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Liber Loagaeth Transcription

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Liber Loagaeth

The First Leaf (1A)

An Enochian Prophecy on the cosmogony of the Universe
In the Merkabic Tradition
The First Leaf (1A)
Loagaeth: Enochian Prophecy
“A Book of Secrets & the Key of this World”

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

This book, and holy key, which unlocketh the secrets of God His determination—as concerning the beginning, present being, and end
of this world—is so reverent and holy, that I wonder (I speak in your sense) why it is delivered to those that shall decay. So excellent
and great are the Mysteries therein contained, above the capacity of man. [Five Books of Mystery, p.393]

The Angel Galvah, communicating this book to John Dee, says of Liber Loagaeth (pronounced
Logah) that it is “Speech from God”; clearly indicating the prophetic nature of the work and the
singular importance of the First Leaf.
Behold! Behold, yea, let Heaven and earth behold: For with this, they were created. And it is the voice and speech of Him, which
proceeded from the First, and is the First, whose glorious Name be exalted in his own horn of honor. Lo, this it is. And it is the truth;
whose truth shall endure forever. [Five Books of Mystery, p.268]

This holy book is said to contain three types of revelation; the knowledge of God, the numeration
and doings of its angels and the formation and demise of nature. So the book is also an outline of
an eschatology; not all that different from the apocalypses of the pseudpegriphic literature of the
late, pre-Christian era.
And of the First Leaf, Galvah said: “it is the last of the book,” having an uncanny parallel with
the biblical notion that those who are seated last shall be seated first. This is an overall allusion to
the Great Work that is the uniting of Heaven and Earth; the ‘above and below,’ per the Qabalistic
axiom: Kether is in Malkuth and Malkuth is in Kether, but after a different fashion. Galvah’s
proclamation may be taken to mean that the First Leaf is the summation of the prophecy and/or a
key to that prophecy of Liber Loagaeth; being its conclusion. But most important, Galvah said of
Loagaeth: “Out of this shall be restored the holy books, which have perished even from the
beginning, and from the first that lived. And herein shall be deciphered perfect truth from imperfect

The Angel Nalvage says of the First Leaf: “I find the soul of man hath no portion in this First
Table. It is the Image of the Son of God, in the bosom of his father, before all the worlds. It
comprehendeth his incarnation, passion, and return to judgment: which he himself, in flesh,
knoweth not.” In this we can determine the Logos before the act of creation and before the Ain
Soph Aur would cast a reflection of itself (as Kether) that it might then comprehend itself. This
of course, is the first spiritual act for us all, per the Hermetic Axiom: Know Thyself.
The problem with the first leaf; being arranged into words as with the tablets that comprise all but
the first two leaves of Loagaeth, is that there are a host of words that have no translation readily
available. But using Qabalistic and etymological techniques, these words can be translated, using
words that already exist in the language; adding new words into the lexicon. What follows here is
an attempt at this with an explanation of the techniques used to do this; and a commentary on the
verses themselves. Immediately, upon completing the interpretation of the first paragraph, it
becomes clear that Loagaeth is detailing a cosmogony represented symbolically by the Sigillum
Dei Aemeth. This seems a strong indicator that the correct approach to the interpretation of this
coded revelation has been found. And just as strong a verification is the fact that the entire
Enochian system is built on the Sigillum Dei Aemeth; being literally the support for the work as
symbolically expressed through the placement of sigils under each leg of the Holy Table of
Practice and under the magick mirror itself.
What is being detailed as we begin to translate and decode the work is a hekalothic mythos and
cosmogony of the creation of Earth and Heaven; its angels being described as the Children of
Light. There is a marvelous parallel with the esoteric Buddhist prophecy as expounded by
Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, but more from a uniquely Western perspective. It then also
becomes natural to interpret this work in terms of Liber XXX Aerum vel Saecvli Svb Figvra
CCCCXVIII; The Vision & the Voice, which goes to the heart of Thelemic Doctrine as revealed
to the Master Therion in his skrying to the thirty Aethyrs.

The Sigillum Dei Aemeth: Seal of God’s Truth

The letters, numbers and symbols of the SDA were dictated separately from the presentation of
the image of the overall design of the seal. The dictation begins with the outer ring. It is divided
into quarters with each quarter is broken into 10 pieces,1 to form 8 sets2 of 5 pieces,3 404 in total;

Consistent with the Sefirot on the Tree-of-Life.
Biune elements of the 4 worlds of the Qabalah.
The number of man.
In the Sumerian myth of Enlil and Enki, the first sons of Anu, from which also is drawn the myth of the casting out of Lucifer from
heaven, we learn that Enki’s sacred number is 40. He was the one in the myth who saved humanity from the Deluge; defying the
Anunnaki. In pseudpegriphal lore, Lucifer defies God and is cast out from heaven; saving humanity by bringing the forbidden fire
from the gods. Interestingly enough, the number 40 in the English Qabalah is the letter 'V'; transliterated as Vau into Hebrew,
subsequently connected to the Hierophant Atu. 40 is also the word 'Us' in the English Qabalah, which has a special significance in
Liber AL; Us being the Company of Heaven. In the Hebrew Qabalah, 40 is the value of such words as 'Liberator' (title of Yesod
GVAL) and 'The Hand of the Eterneal YD YHVH'. The former clearly suggesting the Nightside of the Tree-of-Life and the latter
suggesting immortality. Digging deeper, we learn from the Secret Doctrine:
When the “Maker of the material world” (Ahura Mazda) is asked, furthermore, what is to give light “to the Vara which Yima made,”
he is told that “There are uncreated lights and created lights” and that “there” (in Airyana Vaego, where Vara is built), “the stars, the
moon, and the Sun are only once (a year) seen to rise and set” and a year seems only as a day (and night) a clear reference to the “land
of the Gods” or the (now) polar regions. Moreover another hint is contained in this verse: a distinct allusion to the “uncreated lights”
probably connecting with the four elements of the Elemental Tablets. Each of these sections is
then filled with either a letter or letter(s); or a number and a letter; starting at the top, starting with
the Greek [w] Omega (with some of the A’s also being regarded as the Greek Alpha) and in a
clockwise direction. The numbers associated with the letters indicated how many spaces laid
between the current letter and the next. If the number was on top, the next letter was that many
spaces to the right; clockwise, and if it were on the bottom, to the left (counter-clockwise). By
beginning at the capitals, and working to the letters without numbers, seven names of God are
formed. The names are to be pronounced without the doubling of the A's.
All the letters in the outer circle represent the first letter of a forty-lettered name for an angel.
The letter Tau is found just to the right of the 12 o’clock position (under the number 4 and poorly
displayed in our graphic) and is a name of God. Just past the 9 o’clock position on the outer
circle is a large letter A, which is the only letter not used for godnames. From this, we can derive
three names; Abora, Aaoth and Algol (the demon star), which can be set into the following
6 6

The Holy Table says that Babalon is with IAO. We can easily attribute the Beast 666 to IAO.
Babalon and the Beast are the “8” elemental sections of the 40 letters of the outer rim of the SDA
that give the seven names of God. And from these names, we can see that Ga as God’s seed
(Galethog—one of the names of God on the SDA) becomes Thoth (the Sun god becoming the
Moon god Thaoth—one of the names of God on the SDA, as shown on the following page).
Inside the heptagon are the seven lines of Table I written one line per side. These lines when
reformed into a table and read, form commonly known angel's names. Inside that heptagon are
the seven lines of Table II written one line per space. These lines when reformed in a table and
read, form the seven angel's names which appear again in the center of the seal, around the
pentacle. In and around the septacle (7 pointed star) and inner heptagon are the names of the 7
women, men, wenches and boys, formed from Table II. The inner pentacle contains the angelic
names derived from Table II, with the exception of Zabathiel, which should be spelled Sabathiel.
The Letters within the points of the pentacle- Z M S N C, are the angels of the Circles of Heaven
(the Hekaloth): Zedekiel, Madimiel, Semeliel, Noganiel and Corabiel. Seven of the letters are
capitalized, indicating the first letters of certain concealed angelic names. To find the names of
these angels, Dee was instructed to use the numbers connected with each letter. Where the
number was above the letter, he was to count that many letters clockwise to find the next letter of
the name; where the number was below the letter, he was to count counterclockwise. Each name
ended when he reached one of the six letters without a number and seven names were produced:
Thaaoth (the Beast)
Galethog (God’s seed)

which enlighten man within — his principles. Otherwise, no sense or reason could be found in Ahura Mazda’s answer (V. 40), which
is forthwith followed by Verse 41 saying that “Every fortieth year, to every couple (hermaphrodite) two are born, a male and female,
” the latter being a distinct echo of the Secret Doctrine, of a Stanza which says — “At the expiration of every forty (annual) Suns, at
the end of every fortieth Day, the double one becomes four; male and female in one, in the first and second and the third. . . . . .”
Of these seven names the angel Uriel said: "every letter containing an Angel of Brightness:
comprehending the 7 inward powers of God, known to none but himself: a sufficient BOND to
urge all creatures to life or death, or anything else contained in this world."
Exploring Hebrew, Greek and Enochian root etymologies can help us to assign meanings to these
names as follows:
Galas +L Saturn ( a Greek name of the highest Celestial Sphere); note that in
many Semitic cosmologies, El is the first god as El means first in
Enochian. From the root GAL; relates to the concept of liberation and

Gethog +OG Jupiter (verified in Liber Tertius), OG is a famous city in the Bible
where Baal was worshiped as Jupiter, recently excavated with
many archeological-astronomical alignments. From the Arabic GT,
meaning repel the hand that helps it.

Thaoth5 A_+ Moon (form of Thoth Egyptian Moon god) A is Alpha, Aleph and
the first names in the SDA; and possibly the Hebrew Thah (limits,
circumscribes, defines).

Horlwn +H Mercury (lunar Mercury in the Monad, note the LWN as a

homonym for our Lun, lunar, lunatic, etc; Hor as a title of Horus. The Hebrew
HO relates to a binding force of nothingness to something.

Innon XE Mars, found in the Greater Key of Solomon to compel appearance. From the
root IN; ‘united manifestation’.

Aaoth T Venus (Isis, the Rosy Cross; also suggesting the Azoth of
Alchemy). From the Hebrew AAa, meaning ‘in defense of something’ and
VTh, relating to difficulty in movement.

Galethog6 +G Sun (solar Mercury, the Hieroglyphic Monad) possibly related to

Galgalim or wheels of Merkabah Qabalaism as well as to Galvah,
the mother of the Family of lights found in the SDA; and possibly also
equivalent to the idea of ‘Mother Nature’.

No mention is made of the remaining letters in the outer ring, not used to form these names. Only
the last of these names appears overtly in the sigil, in the arcs immediately inside the outer ring.
To each letter of "Galethog", a cross was appended to produce a set of sigil-like images; giving
them an hieroglyphic or archetypal quality:

These sigils were placed, one to each arc, counterclockwise around the Sigil of Ameth; seeming
to be the name of God by which the angels of the SDA are invoked. The issue here would be to
figure out what the proper pronunciation of this word would be. Of these sigils Uriel said:
"Those seven letters are the 7 Seats of the One and everlasting GOD. His 7 secret Angels
proceding from every letter and cross so formed: referring in substance [i.e., in essence] to the
FATHER: in form, to the SON: and inwardly to the HOLY GHOST."

The Beast; as shown in the second paragraph of Liber Loagaeth.
Ga is God’s seed and hence, Thoath; the Beast, as described in the second paragraph of Liber Loagaeth. This shows us that these
“fiery angels” of God are not necessary separate entities, but aspects of the whole.
The letters in the outermost heptagon, just inside the arcs, are derived from the names of the
"Seven Angels who stand before the presence of God" listed in Agrippa's Three Books of Occult
Philosophy. Each of these names was seen, inscribed on a talisman, on the breast of a bird, with
obvious alchemical symbolism. The names of these angels are written vertically in a seven-by-
seven grid; in the final square is placed a cross, representing the Earth, thus:

Thus we have the Planetary Archangels of Agrippa, which it seems may be appealed to when
invoking the angels of the SDA, after first appealing to the mysterious name of God noted above:

Planetary Archangel Sefirot Title

Zaphkiel Binah Beholder of God
Zadkiel Chesed Righteous of God
Cumael Geburah Burner of God
Raphael Tiphareth God has Healed
Haniel Netzach Glory or Grace of God
Michael Hod Who is as God
Gabriel Yesod God is my Strength

The remaining divine and angelic names in the Sigil are all derived, by various means, from the
names of the traditional planetary archangels, which are written within and around the pentagram
at the center of the Sigil. As with the above table, the derivation was only demonstrated after the
names were presented; this served to demonstrate that the angels were working from knowledge
not available to Dee and Kelly, and were therefore more than figments of the magicians'
imaginations. The names of the planetary archangels were formed into a 7-by-7 tablet, by writing
them diagonally from the upper left corner in standard cabalistic order beginning with the
archangel of Saturn. The final "L" of each name was replaced in the tablet by numbers, usually
appended to the preceding letter:
Reading the table in seven rows across, we get:
SAAIEME – Vivit in Caelic/He lives in Heaven
BTZKASE – Deus Noster/Our God
HEIDENE – Dux Noster/Our Commander
DEIMO.A – Hilest/This is
IMEGCBE – Lux in Aeternum/Light Forever
ILAOIVN – Finis est/It is the end
IHRLAA. – Vera est haec Tabula/This table is true
The names derived from this table, as indicated by the colored lines are:

Sabathiel – Saturn – yatbs – He who is first in works

Zedekiel – Jupiter – qdj – He who is first in attainment
Madimiel – Mars – mydmam – He who is first in expressing God
Semeliel – Sol – sms – He who is first in speed
Nogahel – Venus – hgvn – He who is first in spirit
Corabiel – Mercury – kbvb – He who is first in ecstasy
Levanael – Luna – hnvl – He who is first in the Secret Wisdom

These are essentially English transliterations of the Hebrew names of the planets with the suffix –
el appended to indicate the divine and turn them into angelic names; as shown above. The seven
names between the outer heptagon and the heptagram are "Names of God, not known to the
Angels; neither can [they] be spoken nor read of man." They are derived from this tablet by
reading the rows from left to right, and are placed in clockwise sequence around the Sigil. In the
Angels' view, the derivation shown here is the reverse of the truth. Rather than the planetary
angels producing these god-names, "these Names, bring forth 7 angels: the 7 Angels and
Governors in the heavens next to us". Thus the Sigil, from its outer ring to its center, represents a
descent of power from God into the world. Between these God-names and the Planetary
Archangels in the Sigil stand four additional ranks of beings. Even though they are outside the
Archangels (and therefore presumably superior to them) it seems that they are in some way the
"children" of the Archangels:
Every letter of the Angels' names, bringeth forth 7 daughters. Every daughter bringeth forth her daughter, which
is 7. Every daughter-her-daughter bringeth forth a son. Every son in himself, is 7. Every son has his son, and his
son is 7.

The names in these groups are derived from the tablet by taking the letters diagonally as shown in
the diagrams below.
The Green lines give us the names of the Daughters of Light:
El, Me, Ese, Iana, Akele, Azdobn, Stimcul
Seven women in green with hair pinned back and each with a blue tablet on her forhead, appeared
in Kelly’s shewstone. These are connected with the Hyades7 star cluster in Taurus;8 representing
the Vernal Equinox (the point where the Astrological ages begin).

The Gold lines give us the names of the Sons of Light (who appear to Kelly, carrying a ball of a
different planetary essence as follows:
I – Gold
Ih – Silver
Ilr – Copper
Dmal – Tin
Heeoa – Iron
Beigia – Juggling Quicksilver
Stimcul – Lead

Their names are found inside the apex of the Septagon. They rule over the seven ensigns of
creation and are formative angels. Each is ascribed a metal by seven youn men in white; named
on a round gold tablet on their chest (The Sons of Light). Their names are on the lines of the
inner septagon.

The Red lines give us the names of the Daughters of the Daughters of Light:
S, Ab, Ath, Ized, Ekei, Madimi, Esemeli
These names are the “seven little wenches” found on outer hexagon that surrounds the pentagram.
Each was seen by Kelly wearing white silk robes (as Sons of Light also wore) and they had ivory
square tablets on their chest. In classical mythology, the Daughters of the Daughters of light are
associated with the Pleiades,9 the Daughters of Atlas and Gaia. These are attributed to particular
stars in the asterism, but one is thought to be lost.

The Blue lines give us the names of the Sons of the Sons (assigned to the days of the week) rule
over the Heptarchical Kings.
EL - Friday
An - Wednesday
Ave10 - Sunday
Liba - Tuesday
Rocle - Thursday
Hagon(el) - Saturday
Ilemese – Monday

The Hyades is a cluster or Red Giant stars that form a V-shape and are the head of Taurus the Bull. The word ‘Hyades’ means a
congregation of the judge or ruler. Taurus is called the Station of Horus; the coming, the wayfaring. Crowley calls this the ‘Thone of
the Hierophant.’ The Red Giant Aldebaron (means: the leader) is the Watcher star of the Vernal Equinox in this constaellation.
The Age of Taurus hold the ancient truth of the Sphinx. A deeper understanding of the Hyades, Pleiades and Little Dipper needs to
be researched. The Little Dipper holds the Super Giant, Polaris (the North Star and location of the north celestial pole); called also,
Ursa Minor and once a part of the constellation Draco, it contains the stars called the Hesperides; ‘the Daughters of Atlas.’
This is Orion’s Belt and translated as ‘congregation of the Judge or ruler’ (Pleiades). The constellation of Orion is also called the
‘resting place of Osiris’ and is Dionysus to the Greeks. The meaning of the word ‘Orion’ is ‘Impious Giant;’ a seeming reference to
the Nephilim.
Ave is introduced in the first paragraph as “the Son of Son of Light and foremost of God’s angels” and as being brought forth by the
“8 fiery angels”; showing us that the 8 are more intimately connected to the Lord of Hosts than the 7 emanations and indeed, that the 8
bring forth the four sets of 7 Children of Light.
Seen by Kelly wearing purple from head to toe; with hanging sleeves. Green triangles are on
their breasts, bearing their names and shown on the inner septagon that surrounds the pentagram.
In classical mythology, the Sons of the Sons of Light are referred to the stars of the Little Dipper.

Finally, the names of the seven planetary archangels are placed inside the innermost heptagon.
The angel of Saturn, Sabathiel, surrounds the pentagram; the angel of Luna, Levanael, is wholly
inside the central pentagon, surrounding the cross of Earth. The remaining names are applied to
the pentagram in cabalistic order, beginning with the angel of Jupiter, Zedekiel, at the top point
and going clockwise.

Love is the law, love under will.

The Cosmogony of Loagaeth
What follows here is a summary and a listing of both those places, things and especially
beings, originally found in the Sigillum Dei Aemeth and that appear solely in Liber
Loagaeth . The synchronicities have been amazing and have shown me that this is truly a
prophetic work. The prophecy of this document is proving to be as potent as the ‘Proem
of Dzyan”—the prophecy of the ‘Hidden Mahatmas’ of the Yellow School of Magick
found in HPB’s Secret Doctrine. It is important to tie the characters introduced and
developed in Liber Loagaeth to the Sigillum Dei Aemeth. And so it is the SDA that both
animates Loagaeth and Loagaeth that animates the SDA; the eternal mythos coming
through this potent magickal symbol. With this detailed expansion Enochiana, the
Thelemic canon is appended in a most marvelous manner.

