MA134 - Geometry & Motion
MA134 - Geometry & Motion
MA134 - Geometry & Motion
Geometry & Motion
Revision Guide
ii MA134 Geometry & Motion
1 Curves & Parameterisations 1
2 Derivatives 4
6 Line Integrals 8
7 Surface Integrals 10
8 Critical Points 13
Geometry & Motion is an extension of differentiation and integration learned at A-level to higher di-
mensions. The focus of the course is on calculation and applying the concepts taught. As such there are
a great many definitions to commit to memory, but not many proofs. It is also very important to learn
to correctly parameterise curves, surfaces and solids. Not only does it mean you will end up with the
correct answer at the end of the question, but once you have a parameterisation more often than not the
rest of the question is just a case of carefully integrating or differentiating.
Dwight also records all of his lectures as screen casts, which are available through the undergraduate
handbook and moodle site. This should be the first place to look for course material as it is the most
relevant and up to date source for the current course, as well as further examples.
I would recommend trying to make your own summary notes from the lectured course, as this will
help you learn the material better than just looking through these, which are in fact a typeset copy of
my efforts in first year. But, these will serve as a quick reference for those who do not find summarising
notes a useful form of revision.
Note 0.1 (A note on notation). Throughout I have tried to be consistent with notation, but along the
way I may have slipped up. Where you see r 0 (t) this means the derivative of r(t) with respect to t,
elsewhere, and more usually this is denoted ṙ(t), but I’m sure you will know what I mean.
If you don’t like my notation feel free to pick your own, but be sure to explain in your work precisely
what you mean with your notation, especially if it is non-standard.
Disclaimer: Use at your own risk. No guarantee is made that this revision guide is accurate or
complete, or that it will improve your exam performance. Use of this guide will increase entropy,
contributing to the heat death of the universe. Contains no GM ingredients. Your mileage may vary.
All your base are belong to us.
This revision guide for MA134 Geometry & Motion has been designed as an aid to revision, not a
substitute for it. Written by Jack Betteridge.
Based upon lectures given by Prof. Dwight Barkley at the University of Warwick in 2011 and updated
for the 2015 course
Any corrections or improvements should be entered into our feedback form at
(alternatively email
MA134 Geometry & Motion 1
Definition 1.1. C ⊂ R is a curve (or path) if ∃ r : I → Rn continuous s.t. C = {r(t) : t ∈ I}, where I
is an interval.
Example 1.3 (Simple parameterisation). Parameterise the triangle (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1) using the unit
Step 1: Draw a picture (I leave space here for you to practise this essential skill)
Step 2: Split up the interval into [0, 1/3], [1/3, 2/3], [2/3, 1] then
(0, 0) to (1, 0) is just (3t, 0)
(1, 0) to (0, 1) is (1 − 3(t − 1/3), 3(t − 1/3)) = (2 − 3t, 3t − 1)
(0, 1) to (0, 0) is (0, 1 − 3(t − 2/3)) = (0, 3 − 3t)
Step 3: Put it all together:
(3t, 0) on [0, 1/3]
r(t) = (2 − 3t, 3t − 1) on [1/3, 2/3]
(0, 3 − 3t)
on [2/3, 1]
Example 1.4 (Parameterisation). Parameterise a helix starting at (a, 0, 0), ending at (−a, 0, 1) with
radius a and 1.5 turns anticlockwise around the z-axis.
Step 1: Draw a picture (I leave space here for you to practise this essential skill)
2 MA134 Geometry & Motion
This is traversed anticlockwise. To go around 1.5 times t ∈ [0, 3π]. We also need the curve to climb to a
height of 1 using the same t in the z-component i.e:
Definition 1.5. If C is parameterised by r(t) & t is actually time then velocity is the vector:
dr r(t + h) − r(t)
v(t) = (t)= lim
dt h→0 h
Component by component:
dx1 dxn
v(t) = (t), . . . , (t)
dt dt
Speed is the magnitude of velocity, a scalar, i.e:
speed = kv(t)k =
a(t) := (t)
Definition 1.6. A closed curve or loop is where r : [a, b] → Rn & r(a) = r(b). To rule out intersections
r(t1 ) 6= r(t2 ) given t1 6= t2 unless t1 , t2 ∈ {a, b}.
