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Mechanical Properties of High Calcium Flyash Geopolymer Concrete

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www.cafetinnova.org ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 09, No. 03 June 2016, P.P.21-25

Mechanical Properties of High Calcium Flyash Geopolymer

Department of Civil engineering, K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
Email: prabhacsamy@gmail.com, revthiru2002@yahoo.com

Abstract: The present study deals with the mechanical properties of High Calcium Fly Ash Geopolymer
Concrete (HCFA GPC). A preliminary study was made on high calcium fly ash geopolymer mortar by varying
sodium based alkaline activator to binder ratio to find an ideal composition. Alkaline activators were the mixture
of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na 2SiO3. Based on the compressive strength of high calcium
fly ash geopolymer mortar, the optimum mix combination was arrived for the further study on concrete. Upon
the optimum mix combination, mechanical properties such as compressive strength, split tensile strength and
modulus of elasticity were further determined. Test results depict that strength properties of HCFA GPC were
marginally higher under steam curing than ambient curing.
Keywords: Geopolymer, High Calcium fly ash, Alkaline activator, Steam Curing, Strength Properties

1. Introduction Among various source materials, low calcium fly ash

(LCFA) is extensively used for geopolymer owing to
Manufacturing of Portland cement is an energy
its easy availability and enhanced properties. [15].As
intensive process and releases a large amount of
well, abundant work on geopolymer has been reported
greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Recently,
with the use of low calcium fly ash. Despite, a quite
another form of cementations materials using silicon
reasonable work is carried out with the use of high
and aluminum activated in a high alkali solution was
calcium fly ash for geopolymer. High calcium fly ash
developed. It is referred as geopolymer or alkali-
(HCFA) also contains a considerable amount of silica
activated binder. Geopolymers was first developed by
and alumina. [16]. High calcium fly ash has few
Davidovits, which consists of SiO4 and AlO4
drawbacks compared to low calcium fly ash in
tetrahedral networks [1-3]. Alumina silicate reactive
geopolymer. The early age compressive strength of
materials dissolve in strong alkaline solutions and free
high calcium fly ash geopolymers attains under high
SiO4 and AlO4 tetrahedral structure forms. It is also
pressure and high temperatures of curing to get the
well known that geopolymers possess excellent
similar strength of ordinary Portland cement binder
mechanical properties [4].
[17-19]. While molarity of NaOH as 8M is found
Several factors such as curing mode, curing suitable for LCFA, HCFA needs 10M for the
temperature, alkaline liquid to binder ratio, molarity geopolymer synthesis [20-22].
of sodium hydroxide, ratio of sodium hydroxide to
Turkish construction industry promoted HCFA
sodium silicate solution are the key factors in
geopolymer for both cast-in-place and precast
developing geopolymeric reaction [5-8]. The
concrete products. Steam curing was applied to
geopolymer mixtures may be subjected to curing
develop adequate compressive strength for form
either at room temperature or at a given temperature.
removal at age 1-day [23].Compressive strength and
It is mentioned that the reaction of the fly ash in the
microstructure of HCFA geopolymer depend upon
production of geopolymers is low at ambient
mass of water to fly ash ratio and [19-21]. The
temperatures [9]. The geopolymer concrete achieves
annual output of lignite fly ash from Neyveli Lignite
high compressive strength at given temperatures
Corporation station 28.5 million tons per annum at
between 40 to 95C [10]. Yunfen et al. [11] Neyveli and one open cast lignite mine of capacity 2.1
demonstrated the influence of concentration and
million tonnes per annum. This fly ash contains a high
modulus (SiO2: N2O) of sodium silicate solutions and
percentage of calcium and is being used quite
curing mode in geopolymers prepared. It can be seen extensively for construction in Tamilnadu. The
that the compressive strength increased with increase knowledge of the use of high calcium lignite fly ash in
in modulus of sodium silicate solution. However,
producing geopolymer would be beneficial to increase
when the modulus exceeds 1.4, compressive strength
the scope of HCFA.
decreased [12]. Also, elevated temperatures can
increase the early strength buildup of the samples. In the above background, the present study made an
However, the later strength after 7 days was the same attempt to determine the mechanical properties of
at irrespective of different temperature [13, 14]. HCFA geopolymer concrete under ambient curing and
steam curing. In this respect, a preliminary study was

