Cmip03c PDF
Cmip03c PDF
Cmip03c PDF
Strings and
C. Hull, A. Jaffe and M. Reid. The
early part of the school had many
lectures that introduced various
concepts of algebraic geometry
and string theory with a focus on
improving communication between
these two fields. During the latter Proceedings of the
part of the program there were also
a number of research level talks.
Clay Mathematics Institute
2002 Summer School
This volume contains a selection
of expository and research articles Isaac Newton Institute
by lecturers at the school, and Cambridge, United Kingdom
Proceedings of the
Clay Mathematics Institute
2002 Summer School
on Strings and Geometry
Isaac Newton Institute
Cambridge, United Kingdom
March 24–April 20, 2002
Michael Douglas
Jerome Gauntlett
Mark Gross
ISBN 0-8218-3715-X
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The 2002 Clay School on Geometry and String Theory was held at the Isaac
Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK from 24 March - 20
April 2002. It was organized jointly by the organizers of two concurrent workshops
at the Newton Institute, one on Higher Dimensional Complex Geometry organized
by Alessio Corti, Mark Gross and Miles Reid, and the other on M-theory orga-
nized by Robbert Dijkgraaf, Michael Douglas, Jerome Gauntlett and Chris Hull, in
collaboration with Arthur Jaffe, then president of the Clay Mathematics Institute.
This volume is one of two books which will provide the scientific record of the
school, and focuses on the topics of manifolds of special holonomy and supergravity.
Articles in algebraic geometry, Dirichlet branes and related topics are also included.
It begins with an article by Michael Douglas that provides an overview of the geom-
etry arising in string theory and sets the subsequent articles in context. A second
book, in the form of a monograph to appear later, will more systematically cover
mirror symmetry from the homological and SYZ points of view, derived categories,
Dirichlet branes, topological string theory, and the McKay correspondence.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we thank the directors of the Isaac
Newton Institute, H. Keith Moffatt and John Kingman, for their firm support.
We thank the Isaac Newton Institute staff, Wendy Abbott, Mustapha Amrani,
Tracey Andrew, Caroline Fallon, Jackie Gleeson, Louise Grainger, Robert Hunt,
Rebecca Speechley and Christine West, for their superlative job in bringing such
a large project to fruition, and providing the best possible environment for the
school. We thank the dining hall staff at Kings College, Magdelene College, Corpus
Christi College and Emmanuel College, and especially the Kings College singers, for
some memorable evenings. We thank the staff of the Clay Mathematics Institute,
and especially Barbara Drauschke, for their behind-the-scenes work, which made
the school possible. Finally we thank Arthur Greenspoon, Vida Salahi and Steve
Worcester for their efforts in helping to produce this volume.
Clay Mathematics Proceedings
Volume 3, 2004
Michael R. Douglas
Abstract. An overview of the geometry of string theory, which sets the var-
ious contributions to this proceedings in this context.
1. Introduction
The story of interactions between mathematics and physics is very long and
very rich, too much so to summarize in a few pages. But from the beginning, a
central aspect of this interaction has been the evolution of the concept of geometry,
from the static conceptions of the Greeks, through the 17th century development
of descriptions of paths and motions through a fixed space, to Einstein’s vision of
space-time itself as dynamical, described using Riemannian geometry.
String/M theory, the unified framework subsuming superstring theory and su-
pergravity, is at present by far the best candidate for a unified quantum theory
of all matter and interactions, including gravity. One might expect that a worthy
successor to Einstein’s theory would be based on a fundamentally new concept of
geometry. At present, it would be fair to say that this remains a dream, but a very
live dream indeed, which is inspiring a remarkably fruitful period of interaction
between physicists and mathematicians.
Our school focused on the most recent trends in this area, such as compactifi-
cation on special holonomy manifolds, and approaches to mirror symmetry related
to Dirichlet branes. But before we discuss these, let us say a few words about
how these interactions began. To a large extent, this can be traced to before the
renaissance of string theory in 1984, back to informal exchanges and schools during
the mid-1970’s, at which physicists and mathematicians began to realize that they
had unexpected common interests.
Although not universally known, one of the most important of these encounters
came at a series of seminars at Stony Brook, in which C. N. Yang would invite
mathematicians to speak on topics of possible mutual interest. In 1975, Jim Simons
gave a lecture series on connections and curvature, and the group quickly realized
that this mathematics was the geometric foundation of Yang-Mills theory, and
could be used to understand the recently discovered non-Abelian instanton and
monopole solutions [23, 65]. These foundations are by now so familiar that it is
c Clay Mathematics Institute
a bit surprising to realize that, for Yang-Mills theory, they date back only to this
Among the participants in the Simons-Yang seminars was Is Singer, who carried
news of these developments to Atiyah at Oxford. Before long the mathematicians
were taking the lead in exploiting these solutions, culminating in the early 1980’s
with Donaldson’s use of instanton moduli spaces to formulate his celebrated invari-
ants [17], which revolutionized the study of four-dimensional topology.
While this case study in math-physics interaction might have ended there, with
the lesson being that mathematicians can find useful inspiration in physical devel-
opments but then must apply them to their own problems, of course it did not.
The deeper aspects of this interaction began with Witten’s 1988 reformulation of
the Donaldson invariants as observables in a topological field theory [58]. This set
the stage for the eventual application of deeper physical arguments, which led to
the 1994 Seiberg-Witten solution of N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theory [50]. Ap-
plying this to the topological field theory formulation led to the dramatic discovery
of the Seiberg-Witten invariants [60]. While the special role of four dimensions in
physics had led many to suspect physics would lead to new insights into special
features of four-dimensional space, this success went far beyond what anyone had
An extreme reading of these striking developments would take them as evidence
that fundamental theoretical physics and mathematics (or at least some subfields of
mathematics) have merged into a single unified field. However, few workers in either
field would agree with this claim, and consideration of the developments following
the Seiberg-Witten work bears this out: with some noteworthy exceptions such as
[42], the subsequent mathematical developments [43] and physical developments
(well discussed in Dorey’s lectures in this volume) have had little overlap so far. Of
course it would be overly pessimistic to rule out equally dramatic interactions in
the future, but the point we want to make is simply that the two fields are not the
same: they have different goals, different questions are raised, and even the sense
of when a question has been answered or an area understood is rather different in
the two fields. Thus the basic questions of why such a sustained interaction should
be possible at all, and whether we should expect this trend to continue indefinitely
or not, deserve serious consideration.
While we will not address these questions in depth here, the most basic point
to keep in mind is that a sustained interaction is only possible in an area which is
of fundamental interest on both sides, and in practice this interest is going to be for
very different reasons on the two sides. This was certainly the case for the study of
gauge theory, and it is equally true for string theory. Just because so many of the
recent physical developments start with interesting mathematics, say the existence
of manifolds of G2 holonomy, or the classification of Calabi-Yau threefolds, and
then suggest intriguing mathematical conjectures, does not in itself make these
interactions deep or significant. Rather, they have true significance only to the
extent that the ideas which cross over from one side to the other turn out to be
important in addressing the fundamental questions on the “other” side.
We will try to say a few words about this deeper significance in our conclusions,
but for now the main point we take from these comments is that one needs to
keep the fundamental questions from math and from physics clearly in mind in
evaluating the likely progress and significance of any given point of interaction.
Thus I start in section 2 with a very brief overview for mathematicians of where
string theorists stand at present, and what for them are the fundamental physical
questions. While this will necessarily be a sketch with a lot of undefined terms,
besides serving as cultural background, it will outline the long road we have taken
from our experimental foundations to our present situation, in which we believe
interaction with mathematicians will provide us with essential insights. I will not
presume to do the same for the mathematical questions, instead referring to [47].
In the remainder of the article, we introduce the various frameworks used to
study string theory. Of course a basic problem in math-physics interaction is that
there is at present no precise definition of string theory or even most quantum field
theories, even to the satisfaction of physicists. On the other hand, the problem is
not as bad as one might think, in that these theories are highly overconstrained – it
is not hard to list axioms which almost all physicists would agree should characterize
them uniquely. Rather, the problem with treating the theories mathematically is
that along with these axioms, a very large number of supplementary assumptions
are used in physical arguments; one wants to reduce these down to a manageable
list which deserve the name “axioms.” Having even a redundant set of axioms
for a particular QFT or string theory, which sufficed to make interesting physical
arguments, would be a valuable advance, even before we reach the (probably still
distant) goal of proving the existence of the theories they characterize.
Most math-physics interaction is based on theories for which this problem is
not too serious, and we concentrate on these. In particular, classical field theory,
in which the basic mathematical framework is simply that of partial differential
equations, is far more generally applicable to these problems than one might think.
The only essential generalizations beyond what was needed to formulate general
relativity and Yang-Mills theory are fairly trivial mathematically, for example to
allow anticommuting variables.
While at first one might think classical field theory would be too simple to
address any of the questions of current interest, this is not true at all. Indeed, the
formulation of the Standard Model, which summarizes most existing observational
and experimental data, and most of the proposals which try to go beyond it, is
made using “effective field theory,” which summarizes quantum and string theoretic
results in classical terms.
The concept of effective field theory is also central in the connections to math-
ematics – in particular, the Seiberg-Witten solution is just the effective field theory
related to the original Donaldson theory. Thus we give an introduction to this idea
in section 3, emphasizing the sense in which effective field theory can be thought
of as a generalization of “moduli space.” As such, concepts developed in algebraic
geometry, such as formal deformation spaces and stacks, have simple effective field
theory analogs, and this is an important dictionary to learn.
In section 4, we discuss the physics of higher-dimensional field theories, Kaluza-
Klein reduction, and supersymmetry. For mathematician-friendly introductions to
supersymmetry, we recommend [24, 13]. Again, these are classical field theories,
but there is a precise sense in which a limit (the low energy limit) of string theory
is described by the ten- and eleven-dimensional supergravity theories, and many of
the recent developments involving duality were first discovered by working on this
In section 5, we discuss results from the study of perturbative string theory, the
limit of string theory which can be defined in terms of a string world-sheet governed
by two-dimensional quantum field theory. This was the traditional definition of
string theory, and is still the basis of most of our understanding of string theory
beyond the low energy limit. As by far the most concrete formulation which goes
beyond conventional ideas of geometry, it has been a major focus of interaction
with algebraic geometers, leading to discoveries such as mirror symmetry, and its
more recent open string/Dirichlet brane analogs.
In section 6 we briefly discuss the more recent developments of superstring
duality and M theory. Most of the physics lectures in the volume address these
topics. While physicists have had a fairly clear picture of what M theory should
be for several years, it is still rather challenging to summarize this in a way which
mathematicians will find accessible. See [64] for another attempt at this.
In section 7 we conclude.
physical questions after performing the G quotient. Of course this begs the question
of whether or not a given symmetry G which appears at a particular reducibility
locus is confined; this is a central question we will return to below.
2.2. Coupling unification. At 100 GeV, the strengths of each of the gauge
interactions can be parameterized by a dimensionless “coupling constant” α1 ∼
1/60, α2 ∼ 1/30 and α3 ∼ 1/10. Now, due to renormalization effects, these cou-
pling constants depend on the energy at which they are measured. Going down to
everyday energies, a combination of α1 and α2 becomes the familiar “fine struc-
ture constant” ∼ 137 1
. On the other hand, if one extrapolates to high energies
one finds that all three become equal to αGUT ∼ 1/25 at a single energy scale
MGUT ∼ 1016 GeV called the “GUT scale,” where GUT stands for “grand unified
Needless to say, while getting two functions (coupling as a function of energy)
to agree at some value would not be too impressive, the fact that three agree at
the same energy looks like clear evidence that something important happens at
that energy. The simplest hypothesis is that all three interactions arise from the
spontaneous breakdown of a larger gauge symmetry, say the group SU (5) which
contains SU (3)×SU (2)×U (1) as a (maximal) subgroup. This hypothesis of “grand
unification” implies a great deal of additional structure, and leads to very concrete
predictions, for example that the proton has a finite (although extremely long)
This picture was suggested in 1974 [27] and subsequently many attempts were
made to find a simple GUT from which all the observed structure of the Standard
Model would naturally arise. Although some progress was made, it is now generally
believed that there is no GUT which achieves this in a particularly simple and
natural way; the GUTs are almost as complicated as the Standard Model they
purport to explain. Rather, it appears that some other level of structure is required
to explain the origin of most of the features of the Standard Model, such as the
three generations of quarks and leptons.
2.3. The hierarchy problem. The Standard Model contains an explicit pa-
rameter setting the scale of electroweak SU (2)×U (1) symmetry breaking, the mass
squared of the Higgs boson. While not yet observed, if the Standard Model is right,
this must be between 110 GeV (the current experimental lower bound) and about
500 GeV. Either of these figures is far below the other two scales we mentioned, the
Planck scale and the GUT scale, and this already might lead one to deep scepticism
about any attempt to provide a complete fundamental theory – how can we hope
to extrapolate more than 13 orders of magnitude in energy, without experimental
input? On a more positive note, one can remark that no previously known physical
phenomenon relates such disparate scales, so if it is true here, there must be some
striking new physics which makes this possible, which we can hope to discover.
Of the various proposals in this direction, by far the most widely believed is
that this new physics is low energy supersymmetry, meaning not only that each
particle observed so far has a counterpart of the opposite statistics, but that these
“superpartners” must have mass around the same 100 − 500 GeV energy range.
Besides theoretical arguments, there is a powerful supporting piece of evidence in
the fact that the coupling unification we just mentioned has now been tested to
very high precision, and actually fails to work if one has only the Standard Model
particle content. On the other hand, it works extremely well if one assumes low
energy supersymmetry.
This is very good news for physicists as it would mean that the superpartners
should be observed in upcoming experiments at the Large Hadron Collider now
being constructed at CERN. These experiments should come into full swing around
the year 2008, giving physicists some time to try to sharpen our predictions in
If we grant this conventional wisdom, the problem facing string theorists is fairly
clear. We must show that there is some solution of string theory which leads to
effectively four-dimensional physics at the energies of interest, contains low energy
supersymmetry, and agrees in detail with the tested predictions of the Standard
Model. Of course, we need not grant the conventional wisdom, and other scenarios
have been suggested, for example that some of the extra dimensions of string theory
will be observed in accelerator experiments. Other experimental surprises might
completely change this picture as well. Of course, any attempt to make physical
predictions is by definition speculative, and this is only a question of degree.
Leaving aside physical arguments as to where to place our bets, what is more
important for the present discussion is that the “conventional low energy super-
symmetry” scenario is the only one which has been developed physically to the
point where any of the important questions can be made mathematically precise,
and thus we continue our discussion in this framework.
This paradigm would appear quite appropriate for discussing the relation be-
tween string theory and the real world, at least until that happy day when we can
directly produce strings or higher-dimensional excitations, not described by conven-
tional field theory, in our experiments. For various reasons, at present most string
theorists do not consider this outcome very likely at LHC or any accelerator we can
imagine constructing, though in the end of course this is a question for experiment
to decide. We should also say that for some questions, especially those involving
gravitational effects, the applicability of effective field theory is controversial; see
for example [4] for arguments making this point.
In any case, the Standard Model is universally thought of as an effective field
theory, and thus it is a central problem to derive this particular effective field theory
from string theory.
For our purposes, an effective field theory is defined by the data (C, V, F, G):
• C is a manifold with metric called the “configuration space.” This is
not space-time; rather it is the space in which scalar fields take values.
Coordinates on this space are traditionally called “scalar fields” and are
often denoted φi .
• V is a real function on C, called the potential.
• F is a complex vector bundle over C, in which the fermions take values.
This also comes with a metric.
• G is a Lie group with an action on C, which preserves the other data.
Traditionally, all of this data is finite dimensional, and G is compact and semisimple.
It can be useful to consider infinite dimensional manifolds and groups as well.
The data would be used to define the effective field theory as follows (see
[24] for details). One takes as degrees of freedom a map M → C (the scalar
fields), a compatible section of Γ(M, F ⊗ Spin(M )) (the fermionic fields), etc. One
then uses the data to write an action for these fields. This requires postulating
additional data as well, most importantly the “Yukawa couplings,” a bilinear form
Y : F ⊗ F |φ → C at each φ ∈ C, but this will not appear in our discussion.
Finally, for present purposes, one treats this action classically; in other words
a possible dynamics for the system is given by a gauge equivalence class of solutions
of the classical equations of motion. Thus, a “configuration” as in section 2 is a
G-orbit of the form g(p, ξ) ∈ (C, F |p ) with g ∈ G.
The only solution we will discuss is the vacuum solution, in which the scalar
fields are constant,
∂φi (x) ∂V
= 0; = 0,
∂x ∂φi
and the fermions (the section of F ) are zero. We furthermore identify solutions un-
der gauge equivalence; in other words a solution is a G-orbit of critical points. Such
a solution preserves the maximal possible symmetry of four-dimensional space-time
and contains no particles anywhere in space; thus it is referred to as a “vacuum.”
For a stable vacuum, the solution should be stable to small perturbations. This
will be true if the critical point is a local minimum.
We say “a” and not “the” vacuum for the evident reason that a general func-
tion V can have many minima. A priori, any one of the minima is a candidate for
describing physics. All further physical predictions depend on the choice of mini-
mum φ: for example, the spectrum of scalar particle masses is the matrix of second
derivatives V (φ) evaluated in a local orthonormal basis at φ.
Our previous comments about gauge symmetry and its breaking can be sum-
marized in this language as follows: the unbroken gauge symmetry of a vacuum φ
is its stabilizer H ⊂ G, while an orbit at distance d from such a stabilizer has H
symmetry broken at energy E = d. Finally, whereas in general one can identify
G and distinguish points on a G-orbit by performing experiments at sufficiently
high energy, if an unbroken gauge group H confines at a point φH , then there is a
“confinement scale” Λ such that two points on the same H-orbit at distance d < Λ
from φH cannot be distinguished physically.
So far, we have not really distinguished classical field theory and effective field
theory. As we suggested earlier, the main physical point of the latter is that we
can incorporate all quantum mechanical effects, as well as all effects due to strings
or other objects which are not explicitly descibed by the effective field theory, in
the choice of the data of the effective Lagrangian. In particular, if we start with a
particular classical Lagrangian and quantize it, the resulting effective field theory
will obtain modifications or “renormalizations” of V and the metric on C.
In general, even data such as the choice of G or the topology of C can be dif-
ferent in the quantum theory from that one might have guessed at from a naive
interpretation of the classical Lagrangian, for example because confinement can
make the identification of G ambiguous, as we just discussed. While such possi-
bilities can be controlled using perturbative techniques at small , one needs more
subtle arguments to treat large ; much of the lectures of Acharya, Dorey and
Gauntlett are explicitly or implicitly devoted to this problem.
We can now summarize our problem as string theorists: it is to find the effective
field theories which can arise from string theory, with quantum corrections taken
into account, find their vacua, and find out which of these can agree with the
Standard Model.
3.1. The Standard Model and unification. In the Standard Model, G = ∼
SU (3) × SU (2) × U (1). G acts linearly on C and F , so the action is described by
a choice of linear representation. The irreps are usually denoted (N3 , N2 )Y , where
N3 and N2 are dimensions of SU (3) and SU (2) representations, and the notation
N̄3 is used to denote the complex conjugate representation. Finally, Y is the weight
for the U (1) action.
First, we specify C ∼
= (1, 2)1/2 , while V is an invariant quartic polynomial, for
which φ = 0 is a local maximum. The metric can be taken to be flat.
We then have
(3.1) F ∼ = 3[Q (3, 2)1/6 ⊕ D̄ (3̄, 1)1/3 ⊕ Ū (3̄, 1)−2/3 ⊕ L (1, 2)−1/2 ⊕ Ē (1, 1)1 ],
where we label the quark” fields Q, Ū and D̄, and the lepton fields L and Ē. In
other words, we have 3 copies of a specific 15-dimensional reducible representation
(a “generation” of quarks and leptons).
One must also specify (up to change of basis) three matrices m1 , m2 , m3 ∈
Mat3 (C), the Yukawa couplings. Together with the three gauge couplings, these
form 19 real parameters which must be determined by experiment.1
At first sight, a mathematician might say that while C and V seem reasonably
simple, F is a rather ugly and random looking collection of data. Needless to say,
physicists have had a lot of time to consider the matter, and to some extent have
1The discovery of neutrino oscillations is the first solid evidence for physics beyond the
Standard Model, but can be accommodated with a few more parameters and fields.
come to the opposite point of view: the G-representation which appears in (3.1)
can easily come out of a simpler starting point, but the presence of C and V is quite
difficult to understand.
Perhaps the simplest hypothesis which can lead to (3.1) is to postulate that
G = SO(10), F is 3 copies of an irreducible spinor representation, and C contains a
copy of the adjoint representation of G. It is then easy to find a φ whose stabilizer
is the Standard Model gauge group, and it is a simple exercise to check that the 16
dimensional spinor of SO(10) decomposes into the spectrum (3.1) plus an additional
trivial representation. Thus this is a “grand unified theory.” Other nice unification
groups, for which simple choices for F can decompose into (3.1), include SU (5) and
E6 .
Although this striking observation may look like direct evidence for grand uni-
fication, one can find other explanations for this matter content. For example, a
consistency condition called anomaly cancellation strongly constrains the allowed
matter representations in gauge theory, and determines the U (1) weight assign-
ments in (3.1). Still, this observation combined with coupling unification is very
Points which remain unexplained are the number 3 of generations and the
structure of the Yukawa couplings. Most significantly, as mentioned already, one
also has the hierarchy problem: the potential V must have a minimum of order
100 GeV, while other couplings are of order 1016 GeV. This is not easy to arrange,
and the only simple way to do it involves supersymmetry.
3.2. Supersymmetric effective field theory. An N = 1 supersymmetric
effective field theory can be defined by the data (C, G, µ, W ).
• C is a complex manifold with Kähler metric.
• G is a Lie group with a holomorphic action by isometries on C.
• µ are moment maps for the G action.
• W is a holomorphic G-invariant function on C, called the superpotential.
Note that there is less data than in the non-supersymmetric case, and that it obeys
the far more constraining conditions of complex geometry.
This data determines a specific effective theory which can also be described
in the general terms we gave earlier, but with very specific relations among the
particles and the couplings. In particular, each particle has a “superpartner” –
quarks come with scalar “squarks”, and gauge bosons come with partner “gaug-
inos.” While none of these have been observed yet, there is a precise hypothesis
which accounts for this: supersymmetry is spontaneously broken.
What this means for present purposes is the following. Given the data, the
potential of the effective theory is
(3.2) V = (∂W, ∂W ) + |µ|2 ,
where ∂ is the holomorphic gradient, (, ) is the Hermitian inner product derived
from the Kähler metric, and µ are the moment maps (the metric which appears
here is derived from the gauge couplings).
Such a potential has two types of critical points. One type, in which
(3.3) 0 = ∂W = µ,
is a “supersymmetric vacuum.” One can also have critical points V = 0 at which
(3.3) does not hold, called “non-supersymmetric” vacua.
where Hi are the two Higgs fields, and m1 , m2 and m3 are 3 × 3 matrices encoding
the specific Yukawa couplings.
Thus, the Standard Model fits relatively easily into a supersymmetric extension,
and its grand unified extensions do as well. This is somewhat non-trivial as one
can easily write effective field theories which do not. Checking these constraints
from supersymmetry largely depends on discovering the Higgs boson, but it is also
generally believed that supersymmetry forces the Higgs bosons to be relatively
light, so this should also happen before long. Either way, the status of low energy
supersymmetry should become much clearer in a few years.
Having gotten this far, we can briefly mention the next important problem
in constructing a supersymmetric GUT, the problem of “fast proton decay,” and
the related “doublet-triplet splitting” problem. First, note the non-generic form of
(3.4), in which no terms appear which are odd in quarks or leptons separately. Such
terms would describe processes in which quarks decay (or transmute) into leptons,
but the observation that the proton lifetime is greater than 1033 years forces the
coefficient of any such term to be vanishingly small. The problem is then that this
is not easy to get from a GUT, which in the first instance treats quarks and leptons
on the same footing. It is not impossible, but we refer to [63] and references there
for further discussion of how this can be done.
3.3. Summary. We gave a brief sketch of the Standard Model, and a few of
the most promising ideas for what physicists believe lies beyond it, grand unification
and supersymmetry. All of these ideas can be described in the general framework
of four-dimensional effective field theory.
Attempts to derive these effective field theories from superstring theory and
understand their physics have been a major focus of the field for almost twenty
years. It is this line of work which has led to most of the mathematical “spin-offs,”
and explaining this will take up most of the rest of the lecture.
Rather, one can take for C the moduli space of Ricci-flat metrics on K. Since
all of these are solutions, one takes V = 0. This C carries a natural metric, the
Weil-Petersson metric, inherited from the natural metric on Met(K).
The remaining data contained in the (D+4)-dimensional metric can be regarded
as a connection on the fibration of K over M . While in general this connection need
not be linear, if we restrict attention to solutions which are slowly varying in M we
find that the connection must be trivial up to a possible action by an isometry of
K. In particular, the original result of Kaluza and Klein was that K = S 1 ∼ = U (1),
so in this case one recovers a U (1) connection. More generally, one obtains a G-
connection, where G is the isometry group of K. Furthermore, there is an induced
action of G on C; in physics terms one says that the scalar field is “charged” under
While in pure (D + 4)-dimensional general relativity K must be Ricci-flat, by
considering other theories this can be generalized. The simplest possibility [25] is
to consider a (D + 4)-dimensional theory with an additional 3-form gauge potential
(generalizing Einstein-Maxwell theory). As discussed by Acharya and Gauntlett in
this volume, one can show that the resulting field equations can be solved by K
with constant positive scalar curvature. This greatly enlarges the possible isometry
group, at the cost of obtaining M with constant negative curvature (anti-de Sitter
To end, we summarize the proposal of Kaluza and Klein as the idea that a
configuration is a manifold with metric, up to the natural equivalence by diffeomor-
phisms. Gauge symmetry arises at fixed points of the quotient by this equivalence.
4.2. String theory. For a long time, the Kaluza-Klein idea was completely
ignored, for the simple reason that it requires starting with a higher-dimensional
analog of general relativity. Even in four dimensions, it is very hard (most would
say impossible) to quantize general relativity by a direct approach, for the reason
mentioned earlier that the interaction becomes strong at short distances. This
problem gets worse in higher dimensions and, while mitigated in supergravity, is
not cured.
In superstring theory, point particles are replaced by strings. These come with
a natural length scale, their average size or “string length” ls , and it turns out that
all interactions become weak at distances shorter than ls , overcoming this problem.
On the other hand, at distances larger than ls , it is a good approximation to regard
the string as a convenient summary for a particular spectrum of particles, one for
each possible joint state of its modes of vibration. Only a small number of these
particles have mass small compared to 1/ls , and thus string theory will reduce to
a field theory with a finite number of fields at distances L >> ls and energies
E << 1/ls . This is the limit in which we want to think of string theory as reducing
to general relativity.
The fact that superstring theory includes general relativity is still one of the
most striking and mysterious facts about the subject, and we will not be able to
explain it satisfactorily here. Most of the explanations are indirect, developing
other properties of the theory and eventually seeing that these imply the existence
of a massless spin two particle, which by general arguments imply that the theory
must include general relativity.
Perhaps the simplest indirect explanation of this sort makes gravity a con-
sequence of supersymmetry. We will only describe this impressionistically: the
4.4. Low energy supersymmetry from string theory. Let us start with
the simplest case of F = G = 0. In this case, the conditions (4.1) reduce to Di = 0;
in other words must be a covariantly constant spinor.
a usable description of F . Personally, while one of my goals for the school was to
start a serious math-physics discussion of these ideas, I am not sure this effort was
a success; still, I hope some student will soon prove me wrong!
Perhaps more importantly, as we mentioned, the effective field theories one
obtains are only approximations valid in the large volume limit; as we move away
from this limit, the general result will obtain “quantum” and “stringy” corrections.
Rather than make this approximate effective field theory explicit, and then add
these corrections, one would rather find an equally general “geometric” characteri-
zation of the true effective field theory, and then find its explicit realizations.
also be treated; adding the latter leads to the modified flow equations studied (for
example) in [46].
Fixed points of the RG flow are conformal field theories. Very few examples
are known for the original nonlinear sigma model, and these have either flat metric
or additional background fields (for example, the Wess-Zumino-Witten model has
a B-field) and at least hints at some underlying integrable structure. On the other
hand, it has been argued for the supersymmetric sigma model that any Ricci-flat
metric on K will correspond to a fixed point. Note that the fixed point metric
is typically not Ricci-flat, due to the ls corrections [31]; rather the obstruction to
solving the corrected fixed point equations vanishes in perturbation theory [45].
What is most important for later developments is that there is much evidence
that T-duality applies not just to tori, but generalizes to any fibration with a torus
action which (at least approximately) preserves the metric.
5.2. Mirror symmetry and topological string theory. One can also take
the point of view that the framework of two-dimensional conformal field theory is
itself the starting point for “stringy geometry.” On the surface, this certainly
looks very different from conventional geometry. For example, some conformal field
theories can be defined in purely algebraic terms, without assuming that the fields
take values in any target space. One then might try to find geometric notions which
capture the structure of this algebraic problem, in the spirit of modern algebraic
While attractive, this point of view has not been easy to implement in gener-
ality, because by themselves the axioms of conformal field theory are far too weak
to draw interesting conclusions. There is a special case of the problem, rational
conformal field theory [41], which is more accessible, and this led to one of the
most interesting early results, the construction of Gepner [28]. This was an ex-
plicit algebraic construction of certain (2, 2) theories, which Gepner proposed (and
others confirmed) were equivalent to sigma models with Calabi-Yau target space at
particular points in moduli space. On the other hand, the class of rational theories
is not preserved by deformation, and thus seems too special to form the foundation
of a new geometry.
The most interesting CFT results so far are for the special case of the (2, 2)
models. To make a long story short (see [39, 14, 29]), the supersymmetric nonlinear
sigma model with target space a complex Kähler manifold has additional world-
sheet supersymmetry, the (2, 2) superconformal algebra. This structure is very
central in all relations between string theory and algebraic geometry. It also leads
to the definition of “topological twisting” and the A and B twisted sigma models.
In early study of the (2, 2) models with Calabi-Yau target space [16, 35], it
was noted that the complex and Kähler moduli entered on a “symmetric” footing,
and that their roles could be interchanged by a simple automorphism of the (2, 2)
algebra. This observation was developed by Greene and Plesser [30], who used
Gepner’s construction and identifications to propose a specific equivalence between
a pair of sigma models with Calabi-Yau target. This proposal was the basis for the
famous work of Candelas et al [7], counting curves using mirror symmetry.
While the direct CFT point of view remains difficult, much progress has been
made in recent years by the use of the “linear sigma model” construction [59].
This essentially constructs Calabi-Yau target spaces as subvarieties of toric varieties
obtained by an explicit quotient of Cn by holomorphic isometries. We refer to [39]
for a detailed discussion of this topic, and the associated mathematical and physical
proofs of mirror symmetry.
5.3. Dirichlet branes. Although historically Dirichlet branes were not much
studied before the “duality revolution” we discuss below, they are also defined in
terms of the string world-sheet, and thus belong logically to the current discussion.
Strings can be closed, with topology S 1 , or open, with the topology of the
interval. Intuitively, a Dirichlet brane is an allowed endpoint for an open string.
Thus, in a geometrical framework, a Dirichlet brane could be specified by a choice
One way to encode these constraints is to say that Dirichlet branes (boundary
conditions) are objects in a category, and open strings are morphisms. This is not
the only way to think of this; one could instead say that open strings form a groupoid
algebra, as in [9], but given a general and diverse set of boundary conditions the
categorical language is perhaps more natural. In any case, the essential feature is the
noncommutativity – in this sense, the Dirichlet branes define a “noncommutative
geometry” associated to any CFT.
This idea has been made precise in several different ways. In principle, the
most general would be to work with open string field theory, along the lines of
[57], but so far this framework remains cumbersome. To avoid its difficulties, one
must consider a special case or limit in which the operator product algebra of CFT
reduces to an ordinary algebra. This essentially requires operator products to be
independent of the positions of operators on the world sheet; in other words one
must study topological string theory.
One special case in which the string reduces to a topological string is the study
of a background Neveu-Schwarz B-field, as discussed by Cattaneo and Felder [8]
following earlier work by Kontsevich [34]. In particular, in toroidal compactifica-
tion, this leads to the noncommutative torus algebra, as was argued in works of
Connes et al [10], Douglas and Hull [21], Schomerus [52] and Seiberg and Witten
5.5. Open string mirror symmetry. Another special case in which the
string can be made topological is the sigma model with Calabi-Yau target. Now
the topologically twisted open string theories provide categories of Dirichlet branes,
which can be defined using the data of the topological closed string theory.
For the B model, this data is a Calabi-Yau K considered as a complex variety.
The obvious category which arises is the category of coherent sheaves on K.
For the A model, the closed string data is a Calabi-Yau K considered as a sym-
plectic manifold. It is also clear from elementary considerations that world-sheet
instantons with disk topology contribute to the operator product algebra. The nat-
ural category which these considerations suggest is the Fukaya category of isotopy
classes of Lagrangian submanifolds, with morphisms given by Floer cohomology.
A naive conjecture of open string mirror symmetry would equate Coh M with
Fuk W on its mirror. However, Kontsevich, who was the first to get this far,
realized that this could not be – the two categories look too different in general.
This observation was subsequently made concrete in many different ways. For
example, mirror symmetry actually relates the B model on W , to a collection of A
models on various CY’s M , M , etc. which are birationally equivalent, but non-
homeomorphic. While Fuk W does not depend on the B model data (the complex
structure), Coh M = Coh M for non-homeomorphic Calabi-Yau’s, so one gets a
This contradiction can be fixed by instead postulating that the category arising
from the topological B model open string is the derived category D(Coh M ), which
(as first suggested by Bondal and Orlov [5]) is equivalent for birationally equivalent
CY’s. This is one way to arrive at Kontsevich’s homological mirror symmetry
conjecture, discussed in detail in the monograph [40].
Physical understanding of this idea came much later. A simpler physical picture
of open string mirror symmetry is to relate it to T-duality. As we discussed, this
naturally acts on torus fibrations, and this can fit with the known action of mirror
symmetry on homology only if these are T 3 fibrations. This picture leads to the
Strominger-Yau-Zaslow formulation of mirror symmetry [53], also discussed in [40],
in which Dirichlet branes wrapping the T 3 on W are mirror to point-like branes on
As explained by Gauntlett, supersymmetry requires the relevant branes on W
to wrap special Lagrangian cycles. This suggests a mirror relation between the
complete set of special Lagrangian cycles on W and the coherent sheaves on M .
However, early pictures of this relation relied too much on properties of the large
volume approximation, and it seems fair to say that the full picture has not yet been
spelled out. Making this full picture will clearly require a good deal of math-physics
interaction, as indicated by a few results we now mention.
One of the simpler mathematical consequence of this symmetry, discussed in
Szendrői’s contribution, is a mirror relation between Fourier-Mukai transforms,
which realize the autoequivalences on D(Coh M ), and symplectomorphisms on W .
Both transformations are “generalized T-dualities” in physics language, but the
first is non-geometric, further demonstrating that D(Coh M ) must play a physical
role. This has been better understood, along lines discussed by Douglas in [22] and
to be explained in [40].
Another small volume subtlety is discussed in Kapustin’s contribution: to get
mirror symmetry in general, the Fukaya category must be enlarged to include
coisotropic submanifolds, objects which can also be shown to be supersymmetric
Dirichlet branes.
6.2. The web of dualities. We turn to discuss the entire string theory at
finite gs . The remarkable and still amazing discovery of the “second superstring
revolution,” is that these theories are simple not just at small gs , but also in the
limit of very large gs .
The prototypical example is the relation between IIa superstring theory in
ten dimensions and eleven-dimensional supergravity. Naively, the IIa theory has a
dimensionless parameter, the string coupling gs . In fact, this parameter must be
thought of as the expectation value of a field, the dilaton. As it becomes large, the
theory actually becomes equivalent to eleven-dimensional supergravity compactified
on K ∼
= S 1 , of radius R ∼ gs .
Conversely, the spectrum of IIa supergravity can be obtained from eleven-
dimensional supergravity by Kaluza-Klein reduction on S 1 . Even the superstring
can be obtained by wrapping the membrane on S 1 , i.e. embedding one of the two
spatial dimensions with the S 1 , one obtains an object which looks like a string. In
the small radius limit, the claim is that this becomes the string.
Arguing in this vein, one concludes that the well-definedness of superstring
theory implies the existence of a “completion” of eleven-dimensional supergravity,
which makes sense at all energy scales, and contains the membrane and a (5 + 1)-
dimensional solution called the “fivebrane.” This theory is generally called “M
theory.” It turns out that similar arguments can be used to connect the IIb, type I
and heterotic string theories (suitably compactified), and this connected web of dual
theories is sometimes also called “M theory.” Evidently any starting point would
have this property, and thus the more democratic and inclusive term “string/M
theory” is also used.
While we do not have space to treat superstring duality in the depth it deserves,
the interested reader will find many overviews which do in [55] and references there.
6.5. AdS/CFT. One of the most beautiful, yet startling, results of super-
string duality was the AdS/CFT correspondence, discovered by Maldacena [36].
To put the simplest example in a nutshell, N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills the-
ory in four dimensions is dual to ten-dimensional IIb supergravity compactified on
S 5 . This duality between theories of different dimension will obviously require some
explanation; we refer to the review [2] and the lectures of Acharya and Gauntlett
in this volume.
As the name suggests, the central point is that (D + 1)-dimensional anti-de
Sitter space-time admits as symmetry group SO(D, 2), which is the same as the
7. Some reflections
As we have seen, string theory is a very rich subject, and the project of under-
standing it mathematically has barely begun. Most of us who attended the school,
and many readers, would happily agree with the claim that this project is destined
to be interesting for both physics and mathematics, and does not require further
justification. Let me nevertheless offer a few thoughts on where this interaction is
going, and what we can hope will come out of it.
We devoted most of our attention to the “classic” problem of string compactifi-
cation, to explain or at least reproduce the physics we have seen in experiments and
observations. While the original scenarios for this involved a fairly direct (though
ingenious) generalization of the Kaluza-Klein idea, during the 1980’s string theo-
rists came to realize that string theory was not adequately described by existing
notions of geometry, due to the ls and gs corrections. This led to the idea that
string theory would lead to completely new ideas of geometry.
On the other hand, the progress on this problem over the years has largely
come through a more modest agenda: one works on a subproblem which can be
formulated in geometric terms, but for which string theory provides a “twist.”
For example, both sides of closed string mirror symmetry can be formulated in
these terms, counting curves and varying Hodge structures; the twist is to connect
these seemingly very different problems. A related but more recent example is
the description of Dirichlet branes as objects in the derived category of coherent
sheaves, a notion formulated by mathematicians, but satisfying a modified stability
condition motivated by string theory, which incorporates the ls corrections [22].
Such developments seem very likely to continue, and this should be to the
benefit of both sides, but at present seem of more clear interest to mathematicians
than to physicists. Indeed, for those who feel string theory has something to say
about the real world, the following quote may be telling:
There is probably less difference between the positions of a math-
ematician and of a physicist than is generally supposed, and the
most important seems to me to be this, that the mathematician is
in much more direct contact with reality.
This was from G. H. Hardy’s A Mathematician’s Apology, but it seems to me
strangely appropriate as a description of the string theorists’ present situation.
Of course, Dirac is particularly well known for the point of view that the beauty
of equations is itself evidence for their correctness, but Hardy’s point is also well
taken: the mathematician knows what he (or she) is talking about, and in the act
of precisely formulating it makes it real, at least real as mathematics.2
String theory has far passed the threshold of convincing us that it is real in
this sense, despite our inability to precisely formulate it. On the other hand, it is
still hard to say how we will be convinced that it describes the physical world. It
could be that strings will be discovered in accelerators, but if not, it seems very
possible that we will have to live for some time with the argument that it is the
only candidate which is not “obviously wrong.”
One of the striking points which the school brought home to me is how different
the cultures of mathematics and physics are. It is interesting to ask whether or
not this interaction will ultimately lead to a merging of the two, or perhaps the
formation of some sort of intermediate culture.
One of the well-known differences in culture is the attitude towards generaliza-
tion. Physicists are always happier to consider examples, and feel that these bring
home the essential “point” of an idea or development much better than any abstract
treatment. On the other hand, while mathematicians regard examples as essential
as well, one of the defining characteristics of mathematics is the development of
general theory.
This is a very deep difference. It comes to the fore when one tries to prove
that some property or attribute of the objects under consideration is not possible,
as most such proofs require a general definition which does not presuppose the ex-
istence of an object with this property. In some cases, one can make reductio ad
absurdum proofs, but on reflection one realizes that this presupposes a far better
understanding of the objects under discussion than physicists usually can get. In-
deed, there is a saying among physicists that “no-go” theorems, which state that
some desired property or construction is impossible, would better be renamed “go-
go” theorems, as there are so many examples of loopholes or other ways around the
supposed impossibility. While this is more an illustration of selective memory than
anything else, it shows the deep distrust of physicists for general arguments.
If we ever attain a reasonably complete formulation of string/M theory, this
attitude will have to change. After all, by definition, we will have reached the point
where the axioms are not just obstacles to work one’s way around, but inevitable
constraints on the possibilities. Indeed, we must hope that these constraints are
strong enough in the end to enable us to make predictions. The most basic test of
whether a theory has content is whether it can be wrong or, more precisely, falsi-
fied by the observations. Assuming that physicists do discover supersymmetry and
additional phenomena, but only those which can be described by four-dimensional
effective field theory, the primary question which string theory will need to answer
is: can the effective field theory of our world arise from string theory? One can
answer this question by finding the “correct compactification,” but this is mean-
ingless if any effective theory can be obtained from some compactification. From
this point of view, the question of showing that certain possibilities cannot come
out of string theory is just as important as showing that the one which describes
2On the other hand, Jerome Gauntlett reminded me of another quote: “Mathematics may
be defined as the subject where we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we
are saying is true.” (Bertrand Russell, Mysticism and Logic).
our universe can arise. This is at heart a mathematical question, in the sense I just
described, and it seems to me that physicists will have to adopt something of the
spirit of the mathematicians to answer it.
Comparing my colleagues’ attitudes with those I recall from my graduate stud-
ies in the early 80’s, I can only say that this process has come a long way already,
and probably has farther to go. As to whether mathematicians are being influenced
in equally deep ways, I leave for them, and especially the students in this school,
to tell me.
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Bobby S. Acharya
1. Introdution
Supersymmetry is one of our best candidates for physics beyond the Standard
Model. M theory goes further in the sense that it is supersymmetric, contains
gravity and is quantum mechanically consistent. Since the theory is formulated
on spacetimes with eleven dimensions, a natural question to ask is whether there
are vacua of M theory with four macroscopic spacetime dimensions and a realistic
particle physics spectrum? Since supersymmetry is intrinsic to M theory, it is
perhaps more natural to look for vacua with supersymmetric particle physics in
four dimensions. Since non-minimal or extended supersymmetry in four dimensions
cannot accommodate chiral fermions, to answer this question we should really be
studying M theory vacua with N = 1 supersymmetry.
There are two (to date) natural looking ways to obtain four large spacetime
dimensions with N = 1 supersymmetry from M theory. Both of these require the
seven extra dimensions to form a manifold X whose metric obeys certain properties.
The first consists of taking X to be a manifold whose boundary ∂X is a Calabi-Yau
threefold [15]. The second possibility, which will be the subject of these lectures is
to take X to be a manifold of G2 -holonomy1. We will explain what this means in
section two.
c Clay Mathematics Institute
(2.6) ∇M η = 0.
(2.7) ∇g η = 0
(2.8) ∇g(X) θ = 0
and choosing
(2.9) η =θ⊗
(2.10) ∇g(X) θ = 0
(2.11) 8 → 7 + 1.
Thus, zero modes of the Lichnerowicz operator give rise to massless scalar fields in
four dimensions. We will now show that we have precisely b3 (X) such zero modes.
On a 7-manifold of SO(7) holonomy, the hij - being symmetric 2-index tensors
- transform in the 27-dimensional representation. Under G2 this representation
remains irreducible. On the other hand, the 3-forms on a G2 -manifold, which are
usually in the 35 of SO(7), decompose under G2 as
(2.27) 35 −→ 1 + 7 + 27.
Thus, the hij can also be regarded as 3-forms on X. Explicitly,
(2.28) ϕn[pq hnr] = ωpqr .
The ω’s are 3-forms in the same representation as hij since ϕ is in the trivial
representation. The condition that h is a zero mode of ∆L is equivalent to ω being
a zero mode of the Laplacian:
(2.29) ∆L h = 0 ↔ ∆ω = 0.
This shows that there are precisely b3 (X) additional massless scalar fields coming
from the fluctuations of the G2 -holonomy metric on X.
As we mentioned above, these scalars combine with the φ’s to give b3 (X) mass-
less scalars, ΦI (y), which are the lowest components of massless chiral superfields
in four dimensions. There is a very natural formula for the complex scalars ΦI (y).
Introduce a basis αI for the third homology group of X, H3 (X, R). This is a basis
for the noncontractible holes in X of dimension three. We can choose the αI so
(2.30) ω J = δIJ .
We are now in a position to summarise the basic effective theory for the massless
fields. The low energy effective theory is an N = 1 supergravity theory coupled
to b2 (X) Abelian vector multiplets and b3 (X) massless, neutral chiral multiplets.
This theory is relatively uninteresting physically. In particular, the gauge group is
Abelian and there are no light charged particles. We will thus have to work harder
to obtain the basic requisites of the standard model - non-Abelian gauge fields and
chiral fermions - from G2 -compactifications. The basic point of these lectures is to
emphasise that these features emerge naturally from singularities in G2 -manifolds.
The heterotic string in ten dimensions has a low energy description in terms
of a supergravity theory whose massless bosonic fields are a metric, a 2-form B,
a dilaton φ and non-Abelian gauge fields of structure group SO(32) or E8 ×E8 .
There are sixteen global supersymetries. Compactification on a flat T3 preserves
all supersymmetries which are all products of constant spinors on both T3 and
Minkowski space. A flat metric on T3 involves six parameters so the metric gives rise
to six massless scalars, and since there are three independent harmonic two forms we
obtain from B three more. The condition for the gauge fields to be supersymmetric
on T3 is that their field strengths vanish: these are so called flat connections.
They are parameterised by Wilson lines around the three independent circles in
T3 . These are representations of the fundamental group of T3 in the gauge group.
Most of the flat connections actually arise from Wilson loops which are actually in
the maximal torus of the gauge group, which in this case is U (1)16 . Clearly, this
gives a 48-dimensional moduli space giving 58 scalars altogether. Narain showed
that this moduli space is actually also locally of the same form as M [19].
From the point of view of the heterotic string on T3 , the effective gauge group in
7 dimensions (for generic metric and B-field) is the subgroup of SO(32) or E8 ×E8
which commutes with the flat connection on T3 . At generic points in the moduli
space of flat connections, this gauge group will be U (1)16 . This is because the
generic flat connection defines three generic elements in U (1)16 ⊂ G. We can think
of these as diagonal 16 by 16 matrices with all elements on the diagonal non-zero.
Clearly, only the diagonal elements of G will commute with these. So, at a generic
point in moduli space the gauge group is Abelian.
Six more U (1) gauge fields arise as follows from the metric and B-field. T3 has
three harmonic one forms, so Kaluza-Klein reduction of B gives three gauge fields.
Additionally, since T3 has a U (1)3 group of isometries, the metric gives three more.
In fact, the local actions for supergravity theories in seven dimensions are actually
determined by the number of massless vectors. So, in summary, we have shown
that at generic points in M the low energy supergravity theories arising from M
theory on K3 or the heterotic string on T3 are the same.
At special points, some of the eigenvalues of the flat connections will vanish. At
these points the unbroken gauge group can get enhanced to a non-Abelian group.
This is none other than the Higgs mechanism: the Higgs fields are just the Wilson
lines. Additionally, because seven-dimensional gauge theories are infrared trivial
(the gauge coupling has dimension a positive power of length), the low energy
quantum theory actually has a non-Abelian gauge symmetry.
If M theory on K3 is actually equivalent to the heterotic string in seven di-
mensions, it too should therefore exihibit non-Abelian symmetry enhancement at
special points in the moduli space. These points are precisely the points in moduli
space where the K3 develops orbifold singularities. We will not provide a detailed
proof of this statement, but will instead look at the K3 moduli space in a neigh-
bourhood of this singularity, where all the interesting behaviour of the theory is
occurring. So, the first question is: what do these orbifold singularities look like?
ΓE6 is isomorphic to T - the binary tetrahedral group of order 24 - and has two
generators given by
πi 2πi7 2πi7
e2 0 1 e 8 e 8
(3.5) −πi and √ 2πi5 2πi
0 e 2 2 e 8 e 8
ΓE7 is isomorphic to O - the binary octahedral group of order 48 - and has
three generators. Two of these are the generators of T and the third is
e 8 0
(3.6) 2πi7 .
0 e 8
Finally, ΓE8 is isomorphic to I - the binary icosahedral group of order 120 -
and has two generators given by
proven by Kronheimer [18] - who constructed a gauge theory whose Higgs branch
is precisely the C2 /ΓADE with its SU (2)-holonomy (or hyper-Kähler) metric.
A physical description of this gauge theory arises in string theory. Consider
Type IIA or IIB string theory on C2 /ΓADE ×R5,1 . Take a flat Dp-brane (with p ≤ 5)
whose world-volume directions span Rp,1 ⊂ R5,1 , i.e. the D-brane is sitting at a point
on the orbifold. Then the world-volume gauge theory, which was first derived in
[12], is given by the Kronheimer gauge theory. This theory has eight supersym-
metries, which implies that its Higgs branch is a hyper-Kähler manifold. For one
D-brane this theory has a gauge group which is a product of unitary groups of
ranks given by the Dynkin indices (or dual Kac labels) of affine Dynkin diagram
of the corresponding ADE-group. So, for the An -case the gauge group is U (1)n+1 .
The matter content is also given by the affine Dynkin diagram - each link between
a pair of nodes represents a hypermultiplet transforming in the bifundamental rep-
resentation of the two unitary groups. This is an example of a quiver gauge theory
- a gauge theory determined by a quiver diagram.
We will make this explicit in the simplest case of ΓA1 . ΓA1 is isomorphic to Z2
and is in fact the center of SU (2). Its generator acts on C2 as
u −u
(3.8) −→ .
v −v
In this case, the Kronheimer gauge theory has a gauge group which is U (1) and
has two fields Φ1 and Φ2 . These are hypermultiplets in the string theory realisation
on a D-brane. The hypermultiplets each contain two complex scalars (ai , bi ) and
the a’s transform with charge +1 under U (1), whilst the b’s transform with charge
The potential energy of these scalar fields on the D-brane is
2 ≡ |
V = |D|
where the three D-fields D
(which are also known as the hyper-Kähler moment
µ associated with the U (1) action on the C4 parameterised by the fields) are
given by
(3.10) D1 = |a1 |2 + |b1 |2 − |a2 |2 − |b2 |2
(3.11) D2 + iD3 = a1 b1 − a2 b2 .
The space of zero energy minima of V is the space of supersymmetric ground
states S of the theory on the brane;
(3.12) S = {D
= 0}/U (1).
In supersymmetric field theories, instead of solving these equations directly, it is
equivalent to simply construct the space of gauge invariant holomorphic polynomials
of the fields and impose only the holomorphic equation above (this is the classical
In the case at hand the gauge invariant polynomials are simply
(3.13) X = a1 b1 , Y = a2 b2 , Z = a1 b2 , W = a2 b1 .
These obviously parameterise C4 but are subject to the relation
(3.14) XY = W Z
dimensions contains precisely one gauge field and three scalars and the latter are
the parameters of the S2 . So, when T∗ CP1 is smooth the massless spectrum is an
Abelian vector multiplet.
From the duality with the heterotic string we expect to see an enhancement
in the gauge symmetry when we vary the scalars to zero i.e. when the sphere
shrinks to zero size. In order for this to occur, W ± -bosons must become massless
at the singularity. These are electrically charged under the U (1) gauge field which
originated from C. From the eleven-dimensional point of view the object which is
charged under C is the M 2-brane. If the M 2-brane wraps around the two-sphere,
it appears as a particle from the seven-dimensional point of view. This particle is
electrically charged under the U (1) and has a mass which is classically given by the
volume of the sphere. Since the M 2-brane has tension its dynamics will push it to
wrap the smallest volume two-sphere in the space. This least mass configuration is
in fact invariant under half of the supersymmetries 3 - a fact which means that it
lives in a short representation of the supersymmetry algebra. This in turn means
that its classical mass is in fact uncorrected quantum mechanically. The M 2-brane
wrapped around this cycle with the opposing orientation has the opposing U (1)
charge to the previous one.
Thus, when the two-sphere shrinks to zero size we find that two oppositely
charged BPS multiplets become massless. These have precisely the right quantum
numbers to enhance the gauge symmetry from U (1) to A1 = SU (2). Super Yang-
Mills theory in seven dimensions depends only on its gauge group. In this case we
are asserting that in the absence of gravity, the low energy physics of M theory on
C2 /ΓA1 ×R6,1 is described by super Yang-Mills theory on 0×R6,1 with gauge group
A1 .
The obvious generalisation also applies: in the absence of gravity, the low
energy physics of M theory on C2 /ΓADE ×R6,1 is described by super Yang-Mills
theory on 0×R6,1 with ADE gauge group. To see this, note that the smoothing
out of the orbifold singularity in C2 /ΓADE contains rank(ADE) two-spheres which
intersect according to the Cartan matrix of the ADE group. At smooth points
in the moduli space the gauge group is thus U (1)rank(ADE) . The corresponding
wrapped membranes give rise to massive BPS multiplets with precisely the masses
and quantum numbers required to enhance the gauge symmetry to the full ADE-
group at the origin of the moduli space.
Mathematically, the quantum numbers of wrapped branes are exactly the sim-
ple roots of the ADE-Lie algebra. This is our first encounter with the physics of the
McKay correspondence.
ΓADE is defined so that it preserves all three of these forms. The SO(3) which
rotates these three forms is identified with the SO(3) factor in our seven-dimensional
gauge theory picture. This is because the moduli space of SU (2)-holonomy metrics
is the moduli space of the gauge theory and this has an action of SO(3).
In a locally flat frame we can write down a formula for the G2 -structure on
C2 /ΓADE ×W ,
(3.23) ϕ= ωi ∧ ej δ ij + e1 ∧ e2 ∧ e3
where ei are a flat frame on W . Note that this formula is manifestly invariant under
the SO(3) which rotates the wi provided that it also acts on the ei in the same way.
The key point is that when the SO(3) of the gauge theory acts, in order for
the G2 -structure to be well defined the ei ’s must transform in precisely the same
way as the ωi . But SO(3) acts on the ei , because it is the structure group of the
tangent bundle to W . Therefore, if C2 /ΓADE ×W , admits a G2 -holonomy metric,
we must identify SO(3) with SO(3) . In other words, the connection on the tangent
bundle is identified with the connection on the normal SO(3) bundle. This breaks
the symmetries to the diagonal subgroup of the two SO(3)’s and implies that the
effective four-dimensional field theory is classically supersymmetric. Identifying the
two groups breaks the symmetry group down to SO(3) ×SO(3, 1) under which the
supercharges transform as (1, 2) + (3, 2) + cc. We now have supersymmetries since
the (1, 2) and its conjugate can be taken to be constants on W .
An important point, which we will not actually prove here, but will require in
the sequel is that the locus of ADE-singularities - namely the copy of W at the center
of C2 /Γ is actually a supersymmetric cycle (also known as a calibrated cycle). This
follows essentially from the fact that ΓADE fixes W and therefore the ϕ restricts to
be the volume form on W . This is the condition for W to be supersymmetric.
Supposing we could find a G2 -manifold of this type, what exactly is the four-
dimensional supersymmetric gauge theory it corresponds to? This we can answer
also by Kaluza-Klein analysis [1, 2], since W will be assumed to be smooth and
‘large’. Under SO(3) ×SO(3, 1), the seven-dimensional gauge fields transform as
(3, 1) + (1, 4), the three scalars give (3, 1) and the fermions give (1, 2) + (3, 2)+cc.
Thus the fields which are scalars under the four-dimensional Lorentz group are two
copies of the 3 of SO(3) . These may be interpreted as two one forms on W . These
will be massless if they are zero modes of the Laplacian on W (w.r.t. its induced
metric from the G2 -manifold). There will be precisely b1 (W ) of these i.e. one for
every harmonic one-form. Their superpartners are clearly the (3, 2) + cc fermions,
which will be massless by supersymmetry. This is precisely the field content of
b1 (W ) chiral supermultiplets of the supersymmetry algebra in four dimensions.
The (1, 4) field is massless if it is constant on W and this gives one gauge field
in four dimensions. The requisite superpartners are the remaining fermions which
transform as (1, 2) + cc.
All of these fields transform in the adjoint representation of the seven dimen-
sional gauge group. Thus the final answer for the massless fields is that they are
described by N = 1 super Yang-Mills theory with b1 (W ) massless adjoint chiral
supermultiplets. The case with pure “superglue” i.e. b1 (W ) = 0 is a particularly
interesting gauge theory at the quantum level: in the infrared the theory is believed
to confine colour, undergo chiral symmetry breaking and have a mass gap. We will
actually exhibit some of these very interesting properties semi-classically in M the-
ory! Much of the sequel will be devoted to explaining this. But before we can do
that we must first describe concrete examples of G2 -manifolds with the properties
we desire.
One idea is to simply look for smooth G2 -manifolds which are topologically
C2 ×W but admit an action of SU (2) which leaves W invariant but acts on C2 in
the natural way. Then we simply pick a ΓADE ⊂ SU (2) and form the quotient space
C2 /ΓADE ×W .
Luckily, such non-compact G2 -manifolds were constructed some time ago [9]!
Moreover, in these examples, W = S 3 , the simplest possible compact 3-manifold
with b1 (W ) = 0. Perfect.
where the x’s and y’ s are linear coordinates on the two R4 ’s. For a positive, we have
a radius a S 3 at the origin in the second R4 . This manifold is clearly topologically
S 3 ×R4 . For a negative, its again the same manifold topologically, but the roles of
x and y have been interchanged. Therefore as a passes from positive to negative
an S 3 shrinks to zero volume, the manifold becomes singular at 0 and another S 3
grows and the space remains smooth. This is obviously a much cruder description
of the space as a function of a, since as we have seen above there are actually three
directions in the moduli space and not two, but it has the advantage that it makes
the basic picture transparent.
where we integrate over the minimal volume three-sphere in the center of X. This
sphere generates the third homology. Note that there is no prime here, since the
field is not fluctuating.
So, we arrive at the conclusion that M theory on our G2 -manifold X is actually
a one complex dimensional family of theories parameterised by τ . There are three
semi-classical regimes corresponding to the three regions in which the spheres are
large, X is smooth and thus supergravity is valid. The four-dimensional spectrum
is massive in each of these semi-classical regimes since b2 (X) is zero and the zero
mode of the Lichnerowicz operator does not fluctuate. The physics in each of these
three regions is clearly the same since the metrics are the ‘same’. What about the
physics on the bulk of the τ -plane?
Our intuition asserts that there is only one further interesting point, τ = 0
where the manifold develops a conical singularity. In minimally supersymmetric
field theories in four dimensions which do have massless complex scalars which
parameterise a moduli space M , singularities in the physics typically only occur
at subloci in M which are also complex manifolds. In our case, we don’t have a
moduli space, but rather a parameter space, but we can think of τ as a background
In any case, at τ = 0 we have zero size S 3 ’s and instanton effects can become
important here, since the action of an M 2-brane instanton is τ . These effects could
generate a non-zero quantum value of the C-field period and remove this potential
singularity, in which case we would be in the situation that there are no physical
phase transitions as a function of τ . Of course, physical quantities will depend on
τ , but the qualitative nature of the physics will remain the same for any value of τ .
This was first suggested in [6] and proven rigorously in [7].
The parameter space spanned by τ is thus a Riemann sphere with three spe-
cial points which correspond to the three large G2 -manifolds. This is the picture
Robbert Dijkgraaf alluded to in his lectures. To make contact with what he was
discussing we need to understand the S 1 quotients of our three G2 -manifolds. This
is because if the M theory 11-manifold Y is “fibered” by circles then the base 10-
manifold Q can be regarded as a spacetime in Type IIA string theory. The IIA
theory has a 1-form field A which is a connection on this circle bundle.
The quotient by S 1 of our three G2 -manifolds are basically the three geometries
Robbert was describing - the resolved conifold, its flop and the deformed conifold
with open strings!
To see this we define the S 1 action on the first big G2 -manifold to be the
standard action on the S 3 in R4 ×S 3 regarded as a Hopf fibration over CP1 . The
quotient is thus an R4 -bundle over CP1 . Because A is now topologically non-trivial
the metric one gets on this 6-manifold is not the Calabi-Yau metric on the resolved
conifold. However, it is a metric with the same symplectic structure! Thus, the
closed string Gromov-Witten invariants are the same as on the Calabi-Yau conifold.
The S 1 quotient of G2 -manifold number two gives the ‘same’ 6-manifold in Type
IIA - but now this is better regarded as the flop of the previous one.
Finally, S 1 -quotient number three acts on the R4 and not the S 3 . The quotient
by U (1) of R4 is R3 . The quotient of the G2 -manifold is thus an R3 -bundle over
S 3 . This action has a fixed point which is the S 3 of minimal volume in the middle
of the G2 space. The fact that there is a fixed point of the circle action means
in Type IIA language that A is singular along a codimension three submanifold in
the 10-dimensional spacetime. This is thus a 7-manifold which supports a Dirac
monopole. This is a D6-brane in string theory and is a place where open strings
can end. We thus learn that the third quotient gives Type IIA string theory on the
deformed conifold plus one D6-brane wrapping the S 3 .
Therefore M theory explains why the open string Gromov-Witten invariants
of the deformed conifold are exactly the same as the usual closed string Gromov-
Witten invariants of the resolved conifold. This is simply the statement that all
three Type IIA geometries are the same G2 -manifold in M theory metrically.
In M theory these invariants should be regarded as counting associative 3-cycles
in a G2 -manifold.
how membrane instantons can be seen to generate the superpotential of the theory.
Second, we go on to exhibit confinement and a mass gap semi-classically in M
theory. The result about confinement highlights the power of the physical McKay
The G2 -manifolds that actually interest us are obtained as quotients of R4 ×S 3
by ΓADE . We saw previously that, for large volume and low energies, four-dimen-
sional super Yang-Mills theory is a good description of the M theory physics. We
will thus begin this section with a review of the basic properties of the gauge theory.
which is clearly invariant under the Z2n symmetry. This correlation function is
generated in the 1-instanton sector and the fact that 2n gauginos enter is due to
the fact that an instanton of charge 1 generates 2n chiral fermion zero modes.
Cluster decomposition implies that the above correlation function decomposes
into ‘n constituents’ and therefore there exists a non-zero value for the gaugino
(4.7) λλ
Such a non-zero expectation value is only invariant under a Z2 subgroup of
Z2n implying that the discrete chiral symmetry has been spontaneously broken.
Consequently this implies the existence of n vacua in the theory.
In fact, it can be shown that
∂ 32π 2 3 2πiτ /n
(4.8) λλ
= 16πi Wef f = − cµ e .
∂τ n
In view of the above facts it is certainly tempting to propose that ‘fractional
instantons’ generate the non-zero gaugino condensate directly. But this is difficult
to see directly in super Yang-Mills on R3,1 . We will return to this point later.
More generally, if we replace the SU (n) gauge group by some other gauge
group H, then the above statements are also correct but with n replaced every-
where with c2 (H), the dual Coxeter number of H. For ADE gauge groups c2 (H)
= Σr+1i=1 ai , where r is the rank of the gauge group and the ai are the Dynkin
indices of the affine Dynkin diagram associated to H. For An , all the ai = 1;
for Dn groups the four ‘outer’ nodes have index 1 whilst the rest have ai = 2.