Definition 1.7. A curve is regular if there exists a parameterisation s.t. dt is defined and non-zero at
all points, so has no corners or cusps.
Define κ as curvature:
kτ 0 (t)k
κ(t) :=
kr 0 (t)k
Example 1.13 (Properties of curves). Find the speed, acceleration and length of the curve
Furthermore find an expression for the Frenet basis and radius of curvature.
Step 1: Draw a picture (I leave space here for you to practise this essential skill)
v(t) = r 0 (t) = (−3πa sin(3πt), 3πa cos(3πt), 3t2 )
kv(t)k = kr 0 (t)k = (−3πa sin(3πt))2 + (3πa cos(3πt))2 + (3t2 )2
= 9π 2 a2 sin2 (3πt) + 9π 2 a2 cos2 (3πt) + 9t4
= 3 π 2 a2 + t4
a(t) = v 0 (t) = r 00 (t) = (−9π 2 a cos(3πt), −9π 2 a sin(3πt), 6t)
4 MA134 Geometry & Motion
Magnitude of acceleration:
ka(t)k = kv 0 (t)k = kr 00 (t)k = (−9π 2 a cos(3πt))2 + (−9π 2 a sin(3πt))2 + (6t)2
= 81π 4 a2 cos2 (3πt) + 81π 4 a2 sin2 (3πt) + 36t2
= 3 9π 4 a2 + 4t2
r 0 (t) 1
τ (t) = = √ (−πa sin(3πt), πa cos(3πt), t2 )
kr 0 (t)k π 2 a2 + t4
τ 0 (t) 1
n(t) = = √ (−3π 2 a cos(3πt), −3π 2 a sin(3πt), 2t)
kτ 0 (t)k 9π 4 a2 + 4t2
b(t) = τ (t) × n(t) = √ √ (−πa sin(3πt), πa cos(3πt), t2 )
π a + t 9π 4 a2 + 4t2
2 2 4
Z b
`(C) = kr 0 (t)k.dt
Z 1 p
= 3 π 2 a2 + t4 .dt
Z arsinh(1/πa)
= 3π 2 a2 cosh2 (θ).dθ Using t = πa sinh(θ)
r !
3 1 1
= πa πa arsinh + 1+
2 πa πa
2 Derivatives
Definition 2.1. Let f : Rn → R, then the partial derivative of f with respect to xk is:
∂f f (x1 , . . . , xk + h, . . . , xn ) − f (x1 , . . . , xk , . . . , xn )
(x1 , . . . , xn ) := lim
∂xk h→0 h
f (x + hv) − f (x)
(Dv f )(x) := lim
h→0 h
Definition 2.3.
∂f ∂f
∇f (x) := (x), . . . , (x)
∂x1 ∂xn
A useful approximation is: f (x + h) ≈ f (x) + h · ∇f (x)
So (Dv f )(x) = v · ∇f (x) = kvkk∇f (x)k cos θ
MA134 Geometry & Motion 5
θ = 0 gives maximum gradient, θ = π gives minimum gradient, θ = π ± 2 gives the direction for level
d d dr ∂f dx ∂f dy ∂f dz
g(t) = f (r(t)) = ∇f (r(t)) · (t) = + +
dt dt dt ∂x dt ∂y dt ∂z dt
or more generally:
dg X ∂f dxi
dt i=1
∂xi dt
X Z b
Area = lim f (xi )∆xi = f (x).dx
n→∞ a
X ZZ Z d Z b
Volume = lim f (xi )∆Ai = f.dA = f (x, y).dx .dy
n→∞ Ω c a
Z bZ h(x) Z dZ η(y)
V = f (x, y).dy.dx V = f (x, y).dx.dy
a g(x) c ξ(y)
a ≤ x ≤ b, ξ(y) ≤ x ≤ η(y),
where: Ω = (x, y) : where: Ω = (x, y) :
g(x) ≤ y ≤ h(x) c≤y≤d
Note 3.3. Area = Ω
We also have:
X ZZZ Z bZ dZ f
lim f (xi )∆Vi = f.dV = f (x, y, z).dz.dy.dx
n→∞ Ω a c e
a ≤ x ≤ b,
where: Ω = (x, y, z) : g(x) ≤ y ≤ h(x)
ξ(x, y) ≤ z ≤ η(x, y)
Note 3.4. Volume = Ω
Definition 3.5. Centre of Mass: For a body with density ρ(x, y, z), let
