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PRED-ACK Proprietary For Reduced Traffic: Lathika.K, Devi.N, Mrs.E.Saraswath

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© 2015 IJSRSET | Volume 1 | Issue 1 | Print ISSN : 2395-1990 | Online ISSN : 2394-4099

Themed Section: Engineering and Technology

PRED-ACK Proprietary for Reduced Traffic

Lathika.K1, Devi.N2, Mrs.E.Saraswath3
Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu, India


In this paper, we present the process between two or more networks for a reduced traffic system. It is mainly used
for networking users. The PRED-ACK is used effectively for the transmission of data’s. Here the unwanted strings
are removed, hence providing strong network and bandwidth. The client compares newly received data with the
previously received data. When there is no comparison the operation continues with no PRED-ACK. It is very
useful to spread the maintenance of cloud elasticity. The main advantage of using this method is it will be highly
useful for recent technology cloud users. It works on connection oriented application with other networking devices.

Keywords: Cloud elasticity, Minimizing traffic, PRED-ACK

Nomenclature : PRED-ACK:Predictive Acknowledgement, SACK : Selective Acknowledgement
TCP : Transmission Control Protocol, TRE : Traffic Redundancy Elimination

I. INTRODUCTION the deflate algorithm is used. The deflate algorithm

replaces repeated strings with pointers and further uses
Cloud computing is a general term for the handover to Huffman coding to efficiently encode with commonly
the presenter their services over the Internet. They pay used symbols.
as they use. Cloud computing enables companies to
consume compute as a utility which is similar to Cloud proprietary may not be favour with these
electricity or a telephone service rather than building and technologies by what we are using in this system. They
maintaining computing infrastructures motivated to use were trying to reduce the cost of bandwidth bills and
various traffic reduction techniques, in particular TRE, thus they are not likely to invest in one. There was a
for reducing bandwidth costs. huge requirement on works spaces, meeting rooms and
work various part of offices. In such type of
Network traffic exhibits large amount of redundancy environment, the basic needs of requirements for both
when different users on the same internet access or with client side and the server-side to work were made very
similar content. Many diverse systems have explored ineffective. Also the elasticity increases the workload to
how to eliminate this redundant content from network the server and migration for the information. Hence, it
links and improve network efficiency. As Redundancy makes a severe drawback in today’s throughput.
elimination techniques become more widely deployed
and more tightly integrated into network infrastructure Using the sender’s technique the cloud server checks the
and protocols, it becomes crucial to understand the client status at regular intervals. Cloud load balancing
benefits to the trade-offs and design issues in these and power optimization may guide the receiver’s
systems. It could also enable new routing protocols, process and the surrounding of data migration where
similarly considering how to modify web applications TRE is utilised at simultaneous process between tow
by introducing data markers that help in-network transmission that may fail its efficiency due to the lost
redundancy elimination mechanisms to identify and synchronization. Next, CDN is used which refers to
remove redundancy more effectively with redundancy Content Distribution Network. The process of this CDN
suppression is being implemented or not, each packet is that the service point can change dynamically based
can be compressed by a compression algorithm such as on its location. In end-to-end solution there is an extra

IJSRSET151184 | Received: 25 Feb 2015 | Accepted: 27 Feb 2015 | January-February 2015 [(1)1: 354-357] 354
feature for storage cost at the cloud side should be II. METHODS AND MATERIAL
weighed opposed its bandwidth saving profits.
The solution which calculates its account on cloud side ALGORITHM
will result in low cost than the power of influences that
includes client-side capabilities. It is clearly analyzed The collection of information from the receiver to the
that this end-to-end solution is an huge amount of PRED-ACK receiver which is analysed in the form of
information to the servers, which may remove the cost various sizes and types. The applicable data find its
package. It further enhances that there is an effect in similar match in the receiver storage termed as Data
maintenance which cause defect in its effect. We are Store. If two data’s are found alike then the receiver
using end-to-end TRE technique to rely its power upon retrieves the order of further data. With the help of build
for predictions to reduce the traffic. chain the receiver sends the attributes that are needed to
the sender for the further data. Attributes refers to
Between the cloud and its end-users, the receiver will prediction which is considered as hint.
notice every action of incoming stream and tries to equal
with the previously received data in the local store. The prediction sent by the receiver includes the range of
For the long term data are stored in the separate storage predicted data, hint and signature of the data. The sender
place called local store and they were treated as catches the range in the order form and clarifies for that
metadata information which is kept locally. range. Once the output matches, it continues SHA-1
operation by sending acknowledgement message.
The receiver need some data to access so it sends some
predictions to the server along with the data signature
and that becomes very easy to verify the hint and
performs TRE operation when the hint get its match. By
this operation, we can avoid the expensive of the sender-
side with the absence of traffic redundancy. When the
redundancy was found in the system the sender sends
only the ACK for the prediction instead of sending data.

In the receiver side, PRED-ACK is replaced from well

known as RE- an application which is otherwise known
as Rabin fingerprinting many resultants are proved that
it is superior to previous techniques.