E6 has indices (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3), E7 has (1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4) whilst E8 has indices
(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6).
of X are isomorphic to the usual cohomology groups of M ΓADE . The reason for this
is simple: X is a global orbifold of S(S 3 ). The string theoretic cohomology groups
count massless string states in the orbifold CFT. The massless string states in the
twisted sectors are localised near the fixed points of the action of ΓADE on the spin
bundle. Near the fixed points we can work on the tangent space of S(S 3 ) near a
fixed point and the action of ΓADE there is just its natural action on R4 ×R3 .
Note that blowing up X to give M ΓADE cannot give a metric with G2 -holonomy
which is continuosly connected to the singular G2 -holonomy metric on X, since this
would require that the addition to homology in passing from X to M ΓADE receives
contributions from four-cycles. This is necessary since these are dual to elements
of H 3 (M ) which generate metric deformations preserving the G2 -structure. This
argument does not rule out the possibility that M ΓADE admits ‘disconnected’ G2 -
holonomy metrics, but is consistent with the fact that pure super Yang-Mills theory
in four dimensions does not have a Coulomb branch.
The important points to note are that the twisted sectors contain massless
states consisting of r scalars and r vectors where r is the rank of the corresponding
ADE group associated to Γ. The r scalars can intuitively be thought of as the periods
of the B field through r two-cycles. In fact, for a generic point in the moduli space of
the orbifold conformal field theory the spectrum contains massive particles charged
under the r twisted vectors. These can be interpreted as wrapped D2-branes whose
quantum numbers are precisely those of W -bosons associated with the breaking of
an ADE gauge group to U (1)r . This confirms our interpretation of the origin of this
model from M theory: the values of the r B -field scalars can be interpreted as the
expectation values of Wilson lines around the eleventh dimension associated with
this symmetry breaking. At weak string coupling and large S 3 volume these states
are very massive and the extreme low energy effective dynamics of the twisted sector
states is described by N =2 U (1)r super Yang-Mills in three dimensions. Clearly
however, the underlying conformal field theory is not valid when the W -bosons
become massless. The appropriate description is then the pure super Yang-Mills
theory on R2,1 ×S 1 which corresponds to a sector of M theory on X×S 1 . In this
section however, our strategy will be to work at a generic point in the CFT moduli
space which corresponds to being far out along the Coulomb branch of the gauge
theory. We will attempt to calculate the superpotential there and then continue the
result to four dimensions. This exactly mimics the strategy of [21] in field theory.
Note that we are implicitly ignoring gravity here. More precisely, we are assuming
that, in the absence of gravitational interactions with the twisted sector, the low
energy physics of the twisted sectors of the CFT is described by the Coulomb branch
of the gauge theory. This is natural since the twisted sector states are localised at
the singularities of X×R2,1 whereas the gravity propagates in bulk.
In this approximation, we can dualise the photons to obtain a theory of r
chiral multiplets, each of whose bosonic components (ϕ and σ ) is periodic. But
remembering that this theory arose from a non-Abelian one we learn that the
moduli space of classical vacua is
(4.14) Mcl =
W Wg
where ΛC
W is the complexified weight lattice of the ADE group and Wg is the Weyl
each individual fractional D2-brane which originates from a single D2-brane pos-
sesses D4-brane charge, but the total configuration, since it began life as a single
D2-brane, has zero D4-brane charge. The possible contributions to the superpoten-
tial are constrained by supersymmetry and must be given by a holomorphic function
of the r chiral superfields and also of the holomorphic gauge coupling constant τ
which corresponds to the complexified volume of the S 3 in eleven-dimensional M
theory. We have identified above the bosonic components of the chiral superfields
above. τ is given by
(4.15) τ = ϕ + iC
number - the second Chern number of the gauge field on R2,1 ×S 1 . These are
precisely in correspondence with the fractional D2-brane charges. Thus, in this
sense, the field theory anticipates that fractional branes are wrapped branes.
In the field theory on R2,1 ×S 1 it is also important to realise that there is
precisely one additional BPS state which contributes to the superpotential. The key
point is that this state, unlike the previously discussed monopoles, has dependence
on the periodic direction in spacetime. This state is associated with the affine node
of the Dynkin diagram. Its monopole charge is given by
(4.29) αβ = β −1 α
(4.30) α4 = β 2k−4 = 1.
To compute the Abelianisation of Dk−2 , we simply take these relations and
impose that the commutators are trivial. From the second relation this implies
(4.31) β = β −1
which in turn implies that
(4.32) α2 = 1 for k = 2p
(4.33) α2 = β for k = 2p + 1.
Thus, for k = 2p we learn that the Abelianisation of Dk−2 is isomorphic to Z2 ×Z2 ,
whereas for k = 2p + 1 it is isomorphic to Z4 . These groups are respectively the
centers of Spin(4p) and Spin(4p + 2). This is the expected answer for the confining
strings in SO(2k) super Yang-Mills which can be coupled to spinorial charges.
To compute the Abelianisations of the binary tetrahedral (denoted T), octahe-
dral (O) and icosahedral (I) groups which correspond respectively to E6 , E7 and
E8 super Yang-Mills theory, we utilise the fact that the order of F/[F, F ] - with
F a finite group - is the number of inequivalent one-dimensional representations of
F . The representation theory of the finite subgroups of SU (2) is described through
the McKay correspondence by the representation theory of the corresponding Lie
algebras. In particular the dimensions of the irreducible representations of T, O and
I are given by the coroot integers (or dual Kac labels) of the affine Lie algebras as-
sociated to E6 , E7 or E8 respectively. From this we learn that the respective orders
of T/[T, T], O/[O, O] and I/[I, I] are three, two and one. Moreover, one can easily
check that T/[T, T] and O/[O, O] are Z3 and Z2 respectively, by examining their
group relations. Thus we learn that T/[T, T], O/[O, O] and I/[I, I] are, respectively
isomorphic to the centers Z(E6 ), Z(E7 ) and Z(E8 ), in perfect agreement with the
expectation that the super Yang-Mills theory confines. Note that the E8 -theory
does not confine, since the strings are uncharged.
This result is also natural from the following point of view. In the singular
X1 /ΓADE (where the actual gauge theory dynamics is) the gauge bosons correspond
to M 2-branes wrapped around zero-size cycles. When we vary τ away from the ac-
tual gauge theory limit until we reach M theory on a large and smooth X2 /ΓADE the
confining strings are also wrapped M 2-branes. In the gauge theory we expect the
confining strings to be “built” from the excitations of the gauge fields themselves.
In M theory, the central role played by the gauge fields is actually played by the
M 2-brane.
4.6. Mass Gap from G2 -manifolds. We can also see the mass gap expected
of the gauge theory by studying the spectrum of M theory on the smooth G2 -
manifolds X2 /ΓADE and X3 /ΓADE . We already noted previously that the four-
dimensional spectrum of M theory on the Xi was massive. For precisely the same
reasons the spectrum of M theory on X2,3 /ΓADE is also massive.
is less than seven, the local structure of the singularity can actually be regarded as
a singularity in a Calabi-Yau threefold or K3 and these singularities give rise to a
spectrum of particles which form representations of N > 1 supersymmetry. Such
spectra are CP T self-conjugate. For instance, real codimension four singularities in
G2 -manifolds are the ADE-singularities we discussed above and the corresponding
four-dimensional spectra were not chiral. Similarly, if the singularity is codimension
six, i.e. is along a one-dimensional curve Σ in X, then everywhere near Σ the tangent
spaces of X naturally split into tangent and normal directions to X. Hence, the
holonomy of X near Σ actually reduces to SU (3) acting normally to Σ.
So we want to consider point-like singularities of X. The simplest such singu-
larities are conical, for which the metric looks locally like
(5.1) ds2 = dr 2 + r 2 g(Y )
for some six-dimensional metric g(Y ) on a 6-manifold Y . This has a singularity at
r = 0. We will argue that for many different choices of Y that chiral fermions are
part of the M theory spectrum.
5.1. Hints from Anomaly Inflow. The basic strategy of this subsection will
be to assume there is a G2 -manifold with a conical singularity of the above type
and consider the variation of bulk terms in the M theory effective action under
various gauge symmetries. These will be shown to be non-zero if Y obeys certain
conditions. If the theory is to be consistent, these anomalous variations must be
cancelled and this suggests the presence of chiral fermions in the spectrum. This is
based upon [24] who showed that when X is compact all these variations add up
to zero!
The gauge symmetries we will consider are the ones we have focussed on in
these lectures: the U (1) gauge symmetries from Kaluza-Klein reducing the C-field
and the ADE symmetries from the ADE-singularities.
We begin with the former case. We take M theory on X×R3,1 with X a cone
on Y so that X with the vertex removed is R×Y . The Kaluza-Klein ansatz for C
which gives gauge fields in four dimensions is
(5.2) C = Σα β α (x) ∧ Aα (y)
where the β’s are harmonic 2-forms on X. With this ansatz, consider the eleven-
dimensional Chern-Simons interaction
(5.3) S= C ∧ G ∧ G.
X×R 3,1 6
Under a gauge transformation of C under which
(5.4) C −→ C + d
S changes by something of the form4
(5.5) δS ∼ d( ∧ G ∧ G).
We can regard X as a manifold with boundary ∂X = Y and hence
(5.6) δS ∼ ∧ G ∧ G.
Y ×R3,1
which is precisely the triangle anomaly in an SU (n) gauge theory. Thus, if we have
this sort of situation in which the ADE-singularity along W degenerates further at
P we also expect chiral fermions to be present.
We now go on to utilise the M theory heterotic duality of subsection (3.1) to
construct explicitly conically singular manifolds for which we know the existence of
chiral fermions.
5.2. Chiral Fermions via Duality With The Heterotic String. In sec-
tion three we utilised duality with the heterotic string on T3 to learn about en-
hanced gauge symmetry in M theory. We applied this to G2 -manifolds quite suc-
cessfully. In this section we will take a similar approach. The following is based
upon [5].
We start by considering duality with the heterotic string. The heterotic string
compactified on a Calabi-Yau three fold Z can readily give chiral fermions. On the
other hand, most Calabi-Yau manifolds participate in mirror symmetry. For Z to
participate in mirror symmetry means, according to Strominger, Yau and Zaslow,
that, in a suitable limit of its moduli space, it is a T3 fibration (with singularities
and monodromies) over a base W . Then, taking the T3 ’s to be small and using on
each fiber the equivalence of the heterotic string on T3 with M theory on K3, it
follows that the heterotic string on Z is dual to M theory on a seven-manifold X
that is K3-fibered over W (again with singularities and monodromies). X depends
on the gauge bundle on Z. Since the heterotic string on Z is supersymmetric, M
theory on X is likewise supersymmetric, and hence X is a manifold of G2 holonomy.
The heterotic string on Z will typically have a four-dimensional spectrum of chi-
ral fermions. Since there are many Z’s that could be used in this construction (with
many possible classes of gauge bundles) it follows that there are many manifolds of
G2 holonomy with suitable singularities to give non-Abelian gauge symmetry with
chiral fermions. The same conclusion can be reached using duality with Type IIA,
as many six-dimensional Type IIA orientifolds that give chiral fermions are dual to
M theory on a G2 manifold [10]
Let us try to use this construction to determine what kind of singularity X
must have. (The reasoning and the result are very similar to that given in [17]
for engineering matter from Type II singularities. In [17] the Dirac equation is
derived directly rather than being motivated – as we will – by using duality with
the heterotic string.) Suppose that the heterotic string on Z has an unbroken
gauge symmetry G, which we will suppose to be simply-laced (in other words, an
A, D, or E group) and at level one. This means that each K3 fiber of X will have
a singularity of type G. As one moves around in X one will get a family of G-
singularities parameterized by W . If W is smooth and the normal space to W is a
smoothly varying family of G-singularities, the low energy theory will be G gauge
theory on W × R3,1 without chiral multiplets. This was the situation studied in
sections three and four. So chiral fermions will have to come from singularities of
W or points where W passes through a worse-than-orbifold singularity of X.
We can use the duality with the heterotic string to determine what kind of
singularities are required. The argument will probably be easier to follow if we
begin with a specific example, so we will consider the case of the E8 × E8 heterotic
string with G = SU (5) a subgroup of one of the E8 ’s. Such a model can very easily
get chiral 5’s and 10’s of SU (5); we want to see how this comes about, in the region
of moduli space in which Z is T3 -fibered over W with small fibers, and then we
will translate this description to M theory on X.
Let us consider, for example, the 5’s. The commutant of SU (5) in E8 is a
second copy of SU (5), which we will denote as SU (5) . Since SU (5) is unbroken,
the structure group of the gauge bundle E on Z reduces from E8 to SU (5) . Massless
fermions in the heterotic string transform in the adjoint representation of E8 . The
part of the adjoint representation of E8 that transforms as 5 under SU (5) transforms
as 10 under SU (5) . So to get massless chiral 5’s of SU (5), we must look at the
Dirac equation D on Z with values in the 10 of SU (5) ; the zero modes of that
Dirac equation will give us the massless 5’s of the unbroken SU (5).
We denote the generic radius of the T3 fibers as α, and we suppose that α is
much less than the characteristic radius of W . This is the regime of validity of the
argument for duality with M theory on X (and the analysis of mirror symmetry of
SYZ). For small α, we can solve the Dirac equation on Z by first solving it along
the fiber, and then along the base. In other words, we write D = DT + DW , where
DT is the Dirac operator along the fiber and DW is the Dirac operator along the
base. The eigenvalue of DT gives an effective “mass” term in the Dirac equation
on W . For generic fibers of Z → W , as we explain momentarily, the eigenvalues of
DT are all nonzero and of order 1/α. This is much too large to be canceled by the
behavior of DW . So zero modes of D are localized near points in W above which
DT has a zero mode.
When restricted to a T3 fiber, the SU (5) bundle E can be described as a flat
bundle with monodromies around the three directions in T3 . In other words, as in
section three, we have three Wilson lines on each fiber. For generic Wilson lines,
every vector in the 10 of SU (5) undergoes non-trivial “twists” in going around
some (or all) of the three directions in T3 . When this is the case, the minimum
eigenvalue of DT is of order 1/α. This is simply because for a generic flat gauge
field on the T3 -fiber there will be no zero mode.
A zero mode of DT above some point P ∈ W arises precisely if for some vector
in the 10, the monodromies in the fiber are all trivial.
This means that the monodromies lie in the subgroup of SU (5) that leaves fixed
that vector. If we represent the 10 by an antisymmetric 5 × 5 matrix B ij , i, j =
1, . . . , 5, then the monodromy-invariant vector corresponds to an antisymmetric
matrix B that has some nonzero matrix element, say B 12 ; the subgroup of SU (5)
that leaves B invariant is clearly then a subgroup of SU (2) × SU (3) (where in these
coordinates SU (2) acts on i, j = 1, 2 and SU (3) on i, j = 3, 4, 5). Let us consider
the case (which we will soon show to be generic) in which B 12 is the only nonzero
matrix element of B. If so, the subgroup of SU (5) that leaves B fixed is precisely
SU (2) × SU (3). There is actually a distinguished basis in this problem – the one
that diagonalizes the monodromies near P – and it is in this basis that B has only
one nonzero matrix element.
The commutant of SU (2) × SU (3) in E8 is SU (6). So, over the point P ,
the monodromies commute not just with SU (5) but with SU (6). Everything of
interest will happen inside this SU (6). The reason for this is that the monodromies
at P give large masses to all E8 modes except those in the adjoint of SU (6). So
we will formulate the rest of the discussion as if the heterotic string gauge group
were just SU (6), rather than E8 . Away from P , the monodromies break SU (6)
to SU (5) × U (1) (the global structure is actually U (5)). Restricting the discussion
from E8 to SU (6) will mean treating the vacuum gauge bundle as a U (1) bundle
(the U (1) being the second factor in SU (5) × U (1) ⊂ SU (6)) rather than an SU (5)
The fact that, over P , the heterotic string has unbroken SU (6) means that,
in the M theory description, the fiber over P has an SU (6) singularity. Likewise,
the fact that away from P the heterotic string has only SU (5) × U (1) unbroken
means that the generic fiber, in the M theory description, must contain an SU (5)
singularity only, rather than an SU (6) singularity. As for the unbroken U (1), in
the M theory description it must be carried by the C-field. Indeed, over generic
points on W there is a non-zero size S 2 which shrinks to zero size at P in order
that the gauge symmetry at that point increases. Kaluza-Klein reducing C along
this S 2 gives a U (1).
If we move away from the point P in the base, the vector B in the 10 of SU (5)
is no longer invariant under the monodromies. Under parallel transport around
the three directions in T3 , it is transformed by phases e2πiθj , j = 1, 2, 3. Thus,
the three θj must all vanish to make B invariant. As W is three-dimensional,
we should expect generically that the point P above which the monodromies are
trivial is isolated. (Now we can see why it is natural to consider the case that,
in the basis given by the monodromies near P , only one matrix element of B is
nonzero. Otherwise, the monodromies could act separately on the different matrix
elements, and it would be necessary to adjust more than three parameters to make
B invariant. This would be a less generic situation.) We will only consider the
(presumably generic) case that P is disjoint from the singularities of the fibration
Z → W . Thus, the T3 fiber over P is smooth (as we have implicitly assumed in
introducing the monodromies on T3 ).
In [5] we explicitly solved the Dirac equation in a local model for this situation.
We found that the net number of chiral zero modes was one. We will not have time
to describe the details of the solution here.
In summary, before we translate into the M theory language, the chiral fermions
in the heterotic string theory on Z are localised at points on W over which the
Wilson lines in the T3 -fibers are trivial. In M theory this translates into the
statement that the chiral fermions are localised at points in W over which the ADE-
singularity “worsens”. This is also consistent with what we found in the previous
To carry out this procedure, we first write K = K ×U (1) (where U (1) denotes
a chosen U (1) factor of K = U (1)N ). Then we take the hyper-Kähler quotient of
HN +1 by K to get a hyper-Kähler eight-manifold X̂ = HN +1 //K , after which
we take the ordinary quotient, not the hyper-Kähler quotient, by U (1) to get a
seven-manifold X = X̂/U (1) that should admit a metric of G2 -holonomy. X has
a natural map to W = R3 given by the value of the D-field
of U (1) – which was
not set to zero – and this map gives the fibration of X by hyper-Kähler manifolds.
In the present example, we can easily make this explicit. We take U (1) to
be the “last” U (1) in K = U (1)N , so U (1) only acts on ΦN −1 and ΦN . K is
therefore the product of the first N − 1 U (1)’s; it acts trivially on ΦN , and acts on
Φ0 , . . . , ΦN −1 according to the standard quiver diagram of SU (N ). So the hyper-
Kähler quotient HN +1 //K is just (HN //K ) × H , where HN //K is the SU (N )
singularity, isomorphic to H/ZN and H is parameterized by ΦN . So finally, X will
be (H/ZN × H )/U (1) . To make this completely explicit, we just need to identify
the group actions on H and H . If we parameterize H and H respectively by pairs of
complex variables (a, b) and (a , b ) then the ZN action on H, such that the quotient
H/ZN is the SU (N ) singularity, is given by
a e a
(5.16) → ,
b e−2πik/N b
while the U (1) action that commutes with this (and preserves the hyper-Kähler
structure) is
a e a
(5.17) → .
b e−iψ/N b
The U (1) action on H is similarly
a e a
(5.18) → .
b e−iψ/N b
In all, if we set λ = eiψ/N , w1 = a , w2 = b , w3 = a, w4 = b̄, then the quotient
H/ZN × H /U (1) can be described with four complex variables w1 , . . . , w4 modulo
the equivalence
(5.19) (w1 , w2 , w3 , w4 ) → (λN w1 , λN w2 , λw3 , λw4 ), |λ| = 1
This quotient is a cone on a weighted projective space WCP3N,N,1,1 . In fact, if we
impose the above equivalence relation for all nonzero complex λ, we would get the
weighted projective space itself; by imposing this relation only for |λ| = 1, we get a
cone on the weighted projective space. Note that the conical metric of G2 -holonomy
on this space does not use usual Kähler metric on weighted projective space.
WCP3N,N,1,1 has a family of AN −1 -singularities at points (w1 , w2 , 0, 0). This is
easily seen by setting λ to e2πi/N . This set of points is a copy of CP1 = S2 . Our
proposed G2 -manifold is a cone over weighted projective space, so it has a family
of AN −1 -singularities which are a cone over this S2 . This is of course a copy of R3 .
Away from the origin in R3 the only singularities are these orbifold singularities.
At the origin however, the whole manifold develops a conical singularity. There,
the 2-sphere, which is noncontractible in the bulk of the manifold, shrinks to zero
size. This is in keeping with the anomaly inflow arguments of the previous section.
There we learned that an ADE-singularity which worsens over a point in W is a
good candidate for the appearance of chiral fermions. Here, via duality with the
heterotic string, we find that the conical singularity in this example supports one
chiral fermion in the N of the SU (N ) gauge symmetry coming from the AN −1 -
singularity. In fact, the U (1) gauge symmetry from the C-field in this example
combines with the SU (N ) to give a gauge group which is globally U (N ) and the
fermion is in the fundamental representation.
Some extensions of this can be worked out in a similar fashion. Consider the
case that away from P , the monodromies break SU (N +1) to SU (p)×SU (q)×U (1),
where p+q = N +1. Analysis of the Dirac equation along the above lines shows that
such a model will give chiral fermions transforming as (p, q̄) under SU (p) × SU (q)
(and charged under the U (1)). To describe a dual in M theory on a manifold of G2
holonomy, we let K = K × U (1) , where now K = K1 × K2 , K1 being the product
of the first p − 1 U (1)’s in K and K2 the product of the last q − 1, while U (1) is
the pth U (1). Now we must define X̂ = HN +1 //K , and the manifold admitting a
metric of G2 holonomy should be X̂/U (1) .
We can compute X̂ easily, since K1 acts only on Φ1 , . . . , Φp and K2 only on
Φp+1 , . . . , ΦN +1 . The hyper-Kähler quotients by K1 and K2 thus simply construct
the SU (p) and SU (q) singularities, and hence X̂ = H/Zp × H/Zq . X̂ has planes
of Zp and Zq singularities, which will persist in X = X̂/U (1) , which will also
have a more severe singularity at the origin. So the model describes a theory with
SU (p)×SU (q) gauge theory and chiral fermions supported at the origin. U (1) acts
on H/Zp and H/Zq as the familiar global symmetry that preserves the hyper-Kähler
structure of the SU (p) and SU (q) singularities. Representing those singularities by
pairs (a, b) and (a , b ) modulo the usual action of Zp and Zq , U (1) acts by
iψ/p −iψ/q
a e a a e a
(5.20) → and → .
b e−iψ/p b b eiψ/q b
Now if p and q are relatively prime, we set λ = eiψ/pq , and we find that the
U (1) action on the complex coordinates w1 , . . . , w4 (which are defined in terms of
a, b, a , b by the same formulas as before) is
(5.21) (w1 , w2 , w3 , w4 ) → (λp w1 , λp w2 , λq w3 , λq w4 ).
If p and q are relatively prime, then the U (1) action, upon taking λ to be a pth or
q th root of 1, generates the Zp ×Zq orbifolding that is part of the original definition
of X̂. Hence in forming the quotient X̂/U (1) , we need only to act on the w’s by
the equivalence relation. The quotient is therefore a cone on a weighted projective
space WCP3p,p,q,q . If p and q are not relatively prime, we let (p, q) = r(n, m) where
r is the greatest common divisor and n and m are relatively prime. Then we let
λ = exp(irψ/pq), so the equivalence relation above is replaced with
(5.22) (w1 , w2 , w3 , w4 ) → (λn w1 , λn w2 , λm w3 , λm w4 ).
To reproduce X̂/U (1) we must now also divide by Zr , acting by
(5.23) (w1 , w2 , w3 , w4 ) → (ζw1 , ζw2 , w3 , w4 ),
where ζ = 1. So X is a cone on WCP3n,n,m,m /Zr .
6. Outlook.
Having gathered all the necessary ingredients we can now briefly describe how
one goes about building a model of particle physics from M theory on a G2 -
manifold, X. First it is natural that X admits a map to a three-manifold W .
The generic fibers of the map are all K3-surfaces which have an ADE singularity of
some fixed type. A4 = SU (5) is a promising possibility for particle physics. This
plays the role of the GUT gauge group.
At a finite number of points on X which are also on W , there are conical
singularities of the kind discussed in section five. These support chiral fermions in
various representations of the ADE gauge group. For instance, in the case of SU (5)
we would like to obtain three 5’s and three 10’s. The singularities of X should be
of the required type.
We then take W to non-simply connected (e.g. W might be S 3 /Zn ). Wilson
lines (or flat connections) of the SU (5) gauge fields can then be used to break SU (5)
to SU (3)×SU (2)×U (1) - the gauge group of the standard model.
An analysis of some of the basic properties of such models (assuming a suitable
X exists) was carried out in [25]. It was found that one of the basic physical tests
of such a model - namely the stability of the proton - was not problematic. This is
because the various families of chiral fermions originate from different points on X
so it is natural for them to be charged under different discrete symmetries. These
symmetries prevent the existence of operators which would otherwise mediate the
decay of the proton too quickly.
On the mathematical side, we still do not have examples of compact G2 -
manifolds with these conical singularities. The physics suggests that they are nat-
ural spaces to construct and we hope that this will be done in the near future.
Of course, we are still a long way from having a realistic explanation of particle
physics through M theory, since we do not understand in detail why supersymmetry
is broken in nature and why the cosmological constant is so small.
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Current address: Department of Physics, Rutgers University, 126 Frelinghuysen Road, Pis-
cataway, NJ 08854
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Clay Mathematics Proceedings
Volume 3, 2004
Simon K. Donaldson
1. The equations
In this article we discuss some well-known problems in Kähler geometry. The
general theme is to ask whether a complex manifold admits a preferred Kähler
metric, distinguished by some natural differential-geometric criterion. A paradigm
is the well-known fact that any Riemann surface admits a metric of constant Gauss
curvature. Much of the interest of the subject comes from the interplay between, on
the one hand, the differential geometry of metrics, curvature tensors etc. and, on
the other hand, the complex analytic or algebraic geometry of the manifold. This
is, of course, a very large field and we make no attempt at an exhaustive account,
but it seems proper to emphasise at the outset that many of these questions have
been instigated by seminal work of Calabi.
Let (V, ω0 ) be a compact Kähler manifold of complex dimension n. The Kähler
forms in the class [ω0 ] can be written in terms of a Kähler potential ωφ = ω0 +i∂∂φ.
In the case when 2π[ω0 ] is an integral class, eφ has a geometrical interpretation
as the change of metric on a holomorphic line bundle L → V . The Ricci form
ρ = ρφ is −i times the curvature form of KV−1 , with the metric induced by ωφ , so
[ρ] = 2πc1 (V ) ∈ H 2 (V ). In the 1950’s, Calabi [3] initiated the study of Kähler-
Einstein metrics, with
(1) ρφ = λωφ ,
for constant λ. For these to exist we need the topological condition 2πc1 (V ) = λ[ω].
When this condition holds we can write (by the ∂∂ Lemma)
ρ0 − λω0 = i∂∂f,
for some function f . The Kähler-Einstein equation becomes the second order, fully
nonlinear, equation
(2) (ω0 + i∂∂φ)n = ef −λφ ω0n .
c Clay Mathematics Institute
More explicitly, in local coordinates zα and in the case when the metric ω0 is
Euclidean, the equation is
(3) det δαβ + = ef −λφ .
∂zα ∂z β
This is a complex Monge-Ampère equation and the analysis is very much related
to that of real Monge-Ampère equations of the general shape
(4) det = F (x, u),
∂xi ∂xj
where u is a convex function on an open set in Rn . There is a tremendous body of
work on these real and complex Monge-Ampère equations. In the Kähler setting,
the decisive contributions, dating back to the 1970’s, are due to Yau [9] and Aubin
[2]. The conclusion is, roughly stated, that PDE techniques reduce the problem
of finding a solution to that of finding a priori bounds for φL∞ . In the case
when λ < 0 this bound is easily obtained from the maximum principle; in the case
when λ = 0 the bound follows from a more sophisticated argument of Yau. This
leads, of course, to the renowned Calabi-Yau metrics on manifolds with vanishing
first Chern class. When λ is positive, so in algebro-geometric language we are
considering a Fano manifold V , the bound on φL∞ , and hence the existence of a
Kähler-Einstein metric, may hold or may not, depending on more subtle properties
of the geometry of the manifold V and, in a long series of papers, Tian has made
enormous progress towards understanding precisely when a solution exists. Notably,
Tian made a general conjecture in [8], which we will return to in the next section.
In the early 1980’s, Calabi initiated another problem [4]. His starting point was
to consider the L2 norm of the curvature tensor as a functional on the metrics and
seek critical points, called extremal Kähler metrics. The Euler-Lagrange equations
involve the scalar curvature
S = (ρ ∧ ω n−1 )/ω n .
The extremal condition is the equation
(5) ∂(grad S) = 0.
On the face of it this is a very intractable partial differential equation, combining
the full nonlinearity of the Monge-Ampère operator, which is embedded in the
definition of the curvature tensor, with high order: the equation being of order six
in the derivatives of the Kähler potential φ. Things are not, however, quiet as bad
as they may seem. The extremal equation asserts that the vector field grad S on V
is holomorphic so if, for example, there are no non-trivial holomorphic vector fields
on V the equation reduces to the constant scalar curvature equation
(6) S = σ,
where the constant σ is determined by V through Chern-Weil theory. This reduction
still leaves us with an equation of order four and, from the point of view of partial
differential equations, the difficulty which permeates the theory is that one cannot
directly apply the maximum principle to equations of this order. From the point
of view of Riemannian geometry, the difficulty which permeates the theory is that
control of the scalar curvature—in contrast to the Ricci tensor—does not give much
control of the metric.
In the case when [ρ] = λ[ω] the constant scalar curvature and Kähler-Einstein
conditions are equivalent. Of course this is a global phenomenon: locally the equa-
tions are quite different. Obviously Kähler-Einstein implies constant scalar curva-
ture. Conversely, one has an identity
∂S = ∂ ∗ ρ,
so if the scalar curvature is constant the Ricci form ρ is harmonic. But λω is also
a harmonic form so if ρ and λω are in the same cohomology class they must be
equal, by the uniqueness of harmonic representatives.
There are two parabolic evolution equations associated to these problems. The
Ricci flow
(7) = ρ − λω.
and the Calabi flow
(8) = i∂∂S.
Starting with an extremal metric, the Calabi flow evolves the metric by diffeomeor-
phims (the one-parameter group generated by the vector field grad S): the geometry
is essentially unchanged. The analogues of general extremal metrics (nonconstant
scalar curvature) for the Ricci flow are the “Ricci solitons”
(9) ρ − λω = Lv ω,
where Lv is the Lie derivative along a holomorphic vector field v.
2. Conjectural picture
We present a precise algebro-geometric condition which we expect to be equiva-
lent to the existence of a constant scalar curvature Kähler metric. This conjecture is
formulated in [6]; in the Kähler-Einstein/Fano case the conjecture is essentially the
same as that made by Tian in [8]. An essential ingredient is the notion of the “Fu-
taki invariant”. Suppose L → V is a holomorphic line bundle with c1 (L) = 2π[ω0 ]
and with a Hermitian metric whose induced connection has curvature −iω. Suppose
we have a C∗ -action α on the pair V, L. Then we get a complex-valued function H
on V by comparing the horizontal lift of the vector field generating the action on
V with that generating the action on L. In the case when S 1 ⊂ C∗ acts by isome-
tries H is real-valued and is just the Hamiltonian in the usual sense of symplectic
geometry. The Futaki invariant of the C∗ -action is
(S − σ)H,
where σ is the average value of the scalar curvature S (a topological invariant).
There is another, more algebro-geometric, way of describing this involving deter-
minant lines. For large k we consider the line
Λmax H 0 (V ; Lk ).
The C∗ -action on (V, L) induces an action on this line, with some integer weight wk .
Let dk be the dimension of H 0 (V ; Lk ) and F (k) = wk /kdk . By standard theory,
this has an expansion for large k:
F (k) = F0 + F1 k−1 + F2 k−2 + . . . .
The equivariant Riemann-Roch formula shows that the Futaki invariant is just the
coefficient F1 in this expansion. Turning things around, we can define the Futaki
invariant to be F1 , the advantage being that this algebro-geometric point of view
extends immediately to singular varieties, or indeed general schemes.
Given (V, L), we define a “test configuration” of exponent r to consist of
(1) a scheme V with a line bundle L → V;
(2) a map π : V → C with smooth fibres Vt = π −1 (t) for non-zero t, such that
Vt is isomorphic to V and the restriction of L is isomorphic to Lr ;
(3) a C∗ -action on L → V covering the standard action on C.
We define the Futaki invariant of such a configuration to be the invariant of
the action on the central fibre π −1 (0), (with the restriction of L) - noting that
this may not be smooth. We say that the configuration is “destabilising” if the
Futaki invariant is bigger than or equal to zero and, in the case of invariant zero the
configuration is not a product V ×C. Finally we say that (V, L) is “K-stable” (Tian’s
terminology) if there are no destabilising configurations. Then our conjecture is:
Conjecture 1. Suppose (V, ω0 ) is a compact Kähler manifold and [ω0 ] =
2πc1 (L). Then there is a metric of constant scalar curvature in the class [ω0 ] if and
only if (V, L) is K-stable.
The direct evidence for the truth of this conjecture is rather slim, but we will
attempt to explain briefly why one might hope that it is true.
The first point to make is that “K-stability”, as defined above, is related to
the standard notion of “Hilbert-Mumford stability” in algebraic geometry. That is,
we consider, for fixed large k, the embedding V → CPN defined by the sections
of Lk which gives a point [V, L]k in the appropriate Hilbert scheme of subschemes
of CPN . The group SL(N + 1, C) acts on this Hilbert scheme, with a natural
linearisation, so we have a standard notion of Geometric Invariant Theory stability
of [V, L]k . Then K-stability of (V, L) is closely related to the stability of [V, L]k for
all sufficiently large k. (The notions are not quite the same: the distinction between
them is analogous to the distinction between “Mumford stability” and “Gieseker
stability” of vector bundles.)
The second point to make is that there is a “moment map” interpretation of
the differential geometric set-up. This is explained in more detail in [5] , although
the main idea seems to be due originally to Fujiki [7]. For this, we change our
point of view and instead of considering different metrics (i.e. symplectic forms) on
a fixed complex manifold we fix a symplectic manifold (M, ω) and consider the set
J of compatible complex structures on M . Thus a point J in J gives the same
data–a complex manifold with a Kähler metric–which we denoted previously by
(V, ω). The group G of “exact” symplectomorphisms of (M, ω) acts on J and one
finds that the map J → S − σ is a moment map for the action. In this way, the
moduli space of constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics appears as the standard
symplectic quotient of J . In such situations, one anticipates that the symplectic
quotient will be identified with a complex quotient, involving the complexification
of the relevant group. In the case at hand, the group G does not have a bona fide
complexification but one can still identify infinite-dimensional submanifolds which
play the role of the orbits of the complexification: these are just the equivalence
classes under the equivalence relation J1 ∼ J2 if (M, J1 ) and (M, J2 ) are isomorphic
as complex manifolds. With this identification, and modulo the detailed notion of
stability, Conjecture 1 becomes the familiar statement that a stable orbit for the
complexified group contains a zero of the moment map. Of course all of this is
a formal picture and does not lead by itself to any kind of proof, in this infinite-
dimensional setting. We do however get a helpful and detailed analogy with the
better understood theory of Hermitian Yang-Mills connections. In this analogy
the constant scalar curvature equation corresponds to the Hermitian Yang-Mills
equation, for a connection A on a holomorphic bundle over a fixed Kähler manifold,
FA .ω = constant.
The extremal equation ∂(grad S) = 0 corresponds to the Yang-Mills equation
d∗A FA = 0,
whose solutions, in the framework of holomorphic bundles, are just direct sums of
Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections.
Leaving aside these larger conceptual pictures, let us explain in a down-to-earth
way why one might expect Conjecture 1 to be true. Let us imagine that we can
solve the Calabi flow equation (8) with some arbitrary initial metric ω0 . Then,
roughly, the conjecture asserts that one of four things should happen in the limit
as t → ∞. (We are discussing this flow, here, mainly for expository purposes.
One would expect similar phenomena to appear in other procedures, such as the
continuity method. But it should be stressed that, in reality, there are very few
rigorous results about this flow in complex dimension n > 1: even the long time
existence has not been proved.)
(1) The flow converges, as t → ∞, to the desired constant scalar curvature
metric on V .
(2) The flow is asymptotic to a one-parameter family of extremal metrics
on the same complex manifold V , evolving by diffeomeorphisms. Thus
in this case V admits an extremal metric. Transforming to the other
setting, of a fixed symplectic form, the flow converges to a point in the
equivalence class defined by V . In this case V cannot be K-stable, since
the diffeomorphisms arise from a C∗ -action on V with non-trivial Futaki
invariant and we get a destabilising configuration by taking V = V × C
with this action.
(3) The manifold V does not admit an extremal metric but the transformed
flow Jt on J converges. In this case the limit of the transformed flow lies in
another equivalence class, corresponding to another complex structure V
on the same underlying differentiable manifold. The manifold V admits
an extremal metric. The original manifold V is not K-stable because there
is a destabilising configuration where V is diffeomorphic to V × C but the
central fibre has a different complex structure V (“jumping” of complex
(4) The transformed flow Jt on J does not converge to any complex structure
on the given underlying manifold but some kind of singularities develop.
However, one can still make sufficient sense of the limit of Jt to extract a
scheme from it, and this scheme can be fitted in as the central fibre of a
destabilising configuration, similar to case (3).
We stress again that this is more of a programme of what one might hope
eventually to prove, rather than a summary of what is really known. In the Kähler-
Einstein/Fano situation one can develop a parallel programme (as sketched by Tian
in [8]) for the Ricci flow (about which much more is known), where Ricci solitons
take the place of extremal metrics. In any event we hope this brings out the point
that one can approach two kinds of geometric questions, which on the face of it
seem quite different.
(1) ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY PROBLEM. Describe the possible destabil-
ising configurations and in particular the nature of the singularities of the
central fibre (e.g. does one need schemes as opposed to varieties?).
behaviour of the Calabi flow/Ricci flow (or other continuity methods),
and the nature of the singularities that can develop.
The essence of Conjecture 1 is that these different questions should have the same
where (uij ) is the inverse of the Hessian matrix (uij ) of second derivatives of u.
This formulation displays very well the way in which the equation is an analogue,
of order 4, of the real Monge-Ampère equation (4). The equation is supplemented by
boundary conditions which can be summarised by saying that the desired solution
should be an absolute minimum of the functional
(11) F(u) = − log det(uij ) + L(u),
(12) L(u) = u dρ − σ u dµ.
∂P P
This is a problem of an elementary nature, which was solved in [6] in the case
when the dimension n is 2, but which seems quite difficult in higher dimensions.
(And one can also ask for a more conceptual proof than that in [6] for dimension 2.)
On the other hand if this Conjecture 2 is false then very likely the same is true for
Conjecture 1: in that event one probably has to move outside algebraic geometry
to capture the meaning of constant scalar curvature.
(18) FA (u) = − log(u (x))dx + LA (u).
Then we have
Theorem 1. There is a solution to equations (14), (15) if and only if LA (f ) >
0 for all (non-affine) convex functions g on [−1, 1]. In this case the solution is an
absolute minimum of the functional FA .
To prove this we consider the function φ(x) = 1/u (x). This should satisfy the
equation φ = −A with φ → 0 at ±1. Thus the function φ is given via the usual
Green’s function 1
φ(x) = gx (y)A(y)dy,
where gx (y) is a linear function of y on the intervals (−1, x) and (x, 1), vanishing
on the endpoints ±1 and with a negative jump in its derivative at y = x. Thus
−gx (y) is a convex function on [−1, 1] and
LA (−gx ) = A(y)gx (y)dy = φ(x).
Thus our hypothesis (LA (g) > 0 on convex g) implies that the solution φ is positive
throughout (−1, 1) so we can form φ−1 and integrate twice to solve the equation
u = φ−1
thus finding the desired solution u. The converse is similar. The fact that the
solution is an absolute minimum follows from the convexity of the functional FA .
1. M. Abreu Kähler geometry of toric varieties and extremal metrics International J. Math. 9
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2. T. Aubin Equations du type Monge-Ampère sur les variétés kähleriennes compactes Bul. Sc.
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4. E. Calabi Extremal Kähler metrics In: Seminar in Differential geometry (Yau,ed.) Annals
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5. S. Donaldson Remarks on gauge theory, complex geometry and 4-manifold topology Fields
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6. S. Donaldson Scalar curvature and stability of toric varieties Jour. Differential Geometry,
To appear.
7. A. Fujiki The moduli spaces and Kähler metrics of polarised algebraic varieties Sugaku 42
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8. G. Tian Kähler-Einstein metrics with positive scalar curvature Inv. Math. 130 (1997) 1-37
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Jerome P. Gauntlett
1. Introduction
Supergravity theories in D=10 and D=11 spacetime dimensions play an impor-
tant role in string/M-theory since they describe the low-energy dynamics. There
are five different supersymmetric string theories, all in D=10. At low energies the
type IIA and type IIB string theories give rise to type IIA and type IIB super-
gravity, respectively, while the type I, and the two heterotic string theories all give
rise to type I supergravities. The five string theories are all related to each other,
possibly after compactification, by various dualities. There are also dualities which
relate string theory to M-theory, which resides in D=11. M-theory is much less
understood than string theory, but one of the most important things that is known
about it is that its low-energy effective action is given by D=11 supergravity.
Solutions to the supergravity equations of motion, particularly those that pre-
serve some supersymmetry, are of interest for many reasons. One reason is that
they are useful in studying compactifications from D=10 or 11 down to a lower
dimensional spacetime. By compactifying down to four spacetime dimensions, for
example, one might hope to make contact with particle physics phenomenology.
In addition to strings, it is known that string theory has a rich spectrum of other
extended objects or “branes”. Indeed, supergravity solutions can be constructed
describing the geometries around such branes, and these provide a very important
description of the branes. Similarly, there are membrane and fivebrane solutions
c Clay Mathematics Institute
of D=11 supergravity, which will be reviewed later, which implies that M-theory
contains such branes. An important application of brane and more general inter-
secting brane solutions is that they can be used to effectively study the quantum
properties of black holes.
Supergravity solutions also provide powerful tools to study quantum field the-
ories. The most significant example is Maldacena’s celebrated AdS/CFT corre-
spondence [108], which conjectures that string/M-theory on certain supergravity
geometries that include anti-de Sitter (AdS) space factors is equivalent to certain
conformally invariant quantum field theories (CFTs). The supergravity approxi-
mation to string/M-theory allows one to calculate highly non-trivial information
about the conformal field theories.
The AdS/CFT correspondence is truly remarkable. On the one hand it states
that certain quantum field theories, that a priori have nothing to do with gravity,
are actually described by theories of quantum gravity (string/M-theory). Similarly,
and equally surprising, it also states that quantum gravity on certain geometries is
actually quantum field theory. As a consequence much effort has been devoted to
further understanding and generalising the correspondence.
The basic AdS/CFT examples arise from studying the supergravity solutions
describing planar branes in flat space, in the “near horizon limit”. Roughly speak-
ing, this is the limit close to the location of the brane. Here we shall discuss more
general supergravity solutions that describe branes that are partially wrapped on
various calibrated cycles within special holonomy manifolds. We will construct ex-
plicit solutions in the near horizon limit, which is sufficient for applications to the
AdS/CFT correspondence.
To keep the presentation simple, we will mostly restrict our discussion to D=11
supergravity. In an attempt to make the lectures accessible to both maths and
physics students we will emphasise the geometrical aspects and de-emphasise the
quantum field theory aspects. To make the discussion somewhat self contained, we
begin with some basic material; it is hoped that the discussion is not too pedestrian
for the physics student and not too vague for the maths student!
We start with an introduction to D=11 supergravity, defining the notion of
a bosonic solution of D=11 supergravity that preserves supersymmetry. We then
describe why manifolds with covariantly constant spinors, and hence with special
holonomy, are important. Following this we present the geometries describing pla-
nar membranes and fivebranes. These geometries have horizons, and in the near
horizon limit we obtain geometries that are products of AdS spaces with spheres,
which leads to a discussion of the basic AdS/CFT examples.
To motivate the search for new AdS/CFT examples we first introduce the world-
volume description of branes. Essentially, this is an approximation that treats
the branes as “probes” propagating in a fixed background geometry. We define
calibrations and calibrated cycles, and explain why such probe-branes wrapping
calibrated cycles in special holonomy manifolds preserve supersymmetry. The aim
is then to construct supergravity solutions describing such wrapped branes after
including the back-reaction of the branes on the special holonomy geometry.
The construction of these supergravity solutions is a little subtle. In particular,
the solutions are first constructed in an auxiliary gauged supergravity theory. We
will focus, for illustration, on the geometries corresponding to wrapped fivebranes.
For this case the solutions are first found in SO(5) gauged supergravity in D=7.
This theory arises from the consistent truncation of the dimensional reduction of
D=11 supergravity on a four-sphere, as we shall discuss. This means that any
solution of the D=7 supergravity theory automatically gives a solution of D=11
supergravity. We will present several details of the construction of the solutions
describing fivebranes wrapping SLAG 3-cycles, and summarise more briefly the
other cases. We also comment on some aspects of the construction of the solutions
for wrapped membranes and D3-branes of type IIB supergravity.
We conclude with a discussion section that outlines some open problems as
well as a brief discussion of other related work on the construction of wrapped
NS-fivebranes of type IIB supergravity.
2. D=11 supergravity
The bosonic field content of D=11 supergravity [36] consists of a metric, g, and
a three-form C with four-form field strength G = dC which live on a D=11 manifold
which we take to be spin. The signature is taken to be mostly plus, (−, +, . . . , +).
In addition the theory has a fermionic gravitino, ψµ . The action with ψµ = 0 is
given by
1 √ 1 1
(2.1) S = 2 d11 x −gR − G ∧ ∗G − C ∧ G ∧ G,
2κ 2 6
and thus the bosonic equations of motion, including the Bianchi identity for the
four-form, are
1 1
Rµν = (G2µν − gµν G2 )
12 12
d∗G+ G∧G = 0
(2.2) dG = 0 ,
where G2µν = Gµσ1 σ2 σ3 Gν σ1 σ2 σ3 and G2 = Gσ1 σ2 σ3 σ4 Gσ1 σ2 σ3 σ4 , with µ, ν, σ =
0, 1, . . . , 10. The theory is invariant under supersymmetry transformations whose
infinitesimal form is given schematically by
δg ∼ ψ
δC ∼ ψ
(2.3) δψ ∼ ∇
ˆ + ψψ ,
where the spinor parameterises the variation and the connection ∇ ˆ will be given
Of primary interest are bosonic solutions to the equations of motion that pre-
serve at least one supersymmetry. These are solutions to the equations of motion
with ψ = 0 which are left inert under a supersymmetry variation. From (2.3) we
see that δg = δC = 0 trivially, and hence we seek solutions to the equations of
motion that admit non-trivial solutions to the equation ∇ ˆ = 0.
As somewhat of an aside we mention a potentially confusing point. For the
theory to be supersymmetric, it is necessary that all of the fermions are Grassmann
odd (anti-commuting) spinors. However, since the only place that fermions enter
into bosonic supersymmetric solutions is via ∇
ˆ = 0 and since this is linear in we
can, and will, take to be a commuting (i.e. ordinary) spinor from now on. The
Grassmann odd character of the fermions is certainly important in the quantum
theory, but this will not concern us here.
To be more precise about the connection ∇ ˆ let us introduce some further nota-
tion. We will use the convention that µ, ν, . . . are coordinate indices and α, β, . . .
are tangent space indices, i.e., indices with respect to an orthonormal frame. The
D=11 Clifford algebra, Clif f (10, 1), is generated by gamma-matrices Γα satisfying
the algebra
(2.4) Γα Γβ + Γβ Γα = 2η αβ ,
with η = diag(−1, 1, . . . , 1). We will work in a representation where the gamma-
matrices are real 32 × 32 matrices acting on real 32 component spinors, with
Γ0 Γ1 . . . Γ10 = +1. Recall that Spin(10, 1) is generated by
1 αβ 1 α β
(2.5) Γ ≡ Γ Γ − Γβ Γα ,
4 8
and here we have introduced the notation that Γα1 ...αp is an anti-symmetrised
product of p gamma-matrices. The charge conjugation matrix is defined to be Γ0
and ¯ ≡ T Γ0 .
We can now write the condition for a bosonic configuration to preserve super-
symmetry as
equation is linear, the Killing spinors form a vector space whose dimension n can,
in principle, be from 1, . . . , 32. The fraction of preserved supersymmetry is then
n/32. Although solutions are known preserving many fractions of supersymmetry, it
is not yet known if all fractions can occur (for some recent speculations on this issue
see [51]). A general characterisation of the most general supersymmetric geometries
preserving one time-like Killing spinor is presented in [76]. It was shown that the
geometry is mostly determined by a ten-dimensional manifold orthogonal to the
orbits of the Killing vector that admits an SU (5)-structure with rather weakly
constrained intrinsic torsion. The analogous analysis for null Killing spinors has
not yet been carried out. A complete classification of maximally supersymmetric
solutions preserving all 32 supersymmetries is presented in [58].
Most of our considerations will be in the context of D=11 supergravity, but
it is worth commenting on some features of M-theory that embellish D=11 super-
gravity. Firstly, the flux G, which is unconstrained in D=11 supergravity, satisfies
a quantisation condition in M-theory. Introducing the Planck length lp , via
(2.9) 2κ2 ≡ (2π)8 lp9 ,
for M-theory on a D=11 spin manifold Y we have [138]
1 λ
(2.10) G − ∈ H 4 (Y, Z) ,
(2πlp )3 2
where λ(Y ) = p1 (Y )/2 with p1 (Y ) the first Pontryagin class of Y , given below.
Note that since Y is a spin manifold, p1 (Y ) is divisible by two. Actually, more
generally it is possible to consider M-theory on unorientable manifolds admitting
pinors and some discussion can be found in [138].
A second point is that the low-energy effective action of M-theory is given by
D=11 supergravity supplemented by an infinite number of higher order corrections.
It is not yet known how to determine almost all of these corrections, but there is
one important exception. Based on anomaly considerations it has been shown that
the equation of motion for the four-form G is modified, at next order, by [137, 52]
1 (2πlp )6 2
(2.11) d∗G+ G∧G=− p1 − 4p2 ,
2 192
where the first and second Pontryagin forms are given by
1 1 1
(2.12) p1 = − 2
tr R2 , p2 = − 4
trR4 + (trR2 )2 .
8π 64π 128π 4
At the same order there are other corrections to the equations of motion and also
to the supersymmetry variations, but these have not yet been determined. Thus it
is not yet known how to fully incorporate this correction consistently with super-
symmetry but nevertheless it does have important consequences (see e.g. [132]).
As this correction will not play a role in the subsequent discussion, we will ignore
In the next sub-sections we will review two basic classes of supersymmetric
solutions to D=11 supergravity. The first class are special holonomy manifolds and
the second class are the membrane and fivebrane solutions.
Both J and Ω are covariantly constant and this is equivalent to the vanishing of
the exterior derivative of the Kähler form and the holomorphic (n, 0)-form:
(2.22) dJ = dΩ = 0 .
These manifolds have a covariantly constant complex chiral spinor ρ. The complex
conjugate of this spinor is also covariantly constant. For n = 2, 4 the conjugate
spinor has the same chirality, while for n = 3, 5 it has the opposite chirality. J and
Ω can be written in terms of the spinor ρ as
If we lower an index on the J a we obtain three Kähler forms and the condition for
Sp(n)-holonomy is equivalent to them being closed:
(2.25) dJ a = 0 .
Ω1 = 12 J 3 ∧ J 3 − 12 J 2 ∧ J 2 + iJ 2 ∧ J 3
(2.27) Ω2 = 12 J 1 ∧ J 1 − 12 J 3 ∧ J 3 + iJ 3 ∧ J 1
Ω3 = 12 J 2 ∧ J 2 − 12 J 1 ∧ J 1 + iJ 1 ∧ J 2 .
These manifolds have three covariantly constant Spin(8) spinors of the same chi-
rality ρa , a = 1, 2, 3. The three Kähler forms can be constructed as
Jmn = −ρ̄2 γmn ρ3
(2.28) 2
Jmn = −ρ̄3 γmn ρ1
Jmn = −ρ̄1 γmn ρ2 .
In addition to these basic irreducible examples we can also consider Md to be
the direct product of two manifolds. A rather trivial possibility is to consider the
product of one of the above manifolds with a number of flat directions. Two non-
trivial possibilities are to consider the product CY3 × CY2 with SU (3) × SU (2)
holonomy, or the product CY2 × CY2 with SU (2) × SU (2) holonomy.
We have summarised the possibilities in table 1. We have also recorded the
amount of D=11 supersymmetry preserved by geometries of the form R1,10−d ×Md .
As we noted, this corresponds to the total number of singlets in the decomposition
of 32 of Spin(10, 1) into representations of H. Let us illustrate the counting for
the d = 8 cases. The spinor representation 32 of Spin(10, 1) decomposes into
Spin(2, 1) × Spin(8) representations as
(2.29) 32 → (2, 8+ ) + (2, 8− ) ,
where the subscripts refer to the chirality of the two spinor representations of
Spin(8). When M8 is a Spin(7)-manifold we have the further decomposition under
Spin(7) ⊂ Spin(8)
(2.30) 8+ → 7 + 1, 8− → 8 .
The singlet corresponds to the single covariantly constant, Spin(7) invariant, spinor
on the Spin(7)-manifold discussed above. From (2.29) we see that this gives rise
to two preserved supersymmetries and that they transform as a minimal two real
component spinor of Spin(2, 1). This is also described as preserving N = 1 super-
symmetry in D=3 spacetime dimensions corresponding to the R1,2 factor. When
M8 is Calabi-Yau under SU (4) ⊂ Spin(8) we have
(2.31) 8+ → 6 + 1 + 1, 8− → 4 + 4̄ .
The two singlets combine to form the complex covariantly constant spinor on CY4
mentioned above. In this case four supersymmetries are preserved, transforming as
two minimal spinors of Spin(2, 1), or N = 2 supersymmetry in D=3. When M8 is
hyper-Kähler, under Sp(2) ⊂ Spin(8) we have
(2.32) 8+ → 5 + 1 + 1 + 1, 8− → 4 + 4 ,
and six supersymmetries are preserved, or N = 3 in D=3. Similarly, when M8 is
the product of two Calabi-Yau two-folds eight supersymmetries are preserved, or
N = 4 in D=3. If we also allow tori, then when M8 is the product of a Calabi-Yau
two-fold with T 4 , sixteen supersymmetries are preserved, or N = 8 in D=3, while
the simple case of T 8 preserves all thirty-two supersymmetries, or N = 16 in D=3.
An important way to make contact with four-dimensional physics is to con-
sider geometries of the form R1,3 × M7 with M7 compact. If we choose M7 to
be T 7 then it preserves all 32 supersymmetries or N = 8 supersymmetry in D=4
spacetime dimensions. T 3 × CY2 preserves 16 supersymmetries or N = 4 in D=4,
S 1 × CY3 preserves 8 supersymmetries or N = 2 in D=4 and G2 preserves four
supersymmetries or N = 1 in D=4.
Since Γ012345 squares to unity and is traceless, we conclude that the geometry
admits 16 independent Killing spinors.
This geometry satisfies the equations of motion providing that we impose the
Bianchi identity for G which implies that H is harmonic. If we take H to have a
single centre
α5 N
(2.36) H =1+ 3 , r 2 = xI xI ,
with N positive and α5 = πlp3 , then the solution carries cN units of quantised
magnetic four-form flux
(2.37) G = cN ,
(2πlp )3 S 4
with N a positive integer, consistent with (2.10). When c = +1 the solution
describes N coincident fivebranes, that are oriented along the dξ 0 ∧ dξ 1 ∧ . . . dξ 5
plane. When c = −1 the solution describes N coincident anti-fivebranes. Roughly
speaking, the fivebranes can be thought of as being located at r = 0, where the
solution appears singular. However, this is in fact a regular horizon and moreover,
it is possible to analytically continue to obtain a completely non-singular geometry
[78]. Thus it is not possible to say exactly where the fivebranes are located.
In the directions transverse to the fivebrane the metric becomes asymptotically
flat. We can thus calculate the ADM mass per unit volume, or tension, and we find
(2.38) T ension = N T5 , T5 = ,
(2π)5 lp6
where T5 is the tension of a single fivebrane (for a careful discussion of numerical
coefficients appearing in T5 and the membrane tension T2 below, see [46]). It is
possible to show that the supersymmetry algebra actually implies that the tension
of the fivebranes is fixed by the magnetic charge. This “BPS” condition is equivalent
to the geometry preserving 1/2 of the supersymmetry. Note also that if H is taken
to be a multi-centred harmonic function then we obtain a solution with the N
coincident fivebranes separated.
It is interesting to examine the near horizon limit of the geometry of N coin-
cident fivebranes, when r ≈ 0. By dropping the one from the harmonic function in
(2.36) we get
r i j (α5 N )2/3 2
(2.39) ds2 = dξ dξ ηij + dr + r 2 dΩ4 .
(α5 N )1/3 r2
where dΩ4 is the metric on the round four-sphere. After a coordinate transformation
we can rewrite this as
i j
dξ dξ ηij + dρ2 R2
(2.40) ds2 = R2 + dΩ4 ,
ρ2 4
which is just AdS7 × S 4 , in Poincaré coordinates, with the radius of the AdS7 given
(2.41) R = 2(πN )1/3 lp .
There are still N units of flux on the four-sphere. This geometry is in fact a
solution to the equations of motion that preserves all 32 supersymmetries. A closely
related fact is that the Lorentz symmetry SO(5, 1) of the fivebrane solution has been
enhanced to the conformal group SO(6, 2). The interpretation of this fact and the
SO(5) isometries of the four-sphere will be discussed in the next section. Before
doing so, we introduce the membrane solution.
The membrane geometry is given by
ds2 = H −2/3 dξ i dξ j ηij + H 1/3 dxI dxI
(2.42) C = cH −1 dξ 0 ∧ dξ 1 ∧ dξ 3 , c = ±1 ,
with, here, i, j = 0, 1, 2, I = 1, . . . 8 and H = H(xI ). This geometry preserves one
half of the supersymmetry. Using the orthonormal frame {H −1/3 dξ i , H 1/6 dxI } we
find that the Killing spinors are given by
(2.43) = H −1/6 0 ,
where 0 is a constant spinor, and satisfy the constraint
(2.44) Γ012 = c .
Since Γ012 squares to unity and is traceless, we conclude that the geometry admits
16 independent Killing spinors.
This geometry solves all of the equations of motion providing that we impose
the four-form equation of motion. This implies that the function H is harmonic.
Now take H to be
α2 N
(2.45) H =1+ 6 , r 2 = xI xI ,
with N a positive integer and α2 = 32π 2 lp6 . The solution carries cN units of
quantised electric four-form charge:
(2.46) ∗G = cN .
(2πlp )6 S 7
When c = ±1, the solution describes N coincident (anti-)membranes oriented along
the dξ 0 ∧ dξ 1 ∧ dξ 3 plane. Transverse to the membrane the solution tends to flat
space, and we can thus determine the ADM tension of the membranes. We again
find that it is related to the charge as dictated by supersymmetry
(2.47) T ension = N T2 , T2 = ,
(2π)2 lp3
where T2 is the tension of a single membrane. If the harmonic function is replaced
with a multi-centre harmonic function we obtain a solution with the membranes
The solution describing N coincident membanes appears singular at r ≈ 0, but
one can in fact show that this is a horizon. The solution can be extended across
the horizon and one finds a timelike singularity inside the horizon (see e.g. [134]),
which can be mapped onto a membrane source with tension T2 . To obtain the near
horizon geometry, r ≈ 0, we drop the one in the harmonic function (2.45), to find,
after a coordinate transformation,
i j
dξ dξ ηij + dρ2
(2.48) ds2 = R2 + 4R2 dΩ7 ,
which is simply the direct product AdS4 × S 7 with the radius of AdS4 given by
N π2
(2.49) R= lp .
There are still N units of flux on the seven-sphere. This configuration is itself a
supersymmetric solution preserving all 32 supersymmetries. The SO(2, 1) Lorentz
symmetry of the membrane solution has been enhanced to the conformal group
SO(3, 2) and the seven-sphere admits an SO(8) group of isometries.
This concludes our brief review of the basic planar membrane and fivebrane
solutions. There is a whole range of more general solutions describing the intersec-
tion of planar membranes and fivebranes, and we refer to the reviews [64, 133] for
further details.
3. AdS/CFT Correspondence
In the last section we saw that D=11 supergravity admits supersymmetric solu-
tions corresponding to N coincident membranes or coincident fivebranes, and that
in the near horizon limit the metrics become AdS4 × S 7 or AdS7 × S 4 , respectively.
The famous conjecture of Maldacena [108] states that M-theory on these back-
grounds is equivalent to certain conformal field theories in three or six spacetime
dimensions, respectively. For a comprehensive review of this topic, we refer to [6],
but we would like to make a few comments in order to motivate the construction
of the supersymmetric solutions of D=11 supergravity presented in later sections.
The best understood example of the AdS/CFT correspondence actually arises
in type IIB string theory, so we first pause to introduce it. The low-energy limit of
type IIB string theory is the chiral type IIB supergravity [131, 97]. The bosonic
field content of the supergravity theory consists of a metric, a complex scalar, a
complex three-form field strength and a self-dual five-form field strength. The
theory admits a 1/2 supersymmetric three-brane, called a D3-brane. The metric of
the corresponding supergravity solution is given by
(3.1) ds2 = H −1 dξ i dξ j ηij + H dxI dxI ,
where i, j = 0, 1, 2, 3, I, J = 1, . . . 6 and H = H(xI ) is a harmonic function. If we
α3 N
(3.2) H =1+ 2 ,
with N a positive integer, and α3 some constant with dimensions of length squared,
then the solution corresponds to N coincident D3-branes. The only other non-
vanishing field is the self-dual five-form and the solution, for suitably chosen α3 ,
carries N units of flux when integrated around a five-sphere surrounding the D3-
branes. In the near horizon limit, r ≈ 0, we get AdS5 × S 5 , with equal radii.
The boundary of AdS5 is the conformal compactification of four-dimensional
Minkowski space, M4 . The AdS/CFT conjecture states that type IIB string theory
on AdS5 × S 5 is equivalent (dual) to N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
with gauge group SU (N ) on M4 . This quantum field theory is very special as it
has the maximal amount of supersymmetry that a quantum field theory can have.
Moreover, it is a conformal field theory (CFT), i.e. invariant under the conformal
group. The AdS/CFT correspondence relates parameters in the field theory with
those of the string theory on AdS5 × S 5 . It turns out that perturbative Yang-Mills
theory can be a good description only when the radius R of the AdS5 is small, while
supergravity is a good approximation only when R is large and N is large. The
fact that these different regimes don’t overlap is a key reason why such seemingly
different theories could be equivalent at all.
new supersymmetric solutions of supergravity theories that are the products, pos-
sibly warped1, of AdSd+1 with other compact spaces, preserving less than maximal
supersymmetry. Since the isometry group of AdSd+1 is the conformal group, this in-
dicates that these would be dual to new superconformal field theories in d spacetime
dimensions. Non-supersymmetric solutions with AdS factors are also of interest,
as they could be dual to non-supersymmetric CFTs. However, one has to check
whether the solutions are stable at both the perturbative and non-perturbative
level, which is very difficult in general. By contrast, in the supersymmetric case,
stability is guaranteed from the supersymmetry algebra. The focus has thus been
on supersymmetric geometries with AdS factors.
