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PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology

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PVPSIT/CAS/PBAS/ASST.PROF/2015-2016 Name of the Faculty & Dept.


Kanuru, Vijayawada
Career Advancement Scheme for Teachers (CAS)
Self Appraisal for Assistant Professor
Performance Based Appraisal System for Assistant Professors (PBAS)
Summary Sheet
S.No. Evaluation parameter Max Self DFAC Institutional Faculty
Score Score score Assessment screening Assessment
Committee Board
Teaching, Learning & Evaluation
I 600
Related Activities
Professional Development &
II 100
Co-Curricular Activities
Research & Academic
III 150
Administrative and Extensive
IV 150
Total 1000
Each item should have supporting document submitted by the faculty & Min. Score required is 550.

Personal Details:
1. Employee Identification Number
2. Date of Joining in the Institution
3. Date of birth
4. Address: E-mail :
Mobile :

Educational qualifications (starting from degree):

Degree Period of study University/College Class/CGPA Year of Pass

I. Teaching, Learning & Evaluation Related Activities: Max Score: 600

1. Teaching weekly load as per time table : Max score: 120

Weekly load X 120

2. Lectures taken (How many total lecture periods have been taken in the previous two semesters)
Max score: 50

Sem-I Sem-II Total Total Lectures/Allocated X 50


3. Course file with the following data has been prepared by me (tick for compliance and Nil for Non-
Compliance) Max score: 40 (5 Points for each content in the course file)

S.No Content in the course file Sem -I Sem -II

1 Syllabus Copy, COs, CO-PO Mapping
2 Lesson plan with Lecturer notes
3 PPT printouts(4 slides in a page)
4 Model question papers, Previous End Exam
Q. Papers
5 Assignment Questions & Mid Exam Papers
6 Tutorial Sheets
7 External Exam Grade Results from college
8 Attainments as per NBA
9 Average of Sem-I & Sem-II

4. Exam duties/Internal Observer Max score: 40

Sem-I Sem-II Total No. Total No. Score

(Mention (Mention of duties allotted (a/b) x 40
Number) Number) performed per year
(a) (b)
Exam Duties

5. Evaluation duties Max score: 30 (10 Marks for Each item)

(a) Posting of internal marks as per Schedule or not.
(b) Submission of Mid Question papers as per schedule or not.
(c) Submission of scheme & solutions set as per schedule or not.
Attach remarks if any

6. Use of innovating teaching methodologies (Max score: 50)

(a) ICT based Teaching Methodology Max score: 30
(i) PPTs/Visuals/Animations/Any Other. (15 marks)
(ii)NPTEL/Video Lectures. (15 marks)
(b) Interactive course content developed. E - Content Uploaded
(Proof to be attached) Max score: 20

7. Remedial/Bridge Courses /Career oriented courses/Content beyond syllabus/Design of new Experiments

Max score: 40; Any Two & for each = 20 Points
Sem-I Sem-II
3. Career
4. Content Beyond Syllabus
5. Design of Experiments
8. Counseling with proper records Max score: 20
For each Counseling session= 5 points
Sem-I Sem-II
How many counseling sessions done?
Record Must be Maintained & Counseling
book to be submitted


9. Pass Percentages and Feedback Max score: 70 + 70

(Pass percentage: <50 % = 0, 50% - 60% = 30, 60% - 70% = 40, 70% -80% =50, 80%-90% = 60, >90% = 70)
(Student Feedback: (<2.5=0; 2.5-3.0=30; 3.1 - 3.5=40; 3.6-4.0=50; 4.1 - 4.5 = 60; above 4.5=70)

Sem Name of the Pass % Marks Feedback Marks



10. Project Guidance (Mini project/Major Project/Project Exhibitions/Mathematical Models/Environmental Related

Activities\etc. Max score: 70

II. Professional Development & Co-Curricular Activities


1. Membership of professional societies (Mention)

Max score: 10 (Each Membership=5 points)
a) -----------------
b) -----------------

2. Development of facilities over previous two semesters Max score: 10

For each facility created 5 Marks (Underline)

Development of facilities
Laboratory Infrastructure up gradation, Class Room,
Library, Common student facilities, Addition of new
facilities, Addition of new experiments/practice,
Addition of new software

