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Early Christian

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Lecture by Prof Chitra Srivastava
•Christianity was born in Judea
– a place in eastern province of the Roman empire, which spread
towards the north & west even against the backdrop of great
opposition & ultimately it was accepted as state religion.

•The formulation phase of Christianity & its architecture can be

considered from Constantine period (300 AD) to Charlemagne (800
AD – French ruler).
•The development of Christian Architecture thus can be divided
into the following phases:
300 AD 800 AD 1200 AD 1500 AD 1700 AD


Historical Background….
• The Early Christian architecture started in two prominent locations centered at Rome and
• Early Christian Architecture occurred in Rome and in areas around Rome.
• From the two focal points Early Christian Architecture spread to other areas in the
European and Asian region.
Social Characteristics & Beliefs….

• The single most important social phenomenon of the Early Christian period
was the spread and acceptance of the Christian religion.

•During the period from the first century to the third century after the death
of Jesus, Christianity was a secret society.

•It was considered dangerous and subversive by the government.

Christians met secretly in tombs and private houses.

•Gradually, however, it spread and became widely accepted in Asia minor and
in Rome itself.

•By the third century, Rome had a population of 50,000 Christians.

•The religion was tolerated but it was still illegal.

Architectural Characteristics….

• • The term early Christian architecture refers to the architecture of the early
Christian churches of the Roman Era.

• This is further divided into two types; the basilica church and the alternative church

• With Christianity widely accepted as a state religion in Rome it was necessary for
architecture to respond to the demands of the religion for worship space.

• Mode of worship was the most important determinant of the form of the church.

• The requirements include:-

 A path for processional entry and exit of the priesthood

 An altar area, where the clergy celebrate mass
 A space for the segregation of the clergy from the congregation during procession
and communion
 Burial space.
• Highly-influenced by Roman art and architecture


• Further development of trusses - king and queen post trusses
Basilica Church Type

• The early churches were generally simple and functional in their design. • The
emphasis was centered on the act of Christian worship.

• The architecture of the church that developed was not a completely new style, but
the use of available Roman forms to satisfy a new program need.

• The form chosen for the early church was the Roman basilica.

• It was suitable for use as a church with no serious modification and it could be easily
and rapidly built at low cost.

• The Basilica was also preferred because of the emphasis on participation in mass.

• The most common form of the early churches had a rectangular hall with a timber
trussed roof.

• It also had one or two isles on each side of a central nave and an apse at one end
facing the principal entrance located at the other end.


• Roman basilicas as models.

• Usually erected over the burial place of the saint to whom it

was dedicated.

• Unlike Greek and Roman temples which sheltered gods, the

purpose of the Christian church was to shelter worshippers.

• Came in a complex, with cathedral, belfry or campanile, and


• Fine sculptures and mosaics worked into new basilicas

• Paid little regard to external architectural effect

• Entrance at west

• Priest stood behind altar, facing east

•Unlike the earlier Roman phase, the
interiors were give more importance
than exterior.
•Rectangular hall, timber-roofed with
coffers & richly glided ceiling (hiding
the roof truss) on nave.
•Usually with one or two aisles to
each side of the central nave
separated by rows of rustic marble
columns, sometimes carrying flat
entablatures & sometimes, rows of
•The width of aisles was half that of
the central nave.
•Apse at one end facing the principal
entrances at the other end.
•Bema / Transept – a raised platform
where altar was placed & from
where the clergy officiated.
•A atrium courtyard having a central
fountain for ablutions & surrounded
by colonnaded ambulatory.


The flooring was of grey-white & black marble, inlaid with geometric patterns of coloured
marble. The columns, capitals & similar features from old Roman buildings were frequently
reused to enhance the liveliness of the interiors.

In the new churches, arches were more often used to span between columns of a colonnade
instead of flat entablatures.


Triumphal arch

Old St. Peter's Basilica from the 4th century AD, began on 18 April 1506 and was completed
on 18 November 1626.
• St Peter was the most
important of the
basilica churches built
by Constantine.

• The church has a triple

entrance gate leading
to an atrium.

• The Basilica had a

wooden roof of
interlocking rafters.
St. Peter's is the most renowned work of Renaissance architecture and the largest church in the
Santa Sabina

View down the nave toward the apse, Basilica of Santa Sabina, c. 432 C.E., Rome
Exterior view of the apse, Basilica of Santa
Sabina, c. 432 C.E., Rome
View of the aisle, Basilica of Santa Sabina, c. 432 C.E., Rome
The architect was particularly aware of the light effects in an interior space like this.

The glass tiles of the mosaics would create a shimmering effect and the walls
would appear to float.

Light would have been understood as a symbol of divinity.

Light was a symbol for Christ. The emphasis in this architecture is on the spiritual effect
and not the physical
Alternative Church Form….

• The rectangular basilica was not the only form adopted for the early

• Alternative more centralized plans, with a focus on a central vertical axis

rather than a longitudinal horizontal one were also adopted occasionally.

• The centralized churches were of two broad types.

• There were the completely circular church.

• These had a circular or octagonal space surrounded by an ambulatory.

Examples of these include Saint Constanza Rome, the lateran Baptistery Rome
and Saint Stefano Rotondo.
Baptistery Church Form
The Baptistery of Constantine, Rome (A.D. 430–440) built near the Lateran Church
by Sixtus III, and not by Constantine to whom it is generally attributed, is among
the oldest of Italian baptisteries, of which it was probably the model.

•It is octagonal in shape according to plan.

• The roof is supported by a two-storeyed ring of eight porphyry and marble

columns taken from old pagan buildings, while in the centre is an old Roman bath
of green basalt converted into a font
Round Alternative Form (St Constanza)
Round Alternative Form (St Constanza)

• This was a church originally designed

as a mausoleum for Emperor
Constantine’s daughter.

• It was designed as a centralized


• It is symmetrical in plan with a domed

central space.
• The domed central space was ringed
by an arcade with 12 pairs of double
• Beyond the arcade is an encircling
• A barrel vault is used to roof the
a projecting support of stone or brick built
against a wall.

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