One class of examples, discussed in [103, 2, 114], is to start with the fivebrane,
membrane or D3-brane geometry (2.33), (2.42) or (3.1), respectively, and observe
that if the flat space transverse to the brane is replaced by a manifold with special
holonomy as in table 1, and the associated flux left unchanged, then the resulting
solution will still preserve supersymmetry but will preserve, in general, a reduced
amount. Now let the special holonomy manifold be a cone over a base X, i.e. let
the metric of the transverse space be
(3.3) dr 2 + r 2 ds2 (X) ,
X must be Einstein and have additional well known properties to ensure that
the metric has special holonomy. For example a five-dimensional X should be
Einstein-Sasaki in order that the six-dimensional cone is Calabi-Yau. Apart from
the special case when X is the round sphere these spaces have a conical singularity
at r = 0. To illustrate this construction explicitly for the membrane, one replaces
the eight-dimensional flat space transverse to the membrane in (2.42) with an eight-
dimensional cone with special holonomy:
(3.4) ds2 = H −2/3 dξ i dξ j ηij + H 1/3 dr 2 + r 2 ds2 (X) ,
where H = 1 + α2 N/r 6 , as before. Clearly this can be interpreted as N coincident
membranes sitting at the conical singularity. By considering the near horizon limit
of (3.4), r ≈ 0, one finds that it is now the direct product AdS4 × X and this
provides a rich class of new AdS/CFT examples.
Another generalisation is to exploit the fact that the maximally supersymmetric
conformal field theories can be perturbed by certain operators. In some cases,
under renormalisation group flow, these quantum theories will flow in the infrared
(low energies) to new superconformal field theories, with less supersymmetry. It is
remarkable that corresponding dual supergravity solutions can be found. Given the
dictionary between operators in the conformal field theory in d dimensions and fields
in AdSd+1 mentioned above, the perturbation of the conformal field theory should
correspond to dual supergravity solutions that asymptotically tend to AdSd+1 in a
prescribed way. Now on rather general grounds it can be argued that this AdSd+1
boundary corresponds to the ultraviolet (UV) of the dual perturbed conformal
field theory, and that going away from the boundary into the interior corresponds
to going to the infrared (IR) in the dual quantum field theory [136]. This can be
seen, for example, by studying the action of the conformal group on AdSd+1 and
on the correlation functions in the d-dimensional conformal field theory. Thus if
the perturbed conformal field theory is flowing to another conformal field theory
1A warped product of two spaces with coordinates x and y corresponds to a metric of the
form f (y)ds2 (x) + ds2 (y), for some function f (y).
in the IR, we expect that there should be supergravity solutions that interpolate
from the perturbed AdS boundary to another AdS region in the interior. Indeed
such solutions can be found (see for example [102, 59, 126]).
The above examples concern gravity duals of superconformal field theories or
flows between superconformal field theories. Another way to generalise the cor-
respondence is to find supergravity solutions that are dual to non-conformal field
theories. For example, one might study perturbed superconformal field theories
that flow in the infrared to non-conformal phases, such as Coulomb, Higgs and
confining phases. The corresponding dual supergravity solutions should still have
an asymptotic AdSd+1 boundary, describing the perturbed conformal field theory,
but they will no longer interpolate to another AdSd+1 region but to different kinds
of geometry dual to the different phases. For an example of these kinds of solutions
see [125]. Often the geometries found in the IR are singular and further analysis
is required to determine the physical interpretation.
The generalisation we will discuss in the rest of the lectures was initiated by
Maldacena and Nuñez [110]. The idea is to construct supergravity solutions de-
scribing branes wrapping calibrated cycles in manifolds of special holonomy, in the
near horizon limit. The next section will explain the background for attempting
this, and in particular why such configurations preserve supersymmetry. The sub-
sequent section will describe the construction of the solutions using the technical
tool of gauged supergravity. The D=11 solutions describing wrapped membranes
and fivebranes and the D=10 solutions describing wrapped D3-branes provide a
large class of solutions with dual field theory interpretations. The simplest, and
perhaps most important, solutions are warped products of AdS spaces, cycles with
Einstein metrics and spheres. The presence of the AdS factor for these solutions
implies that they provide a large class of new AdS/CFT examples. In addition, as
we shall discuss, there are more complicated solutions that describe flows from a
perturbed AdS boundary, describing the UV, to both conformal and non-conformal
behaviour in the IR.
Type IIB string theory also contains NS fivebranes. In the discussion section we
will briefly discuss how supergravity solutions describing NS fivebranes wrapped on
calibrated cycles can be used to study non-conformal field theories. A particularly
interesting solution [111] (see also [33]) gives rise to a dual quantum field theory
that has many features of N = 1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in four dimen-
sions. This is a very interesting theory as it has many features that are similar to
QCD. Two other interesting ways of studying N = 1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills
theory in four dimensions can be found in [104] and [128]. Related constructions
with N = 2 supersymmetry can be found in [69, 22, 20, 127] (for reviews see
[5, 19, 21]). The explicit regular solutions found in [104] are examples of a more
general construction discussed in [42] (see [40] for a review).
which can be used. In this section we will describe the low-energy world-volume
description of branes. Essentially, this is a probe-approximation in which the branes
are taken to be very light and hence propagate in a fixed background geometry
with no back-reaction. We will use this description to argue that branes can wrap
calibrated cycles in manifolds of special holonomy while preserving supersymmetry
[12, 13, 73, 79]. This then provides the motivation to seek D=11 supergravity
solutions that describe a large number of such wrapped branes, when the back-
reaction on the geometry will be very significant. We will construct the solutions in
the next section in the near horizon limit, which is the limit relevant for AdS/CFT
It will be useful to first review some background material concerning calibra-
tions on manifolds of special holonomy, before turning to the brane world-volume
4.1. Calibrations. A calibration [90] on a Riemannian manifold M is a p-
form ϕ satisfying two conditions:
dϕ = 0
(4.1) ϕ|ξp ≤ V ol|ξp , ∀ξ p ,
where ξp is any tangent p-plane, and V ol is the volume form on the cycle induced
from the metric on M . A p-cycle Σp is calibrated by ϕ if it satisfies
(4.2) ϕ|Σp = V ol|Σp .
A key feature of calibrated cycles is that they are minimal surfaces in their homology
class. The proof is very simple. Consider another cycle Σ such that Σ − Σ is the
boundary of a (p + 1)-dimensional manifold Ξ. We then have
(4.3) V ol(Σ) = ϕ= dϕ + ϕ= ϕ ≤ V ol(Σ ) .
The first equality is due to Σ being calibrated. The second equality uses Stokes’
theorem. The remaining steps use the closure of ϕ and the second part of the
definition of a calibration.
We will only be interested in calibrations that can be constructed as bilinears
of spinors, for reasons that will soon become clear. The general procedure for such
a construction was first discussed in [44, 89]. In fact all of the special holonomy
manifolds that we discussed earlier have such calibrations. We now summarise
the various cases, noting that the the spinorial construction and the closure of the
calibrations was already presented in section 2. That the calibrations also satisfy
the second condition in (4.1) was shown, for almost all cases, in [90]; it is also
straightforward to establish using the spinorial construction.
On Spin(7)-holonomy manifolds the Cayley four-form Ψ is a calibration and
the 4-cycles calibrated by Ψ are called Cayley 4-cycles.
G2 -holonomy manifolds have two types of calibrations, φ and ∗φ. The former
calibrates associative 3-cycles, while the latter calibrates co-associative 4-cycles.
Calabi-Yau n-folds generically have two classes of calibrations. The first class
1 n
is the Kähler calibrations given by n! J , where the wedge product is used. These
calibrate even 2n-dimensional cycles and this is equivalent to the cycles being holo-
morphic. The second type of calibration is the special Lagrangian (SLAG) cali-
bration given by the real part of the holomorphic n-form eiθ Ω, where the constant
θ ∈ S 1 , and these calibrate special Lagrangian n-cycles. Recall that for our purposes
fields automatically vanishes, and hence one only needs to know the supersymmetry
variation of the fermions, and this will be mentioned later.
To get some further insight, consider static bosonic D=11 backgrounds with
vanishing three-form, C = 0,and write the metric as
(4.7) ds2 = −dt2 + gM N dxM dxN ,
where M, N = 1, 2, . . . , 10. If we substitute this into (4.6) and partially fix the
reparametrisation invariance by choosing σ 0 = t the membrane action gives rise to
the energy functional
(4.8) E = T2 d2 σ [mab ]1/2 ,
where a, b = 1, 2, W is the spatial part of the world-volume, and mab is the spatial
part of the induced world-volume metric given by
(4.9) mab = ∂a xM ∂b xN gM N .
In other words, the energy is just given by the tension of the membrane times the
spatial area of the membrane. Now, static solutions to the equations of motion
minimise the energy functional. Thus static configurations minimise the area of
the membrane, which implies that the spatial part of the membrane is a minimal
surface. This is entirely in accord with expectations: the tension of the mem-
brane tends to make it shrink. It should be noted that the minimal surfaces can
be of infinite extent: the simplest example is an infinite flat membrane in D=11
Minkowski space. Of most interest to us will be membranes wrapping compact
minimal surfaces.
Let us further restrict to background geometries of the form R1,10−d × Md
with vanishing three-form that preserve supersymmetry. In other words Md has
special holonomy as discussed in section 2. The membrane world-volume theory is
supersymmetric with the number of supersymmetries determined by the number of
Killing spinors. Static membrane configurations that preserve supersymmetry wrap
cycles called supersymmetric cycles. We now argue that supersymmetric cycles are
equivalent to calibrated cycles with the associated calibration being constructed
from the Killing spinors.
In order that a bosonic world-volume configuration be supersymmetric the
supersymmetry variation of the fermions must vanish. Given the explicit super-
symmetry variations, it is simple to show this implies that [12]
(4.10) (1 − Γ) = 0 ,
where is a D=11 Killing spinor and the matrix Γ is given by
Γ = √ Γ0 γ
det m
1 ab
(4.11) γ = ∂a xM ∂b xN ΓM N ,
where [ΓM , ΓN ]+ = 2gM N . The matrix Γ satisfies Γ2 = 1 and is Hermitian, Γ† = Γ.
We now calculate
(1 − Γ) (1 − Γ) (1 − Γ) (1 − Γ) 2
(4.12) † = † = || || ≥ 0 .
2 2 2 2
world-volume action for a single D3-brane, with fermions set to zero, is given by
(4.21) S = T3 d4 σ [−det(∂i xµ ∂j xν gµν (x) + Fij )]1/2 .
The main new feature is that, in addition to the world-volume fields xµ , there is
now a U (1) gauge field with field strength F .
If we set F = 0, the action (4.21) reduces to the Nambu-Goto action. Following
a similar analysis to that of the membrane, we again find in static supersymmetric
backgrounds of the form R1,10−d × Md that supersymmetric cycles with F = 0 are
calibrated cycles. As the D3-brane has three spatial world-volume directions, there
are now more possibilities. A D3-brane can either wrap a calibrated 3-cycle in Md ,
with world-volume R × (Σ3 ⊂ Md ) or a Kähler 2-cycle in CYn with world-volume
R1,1 × (Σ2 ⊂ CYn ). The possibilities with the amount of supersymmetry preserved
are presented in table 3. For the Kähler cases, the world-volume has an R1,1
factor and we have also denoted by (n+ , n− ) the amount of d = 2 supersymmetry
preserved on the R1,1 factor, where n+ is the number of chiral supersymmetries
and n− the number of anti-chiral supersymmetries.
In order to get some insight into the field theory living on D3-branes, consider
the target to be D=10 Minkowski space-time, the world-volume to be R1,3 and
fix the reparametrisation invariance by setting σ 0 = t, σ 1 = x1 , σ 2 = x2 , σ 3 = x3 .
After expanding the determinant and dropping a constant term, we get
1 1
(4.22) S = T3 d4 σ(− ∂i xI ∂ i xI − Fij F ij + f ermions + . . . ) .
2 4
In addition to F there are six scalar fields that describe the transverse displacement
of the D3-brane. This action is simply N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory with gauge
group U (1). When there are N D3-branes, it is known that the DBI action should
be replaced by a non-Abelian generalisation but its precise form is not yet known.
However, it is known that after decoupling gravity, the leading terms give U (N )
N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory. After dropping the U (1) centre of mass piece,
we find N = 4 SU (N ) Yang-Mills theory. Recall that this is the theory that is
conjectured to be dual to type IIB string theory on AdS5 × S 5 , which is the near
horizon limit of the type IIB supergravity solution describing a planar D3-brane.
Once again, the near horizon limit of the supergravity solution is dual to the field
theory arising on the brane, and the same should apply to the near horizon limits
of the supergravity solutions describing the wrapped D3-branes in table 3.
The six-dimensional field theory living on a single planar fivebrane has five
scalar fields, describing the transverse fluctuations, the three-form H and fermions,
and has a chiral (2, 0) supersymmetry. The field theory when there are N coincident
fivebranes is not yet well understood. The AdS/CFT conjecture states that it is
dual to M-theory propagating on AdS7 × S 4 . Recall that the field theory has an
SO(5) R-symmetry.
In order to construct supergravity solutions describing wrapped branes, it is
very helpful to understand how supersymmetry is realised in the field theory living
on a probe-brane world-volume. The details depend on which calibrated cycle is
being wrapped and they are intimately connected to the structure of the normal
bundle of the calibrated cycle. Let us concentrate on the case of fivebranes wrapping
SLAG 3-cycles, as this will be the focus of the next section. The field theory on the
probe fivebrane world-volume lives on R1,2 × Σ3 . In order for this field theory to be
supersymmetric it is necessary that there be some notion of a constant spinor on Σ3 .
It is not immediately clear what this notion is, since, in general, Σ3 will not have a
covariantly constant spinor. However, the field theory living on the fivebrane with
world-volume R1,5 ⊂ R1,10 has an internal SO(5) R-symmetry, coming from the
five flat transverse directions, under which the fermions transform. The covariant
At first sight it is not at all clear how to construct these solutions. One might
imagine that one should start with an explicit special holonomy metric, which are
rather rare, and then “switch on the brane”. In fact the procedure we adopt [110]
is more indirect and subtle. A key point is that we aim to find the solutions in
the near horizon limit, i.e. near to the brane wrapping the cycle, and this simplifies
things in two important ways. Firstly, we expect that only the local geometry of
the calibrated cycle in the special holonomy manifold, including the structure of its
normal bundle, enters into the construction. Secondly, we will be able to employ a
very useful technical procedure of first finding the solutions in D=7 SO(5) gauged
supergravity. This theory arises from the consistent truncation of the Kaluza-Klein
reduction on a four-sphere of D=11 supergravity, as we shall describe. In particular
any supersymmetric solution of the D=7 theory gives rise to a supersymmetric
solution of D=11 supergravity. Although the converse is certainly not true, the
D=7 gauged supergravity does include many interesting solutions corresponding to
the near horizon limit of wrapped fivebrane geometries.
We first discuss Kaluza-Klein reduction starting with the simplest case of re-
duction on a circle. We then describe the reduction on a four-sphere leading to D=7
gauged supergravity. Following this we will describe the construction of fivebranes
wrapping calibrated cycles. We focus on the case of fivebranes wrapping SLAG
3-cycles to illustrate some details and then summarise some aspects of the other
4Note that there are D=11 solutions with U (1) isometries that have supersymmetries that will
not survive the dimensional reduction because the Killing spinors have a non-trivial dependence
on the coordinate on the circle.
where we have dropped the 7 subscript on g7 here and below, for clarity. This is
precisely the bosonic part of the action of D=7 SO(5) gauged supergravity [123].
In particular, the kinetic energy terms for the scalar fields are determined by Pµij
which is defined to be the part symmetric in i and j of
(5.9) (Π−1 )i δA B ∂µ + 2mBµ A B ΠB k δkj .
The potential terms for the scalar fields are defined in terms of
(5.10) Tij = (Π−1 )i A (Π−1 )j A , T = Tii .
Finally, Ω3 [B] and Ω5 [B] are Chern-Simons forms for the gauge fields, whose explicit
form will not be needed.
It is also possible to explicitly construct an ansatz for the D=11 fermions to
recover the fermions and supersymmetry of the D=7 gauged supergravity. In par-
ticular the construction implies that any bosonic (supersymmetric) solution of D=7
SO(5) gauged supergravity will uplift via (5.4) to a bosonic (supersymmetric) so-
lution of D=11 supergravity.
In order to find bosonic supersymmetric solutions of the D=7 gauged supergrav-
ity, we need the supersymmetry variations of the fermions. The fermions consist
of gravitini ψµ and dilatini λ and, in a bosonic background, their supersymmetry
variations are given by
δψµ = ∇µ − (γµ νρ
− 8δµν γ ρ )Γij ΠA i ΠB j Fνρ
1 m 9 A
+ mT γµ + √ (γµ νρσ − δµ ν γ ρσ )Γi Π−1 i Sνρσ,A
20 10 3 2
1 µ j 1 1
δλi = γ Γ Pµij + γ µν (Γkl Γi − Γi Γkl ) ΠA k ΠB l Fµν
2 16 5
1 1 m A
(5.11) + m(Tij − T δij )Γj + √ γ µνρ (Γi j − 4δij ) Π−1 j Sµνρ,A .
2 5 20 3
Here γ µ are the D=7 gamma matrices of Clif f (6, 1), while Γi are those of Clif f (5),
and these act on which is a spinor with respect to both Spin(6, 1) and Spin(5).
Note that γ µ and Γi commute. The covariant derivative appearing in the super-
symmetry variation for the gravitini is given by
1 ab 1
(5.12) ∇µ = ∂µ + ωµ γab + Qµij Γ ij
4 4
where Qµij is the part of (5.9) anti-symmetric in i and j. To obtain supersymmetric
configurations we set δψ = δλi = 0 and let be a commuting spinor. Note that
setting the variations of the dilatini to zero leads to algebraic constraints on .
Although still very complicated, D=7 gauged supergravity is a simpler theory
than D=11 supergravity as many degrees of freedom have been truncated. It is
clear from (5.4) that the “breathing mode”, corresponding to uniformly scaling
the round four-sphere, is one of the modes that has been truncated. This means
that there are no solutions of the D=7 gauged supergravity which give rise to the
full fivebrane solution of D=11 supergravity (2.33) with (2.36). However, the near
horizon limit of the fivebrane solution, AdS7 × S 4 , is easily found. Indeed it arises
as the simplest “vacuum” solution of the theory where the gauge fields, the three-
forms and the scalars are all set to zero: B = S = 0, Π = δ. In this case the
ansatz, the composite gauge fields Q appearing in (5.12) are given by the SO(3)
gauge fields Qab = 2mB ab . As a consequence, in demanding the vanishing of the
variation of the gravitini in the directions along Σ3 , we find that
1 m
(5.18) (∂ + ω̄ ab γab + B ab Γab ) = 0 ,
4 2
where ω̄ is the SO(3) spin connection on Σ3 . We now begin to see the significance
of the assumption (5.16). In particular, in the obvious orthonormal frame, (5.18)
can be satisfied by spinors independent of the coordinates along Σ3 , if we impose
the following projections on :
(5.19) γ ab = −Γab .
Note that this precisely parallels our discussion on the preservation of supersymme-
try in the context of the world-volume of the probe fivebrane at the end of section
4.3. To ensure that the variation of all components of the gravitini and dilatini
vanish we also need to impose
(5.20) γr =
and we find that the the only dependence of the Killing spinors on the coordinates is
radial: = ef /2 0 where 0 is a constant spinor. Note that only two of the conditions
(5.19) are independent and they break 1/4 of the supersymmetry. When combined
with (5.20) we see that 1/8 of the supersymmetry is preserved, in agreement with
table 4. Actually, if one follows through these preserved supersymmetries to D=11
one finds that they are precisely those that one expects when a fivebrane wraps a
SLAG 3-cycle: there are two projections corresponding to the CY3 and another for
the fivebrane.
A more detailed analysis of the conditions for supersymmetry implies that the
metric on Σ3 must in fact be Einstein. Given the factor e2g , we can always normalise
so that the Ricci tensor and the metric on Σ3 are related by
Finally, in addition, supersymmetry implies the following first order BPS equa-
tions on the three radial functions:
m −4λ 3l 4λ−2g
e−f f = − 3e + 2e6λ + e
10 20m
m −4λ 7l 4λ−2g
e−f g = − 3e + 2e6λ − e
10 20m
m 6λ l 4λ−2g
(5.22) e−f λ = e − e−4λ + e .
5 10m
If these equations are satisfied then all of the D=7 equations of motion are satisfied
and we have found a supersymmetric solution.
Using (5.4) we can now uplift any solution of these BPS equations to obtain
supersymmetric solutions of D=11 supergravity. The metric is given by
(5.23) ds211 = ∆−2/5 ds27 + 2 ∆4/5 e4λ DY a DY a + e−6λ dY α dY α ,
DY a = dY a + ω̄ a b Y b
(5.24) ∆−6/5 = e−4λ Y a Y a + e6λ Y α Y α ,
with a, b = 1, 2, 3, α = 4, 5 and (Y a , Y α ) are constrained coordinates on S 4 satisfy-
ing Y a Y a + Y α Y α = 1. The expression for the four-form is given by substituting
into (5.4). Clearly, the four-sphere is no longer round and it is non-trivially fibred
over the three-dimensional Einstein space Σ3 .
It is illuminating5 to change coordinates from the constrained coordinates
(r, Y A ) to unconstrained coordinates (ρa , ρα ) via
1 f +g+2λ a
ρa = − e Y
(5.25) ρα = − e2f −3λ Y α .
The metric then takes the form:
ds2 = (∆−2/5 e2f ) ds2 (R1,2 ) + e2g−2f ds̄2 (Σ3 )
(5.26) +(∆4/5 e−4f ) e2f −2g (dρa + ω̄ a b ρb )2 + dρα dρα .
In these coordinates the warp factors have a similar form to the simple planar
fivebrane solution (2.33); in particular this form confirms the interpretation of the
solutions as describing fivebranes with world-volumes given by R1,2 ×Σ3 . In addition
the metric clearly displays the SO(2) symmetry corresponding to rotations in the
ρ4 , ρ5 plane.
Of course to find explicit solutions we need to solve the BPS equations. When
l = −1 it is easy to check that there is an exact solution given by
e10λ = 2
e2g =
(5.27) e2f = .
m2 r 2
5These types of coordinates were first noticed in the context of wrapped membranes in [70].
The D=7 metric is then the direct product AdS4 × (H 3 /Γ) (this D=7 solution
was first found in [124]). The uplifted D=11 solution is a warped product of
AdS4 × (H 3 /Γ) with a four-sphere which is non-trivially fibred over (H 3 /Γ). The
presence of the AdS4 factor in the D=11 solution indicates that M-theory on this
background is dual to a superconformal field theory in three spacetime dimensions.
We will return to this point after analysing the general BPS solution. Note that
when l = 1 there is no AdS4 × (S 3 /Γ) solution.
It seems plausible that the BPS equations could be solved exactly. However,
much of the physical content can be deduced from a simple numerical investigation.
If we introduce the new variables
a2 = e2g e−8λ
(5.28) eh = ef −4λ ,
then the BPS equations are given by
m 10λ l
e−h h = −2e −1 −
2 4ma2
a m 10λ 3l
e−h = − 2e −1 −
a 2 4ma2
m l
(5.29) e−h λ = e10λ − 1 + .
5 8ma2
We next define x = a2 and F = xe10λ to obtain the ODE
dF F [m2 x − 5α + 2β]
(5.30) = .
dx x[m2 (2F − x) + 2β]
HAdS 7 L
AdS âS
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
2 4 6 8
IR limit of the fivebrane field theory on living on R1,2 × (H 3 /Γ). The interpretation
for non-compact H 3 /Γ is less clear.
The absence of an AdS4 × (S 3 /Γ) solution for l = 1 possibly indicates that the
quantum field theories arising on fivebranes wrapping SLAG 3-cycles with positive
curvature are not superconformal in the infrared. Alternatively, it could be that
there are more elaborate solutions lying outside of our ansatz that have AdS4
All other flows in figures 1 and 2 starting from the AdS7 type region flow
to singular solutions. Being singular does not exclude the possibility that they
might be interesting physically. Indeed, a criteria for time-like singularities in
static geometries to be “good singularities”, i.e. dual to some quantum field theory
behaviour, was presented in [110]. In particular, a good singularity is defined to
be one in which the norm of the time-like Killing vector with respect to the D=11
supergravity metric does not increase as one goes to the singularity (one can also
consider the weaker criterion that the norm is just bounded from above). It is not
difficult to determine whether the singularities that arise in the different asymptotic
limits are good or bad by this criterion and this has been presented in figures 1 and
2. It is likely that the good singularities describe some kind of Higgs branches of
the quantum field theory corresponding to the possibility of moving the coincident
wrapped fivebranes apart.
In summary, using D=7 gauged supergravity, we have been able to construct
D=11 supergravity solutions that describe fivebranes wrapping SLAG 3-cycles. The
cycle is Einstein and is either S 3 /Γ or H 3 /Γ where Γ is a discrete group of isometries.
Probably the most important solutions that have been found are the AdS4 ×(H 3 /Γ)
solutions which are dual to new superconformal field theories, after being uplifted
to D=11. More general flow solutions were also constructed numerically.
where ds̄2d is the metric on the supersymmetric d-cycle, Σd , and the functions f
and g depend on the radial coordinate r only.
The SO(5)-gauge fields are specified by the spin connection of the metric on Σd
in a way determined by the structure of the normal bundle of the calibrated cycle
being wrapped. In general, we decompose the SO(5) symmetry into SO(p)×SO(q)
with p + q = 5, and only excite the gauge fields in the SO(p) subgroup. We will
denote these directions by a, b = 1, . . . , p. If we consider a probe fivebrane wrapping
the cycle inside a manifold of special holonomy M , this decomposition corresponds
to dividing the directions transverse to the brane into p directions within M and
q directions perpendicular to M . The precise ansatz for the SO(p) gauge fields is
determined by some part of the spin connection on the cycle and will be discussed
In keeping with this decomposition, the solutions that we consider have a single
scalar field excited. More precisely we take
where we have p followed by q entries. Once again this implies that the composite
gauge-field Q is then determined by the gauge fields via Qab = 2mB ab .
It turns out that for the SLAG 5-cycle and most of the 4-cycle cases it is
necessary to have non-vanishing three-forms SA . The S-equation of motion is
C B 1
(5.33) m2 δAC Π−1 i Π−1 i SB = −m ∗ FA + √ ABCDE ∗ (F BC ∧ F DE ) .
4 3
The solutions have vanishing four-form field strength FA and hence SA are deter-
mined by the gauge fields.
Demanding that the configuration preserves supersymmetry, as for the SLAG
3-cycle case, we find that along the cycle directions:
1 m
(5.34) (∂ + ω̄ bc γbc + B ab Γab ) = 0 ,
4 2
where ω̄ is the spin connection one-form of the cycle. For each case the specific
gauge fields, determined by the type of cycle being wrapped, go hand in hand with
a set of projections which allow (5.34) to be satisfied for spinors independent of the
coordinates along Σd . We can easily guess the appropriate ansatz for the gauge
fields from our discussion of the structure of the normal bundles of calibrated cy-
cles in section 4.1, and they are summarised below. The corresponding projections
are then easily determined and are given explicitly in [110, 3, 71, 68]. In the
uplifted D=11 solutions, these projections translate into a set of projections corre-
sponding to those of the special holonomy manifold and an additional projection
corresponding to the wrapped fivebrane.
By analysing the conditions for supersymmetry in more detail, one finds that
the metric on the cycle is necessarily Einstein, and we again normalise so that
(5.35) R̄ab = lḡab ,
with l = 0, ±1. When d = 2, 3 the Einstein condition implies that the cycles have
constant curvature and hence are either spheres for l = 1 or hyperbolic spaces for
l = −1, or quotients of these spaces by a discrete group of isometries. When d > 3
the Einstein condition implies that the Riemann tensor can be written
(5.36) R̄abcd = W̄abcd + ḡa[c ḡd]b ,
where W̄ is the Weyl tensor, and there are more possibilities. By analysing the
D=7 Einstein equations one finds that for d = 4, 5 the part of the spin connection
that is identified with the gauge fields must have constant curvature.
We now summarise the ansatz for the SO(5) gauge fields for each case and
discuss the types of cycle that arise for d = 4, 5. We can always take a quotient of
the cycles listed by a discrete group of isometries.
SLAG n-cycles: Consider a probe fivebrane wrapping a SLAG n-cycle in a
CYn . The five directions transverse to the fivebrane consist of n directions tangent
to the CYn and 5−n normal to it. Thus, for the supergravity solution we decompose
SO(5) → SO(n) × SO(5 − n), and let the only non-vanishing gauge fields lie in the
SO(n) factor. Up to a factor of 2m these SO(n) gauge fields are identified with
the SO(n) spin connection on Σn , as in (5.16). This identification corresponds to
the fact that N (Σn ) ∼
= T (Σn ) for SLAG n-cycles. Since all of the spin connection
is identified with the gauge fields, the metric on Σn must have constant curvature
(W̄ = 0 for d = 4, 5) and hence Σn is S n for l = 1 and H n for l = −1.
Kähler 2-cycles: Kähler 2-cycles in CY2 are SLAG 2-cycles and have just been
discussed. For probe fivebranes wrapping Kähler 2-cycles in CY3 the five directions
transverse to the fivebrane consist of four directions tangent to the CY3 and one flat
direction normal to the CY3 . The normal bundle of the Kähler 2-cycle has structure
group U (2) ∼ = U (1) × SU (2), and now recall (4.5). Thus, for the supergravity
solution in D=7, we decompose SO(5) → SO(4) → U (2) ∼ = U (1) × SU (2) and
identify the U (1) spin connection of the cycle with the gauge fields in the U (1)
factor. We also set the SU (2) gauge fields to zero, which corresponds to considering
fivebranes wrapping Kähler 2-cycles with non-generic normal bundle. An example
of such a cycle is the two-sphere in the resolved conifold. It would be interesting to
find more general solutions with non-vanishing SU (2) gauge fields, preserving the
same amount of supersymmetry.
Kähler 4-cycles: We assume that Σ4 in the D=7 supergravity solution has
a Kähler metric with a U (2) ∼ = U (1) × SU (2) spin connection. When probe five-
branes wrap Kähler 4-cycles in CY3 the five transverse directions consist of two
directions tangent to the CY3 and three flat directions normal to the CY3 . Thus
we decompose SO(5) → SO(2) × SO(3), set the SO(3) gauge fields to zero and
identify the SO(2) ∼ = U (1) gauge fields with the U (1) part of the U (1) × SU (2) spin
connection on the 4-cycle. When probe fivebranes wrap Kähler 4-cycles in CY4 the
five transverse directions consist of four directions tangent to the CY4 and one flat
direction normal to the CY4 . Thus we now decompose SO(5) → SO(4) → U (2) ∼ =
U (1)×SU (2) and we set the SU (2) gauge fields to zero, which again corresponds to
considering non-generic normal bundles. We identify the U (1) gauge fields with the
U (1) part of the spin connection as dictated by (4.5). In both cases, the identifica-
tion of the gauge fields with part of the spin connection doesn’t place any further
constraints on Σ4 other than it is Kähler-Einstein. An example when l = 1 is CP 2 .
C-Lag 4-cycles: We again assume that Σ4 in the D=7 solution has a Kähler
metric with a U (2) ∼= U (1)×SU (2) spin connection. We again decompose SO(5) →
SO(4) → U (2) ∼ = U (1) × SU (2) but now we do not set the SU (2) gauge fields to
zero. Indeed, since the cycle is both SLAG and Kähler, with respect to different
complex structures, we must identify all of the U (2) gauge fields with the U (2) spin
connection. Einstein’s equations then imply that Σ4 must have constant holomor-
phic sectional curvature. This means that for l = 1 it is CP 2 while for l = −1 it is
the open disc in C2 with the Bergman metric. Note that the solutions corresponding
to fivebranes wrapping C-Lag CP 2 are different from the solutions corresponding
to fivebranes wrapping Kähler CP 2 , since they have more gauge fields excited and
preserve different amounts of supersymmetry.
Associative 3-cycles: When probe fivebranes wrap associative 3-cycles in G2
manifolds, there are four transverse directions that are tangent to the G2 manifold
and one flat direction normal to the G2 manifold. We thus decompose SO(5) →
SO(4) ∼= SU (2)+ × SU (2)− , where the superscripts indicate the self-dual and anti-
self-dual parts. Recall that the normal bundle of associative 3-cycles is given by
S ⊗ V where S was the SU (2) spin bundle on Σ3 and V is a rank SU (2) bundle. In
the non-generic case when V is trivial, for example for the G2 manifold in [28], then
the identification of the gauge fields is clear: we should identify the SO(3) ∼= SU (2)
spin connection on Σ3 with SU (2)+ gauge fields and set the SU (2)− gauge fields
to zero.
solutions can be found that uplift to solutions describing the near horizon limit of
wrapped membranes.
Actually, the general formulae for obtaining SO(8) gauged supergravity from
the dimensional reduction of D=11 supergravity on the seven-sphere are rather
implicit and not in a form that is useful for uplifting general solutions. Luckily,
there is a further consistent truncation of the SO(8) gauged supergravity theory to
a U (1)4 gauged supergravity where the formulae are known explicitly (in the special
case that the axion fields are zero) [39] and this is sufficient for the construction of
D=11 wrapped membrane solutions.
To see why, let us describe the ansatz for the gauge fields for the D=4 solutions.
If we consider a probe membrane wrapping a Kähler 2-cycle in a CYn then the eight
directions transverse to the membrane consist of 2n − 2 directions that are tangent
to the CYn and 10 − 2n flat directions that are normal to the CYn . In addition
the normal bundle of the Kähler 2-cycle in CYn has structure group U (n − 1) ∼ =
U (1) × SU (n − 1), and recall (4.5). Thus, in the D=4 supergravity, we should
first decompose SO(8) → SO(2n − 2) × SO(10 − 2n) and only have non-vanishing
gauge fields in U (n − 1) ⊂ SO(2n − 2). The gauge fields in the U (1) factor of
U (n − 1) ∼= U (1) × SU (n − 1) are then identified with the U (1) spin connection on
the 2-cycle, corresponding to (4.5). In the solutions that have been constructed, the
remaining SU (n − 1) gauge fields are set to zero, which corresponds to the normal
bundle of the Kähler 2-cycle being non-generic when n ≥ 3. Thus, the ansatz for
the gauge fields is such that they always lie within the maximal Cartan subalgebra
U (1)4 of SO(8) and hence the truncation formulae of [39] can be used.
Once again the metric on the 2-cycle is Einstein and hence is either S 2 /Γ for l =
1 or H 2 /Γ for l = −1. In particular, the cycle can be an arbitrary Riemann surface.
General BPS equations have been found and analysed numerically. Interestingly,
AdS2 × Σ2 fixed points are found only for l = −1 and only for the cases of CY4
and CY5 . When uplifted to D=11 these solutions become a warped product with a
non-round seven-sphere that is non-trivially fibred over the cycle. The AdS2 fixed
point solutions should be dual to superconformal quantum mechanics living on the
wrapped membranes.
The appropriate gauged supergravity theory for finding D=10 type IIB so-
lutions describing D3-branes wrapping various calibrated cycles is the maximally
supersymmetric SO(6) gauged supergravity in D=5 [85]. This can be obtained
from the consistent truncation of the dimensional reduction of the type IIB super-
gravity on a five-sphere. In particular, the vacuum solution is AdS5 and this uplifts
to AdS5 × S 5 which is the near horizon limit of the planar D3-brane. Actually the
general formulae for this reduction are not yet known and one has to exploit further
consistent truncations that are known [129, 39, 107, 43].
All cases in table 3 have been investigated, and BPS equations have been
found and analysed. Once again, in the solutions, the 2- and 3-cycles that the D3-
branes wrap have Einstein metrics and hence have constant curvature. D3-branes
wrapping Kähler 2-cycles in CY2 and CY3 were studied in [110] while the CY4
case was analysed in [115]. AdS3 × H 2 /Γ fixed points were found for the CY3
and CY4 cases. D3-branes wrapping associative 3-cycles were analysed in [118]
and an AdS2 × H 3 /Γ fixed point was found. Finally, D3-branes wrapping SLAG
3-cycles were studied in [115] and no AdS2 fixed point was found. Note that non-
supersymmetric AdS solutions were sought in [115] for both wrapped membranes
and D3-branes, generalising the fivebrane solutions in [62], but none were found.
5.7. Other wrapped brane solutions. Let us briefly mention some other
supergravity solutions describing wrapped branes that have been constructed.
D6-branes of type IIA string theory carry charge under the U (1) gauge field
arising from the Kaluza-Klein reduction of D=11 supergravity on an S 1 (the field
C (1) in (5.1)). The planar D6-brane uplifts to pure geometry: R1,6 × M4 , where
M4 is Taub-NUT space with SU (2) holonomy. Similarly, when D6-branes wrap
calibrated cycles they uplift to other special holonomy manifolds in D=11 and this
has been studied in, e.g. [1, 8, 80, 53, 91, 82]. Other solutions related to wrapped
D6-branes that are dual to non-commutative field theories have been studied in
[25, 26].
There are solutions of massive type IIA supergravity with AdS6 factors which
are dual to the five-dimensional conformal field theory arising on the D4-D8-brane
system [56, 23]. Supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric solutions describing the
D4-D8 system wrapped on various calibrated cycles were found in [119, 115].
For some other supergravity solutions with possible applications to AdS/CFT,
that are somewhat related to those described here, see [7, 41, 54, 55, 24, 32,
105, 31, 106].
6. Discussion
We have explained in some detail the construction of supergravity solutions
describing branes wrapping calibrated cycles. There are a number of issues that
are worth further investigation.
It seems plausible that the BPS equations can be solved exactly. To date this
has only been achieved in a few cases. They were solved for the case of membranes
wrapping Kähler 2-cycles in CY5 [70], but this case is special in that all scalar
fields in the gauged supergravity are set to zero. When there is a non-vanishing
scalar field, the BPS equations were solved exactly for some cases in [110] and
they have been partially integrated for other cases. Of particular interest are the
exact solutions corresponding to the flows from an AdSD region to an AdSD−d ×Σd
fixed point (for example, one of the dashed lines in figure 1) as they are completely
regular solutions.
For the case of membranes wrapping Kähler 2-cycles in CY5 , the general flow
solution can be viewed as the “topological” AdS4 black holes discussed in [29].
When l = −1, there is a supersymmetric rotating generalisation of this black hole
[29]: when it is uplifted to D=11, it corresponds to waves on the wrapped mem-
brane [70]. The rotating solution is completely regular provided that the angular
momentum is bounded. It would be interesting to understand this bound from the
point of view of the dual field theory. In addition, the existence of this rotating
solution suggests, that for all of the regular flow solutions of wrapped branes start-
ing from an AdSD region and flowing to an AdSD−d × Σd region, there should be
rotating generalisations that are waiting to be found.
In all of the supergravity solutions describing wrapped branes that have been
constructed, the cycle has an Einstein metric on it. It would be interesting if a more
general ansatz could be found in which this condition is relaxed. While this seems
possible, it may not be possible to find explicit solutions. In some cases, such as
fivebranes wrapping Kähler 2-cycles in CY3 , we noted that the solutions constructed
correspond to fivebranes wrapping cycles with non-generic normal bundles. This
was because certain gauge fields were set to zero. We expect that more general
solutions can be found corresponding to generic normal bundles. Note that such a
solution, with an AdS factor, was found for D3-branes wrapping Kähler 2-cycles in
CY3 [110].
It would also be interesting to construct more general solutions that describe
the wrapped branes beyond the near horizon limit. Such solutions would asymptote
to a special holonomy manifold, which would necessarily be non-compact in order
that the solution can carry non-zero flux (a no-go theorem for D=11 supergravity
solutions with flux is presented in [76]). It seems likely that solutions can be
found that asymptote to the known cohomogeneity-one special holonomy manifolds.
For example, the deformed conifold is a cohomogeneity-one CY3 that is a regular
deformation of the conifold. It has a SLAG three-sphere and topologically the
manifold is the cotangent bundle of the three-sphere, T ∗ (S 3 ). It should be possible
to generalise the solutions describing fivebranes wrapping SLAG three-spheres in
the near horizon limit to solutions that include an asymptotic region far from the
branes that approaches the conifold metric. Of course, these solutions will still be
singular in the near horizon limit. It will be particularly interesting to construct
similar solutions for the l = −1 case. T ∗ (H 3 ) admits a CY3 metric, with a SLAG
H 3 , but there is a singularity at some finite distance from the SLAG 3-cycle. There
may be a solution with non-zero flux that interpolates from this singular behaviour
down to the regular near horizon solutions that we constructed. Alternatively, it
may be that the flux somehow “pushes off” the singularity to infinity and the entire
solution is regular. The construction of these more general solutions, when the four-
sphere transverse to the fivebrane is allowed to get large, will necessarily require
new techniques, as they cannot be found in the gauged supergravity.
The construction of the wrapped brane solutions using gauged supergravity
is rather indirect and it is desirable to characterise the D=11 geometries more
directly. For example, this may lead to new methods to generalise the solutions
along the lines mentioned above. One approach, is to guess general ansätze for
D=11 supergravity configurations that might describe wrapped brane solutions and
then impose the conditions to have supersymmetry. This approach has its origins in
the construction of the intersecting brane solutions, reviewed in [64, 133], and was
further extended in e.g. [54, 35, 98, 99]. Recently, it has been appreciated that it
is possible to systematically characterise supersymmetric solutions of supergravity
theories with non-zero fluxes using the notion of G-structures [67, 60, 101, 74, 76,
75] (see also [66, 63]). In particular, it was emphasised in some of these works that
generalised calibrations play a central role and this is intimately connected with the
fact that supergravity solutions with non-vanishing fluxes arise when branes wrap
calibrated cycles. It should be noted that while these techniques provide powerful
ways of characterising the D=11 geometries it is often difficult to obtain explicit
examples: indeed, even recovering the known explicit solutions found via gauged
supergravity can be non-trivial (see e.g. [74]).
The supergravity solutions can be used to learn a lot about the dual conformal
field theory, assuming the AdS/CFT correspondence is valid. For example, the
AdS fixed points can be used to determine the spectrum and correlation functions
of the operators in the dual field theory. For the case of wrapped D3-branes, since
the dual field theory is related to N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory, some detailed
comparisons can be made [110]. For the fivebrane case it will be more difficult
to do this since the conformal field theory living on the fivebrane is still poorly
understood. Perhaps some detailed comparisons can be made for the wrapped
Recently some new supersymmetric solutions with AdS factors were constructed
in [38, 37]. It will be interesting to determine their dual CFT interpretation and
to see if they are related to wrapped branes. The non-supersymmetric solutions
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curves, Phys. Rev. D65 (2002), 026003.
Department of Physics, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Rd, London,
E1 4NS, U.K.
E-mail address:
Clay Mathematics Proceedings
Volume 3, 2004
Sergei Gukov
1. Introduction
Recently, M-theory compactifications on manifolds of exceptional holonomy
have attracted considerable attention. These models allow one to geometrically
engineer various minimally supersymmetric gauge theories, which typically have
a rich dynamical structure. A particularly interesting aspect of such models is
the behaviour near a classical singularity, where one might expect extra massless
degrees of freedom, enhancement of gauge symmetry, or a phase transition to a
different theory.
In these lectures I will try to explain two interesting problems in this subject
— namely, construction of manifolds with exceptional holonomy and the analysis
of the physics associated with singularities — and present general methods for their
solution. I will also try to make these lectures self-contained and pedagogical, so
that no special background is needed. In particular, below we start with an intro-
duction to special holonomy, then explain its relation to minimal supersymmetry
and proceed to the main questions.
c Clay Mathematics Institute
Exceptional G2 7
Exceptional Spin(7) 8
Exceptional Spin(9) 16
dimR (X) n 6 7 8
(2.2) ∇ξ = 0
For example, if Hol(X) = G2 the covariantly constant spinor is the singlet in the
decomposition of the spinor of SO(7) into representations of G2 :
R11−n × X
M − theory on M − theory on
G2 manifold Spin(7) manifold
⇓ ⇓
D = 3 + 1 QFT D = 2 + 1 QFT
since they lead to effective theories with minimal supersymmetry in four and three
dimensions, respectively. In such theories one can find many interesting phenomena,
e.g. confinement, various dualities, rich phase structure, non-perturbative effects,
etc. Moreover, minimal supersymmetry in three and four dimensions (partly) helps
with the following important problems:
• The Hierarchy Problem
• The Cosmological Constant Problem
• The Dark Matter Problem
All this makes minimal supersymmetry very attractive and, in particular, mo-
tivates the study of M-theory on manifolds with exceptional holonomy. In this
context, the spectrum of elementary particles in the effective low-energy theory
and their interactions are encoded in the geometry of the space X. Therefore,
understanding the latter may help us to learn more about dynamics of minimally
supersymmetric field theories, or even about M-theory itself!
By construction, the p-form ω (p) is covariantly constant and invariant under Hol(X).
In order to find all possible invariant forms on a special holonomy manifold X, we
need to decompose the cohomology of X into representations2 of Hol(X) and iden-
tify all singlet components. For example, for a manifold with G2 holonomy such a
2This decomposition makes sense because the Laplacian on X commutes with Hol(X). In
a sense, for exceptional holonomy manifolds, decomposition of cohomology groups into represen-
tations of Hol(X) is a (poor) substitute for the Hodge decomposition in the realm of complex
one can locally write the invariant 3-form Φ in terms of the vielbein ei ,
(2.7) Φ= ψijk ei ej ek
Here, ψijk are totally antisymmetric structure constants of the imaginary octonions,
(2.8) σi σj = −δij + ψijk σk , i, j, k = 1, . . . , 7
and G2 is the automorphism group of the imaginary octonions. In a choice of basis
the non-zero structure constants are given by
(2.9) ψijk = +1 , (abc) = {(123), (147), (165), (246), (257), (354), (367)} .
G2 associative 3 obstructed —
coassociative 4 unobstructed b+
2 (S)
It is, perhaps, less obvious that one can also locally reconstruct a G2 metric
from the associative 3-form:
(2.10) gij= det(B)−1/9 Bij
Bjk = − Φji i Φki3 i4 Φi5 i6 i7 i1 ...i7
144 1 2
This will be useful to us in the following sections.
Similarly, on a Spin(7) manifold X we find only one invariant form in degree
p = 4, called the Cayley form, Ω. Indeed, the decomposition of the cohomology
groups of X into Spin(7) representations looks as follows [37]:
H 0 (X, R) = R
H 1 (X, R) = H81 (X, R)
H 2 (X, R) = H72 (X, R) ⊕ H21
(X, R)
H 3 (X, R) = H83 (X, R) ⊕ H48
(X, R)
(2.11) H 4 (X, R) = H14+ (X, R) ⊕ H74+ (X, R) ⊕ H27
+ (X, R) ⊕ H35− (X, R)
space Tx S for each point x ∈ S. Then, Ψ|Tx S = α · vol(Tx S) for some α ∈ R, and
we write:
Ψ|Tx S ≤ vol(Tx S)
if α ≤ 1. If equality holds for all points x ∈ S, then S is called a calibrated
submanifold with respect to the calibration Ψ. According to this definition, the
volume of a calibrated submanifold S can be expressed in terms of Ψ as:
(2.12) Vol(S) = Ψ|Tx S = Ψ
x∈S S
Since the right-hand side depends only on the cohomology class, we can write:
Vol(S) = Ψ= Ψ= Ψ|Tx S ≤ vol(Tx S ) = Vol(S )
S S x∈S x∈S
for any other submanifold S in the same homology class. Therefore, we have
just demonstrated that calibrated manifolds have minimal area in their homology
class. This important property of calibrated submanifolds allows us to identify
them with supersymmetric cycles. In particular, branes in string theory and M-
theory wrapped over calibrated submanifolds give rise to BPS states in the effective
Deformations of calibrated submanifolds have been studied by McLean [46],
and are briefly summarised in Table 3.
The second reason why exceptional holonomy manifolds are hard is associated
with singularities of these manifolds. As will be explained in the following sec-
tions, interesting physics occurs at the singularities. Moreover, the most interesting
physics is associated with the types of singularities of maximal codimension, which
exploit the geometry of the special holonomy manifold to the fullest. Indeed, singu-
larities with smaller codimension can typically arise in higher-dimensional compact-
ifications and, therefore, do not expose peculiar aspects of exceptional holonomy
manifolds related to the minimal amount of supersymmetry. Until recently, little
was known about these types of degenerations of manifolds with G2 and Spin(7)
holonomy. Moreover, even for known examples of isolated singularities, the dy-
namics of the M-theory in these backgrounds was unclear. Finally, it is important
to stress that the mathematical understanding of exceptional holonomy manifolds
would be incomplete too without proper account being taken of singular limits.
x C
It may look a little disturbing that in Joyce’s construction one always finds
a compact manifold X with exceptional holonomy near a singular (orbifold) limit.
However, from the physics point of view, this is not a problem at all since interesting
phenomena usually occur when X develops a singularity. Indeed, compactification
on a smooth manifold X whose dimensions are very large (compared to the Planck
scale) leads to a very simple effective field theory; it is Abelian gauge theory with
some number of scalar fields coupled to gravity. To find more interesting physics,
such as non-Abelian gauge symmetry or chiral matter, one needs singularities.
Moreover, there is a close relation between various types of singularities and
the effective physics they produce. A simple, but very important aspect of this
relation is that a codimension d singularity of X can be associated with physics of
D ≥ 11 − d dimensional field theory. For example, there is no way one can obtain
four-dimensional chiral matter or parity symmetry breaking in D = 2+1 dimensions
from a C/Z2 singularity in X. Indeed, both of these phenomena are specific to their
dimension and can not be lifted to a higher-dimensional theory. Therefore, in order
to reproduce them from compactification on X one has to use the geometry of X
‘to the fullest’ and consider singularities of maximal codimension. This motivates
us to study isolated singular points in G2 and Spin(7) manifolds.
Unfortunately, even though Joyce manifolds naturally admit orbifold singu-
larities, none of them contains isolated G2 or Spin(7) singularities. Indeed, as we
explained earlier, it is crucial that orbifold singularities are modelled on Calabi-Yau
singularities, so that we can treat them using the familiar methods. Therefore, at
best such singularities can give us the same physics as one finds in the corresponding
Calabi-Yau manifolds.
Apart from a large class of Joyce manifolds, very few explicit constructions of
compact manifolds with exceptional holonomy are known. One nice approach was
recently suggested by A. Kovalev [39], where a smooth, compact 7-manifold X with
G2 holonomy is obtained by gluing ‘back-to-back’ two asymptotically cylindrical
Calabi-Yau manifolds W1 and W2 ,
X∼ = (W1 × S 1 ) ∪ (W2 × S 1 )
Although this construction is very elegant, so far it has been limited to very specific
types of G2 manifolds. In particular, it would be interesting to study deformations
of these spaces and to see if they can develop isolated singularities interesting in
physics. This leaves us with the following
Open Problem: Construct compact G2 and Spin(7) manifolds
with various types of isolated singularities
provide us with basic building blocks of low-energy energy physics that may appear
in compactifications on compact manifolds.
Here, we discuss a particular class of isolated singularities, namely conical sin-
gularities. They correspond to degenerations of the metric on the space X of the
(3.2) ds2 (X) = dt2 + t2 ds2 (Y ),
where a compact space Y is the base of the cone; the dimension of Y is one less
than the dimension of X. It is clear that X has an isolated singular point at the
tip of the cone, except for the special case when Y is a sphere, Sn−1 , with a round
The conical singularities of the form (3.2) are among the simplest isolated
singularities one could study; see Figure3. In fact, the first examples of non-compact
manifolds with G2 and Spin(7) holonomy, obtained by Bryant and Salamon [15]
and, independently, by Gibbons, Page, and Pope [28], exhibit precisely this type
of degeneration. Specifically, the complete metrics constructed in [15, 28] are
smooth everywhere, and asymptotically look like (3.2), for various base manifolds
Y . Therefore, they can be considered as resolutions of conical singularities. In Table
4 we list known asymptotically conical (AC) complete metrics with G2 and Spin(7)
holonomy that were originally found in [15, 28] and in more recent literature [17,
The method of constructing G2 and Spin(7) metrics originally used in [15, 28]
was essentially based on the direct analysis of the Ricci-flatness equations,
(3.3) Rij = 0,
for a particular metric ansatz. We will not go into details of this approach here
since it relies on finding the right form of the ansatz and, therefore, is not practical
for generalizations. Instead, following [32, 16], we will describe a very powerful
approach, recently developed by Hitchin [34], which allows us to construct all the
G2 and Spin(7) manifolds listed in Table 4 (and many more!) in a systematic
manner. Another advantage of this method is that it leads to first-order differential
equations, which are much easier than the second-order Einstein equations (3.3).
Before we explain the basic idea of Hitchin’s construction, notice that for all of
the AC manifolds in Table 4 the base manifold Y is a homogeneous quotient space
(3.4) Y = G/K,
S4 × R3 CP3
S3 × R4 SU (2) × SU (2)
T 1,1 × R2
S4 × R4 SO(5)/SO(3)
S5 × R3
orbitG H t
principal orbit K
topology of X simply follows from the group data (3.6). For example, if H/K = Sk
so that X is smooth, we have
(3.7) X∼
= (G/H) × Rk+1
However, this structure can also be used to find a G-invariant metric on X. In
order to do this, all we need to know are the groups G and K.
First, let us sketch the basic idea of Hitchin’s construction [34], and then explain
the details in some specific examples. For more details and further applications we
refer the reader to [32, 16]. We start with a principal orbit Y = G/K which can
be, for instance, the base of the conical manifold that we want to construct. Let
P be the space of (stable4) G-invariant differential forms on Y . This space is finite
dimensional and, moreover, it turns out that there exists a symplectic structure on
P. This important result allows us to think of the space P as the phase space of
some dynamical system:
P = Phase Space
(3.8) ω= dxi ∧ dpi
4Stable forms are defined as follows [35]. Let X be a manifold of real dimension n, and
V = T X. Then, the form ρ ∈ Λp V ∗ is stable if it lies in an open orbit of the (natural) GL(V )
action on Λp V ∗ . In other words, this means that all forms in the neighborhood of ρ are GL(V )-
equivalent to ρ. This definition is useful because it allows one to define a volume. For example, a
symplectic form ω is stable if and only if ω n/2 = 0.
condition [34]:
dxi ∂H
= ∂p Special Holonomy Metric
(3.9) dt i
dt = − ∂x
∂H on (t1 , t2 ) × (G/K)
where the ‘time’ in the Hamiltonian system is identified with the radial variable
t. Thus, solving the Hamiltonian flow equations from t = t1 to t = t2 with a
particular boundary condition leads to the special holonomy metric on (t1 , t2 ) ×
(G/K). Typically, one can extend the boundaries of the interval (t1 , t2 ) where the
solution is defined to infinity on one side, and to a point t = t0 , where the principal
orbit degenerates, on the other side. Then, this gives a complete metric with special
holonomy on a non-compact manifold X of the form (3.7). Let us now illustrate
these general ideas in more detail in a concrete example.
Example 3.2. Let us take G = SU (2)3 and K = SU (2). We can form the
following natural sequence of subgroups:
SU (2)3 ⊃ SU (2)2 ⊃ SU (2)
From the general formula (3.4) it follows that in this example we deal with a space
X, whose principal orbits are
Y = SU (2) × SU (2) ∼ = S3 × S3
Furthermore, G/H ∼ = H/K ∼ = S3 implies that X is a smooth manifold with topol-
ogy, cf. (3.7),
X∼ = S3 × R4
In fact, X is one of the asymptotically conical manifolds listed in Table 4.
In order to find a G2 metric on this manifold, we need to construct the “phase
space”, P, that is, the space of SU (2)3 –invariant 3-forms and 4-forms on Y = G/K:
P = Ω3G (G/K) × Ω4G (G/K)
In this example, it turns out that each of the factors is one-dimensional, generated
by a 3-form ρ and by a 4-form σ, respectively,
(3.11) ρ = σ1 σ2 σ3 − Σ1 Σ2 Σ3 + x d(σ1 Σ1 ) + d(σ2 Σ2 ) + d(σ3 Σ3 ) ,
(3.12) σ = p2/5 σ2 Σ2 σ3 Σ3 + σ3 Σ3 σ1 Σ1 + σ1 Σ1 σ2 Σ2 .
where we introduced two sets of left invariant one-forms (σa , Σa ) on Y
σ1 = cos ψdθ + sin ψ sin θdφ, Σ1 = cos ψ̃dθ̃ + sin ψ̃ sin θ̃dφ̃,
σ2 = − sin ψdθ + cos ψ sin θdφ, Σ2 = − sin ψ̃dθ̃ + cos ψ̃ sin θ̃dφ̃,
(3.13) σ3 = dψ + cos θdφ, Σ3 = dψ̃ + cos θ̃dφ̃
which satisfy the usual SU (2) algebra
1 1
(3.14) dσa = − abc σa ∧ σb , dΣa = − abc Σa ∧ Σb .
2 2
Therefore, we have only one “coordinate” x and its conjugate “momentum” p,
parametrizing the “phase space” P of our model. In order to see that there is a
natural symplectic structure on P, note that x and p multiply exact forms. For x
this obviously follows from (3.11) and for p this can be easily checked using (3.12)
and (3.14). This observation can be used to define a non-degenerate symplectic
structure on P = Ω3exact (Y ) × Ω4exact (Y ). Explicitly, it can be written as
ω ((ρ1 , σ1 ), (ρ2 , σ2 )) = ρ1 , σ2
− ρ2 , σ1
where, in general, for ρ = dβ ∈ Ωkexact (Y ) and σ = dγ ∈ Ωn−k
exact (Y ) one has a
nondegenerate pairing
(3.15) ρ, σ
= dβ ∧ γ = (−1) k
β ∧ dγ.
Once we have the phase space P, it remains to write down the Hamiltonian
flow equations (3.9). In Hitchin’s construction, the Hamiltonian H(x, p) is defined
as an invariant functional on the space of differential forms, P. Specifically, in the
context of G2 manifolds it is given by
(3.16) H = 2V (σ) − V (ρ),
where V (ρ) and V (σ) are suitably defined volume functionals5 [34]. Computing
(3.16) for the G-invariant forms (3.11) and (3.12) we obtain the Hamiltonian flow
ṗ = x(x − 1)2
ẋ = p2
These first-order equations can be easily solved, and the solution for x(t) and p(t)
determines the evolution of the forms ρ and σ, respectively. On the other hand,
these forms define the associative three-form on the 7-manifold Y × (t1 , t2 ),
(3.19) Φ = dt ∧ ω + ρ,
where ω is a 2-form on Y , such that σ = ω 2 /2. For x(t) and p(t) satisfying the
Hamiltonian flow equations the associative form Φ is automatically closed and co-
closed, cf. (2.6). Therefore, as we explained in section 2, it defines a G2 holonomy
metric. Specifically, one can use (2.10) to find the explicit form of the metric, which
after a simple change of variables becomes the G2 metric on the spin bundle over
S3 , originally found in [15, 28]:
r2 r02
dr 2 r2
(3.20) 2
ds = + (σa − Σa ) +
1− 2 (σa + Σa )2
1 − r02 /r 2 12 a=1 36 r a=1
4.1. Low Energy Dynamics via IIA Duals. One particularly useful method
of analyzing M-theory on singular manifolds with special holonomy follows from
the duality between type IIA string theory and M-theory compactified on a circle
[53, 55]:
IIA Theory ⇐⇒ M-theory on S1
Among other things, this duality implies that any state in IIA theory can be
identified with the corresponding state in M-theory. In this identification, some of
the states acquire geometric origin when lifted to eleven dimensions. In order to
see this explicitly, let us write the eleven-dimensional metric in the form
ds2 = e− 3 φ gµν dxµ dxν + e 3 φ (dx11 + Aµ dxµ )2
2 4
Upon reduction to ten-dimensionsional space-time (locally parametrized by xµ ),
the field φ is identified with the dilaton, Aµ with the Ramond-Ramond 1-form,
and gµν with the ten-dimensional metric. Therefore, any IIA background that
involves excitations of these fields uplifts to a purely geometric background in eleven
dimensions. Moreover, from the explicit form of the metric (4.2) it follows that the
eleven-dimensional geometry is a circle fibration over the ten-dimensional space-
time, such that the topology of this fibration is determined by the configuration of
Ramond-Ramond 1-form field. This important observation will play a central role
in this section.
To be specific, let us consider a D6-brane in type IIA string theory. Since a
D6-brane is a source for the dilaton, for the Ramond-Ramond 1-form, and for the
metric, it is precisely the kind of state that uplifts to pure geometry. For example,
if both the D6-brane world-volume and the ambient space-time are flat, the dual
background in M-theory is given by the Taub-NUT space:
M-theory on IIA theory in flat space-time
Taub-Nut space with a D6-brane
The Taub-NUT space is a non-compact four-manifold with SU (2) holonomy.
It can be viewed as a circle fibration over a 3-plane; see Figure5. The S1 fiber
degenerates at a single point — the origin of the R3 — which is identified with the
location of the D6-brane in type IIA string theory. On the other hand, at large
distance the size of the ‘M-theory circle’ stabilizes at some constant value (related
to the value of the string coupling constant in IIA theory). Explicitly, the metric
on the Taub-NUT space is given by [22]:
(4.3) ds2T N = Hdr 2 + H −1 (dx11 + Aµ dxµ )2 ,
×A = −∇H,
H = 1+
This form of the metric makes especially clear the structure of the circle fibration.
Indeed, if we fix a constant-r sphere inside the R3 , then it is easy to see that the
S1 fiber has ‘winding number one’ over this sphere. This indicates that there is a
topological defect — namely, a D6-brane — located at r = 0, where the S1 fiber
The relation between D6-branes and geometry can be extended to more general
manifolds that admit a smooth U (1) action. Indeed, if X is a space (not necessarily
smooth and compact) with a U (1) isometry, such that X/U (1) is smooth, then the
fixed point set, L, of the U (1) action must be of codimension 4 inside X [47, 43].
This is just the right codimension to identify L with the D6-brane locus7 in type
IIA theory on X/U (1):
7The part of the D-brane world-volume that is transverse to X is flat and does not play an
important rôle in our discussion here.
D6-brane locus L. For example, the Betti numbers of L are determined by the
corresponding Betti numbers of the space X [29]:
(4.5) bk (L) = bk+2 (X), k>0
b0 (L) = b2 (X) + 1
Notice the shift in degree by 2, and also that the number of the D6-branes (= the
number of connected components of L) is determined by the second Betti number
of X. We will not present the derivation of this formula here. However, it is a
useful exercise to check (e.g. using the Lefschetz fixed point theorem) that the
Euler numbers of X and L must be equal, in agreement with (4.5).
The duality between M-theory on a non-compact manifold X and a configura-
tion of D6-branes in a (topologically) flat space can be used to study singular limits
of X. Indeed, when X develops a singularity, so does L. Moreover, L must be a
supersymmetric (special Lagrangian) submanifold in R6 ∼ = C3 in order to preserve
the same amount of supersymmetry as the G2 space X. Therefore, the problem of
studying the dynamics of M-theory on G2 singularities can be restated as a problem
of studying D6-brane configurations on singular special Lagrangian submanifolds
in flat space [8].
Following Atiyah and Witten [8], let us see how this duality can help us to
analyze one of the conical G2 singularities listed in Table 4.
