Small Ruminant Neonatology 2008
Small Ruminant Neonatology 2008
Small Ruminant Neonatology 2008
Krista Cook
An estimated 90% of lamb mortality occurs perinatally (Hindson, Manual, 65). This can
be significantly reduced with supervision. Hindson states that 10-12% of lambs die
within the first 72 hours, but under strict supervision this statistic falls to 1-2%. Care
must not only include the lamb or kid, but also the prenatal health of the dams. Annually,
4-6% of ewes die with three-quarters of those deaths occurring at or near lambing
(Hindson, Manual, 65). Management protocols and skilled shepherds play a key role in
prepartum care of ewes and does, care of neonatal small ruminants, and the common
Late pregnancy nutrition is an essential part of prepartum care of ewes and does.
Approximately 70% of a lamb’s birth weight is gained during the last six weeks of
gestation (Boden, 33). If the ewe is underfed at this time and is carrying multiple fetuses,
pregnancy toxemia may develop. Pregnancy toxemia is a metabolic disorder where there
(Matthews, 107). Instead of carbohydrates being used to synthesize glucose, lipids must
This leads to accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood and may result in signs of
lipid accumulation (Martin, 315). Pregnancy toxemia is more likely to occur in does that
are obese with multiple fetuses.(Matthews, 107) Clinical signs are similar in sheep and
goats and include inappetence, separation from the herd, unwillingness to move, aimless
blindness, tremors, recumbency, coma and death in a heavily pregnant animal (Martin,
315; Matthews, 108). Pathologically, severe hepatic lipidosis is the basis of these signs.
Additionally, brain lesions have been observed that are similar to those observed in
may play a role (Martin 316). Diagnosis is strongly supported by clinical signs. A
positive ketostik analysis of milk or urine and a low blood glucose concentration (≤1.5
mmol/L) are both supportive of the diagnosis in addition to an elevated serum beta-
aqueous humor and cerebrospinal fluid in similar amounts as the blood, and
concentrations in these fluids remain unaltered up to 6 hours after death (Martin, 316).
Demonstration of elevated liver enzyme activity may be useful in ewes, but is not usually
Rapid recovery may follow removal of the fetus either through induction of parturition or
dexamethasone can be beneficial but will take 36-48 hours (Martin, 317). In does, after
intramuscularly and parturition will occur in 24-48 hours (Matthews, 15). The dam could
also be treated solely with the following medical protocol by the shepherd. Administer
hours later. If this protocol does not work the veterinarian should treat with 100 ml of
40% dextrose IV plus 50 ml of 20% calcium IV. Martin states that it may take days for
the plasma glucose to return to normal so the dextrose injections must be repeated every
few hours even if the dam improves and starts eating again (Martin, 317). Treatment can
without removing the fetus from the dam. It is wiser to prevent this disease than to treat
it. Dams should be sorted based on body condition score two months prior to lambing
and fed accordingly. Also fetal numbers can be obtained by ultrasound and dams can be
sorted depending on the number of fetuses found (Martin, 317). Similar preventions can
be undertaken for does keeping in mind that obese does have an increased risk of
pregnancy toxemia. Does should be watched carefully in the dry period and not allowed
outbreaks may result from errors in mixed rations, incorrect mineral supplementation,
and stress-related activities (moving, mixing and dog worry). In non-milking sheep the
highest demand for calcium occurs 3-4 weeks prior to parturition due to calcification of
fetal bones. Ewes with clinical hypocalcemia will become isolated from the flock and
attain sternal recumbency (unable to raise themselves from their knees). They become
weak, depressed and unable to stand even when supported within 2-6 hours. Bloat may
develop due to rumen stasis and the rectum may be flaccid and may contain pellets of
dried feces. Passive reflux of rumen contents may occur as well as stridor. The diagnosis
of 40% calcium borogluconate solution given over 30-60 seconds (Scott 282-283)
Predisposing factors include overweight dams, multiple pregnancies, high fiber diets,
coughing, straining and genetic predisposition. A red, round ball of tissue of varying size
protruding from the vulva confirms the diagnosis. Treatments range from suturing the
vulva closed with a horizontal mattress pattern or Buhner suture, or use of a prolapse
commonly used in goats because it often causes a vaginitis, further straining and it is
difficult to attach to short-coated dairy breeds. The Buhner suture is used more
commonly used in goats, but must be removed before kidding (Matthews, 46). The cause
fiber content in the ration can be helpful. Moistening or changing dusty feed and treating
for lungworms may reduce coughing. Straining is a major cause of vaginal prolapse and
the source usually remains unknown. Coccidia have been implicated in some cases and
treatment with sulfa drugs may reduce straining in such cases. A lidocaine epidural may
be used to break the straining cycle (2 ml of 2% lidocaine solution). An injection of
flunixin meglumine (150-250 mg IM) may also decrease straining. As a last resort a long
acting epidural of lidocaine and isopropyl or ethyl alcohol are occasionally used but have
detrimental side effects that include permanent paralysis of the tail, incontinence and
permanent paralysis of the hind limbs. If the control of straining is not successful, the
Minchev technique can be used. This is the same technique used in cattle, where the
dorsal vaginal wall is sutured to the outside of the gluteal area. Since this condition
usually recurs likely has a genetic basis, affected animals should be culled. Body weight
should also be monitored, especially in dams that have not given birth, to avoid excessive
condition (Bulgin).
