degrees
of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x and y
directions. The element may be used as a plane element (plane
stress, plane strain and generalized plane strain) or as an
axisymmetric element. This element has plasticity, (d) Flat Circular Head with three saddle support
hyperelasticity, creep, stress stiffening, large deflection, and Figure.1. Pro/E model of horizontal pressure vessel with
large strain capabilities. It also has mixed formulation saddle support
capability for simulating deformations of nearly
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, May 2017 12460 http://ijesc.org/
(a) Hemispherical head with three and four leg support (b)
Figure.3. Axisymmetric model of (a) hemispherical head
(b) circular head
(b) Circular head with three and four leg support (b)
Figure.2. Pro/E model of vertical pressure vessel with leg Figure.4. (a) 10 Node Tetrahedral SOLID 187 element (b) 8
support having Node PLANE 183 element
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, May 2017 12461 http://ijesc.org/
For the meshing of three dimensional horizontal and vertical
pressure vessels, the above described 10 node tetrahedral
element is used and for two dimensional axisymmetric model,
above descrive 8 node PLANE 183 element is used with
course meshing. The material properties like modulus of
elasticity and poisons ratio is assign to the vessel in
engineering data in Ansys. The modulus of elasticity and
poisons ratio for the structural steel material is 200×103
N/mm2 and 0.3 respectively. The FE analysis has been carried
out for various saddle supports and for different leg support.
Figure 5 shows the mesh model of horizontal pressure vessel
with saddle support, figure 6 shows the mesh model of vertical
pressure vessel with leg support and figure 7 shows the mesh
model of an axisymmetric pressure vessel with different end
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, May 2017 12462 http://ijesc.org/
(a) Hemispherical end
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, May 2017 12463 http://ijesc.org/
Circumferential stress (Mpa) Circumferential stress (Mpa)
120 150
80 100
Stress (MPa)
Stress (MPa)
20 0
Length (mm) Length (mm)
Stress (MPa)
30 40
10 20
Length (mm) Lenght (mm)
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, May 2017 12464 http://ijesc.org/
(a) Circumferential stress
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, May 2017 12465 http://ijesc.org/
Table.2. Finite Element Analysis of Horizontal Pressure
Vessel with Saddle Support
Sr Type of Von Norm Norm Maxim Minim
. Pressure mise al al um um
N Vessel s Stress Stress Princip Prinici
o. stres (x) (y) al pal
s Stress Stress
rical end
135. 61.40 152.0
1 with two 152.46 12.4
54 1 7
(a) Circumferential stress rical end
128. 63.87 144.7
2 with three 145.15 16.986
83 8 9
268. 229.6
3 end with 160.2 254.23 27.573
18 3
two saddle
end with 291. 142.4
4 273.6 292.09 34.708
three 09 7
(b) Longitudinal stress support
Figure.6.10. Circumferential and longitudinal stresses on
flat circular end pressure vessel with two saddle support 350
300 Hemispherical
Stress (MPa)
Normal Stress(y)
Normal Stress(x)
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, May 2017 12466 http://ijesc.org/
(a) Hemispherical end
Figure 6.13. Circumferential and longitudinal stress on
hemispherical end vertical pressure vessel with three leg
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, May 2017 12467 http://ijesc.org/
Table .6.4: Finite Element Analysis of Vertical Pressure
Vessel with three Leg Support
Sr Type of Von Norm Norm Maxim Minim
. Pressure mise al al um um
N Vessel s Stress Stress Princip Prinici
o. stres (x) (y) al pal
s Stress Stress
rical end 106. 31.79 119.6
1 120.37 13.044
with three 77 8 9
rical end 79.0 26.75 26.48
2 88.996 9.75
with four 38 4 9
Circular 313. 250.3 126.0
3 311.05 57.401
end with 3 8 8
three leg
Circular 230. 179.7 101.1
4 235.53 30.864
end with 71 4 7
four leg
Figure.6.15.Circumferential and longitudinal stress on flat
circular end vertical pressure vessel with three leg support 250
Stress (MPa)
200 end with three
150 leg
100 Hemispherical
end with four leg
0 Flat Circular end
with three leg
Types of Stresses
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, May 2017 12468 http://ijesc.org/
• FEA of the updated design. Mahawadiwar for his guidance and constant supervision and
also for his support in completing the paper. In conclusion,we
8. REFERENCES would like to thank our parents and colleagues for their kind
co-operation and investing their time, and willingly helping us
[1]. Adithya M, M. M. M. Patnaik, “Finite element of with their abilities to make this paper a reality.
horizontal reactor pressure vessel supported on saddles”
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,
Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 7 July 2013
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, May 2017 12469 http://ijesc.org/