Example 4.1. Consider an asymptotically conical G2 manifold X with SU (3)
/ U (1)2 principal orbits and topology
(4.6) X∼ = CP2 × R3
Assuming that M-theory on this space X admits a circle reduction to IIA theory
with D6-branes in flat space, we can apply the general formula (4.5) to find the
topology of the D6-brane locus L. For the manifold (4.6) we find the following
non-zero Betti numbers:
Betti numbers of X Betti numbers of L
b4 = 1 −→ b2 = 1
b2 = 1 −→ b0 = 2
Therefore, we conclude that L should be a non-compact 3-manifold with two con-
nected components (since b0 = 2) and with a single topologically non-trivial 2-cycle
(since b2 = 1). A simple guess for a manifold that has these properties is
(4.7) L=∼ S2 × R ∪ R3
It turns out that there indeed exists a special Lagrangian submanifold in C3 with
the right symmetries and topology (4.7); see [8] for an explicit construction of the
circle action on X that has L as a fixed point set. If we choose to parametrize
Re(C3 ) = R3 and Im(C3 ) = R3 by 3-vectors φ 1 and φ 2 , respectively, then one can
explicitly describe L as the zero locus of the polynomial relations [38]:
(4.8) L = φ 2 = −|φ
1 · φ 1 ||φ
2 | ; |φ
1 |(3|φ
2 |2 − |φ
1 |2 ) = ρ ∪ |φ 1 − 3φ 2| = 0
8In general, in a reduction from M-theory down to Type IIA one does not obtain the stan-
dard flat metric on X/U (1) ∼ = 6 due to non-constant dilaton and other fields in the background.
However, one would expect that near the singularities of the D-brane locus L these fields exhibit
a regular behavior, and the metric on X/U (1) is approximately flat, cf. [8]. In this case the con-
dition for the Type IIA background to be supersymmetric can be expressed as a simple geometric
criterion: it says that the D-brane locus L should be a calibrated submanifold in X/U (1).
R3 R
It is easy to see that the first component of this manifold looks like a hyperboloid
in C3 = R3 × R3 . It has a ‘hole’ in the middle, resulting in the S2 × R topology,
required by (4.7). The second component in (4.8) is clearly a 3-plane, which goes
through this hole, as shown in Figure 6.
When X develops a conical singularity L degenerates into a collection of three
(4.9) Lsing ∼
= R3 ∪ R3 ∪ R3
intersecting at a single point, see Figure6. This can be seen explicitly by taking the
ρ → 0 limit in the geometry (4.8),
D61 : 1 = 0
1 3
D62 : φ1 + φ2 = 0
2 2√
1 3
D63 : − φ 1+ φ2 = 0
2 2
which corresponds to the limit of a collapsing S2 cycle.
Therefore, in this example the physics of M-theory on a conical G2 singularity
can be reduced to the physics of three intersecting D6-branes in type IIA string
theory. In particular, since D6-branes appear symmetrically in this dual picture,
one can conclude that there must be three ways of resolving this singularity, de-
pending on which pair of D6-branes is deformed into a smooth special Lagrangian
submanifold (4.8). This is precisely what Atiyah and Witten found in a more careful
analysis [8]. We will come back to this example later, in section 5.
S3 singularity S2
B @ deformation Ac
Ac resolution
⇐= =⇒ T T
B @ A cc T T
B @ A c T T
B S2 A S2 T S2
3 3 3
mq = 0 mq = 0 q
= 0
Figure 7. Conifold transition in type IIB string theory.
Vol(S )
Note that this is indeed very similar to the flop transition in Calabi-Yau manifolds,
where instead of a 2-cycle we have a 3-cycle shrinking. The physics is also similar,
with membranes playing the role of string world-sheet instantons. Remember that
the latter were crucial for a flop transition to be smooth in string theory. For a
very similar reason, the G2 flop transition is smooth in M-theory. This was first
realised by Acharya [1], and by Atiyah, Maldacena, and Vafa [6], for a 7-manifold
with topology
= S3 × R4
and studied further by Atiyah and Witten [8]. In particular, they found that M-
theory on X has three classical branches, related by triality permutation symmetry,
so that the quantum moduli space looks as shown on Figure8. Once again, the
important point is that there is no singularity in quantum theory.
Let us proceed to another kind of topology changing transition in manifolds
with G2 holonomy.
A Phase Transition, somewhat similar to a hybrid of the conifold and the
G2 flop transition, can be found in M-theory on a G2 manifold with topology
= CP2 × R3
A singularity develops when the CP2 cycle shrinks. As in the conifold transition,
the physics of M-theory on this space also becomes singular at this point. Hence,
this is a genuine phase transition [8]. Note, however, that unlike the conifold
transition in type IIB string theory, this phase transition is not associated with
Vol(CP )
S5 CP 2
first AA second
LL resolution A resolution
⇐= =⇒
SU (3)/U (1)
mq = 0 mq = 0 q
= 0
Figure 10. Conifold transition in M-theory on a manifold with
Spin(7) holonomy.
As with the conifold transition [50, 26], the Spin(7) conifold has a nice interpreta-
tion in terms of the condensation of M5-branes. Namely, in the S5 phase we have
extra massive states obtained upon quantization of the M5-brane wrapped around
the five-sphere. The mass of these states is related to the volume of the S5 . At the
conifold point where the five-sphere shrinks, these M5-branes become massless as
suggested by the classical geometry. At this point, the theory may pass through
a phase transition into the Higgs phase, associated with the condensation of these
five-brane states; see Figure10.
To continue the analogy with the Calabi-Yau conifold, recall that the moduli
space of type II string theory on the Calabi-Yau conifold has three semi-classical
regimes. The deformed conifold provides one of these, while there are two large-
volume limits of the resolved conifold, related to each other by a flop transition. In
fact, the same picture emerges for the Spin(7) conifold. In this case, however, the
two backgrounds differ not in geometry, but in the G-flux. It was shown in [29] that,
due to the membrane anomaly of [57], M-theory on X ∼ = CP2 × R4 is consistent
only for half-integral units of G4 through the CP bolt. Namely, after the transition
from X ∼ = S5 × R3 , the G-flux may take the values ±1/2, with the two possibilities
related by a parity transformation [31]. Thus, the moduli space of M-theory on
the Spin(7) cone over SU (3)/U (1) also has three semi-classical limits: one with
the parity invariant background geometry S5 × R3 , and two with the background
geometry X ∼ = CP2 × R4 where parity is spontaneously broken; see Figure11. The
last two limits are mapped into each other under parity transformation.
This picture is reproduced in the effective low-energy theory if we include in
the spectrum light states corresponding to M5-branes wrapped over the five-sphere:
Effective Theory: N = 1, D = 3 Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory with one
charged complex scalar multiplet q
Here, it is the Higgs field q that appears due to quantizaion of the M5-branes.
In this theory, different topological phases correspond to the Coulomb and Higgs
(5.2) S5 × R3 ⇐⇒ Coulomb branch
(5.3) CP2 × R4 ⇐⇒ Higgs branch
Further agreement in favor of this identification arises from examining the various
extended objects that exist in M-theory on CP2 ×R4 , obtained from wrapped M5 or
M2-branes. For example, we can consider an M2-brane over CP1 inside CP2 × R4 .
5 3
k=−12 k=+ 1 2
vol(CP2) vol(CP2)
This non-BPS state has a semi-classical mass proportional to the volume of CP1 ,
and is electrically charged under the global U (1)J symmetry of our gauge theory.
Therefore, this state can be naturally identified with a vortex. Note that this state
can be found only in the CP2 phase (i.e. in the Higgs phase), in complete agreement
with the low-energy physics.
In view of the interesting phenomena associated to branes in the conifold ge-
ometry, and their relationship to the conifold transition [41, 40], it would be in-
teresting to learn more about the Spin(7) transition using membrane probes in
this background, and also to study the corresponding holographic renormalization
group flows. For work in this area, see [30, 45, 27].
RR flux
S 2 S
3 3
Figure 12. Geometric transition in IIA string theory connecting
D6-branes wrapped around S3 in the deformed conifold geometry
and resolved conifold with Ramond-Ramond 2-form flux through
the S2 .
= S3 × R4
Indeed, if we start on one of the three branches of this manifold and choose the
‘M-theory circle’ to be the fiber of the Hopf bundle in the 3-sphere
S1 → S3 → S2
↓ ↓
G2 manifold with similar topology, but the M-theory circle is now embedded in
R4 , rather than in S3 . Acting on each R4 fiber, it yields R3 = R4 /U (1) as a
quotient space with a single fixed point at the origin of the R4 (see the discussion
of M-theory on the Taub-NUT space in section 4). Applying this to each fiber
of the G2 manifold X, we obtain the deformed conifold as the quotient space,
X/U (1) ∼ = S3 × R3 , with the fixed point set L = S3 . Since the latter is identified
with the location of the space-filling D6-brane, we recover the other side of the
brane/flux duality, illustrated in the above diagram.
Thus, we explained that the geometric transition — which is a highly non-
trivial, non-perturbative phenomenon in string theory — can be understood as
a G2 flop transition in M-theory. Various aspects of this transition have been
discussed in [1, 6, 8, 11, 18, 13, 19, 7]. As we show next, there is a similar
relation between the phase transition in the G2 holonomy manifold X = CP2 × R3
and the Spin(7) conifold transition, discussed in the previous section.
• G2 → Spin(7) : Consider type IIA string theory on the G2 holonomy mani-
(5.4) CP2 × R3
which is obtained by resolving the cone over SU (3)/U (1)2 . As was discussed in
the previous section, the corresponding moduli space has three classical branches
connected by a singular phase transition. Motivated by the geometric transition in
the conifold example, one could wrap an extra D6-brane over the CP2 cycle and ask
a similar question: “What happens if one tries to go through a phase transition?”.
Using arguments similar to [6], one finds that the transition is again possible,
via M-theory on a Spin(7) manifold [31]. More precisely, after the geometric tran-
sition one finds type IIA string theory in a different phase of the G2 manifold (5.4),
where the D6-brane is replaced by RR flux through CP1 ⊂ CP2 . This leads to a
S1 → S5 → CP2
Hence the M-theory lift of this configuration gives a familiar Spin(7) conifold,
X∼ = S5 × R3 .
Similarly, one can identify the lift of CP2 × R3 with a D6-brane wrapped around
CP2 as the Spin(7) manifold CP2 × R4 , which is another topological phase of the
RR flux
CP 2
SU(3)/ SU(3)/
U(1)2 U(1)2
Figure 13. Geometric transition in IIA string theory connecting
one branch of the G2 manifold CP2 × R3 , where D6-branes are
warpped around the CP2 cycle and another branch, where D6-
branes are replaced by Ramond-Ramond 2-form flux through the
CP1 ⊂ CP2 .
↓ ↓
IIA on CP2 ×R3 with geometric transition IIA on CP2 ×R3 with
←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ RR flux through CP1
D6-brane on CP2
However, unlike its prototype with larger supersymmetry, this transition does
not proceed smoothly.
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Nigel Hitchin
c Clay Mathematics Institute
We know what a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form is, and it gives us the
notion of a metric, but what is a non-degenerate exterior form? One answer is to
ask that it should be an element of the vector space Λp V ∗ which lies in an open
orbit of the action of the general linear group GL(V ). For example, GL(2n, R)
acts on Λ2 R2n with an open orbit: the orbit consists of nondegenerate alternating
bilinear forms.
Now GL(V ) acts on Λp V ∗ , but dim Λp V ∗ = n!/(n − p)!p! and dim GL(V ) = n2
so in particular to get an open orbit we need
≤ n2
(n − p)!p!
which puts serious constraints on when this occurs. We list the possibilities be-
low, but first we note that the word “nondegenerate” has specific connotations for
bilinear skew forms so instead of using this word we make the
Definition 1.1. If ρ ∈ Λp V ∗ lies on an open orbit under GL(V ) it is called
Note that an open orbit in Λp V ∗ implies the existence of an open orbit in Λn−p V ∗
by duality, so stability really occurs for pairs of forms in complementary dimensions.
There is a list, known in one form or another for many years, of when stable
forms arise:
(1) p = 1 all n: stable = non-zero
(2) p = 2 all n: if n = 2m + 1 or 2m, then stable forms are of rank 2m when
considered as bilinear forms. The stabilizer subgroup in dimension 2m is
Sp(2m, R).
(3) p = 3, n = 6: stabilizer SL(3, C) or SL(3, R) × SL(3, R)
(4) p = 3, n = 7: stabilizer G2 or its non-compact form
(5) p = 3, n = 8: stabilizer SU (3), SU (2, 1) or SL(3, R) in the adjoint repre-
and for the last three this means that we have normal forms at the linear algebra
level (for stabilizers SL(3, C), G2 and SU (3)) given by:
• dx1 dx2 dx3 − dy1 dy2 dx3 − dy2 dy3 dx1 − dy3 dy1 dx2
• (dx1 dx2 − dx3 dx4 )dx5 + (dx1 dx3 − dx4 dx2 )dx6 + (dx1 dx4 − dx2 dx3 )dx7 +
dx5 dx6 dx7
• dx1 dx2 dx3 −dx1 (dx7 dx4 +dx5 dx6 )−dx2 (dx7 dx5 +dx6 dx4 )+dx3 (dx7 dx6 +
dx4 dx5 ) + dx8 (dx4 dx5 + dx6 dx7 )
Now stability implies that there is an open set U = GL(V )/H ⊂ Λp V ∗ , and
the stabilizer H of a point in U is Sp(2m, R), G2 . . . etc. Each one of these groups
preserves also a volume form (metric or symplectic) so there is a GL(V )-invariant
φ : U → Λn V ∗ .
A more interesting example than the symplectic one is the case of 3-forms in
six dimensions as in [6]. In this case ρ ∈ Λ3 T ∗ is the real part of a complex locally
decomposable form ν, and φ(ρ) = iν ∧ ν̄/2. Here ρ̂ = Im ν ∈ Λ3 T ∗ and so ν = ρ+iρ̂
is a (3, 0) form for an almost complex structure on M . The critical points of Φ on
a class in H 3 (M, R) give
d(ρ + iρ̂) = 0
and this implies that the complex structure is integrable and ν is a non-vanishing
holomorphic three-form. Thus M 6 is given the structure of a complex threefold
with trivial canonical bundle (for example a Calabi-Yau manifold). The essential
features in this case are:
(1) Φ is nondegenerate transverse to Diff (M ) orbits if the ∂ ∂-lemma holds,
(2) the local moduli space is isomorphic to an open set in H 3 (M, R), which
gives another proof in this dimension of the unobstructedness of moduli,
(3) the Hessian of Φ defines an indefinite special Kähler metric on the moduli
ρ̂ = ∗ρ ∈ Λ5 T ∗ .
Subtract the two displayed formulae and re-express ψi;ji − ψi;ij using the curvature
tensor to get
Rij ei ψj = 0
which implies that 8 of the 36 components of the Ricci tensor vanish. These
manifolds are not quite Einstein manifolds, clearly, but yet have some common
features. Unfortunately the only known compact example is the group manifold
SU (3), though one can find nontrivial local examples.
(Ωpexact )∗ ∼ n−p
= Ωn−p /Ωclosed
(Ωpexact )∗ ∼ n−p+1
= Ωexact .
Bearing this in mind, let’s return to the 7-dimensional case, but now considering
4-forms instead of 3-forms. There are stable 4-forms and we can do the variational
approach of the last lecture and see G2 manifolds as critical points of a functional
on 4-forms in a given cohomology class, but the 4-form approach gives a bit more,
because we now have
(Ω4exact )∗ = Ω4exact
To make use of this, first restrict to the trivial cohomology class. Then we have
two functionals:
G2 volume
(1) Φ(dη) – the
(2) Q(dη) = M η ∧ dη – from the indefinite inner product.
We set up then a constrained variational problem – finding the critical points of Φ
subject to the constraint Q(dη) = 1. The first variation gives:
δΦ(dη̇) = ∗dη ∧ dη̇
δQ(dη̇) = 2 η̇ ∧ dη.
Using a Lagrange multiplier λ and Stokes’ theorem the equations become
d(∗ρ) = λρ
where ρ = dη.
If we move now to six dimensions then the duality of forms tells us that
(Ω3exact )∗ ∼
= Ω4exact .
Here we work with two objects – ρ ∈ Ω3 a stable form with stabilizer SL(3, C)
and ω 2 ∈ Ω4 with stabilizer Sp(6, R). Compatibility of these two forms leads to a
reduction of structure group to SU (3) and the compatibility conditions are:
ω ∧ ρ = 0, φ(ρ) = λω 3 .
The first says, from the complex point of view that ω is of type (1, 1), and from the
symplectic point of view that ρ is primitive. The second says that the norm of ρ is
To pursue the analogue of the gradient flow here we take two cohomology classes
A ∈ H 3 (M, R) and B ∈ H 4 (M, R). Then T (A × B) = A × B × Ω3exact × Ω4exact .
The pairing
B(ρ, ω 2 ) = dα ∧ β
defines an indefinite metric as before, but more usefully a symplectic structure
ω((ρ1 , σ1 ), (ρ2 , σ2 )) = ρ1 , σ2 − ρ2 , σ1
on A × B. We now take the function
H = Φ(ρ) − Φ(σ)
and derive the Hamiltonian flow equations which are:
= dω
∂σ ∂ω
= ω∧ = −dρ̂.
∂t ∂t
It happens that the compatibility conditions for SU (3) are preserved by the flow
and then
dt ∧ ω + ρ
defines a G2 metric on an interval of R × M 6 .
There is in fact a more general setting for this if we replace the product M × S 1
by a principal S 1 -bundle P over M . In that case we have an exact sequence of vector
bundles over M (the Atiyah sequence)
0 → 1 → T P/S 1 → T M → 0.
The sections of T P/S 1 are the invariant vector fields on P and so have their own
Lie bracket. A connection on P is a splitting of the exact sequence: T P/G ∼
= T ⊕ 1,
which therefore defines a bracket on sections of T ⊕ 1. which is
[X + f, Y + g] − 2F (X, Y )
where F is the curvature of the connection. Now we see that a non-flat connection
defines a deformation of the bracket by a closed 2-form with integral periods.
The vector bundle T ⊕ T ∗ has another structure defined on it apart from the
Courant bracket. The natural pairing between T and T ∗ defines an indefinite metric
on the bundle, with signature (n, n): for X + ξ ∈ T ⊕ T ∗ the inner product is
(X + ξ, X + ξ) = −X, ξ.
By naturality, any endomorphism of T preserves the inner product, but the full
orthogonal Lie algebra is
End T ⊕ Λ2 T ∗ ⊕ Λ2 T.
In particular a 2-form B, thought of as a map from T to T ∗ , lies in the Lie algebra.
The exponentiation of this action is
exp B(X + ξ) = X + ξ + iX B
which is just what we have seen in the context of the Courant bracket.
The case of dimension 6 brings us back to the idea of open orbits of forms and
invariant functionals, which is where we started. In fact, as described in [8], this is
the context in which this author found these objects.
Note that in general the dimension of the space of complex pure spinors for SO
(2m, 2m) is the dimension of C exp B which is 1 + m(2m − 1). When m = 3, the
real dimension is therefore
2 × 16 = 32 = dim S + = dim S − .
This numerical coincidence manifests itself in the more geometrical statement:
Lemma 3.8. For the spin representations of Spin(6, 6) in S ± there is an in-
variant open set of real spinors ϕ such that ϕ = ρ + ρ̄ where ρ is a pure spinor with
ρ, ρ̄ = 0.
As a consequence of this, ρ, ρ̄ defines SO(6, 6)-invariant maps
φ : Λev/od V ∗ → Λ6 V ∗
and on a compact manifold M 6 we get a functional
Φ(ϕ) = φ(ϕ)
defined on even forms or odd forms, invariant under diffeomorphisms and, this time,
the action of the B-field ϕ → exp Bϕ.
1 1
ρ = exp(iω) = 1 + iω − ω 2 − i ω 3
2 6
φ(ϕ) = iω 3 .
So the functional Φ is essentially the Liouville volume of the symplectic form.
We now address our version of nonlinear Hodge theory and ask: what is a
critical point of the functional
Φ(ϕ) = φ(ϕ)
for ϕ a closed form in a fixed cohomology class in H ev/od (M, R)? Just as in Lecture
1, the critical points are forms where ϕ = ρ + ρ̄ and
dρ = 0
which means that the critical points are generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds.
To summarize, all the special geometries encountered above are in some way
associated to open orbits of groups. Such actions have in fact been classified and
in truth there are not many more, but to finish let me just point out that a real
form of the exceptional group E7 in its 56-dimensional representation shares many
of the properties of the groups considered above, but I have no idea what sort of
special geometry this generates or even in what dimension.
1. C. Bär, Real Killing spinors and holonomy, Comm. Math. Phys. 154 (1993), 509–521.
2. C. Boyer and K. Galicki, 3-Sasakian manifolds, Surveys in differential geometry: essays on
Einstein manifolds, Surv. Differ. Geom., VI, Int. Press, Boston, MA, 1999 pp. 123–184.
3. Z.W. Chong, M. Cvetič, G.W. Gibbons, H. Lü, C.N. Pope, P. Wagner, General Metrics of
G2 Holonomy and Contraction Limits, Nuclear Phys. B 620 (2002), 3–28.
4. M. Cvetič, G, Gibbons, H. Lü, C.N. Pope, New complete noncompact Spin(7) manifolds,
Nuclear Phys. B 620 (2002), 29–54
5. S. Gukov, S.-T. Yau, E. Zaslow, Duality and fibrations on G2 manifolds, Turkish J. Math.
27 (2003) 61-97
6. N. J. Hitchin, The geometry of three-forms in six dimensions., J. Differential Geom. 55
(2000), 547–576.
7. N. J. Hitchin, Stable forms and special metrics., Global differential geometry: the math-
ematical legacy of Alfred Gray (Bilbao, 2000), Contemp. Math., 288, Amer. Math. Soc.,
Providence, RI, 2001, pp. 70–89.
8. N. J. Hitchin, Generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds, Quarterly J. Math. 54 (2003) 281-308.
9. W. Nahm and K. Wendland A hiker’s guide to K3: aspects of N = (4, 4) superconformal
field theory with central charge c = 6, Comm. Math. Phys. 216 (2001) 85–138.
Dominic Joyce
1. Introduction
c Clay Mathematics Institute
Now G2 and Spin(7) are the exceptional cases in this classification, so they are
called the exceptional holonomy groups. For some time after Berger’s classification,
the exceptional holonomy groups remained a mystery. In 1987, Bryant [2] used the
theory of exterior differential systems to show that locally there exist many metrics
with these holonomy groups, and gave some explicit, incomplete examples. Then
in 1989, Bryant and Salamon [3] found explicit, complete metrics with holonomy
G2 and Spin(7) on noncompact manifolds.
In 1994-5 the author constructed the first examples of metrics with holonomy
G2 and Spin(7) on compact manifolds [5, 6, 7]. These, and the more complicated
constructions developed later by the author [8, 9] and by Kovalev [12], are the
subject of this article.
1.2. The holonomy group G2 .
Let (x1 , . . . , x7 ) be coordinates on R7 . Write dxij...l for the exterior form
dxi ∧ dxj ∧ · · · ∧ dxl on R7 . Define a metric g0 , a 3-form ϕ0 and a 4-form ∗ϕ0 on
R7 by g0 = dx21 + · · · + dx27 ,
ϕ0 = dx123 + dx145 + dx167 + dx246 − dx257 − dx347 − dx356 and
∗ϕ0 = dx4567 + dx2367 + dx2345 + dx1357 − dx1346 − dx1256 − dx1247 .
The subgroup of GL(7, R) preserving ϕ0 is the exceptional Lie group G2 . It also
preserves g0 , ∗ϕ0 and the orientation on R7 . It is a compact, semisimple, 14-
dimensional Lie group, a subgroup of SO(7).
A G2 -structure on a 7-manifold M is a principal subbundle of the frame bundle
of M , with structure group G2 . Each G2 -structure gives rise to a 3-form ϕ and a
metric g on M , such that every tangent space of M admits an isomorphism with
R7 identifying ϕ and g with ϕ0 and g0 respectively. By an abuse of notation, we
will refer to (ϕ, g) as a G2 -structure.
Proposition 1.3. Let M be a 7-manifold and (ϕ, g) a G2 -structure on M .
Then the following are equivalent:
We call ∇ϕ the torsion of the G2 -structure (ϕ, g), and when ∇ϕ = 0 the
G2 -structure is torsion-free. A triple (M, ϕ, g) is called a G2 -manifold if M is a 7-
manifold and (ϕ, g) a torsion-free G2 -structure on M . If g has holonomy Hol(g) ⊆
G2 , then g is Ricci-flat.
Theorem 1.4. Let M be a compact 7-manifold, and suppose that (ϕ, g) is
a torsion-free G2 -structure on M . Then Hol(g) = G2 if and only if π1 (M ) is
finite. In this case the moduli space of metrics with holonomy G2 on M , up to
diffeomorphisms isotopic to the identity, is a smooth manifold of dimension b3 (M ).
1.3. The holonomy group Spin(7).
Let R8 have coordinates (x1 , . . . , x8 ). Define a 4-form Ω0 on R8 by
Ω0 = dx1234 + dx1256 + dx1278 + dx1357 − dx1368 − dx1458 − dx1467
−dx2358 − dx2367 − dx2457 + dx2468 + dx3456 + dx3478 + dx5678 .
The subgroup of GL(8, R) preserving Ω0 is the holonomy group Spin(7). It also
preserves the orientation on R8 and the Euclidean metric g0 = dx21 + · · · + dx28 . It
is a compact, semisimple, 21-dimensional Lie group, a subgroup of SO(8).
A Spin(7)-structure on an 8-manifold M gives rise to a 4-form Ω and a metric
g on M , such that each tangent space of M admits an isomorphism with R8 iden-
tifying Ω and g with Ω0 and g0 respectively. By an abuse of notation we will refer
to the pair (Ω, g) as a Spin(7)-structure.
Proposition 1.5. Let M be an 8-manifold and (Ω, g) a Spin(7)-structure on
M . Then the following are equivalent:
(i) Hol(g) ⊆ Spin(7), and Ω is the induced 4-form,
(ii) ∇Ω = 0 on M , where ∇ is the Levi-Civita connection of g, and
(iii) dΩ = 0 on M .
We call ∇Ω the torsion of the Spin(7)-structure (Ω, g), and (Ω, g) torsion-free
if ∇Ω = 0. A triple (M, Ω, g) is called a Spin(7)-manifold if M is an 8-manifold and
(Ω, g) a torsion-free Spin(7)-structure on M . If g has holonomy Hol(g) ⊆ Spin(7),
then g is Ricci-flat.
Here is a result on compact 8-manifolds with holonomy Spin(7).
Theorem 1.6. Let (M, Ω, g) be a compact Spin(7)-manifold. Then Hol(g) =
Spin(7) if and only if M is simply-connected, and b3 (M ) + b4+ (M ) = b2 (M ) +
2b4− (M ) + 25. In this case the moduli space of metrics with holonomy Spin(7)
on M , up to diffeomorphisms isotopic to the identity, is a smooth manifold of
dimension 1 + b4− (M ).
1.4. The holonomy groups SU(m).
Let Cm ∼ = R2m have complex coordinates (z1 , . . . , zm ), and define the metric
g0 , Kähler form ω0 and complex volume form θ0 on Cm by
g0 = |dz1 |2 + · · · + |dzm |2 , ω0 = (dz1 ∧ dz̄1 + · · · + dzm ∧ dz̄m ),
(3) 2
and θ0 = dz1 ∧ · · · ∧ dzm .
We now explain the method used in [5, 6] and [9, §11–§12] to construct ex-
amples of compact 7-manifolds with holonomy G2 . It is based on the Kummer
construction for Calabi–Yau metrics on the K3 surface, and may be divided into
four steps.
One should regard ψt as a first integral of the torsion ∇ϕt of (ϕt , gt ). Thus the
L2 ,
C 0 and
d∗ ψt
L14 are measures of ∇ϕt . So parts (i)–(iii) say
that the torsion ∇ϕt must be small compared to the injectivity radius and Riemann
curvature of (M, gt ).
2.4. Step 4: Deforming to a torsion-free G2 -structure.
We prove the following analysis result.
Theorem 2.4. Let A1 , A2 , A3 be positive constants. Then there exist positive
constants κ, K such that whenever 0 < t κ, the following is true.
Let M be a compact 7-manifold, and (ϕ, g) a G2 -structure on M with dϕ = 0.
Suppose ψ is a smooth 3-form on M with d∗ ψ = d∗ ϕ, and
L2 A1 t4 ,
C 0 A1 t1/2 and
d∗ ψ
L14 A1 ,
(ii) the injectivity radius δ(g) satisfies δ(g) A2t, and
(iii) the Riemann curvature R(g) satisfies R(g)C 0 A3 t−2 .
Then there exists a smooth, torsion-free G2 -structure (ϕ̃, g̃) on M with
C 0
Kt1/2 .
Basically, this result says that if (ϕ, g) is a G2 -structure on M , and the torsion
∇ϕ is sufficiently small, then we can deform to a nearby G2 -structure (ϕ̃, g̃) that is
torsion-free. Here is a sketch of the proof of Theorem 2.4, ignoring several technical
points. The proof is that given in [9, §11.6–§11.8], which is an improved version of
the proof in [5].
We have a 3-form ϕ with dϕ = 0 and d∗ ϕ = d∗ ψ for small ψ, and we wish to
construct a nearby 3-form ϕ̃ with dϕ̃ = 0 and d∗ ϕ̃ = 0. Set ϕ̃ = ϕ + dη, where η is
a small 2-form. Then η must satisfy a nonlinear p.d.e., which we write as
(9) d∗ dη = −d∗ ψ + d∗ F (dη),
where F is nonlinear, satisfying F (dη) = O |dη|2 .
We solve (9) by iteration, introducing a sequence (ηj )∞
j=0 with η0 = 0, satisfying
the inductive equations
(10) d∗ dηj+1 = −d∗ ψ + d∗ F (dηj ), d∗ ηj+1 = 0.
If such a sequence exists and converges to η, then taking the limit in (10) shows
that η satisfies (9), giving us the solution we want.
The key to proving this is an inductive estimate on the sequence (ηj )∞
j=0 . The
inductive estimate we use has three ingredients, the equations
L2 + C1
C 0 ,
L14 C2
d∗ ψ
L14 +
C 0 + t−4
L2 ,
C 0 C3 t1/2
L14 + t−7/2
L2 .
Here C1 , C2 , C3 are positive constants independent of t. Equation (11) is obtained
from (10) by taking the L2 -inner product with ηj+1 and integrating by parts. Using
the fact that d∗ ϕ = d∗ ψ and
L2 = O(t4 ), |ψ| = O(t1/2 ) we get a powerful
estimate of the L2 -norm of dηj+1 .
Equation (12) is derived from an elliptic regularity estimate for the operator
d + d∗ acting on 3-forms on M . Equation (13) follows from the Sobolev embedding
theorem, since L14 0
1 (M ) embeds in C (M ). Both (12) and (13) are proved on small
balls of radius O(t) in M , using parts (ii) and (iii) of Theorem 2.3, and this is where
the powers of t come from.
From Theorems 2.3 and 2.4 we see that the compact 7-manifold M constructed
in Step 2 admits torsion-free G2 -structures (ϕ̃, g̃). Theorem 1.4 then shows that
Hol(g̃) = G2 if and only if π1 (M ) is finite. In the example above M is simply-
connected, and so π1 (M ) = {1} and M has metrics with holonomy G2 , as we
By considering different groups Γ acting on T 7 , and also by finding topologically
distinct resolutions M1 , . . . , Mk of the same orbifold T 7 /Γ, we can construct many
compact Riemannian 7-manifolds with holonomy G2 . A good number of examples
are given in [9, §12]. Figure 1 displays the Betti numbers of compact, simply-
connected 7-manifolds with holonomy G2 constructed there. There are 252 different
sets of Betti numbers.
Examples are also known [9, §12.4] of compact 7-manifolds with holonomy G2
with finite, nontrivial fundamental group. It seems likely to the author that the
Betti numbers given in Figure 1 are only a small proportion of the Betti numbers
of all compact, simply-connected 7-manifolds with holonomy G2 .
2.5. Other constructions of compact G2 -manifolds.
Here are two other methods, taken from [9, §11.9], that may be used to con-
struct compact 7-manifolds with holonomy G2 . The first was outlined in [6, §4.3].
Method 1. Let (Y, J, h) be a Calabi–Yau 3-fold, with Kähler form ω and holo-
morphic volume form θ. Suppose σ : Y → Y is an involution, satisfying σ ∗ (h) = h,
σ ∗ (J) = −J and σ ∗ (θ) = θ̄. We call σ a real structure on Y . Let N be the fixed
In a very similar way to the G2 case, one can construct compact 8-manifolds
with holonomy Spin(7) by resolving the singularities of torus orbifolds T 8 /Γ. This
is done in [7] and [9, §13–§14]. In [9, §14], examples are constructed realizing 181
different sets of Betti numbers. Two compact 8-manifolds with holonomy Spin(7)
and the same Betti numbers may be distinguished by the cup products on their
cohomologies (examples of this are given in [7, §3.4]), so they probably represent
rather more than 181 topologically distinct 8-manifolds.
The main differences from the G2 case are, firstly, that the technical details of
the analysis are different and harder, and secondly, that the singularities that arise
are typically more complicated and more tricky to resolve. One reason for this is
that in the G2 case the singular set is made up of 1 and 3-dimensional pieces in a
7-dimensional space, so one can often arrange for the pieces to avoid each other,
and resolve them independently.
But in the Spin(7) case the singular set is typically made up of 4-dimensional
pieces in an 8-dimensional space, so they nearly always intersect. There are also
topological constraints arising from the Â-genus, which do not apply in the G2 case.
The moral appears to be that when you increase the dimension, things become more
Anyway, we will not discuss this further, as the principles are very similar to
the G2 case above. Instead, we will discuss an entirely different construction of
compact 8-manifolds with holonomy Spin(7) developed by the author in [8] and [9,
§15], a little like Method 1 of § 2.5. In this we start from a Calabi–Yau 4-orbifold
rather than from T 8 . The construction can be divided into five steps.
Step 5. We prove using analysis that for sufficiently small t, the Spin(7)-structure
(Ωt , gt ) on M , with small torsion, can be deformed to a Spin(7)-structure
(Ω̃t , g̃t ), with zero torsion.
It turns out that if ij = 1 for j = 1, . . . , k we have π1 (M ) ∼ = Z2
and Hol(g̃t ) = Z2 SU(4), and for the other 2k − 1 choices of i1 , . . . , ik we
have π1 (M ) = {1} and Hol(g̃t ) = Spin(7). So g̃t is a metric with holonomy
Spin(7) on the compact 8-manifold M for (i1 , . . . , ik ) = (1, . . . , 1).
Once we have completed Step 1, Step 2 is immediate. Steps 4 and 5 are
analogous to Steps 3 and 4 of § 2, and can be done using the techniques and
analytic results developed by the author for the first T 8 /Γ construction of compact
Spin(7)-manifolds, [7], [9, §13]. So the really new material is in Steps 1 and 3, and
we will discuss only these.
3.1. Step 1: An example.
We do Step 1 using complex algebraic geometry. The problem is that conditions
(a)–(d) above are very restrictive, so it is not that easy to find any Y satisfying all
four conditions. All the examples Y the author has found are constructed using
weighted projective spaces, an important class of complex orbifolds.
Definition 3.1. Let m 1 be an integer, and a0 , a1 , . . . , am positive integers
with highest common factor 1. Let Cm+1 have complex coordinates (z0 , . . . , zm ),
and define an action of the complex Lie group C∗ on Cm+1 by
for u ∈ C∗ .
(z0 , . . . , zm )
−→(ua0 z0 , . . . , uam zm ),
The weighted projective space CPm a0 ,...,am is C \ {0} /C∗ . The C∗ -orbit of
(z0 , . . . , zm ) is written [z0 , . . . , zm ].
Here is the simplest example the author knows.
Example 3.2. Let Y be the hypersurface of degree 12 in CP51,1,1,1,4,4 given by
Y = [z0 , . . . , z5 ] ∈ CP51,1,1,1,4,4 : z012 + z112 + z212 + z312 + z43 + z53 = 0 .
Calculation shows that Y has trivial canonical bundle and three singular points p1 =
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, −1], p2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, eπi/3 ] and p3 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, e−πi/3 ], all modelled
on C4 /i.
Now define a map σ : Y → Y by
σ : [z0 , . . . , z5 ]
−→ [z̄1 , −z̄0 , z̄3 , −z̄2 , z̄5 , z̄4 ].
Note that σ = 1, though this is not immediately obvious, because of the geometry
of CP51,1,1,1,4,4 . It can be shown that conditions (a)–(d) of Step 1 above hold for Y
and σ.
More suitable 4-folds Y may be found by taking hypersurfaces or complete
intersections in other weighted projective spaces, possibly also dividing by a finite
group, and then doing a crepant resolution to get rid of any singularities that we
don’t want. Examples are given in [8], [9, §15].
3.2. Step 3: Resolving R8 /G.
Define α, β : R8 → R8 by
α : (x1 , . . . , x8 )
−→ (−x2 , x1 , −x4 , x3 , −x6 , x5 , −x8 , x7 ),
β : (x1 , . . . , x8 )
−→ (x3 , −x4 , −x1 , x2 , x7 , −x8 , −x5 , x6 ).
Comparing these Betti numbers with those of the compact 8-manifolds con-
structed in [9, Ch. 14] by resolving torus orbifolds T 8 /Γ, we see that in these
examples the middle Betti number b4 is much bigger, as much as 11 662 in one
Given that the two constructions of compact 8-manifolds with holonomy Spin(7)
that we know appear to produce sets of 8-manifolds with rather different ‘geogra-
phy’, it is tempting to speculate that the set of all compact 8-manifolds with ho-
lonomy Spin(7) may be rather large, and that those constructed so far are a small
sample with atypical behaviour.
1. M. Berger, Sur les groupes d’holonomie homogène des variétés à connexion affines et des
variétés Riemanniennes, Bull. Soc. Math. France 83 (1955), 279–330.
2. R.L. Bryant, Metrics with exceptional holonomy, Ann. Math. 126 (1987), 525–576.
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tional holonomy, Duke Math. J. 58 (1989), 829–850.
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12. A.G. Kovalev, Twisted connected sums and special Riemannian holonomy, J. Reine Angew.
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Alexei Kovalev
c Clay Mathematics Institute
ϕ0 (a, b, c) = a × b, c,
or, explicitly,
ϕ0 =e5 ∧ e6 ∧ e7 + (e1 ∧ e2 + e3 ∧ e4 ) ∧ e7
+ (e1 ∧ e3 − e2 ∧ e4 ) ∧ e6 + (e1 ∧ e4 + e2 ∧ e3 ) ∧ e5 ,
expresses the Euclidean inner product in terms of ϕ0 and the volume form of R7 .
The group G2 is thus identified as the stabilizer of ϕ0 in the natural action of
GL(7, R) on Λ3 (R7 )∗ . The form ϕ0 is stable, in the sense of Hitchin [2] —the
GL(7, R)-orbit of ϕ0 is open in Λ3 (R7 )∗ .
A G2 -structure on a 7-manifold, M say, may be given by a 3-form ϕ such that
at each point p ∈ M , ϕ(p) is the image of ϕ0 induced by a linear isomorphism
Tp M → R7 . Denote by Ω3+ (M ) the subset of 3-forms point-wise modelled on
ϕ0 in the latter sense; elements of Ω3+ (M ) will sometimes be referred to as the
G2 -structure 3-forms. Note that Ω3+ (M ) is an open subset of Ω3 (M ) in the sup-
norm topology, a direct consequence of the stablity property of ϕ0 .
Every 3-form ϕ ∈ Ω3+ (M ) defines an orientation and a Riemannian metric
g = g(ϕ) on M , as any G2 -structure is an instance of an SO(7)-structure. The
formula (1.2) determines g(ϕ) explicitly, up to a conformal factor. The holonomy
group of g(ϕ) will be a subgroup of G2 if and only if the form ϕ is parallel, ∇ϕ = 0,
with respect to the Levi–Civita connection of g. The latter condition is equivalent
to the system of partial differential equations on ϕ [9, Lemma 11.5],
(1.3) dϕ = 0 and d ∗ϕ ϕ = 0.
The second equation in (1.3) is non-linear as the Hodge star ∗ϕ is taken in the
metric g(ϕ) and depends on ϕ. The holonomy reduction Hol(g(ϕ)) ⊆ G2 implies
that g(ϕ) is Ricci-flat.
Kähler manifolds with holonomy in SU (n) are often called Calabi–Yau man-
ifolds. An important example is a K3 surface; recall that it may be defined as a
simply-connected complex surface with c1 = 0. By Yau’s theorem, a K3 surface
admits a unique Ricci-flat Kähler metric in every Kähler class.
Now let n = 3. The group SU (3) is a subgroup of G2 consisting of all those
elements of G2 which fix a particular one-dimensional subspace in R7 , thus it deter-
mines a decomposition R7 ∼ = C3 ⊕R. Consider a Kähler threefold W with holonomy
in SU (3) and let ω, Ω be respectively the Kähler form and a holomorphic volume
form on W . Then on the 7-manifold W × S 1 the 3-form
(2.1) ϕ = ω ∧ dθ + Im Ω
is in × S ) and defines a product metric, so W × S 1 has the same holonomy
Ω3+ (W 1
(2.4) F : (y, θ1 , θ2 , t) ∈ D1 × S 1 × S 1 × [T − 1, T ] →
(f (y), θ2 , θ1 , 2T − 1 − t) ∈ D2 × S 1 × S 1 × [T − 1, T ]
and join the two manifolds with boundary to construct a closed oriented 7-manifold
M = (W1 (T ) × S 1 ) ∪F (W2 (T ) × S 1 ),
using the map F to identify collar neighbourhoods of the boundaries. The compact
7-manifold M is a generalized connected sum with the neck having the cross-section
D × S 1 × S 1 . We have F ∗ ϕ(D1 ) = ϕ(D2 ) , by the construction of F , therefore there
is a well-defined 1-parameter family of G2 -structures ϕT on M induced from those
where 0 < λ < 1. Here ∗T denotes the Hodge star of the metric g(ϕT ).
We prove the following.
The equation (2.5) can be rewritten, using the results of [4, §10.3] as a non-linear
elliptic PDE for η. For small η, this PDE has the form a(η) = a0 + Aη + Q(η) = 0,
where a0 = d ∗T ϕT , the linear elliptic operator A = AT is a compact perturbation
of the Hodge Laplacian of the form dd∗ + d∗ d + O(e−δT ), and Q(η) = O(|dη|2 ).
The central idea in the proof of Theorem 2.3 may be informally stated as
follows. For small η, the map a(η) is approximated by its linearization and so there
is a unique small solution η to the equation a(η) = 0, for every small a0 in the range
of A. This perturbative approach requires the invertibility of A and a suitable upper
bound on the operator norm A−1 T , as T → ∞. This bound determines what is
meant by ‘small’ a0 in this paragraph.
As we actually need the value of dη rather than η, there is no loss in restrict-
ing the equation (2.5) for η to the orthogonal complement of harmonic 2-forms
on M where the Laplacian is invertible. We use the technique of [5, §4.1] based on
Fredholm theory for the asymptotically cylindrical manifolds and weighted Sobolev
spaces to find an upper bound A−1 T < Ge . Here the constant G is independent
of T and δ > 0 can be taken arbitrary small. So, for large T , the growth of A−1 T
is negligible compared to the decay of d ∗T ϕT and the ‘inverse function theorem’
strategy applies to give the required small solution ηT . Standard elliptic methods
show that this ηT is in fact smooth.
we can proceed to the construction of a generalized connected sum M from Ṽi \ D̃i ,
as described in Section 2.2. The 7-manifold M admits metrics of holonomy G2
by Theorem 2.3. In this case, we shall say that a compact G2 -manifold M is
constructed from the pair of Fano threefolds V1 and V2 . Can we choose D1 and D2
so as to satisfy the required hyper-Kähler rotation condition?
We have the freedom to move a K3 surface in the anticanonical linear system
of V and to deform V in its algebraic family of Fano threefolds. Recall also from
Section 2.2 that there is an S 1 -family of choices for the second complex structure
J on each Di . It turns out that, with this freedom, a pair of ‘matching divisors’
D1 , D2 can always be found. We now briefly explain, ignoring some important
technical points, the ideas in the solution of the matching problem.
All the K3 surfaces are deformations of each other and are diffeomorphic as
real 4-manifolds. In particular, their second cohomology lattices are isomorphic
to the (unique) even unimodular lattice L of signature (3, 19), known as the K3
lattice. Respectively, L ⊗ C is isomorphic to the second cohomology with complex
coefficients and inherits the Hodge decomposition. A Kähler isometry between
two K3 surfaces induces a so-called effective Hodge isometry between their second
cohomology lattices, preserving the Hodge decomposition and mapping the Kähler
class of one K3 to the Kähler class of the other. Surprisingly, the global Torelli
theorem for K3 surfaces asserts that the converse is also true: any effective Hodge
isometry between second cohomology of two K3 surfaces arises as the pull-back of
a unique biholomorphic map between these K3 surfaces [1, Ch.VIII]. The latter
map will necessarily be an isometry between Ricci-flat Kähler K3 surfaces because
of the uniqueness of a Ricci-flat Kähler metric in a Kähler class.
We can identify, using a version of the Kodaira–Spencer–Kuranishi deforma-
tion theory, the data of Hodge decomposition and Kähler class which occurs in
the anticanonical K3 divisors in a given algebraic family of Fano threefolds. The
problem of choosing a matching pair of K3 divisors Di in Fano threefolds Vi then
reduces to a problem in the arithmetic of the K3 lattice.
The solution of this problem gives us the following general result.
Theorem 3.2. For any pair of algebraic families V1 ,V2 of Fano threefolds there
exists (smooth) V1 ∈ V1 , V2 ∈ V2 such that a compact G2 -manifold M can be
constructed from V1 ,V2 .
This G2 -manifold satisfies
0 ≤ b2 (M ) ≤ max{b2 (V1 ), b2 (V2 )} − 1
b2 (M ) + b3 (M ) = b3 (V1 ) − KV31 + b3 (V2 ) − KV32 + 27.
1. W. Barth, C. Peters, and A. van de Ven, Compact complex surfaces. Springer-Verlag, 1984.
2. N. Hitchin, Stable forms and special metrics, Global differential geometry: the mathematical
legacy of Alfred Gray (Bilbao, 2000), Contemp. Math., vol. 288, Amer. Math. Soc., 2001,
pp. 70–89.
3. V.A. Iskovskih, Fano threefolds. I. II, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 41 (1977), 516–
562,717, and 42 (1978), 506–549. English translation: Math. USSR Izvestia 11 (1977), 485–
527, and 12 (1978), 469–506.
4. D.D. Joyce, Compact manifolds with special holonomy, OUP Mathematical Monographs
series, 2000.
5. A.G. Kovalev and M.A. Singer, Gluing theorems for complete anti-self-dual spaces, Geom.
Func. Anal. 11 (2001), 1229–1281.
6. A.G. Kovalev, Twisted connected sums and special Riemannian holonomy, J. Reine Angew.
Math. 565 (2003) 125-160.
7. A.G. Kovalev, Coassociative K3 fibrations of compact G2 -manifolds, in preparation.
8. S. Mukai and S. Mori, Classification of Fano threefolds with B2 ≥ 2, Manuscr. Math. 36
(1981/1982), 147–162.
9. S.M. Salamon, Riemannian geometry and holonomy groups, Pitman Res. Notes in Math.
201, Longman, Harlow, 1989.
10. V.V. Shokurov, Smoothness of a general anticanonical divisor on a Fano variety. Izv. Akad.
Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 43 (1979), 430–441. English translation: Math. USSR-Izv. 14 (1980),
11. G. Tian and S.-T. Yau, Complete Kähler manifolds with zero Ricci curvature. I, J. Amer.
Math. Soc. 3 (1990), 579–609.
12. S.-T. Yau. On the Ricci curvature of a compact Kähler manifold and the complex Monge-
Ampère equation. I, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 31 (1978), 339–411.
Alastair Craw
1. Introduction
The string-theoretic Mirror Symmetry Conjecture states that there exist mirror
pairs of Calabi–Yau varieties with certain compatibilities. For instance, if (X, X ∗ )
is a smooth, projective mirror pair of dimension n, then we expect the relation
(1.1) hp,q (X) = hn−p,q (X ∗ )
to hold between their Hodge numbers. Mirror pairs are not smooth in general
and the compatibility relation (1.1) can fail to hold if either X or its mirror have
singularities. In this case, if there exist crepant resolutions Y → X and Y ∗ → X ∗
then we expect the relation
(1.2) hp,q (Y ) = hn−p,q (Y ∗ )
to hold between the Hodge numbers of the smooth varieties Y and Y ∗ (recall that
a resolution ϕ : Y → X is said to be crepant if KY = ϕ∗ KX ). However, it is not
obvious that the revised relation (1.2) is well defined: even if a crepant resolution
exists it is not necessarily unique. In particular, given two crepant resolutions
Y1 → X and Y2 → X, it is not clear a priori that the Hodge numbers of Y1 and Y2
are equal.
Nevertheless, the consistency of string theory led Batyrev and Dais [5] to con-
jecture that for a variety X with only mild Gorenstein singularities, the Hodge
numbers of Y1 and Y2 are equal. In a subsequent paper [2], Batyrev used meth-
ods of p-adic integration to prove that the Betti numbers of Y1 and Y2 are equal.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 14E15, 32S45 Secondary 14E30, 14M25.
Key words and phrases. Motivic integration, Space of formal arcs, McKay correspondence.
c Clay Mathematics Institute
Kontsevich [20] later proved that the Hodge numbers are equal by introducing the
notion of motivic integration.
This article provides an elementary introduction to Kontsevich’s theory of mo-
tivic integration. The first step is to construct the motivic integral of a pair (Y, D),
for a complex manifold Y and an effective divisor D on Y with simple normal
crossings. We define the space of formal arcs J∞ (Y ) of Y and associate a function
FD defined on J∞ (Y ) to the divisor D. The motivic integral of the pair (Y, D) is
the integral of FD over J∞ (Y ) with respect to a certain measure µ on J∞ (Y ). This
measure is not real-valued. Indeed the subtlety in the construction is in defining
the ring R in which µ takes values: R is a completion of the polynomial ring in the
formal variable L−1 with values in the Grothendieck ring of algebraic varieties over
C (see Definition 2.11). We adopt the structure of the proof of Theorem 6.28 from
Batyrev [1] to establish the following user-friendly formula:
Theorem 1.1 (formula for the motivic integral). Let Y be a complex manifold
of dimension n and D = i=1 ai Di an effective divisor on Y with simple normal
crossings. The motivic integral of the pair (Y, D) is
(1.3) FD dµ = [DJ◦ ] · · L−n
J∞ (Y ) Laj +1 − 1
J⊆{1,...,r} j∈J
which is also independent of the choice of resolution (see Warning 3.4). The E-
polynomials E(DJ◦ ) encode the Hodge–Deligne numbers of open strata DJ◦ ⊂ Y ,
and the stringy E-function records these numbers with certain ‘correction terms’
written in parentheses in formula (1.4). When Y → X is a crepant resolution the
correction terms disappear leaving simply the terms E(DJ◦ ) whose sum is the E-
polynomial of Y . As a result, when a crepant resolution Y → X exists, the function
Est (X) encodes the Hodge numbers of Y , thereby establishing Kontsevich’s result
on the equality of Hodge numbers. It is important to note however that crepant
resolutions do not exist in general. To get a better feeling for the stringy E-function
of varieties admitting no crepant resolution we calculate Est (X) for several 4- and
6-dimensional Gorenstein terminal cyclic quotient singularities.
We conclude this article with an application of motivic integration, namely
the proof by Batyrev [3, 4] of the cohomological McKay correspondence conjec-
ture which we now recall. A celebrated result of John McKay [22] states that the
graph of ADE type associated to a Kleinian singularity C2 /G can be constructed
using only the representation theory of the finite subgroup G ⊂ SL(2, C). This
establishes a one-to-one correspondence between a basis for the cohomology of the
Acknowledgements I’d like to thank the organisers of the 2002 Clay Mathematics
Institute School on Geometry and String Theory held at the Isaac Newton Institute
in Cambridge, especially Miles Reid who originally encouraged me to write this
article (which has existed in roughly the present form since November 1998). Also,
thanks to Willem Veys and to Victor Batyrev for useful comments.
It’s clear that the collection of cylinder sets forms an algebra of sets (see [28,
p. 10]), i.e., J∞ (Y ) = π0−1 (Y ) is a cylinder set, as are finite unions and complements
(and hence finite intersections) of cylinder sets.
These subvarieties stratify Y and define a partition of the space of arcs into cylinder
Y = DJ◦ and J∞ (Y ) = π0−1 (DJ◦ ).
J⊆{1,...,r} J⊆{1,...,r}
cylinder set1 for some J ⊆ {1, . . . , r} and (m1 , . . . , mr ) ∈ MJ,s . Cover Y by finitely
many charts
U on which D has a local equation of the form (2.3), and lift to cover
J∞ (Y ) = π0−1 (U ). We need only prove that the set
Um1 ,...,mr := i=1,...r FD i
(mi ) ∩ π0−1 (U )
where cmj ∈ C∗ and ck ∈ C for all k > mj . The space of all such n-tuples is
isomorphic to Ct(n−|J|) × (C∗ )|J| × Ct|J|− j∈J mj , hence
(2.4) Um1 ,...,mr = πt−1 (U ∩ DJ◦ ) × Ctn− j∈J mj × (C∗ )|J| .
The set (U ∩ DJ◦ ) × Ctn− j∈J mj × (C∗ )|J| is constructible, so Um1 ,...,mr is a cylinder
set. This completes the proof of the proposition.
It is worth noting that FD (∞) is not a cylinder set. Indeed, suppose otherwise,
so there exists a constructible subset Bk ⊆ Jk (Y ) for which FD (∞) = πk−1 (Bk ).
Each arc γy ∈ FD (∞) is an n-tuple of power series, at least one of which is
identically zero, whereas each γy ∈ πk−1 (Bk ) is an n-tuple of power series whose
terms of degree higher than k may take any complex value, a contradiction.
Proposition 2.6. FD (∞) is a countable intersection of cylinder sets.
Proof. Observe that
(2.5) FD (∞) = πk−1 πk FD (∞)
because a power series is identically zero if and only if its truncation to degree k is
the zero polynomial, for all k ∈ Z≥0 . It is easy to see that the sets πk (FD (∞)) ⊂
Jk (Y ) are constructible.
1Finite intersections of cylinder sets are cylinder, so we could reduce to proving the result
for FD (mi ). However we require (2.4) in §2.4.
defined by
πk−1 (Bk ) → [Bk ] · L−n(k+1)
assigns a ‘measure’ to each cylinder set.
It is straightforward to show that
i=1 Ci =
µ (Ci )
µ for cylinder sets C1 , . . . , Cl
−1 −1
that the set J∞ (Y ) \ FD (∞), and hence its complement FD (∞), is µ-measurable.
One would like to define
(2.7) µ i∈N Ci := µ(Ci ) = (Ci ) for cylinder sets C1 , . . . , Cl .
i∈N i∈N
However, countable sums are not defined in K0 (VC )[L−1 ]. Furthermore, given a
countable disjoint union C = i∈N Ci , it is not clear a priori that µ(C) defined by
formula (2.7) is independent of the choice of the Ci .
Kontsevich [20] solved both of these problems at once by completing the ring
K0 (VC )[L−1 ], thereby allowing
appropriate countable sums, in such a way that the
measure of the set C = i∈N Ci is independent of the choice of the Ci , assuming
that µ(Ci ) → 0 as i → ∞.
Definition 2.11. Let R denote the completion of the ring K0 (VC )[L−1 ] with
respect to the filtration
· · · ⊇ F −1 K0 (VC )[L−1 ] ⊇ F 0 K0 (VC )[L−1 ] ⊇ F 1 K0 (VC )[L−1 ] ⊇ · · ·
where for each m ∈ Z, F m K0 (VC )[L−1 ] is the subgroup of K0 (VC )[L−1 ] generated
by elements of the form
[V ] · L−i for i − dim V ≥ m.
The natural completion map is denoted φ : K0 (VC )[L−1 ] → R.
Given a sequence of cylinder sets {Ci } one may now ask whether or not µ
(Ci ) → 0
as i → ∞. We are finally in a position to define the measure µ on the space of
formal arcs.
It is nontrivial to show (see [14, §3.2] or [1, §6.18]) that this definition is independent
of the choice of the Ci .
Proposition 2.13. FD is µ-measurable, and µ(FD (∞)) = 0.
Proof. We prove that FD (∞) (in fact its complement) lies in C. It’s clear
from (2.6) that we need only prove that µ(πk−1 πk (FD
(∞))) → 0 as k → ∞.
−1 −1
Lemma 2.14 below reveals that µ(πk πk (FD (∞))) ∈ φ(F k+1 K0 (VC )[L−1 ]) which,
by the nature of the topology on R, tends to zero as k tends to infinity. This proves
the first statement. Using (2.6) we calculate
(2.8) µ J∞ (Y ) \ FD (∞) = µ J∞ (Y ) \ π0−1 π0 (FD−1
+ µ πk−1 πk (FD −1 −1
(∞)) \ πk+1 −1
πk+1 (FD (∞)) .
This equals µ(J∞ (Y )) − limk→∞ µ πk−1 πk (FD−1
(∞)) . By the above remark, this
is simply µ(J∞ (Y )), so µ(FD (∞)) = 0 as required.
(πk−1 πk (FD
Lemma 2.14. µ −1
(∞))) ∈ F k+1 K0 (VC )[L−1 ]
Proof. It is enough to prove the result for a prime divisor D, since FD (∞) is
the union of sets FDi (∞). Choose coordinates on a chart U in which D is (z1 = 0).
Each γy ∈ FD (∞) ∩ π0−1 (U ) is an n-tuple (p1 (z), . . . , pn (z)) of power series over
y ∈ U ∩ D such that p1 (z) is identically zero. Truncating these power series to
degree k leaves n − 1 polynomials of degree k with zero constant term, and the zero
polynomial πk (p1 (z)). The space of all such polynomials is isomorphic to C(n−1)k , so
that πk (FD (∞)∩π0−1 (U )) (U ∩D)×C(n−1)k . Thus [πk (FD −1
(∞)] = [D]·[C(n−1)k ]
(πk−1 πk (FD
µ −1 −1
(∞)) = [πk (FD (∞)] · L−n(k+1)
= [D] · L(n−1)k · L−n(k+1)
= [D] · L−(n+k)
This lies in F k+1 K0 (VC )[L−1 ] since D has dimension n − 1.
Since the set FD (∞) ⊂ J∞ (Y ) has measure zero (see Proposition 2.13), we need
only integrate over J∞ (Y ) \ FD (∞), so we need only sum over s ∈ Z≥0 .
We now show that the motivic integral converges in the ring R introduced in
Definition 2.11. In doing so, we establish a user-friendly formula.
Theorem 2.16 (formula for the motivic integral). Let Y be a complex manifold
of dimension n and D = i=1 ai Di an effective divisor on Y with only simple
normal crossings. The motivic integral of the pair (Y, D) is
FD dµ = [DJ◦ ] · · L−n
J∞ (Y ) Laj +1 − 1
J⊆{1,...,r} j∈J
Proof. In the proof of Proposition 2.5 we cover Y by sets {U } and prove that
−1 −1
F (m i ) ∩ π0 (U ) is a cylinder set of the form
i=1,...r Di
πt−1 (U ∩ DJ◦ ) × Ctn− j∈J mj × (C∗ )|J| .
Since the map [ ] introduced in Definition 2.7 is additive on a disjoint union
constructible subsets, take the union over the cover {U } of Y to see that
−1 −1
F (m i = πt (Bt ) where
i=1,...r Di
[Bt ] = DJ◦ × Ctn− j∈J mj × (C∗ ) = [DJ◦ ] · Ltn− j∈J mj · (L − 1)|J| .
Since µ πt−1 (Bt ) = [Bt ] · L−(n+nt) , we have
− j∈J mj
µ i=1,...r FDi (mi ) = [DJ ] · L · (L − 1)|J| · L−n .
Now use the partition (2.2) of FD (s) to compute the motivic integral:
−1 −s
µ FD (s) · L
= µ F
i=1,...r Di (m i ) · L− j∈J aj mj
Warning 2.17. There is a small error in the proof of the corresponding result
in Batyrev [1, §6.28] which leads to the omission of the L−n term.
Corollary 2.18. The motivic integral of the pair (Y, D) lies in the subring
φ K0 (VC )[L−1 ]
Li − 1 i∈N
of the ring R introduced in Definition 2.11.
2.5. The transformation rule for the integral. The discrepancy divisor
W := KY − α∗ KY of a proper birational morphism α : Y → Y between smooth
varieties is the divisor of the Jacobian determinant of α. The next result may
therefore be viewed as the ‘change of variables formula’ for the motivic integral.
Theorem 2.19. Let α : Y −→ Y be a proper birational morphism between
smooth varieties and let W := KY − α∗ KY be the discrepancy divisor. Then
FD dµ = Fα∗ D+W dµ .
J∞ (Y ) J∞ (Y )
The set Ck,s is cylinder and, since the image of a constructible set is constructible
p. 72]), the set α∞ (C k,s ) is cylinder. Lemma 2.20 below states that µ C k,s =
µ α∞ (Ck,s ) · Lk . We use this identity and the partition (2.9) to calculate
FD dµ = µ α∞ (Ck,s ) · L−s = µ Ck,s · L−(s+k) .
J∞ (Y ) k,s∈Z≥0 k,s∈Z≥0
Set s := s + k. Clearly 0≤k≤s Ck,s −k = Fα−1
∗ D+W (s ).
Substituting this into the
above leaves
FD dµ = µ Fα∗ D+W (s ) · L = Fα∗ D+W dµ,
J∞ (Y ) s ∈Z≥0 J∞ (Y )
as required.
Lemma 2.20. µ Ck,s = µ α∞ (Ck,s ) · Lk .
Discussion of proof. Both Ck,s and α∞ (Ck,s ) are cylinder sets so there exists
t ∈ Z≥0 and constructible sets Bt and Bt in J∞ (Y ) and J∞ (Y ) respectively such
that the following diagram commutes:
Ck,s ⊂ J∞ (Y ) ∞
−→ α∞ (Ck,s) ⊂ J∞ (Y )
πt ! ! πt
Bt ⊂ Jt (Y ) −→
Bt ⊂ Jt (Y ).
We claim that the restriction of αt to Bt is a Ck -bundle over Bt . It follows that
[Bt ] = [Ck ] · [Bt ] and we have
µ Ck,s = [Bt ] · L−(n+nt) = [Bt ] · Lk · L−(n+nt) = µ α∞ (Ck,s ) · Lk
as required. The proof of the claim is a local calculation which is carried out in [14,
Lemma 3.4(b)]. The key observation is that the order of vanishing of the Jacobian
determinant of α at γy ∈ Ck,s is FW (γy ) = k.
Definition 2.21. Let X denote a complex algebraic variety with at worst
Gorenstein canonical singularities. The motivic integral of X is defined to be the
motivic integral of the pair (Y, D), where ϕ : Y → X is any resolution of singularities
for which the discrepancy divisor D = KY −ϕ∗ KX has only simple normal crossings.
Note first that the discrepancy divisor D is effective because X has at worst
Gorenstein canonical singularities. The crucial point however is that the motivic
integral of (Y, D) is independent of the choice of resolution:
Proposition 2.22. Let ϕ1 : Y1 −→ X and ϕ2 : Y2 −→ X be resolutions of X
with discrepancy divisors D1 and D2 respectively. Then the motivic integrals of the
pairs (Y1 , D1 ) and (Y2 , D2 ) are equal.
By Corollary 2.18 the motivic integral of the pair (Y, D) lies in the subring of
Proposition 3.3. We now consider the image of the integral under E.
Warning 3.4. As Warning 2.17 states, the derivation of the motivic integral
in [1] contains a small error which leads to the omission of an L−n term. However,
in practise it is extremely convenient to omit this term (!). As a result, we define
the stringy E-function to be the image under E of the motivic integral times Ln . In
short, our stringy E-function agrees with that in [1], even though our calculation
of the motivic integral differs.
