Soal Repro Inter 2011: Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia Muscle Cell
Soal Repro Inter 2011: Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia Muscle Cell
Soal Repro Inter 2011: Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia Muscle Cell
Mrs.anita came to ANC clinic to check her pregnancy. She had 2 times miscarriage at 12 weeks
and 8 weeks, stillbirth at 32 weeks. She has an 8-y.o boy who weighed 3300 g at birth and 4 y.o
girl who delivery prematurely weighed 2300 g. In this current pregnancy, her last menstrual
period was 8 january 2011.
4. Obstrectic history of mrs.rahmah was:
a. G5 P2 A2 d. G6 P2 A2 M1
b. G5 P3 A2 e. P3 A2
c. G6 P3 A2
5. Estimated day deliver of the baby will be on:
a. 11 august 11’ d. 11 september 11
b. 5 august 11’ e. 5 oct 11
c. 15 october 11’
6. Delivery between 20 weeks 36 weeks of pregnancy is called:
a. Abortion d. post term
b. Preterm e. stillbirth
c. Aterm
7. The important factors that play a role the implantation phase:
a. The zone pellucidaappear
b. The synctiotrophoblastic cells disappear
c. Asynchronic development of blastosphere and endometrium
d. Enough progesteron
e. High estrogen
8. Placental function in maintaining uterine contraction is”
a. Nutrition d. hormonal function
b. Gas exchange e. Catabolic function
c. Define mechanism
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A mother A mother who went to the delivery room on 10 a.m was diagnosed w/ G1P0 38 weeks
gravid. 1st stage of labor, breech presentation, estimated fetal weight (EFW) 2700 gr. Fetal
heart rate (FHR) 150 bpm. In VT examination you found the cervix dilated 7 cm. Station hodge
2, the membrane was already ruptured and there was prolapsed of the umbilical cord. Uterine
contracted twice in 10 minutes, 30 seconds of duration. Un next examination on 2 pm. FHR 160
bpm, cervix dilated 8 cm and meconeal staining.
19. The diagnosis and treatment the patient are:
a. A cito cesarean section must be done immediately
b. There was an uterine inertia and you could do an acceleration
c. There was a jammed in labor because the passengger factor
d. There was a fetal distress
20. One of the indication of cesarean section in breech presentation is:
a. Frank breech presentation
b. Fetal weight 2000 gr
c. Meconeal staining
d. Hyperextension of the fetal heart
21. At vaginal delivery in breech presentation, the fetal head will be delivered by:
a. Bracht c. lovset
b. Mauriceau d. Classic
22. The possible risk of using oxytocin in augmentation is:
a. Water intoxication c. prolapsed of the umbilical cord
b. Natrium intoxication d. Hypertension
23. In labor dystocia, we can find:
a. Hyperglycemia c. polyuria
b. Ketoacidosis d. Hyperreflex
24. Labor dystocia can increase maternal motility, it can make:
a. Cerebral palsy c. fistula vesicovaginal
b. Hyperstimulation d. Hypoalbuminemia
25. In labor dystocia, there will be a decreased of oxygen supply to fetus. The most severe stage
of decreased oxygen is:
a. Hypoxemia c. asphyxia
b. Hypoxia d. acidosis
26. According to the case, there was a meconeal staining which means:
a. A sign of asphyxia
b. Not a danger sign because the fetal was in breech presentation
c. Oxygen must be given to the mother immediately
d. The labor must be terminated by cesarean section
27. In case of more than 3 days of IUFD (Intra uterine fetal death), we could find cranial
averlapping by ultrasound exam. It is called:
a. Spaldig’s sign c. turtle sign
b. Robert’s sign d. chadwick sign
R, a female baby, born in April 20th 2011, body weight 2400 gr, body lenght 45 cm, the last
menstrual day august 17st 2010, the baby immadiately cry. Harusx mlahirkn 24 mei2011,
syarat BF. >34 week
28. The problems of neonatal adaptation for the baby that show in the scenario included:
a. Maturation and nutrition factor
b. Maturation and tolerance
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b. Tarbutalin e. cortocosteroid
c. Atosiban
37. Woman w/ G3 P2 A0 aterm pregnancy at labor for 20 hours. The midwife has started to
active pushing from 3 hours ago. The first thing that we should examine is:
a. Mother condition d. estimated fetal weight
b. Pelvic examination e. Fetal heart rate
c. Uterine contraction
38. From the vaginal toucher, found that the fetal head descent is Hodge III, which shows that
the fetal head as high as:
a. Spina ischiadika d. Upper border of symphisis pubic
b. Os. Coccigeus e. Lower border of symphisis pubic
c. Not engaged
39. Mrs. titi has gave birth a girl baby. On physial exam on her baby we found taht the baby’s
skin is dry and exfoliating, in yellow colour, that show that the baby is:
a. Icterus d. serotinus grade II
b. Skin infection e. Serotinus grade III
c. Serotinus grade 1
Miss S, aged 16, thought she had become pregnant after her first coital experience. Which
occured w/out contraception. Shortly after she read about the signs and symptoms of
pregnancy, ger menses stoped. Sshe related that she felt tingling in her breasts, which she
velieved were enlarged. She also reprted nausea and vommiting in morning, which was
observed by her mother. On exam, the uterus was enlarged. Breast were developed w/ darl
aerola and contained milk and apigmented line was observed from the umbilicus to the pubis.