x̄ = xρ.dV
ȳ = yρ.dV
z̄ = zρ.dV
where ZZZ
M= ρ.dV
∆A = ∆r∆θ r
so ZZ
V = f (r, θ)r.dr.dθ
θ r
∆V = ∆r∆θ∆z r
so Z Z Z
V = f (r, θ, z)θ
θ r z
x = ρ sin φ cos θ
y = ρ sin φ sin θ
z = ρ cos θ
∆V = ∆ρ∆φ∆θρ2 sin φ
so ZZZ Z Z Z
f.dV = f (ρ, θ, φ)ρ2 sin φ.dρ.dθ.dφ
Ω φ θ ρ
MA134 Geometry & Motion 7
Example 4.4 (Triple integrals and spherical coordinates). Find the mass of the following region
Ω = (x, y, z) ∈ R : x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 5, x2 + y 2 ≤ z 2 , z ≥ 0
Step 1: Draw a picture (I leave space here for you to practise this essential skill)
Step 2: Notice from your picture that this is just a portion of a sphere and hence it may be best to
use spherical coordinates.
Step 3: Reparameterise the domain using spherical coordinates
n π o
Ω = (θ, ϕ, ρ) ∈ R : 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ , 0 ≤ ρ ≤ 5
f (θ, ϕ, ρ) = f (ρ) = ρ2 + 1
Step 5: Integrate
ZZZ Z 2π Z π/4 Z 5
f.dV = (ρ2 + 1)ρ2 sin(ϕ).dρ.dϕ.dθ
Ω 0 0 0
Notice we can split the integral
Z 2π Z π/4 Z 5
= .dθ sin(ϕ).dϕ ρ4 + ρ2 .dρ
0 0 0
iπ/4 ρ5 3 5
h ρ
= 2π − cos ϕ +
0 5 3 0
2000 2 − 2 π
so: !
ZZ Z Z ∂x ∂x
∂u ∂v
f.dA = f (ψ(u, v)) det .dv.du
∂y ∂y
| u{z v}
∂u ∂v
Denote !
∂x ∂x
∂u ∂v ∂(x, y)
∂y ∂y
∂u ∂v
∂(u, v)
so: ZZZ Z Z Z
∂(x, y, z)
f.dV = f (ψ(u, v, w)) det .dw.dv.du
Ω u v w ∂(u, v, w)
| {z }
6 Line Integrals
Definition 6.1. The arclength parameterisation (or natural parameterisation) is a parameterisation
r(t) of a curve C s.t. ∀s ∈ [0, T ] where `(C) = T we have
Z s
d d
kr(t)k.dt = s=1
ds 0 ds
=⇒ kr 0 (s)k = 1
Note 6.2. When integrating, we often denote integrating with respect to an arc length parameterisation
by ds = kr̃ 0 (t)k.dt, where r̃ : [a, b] → Rn is any parameterisation of a curve C and r : [0, T ] → Rn is the
arclength parameterisation of the curve C i.e:
Z Z T Z b
f.ds = f (r(s)).ds = f (r(t))kr 0 (t)k.dt
C 0 a
ds = kr 0 (t)k.dt
Example 6.5 (Scalar line integral). Evaluate the line integral for a function
f (x, y) = x2 + y 2
r 0 (t) = (1, 1)
kr 0 (t)k = 2
The line integral differs only by the direction r traverses C i.e: by a factor of −1.
Definition 6.7. Gradient Fields are vector fields with the property that v = ∇f for some f : Rn → R
Theorem 6.8. Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals of Vector Fields: Let C be a curve in Rn , r :
[a, b] → Rn with endpoints a = r(a), b = r(b) & let v be a gradient field i.e: v = ∇f . Then
v.d` = f (b) − f (a)
i.e: The line integral of a gradient field depends only upon the end points and not the path taken.