2One can use this function to define a finitely additive [u, v, (uv)−1 ]–valued measure µ :=
E ◦ µ on cylinder sets given by πk−1 (Bk ) → E(Bk ) · (uv)−n(k+1) , then construct the stringy
E-function directly. This is the approach adopted by Batyrev [1, §6].
an affine toric variety as we now describe (see Reid [26, §4] for more details).
Write M ∼ = Zn for the lattice of Laurent monomials in x1 , . . . , xn , and N for
the dual lattice with basis e1 , . . . , en . Let σ = R≥0 e1 + · · · + R≥0 en denote the
positive orthant in N ⊗ R with dual cone σ ∨ ⊂ M ⊗ R. The overlattice
(4.1) N := N + Z · 1r (α1 , . . . , αn )
is dual to M := Hom(N, Z). A Laurent monomial in x1 , . . . , xn lies in the sublat-
tice M ⊂ M if and only if it is invariant under the action of the group G. Re-
stricting to Laurent monomials with only nonnegative powers leads to the equality
C[x1 , . . . , xn ]G = C[σ ∨ ∩ M ], and hence
Cn /G = Spec C[x1 , . . . , xn ]G = Spec C[σ ∨ ∩ M ] =: Uσ .
here vg denotes both the vector in N ⊗ R and the lattice point in N . For each
primitive vector vg ∈ N ∩ , the simplicial subdivision of σ at vg determines a toric
blow-up ϕ : Y = XΣ → Uσ = X of the cyclic quotient. The exceptional divisor is
the closed toric stratum4 V (τ ) ⊂ Y , where τ is the ray with primitive generator vg .
Adjunction for the toric blow-up ϕ is
1 n
(4.2) KY = ϕ ∗ K X + αj (g) − 1 V (τ ),
r(g) j=1
That is, Uσ is terminal when every point vg ∈ N ∩ lies above the hyperplane
xi = 1.
Before proceeding to the examples we recall the simple formula that computes
the E-polynomial of the toric variety XΣ determined by a fan Σ in N ⊗ R.
(4.3) E XΣ = dk · uv − 1 ,
Proof. The Hodge numbers of P1 are well known and, by Theorem 3.2, we
compute E(C∗ ) = E(P1 ) − E({0}) − E({∞}) = uv − 1. The E-polynomial is
multiplicative so E (C∗ )n−k = uv−1 . The action of the torus Tn (C∗ )n on
XΣ induces a stratification of XΣ into orbits of the torus action Oτ ∼= (C∗ )
n−dim τ
one for each cone τ ∈ Σ. The result follows from Theorem 3.2(i).
4The cones in Σ containing τ as a face define a fan denoted Star(τ ) in the vector space
N (τ ) ⊗ , where N (τ ) := N/(τ ∩ N ). The toric variety V (τ ) := XStar(τ ) is the closure of the
orbit Oτ . See Fulton [16, p. 52] for a nice picture.
the first equality holds because D is compact, and the isomorphism is induced by
a deformation retraction of Y onto D ⊂ Y .
Example 4.3. Write X = Uσ for the quotient singularity of type 12 (1, 1, 1, 1),
i.e., for the quotient of C4 by the action of G = Z/2, where the nontrivial element
acts diaginally as −1. Add the ray τ generated by the vector v = 12 (1, 1, 1, 1) to the
cone σ, then take the simplicial subdivision of σ. This determines a toric resolution
ϕ : Y → X with a single exceptional divisor D = V (τ ) ∼= P3 . The discrepancy of D
is 1 by (4.2). Using Proposition 4.1 we calculate
E(Y ) = E(Y \ D) + E(P3 )
= (uv)4 − 1 + (uv)3 + (uv)2 + uv + 1
= (uv)4 + (uv)3 + (uv)2 + uv.
Compare this with the stringy E-function:
uv − 1
Est (X) = E(Y \ D) + E(P3 ) · = (uv)4 + (uv)2 .
(uv)2 − 1
Example 4.4. Write X = Uσ for the quotient singularity of type 13 (1, 2, 1, 2).
Add rays τ1 and τ2 generated by the vectors v1 = 13 (1, 2, 1, 2) and v2 = 13 (2, 1, 2, 1)
respectively to the cone σ, then take the simplicialsubdivision of σ. The resulting
fan Σ is determined by its cross-section ∆2 := σ ∩( xi = 2) illustrated in Figure 1.
There are eight 3-dimensional simplices in ∆2 (four contain a face of the tetra-
hedron and four contain the edge joining v1 to v2 ). Each of these simplices deter-
mines a 4-dimensional cone in Σ which is generated by a basis of the lattice N , so
Y = XΣ → Uσ is a resolution. The union of all eight 3-dimensional simplices in ∆2
contains eighteen faces, fifteen edges and six vertices. Write dk for the number of
cones of dimension k in Σ, so
d4 = 8; d3 = 18; d2 = 15; d1 = 6; d0 = 1 (the origin in N ⊗ R ).
5The moduli space Y = G -Hilb( n ) of G-clusters in n is a crepant resolution for n = 2, 3.
See Bridgeland, King and Reid [6] for definitions and details.
∆3 := σ∩( xi = 0) of the resulting fan Σ so the corresponding exceptional divisors
D1 and D2 each have discrepancy 2 by (4.2). The cross-section ∆3 is difficult to
draw (it is 5-dimensional!) but, using Figure 1 as a guide, one can show that
d6 = 15; d5 = 48; d4 = 68; d3 = 56; d2 = 28; d1 = 8; d0 = 1,
where dk denotes the number of cones of dimension k in Σ. Hence
E(Y ) = (uv)6 + 2(uv)5 + 3(uv)4 + 4(uv)3 + 3(uv)2 + 2(uv).
As with Example 4.4, for j = 1, 2 write dk (τj ) for the number of cones of dimension
k in Star(τj ), so
d5 (τj ) = 12; d4 (τj ) = 30; d3 (τj ) = 34; d2 (τj ) = 21; d1 (τj ) = 7; d0 (τj ) = 1.
Proposition 4.1 gives
E(Dj ) = (uv)5 + 2(uv)4 + 3(uv)3 + 3(uv)2 + 2(uv) + 1 for j = 1, 2.
Similarly, counting simplices in the fan Star(τ1 , τ2 ) gives
E(D1 ∩ D2 ) = (uv)4 + 2(uv)3 + 3(uv)2 + 2(uv) + 1.
Now compute the stringy E-function using formula (3.2):
◦ uv − 1 ◦ uv − 1
Est (X) = (uv)6 − 1 + E(D{1} )· + E(D{2} ) ·
(uv)3 − 1 (uv)3 − 1
◦ uv − 1
+ E(D{1,2} )·
(uv)3 − 1
= (uv)6 + 2(uv)3 .
Remark 4.9. The stringy E-function of a Gorenstein canonical quotient sin-
gularity Cn /G can be calculated in terms of the representation theory of the finite
subgroup G ⊂ SL(n, C) using a simple formula due to Batyrev [3, 4] (see also
Denef and Loeser [15]). To state the formula, note that each g ∈ G is conjugate to
a diagonal matrix
(4.4) g = diag e2πiα1 (g)/r(g) , . . . , e2πiαn (g)/r(g) with 0 ≤ αj (g) < r(g),
where r(g) is the order of g and i = −1. To each conjugacy class [g] of the group
G we associate an integer in the range 0 ≤ age[g] ≤ n − 1 defined by
age[g] := αj (g).
r(g) j=1
In particular, for the diagonal action introduced in §4.1, the age grading on the
cyclic group G corresponds
to the slicing of the unit box ⊂ N R ∼ = Rn into
polytopes ∆k := σ ∩ ( xi = k) for k = 0, . . . , n − 1. The formula for the stringy
E-function of the quotient Cn /G is simply
(4.5) Est (Cn /G) = (uv)n−age[g] ,
where we sum over the conjugacy classes of G. For example, the nontrivial element
g of the group G = Z/2 acting on C4 in Example 4.3 has age two because vg =
2 (1, 1, 1, 1) ∈ ∆2 . Formula (4.5) gives Est (C /G) = (uv) + (uv) as shown in §4.2.
1 4 4 2
Observe that the same holds for the other examples of §4.2.
where the sum runs over the conjugacy classes of G, e denotes the topological Euler
number, M g is the fixed point set of g and C(g) is the centraliser of g (this version
of the formula is due to Hirzebruch and Höfer [18]). Observe that the orbifold
Euler number is the standard topological Euler number of the disjoint union
M/G M g /C(g).
Dixon et al. [11] formulated what became known as the “physicists’ Euler number
Hirzebruch and Höfer [18] observed that for a finite subgroup G ⊂ U(n) acting
on M = Cn , the orbifold Euler number is equal to the number of conjugacy classes
of G because every fixed point set M g is contractible. For G ⊂ SU(2, C), the
classical McKay correspondence states that the second Betti number b2 (Y ) of the
minimal resolution Y → C2 /G equals the number of nontrivial conjugacy classes
of G. As a result, the equality
(5.1) e(Y ) = b2 (Y ) + 1 = # conjugacy classes of G = e(C2 , G)
(5.2) h (M, G) := dimC Hcp−age[g],q−age[g] (Mi (g)/C(g)),
[g]∈Conj(G) i=1
where M g = M1 (g) ∪ · · · ∪ Mm(g) (g) are the smooth connected components of the
fixed-point set. These numbers are the standard (compactly supported) Hodge
shifted according to the age6 of the appropriate conjugacy class.
numbers of M/G
It is natural to introduce the orbifold analogue of the E-polynomial.
6In this context, the age of a conjugacy class is called the Fermionic shift number.
= E(Mi (g)/C(g)) · (uv)age[g] ,
[g]∈Conj(G) i=1
Remark 5.3. Note that the second formula for Eorb (M, G) given in Defini-
tion 5.2 follows from a straightforward substitution. In the special case M = Cn
and G ⊂ GL(n, C), the fixed-point set M g is an affine subspace of dimension equal
to n − rank(g − id) = n − age[g] − age[g −1 ]. As a result,
Eorb (Cn , G) = (uv)n−age[g ] = (uv)n−age[g] ,
[g]∈Conj(G) [g]∈Conj(G)
where the final equality follows from summing over conjugacy classes [g −1 ].
= (uv)− age(g) (uv)−xi
vg ∈ i=1 xi ∈Z≥0
= (uv)− age(g) .
1 − (uv)−1
This proves the theorem for a finite Abelian subgroup G ⊂ SL(n, C).
Corollary 5.5 (strong McKay correspondence). Let G ⊂ SL(n, C) be a finite
subgroup and suppose that the quotient X = Cn /G admits a crepant resolution
ϕ : Y → X. The nonzero Betti numbers of Y are
dimC H 2k (Y, C) = # age kconjugacy classes of G
for k = 0, . . . , n − 1. In particular, the Euler number of Y equals the number of
conjugacy classes of G.
Proof. The Hodge structure in Hci (Y, Q) is pure for each i and Poincaré du-
ality Hc2n−i (Y, C) ⊗ H i (Y, C) → Hc2n (Y, C) respects the Hodge structure, so it is
enough to show that the only nonzero Hodge–Deligne numbers of the compactly
supported cohomology of Y are
hn−k,n−k Hc2n−2k (Y, C) = # age k conjugacy classes of G .
Now hn−k,n−k Hc2n−2k (Y, C) is the coefficient of (uv)n−k in the E-polynomial of
Y . Moreover, the resolution ϕ : Y → X is crepant so E(Y ) = Est (X) and the result
follows from Theorem 5.4.
from the (opposite) category of algbraic varieties over C to the category of Chow
motives over C, sending X to (X, ∆X , 0), the Chow motive of X, where the diagonal
∆X ⊂ X × X is the identity in A∗ (X × X). The motive of a point 1 = h(Spec C)
is the identity with respect to tensor product. The Lefschetz motive L is defined
implicitly via the relation h(P1C ) = 1 ⊕ L.
Definition A.1. The Grothendieck group of MC is the free Abelian group
generated by isomorphism classes of objects in MC modulo the subgroup generated
by elements of the form [(X, p, m)] − [(Y, q, n)] − [(Z, r, k)] whenever the relation
(X, p, m) (Y, q, n) ⊕ (Z, r, k) holds. Tensor product of motives induces a ring
structure and the resulting ring, denoted K0 (MC ), is the Grothendieck ring of
Chow Motives (over C).
Gillet and Soulé [17] exhibit a map M : VC −→ K0 (MC ) sending a smooth
projective variety X to the class [h(X)] of the motive of X. Furthermore the map
is additive on disjoint unions of locally closed subsets and satisfies M (X × Y ) =
M (X) · M (Y ).
We now play the same game as we did in §3. That is, M factors through
K0 (VC ) inducing
M : K0 (VC ) −→ K0 (MC ).
Observe that the image of [C] under M is the class of the Lefschetz motive L; this
explains why we use the notation L to denote the class of C in K0 (VC ) in § 2.
Sending L−1 ∈ K0 (VC )[L−1 ] to L−1 ∈ K0 (MC ) produces a map
M : K0 (VC )[L−1 ] −→ K0 (MC ).
It is unknown whether or not M annihilates the kernel of the natural completion
map φ : K0 (VC )[L−1 ] → R. Denef and Loeser conjecture that it does (see [13,
Remark 1.2.3]). If this is true, extend M to a ring homomorphism
1 1
Mst : φ K0 (VC )[L ] −→ K0 (MC )
Li − 1 i∈N Li − 1 i∈N
such that the image of [DJ◦ ] under Mst is equal to M (DJ◦ ).
Definition A.2. Let X denote a complex algebraic variety with at worst
Gorenstein canonical singularities and let ϕ : Y →
X be any resolution of sin-
gularities for which the discrepancy divisor D = ai Di has only simple normal
crossings. The stringy motive of X is
" #
Mst (X) := Mst FD dµ · Ln = M (DJ◦ ) · ,
J∞ (Y ) Laj +1 − 1
J⊆{1,...,r} j∈J
where we sum over all subsets J ⊆ {1, . . . , r} including J = ∅. As with the definition
of the stringy E-function (see Definition 3.5) we multiply by Ln for convenience.
1. V. Batyrev, Stringy Hodge numbers of varieties with Gorenstein canonical singularities,
Integrable systems and algebraic geometry (Kobe/Kyoto, 1997), (1998), pp. 1–32.
2. V. Batyrev, Birational Calabi-Yau n-folds have equal Betti numbers, New trends in algebraic
geometry, Klaus Hulek et al. (editors), CUP, pages 1–11, (1999).
3. V. Batyrev, Non-Archimedean integrals and stringy Euler numbers of log-terminal pairs, J.
Eur. Math. Soc. 1 (1999), 5–33.
Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, 155 South 1400 East, Salt Lake
City, UT 84112
E-mail address:
Clay Mathematics Proceedings
Volume 3, 2004
Akira Ishii
and Reid [1] uses derived category technique. In this note, we give local
(toric) coordinates of the moduli when G is Abelian, generalising Nakamura’s
coordinates on G-Hilb [9]. We also resume the chamber structure for stability
from [3] briefly.
1. Introduction
Let G be a finite subgroup of SL(3, C). Nakamura [9] showed that the moduli
space G-Hilb of G-clusters is a crepant resolution when G is Abelian. Bridgeland,
King and Reid [1] proved that the same holds for any finite subgroup of SL(3, C) by
using the Fourier-Mukai transform Φ : D(Y ) → DG (C3 ), where D(Y ) and DG (C3 )
are the bounded derived categories of coherent sheaves on Y = G -Hilb and G-
equivariant coherent sheaves on C3 respectively. Therefore there is a special choice
G-Hilb among crepant resolutions of C3 /G.
We can consider more general moduli spaces Mθ introduced by Kronheimer
[7] and further studied by Sardo Infirri [11]. These spaces are again crepant reso-
lutions for generic parameters θ by the same arguments as in [1]. In [3], under the
assumption that G is Abelian, we studied variation of the moduli spaces Mθ (and
the associated Fourier-Mukai transform Φθ ) when the stability parameter θ moves.
In particular, we saw that every projective crepant resolution is isomorphic to Mθ
for some θ.
In this note, we introduce local coordinates on the moduli space Mθ when G
is Abelian. This gives an elementary proof that Mθ is a crepant resolution in the
Abelian case. To describe the local coordinates, we use the universal covering of
the McKay quiver and the G-igsaw puzzle as in [9] and [10]. Some of the ideas here
were also used in [3] §10.
In the rest of this section, we give basic definitions. We introduce the notion of
a G-constellation here which is regarded as a representation of the McKay quiver in
c Clay Mathematics Institute
§3. For a finite subgroup G of SL(3, C), we denote by R its regular representation
and by R(G) the representation ring.
Definition 1.1. A G-constellation is a G-equivariant coherent sheaf F on Cn
such that H 0 (F ) is isomorphic as a C[G]-module to R. Set
Θ := { θ ∈ HomZ (R(G), Q) θ(R) = 0 }.
For θ ∈ Θ, a G-constellation is said to be θ-stable if every proper G-equivariant
coherent subsheaf 0 ⊂ E ⊂ F satisfies θ(E) > 0, i.e., θ(H 0 (E)) > 0 = θ(H 0 (F )).
The notion of θ-semistable is the same with ≥ replacing >.
We denote by Mθ and Mθ the moduli spaces of θ-stable and θ-semistable G-
constellations respectively. The existence of these moduli spaces are ensured by
a work of King [6]. We recall the construction of these moduli spaces in §3. For
a particular choice of parameters θ, Mθ = Mθ is G-Hilb (See [5] §3 and also [3]
§9). Mθ and the quotient singularity X = Cn /G are related by the following
(set-theoretically) commutative diagram:
open immersion
Mθ −−−−−−−−−−→ Mθ
X −−−−−→ M0
The first vertical arrow sends a G-constellation to its support and the second hori-
zontal arrow sends a G-orbit to the class of G-constellations supported by it.
Definition 1.2. We say a parameter θ ∈ Θ is generic if every θ-semistable
G-constellation is θ-stable.
Arguments in [1] show that if n = 3 and if the parameter θ is generic, then
Mθ is a crepant resolution of C3 /G and we have a Fourier–Mukai transform Φθ :
D(Mθ ) −→ DG (C3 ). In §3, we give an elementary proof that Mθ is a crepant
resolution if θ is generic.
3. Local coordinates on Mθ
Hereafter, we assume that θ is generic and we give local coordinates of the
moduli space Mθ .
3.1. Representations of the McKay quiver. Let V be a three-dimensional
vector space over C and G ⊂ SL(V ) a finite subgroup. The moduli space Mθ of
G-constellations is constructed by regarding it as a moduli space of representations
of the McKay quiver. In this section, we recall the construction.
Consider the affine scheme
N = { B ∈ HomC[G] (R, V ⊗ R) B ∧ B = 0 },
where B ∧ B lies in HomC[G] (R, ∧2 V ⊗ R). Each map B ∈ N determines an action
of V ∗ on R and the condition B ∧B = 0 ensures that this action is commutative. In
this way, B endows R with a C[V ]-module structure, where C[V ] = ⊕∞ k ∗
k=0 Sym (V )
of AutC[G] (R), where ρ0 is the trivial representation and hence dim Rρ0 = 1. Then
the projection gives an isomorphism AutC[G] (R) → PAutC[G] (R). On the other
hand, AutC[G] (R) has a natural equivariant action on R ⊗ ON . Descent theory of
coherent sheaves for a faithfully flat morphism implies that R ⊗ ON and Rρ ⊗ ON
descend to locally free sheaves R := Rθ and Rρ := (Rθ )ρ respectively on Mθ such
that R = ⊕ρ∈Irr(G) Rρ ⊗ ρ. Moreover, we have a homomorphism R → V ⊗ R
determining the universal G-constellation Uθ on Mθ × C3 . Note by the definition
of AutC[G] (R) that the line bundle Rρ0 is trivial.
From now on, we consider the case where G is Abelian. We denote by G∗ =
Irr(G) the character group of G. Decompose V ∗ = ρ1 ⊕ ρ2 ⊕ ρ3 as a representation
of G. An element B ∈ HomC[G] (R, V ⊗ R) is decomposed as
B = (bρ1 , bρ2 , bρ3 )ρ∈G∗ = (bρi )i,ρ
where bρi is a linear map Rρ → Rρρi . Then the commutativity condition B ∧ B = 0
is expressed as
ρρj ρ
bρρ i ρ
j bi = bi bj .
The action of [(αρ )ρ∈G∗ ] ∈ PAutC[G] (R) is written as
[(αρ )ρ∈G∗ ] · (bρi )i,ρ = (αρρi αρ−1 bρi )i,ρ .
The three-dimensional torus T = AutC[G] (V ) acts naturally on N by
(t1 , t2 , t3 ) · (bρ1 , bρ2 , bρ3 )ρ = (t1 bρ1 , t2 bρ2 , t3 bρ3 )ρ .
where (kρ , lρ , mρ ) are integers attached to ρ ∈ G∗ with kρ0 = lρ0 = mρ0 = 0. For
ρ ∈ G∗ , put
(3.3) h(ρ) = kρ f1 + lρ f2 + mρ f3 ∈ H.
Draw a line segment from h(ρ) to h(ρ) + fi if bρi = 0. In this case, we can see that
h(ρ) + fi = h(ρρi ) and hence we can embed Γ(B) in the plane HR so that the sets
of edges and vertices of Γ(B) are subsets of those of the universal covering of the
McKay quiver respectively. For h ∈ H we put
Hex(h) = { P ∈ HR | d(P, h) ≤ d(P, h ) for h ∈ H }
where d(∗, ∗) denotes the metric of HR . Then Hex(h) is a regular hexagon with
center h and these hexagons form a honeycombed tiling of HR . Define D(B) as
D(B) = Hex(h(ρ)).
By the commutativity condition, Γ(B) has the following property: if aρi and
are edges of Γ(B), then so are aρj and ai j for ρ ∈ G∗ and i = j. Let C(ρ, i, j)
denote the cycle formed by arrows ai , aj , (ai j )−1 and (aρj )−1 which appear in
ρ ρρi ρρ
Let δ(B) denote the set of edges e of Hex(h(ρ)) for some ρ ∈ G∗ such that e is
not in the interior of any C(ρ, i, j) ∈ Cycle(B) and such that e ∩ Γ(B) = ∅.
and U (B) ∼
=U (B)/ Aut (R) becomes an open neighborhood of [B] in Mθ .
Proof. The first part is proved in the same way as in the above lemma.
(B), then every C-invariant subrepresentation of R is also B-invariant.
If C ∈ U
Therefore, C is also θ-stable and we obtain the second assertion.
Thus we can restrict the action of the torus T on Mθ to the open set U (B).
Corollary 3.9. For t = (t1 , t2 , t3 ) ∈ T and (cρi ) ∈ U (B), put t · (cρi ) = (dρi )
with respect to the above action. We put
(α1 , α2 , α3 ) = (kρ + δi1 , lρ + δi2 , mρ + δi3 ) − (kρρi , lρρi , mρρi ),
where kρ , lρ , mρ are the weights for ρ ∈ G∗ given in (3.2) and where δij denotes
Kronecker’s delta. Then dρi = t−α1
1 −α2 −α3 ρ
t2 t3 c i
Proof. Do the same argument for B = (ti bρi )ρi as in the lemma, assuming
bρiare either 0 or 1. By the definition of λρ in the proof of the lemma, we have
ti = λ−1 ρ
ρρi λρ if bi = 0. Then the definition of the weights kρ , lρ , mρ implies that
−kρ −lρ −mρ
λ ρ = t1 t2 t3 . Since dρi is given by dρi = λρρi λ−1 ρ
ρ ti ci , the assertion follows.
Now determine a coordinate on U (B). Divide ∂D(B) into 6 parts by the points
{Yi } and {Ai }. We denote them by Y ρ
1 A1 , A1 Y2 , . . . , A3 Y1 . For an arrow a = ai of
the McKay quiver, we denote by ã = ãi the arrow of the universal covering which
goes from h(ρ) to h(ρ) + fi . Note that if ãρi meets ∂D(B), then it is always going
out of D(B). Let C[ξ1 , ξ2 , ξ3 ] be the polynomial ring in three variables ξ1 , ξ2 , ξ3 .
We define a representation (uρi ) of the McKay quiver, with values uρi ∈ C[ξ1 , ξ2 , ξ3 ]
as follows.
(1) If ãρi is an edge of Γ(B), then uρi = 1.
(2) If ãρi meets Y ρ
p Ap , then ui = ξp .
exists). Then do the similar arguments by using the triangle surrounding Ap . The
commutativity relation implies that these values are ζp ζp+1 .
Finally we show (4). The diagonals of adjacent diamonds give the same value
by the commutativity relation. Assume ã is the diagonal of a diamond, which
has an edge b̃ such that b̃ is not on any other diamond. Then the commutativity
relation for B implies that b̃ is the unique arrow in the triangle containing b̃ but not
containing ã such that it gives a non-zero value for B. Then (2) and (3) determine
the values of C at the other edges of the triangle. Again the commutativity relation
implies that C takes the value ζ1 ζ2 ζ3 at a.
G-Ext3OC3 (E, E) ∼
= G-Ext0OC3 (E, E ⊗ KC3 )∨ ∼
= C.
ω(C1 , C2 , C3 ) = trace(C1 ∧ C1 ∧ C3 ).
Therefore, we have
ω(C1 , C2 , C3 ) = ω(C2 , C3 , C1 ).
On the other hand, the smoothness of Mθ implies that the obstruction class in
G-Ext2OC3 (E, E) vanishes. That is, we have ω(C, C, C3 ) = 0. Thus ω is skew-
We use the local coordinate ξ1 , ξ2 , ξ3 and the universal representation on U (B)
in Theorem 3.10. Then we obtain
∂ ∂ ∂
ω , , = ±1
∂ξ1 ∂ξ2 ∂ξ3
where the signature depends on the choice of a basis of ∧3 V . Thus ω does not
vanish on any affine open U (B) and is therefore nowhere vanishing on Mθ .
Remark 3.11. In contrast to the two-dimensional case [8], Serre duality doesn’t
imply that this is nowhere vanishing. But once we see that Mθ is smooth of
dimension three and that the (Fourier-Mukai) functor Φθ is fully faithful, then it
automatically follows that the above 3-form is nowhere vanishing.
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Frances Kirwan
c Clay Mathematics Institute
where {1}, {αj : 1 ≤ j ≤ 2g}, and {ω} are standard bases for H 0 (Σ), H 1 (Σ) and
H 2 (Σ), and
(1.1) ar ∈ H 2r (M(n, d)), bjr ∈ H 2r−1 (M(n, d)), fr ∈ H 2r−2 (M(n, d)),
for 1 ≤ r ≤ n and 1 ≤ j ≤ 2g. It was shown by Atiyah and Bott [1, Prop. 2.20
and p.580] that the classes ar and fr (for 2 ≤ r ≤ n) and brj (for 1 ≤ r ≤ n and
1 ≤ j ≤ 2g) generate the rational cohomology ring of M(n, d).
Since tensoring by a fixed holomorphic line bundle of degree e gives an iso-
morphism between the moduli spaces M(n, d) and M(n, d + ne), we may assume
without loss of generality that
(2g − 2)n < d < (2g − 1)n.
This implies that H 1 (Σ, E) = 0 for any stable bundle of rank n and degree d [34,
Lemma 5.2], and hence that π! V is a bundle of rank d − n(g − 1) over M(n, d),
π : M(n, d) × Σ → M(n, d)
is the projection onto the first component and π! is the K-theoretic direct image
map. It follows that
cr (π! V ) = 0
for r > d − n(g − 1). Via the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem we can express
the Chern classes of π! V as polynomials in the generators ar , bjr , fr described above,
and hence their vanishing gives us relations between these generators. These are
Mumford’s relations, and they give us a complete set of relations when n = 2. We
can generalise them for n > 2 as follows.
Suppose that 0 < n̂ < n, and that dˆ is coprime to n̂. Then we have a universal
bundle V̂ over M(n̂, d)ˆ × Σ, and both V and V̂ can be pulled back to M(n̂, d) ˆ ×
M(n, d) × Σ. If
dˆ d
n̂ n
then there are no non-zero holomorphic bundle maps from a stable bundle of rank
n̂ and degree dˆ to a stable bundle of rank n and degree d, and hence, if
ˆ × M(n, d) × Σ → M(n̂, d)
π : M(n̂, d) ˆ × M(n, d),
is the projection onto the first two components, it follows that −π! (V̂ ∗ ⊗ V ) is a
bundle of rank nn̂(g − 1) − dn̂ + dn ˆ over M(n̂, d)
ˆ × M(n, d). Thus
(with a little more care taken when n̂ and dˆ are not coprime) are the ones we
consider. They are essentially Mumford’s relations when n = 2. To show that
these form a complete set of relations, a natural strategy is to consider the Yang-
Mills stratification which was used by Atiyah and Bott to obtain their generators
for the cohomology ring.
Recall that a holomorphic vector bundle E over Σ is called semistable (respec-
tively stable) if every holomorphic subbundle D of E satisfies
µ(D) ≤ µ(E), (respectively µ(D) < µ(E)),
where µ(D) = degree(D)/rank(D) is the slope of D. Bundles which are not
semistable are said to be unstable. Note that semistable bundles of coprime rank
and degree are stable.
Let E be a fixed C ∞ complex vector bundle of rank n and degree d over Σ. Let
C be the space of all holomorphic structures on E and let Gc denote the group of all
C ∞ complex automorphisms of E. Atiyah and Bott [1] identify the moduli space
M(n, d) with the quotient C ss /Gc where C ss is the open subset of C consisting of
all semistable holomorphic structures on E. The group Gc is the complexification
of the gauge group G which consists of all smooth automorphisms of E which are
unitary with respect to a fixed Hermitian structure on E. We shall write G for the
quotient of G by its U (1)-centre and G c for the quotient of Gc by its C∗ -centre.
There are natural isomorphisms
H ∗ (M(n, d)) ∼
= H ∗ (C ss /Gc ) = H ∗ (C ss /G c ) ∼
= H ∗ (C ss ) ∼
Gc = H ∗ (C ss )
between the cohomology of the moduli space and the G-equivariant cohomology of
C ss , since the C∗ -centre of Gc acts trivially on C ss , while G c acts freely on C ss and
G c is the complexification of G.
In order to show that the restriction map HG∗ (C) → HG∗ (C ss ) is surjective,
Atiyah and Bott consider the Yang–Mills (or Atiyah–Bott–Shatz) stratification of
C. This stratification {Cµ : µ ∈ M} is the Morse stratification for the Yang–
Mills functional on C, but it also has a more explicit description. It is indexed
by the partially ordered set M consisting of all the Harder–Narasimhan types of
holomorphic bundles of rank n and degree d, defined as follows. Any holomorphic
bundle E over M of rank n and degree d has a filtration
0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ EP = E
of subbundles such that the subquotients Qp = Ep /Ep−1 are semi-stable for 1 ≤
p ≤ P and satisfy
dp dp+1
µ(Qp ) = > = µ(Qp+1 )
np np+1
where dp and np are the degree and rank of Qp and µ(Qp ) is its slope. This filtration
is canonically associated to E and is called the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of E.
We define the type of E to be
µ = (µ(Q1 ), ..., µ(QP )) ∈ Qn
where the entry µ(Qp ) is repeated np times. The semistable bundles have type
µ0 = (d/n, ..., d/n) and form the unique open stratum. The set M of all possible
types of holomorphic vector bundles over Σ provides our indexing set, and if µ ∈ M
the subset Cµ ⊆ C is defined to be the set of all holomorphic vector bundles over Σ
of type µ. A partial order on M with the property that the closure of the stratum
Atiyah and Bott show that the stratification is equivariantly perfect by considering
the composition of the Thom-Gysin map HG µ (Cµ ) → HGj (Uµ ) with restriction to
Cµ , which is multiplication by the equivariant Euler class eµ of the normal bundle
to Cµ in C. They show that eµ is not a zero-divisor in HG∗ (Cµ ) and deduce that the
Thom-Gysin maps HG µ (Cµ ) → HGj (Uµ ) are all injective.
So putting this all together Atiyah and Bott obtain inductive formulas for the
G-equivariant Betti numbers of C ss , and they also conclude that there is a natural
(1.4) H ∗ (BG) ∼= H ∗ (C) → H ∗ (C ss ) ∼
G G= H ∗ (M(n, d)).
Thus generators of the cohomology ring H ∗ (BG) give generators of the cohomology
ring M(n, d).
The classifying space BG can be identified with the space Mapd (Σ, BU (n)) of
all smooth maps f : Σ → BU (n) such that the pullback to Σ of the universal vector
bundle over BU (n) has degree d. If we pull back this universal bundle using the
evaluation map
Mapd (Σ, BU (n)) × Σ → BU (n) : (f, m) → f (m)
then we obtain a rank n vector bundle V over BG × Σ. If further we restrict the
pullback bundle induced by the maps
C ss × EG × Σ → C × EG × Σ → C ×G EG × Σ → BG × Σ
to C ss ×{e}×Σ for some e ∈ EG then we obtain a G-equivariant holomorphic bundle
on C ss × Σ. The C∗ -centre of G acts as scalar multiplication on the fibres, and
the associated projective bundle descends to a holomorphic projective bundle over
M(n, d) × Σ. In fact this is the projective bundle of a holomorphic vector bundle
V over M(n, d) × Σ which has the universal property that, for any [E] ∈ M(n, d)
representing a bundle E over Σ, the restriction of V to {[E]} × Σ is isomorphic to
By a slight abuse of notation we define elements ar , bjr , fr in H ∗ (BG; Q) by
cr (V) = ar ⊗ 1 + bjr ⊗ αj + fr ⊗ ω 1 ≤ r ≤ n.
where, as before, ω is the standard generator of H 2 (Σ) and α1 , ..., α2g form a fixed
canonical cohomology basis for H 1 (Σ). In fact the ring H ∗ (BG) is freely generated
as a graded super-commutative algebra over Q by the elements
{ar : 1 ≤ r ≤ n} ∪ {bjr : 1 ≤ r ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ 2g} ∪ {fr : 2 ≤ r ≤ n}
and if we omit a1 we get H ∗ (BG). These generators restrict to the generators
ar , bjr , fr given in (1.1) for H ∗ (M(n, d)) under the surjection (1.4).
The relations among these generators for H ∗ (M(n, d); Q) are then given by the
kernel of the restriction map (1.4) which is in turn determined by the map
(1.5) GH ∗ (C) ∼
= H ∗ (C) ⊗ H ∗ (BU (1)) → H ∗ (C ss ) ⊗ H ∗ (BU (1)) ∼
G G = H ∗ (C ss ),
and the proof that the Yang–Mills stratification is equivariantly perfect leads to
completeness criteria for a set of relations to be complete. Let R be a subset of the
kernel of the restriction map HG∗ (C) → HG∗ (C ss ). Suppose that for each unstable
type µ = µ0 there is a subset Rµ of the ideal generated by R in HG∗ (C) such that
the image of Rµ under the restriction map
HG∗ (C) → HG∗ (Cν )
is zero unless ν ≥ µ and when ν = µ contains the ideal of HG∗ (Cµ ) generated by the
equivariant Euler class eµ of the normal bundle to the stratum Cµ in C. Then R
generates the kernel of the restriction map HG∗ (C) → HG∗ (C ss ) as an ideal of HG∗ (C).
In fact Atiyah and Bott could have replaced the Yang-Mills stratification with
a coarser stratification of C and obtained equivalent results. For any integers n1
and d1 let Sn1 ,d1 be the subset of C consisting of all those holomorphic structures
with Harder-Narasimhan filtration 0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Es = E where E1 has
rank n1 and degree d1 . We shall say that such a holomorphic structure has coarse
type (n1 , d1 ). Then Sn1 ,d1 is locally a submanifold of finite codimension
δn1 ,d1 = nd1 − n1 d + n1 (n − n1 )(g − 1)
in C and
(1.6) HG∗ (Sn1 ,d1 ) ∼ ∗
= HG(n1 ,d1 )
(C(n1 , d1 )ss ) ⊗ HG(n−n1 ,d−d1 )
(U (n1 , d1 ))
U (n1 , d1 ) = S(n − n1 , d − d1 )n2 ,d2
d2 d
n2 < n1
is an open subset of C(n − n1 , d − d1 ). Moreover the equivariant Euler class en1 ,d1
of the normal to Sn1 ,d1 in C is not a zero divisor in HG∗ (Sn1 ,d1 ), so the stratification
of C by coarse type
d1 d
Sn1 ,d1 : 0 < n1 < n, > {Sn,d }
n1 n
is equivariantly perfect. This means that we can modify our completeness criteria,
ˆ with 0 < n̂ < n and dˆ > d we
so that for each pair of positive integers (n̂, d) n̂ n
require a set of relations whose restriction to HG∗ (Sn1 ,d1 ) is zero when d1 /n1 < d/n̂ ˆ
ˆ and n1 < n̂, and when (n1 , d1 ) = (n̂, d)
or d1 /n1 = d/n̂ ˆ equals the ideal of H ∗ (S ˆ)
G n̂,d
generated by the equivariant Euler class en̂,dˆ of the normal bundle to Sn̂,dˆ in C.
G(n̂,d) ˆ s ) where d/n̂
ˆ > d/n and
It is easy enough to prove that if γ ∈ H∗ (C(n̂, d)
if r > nn̂(g − 1) + n̂d − ndˆ then the image of the slant product cr (−π! (V̂ ∗ ⊗ V))\γ
under the restriction map
H ∗ (C) → H ∗ (Sn ,d ) ∼
G G = H∗
1 1
(C(n1 , d1 )ss ) ⊗ H ∗
G(n1 ,d1 ) (U (n1 , d1 ))
G(n−n1 ,d−d1 )
is zero when d1 /n1 < d/n̂, ˆ and n1 < n̂.
and also when d1 /n1 = d/n̂
ˆ ˆ ˆ is a manifold of dimen-
By Lefschetz duality, since C(n̂, d) /G(n̂, d) = Ms (n̂, d)
ˆ = 2[(n̂2 − 1)(g − 1) + g] = 2(n̂2 g − n̂2 + 1)
D(n̂, d)
we have a natural map
LD : H∗
G(n̂,d) ˆ s) ∼
(C(n̂, d) = H∗ (Ms (n̂, d))
ˆ → H D(n̂,d)−∗ ˆ ss )
(C(n̂, d)
G(n̂,d) ˆ
such that if γ ∈ H∗ ˆ s ) then LD(γ) lies in the dual of H G(n̂,d)
(C(n̂, d) ˆ ss )
(C(n̂, d)
and takes a G(n̂, d)-equivariant ˆ ss to its intersection, modulo G(n̂, d),
cycle on C(n̂, d) ˆ
with γ. When n̂ and dˆ are coprime then C(n̂, d) ˆ s and its quotient
ˆ ss equals C(n̂, d)
ˆ namely M(n̂, d),
by G(n̂, d), ˆ is a compact manifold. In this case Lefschetz duality
is essentially Poincaré duality and the map LD is an isomorphism.
We need to consider the restriction of a relation of the form cr (−π! (V̂ ∗ ⊗ V))\γ
to H ∗ (S ˆ). If γ ∈ H∗
G n̂,d
ˆ s ) where d/n̂
(C(n̂, d) ˆ > d/n and if r = nn̂(g − 1) + n̂d −
ndˆ+ 1 + j, then it turns out that the image of the slant product cr (−π! (V̂ ∗ ⊗ V))\γ
under the restriction map
HG∗ (C) → HG∗ (Sn̂,dˆ) ∼ ∗
= HG(n̂, ˆ ss ∗
ˆ (C(n̂, d) ) ⊗ HG(n−n̂,d−d)
ˆ (U (n̂, d))
is the product (−a1 )j LD(γ)en̂,dˆ of the equivariant Euler class en̂,dˆ of the normal
bundle to Sn̂,dˆ in C with the image of γ under the Lefschetz duality map LD
and j copies of minus the generator a
∈ H∗ ˆ ss ) ∼
(C(n̂, d) = H ∗ (BU (1)) ⊗
1 ˆ
HG(n̂, ˆs which comes from the copy of the polynomial ring H ∗ (BU (1)).
ˆ (C(n̂, d) )
The proof of this is based on Porteous’s Formula (as in Beauville’s alternative
proof [2] of the theorem of Atiyah and Bott that the classes ar , bjr , fr generate
H ∗ (M(n, d)); cf. [39] and [12]), which allows us to deduce that the Poincaré dual
ˆ in
of ∆s × U (n̂, d)
∗ ˆs ∗ ˆ ss ∗ ˆ
HG(n̂, ˆ (C(n̂, d) ) ⊗ HG(n̂,d)
d) ˆ (C(n̂, d) ) ⊗ HG(n−n̂,d−d)
ˆ (U (n̂, d))
is cn̂2 (g−1)+1 (−π! (V̂ ∗ ⊗V1 ). In other words the restriction of cn̂2 (g−1)+1 (−π! (V̂ ∗ ⊗V1 ))
to C(n̂, d) ˆ ss × U (n̂, d)
ˆ s × C(n̂, d) ˆ is the image of 1 under the G(n̂, d)ˆ × G(n̂, d)
ˆ × G(n −
n̂, d − d)-equivariant Thom-Gysin map associated to the inclusion of ∆s × U (n̂, d)) ˆ
ˆ ˆ ˆ
in C(n̂, d) × C(n̂, d) × U (n̂, d)). We can express the higher Chern classes of
s ss
−π! (V̂ ∗ ⊗ V1 ) in a similar way [11] by using Fulton’s Excess Porteous Formula [13].
∗ ˆ ss ∗ ˆ
Recall that given η ∈ HG(n̂, ˆ (C(n̂, d) ) ⊗ HG(n−n̂,d−d)
d) ˆ (C(n − n̂, d − d)) we
wish to find a relation whose restriction to C(n1 , d1 ) × U (n1 , d1 ) is zero when
ˆ or d1 /n1 = d/n̂
d1 /n1 < d/n̂ ˆ and n1 < n, and when (n1 , d1 ) = (n̂, d) ˆ equals ηe ˆ.
We have found such a relation when η lies in the image of the Lefschetz duality
G(n̂,d) ˆ s ) to H ∗ ˆ ss
map LD which maps H∗ (C(n̂, d) ˆ (C(n̂, d) ) and thus into
∗ ˆ ss ∗ ˆ ss ∗
HG(n̂, ˆ (C(n̂, d) ) ⊗ H (BU (1)),
ˆ (C(n̂, d) ) = HG(n̂,d)
and more generally when η has the form η = (−a1 )j LD(γ), for some element γ
G(n̂,d) ˆ s ). When n̂ and dˆ are coprime this gives us all η ∈ H ∗
of H∗ (C(n̂, d) (C ss ).ˆ
∗ ˆ ss ∗ ˆ
HG(n̂, ˆ (C(n̂, d) ) ⊗ HG(n−n̂,d−d)
d) ˆ (C(n − n̂, d − d))
X(R 0)
= X ss , X(R
, . . . , X(R τ)
= X̃ ss
where R1 , . . . , Rτ are connected reductive subgroups of G with
r = dim R1 ≥ dim R2 ≥ · · · dim Rτ ≥ 1,
and if 1 ≤ l ≤ τ then X(Rl ) is the blow up of X(R
l−1 )
along its closed nonsingular
ss ∼
subvariety GZRl = G ×Nl ZRl , where Nl is the normaliser of Rl in G. Similarly,
X̃//G = X̃ ss /G can be obtained from X//G by blowing up along the proper trans-
forms of the images ZR //N in X//G of the subvarieties GZR of X ss in decreasing
order of dim R.
If 1 ≤ l ≤ τ then we have a G-equivariant stratification
{Sβ,l : (β, l) ∈ Bl × {l}}
of X(Rl ) by nonsingular G-invariant locally closed subvarieties such that one of the
strata, indexed by (0, l) ∈ Bl × {l}, coincides with the open subset X(Rss
of X(Rl ) .
Here Bl is a finite subset of a fixed positive Weyl chamber t+ in the Lie algebra t
of a maximal compact torus T of G. In fact β ∈ t+ lies in Bl if and only if β is
the closest point to 0 in the convex hull in t of some nonempty subset of the set of
weights {α0 , . . . , αn } for the linear action of T on X(Rl ) .
There is a partial ordering on Bl given by γ > β if ||γ|| > ||β||, with 0 as its
minimal element, such that if β ∈ Bl then the closure in Xl of the stratum Sβ,l
(2.1) Sβ,l ⊆ Sγ,l .
γ∈Bl ,γ≥β
If β ∈ Bl and β = 0 then the stratum Sβ,l retracts G-equivariantly onto its (trans-
verse) intersection with the exceptional divisor El for the blow-up X(Rl ) → X(R
l−1 )
This exceptional divisor is isomorphic to the projective bundle P(Nl ) over GẐRss
where ẐRl
is the proper transform of Z ss
Rl in X ss
(Rl−1 ) and Nl is the normal bundle
to GẐRl
in XRss
. The stratification {Sβ,l : β ∈ Bl } is determined by the action of
Rl on the fibres of Nl over ZR ss
(see [23] §7).
There is thus a stratification {Σγ : γ ∈ Γ} of X ss indexed by
(2.2) Γ = {R1 } (B1 \{0}) × {1} · · · {Rτ } (Bτ \{0}) × {τ } {0}
defined as follows. We take as the highest stratum ΣR1 the nonsingular closed
subvariety GZR whose complement in X ss can be naturally identified with the
ss ∼
complement X(R1 ) \E1 of the exceptional divisor E1 in X(R1 ) . We have GZR 1
G ×N1 ZR1 where N1 is the normaliser of R1 in G, and ZR1 is equal to the set
ss ss
of semistable points for the action of N1 , or equivalently for the induced action
of N1 /R1 , on ZR1 , which is a union of connected components of the fixed point
set of R1 in X. Moreover since R1 has maximal dimension among those reductive
subgroups of G with fixed points in X ss , we have ZR ss
= ZR s
where ZR l
the set of stable points for the action of Nl /Rl on ZRl for 1 ≤ l ≤ τ .
with the complement in X(R2 ) of the union of E2 and the proper transform Ê1 of
E1 .
The next strata are the nonsingular locally closed subvarieties
Σβ,2 = Sβ,2 \(E2 ∪ Ê1 ) for β ∈ B2 with β = 0
of X(R2 ) \(E2 ∪ Ê1 ), whose complement in X(R2 ) \(E2 ∪ Ê1 ) is X(R
\(E2 ∪ Ê1 ), and
the stratum after these is GZR3 . We repeat this process for 1 ≤ l ≤ τ and take X s
where Yβ,l ss
fibres over Zβ,l with fibre Cmβ,l for some mβ,l > 0, and Pβ is a parabolic
subgroup of G with the stabiliser Stab(β) of β under the adjoint action of G as its
maximal reductive subgroup. Here the fibration pβ : Yβ,lss
→ Zβ,l
sends y to a limit
point of its orbit under the complex one-parameter subgroup of Rl generated by β.
(2.5) Sβ,l ∩ El = G(Yβ,l
∩ El ) ∼
= G ×Pβ (Yβ,l
∩ El )
where Yβ,l ∩ El fibres over Zβ,l
with fibre Cmβ,l −1 (see [23] Lemmas 7.6 and 7.11).
(2.6) Sβ,l \El ∼
= G ×Pβ (Yβ,l
\El )
where Yβ,l \El fibres over Zβ,l
with fibre Cmβ,l −1 ×(C\{0}). Furthermore if πl : El ∼
P(Nl ) → GẐRl is the projection then Lemma 7.9 of [23] tells us that when x ∈ ẐR
ss ss
the intersection of Sβ,l with the fibre πl−1 (x) = P(Nl,x ) of πl at x is the union
of those strata indexed by points in the adjoint orbit Ad(G)β in the stratification
of P(Nl,x ) induced by the representation ρl of Rl on the normal Nl,x to GẐR ss
x. Careful analysis [28] shows that we can, if we wish, replace the indexing set
Bl \{0}, whose elements correspond to the G-adjoint orbits Ad(G)β of elements of
the indexing set for the stratification of P(Nl,x ) induced by the representation ρl ,
by the set of their Nl -adjoint orbits Ad(Nl )β. Then we still have (2.4) – (2.6), but
now if qβ : Pβ → Stab(β) is the projection we have
Σγ = Σβ,l = Sβ,l \(El ∪ Êl−1 ∪ ... ∪ Ê1 ) ∼
(2.7) = G ×Qβ,l Yβ,l
where Qβ,l = qβ−1 (Nl ∩ Stab(β)) and
\E ss
Yβ,l = Yβ,l \(El ∪ Êl−1 ∪ ... ∪ Ê1 ) ∩ p−1
Zβ,l ∩ πl−1 (ẐR
) ,
and pβ : Yβ,l → Zβ,l
∩ πl−1 (ẐR
) is a fibration with fibre Cmβ,l −1 × (C\{0}).
This process gives us a stratification {Σγ : γ ∈ Γ} of X ss such that the stratum
indexed by the minimal element 0 of Γ coincides with the open subset X s of X ss . We
shall apply this construction to obtain a stratification of C ss , and thus inductively
to refine the Yang-Mills stratification {Cµ : µ ∈ M} of C by Harder–Narasimhan
use the description of M(n, d) as the geometric invariant theoretic quotient C//Gc
to construct a partial desingularisation M̃(n, d) of M(n, d). From this construction
we can use the methods described in §2 to obtain a stratification of C ss with C s as an
open stratum, and thus (by considering the subquotients of the Harder–Narasimhan
filtration) obtain a stratification of C refining the stratification {Cµ : µ ∈ M}. To
understand this refined stratification we need to use the description in [26] of the
partial desingularisation M̃(n, d).
In fact in [26] M̃(n, d) is not constructed using the representation of M(n, d)
as the geometric invariant theoretic quotient of C by Gc , although (as is noted at
[26, p.246]) this representation of M(n, d) would lead to the same partial desingu-
larisation. Instead in [26] M(n, d) is represented as a geometric invariant theoretic
quotient of a finite-dimensional nonsingular quasi-projective variety R(n̂, d) ˆ by a
ˆ ˆ
linear action of SL(p; C) where p = d + n̂(1 − g) with d >> 0. We may assume
that dˆ >> 0, since tensoring by a line bundle of degree l gives an isomorphism of
M(n, d) with M(n̂, dˆ + n̂l) for any l ∈ Z. By [34, Lemma 5.2] if E is a semistable
bundle over Σ of rank n̂ and degree dˆ > n̂(2g − 1) where g is the genus of Σ,
then E is generated by its sections and H 1 (Σ, E) = 0. If p = dˆ + n̂(1 − g), this
implies that dim H 0 (Σ, E) = p and that there is a holomorphic map h from Σ to
the Grassmannian G(n̂, p) of n̂-dimensional quotients of Cp such that the pullback
E(h) = h∗ T of the tautological bundle T on G(n̂, p) is isomorphic to E.
Let R(n̂, d)ˆ be the set of all holomorphic maps h : Σ → G(n̂, p) such that
E(h) = h T has degree d and the map on sections Cp → H 0 (Σ, E(h)) induced
from the quotient bundle map Cp × Σ → E(h) is an isomorphism. For dˆ >> 0 this
ˆ has the structure of a nonsingular quasi-projective variety and there is
set R(n̂, d)
ˆ × Σ satisfying the following
a quotient E of the trivial bundle of rank p over R(n̂, d)
properties (see [34, §5]).
ˆ then the restriction of E to {h} × Σ is the pullback E(h) of
(i) If h ∈ R(n̂, d)
the tautological bundle T on G(n̂, p) along the map h : Σ → G(n̂, p).
ˆ then E(h1 ) and E(h2 ) are isomorphic as bundles
(ii) If h1 and h2 lie in R(n̂, d)
over Σ if and only if h1 and h2 lie in the same orbit of the natural action of GL(p; C)
on R(n̂, d).
(iii) If h ∈ R(n̂, d) ˆ then the stabiliser of h in GL(p; C) is isomorphic to the
group Aut(E(h)) of complex analytic automorphisms of E(h).
If N >> 0 then R(n̂, d) ˆ can be embedded as a quasi-projective subvariety of the
product (G(n̂, p)) by a map of the form h → (h(x1 ), . . . . , h(xN )) where x1 , . . . , xN
(3.1) E∼
= (Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmp ⊗ Dq )
where D1 , . . . , Dq are all semistable and Di has rank ni and degree di , while GZR
consists of all those holomorphic structures E with
(3.2) E∼
= (Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmp ⊗ Dq )
where D1 , . . . , Dq are all stable and not isomorphic to one another, and Di has
rank ni and rank di . Moreover the normaliser N of R in GL(p; C) has connected
where Sym(b) denotes the symmetric group of permutations of a set with b elements.
Furthermore in terms of the notation of §2, if R = Rl then a holomorphic structure
belongs to one of the strata Σβ,l with β ∈ Bl \{0} if and only if
it has a filtration
0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Es = E such that E is not isomorphic to 1≤k≤s Ek /Ek−1
Ek /Ek−1 ∼= (Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmp ⊗ Dq )
where D1 , . . . , Dq are all stable and not isomorphic to one another, and Di has
rank ni and rank di [26, p. 248]. Thus to understand the refined Yang-Mills
stratification of C, we need to study refinements
0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Es = E
of the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of a holomorphic bundle E, such that each
subquotient Ej /Ej−1 is a direct sum of stable bundles all of the same slope. For
this recall the following standard result (cf. the proof of [26, Lemma 3.2] and [35]).
Proposition 3.1. Any semistable bundle E has a canonical subbundle of the
(Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmq ⊗ Dq )
with D1 , . . . , Dq not isomorphic to each other and all stable of the same slope as E,
such that any other subbundle of the same form
(Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmr ⊗ Dr ),
with D1 , ..., Dr not isomorphic to each other and all stable of the same slope as E,
satisfies r ≤ q and (after permuting the order of D1 , ..., Dq suitably) Dj ∼ = Dj for
all 1 ≤ j ≤ r and the inclusion
(Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmr ⊗ Dr ) → E
factors through the inclusion (Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmq ⊗ Dq ) → E via injections
Cmj → Cmj for 1 ≤ j ≤ r.
If we choose a subbundle of E of maximal rank among those of the required
form, this follows immediately from
Lemma 3.2. Let E, D1 , . . . , Dq , D1 , . . . , Dr be bundles over Σ all of the same
slope, with E semistable, D1 , ..., Dq and D1 , . . . , Dr all stable and Dj = Dj for 1 ≤
j ≤ k for some 0 ≤ k ≤ min{q, r}, but with no other isomorphisms between the
bundles D1 , ..., Dq and D1 , ..., Dr . If
α : (Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmq ⊗ Dq ) → E
β : (Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmr ⊗ Dr ) → E
are injective bundle homomorphisms, then there exist nonnegative integers n1 , ..., nk
and linear injections ij : Cmj → Cnj and ij : Cmj → Cnj for 1 ≤ j ≤ k and an
injective bundle homomorphism γ from
(Cn1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cnk ⊗ Dk ) ⊕ (Cmk+1 ⊗ Dk+1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmq ⊗ Dq )
⊕(Cmk+1 ⊗ Dk+1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmr ⊗ Dr )
to E such that α and β both factorise through γ via the injections ij and ij for
1 ≤ j ≤ k in the obvious way.
Proof: Consider the kernel of
α ⊕ β : (Cm1 +m1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmk +mk ⊗ Dk ) ⊕
(Cmk+1 ⊗ Dk+1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmq ⊗ Dq ) ⊕
(Cmk+1 ⊗ Dk+1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmr ⊗ Dr ) → E.
The proof of [34, Lemma 5.1 (iii)] shows that this kernel is a subsheaf of the domain
of α ⊕ β which has the same slope as E, D1 , ..., Dq , and D1 , ..., Dr . Induction on
m1 + ... + mq + m1 + ... + mr using [34, Lemma 5.1] and the obvious projection
from Cm1 onto Cm1 −1 shows that such a subsheaf is in fact of the form
(U1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Uq ⊗ Dq ) ⊕ (Uq+1 ⊗ Dk+1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Uq−k+r ⊗ Dr )
for some linear subspaces Uj of Cm1 +m1 , ..., Cmk+1 , ..., Cmr . Then since α and β
are injective, we must have ker(α ⊕ β) = (U1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Uk ⊗ Dk ) for linear
subspaces Uj of Cmj ⊕ Cmj satisfying Uj ∩ Cmj = {0} = Uj ∩ Cmj for 1 ≤ j ≤ k.
The result follows easily.
where (Cm1 ⊗D1 )⊕· · ·⊕(Cmq ⊗Dq ) is the canonical subbundle of this form associated
to E as in Proposition 3.1, and without loss of generality we assume Dj ∼ = Dj for
1 ≤ j ≤ k for some 0 ≤ k ≤ min{q, r} and that there are no other isomorphisms
between the bundles D1 , ..., Dq and D1 , ..., Dr .
Definition 3.4. With the notation above we set
gr(E) = (Cmij ⊗ Di ) .
i=1 j=1
of E such that Fj /Fj−1 is semistable and slope(Fj /Fj−1 ) > slope(Fj+1 /Fj ) for
0 < j < s. In the last section we saw that any semistable bundle E has a canonical
maximal subbundle of the form
(Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmq ⊗ Dq )
where D1 , . . . , Dq are not isomorphic to each other and are all stable of the same
slope as E. This subbundle is nonzero if E = 0, since any nonzero semistable
bundle is either itself stable or it has a proper stable subbundle of the same slope.
Therefore any semistable bundle E has a canonical filtration
(4.1) 0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ E2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Er = E
whose subquotients are direct sums of stable bundles, which is defined inductively
so that
(4.2) Ej /Ej−1 ∼= (Cm1j ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmqj ⊗ Dq )
where D1 , ..., Dq are stable nonisomorphic bundles all of the same slope as E with
nonnegative integers mij for 1 ≤ i ≤ q and 1 ≤ j ≤ r, and Ej /Ej−1 is the maximal
subbundle of E/Ej−1 of this form. If, moreover, we assume that
mij > 0 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ q
then the filtration (4.1), the bundles Di and integers mij (for 1 ≤ i ≤ q and
1 ≤ j ≤ r) and the decompositions (4.2) are canonically associated to E up to
isomorphism of the bundles Di , the usual action of GL(mij ; C) on Cmij and the
obvious action of the permutation group Sym(q) on this data. We can generalise
the definition to the case when E is not necessarily semistable, by applying this
construction to the subquotients of the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of E. This
gives us a canonical refinement
0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Et = E
of the Harder-Narasimhan filtration such that each subquotient Ej /Ej−1 is the
maximal subbundle of E/Ej−1 which is a direct sum of stable bundles all having
maximal slope among the nonzero subbundles of E/Ej−1 . We shall call this refine-
ment of the Harder-Narasimhan filtration the maximal Jordan–Hölder filtration of
Definition 4.1. Let s, q1 , ..., qs and r1 , ..., rs be positive integers and let dk ,
nik and mijk (for 1 ≤ i ≤ qk , 1 ≤ j ≤ rk and 1 ≤ k ≤ s) be integers satisfying
nik > 0, mijk ≥ 0, nk > 0
dk nik d1 d2 ds
n= nk , d= dk , = dik ∈ Z, > > ... >
nk n1 n2 ns
k=1 k=1
nk = nik mijk .
i=1 j=1
qk ,s qk ,rk ,s
Denote by [d, n, m] = [(dk )sk=1 , (nik )i=1,k=1 , (mijk )i=1,j=1,k=1 ] the orbit of
qk ,s qk ,rk ,s
(d, n, m) = ((dk )sk=1 , (nik )i=1,k=1 , (mijk )i=1,j=1,k=1 )
under the action of the product of symmetric groups Σq1 × ... × Σqk on the set of
ˆ denote the set of all such orbits, for fixed n̂ and
such sequences, and let I = I(n̂, d)
ˆ ˆ
d. Given [d, n, m] ∈ I(n̂, d) let s([d, n, m] = s and let S[d,n,m]
denote the subset
of C consisting of those holomorphic structures on our fixed smooth bundle of rank
n̂ and degree dˆ whose maximal Jordan–Hölder filtration
0 = E0,1 ⊂ E1,1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Er1 ,1 = E0,2 ⊂ E1,2 ⊂ · · ·
· · · ⊂ Ers−1 ,s−1 = Ers ,0 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Ers ,s = E
Ej,k /Ej−1,k ∼
= (Cm1jk ⊗ D1k ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmqk jk ⊗ Dqk k )
for 1 ≤ k ≤ s and 1 ≤ j ≤ qk , where D1k , . . . , Dqk k are nonisomorphic stable
bundles with
rank(Dik ) = nik and deg(Dik ) = dik
and Ej,k /Ej−1,k is the maximal subbundle of E/Ej−1,k isomorphic to a direct sum
of stable bundles of slope dk /nk . To make the notation easier on the eye, S[d,n,m]
will often be denoted by S[d,n,m] .
Let I ss denote the subset of I consisting of all orbits [d, n, m] for which
s([d, n, m] = 1. For simplicity we shall write [n, m] for [d, n, m] when s([d, n, m]) =
1 (which means that d = (d)).
We have now proved
Lemma 4.2. C is the disjoint union of the subsets
{S[d,n,m] : [d, n, m] ∈ I}.
Remark 4.3. Note that when s([d, n, m]) = 1 and q1 = r1 = 1 and n11 = n̂
and m111 = 1 then we get S[(n),(1)] = C s , and moreover
C(n, d)ss = S[d,n,m] = S[n,m] .
[d,n,m]∈I,s([d,n,m])=1 [n,m]∈I ss
If, on the other hand, D1 , ..., Dq are all stable and not isomorphic to each other,
then the maximal Jordan–Hölder filtration of E is of the form
0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ E2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Er = E
Ej /Ej−1
= (Cm1j ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmqj ⊗ Dq )
for 1 ≤ j ≤ r , where 1 ≤ r ≤ r and
mi1 + ... + mir = mi1 + ... + mir
and mi1 + ... + mij ≥ mi1 + ... + mij for 1 ≤ i ≤ q and 1 ≤ j ≤ r . Thus we can
define a partial order ≥ on I ss such that [n , m ] ≥ [n, m] if and only if either
q r
( mij ) > ( mij )2
i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1
or n = n and 1 ≤ r ≤ r and
mi1 + ... + mir = mi1 + ... + mir
and mi1 + ... + mij ≥ mi1 + ... + mij for 1 ≤ i ≤ q and 1 ≤ j ≤ r , and then the
closure of S[n,m] in C(n, d)ss is contained in
S[n ,m ] .
[n ,m ]≥[n,m]
Proof: (cf. [1, §7]) The rank and degree are the only C ∞ invariants of a vector
bundle over Σ. Thus we may choose a C ∞ isomorphism of our fixed C ∞ bundle E
over Σ with a bundle of the form
q r
(Cmij ⊗ Di )
i=1 j=1
From the sequences (4.4) and (4.6) it follows that the rank of End E is
rank(End E) = rank(K/End E) + rank(E1∗ ⊗ (E/E1 ))
= rank(End (E/E1 )) + rank(E1∗ ⊗ E1 ) − (mi1 )2 rank(Di∗ ⊗ Di )
+ rank(E1∗ ⊗ (E/E1 ))
= rank(End (E/E1 )) + rank(E1∗ ⊗ E) − (mi1 )2 (ni )2 .
Thus by induction on r we have
rank(End E) = m i 1 j1 m i 2 j2 n i 1 n i 2 − (ni )2 .
i1 ,i2 =1 1≤j1 ≤j2 ≤r i=1 j=1
ˆ as E we have deg(End E) = 0.