The abdomen was not en;arged, but she believed she felt fetal movement. A pregnancy test had
negative results and the patient was so infromed, however she could not be dissuaded of her
belief that she was pregnant.
40. Diagnosis of the patient above is:
a. Pregnancy d. steril
b. Pseudo pregnancy e. abortion
c. Infertile
41. Physchological aspect of pregnancy, its really mean is:
a. Self realization d. self ego
b. Self guilt e. Aelf identity
c. Self ....
42. In early pregnancy, the problem mostly appear is:
a. Abortion d. anorexia nervosa
b. Morning sickness e. Sleep disorder
c. Hyperemesis gravidarum
43. 43. As patient mentional above as followed of hallusination amd delusion could be
diagnosed as:
a. Anxiety d. mania
b. Depressi e. skizofrenis
c. Psikotik
A woman 25 yo, post labor 7 days ago, helped by midwife. She came w/ complaint of pain in the
abdomen and a lot of vaginal bleeding and smell bad. History of fever since 3 days ago. In
physical exam, we found fundal height 2 cm above umbilicus and abdominal pain.
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44. The most possible diagnosis for the condition above is:
a. Puerpural infection d. placental remnant
b. Mastitis e. metritis
c. Uterine subinvolution
45. The most common causes of the condition above is:
a. Puerpural infection and inflammation d. mastitis
b. Placental retention e. PID
c. Placental remnant
46. Signs and symptoms of uterine subinvolution are:
a. Bad small lochia, abdominal pain, fever
b. Uterine tenderness, pyrexia, offensive lochia
c. Unpalpableof fundal height, uterine tenderness, pyrexia, offensive lochia
d. Inadequate uterine cintraction, pyrexiam uterine tenderness
e. Abdominal tenderness, pyrexia, offensive lochia
47. Virologiic diagnosis of HIV infection in infants born to HIV-positive mother, have to perform
for the 1st time:
a. HIV PRC test at 2 weeks of age
b. HIV PRC test at 4 weeks of age
c. HIV PRS test at 6 weeks of age
d. HIV PRS test at 16 weeks of age
e. HIV PRS test at 24 weeks of age
48. The most HIV transmission in indonesia was:
a. Homosexual d. oral sex
b. Heterosexual e. IDU (Injecting drugs users)
c. Anal sex
49. Clinical symptoms of HIV infection in adult: decrease of BW <10%, recurrent oral ulcus,
seborrhoic dermatitis dan herpes zooster in last 5 years. According who classification was:
a. Stadium I c. stadium III
b. Staduim II d. stadium IV
50. Side effect of quinine of the postterm pregnancy:
a. Anemia d. hypoglicemia
b. Leucopeni e. hypothyroidea
c. Thrombocytopeni
51. Complication of malaria during pregnancy to the fetus:
a. Acure renal failure d. prematurity
b. Ling edema e. Cerebral malaria
c. Hypoglicemia
52. The impact of pregnancy to HBV as follow:
a. Decreased immune system of the mother
b. Mid increased phosphatase alkaline
c. Enhance replication of (HBV-DNA)......
d. Post partum, hormonal increased
e. Progesteron has tumor promoting effect
53. Vertical transmission of hepatitis B mostly:
a. Intrauterine d. during delivery
b. Transfussion e. Ruptured of the amniotic membrane
c. Breastfeeding
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b. Menopause e. climacterium
c. Senium
64. ........... menopause decrease of _______ hormone
a. Progesteron d. testosteron
b. Androgen e. FSH
c. Estrogen
65. Basic principal of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) in menopausal women who still
having her uterus is:
a. Estrogen should be combined w/ progesteron
b. Progesteron whould be combined w/ androgen
c. Estrogen should be combined w/ androgen
d. Androgen should be combined w/ FSH
e. Estrogen should be combined w/ testosterone
66. Contraindication of HRT in menopausal women is:
a. Hypertension d. unidentified uterine bleeding
b. Smooking e. History of TB
c. Anemia
67. Endometrial hyperplasia associated w/ prolonged and unopposed to?
a. Estrogen d. FSH
b. Progesteron e. LH
c. Estrogen+progesterone
68 – 82 ........
68. Treatment for endometrial hyperplasia without atyphical is ?
a. IUD withot hormone
b. Depoprovera 150 mg IMq 3 months
c. Total hysterectomy
d. Subtotal hysterectomy
e. radical hysterectomy type 1
69. Conservative therapy for endometrial hyperplasia ?
a. Progestin d. D n C
b. Non steroidalanli inflammatory drugs e. Hysteroscopy
c. Radial hysterectomy
70. Primary dismenorrhea is caused by
a. Pelvic inferior
b. endometritis
c. endometritis polyp
d. myoma
e. prostaglandin 2F
71. Menstrual rare,long cycles more than 2 month
a. oligomenorrhea
b. polymenorrhea
c. hypomenorrhea
d. bradymenorrhea
e. menometrorhagia
72. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) cause
a. cancer endometrium
b. uterine polyp
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c. infection of uterus
d. anovulatory bleeding
e. uterine leiomyolima
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