3. Short term courses/conferences participated/organized over previous two semesters (Insert Number)
Max score: 40 (for each participation 20 points, )

Date Title, Year, Place

a) International/National
conferences participated
(20 Marks for each participation)
b) Short term Course/
seminars/conference organized
Coordinator: 20 marks
Others:10 Marks
c) Guest Lectures Organized
Coordinator: 20 marks
Others:10 Marks


4. (a) Workshops/FDPs/Guest Lectures attended Max score: 30

With in the college (1 week duration) - 5 Marks
(2 week duration) – 10 marks
Outside the college (< 1 week duration) – 10 marks
(1 week duration) – 15 marks
(2 week duration) – 25 marks
University/NIT/IIT/etc (1week duration) – 20 marks
(2 week duration) – 30 marks

(b) Accompanied/Coordinated students an industrial tour over previous two semesters 10 points each and
outside 15 points each

Date Place Local / Outside

(c) Student Techno fest or other major events – mention number of events here like 1,2,3…. Over
previous two semesters
Number Points
I. Institutional coordinator
Max score: 20 points
II. Departmental coordinator
Max score: 10 points
III. Other participants
Max score: 5 points

5. Student innovations; Guidance Max Score 10

Each innovation with working model/simulation: 10points



1. Publications: (Mention no. Of books)

Max score: 40 points;
a). Books with ISBN/ISDN No. of books No. of chapters
Helped and participation in preparation: 40
1chapter= 20 points
(Attach proof signed by author)

b).Research Publications

Sl.No Title Reputed referred International National Other

Journal (to be Max 30 Max 20 Max 15
decided by DFAC)
Max 40


2. Sponsored Research projects (give details)

Max score: 50 (Attach Proof)

S.No (i). Above Rs.10 Lakhs (ii). In the range 5-10 Lakhs. (iii). Less than Rs.5.0
Max score: 50 points Max score: 45 points Lakhs
Max score: 40 points

1. Projects
2 proposals

PI: 100% of the above points; Co-PI: 50 % of the above points

Proposals submitted & sanction awaited =participation by key members: 50% of the
above points Others: 25% of the above points (attach proof)

3. Seminars/conferences/workshops/symposia Papers found in Proceedings; Max Score : 40

International each=40 points (outside country)
International each=30 points (within country)
National: 20 points each.
4. Consultancy projects Max score: 10
<1 lakh = 5points; >Rs.1.0 Lakh=10 points

5. Patents Max score:10

Applied = 10 points

IV. Administrative and Extensive Activities

Maximum Score: 150

1. Department Administration Max score: 60

Each activity = 20 points Coordinator =100% others = 50%

S.No. Activity
1. In-charge of time tables
2. Class Coordinator
3. Exams
4. Library
5. Labs
6. Discipline/Anti Ragging
7. ISO etc,.
Program Coordinator/Module
9. Coordinator/Course Coordinator
10. Maintenance of facilities and infrastructure
BOS, NAAC, News letter, Professional
11. Society, any other
Grievance reddressal , knowledge center,
NPTEL,DARC, Women Cell, Cultural, e-
Yantra, News Letter, Professional Society
12. and any other

2. Institutional level administration ; Max score: 40

(Each activity = 20 points)
Coordinator=100%; others=50%
S.No. Activity
1. NBA
3. Autonomous
4. R&D etc.
5. Maintenance of facilities & infrastructure
Grievance reddressal , knowledge center,
NPTEL,DARC, Women Cell, Cultural, e-
Yantra, News Letter, Professional Society
6. and any other

3. Annual Day etc. Max score: 20

(Each Activity- 20 Points) Coordinator=100%; others=50%
S.No. Activity
1. Annual day
2. Cultural activities
3. Sports participation

4. NSS activities Max score: 10

(Each activity = 5 points) (Tick)
S.No. Activity
1. NSS activities
2. Student welfare activities
3. Health camps
4. Blood camps
5. Service to poor
6. Service to Disabled
7. Charity camps etc.
8. Any other

5. Training & Placement activities etc,. Max score: 20

S.No. Activity
Training and placements- Departmental
Coordinator=20 points; others = 10 points
Placement Training, Website Designing & any
2. other
Each activity- 20 points

Signature of the Faculty with date

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