Since D1 , . . . , Dq all have the same slope d/n̂
Therefore by Riemann-Roch
dim H 1 (Σ, End E) = dim H 0 (Σ, End E)
+(g − 1) m i 1 j1 m i 2 j2 n i 1 n i 2 − (ni )2 .
i1 ,i2 =1 1≤j1 ≤j2 ≤r i=1 j=1
Moreover the short exact sequences (4.4) and (4.6) give us long exact sequences of
0 → H 0 (Σ, K/End E) → H 0 (Σ, End E) → H 0 (Σ, E1∗ ⊗ (E/E1 )) → · · ·
0 → H 0 (Σ, End (E/E1 )) → H 0 (Σ, K/End E)
→ H 0 (Σ, E1∗ ⊗ E1 / End(Cmij ) ⊗ End(Di )) → · · ·
Now E1 ∼ = i=1 Cmi1 ⊗ Di where D1 , ..., Dq are nonisomorphic stable bundles all
of the same slope as E1 , and
E2 /E1 ∼
= Cmi2 ⊗ Di
is the maximal subbundle of E/E1 which is a direct sum of stable bundles all of
the same slope as E/E1 . Since E1 and E/E1 have the same slope, it follows from
Corollary 3.3 that
H 0 (Σ, E1∗ ⊗ (E/E1 )) = H 0 (Σ, E1∗ ⊗ (E2 /E1 )) ∼
= (Cmi1 )∗ ⊗ Cmi2 .
By choosing an open cover U of Σ such that the filtration 0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ E2 ⊂
· · · ⊂ Er = E is trivial over each U ∈ U, and describing E in terms of upper
triangular transition functions on E1 ⊕ (E2 /E1 ) ⊕ ... ⊕ (E/Er−1 )|U∩V for U, V ∈ U
which induce the identity on Ej /Ej−1 for 1 ≤ j ≤ r, we see that the natural map
H 0 (Σ, End E) → H 0 (Σ, E1∗ ⊗ (E/E1 )) = H 0 (Σ, E1∗ ⊗ (E2 /E1 ))
is surjective. Also
H 0 (Σ, E1∗ ⊗E1 / End(Cmi1 ⊗End(Di )) = (Cmi1 )∗ ⊗Cmi1 ⊗H 0 (Σ, Di∗ ⊗Dj ) = 0,
i=1 i =j
dim H (Σ, End E) = mi1 mi2 + dim H 0 (Σ, End (E/E1 ))
and thus by induction on r we have
dim H (Σ, End E) = mij mij+1 .
i=1 j=1
In particular this tells us that the image in C of the derivative of the injection (4.3)
has constant codimension, and it follows as in [1, §7] (see also [1, §§14 and 15])
that the subset S[n,m] is locally a complex submanifold of C of finite codimension
given by (4.7).
Corollary 4.6. If [d, n, m] ∈ I then S[d,n,m] is a locally closed complex sub-
manifold of C of codimension
(nk1 dk2 − nk2 dk1 + nk1 nk2 (g − 1)) + mijk mij+1k
1≤k2 <k1 ≤s k=1 i=1 j=1
+(g − 1) m i 1 j1 k m i 2 j2 k n i 1 k n i 2 k − (mijk nik )2 .
k=1 i1 ,i2 =1 1≤j1 ≤j2 ≤r i=1 j=1
Proof: This follows immediately from (1.3), Lemma 4.5 and the definition of
S[d,n,m] (Definition 4.1).
Remark 4.7. Let 0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Et = E be the maximal Jordan–Hölder
filtration of a bundle E. Then the kernels of the duals of the inclusions Ej → E
give us a filtration
0 = F0 ⊂ F1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Ft = E
of the dual E of E, such that if 1 ≤ j ≤ t then
Fj /Fj−1 ∼
= (Et−j+1 /Et−j ) .
Thus Fj /Fj−1 is a direct sum of stable bundles all of the same slope, and moreover
Fj−1 is the minimal subbundle of Fj such that Fj /Fj−1 is a direct sum of stable
bundles all of which have minimal slope among quotients of Fj .
Applying this construction with E replaced by E , we find that every holomor-
phic bundle E over Σ has a canonical filtration
0 = F0 ⊂ F1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Ft = E,
which we will call the minimal Jordan–Hölder filtration of E, with the property
that if 1 ≤ j ≤ t then Fj−1 is the minimal subbundle of Fj such that Fj /Fj−1 is
a direct sum of stable bundles all of which have minimal slope among quotients of
Fj .
The minimal and maximal Jordan–Hölder filtrations of a bundle do not nec-
essarily coincide. For example, consider the direct sum E ⊕ F of two semistable
bundles with maximal Jordan–Hölder filtrations 0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Et = E and
0 = F0 ⊂ F1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Fs = F where without loss of generality we may assume that
s ≤ t. If E and F have the same slope, then it is easy to check that the maximal
Jordan–Hölder filtration of E ⊕ F is
0 = E0 ⊕ F0 ⊂ E1 ⊕ F1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Es ⊕ Fs ⊂ Es+1 ⊕ Fs ⊂ ... ⊂ Et ⊕ Fs ;
that is, it is the direct sum of the maximal Jordan–Hölder filtrations of E and F with
the shorter one extended trivially at the top. Similarly the minimal Jordan–Hölder
filtration of E ⊕ F is the direct sum of the minimal Jordan–Hölder filtrations of E
and F with the shorter one extended trivially at the bottom. Thus if the minimal
and maximal Jordan–Hölder filtrations of E and F coincide (which will be the case
if, for example, each of the subquotients Ej /Ej−1 and Fj /Fj−1 are stable) but these
filtrations are not of the same length, then the minimal Jordan–Hölder filtration
0 = E0 ⊕ F0 ⊂ E1 ⊕ F0 ⊂ ... ⊂ Et−s ⊕ F0 ⊂ Et−s+1 ⊕ F1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Et ⊕ Fs
of E ⊕ F will be different from its maximal Jordan–Hölder filtration.
Definition 4.8. Given [d, n, m] ∈ I, let S[d,n,m]
denote the subset of C con-
sisting of those holomorphic structures on our fixed smooth bundle of rank n̂ and
degree dˆ whose minimal Jordan–Hölder filtration is of the form
0 = E0,1 ⊂ E1,1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Er1 ,1 = E0,2 ⊂ E1,2 ⊂ · · ·
· · · ⊂ Ers−1 ,s−1 = Ers ,0 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Ers ,s = E
Ej,k /Ej−1,k ∼= (Cm1jk ⊗ D1k ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmqk jk ⊗ Dqk k )
for 1 ≤ k ≤ s and 1 ≤ j ≤ qk , where D1k , . . . , Dqk k are nonisomorphic stable
bundles with
rank(Dik ) = nik and deg(Dik ) = dik
and Ej−1,k is the minimal subbundle of Ej,k such that Ej,k /Ej−1,k is a direct sum
of stable bundles of slope dk /nk .
(5.1) Rl = GL(mi ; C)
where mi = mi1 , and ΣRl consists of all those holomorphic structures E with
(5.2) E∼= (Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmq ⊗ Dq )
ˆ and not isomorphic to one another.
where D1 , . . . , Dq are all stable of slope d/n̂
In order to describe the strata {Σβ,l : β ∈ Bl \{0}} more explicitly, we need to
look at the action of Rl on the normal NRl to GZR ss
at a point represented by a
holomorphic structure E of the form (5.2), and to understand the stratification on
P(NRl ) induced by this action of Rl . If we choose a C ∞ isomorphism of our fixed
C ∞ bundle E with (Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmq ⊗ Dq ), then we can identify C with the
infinite-dimensional vector space
Ω0,1 (End((Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmq ⊗ Dq )))
and the normal to the Gc -orbit at E can be identified with H 1 (Σ, End E), where
End E is the bundle of holomorphic endomorphisms of E [1, §7]. If δij denotes the
Kronecker delta then the normal to GZR can be identified with
H 1 (Σ, End⊕ E) ∼
= Cmi1 mi2 −δi1 ⊗ H 1 (Σ, Di∗1 ⊗ Di2 )
i1 ,i2 =1
where End⊕ E
is the quotient of the bundle End E of holomorphic endomorphisms
of E by the subbundle End⊕ E consisting of those
q endomorphisms which preserve
the decomposition (5.2). The action of Rl = i=1 GL(mi ; C) on this is given by
the natural action on Cmi1 mi2 −δi1 identified with the set of mi1 × mi2 matrices
if i1 = i2 and the set of trace-free mi1 × mi1 matrices if i1 = i2 ; its weights α
are therefore of the form α = ξ − ξ where ξ and ξ are weights of the standard
representation of Rl on ⊕qi=1 Cmi (see [26, pp.251-2] noting the error immediately
before (3.18)).
Any element β of the indexing set Bl is represented by the closest point to 0
of the convex hull of some nonempty set of these weights, and two such closest
points can be taken to represent the same element of Bl if and only if they lie in
the same Ad(Nl )-orbit, where Nl is the normaliser of Rl (see [22] or [28]). By (3.3)
the orbit of β under the adjoint action of the connected component of Nl is just its
Ad(Rl )-orbit, and so by (3.4) the Ad(Nl )-orbit of β is the union
w.Ad(Nl )(β)
w∈π0 (Nl )
We can describe this indexing set Bl more explicitly as follows. Let us take our
maximal compact torus Tl in Rl to be the product of the standard maximal tori of
the unitary groups U (m1 ),..., U (mq ) consisting of the diagonal matrices, and let tl
be its Lie algebra. Let
M = m1 + ... + mq
and let e1 , ..., eM be the weights of the standard representation of Tl on Cm1 ⊕ ... ⊕
Cmq . We take the usual invariant inner product on the Lie algebra u(p) of U (p)
given by A, B = −tr AB̄ t and restrict it to Tl . Since Rl is embedded in GL(p; C)
by identifying ⊕qi=1 (Cmi ⊗ Cpi ) with Cp , it follows that e1 , ..., eM are mutually
orthogonal and ||ej ||2 = 1/pi if m1 + ... + mi−1 < j ≤ m1 + ... + mi .
Proposition 5.1. Let β be any nonzero element of the Lie algebra tl of the
maximal compact torus Tl of Rl . Then β represents an element of Bl \{0} if and
only if there is a partition
{∆h,m : (h, m) ∈ J}
of {1, ..., M }, indexed by a subset J of Z × Z of the form
J = {(h, m) ∈ Z × Z : 1 ≤ h ≤ L, l1 (h) ≤ m ≤ l2 (h)}
for some positive integer L and functions l1 and l2 : {1, ..., L} → Z such that
l1 (h) ≤ l2 (h) for all h ∈ {1, ..., L}, with the following properties. If
rh,m = ||ej ||−2
satisfies −1/2 ≤ (h) < 1/2 and (1) > (2) > ... > (L), and
l2 (h)
= ((h) − m) .
||β||2 ||ej ||2
h=1 m=l1 (h) j∈∆h,m
Remark 5.2. Note that because of the conditions on the function , the par-
tition {∆h,m : (h, m) ∈ J} and its indexing can be recovered from the coefficients
of β with respect to the basis e1 /||e1 ||2 , ..., eM /||eM ||2 of tl .
Proof of Proposition 5.1: β ∈ tl \{0} represents an element of Bl \{0} if and
only if it is the closest point to 0 of the convex hull of
{ei − ej : (i, j) ∈ S}
= ( λij − λji )2 ||ei ||2 .
i=1 j:(i,j)∈S j:(j,i)∈S
Using the method of Lagrange multipliers, we consider
( λij − λji )2 ||ei ||2 − λ( λij − 1).
i=1 j:(i,j)∈S j:(j,i)∈S (i,j)∈S
If (i, j) ∈ S then i = j and (j, i) ∈ S since the convex hull of {ei − ej : (i, j) ∈ S}
does not contain 0, so
( ( λij − λij )2 ||ei ||2 − λ( λij − 1))
∂λij i=1
j:(i,j)∈S j:(j,i)∈S (i,j)∈S
is equal to
2( λik − λki )||ei ||2 − 2( λjk − λkj )||ej ||2 − λ.
k:(i,k)∈S k:(k,i)∈S k:(j,k)∈S k:(k,j)∈S
Thus β = (i,j)∈S λij (ei − ej ) where for each (i, j) ∈ S we have either λβij = 0 or
λβij = 1 (both of which are ruled out by the assumptions on S) or
(5.3) ( λik − λki )||ei ||2 − ( λjk − λkj )||ej ||2 = λ/2
k:(i,k)∈S k:(k,i)∈S k:(j,k)∈S k:(k,j)∈S
βh = λβh
ij (ei − ej )
so that
β βh L
(5.6) =
||β||2 ||βh ||2
λβh 2 β
ij = (||βh || /||β|| )λij
where a sum over the empty set is interpreted as 0. Then by (5.3) for 1 ≤ h ≤ L
we can express ∆h as a disjoint union
∆h = ∆ ˆ h,0 ∆
ˆ h,1 . . . ∆
ˆ h,l
(5.7) ˆ h,m = {i ∈ ∆h : (
∆ λβij − λβji )||ei ||2 = κh − m|λ|/2}.
j:(i,j)∈S j:(j,i)∈S
Let us assume that λ ≤ 0; the argument is similar if λ ≥ 0. Then (5.3) tells us that
if (i, j) ∈ S then there exist h and m such that i ∈ ∆ ˆ h,m and j ∈ ∆ ˆ h,m+1 . Note
that if ∆ˆ h,m and ∆ˆ h,m are nonempty then so is ∆ˆ h,m whenever m1 < m < m2 , so
1 2
lh ei
= (||βh ||2 /||β||2 ) (κh − m|λ|/2) .
m=1 i∈∆
||ei ||2
ˆ h,m
For 1 ≤ h ≤ L and 0 ≤ m ≤ lh let rh,m = j∈∆ ˆ h,m ||ej || ; then by (5.7) we have
( λβij − λβji ) = rh,m (κh − m|λ|/2}).
ˆ h,m j:(i,j)∈S
i∈∆ j:(j,i)∈S
and hence
λβij = ( λβij − λβji ) + λβji
ˆ h,1 j:(i,j)∈S
i∈∆ ˆ h,1 j:(i,j)∈S
i∈∆ j:(j,i)∈S ˆ h,0 j:(j,i)∈S
l2 (h)
= ((h) − m)
||β||2 ||ei ||2
h=1 m=l1 (h) i∈∆h,m
This gives us all the required properties if L = N ; that is, if (h,m)∈J ∆h,m is equal
to {1, ..., M }. Otherwise we amalgamate {1, ..., M }\ (h,m)∈J ∆h,m with ∆h0 ,m0
where (h0 , m0 ) is the unique element of J such that (h0 ) = 0 = m0 if such an
β = β̂/||β̂||2
(or equivalently β̂ = β/|β|2 ) where
l2 (h)
β̂ = ((h) − m) .
||ej ||2
h=1 m=l1 (h) j∈∆h,m
It suffices to show that β is the closest point to 0 of the convex hull of {ei − ej :
(i, j) ∈ S}, where S is the set of ordered pairs (i, j) with i, j ∈ {1, ..., M } such that
ei ∈ ∆h,m and ej ∈ ∆h,m+1 for some (h, m) ∈ J such that (h, m + 1) ∈ J. For this,
it is enough to prove firstly that β lies in the convex hull of {ei − ej : (i, j) ∈ S}
and secondly that (ei − ej ).β = ||β||2 (or equivalently that (ei − ej ).β̂ = 1) for all
(i, j) ∈ S. The latter follows easily from the choice of S: if (i, j) ∈ S then there
exists (h, m) ∈ J such that (h, m + 1) ∈ J and ei ∈ ∆h,m and ej ∈ ∆h,m+1 , so
(ei − ej ).β̂ = (h) − m − (h) + m + 1 = 1.
To show that β lies in the convex hull of {ei − ej : (i, j) ∈ S}, we note that
l2 (h)−1
(h)rh,k − krh,k
(ei − ej )
rh,m rh,m+1 ||ei ||2 ||ej ||2
m=l1 (h) i∈∆h,m j∈∆h,m+1 k=l1 (h)
l2 (h)
= ((h) − m) .
||ej ||2
m=l1 (h) j∈∆h,m
(h)rh,k − krh,k
(5.8) =
||β|| 2 rh,m rh,m+1 ||ei ||2 ||ej ||2
k=l1 (h)
if i ∈ ∆h,m and j ∈ ∆h,m+1 for some (h, m) ∈ J such that (h, m + 1) ∈ J. Then
L l2 (h)−1
(h)rh,k − krh,k
||β|| 2 rh,m rh,m+1 ||ei ||2 ||ej ||2
(i,j)∈S h=1 m=l1 (h) i∈∆h,m j∈∆h,m+1 k=l1 (h)
l2 (h)−1
L l2 (h)−1
L l2 (h)−1
= ((h) − k)rh,k = (l2 (h) − k)((h) − k)rh,k .
h=1 k=l1 (h) m=k h=1 k=l1 (h)
Expanding the brackets, using the definition of and replacing the index k by m
shows that this equals
l2 (h)
l2 (h)
(m − (h) )rh,m =
2 2
((h) − m)2 rh,m
h=1 m=l1 (h) h=1 m=l1 (h)
L l2 (h)
((h) − m)2 1
= = ,
||ei ||2 ||β||2
h=1 m=l1 (h) i∈∆h,m
and so (i,j)∈S λij = 1. Finally note that
l2 (h)
l2 (h)
( ((h) − k1 )rh,k1 )( rh,k2 ) = (k2 rh,k2 − k1 rh,k2 )rh,k1 .
k1 =l1 (h) k2 =l1 (h) k1 =l1 (h) k2 =l1 (h)
This sum is positive because if k2 > m then the contribution of the pair (k1 , k2 ) to
the sum is (k2 − k1 )rh,k1 rh,k2 > 0, whereas if k2 ≤ m then the total contribution
of the pairs (k1 , k2 ) and (k2 , k1 ) is zero. Thus by (5.8) we have λβij ≥ 0 for all
(i, j) ∈ S, and hence β lies in the convex hull of {ei − ej : (i, j) ∈ S} as required.
Lemma 5.3. If β satisfies the conditions of Proposition 5.1 and if i ∈ ∆h,m
and j ∈ ∆h ,m , then
β.(ei − ej ) = ||β||2
if and only if h = h and m = m + 1, and
β.(ei − ej ) ≥ ||β||2
if and only if either m ≥ m + 2 or m = m + 1 and h ≥ h.
Proof: This follows immediately from the formula for β and conditions on the
function in the statement of Proposition 5.1.
Remark 5.4. Let β be as in Proposition 5.1. Then there is a unique bijection
φ : J → {1, ..., t} from the indexing set J of the partition {∆h,m : (h, m) ∈ J} of
{1, ..., M } to the set of positive integers {1, ..., t}, where t is the size of J, which
takes the Hebrew lexicographic ordering on J to the standard ordering on integers;
that is, φ(h, m) ≤ φ(h , m ) if and only if either m < m or m = m and h ≤ h .
We can define an increasing function
δ : {1, ..., t} → {1, ..., t}
such that δ(φ(h, m)) is the number of elements (h , m ) ∈ J such that either m <
m + 1 or m = m + 1 and h < h. Then δ(k) ≥ k for all k ∈ {1, ..., t}, and if
(h, m) and (h, m + 1) both belong to J then δ(φ(h, m)) = φ(h, m + 1) − 1 and
δ(φ(h, m)) < δ(φ(h, m) + 1). Conversely if
k2 − 1 = δ(k1 ) < δ(k1 + 1)
then there exists (h, m) ∈ J with (h, m + 1) ∈ J such that k1 = φ(h, m) and
k2 = φ(h, m + 1).
When it is helpful to make the dependence on β explicit, we shall write δβ :
{1, ..., tβ } → {1, ..., tβ } and {δh,m (β) : (h, m) ∈ Jβ }.
Lemma 5.3 tells us that if i ∈ ∆h,m and j ∈ ∆h ,m then β.(ei − ej ) ≥ ||β||2 if
and only if φ(h , m ) > δ(φ(h, m)).
Definition 5.5. Recall that if 1 ≤ i ≤ q then em1 +...+mi−1 +1 , ..., em1 +...+mi
are the weights
of the standard representation on Cmi of the component GL(mi ; C)
of Rl = qi=1 GL(mi ; C). If β and φ : J → {1, ..., t} are as in Remark 5.4 and
1 ≤ i ≤ q and 1 ≤ k ≤ t, then set
∆k = ∆φ−1 (k) , ∆ki = ∆φ−1 (k) ∩ {m1 + ... + mi−1 + 1, ..., m1 + ... + mi }
and let mki denote the size of ∆ki , so that m1i + ... + mti = mi .
Remark 5.6. By Remark 5.2 the partition {∆k (β) : 1 ≤ k ≤ tβ } of {1, ..., M }
and the function δβ : {1, ..., tβ } → {1, ..., tβ } are determined by β. Conversely, from
the partition {∆k (β) : 1 ≤ k ≤ tβ } of {1, ..., M } and the function δβ : {1, ..., tβ } →
{1, ..., tβ } we can recover β as the closest point to 0 of the convex hull of
{ei − ej : i ∈ ∆k1 (β) and j ∈ ∆k2 (β) where k2 > δβ (k1 )}.
Note, however, that although given any partition {∆k : 1 ≤ k ≤ t} of {1, ..., M }
and increasing function δ : {1, ..., t} → {1, ..., t} satisfying δ(k) ≥ k for 1 ≤ k ≤ t,
we can consider the closest point β to 0 of the convex hull of
{ei − ej : i ∈ ∆k1 and j ∈ ∆k2 where k2 > δ(k1 )},
it is not necessarily the case that the associated partition {∆k (β) : 1 ≤ k ≤ tβ }
of {1, ..., M } and function δβ : {1, ..., tβ } → {1, ..., tβ } coincide with the given
partition {∆k : 1 ≤ k ≤ t} of {1, ..., M } and function δ : {1, ..., t} → {1, ..., t}. For
example, some amalgamation and rearrangement may be needed as in the proof of
Proposition 9.1.
6. Balanced δ-filtrations
The last section studied the indexing set Γ for the stratification {Σγ : γ ∈ Γ} of
C ss defined as in §2. In this section we will consider what it means for a semistable
holomorphic bundle over the Riemann surface Σ to belong to a stratum Σγ = Σβ,l ,
where β is as in Proposition 5.1.
Definition 6.1. We shall say that a semistable bundle E has a δ-filtration
0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Et = E
with associated function δ : {1, ..., t} → {1, ..., t} if δ is an increasing function such
that if 1 ≤ k ≤ t then δ(k) ≥ k and the induced filtration
Ek Ek+1 Eδ(k)
0⊂ ⊂ ⊂ ... ⊂
Ek−1 Ek−1 Ek−1
is trivial.
Let G(δ) be the graph with vertices 1, ..., t and edges joining i to j if j − 1 =
δ(i) < δ(i + 1). Then the connected components of G(δ) are of the form
{ihl1 (h) , ..., ihl2 (h) }
where r̃h,m = rank(Eihm /Eihm −1 ), then −1/2 ≤ (h) < 1/2, and the ordering of the
components of G(δ) can be chosen so that
(6.1) (1) ≥ (2) ≥ ... ≥ (L).
We shall say that the δ-filtration is balanced if the inequalities in (6.1) are all strict
and if
(6.2) ihm11 ≤ ihm22 if and only if m1 < m2 or m1 = m2 and h1 ≤ h2 ;
that is, if the usual ordering on {1, ..., t} is the same as the Hebrew lexicographic
ordering via the pairs (h, m).
Remark 6.2. If β is as in Proposition 5.1 then the proof of that proposition
shows that
l1 (h)≤i<j≤l2 (h) (j − i) rh,i rh,j
l2 (h)
(6.3) = = (m−(h))2 rh,m
l1 (h)≤i≤l2 (h) r h,i
h=1 h=1 m=l1 (h)
rh,m = ||ej || = ||ej ||−2
j∈∆h,m i=1 φ(h,m)
= pi = mi pi = (1 − g + d/n) mi ni .
i=1 j∈∆φ(h,m) i=1 i=1
1 L
l1 (h)≤i<j≤l2 (h) (j − i)2 r̃h,i r̃h,j
(6.4) = (1 − g + d/n)
l1 (h)≤i≤l2 (h) r̃h,i
l2 (h)
= (1 − g + d/n) (m − (h))2 r̃h,m
h=1 m=l1 (h)
r̃h,m = mi ni
and (h) is given by
−1 −1
l2 (h)
l2 (h)
l2 (h)
l2 (h)
mrh,m rh,m = mr̃h,m r̃h,m .
m=l1 (h) m=l1 (h) m=l1 (h) m=l1 (h)
and hence
Eδ(k) /Ek−1 ∼
k δ(k)
= Cmi +...+mi ⊗ Di
if 1 ≤ k ≤ t, where t and mki for 1 ≤ i ≤ q and 1 ≤ k ≤ t are as in Definition 5.5
and D1 , ..., Dq are nonisomorphic stable bundles of ranks n1 , ..., nq and all of the
same slope d/n.
(ii) Conversely, if E has a balanced δ-filtration 0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Et = E
as in (i) then E represents an element of the stratum Σβ,l if and only if E has no
filtration with the corresponding properties for any β satisfying ||β || > ||β||.
Proof: Recall from (2.7) that
Σβ,l = Gc Yβ,l ∼
\E \E
(6.5) = Gc ×Qβ ,l Yβ,l
and that if E represents an element of Yβ,l then its orbit under the complex one-
parameter subgroup of Rl generated by β has a limit point in ZR l
. This limit point
is represented by the bundle gr(E) which is of the form
gr(E) ∼
= Cmi ⊗ Di
where D1 , ..., Dq are nonisomorphic stable bundles of ranks n1 , ..., nq and all of the
same slope d/n. Recall also from [1, § 7] that C is an infinite dimensional affine
space, and if we fix a C ∞ identification of the fixed C ∞ Hermitian bundle E with
i=1 C ⊗ Di then we can identify C with the infinite dimensional vector space
Ω0,1 (End( Cmi ⊗ Di ))
qof Ω mi(End( i=1 C ⊗Di )) corresponds to the
0,1 mi
in such a way that the zero element
given holomorphic structure
q on i=1 C ⊗ Di . With respect to this identification,
the action of R l = i=1 GL(m i ; C) on C is the action induced by the obvious
action of Rl on i=1 Cmi ⊗ Di . The one-parameter subgroup of Rl generated by
β acts diagonally on Cm1 ⊕ ... ⊕ Cmq with weights β.ej for j ∈ {1, ..., M } where
M = m1 + ... + mq , and so it acts on
Ω0,1 (End( Cmi ⊗ Di )) = Ω0,1 (Cmi1 ⊗ (Cmi2 )∗ ⊗ Di1 ⊗ Di∗2 )
i=1 i1 ,i2 =1
with weights β.(ei − ej ) for i, j ∈ {1, ..., M }. If E ∈ Σβ then E lies in the Gc -orbit
of an element of the sum of those weight spaces for which the weight β.(ei − ej )
satisfies β.(ei − ej ) ≥ ||β||2 . By Remark 5.4 and Definition 5.5 we have a partition
{∆1 , ..., ∆t } of {1, ..., M } such that β.(ei − ej ) ≥ ||β||2 if and only if i ∈ ∆k1 and
j ∈ ∆k2 where k2 > δ(k1 ). So if we make identifications
CM = Cmi = Cmi
i=1 i=1 k=1
of (6.6) with
l2 (h) l2 (h)
m=l1 (h) m rank(Fm /Eihm −1
) 1 m=l (h) m rank(Eihm /Eihm −1 )
l2 (h) < l (h)
= (h),
m=l1 (h) rank(Fm /Eih
m −1
) m=l1 (h) rank(Eihm /Eihm −1 )
such that the induced filtrations
Eihm −1 Fm
0⊂ ⊆
Eih1 −1 Eih1 −1
m1 m1
Fm Fm
l2 (h)
m=l (h) m rank(Fm /Eihm −1 )
m2 − (h2 ) ≥ m − l (h)
m=l1 (h) rank(Fm /Eihm −1 )
are all trivial.
Remark 6.5. If 0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Ej−1 ⊂ F ⊂ Ej ⊂ ... ⊂ Et = E is a
refinement of the filtration (6.6) of E such that the induced filtration
Ej−1 F
0⊆ ⊂
Ei Ei
is trivial for some i < j − 1, then F/Ei is isomorphic to
Ej−1 F
Ei Ej−1
and so E can be given a filtration of the form
0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Ei ⊂ Ei+1 ⊂ Ei+2 ⊂ ... ⊂ Ej−1 ⊂ F ⊂ Ej ⊂ ... ⊂ Et = E
where Ei+1 /Ei ∼
= F/Ej−1 , Ek+1
/Ek ∼
= Ek /Ek−1 for i < k < j and F/Ej−1 ∼
Ej−1 /Ej−2 . A similar result is true if the induced filtration
F Ei
0⊂ ⊂
Ej−1 Ej−1
is trivial for some i > j.
Proof of Corollary 6.4: This follows from [28] and the proof of Proposition
5.1, which tells us that if β = β is the closest point to 0 of the convex hull
of {ei − ej : (i, j) ∈ S } where S is a subset of S, then S can be chosen so
that the connected components of the graph G(S ) give us a refinement of the
partition {∆h,m : (h, m) ∈ J} of {1, ..., M } associated to β, which in turn gives us
a refinement of the filtration (6.6) with the required properties.
Remark 6.6. Recall from Proposition 6.3 that a semistable bundle E repre-
sents an element of the stratum Σβ,l if and only if if has a balanced δ-filtration
(6.7) 0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Et = E
such that if 1 ≤ k ≤ t then Ek /Ek−1 is of the form qi=1 Cmi ⊗Di where D1 , ..., Dq
are nonisomorphic stable bundles of ranks n1 , ..., nq and all of the same slope d/n,
and moreover E has no balanced δ-filtration with the corresponding properties
when β is replaced with β satisfying ||β || > ||β||. From (6.4) we have
l1 (h)≤i<j≤l2 (h) (j − i) r̃h,i r̃h,j
(6.8) = (1 − g + d/n) ,
||β||2 l1 (h)≤i≤l2 (h) r̃h,i
r̃h,m = rank(Eφ(h,m) /Eφ(h,m)−1 ).
This gives us some sort of measure of the triviality of the balanced δ-filtration (6.7);
very roughly speaking, the more trivial this filtration, the smaller the size of ||β||−2
and hence the larger ||β|| becomes.
Let us therefore define the triviality of the balanced δ-filtration (6.7) with as-
sociated function δ to be
L −1/2
l1 (h)≤i<j≤l2 (h) (j − i) r̃h,i r̃h,j
h=1 l1 (h)≤i≤l2 (h) r̃h,i
l2 (h)
(6.9) = (m − (h))2 r̃h,m ;
h=1 m=l1 (h)
Remarks 5.2 and 5.6 tell us that this is well defined. Thus if E ∈ Σβ,l the balanced
δ-filtration (6.7) associated to E by Proposition 10.1 can be thought of as having
maximal triviality (according to this measure) among the balanced δ-filtrations of
Remark 6.7. Let β be as in Proposition 5.1, let δ be as in Remark 5.4 and let
E be a semistable holomorphic structure on E with a δ-filtration
0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Et = E
such that if 1 ≤ k ≤ t then Ek /Ek−1 ∼ = i=1 C
i ⊗ D
i where D1 , ..., Dq are
nonisomorphic stable bundles of ranks n1 , ..., nq and all of the same slope d/n.
Then the proof of Proposition 6.3 and (2.3) shows that E represents an element of
Σγ̃ for some γ̃ ∈ Γ satisfying γ̃ ≥ γ = (β, l) with respect to the partial ordering on
Γ defined just before (2.3).
r 6.8. If [n, m] ∈ I ss then we can define β[n, m] ∈ Γ as follows. Let
mi = j=1 mij and suppose that Rl is the subgroup of GL(p; C) given by the
embedding of qi=1 GL(mi ; C) via a fixed identification of qi=1 Cni (1−g+d/n) ⊗Cmi
with Cp . If q = 1 let
β[n, m] = Rl ,
and if q > 1 let β[n, m] ∈ Bl \{0} be represented by the closest point to 0 of the
convex hull of the weights of the representation of the maximal compact torus Tl
of Rl on
Cmi1 j1 ⊗ (Cmi2 j2 )∗
i1 ,i2 =1 1≤j1 <j2 ≤r
given by identifying j=1 Cmij with Cmi for 1 ≤ i ≤ q. Then we have from Remark
6.7 that
(6.10) S[n,m] ⊆ Σγ ,
where ≥ denotes in (6.10) the partial order on Γ used in Remark 6.7, whereas in
(6.11) it denotes the partial order on I ss described in Remark 4.4.
if and only if E ∼
= gr(E) ∼
= (Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmq ⊗ Dq ) where D1 , . . . , Dq are
all stable of slope d/n and ranks n1 , . . . , nq and are not isomorphic to one another.
7. Pivotal filtrations
Let us now consider the relationship between the balanced δ-filtration associ-
ated to a semistable bundle E as in Proposition 6.3 and the maximal and minimal
Jordan–Hölder filtrations defined in §8.
Indeed, motivated by Proposition 6.3, we can try to carry our analysis of the
maximal Jordan–Hölder filtration
(7.1) 0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Et = E
of a bundle E a bit further. Recall that if 1 ≤ j ≤ t then the subquotient Ej /Ej−1 is
the maximal subbundle of E/Ej−1 which is a direct sum of stable bundles all having
maximal slope among the nonzero subbundles of E/Ej−1 . We can ask whether it
is true for every subbundle F of E satisfying Ej−1 ⊂ F ⊂ Ej and slope(Ej /F ) =
slope(Ej /Ej−1 ) that Ej /F is the maximal subbundle of E/F which is a direct sum
of stable bundles all having maximal slope among the nonzero subbundles of E/F .
Of course if Ej /Ej−1 is itself stable there are no such intermediate subbundles F ,
so this is trivially true, but it is not always the case (as Example 7.1 below shows).
If there does exist such an intermediate subbundle F , then by Lemma 3.2 both
F/Ej−1 and Ej /F are of the form
(7.2) (Cm1 ⊗ D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Cmq ⊗ Dq )
where D1 , . . . , Dq are all stable of slope d/n and ranks n1 , . . . , nq and are not
isomorphic to one another. So we can then ask whether it is possible to find a
canonical refinement
(7.3) 0 = F0 ⊂ F1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Fu = E
of the maximal Jordan–Hölder filtration (7.1) of E with an increasing function
δ : {1, ..., u} → {1, ..., u} such that δ(j) ≥ j if 1 ≤ j ≤ u, each subquotient
Fδ(j) /Fj−1 is of the form (7.2) and moreover for every subbundle F of E satisfying
Fj−1 ⊆ F ⊂ Fj and slope(Fj /F ) = slope(F/Fj−1 ), the quotient Fδ(j) /F is the
maximal subbundle of E/F which is a direct sum of stable bundles all having
maximal slope among the nonzero subbundles of E/F . The following example
shows that even this cannot be achieved in a canonical way.
Example 7.1. Let E1 and E2 be semistable bundles over Σ such that slope(E1 )
equals slope(E2 ), with maximal Jordan–Hölder filtrations
0 ⊂ D1 ⊂ E1 and 0 ⊂ D2 ⊂ E2
where D1 , D2 , E1 /D1 and E2 /D2 are nonisomorphic stable bundles all of the same
slope as E1 and E2 , and let
E = E1 ⊕ E2 .
We observed in Remark 4.7 that the maximal Jordan–Hölder filtration of a direct
sum of semistable bundles of the same slope is the direct sum of their maximal
Jordan–Hölder filtrations (with the shorter one extended trivially at the top if they
are not of the same length). Thus the maximal Jordan–Hölder filtration of E is
(7.4) 0 ⊂ D1 ⊕ D2 ⊂ E1 ⊕ E2 = E.
By Lemma 3.2 there are precisely two proper subbundles F of D1 ⊕ D2 with
slope(F ) = slope(D1 ⊕ D2 /F ) = slope(D1 ⊕ D2 ), namely D1 and D2 . The maximal
Jordan–Hölder filtration of E/D1 = (E1 /D1 ) ⊕ E2 is
0 ⊂ (E1 /D1 ) ⊕ D2 ⊂ (E1 /D1 ) ⊕ E2 ,
so we can refine the filtration (7.5) of E to get
(7.5) 0 = F0 ⊂ F1 ⊂ F2 ⊂ F3 ⊂ F4 = E
where F1 = D1 , F2 = D1 ⊕D2 and F3 = E1 ⊕D2 , and we can define δ : {1, 2, 3, 4} →
{1, 2, 3, 4} by δ(1) = 2, δ(2) = 3 and δ(3) = δ(4) = 4. If 1 ≤ j ≤ 4 then Fδ(j) /Fj−1
is the maximal subbundle of E/Fj−1 which is a direct sum of stable subbundles
all having maximal slope among the nonzero subbundles of E/Fj−1 . Moreover
this is trivially still true if we replace Fj−1 by any subbundle F of E satisfying
Fj−1 ⊆ F ⊂ Fj and slope(Fj /F ) = slope(Fj /Fj−1 ), since the only such F is Fj−1
itself. We can of course reverse the rôles of E1 and E2 in this construction, to get
another refinement
(7.6) 0 ⊂ D2 ⊂ D1 ⊕ D2 ⊂ D1 ⊕ E2 ⊂ E1 ⊕ E2 = E
of (7.4). Thus there are precisely two refinements of the maximal Jordan–Hölder
filtration of E1 ⊕ E2 with the required propertes, and if E1 has the same rank as
E2 and D1 has the same rank as D2 then by symmetry there can be no canonical
Notice that if rank(D1 )/rank(E1 ) = rank(D2 )/rank(E2 ) then neither of the δ-
filtrations (7.5) and (7.6) is balanced since the inequalities (6.1) are not strict; how-
ever the δ-filtration (7.4) is balanced and has maximal triviality, in the sense of (6.9),
among balanced δ-filtrations of E1 ⊕E2 . If on the other hand rank(D1 )/rank(E1 ) =
rank(D2 )/rank(E2 ) then precisely one of the δ-filtrations (7.5) and (7.6) is balanced
and it has maximal triviality, in the sense of (6.9), among balanced δ-filtrations of
E1 ⊕ E2 . This filtration then determines the stratum Σγ to which E belongs, and
in this case E represents an element of the open subset Σsβ,l of Σγ .
Lemma 7.2. Let E be a bundle over Σ with a filtration
0 = F0 ⊂ F1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Fu = E
and let {∆1 , ..., ∆L } be a partition of {1, ..., u} such that if 1 ≤ h ≤ L and ∆h =
{ih1 , ..., ihsh } where ih1 < ih2 < ... < ihsh , then the induced extension
(7.7) 0 → Fihj /Fihj −1 → Fihj+1 −1 /Fihj −1 → Fihj+1 −1 /Fihj → 0
is trivial. Then we can associate to this filtration of E, partition {∆1 , ..., ∆L } of
{1, ..., u} and trivialisations of the induced extensions (7.7) a sequence of elements
H 1 (Σ, (Fihj /Fihj −1 ) ⊗ (Fihj+1 /Fihj+1 −1 )∗ )
or equivalently of extensions
0 → Fihj /Fihj −1 → Ejh → Fihj+1 /Fihj+1 −1 → 0
for 1 ≤ h ≤ L and 1 ≤ j ≤ sh − 1.
Proof: This lemma follows immediately from the well known bijective correspon-
dence between holomorphic extensions of a holomorphic bundle D1 over Σ by an-
other holomorphic bundle D2 and elements of H 1 (Σ, D1 ⊗ D2 ). The extension
0 → Fihj+1 −1 /Fihj −1 → Fihj+1 /Fihj −1 → Fihj+1 /Fihj+1 −1 → 0
induced by the given filtration gives us an element of
H 1 (Σ, (Fihj+1 −1 /Fihj −1 ) ⊗ (Fihj+1 /Fihj+1 −1 )∗ )
and the given trivialisation of the extension (7.7) gives us a decomposition of this
H 1 (Σ, (Fihj /Fihj −1 ) ⊗ (Fihj+1 /Fihj+1 −1 )∗ ) ⊕ H 1 (Σ, (Fihj+1 −1 /Fihj ) ⊗ (Fihj+1 /Fihj+1 −1 )∗ ).
Projection onto the first summand gives us an extension
0 → Fihj /Fihj −1 → Ejh → Fihj+1 /Fihj+1 −1 → 0
as required.
Remark 7.3. Lemma 5.3 and Remark 5.4 tell us that if i ∈ ∆ki11 and j ∈ ∆ki22
where k2 > δ(k1 ) then (ei − ej ).β ≥ ||β||2 , and equality occurs if and only if there
exists (h, m) ∈ J with (h, m + 1) ∈ J such that k1 = φ(h, m) and k2 = φ(h, m + 1).
Thus, retaining the notation of the proof of Proposition 6.3, we observe that if E
is represented by an element of
k1 k2
Ω0,1 (Cmi1 ⊗ (Cmi2 )∗ ⊗ Di1 ⊗ Di∗2 )
i1 ,i2 =1 k1 =1 k2 =δ(k1 )+1
of the exceptional divisor over gr E. Indeed pβ (E) is the element of this fibre
represented by the sum in
L l2
H (Σ, ( C mi
1 ⊗ Di1 ) ⊗ ( Cmi2 ⊗ Di2 )∗ )
h=1 m=l1 (h) i1 i2
of the elements of
H (Σ, ( C mi
1 ⊗ Di1 ) ⊗ ( Cmi2 ⊗ Di2 )∗ )
i1 i2
is a sum of stable bundles all having the same slope (which is equal to slope(E) and
slope(E/F )). Let us suppose for a contradiction that E/F has a subbundle E /F
which is not contained in Eδ(k1 ) /F and which is of the required form. Then we can
choose k2 > δ(k1 ) such that E ⊆ Ek2 but E is not contained in Ek2 −1 , and then
the inclusion of E in Ek2 induces a nonzero map
θ : E /F → Ek2 /Ek2 −1 ∼
= Cmi ⊗ Di .
Since nonzero bundle maps between stable bundles of the same slope are always
isomorphisms, by replacing E by a suitable subbundle we can assume that E /F ∼
k2 k2
Di0 for some i0 ∈ {1, ..., q}, and that we can decompose Cmi0 as C⊕Cmi0 −1 in such
a way that the projection θ0 : E /F → Di0 of θ onto the corresponding component
Di0 of Ek2 /Ek2 −1 is an isomorphism. Then
θ0−1 : Di0 → E /F ⊆ Ek2 /F
gives us a trivialisation of the extension of Ek2 −1 /Ek1 by this component Di0 of
Ek2 /Ek2 −1 . By the definition of Σβ,l the limit pβ (E) ∈ P(Nl,grE ) of exp(−itβ)E
as t → ∞ is semistable for the induced action of Stab(β)/Tβc where Stab(β) is the
stabiliser of β under the coadjoint action of Rl and Tβc is the complex subtorus
generated by β (see [28]), and by Remark 7.3 pβ (E) is represented by the sum over
h ∈ {1, ..., L} and m ∈ {l1 (h), ..., l2 (h)} of the elements of
H 1 (Σ, ( Cmi1 ⊗ Di1 ) ⊗ ( Cmi2 ⊗ Di2 )∗ )
i1 i2
is nonzero. Since pβ (E) is semistable for the action of Stab(β)/Tβc , it follows that β
is the closest point to 0 in the convex hull of {ei − ej : (i, j) ∈ S0 }. We may assume
k2 k2
that Tl acts diagonally with respect to the decomposition of Cmi0 as C ⊕ Cmi0 −1 ;
let ej0 be the weight of the action of Tl on the component C of Cmi0 with respect
to this decomposition. Since k2 > δ(k1 ) and the extension of Ek2 −1 /Ek1 by the
component of Ek2 /Ek2 −1 ∼
Remark 7.7. It follows from the definition of ∆1 , ..., ∆t (Definition 5.5) that
if j1 ∈ ∆k1 and j2 ∈ ∆k2 then β.ej1 < β.ej2 if and only if k1 > k2 , so we can
choose k− and k+ such that β.ej < 0 (respectively β.ej > 0) if and only if j ∈ ∆k
with k > k− (respectively k < k+ ). Then k− = k+ or k− = k+ − 1, depending on
whether there exists j with β.ej = 0. Propositions 7.4 and 7.6 tell us that if E is a
semistable bundle representing an element of Σβ with filtration
0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Et = E
as in Proposition 6.3, then
0 ⊂ Eδ(j)+1 /Ej−1 ⊂ Eδ(δ(j)+1)+1 /Ej−1 ⊂ ... ⊂ E/Ej−1
is the maximal Jordan–Hölder filtration of E/Ej−1 if j ≥ δ (k− ), and
0 ⊂ ... ⊂ Eδ (δ (j)−1)−1 ⊂ Eδ (j)−1 ⊂ Ej
is the minimal Jordan–Hölder filtration of Ej if j ≤ δ(k+ ). Note also that δ (k− ) ≤
k− ≤ k+ ≤ δ(k+ ), so there are values of j satisfying both j ≥ δ (k− ) and j ≤ δ(k+ ).
There is a converse to Propositions 7.4 and 7.6.
Proposition 7.8. Let β be as in Proposition 5.1 and let E be a semistable
bundle with δ-filtration
0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Et = E
such that if 1 ≤ k ≤ t then Ek /Ek−1 ∼ = i=1 C
mki ⊗ D
i as in Proposition 6.3.
Suppose that every subbundle F of E with the same slope as E satisfies the following
two properties:
(i) if Ek1 −1 ⊆ F ⊂ Ek1 for some k1 ∈ {1, ..., t} such that β.ej < 0 whenever
j ∈ ∆k2 with k2 > δ(k1 ), then the subquotient Eδ(k1 )/F is the maximal subbundle
of E/F which is a direct sum of stable bundles all with the same slope as E/F ;
(ii) if Ek1 −1 ⊂ F ⊆ Ek1 for some k1 ∈ {1, ..., t} such that β.ej > 0 whenever
j ∈ ∆k2 with k2 < δ (k1 ), then the subbundle Eδ (k1 )−1 is the minimal subbundle of
F such that F/Eδ (k1 )−1 is a direct sum of stable bundles all with the same slope as
Then E represents an element of the stratum Σβ,l .
Proof: Suppose for a contradiction that E does not represent an element of Σβ,l .
Then (cf. [28]) after applying a change of coordinates to Cmi for 1 ≤ i ≤ q and
1 ≤ k ≤ t, we can assume that β is not equal to the closest point to 0 in the convex
hull of {ei −ej : (i, j) ∈ S0 } where S0 is as in the proof of Proposition 8.4. Moreover
S0 ⊆ {(i, j) : β.(ei − ej ) ≥ ||β||2 }.
Thus β does not lie in the convex hull of
{ei − ej : (i, j) ∈ S0 ∩ S}
where S = {(i, j) : β.(ei − ej ) = ||β||2 }. ¿From Lemma 5.3 and Remark 5.4 we know
that if i ∈ ∆h,m and j ∈ ∆h ,m then β.(ei − ej ) ≥ ||β||2 if and only if m ≥ m + 2
or m = m + 1 and h ≥ h, and this happens if and only if φ(h , m ) > δ(φ(h, m)),
while β.(ei − ej ) = ||β||2 if and only if m = m + 1 and h = h. By Remark 7.7
the hypothesis (i) on subbundles F of E tells us that if Ek1 −1 ⊆ F ⊂ Ek1 where
k1 ≥ δ(k− ), then the subquotient Eδ(k1 )/F is the maximal subbundle of E/F which
is a direct sum of stable bundles all with the same slope as E/F . This implies that
if (h, m) and (h, m + 1) both lie in J and φ(h, m) ≥ k− then every pair (i, j) with
i ∈ ∆h,m and j ∈ ∆h,m+1 lies in S0 . Similarly the hypothesis (ii) tells us that if
(h, m) and (h, m − 1) both lie in J and φ(h, m) ≤ k+ then every pair (i, j) with
i ∈ ∆h,m and j ∈ ∆h,m−1 lies in S0 . Since k− ≤ k+ this means that
S0 ∩ S = S.
This contradicts the fact that β is the closest point to 0 in the convex hull of
{ei − ej : (i, j) ∈ S} but does not lie in the convex hull of {ei − ej : (i, j) ∈ S0 ∩ S},
and thus completes the proof.
Remark 7.9. Suppose that β corresponds to a partition {∆h,m : (h, m) ∈ J}
of {1, ..., M }, indexed by
J = {(h, m) ∈ Z × Z : 1 ≤ h ≤ L, l1 (h) ≤ m ≤ l2 (h)}
where l1 and l2 : {1, ..., L} → Z satisfy l1 (h) ≤ l2 (h) for all h ∈ {1, ..., L}, as in
Proposition 5.1. Let E be a semistable bundle representing an element of Σβ with
0 = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Et = E
as in Proposition 6.3. If
l1 (h1 ) − 1 (h1 ) < l1 (h2 ) − (h2 ) + 1
for all h1 , h2 ∈ {1, .., L}, or equivalently if
φ(h, l1 (h)) ≤ δ(1) + 1
for all h ∈ {1, ..., L}, then the proof of Proposition 7.8 shows that
(7.8) 0 ⊂ Eδ(1)+1 ⊂ Eδ(δ(1)+1)+1 ⊂ ... ⊂ E
is the maximal Jordan–Hölder filtration of E. Thus for such a β the stratum
Σβ,l is contained in the subset S[n maxJH
β ,mβ ]
of C ss defined at Definition 4.1, where nβ
and mβ are determined by the filtration (7.8). If, on the other hand, there exists
h0 ∈ {1, ..., L} with
φ(h0 , l1 (h0 )) > δ(1) + 1,
then Eδ(1)+1 may not be the maximal subbundle of E which is a direct sum
of stable bundles all with the same slope as E; there may be a subbundle of
Eφ(h0 ,l1 (h0 )) /Eφ(h0 ,l1 (h0 )−1) which provides a trivial extension of Eδ(1)+1 by a direct
sum of stable bundles all with the same slope as E (see Example 8.1 below). How-
ever, even in this case a careful analysis of the proof of Proposition 4.5 reveals that
it can be modified to show that the intersection Σβ ∩ S[n,m] maxJH
is a locally closed
complex submanifold of C of finite codimension for each β ∈ Γ and [n, m] ∈ I ss .
defined dually using minimal Jordan–Hölder filtrations as in Remark 4.7 and Defi-
nition 4.8. A third refinement is the stratification obtained by applying the strat-
ification {Σγ : γ ∈ Γ} of C ss , whose indexing set was determined in §5 and whose
strata were described in terms of balanced δ-filtrations in §6, to the C(n , d )ss which
appear inductively in the description of the Yang–Mills stratification.
Example 8.1. Recall from Remark 4.7 that the maximal Jordan–Hölder fil-
tration of the direct sum E ⊕ F of two semistable bundles of the same slope is the
direct sum of the maximal Jordan–Hölder filtrations of E and F with the shorter
one extended trivially at the top, while the minimal Jordan–Hölder filtration of
E ⊕ F is the direct sum of their minimal Jordan–Hölder filtrations with the shorter
one extended trivially at the bottom. Suppose now that E and F have balanced
δ-filtrations of maximal triviality given by
0 ⊂ El1 (1) ⊂ El1 (1)+1 ⊂ ... ⊂ El2 (1) = E
0 ⊂ Fl1 (2) ⊂ Fl1 (2)+1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Fl2 (2) = F
where the indices l1 (1), ..., l2 (1) ∈ Z and l1 (2), ..., l2 (2) ∈ Z have been chosen so
l2 (1)
(1) = m rank(Em /Em−1 )
m=l1 (1)
l2 (2)
(2) = m rank(Fm /Fm−1 )
m=l1 (2)
lie in the interval [−1/2, 1/2). To simplify the notation let us assume that l1 (1) ≤
l1 (2) ≤ l2 (2) ≤ l2 (1). If (1) > (2) then E ⊕ F has a balanced δ-filtration given by
0 ⊂ El1 (1) ⊕ 0 ⊂ ... ⊂ El1 (2) ⊕ 0 ⊂ El1 (2) ⊕ Fl1 (2) ⊂ ...
... ⊂ Em−1 ⊕ Fm−1 ⊂ Em ⊕ Fm−1 ⊂ Em ⊕ Fm ⊂ ...
... ⊂ El2 (2) ⊕ Fl2 (2) ⊂ El2 (2)+1 ⊕ Fl2 (2) ⊂ ... ⊂ El2 (1) ⊕ Fl2 (2) = E ⊕ F.
If we assume that Ei /Ei−1 and Fj /Fj−1 are stable for l1 (1) ≤ i ≤ l2 (1) and
l1 (2) ≤ j ≤ l2 (2), then this filtration has no proper refinements with subquotients
of the same slope as E ⊕ F , so by Corollary 6.4 it is a balanced δ-filtration of E ⊕ F
with maximal triviality (and in fact it is not hard to check that this is still true
without the simplifying assumption). If (2) > (1) then we replace the filtration
above with the balanced δ-filtration
0 ⊂ El1 (1) ⊕ 0 ⊂ ... ⊂ El1 (2)−1 ⊕ 0 ⊂ El1 (2)−1 ⊕ Fl1 (2) ⊂ ...
... ⊂ Em−1 ⊕ Fm−1 ⊂ Em−1 ⊕ Fm ⊂ Em ⊕ Fm ⊂ ...
... ⊂ El2 (2) ⊕ Fl2 (2) ⊂ El2 (2)+1 ⊕ Fl2 (2) ⊂ ... ⊂ El2 (1) ⊕ Fl2 (2) = E ⊕ F.
Thus we see that the the maximal Jordan–Hölder filtration, the minimal Jordan–
Hölder filtration and the balanced δ-filtration of maximal triviality of a bundle
E can all be different from one another, and that none of them is necessarily a
refinement of the other two. Nonetheless, the concepts of maximal Jordan–Hölder
filtration, minimal Jordan–Hölder filtration and balanced δ-filtration of maximal
triviality on a bundle E are related by Theorem 7.11 via the notion of a pivotal
filtration (see also Remark 6.8, Propositions 7.4, 7.6 and 7.8 and Remark 7.9).
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Let X be a K3 surface with a primitive polarization H of degree H 2 = 2a2 . Let
Y be the moduli of sheaves over X with the isotropic Mukai vector v = (a, H, a)
(see [6], [7]). Then Y is a K3 surface which is endowed with a natural nef element
h with h2 = 2. It is isogenous to X in the sense of Mukai.
Question 1. When is Y isomorphic to X?
We want to answer this question in terms of the Picard lattices N (X) and
N (Y ) of X and Y . Then our question reads as follows:
Question 2. Assume that N is a hyperbolic lattice, H ∈ N a primitive element
with square 2a . What are conditions on N and H such that for any K3 surface X
with Picard lattice N (X) and a primitive polarization H ∈ N (X) of degree 2a2 the
corresponding K3 surface Y is isomorphic to X if the pairs of lattices (N (X), H)
and (N, H) are isomorphic as abstract lattices with fixed elements?
c Clay Mathematics Institute
In [4] we answered this question when a = 2. Here we give an answer for any
a ≥ 2. For odd a, we additionally assume that H · N (X) = Z. (For even a, this is
valid if Y ∼= X.) The answer is given in Theorem 2.2 and also Proposition 2.1.
In particular, if the Picard number ρ(X) = rk N (X) ≥ 12, the result is very
simple: Y ∼ = X if and only if either there exists x ∈ N (X) such that x · H = 1 or a
is odd and there exists x ∈ N (X) such that x · H = 2. This follows from results of
Mukai [7] and also [9], [10].
The polarized K3 surfaces (X, H) with ρ(X) = 2 are especially interesting.
Indeed, it is well-known that the moduli space of polarized K3 surfaces of any even
degree H 2 is 19-dimensional. If X is general, i.e. ρ(X) = 1, then the surface Y
cannot be isomorphic to X because N (X) = ZH where H 2 = 2a2 , a > 1, and
N (X) does not have elements with square 2, which is necessary if Y ∼ = X. Thus, if
Y ∼= X, then ρ(X) ≥ 2 and X belongs to a codimension ρ(X) − 1 submoduli space
of K3 surfaces. When ρ = 2 to describe connected components of the divisor it is
equivalent to describe Picard lattices N (X) of the surfaces X with fixed H ∈ N (X)
such that ρ(X) = rk N (X) = 2 and a general K3 surface X with Picard lattice
N (X) has Y ∼ = X.
The pair (N (X), H) with ρ = rk N (X) = 2 and H · N (X) = Z is defined up
to isomorphism by d = − det N (X) > 0 (it defines the Picard lattice N (X) up to
isomorphism, if Y ∼ = X) and by the invariant ±µ = {µ, −µ} ⊂ (Z/2a2 )∗ (this is
the invariant of the primitive vector H ∈ N (X)) such that µ2 ≡ d mod 4a2 . See
Proposition 3.1 concerning the definition of µ. We show that for a general X with
such N (X) we have Y ∼ = X and for odd a additionally H · N (X) = Z, if and only
if at least for one α = ±1 there exists integral (p, q) such that
(1) p2 − dq 2 = 4a/α and p ≡ µq mod 2a.
For each such ±µ and α the set Dαµof d having such a solution (p, q) and d ≡ µ2
mod 4a is infinite since it contains the infinite subset
(2) {(µ + 2ta/α)2 − 4a/α > 0 | tµ ≡ 1 mod a}
(set q = 1 in (1)). Thus, the set of possible divisorial conditions on moduli of
(X, H) which imply Y ∼ = X and H · N (X) = Z is labelled by the set of pairs
(d, ±µ) described above, and it is infinite.
Some infinite series of divisorial conditions on moduli of X which imply Y ∼ =X
were found by A.N. Tyurin in [17] — [19]. He found, in different form, infinite
series (2) for α = −1 and any ±µ.
Surprisingly, solutions (p, q) of (1) can be interpreted as elements of the Picard
lattices of X and Y . We get the following simple sufficient condition on (X, H)
which implies Y ∼ = X. It seems that many known examples when it happens that
Y ∼= X (e.g. see [2], [8], [17]) follow from this condition. This is one of the main
results of the paper, and we want to formulate it exactly (a similar statement can
also be formulated in terms of Y ).
Theorem 0.1. Let X be a K3 surface with a primitive polarization H of degree
2a2 , a ≥ 2. Let Y be the moduli space of sheaves on X with the Mukai vector
v = (a, H, a).
Then Y ∼
= X if at least for one α = ±1 there exists h1 ∈ N (X) such that
(3) (h1 )2 = 2αa, h1 · H ≡ 0 mod a,
and the primitive sublattice [H, h1 ]pr ⊂ N (X) generated by H, h1 contains x such
that x · H = 1.
These conditions are necessary to have Y ∼ = X and H · N (X) = Z for a odd, if
either ρ(X) = 1, or ρ(X) = 2 and X is a general K3 surface with its Picard lattice.
From our point of view, this statement is also very interesting because some
elements h1 of the Picard lattice N (X) with negative square (h1 )2 receive a very
clear geometrical meaning (when α < 0). For K3 surfaces this is well-known only
for elements δ of the Picard lattice N (X) with negative square δ 2 = −2: then δ or
−δ is effective.
As for the case a = 2, the fundamental tool to get the results above is the
Global Torelli Theorem for K3 surfaces [12] and results of Mukai [6], [7]. Using the
results of Mukai, we can calculate periods of Y using periods of X; by the Global
Torelli Theorem [12], we can find out if Y is isomorphic to X.
x ∈ L. All such reflections generate the 2-reflection group W (−2) (L) ⊂ O(L).
1.2. Some notations about K3 surfaces. Here we recall some basic notions
and results about K3 surfaces, e.g. see [12], [13], [14]. A K3 surface S is a non-
singular projective algebraic surface over C such that its canonical class KS is zero
and the irregularity qS = 0. We denote by N (S) the Picard lattice of S, which is
a hyperbolic lattice with the intersection pairing x · y for x, y ∈ N (S). Since the
canonical class KS = 0, the space H 2,0 (S) of 2-dimensional holomorphic differential
forms on S has dimension one over C, and
(6) N (S) = {x ∈ H 2 (S, Z) | x · H 2,0 (S) = 0}
where H 2 (S, Z) with the intersection pairing is a 22-dimensional even unimodular
lattice of signature (3, 19). The orthogonal lattice T (S) to N (S) in H 2 (S, Z) is
called the transcendental lattice of S. We have H 2,0 (S) ⊂ T (S) ⊗ C. The pair
(T (S), H 2,0 (S)) is called the transcendental periods of S. The Picard number of S
is ρ(S) = rk N (S). A non-zero element x ∈ N (S) ⊗ R is called nef if x = 0 and
x · C ≥ 0 for any effective curve C ⊂ S. It is known that an element x ∈ N (S) is
ample if x2 > 0, x is nef , and the orthogonal complement x⊥ to x in N (S) has no
elements with square −2. For any element x ∈ N (S) with x2 ≥ 0, there exists a
reflection w ∈ W (−2) (N (S)) such that the element ±w(x) is nef; it then is ample
if x2 > 0 and x⊥ has no elements with square −2 in N (S).
We denote by V + (S) the light cone of S, which is the half-cone of
(7) V (S) = {x ∈ N (S) ⊗ R | x2 > 0 }
containing a polarization of S. In particular, all nef elements x of S belong to
V + (S): one has x · V + (S) > 0 for them.
The reflection group W (−2) (N (S)) acts in V + (S) discretely, and its fundamen-
tal chamber is the closure K(S) of the Kähler cone K(S) of S. It is the same as the
set of all nef elements of S. Its faces are orthogonal to the set Exc(S) of all excep-
tional curves r on S, which are non-singular rational curves r on S with r 2 = −2.
Thus, we have
(8) K(S) = {0 = x ∈ V + (S) | x · Exc(S) ≥ 0 }.
The element
(12) v = (a, H, a) = (a, H, χ − a) ∈ H ∗ (X, Z)
is isotropic, i.e. v 2 = 0. In this case, Mukai showed [6], [7] that Y is a K3 surface,
and one has the natural identification
(13) H 2 (Y, Z) = (v ⊥ /Zv)
which also gives the isomorphism of the Hodge structures of X and Y . The element
h = (−1, 0, 1) ∈ v ⊥ has square h2 = 2, h mod Zv belongs to the Picard lattice
N (Y ) of Y and is nef . See [5], [13] and [15] concerning the geometry of (Y, h).
For a general X, the K3 surface Y is a double plane.
We want to answer Question 2 which we precisely formulated in the Introduc-
tion: Using N (X), say when Y ∼ = X.
Let us calculate N (Y ). Let K(H) = HN (X) . Then we have the embedding of
lattices of finite index
(26) ZH ⊕ K(H) ⊂ N (X) ⊂ N (X)∗ ⊂ ZH ∗ ⊕ K(H)∗
where H ∗ = H/2a2 . We have the orthogonal decomposition up to finite index
(27) U ⊕ ZH ⊕ K(H) ⊂ U ⊕ N (X) ⊂ U ⊕ ZH ∗ ⊕ K(H)∗ .
Let s = x1 e1 + x2 e2 + yH ∗ + z ∗ ∈ vU⊕N
⊥ ∗ ∗
(X) , z ∈ K(H) . Then −ax1 − ax2 + y = 0
since s ∈ v ⊥ and hence (s, v) = 0. Thus, y = ax1 + ax2 and
(28) s = x1 e1 + x2 e2 + a(x1 + x2 )H ∗ + z ∗ .
Here s ∈ U ⊕ N (X) if and only if x1 , x2 ∈ Z and a(x1 + x2 )H ∗ + z ∗ ∈ N (X). This
orthogonal complement contains
(29) [Zv, K(H), Zh]
where h = −e1 + e2 , and this is a sublattice of finite index in (v ⊥ )U⊕N (X) . The
generators v, generators of K(H) and h are free, and we can rewrite s above using
these generators with rational coefficients as follows:
−x1 + x2 x1 + x2
(30) s= h+ v + z∗ ,
2 2a
where a(x1 + x2 )H ∗ + z ∗ ∈ N (X). Equivalently, for h∗ = h/2,
(31) s = x1 h∗ + x2 + z∗ ,
where x1 , x2 ∈ Z, z ∗ ∈ K(H)∗ , x1 ≡ x2 mod 2, and ax2 H ∗ + z ∗ ∈ N (X).
From these calculations, we get
Claim. Assume that γ(H) = 1. Then
(32) N (X) = [H, K(H), + u∗ ],
h h
(33) N (Y ) = [h, K(h) = [K(H), 2au∗ ], + au∗ ] = [h, K(h), + w∗ ],
2 2
where u∗ + K(H) has order 2a2 in AK(H) , w∗ = au∗ , K(h) = [K(H), 2w∗ = 2au∗ ].