administered selenium and vitamin E prior to lambing. There are various protocols and
the following (Table 1) is just an example of one from Dr. Marie Bulgin at the Caine
Table 1
• Anthelmintic
Many production ranches will shear the perineum of ewes, which is called
‘crutching’. This aids shepherds in identifying parturient ewes and is thought to limit
When parturition is near the dam will select a birthing site. This is usually away
from the rest of the flock. Isolation increases the mother-offspring relationship while
minimizing the risk of interference by other pre-parturient ewes. Nowak states that
twenty percent of pre-parturient Merino ewes may be attracted to lambs of other ewes.
This may include brief inspection, grooming, suckling and even stealing of the newborn.
This alien lamb is usually abandoned when the ewe delivers her own offspring (Norwak).
The dam may also seek shelter for parturition. However this depends on weather, pre-
lamb shearing and breed. Lastly, the exact site of birth is usually determined by the place
where the fetal fluids are first expelled (Norwak). First stage labor includes the above
birth site seeking behavior. It also includes dilation of the cervix which usually takes 3-6
hours, less in multiparous dams. Pawing at the ground and lying/standing alternately are
also signs of first stage labor. These increased periods of activity occur every 15 minutes.
There are also abdominal contractions at this time and the alllantochorion appears at the
vulva. The contractions and straining occur more frequently and this increased activity
coincides with a change in fetal position, with the extension of the forelimbs (Scott, 37).
the fetus(es). There is rupture of the allantochorion, with a rush of fluid. The amniotic
sac appears at the vulva and may rupture at this stage or not until the ewe expels the fetus
and stands up. This is not uncommon in multiple births and may lead to asphyxia. The
interval between offspring is 10-60 minutes. If longer than 60 minutes has passed and
additional fetuses are suspected, then intervention should be considered (Scott, 37-38)
Third stage labor lasts 2-3 hours and is characterized by the expulsion of fetal
The main focus of this paper is neonatal care, therefore the large topic of
obstetrics can only be briefly mentioned here. Dystocia in small ruminants is very
should be performed and the presentation, position and posture of the fetus determined.
Good hygiene such as wearing arm-length disposable gloves and washing the vulva with
Once the offspring has been born it should stand and nurse in about 15-60 minutes
(Scott, 87). The neonate finds the udder by nuzzling along the ventral side of the mother
spending time in the axillary and inguinal areas of the udder until the teat is found
(Nowak). The offspring should consume 50 ml/kg of colostrum within the first hour of
life and 200 ml/kg during the first 24 hours of life (Scott, 87). This is a sufficient amount
to avoid hypothermia in outdoor and indoor offspring and to protect offspring against
gastrointestinal infections which cause ‘watery mouth’ or diarrhea (Melling, 49). If the
dam lacks a sufficient amount or quality of colostrum, then spare ewe, goat or cow
colostrum can be used. Only colostrum from goats that have tested negative for caprine-
arthritis-encephalitis should be used because the virus associated with CAE is spread
readily in milk, and since this disease is similar to maedi-visna in sheep, it may pose a
threat to lambs. Cow colostrum can be used but there are two important sequelae to note.