To validate the receiver based TRE technique we

execute, test and perform various concepts using PRED- STORE BOX - LOCAL STORAGE
ACK in a cloud surrounding. In this technique, we
demonstrate cloud cost reduction was succeeding by a In the receiver side, PRED-ACK contains a local store
various client efforts for the purpose of saving the which holds huge size of information.The information
bandwidth in the client-side. We utilise the TCP option consist of a unique identity and an address that will be
field to enhance their applications such as web, e-mail, folowing from one chunk to the other chunk with the
previous storage. By the new entry the receiver verifies
etc. using SHA-1. Here, the unique identification is added to
the store.
We remark with the result and compare with prior
received solution using terabytes. To result is thus The deviation in the PRED-ACK makes the receiver to
verified and the solution gives that 30% redundancy is combine with another file. Using this the receiver can
achieved by the user. Cost reduction is minimised to 20% share the numbers within the LAN. The purpose helps
for the cloud customers. to the elimination of redundant datas. By separting the
datas as chunks there takes place increase in data

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com)



This process works on the client side where the user’s

PRED message is further verified and sent with an
sequence of TCP hint range (unique number). Now a
keen calculation is handles between two different hints
PURPOSE OF PRED-ACK that are found in the TCP format under SHA-1 signature.
When two SHA-1 signatures are found to be matched,
When the new data arrives the receiver checks the then the sender can assume the actual message and then
respective signature for each data and looks for the equal continues the process of displaying it to the user. This
data in its local store. Now the client begins the process process is changed to many unique identification so that
by sending the new data that has to be found for the it can be handled under great security. The following
process. Here the PRED looks for a starting point in the representation includes the process in state machine
byte stream and finds various subsequent chunks format which explains the process of acknowledgement
according to the PRED-ACK command. The receiver method.
searches the PRED data with the already stored data
(from the local store). It two data’s are found alike then
the receiver sends a PRED-ACK, the format will be in
offset with PRED command.

The transmission shows a successful sign where the calc

sender then acknowledges with an message. The copy of
this message is then placed to the TCP buffer.



We restricted the operation of server and cost by the

process of reducing the data redundancy level in the
account of TRE system. Here, we are determining the
server’s traffic volume and CPU utilization without
In case of failure, then the process carries with an using the TRE system. The Server performance cost is
normal operation without any PRED-ACK message. undisturbed with both the network traffic volume and
the CPU utilization. For example we are using one
server and many clients for the process over the speed of
1 Gb/s network. We are using three various concepts –

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com)

A baseline no-TRE operation, PRED-ACK, EndRe-like. necessity for TRE solution that decreases the cloud’s
In our system, we use SHA-1 for measuring the entire operational cost during user mobility and cloud elasticity.
outgoing traffic in the system. As we eliminate the For this project, we are introduced PRED-ACK, a
redundancy data in the process and that makes the receiver based end to end TRE solution that will mainly
system to reduce the traffic over the transmission of data reduce the cost of bandwidth in cloud. PRED-ACK does
through various networks. By this process, we minimise not demand for server to maintaining a continuous status
the PRED-ACK server cost due to the saving of of client and it qualifies the cloud elasticity and user
bandwidth by unsent data. mobility for eliminating the redundancy. Likewise
NOTE: In the above method, we decrease the PRED-ACK was qualified for removing the redundancy
redundancy of data to 20% and the operational cost to on information which comes to client from various
25%. servers in the absence of three-way handshake.
As we gathered a various of information to exhibit
that PRED-ACK suits the different design goals and it
has a clear benefits for sender based TRE, particularly
Server cost
the cloud estimated cost and buffering components are
operational without important. Besides, PRED-ACK takes place extra effort
cost TRE
on the sender side to minimize the overall redundancy
and thus helps to decrease the cost of cloud.
Two attractive development of project can provide
redundancy added advantage to the PRED-ACK concept. First, here
we are maintaining the data in the chain format by the
attention of checking the chains in sequence order of
LRU pattern. The new development in this process to
CHUNKING PATTERN operate using statistical research of chains of data that
will empower various possibilities in data order as well
In our implementation, we are using a light weight as in corresponding predictions. The system may also
chunking method (fingerprinting), named as PRED- admit more than one prediction at a time, and that is
ACK chunking scheme. This PRED-ACK chunking sufficient for one to be right for successful traffic
scheme is faster than the Rabin Fingerprinting method. elimination. Second, it is a way if action for
The chunking speed of this scheme also increased when optimization of the hybrid sender-receiver approaches
compared to other schemes. Here, we are measuring the based on distributing decisions draw from receiver’s
speed of the SHA-1 signature. efficiency or server’s cost differs

Here, we are using two commonly unused TCP option
codes. First one is to empower the option of PRED-ACK
[1] B.Aggarwal, A.Akella, A.Anand, A.Balachandran, P.Chitnis,
allow to send in a SYN portion to denote that the PRED- C.Muthukrish, R.Ramjee and G.Varghese, “EndRE: An end-
ACK portion was used later connection was established. system redundancy elimination service for enterprises,” in Proc.
The other one is for PRED-ACK message that might be NSDI, 2010,pp.28-28.
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IV. CONCLUSION links,” US Patent 7636767, Nov.2009.

In cloud computing, there is a higher necessity for TRE

system to transfer a bulk of information in cloud and the
users wait for drastic increase. The cloud environment
explains the TRE system components and creating more
disproportionate solutions. By this event, there must be a

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com)


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