Here we match our notations with Sect. 2.2. We have det N (X) = det K(H)/2a2
and det N (Y ) = det K(h)/2 (in particular, γ(h) = 1). Thus, det N (X) = det N (Y )
for this case, since det K(h) = det K(H)/a2 . We can formally put here h = H
2 a
since h2 = H a = 2.
From the claim, we get
Lemma 2.3. For the Mukai identification (13), the sublattice T (X) ⊂ T (Y )
has index 1 if γ(H) = 1 for H ∈ N (X).
Proof of Theorem 2.2. Assume that γ(H) = 1. The Mukai identification then
gives the canonical identification
(35) T (X) = T (Y ).
Thus, it gives the canonical identifications
AN (X) = N (X)∗ /N (X) = (U ⊕ N (X))∗ /(U ⊕ N (X)) = T (X)∗ /T (X)
= AT (X) = AT (Y ) = T (Y )∗ /T (Y ) = N (Y )∗ /N (Y ) = AN (Y ) .
Here AN (X) = N (X)∗ /N (X) = (U ⊕N (X))∗ /(U ⊕N (X)) because U is unimodular,
(U ⊕ N (X))∗ /(U ⊕ N (X)) = T (X)∗ /T (X) = AT (X) because U ⊕ N (X) and T (X)
are orthogonal complements to each other in the unimodular lattice H ∗ (X, Z). Here
AT (Y ) = T (Y )∗ /T (Y ) = N (Y )∗ /N (Y ) = AN (Y ) because T (Y ) and N (Y ) are
Let us finish the proof of Theorem 2.2. We have the Mukai identification (it is
defined by (13)) of the transcendental periods
(39) (T (X), H 2,0 (X)) = (T (Y ), H 2,0 (Y )).
For general X with the Picard lattice N (X), it is the unique isomorphism of the
transcendental periods up to multiplication by ±1. If X ∼ = Y , this (up to ±1)
isomorphism can be extended to φ : H 2 (X, Z) ∼= H 2 (Y, Z). The restriction of φ on
N (X) gives then isomorphism φ1 : N (X) ∼ = N (Y ) which is ±1 on AN (X) = AN (Y )
under the identification (36). The element h = (φ1 )−1 (h) and f = φ−1 satisfy
Theorem 2.2 by Lemma 2.4.
The other way around, under conditions of Theorem 2.2, by Lemma 2.4, one
can construct an isomorphism φ1 : N (X) ∼ = N (Y ) which is ±1 on AN (X) = AN (Y ) .
It can be extended to be ±1 on the transcendental periods under the Mukai iden-
tification (39). Then it is defined by the isomorphism φ : H 2 (X, Z) → H 2 (Y, Z).
Multiplying φ by ±1 and by reflections from W (−2) (N (X)), if necessary (the group
W (−2) (N (X)) acts identically on the discriminant group N (X)∗ /N (X)), we can
assume that φ maps the Kähler cone of X to the Kähler cone of Y . By the global
Torelli Theorem for K3 surfaces [12], it is then defined by an isomorphism of X
and Y .
By (49) and (50), we then obtain that κ(H)(aδ ∗ ) = ±κ( h)(α∗ ) is equivalent to
(νyd + x)/2 ≡ ±a mod d and hence x + νyd ≡ ±2a mod d since the group
N (X)∗ /N (X) is cyclic of order d and it is generated by νH ∗ + δ ∗ + N (X). Thus,
finally we get x ≡ ±2a mod d.
This finishes the proof.
Theorem 3.4. Under the conditions of Theorem 3.3, for a general X with
ρ(X) = 2 and γ(H) = 1 for odd a, we have Y ∼ = X if and only if at least for one
α = ±1 there exists integral (p, q) such that
(64) p2 − dq 2 = and p ≡ µq mod 2a.
Solutions (p, q) of (64) are “almost primitive”; they satisfy (62).
Solutions (p, q) of (64) give all solutions (44) of Theorem 3.3 as associated
(x, y) = ±(2a + αdq 2 , αpq).
Interpreting, as above, solutions (p, q) of (64) as elements of N (X), we also get
Theorem 3.5. Under the conditions of Theorem 3.3, for a general X with
ρ(X) = 2 and γ(H) = 1 for odd a, we have Y ∼
= X if and only if at least for one
α = ±1 there exists h1 ∈ N (X) such that
h21 = 2αa and h1 · H ≡ 0 mod a.
Applying additionally Theorem 2.2, we get the following simple sufficient con-
dition when Y ∼ = X which is valid for X with any ρ(X). This is one of the main
results of the paper.
Theorem 3.6. Let X be a K3 surface and H a primitive polarization of degree
2a2 , a ≥ 2. Let Y be the moduli space of sheaves on X with the Mukai vector
v = (a, H, a).
Then Y ∼= X if at least for one α = ±1 there exists h1 ∈ N (X) such that
(65) (h1 )2 = 2αa, h1 · H ≡ 0 mod a,
and γ(H) = 1 for H ∈ [H, h1 ]pr where [H, h1 ]pr is the primitive sublattice of N (X)
generated by H, h1 .
This condition is necessary to have Y ∼= X and γ(H) = 1 for a odd if either
ρ(X) = 1, or ρ(X) = 2, and X is a general K3 surface with its Picard lattice (i.e.
the automorphism group of the transcendental periods (T (X), H 2,0 (X)) is ±1).
Proof. The cases ρ(X) ≤ 2 have been considered. We can assume that
ρ(X) > 2. Let N = [H, h1 ]pr . All considerations above for N (X) of rk N (X) = 2
will be valid for N . We can construct an associated with h1 solution h ∈ N with
h2 = 2 such that H and h satisfy conditions of Theorem 2.2 for N (X) replaced by
N . It is easy to see that the conditions (b) and (c) will still be satisfied if we extend
f in (b) by ± the identity on the orthogonal complement NN (X) .
It seems that many known examples of Y ∼ = X (e. g. see [2], [8], [17]) follow
from Theorem 3.6. Theorems 3.5 and 3.6 are also interesting because they give
a very clear geometric interpretation of some elements h1 ∈ N (X) with negative
square h21 (for negative α).
Below we consider an application of Theorem 3.4.
3.2. Divisorial conditions on moduli (X, H) when γ(H) = 1 for odd
a. Further we use the following notations. We fix a ∈ N, α ∈ {1, −1} and µ =
{µ, −µ} ⊂ (Z/2a2 )∗ . We denote by D(a)α µ
the set of all d ∈ N such that d ≡ µ2
mod 4a and there exists an integral (p, q) such that p2 − dq 2 = 4a/α and p ≡ µq
union of D(a)µα for all µ = {µ, −µ} ⊂ (Z/2a2 )∗ , and by D(a) the union of all D(a)α
for all α ∈ {1, −1}.
Assume that X is a K3 surface with a primitive polarization H of degree H 2 =
2a where a > 1. The moduli space Y of sheaves on X with Mukai vector v =
(a, H, a) has the canonical nef element h = (−1, 0, 1) mod Zv with h2 = 2. It
follows that Y is never isomorphic to X if ρ(X) = 1. Since the dimension of
moduli of (X, H) is equal to 20 − ρ(X), it follows that describing general (X, H)
with ρ(X) = 2 and Y ∼ = X, we at the same time describe all possible divisorial
conditions on moduli of (X, H) when Y ∼ = X. See [9], [10] and also [3]. They are
described by invariants of the pairs (N (X), H) where rk N (X) = 2. By Theorem
3.4, we get
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14. Shafarevich, I. R. (ed.) Algebraic surfaces, Trudy Matem. Inst. Steklov, T. 75, 1965. English
transl. in Proc. Stekov Inst. Math., 75 (1965).
15. Shokurov, V. V., The Noether–Enriques theorem on canonical curves, Mat. Sbornik, 86,
(1971) 367–408. English transl. in Math. USSR-Sb. 15, (1971) 361–404.
16. Tyurin, A. N., The intersection of quadrics, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 30, (1975) 51–99. English
transl. in Russian Math. Surveys, 30 (1975) 51–105.
17. Tyurin, A. N., Special 0-cycles on a polarized K3 surface Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat.,
51, (1987) 131–151. English transl. in Math. USSR Izv., 30, (1988) 123–143.
18. Tyurin, A. N., Cycles, curves and vector bundles on algebraic surfaces, Duke Math. J., 54,
(1987) 1–26.
19. Tyurin, A. N., Symplectic structures on the varieties of moduli of vector bundles on algebraic
surfaces with pg > 0, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 52, (1988) 139–178. English transl.
in Math. USSR Izv., 33, (1989) 139–177.
Balázs Szendrői
Kontsevich’s Homological Mirror Symmetry conjecture [14] connects holomor-
phic and symplectic geometry in a deep and surprising way. It relates a pair of
Calabi–Yau varieties, one with fixed holomorphic (complex) structure, one with
fixed symplectic structure, and predicts an equivalence of two very different kinds
of categories. On the symplectic side, “the (derived) Fukaya category” has gone
through many transfigurations over the years, and there is still no unique defi-
nition. On the holomorphic side, the category is well known: it is the derived
category of coherent sheaves. The conjectured equivalence between these two cat-
egories implies that there should be a correspondence between their symmetries.
The obvious symmetries are symplectic, respectively holomorphic automorphisms;
however, typically there are many more of the former than the latter. The idea
of the Fourier–Mukai functor [19] comes to the rescue: the derived category of a
Calabi–Yau variety possesses more symmetries than just the obvious ones, just by
virtue of the fact that its canonical bundle is globally trivial.
The purpose of this note is to review the dictionary between symplectic iso-
morphisms and Fourier–Mukai functors in a pedagogical way. Versions of a global
correspondence (at least on the cohomological level) are discussed for example in
[3, 10, 30]; a comprehensive account will presumably be attempted in [7]. My
aim here is rather more limited, summarizing and slightly extending the range of
constructions that are local to singularities of Calabi–Yau varieties. I will discuss
surface double points, threefold nodes, isolated threefold singularities and finally
curves of singularities on threefolds, proving no new results but posing several open
c Clay Mathematics Institute
there are two obvious sources: automorphisms of the complex manifold X, as well
as line bundles acting by tensor product. However, one soon realizes that this is
not enough. For example, a generic quintic has no automorphisms other than the
identity, and only a Z worth of line bundles. Its mirror in turn has many more
A fundamental construction of Mukai [19] comes to the rescue. By analogy
with the theory of classical correspondences, an object F ∈ Db (X × X) defines a
ΦF : Db (X) → Db (X)
ΦF (−) = Rp1∗ (F ⊗ p∗2 (−)),
where pi : X × X → X are the two projections, and ⊗, Rp1∗ denote operations
in the derived category. It often happens that, under appropriate conditions, ΦF
is a self-equivalence of the triangulated category Db (X), and then it is called a
Fourier–Mukai functor [19].
As a special case, this definition includes the example of a self-equivalence
defined by an automorphism; here F is (the structure sheaf of) the graph of the
automorphism. The self-equivalence defined by tensoring with a line bundle L is
realized by F = O∆ (L) where ∆ ∈ X × X is the diagonal. However, the main
virtue of this framework is that in the Calabi–Yau context, there are many more
Fourier–Mukai functors. Several examples will be given below.
1.3. The mirror symmetry map m is expected to be compatible with a coho-
mology isomorphism
m̄ : H middle (Y, Q) −→ H even (X, Q)
under, on the symplectic side, the map taking a Lagrangian submanifold to its
cohomology class, and on the complex side, the map taking a sheaf or complex
to its K-theory class and then via the Chern character to cohomology. For tech-
nical reasons,
√ one uses a slight modification of the Chern character, the Mukai
map ch(−) TdX , to pass from K-theory to cohomology, which makes the map
compatible with natural bilinear pairings. This plays no role in this note.
In fact, here I would like to invoke the “symmetry” of mirror symmetry, which
says that actually the complex geometry of Y is also expected to be equivalent to
the symplectic geometry of (X, ωX ) in the sense of a categorical equivalence. For
the examples studied here (K3s, Calabi–Yau threefolds, but also for elliptic curves)
this means that one actually expects a full isomorphism
(2) m̄ : H ∗ (Y, Q) −→ H ∗ (X, Q)
between Q-vector spaces.
A symplectomorphism of (Y, ω) acts on homology by pushforward. In the
context of cohomology actions, Y will always be a compact manifold; hence I can
use Poincaré duality to think of cohomology as covariant for symplectomorphisms.
A Fourier–Mukai functor ΦF : Db (X) → Db (X) acts on the cohomology of X via
the cohomological correspondence induced by the Chern class of the complex F.
One expects the correspondence µ of (1) between symplectomorphisms and Fourier–
Mukai functors to be compatible with cohomology actions via the isomorphism m̄
of (2).
One specific issue in the Calabi–Yau context is that cupping with the holomor-
phic n-form induces an isomorphism, well-defined up to constant, H 1 (X, TX ) ∼ =
H 1 (X, Ωn−1
X ). Via Hodge theory, the latter is a direct summand of cohomology.
The map ϕF preserves Hodge structures, so one obtains an action of a Fourier–
Mukai functor on H 1 (X, TX ). This is the tangent space to deformations of X,
and the interpretation of this action is that the Fourier–Mukai self-equivalence only
deforms as a self-equivalence along deformation directions fixed by its cohomology
action. This issue is spelled out in [31, Theorem 2.1].
at least into broad classes, I will always start from the contraction and discuss
the corresponding degeneration. I will attempt to be rigorous in notation: X will
be a Calabi–Yau threefold (with fixed complex structure) and X → X̄ a birational
contraction. On the mirror side, Y0 will always be the degenerate complex manifold
(possibly local) with a symplectic smoothing (Y, ω) and, if needed, a resolution Y0 →
Y0 .
2.2. Note that the above discussion assumed a number of details about the
specific form of the degeneration of the complex structure of Y . Just because the
Calabi–Yau variety Y is embedded in some ambient space P (such as a weighted
projective space or a toric variety), it is by no means certain that all deformations
of Y can also be embedded in P or that all symplectic forms on Y arise as restrictions
of some form Ω from P. Hence for a general discussion of the relation between
diffeomorphisms and Fourier–Mukai functors, one needs to treat both symplectic
structure and complex structure in families; compare [30]. However, for my present
purposes the above considerations suffice.
also an auxiliary smooth real function ψ such that ψ(t) + ψ(−t) = 2π for all t ∈ R,
and ψ(t) = 0 for t >> 0. Now define τ : T ∗ S 2 → T ∗ S 2 by
σ(eiψ(|ξ|) )(ξ) ξ ∈ T ∗ S 2 \ S 2
τ (ξ) =
A(ξ) ξ ∈ S2
where A is the antipodal map on the sphere. It is easy to check that τ is continuous,
and acts trivially away from a small neighbourhood of the zero-section. A short
argument also shows that it is a symplectomorphism of (T ∗ S 2 , η) which, up to
symplectic isotopy, is independent of the choice of ψ. τ is the model Dehn twist
of T ∗ S 2 with respect to its zero section.
If now (Y, ω) is a symplectic manifold containing a Lagrangian two-sphere S,
then by a theorem of Weinstein a neighbourhood of this two-sphere can be identified
with a neighbourhood of the zero-section in (T ∗ S 2 , η). Since the model Dehn twist
of T ∗ S 2 acts trivially outside a neighbourhood of the zero-section which can be
made arbitrarily small, there is a symplectomorphism τS of Y defined by the model
Dehn twist in a suitable neighbourhood of S.
Proposition 3.1. (Arnold) The symplectic monodromy of the family Y → ∆
deforming the surface node is generated by the Dehn twist [τS ] ∈ π0 (Symp(Y, ω)) in
the vanishing cycle S. The cohomology action of [τS ] is the map (τS )∗ : H ∗ (Y, Q) →
H ∗ (Y, Q) given by
(τS )∗ (α) = α + ([S] · α)[S]
which is a reflection since [S]2 = −2.
What is then the mirror of this symplectic monodromy transformation under
the map µ of (1)? According to our basic principle, it should be a Fourier–Mukai
functor associated to the contraction of E in X.
Proposition 3.2. (after Seidel–Thomas) Consider the structure sheaf F =
OX×X̄ X of the correspondence X ×X̄ X ⊂ X × X. This sheaf defines a Fourier–
Mukai equivalence
ΦF : Db (X) → Db (X)
with cohomology action ϕF : H ∗ (X, Q) → H ∗ (X, Q) given by
ϕF (α) = α + ([E] · α)[E]
which is a reflection since [E]2 = −2.
A plausible guess, which under a suitable choice of mirror map can indeed
be made precise, is that the mirror µ([τS ]) of the symplectic monodromy [τS ] is
the functor ΦF . Their cohomology actions are indeed easy to match. I wrote the
sheaf F in the above form to show its explicit dependence on the contraction, but in
fact it can be shown that the above definition is equivalent to the original definition
of [26] as a twist functor. Without going into the details, which can be found in
[26], I note that this particular transform is the (inverse) twist on X defined by the
spherical sheaf OE (−1).
3.2. The story for simple nodes can be generalized to other double point singu-
larities. In the local situation, mirror symmetry relates deformations and smooth-
ings of the arbitrary An surface singularity
{x21 + x22 + xn+1
3 = 0} ⊂ A3 .
in the family X , where fi has Newton polytope Πi . These varieties are singular,
with nodes at the points where u = v = f1 = f2 = 0, and have small resolutions
X (j) → X̄ (j) mirroring the two symplectic smoothings Ys .
4.5. Beyond toric cases, one example discussed in the literature [28] concerns,
on the symplectic side, the degeneration to the simple threefold triple point
{x31 + x32 + x33 + x34 = 0} ⊂ A4 .
Denote as usual by (Y, ω) a symplectic smoothing.
Proposition 4.3. (Smith–Thomas) The symplectic manifold (Y, ω) contains a
collection of 16 Lagrangian three-spheres S1 , . . . , S16 meeting in an intricate config-
uration depicted on [28, Figure 2]. In particular, there are 16 corresponding Dehn
τSi ∈ π0 (Symp(Y, ω)).
As far as I know, the mirror of this singularity has not been discussed in the
literature. It should have 16 Fourier–Mukai transforms corresponding to the Dehn
twists of Proposition 4.3.
i. a class α ∈ H 2 (X, Q) as
ϕF (α) = α + ([l] · α)[E] mod H 4 (X, Q)
with [l] ∈ H 4 (X, Q) the class of the ruling of E (this is a reflection since
[l] · [E] = −2);
ii. on third cohomology as an involution with a codimension 2g fixed locus
and (−1)-eigenspace given by the image of the cylinder homomorphism
H 1 (C, Q) → H 3 (X, Q) (note that there is no odd cohomology in different
degrees; see [29, Proposition 4.6] for more details).
The problem is then clear: find the symplectic mirror of this contraction, to-
gether with its symplectic monodromy corresponding to ΦF .
5.2. Before I move on, I discuss a slight generalization, which will be just as easy
(or difficult) to study: suppose that X̄ contains a curve of An -singularities C ⊂ X̄
locally of the form
{x21 + x22 + xn+13 = 0} ⊂ A4 .
Assume also that repeated blowup leads eventually to a smooth Calabi–Yau reso-
lution X containing a collection E1 , . . . , En of smooth ruled surfaces. Then there is
a Fourier–Mukai equivalence ΦFi ∈ AutEq(Db (X)) for each of the surfaces, which
as a matter of fact satisfy the relations of the braid group [32] just as in the surface
5.3. To approach the problem of finding the mirror, I recall the discussion of the
above setup in the toric context from [15, Section 3.2]. Assume therefore that X̄ is
in fact a hypersurface in a toric variety P∆ given by a reflexive polytope ∆ spanned
by some lattice points in a lattice M ∼ = Z4 ; compare [4]. The singularities of X̄
are most easily studied in terms of the normal fan Σ consisting of cones spanned
by vertices of the dual polytope ∆◦ in the dual N = HomZ (M, Z). The specific
singularity along C then arises from an edge τ = v0 , vn+1 of ∆◦ containing n
interior lattice points v1 , . . . , vn . The genus g can also be read off from the toric
data: it is the number of interior lattice points in the dual two-dimensional face τ ◦ ⊂
∆ ⊂ M.
The mirror Y of X is given, by Batyrev’s mirror duality [4], as a hypersurface
in a partial toric resolution P ∆◦ of the toric variety P∆◦ . The parameter space of
the hypersurface Y is the vector space
H0 P ∆◦ , −K ∼
= C xm .
m∈∆◦ ∩N
Here x represents a monomial xm
i ,
where xi are to be thought of as affine
∗ 4
variables in the affine torus (C ) ⊂ P∆◦ , and Y is the closure in P ∆◦ of the subva-
riety of the torus given by the chosen Laurent polynomial. By [6], this vector space
can also be viewed dually as the appropriately graded piece of the homogeneous
polynomial ring S of the abstract toric variety P ∆◦ , with one generating variable yη
for every lattice point η ∈ N on the boundary of the polytope ∆.
Now return to our concrete situation, restricting attention to g = 1, the reasons
for which will appear presently; let η1 ∈ M be the unique lattice point in the
interior of the face τ ◦ ⊂ ∆ with corresponding homogeneous coordinate y1 . The
hypersurface Y is given by a homogeneous equation
{y1 f (yj ) + g(yj ) = 0} ⊂ P∆◦
where I have separated out the monomials not involving the variable y1 . It can
however be checked, using the correspondence between Laurent and homogeneous
polynomials [6], that the only terms not involving the monomial y1 correspond to
Laurent monomials xm with m ∈ τ , one of the n + 2 lattice points responsible
for the singularity of X̄. The linear relations between these lattice points translate
to multiplicative relations between the Laurent monomials, which implies that the
equation of Y can be written on a suitable affine piece of P ∆◦ as
y1 f + a j xj = 0
N =N + 1 , 1 , 0, 1 Z + 0, 0, 1 , 3 Z
4 4 2 4 4
with ∆◦ = ∆ ◦ now thought of as a polytope in the lattice N . It can be checked
that ∆ is still reflexive, and now v0 , e1 contains seven interior lattice points, indi-
cating singularities of type A7 along a curve. The dual to (N, ∆◦ ) is the pair (M, ∆),
M =M + 0, 1 , 1 , 1 Z
2 4 4
and ∆ = ∆ as a polytope with vertices in M . The mirror two-dimensional face
to v0 , e1 looks like the toric diagram for a 14 (1, 1, 2) singularity, with one interior
lattice point. Hence the generic threefold X̄ ⊂ P∆ has a genus-1 curve of A7
singularities, so falls under the rubric of the above discussion.
5.5. I now consider the symplectic geometry of the mirror (Y, ω) smoothing
the hypersurface Y0 . The monodromy of the degeneration found above has in fact
been studied already by Seidel [22].
5.7. Return to the example of 5.4. This is discussed in [12] as Example II,
where a pair of (special) Lagrangian cycles S 1 × S 2
Ni ⊂ (Y, ω) is constructed as
the fixed locus of a real involution. If Conjecture 5.3 holds, the natural guess is that
in fact Ni = p−1
4 (Bi ) for a pair of Lagrangian circles S
Bi ⊂ (Σ, ω ); remember
that the singularity is of type A7 and the construction using real variables in the
complex A7 equation gives the middle vanishing 2-cycle. The one-dimensional local
moduli space of Ni as a special Lagrangian cycle is geometrically realized then as
coming simply from moving the circle Bi locally in Σ. Conjecture 5.3 would imply
that there is a host of other Lagrangian cycles around, though their realization
as special Lagrangians is bound to run into the usual problem of finding sLag
representatives of vanishing cycles.
As for the other two examples of [12], Example I involves the original octic
as X, with a contraction to a g = 3 curve. Its mirror contains a complicated
(special) Lagrangian cycle N with b2 (N ) = 5. As I discussed above, I expect this
case to be quite complicated. [12, Example III] involves on the complex side a
contraction to a g = 0 curve, and again S 1 × S 2 in the mirror; this would arise
naturally from the g = 0 speculation at the end of 5.6.
5.8. To conclude, I want to return to one point which was swept under the
carpet above. Namely, just because a threefold has a curve of An singularities, it
does not follow that in its resolution one finds n irreducible surfaces all ruled over
the same curve. This is an issue of monodromy (in a different sense now, over the
curve C), which is discussed in detail in [31, 32]. I only want to point out that [31,
Example 4.3] constructs an example of a threefold X̄ with an elliptic curve of A3
singularities, where in the resolution there are only two irreducible surfaces E1 , E2 ⊂
X. There are two corresponding Fourier–Mukai functors Φ1 , Φ2 ∈ AutEq(Db (X)),
which satisfy the braid relation
Φ1 ◦ Φ 2 ◦ Φ 1 ◦ Φ 2 = Φ2 ◦ Φ 1 ◦ Φ 2 ◦ Φ 1
of the C3 braid group. The analogue of Conjecture 5.3 would suggest that the
mirror (Y, ω) of X should contain a pair of S 2 -fibred submanifolds together with the
necessary symplectic data, giving rise to a pair of Dehn twists [τi ] ∈ π0 (Symp(Y, ω))
which satisfy the same relation
τ1 ◦ τ2 ◦ τ1 ◦ τ2 = τ2 ◦ τ1 ◦ τ2 ◦ τ1
up to symplectic isotopy. I leave the problem of filling in details as a final challenge
for you, my Dear Reader.
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Nick Dorey
1. Introduction
Since its discovery almost 30 years ago, supersymmetry (SUSY) has become
one of the key theoretical ideas in contemporary high-energy physics. Although
there is, as yet, no direct experimental evidence for SUSY there are a number of
related reasons why it remains close to theorists’ hearts. One general motivation
is based on the central role that symmetry principles have played so far in the
development of the subject. Given this historical perspective, looking for theories
with the largest possible symmetry groups seems like a sensible strategy. Under
certain fairly general assumptions, supersymmetry is the only possible extension of
the known symmetries of particle physics and this fact alone makes it worthy of
study. There are also (at least) three more specific motivations for SUSY. Two of
these we will only mention in passing as they will not concern us directly in these
• Supersymmetry offers a potential solution to the hierarchy problem of the
Standard Model. In particular, it provides a natural way of keeping scalar particles
light by pairing them with fermions whose masses in turn are protected by (ap-
proximate) chiral symmetries. For this reason SUSY is an important ingredient in
many possible extensions of the Standard Model.
• Supersymmetry plays a key role in string theory. Indeed, spacetime super-
symmetry, in the form of the GSO projection, seems to be necessary for removing
the tachyon from the spectrum and ensuring a stable ground state for the string.
Either of these subjects would require a lecture course of its own. And so we
come to the main subject of these lectures, which is lessons that supersymmetry
can teach us about the dynamics of non-Abelian gauge theories in four dimen-
sions. These gauge theories are, of course, the cornerstone of the standard model.
However, despite their long familiarity, we still understand very little about them
c Clay Mathematics Institute
degrees of freedom are light, with strong coupling, where the magnetic degrees of
freedom are light. An equivalence between theories with different values of the
coupling constant is known as a duality. In some special cases, of which the best
understood is N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, it is now believed that
this electric-magnetic duality is an exact property of the theory. If true, this gives
us a precise description of the strong coupling regime which was previously out of
reach. Of course, to test such a duality one needs an independent calculation of
some quantity in the strongly coupled theory.
To understand the possible relevance of electric-magnetic duality to confine-
ment, we must extend our discussion of gauge theory from the Coulomb phase to the
Higgs phase. Specifically, we can think about what happens to magnetic monopoles
when we spontaeously break the U (1) of electromagnetism. The Higgs mechanism
occurs when a massless electrically-charged scalar field acquires a vacuum expec-
tation value. In other words light electrically-charged particles form a condensate
in the vacuum. When this occurs, magnetic fields are screened and cannot pen-
etrate the vacuum. This is a precise relativistic analog of the Meissner effect in
superconductors, where the Cooper pairs of electrons form an electrically-charged
condensate and magnetic fields are excluded from the superconducting sample. In
this case also, magnetic flux lines cannot spread out and it is energetically preferred
for them to form flux tubes or strings of finite tension. The only configurations of
finite energy are those where a monopole and anti-monopole are joined by such a
flux tube. Thus magnetic charges are confined by a linear potential in the Higgs
So far we have described the consequences of the Higgs mechanism for our
conjectural magnetic charges. Of course we are really interested in the confinement
of elementary particles which carry ordinary electric charges or their non-Abelian
analog. However, in a theory with electric-magnetic duality, the two things should
be related. Duality indicates that magnetic charges can become light at strong
coupling. In this regime, it is plausible that they can be encouraged (by the intro-
duction of a suitable potential) to condense in the vacuum. In this dual Higgs phase
where the vacuum contains a magnetic condensate, electric charges are confined.
Thus the elusive confining phase of gauge theory is mapped onto the Higgs phase,
which we can understand easily within conventional perturbation theory.
There are several obvious objections to the idea described above: as stated it
really only applies to confinement of Abelian electric charge. One may ask how it is
expected to work in the context of QCD where there are no stable monopole solu-
tions and the coupling constant inverted by duality is replaced by the dimensionful
parameter ΛQCD . Despite this, there has been considerable progress in realizing
these ideas quantitatively in supersymmetric gauge theory. First, there is now
substantial evidence that electric-magnetic duality is an exact property of N = 4
supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. The famous Seiberg-Witten solution [19] of
N = 2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory shows explicitly that monopoles can be-
come massless at strong coupling in an asymptotically free gauge theory. Further
soft breaking to N = 1 explicitly exhibits confinement due to monopole conden-
sation. Further, a quantitative duality between the Higgs and confining phases of
N = 1 theories is now well established. We will review some of these developments
in the the following.
The second theoretical idea for the 1970’s which has gained renewed impor-
tance in the supersymmetric context is that of the large N expansion due to Gerard
’t Hooft [1]. As mentioned above, because of dimensional transmutation, QCD lacks
a dimensionless coupling in which to expand. However, a parameter can be intro-
duced by replacing the three colours of QCD with an arbitrary number N or, in
other words, working with gauge group SU (N ). Following a strategy used earlier in
statistical mechanics, one may then look for simplifications in the N → ∞ limit and
attempt to expand around this limit in powers of 1/N . To illustrate how this idea
is implemented in practice, we consider vacuum diagrams in pure SU (N ) gauge
theory with bare coupling constant g. The correct limit to think about for any
non-Abelian gauge theory is one in which we take N → ∞ and g 2 → 0 holding
the combination λ = g 2 N (known as the ’t Hooft coupling) fixed. In this limit a
vacuum diagram with E propagators, V vertices and F closed loops scales like N χ
where χ = V − E + F . If we consider the Feynman diagram as a triangulation
of the two-dimensional surface on which it can be drawn without internal lines
crossing, then χ = V − E + F is precisely the Euler characteristic of that surface.
All compact two-dimensional surfaces are characterized up to homeomorphism by
their number of handles, the genus G, which is related to the Euler characteristic
by χ = 2 − 2G. The 1/N expansion is therefore an expansion in the number of
handles of a two-dimensional surface.
This beautiful result means that the leading behavior at large N is governed
by planar diagrams which can be drawn on a sphere without lines crossing. Planar
diagrams can have an arbitrary number of loops and calculating their sum is a
formidable problem which remains unsolved, except in certain lower-dimensional
models. However the complexity of the leading order reflects the fact that large N
QCD retains many of the features which are hard to analyse directly in the N = 3
case. In particular, large N QCD has asymptotic freedom in the UV and quark
confinement in the IR1. Despite the complexity there are tantalizing indications
that the problem of summing the planar diagrams should, ultimately, be tractable.
In particular, Witten has argued that the leading order at large N is essentially
semi-classical in the sense that the path integral is dominated by a single field
configuration known as the ‘master field’. A useful review of this and other aspects
of the large N limit is [2]. Another indication lies in the topological nature of the
1/N expansion described above. In particular, as an expansion over 2D surfaces of
different topology, it is similar to string perturbation expansion with string coupling
constant proportional to 1/N . A long-standing conjecture is that large N QCD is
dual to a weakly-coupled string theory: the QCD string. If this were true, the
large N hadron spectrum could be descibed as the (tree-level) spectrum of a string,
confirming other indicators of stringy behaviour in the strong interactions, such as
Regge behaviour.
The conjecture described above has been around for over 20 years. The key
question, “which string theory describes QCD?” has so far remained unanswered.
Obvious problems include the fact that the only weakly-coupled string theories
we know about are the critical string theories which live in ten dimensions rather
then four. These theories inevitably contain a massless spin two particle, identified
with the graviton in the context of fundamental strings. Despite these objections
1Or at least, the resons why we believe ordinary QCD is confining, such as the area law for
the Wilson loop in lattice QCD, remain valid at large N .
significant progress has been made in the more controlled context of supersymmetric
gauge theories. For the first time a precise proposal for the large N string dual to
a four-dimensional non-Abelian gauge theory has emerged. As in our discussion of
electric-magnetic duality above, the maximally supersymmetric case is understood
best. Maldacena [8] has conjectured that the large N dual of N = 4 SUSY Yang-
Mills theory with gauge group SU (N ) is the IIB superstring on the spacetime
manifold AdS5 × S 5 . Note that this is a theory which lives in ten dimensions and
has a massless graviton. As we will describe in the following, this reflects some
rather special features of the N = 4 theory. Cases with less supersymmetry have
also been analysed successfully, although the QCD string itself remains elusive.
We will see below that, like electric-magnetic duality, Maldacena’s conjecture
relates the strong coupling behaviour of one theory to the weak coupling behaviour
of another. Testing any such conjecture clearly requires us to calculate some quan-
tity in both theories and compare. In particular this requires us to perform an
independent calculation on the strongly-coupled side of the correspondence. For-
tunately, this is where supersymmetry can help. In supersymmetric theories some
quantities are protected against quantum corrections and can be reliably extrap-
olated to strong coupling. Such quantities can often provide quantitative tests of
strong-weak coupling duality. In the next section we will give an overview of this
aspect of SUSY.
The remainder of these notes are organized as follows. In Section 2 we give
a brief overview of protected quantities in SUSY gauge theory. In Section 3 we
consider N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at the classical level. In the
following two sections we consider the quantum theory in its Coulomb and confor-
mal phases respectively. This naturally includes a discussion of S-duality and the
AdS/CFT correspondence. Section 5 is devoted to a brief sketch of the Seiberg-
Witten solution of N = 2 SUSY Yang-Mills theory. Finally, we give our conclusions
and a brief bibliography.
such feature is the existence of quantities which are protected from quantum cor-
rections. So far we have met the groundstate energy which is strictly zero. A more
sophisticated example is the Witten Index, defined by,
(2.2) I = Tr (−1)F exp (−βH) .
Because states of non-zero energy come in Bose-Fermi pairs their contribution to
the trace cancels. Thus we have I = nB − nF , where nB and nF are the numbers of
Bose and Fermi groundstates respectively. As we vary the parameters of the model
groundstates can only be lifted to non-zero energy in Bose-Fermi pairs. Similarly
new groundstates can only appear if a Bose-Fermi pair descends to zero energy.
Neither of these processes change the value of I, which therefore remains invariant
under all smooth variations of the parameters which preserve SUSY2.
Now we move on to the more interesting case of supersymmetric quantum field
theory. The global supersymmetry algebra in four dimensions has left and right
handed Weyl spinor supercharges QA α and Q̄α̇A respectively. Here we are adopting
the standard notation of Wess and Bagger [5]: α and α̇ are left and right-handed
Weyl spinor indices and A = 1, 2, . . . , N labels distinct families of supercharges.
In four-dimensional renormalizable quantum field theory we are only interested
in algebras which lead to multiplets of particles with spins ≤ 1: this limits the
possiblities to N = 1, 2 and 4. The so-called extended SUSY algebras with N = 2
and 4 have an SU (N ) internal symmetry which rotates the supercharges. The left-
and right-handed supercharges are in the N and N̄ of this group, denoted by the
raised and lowered index A = 1, 2, . . . , N . The basic anti-commutator is
(2.3) α , Q̄β̇B } = 2σαβ̇ Pµ δB .
For theories with extended SUSY, supercharges of the same chirality also have a
non-trivial anti-commutator,
(2.4) {QA
α , Qβ } = αβ Z
Here Z AB = −Z BA is a central charge which commutes with all the other elements
of the algebra.
We will now briefly list some of the special features of these theories which
constrain the form of quantum corrections:
Non-renormalization: As in the example of SUSY quantum mechanics con-
sidered above, the SUSY algebra implies that the energy of a supersymmetric vac-
uum of the theory is exactly equal to zero. Typically in quantum field theory the
vacuum energy may be set to zero at the classical level, but it will certainly re-
cieve quantum corrections from loop diagrams. Unbroken supersymmetry implies
that these corrections vanish to all orders. This vanishing is due to a cancella-
tion between bosons and fermions, which reflects the additional factor of −1 in the
Feynman rules for a fermionic loop.
BPS states: Just as in SUSY quantum mechanics the supersymmetry algebra
implies that the energy of all states is bounded below by zero: E ≥ 0. In the case of
extended SUSY, one can actually derive a stronger bound for the masses of particles
of the schematic form M ≥ |Z| where Z is the central charge. This is known as the
Bogomol’nyi bound. Another similarity to the quantum mechanical case is the fact
2There are several caveats here: the logic described above only applies when the Hamiltonian
has a discrete spectrum. In theories with non-compact directions we must also limit ourselves to
variations which do not change the asymptotic behaviour of the potential in these directions.
that states which saturate this bound live in smaller representations of the SUSY
algebra. Specifically, states which saturate the bound are invariant under exactly
half the SUSY generators and typically fill out ‘short’ or BPS representations of
dimension 2N . In contrast, generic states transform non-trivially under all the
SUSY generators and form ‘long’ representations of dimension 22N . Considerations
like those described above leading to the Witten index in the case of quantum
mechanics mean that BPS states cannot be lifted above the Bogomol’nyi bound
except in multiples of 2N . Typically, the necessary additional BPS states are not
present and we conclude that the BPS mass formula M = |Z| is exact.
Holomorphy: Certain special quantities in SUSY gauge theories are con-
strained to be holomorphic functions of the fields and parameters. Much recent
progress can be traced to the fact that holomorphic functions can be reconstructed
exactly from knowledge of their singularities.
Flat directions: In theories with extended SUSY the potential energy typ-
ically has flat directions along which scalar fields can acquire expectation values
without energetic cost. Fluctuations along these directions are massless scalars. It
is important to emphasize that these scalars are not necessarily Goldstone modes
for any global symmetry. Their masslessness is instead a consequence of unbro-
ken supersymmetry. This situation is often described by saying that the theory
has a moduli space, M, of gauge-inequivalent vacua. It is often useful to think
of the moduli space as a Riemannian manifold with the scalar fields {Xi }, with
i = 1, 2, . . . dimR M as real coordinates. The natural metric Gij on M is provided
by the lowest term in the derivative expansion of the Wilsonian effective action for
the massless scalars,
(2.5) Leff = Gij (X) ∂µ X i ∂ µ X j + . . . .
Of course we must really consider a supersymmetric version of (2.5) with kinetic
terms for the superparteners of the massive fields. It turns out that the existence
of such an extension provides stringent constraints on the geometry of M. In
particular, for N = 1 SUSY in four dimensions, it is constrained to be a Kähler
manifold. In various situations with extended supersymmetry the requirement is
for hyper-Kähler or special Kähler geometry.
In the next sections we will review what we know about theories with N = 4
and N = 2 supersymmetry.
The Lagrangian consists of the Maxwell term for the gauge fields together
with minimal coupling for the adjoint scalars and fermions. The Lagrangian also
includes a non-trivial potential for the scalar fields,
(3.1) V= TrN [φa ,φb ]2 .
Finally the supersymmetric completion of these terms include Yukawa couplings be-
tween the fermions and scalars. All these terms have mass dimension four and the
resulting Lagrangian is therefore scale-invariant. In fact the classical Lagrangian
is invariant under the group of conformal transformations in four dimensions,
SO(4, 2). This group includes the Poincaré generators together with dilatations
and special conformal transformations. The coefficients of each term in the La-
grangian are uniquely determined by N = 4 supersymmetry up to a single overall
coefficient, 1/g 2 . Here g is the dimensionless gauge coupling constant. One may
also add to the Lagrangian the topological term TrN (F ∧ F ) with coefficient the
vacuum angle θ. It is customary to combine g 2 and θ in a single complex coupling,
4πi θ
(3.2) τ= + .
g2 2π
Apart from the choice of gauge group, this is the only free parameter in the theory.
As mentioned above, the theory is invariant under the conformal group and
also under N = 4 supersymmetry transformations. The closure of these generators
results in the largest possible global spacetime symmetry group in four dimensions.
This is the N = 4 superconformal group, denoted SU (2,2|4). Its bosonic part
is SO(4, 2) × SU (4)R . In addition to the sixteen real components of the SUSY
generators QA α and Q̄α̇A , there are sixteen independent superconformal generators,
SαA and S̄α̇A .
The N = 4 theory exhibits a characteristic feature of theories with sixteen
supercharges mentioned in the previous section: the potential V has flat directions.
Specifically, if we choose each of the six scalar fields to have vacuum expectation
values (VEVs) in the Cartan subalgebra of U (N ), then the potential vanishes and
we have a supersymmetric vacuum. The corresponding manifold of vacuum states
is known as the Coulomb branch. The behaviour of the theory depends crucially
on whether these VEVs are non-zero. The two cases correspond to different phases
of the system which we describe in turn:
Coulomb Phase: If the scalar VEVs are non-zero then the gauge group
G = U (N ) is spontaneously broken down to its Cartan subgroup U (1)N . The
theory has massless photons corresponding to unbroken gauge generators which give
rise to long range Abelian gauge fields (hence the term ‘Coulomb’). As the scalar
fields have mass dimension, choice of a VEV also spontaneosly breaks the conformal
symmetry down to its Poincaré subgroup and also spontaneously breaks part of the
SU (4)R symmetry. Some of the massless scalars which appear as superpartners of
the photons can be thought of as Goldstone bosons in this context. In addition to
massless neutral fields, the theory also has massive particles which carry electric
and magnetic charges with respect to the Cartan subgroup.
Conformal Phase: If the scalar VEVs are zero, then the U (N ) gauge sym-
metry remains unbroken and so does the classical superconformal symmetry. The
theory is then in an interacting conformal phase. There is no mass gap and states
in the Hilbert space form multiplets of the superconformal group.
Before moving on to describe the quantum theory, we will take a closer look
at the spectrum of the theory with gauge group SU (2) on the Coulomb branch. In
this theory we can expand the bosonic fields in terms of the three Pauli matrices
τi , i = 1, 2, 3, in the obvious way as Aµ = Aiµ τi /2, φia τi /2. Up to a gauge rotation,
we can choose scalar VEVs of the form φa = v a τ3 /2. The Coulomb branch is
therefore parameterized by the complex six-component vector v a with an SU (4)R -
invariant length defined by |v|2 = a=1 v a v̄ a . The Weyl group of SU (2) acts as
v a → −v a and, modding this out, the manifold of gauge inequivalent vacua is just
R6 /Z2 .
As above, when |v| > 0, the gauge group is spontaneously broken down to the
Cartan subalgebra, which, in this case, is the U (1) subgroup of SU (2) generated
by the third Pauli matrix τ3 . In principle, particle states may carry electric and/or
magnetic charges, denoted QE and QM respectively, with respect to this U (1).
On general grounds, the allowed charges are constrained by the Dirac quantization
condition QE QM ∈ 2π Z. A semiclassical analysis of the theory reveals the following
• A massless N = 4 vector multiplet with QE = QM = 0 containing the photon
and its superpartners. These are the elementary quanta which remain massless after
the Higgs mechanism. They correspond to fluctuations of the fields living in the
unbroken U (1).
• An N = 4 vector multiplet containing massive gauge bosons and their su-
perpartners. Each of these states has QE = ±g, QM = 0 and mass M = |v|. The
spin one members of the multiplet are fluctuations of the fields Wµ± = A1µ ± iA2µ
and are referred to as ‘W-bosons’.
In addition to these elementary quanta, the classical theory also contains mag-
netically charged solitons or magnetic monopoles. These are classical solutions of
the field equations for the Yang-Mills field minimally coupled to an adjoint scalar.
The configurations have finite mass M = 4π|v|/g 2 and carry magnetic charge
QM = 4π/g. Somewhat miraculously, the units of electric and magnetic charge
carried by the W-bosons and magnetic monopoles respectively turn out to satisfy
the Dirac quantization.3 At weak coupling the monopole can be quantized in a
semiclassical approximation and leads to massive one-particle states in the Hilbert
space. These include,
• An N = 4 supermultiplet of states with QE = 0 and QM = 4π/g.
• An infinite tower of dyonic states which carry integer multiples of the quan-
tum of electric charge in addition to one unit of magnetic charge: QE = ng,
QM = 4π/g with integer n.
The mass of each of these states is described by the universal mass formula:
(3.3) M= Q2E + Q2M .
3This appears miraculous because the Dirac quantization condition is derived from quantum
mechanical considerations, while the quantization of magnetic charge observed in this theory
happens already at the classical level. A further miracle is the fact that the monopole actually
carries twice the minimum allowed quantum of magnetic charge. This means that the theory
remains consistent when particles in the fundamental representation of G = SU (2) are introduced
which have half the electric charge of the W-boson.
(4.1) α , Qβ } = αβ Z
is intimately related to the fact mentioned above that the BPS monopole is invariant
under half the supersymmetry generators.
It is instructive to consider the extension of electric-magnetic duality occurring
when the vacuum angle is non-zero. In this case, duality acts on the complexified
coupling τ = 4πi/g 2 + θ/2π as the transformation S : τ → −1/τ . Obviously S 2 is
the identity and repeated application of this transformation does not generate any
thing new. However, we should also remember the transformation T introduced
above which shifts the vacuum angle by 2π. This acts on the complexified coupling
as T : τ → τ + 1. Importantly though, S and T do not commute with each
other and, together, they generate an infinite group of transformations known as
SL(2, Z). The action of a general element of this group on the coupling is
aτ + b
τ →
cτ + d
This group is well known in complex analysis as the modular group of the torus.
If complex tori are parameterized by the ratio of their periods τ = ω2 /ω1 , then
values of τ related by an SL(2, Z) transformation as in (4.4) describe tori which are
equivalent as complex manifolds. This geometric realization of the duality group
is central to how electric-magnetic duality appears on branes living in toroidal
compactifications of M-theory.
The extended electric-magnetic duality described above is known as S-duality.
There is now much evidence that S-duality is actually an exact invariance of the
N = 4 theory. The simplest evidence in favour of this comes from the spectrum
of BPS states. Although the BPS mass formula is certainly invariant under S-
duality, invariance of the spectrum clearly requires the existence in the theory
of the SL(2, Z) images of all the known BPS states. In particular, it is easy to
prove that the SL(2, Z) orbit of the W-boson with electric charge nE = 1 and
zero magnetic charge includes states with all coprime values of nE and nM . For
nM = 1, this amounts to the existence of the dyonic states mentioned in the
previous section. However, for nM > 1, we also have a prediction for the existence
of many new states which can be thought of as bound-states of monopoles and
dyons. By the usual reasoning, it suffices to check the existence of these states at
weak coupling where we may use a semiclassical quantization of the multi-monopole
system. The existence of the required bound-states translates into the existence of
certain normalizable harmonic forms on the moduli space of BPS monopoles. This
has been checked explicitly by Sen [16] in the case of magnetic charge two, where
an explicit metric on the monopole moduli space is known. Progress has also been
made in demonstrating the existence of the necessary forms in the case of arbitrary
magnetic charge [17].
These obey superconformal Ward identities which are sufficient to determine all
two- and three- point functions of chiral primary operators exactly. However, scaling
dimensions and correlation functions of other operators in the theory are much less
constrained and, in general, they will receive complicated perturbative and non-
perturbative corrections. Despite this, two remarkable properties of the quantum
theory have emerged in recent years. The first is the electric-magnetic duality
discussed in the previous section. Unlike the Coulomb phase, the SU (N ) gauge
group is unbroken and we cannot define Abelian electric and magnetic charges.
Nevertheless there is still considerable evidence that the conformal theory has an
exact SL(2, Z) duality acting on the complexified coupling constant as in (4.4).
A precise formulation is that the operators in the theory and their correlation
functions transform as modular forms of definite weight4. In [27], Vafa and Witten
evaluated the partition function of a topologically-twisted version of the N = 4
theory on various four-manifolds and verified its modular properties explicitly.
The second major development is one we will touch on only briefly. As men-
tioned in the introduction, there is a long-standing conjecture that the large N limit
of non-Abelian gauge theory should be dual to a weakly-coupled string theory. Un-
til recently, the identity of the dual string theory was essentially unknown. In late
1997, Maldacena [8] made a remarkable proposal concerning the large N dual of
the N = 4 theory at its superconformal point. Specifically it concerns the N = 4
theory with gauge group SU (N ) in the ’t Hooft limit N → ∞, g 2 → 0 with the ’t
Hooft coupling λ = g 2 N held fixed. Maldacena conjectured that the N = 4 theory
in this limit (and perhaps beyond it) is equivalent to Type IIB superstring the-
ory propagating on the ten-dimensional spacetime, AdS5 × S 5 . Here AdS5 denotes
five-dimensional anti-de-Sitter space and S 5 is the five-sphere. This proposal is also
known as the AdS/CFT correspondence. The identification of the parameters of the
two theories is as follows: the complexified coupling τ = 4πi/g 2 +θ/2π of the N = 4
theory is identified with a corresponding complex parameter τIIB = i/gstr + 2πC (0)
of the IIB theory. Here gstr is the string coupling and C (0) is the VEV of the scalar
field arising from the Ramond-Ramond sector of the IIB theory. The radius, L,
of both√the AdS5 and S 5 factors of the spacetime, measured in units of the string√
length α , scales like a positive power of the ’t Hooft coupling: L2 /α ∼ λ.
Additionally there are N units of R-R fiveform flux through the five-sphere.
Several comments are in order. The first point of agreement between the two
sides of the correspondence is the global symmetries apprearing on both sides. The
SO(4, 2) group of conformal transformations on the N = 4 side emerges as the
isometry group of AdS5 . Similarly, the SU (4) R-symmetry of the N = 4 theory
corresponds to the isometry group of the five-sphere. The number of supercharges
of the IIB theory is thirty-two and all of these remain unbroken in the AdS5 ×
S 5 background. In fact they enlarge the bosonic symmetry group to form the
supergroup SU (2, 2|4) which is precisely the N = 4 superconformal group in four
dimensions. In retrospect, Maldacena’s proposal is strongly suggested by the fact
that IIB on AdS5 × S 5 is the only known string theory with this symmetry group.
More complicated dynamical aspects of the N = 4 theory are also reproduced on
the IIB side. In particular the IIB theory has an SL(2, Z) duality group acting on
τIIB , including transformations which interchange the NS-NS and R-R sectors of
4f (τ, τ̄ ) is a modular form of weight (w, w̄) if it transforms as f → (cτ + d)w (cτ̄ + d)w̄ f under
the SL(2, ) transformation (4.4)
the theory. This corresponds to the S-duality group of the N = 4 theory acting on
The fact that the string coupling is identified with the Yang-Mills coupling
constant (squared), which scales like 1/N , means that the dual string theory is
weakly coupled at large N as originally envisaged by ’t Hooft. In principle the
sum of planar diagrams in the N = 4 theory can be evaluated by solving the
tree-level string theory of AdS5 × S 5 . Unfortunately, the latter task has proved
to be extremely difficult. The main problem is that the background includes non-
zero R-R flux, something which is hard to incorporate in the theory on the string
world-sheet. Rather than working with the full string theory on AdS5 ×S 5 , one may
instead consider only the low-energy approximation to the theory, which amounts to
studying IIB supergravity on the same background. This approximation is reliable
as long as the stringy excitations are more massive than the Kaluza-Klein modes
of the SUGRA fields on the S 5 . This is true provided the radius of the √ sphere
is much larger that the string length. Given the identification L2 /α = λ, this
corresponds to an interesting strongly-coupled regime of the N = 4 theory. In
contrast, Feynman perturbation theory is only valid when the ’t Hooft coupling is
small. Hence the regimes in which we may calculate reliably on each side of the
correspondence are non-overlapping.
In this sense, AdS/CFT is a weak-coupling/strong-coupling duality like the
electric-magnetic duality discussed above. In particular, we are confronted with the
same problem we encountered in that context: in order to test Maldacena’s proposal
we need to perform an independent calculation when one of the two theories in
question is strongly coupled. As in the case of S-duality, the special properties of
supersymmetric gauge theory come to the rescue. In particular, as described above,
we know the theory contains a large set of operators whose scaling dimensions are
independent of the coupling. One may safely extrapolate the classical spectrum
of N = 4 chiral primaries to the regime of large ’t Hooft coupling where they
can be compared with the supergravity spectrum. In particular, the IIB theory
on AdS5 × S 5 contains an infinite tower of states living in small representations
of the SU (2, 2|4) superalgebra. These states correspond to the expansion of the
massless ten-dimensional fields of IIB supergravity in spherical harmonics on the
five-sphere. This comparison was first performed by Witten in [9], and yields
impressive agreement.
scalar field Φ. All fields are in the adjoint representation of the gauge group and
the theory has a potential term,
(6.1) V = Tr [Φ,Φ† ]2 .
As in the N = 4 theory the potential has a flat direction along which the complex
scalar acquires a VEV breaking the SU (2) gauge symmetry down to its Cartan
subalgebra. By gauge rotation we can choose the generator of the unbroken U (1)
to be the third Pauli matrix. The resulting Coulomb branch can be parameterized
by a single complex number a, up to Weyl reflection a → −a, as Φ = aτ3 /2. Al-
ternatively we may introduce the gauge-invariant modulus u = Tr Φ2 . Classically
we have u = a2 /2 although, as u is a composite operator, this relation can receive
quantum corrections. The classical theory on the Coulomb branch is very similar
to that of the N = 4 theory. Apart from the massless photon multiplet, there are
also massive N = 2 multiplets corresponding to the massive W-bosons, as well as
a spectrum of monopoles and dyons. All of these states live in short multiplets of
N = 2 SUSY. The classical Bogomol’nyi bound is M ≥ |Z|, with central charge,
(6.2) Z = a (nE + nM τ )
where nE and nM are integer-valued electric and magnetic charges.
The differences between the N = 4 and N = 2 theories emerge as soon as we
compute quantum corrections. In the minimal N = 2 theory the β-function is non-
zero and negative at one-loop. This means that the N = 2 theory is asymptotically
free in the UV. The coupling constant runs and is replaced by a dynamical scale
Λ. In the absence of scalar VEVs, the theory runs to strong coupling at the scale
Λ and, a priori, it is very hard to say what the IR physics is like. However, if the
scalar VEV a is non-zero, the gauge group is broken down to U (1) at the scale
|a|. Below this energy scale the effective theory is Abelian and the coupling does
not run. It follows that the theory has two different regimes. When the VEVs are
large, |a| >> Λ, the running coupling is frozen before it has a chance to get large
and the theory is weakly coupled at all length scales and semiclassical methods are
valid. On the other hand when |a| ∼ Λ the IR coupling is strong and perturbation
theory breaks down. If we think of the Coulomb branch as the complex u-plane,
the first regime is the asymptotic region near the point at infinity and the second
is the region near the origin.
As in the N = 4 theory, to make progress we must concentrate on quantities
which are highly constrained by supersymmetry. As in that case these include
the spectrum of BPS states. However, although the BPS bound M = |Z| is an
exact mass formula in this case also, the N = 2 story is complicated by the fact
that the central charge can recieve quantum corrections. Indeed we have already
commented on the fact that the bare coupling τ appearing in the central charge
gets renormalized. The most general possibility for the exact central charge is,
(6.3) Z = nE a(u) + nM aD (u)
where a and aD are holomorphic in u and λ. This is an example of the general
feature of SUSY gauge theories described earlier, namely that SUSY constrains
some observables to be holomorphic functions of the fields and parameters.
The low-energy theory on the Coulomb branch is the N = 2 supersymmetric
extension of QED. It is characterzed by an effective complexified coupling τef f
which is also constrained to be holomorphic in u and Λ. In the absence of charged
matter it has an exact SL(2, Z) duality which acts on the effective coupling τef f
rather than the bare one as in (4.4). This is essentially an extension of the Hodge
duality of Maxwell theory to N = 2 superspace and it can be implemented by an
exact transformation of the path integral. The renormalized BPS mass formula
given above is also SL(2, Z) invariant provided that aD /a transforms in the same
way as τef f under modular transfomations. Although the duality is only a property
of the low-energy theory, it plays an important role in the exact solution of the
Previously we indicated that a, aD and τef f depended holomorphically on u
and Λ. However it is not quite precise to say that they are holomorphic functions
defined on the u-plane. In particular we should allow for the possiblity that the
spectrum changes by an SL(2, Z) transformation as we traverse a closed curve
on the u-plane. Thus we should really require that (a, aD ) defines a holomorphic
section of a flat SL(2, Z) bundle over the u-plane. In fact, a one-loop perturbative
analysis is sufficient to show that this bundle is non-trivial. The classical theory
has a U (1) R-symmetry under which the adjoint scalar has charge two. Acting with
this generator on a point far from the origin of the Coulomb branch we traverse
a large circle on the u-plane. However, at one loop the symmetry suffers from an
anomaly. The effect of this is that a U (1) rotation through an angle α is no longer
exactly a symmetry of the theory but rather leads to a shift in the effective vacuum
angle θef f → θef f + 2α. Via the Witten effect described in the previous section,
this shifts the electric charges of (nM = 1) magnetic monopoles in the theory by an
amount α/π. Rotation through 2π, accomplished by traversing a large circle in the
u-plane, therefore implements the non-trivial SL(2, Z) transformation5 denoted T 2
in the notation of the previous section. Such a transformation associated with a
closed path is known as a monodromy.
In summary, the low energy effective action and the BPS spectrum of the the-
ory are determined by the holomorphic quantities τef f (u) and (a(u), aD (u)), which
together define a holomorphic section of an SL(2, Z) bundle over the u-plane. Like
a holomorphic function, this bundle is essentially determined by its behaviour at its
singular points in the u-plane. In particular, the allowed singularities are logarith-
mic cuts which induce SL(2, Z) monodromies associated with closed paths in the
u-plane which encircle the singular point. The non-trivial monodromy described in
the previous paragraph is associated with a logarithmic branch point at u = ∞.
The logarithmic divergence as u → ∞ in turn reflects the logarithmic running of
the coupling in the UV. In principle the SL(2, Z) bundle can be reconstructed from
a knowledge of the monodromies of the BPS spectrum around each singular point.
As the branch cut coming from the point at infinity must terminate somewhere
there must be at least one singular point in the interior of the u-plane. To make
further progress it is necessary to consider the possible physical significance of such
The singular points are points at which the couplings in the low-energy effec-
tive Lagrangian diverge. This breakdown of the low-energy description is a classic
symptom of extra massless degrees of freedom which need to be taken into account.
It is reasonable therefore to assume that the singular points in the interior of the
u-plane are points at which new massless particles appear. In the classical theory
5The real story is slightly more complicated than I have indicated as the transformation also
changes the sign of the magnetic charge.
there is only one such point, the point u = 0 where all the classical BPS states
become massless and the full SU (2) gauge symmetry is restored. One might think
that the simplest possibility is that this situation persists in the quantum theory.
However, a basic constraint on the solution is that the effective gauge coupling
constant Im τef f should be positive everywhere to ensure unitarity of the effective
action. Using an elementary theorem from complex analysis, Seiberg and Witten
were able to rule out scenarios involving only a single singularity at the point u = 0.
The next simplest possibility is that of a pair of singularities away from the
origin interchanged by the global symmetry u → −u. For various reasons discussed
in [19], it is hard to associate these points with the restoration of non-Abelian
gauge symmetry. However, Seiberg and Witten found an interesting alternative
explanation. They considered the possibility of points at which a single BPS state
becomes massless. Given the presence of a new light state in the vicinity of the
singular point the effective Lagrangian can then be improved by including a charged
N = 2 matter multiplet and explicitly evaluating the one-loop running of the effec-
tive coupling due to the charged particle. Just as at weak coupling, the perturbative
logarithm dictates the SL(2, Z) monodromy associated with contours encircling the
singularity. Remarkably, they found a single consistent solution with two singular
points at u = ±Λ2 . The corresponding massless states at these two singularities
are the BPS monopole and the dyon of electric-magnetic charge (nE , nM ) = (1, 1).
The resulting exact formulae for the BPS mass spectrum and effective Lagrangian
have been tested precisely in many different ways.
The Seiberg-Witten solution realizes electric-magnetic duality in a quite dif-
ferent way than the N = 4 theory. The magnetic degrees of freedom which are very
massive in the semiclassical regime become massless in the vicinity of the singular
points. At low energies we have a dual description in terms of an Abelian N = 2
gauge theory with charged matter. In the N = 4 theory, electric-magnetic duality
holds at all length scales. The monopoles become massless only in the strong cou-
pling limit and the dual theory in this regime is non-Abelian: it is just the same
N = 4 theory again with but with dual coupling τD = −1/τ .
Finally we can return to the issue we hoped to address all along, that of
confinement. In particular we can study the effect of soft-breaking of the N = 2
supersymmetry down to N = 1. In terms of N = 1 supersymmetry, the N = 2
vector multiplet splits into an N = 1 vector multiplet containing the gauge field
and a single Weyl fermion and a chiral multiplet containing the complex adjoint
scalar Φ and its N = 1 superpartner which is another Weyl fermion. Soft breaking
of N = 2 supersymmetry down to N = 1 means giving a non-zero mass µ to the
adjoint chiral multiplet. At energy scales far below µ, the massive scalar and its
superpartner decouple leaving the theory of a single N = 1 vector multiplet. This
theory is N = 1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, a theory which is believed to
have many features in common with QCD. In particular, it is an asymptotically
free theory which runs to strong coupling in the IR. Strong coupling dynamics lead
to the dynamical breaking of chiral symmetry by a fermion condensate just as they
do in QCD. We can say this with confidence as the so-called gluino condensate
can be calculated exactly using the fact that it is a holomorphic function of the
parameters [22]. As in QCD, we interpret this as the signal of a gauge theory
realized in the confining phase. One important difference from QCD is that the
non-anomalous chiral symmetry is Z2N and, as always, spontaneous breaking of
a discrete symmetry leads to degenerate vacua. For the pure N = 1 theory with
gauge group SU (N ), the condensate breaks Z2N down to Z2 and we expect to find
exactly N degenerate supersymmetric vacuum states.
As soon as we introduce a small non-zero mass µ for the adjoint chiral multi-
plet, the IR dynamics should be qualitatively similar to the N = 1 super Yang-Mills
theory with gauge group SU (2)6. Hence we expect to find a confining theory with
two supersymmetric vacua. However, when µ is small compared to the dynamical
scale Λ, we can actually study the dynamics quantitatively as a small perturbation
of the Seiberg-Witten solution. In the classical theory, the introduction of a mass
term for Φ means that this field can no longer acquire a VEV and the only surviving
classical vacuum is the one in which the VEV is zero and the non-Abelian symme-
try is restored. However, the Seiberg-Witten solution shows that such a vacuum
simply does not exist in the full quantum theory. Naively this might suggest that
the perturbed theory has no SUSY vacua.
To understand what really happens one must remember to include the effects
of the extra light degrees of freedom which appear near the singular points on
the u-plane. For example, in the vicinity of the point u = Λ2 the low energy
theory actually contains three scalar fields. Apart from the modulus field u, we
have complex scalar fields M and M̃ whose quanta are the light BPS monopoles.
Including these degrees of freedom one finds a supersymmetric vacuum at u√= Λ
with a non-zero value for the VEVs of the monopole fields M = M̃ ∼ µΛ.
Thus the light monopoles have condensed in the vacuum. This immediately leads
to the confinement of electric charges due to the dual Meissner effect! As the dual
theory is weakly coupled, one can study the formation of electric flux tubes very
explicitly. This is the first explicit demonstration of confinement in a non-Abelian
gauge theory in four dimensions.
Another supersymmetric vacuum appears at the other singular point u =
−Λ2 . By similar arguments, one finds that the light dyons condense in the vacuum
realizing a phase with oblique confinement. These two SUSY vacua are believed to
be continuously connected to the two SUSY vacua of the pure N = 1 theory which
emerges as the mass parameter µ is taken to infinity.
7. Conclusion
In these notes we have seen how two old ideas about QCD have been real-
ized very explicitly in the more controlled context of supersymmetric gauge the-
ory. Seiberg-Witten theory conclusively demonstrates that confinement due to the
condensation of magnetic monopoles really does occur in four-dimensional field
theory. Maldacena’s conjecture identifies the large N dual string theory of a four-
dimensional non-Abelian gauge theory for the first time. In both cases, we are still
a long way from being able to apply these ideas in their original context. However,
the author believes that the developments described above represent important
steps in the right direction.
The author would like to thank the organisers of the TMR Winter school
in Utrecht and the Clay Institute/INI School on “Complex Geometry and String
Theory” where these lectures were given.
6Quantitative agreement with the N = 1 theory should only be obtained when we fully
decouple the extra matter and this requires taking the limit µ → ∞ holding the dynamical scale
on the N = 1 theory fixed.
8. Further Reading
A (very) partial list of references for my lectures is as follows. The classic
textbook on N = 1 SUSY is the book of Wess and Bagger [5]. The basic facts about
the representations of extended SUSY, including reduction from higher dimensions
are reviewed in Lykken’s 1996 TASI lectures [6].
Different aspects of N = 4 SUSY Yang-Mills are reviewed by different authors.
The superconformal phase and the AdS/CFT correspondence are extensively dis-
cussed in the review of Aharony et al [7]. Another very useful reference for this
subject is [10]. The relation between theories with 16 supercharges in different
dimensions is covered in [11].
The original conjecture of electric-magnetic duality in non-Abelian gauge the-
ory was made by Montonen and Olive in [13]. Its particular relevance to the N = 4
theory was suggested by Osborn [14]. Other important ingredients for the S-duality
conjecture were supplied in [12] (BPS states) and [15] (the “Witten effect”). An
impressive semiclassical test of S-duality is described by Sen in [16]. These devel-
opments are reviewed in Harvey’s lecture notes [18].
The original paper by Seiberg and Witten on N = 2 SUSY Yang-Mills is [19].
The generalization to include matter is described in their second paper [20]. An
important earlier work is by Seiberg [21], where the general form of the prepotential
is derived. Direct semiclassical tests of the Seiberg-Witten solution are given in
[23] and [24]. There are many reviews of Seiberg-Witten theory, but the one which
is most relevant to these lectures is Peskin’s 1996 TASI lectures [22]. This also
includes an excellent review of N = 1 theories. A more stringy perspective on SW
theory is given by Lerche [25].
1. G. ’t Hooft, A planar diagram theory for the strong interactions, Nucl. Phys. B72 (1974)
2. S. R. Coleman, 1/N, in C79-07-31.7 SLAC-PUB-2484 Presented at 1979 Int. School of Sub-
nuclear Physics, Pointlike Structures Inside and Outside Hadrons, Erice, Italy, Jul 31-Aug
10, 1979.
3. S. Coleman and J. Mandula, All Possible Symmetries of the S-matrix, Phys. Rev. 159 (1967)
4. S. R. Coleman, Quantum Sine-Gordon Equation As The Massive Thirring Model, Phys.
Rev. D 11 (1975) 2088.
5. J. Wess and J. Bagger, Supersymmetry and Supergravity, Princeton University Press (1992).
6. J. D. Lykken, Introduction to supersymmetry, Fields, Strings and duality (1997) 85-153
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7. O. Aharony, S. S. Gubser, J. Maldacena, H. Ooguri and Y. Oz, Phys. Rept. 323 (2000) 183
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11. N. Seiberg, Notes on theories with 16 supercharges, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 67 (1998) 158
12. E. Witten and D. I. Olive, Supersymmetry Algebras That Include Topological Charges, Phys.
Lett. B 78 (1978) 97.
13. C. Montonen and D. I. Olive, Magnetic Monopoles As Gauge Particles?, Phys. Lett. B 72
(1977) 117.
14. H. Osborn, Topological Charges For N=4 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories And Monopoles
Of Spin 1, Phys. Lett. B 83 (1979) 321.
15. E. Witten, Dyons Of Charge eθ/2π, Phys. Lett. B 86 (1979) 283.
16. A. Sen, Dyon - monopole bound states, selfdual harmonic forms on the multi-monopole mod-
uli space, and SL(2, ) invariance in string theory, Phys. Lett. B 329 (1994) 217 [arXiv:hep-
17. G. Segal and A. Selby, The Cohomology Of The Space Of Magnetic Monopoles, Commun.
Math. Phys. 177 (1996) 775.
18. J. A. Harvey, Magnetic monopoles, duality, and supersymmetry, arXiv:hep-th/9603086.
Fields, Strings and duality. World Sci. (1997) 157-216.
19. N. Seiberg and E. Witten, Electric - magnetic duality, monopole condensation, and confine-
ment in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, Nucl. Phys. B 426 (1994) 19 [Erratum-ibid.
B 430 (1994) 485] [arXiv:hep-th/9407087].
20. N. Seiberg and E. Witten, Monopoles, duality and chiral symmetry breaking in N=2 super-
symmetric QCD, Nucl. Phys. B 431 (1994) 484 [arXiv:hep-th/9408099].
21. N. Seiberg, Supersymmetry And Nonperturbative Beta Functions, Phys. Lett. B 206 (1988)
22. M. E. Peskin, Duality in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, Fields, Strings and duality.
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23. D. Finnell and P. Pouliot, Instanton calculations versus exact results in four-dimensional
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24. N. Dorey, V. V. Khoze and M. P. Mattis, Multi-Instanton Calculus in N=2 Supersymmetric
Gauge Theory, Phys. Rev. D 54 (1996) 2921 [arXiv:hep-th/9603136].
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27. C. Vafa and E. Witten, A Strong coupling test of S duality, Nucl. Phys. B 431 (1994) 3
Anton Kapustin
Mirror Symmetry
The goal of my talk is to describe the current state of knowledge about topologi-
cal D-branes of type A, also known as A-branes. The most important motivation for
studying topological D-branes is the Homological Mirror Symmetry conjecture put
forward by Maxim Kontsevich. Therefore I will begin by reviewing this conjecture.
A weak Calabi-Yau manifold X is a compact complex manifold of Kähler type
whose canonical line bundle is trivial. In physics, weak Calabi-Yau manifolds are
usually equipped with additional structure: a Kähler form ω and a B-field B ∈
H 2 (X, R)/H 2 (X, Z). The triviality of the canonical line bundle is equivalent to the
requirement that the holonomy group of the Kähler metric belong to SU (n), where
n = dimC X. If the holonomy group is exactly SU (n), then according to standard
terminology X is called a Calabi-Yau manifold. But in this talk, for reasons of
brevity, I will use the term “Calabi-Yau” to mean “weak Calabi-Yau.”
It is believed that to any weak Calabi-Yau equipped with a Kähler form and
a B-field one can naturally associate an N = 2 superconformal field theory. An
N = 2 superconformal field theory is a special kind of quantum field theory in two
dimensions which describes propagation of superstrings on X. Its mathematical
definition is complicated (see e.g. [23, 8]). The most important feature of an
N = 2 SCFT is that its symmetry algebra contains the direct sum of two copies of
the N = 2 super-Virasoro algebra with equal central charges. These two copies are
referred to as left-moving and right-moving super-Virasoro algebras. In the case of
an N = 2 SCFT associated to a Calabi-Yau manifold the central charge is equal
to 3n. The N = 2 super-Virasoro algebra has a canonical N = 1 super-Virasoro
subalgebra, and a certain involution, called the mirror automorphism, which acts
as the identity on the N = 1 subalgebra. If two Calabi-Yaus are complex conjugate,
c Clay Mathematics Institute
then the corresponding N = 2 SCFTs are “almost isomorphic”: they are isomorphic
as N = 1 SCFTs, but the isomorphism induces the mirror automorphism on both
copies of the N = 2 super-Virasoro algebra. The idea of mirror symmetry is “to
take a square root” of the operation of complex conjugation. That is, one says
that two Calabi-Yau manifolds are mirror if there exists an isomorphism of the
corresponding N = 1 SCFTs which acts by the mirror automorphism on one copy
of the N = 2 super-Virasoro algebra, and by the identity on the other one.
An explicit construction of the N = 2 SCFT corresponding to X is currently
possible only when X is a complex torus with a flat metric. The reason for this
is that N = 2 SCFTs are very complicated objects depending on the Ricci-flat
metric on X, whose explicit form is unknown. To facilitate the discussion of the
mirror relation, E. Witten introduced two “truncated” versions of N = 2 SCFT
called the A-model and the B-model [24, 25]. The truncation procedure used by
Witten is known as topological twisting. The main idea of topological twisting
is to regard a certain element in the super-Virasoro algebra (supercharge) as a
BRST operator, and focus on its cohomology. There are two essentially different
choices of the BRST operator, which are exchanged by the mirror automorphism,
so one gets two topologically twisted versions of the N = 2 SCFT. As indicated
by the name, topologically twisted theories are independent of the metric on the
2d world-sheet, i.e. they are topological field theories (TFT). 2d TFTs are much
simpler than 2d SCFTs; for a definition and discussion, see e.g. [2, 6]. From
the mathematical viewpoint, the notion of a 2d TFT is equivalent to the notion
of a super-commutative Frobenius algebra, i.e. a super-commutative algebra with
an invariant inner product. For example, the algebra corresponding to the A-
model of a Calabi-Yau X is the quantum cohomology ring of X, while the algebra
corresponding to the B-model is
1This statement is strictly true only if the (0, 2) part of the B-field is zero. Otherwise, one
has to consider the bounded derived category of “twisted” sheaves on X [12, 3]. It is denoted
D b (X, B).
the relevant category is the so-called derived Fukaya category DF (X). Its defini-
tion is due to K. Fukaya and M. Kontsevich and will be sketched below. One can
regard these categories as enriched versions of the B and A-models, respectively. It
is believed that the Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture completely captures
the mathematical meaning of the mirror relation. That is, Calabi-Yau manifolds X
and X are mirror if and only if Db (X) (more precisely, Db (X, B), see the preceding
footnote) is equivalent to the derived Fukaya category DF (X ), and vice versa.
Topological D-branes
Now let us discuss the physical interpretation of the Homological Mirror Sym-
metry Conjecture. From the physical viewpoint, a natural way to enrich the A
and B-models is to consider 2d TFTs with boundaries. Recall [2, 6] that a 2d
TFT assigns to any closed connected one-dimensional manifold (i.e. to a circle) a
vector space V , and to any oriented 2d bordism from a collection of k circles to a
collection of m circles a linear map from V ⊗k to V ⊗m . These maps must satisfy
certain compatibility conditions [2, 6]. To define a 2d TFT with boundaries, we
replace closed connected one-dimensional manifolds with compact connected one-
dimensional manifolds with boundaries. There are two such manifolds: a circle
and an interval. Thus we have two vector spaces, V and W . Instead of bordisms
between collections of circles, we now have bordisms between collections of cir-
cles and intervals. Whereas for usual 2d TFTs bordisms are compact oriented 2d
manifolds with boundaries, for 2d TFTs with boundaries bordisms are compact
oriented 2d manifolds with boundaries and “corners.” To any such bordism a 2d
TFT assigns a linear map from a tensor product of several copies of V and W to
another such tensor product. Whereas ordinary 2d TFT describes propagation of
closed strings (circles), a 2d TFT with boundaries describes propagation of open
and closed strings (intervals and circles). For a detailed discussion of 2d TFTs with
boundaries, see [21, 17].
In physics, 2d TFTs are defined by means of a path integral over spaces of fields
defined on the 2d world-sheet. In the case of a 2d TFT with boundaries, one must
specify boundary conditions on the fields. In most cases there are many different
choices of boundary conditions, and this suggests that the two endpoints of the
open string should not be treated symmetrically: the boundary conditions may be
different on the two endpoints. If we denote the set of boundary conditions for a
2d TFT by I, then we will have a vector space analogous to W for any ordered
pair (i, j) of elements of I. This strongly suggests that a 2d TFT with boundaries
produces a category, instead of an algebra. Objects of this category are boundary
conditions, while morphisms are vector spaces Wij . Using the axioms of the 2d
TFT with boundaries, one can show that this is indeed the case [17]. One usually
refers to boundary conditions for a 2d TFT as topological D-branes. There are also
non-topological D-branes, which are boundary conditions for a 2d SCFT which are
compatible with the super-Virasoro algebra.
Applying these observations to the A and B-models, we get two categories
of topological D-branes, which are called, naturally enough, the categories of A-
branes and B-branes. Alternatively, one can view A-branes and B-branes as non-
topological D-branes for the underlying N = 1 SCFT which are compatible with the
A and B-twist, respectively. Topological D-branes were introduced by E. Witten
[26]. He showed that the category of A-branes does not depend on the complex
cohomology group. In the case of Db (X), the Chern character takes values in the
intersection of H ∗ (X, Q) and ⊕np=0 H p,p (X), which are both subgroups of H ∗ (X, C).
(The Hodge conjecture says that the image of the Chern character map coincides
with this intersection.) In the case of the Fukaya category, the situation is somewhat
less clear. Mirror symmetry maps H ∗ (X, C) into H ∗ (X , C), therefore the Chern
character for the Fukaya category should take values in some subgroup of H ∗ (X, C).
The only obvious candidate for the Chern character of an object of the Fukaya
category is the Poincaré dual of the corresponding Lagrangian submanifold (taken
over Q). This guess can be physically motivated, and we will assume it in what
Now we will exhibit an example showing that the Fukaya category is not big
enough for the Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture to hold for all known
mirror pairs. Let E be an elliptic curve, e be an arbitrary point of E, and Ende (E)
be the ring of endomorphisms of E which preserve e. For a generic E we have
Ende (E) = Z, but for certain special E Ende (E) is strictly larger than Z. Such
special E’s are called elliptic curves with complex multiplication. One can show
that E has complex multiplication if and only if its Teichmüller parameter τ is a
root of a quadratic polynomial with integral coefficients. Let E be an elliptic curve
with complex multiplication. Consider the Abelian variety X = E n , n ≥ 2. One
can show that for such a variety the dimension of the image of the map
ch : K(Db (X)) ⊗ Q −→ H ∗ (X, Q) ⊕np=0 H p,p (X)
dimQ Im(ch) = .
On the other hand, X is related by mirror symmetry to a symplectic torus X of
real dimension 2n. Cohomology classes Poincaré-dual to Lagrangian submanifolds
in X lie in the kernel of the map
(1) H n (X , R) −−−−→ H n+2 (X , R).
map isan epimorphism,
and therefore the dimension of the kernel is equal
2n 2n
to − . Thus the image of the Chern character map for the Fukaya
n n+2
2n 2n
category of X has dimension less than or equal than − . Therefore
n n+2
K(DF (X )) cannot be isomorphic to K(Db (X)).
This leaves us with a question: if not all A-branes are Lagrangian submanifolds,
what are they? On the level of cohomology, if the Chern character of A-branes does
not take values in the kernel of the map Eq. (1), where does it take values? In the
case of flat tori, we can answer the second question. In this case we know that a
mirror torus is obtained by dualizing a Lagrangian sub-torus, and can infer how
the cohomology classes transform under this operation. The answer is the following
[10]. Suppose the original torus is of the form X = A × B, where A and B are
Lagrangian sub-tori, and the mirror torus is X = Â × B, where  is the dual of
A. Consider a torus Z = A × Â × B. It has two obvious projections π and π to X
and X . On A × Â we also have the Poincaré line bundle whose Chern character
will be denoted P . Given a cohomology class α ∈ H ∗ (X, Q), we pull it back to
Z using π, multiply by P , and then push forward to X using π . This gives a
Coisotropic A-branes
To make further progress in understanding A-branes, we need to rely on phys-
ical arguments. As explained above, an A-brane is a boundary condition for an
N = 2 SCFT which is compatible with the A-twist. In [13] we analyzed this con-
dition assuming that an A-brane is a submanifold Y of a Kähler manifold X, and
carries a Hermitian line bundle E equipped with a unitary connection dE . (Our
analysis was on the classical level; some comments on possible quantum effects are
made below.) We showed that in order for a triple (Y, E, dE ) to be an A-brane, the
following three conditions are necessary and sufficient.
(i) Y must be a coisotropic submanifold of X. This means that the restriction of
the symplectic form ω to Y must have constant rank, and its kernel is an integrable
distribution LY ⊂ T Y . We will denote by N Y the quotient bundle T Y /LY . Note
that ω|Y is only a pre-symplectic form on the vector bundle T Y (i.e. it has non-
trivial kernel), but it descends to a symplectic form σ on the vector bundle N Y .
(ii) The curvature 2-form F = (2πi)−1 d2E , regarded as a bundle map from T Y
to T Y ∗ , annihilates LY . (The factor (2πi)−1 is included to make F a real 2-form
with integral periods). This implies that F descends to a section f of Λ2 (N Y ∗ ).
(iii) The symplectic form σ and the skew-symmetric bilinear form f, regarded
as bundle maps from N Y to N Y ∗ , satisfy (σ −1 f )2 = idN Y . This means that
J = σ −1 f is a complex structure on the bundle N Y .
Let us make some comments on these three conditions. The condition (i)
implies the existence of a foliation of Y whose dimension is equal to the codimension
of Y in X. It is known as the characteristic foliation of Y . The form σ is a basic
2-form with respect to it. If the characteristic foliation happens to be a fiber bundle
with a smooth base Z, then N Y is simply the pull-back of T Z to Y . In general,
N Y is a foliated vector bundle over the foliated manifold Y , and it makes sense to
talk about local sections of N Y locally constant along the leaves of the foliation.
It is useful to think of such sections as vector fields on the generally non-existent
quotient manifold Z. In the same spirit, the 2-form σ should be interpreted as
a symplectic form on Z. One can summarize the situation by saying that Y is a
foliated manifold with a transverse symplectic structure σ. N Y will be called the
transverse tangent bundle of Y .
The condition (ii) says that for any section v of LY we have iv F = 0. Since
dF = 0, this implies that the Lie derivative of F along such v vanishes. In other
words, F is also a basic 2-form. In the case when the characteristic foliation is a
fibration, this is equivalent to saying that f is a pull-back of a closed 2-form on the
base Z. In general, it is useful to think of f as a pull-back from a non-existent Z.
2We assume that the B-field vanishes, for simplicity.
non-perturbative effects on the world-sheet, i.e. from the contributions to the path
integral from Riemann surfaces in X whose boundaries lie in Y and which cannot be
continuously deformed to a point. In the case when Y is Lagrangian, the conditions
for the absence of anomalies have been analyzed by K. Hori [11]. The result is that
there are no anomalies if and only if the so-called Maslov class of Y vanishes. Let
us recall how the Maslov class is defined. Let us choose a holomorphic section Ω of
the canonical line bundle (which is trivial for Calabi-Yau manifolds). Restricting
it to Y , we obtain a nowhere vanishing n-form. On the other hand, we also have a
volume form vol on Y , which comes from the Kähler metric on X. This is also a
nowhere vanishing n-form on Y , and therefore Ω|Y = h · vol, where h is a nowhere
vanishing complex function on Y . h can be thought of as an element of H 0 (C∗Y ),
where C∗Y is the sheaf of C∗ -valued functions on Y . The standard exponential
exact sequence gives a homomorphism from H 0 (C∗Y ) to H 1 (Y, Z), and the Maslov
class of Y is defined as the image of h under this homomorphism. (Explicitly, the
Čech cocycle representing the Maslov class is constructed as follows: choose a good
cover of Y , take the logarithm of h on each set of the cover, divide by 2πi, and
compare the results on double overlaps). Although the definition of the Maslov
class seems to depend both on the complex and symplectic structures on X, in fact
it is independent of the choice of complex structure. Note also that if the Maslov
class vanishes, the logarithm of h exists as a function, and is unique up to addition
of 2πim, m ∈ Z. A Lagrangian submanifold Y together with a choice of the branch
of log h is called a graded Lagrangian submanifold [16]. In the Fukaya category, all
Lagrangian submanifolds are graded.
For coisotropic Y the condition for anomaly cancellation is not yet known, but
there is an obvious guess. Let F be the curvature 2-form of the line bundle on Y ,
and let the dimension of Y be n + 2k, as before. It is easy to see that the (n + 2k)-
form Ω|Y ∧ F k is nowhere vanishing, and therefore we have Ω|Y ∧ F k = h · vol.
where vol is the volume form, and h is an element of H 0 (C∗Y ). We propose that the
vanishing of the image of h in H 1 (Y, Z) is the condition of anomaly cancellation.
It would be interesting to prove or disprove this guess.
In the case when X is a torus with a constant symplectic form, Y is an affine
sub-torus, and the curvature 2-form F is constant, one can quantize the sigma-
model and verify directly that the N = 2 super-Virasoro algebra is preserved on
the quantum level. This shows that non-Lagrangian A-branes exist on the quantum
Now let us suppose that X is a non-toroidal Calabi-Yau manifold. The analysis
of [13] applies to such cases just as well, but it is harder to find explicit examples of
non-Lagrangian A-branes. If X has even complex dimension, we expect that there
exist non-Lagrangian A-branes with Y = X, i.e. vector bundles on X. For example,
let X be a hyperkähler manifold with three symplectic forms ω1 , ω2 , ω3 . If we set
ω = ω1 , we can solve the condition (iii) by setting F = ω1 cos θ + ω2 sin θ with
θ ∈ R. If one can find θ such that F has integral periods, then a line bundle with
curvature F is a non-Lagrangian A-brane on X. If X has odd complex dimension,
all non-Lagrangian A-branes must have non-zero codimension. As a particularly
simple example, let us take X to be a product of a K3 surface and an elliptic curve.
If K3 admits a non-Lagrangian A-brane as above (a line bundle), we may consider
a product of this A-brane on K3 with a 1-cycle on the elliptic curve. This brane has
real codimension 1, and one can easily check that all our conditions are satisfied.
3We assume that the B-field is trivial. The modification needed when B = 0 is explained in
Floer differential, see [16]. The space of morphisms in the Fukaya category is
defined to be the Floer complex. The composition of morphisms can be defined
using holomorphic disks with three marked points and boundaries lying on three
Lagrangian submanifolds. It is associative only up to homotopy, given by a triple
product of morphisms. Actually, there is an infinite sequence of higher products in
the Fukaya category, which are believed to satisfy the identities of an A∞ category
(see [15] for a review of A∞ categories). It is also believed that changing the almost
complex structure J gives an equivalent A∞ category, so that the equivalence class
of the Fukaya category is a symplectic invariant.
What we need is a generalization of the Floer complex to non-Lagrangian A-
branes. To guess the right construction, the following heuristic viewpoint on the
Floer complex (due to A. Floer himself) is very useful. Consider the space of smooth
paths in X, which we will denote P X. This space is infinite-dimensional, but let
us treat it as if it were a finite-dimensional manifold. Since X is symplectic, we
have a natural 1-form α obtained by integrating ω along the path. More precisely,
if γ : I → X is a path, and β is a tangent vector to P X at the point γ (i.e. a vector
field along γ(t)), then the value of α on β is defined to be
ω(γ (t), β(t))dt.
Note that the space P X has two natural projections to X, which we denote π1 and
π2 . It is easy to see that dα = π1∗ ω − π2∗ ω. Thus α is closed if we restrict it to the
subspace of P X consisting of paths beginning and ending on isotropic submanifolds
of X.
In particular, let us consider the subspace P X(Y1 , Y2 ) consisting of paths which
begin at Y1 and end at Y2 . Since Y1 and Y2 are Lagrangian, the restriction of α
to P X(Y1 , Y2 ) is closed. Thus the operator d + 2πα on the space of differential
forms on P X(Y1 , Y2 ) squares to zero, and we may try to compute the corresponding
cohomology groups (in the finite-dimensional case this complex is called the twisted
de Rham complex.) Since P X(Y1 , Y2 ) is infinite-dimensional, it is not easy to make
sense of this. Floer solved this problem by a formal application of Morse theory
to this complex. Namely, the Morse-Smale-Witten-Novikov complex in this case is
precisely the Floer complex for the pair Y1 , Y2 .
This construction ignores the bundles E1 and E2 , but it is easy to take them into
account. We can pull back the bundles E1∗ and E2 , together with their connections,
to P X(Y1 , Y2 ) using π1 and π2 , respectively. This gives us a pair of Hermitian
vector bundles on P X(Y1 , Y2 ) with unitary flat connections. We tensor them, and
then add the 1-form 2πα to the connection on the tensor product. The resulting
connection is still flat, but no longer Hermitian. Finally, we formally apply Morse
theory to compute the cohomology of the resulting twisted de Rham complex on
P X(Y1 , Y2 ). This gives the Floer complex for a pair of objects of the Fukaya
Now consider a pair of coisotropic A-branes, instead of a pair of Lagrangian
A-branes. We assume that the bundles E1 and E2 are line bundles, for reasons
discussed above. By P X(Y1 , Y2 ) we still denote the space of smooth curves in
X beginning at Y1 and ending on Y2 . The first difficulty, as compared to the
Lagrangian case, is that the restriction of α to P X(Y1 , Y2 ) is not closed, so we
cannot use it to define a complex. The second difficulty is that connections on E1
and E2 are not flat, and neither are their pull-backs to P X(Y1 , Y2 ). However, these
two difficulties cancel each other, as we will see in a moment. So let us proceed as
in the Lagrangian case: pull back (E2 , d2 ) by π2 , pull back the dual of (E1 , d1 ) by
π1 , tensor them, and add 2πα to the connection. The resulting connection on the
bundle on P X(Y1 , Y2 ) is not flat, but it has the following interesting property. Note
that since Y1 and Y2 are foliated manifolds with transverse complex structures, so
is P X(Y1 , Y2 ). A leaf of this foliation consists of all smooth paths in X which begin
on a fixed leaf in Y1 and end on a fixed leaf of Y2 . The codimension of the foliation is
finite and equal to the sum of the codimensions of the characteristic foliations of Y1
and Y2 . The connection on the bundle on P X(Y1 , Y2 ) has the following properties:
(a) it is flat along the leaves of the foliation;
(b) its curvature π2∗ (F2 + iω) − π1∗ (F1 + iω) has type (2, 0) in the transverse
According to property (b), if we consider sections of our bundle which are
covariantly constant along the leaves of the foliation, tensored with basic differential
forms, then the anti-holomorphic part of the transverse covariant derivative squares
to zero. Thus we have a natural substitute for the cohomology of the twisted de
Rham complex: the cohomology of the sheaf of sections which are covariantly
constant along the leaves and holomorphic in the transverse directions. This is our
formal proposal for the space of morphisms between a pair coisotropic A-branes.
This formal proposal must be properly interpreted, before one gets a concrete
recipe for computing spaces of morphisms. In the case when Y1 and Y2 are La-
grangian submanifolds, the above sheaf becomes the sheaf of covariantly constant
sections of a flat line bundle on P X(Y1 , Y2 ), and one can interpret its cohomology
using Morse-Smale-Witten-Novikov theory. We do not know how to make sense of
our formal proposal in general.
The difficulty of defining A-branes and morphisms between them in geometric
terms suggests that perhaps the approach based on Floer homology and its gen-
eralizations is not the right way to proceed. An analogy which comes to mind is
the notion of a holomorphic line bundle, as compared to the general notion of a
holomorphic vector bundle. One can study line bundles in terms of their divisors,
but this approach does not extend easily to higher rank bundles. Perhaps objects
of the Fukaya category, as well as coisotropic A-branes of rank one, are symplectic
analogues of divisors, and in order to make progress one has to find a symplectic
analogue of the notion of a holomorphic vector bundle (or a coherent sheaf). This
analogy is strengthened by the fact that both divisors and geometric representatives
of A-branes provide a highly redundant description of objects in the respective cate-
gories: line bundles correspond to divisors modulo linear equivalence, while objects
of the Fukaya category are unchanged by flows along Hamiltonian vector fields.
We believe that a proper understanding of the mirror phenomenon will require a
profound change in our viewpoint on the Fukaya category and its generalizations,
and that this new viewpoint may be important for symplectic geometry in general.
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Robert C. Myers
Abstract. The low energy action describing the dynamics of D-branes con-
sists of two parts: the Born-Infeld action and the Wess-Zumino action. This
nonlinear action reliably captures the physics of D-branes with great accuracy.
One remarkable feature is the appearance of a non-Abelian gauge theory in the
description of several (nearly) coincident branes. This non-Abelian structure
plays an important role in realizing various geometric effects with D-branes.
In particular, the branes’ transverse displacements are described by matrix-
valued scalar fields and so noncommutative geometry naturally appears in this
1. Introduction
Dirichlet branes have played a central role in all of the major advances in
string theory in the past seven years [78]. A primary reason for this is that there
are many diverse perspectives from which these objects can be studied. Initially
D-branes were discovered within perturbative string theory as surfaces which sup-
ported open string excitations [33, 69, 70, 56, 107]. It was later found that the
same systems had a description in terms of gravitational solutions within low en-
ergy supergravity [71] — see also, e.g., [105, 92] for a more extensive review. More
recently, however, D-branes have been described in terms of boundary conformal
field theory, e.g., [50, 109, 111], K theory, e.g., [132, 96, 133], derived cate-
gories, e.g., [86, 42, 117], tachyon condensation, e.g., [115, 97, 62] and various
approaches from noncommutative geometry, e.g., [11, 27, 114]. This paper will
discuss the worldvolume action describing the low energy dynamics of D-branes.
This approach emerges naturally from the perturbative description of D-branes,
but it provides an exceptionally reliable framework to study D-branes and allows
one to develop useful physical intuition for these remarkable systems.
One of the most interesting aspects of the physics of D-branes is the appearance
of a non-Abelian gauge symmetry when several D-branes are brought together.
Of course, we understand that this symmetry emerges through the appearance
of new massless states corresponding to open strings stretching between the D-
branes [131]. Thus, while the number of light degrees of freedom is proportional
c Clay Mathematics Institute
to N for N widely separated D-branes, this number grows like N2 for N coincident
D-branes. The non-Abelian symmetry and the rapid growth in massless states
are crucial elements in the statistical mechanical entropy counting for black holes
[105, 34, 35, 92], in Maldacena’s conjectured duality between type IIB superstrings
in AdS5 × S5 and four-dimensional N =4 super-Yang-Mills theory [2], and in the
development of M(atrix)-theory as a nonperturbative description of M-theory [120].
Referring to the worldvolume theory for N (nearly) coincident D-branes as a
non-Abelian U(N) gauge theory emphasizes the massless vector states, which one
might regard as internal excitations of the branes. Much of the present discussion
will focus, however, on the scalar fields describing the transverse displacements of
the branes. For coincident branes, these coordinate fields become matrix-valued,
appearing in the adjoint representation of the U(N) gauge group. These matrix-
valued coordinates then provide a natural framework in which to consider noncom-
mutative geometry. What has become evident, after a detailed study of the world-
volume action governing the dynamics of the non-Abelian U(N) theory [98, 123], is
that noncommutative geometries appear dynamically in many physical situations
in string theory. One finds that D-branes of one dimension metamorphose into
branes of a higher dimension through noncommutative configurations. These con-
figurations provide hints of dualities relating gauge theories in different dimensions,
and point to a symbiotic relationship between D-branes of all dimensions. The
emerging picture is reminiscent of the ‘brane democracy’ speculations in very early
investigations of D-branes [124, 79].
One important example of this brane transmogrification is the ‘dielectric effect’
in which a set of D-branes are polarized into a higher dimensional noncommutative
geometry by nontrivial background fields [98]. String theory seems to employ this
brane expansion mechanism in a variety of circumstances to regulate spacetime
singularities [106, 99, 10, 87]. So not only do string theory and D-branes provide
a natural physical framework for noncommutative geometry, but it also seems that
they may provide a surprising realization of the old speculation that noncommuta-
tive geometry should play a role in resolving the chaotic short-distance structure
of spacetime in quantum gravity.
An outline of this paper is as follows: First, section 2 presents a preliminary
discussion of the worldvolume actions governing the low energy physics of a single D-
brane (the Abelian case). Then section 3 discusses the extension to the non-Abelian
action, relevant for a system of several (nearly) coincident D-branes. Section 4
provides a brief outline of the dielectric effect for D-branes. In appendix A, we
give a short discussion of various aspects of noncommutative geometry and fuzzy
spheres, which in particular are relevant for the physical system described in the
last section.
is usual in string theory, there are higher order α = 2s corrections — s is the
string length scale. For constant field strengths, these stringy corrections can be
resummed to all orders, and the resulting action takes the Born-Infeld form [88]
(2.1) SBI = −Tp dp+1 σ e−φ −det(P [G + B]ab + λ Fab ) ,
where Tp is the Dp-brane tension and λ denotes the inverse of the (fundamental)
string tension, i.e., λ = 2π2s . This Born-Infeld action describes the couplings of
the Dp-brane to the massless Neveu-Schwarz fields of the bulk closed string theory,
i.e., the (string-frame) metric Gµν , dilaton φ and Kalb-Ramond two-form Bµν . The
symbol P [. . .] denotes the pull-back of the bulk spacetime tensors to the D-brane
The interactions of the Dp-brane with the massless Ramond-Ramond (RR)
fields are incorporated in a second part of the action, the Wess-Zumino term [45,
89, 57]
(2.2) SW Z = µp P C (n) eB eλ F .
Here C (n) denote the n-form RR potentials. Eq. (2.2) shows that a Dp-brane is
naturally charged under the (p+1)-form RR potential, with charge µp , and super-
symmetry dictates that µp = ±Tp . If we consider the special case of the D0-brane
(a point particle), the Born-Infeld action reduces to the familiar worldline action of
a point particle, where the action is proportional to the proper length of the particle
trajectory. Actually, the string theoretic D0-brane action is not quite this simple
geometric action, rather it is slightly embellished with the additional coupling to
the dilaton which appears as a prefactor to the standard Lagrangian density. (Note,
however, that the tensors B and F drop out of the action since the determinant
is implicitly over a one-dimensional matrix.) Turning to the Wess-Zumino action,
we see that a D0-brane couples to C (1) (a vector). Then eq. (2.2) reduces to the
familiar coupling of a Maxwell field to the worldline of a point particle, i.e.,
(2.3) µ0 P C (1) q Aµ dτ .
Higher dimensional Dp-branes can also support a flux of B + F , which compli-
cates the worldvolume actions above. From eq. (2.2), we see that such a flux allows
a Dp-brane to act as a charge source for RR potentials with a lower form degree
than p+1 [45]. Such configurations represent bound states of D-branes of different
dimensions [131]. To illustrate this point, let us assume that B vanishes and then
we may expand the Wess-Zumino action (2.2) for a D4-brane as
λ2 (1)
(2.4) µ4 C + λC ∧F + C ∧ F ∧ F .
(5) (3)
Hence, the D4-brane is naturally a source for the five-form potential C (5) . However,
by introducing a worldvolume gauge field with a nontrivial first Chern class, i.e.,
exciting a nontrivial magnetic flux on the worldvolume, the D4-brane also sources
C (3) , which is the potential associated with D2-branes. Hence a D4-brane with
magnetic flux is naturally interpreted as a D4-D2 bound state. Similarly a D4-
brane that supports a gauge field with a nontrivial second Chern class will source
the vector potential C (1) and is interpreted as a D4-D0 bound state.
Hence, as already alluded to above, the Born-Infeld action (2.1) has a geometric
interpretation, i.e., it is essentially the proper volume swept out by the Dp-brane,
which is indicative of the fact that D-branes are actually dynamical objects. This
dynamics becomes more evident with an explanation of the static gauge choice
implicit in constructing the above action. To begin, we employ spacetime diffeo-
morphisms to position the worldvolume on a fiducial surface defined as xi = 0 with
i = p + 1, . . . , 9. With worldvolume diffeomorphisms, we then match the worldvol-
ume coordinates with the remaining spacetime coordinates on this surface, σ a = xa
with a = 0, 1, . . . , p. Now the worldvolume scalars Φi play the role of describing
the transverse displacements of the D-brane, through the identification
(2.5) xi (σ) = 2π2s Φi (σ) with i = p + 1, . . . , 9.
With this identification the general formula for the pull-back reduces to
∂xµ ∂xν
(2.6) P [E]ab = Eµν
∂σ a ∂σ b
= Eab + λ Eai ∂b Φi + λ Eib ∂a Φi + λ2 Eij ∂a Φi ∂b Φj .
In this way, the expected kinetic terms for the scalars emerge to leading order in an
expansion of the Born-Infeld action (2.1). Note that our conventions are such that
both the gauge fields and worldvolume scalars have the dimensions of length−1 —
hence the appearance of the string scale in eq. (2.5).
Although it was mentioned above, we want to stress that these worldvolume
actions are low energy effective actions for the massless states of the open and
closed strings, which incorporate interactions from all disk amplitudes (all orders
of tree level for the open strings). The Born-Infeld action was originally derived [88]
using standard beta function techniques applied to worldsheets with a boundary
[1, 21, 22]. In principle, they could also be derived from a study of open and closed
string scattering amplitudes and it has been verified that this approach yields the
same interactions to leading order [52, 51, 64]. As a low energy effective action
then, eqs. (2.1) and (2.2) include an infinite number of stringy corrections, which
essentially arise through integrating out the massive modes of the string — see the
discussion in [59]. For example, consider the Born-Infeld action evaluated for a flat
Dp-brane in empty Minkowski space
SBI −Tp dp+1 x −det(ηab + 2π2s Fab )
(2π2s )2 2
(2.7) −Tp dp+1 x 1 + F + (2π2s )4 F 4 + (2π2s )6 F 6 + · · ·
where the precise structure of the F 4 and F 6 terms may be found in [126, 60] and
[85], respectively. Hence, as well as the standard kinetic term for the worldvolume
gauge field, eq. (2.7) includes an infinite series of higher dimension interactions,
which are suppressed as long as the typical components 2s Fab (referred to an or-
thonormal frame) are small. The square-root expression in the first line resums this
infinite series and so one may consider arbitrary values of 2s Fab in working with
this action. However, the full effective action would also include stringy correction
terms involving derivatives of the field strength, e.g., ∂a Fbc or ∂a ∂b Fcd — see, for
example, [85] or [134]. None of these have been incorporated in the Born-Infeld
action and so one must still demand that the variations in the field strength are
relatively small, e.g., components of s ∂a Fbc are much smaller than those of Fab .
Of course, this discussion extends in the obvious way to derivatives of the scalar
fields Φi .
At this point, we should also note that the bulk supergravity fields appearing in
eqs. (2.1) and (2.2) are in general functions of all of the spacetime coordinates, and
so they are implicitly functionals of the worldvolume scalars. In static gauge, the
bulk fields are evaluated in terms of a Taylor series expansion around the fiducial
surface xi = 0. For example, the metric functional appearing in the D-brane action
would be given by
(2.8) Gµν = exp λΦi ∂xi G0µν (σ a , xi )|xi =0
λ n i1
= Φ · · · Φin (∂xi1 · · · ∂xin )G0µν (σ a , xi )|xi =0 .
Hence the worldvolume action implicitly incorporates an infinite class of higher
dimension interactions involving derivatives of the bulk fields as well. However,
beyond this class of interactions incorporated in eqs. (2.1) and (2.2), once again the
full effective action includes other higher derivative bulk field corrections [57, 24,
8, 31, 32, 113]. It is probably fair to say that the precise domain of validity of
the D-brane action from the point of view of the bulk fields is poorly understood.
in both of these papers was to construct an action which was consistent with the
familiar string theory symmetry of T-duality [55]. Acting on D-branes, T-duality
acts to change the dimension of the worldvolume [78]. The two possibilities are:
(i) if a coordinate transverse to the Dp-brane, e.g., y = xp+1 , is T-dualized, it
becomes a D(p + 1)-brane where y is now the extra worldvolume direction; and
(ii) if a worldvolume coordinate on the Dp-brane, e.g., y = xp , is T-dualized, it
becomes a D(p−1)-brane where y is now an extra transverse direction. Under these
transformations, the roles of the corresponding worldvolume fields change according
(3.3) (i) Φp+1 → Ap+1 , (ii) Ap → Φp ,
while the other scalars, Φi , and the remaining components of A are left unchanged.
Hence, in constructing the non-Abelian action, one can begin with the D9-brane
theory, which contains no scalars since the worldvolume fills the entire spacetime.
In this case, the non-Abelian extension of eqs. (2.1) and (2.2) is given by simply
introducing an overall trace over gauge indices of the non-Abelian field strengths
appearing in the action [41, 40]. Then applying T-duality transformations on
9 − p directions yields the non-Abelian action for a Dp-brane. Of course, in this
construction, one also T-dualizes the background supergravity fields according to
the known transformation rules [55, 18, 19, 20, 16, 94]. As in the Abelian
theory, the result for the non-Abelian action has two distinct pieces [98, 123]: the
Born-Infeld term
SBI = −Tp d σ STr e−φ det(Qi j )
(3.4) −1
× − det (P [Eab + Eai (Q − δ) Ejb ] + λ Fab ) ,
with Eµν = Gµν + Bµν and Qi j ≡ δ i j + iλ [Φi , Φk ] Ekj ; and the Wess-Zumino term
(3.5) SW Z = µp STr P eiλ iΦ iΦ ( C (n) eB ) eλ F .
on an n-form C (n) = 1
n! Cµ1 ···µn dx
· · · dxµn , we have
1 (n)
(3.7) iΦ iΦ C (n) = [Φi , Φj ] Cjiµ3 ···µn dxµ3 · · · dxµn .
2(n − 2)!
Note that when acting on forms, the interior product is an anticommuting operator
and hence for an ordinary vector (i.e., a vector v i with values in R9−p ): iv iv C (n) = 0.
It is only because the scalars Φ are matrix-valued that eq. (3.7) yields a nontrivial
5. Non-Abelian Gauge Trace: As is evident above, both parts of the action are highly
nonlinear functionals of the non-Abelian fields, and so eqs. (3.4) and (3.5) would
be incomplete without a precise definition for the ordering of these fields under
the gauge trace. Above, STr denotes the maximally symmetric trace [127]. To
be precise, the trace includes a symmetric average over all orderings of Fab , Da Φi ,
[Φi , Φj ] and the individual Φk appearing in the non-Abelian Taylor expansions of
the background fields. This choice matches that inferred from Matrix theory [121],
and a similar symmetrization arises in the leading order analysis of the boundary
beta functions [39]. However, we should note that with this definition an expansion
of the Born-Infeld term (2.1) does agree with the string theory to fourth order in
F [127, 128], but it does not seem to capture the full physics of the non-Abelian
fields in the infrared limit at higher orders [65] — we expand on this point below.
Some general comments on the non-Abelian action are as follows: In the Born-
Infeld term (3.4), there are now two determinant factors as compared to one in the
Abelian action (2.1). The second determinant in eq. (3.4) is a slightly modified
version of that in eq. (2.1). One might think of this as the kinetic factor, since to
leading order in the low energy expansion it yields the familiar kinetic terms for the
gauge field and scalars. In the same way, one can think of the new first factor as the
potential factor, since to leading order in the low energy expansion it reproduces
the non-Abelian scalar potential expected for the super-Yang-Mills theory — see
eq. (4.1) below. Further, note that the first factor reduces to simply one when the
scalar fields are commuting, even for general background fields.
The form of the action and in particular the functional dependence of the
bulk fields on the adjoint scalars can be verified in a number of independent
ways. Douglas [41, 40] observed on general grounds that, whatever their form,
the non-Abelian worldvolume actions should contain a single gauge trace, as do
both eqs. (3.4) and (3.5). This observation stems from the fact that the action
should encode only the low energy interactions derivable from disk amplitudes in
superstring theory. Since the disk has a single boundary, the single gauge trace
arises from the standard open string prescription of tracing over Chan-Paton fac-
tors on each worldsheet boundary. Further then, one may note [41, 40] that the
only difference in the superstring amplitudes between the U(1) and the U(N) the-
ories is that the amplitudes in the latter case are multiplied by an additional trace
of Chan-Paton factors. Hence, up to commutator ‘corrections’, the low energy in-
teractions should be the same in both cases. Hence, since the background fields
are functionals of the neutral U(1) scalars in the Abelian theory, they must be
precisely the same functionals of the adjoint scalars in the non-Abelian theory, up
to commutator corrections. The interactions involving the non-Abelian inner prod-
uct in the Wess-Zumino action (3.5) provide one class of commutator corrections.
The functional dependence on the adjoint scalars also agrees with the linearized
couplings for the bulk fields derived from Matrix theory [121]. As an aside, we
would add that the technology developed in Matrix theory remains useful in gain-
ing intuition and manipulating these non-Abelian functionals [80, 122, 100, 101].
Finally we add that by the direct examination of string scattering amplitudes using
the methods of refs. [52] and [64], one can verify at low orders the form of the
non-Abelian interactions in eqs. (3.4) and (3.5), including the appearance of the
new commutator interactions in the non-Abelian Wess-Zumino action [53, 54].
As noted above, the symmetric trace perscription is known not to agree with the
full effective string action [65]. Rather, at sixth order and higher in the worldvolume
field strength, additional terms involving commutators of field strengths must be
added to the action [9]. The source of this shortcoming is clear. Recall from
the discussion following eq. (2.7) that in the Abelian action we have disgarded all
interactions involving derivatives of the field strength. However, this prescription
is ambiguous in the non-Abelian theory since
It is clear that with the symmetric trace we have eliminated all derivative terms,
including those antisymmetric combinations that might contribute commutators
of field strengths. One might choose to improve the action by reinstating these
commutators. This problem has been extensively studied and the commutator cor-
rections at order F 6 are known [9]. Considering the supersymmetric extension
of the non-Abelian action [38, 116, 83, 15, 85] has lead to a powerful iterative
technique relying on stable holomorphic bundles [84, 36, 25] which seems to pro-
vide a constructive approach to determine the entire effective open string action,
including all higher derivative terms and fermion contributions as well. A similar
iterative procedure seems to emerge from studying the Seiberg-Witten map [114]
in the context of a noncommutative worldvolume theory [30].
As described below eq. (2.2), an individual Dp-brane couples not only to the
RR potential with form degree n = p + 1, but also to the RR potentials with
n = p − 1, p − 3, . . . through the exponentials of B and F appearing in the Wess-
Zumino action (2.2). Above in eq. (3.5), iΦ iΦ is an operator of form degree –2, and
so worldvolume interactions appear in the non-Abelian action (3.5) involving the
higher RR forms. Hence in the non-Abelian theory, a Dp-brane can also couple
to the RR potentials with n = p + 3, p + 5, . . . through the additional commutator
interactions. To make these couplings more explicit, consider the D0-brane action
(for which F vanishes):
SCS = µ0 STr P C (1) + iλ iΦ iΦ C (3) + C (1) B
λ2 1
− (iΦ iΦ )2 C (5) + C (3) B + C (1) B 2
2 2
λ 1 (3) 2 1 (1) 3
(3.9) −i (iΦ iΦ ) C + C B + C B + C B
3 (7) (5)
6 2 6
λ 4 (9) (7) 1 (5) 2 1 (3) 3 1 (1) 4
+ (iΦ iΦ ) C + C B + C B + C B + C B .
24 2 6 24
Of course, these interactions are reminiscent of those appearing in Matrix theory
[11, 12]. For example, eq. (3.9) includes a linear coupling to C (3) , which is the
4. Dielectric Branes
In this section, we wish to consider certain physical effects arising from the new
non-Abelian interactions in the worldvolume action, given by eqs. (3.4) and (3.5).
To begin, consider the scalar potential for Dp-branes in flat space, i.e., Gµν = ηµν
with all other fields vanishing. In this case, the entire scalar potential originates in
the Born-Infeld term (3.4) as
Tp λ 2
(4.1) V = Tp Tr det(Qi j ) = NTp − Tr([Φi , Φj ] [Φi , Φj ]) + . . .
The commutator-squared term corresponds to the potential for ten-dimensional
U(N) super-Yang-Mills theory reduced to p + 1 dimensions. A nontrivial set of
extrema of this potential is given by taking the 9 − p scalars as constant commuting
matrices, i.e.,
(4.2) [Φi , Φj ] = 0
for all i and j. Since they are commuting, the Φi may be simultaneously diago-
nalized and, as discussed above, the eigenvalues are interpreted as the separated
positions in the transverse space of N fundamental Dp-branes. This solution reflects
the fact that a system of N parallel Dp-branes is supersymmetric, and so they can
sit in static equilibrium with arbitrary separations in the transverse space [78].
From the results described in the previous section, it is clear that in going
from flat space to general background fields, the scalar potential is modified by new
interactions and so one should reconsider the analysis of the extrema. It turns out
that this yields an interesting physical effect that is a precise analog for D-branes
of the dielectric effect in ordinary electromagnetism. That is, when Dp-branes are
placed in a nontrivial background field for which the Dp-branes would normally be
regarded as neutral, e.g., nontrivial F (n) with n > p + 2, new terms will be induced
in the scalar potential, and generically one should expect that there will be new
extrema beyond those found in flat space, i.e., eq. (4.2). In particular, there can
be nontrivial extrema with noncommuting expectation values of the Φi , e.g., with
Tr Φi = 0 but Tr(Φi )2 = 0. This would correspond to the external fields ‘polarizing’
the Dp-branes to expand into a (higher dimensional) noncommutative worldvolume
geometry. This is the analog of the familiar electromagnetic process where an
where f is a constant (of dimensions length−1 ). Since F (4) = dC (3) , we must con-
sider the coupling of the D0-branes to the RR three-form potential, which is given
above in eq. (3.10). If one explicitly introduces the non-Abelian Taylor expansion
(2.8), one finds that the leading order interaction may be written as
i 2 (4)
(4.4) λ µ0 dt Tr Φi Φj Φk Ftijk (t) .
This final form might have been anticipated since one should expect that the world-
volume potential can only depend on gauge invariant expressions of the background
field. Given that we are considering a constant background F (4) , the higher order
terms implicit in eq. (3.10) will vanish, as they can only involve spacetime deriva-
tives of the four-form field strength. Combining eq. (4.4) with the leading order
Born-Infeld potential (4.1) yields the scalar potential of interest for the present
λ 2 T0 i (4)
(4.5) V (Φ) = NT0 − Tr([Φi , Φj ]2 ) − λ2 µ0 Tr Φi Φj Φk Ftijk (t) .
4 3
Substituting in the (static) background field (4.3) and µ0 = T0 , the extremisa-
tion condition δV (Φ)/δΦi = 0 yields
(4.6) 0 = [[Φi , Φj ], Φj ] + i f εijk [Φj , Φk ] .
Note that commuting matrices (4.2) describing separated D0-branes still solve this
equation. The value of the potential for these solutions is simply V0 = NT0 , the
mass of N D0-branes. Another interesting solution of eq. (4.6) is
f i
(4.7) Φi = α
where the αi are any N×N matrix representation of the SU(2) algebra
(4.8) [αi , αj ] = 2i εijk αk .
For the moment, let us focus on the irreducible representation for which one finds
N 2
(4.9) Tr[(αi )2 ] = (N − 1) for i = 1, 2, 3.
Now evaluating the value of the potential (4.5) for this new solution yields
T0 λ 2 f 2
π 2 3s f 4 3 1
(4.10) VN = NT0 − Tr[(Φi )2 ] = NT0 − N 1− 2
6 i=1
6g N
using T0 = 1/(gs ). Hence the noncommutative solution (4.7) has lower energy than
a solution of commuting matrices, and so the latter configuration of separated D0-
branes is unstable towards condensing out into this noncommutative solution. One
can also consider reducible representations of the SU(2) algebra (4.8); however, one
finds that the corresponding energy is always larger than that in eq. (4.10). Hence it
seems that the irreducible representation describes the ground state of the system.
Geometrically, one can recognize the SU(2) algebra as that corresponding to
the noncommutative or fuzzy two-sphere [68, 37, 90]. The physical size of the
fuzzy two-sphere is given by
3 1/2 1/2
(4.11) R=λ i 2
Tr[(Φ ) ]/N = πs f N 1 − 2
in the ground state solution. From the Matrix theory construction of Kabat and
Taylor [23], one can infer that this ground state is not simply a spherical arrange-
ment of D0-branes, rather the noncommutative solution actually represents a spher-
ical D2-brane with N D0-branes bound to it. In the present context, the latter can
be verified by seeing that this configuration has a ‘dipole’ coupling to the RR four-
form field strength. The precise form of this coupling is calculated by substituting
the noncommutative scalar solution (4.7) into the worldvolume interaction (4.4),
which yields
R3 1 (4)
(4.12) − 1 − dt Ft123
3πg3s N2
for the ground state solution. Physically this F (4) -dipole moment arises because
antipodal surface elements on the sphere have the opposite orientation and so form
small pairs of separated membranes and anti-membranes. Of course, the spherical
configuration carries no net D2-brane charge.
Given that the noncommutative ground state solution corresponds to a bound
state of a spherical D2-brane and N D0-branes, one might attempt to match the
above results using the dual formulation. That is, this system can be analyzed
from the point of view of the (Abelian) worldvolume theory of a D2-brane. In this
case, one would consider a spherical D2-brane carrying a flux of the U(1) gauge
field strength representing the N bound D0-branes and, at the same time, sitting
in the background of the constant RR four-form field strength (4.3). In fact, one
does find stable static solutions, but what is more surprising is how well the results
match those calculated in the framework of the D0-branes. The results for the
energy, radius and dipole coupling are the same as in eqs. (4.10), (4.11) and (4.12),
respectively, except that the factors of (1 − 1/N2 ) are absent [98]. Hence, for large
N, the two calculations agree up to 1/N2 corrections.
One expects that the D2-brane calculations would be valid when R s while
naively the D0-brane calculations would be valid when R s . Hence it appears
there is no common domain where the two pictures can both produce reliable re-
sults. However, a more careful consideration
√ of range of validity of the D0-brane
calculations only requires that R Ns . This estimate is found by requiring that
the scalar field commutators appearing in the full non-Abelian potential (4.1) are
small so that the Taylor expansion of the square root converges rapidly. Hence, for
large N, there is a large domain of overlap where both of the dual pictures are reli-
able. Note that the density of D0-branes on the two-sphere
√ is N/(4πR2 ). However,
even if R is macroscopic it is still bounded by R Ns and so this density must
be large compared to the string scale, i.e., the density is much larger than 1/2s .
With such large densities, one can imagine the discreteness of the fuzzy sphere is
essentially lost and so there is good agreement with the continuum sphere of the
D2-brane picture. More discussion on the noncommutative geometry appears in
Appendix A.
Finally note that the Born-Infeld action contains couplings to the Neveu-
two-form which are similar to that in eq. (4.4). From the expansion of
det(Q), one finds a cubic interaction
i 2
(4.13) λ T0 dt Tr Φi Φj Φk Hijk (t) .
Hence the noncommutative ground state, which has Tr Φi Φj Φk = 0, also acts as
a source of the B field through the worldvolume coupling
R03 1
(4.14) − 1 − dt H123 .
3πg3s N2
This coupling is perhaps not so surprising given that the noncommutative ground
state represents the bound state of a spherical D2-brane and N D0-branes. Explicit
supergravity solutions describing D2-D0 bound states with a planar geometry have
been found [17, 110], and are known to carry a long-range H field with the same
profile as the RR field strength F (4) . One can also derive this coupling from the dual
D2-brane formulation. Furthermore, we observe that the presence of this coupling
(4.13) means that we would find an analogous dielectric effect if the N D0-branes
were placed in a constant background H field. This mechanism plays a role in
describing D-branes in the spacetime background corresponding to a WZW model
[7, 102, 91, 5, 3, 4, 47]. It seems that quantum group symmetries may be useful
in understanding these noncommutative configurations [103, 104].
The example considered above must be considered simply a toy calculation
demonstrating the essential features of the dielectric effect for D-branes. A more
complete calculation would require analyzing the D0-branes in a consistent super-
gravity background. For example, the present case could be extended to consider
the asymptotic supergravity fields of a D2-brane, where the RR four-form would
be slowly varying but the metric and dilaton fields would also be nontrivial. Al-
ternatively, one can find solutions with a constant background F (4) in M-theory,
namely the AdS4 ×S7 and AdS7 ×S4 backgrounds — see, e.g., [46]. In lifting the
D0-branes to M-theory, they become gravitons carrying momentum in the inter-
nal space. Hence the expanded D2-D0 system considered here corresponds to the
‘giant gravitons’ of ref. [93]. The analog of the D2-D0 bound state in a constant
background F (4) corresponds to M2-branes with internal momentum expanding
into AdS4 [58, 63], while that in a constant H field corresponds to the M2-branes
expanding on S4 [93]. The original analysis of these M-theory configurations was
made in terms of the Abelian world-volume theory of the M2-brane [93] — a Ma-
trix theory description of such states in terms of noncommutative geometry was
only developed recently [77, 6]. Further, one finds that M5-branes will expand
in a similar way for these backgrounds, and that expanded D3-branes arise in the
type IIB supergravity background AdS5 × S5 . Remarkably, a detailed analysis
[58, 93, 63] shows that these expanded branes are BPS states with the quantum
numbers of a graviton. Ref. [95] extends this discussion to more general expanded
Alternatively, the dielectric effect has been found to play a role in other string
theory contexts, for example, in the resolution of certain singularities in the AdS/-
CFT correspondence [106]. Further, one can consider more sophisticated back-
ground field configurations, which, through the dielectric effect, generate more
complicated noncommutative geometries [125, 48]. There is also an interesting
generalization to open dielectric branes, in which the extended brane emerging from
the dielectric effect ends on another D-brane [129]. Other interesting applications
of the dielectric effect for D-branes can be found in refs. [73, 74, 75].
where fi1 ···i are completely symmetric and traceless tensors. We could be more
precise in defining a basis of these tensors, but here we will be satisfied with noting
that each term in the sum is a linear combination of spherical harmonics with prin-
cipal quantum number . Showing this is straightforward: Denoting the individual
terms in the sum as f and setting aside the constraint (A.1), it is clear that the
Laplacian on the Cartesian space annihilates each of these terms, i.e., ∇2 f = 0.
Now, in spherical polar coordinates on Rk+1 , the Laplacian may be written as
(A.3) ∇2 = R−k ∂R Rk ∂R + R−2 ∇2Ω ,
where ∇2Ω is the angular Laplacian on the unit k-sphere. Hence it follows that
∇2Ω f = ( + k − 1)f .
In general, to produce a fuzzy sphere, one might proceed by replacing the
k+1 continuum coordinates above by finite dimensional matrices, xi → x̂i , whose
commutation relations we leave aside for the moment. The matrices are chosen to
satisfy a constraint analogous to eq. (A.1):
i 2
(A.4) x̂ = R2 1N .
where fi1 ···i are the same symmetric and traceless tensors considered in (A.2).
Notice that the ‘noncommutative’ sum is truncated at some max because for fi-
nite dimensional matrices, such products will only yield a finite number of linearly
independent matrices. Thus this matrix construction truncates the full algebra of
functions on the sphere to those with ≤ max , and the star product on the fuzzy
sphere differs from that obtained by the deformation quantization of the Poisson
structure on the embedding space, i.e., the latter acts on the space of all square
integrable functions on the sphere [49, 66].
The simplest example of this construction is the fuzzy two-sphere, which was
already encountered in section 4. In this case, one chooses x̂i = λ αi with i = 1, 2, 3,
where the αi are the generators of the irreducible N×N representation of SU(2)
satisfying the commutation relations given in eq. (4.8). These generators satisfy
the Casimir relation
(A.6) αi = (N2 − 1) 1N
and so, in order to satisfy the constraint (A.4), the normalization constant should
be chosen as
(A.7) λ= √ .
N2 − 1
With these N×N matrices, one finds the cutoff in eq. (A.5) is max = N − 1. So
heuristically, we might say that with this construction we can only resolve distances
on the noncommutative sphere for ∆d > ∼ R/N . Hence, in the limit N → ∞, one
expects to get agreement with the continuum theory, as was illustrated with the
physical models in the main text.
We should mention that the entire space of functions (A.5) plays a role in the
stringy constructions. To illustrate this point, we consider the example of the fuzzy
two-sphere appearing in the example of the dielectric effect in section 4. In the static
ground state configuration, three of the transverse scalars have a noncommutative
expectation value: Φi = (f /2) αi for i = 1, 2, 3. Now one might consider excitations
of this system. In particular, it is natural to expand fluctuations of the scalars in
terms of the noncommutative spherical harmonics
(A.8) δΦm (t) = ψim1 ...i (t) αi1 · · · αi
where as above the coefficients ψim1 ···i are completely symmetric and traceless. In
the case of overall transverse scalars, i.e., m = 0, 1, 2, 3, the linearized equations of
motion reduce to
∂t2 δΦm (t) = −[Φi , [Φi , δΦm (t)]]
(A.9) = −( + 1)f 2 δΦm (t) .
Hence inserting the ansatz δΦm (t) ∝ e−iωt , we find excitations with frequencies
ω 2 = ( + 1)f 2 . Of course, these fluctuations inherit the cutoff ≤ max from
the noncommutative framework. The analysis of the fluctuations in the i = 1, 2, 3
directions is more involved but a nice description is given in [76]. In the interesting
regime√where the dielectric calculations
√ are expected to be valid, i.e., large N and
R Ns , we have f 1/ Ns . Hence the low energy excitations are well
below the string scale, giving further corroboration that the low energy effective
action provides an adequate description of the physics [98]. We might add that
these frequencies match the results found from calculations in the dual continuum
1We refer the interested reader to refs. [29, 23] for more details.
where the G a are generators of SO(1, 5) with a = 1, . . . , 15, and the ã are naturally
symmetric in the SO(1, 5) indices. Identifying G a = Ga for a = 1 . . . 5, the desired
matrix harmonics would correspond to the subset of ã with nonvanishing entries
only for indices ai ≤ 5. Thus, while the fuzzy four-sphere construction introduces an
algebra that contains a truncated set of the spherical harmonics on S 4 , the algebra
also contains a large number of elements transforming under other representations
of the SO(5) symmetry group that acts on the four-sphere. The reader may find a
precise description of the complete algebra in ref. [61], in terms of representations
of SO(5) (or rather Spin(5) = Sp(4)).
Given this extended algebra, or alternatively the appearance of ‘spurious’ modes,
one might question whether the above construction provides a suitable noncommu-
tative description of the four-sphere. Nonetheless, in the context of non-Abelian
D-branes (or Matrix theory), the Gi certainly form a basis for the description of
physically interesting systems such as a spherical D4-D0 bound state [23] or a
D5⊥D1 system [29]. In the latter case, N D-strings open up into a collection of n
perpendicular D5-branes and the fuzzy four-sphere forms the cross-section of the
funnel describing this geometry. From the point of view of the D5-brane theory,
the four-sphere is endowed with a nontrivial SU(n) bundle. In this context, one
can show that the relation between N and n in eq. (A.11) essentially arises from
demanding that the gauge field configuration is homogeneous on the four-sphere
[29]. Given that there are extra instantonic or gauge field degrees of freedom in the
full physical system, it is natural that the ‘spurious’ modes above should be related
to non-Abelian excitations of the D5-brane theory. Evidence for this identification
can be found by studying the linearized excitations of the fuzzy funnel describing
the D5⊥D1 system and their couplings to the bulk RR fields [29]. A thorough
analysis of the noncommutative geometry [108, 67, 82] also indicates that this
identification is correct. Hence this fuzzy four-sphere construction has a natural
physical interpretation within string theory.
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Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 2W9 Canada
Strings and
C. Hull, A. Jaffe and M. Reid. The
early part of the school had many
lectures that introduced various
concepts of algebraic geometry
and string theory with a focus on
improving communication between
these two fields. During the latter Proceedings of the
part of the program there were also
a number of research level talks.
Clay Mathematics Institute
2002 Summer School
This volume contains a selection
of expository and research articles Isaac Newton Institute
by lecturers at the school, and Cambridge, United Kingdom