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proposed on HCFA geopolymer mortar by varying curing the casted specimens were demoulded on the
sodium alkaline activator to binder ratio to find the next day and kept in room temperature until the day of
ideal composition for the study in concrete. testing. In case of steam curing the casted specimens
Accordingly, the mechanical properties include were kept in steam curing chamber at 60ºC for 24
compressive strength, split tensile strength and hours to activate the geopolymerisation of
modulus of elasticity to substantiate the development geopolymer specimens were demoulded and kept in
of HCFA geopolymer concrete. room temperature until the day of testing.
2. Experimental Details 2.3 Experimental Work
2.1 Materials 2.3.1 Compressive strength of HCFA Geopolymer
Fly ash used in this work was collected from Neyveli
Lignite Corporation in Cuddalore district of Mortar cube of size 70.6 mm x 70.6 mm x 70.6 mm
Tamilnadu. The chemical composition of high were casted. Compressive strength of HCFA
calcium fly ash is shown in Table 1. The CaO content geopolymer mortar was measured using 200 tons
of fly ash used reveals that it is categorized as high capacity compressive testing machine at the age of 3,
calcium fly ash. Alkaline solution comprises of 7, 28, 56 and 91 days. In case of HCFA geopolymer
sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide. Coarse mortar specimens were cured under steam at 60°C for
aggregate of size 12 mm and 6 mm and fine aggregate one day and kept in room temperature up to the date
were used. The physical properties of fine and coarse of testing. The specimens curing in steam curing
aggregate are shown in Table 2. chamber is presented in fig 1.
Table 1 Chemical Composition of High Calcium Fly
S.NO Chemical composition Observed
1. Silica (SiO2) 63.11%
2. Calcium Oxide (CaO) 17.13%
3. Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 0.24%
4. Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) 5.03%
5. Aluminium Oxide (Al2O3) 19.58%
6. Sodium Oxide (Na2O) 0.29%
7. Potassium Oxide (K2O) 0.84%
8. Loss of Ignition (LOI) 1.55 %
Table 2 Physical Properties of fine and coarse
Fig.1 Specimens in steam curing chamber
2.3.2 Strength properties of HCFA geopolymer
Description Fine aggregate concrete
Specific gravity 2.55 2.70 On arriving, the ideal mix composition of HCFA
Bulk density 1791.1kg/m3 1689.32 kg/m3 geopolymer from compressive strength of mortar,
Fineness modules 2.6 6.50 strength properties was evaluated. Cubes of size 100
mm for compressive strength and cylinder of size 150
2.2 Mix Design of HCFA Geopolymer Mortar mm dia x 300 mm height for split tensile strength
Primarily HCFA geopolymer mortar was studied for were used. Strength of HCFA geopolymer was
finding the optimum composition of the mix. Trial determined under both ambient and steam curing. Fig
mixes were made by considering the various factors. 2 & 3 shows the testing of compression and split
The ratio of fly ash to sand ratio was 1:3. The tensile strength testing of the concrete specimens.
concentration of NaOH was kept as 10M. Alkaline
liquid to binder ratio was considered as 0.35, 0.40,
0.45 and 0.5. The sodium silicate to NaOH ratio by
mass was 2.5. The mixing was done at room
temperature. The mixing procedure started with
mixing of NaOH solution and sodium silicate
solution. This was followed by the addition of fly ash
for 5 min in a pan mixer. Sand was then added and
mixed for 5 min.
2.2.1 Curing of HCFA Geopolymer Mortar
Two types of curing were attempted for the mixes.
Ambient and steam curing were selected. In ambient Fig.2 Compression test

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 09, No. 03, June, 2016, pp. 21-25
Mechanical Properties of High Calcium Flyash Geopolymer Concrete 23

moderate up to 91 days. The maximum compressive

strength was noted as 37 MPa for liquid to binder
ratio 0.5 at the age of 28 days. Therefore, liquid to
binder ratio 0.5 is chosen as optimum combination.
This combination was selected for further study with
High Calcium Fly Ash GeoPolymer Concrete.

Fig.3 Split tensile strength test

2.3.3 Modulus of Elasticity
Cylinder of size 150 mm diameter and 300 mm height
was cast for modulus of elasticity of HCFA
geopolymer concrete. It was evaluated at the age of 28
days and testing is shown in Fig. 4. Compressometer
is attached over the specimen and the gauge length is
noted. The specimen is then placed in the
compression testing machine and carefully aligned for
concentric loading. The load was applied gradually
and the compressometer reading was noted at every 5 Fig 5: Compressive strength of High Calcium Fly Ash
division deflection. After reaching about 80% of the GeoPolymer Mortar
ultimate load the compressometer grip was released
3.2 Compressive strength of HCFA GPC
and the load continued until failure. Stress – strain
graph was plotted for every specimen and the elastic The compressive strength of HCFA GPC was
modulus was calculated. determined at the age of 7, 28, 56 days in both
ambient and steam curing. The results indicates that
specimens cured under steam curing provided has the
compressive strength of 33.8N/mm2 which was 15%
higher compressive strength than specimens cured in
ambient curing at the age of 28 days. Fig. 6 depicts
the compressive strength of HCFA GPC.

Fig. 4 Compressive modulus of elasticity Test on

3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Compressive strength of HCFA geopolymer
The compressive strength test results of HCFA
geopolymer mortar is displayed in Fig.5. The
compressive strength of HCFA geopolymer mortar
increases with increase in liquid to binder ratio. It was
found 0.5 as ideal liquid to binder ratio. It is quite
obvious that compressive strength increased with Fig. 6 Compressive strength of HCFA GPC
increase in age.
3.3 Split tensile Strength of HCFA GPC
Besides, the rate of strength development is slow at
early age. It is surprising to note that substantial The split tensile strength of HCFA GPC determined at
geopolymeric reaction developed at the age of 7 days. the age of 7, 28, 56 days in both ambient and steam
However beyond 7 days, the progress in strength is curing. Similar to compressive strength, the

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 09, No. 03, June, 2016, pp. 21-25

specimens cured at steam curing provided better 2) Steam cured HCFA geopolymer concrete
results than specimens cured at ambient curing. The specimens achieved 16% higher compressive
steam curing specimens was attained 3.34N/mm2 strength than ambient cured specimens.
which was 18% of higher strength than the ambient 3) Split tensile strength of steam cured HCFA
curing specimens at the age of 28 days. Fig. 7 geopolymer concrete had 18% higher value than
represents the split tensile strength of HCFA GPC. the ambient cured specimens.
4) Modulus of elasticity HCFA geopolymer
concrete showcased only small variations among
steam cured and ambient cured condition
5) Hence, it is concluded that the steam curing is
better than ambient curing for HCFA GPC.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to acknowledge KSR College of
Engineering, Trichengode, Tamilnadu for the facility
and support extended for the research work.
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ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 09, No. 03, June, 2016, pp. 21-25

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