First, cow colostrum contains fewer nutrients than ewe colostrum so the volume required
should be increased by 20-40%. Secondly, colostrum from cows should only be fed to
lambs or kids for the first day of life because prolonged feeding of cow colostrum may
cause hemolytic anemia. If using any of the previously listed colostrum sources, if the
dam has been vaccinated against clostridial disease these antibodies will transfer to the
Hypothermia is a very real threat to newborn kids and lambs. Exposure, mis-
mothering and failure to suckle all lead to hypothermia (Matthews, 60). During
gestation, the offspring have accumulated brown adipose tissue and carbohydrate deposits
in the muscle and liver. These stores will be used to maintain near-normal body
temperature (around 39-40 C) for a period of hours after birth. The length of time these
stores will last depends on the mothering ability of the dam (licking the lamb dry and
finding shelter), the weather conditions and other factors. The offspring needs to
consume colostrum before these reserves are exhausted or body temperature will fall.
Once body temperature falls 2-3 degrees (to 37 C or below), the suckle reflex is no longer
intact and the lamb will die of starvation if there is no intervention (Martin, 59). It is
important to identify hypothermic lambs and kids and to treat them appropriately. In
determining the treatment plan, the age of the offspring in hours should be estimated
(either >5 h or <5 h). The rectal temperature should be noted as well as the level of
consciousness. The reason for hypothermia should be assessed. The dam should be
examined for lack of milk or udder disease and the offspring should be towel dried if wet
and examined for abnormalities. Neonates with rectal temperatures less than 37 C and
under five hours of age will still have metabolizable energy to draw upon. Therefore
these offspring should be warmed until their temperature reaches 37 C, then removed
from the heat sources and fed. Neonates with rectal temperatures less than 37 C and over
five hours of age will be hypoglycemic to some degree. It is important to supply these
patients with energy before re-warming to prevent hypoglycemic seizures. If the lamb or
kid can hold its head up than giving colostrum/milk by stomach tube is appropriate. If
the neonate is semi-conscious or comatose then the swallow reflex will be absent and an
20% solution of glucose at body temperature. To give the injection, hold the neonate
between the knees and using a 1 inch, 9 gauge needle give the injection 1 cm to the side
and 2 cm below the umbilicus, directing the needle towards the lamb’s tail-head (45
Below is a figure from Manual of Sheep Diseases that depicts the treatment plans
There are many instances when lambs and kids will need to be fed via a stomach
tube. This is an essential skill that shepherds should master. Feeding lambs by stomach
tube decreases the chance of inhalation of milk when weak lambs are bottle-fed and there
is decreased risk of the lamb becoming “human oriented” and unwilling to suckle its
mother. The tip of the tube is inserted into the rumen where the milk is deposited.
Attempts to enter the abomasum are rarely successful and may cause the lamb
discomfort. There are rubber and plastic feeding tubes, though the rubber tubes are less
likely to cause trauma. The tubes typically come with a funnel-type holder. It is usually
easier to use a syringe instead of waiting for fluid to flow through the funnel. Spillage
with the funnel is also common. Below are directions for placement of a stomach tube as
protective reflexes which prevent intratracheal intubation are absent (Boden, 55).
failure of colostrum ingestion. This bond ensures that the dam dries, protects and feeds
her offspring. These maternal behaviors are under physiological control. Rising estrogen
and genital tract stimulation during birth are the cause of the dam’s motivation to lick and
to be generally receptive of any offspring. Licking the offspring introduces the dam to
the unique odor of their young, dries the young off and stimulates respiration. It also
elicits vocal and behavioral responses from the offspring including teat searching. This
general receptiveness of the dam usually lasts 3-5 hours after birth. Once this time has
past the dam will only be receptive to her own offspring (Martin, 46). In intensive
lambing/kidding (indoor) situations it is best to pen the dam and offspring together at the
place of parturition for at least one hour to solidify the maternal bond (Norwak).
When the maternal bonds fails to form or breaks down then fostering neonates
becomes necessary. There are a variety of techniques for fostering lambs and kids.
Boden supports using an Elizabethan collar on the dam. The collar prevents the dam
from seeing or smelling the foster neonate. The plastic must be trimmed to the end of the
nose of the dam so that she can graze comfortably (Boden 57-58). Other techniques
involve dunking the lamb or kid in warm water and then letting the ewe lick it off. Salt
can also be used. Using stocks to keep the ewe confined so that the lamb may nurse has
also been used. Lastly fastening the skin of the dam’s dead lamb over the neonate to be
When fostering fails then neonates are raised as orphans. The feeding schedule
for these animals can be simplified by age. For the first 12 hours the newborn should be
fed colostrum every 2 to 4 hours. After this time for up to 2-3 weeks the lamb or kid
should be fed warm milk 3 to 4 times a day. Once they are 3 weeks of age, cold milk can
be fed twice daily. Lastly, West notes that pasture and hay should be made available from
Congenital diseases of lambs and kids are not rare and veterinarians should be
deficiency. Offspring born to copper deficient dams may have one of two forms of the
disease. The congenital form is apparent at birth and is usually more severe in nature.