The Vision of Vaa

This book presents the overall cosmogony of the Enochian Universe named in the SDA.
Both the evolutionary and involutionary currents as well as the transformative process of
both currents are introduced. Further, the connection with the Holy Table of Practice, the
Table of 12 and the Lamen is established.

Verse 1
Overall in the verse, there seems to be an allusion to the psycho-spiritual process described by the
Court Cards of the Holy Tarot; as if this was a description of the mystery of creation. Involving
the angels of light in the verse then carries a specific undertone.
The loins of the Daughter of Light is the night sky itself; NUIT. Also, consistent with the
reference to NUIT and validating this interpretation, the word NOT appears; being the Key to
Liber AL vel Legis, along with several appearances of the number 31 in the translation of the
words of this verse.
Further, we begin to get an understanding of the ‘evil’ nature of Babalon. This connects with the
Nephilitic theme and the descent of the angels to Earth. The Daughter of Light in Binah, lays
with her lover, Vaa and creates the night sky (the N.O.X.) and all the stars. She manifests on the
Earth plane as the Scarlet Whore; giving birth to humanity.

The Son of Son of Light—Ave and the Holy Pentagram

The Angel of the Loins of the Daughter of Light (Ga—as described in this verse; the
light of the Sun crystallized in the Yoni that is the Universe.)
Woe—the “ecstasy that is “God’s wrath” and the divine light that emanates to the
highest heaven (described in Verse 2)
The 4th Heaven—the “holy house” where Semeliel is born and from where Ga speaks.
Ga is directly connected to the Holy Table; suggesting that it is connected with the 4th
Heaven. In Verse 5, God is said to be “one in name with the 4th,” which of course could
indicate Chesed as the 4th Sphere on the Tree-of-Life or Assia: the 4th World of the Tree-
of Life, as much as it could indicate the 4th Heaven, which even could be one in the same
as one or the other.
The 3rd Heaven—the place from which stars pour down; reminiscent of the verse from
AL:II.62—“I am uplifted in thine heart; and the kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy body.” It is
connected with the 6th Aethyr in the third verse.
Vaa—the Lord of Darkness and the Angel of the 4 moons (four phases of the Moon);
hence the astral light.
Ave – The Son of Son of Light and foremost of God’s angels (attributed to Sunday). In
verse 12, the Son of Son of Light is said to be the holy pentagram. The angel of the 6th
Aethyr is named “AV.” The Son of Son of Light is also the Holy Pentagram of Verse
Ga – Angel of the loins of the Daughter of Light; Son of Son of Light.
(This angel is not on the list of Sons of Sons of Light; Dee & Kelly were also told
that the Daughters of Light can also birth sons—that would then be the Sons of
the Daughters of Light).
Semeliel—the angel of the Lord (attributed to Sol on the 7-fold Tablet, as “He who is
first in speed”)
The Daughter of Light (the Zodiac and Isis, the Mistress of Initiation per the Chemical
Wedding of Christian Rosencreutz)
The Spirit of the Daughter of Light (Ga; the Philosopher’s Stone); suggesting the
stars of the zodiac being connected with immortality.
The holy house—the place from which Ga speaks.
The Philosopher’s Stone—Ga and The Spirit of the Daughter of Light.

Verse 2
Having translated the lettering of the Holy Table of Practice after the completion of the first
paragraph of this prophecy and after having found a marvelous synchronicity between the two,
we find that the catechism of all the letters of the Holy Table of Practice (including the Table of
12) and the letters of the Lamen informs the interpretation of this paragraph as well as the first.
The 88 Letters of the Perimeter

This is Ga making the Son of Son of Light; destroying the Prince, the first changing one and making the Sons of Son of Light. The
archetypal man, the Daughter of Light possess the partakers. Substantial, this in mourning the 8; except BABALON with IAO.
The Tablet of Union garland 12 constellations holy; made the Daughter of Light into the archetypal man Visit us spirit of the Sun,
Ga, Guardian of the subtle body to charge the first inner essence.

Ga is the Enochian Entity claiming to be the conductor of that transformative force that is the
Prince or Tiharaeth. At Tiphareth is the archetype of humanity individualized into the partakers
that God transformed into originally as Kether. This is the ONE become the ALL as outlined in
Liber LXV. The 8 angels of the Lord of Hosts from the 4th Heaven are the theme of the First Leaf
translation. Next to these we are introduced to the concept of BABALON with IAO or the
The Letters of the Lines of the Table of 12

This is the completed work that God changes into man.

The Letters of the Columns of the Table of 12

The Initiation unto the heart of the Sun is fulfilled by the Goddess.

The Letters of the Lamen

The milk of the stars about the ecliptic was reflected into creation. By inertia I made holy your first thought. Immediately the eight
Daughters of Light appear before us. Which world without end, the first of the Daughters of Light traverses the East with the holy Son
of Son of Light.
The ‘universal mind’ is connected with the combined essence of the ‘Trinity (or cross of Light)’
as possibly the manifestation of NA (a fire that pervades the Universe, as suggested in verse 7 (in
the book: I.NA). We might glean from this that the light of mind or enlightenment is self-
knowledge (Gnosis). The “treasure” that is the “22 paths of the spirit” seems to refer to the
Hebrew Alphabet and the Tree-of-Life, which is itself a glyph of immortality. The “4 faces” are
then the Four Worlds (Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah & Assiah) of the Qabalah; representative of the
journey from the Archetypal to material manifestation, as detailed in the letters of the perimeter
of the Holy Table of Practice. That this all ties into the Starry Gnosis is displayed by calling God
“the ruler of the Earth 12 galaxies” and continuing with the theme of the 12 lights and 4 moons of
the first paragraph.
The “seed” is the antient light, the Word or Gnosis brought down from the archetypal involution
of God into manifestation. The evolutionary cosmogony of the Children of Light; the Daughter
of Light, Son of Light, Daughter of Daughter of Light and Son of Son of Light is being presented
in this restoration of the most ancient knowledge of our race. An interesting key here is in the
“thousand angels.” This shows a corollary with the Adam Kadmon that is the platonic ideal or
archetypal form of humanity; the fragmented Universal Mind and collective souls of our race.
This is equivalent to the Hindu ‘Purusha’ that is the individual mind that animates ‘prakriti’ that
like the Adam Kadmon is the “man with a thousand heads and a thousand eyes” in the Rig Veda.

God’s wrath (the Woe of Verse 1)

The Sceptor of the Daughter of Daughter of Light (the highest heaven or 7th heaven)
Son of Light (the Logos)
Children of the Light (angelic beings)
Lord of Hosts (also symbolized as the Trinity and NA through the verses)
A thousand angels (these show up in Verse 13 and seem to reference Liber VII and
reflecting the place wherein divinity grows)

Verse 3
By naming MAZ, this paragraph presents the 6th Aethyr as a key to its translation and
understanding. It is said to be from the “third heaven,” which suggests a Merkabic
arrangement amongst the Aethyrs. Since an Aethyr cannot be multiplied (an absurd
consideration), “thrice the 6th Aethyr” or ‘thrice MAZ’ makes no sense. But we can
connect “the spirit of God being a raging fire is not thrice” and show that God, which is
NOT—thrice as in the three-fold veil of the negative; Ain Soph Aur.

The Holy Trinity (Na and the Lord of Hosts)

The Logos
Lax—Angel of the East (possibly connected with the 4th Heaven)

Verse 4
In the ancient Egyptian cosmogony, the Ogdoad were eight deities, arranged into four male-
female pairs that collectively represent the essence of existence in primordial balance. Their
interaction at some point develops an imbalance that produces an new entity, Ra, the fiery sun
god that rises up from amongst them and then with them, creates all things.
The Pythagorians further attributed to the number 8 the qualities of justice, and fullness;
justice being an exponential expression of the duality (2 emergent of the NOT; hence
2=0) of nature; 22 then gives us 4, the quaternary that , doubled by the next exponent: 23
= 8 gives us the Ogdoad or infinite expansion of the godhead. Fulness naturally follows
from this by nature of the corporeal solidity of the 8-sided cube. It was the custom of
Orpheus to swear by the eight deities for divine justice by the names: Fire, Water, Earth,
the Heaven, Moon, Sun, Phanes, and the Night (Nyx). There were considered to be the
eight visible spheres of the heavens.

The Ogdoad (described as “this millennia” or thousands upon thousands—A thousand

Angels [that might also be the thousand arms—of God; found in the Cry of the 4th
Aethyr and connected to Verse 5]; also described as “this lunar holiness”)
Lunar Holiness (the radiance of the Daughter of Light cf. the translation of the words:
gram and nes)
Star Speech (the spontaneous utterances of divine inspiration, speaking in tongues as a
divine transmission from the Lord of Hosts; prophecy)

Verse 5
The opening phrase connects the Daughter of Light with the expanse that is the Universe.
Virtue here is then described as the uniting of the “one” that is the ‘Sun of Light’ and that
we might call humanity with this expanse (the Daughter of Light) by the power of the
Augoeides. That the 3-fold negative God is one in name with the 4th is a description of
the mating of the King and Daughter after having awakened the eld of the King. The
mighty are the stars of the Universe “wailing” or moving the planets about them; each
their own solar system. Man’s twin star; being the Augoeides is then tied with ‘not
being’ as if to suggest the Augoeides as some relation to the Ain Soph Aur wherein
humanity is held to be separate with the Sun of God being the inner or higher self that is
moving “unto me”; suggesting NUIT who is the stars of the Universe. Essentially then,
we are all ONE and this paragraph suggests that we are moving to the this integration of
stars; not unlike the integration of the elements of the human soul that is the nature of its
The angelic image that is the archetypal template of the Adam Kadmon echoing from the
4th or Assia (the material universe) with the echo of the creative God is the movement
unto NUIT. Yet the Zodiac being the Daughters of God suggest even multiple NUITs;
each constellation being a fabric of stars—as if to say “all numbers are infinite.” The 9
glories then coming from the 4th suggests Yesod (the astral house); the movement from
the 10th Sefira to the astral Universe.
There is then a triplicity in the nature of the Augoeides being the ‘word’ of God, the Son
of Son of Light and by induction, the Sun of God. But what might then be the Son of Son
of Light? We might suggest God’s law as manifest in the 4th (Assiah); being that
‘hidden’ natural law held by the angels that are its messengers and that are known as the
natural spirits. The Sun of God mourning for the Daughter of Light is simply Hadit
adoring Nuit; her loins being the whole of the Universe and covering the immortal realm
that covers the first cause (the causeless cause) with the “One” that is the totality of the
Universe—even itself to adore NUIT, which is the way to immortality by “keep[ing]
from the 4th.

The Expanse—the Sceptor of the Daughter of Daughter of Light.

The Augoeides
Man’s twin star—the Augoeides; the ‘Savior’ star or Holy Guardian Angel.
The Sun of God—angelic image; Hadit (also: there is then a triplicity in the nature of
the Augoeides being the ‘word’ of God or Logos [Son of God] formulated to a specific
word—called the Son of Son of Light and by induction, the Sun of God being the prana
discussed in Verse 13)
The Mighty—the ‘elect’ of God, as those souls that dwell in the highest heaven.
The Daughter of Light’s 9 glories—the 9 Sefira; from Yesod up to Kether.
The loins Star—the creative force
Angelic image—the Sun of God; the “from the 4th glorious cry”—Cry of the 4th Aethyr,
which may then connect this with the 4th Heaven.
The 3rd mortality—the third dimension.

The Vision of Ian: the Daughter of Light

This book is a parable that introduces the Starry Gnosis or ‘lesser mysteries.’ Both the
structure of the sidereal plane and the cycles of time are intimated, as well as the triune
nature of the divine and the evolutionary nature of humanity.

Verse 6
The “universal law” is held separate from the manifestation, which is the 4th plane and
hangs pendant to the Tree-of-Life and hence “the way of the Lord” is not the way of
manifestation on the material plane. The Trinity that we noted in the previous verse
emerges from the 4th or material plane is next said here to emerge at the start of each
“millennia,” which we might equate with each ‘Equinox of the Gods.’ This occurs with
the ‘angel of death’ that slays the old god and with all these old gods; it moves on to
dwell in the “infinite place” wherein also, the ‘Sun of God’ is begotten. The daughters
residing in the 4th are the harem led by the Daughter of Light. These are the original
earthly leaders during the matriarchal period.
The Sun of God being “made in the 4th” is the local Sun (Sol) of our solar system; this
becomes the physical incarnation of the archetypal image formulated in the infinite. By
way of the “Master Magickian” the Sun of God emerges from the “divine Augoeides”
and at his fiat the Son of Light and the Daughter of Light mate. Yet “the 26 comprise the
all,” which seems to have no apparent reference until we consider the true 13
constellations of the ecliptic in their male/female syzygies.

The Son of Light is next described as the “3 in 1” being the Trinity whose mercy is the
production of the Magickal Childe that is the next stage in human evolution. Various
syzygies then exist in these fixed stars spread out in the sky by the Magus that creates the
true religion (without sect) by fixing them as receptors of the One. Each star is a star of
five angles that dissolve ultimately into the One, but before all the that, the Daughter of
Light appears as Isis; she who is the first—the initiator.
Each star is a burning sacrificial fire holding 28, which seems but a mask for 10 (5+5 or
Pentagram united with Pentagram in syzygy). Each pentagram represents the four
material elements united with spirit and so the Magick is directed to place a pentagram in
the four quarters of the temple that the unity would descend from above. This is the
formula for the “end of sorrow” as therein dwells the One-God. The divine will is then
the pentagram anthropomorphosized as the Son of Son of Light, who dwells in
“variation” as each of 12 separate stars, which confounds us to some degree; in the
eternal argument…are there 12 or 13 on the ecliptic?

Star—The Augeoides
Universal law—connected to the 4th plane or Assiah and is “the way of the Lord.”—but
not of manifestation, but seemingly indicative of the highest being brought into the
lowest or spirit in matter.
The Angel of Death—with the Trinity is in the infinite place.
The infinite place—the place that is no place, the Pleroma (outside this Universe)
The Master Magickian
Magickal Childe
IAN—Daughter of Light
(listed on the 7-fold Tablet as Iana; an amazing synchronicity for me in
translation!...Ian is described in the text as the Daughter of Light)
Holy Spirit—divine will of the gods
Holy Pentagram—The Son of Son of Light; Ave
12 Guardian Angels—a seeming reference to the 12 constellations of the zodiac.

I. NA: The Lord of Hosts

What “the Hosts” symbolize are the bodies that house our being on each plane of our
existence. My physical body is host to Na; my astral body is host to Na; my formative
body is host to Na; my archetypal body is host to Na—Na is the lord of all of these.
These interact in the manner described again, by the Court Cards, as introducted in

Verse 7
A certain reference to Genesis is found in “the righteous creatures of the Sun of God.”
And for that matter, Genesis is the key to Qabalah study and the mythos that connects
what would develop into Hebrew culture with its origins in an antideluvian culture that
today, seems all but lost in the winds of time. This is a Universal wisdom that can be
interpreted as being a wisdom fit for our solar system and mythologically encoded into
the Zodiac to both show the stature of the myth; but also the depth and breadth of the awe
the encouches the material plane of being.
The 4th is the starry sky and its 5 is the Pentagram that is both the star of humanity and
the Augoeides. These “righteous creatures” ring of the legions of Lucifer’s guardian
angels that having originally swore to watch over and protect humanity had later to defy
God in order to keep the Oath. These beings are said to reside in the ‘lower astral;’
where they were banished. But of course, that is the starry sky that has both an outer and
an inner dimension; flowing through each of us as the Aethyr (itself revealed with thirty
levels of “unfragmentary non-atomic” density).
In previous verses, the 3rd has been shown to have emerged or emanated from the 4th;
perhaps to demonstrate a movement to evolutionary subtlety. Through this symbolism
we suggest Babalon as the Earth [infernal] mother of the human archetype or hologram in
a movement upwards from “darkness with the Beast.” And as the “infernal mother,”
Babalon is exalted as the Scarlet Woman who carries a sword. She is “not gathering”—a
symbol that suggest both the maternal/domestic nature of the chaste woman (cf. AL) and
also a time when the human race was in its hunter-gatherer phase before the next stage in
our racial evolutionary development.
The “third,” even as the “Trinity” is of the nature of the inner God; the Khabs to the Khu
that is in this prophecy, the Universal garment. It is also “within you” as you are
possessed by the 4th—Nuit, arched for love—surrounding us as the night sky—her many
stars kissing us as the Aethyr in every moment. What a wonder! As Babalon, the
archetypal hologram (that also surrounds us) is shaped by her love; the khu astride our
Khabs. This is the “fruit of heaven”—the Magickal Childe. The eclipse is but Sol in
Luna—the Thelemic formula of Set appearing in the circle (cf. Liber XXXVI).
That the “third is in darkness” shows us the L.V.X. in the N.O.X.—the Magick Lamp
burning bright in the dark night. This instructs us on the infinitessimal One, appearing in
the pentagram to make the hexagram that is also the singularity of infinite existence
(immortality and bliss) as taught by the eightfold law. In this way we are no longer
separated from the primordial fire as found in the seed visited upon the Daughter of Light
and that is NA (a new being) emergent from the two…and “not the first.”

The Beast—The Son of Light

Babalon—The Daughter of Light
Spirits—righteous creatures; possibly the Mighty of Verse 5
The star of five—humanity
Righteous Creatures of the Sun of God; that the Mighty dwell in the highest heaven
The Infernal Mother—Babalon as mother of the Great N.O.X.; the Earth and the
human hologram it generates
The Angel of the East (a reference to Lax)
Na—The Lord of Hosts
The Hexagram—the ‘thought of God’ per Verse 11
Eightfold Law

Verse 8
The nine skirts are the Tree-of-Life from Kether to Malkuth. The third choice would
seem to indicate the Ruach (the culmination of the nine skirts) that ultimately is dissolved
to but grains of sand in the crossing of the Abyss and arriving at the City of the Pyramids.
That the Son of Son of Light is not of the Ruach with his father, the Son of Light; both
then being of the fourth or Assiah, the Son of Son of Light is then the utterance of his
father; being called the Magickal Child. The Daugher of Light being of the holy trinity is
Babalon; pouring ones blood into the Cup of her Fornications is the darkness of the
Abyss beyond the Ruach or third east. The hexagram is a symbol, not of the square of
the material plane, but is the symbol of the Archangel of the East; the symbol of the act
of sacrifice that produces the Magickal Childe or the spirit of the act itself. This act is an
impeccable mode of being that is poised in full consciousness. The Daughter then
becomes the Mother who sits with the Son of Light on the throne of Ra. She becomes
Queen of the Moon; the “rich” being those noble souls that have garnered their treasure
in Heaven as the scriptures assert. Their initiation by which they pierce the veil to the
higher life comes at the hands of the Goddess as the Rosicrucian mythos asserts and by
way of Babalon and the Beast, are the seven demi-gods are manifested by their being
named of the Logos (the “star possess” or Augoeides) that is the Magickal Childe. The
Son of Son of Light is the Pentagram and the godhead; forming its own trinity.

The Archangel of the East (Gar of Verse 11)

The Queen of the Moon—the Daughter of Light becomes the Queen of the Moon

Verse 9
It can be postulated that the “holy fire of the Holy Pentagram” is the archetypal
hologram that is qabalistically referred to as the Adam Kadmon. “[I]n them,” in contrast
with ‘in him’ or ‘in it’ then refers to “the nine cries of God;” being the Sefirot as the
measure of the involutionary descent with each Sefira becoming its own being—“that star
mourning.” It is the archangel of the East; the place of resurrection that then formulates
this into what is called “the body of God” and that we can call also, the Universal Mind.
The genitals of the human being are key to the separation or individuation of Spirit,
which might also be called a fragmentation (considered within the Veil of Qesheth; the
Astral Triad on the Tree-of-Life) on a higher level. And it as if this part of the verse here
is regretful; crying out for a return or dissolution back into the Lord of Hosts. Yet, this
holy Pentagram that is the individuated spirit begins its orbit about the Lord of Hosts;
being the article of wonder and adoration for IT.
That the upper 9 Sefirot are contained in the 4th (Assiah) is another way of saying that
God is in Man as Man is in God; but after a different manner. And the Daughter of Light
being equivocated to the 4th as delineated in our commentary on the first verse, we also
have a symbolic analogy to the act of conception. This is God in its microcosmic
manifestation; the “Daughter of Light surround” that is “created within several” is a
certain allusion to the Augoeides experience belonging to the Adepts that have been
separated by the sword, as was placed in Genesis at the gates to the Garden of Eden. This
seems an allusion to those fallen angels of the pseudpegriphic legend; the legions of
guardian angels that guide the evolution of every individual human being being
“dissolved” into the lower astral plane of Malkuth/Assiah.
The Master Magickian is named Sangef and described as the first one to receive the seed
of God, which would seem an allusion to the Savior motif of Gnostic literature; the
spiritual Sun of God who is invoked by the Daughter of Light in the astral plane. But Ga
being not of the 4th, but of the Holy Pentagram indicates that Ga is the great Watcher
angel or Holy Guardian Angel of humanity (on a par with the pseudpegriphic Lucifer—
Light Bringer). The circle of stars then is not just existent in the material dimension, but
also in the 3rd; the astral that is the Son of Son of Light that we mention in the sixth verse
to be of the Ruach or plane of Yetzirah. The consistency of all the appearances of the
Son of Son of light in these verses has so far been quite profound.

Sangef – Master Magickian: the first one to receive the seed of God
The Voice of Va’aro

This book is as much a prayer or psalm, as it is a profession of faith. It also seems to

delinate a formula for immortality or evolution via the conjunction of the Daughter of
Light with Vaa, “in darkness” (per Verse 1) or ‘in dissolution’ (putrefaction).

Verse 10
This paragraph starts with the feel of being a prayer or psalm to NA (the Lord of Hosts)
by Va’aro. The Daughter of Light keeps with Va’aro (who is the nine or astral nature),
the trinity in the loins of the infinite God. In the first paragraph of this prophecy, the
mate of the Daughter of Light was introduced as Vaa; who represented also, darkness.
And it is interesting, numerically, that he reappears in the tenth paragraph (reducing to
one by AIQ BKR). Vaa’s full name or another name for Vaa would be Va’aro. Va’aro
might also be the legion of guardian angels under Lucifer in the pseudpegriphic mythos.
Together the two of them create the Magickal Childe that is the trinity that both creates
and reigns over the Universe.
The second sentence is reminiscent of the previous verse: “The microcosm wherein is the
Lord wherein the cry of the Daughter of Light surrounds created within several the star
in 9 from God wherein they are (separated) sword the star is dissolved.” The star (or the
heart) that is dissolved by the 9, seemingly by the sword, in the previous verse is here
said to be “without the 9;” almost as if a foreign substance invading the body—as
described so eloquently in Liber LXV:I.13-17…

13. Wolf's bane is not so sharp as steel; yet it pierceth the body more subtly.
14. Even as evil kisses corrupt the blood, so do my words devour the spirit of man.
15. I breathe, and there is infinite dis-ease in the spirit.
16. As an acid eats into steel, as a cancer that utterly corrupts the body; so am I unto the
spirit of man.
17. I shall not rest until I have dissolved it all.

The sword is also reminiscent of the flaming swords placed outside the Garden of Eden;
after the fall; these being the swords that separate the spiritual universe from the material
universe. The sentence also seems to further develop this verse as a prayer or
incantation. And it is as also, that the idea of legions of lesser Sons or Daughters of Light
may be incorrect. That the eighth Daughter of Light is referred to as the microcosm
seems obviously to allude to the idea of infinity; the symbol of the ‘8’ when laid on its
side being the ‘leminscate’ or symbol of infinity (∞).
The Guardian Star is then the Holy Guardian Angel and Va’aro is clearly a pseudonym of
Lucifer. And Lucifer, the Light-Bringer is then also a keeper of the ‘woe’ that ‘shame of
Khem’ (discussed in footnote 136) that is the emersion into the imperfection of
incarnation. The 9 woes, tying back to the 8th verse (the 9 skirts) seem to represent the
Sefirot of the Nightside of the Tree-of-Life (the Veil of the N.O.X.) and what we assert as
the primal force (even the laughter of Hell’s own worm!) that is symbolized in the
Thelemic mythos as the Beast.
The “infinity within” is the trace back to undifferentiated consciousness. The projection
of the godhead, from the ‘One to the Many’ that for each individuation from the motion
of incarnation, is not so much from the ‘above to the below’ as it is an inversion from the
inner to the outer. As we look out into the material manifestion, we look in the direction
of the godhead; being ‘the thought’ of the godhead, as described in the ancient Gnostic
scriptures. The spiritual eye is that which sees this manifest within us; being the point
within each of us as it projects outwards.
The 28 Daughters of the Daughter of Light is a new pantheon introduced next. These are
said to one with the Dark Star (Va’aro), which we might assume to be of his seed in his
mating with the Daughter of Light; he himself, being one with the infinite God. 28 in the
Hebrew Qabalah is the value of both the words for Unity and Power. 28 is also the
number of the Lunar cycle and the value of the word ‘Deo’ in the English Qabalah. In
reference to the Lunar cycle, 28 then signifies the consciousness within the Veil of
Qesheth. Deo is God in Latin; quite possibly intimating that there are 28 specific powers
of God or 28 qualities in the unity of God. But this would have yet to be born out further
as the prophecy of Loagaeth unfolds.
“That which is NOT” of course, is a specific reference to the AIN SOPH; the AUR,
limitless light is the spiritual source behind the Sun, with the Sun being the symbol of
resurrection. In the Thelemic mythos, this is Horus; the equivalent of Lucifer, who was
seated at the left-hand of the throne of God; the throne being the third. That he and his
legions were caste from heaven and from his rank in the third (part of the trinity) into the
lower astral, he dwells in the foot of power in the material world to assist as the head of
the Secret Chiefs. Note also that Kether is in Malkuth as Malkuth is in Kether.

Va’aro (who is the nine or astral nature; the darkness [N.O.X.?] connected with Vaa in
Verse 1 and Va in verse 11)
The fourth begotten Son of Light—the divine will of the Holy Son of Light.
One, Everlasting—the dark star
Dark star—One, Everlasting; showing something of the nature of immortality—that it
brings one to the hardness of the densest matter.

The Voice of Gar

The Sun of God is that which is the thought of God in contrast with the Son of God that is
the Logos. In the thought, the interplay of elements is imagined (as in the dream of
Brahma) with Horus on the throne of Ra, as the singularity. Along Thelemic lines, the
Sun of God would be the Khabs (the Jupitarian of Kingly individual) as the Son of God
would be Logos as undifferentiated spirit. Vaa as angel of the four moons would be
equivocated with the demiurge, as he consorts with the Daughter of Light (Sophia) to
bring the Universe into manifestation.

Verse 11
First Paragraph: Gar is here expressed as an emanation or “woe” of the Daughter of
Light apart from the Universal Zodiac; the “water guardian star surround.” Eight
represents the infinity of stars with the Sun or Lord of Hosts at its center; for us, the East.
The Ogdoad seems next to be giving to us a “sword”—having dissolved into a primordial
or “first water” that is before the constellations became fixed. This is the desire of the
Goddess/Babalon that moves the NOT into manifestation. And also this dissolution gives
up the Augoeides; birthed with a roar into its carnal nature and carrying the astral that is
the hologram of the Augoeides and represented by nine (the astral)—hence the 8 unto 9;
the infinity giving us a Universe of stars or Augoeides (plural)…the ‘One’ or ‘Unity ‘
(Achad) of the Infinite Universe becoming the ‘all’ individualized into that Infinity. Vaa
is an angel of the 4 moons (new, 1st qtr., full, 3rd qtr.); by being “not the 4th,” makes [him]
the Full Moon. And as an angel of the Daughter of Light (Moon), the spirit that comes
from his loins is the “third man” a hologram (Adam Kadmon or Augoeides) that
dissolves both into the Moon/Daughter of Light and into humanity; the Moon and Man
becoming One. Even as Gurdjieff said, we are first of the Moon. Initiation is about
moving consciousness and transfiguring the body from its fusing with the Moon and into
a new fusion with the Sun. This also seems to allude to the union of the essence from the
loins of man with the essence from the loins of the Daughter of Light or woman that
comes by way of an intimate union between them with them both being dissolved and the
two of them together [“two (together)”].
Second Paragraph: The ‘thought of God’ is the Hexagram or the Astral Plane, which the
three Supernals are invested into;. the three into the fourth that is the Hexagram. But the
3rd is also the 3rd Minister of Sol (Ro) that possesses the 4th or Astral Plane. And so the
Minister of Sol is the thought of God; a Son of Son of Light—the planet Jupiter. Jupiter
is the King of the Astral Plane and possesses the 4th that is the Astral Plane; that is the 3
into the 1; that is the Daughter of Daughter of Light surrounding herself…or her
effulgence…the glow of the night sky of stars…the milky star-sponge vision. There is
also a connection with this and the first sentence of the previous paragraph; the “water
guardian stars” that surround the Daughter of light. This is the milkiness in the star-
sponge vision that is also the effulgence of the Daughter of Light (the Milky Way
Galaxy) that emanates from her and engulfs her being, as if in transfiguration. That “the
third arrives first,” the Minister of Sol (Ro), who is “the power and presence of the Lord
of Hosts”—suggesting the physical body of the Sun of our solar system; particularly as
referred to as the “angel of the East.” This Sun as God is triumphant, which suggests the
idea of Horus triumphant; the resurrection of the Sun. The 4th or Full Moon diffuses the
energy of Sol into humanity; Sol being the angel that is orbited by the hexagram…the
soul within which is the divine presence. The full moon brings the milky Aethyr; not of
the astral or “9,” but of each an inner god in an infinite number of syzygies to provide a
world of activity; of contending forces.

Woe of the Daughter of Light—her ecstasy; the ecstasy of the stars

Gar – Archangel of the East (cf. Verse 8)
The water guardian stars—the constellations of the astral plane
Sword from the first water—seemingly the sword placed in front of Eden; first water
being the primordial stew from which life evolved
ALLA – Will of God
Va – Spirit of Vaa (completing a trinity; including Vaa and Va’aro)
Angel of the Daughter of Light—the third man (Seth: the Adam Kadmon?)
The Vision of Alla

Verse 12 (not completed: one sentence remains to be translated)

“Cry praises” has a sad, weeping tone; the sadness or ‘shame of Khem’ (per Liber LXV)
that is a characteristic of the involutionary process and hence, of the contemplation of the
“glory of God’s creation” that is the manifestation that results. The direction is that we
should “keep with woe” or revere “of the first”—the first being the Adam Kadmon and
the direction being “of” and not ‘as’ or ‘the same as’ that we should imitate, but that we
should revere the Adam Kadmon’s suffrage to drink the poison that removes it from the
pure, spiritual world into the dualistic and hence, impure world of manifestation. That it
is the Adam Kadmon “who proclaims,” it is a declarative act of will and hence, the ‘will
of God.’ This symbol has been corrupted into the concept of ‘original sin,’ which
misinterprets the possession of ‘woe’ in the act of creation and woe then devolves into
the humiliation of the crucifixion—a deplorable symbol!
We move next to the “fire of dissolution,” which has been corrupted into the Christian
Pentacost. It is interesting that the word ‘Pentacost’ has ‘penta’ or ‘five’ at its root,
which is for us, the holy pentagram. Mercury is the Logos of God, so at the heart of this
dissolving fire is the holy spirit or spirit of God, which comes to us directly at sunrise by
way of the Sun. The “third star not the fifth” shows the Earth (as third planet from the
Sun) as the receiver of the sunrise, which might be said to be the resurrection of RHK, as
described in Thelemic philosophy. The fifth planet would be Jupiter, which has been
described as the second Sun in our solar system (cf. the chapter: Gnostic Cycles in The
Starry Gnosis). And the “first god” is truly the “fourth star”—or shall we say the first
anthropomorophosized monotheistic God is the vengeful warrior: Jehovah as Mars (the
fourth planet from the Sun). This equivocates Jehovah with RHK and indeed, Jehovah as
the principal god at the culmination of the Age of Aries supports the notion.
The divine visitation is an allusion to the Holy Guardian Angel/Augoides that is the Holy
Spirit; a dissolution of fire from the wrathful (RHK) Sun-Horus. This pentacostal-type
dissolution is the mystical marriage that is the conjunction of three: Male-Female-
Magickal Childe. This is akin to what is called the descent of the Shekinah; not unlike
the “divine descent of Supramental Being,” as described by the Mother and Sri
The Daughters of Daughters of Light, S and Ab “ride ALLA beams”—revealing ALLA
as the Sun (the beams being the ‘fire of dissolution’) and strongly suggests the idea of the
Daughter taking the throne of the Mother and awakening the eld of the King in the Court
Card formula. This is a dynamic formula of ‘resurrection’ in Thelemic praxis.
“God the 12 reign” connected with “the North Star” presents the image of the North Star
reigning over the night sky; “the 12 [that reign (over)] being connected with
Nuit/Daughter of Light (the zodiac). That this is the third and not the fourth star seems to
indicate the astral plane (the third or Yetzirah) and not the material plane (Assiah); so that
the North Star, which serves as a navigational star on the sea denotatively, then
connotatively serves as the guiding beacon on the astral ‘sea’ that one navigates with a
boat, per the Egyptian pyramid mythos. The North Star then in this verse is being
designated as God.
Next appear several men before God (who here, like in Genesis is designated as “us”)
that may connect with the layers (through the four planes of the Tree-of-Life) of
involution and ‘several’ bodies representing the Adam Kadmon hologram; an “image of
an image” (per Liber LXV). And together the four planes of the tree with the fifth plane
of spirit create the holy pentagram that is the Son of Son of Light—perhaps represented
as five men (or elementals?—they somehow being less than stars in that they’re
represented as “men” and not “stars”).
The last sentence is quite profound; noting that the phrase “first, the Daughter of Light” is
used twice is obviously reducable to being restated once. The sentence then reduces to:
‘First the Daughter of Light beholds the Son of Son of Light a thousand angels of God in
woe…” The Son of Son of Light or holy pentagram is contemplated either with a
thousand angels or becomes a thousand angels—an awesome (“in woe”) scene;
consistent with many apocalyptic visions of the seven heavens. Next, “3 in 1 mourning
the first of the Daughters of Light” suggests the trinity in its relation to the zodiac and the
zodiac relating back to the trinity. But also that “3 in 1” may also represent the three
higher levels (Yetzirah, Briah, Atziluth) to be in one: Assiah that the night sky of stars (a
thousand angels) becomes a wonder (holy).

S—Daughter of Light
Ab—Daughter of Light
(both of these Daughters are on the SDA & represent the stars of the Hyades (V-
shaped, like a bull’s horns) in Taurus and its connection with the Vernal Equinox.)

Verse 13
Iana—4th Daughter of Light who is the spirit of the Vernal Equinox. She is Iana (Ian)
of verse 6.

Verse 14

II. NA: The Lord of Hosts

vs. 15:
vs. 16:
vs. 17:
vs. 18:
vs. 19:
vs. 20:
vs. 21:
vs. 22:
vs. 23:
vs. 24:
vs. 25:
vs. 26:

The Vision of Van and Corhg

vs. 27:

The Vision of Excol, Phag & Martbh

vs. 28:
The Vision of Nobtdambth
vs. 29:

The Vision of Congamphlgh

vs. 30:

The Vision of Orphamqam-nahe

vs. 31:

The Vision of Sem, Ga, Na, Da & Bah

vs. 32:

The Vision of Orchlodmaphag

vs. 33:
vs. 34:

The Vision of Vordomphanches

vs. 35:
vs. 36:

III. NA: The Lord of Hosts

vs. 37:
vs. 38:
vs. 39:
vs. 40:
vs. 41:
vs. 42:
vs. 43:

Book A
vs. 44:
vs. 45:
vs. 46:
vs. 47:
vs. 48:
vs. 49:
You are chosen by God His mercy to an end and purpose. Which end shall be made manifesgt by the first beginning in the knowledge
in these Mysteries. God shall make clear when it pleaseth Him, and open all the secrets of wisdom when He unlocketh. Therefore seek
not to know the mysteries of this book, till the very hour that He shall call theee. For then shall His power be so full amongst you, that
the flesh shall not be perceived, in respect of His great glory. [Five Books of Mystery, p. 351]

The Vision of Vaa


1. Rushing from the 4th Heaven11 and from the Lord of Hosts, 8 fiery angels12 bring Ave, the
Son of Son of Light and foremost of God’s angels13; woe, fire pouring down over
humanity14; Ga,15 the angel of the Loins of the Daughter of Light16; from the holy house,17
speaks and Semeliel, the angel of the Lord is born; the Lord of Hosts visits Daughter of
Light;18 Ga the Son of the Son of Light19 awakens the eld with beautiful praises of the
Lord for the Daughter of light and the Lord of Darkness Vaa, the angel of the 4 moons.20
The Daughter of Light is powerful, making the Lord to Understanding21 within the 3rd
Heaven;22 being with Vaa in darkness, the 12 lights23 speaking from there, proclaiming;
she who is NOT, pouring down stars from the 3rd Heaven; 3 paths24 bringing fear with
strong fire; the Philosopher’s Stone25: Spirit of the Daughter of Light.
Atziluth; the Archetypal World
These can also be translated as ‘vessels’ suggesting the Chakkras; including the 8 th that is the Universal Consciousness or
Knowledge & Conversation of the Holy Angel…this being the invisible (or bornless) one places over the head and above the
Sahasrara Chakkra. And we might also speculate that these represent the dual aspect of the binue god (Sun & Moon conjoined) in the
4 worlds of the Qabalah.
Because Ave is one of the Sons of Sons of Light assigned to the Heptarchical Kings; ruling the days of the week. Ave rules on
Sunday, which is the day of the Sun; consistent with being the “foremost of God’s angels.”
The light/L.V.X. of the material Sun and spiritual Sun; respectively.
The Logos made manifest
Ga; the light of the Sun crystallized in the Yoni that is the Universe.
The Starry Heavens
She who wakens the eld of the King
That Ga is called here, the “Son of the Son of Light” indicates that he is the seed of the Son crystallizing in the Yoni.
The moon is the astral light, in four phases; new, 1st Qtr., full & 3rd Qtr.
The Daughter of Light is Binah
Briah; the Creative World
The Constellations of the Zodiac
Salt, Sulphur & Mercury
A Briatic working

Without a doubt, the apocalyptic tone of the verse sets the tone for its interpretation. It is this
same fervor that we find in Liber CDXVIII and in the analysis of the lettering of the Holy Table
of Practice. This is the Merkabic vision that brings its fever from the skies and new Gnosis to
humanity; the very nature of Liber Loagaeth and its stated purpose by Dee and Galvah. Overall
in the verse, there seems to be an allusion to the psycho-spiritual process described by the Court
Cards of the Holy Tarot; as if this was a description of the mystery of creation. Crowley describes
the Court Cards in this manner:
What, then, are the Court Cards? This question involves another aspect of the system of development. What was the first mental
process? Obliged to describe Nothing, the only way to do so without destroying its integrity was to represent it as the union of a Plus
Something with an equivalent Minus Something. One may call these two ideas, the Active and Passive, the Father and Mother. But
although the Father and Mother can make a perfect union, thereby returning to Zero, which is a retrogression, they can also go forward
into Matter, so that their union produces a Son and a Daughter. The idea works out in practice as a method of describing how the
union of any two things produces a third thing which is neither of them.

