2018 Appraisal
2018 Appraisal
2018 Appraisal
During a calm time in class we had a fairly lengthy and in depth discussion about
anger. I explained that anger is a normal human emotion that we have probably all
felt at one time or another. We discussed what situations made us angry. These were
some of the topics that were offered: cruelty to animals, litter on the beach, being
excluded from a game, people changing the rules of a game to suit them, people
getting angry at them when it was not their fault, people copying their work and then
getting the glory for it, being told to do something that they didn't want to do.
What have I done to show that I take responsibility for my own
professional development/learning to enhance the learning needs of
Participates within the learning community for the benefit of
Maori learners’ achievement. How do I participate so that it
impacts on Maori Learners’ achievement?
What have I done to show that I take responsibility for my own
professional development/learning to enhance the learning needs of
What might evidence look like?
Demonstrate awareness of professional standards
Demonstrate leadership in specialist areas for internal school professional development where appropriate
Manage and/or develop resources safely and effectively
Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability to meet students learning needs
Professional Standards Self-Assessment Tool
Teach and respond to learners in a knowledgeable and adaptive way to progress their learning at an appropriate depth and pace.
Questions I might ask myself Reflections
What do I take into account when planning Looking at data and following needs of the students
programmes of work for groups and individuals? Having a science focus is giving the students hands on experiences building on prior
How do I use data to inform my next steps for knowledge, oral language and developing some amazing pieces of writing. I
teaching? integrate it throughout my planning so students get a taste of the inquiry in other
subjects making it authentic. I use the student abilities and the learning needs of the
What teaching strategies can I use effectively to
students when planning for groups and individuals.
accelerate learning? To make sure I am teaching to the students’ needs I analyse and use student data to
How do I know I am teaching for urgency? see what they lacking or what they need extra help in learning in, filling the gaps. I
How can I ensure that I meet the wide range of learning use running records to group student’s needs sometimes this can mean I have very
needs in my class? (How do my student’s best learn?) different levels within my students in the group.
How do I access and use appropriate data to ensure my - Unit plans and examples of changes made to planning based on feedback, student
programmes are effective? work, and student feedback.
- Follow school and team planning guidelines
- Planning links to teaching aligned to topic, student needs & interests, school
curriculum priorities
I am always trying to improve my teaching practice by looking at other ways of
teaching for urgency. I am teaching through workshops this year as I like mixed
ability grouping I believe this is helping as my students hear other student’s vocab at
different levels and they pick up on things quicker. I have also found that students
who are not moving can sometimes be because they have a few things that they
need help on at a lower level.
When planning programmes I take into account of work for groups and individuals?
Teaching as enquiry
establishing relationships with class
relationships with support staff
education outside the classroom
parent visitors, experts and helpers
letters to parents
syndicate and school newsletters
syndicate and staff meeting/socials
parent teacher interviews
family fun night and community nights
Kapahaka group
Word level work
Movie clip to start writing
Small group working really well
Star of week - student voice excellent
Mathletics, Sumdog, E-ako Maths, Study Ladder activities
Literacy Focus
Goal setting sent home and liaising with parents and children
ESOl student review forms discussion
Book Week
Language teaching in our own classes including French, German, Japanese, Latin
Working collaboratively for Maths Problem solving
Working with Priority target students.
Priority learners are groups of students who have been identified as historically not
experiencing success in the New Zealand schooling system. These include many
Māori and Pacific learners, those from low socio-economic backgrounds, and
students with special education needs.
Takes responsibility for their own learning and plans and uses
pedagogy that engages Maori learners and caters for their
needs. What do I know about pedagogy that engages Maori
learners, catering for their needs? How have I planned and
implemented this?
Participates within the learning community for the benefit of
Maori learners’ achievement. How do I participate so that it
impacts on Maori Learners’ achievement?