Lab 4 - 332L
Lab 4 - 332L
Lab 4 - 332L
Lab 4
Specimen measurement
1. Plot the engineering stress-strain curves on the same graph for three metals using the corrected
MTS actuator displacement data.
Engineering Stress (psi)
Cast Iron
60000 Al 6061 - T6
Steel 1045
-1 -0.98 -0.96 -0.94 -0.92 -0.9 -0.88 -0.86 -0.84 -0.82 -0.8
Engineering Strain (in/in)
Figure 1: This plot shows Engineering Stress vs. Engineering Strain for all three materials tested
in the lab. It clearly shows the necking effect for Al 6061 and Steel 1045 but not for cast iron.
Using figure 1, we can estimate the ultimate tensile strength. For cast iron the ultimate tensile
strength is 40 Ksi, for steel 1045 it is about 125 Ksi, and for Al 6061 it is about 48 Ksi.
2. Plot the true stress strain curves using the corrected stress-strain data from (1) before necking
(not for Cast Iron).
True Stress (psi)
Al 6061 - T6
Steel 1045
-11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
True Strain (in/in)
Figure 2: This plot shows True Stress vs. True Strain only for the steel 1045 and Al6061. This
plot is based on data gathered before necking, and since there were no data before necking for
the cast iron, it is not included in this plot.
3. Plot the stress strain response in log-log format by using the data before necking (not for Cast
log(true stress) (psi)
Al 6061 - T6
1 Steel 1045
0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 1.02
log(true strain) (in/in)
Figure 3: This plot shows the log(stress) vs. log(strain). I will use this graph to determine the
strain hardening exponent and strength coefficient.
4. Calculation part will be done manually
5. discussion.
Some common application for Al 6061-T6 can be seen in the construction of aircraft structures,
such as, wings. As well as, in yacht construction including small utility boats. As for cast iron, it
is too brittle for use in many structural components, but it has good hardness and it is relatively
low cost. Therefore, it is used in application such as the wear surfaces of slurry pumps and lift
bars. Lastly, for 1045, it is commonly used in gears, shafts, axels, and bolts due to great strength
and hardness.
Some calculation of excel for all materials
Cast iron
True True
Time Uncorrected Corrected Force Eng stress Eng strain
Stress Strain
Displacement Displacement
(Sec) (lbf)
(in) (in)
0.000 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 -1 0 #DIV/0!
0.620 0.00020 0.00011 131.419 669.3108734 0.999946899 0.03554129 9.8433087
1.120 0.00020 0.00015 222.744 1134.42302 0.999925944 0.08401028 9.5106956
1.620 0.00037 0.00021 305.453 1555.656684 0.999894513 0.16410125 9.1569247
2.120 0.00020 0.00029 429.517 2187.507308 0.999856097 0.31478847 8.8463724
2.620 0.00072 0.00032 496.718 2529.759715 0.999838635 0.40821377 8.7318439
3.121 0.00054 0.00037 574.258 2924.666361 0.999814189 0.54343577 8.5907794
3.621 0.00054 0.00043 662.137 3372.227044 0.999782758 0.73259101 8.4344963
4.121 0.00089 0.00049 739.677 3767.13369 0.999754819 0.92363113 8.3135122
true Log
Time Uncorrected Corrected Force stress strain true stress
strain stress
Displacement Displacement
(Sec) (lbf)
(in) (in)
0.000 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 -1 0 #NUM! #NUM!
- -
0.597 0.00003 0.00007 19.417 98.89019 0.99996 0.003524397 10.242056 2.452915
- -
1.097 0.00037 0.00013 184.836 941.3576 0.99994 0.05985003 9.6632365 1.222936
- -
1.597 0.00037 0.00016 286.499 1459.124 0.99992 0.113151977 9.4646149 0.946338
2.097 0.00037 0.00019 396.778 2020.769 -0.9999 0.191992669 9.2615315 0.716715
- -
2.597 0.00054 0.00023 496.718 2529.76 0.99988 0.293360799 9.0622316 0.532598
- -
3.097 0.00054 0.00027 660.414 3363.451 0.99986 0.460517347 8.8961277 0.336754
- -
3.597 0.00072 0.00028 698.322 3556.517 0.99986 0.499372162 8.8709406 0.301576
- -
4.097 0.00072 0.00033 832.725 4241.021 0.99984 0.699162092 8.7104321 0.155422
Streel 1045
true Log
Time Uncorrected Corrected Force stress strain true stress
strain stress
Displacement Displacement
(Sec) (lbf)
(in) (in)
0.000 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 -1 0 #NUM! #NUM!
- -
0.597 0.00003 0.00007 19.417 98.89019 0.99996 0.003524397 10.242056 2.452915
- -
1.097 0.00037 0.00013 184.836 941.3576 0.99994 0.05985003 9.6632365 1.222936
- -
1.597 0.00037 0.00016 286.499 1459.124 0.99992 0.113151977 9.4646149 0.946338
2.097 0.00037 0.00019 396.778 2020.769 -0.9999 0.191992669 9.2615315 0.716715
- -
2.597 0.00054 0.00023 496.718 2529.76 0.99988 0.293360799 9.0622316 0.532598
- -
3.097 0.00054 0.00027 660.414 3363.451 0.99986 0.460517347 8.8961277 0.336754
- -
3.597 0.00072 0.00028 698.322 3556.517 0.99986 0.499372162 8.8709406 0.301576
- -
4.097 0.00072 0.00033 832.725 4241.021 0.99984 0.699162092 8.7104321 0.155422