Involving the angels of light in the verse then carries a specific undertone. These angels also
appear inside the mysterious words of the document with some consistency. When all possible
word fragments are isolated, often as is shown in the Translation below, the remaining single and
double letters form a consistent reference to the Angels of Light. Perhaps even, we may obtain a
further clue to their nature. Again referencing Crowley from the Book of Thoth:

[The Court Cards] are primarily sub-Elements, parts of the "Blind Forces" under the Demiourgos, Tetragrammaton. Their rulers are
the Intelligences, in the Yetziratic world, who go to form the Schemhamphorasch. Nor is even this Name, "Lord of the Universe"
though it be, truly Divine.

The loins of the Daughter of Light is the night sky itself; NUIT. Also, consistent with the
reference to NUIT and validating this interpretation, the word NOT appears; being the Key to
Liber AL vel Legis, along with several appearances of the number 31 in the translation of the
words of this verse. Such recursive and subtle inner clues inside the words made this a numinous
The Monad -- only the emanation and reflection of the Point (Logos) in the phenomenal World -- becomes, as the apex of the
manifested equilateral triangle, the "Father." The left side or line is the Duad, the "Mother," regarded as the evil, counteracting
principle (Plutarch, De Placitis Placitorum); the right side represents the Son ("his Mother's husband" in every Cosmogony, as one
with the apex); at the basic line is the Universal plane of productive Nature, unifying on the phenomenal plane Father-Mother-Son, as
these were unified in the apex, in the supersensuous World. By mystic transmutation they became the Quaternary -- the triangle
became the TETRAKTIS.

The above quote from Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine also describes the theme of the Court Cards.
Further, we begin to get an understanding of the ‘evil’ nature of Babalon; consistent with themes
brought up in the Enochian material of Dee & Kelly as much as by Crowley’s skrying of the
Aethyrs. This connects with the Nephilitic theme and the descent of the angels to Earth.

The Daughter of Light in Binah, lays with her lover, Vaa and creates the night sky (the N.O.X.).
All the stars created. She manifests on the Earth plane as the Scarlet Whore; giving birth to
humanity. Creation evolves from the top, moving down, though humanity rises to perfection.
For each new advance, the holographic archetype26 is placed into the collective consciousness of
the race.27

cf. Liber Vox Viva Voce vel Video
This would be the word of the Secret Chiefs.
Fervently unto the 4 Heaven and unto the Lord of Hosts 8 Angels ( of ) /Vessels


not from God Ave, Son of Light woe [these angels] are with Joy mortal fire pouring down


the angel Ga Angels ( of ) /Vessels of the loins of the Daughter of Light therefore, the holy house


speaks and Semeliel, the angel of the Lord within her is born; the Sun of God


visits the Daughter of light the angel Ga 28 the Son of Son of Light, unto the eld[ers] with beautiful praises


of the Holy Lord of Hosts for the Daughter of Light the Lord of Darkness Vaa, the angel


Being of the 4 Moons. The Daughter of Light is powerful making the Lord to Understanding

within the 3 Heaven being with Vaa in darkness the 12 lights speaking from there, proclaiming


She who is NOT, pouring down with hosts of the Lord (stars) from the 3 rd Heaven, with three paths


Bringing fear with strong fire, the Philosopher’s Stone Spirit of the Daughter of Light.


This word has the identical root with the word ZURAH, which means fervently, with
humility. We could then suppose ESK to be a suffix. The ES means the 4th with K
meaning: of, unto , with, o, oh. KA means therefore. We then get fervently of the 4th;
suggesting the 4th Heaven or Atziluth; consistent with apocalyptic literature.

Choices for this are numerous; the A is a prefix, meaning with; DA means there & DE
means of with D meaning 3rd; the P (Pe) is the Enochian B30 (also the number 8) and the
H gives us NA, meaning the Lord of Hosts. We can get from this, of the Lord of Hosts;
showing some consistency with the English word, Adept.

This is also translated as the number 31.
It is impossible not to relate this to the Adam Kadmon; the archetypal Star (with every man & woman being a star) or Lord of the
B is the most sacred letter in both the Hebrew (B) and Enochian (B) alphabets. The Enochian Holy Table of Practice and the
Ensigns of Creation shows this quite literally.
This seems to be a shortened spelling of the word MALS, which is the name of the
Enochian letter P and means 8 and seems to be implicit in ADAPH and ADEPH.

The word has a phonetic similarity to the words ZIZA, the name of the Kerubic Angel
( of ) and ZIZOP, meaning vessels.

GE means not or is not; N again, is NA, meaning the Lord of Hosts and O means 5 or
this. In the text, it is translated: from the Lord of Hosts.

This word clearly suggests Ave, the Son of the Son of Light;31 connected with the Sigillum
Dei Aemeth.

This word seems to have the same root as MARB, meaning according; the ending has
similarities to LANG, meaning ministering angels or it can be broken down to give us
LA, meaning the first and N, the Lord of Hosts.

This seems to be the root of the word OHIO, which means woe.

MUZ seems phonetically equivalent to MOZ, meaning joy and MOZOD, meaning joy
of God; M means except or of; Z means they; ZA means name of angel.

AG means no or none; IOD seems a shortened form of IOIAD, meaning Him that
lives forever. We can then take the word to somehow mean someone not living forever or
These two words both appear in the verse. Similar words found in the dictionary are
PANLI, being the name of the Servient Angel ( of ) and PANPIR, meaning
pouring down; all sharing the same root: PAN. From this we can take it to mean fire
pouring down.33 The GE in PANGEPI means not or is not and the PI means peace
or she.
This word means 3134 and is also the name of an angel.

In considering both the Son and Daughter of Light, it seems we have angelic hierarchies for Chokmah and Binah; the light being
The English letters spell the God PAN; it’s interesting that PAN is the fire of the Sun and the correlation of the Enochian word.
This seems a poetic way to express the term vengeance.
Key to Liber AL vel Legis
GA again, is 31 and MPH is a god name of the Water Tablet; E again, means Daughter
of Light35 and DAX means loins; Putting all the elements together, we get a larger
concept: [the] watery loins of the Daughter of Light.

CA means therefore, PE is the Enochian B spelled in full and NI means holy;
together we get the phrase: therefore, the house36 is holy.

This word, especially with the letters in parentheses seems like a variant on GOHOL,
which means say or says the first. It’s translated in the text as speaks.

SEMEL is the root of Semeliel, Angel of Sol; AB means Daughter of Light, and
UGEN means becomes or waxes or grows strong. The aggregate of the letters presents
the phrase: Semeliel, the angel of the Lord37 is made strong by the Daughter of Light.

DON is the Enochian letter R spelled in full. In Hebrew, this is R attributed to the Sun;
our Lord; K translates as of, unto, with, o, oh; and NA is the Enochian letter H and also
translates as the Lord of Hosts or Trinity. The DON could be transliterated as the
English R and the NA into the English H with the K into the English K; giving us an
anagram for RHK (Ra-Hoor-Khuit). We have here then a word translating as Sun of God
(not Son of God), which might be said to be the solar rays (as is RHK) with the Unknown
God as its hidden power.

F translates as visit or visit us; IAN is the root of IANA, meaning Daughter of Light.
This is used in the text to mean she is visited upon. The use of the word us is also
interesting; reminiscent of the Elohim in Genesis.

VRAN means the elders; K again, is of, unto, with, o, oh; and AN translates as Son of
Son of Light (Mercury). This Son of Son of Light is one of the Nephilim; his parents
being the Anunaki. Perhaps we could say that his force today, is the spirit of the planet
Mercury or one of its subservient spirits.
VR seems to be the root of VRBS, meaning beautiful and PREZ has a strong
similarity to PRIAZ, meaning those; as well as having a strong similarity to PRAF,
meaning Dwell. Also, REZ seems to have something in common with REST, meaning
praise. At least one E sits by itself, suggesting again, the Daughter of Light. This
becomes: with beautiful praises.

Utilizing every stray letter brings meaning, but also doesn’t seem necessary. The arbitrariness really must come with a certain
insight; as with any Qabalistic technique.
B is B and means house in Hebrew.
Our Lord is the Sun.
AR means that; using the X as a + sign, the E represents again, the Daughter of Light.
In the verse, it is used as a prepositional phrase: for the Daughter of Light.

This is the same as DRUN; the letter F spelled in Full.

TA means as, R again, is the Sun and DE means of; MAH is the root of MAHORELA,
meaning the dark heavens. Together we get: As the Lord of Darkness.

This is a variant of VAA; the name of an angel.

T means it or also and Z means they; ES means 4th with T being it again, and finally, S
means 4th or Daughter of Light. With the 4 being the predominant theme here, it is
translated as: being of the 4.

GRA is the root of GRAA, meaning moon followed by P, which means 8;38 and GRAP
seems a variant spelling of the letter E, which equals 7. The following A is a prefix
meaning with; though it is not in proper position unless considered to be situated before
D, which means third. Overall, GRAA was used with the idea of PAD making it a
plural; translating the word as moons.

This word begins the second sentence of this two-sentence verse. The Z means they, the
E is the Daughter of Light and D means third. Translated in the text as the Daughter of
Light, a possible translation might also be the third Daughter of Light.
UN is the Enochian A spelled in full and BA is the root of the word BAB, meaning
power. As A is the prefix that means with, the word is translated with power.
D means the third and OM means to know, understand or the understanding. IOL
could be a root for IOIAD, meaning him that lives forever. Breaking that down, the I
means is and OL means I, 24, make or I made. The word is translated as making the
Lord to Understanding.39
A here, is in its prefix position, meaning with and the following DE means of. POA is
the root of the word palace and the final D means third. The word is translated as a
phrase: within the third heaven.40

P in Hebrew is 80 and means mouth; Making a possible translation for GRAP to be the mouth of the Moon.
Understanding is the 3rd Sefirot, Binah; utilizing the D in this word as a reference point.
The third Heaven is Briah.
CHI is the root of the word CHIS, meaning are; E by itself again, is Daughter of
Light; the UA is VAA, the name of an angel; and the C means of, unto, on, with, o, oh.
This gives us the reference to the Daughter of Light in the translated phrase; she being
with VAA.
This is the root of the word MAHORELLA, meaning Dark Heavens. It is used as a
preposition: in darkness.
OS is the number 12; HE can be seen as a root for HECOA, the Son of Light (or );
HE can also be the root for the word HAATH, meaning works. In the text, it was
translated as: the 12 lights.

DA means there, though it could be the root of DAPI; servient angel ( of ). The PH
could also be considered as PI, phonetically, giving us place or she. H by itself is NA;
the Lord of Hosts. The P then by itself is the number 8 and also reflective of P, meaning
mouth and 10x8.

ON means made or built and the I means is; the X connects this to DAR, giving us
DA, which means there and R, being again R, meaning Our Lord. The regal nature of
the final letter, added to the rough phrase that literally translates as made is there, and
coming from the vocalization in the word that precedes it in the text, it becomes a
proclamation that is built up; elevating the nature of the vocalization.
A, again, is in its prefix position, meaning with and DAM is the root of DAMPLOY,
meaning variety; DA by itself also means there. The final is H, meaning Lord of Hosts;
together the letters saying with various gods; interpreted as stars.41

GE means not or is not; MED, being the Enochian O spelled in full (the O itself
meaning this) gives us: ME, Daughter of Light and D, meaning third. SOL is the root
of SOLPETH, which means hearken unto. Altogether the word translates as the
prepositional phrase: from the third heaven.

D means third and IN is the root of the word INSI, meaning walk or walks. OX is
the number 26 with A being a vowel, becoming just an adder to the word that makes the
number; or you might consider it a suffix. In the text the word is translated as three

HOX is the root of the word HOXMARCH, meaning fear with P again being 8 and
reminiscent of P; here, giving us an allusion to the Tower Atu, we add OR, which is the
Enochian F spelled in full; pronounced ‘orh’, which as ORH is the name of a spirit. The
idea presents itself as: inspiration of fear and falling; using it as bringing fear in the text.

A again works as the prefix meaning with and D again is third. PU works into PUGO,
meaning as unto; PUIM, meaning sharp or sickles; PURGEL, meaning fire. The N
then is again, the Lord of Hosts. Lord and Fire are obvious equivalents; so we can take
PUN together as a variant on the root of PURGEL. The idea of sharp in PU gives us
the idea of it being a strong fire. AD then works together to be a variant on the prefix.

The word is the root of DARR; the Philosopher’s Stone.

GA is again 31 and spirit or spirits. ME is Daughter of Light and S means 4th or
Daughter of Daughter of Light. Together this is translated as Spirit of the Daughter of

2. Ecstasy, God’s wrath—the universal mind, this trinity emanating unto the highest heaven;
being the Scepter of the Daughter of Daughter of Light will indwell and gathering all unto the
eternal cry42 they manifest 8 made by you43, govern the 22 paths of the spirit with the Daughter of
Light, receives the 26;44 the Son of Light joins the Daughter of Light45 from the Lord of Hosts;
unite to become a thousand angels46. The Daughter of Daughter of light descended of God across
many.47 The ruler of the Earth, the 12 constellations. [I will] give in secret appearance one who
is cornered48 wherefore, ye are cursed choose to keep this seed of generation49 manifest possess,
praises one who resides in the skies50 visits the Holy Spirit, also in them the 22 by 4 leaves the 4
faces of God; being the angelic Children of the Light.51

Having translated the lettering of the Holy Table of Practice after the completion of the first
paragraph of this prophecy and after having found a marvelous synchronicity between the two,
we might suppose that the present paragraph then begins a new line of thought. However, it
seems that the catechism of all the letters of the Holy Table of Practice (including the Table of
12) and the letters of the Lamen52 informs the interpretation of this paragraph as well as the first;
and perhaps for all of Liber Logaeth.
The 88 Letters of the Perimeter

This is Ga making the Son of Son of Light; destroying the Prince,53 the first changing one and making the Sons of Son of Light. The
archetypal man, the Daughter of Light possess the partakers54. Substantial, this in mourning the 8; except BABALON with IAO.55
The Tablet of Union garland 12 constellations holy; made the Daughter of Light into the archetypal man 56 Visit us spirit of the Sun,
Ga57, Guardian of the subtle body to charge the first inner essence.58

As a commentary, Ga is the Enochian Entity claiming to be the conductor of that transformative

force that is the Prince or Tiharaeth. At Tiphareth is the archetype of humanity individualized
into the partakers that God transformed into originally as Kether. This is the ONE become the

The seems a reference to the Word, the Logos.
The Sun and the Moon of the 4 worlds of the Qabalah are manifestations of the “fiery angels” of the first paragraph.
This is the “24 by 4”
The holy copulation that generates the sweat-born; cf. Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine.
These, symbolic of the stars in the heavens are combination from the Sun and Moon; the Sun & Daughter of Light—Babalon and
the Beast. AL:I.16 "For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping
This seems a clear reference to NUIT, who over or “across various” or many (various is the translation put into context); them, as
the stars in the night sky, the many that each are her Lord HADIT. The Daughter of Light is then the mistress of Initiation.
The corner being the loins of the Daughter of Light; the apex of the triangle.
That which crystallizes in the Yoni from the first paragraph.
Hadit praises Nuit. AL:II.8 "Who worshipped Heru-pa-kraath have worshipped me; ill, for I am the worshipper."
The fully realized soul or integrated psyche; dual-natured forces of the Sun and the Moon. Also, the 4 Watchers; Guardians of the 4
quarters of the sky.
Cf. Enochiana
The Prince is the sacrifice at Tiphareth. LXV:II.6 “Therein was this virtue, that the One became the all.”
The Holy Spirit in the body of Man.
IAO is then represented by the Archetype of the Beast. And as IAO is also associated with the ‘beginning’ (being the Alpha &
Omega), this is the primal instinct as it is the Primum Mobile.
The 12 constellations; the Aethyr is formulated in the archetypal man by Isis; the mistress of creation. Thus is the material basis
wherein the Holy Spirit of God dwells.
Ga become Thoth; the Beast; described in the seven names of God, above.
The congelation of the astral body or Soul.
ALL as outlined in Liber LXV. The 8 angels of the Lord of Hosts from the 4th Heaven are the
theme of the First Leaf translation. Next to these we are introduced to the concept of BABALON
with IAO or the beginning.
The Letters of the Lines of the Table of 12

This is the completed work that God changes into man.

The Letters of the Columns of the Table of 12

The Initiation unto the heart of the Sun59 is fulfilled by the Goddess.60

The Letters of the Lamen

The milk of the stars about the ecliptic was reflected into creation. By inertia I made holy your first thought. Immediately the eight
Daughters of Light appear before us. Which world without end, the first of the Daughters of Light traverses the East with the holy Son
of Son of Light.61

The ‘universal mind’ is connected with the combined essence of the ‘Trinity (or cross of Light)’
as possibly the manifestation of NA (a fire that pervades the Universe, as suggested in verse 7
(and the book: I.NA). We might glean from this that the light of mind or enlightenment is self-
knowledge (Gnosis). The “treasure” that is the “22 paths of the spirit” seems to refer to the
Hebrew Alphabet and the Tree-of-Life, which is itself a glyph of immortality. The “4 faces” are
then the Four Worlds (Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah & Assiah) of the Qabalah; representative of the
journey from the Archetypal to material manifestation, as detailed in the letters of the perimeter
of the Holy Table of Practice. That this all ties into the Starry Gnosis is displayed by calling God
“the ruler of the Earth 12 galaxies” and continuing with the theme of the 12 lights and 4 moons of
the first paragraph.
Overall, through a tangled series of symbols; almost dreamlike or surreal in tone and timber, a
story of involution that details a concurrent evolutionary cosmogony is being told. Approaching
this on the word of Galvah, this is the most ancient rendering of the myth of creation; being from
“the beginning” or the ‘zep tepi’ (first time) of the ancient Egyptians. The “seed” is the antient
light, the Word or Gnosis brought down from the archetypal involution of God into manifestation.
The evolutionary cosmogony of the Children of Light; the Daughter of Light, Son of Light,
Daughter of Daughter of Light and Son of Son of Light is being presented in this restoration of
the most ancient knowledge of our race. We can expect to see our inheritance is innately divine;
something that would have scared the superstitious Christism of Dee and Kelly, as their discovery
of Babalon later produced in them. An interesting key here is in the “thousand angels.” This
shows a corollary with the Adam Kadmon that is the platonic ideal or archetypal form of
humanity; the fragmented Universal Mind and collective souls of our race. This is equivalent to
the Hindu ‘Purusha’ that is the individual mind that animates ‘prakriti’ that like the Adam
Kadmon is the “man with a thousand heads and a thousand eyes” in the Rig Veda.

Ecstasy the wrath of God the Universal Mind this Lord of Hosts, Trinity

not remaining in the place Mighty or powerful soul; highest soul; highest heaven

The suggestion here then is that the Daughter of Light is the Earth (BABALON) as Mercury is the Son of Light.
the Sceptor of the Daughter of Daughter of Light will indwell coagula, gathering all unto


the eternal cry they manifest 8 made by you govern 22 paths of the spirit with, in

the Daughter of Light receives the 26 the Son of Light joins the Daughter of Light


From the Lord of Hosts unite become a thousand angels.


The Daughter of Daughter of light descends descended of God across


variation. The ruler of the Earth’s 12 constellations. [I will] give in secret


appearance one who is cornered wherefore ye are cursed choose, choice keep this,5


seed generation manifest possess praises one who resides in the skies visits


Holy Spirit also in them the 22 by 4 leaves the 4 the face angelic Children of the Light

IH is the Son of Light (Silver) followed by E, the Daughter of Light and then, HV,
which is the root for words referring to Lamp; suggesting enlightenment of the biune
soul. This is followed by S, the Daughter of Light and finally, CH, the root of the
words for rejoices as well as ‘are/shall be.’ Connecting the first three sets of letters with
the Daughter of Light and rejoicing being gives the idea of joyful dissolution or ecstasy.
GRO is the root of the word that means: sting or bitter sting and NA is the first part of
the hyphenated name of the letter H (Na-Hath); meaning ‘Lord of Hosts, Trinity.’ With
the final letter X, having no meaning, we are left with DO. The root of the letter Don (the
Enochian letter R) spelled in full, which is the root for ‘Hell Fire’ and the word for ‘Sun
of God.’ Together we can induce from these the idea of the wrath of God.
ARD is the root for the Sephirotic Cross of Air and EN is the root for ‘the Lord.’ The
Universal (Lord) Mind (Air/Yetzirah) seems to be the theme of this conjunction of roots.

GE is ‘not’ with RPA giving us a more complex approach to a solution. The R and A
standing outside or around the P create the word ‘east.’ The PA gives us the root of the
word ‘remain.’ Together these present the idea of remaining in the East, which is the
place of light (light also referring to the Trinity, as found in the previous word); leading
us to the final letters of this word, LO, which are the root of the word for place. Hence,
not remaining in this place is an appropriate translation.
M is the Daughter of Light and ECA is the root of the words: mightier, power, in-power
and mighty. S translates as 4th and also the Daughter of Daughter of Light, as SMA is
the root of the phrase: its representative. And MAN is the root of the phrases ‘in the
mind’ and ‘the subtle body.’ The 4th body being the archetypal or atzilutic body, when
coagulating the various meanings of these terms, gives the idea of a mighty or powerful
soul; highest soul; highest heaven
The first four letters VAND, are translated as ‘wand.’ The first of the letters has no
meaning in itself, but the second two translate as ‘Son of Son of Light, Mercury’ and the
last three, being a Part in ZOM suggest the Magus of the Tarot. The last three letters,
RES, are the root of the word ‘praise,’ with the fourth letter translating as ‘4th, Daughter
of Daughter of Light.’ Together the word can be rendered as the Scepter of the Daughter
of Daughter of Light.
OR give us the Enochian letter F; spelled in full and that means ‘visit, visit us.’ The DA
translate as ‘there.’ Together, these can be drawn to mean ‘will indwell.’
BEVE is the root of the names for various angels in the lexicon, with the final E being
the Daughter of Light; almost suggesting the Tetragrammaton, but perhaps one of the
Goddess. The V has no meaning in itself (as does the B) and seems to connect the first
two letters with the final E. The second set of letters, GJAH, starts with the GJ, a
connector that translates as ‘with’ followed by AH, the root of the names of two Seniors.
The Seniors have a male character and this four-lettered root being more feminine in
nature, we get the idea of a biune angelic being or archetype. However, the G also has
no meaning in itself and may be a connector for the J, which can be translated as the
‘Son of Light.’ JA is the root for various names and titles of God as well as being the
root for: burn, burning flame, flaming, beginning; these all being easily referenced to
notions of God. And it may also be the root for the Daughter of the Light. Overall, there
is the involution of God creating the fire of the alembic that is the method of the
alchemical operation, coagula and reminiscent of the Art Atu. Gathering all might even
be a rendering of this, including gathering the ALL.

The N has no meaning in and of itself, but the O and Z are quite interesting; both
separately and in combination. The O means ‘this’ (or ‘5’) and the Z means ‘they.’
Together they form the root of the terms: ‘make me’ and ‘make us.’ This gives the idea
of conducting; to make me to sit down would be to bring or conduct me unto a seat.
PL is the root of the words: ‘partakers’ and ‘as many’ and PLI is the root of the word
‘always.’ The G, having no meaning in itself acts as a connector; perhaps even a silent G
(as in English) for the NA that follows and that is translated as the Lord of Hosts. The
SE at the end of the word translate as ‘mourning’ or ‘cry.’ Taking all this in we deduce
the eternal cry; almost as a reference to Nuit’s cry from AL:I.53—“ever To me! To me.”
Z means ‘they’ and AM gives us the words: yourselves, fastened, I fastened, cursed and I
begin anew; overall, giving the impression of incarnation and together with the Z means
they manifest. The P gives us 8 (the 8 initial spirits; those of the 7 planets and the
invisible one behind them). ON is ‘made, built’ and ONO is the root of the word ‘you;’
together giving the idea ‘you made.’ Note again, the N has no meaning in itself; so that
we finalize this as: they manifest 8 made by you.
ANE means ‘government, in government’ and PH is the root of the word ‘give’; giving
us to govern or govern.
OP means 22 and HA is the root of the word ‘works.’ Is the root of the title: Lord of
Hosts (several words; coming from our own translations), and though also, we get the
words: much glory, can, obedience, within the 3rd Heaven, face, Fire of Fire, cast down,
unspeakable and mount, we choose to see the spiritual dimension connected with the 22
paths 22 paths of the spirit
MED is the Enochian Letter ‘O’ (Med) spelled in full, which can be translated as ‘this’
or ‘5’. The ME translates as Daughter of Light and the ED is the root of the name of the
King of the Fire Tablet as well as the words ‘receive’ and ‘as receivers.’ The final OX
translates as 26. This gives us: the Daughter of Light receives the 26.
MA means ‘God’ and MAR is the root of the title: Son of Light. UN is the Enochian
letter ‘A’ (Un) spelled in full and can either be the preposition ‘in’ or ‘with.’ The final E
is the Daughter of the Light; clearly showing the translation as: the Son of Light joins the
Daughter of Light.
The first three letters are the root of the phrase: ‘from the Lord of Hosts’ and the
remaining A translates as ‘in, with’; basically showing us another form of the same
phrase: from the Lord of Hosts (with).

The first three letters are at the root of the word ‘balance,’ with the final S meaning: 4th
or Daughter of Daughter of Light. As the Daughter of Daughter of Light is the fourth in
the sequence of the Court Cards (psychic forces), it is she who awakens the eld of the
King (Son of Light); a sequence that started with the Son of Light in his mating with the
Daughter of Light to produce the Son of Son and the Daughter of Daughter of Light.
And so this word is translated as unite; denoting their union and/or the psychic
integration that is enlightenment.
Become (as found in the lexicon)
DAS is the root of the name of the Serviant Angel—Fire of Water and MAT is the root
of the word ‘thousand.’ Hence is derived: a thousand angels.
VO is the root of the Sephirotic Cross—Earth of Fire; ORT is the root of the Enochian
letter ‘F’ (Orth) spelled in full and meaning: ‘visit, visit us’; M has no meaning in and of
itself; T means ‘it, also’; all finalized with S—4th, or Daughter of Light. The root of the
Sephirotic Cross deals suggests the materialistic expression of spirit (Earth of Fire) or the
idea of descent; translating the word as: the Daughter of Daughter of light descends.
The MA translates as ‘God’ and the GE as ‘not’ with GET being the root of the phrase:
‘get out of him.’ We can readily synthesize from this, the phrase: descended of God.
The A gives us ‘in, with’ followed by DEU, which form the root of the word ‘angle.’
The final NE translates as holy. The holy angle and ‘with’ or ‘in’ it is the Cross and so
with the hyphen to say literally in-holy angle; as a movement, the movement can be
described as: across.
The DAMP translate as ‘variety’ and with the H on the end having no meaning in itself,
it simply gives us a variant on this word; being various.
NA is the first part of the Enochian letter ‘H’ spelled in full and means ‘trinity.’ The
form the name of the Serviant Angel Earth of Earth that connected with the trinity (the
holy angle) or the godhead, we derive the angel’s capacity as The ruler of the Earth.
With the V having no meaning, the next three form a Part in ZOM, with the third letter D
meaning ‘third.’ The next two letters EM, can be translated as 9 (the E being the
Daughter of Light and the meaning 9 or except). Adding the 9 to the quality of 3
(translating the D) we get 12, of which this word follows. The next two letters IN, is
the root of the words: walk, walks; become, they are become. And as walking is the pose
the Egyptian gods take to symbolize becoming (and with the hand pointing forward), we
can translate these two letters as ‘become.’ The next two letters form the root of the
name of the Serviant Angel Earthof Earth and are also the name of a PART in PAZ. The
final two letters are the root of the name of the Sephirotic Cross Fire of Water; also,
Daughter of Daughter of Light, girdles, your girdles. We might see in this the Daughter
of Light becomes the Daughter of Daughter of Light; the latter being the 12 sacred
ORO is a god-name of the Air Tablet and also the root of the word ‘underneath.
PHA is the root off the word ‘give, I will give’ and also the name of an angel. This is
readily translated as: [I will] give in secret.
VO is the root of the name of the Sephirotic Corss Earth of Fire and the OR means
‘appear [before us], visit us. The word is then translated as: appearance.
MINO is the root of the work ‘corner, the corners,’ DA means ‘there’ and L means
‘first, all one, of the first.’ The word is then translated as: one who is cornered.
AMOX form the root off the word, ‘cursed’ (the V having no meaning) and DAS giving
the root of the word ‘wherefore;’ giving us: wherefore ye are cursed.
This is the Enocian letter ‘Q’ (Ger) spelled in full, wich means ‘or.’ As this word is the
expansion of the letter, we are then rendering the word to mean: choose, choice
This is the root of the word ‘remain’; translated as keep.
DAX is the root of the word ‘loins’ and ZUM is the root of the word ‘seas.’ Together,
we get the idea of semen and hence, the word seed.
BAN is the root of the names: Kerubic Angel Water of Fire and 1st ministerof Saturn.
ZE is the Daughter of Light and S means ‘4th, Daughter of Daughter of Light. Taking
the two words of the suffix and crowning them angelically (the prefix), gives the of

OR means ‘appear, appear before us’ and DA means there with the final N having no
meaning. ‘Appearing there’ gives the impression of being made manifest.
M means ‘except, of, 9’ and A means ‘in, with.’ From this the idea of ownership (‘of’ for
the first letter and ‘with’ for the second) we find the verb possess.
P is ‘8’ and RES is the root of the verb ‘praise, that you may praise him. From this we
get the active tense: praises
UM means ‘called, named,’ followed by BL, being the root of various words for
comfort. OS means ‘12’ and DA means ‘there.’ With the 12 indicating the sky,
‘comfort+there gives the idea of residence, hence one who resides in the skies.
VO is the root of the name Sephirotic Cross Earth of Fire and RX means ‘visit, visit us;
giving us the active verb: visits.
NA means “lord of Hosts, Trinity’ and DON is the Enochian letter ‘R’ spelled in full, as
well as being the root of the words for ‘Sun of God’ and ‘hell-fire.’ Of the Trinity, the
part associated with fire is the Holy Spirit.
PAR means ‘in them’ and T means ‘it, also. Putting the two together, we get: also in
OP means 22, HE is the root of the words: ‘Son of Light’ and ‘in ours’ and S means
‘4th. Taking the numbers connected by ‘in [ours]’ the word is translated as: the 22 by 4.
UND is the root of the word: ‘the rest, the remainder’ and ES means ‘4th. This gives
us: leaves the 4th.
This is the root of the word ‘face, the faces’; but interestingly enough, the ON as English
letters (ON) is a name of God and the entire word in English letters (Adon) is the name of
God before the Hebrews took on Jehovah; Adon being also the root of Adonai and
readily translating this word as: the face of God.
GA means ’31, spirits, the 5th angel, make, with’ and NE means ‘holy.’ The BUS is
the root of the word ‘glory.’ Adding holiness to glory and angel gives us the adjective:
IH is the Son of Light, E is the Daghter of Light and HU is the root of the word ‘lamp,
lamps.’ D means ‘3rd’ and Z means they. The 3rd lamp would be their child and the
‘they’ gives a plural idea; hence, Children of the Light.
3. Palceduxma ge na dem oh elog da ved ge ma fedes o ned a tha lepah nes
din. Ihehudétha dan vangem onphe dabin oh nax palse ge dah maz gem
fatesged oh mal dan gemph naha Lax ru lutudah ages nagel osch. macom adeph
a dosch ma handa.


All is in the one body of God not the Lord of Hosts who is a separate woe62 foremost there
threefold flame of spirit and does not possess the God that indwelleth the Universe; this Holy
Trinity in their places keep the same Tetragrammaton angle of God.63 The fixed stars being the
threefold will of heaven begotten of Logos woe spirit of God64 being a raging fire is not thrice the
6th Aethyr from the third heaven, unto involution woe65 8 the Son66 yields the glory of God ‘Lax’
angel of the East thrice great67 without the 4th the Lord of Hosts is self-begotten are 12.68
Encompass unto the Lord of Hosts of the night possess the seed of God.


By naming MAZ, this paragraph presents the 6th Aethyr as a key to its translation and
understanding. It is said to be from the “third heaven,” which suggests a Merkabic
arrangement amongst the Aethyrs. Since an Aethyr cannot be multiplied (an absurd
consideration), “thrice the 6th Aethyr” or ‘thrice MAZ’ makes no sense. But we can
connect “the spirit of God being a raging fire is not thrice” and show that God, which is
NOT—thrice as in the three-fold veil of the negative; Ain Soph Aur.

The Cry of the 6th Aethyr, Which is Called MAZ

There cometh into the stone the great Angel whose name is Av, and in him there are symbols
which strive for mastery, --- Sulphur and the Pentagram, and they are harmonized by the
Swastika. These symbols are found both in the name of Av and in the name of the Aethyr.
Thus he is neither Horus nor Osiris. He is called the radiance of Thoth; and this Aethyr is very
hard to understand, for the images form and dissolve more rapidly than lightning. These
images are the illusions made by the Ape of Thoth. And this I understand, that I am not worthy
to receive the mysteries of this Aethyr. And all this which I have seen
(being all the thoughts that I have ever thought) is, as it were, a guardian of the Aethyr.

“a separate woe” seems to suggest the Demiurge that in Gnostic literature is formed outside the thought of the One. The Lord of
Hosts, the “threefold flame of spirit” then is not the One as it does not “possess” the One; therefore, being possessed by the One.
The Tetragrammaton is presented as the “angle of God,” which suggests that angle to be fourfold; hinting of the square that is the
material Universe and the result of the circle (symbol of God) squared. The “places” of the Tetragrammaton in this square are the
fixed stars of the night sky.
The Logos is the ‘spirit of God’ that though outside the thought is also connected to the woe and thus a complement to the
“woe” here connects a third party to the Logos and the Demiurge and that is the involuted being of the Godhead. All being outside
the thought (or in the “woe”) must still be a part of the infinity of the Godhead; existing as if below the Abyss with the One being the
“8 the Son” and the star theme being developed in this paragraph shows us the Ogdoad (eightfold star) that is also the 8 corners of
the square (Tetragrammaton) cube; the four and three (Trinity) that give us the sacred 7 planets connected with the Son as detailed in
the translation of the Enochian words below.
LAX the angel that is introduced here as the “angel of the East” is called “thrice great” as is Thoth or Hermes Trismegistus. This is
set “without” the thought or below the Abyss; “the 4th” in Chesed—Jupiter the Crown that is the highest attainment possible for
human consciousness. That consciousness that is beyond the Abyss cannot be retained even for the Magister Templi when cast back
into the Ruach…and even though his or her star is cast in the heavens.
Though the Demiurge is formed outside the thought of the One; we have the paradox that it is yet of the self-begotten nature or
spirit of the One that is also composed into the 12 constellations of the Starry Gnosis. These encompassing constellations are the
“Hosts in the night” and “possess the seed of God.” In other words, they are the sperm of Ptah when he ejaculated to create the
I seem quite helpless. I am trying all sorts of magical methods of piercing the veil: and the
more I strive, the farther away I seem to get from success. But a voice comes now: Must not
understanding lie open unto wisdom as the pyramids lie open to the stars?

Accordingly, I wait in a certain magical posture which it is not fitting to disclose, and above me
appears the starry heaven69 of night, and one star greater than all the other stars. It is a star of
eight rays. I recognize it as the star in the seventeenth key of the Tarot, as the Star of Mercury.
And the light of it cometh from the path of Aleph. And the letter Cheth is also involved in the
interpretation of this star, and the paths of he' and vau are the separations which this Star
unites. And in the heart of the star is an exceeding splendour, --- a god standing upon the
moon, brilliant beyond imagining. It is like unto the vision of the Universal Mercury. But this is
the Fixed Mercury, and he' and vau are the perfected sulphur and salt. But now I come into the
centre of the maze, and whirling dust of stars and great forgotten gods. It is the whirling
Svastika which throws off all these things, for the Svastika is in aleph by the shape and
number, and in beth by the position of the arms of the Magician, and in gimel because of the
sign of the Mourning of Isis, and thus is the Crown defended by these three thunderbolts. Is
not thrice seventeen fifty-one, that is, failure and pain?

Now I am shut out again by this black Svastika with a corona of fire about it.

And a voice cries: Cursed be he that shall uncover the nakedness of the Most High, for he is
drunken upon the wine that is the blood of the adepts. And BABALON hath lulled him to sleep
upon her breast, and she hath fled away, and left him naked, and she hath called her children
together, saying: Come up with me, and let us make a mock of the nakedness of the Most High.

And the first of the adepts covered His shame with a cloth, walking backwards; and was white.
And the second of the adepts covered His shame with a cloth, walking sideways and was
yellow. And the third of the adepts made a mock of His nakedness, walking forwards; and was
black. And these are three great schools of the Magi, who are also the three Magi that
journeyed unto Bethlehem; and because thou hast not wisdom, thou shalt not know which
school prevaileth, or if the three schools be not one. For the Black Brothers lift not up their
heads thus far into the Holy Chokmah, for they were all drowned in the great flood, which is
Binah, before the true vine could be planted upon the holy hill of Zion.

Now again I stand in the centre, and all things whirl by with incessant fury. And the thought of
the god entereth my mind, and I cry aloud: Behold, the volatile is become fixed; and in the
heart of eternal motion is eternal rest. So is the Peace beneath the sea that rageth with
her storms; so is the changeful moon, the dead planet that revolveth no more. So the far-
seeing, the far-darting hawk is poised passionless in the blue; so also the ibis that is long of
limb meditateth solitary in the sign of Sulphur. Behold, I stand ever before the Eternal One in
the sign of the Enterer. And by virtue of my speech is he wrapped about in silence, and he is
wrapped in mystery by me, who am the Unveiler of the Mysteries. And although I be truth, yet
do they call me rightly the God of Lies, for speech is two-fold, and truth is one. Yet I stand at
the centre of the spider's web, whereof the golden filaments reach to infinity. But thou that art
with me in the spirit-vision art not with me by right of Attainment, and thou canst not stay in
this place to behold how I run and return, and who are the flies that are caught in my web. For
I am the inmost guardian that is immediately before the shrine.

