Focus Child Summary 1
Focus Child Summary 1
Focus Child Summary 1
Suggestions for learning focus Suggestions for experiences to extend Suggestions for strategies
Literacy ( & language/communication) Cooperative plays that promote social - use play-based approach
1. Further develop his speech development interaction - hand-on experiences
Role play (cooking in the sand pit and - create interest corner where children can
home corner) revisit their learning
- initiate conversation and scaffold
children’s learning and interest during
Mathematics Construction play with vehicles, different - Provide tools and variety of construction
2. Shapes, volume, matching and counting sizes of lego toys in the construction corner
Sorting colours - Engage in children’s play and interaction
Shapes construction - Role model
Science and technology Use pretend phones to call emergency - Use open-ended questions
3. Explore technology (phone and camera) numbers (part of project) - Create interest corner
Use camera and iPad to take photos
4. Develop curiosity and learning through Sand play - Provide technology for children to learn
enquiry through enquire and hand-on
Creative Arts Have individual journal - Provide a journal which children can
5. For Adam to involve in arts experience Chalk drawing outdoor bring out to add their artworks and share
with family and friends
- Doing creative art experience outdoor
Physical development, health and wellbeing Obstacle course - Use game and play learning experiences
6. Continue develop fine-motor/gross-motor Provide manipulative experiences to to enhance the child’s physical and
development, social and emotional wellbeing enhance eye-hand coordination emotional development
Physical games - Use peer-partner
- Be play-partner
Human society and the environment look at community map (use iPad) - role model the use of technology
7. explore community helpers, map emergency helpers project - use project approach
(geography) and environment create community model - use group work