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Application For Administrative Advertisement No: RC/2018-19/33 Advt. Date: 15.10.2018

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A Central University
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Administrative Building ,
R. Venkataraman Nagar, Kalapet , Puducherry – 14


Advertisement No: RC/2018-19/33 Advt. Date: 15.10.2018

Note: Candidates are advised to study the eligibility criteria, Instructions carefully and then fill up
the application in all respects. No column should be left blank. Incomplete application will be
rejected. Attach additional sheets, if required. However, information given must be precise to the
1) Fee Remittance
Bank / Place :_________________ DD No/Date ____________________Amount ______
If exempted, reason thereof ______________

2) Name of applicant : ________________________________

(in full capitals) POST CODE

3) Post Applied for : ________________________________

(Use separate application for each post)

4) Father’s name : ________________________________

5) Mother’s name : ________________________________

(Affix recent
passport size photo
6) Age : Years_____ Months _____Days ______ duly signed by you)
(As on the last date of
receipt of application) Day Month Year
7) Date of Birth :

8) Nationality : ________________________________

9) Religion : ________________________________

10) Gender : Male Female

11) Marital Status : _______________________________

12) Address
For Communication Permanent

State : Pin: State: Pin

Phone: (L)__________________ Email :____________________________________________

Mobile : ___________________

Signature of the Applicant


13) Category : SC* OBC*

(Put mark) ST* Gen Ex. Servicemen
(*Attach a certificate from the competent authority prescribed by the Government of India)

14) Whether Physically Challenged Yes* No (Put mark)

*If yes A B C D ( Put mark)
A (a) - Blindness & Low Vision; B (b) - Deaf & Hard of hearing
C (c) - Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims &
muscular dystrophy
D (d) - autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness;
D (e) - multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness
(*Attach a certificate from the competent authority as prescribed under government rules)

15) Educational Qualification (10th Std onwards) (Attach Proof)

Month & Year Marks Overall Class
Examination Board
of passing Obtained percentage Division
or equivalent
or equivalent
Diploma, if

16) Educational Qualification (UG Degree onwards) (Attach Proof including statement of marks)
Sl. University/ Percentage Year of
Degree Subject
No Institute of marks Passing




17) Experience (Attach Proof)

Length of Reason for
Sl. Name of the Nature of
Post Held Service quitting the
No Organization Responsibility
Y M D Job


Signature of the Applicant


18) Present employment (Attach Proof)

a) Name of the Organization : _____________________________

b) Post Held : ______________________________
c) Pay Band : ______________________________
d) Date of Appointment : ______________________________
e) Whether Permanent / : ______________________________
Temporary/ or on Probation
f) Whether State / Central : ______________________________
Government / PSU /Private


I hereby declare that I have carefully read and understood the instructions
and particulars supplied to me, and that all entries in this form, as well as, in
attached sheets are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. At any stage if
any of the information furnished by me is found to be false or incorrect, suitable
action may be taken against me. If selected, I promise to abide by the rules and
regulations of the Pondicherry University.

Date : Signature of the applicant

Endorsement of the present employer

(if already employed) Signature of the Employer

Office seal with date: Name:



INTERVIEW FOR THE POST OF: ____________________________

1. Name in Block Letters :

(Affix recent
2. Gender : passport size
photo duly
3. Address for Communication : signed by you)

4. Date of birth and age :

5. Whether Belongs to SC/ST/PH/OBC/PwD :

6. Nationality :

7. Religion :

6. Educational Qualifications :
Reg. No. & Grade/
Sl. Name of the Board/
Courses Studied Year of Percentage Class
No. University
Passing of Marks

7. Technical Qualification (Typewriting, Computer, etc.):

8. Experience:

Sl. Name of the Designation Length of Service Salary Reasons

No. Employer Y M D Drawn
for Leaving



The information given above are true to the best of my knowledge.



(during interview, if called for)





Name of the post: DEPUTY REGISTRAR

Number of Post 08 (SC-1,ST-1, OBC-2, UR-3, Tenure-1*)

Level in pay matrix Level -12 (Rs.15,600 – 39,100 + GP Rs.7,600/- as per 6th CPC)

Mode of Selection By Direct Recruitment / Deputation

Maximum 50 years for Direct Recruitment

Maximum 56 years for Deputation

Age Limit
Age Relaxation as per GOI norms is applicable for in-service

i) A Master’s Degree with atleast 55% of marks or its equivalent grade
of B in the UGC seven point scale.
ii) Nine years of experience as Lecturer /Assistant Professor with AGP
of Rs. 6000 and above with experience in Educaitonal Administration.
Comparable experience in Research Establishment and / or other
Educational Institutions of Higher Education.
Qualification (or)
& Other Five years of Administrative experience as Assistant Registrar or in an
Requirements equivalent post

Deputation /Absorption:
Officers with atleast 5 years of Regular service in the scale of
Assistant Registrar/Equivalent in any recognized
University/Autonmous Body/Govt. Department or
Organization/Public Sector Undertaking
Possessing the qualifications prescribed for Direct Recruitment.