Corly 6.9. I
v.d` = 0 ⇐⇒ v is a gradient field.
Where denotes integrating over a closed curve.
10 MA134 Geometry & Motion
Example 6.10 (Vector line integral). Evaluate the line integral for a vector field
Note 6.11. v = ∇f where f (x, y) = x2 + y 2 and C is a closed curve, so we could have arrived at this
result far quicker if we had used the fundamental theorem of line integrals. This is very useful to notice
in an exam!
7 Surface Integrals
Note 7.1. For curves we have: r : I → Rn , I = [a, b]
For surfaces: r : Ω → Rn Ω = [a, b] × [c, d]
Definition 7.2. The tangent plane to a surface r at the point (u0 , v0 ) is given by: p : R2 → R3 ,
(h, k) 7→ R3 , where
∂r ∂r
p(h, k) = r(u0 , v0 ) + h (u0 , v0 ) + k (u0 , v0 )
∂u ∂v
Definition 7.3. The normal vector to the tangent plane is given by
∂r ∂r n
n= × & n̂ =
∂u ∂v knk
f (x, y, z) = z
MA134 Geometry & Motion 11
Step 1: Draw a picture (I leave space here for you to practise this essential skill)
Step 2: Notice from your picture that this is just a portion of a sphere and hence it may be best to
parameterise using trigonometric functions.
S: r(θ, ϕ) = (cos θ sin ϕ, sin θ sin ϕ, cos ϕ) θ ∈ [0, 2π], ϕ ∈ [0, π/2]
Step 4: Evaluate the partial derivatives with respect to each of your parameters
= (− sin θ sin ϕ, cos θ sin ϕ, 0)
= (cos θ, cos ϕ, sin θ cos ϕ, − sin ϕ)
12 MA134 Geometry & Motion
Step 5: Calculate
∂θ ×
∂r ∂r
∂θ × ∂ϕ
= k(− sin θ sin ϕ, cos θ sin ϕ, 0) × (cos θ, cos ϕ, sin θ cos ϕ, − sin ϕ)k
(− cos θ sin2 ϕ, − sin θ sin2 ϕ, − sin2 θ sin ϕ cos ϕ − cos2 θ sin ϕ cos ϕ)
∂r ∂r
∂r ∂r
n̂ =
∂u ∂v
, dS =
∂r × ∂r
∂u ∂v
∂u ∂v
hence ZZ ZZ
∂r ∂r
v · n̂.dS = v· × .du.dv
S Ω ∂u ∂v
Example 7.8 (Flux integral). Find the flux of the vector field
v(x, y) = (−4y, x, 0)
Step 1: Notice that steps 1–5 will be identical to the previous example, but we don’t need to find the
magnitude of the cross product. Again, it will save time in an exam if you spot things like this.
Step 2 (or 6): Use previous work to calculate the flux integral
ZZ Z 2π Z π/2
∂r ∂r
v · n̂.dS = v(r(θ, ϕ)) · × .dϕ.dθ
S 0 0 ∂θ ∂ϕ
Z 2π Z π/2
= v(cos θ sin ϕ, sin θ sin ϕ, cos ϕ)
0 0
·(− cos θ sin2 ϕ, − sin θ sin2 ϕ, − sin ϕ cos ϕ).dϕ.dθ
Z 2π Z π/2
= (−4 sin θ sin2 ϕ, cos θ sin2 ϕ, 0)
0 0
·(− cos θ sin2 ϕ, − sin θ sin2 ϕ, − sin ϕ cos ϕ).dϕ.dθ
Z 2π Z π/2
= 4 sin θ cos θ sin3 ϕ − sin θ cos θ sin3 ϕ.dϕ.dθ
0 0
Notice we can split the integral
Z 2π Z π/2
= 3 sin θ cos θ.dθ sin3 ϕ.dϕ
0 0
3 2π
Z Z π/2
= sin 2θ.dθ sin ϕ − cos2 ϕ sin ϕ.dϕ
2 0 0
3h i2π h 1 iπ/2
= cos 2θ cos ϕ + cos3 ϕ
2 | {z 0 } 3 0
= 0
8 Critical Points
When ∇f = 0, let
Here is a duck: