The Mechanism of Gold Cyanide of Elution From Activated Carbon
The Mechanism of Gold Cyanide of Elution From Activated Carbon
The Mechanism of Gold Cyanide of Elution From Activated Carbon
Numerous articles have appeared on the mechanism of the adsorption of gold cyanide onto
activated carbon. In contrast, little information is available on the mechanism of elution of the
adsorbed gold. It is the objective of this article to formulate such a mechanism on the basis of
batch and column elution tests without analyzing adsorbed species on the carbon directly. The
presence of spectator cations (M"+) enhances the formation of M"+{Au(CN)~}, ion pairs on the
carbon, which in turn suppress the elution of gold cyanide. The dynamics of removal of these
cations determine the horizontal position of the gold peak in an elution profile. When the con-
centration of cations in the eluant is high and no cyanide is present in the solution or on the
carbon, very little desorption of gold is observed. The quantitative effect of the concentration
of spectator cations on the equilibrium for desorption of aurocyanide can be estimated from the
elution profiles for gold and cations. Free cyanide in the eluant, which causes some competitive
adsorption of cyanide with aurocyanide, therefore plays a minor role at the elevated temperatures
used in industry. A more important effect of cyanide is its reaction with functional groups on
the carbon, the products of which passivate the surface for adsorption of aurocyanide, and thereby
cyanide promotes the elution of aurocyanide. The degree of passivation, which is determined
to a large extent by the temperature of pretreatment, also affects the elution of cations and the
degradation/adsorption of cyanide itself. Reactivation of the carbon surface occurs when the
adsorbed/decomposed cyanide is removed by the eluant. At high temperatures of pretreatment,
such as used in practice, it is not necessary to include a reactivation term in the mathematical
model for elution.
140 200
120 * 100 d e g C~
100 150
< 80
E 60
tO 40
0 ! . : : : : : l !
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Fig. 4 - - T h e relative effects of pretreatment with either K C N or K O H Fig. 6 - - The effect of the temperature of cyanide pretreatment on the
on gold-elution profiles in a column at 70 ~ and a flow rate of dis- elution of gold cyanide in a column at 70 ~ and a flow rate of dis-
tilled water as eluant of 49.5 m L / h . The 9.41 g of carbon initially tilled water as eluant of 48.5 m L / h . The 9.41 g of carbon initially
contained 4.9 g A u / k g and was pretreated in 20 m L of solution ini- contained 4.83 g A u / k g and was pretreated for 30 min in 20 m L (at
tially containing 12,300 m g K + / L (as either KCN, or K O H and KCl) 20 ~ or l0 m L (at 100 ~ solution of 20 g K C N / L . At both 20 ~
at a pH o f 12.3 and 20 ~ for 30 min. and 100 ~ the cyanide loading was 7.0 g C N - / k g after pretreatment.
20 I
-- 6.3 gAu/kg
7.0 gAu/kg
A (max.)]
~ A (min.) [
10 1.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0.5 I ! I I !
T i m e (h) 0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 8 - - R e a c t i v a t i o n of carbon during the batch elution of gold cy- Bed volumes
anide at 60 ~ in 500 m L of K O H solution at a pH of 10.7. The
3.0 g of carbon was loaded with gold for 21 days and then pretreated Fig. 9 - - E s t i m a t i o n of the m i n i m u m and m a x i m u m A values in the
for 30 min at 20 ~ in 5 m L solution of 7.3 g CN / L . shifting isotherm during the A A R L elution depicted in Fig. 1.
18 I
16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ill 9 Experimental
"~ 12 , Model with
"~1 reactivation
0.6 _,r lo
0.4 8
9 Exp
4 I t I I I I : : '
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 Bed volumes