The Qualifications and other conditions prescribed in the

Other conditions advertisement are subject to the regulations/norms stipulated by the
MHRD/UGC from time to time

(*on contract for a period of two years)




Number of Post 05 (OBC-2, UR-2, UR-1(PWBD#))

Level in pay matrix Level – 10 ( Rs.15,600 – 39,100 + GP Rs.5,400/- as per 6th CPC)

Mode of Selection Direct Recruitment / Deputation

Maximum 35 years for Direct Recruitment

Maximum 56 years for Deputation

Age Limit
Age Relaxation as per GOI norms is applicable for in-service

i) A Master's Degree with atleast 55% of marks or its equivalent grade
of B in the UGC seven point scale

ii) 5 years experience in an Educational Institution/

Government/Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous bodies.
& Other
Officers with atleast 5 years of regular service in the level of
Section Officer/ Equivalent in any recognized University/
Autonomous Body/Govt Department or Organization/ Public Sector
Undertaking and possessing the qualifications prescribed for direct

The Qualifications and other conditions prescribed in the

Other conditions advertisement are subject to the regulations/norms stipulated by the
MHRD/UGC from time to time

# to be filled by (C) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack
victims & muscular dystrophy

1. The Candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility conditions for the post on or before the
closing date.

2. Candidates with requsite qualifications acquired from recognized University/Institutions need only apply.

3. Candidates already in service in India should send their application through proper channel. In such cases
an advance copy should be sent directly, along with the original demand draft meant for application fee
within the stipulated time. However, in such cases the candidates called for interview will have to
produce No Objection Certificate or original applications duly forwarded by the competent authority of
their institutions, failing which he/she shall not be allowed to appear before the Selection Committee.

4. Mere fulfilling the conditions does not guarantee that the applicant will be shortlisted for interview. The
University has a right to decide the mode of screening and testing the applicant for shortlisting and

5. In case the Screening Committee recommends to restrict the number of candidates to be called for
interview by applying any other criteria/benchmark in addition to the required essentials and desirable
qualifications, the same will be followed for calling applicants for interview.

6. The eligibility limit of 55% marks at the Master’s level (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever
grading system is followed) and the relaxation of 5 % to the categories of Scheduled Caste / Scheduled
Tribe / Differently-abled (Physically and Visually) are permissible, based on only the qualifying marks
without including any grace marks procedures as per GOI norms.

7. Relevant grade which is regarded as equivalent of 55% wherever the grading system is followed by a
UGC recognized University shall also be considered eligible

8. Percentage equivalence of Grade Points for a Seven Points scale as per the UGC Guidelines dated
30.06.2010 is as follows:
It is hereby clarified that where the University/College/Institution declare results in grade points which is
on scale of seven, the following yardstick shall be adopted to determine equivalent marks in percentage.

Grade Grade Point Percentage Equivalent

‘O’ – Outstanding 5.50 - 6.00 75 -100
‘A’ – Very Good 4.50 - 5.49 65 - 74
‘B’ – Good 3.50 - 4.49 55 - 64
‘C’ – Average 2.50 - 3.49 45 - 54
‘D’ – Below Average 1.50 - 2.49 35 - 44
‘E’ – Poor 0.50 - 1.49 25 - 34
‘F’ – Fail 0 - 0.49 0 - 24

9. Candidates may note that the qualification as amended by the UGC/MHRD from time to time shall be
applicable for the respective posts.

10. Age limit will be taken into account as on the closing date mentioned for receipt of applications. Age
relaxation for SC/ST, OBC, PwD candidates will be considered for the respective category of posts as per
GOI norms.
11. Experience & Qualifications will be reckoned as on the closing date prescribed for receipt of application.
12. The University reserves the right to withdraw any advertised post(s) at any time without giving any
13. It will be open to the University to consider names of suitable candidates who may not have applied.
Nominations of highly qualified candidates from very well established Academics/Research Institutions,
etc., will also be considered. The University also reserves the right to relax minimum qualifications
marginally in case of otherwise highly qualified candidates.


14. Call letters to attend the interview will be sent only to the shortlisted candidates by E-mail or Speed Post
or Registered Post. No Correspondence will be made with applicants who are not short-listed /not called
for interview.

15. Candidates should enclose self-attested copies of certificates towards the evidence of Age, Educational
Qualifications, Community, Physical Disability, Experience, etc. Do not enclose originals along with
applications as the University will not be responsible for their loss.