None shall pass by me except he slay me, and this is his curse, that, having slain me, he must
take my office and become the maker of Illusions, the great deceiver, the setter of snares; he
who baffleth even them that have understanding. For I stand on every path, and turn them
aside from the truth by my words, and by my magick arts.

And this is the horror that was shown by the lake that was nigh unto the City of the Seven Hills,
and this is the Mystery of the great prophets that have come unto mankind. Moses, and
Buddha, and Lao Tan, and Krishna, and Jesus, and Osiris, and Mohammed; for all these attained
unto the grade of Magus, and therefore were they bound with the curse of Thoth. But, being
guardians of the truth, they have taught nothing but falsehood, except unto such as
understood; for the truth may not pass the Gate of the Abyss.

But the reflection of the truth hath been shown in the lower Sephiroth. And its balance is in
Beauty, and therefore have they who sought only beauty come nearest to the truth. For the

This of course, is the Masloth—the Starry Gnosis and region of the Zodiac. The fixed stars being then of the Supernals shows
Tiphareth to be the Logos. The “star of 8 rays” is of course, the Sun; the number 8 in the third paragraph of Liber Loagaeth also being
connected to this vision. This synchronicity is numinous!
beauty receiveth directly three rays from the supernals, and the others no more than
one.70 So, therefore, they that have sought after majesty and power and victory and learning
and happiness and gold, have been discomfited. And these sayings are the lights of wisdom
that thou mayst know thy Master, for he is a Magus. And because thou didst eat of the
Pomegranate in hell, for half the year art thou concealed, and half the year revealed.

Now I perceive the Temple that is the heart of this Aethyr; it is an Urn suspended in the air,
without support, above the centre of a well. And the well hath eight pillars,71 and a canopy
above it, and without there is a circle of marble paving-stones, and without them a great outer
circle of pillars. And beyond there is the forest of the stars.72 But the Urn is the wonderful thing
in all this; it is made of fixed Mercury; and within it are the ashes of the Book Tarot, which hath
been utterly consumed.

And this is that mystery which is spoken of in the Acts of the Apostles; that Jupiter and Mercury
(Kether and Chokmah) visited (that is, inspired), Ephesus, the City of Diana, Binah --- was not
Diana a black stone? -- and they burnt their books of magick.

Now it seems that the centre of infinite space is that Urn,73 and Hadit is the fire that hath burnt
up the book Tarot. For in the book Tarot was preserved all of the wisdom (for the Tarot was
called the Book of Thoth), of the Aeon that is passed. And in the Book of Enoch was first given
the wisdom of the New Aeon. And it was hidden for three hundred years, because it was
wrested untimely from the Tree of Life by the hand of a desperate magician. For it was the
Master of that Magician who overthrew the power of the Christian church; but the pupil
rebelled against the master, for he foresaw that the New (i.e., the Protestant) would be worse
than the Old. But he understood not the purpose of his Master, and that was, to prepare the
way for the overthrowing of the Aeon.

There is a writing upon the Urn of which I can but read the (two) words: Stabat Crux juxta
Lucem. Stabat Lux juxta Crucem.

And there is writing in Greek above that. The word "nox" written in Greek, and a circle with a
cross in the centre of it, a St. Andrew's cross.

Then above that is a sigil(?), hidden by a hand.

And a voice proceedeth from the Urn: From the ashes of the Tarot who shall make the phoenix-
wand? Not even he who by his understanding hath made the lotus-wand to grow in the Great
Sea. Get thee back, for thou art not an Atheist, and though thou have violated thy mother, thou
hast not slain thy father. Get thee back from the Urn; thy ashes are not hidden here.

Then again arose the God Thoth, in the sign of the Enterer, and he drove the seer from before
his face. And he fell through the starry night unto the little village in the desert.


Palce duxma ge na dem

All is in the one the body of God not,is not Lord of Hosts, Trinity separate

oh elog da ved ge ma
woe foremost there the threefold flame of spirit not, is not possess

fedes o ned a tha lepah

God indwelleth the Universe 5, this Holy Trinity in,with in their places keep the same

This is a direct reference to those paths from the Supernals on the Tree-of-Life; being three that connect the Supernals to Tiphareth.
The Urn suspended in the Air on 8 Pillars is the Abyss over Tiphareth wherein the ashes are placed on the way to the City of the
Pyramids. 8 is again used here in a consistent manner with the prophecy of Loagaeth.
These are the constellations of the Zodiac and outside the thought of the One wherein the Demiurge dwells.
This suggests Da’ath as the key to the nightside of the tree. This is echoed in the third paragraph of Leaf
1A (“Lord of Hosts of the night)…and earlier in this text as N.O.X.
nes din. Ihehudétha dan vangem
Tetragrammaton angle of God. The fixed stars threefold the will of heaven

onphe dabin oh nax palse ge dah maz

begotten Logos woe spirit of god raging fire not, is not thrice Sixth Aethyr

gem fatesged oh mal dan gemph naha

from the third heaven, unto involution woe 8 the Son yield the glory of God

Lax ru lutudah ages nagel

Lax angel of the East thrice great without the 4th the Lord of hosts is self-begotten

osch. macom adeph a dosch

are 12. Encompass unto (or from) the Lord of Hosts in, with of the night

ma handa.
possess the seed of God.


PAL is the Enochian letter X spelled in full and within this the letters PA means ‘keep’
and L meaning ‘first one.’ CE is the root of the Enochian letter Z (meaning ‘they’)
spelled in full. Literally, we can sound this out: ‘keep first one they,’ or All is in the One.

D translates as ‘third,’ UX translates as 42 and MA means possess. Together, we
litereally get: the third, the 42 possess. However, 42 is the number of letters in a great
and powerful name of God that is broken down into the 7 sacred planets (often associated
with the Shemhamaphoresch or 72 lettered name of God). If we take the “third” as the
aspect of the biune God (Father/Mother) that denotes the ‘child’ or ‘son’ and hence, the
manifest Logos in Gnostic literature and the Holy Spirit in canonical literature (God
being a trinity) we can say that the realm of these planets (our solar system or the
Universe in its entirety) is the body of God.

DE translates as ‘of’ and M means ‘of, except.’ The idea of ‘of’ and ‘except’ together
presents a distinction that is separate. Whether or not this is an adjective or a verb needs
to be determined by its usage.

ELO is the root of the word meaning first, which we have translated as foremost; being a
variation on the word.

VE is the root of the word ‘flame’ and D means ‘third.’ Shin is the threefold flame of
spirit in the Hebrew alphabet. This no reason to consider this some Enochian translation
of the Hebrew word. But we can translate this literally as the threefold flame of spirit.
F means ‘visit, visit us’ with ED being the root of the word ‘receive’ or ‘as receivers’
and ES means ‘4th.’ There is that which visits; the visitation of God and that which
receives; humanity. The 4th is Assia or the material plane in the Qabalah with Malkuth
(the kingdom or Universe) as the Shekinah. God indwelleth the Universe.

NE is the root of the word ‘holy’ and D translates as ‘the third.’
Holy Trinity

TH is the root of the word ‘seats’ or the phrase ‘their own seats.’
in their places

LE is the root of the word ‘same, the same’ and PA means ‘keep.’
keep the same

NE translates as ‘holy’ and S translates as ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of Daughter of Light.’ The
idea of a holy 4th would be the idea of a square or a Tetragrammaton. But might it be
also that the Daughter of Light is some aspect of that Tetragrammaton?
DI is the root of the word ‘angle’ and N the root of the word for ‘Lord of Hosts.’
angle of God

IHEHUD is the root of the word ‘Children of the Light,’ E is ‘Daughter of Light’ and
TH is the root for the phrases: ‘their own seats’ and ‘in seats.’ Finally, the A means
‘with’ or ‘in with’. If the Daughter of Light is some aspect of the Tetragrammaton, the
seats would seem to represent the Children of the Light; being the fixed stars of the night
sky as the Daughter of Light would be Nuit.
The fixed stars

DA means ‘there’ and is also the root of ‘third.’ N translates as ‘Trinity’ and ‘Lord of
Hosts.’ Overall this suggests the three places (there) of God; it’s threefold nature.

VAN is the root for ‘constellations’ and ‘the scepter of the Daughter of Light.’ GEM is
the root for ‘from the 3rd heaven’ and ‘your will be done.’ That the fixed stars are
symbolized as the scepter of the Daughter of Light that is herself an aspect of the
Tetragrammaton, these heavens are swayed by the will of God that here seems to radiate
from the third heaven.
the will of heaven
ON means ‘made, built’ and P is the number 8. HE is the root of the title ‘Son of
Light’ and particularly the planets Mars and Jupiter. And so the moving stars; the planets
are Son of Light as the fixed stars are the Daughter of Light. The making or building of
this heaven of stars is infinite as symbolized by the number 8. But the fact that they are
made is to say they are begotten.
The number 8 in connection with this word and the star theme being developed in this
paragraph shows us the Ogdoad (eightfold star) that is also the 8 corners of the square (4)
cube; the four and three. The eightfold star is the star of regeneration or immortality.

D means ‘third’ and the A is ‘in, with.’ BI is the root of the word ‘voices’ and N
means ‘the Lord of Hosts’ and ‘Trinity.’ The third in God (the Trinity); its voices or stars
are the Son—the (manifested word of God) Logos.

This word was originally listed in the lexicon as ‘meaning unknown.’ However, the N is
the ‘Lord of Hosts, Trinity’ and A is ‘in, with.’ X translates as ‘fire’ that traditionally
represents spirit.
spirit of God

PAL is the Enochian letter X (X); spelled in full and SE translates as ‘mourning, cry.’
To take ‘cry’ as a battle cry implies a rage; that raging fire that “darts and dashes to the
ends of the Universe.”
raging fire

DA means ‘there’ and is the root of the word ‘third.’ H or H is the letter of spirit or
holiness; anything being represented in a threefold manner being holy; e.g. thrice great
Hermies (Hermes Trismegistus).

GE is the root of the phrases: ‘from the third heaven’ and ‘your will be done.’ And M
translates as ‘except, 9.’
from the third heaven, unto

F means ‘visit’ or ‘visit us’ with A meaning ‘in’ or ‘with.’ TE is the root of the word
‘death’ and is the ‘4th’ or the ‘Daughter of Daughter of Light.’ Both the Daughter of the
Light and the Daughter of the Daughter of Light seem intimately connected with
Tetragrammaton and the similarity in the shaping of the two Enochian letters is
unmistakable. GE means ‘not, is not’ and D translates as ‘[the] third.’ Literally, we
might say: visit us in with death, the 4th [material plane/Assiah] or as the same, the
Daughter of Daughter of Ligth that is Babalon and the material sphere. She is not the
sphere of the 3 that is the Daughter of Light and the upper realm of the stars; being Nuit.
Its almost as if the visiting is a way of describing the process of Involution.

D is ‘third’ as DA is there and A is ‘in, with’—all this being added to N that is the ‘Lord
of Hosts.’ This is translated as ‘the Son’ as we note this word to be a contraction of
DABIN; described above.

GEM is the root of ‘your will be done’ and ‘from the 3rd heaven.’ And PH translates as
‘give’ or ‘I will give.’ ‘Your will be done’ and ‘I will give’ have an interaction between I
and not-I as the is to yield to the other.

NA is the root of the letter H; spelled in full and of course, the ‘Lord of Hosts.’ HA is
the root of the word ‘works.’ Gods works are of course, often referred to as:
the Glory of God

(proper noun)
Lax -abbreviation for Alt. Part in LIN as listed in the lexicon. However, the paragraph
here translated is showing this as the name of the “angel of the East.” (See the next
translated word.)
Both letters form the root of several names of angels with the pronunciation of R
sounding like the Egyptian God Ra that is the rising Sun in the East. Indeed, RA (RA) is
‘East’ in Enochian.
angel of the East

LU translate as ‘1st, one, of the first, all one’ and TU is the root of the words: beauty, in
their, going, it ends with or is completed by the goddess. DAH translates as ‘thrice.’
thrice great

AG means ‘no, none’ and ES translates as ‘4th.’
without the 4th

N means ‘Lord of Hosts, Trinity’ with A being ‘in, with.’ GE means ‘not, is not’ and L
means ‘1st, one, all one.’ What this seems to be saying is ‘God in not first, which could
be qabalistically rendered to say that ‘God in the Ain originates,’ which is but another
way of saying: the Lord of Hosts is self-begotten.

OS translates as ‘12’ and CH is the root of ‘are, they are’ and the phrase ‘let there be.’
This gives us two possibilities: are 12 (12 are) and let there be 12; depending on usage.
MA means ‘possess’ and COM is the root of the words: ‘window’ and ‘circle’ as well as
the phrase: ‘trussed you together.’

DOS is the root of the word ‘night’ and CH is the root of ‘are, they are’ and the phrase
‘let there be.’
of the night

HA translates as ‘third, 3’ and N is the ‘Lord of Hosts, Trinity.’ DA is the root of the
words ‘works’ and ‘creatures’ as well as the word ‘plant’ and the phrase ‘has planted.’
The overall suggestion is that something is planted that are becomer creatures (Children
of the Light) that are shown as the works (the starry sky) of the threefold god:
the seed of God
4. Pah o mata nax lasco vana ar von zimah la de de pah o gram nes ca pan
amphan van zebog ahah dauez öl ga. van gedo oha ne daph aged onédon pan le
ges ma gas axa nah alpod ne alida phar or ad gamésad argla nado oges.


The Ogdoad this millienia74 wrath of God75 strong foundation stars that, to fan image of God
clothed with God of the first of of the Ogdoad76 this lunar holiness therefore,another fire pouring
down bound by the Son of Light77 star the Daughter of Light reigns over inmost God78 there unto
them I make Ga79. Star speech in or with woe80 holy unto the Lord of Hosts mortality completion
fire pouring81 down first, the Daughter of Light is not the 4th possess Ga: Spirit of the Daughter
of Light82 surround the one glorious infinite holy one in name with surrender appear before us83
in or with the third conceives invoke the one fiery God with the 4th.84


In the ancient Egyptian cosmogony, the Ogdoad were eight deities, arranged into four male-
female pairs that collectively represent the essence of existence in primordial balance. Their
interaction at some point develops an imbalance that produces an new entity, Ra, the fiery sun
god that rises up from amongst them and then with them, creates all things.

Though “millennia” phonetically sounds like millions, which is infinity in Egyptian mathematics, the word actually means
thousand(s) [the ‘millions of years’ of the Book of the Dead]. It then alludes to either an aeon or an astrological age; the more
important question being what time in contrast with any importance being placed upon the duration of that time. And we might say
here, “In the beginning…”
The ‘wrath of God’ was shown in paragraph 2 as being an ecstasy with the connection with the holy fire as ‘sun’ of God. It is from
this Sun that the stars spread about; being the “image of God, clothed as remonstrated here with the primordial waters that is the
innermost essence of the Ogdoad and the first of the involutionary process. That which these waters covered was the invisible God,
Amun in the Ogdoad.
The double presentation of the preposition ‘of’ suggests something being ‘of the essence’ or the ‘inner of an inner,’ such as might be
an inner adytum.
The “Son of Light” is the ‘Sun of Light’ that is brought in by Kuk; the bringer-in of Light. This light rides the lunar tides and is
“bound” or guided by the Son of Light. That the word ‘star’ next follows as if a word disconnected with the titles around it, we get an
intimation of the Augoeides that this bound light is connected with—being that star which we each have; as related in the ancient
Gnostic Gospel of Judas.
The Daughter of Light being Babalon, “reigns over [the] inmost God” as the desire that awakens the eld of the King.
“…there unto them I make Ga.” First, “them”—the Ogdoad, “I make”—is the ‘maker’ or progenitor: PAN—the One that becomes
the ALL…and Ga who is God’s seed and Logos and is itself biune or androgynous; being also Galvah, the Mother of the family of
Lights on the SDA. As the Logos or Adam Kadmon, then made manifest, Ga is Babalon (as Gaia) and the Shekinah and on the Holy
Table; the letters of the perimeter show Ga also to become the Thoth; the Beast, as described in the 7 names of God on the SDA
(Galethog). Ga then is the Enochian Entity that is the conductor of transformational force that is the Prince or Tiphareth. The word
itself, translates also as ‘spirit(s)’ and 31; the latter of which is the key to Liber AL vel Legis.
In a footnote to paragraph 3, we write: “a separate woe” seems to suggest the Demiurge that in Gnostic literature is formed outside
the thought of the One. Noting also that in Valentinian Gnosticism, the Logos or Son is co-manifest with the Demiuge; as if two sides
of the same coin—the Son responding to the ‘thought’ and the Demiurge responding to the manifest Universe—here delineated as
“Star Speech.” This then is the holy prophecy of the Lord of Hosts, or possibly communication with the Augoeides; the Holy
Guardian Angel.
Mortalithy is completed or in other words, individuated consciousness arrives at its end, and that end being manifestation itself—
that the fire or spirit is poured down and into, and which originates from the other end—the Supernals of which manifestation or
Malkuth hangs pendant. This is of the vertical; the scepter of the Daughter of Light; the 4th being of the horizontal plane of the
ecliptic that the Earth transits with all the other planets…and all being ‘outside the thought.’
Ga here, is proclaimed as the Spirit of the Daughter of Light’ that spirit being its essence that then in the outer (outside the thought)
plane surrounds the ‘holy one’ or the ‘thought’ (being ‘in name’—the Logos). Note: we inserted the colon; itself, not a part of the
original text.
“…with surrender appear before us” seems as if a poetic expression of falling stars or at least the light of the stars that rain down
upon us; appearing in the night sky.
“…with the third” being the astral plane in the Qabalah, where in the physical body (“the 4 th”) may invoke the fire of spirit (“the one
fiery God); calling into itself the breath of life. The allusion here seems to be that perhaps humanity itself, as divine is self-begotten of
the hologram emitted by the planet.
These gods of the Ogdoad are:

Nu/Naunet—the primordial waters

Amun/Amaunet—air or invisibility
Huh/Hauhet—eternity or infinite space

These are presented as syzygies: Nu, the “Watery One” or Nun, the “Inert One” pairs
with Naunet or Nunet to represent the male and female aspects, respectively of the
primordial, watery abyss. The Ancient Egyptians envisaged the oceanic abyss of the Nun
as surrounding a bubble in which the sphere of life is encapsulated, representing the
deepest mystery of their cosmogony; equivalent to the NOT in Thelemic Qabalah. In
Ancient Egyptian creation accounts the original mound of land comes forth from the
waters of the Nun. The Nun is the source of all that appears in a differentiated world,
encompassing all aspects of divine and earthly existence.

Amun was an Egyptian ram-headed god, who as one of the creators of the Universe and
ultimately identified with Ra as Amun-Ra was ‘king of the gods’ and incarnate in the
ruling pharaoh. His consort Amaunet (depicted as a woman wearing the Red Crown and
carrying a staff of papyrus.) was also also identified her with Neith, the war goddess and
mother of Ra. Reverence is paid to this in Liber LXV, wherein the opening incantation
proclaims: … O heart of my mother, my sister, mine own.