The delayed form, usually not clinically appreciable for several weeks after birth, may be
inapparent unless the flock is driven. Affected lambs have a tendency to sway on their
feet and are uncoordinated. They may also display muscle tremors and head shaking.
The dams may have a band of uncrimped wool of low tensile strength. In colored breeds
the band may lack pigment (Martin, 336). The diagnosis is made based on clinical signs,
low plasma copper concentrations (>9 umol/L is normal), low liver copper concentrations
examination of the central nervous system (Matthews, 55). Treatment is unrewarding and
does not reverse the clinical signs. Prevention is more appropriate and can be achieved
using several methods. Fertilizers containing copper have been used with some efficacy
in Australia. Oral dosing of 1g of copper 4-8 weeks before parturition has been used to
prevent swayback. Copper can also be added to feed supplements. Lastly, chelated
copper can be injected (SC or IM) but has drawbacks including local tissue inflammation
Pestivirus (family Togaviridae). Affected offspring may be small and weak, while others
will show abnormal body conformation, tremor and hairy fleece with abnormal body
pigmentation (“hairy shakers”). If normal newborn or adult sheep are infected with the
virus the resulting disease is mild or inapparent and the virus is eliminated in
approximately 11-14 days. In the pregnant ewe the virus crosses the placenta and infects
the fetus within one week. The offspring are either born with abnormalities (as described
above), or are aborted or still born. Pre-colostral blood samples will contain detectable
amounts of Border Disease Virus. Histopathology of the CNS shows myelin deficiency
and increased hair follicles on histopathology of the skin. Virus isolation can be
performed on tissue from the spleen, kidney, brain, lymph nodes and thyroid. Control
requires identifying carries and removing them from the flock. In the face of an outbreak
the entire lamb/kid crop and the dams suspected of introducing it should be removed
the lower eyelids roll inwards and the hair rubs on the surface of the cornea resulting in
with an injection of long lasting procaine penicillin into the lower lid, effectively everting
the lid away from the cornea. Michel clips can also be used as well as a vertical mattress
sutures. In the most severe cases surgery must be performed to remove a strip of skin
from the lower eyelid. Entropion is an inherited condition and rams that produce
uncommon but may affect lambs and kids less than four days old. In intensive situations
there is rapid spread of disease. The enterotoxigenic strains have fimbriae that assist
attachment of the bacterium to the enterocytes, and they produce enterotoxin that
interferes with normal water and electrolyte transport mechanisms. This causes a
secretory diarrhea and rapid dehydration. Clinical signs include profuse yellow diarrhea,
and weakness, dehydration and death within 24 hours of onset of clinical signs.
Diagnosis is made by fecal culture and serotyping for K99 and F41 fimbrial antigens.
Treatment begins with isolation of the dam and offspring pair. Oral electrolytes are
warranted. Systemic antibiotics are not necessary because the bacterium does not invade
the gut wall and affected individuals do not develop a bacteremia. On farms that have a
history with this disease, vaccination of the dams eight and four weeks prior to parturition
will help control E. coli enteritis, however such infections rarely become endemic and
there may be no infection seen in following years even if no preventive action is taken.
The most economical plan may be to vaccinate all newly introduced breeding stock and
infection. This problem can be from existing abortions in small ruminants or from cattle.