16. All Certificates, Degrees, NOC and other documents must be produced in originals at the time of
interview, if called for the same. Failure to produce these, may result in ineligibility to appear for the

17. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even
after the issue of appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/ cancel any
communication made to the candidate.

18. In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the University
shall be final.

19. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidates

20. The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at any time at the time
of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by
the candidates are fake or the candidate has undesirable clandestine antecedents/ background and has
suppressed the said information, then his services shall be terminated.


21. No TA / DA will be paid for attending the interview.

22. The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill the post.

23. No correspondence/queries will be entertained from candidates regarding, conduct and result of interview
and reasons for not being called for interview

24. No accommodation will be provided in the University Guest House

25. The University reserves the right to alter/insert any corrections/additions in the advertisement/website in
the event of any typographical error before the last date prescribed for the receipt of applications

26. Amendments/Changes, if any, in the advertisement will be published only on the University’s Website.

27. University will not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage.

28. No request for conduct of interview through Telephone/Video Conference/Skype etc., will be considered

29.The prescribed Application Form, Proforma for certificate verification and the details of the
advertisement can be downloaded from the university website www.pondiuni.edu.in.


30. SC/ST/PWD/Ex-Servicemen and all the Women Candidates are exempted from payment of application

31. As regard to Persons With Disabilities, the exemption will be considered in respect of candidates having
the percentage of disability 40% and above only.

32.All other candidates shall submit a Demand Draft for Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred only) drawn from any
Nationalized bank in favour of Finance Officer, Pondicherry University payable at Puducherry. The DD
should be drawn on or after the date of advertisement but before the last date prescribed for the receipt of
the applications.

33. Local candidates may remit the application fee in University A/C (New saving A/C No.:6659344508 ;
old No. 201) through Challan at Indian Bank, Pondicherry University Branch

34. Candidate shall write his/her Name and Post Applied on the reverse side of the Demand Draft without

35. Candidates who are desirous of applying for more than one post will have to submit a separate application
form for each post with requisite application fee for each position, if applicable.

36. Application fee is non-refundable under any circumstances.


37. Application for each post must be placed in a SEPARATE COVER. The name of the post applied for
must be superscribed on the envelope without fail.

38. The University shall not be responsible for any misplacement, omission etc. if two or more
applications are put in one cover by the candidate.

39. If the cover containing an application is not marked properly as per the information given above, it is
likely to be misplaced. The University does not take any responsibility of such misplaced applications.

40. If an application is not strictly prepared as per advertised format then the application will be summarily

41. Receipt of filled in Application Form without self attested copies of all relevant certificates will be

42. Applications received after the stipulated date or incomplete in any respect or not readable will not be
entertained and no further correspondence will be made in this regard

43. Application or CV/Bio-Data sent through e-mail will not be considered under any circumstances, unless
followed by hard copy with signature within the prescribed last date.

44. It is not possible to give individual acknowledgement. Those who want acknowledgment may send their
applications by registered post with acknowledgement due.

45. Application submitted for a particular post is not transferable to any other post.

46. The University reserves the right to consider the applications received after the last date, in exceptional

47. Candidate, who has applied earlier informally and sent his/her bio-data/academic vitae earlier to the
Vice-Chancellor or any other competent authority of the University, must apply following the above

48.Submission of proof is mandatory with reference to the information given in the application, wherever

49. Certificates in support of experience should be in proper format i.e. it should be on the organization’s
letter head bearing the date of issue, specified period of work, name and designation of the issuing
authority along with signature.

50. A completed application form should have:

i) Duly filled in Application Form and Proforma for Certificate Verification.
ii) A Demand Draft for Rs. 500/-(five hundred only) except (SC/ST/PwD/Ex-Servicemen and all
the Women Candidates) drawn from any Nationilized Bank payable at Puducherry in favour of
“Finance Officer, Pondicherry University”.

iii) Self Attested copies of :

a) Age proof
b) SSLC/Matric or equivalent certificate
c) HSC/PUC/or equivalent certificate
d) Diploma/Degree Certificates
e) SC/ST/OBC/PwD certificate in appropriate format, if applicable,
f) Experience certificate, if any
g) NOC from the employer, if applicable
h) Recent proof for salary drawn, if any
i) Publications/event records/relvant documents, etc.
j) Any other relevant documents.

51. Completed application with all the required enclosures must reach :

The Deputy Registrar

Recruitment Cell
Pondicherry University
R.V.Nagar, Kalapet,
Puducherry – 605 014

Last date for receipt of filled in application is 15th November 2018 by 05.00 pm

(A Central University)
Dr. B.R. AmbedkarAdmn. Building
R.V.Nagar,Kalapet, Puducherry – 14

Advt No:RC/2018-19/33 Dated: 15.10.2018



Sl.No Name of the Post Post Code

1 Deputy Registrar 18-01

2 Assistant Registrar 18-02

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