Kuk or Keku represented the primordial darkness; also viewed as androgynous, with his
female form known as Kauket or Keket; simply the female spelling of the word Kuk. As
a symbol of darkness, Kuk also represented chaos, the primeval emptiness before things
came into being (NOT). Kuk was seen as that which occurred before the appearance of
light, thus was known as the bringer-in of light; being equivalent to Lucifer (the light-
bringer) in the Roman cosmogony and Prometheus for the Greeks.

Huh (also Heh, Hah, Hauh, Huah, Hahuh) represented eternity and infinite space; his
name itself meaning endlessness. He was also androgynous; his female feminine name
being Hauhet. He is normally depicted as crouching and holding a palm stem in one or
both hands; sometimes, also with a palm stem in his hair. The palm stems, later echoed
in Jesus’ triumphal ride into Jerusalem represented long life to the Egyptians, the years
being represented by the notches on it. Depictions of this symbol sometimes showed a
shen ring at the base of the palm stem; representing infinity. Depictions of Huh in
Egyptian hieroglyphs represented one million; a number that was equivalent to infinity in
Egyptian mathematics; indicating that Huh was the 'god of millions of years'.

It is interesting that this same word in Hebrew means window, a symbol that alludes to
the peering into the astral plane as the key to one’s immortality. The Pythagorians further
attributed to the number 8 the qualities of justice, and fullness; justice being an
exponential expression of the duality (2 emergent of the NOT; hence 2=0) of nature; 22
then gives us 4, the quaternary that , doubled by the next exponent: 23 = 8 gives us the
Ogdoad or infinite expansion of the godhead. This may also be why the morals imparted
in the Blue Lodge rituals of Masonry were shown to be the foundation of the Great Work.
Fulness naturally follows from this by nature of the corporeal solidity of the 8-sided cube.
It was the custom of Orpheus to swear by the eight deities for divine justice by the
names: Fire, Water, Earth, the Heaven, Moon, Sun, Phanes,85 and the Night (Nyx). There
were considered to be the eight visible spheres of the heavens. There were also, in Old
Testament law, eight ornaments of the priest, viz. a breastplate, a coat, a girdle, a mitre, a
robe, an ephod, a girdle of the ephod, and a golden plate.


Pah o mata nax lasco vana

The Ogdoad 5, this millienia wrath of God strong foundation starry, stars

ar von zimah la de de
that, to fan or winnow image of God clothed with God of the first of of

pah o gram nes ca pan

the Ogdoad 5, this lunar holiness therefore, another fire pouring down

amphan van zebog ahah

bound by the Son of Light star the Daughter of Light reigns over inmost God

dauez ol ga. van gedo oha

there unto them I-the maker, I made, I make, 24 Ga. star speech in or with woe

ne daph aged onedon pan

holy unto the Lord of Hosts mortality completion fire pouring down

le ges ma gas
first, the Daughter of Light is not the 4th possess Ga: Spirit of Daughter of light

axa nah alpod ne alida phar

surround the one glorious infinite Holy one in name with surrender

or ad gamesad argla nado

appear, appear before us in or with the third conceives invoke the one fiery God

with the 4th.

Phanes translates as "I bring to light" was also called Protogonos, which means "First-born." He was the primeval god of
procreation and the generation of new life; introduced into the Greek mythos by the Orphic tradition. Phanes was often equated with
Eros and Mithras; being depicted with a helmet and golden wings—emerging from a cosmic egg, entwined with a serpent. The
cosmic egg was the World-Egg of Chronos (Time) and Ananke (Necessity). His older wife Nyx (Night), called him Protogenus,
hence as she created the night, he created the day. And as ruler of the deities, he passed his sceptre to Nyx. The Orphic tradition states
that Nyx later gave the sceptre to her son Uranos before it passed to Cronus and then to Zeus, who would be the last to hold it.
However, we have identified the sceptor in a prior paragraph to this work, as the Zodiac; held by the Daughter of Light. And so the
mythos that is Loagaeth precedes the era of Zeus.

P translates as ‘8,’ A is ‘in, with’ and H means ‘Lord of Hosts, Trinity.’ The ancient
Greek name for God as an 8-fold star (8 being in or with God), was the Ogdoad.

MAT is the root of ‘a thousand’ with A meaning ‘in, with’
in thousands, with thousands—millienia

LAS is the root of the words: ‘rich’ and ‘my feet.’ C is ‘of’ and O is ‘5, this.’ Being of
‘rich feet’ gives the idea of a strong foundation.

VAN is the Enochian letter ‘V’ spelled in full, with A meaning ‘in, with.’ VAN
translates as ‘star’ and we can use the A to give us an adjective (with star or ‘starry’) or a
plural starry, stars.

VO is the root of ‘appearance’ or ‘visits’ and H means ‘Lord of Hosts, Trinity.’
image of God

ZIM is the name of the 13th Aethyr, but is also the root of the words: ‘have entered’ and
‘vestures, my vestures.’ The A is ‘in, with’ and H means ‘Lord of Hosts, Trinity.’
clothed with God

GRA is the root of the words: ‘ancestors,’ ‘moon’ and ‘elders.’ Thiis is also the
Enochian letter ‘E’ spelled-in-full; translating as ‘Daughter of Light.’ M means ‘except,
9’ As ‘she is ever a moon,’ we get the adjective: lunar

NE is the root of the word ‘holy’ and S translates as ‘Daughter of Light.’

AM is the root of the words: ‘cursed, wherefore ye ar cursed,’ ‘fastened, I fasten,’
‘yourselves’ and ‘I begin anew.’ PH is the root of the verb or phrase: ‘give, I will give.’
And AN means ‘Son of Light (Mercury)’.
bound by the Son of Light

VAN is the Enochian letter ‘V’ spelled-in-full and the root words for ‘constellations,’
‘starry, stars’ ‘sceptor of the Daughter of Light (which is the Zodiac)’ and ‘the will of
ZE is the ‘Daughter of Light’ and OG is the root of the word ‘reigns.’
the Daughter of Light reigns over

A means ‘in, with’ and H is ‘the Lord of Hosts’ and ‘Trinity.’ This is literally saying ‘In
the god that is in God.’
inmost God

DA means ‘there’ and UE is the root of the Enochian letter ‘C’ spelled-in-full and which
means: ‘of, unto, with, oh.’ Z means ‘they.’ This literally gives us the phrase:
there unto them

GED is the Enochian letter ‘G’ spelled-in-full and is also the root of the word
‘begotten.’ O means ‘5, this.’ By reducing GED to G we get GO, which is the root of
the words: ‘say, said, saying, sayeth.’ For that matter, the ‘begotten Son’ would be the
Logos, which is the ‘Word’.

OH is the root of the word ‘woe’ and A means ‘in, with.’
in woe, with woe

AGE is the root of ‘not the 4th’ and ‘mortal.’ D means ‘3rd, the third.’ Mortal in shall
we say, three-fold extension would give us mortality.

ON means ‘built’ and ED is the root of the words ‘receive’ and ‘as receivers.’ ON
means ‘made.’ As a ‘receiver’ one receives the awareness that something has been made
or built…that something has come to completion.

L means ‘1st, one, of the first, all one’ and E is the ‘Daughter of Light.’ Topgether, we
get the phrase: first, the Daughter of Light

GE means ‘not, is not’ and S means ‘4th, the Daughter of Light.’
is not the 4th

GA this is ‘Ga—31, make with spirits, the 5th Angel’ and again, S means ‘4th, the
Daughter of Light.’ We learn here that Ga is the Spirit of the Daughter of Light
A means ‘in, with’ and surrounds X, which has no meaning in itself, but when spelled in
full (PAL) gives us PA, which means ‘keep’ and L, which means ‘first, of the first,
one, and all one.’
surround the one

NAH is the root of the phrase: ‘Glory of God.’ To extract something of essence from the
full phrase, we break down the letters; the first two, NA giving us ‘Lord of Hosts,
Trinity’ and with the H tagged onto the end, the word is also clearly the root of the
Enochian letter ‘H’ spelled in full (and of coruse, ‘Lord of Hosts, Trinity). The essence
of this is then glorious

A means ‘in, with’ and L means ‘one, of the first, all one’ and P means‘8.’ OD is a
conjunction; ‘and, nor’ that basically creates the phrase ‘1 in 8.’86 The 8 as the number of
infinity; the phrase then can be reworded to say the ‘1 in infinity’ is then infinite.

Again, A means ‘in, with’ and L means ‘one, of the first, all one;’ this time with ID as
the root of the phrase: ‘the name of’ and again, surrounded by A.
one in name with

PHA is the root of the word ‘give, I will give.’ The R has no meaning in itself; the
spelled in full, we get ‘DON,’ which is the root of the word ‘Hell Fire’ and ‘Sun of
God.’ DON represents the two aspects of the Gnostic fire as represented also in
Hermeticism with the double-duty nature of the Alchemical element of Fire. There is the
burning Hell and the evolutionary nature of the Holy Spirit that came upon the Apostles
in the New Testament. As if some qabalistic story, the phrase, ‘surrender to the void (or
Abyss)’ seems a reasonable induction; hence, surrender.

As noted in our translation of the first paragraph of this prophecy, A works as the prefix
meaning ‘in, with’ and D is ‘third.’
in the third, with the third

GAM is the root of the phrase: ‘[the] watery loins of the Daughter of Light,’ ES means
‘4th’ and also contains a reference to the Daughter of Light. And as discussed
immediately above, AD means ‘in or with the third.’ The 4th in the 3rd suggests a
birthing conception that as an active verb is conceives.

The infinite may also be said to be beyond the finite nature of the material Universe and hence, with the Ain Soph Aur that is NOT.
cf. AL:II.15 "For I am perfect, being Not; and my number is nine by the fools; but with the just I am eight, and one in eight:
Which is vital, for I am none indeed. The Empress and the King are not of me; for there is a further secret."
ARG is the root of the word ‘invoke’ and LA means ‘of the first.’
invoke the one

NA means ‘Lord of Hosts, Trinity’ and DO is the root of the Enochian letter ‘R’
(spelled in full); meaning ‘hell fire.’
fiery God

OG is the root of ‘with this’ and ES means ‘4th.’
with the 4th
5. Mabeth ar mices achaph pax mara geduth alídes orcánor manch arseth.
olontax ar geban vox portex ah pamo. agématon buríse ganport. vdríos pasch.
Machel len arvin zembuges. vox mara. gons Ihehusch dah pársodan maäh
alsplan donglses adípr agínot. archad dons a dax van famlet a dex arge pa


The expanse87 spreads the countenance of the Daughter of Light, the Augoeides unites the one the
Son of Light with the Daughter of Light;88 the three-fold negative God being one in name with the
4th the mighty manifest in the thought of God89 wailing in their places. Man’s twin star90 that not
being wherein they are separate Sun of God inner self (5 or this)91 unto me. The Trinity (3)92
echoes from the 4th glorious cry angelic image is also Sun of God. The Zodiac is the Daughters
of God. Contained within us presence of the Daughter of Light God’s glory spread out the
Daughter of Light’s 9 glories from the 4th in accordance with. God’s word made manifest the
Augoeides thrice the Son of Son of Light in the 4th hidden God among the angels the Sun of
God93 mourns the Daughter of Light the Sun of God is not the 3rd mortality.94 Spread amongst
the third the Sun of God to the 4th with loins star95 the Daughter of Light covers the first with the
One invoke the Daughter of Light keep96 from the 4th.

The opening phrase connects the Daughter of Light with the expanse that is the Universe.
Virtue here is then described as the uniting of the “one” that is the ‘Sun of Light’ and that
we might call humanity with this expanse (the Daughter of Light) by the power of the
Augoeides. That the 3-fold negative God is one in name with the 4th is a description of
the mating of the King and Daughter after having awakened the eld of the King. The
mighty are the stars of the Universe “wailing” or moving the planets about them; each
their own solar system. Man’s twin star; being the Augoeides is then tied with ‘not
being’ as if to suggest the Augoeides as some relation to the Ain Soph Aur wherein

The expanse of stars is the scepter of the Daughter of Light. Her countenance then, might be said to be the mythical story that has
been written into the stars by the ancients.
This might be said to have been mimicked by the ancient Egyptial royal throne in maintaining the royal bloodline. And again, also
found in Liber LXV as discussed above.
Per the Gnostic Gospels, there is that which was considered to be within the thought of God from which the Savior emanated and
that which was considered to be outside the thought of God from which the Demiurge emanated.
In the Gospel of Thomsas, Jesus speaking as one who has Gnosis calls Thomas his twin and true companion; referring to all of
humanity and suggesting his role as Savior to arrive at the Kingdom of Heaven (the uniting of one with the starry sky) only after he
has redeemed or facilitated the Gnosis of the entire human race.
Here we find the word ‘this’ essentially referring to that which is ‘5’—the human soul of humanity. And so in the interpretation
both translations of the word were left; only in parenthesis to show that ‘this is the 5 or pentagram that is the number of mankind that
then must be brought “unto me”—the eternal yearning of NUIT.
This seems to act also as an allusion to the alchemical triplicity (3)—Mercury, Sulphur, Salt—coming from the 4th—nature, wherein
in its tradition, we find a host of angelic images; painted by inspired artistry.
The ‘Sun’ of God seems a symbol representing the eld of the king that is the creative force in the Universe; the “image of an image”
as expressed in Liber LXV.
The ‘3rd mortality’ seems a reference to the third dimension that are represented by all Sefira below the Abyss, with that above the
Abyss representing the first and second dimensions—as shown in the Pythagorean mathematic doctrine on the emanation of the
‘loins star’ as a phrase seems to symbolically represent the creative force of the stars (the union-izing force) showing a sexual
alchemy; based on that energy called the eld of the king that in the gelding and through the archetype of the Adam Kadmon (the
Anthropos) God makes man in its image.
It seems suggested here that the Daughter of Light is the sustaining force that maintains the Universe; not that all unlike Vishnu in
the Hindu trinity who manifests as the effeminate Krsna.
humanity is held to be separate with the Sun of God being the inner or higher self that is
moving “unto me”; suggesting NUIT who is the stars of the Universe. Essentially then,
we are all ONE and this paragraph suggests that we are moving to the this integration of
stars; not unlike the integration of the elements of the human soul that is the nature of its
The angelic image that is the archetypal template of the Adam Kadmon echoing from the
4th or Assia (the material universe) with the echo of the creative God is the movement
unto NUIT. Yet the Zodiac being the Daughters of God suggest even multiple NUITs;
each constellation being a fabric of stars—as if to say “all numbers are infinite.”97 The 9
glories then coming from the 4th suggests Yesod (the astral house); the movement from
the 10th Sefira to the astral Universe.
There is then a triplicity in the nature of the Augoeides being the ‘word’ of God, the Son
of Son of Light and by induction, the Sun of God. But what might then be the Son of Son
of Light? We might suggest God’s law as manifest in the 4th (Assiah); being that
‘hidden’ natural law held by the angels that are its messengers and that are known as the
natural spirits. The Sun of God mourning for the Daughter of Light is simply Hadit
adoring Nuit; her loins being the whole of the Universe and covering the immortal realm
that covers the first cause (the causeless cause) with the “One” that is the totality of the
Universe—even itself to adore NUIT, which is the way to immortality by “keep[ing]
from the 4th.
The angelic image may also be embodied in the Cry of the 4th Aethyr (as it may also then
be emanating from and indicative of the 4th Heaven):

The Cry of the 4th Aethyr, Which is Called PAZ98

The Stone is translucent and luminous, and no images enter therein.

A voice says: Behold the brilliance of the Lord, whose feet are set upon him that pardoneth
transgression. Behold the six-fold Star that flameth in the Vault, the seal of the marriage of the great
White King and his black slave.99

So I looked into the Stone, and beheld the six-fold Star: the whole Aethyr is as tawny clouds, like the
flame of a furnace. And there is a mighty host of Angels, blue and golden, that throng it, and they
cry: Holy, Holy, Holy art thou, that art not shaken in the earthquakes, and in the thunders! The end
of things is come upon us; the day of be-with-us is at hand! For he hath created the universe, and
overthrown it, that he might take his pleasure thereupon.

And now, in the midst of the Aethyr, I beheld that god.

He hath a thousand arms, and in each hand is a weapon of terrible strength. His face is more terrible
than the storm, and from his eyes flash lightnings of intolerable brilliance. From his mouth run seas
of blood. Upon his head is a crown of every deadly thing. Upon his forehead is the upright tau, and
on either side of it are the signs of blasphemy. And about him clingeth a young girl, like unto the
king's daughter that appeareth in the ninth Aethyr. But she is become rosy by reason of his
force, and her purity hath tinged his black with blue.

cf. Liber AL vel Legis; cap. 1
PAZ = {Leo}{Taurus}{Caput Draconis}. This {Taurus} = 7 = Atu V, The Hierophant. He is Microprosopus, the Demiurge,
appearing in the House of the Sun. Cf. the 9th Aire, where His Bride is similarly placed.
This is common Alchemical symbolism; it occurs also in Tibetan mythology. The meaning is always the same; that here
They are clasped in a furious embrace, so that she is torn asunder by the terror of the god; yet so
tightly clingeth she about him, that he is strangled. She hath forced back his head, and his throat is
livid with the pressure of her fingers. Their joint cry is an intolerable anguish, yet it is the cry of their
rapture, so that every pain, and every curse, and every bereavement, and every death of everything
in the whole universe, is but one little gust of wind in that tempest-scream of ecstasy.100

The voice thereof is not articulate. It is in vain to seek comparison. It is absolutely continuous,
without breaks or beats. If there seem to be vibration therein, it is because of the imperfection of
the ears of the seer.

And there cometh an interior voice, which sayeth to the seer that he hath trained his eyes well and
can see much; and he hath trained his ears a little, and can hear a little; but his other senses hath he
trained scarcely at all, and therefore the Aethyrs are almost silent to him on those planes. By the
senses are meant the spiritual correlations of the senses, not the physical senses. But this matters
little, because the Seer, so far as he is a seer, is the expression of the spirit of humanity.101 What is
true of him is true of humanity, so that even if he had been able to receive the full Aethyrs, he could
not have communicated them.

And an Angel speaks: Behold, this vision is utterly beyond thine understanding. Yet shalt thou
endeavour to unite thyself with the dreadful marriage-bed.

So I am torn asunder, nerve from nerve and vein from vein, and more intimately --- cell from cell,
molecule from molecule, and atom from atom, and at the same time all crushed together. Write down
that the tearing asunder _is_ a crushing together.102 All the double phenomena are only two ways of
looking at a single phenomenon; and the single phenomenon is Peace. There is no sense in my words
or in my thoughts. "Faces half- formed arose." This is the meaning of that passage; they are attempts
to interpret Chaos, but Chaos is Peace. Cosmos is the War of the Rose and the Cross.103 That was "a
half-formed face" that I said then. All images are useless.

Blackness, blackness intolerable, before the beginning of the light. This is the first verse of Genesis.
Holy art thou, Chaos, Chaos, Eternity, all contradictions in terms!

Oh, blue! blue! blue! whose reflection in the Abyss is called the Great One of the Night of Time;
between ye vibrateth the Lord of the Forces of Matter.

O Nox, Nox qui celas infamiam infandi nefandi, Deo solo sit laus qui dedit signum non scribendum.
Laus virgini cuius stuprum tradit salutem.