In young kids and lambs the clinical signs appear rapidly and include dysentery,
dehydration, septicemia and death. Affected neonates may appear gaunt and have
abdominal pain with tenesmus. Fever may be seen initially, followed by subnormal body
temperature as the severity of the disease increases. Diagnosis is made by culture or PCR
forms the treatment for Salmonellosis. Prevention includes avoiding grazing of sheep
‘Watery mouth’, ‘slavers’, and ‘rattle belly’ are all synonyms for an infection with
E. coli in young lambs. Lambs are affected within 72 hours of birth with this rapidly
fatal disease. Clinical signs include profuse salivation, gut stasis, collapse and death. A
swollen, tense abomasum may develop in some lambs as a result of gas formation. This
can lead to respiratory distress. This disease is much more common in intensively
managed flocks. There is high mortality in affected lambs, despite treatment attempts,
thus prevention is the only logical approach. Failure to ingest adequate amounts of
colostrum is a major risk factor for this disease. The neutral pH of the abomasum and the
reduced mobility of the gut of the newborn lamb also allow the gram-negative bacteria to
rapidly multiply and bacteremia results. The endotoxins released by the death of E. coli
organisms produce the clinical signs seen with watery mouth. Diagnosis is based on the
history of the flock, the clinical signs and often non-specific post-mortem lesions. Many
illnesses in neonates may present with a similar appearance to watery mouth in their
terminal stages. Treatment is disappointing even when cases are detected early.
Electrolyte fluids, fortified with glucose and administered via stomach tube are
important. Avoid giving colostrum or milk by stomach tube because the lamb will not be
able to digest the food. Antibiotics are often indicated though they should be used in
The key to preventing this disease is to ensure adequate colostrum intake as early as
possible in the lamb’s life. Environmental cleanliness should also be a concern when
usually occur at the end of the lambing and kidding season. The disease initially affects
neonates of 1-4 days of age. Older offspring can be affected but the severity of the
disease is significantly decreased. In neonates, death usually occurs 2-12 hours after the
onset of clinical signs. The first signs are sudden death of the strongest and fastest
growing lambs. The lambs and kids may cease to suckle, vocalize continuously and have
a tucked-up appearance with obvious abdominal pain. Prostration and death with or
without central nervous signs can occur within hours. Dysentery may or may not be
present. The causative bacteria are ingested from the soil and the udder contaminated
with feces. The bacteria then proliferate and produce large quantities of beta and epsilon
toxins. The beta toxin is inactivated by trypsin and colostrum is a potent trypsin inhibitor
hence why the very young, well fed offspring likely succumb to this disease. Diagnosis
is made on history, clinical signs and necropsy findings of hemorrhagic enteritis with
ulceration of the intestinal mucosa. Lamb dysentery occurs in the UK, Europe and South
Africa, but is rare in North America. Treatment is not warranted due to the rapid
lambs and kids. This is not a common problem among producers though some ranches
may suffer substantial losses due to this disease. Neonates 12-72 hours of age are most
enterotoxemia outbreaks are seen in late winter and early spring during cold, wet and
windy periods. Lambs and kids will be anorexic, depressed, and develop tremors and
abdominal pain. Some will have diarrhea that is dark in color due to slight staining of
blood. The course of the disease is 6-12 hours ending in death for the majority of animals
with clinical signs. Diagnosis is made by detecting the beta toxin in intestinal contents.
lambs and kids. Animals can become infected from birth to four weeks of age. The
nature of the feces and the severity of depression are not helpful in diagnosing Rotavirus.
and its cause is unknown. It is common in the United States and affected kids have a
profound metabolic acidosis with a pH as low as 7.0 (normal 7.4 to 7.44), low serum
bicarbonate and a base deficit of 20 mmol or more. Serum sodium and chloride
concentrations are normal but serum potassium is increased due to the acidosis. Kids will
be normal at birth but develop signs of sudden and profound muscular weakness or ataxia
at 3-10 days of age. There is no diarrhea, respiratory disease or other signs specific for an
organ system. The kids can swallow, but cannot use their tongues. Mortality can reach
30-50% in untreated cases, though spontaneous recovery may occur. Treatment consists
Supportive care including milk fed via stomach tube is also helpful. More severe cases
(Matthews, 59-60).
the small intestine. It is transmitted feco-orally via the sporulated oocyst. This disease
affects neonates as young as 4 days old, but is more typically seen in 1-4 week old
animals. Kids and lambs will have diarrhea which leads to dehydration, anorexia,
stained fecal smears. The stain is typically Ziehl-Neelsen which the oocysts stain rose
pink to red against a blue-green background (Martin, 153-154). ELISA and IFA based
detection methods also exist. There is no specific treatment and symptomatic care
It causes only mild or subclinical disease in adults, but can cause severe disease in
The neonatal period is a crucial time during sheep and goat production. There are
many obstacles and again, good shepherding can lead to lower morbidity and mortality.
Understanding the concepts and diseases mentioned above can improve shepherding
skills and profitability for the industry. Being able to relay this information to our small