O Night, that givest suck from thy paps to sorcery, and theft, and rape, and gluttony, and murder,
and tyranny, and to the nameless Horror, cover us, cover us, cover us from the Rod of Destiny; for
Cosmos must come, and the balance be set up where there was no need of balance, because there was
no injustice, but only truth. But when the balances are equal, scale matched with scale, then will
Chaos104 return.

Yea, as in a looking-glass, so in thy mind, that is backed with the false metal of lying, is every symbol
read averse. Lo! everything wherein thou hast trusted must confound thee, and that thou didst flee
from was thy saviour. So therefore didst thou shriek in the Black Sabbath when thou didst kiss the
hairy buttocks of the goat, when the gnarled god tore thee asunder, when the icy cataract of death
swept thee away.105

This all refers to "Love under will," the Law by which the universe proceeds.
He is 666, the Angel of Tiphereth, the Middle Kingdom of the Sephiroth, Mankind.
Again the logic of the Supernals.
It is "Love under will", which unites them.
Chaos is the Great Father, in one particular aspect.
See _Liber CCCLXX_ and elsewhere.
Shriek, therefore, shriek aloud; mingle the roar of the gored lion and the moan of the torn bull, and
the cry of the man that is torn by the claws of the Eagle, and the scream of the Eagle that is strangled
by the hands of the Man. Mingle all these in the death-shriek of the Sphinx, for the blind man hath
profaned her mystery. Who is this, Oedipus, Tiresias, Erinyes? Who is this, that is blind and a seer, a
fool above wisdom? Whom do the hounds of heaven follow, and the crocodiles of hell await?106 Aleph,
vau, yod, ayin, resh, tau, is his name.107

Beneath his feet is the kingdom, and upon his head the crown. He is spirit and matter; he is peace
and power; in him is Chaos and Night and Pan, and upon BABALON his concubine, that hath made
him drunk upon the blood of the saints that she hath gathered in her golden cup, hath he begotten
the virgin that now he doth deflower. And this is that which is written: Malkuth shall be uplifted and
set upon the throne of Binah.108 And this is the stone of the philosophers that is set as a seal upon the
tomb of Tetragrammaton, and the elixir of life that is distilled from the blood of the saints, and the
red powder that is the grinding-up of the bones of Choronzon.

Terrible and wonderful is the Mystery thereof, O thou Titan that hast climbed into the bed of Juno!
Surely thou art bound unto, and broken upon, the wheel;109 yet hast thou uncovered the nakedness of
the Holy One, and the Queen of Heaven is in travail of child, and his name shall be called Vir, and
Vis, and Virus, and Virtus, and Viridis, in one name that is all these, and above all these.110

Desolate, desolate is the Aethyr, for thou must return unto the habitations of the Owl and the Bat,
unto the Scorpions of the sand, and the blanched eyeless beetles that have neither wing nor horn.
Return, blot out the vision, wipe from thy mind the memory thereof; stifle the fire with green wood;
consume the Sacrament; cover the Altar; veil the Shrine; shut up the Temple and spread booths in
the market place; until the appointed time come when the Holly One shall declare unto thee the
Mystery of the Third Aethyr.

Yet be thou wake and ware, for the great Angel Hua is about thee, and overshadoweth thee, and at
any moment he may come upon thee unawares. The voice of PAZ is ended.

Biskra, Algeria.
December 16, 1909. 9 - 10:30 a.m.

Mabeth ar mices
The expanse that, to fan or winnow countenance of the Daughter of Light
achaph pax mara
Augoeides keep the one the Son of Light with the Daughter of Light
geduth alides orcánor
three-fold negative God one in name with the 4th the mighty manifest
manch arseth. olontax
in the mind of God/Universal mind wailing in their places. Man’s twin star

Refers to Atu 0.
5. This path joins the Sephiroth 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 10. It adds to 687 = 3 x 229. 229 is a possible spelling of Aiwass (in
Hebrew) o in full. (Aleph, Vau, Yod, Ayin, Resh Tav)
This mystery of the Daughter awakening the eld of the all-Father
and thus perpetuating Tetragrammaton is of great importance.
Refers to Ixion, who embraced Juno in the form of a cloud.
Vi, Veri, Universum Vivus Vici, the motto of the Seer as Magister
ar geban vox portex
that, to fan or winnow not being, unborn wherein they are separate Sun of God
ah pamo. agematon
inner self (5 or this) unto me. The Trinity (3) echoes from the 4th

burise ganport. Vdrios

glorious cry, infinite wail angelic pair is also Sun of God. The Zodiac

pasch. Machel len

Daughters of God. Contained within us presence of the Daughter of Light
arvin zembuges.
God’s glory spread out the Daughter of Light’s 9 glories from the 4th
vox mara. gons
wherein they are (separated) in accordance with. God’s word made manifest
Ihehusch1 1 1 dah parsodan maah alsplan
Augoeides thrice the Son of Son of Light in the 4th hidden god among the angels

donglses adipr aginot.

the Sun of God mourns the Daughter of Light the Sun of God from the 3rd mortality.
archad dons a dax van
spread amongst the third the Sun of God to the 4th in, with loins star
famlet a dex arge
the Daughter of Light covers the first in,with of the One invoke the Daughter of Light
pa gens
keep from the 4th or Daughter of Light.


MAB is the root of the word ‘coat, the’ and ETH is the root of the words ‘cover, are
covered’ and ‘peace, in.’ A coat the covers [completely], or a peaceful coat seems to be
of the divine with the ‘H’ on the end; thus of Universal God: the expanse.

MIC is the root of the words: ‘mighty, mightier,’ ‘power, in power’ and ‘behold.’ ES
means 4th, and is the root of the ‘Daughter of Light.’ To behold is to recognize power,
majesty and might. And as we saw in the previous paragraph, ‘the expanse’ of the
Zodiac is the scepter of the Daughter of Light. This is the4th plane, which in its awe and
majesty give us the countenance of the Daughter of Light.


That this word is found to be capitalized in the text indicates it as a formal noun. It had been translated previously as ‘ecstasy.’

However, words with similar spellings include: ‘Children of the Light’ and ‘fixed stars.’ So we can name this one star Augoeides.
ACH is theroot of the phrase ‘with diamond’ and APH is the root of the words: ‘liveth’
and ‘slimy things made of dust.’ The living are from dust to dust on the material plane
that in the Western Mystery Tradition is the ‘darkly splendid abode’ wherein one of the
slimy [creatures] made of dust was a serpent that delivered the fruit of the Tree-of-
Knowledge to the archetypal anthropos: Adam & Eve. That such living creatures are
‘with diamond’, we glean that the diamond images the Augoeides; the star that is their
counterpart to be cast into the heavens.

PA means ‘keep’ and X spelled in full is PAL; the root of the words (and phrase): ‘two
(separated),’ ‘all is in the one’ and ‘raging fire.’ keep the one

MAR is the root of: ‘according’ and ‘the Son of Light joines the Daughter of Light.’ A
means ‘in, with.’ So rather than a complete sentence formed of the original use of the
root word, we replace the verb with a preposition; producing the phrase: the Son of Light
with the Daughter of Light.

GED is the Enochian letter ‘G’ spelled in full, which has no meaning as yet, in itself;
GE means ‘not’ or ‘the third,’ as D also means ‘third, the.’ Also, we find in Ryan
Higgins’ account of his skrying of the Holy Table in Liber Ged:

In the list of letter essences complied by Patricia Schaffer, ‘Ged’ is attributed to the idea of not,
none, being the root of negation…The letter 'G' is very significant here since it is said to be a key.
Now 'G' itself is 'not' as per the letter essences and seems to tie in with The Book of the Law who's
key is nothing:

AL:I.46 Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty,
four hundred & eighteen.

Remember that Ain, 'nothing' adds up to 61 as called by the Jews. Ged is nothing as called by the
Enochain angels and 'G' seems to be an abbreviation for GA, which is the Enochian word for '31'
which immediately corresponds with the work of Frater Achad who discovered 31 as the key to
Liber AL. It seems that the key to the Holy Table and Liber AL vel Legis are one and the same,
which is fascinating considering that A.C. did not do any work with the Holy Table and that the
Enochian system preceded Liber AL by over three hundred years. It seems that the table opens a
gateway for the magickal forces and intelligences that are behind the workings of this current
magickal Aeon as it began in 1904 with the reception of The Book of the Law. Now 31 is the
ThRShRQ of 13, the sum of 'love' and 'unity' translated into Hebrew. The number 31 is also
obtained when 93 is divided by 3.

The U as yet, has no meaning in itself; however, UT is the root of the 14th and 25th
Aethyrs. These refer then to Caput Draconis that is the head of the lion-Serpent; the
Beast 666 (his father being Set or Pan and his mother being the woman clothed with the
Sun as in Atu XIV).112 The H on the end of the word confirms this as it again indicates
divinity; giving us: three-fold negative God.

112 The Cry of he 25th Aethyr, Which is Called VTI

ALID is the root of ‘one in name with’ and ES means ‘4th.’; giving us: one in name
with the 4th.

OR is the Enochian letter ‘F’ spelled in full, which is also the phrases and words: ‘visit,
visit us’ and ‘appear, appear before us.’ CAN is the root of the words: ‘mighty,’
‘workers’ and ‘continual workmen.’ The presence of a visitation or appearance is a
manifestation, hence: the mighty manifest.

MAN is the root of ‘in the mind’ and ‘subtle body’ (which is the mind), C is ‘of, unto,
on, with, o, oh’ and again, H clearly adds a divine tint to the word, hence: in the mind of
God/Universal Mind.

AR means ‘that’ or ‘to fan or winnow,’ SE means ‘mourning, cry’ and TH is the root of
‘seats, seats their own, in seats.’ The idea of fanning a cry is to exacerbate it into a wail
and this wail originates from those seats that are the places of those wailing in their

OLO is the root of the word or prepositional phrase ‘man, of man,’ N as yet, has no
meaning in itself (yet, spelled in full, DRUN gives us D ‘3rd, the’ & RU-‘angel of the
East-indicating the star of the Sun/Tiphareth), TA means ‘as’ and X has no meaning in
itself; however, when spelled in full, PAL is the root of ‘two separated, pair.’ We arrive
at then, an informal description of the Augoeides; taking a hint from the opening lines of
the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas: man’s twin star

GE means ‘not, is not’ and BAN is the root of the word ‘generation.’ Generation being
the process of creating being, we can literally translate this as not being or unborn.


Crowley’s note to the name of this Aethyr: VTI = = Caput Draconis, the head of the Lion-Serpent, the Beast 666. His father is
Set or Pan; his mother, the woman clothed with the Sun as in Atu XIV. See 27th Aethyr. He is the burden of the Moon, sanctified by
418. Atu XI (a partial form) with Atu XX (XI + XX = XXXI) gives the Key of the New Aeon.
The Cry of the 14th Aethyr, Which is Called VTA
VTA = = igv = 79 (the value of each the pillar of Boaz & Joachin). That this is tied to the 25th Aethyr in the translated word
gives us opportunity to contrast the difference of spelling between the names of these two Aethyrs. The difference being that the 25th
Aethyr has Sagittarius for the third letter as this one has Taurus. In the Starry Gnosis, we learn that the Astrological Age in which the
mysteries emerge is Taurus (in the Manifestation of Scorpio) with the current Manifestation (cf. Gnostic Cycles) being Sagittarius;
wherein with Loagaeth, they are being revealed.
VO means ‘wherein’ and X has no meaning in itself; but when spelled in full gives us
PAL: the root of ‘two separated, pair.’ The separated pair gives us the idea of multiple
beings existing added to the literal translation of VO; hence, wherein they are.

PO is the root of the words and phrases: ‘divide, are divided,’ ‘pair,’ ‘two (together)’ and
‘palace, your.’ R has no meaning as yet, but spelled in full (DON) gives us ‘hell fire’
and ‘sun of God.’ TEX is the name of the 30th Aethyr (the ethyric or elemental plane).
This word has no given meaning. However, T means ‘it’ and EX is the root of the
phrase ‘mother of all.’ We can then translate literally: the palace of the sun of God is the
mother of all. And of course, that palace would be the solar system; containing all the
stars that are the various Augoeides corresponding each with a human being. This
pairing is the divided union of the born and the unborn (eternal).

AH is the root of AHAH (inmost God); taking this as Paratman or non-individuated
consciousness, we can by reduction we translate this as the Atman or inner/higher self.

PAM is the root of ‘unto me’ and ‘mean, contemptuous tone.’ O translates as ‘5, this’
giving us (5 or this) unto me. We might add that the ‘mean, contemptuous tone’ adds a
sense of command or daring (fiat) to the tone of this word (as a meme).

AGE is the root of ‘not the 4th,’ MATO is the root of ‘echoing’ and N is the Na portion
of Na-hath: ‘Lord of Hosts, trinity’ (adding the divine sense; much as the H1 1 3 ). ‘[N]ot
the 4th’ is being used as a preposition—from the 4th—‘not’ being the point of origination;
hence, the Trinity (3) echoes from the 4th.

BU is the root of the words and phrases: ‘glory, in glory, that the glory’ and ‘mouth, has
opened his mouth, from their mouths, of his mouth.’ RI is the root of th words and
phrases: ‘window, of a ,’ ‘no place’ and ‘of mercy.’ And SE means ‘mourning, cry.’
The fact that ‘glory’ is connected with ‘opening of the mouth’ is reminiscent of the
ancient Egyptian ceremony for the deceased pharaoh, that releases his soul to the afterlife
that Christians would later refer to as ‘the glory’—it being the resurrection of the body.
With a window (the middle two letters) connecting this glory with a mourning, we get the
overall sense of the agony and the ecstacy; hence a glorious cry or an infinite wail.

GAN is the root of the word ‘angelic,’ PO is the root of ‘divide, are divided,’ ‘two
(together), pair’ and ‘of your palace.’ There is no meaning as yet, for R, but when
spelled in full, we get DON: ‘hell fire’ and ‘Sun of God.’ T means ‘it, also.’ We literally
start with ‘angelic (divided) pair’ or ‘angelic of your palace.’ Next we literally get ‘hell

A thought is building here; as the letter H has become for me a key letter; showing itself also into Enochiana, so also Ryan Higgins
skrying of the Holy Table has provided a similar experience with the letter G; also coming into importance in this translation
effort…so then also must the letter N in its connection to H have some bearing to consider.
fire or Sun of God, it also.’ From this, we extract: ‘the angelic palace or pairing is also
the Sun of God.’ Choosing ‘pairing’ over ‘palace,’ we find something that makes sense.
The angelic pair is also the Sun of God. In other words, when the individual pairs with
the Augoeides (his or her Holy Guardian Angel), one becomes a ‘lamp’ (in Thelemic
terms) and thus a light that would be called the ‘Sun of God.’

V has no meaning as yet, but when spelled in full, gives us VAL with VA being the root
of ‘star’ and L meaning ‘first, of the first,’ ‘one, all one.’ DRI is the root of ‘great,
greater’ and OS means ’12.’ With VAL suggesting the first or one star and the DRI
and to that number (great, greater), this then becomes tempered down to a set of 12 stars
or 12 sets of stars; hence, the Zodiac.

PAS is the root of ‘the daughters,’ C means ‘of, unto, on, with, o, oh’ and H is the
‘Lord of Hosts’ or ‘Trinity’ hence, Daughters of God.

MAC means ‘encompass’ and HEL is the root of ‘in ours.’ That which surrounds shows
that something is contained; the two words being relatively synonomous and ‘in ours’
shows possession. Hence, we get Contained within us.

LE is the root of the phrase: ‘first, the Daughter of Light’ and N is ‘the Lord of Hosts,
Trinity.’ The N tints the phrase with divinity or is rather an echo of the divine presence;
itself being the first cause. We then replace ‘first’ in the phrase with ‘presence’ and
translate the phrase as the presence of the Daughter of Light.

AR is the root of ‘that’and ‘to fan or winnow.’ VI is the root of ‘the second, in the
second,’ ‘nests’ and ‘I have beautified.’ And again, the N adds the tint of divinity.
Literally, we have: ‘to fan…’ giving us ‘spread out’ as a ‘secondary’ state of ‘beauty’; the
primary state being the contracted divinity. Hence: God’s glory spread out.

ZE means ‘Daughter of Light,’ M means ‘except, 9,’ BU is the root of the words:
‘glory, in glory, that the glory,’ ‘mouth, has opened his mouth, from their mouths, of his
mouth.’ GES means ‘is not the 4th’ giving us the Daughter of Light’s 9 glories from
the 4th.

VO means ‘wherein’ and X has no meaning as yet, but when spelled in full gives us
PAL, which is the root of ‘two separated, pair.’ Literally, we get: wherein they are

MAR is the root of ‘according’ and A means ‘in, with.’ Easily, we find the prepositional
phrase: in accordance with.

GON is the Enochian letter ‘I’ spelled in full, which has no meaning in itself as yet.
However, GO means ‘speaks’ and N means ‘is God.’ S means 4th. ‘Speaks’ added to
‘is God’ gives us the idea of ‘God’s word’ and the 4th is reminiscent of Assiah where the
word is made manifest; hence: God’s word made manifest.

PAR means ‘in them,’ S means 4th,’ OD means ‘and, nor’ and AN means ‘Son of Son
of Light/Mercury.’ A simple juxtaposition for English syntax gives us: the Son of Son of
Light in the 4th.

MAA is the root of ‘aid up (stored) and H adds the tint of divinity that can also be taken
to mean ‘God.’ That which is stored is held out of sight or hidden; giving us the hidden

A means ‘in, with’ and LS is the root of ‘the ecliptic’ and ‘constellations.’ PLA is the
root of ‘partakers’ and N adds a tint of divinity to the word. The ‘partakers’ in or among
the starry skies are ‘angels’ giving us: among the angels.
DON is the root of ‘hell fire’ and ‘Sun of God.’ GL is the root of ‘the first of the
Daughter of Light,’ SE means ‘mourning, cry’ and S means ‘4th, Daughter of Light.’
Literally, we get: The Sun of God, first of the Daughter of Light mourns the Daughter of
Light. We can redact this to: the Sun of God mourns the Daughter of Light.
AD means ‘in the third, with the third,’ IP means ‘not’ and R as yet, has no meaning in
itself, but spelled in full, DON gives us ‘hellfire’ and ‘Sun of God.’ Again, the ‘not’
tells us where the ‘Sun of God’ is coming from: the Sun of God from the 3rd

AGI is the root of the word ‘mortal’ and NOT is the root of the phrase: ‘in the midst.’
The preponderance of these two, gives us mortality.

AR is the root of ‘that’ or ‘to fan or winnow,’ C means ‘of, unto, on, with, o, oh,’ H
again adds a tint of the divine with AD meaning ‘in the third, with the third.’ Literally,
we get ‘to fan unto holy the third’ and we’ll use the divine tint simply as a reference. We
can then say: spread amongst the 3rd.

DON is the root of ‘hell fire’ and ‘Sun of God’ and S means ‘4th’ and ‘Daughter of
Light.’ We then get the Sun of God to the 4th.114

FAM is the Enochian letter ‘S’ spelled in full; translating as the ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of
Light. L means ‘first, one’ and ET is the root of ‘cover, are covered’ and ‘in peace.’
We then get the Daughter of Light covers the first; seemingly representing the Daughter
awakening the eld of the King.115

DE means ‘of’ and X has no meaning in itself; but spelled in full gives us the root of the
words: ‘two (separated),’ ‘all is in the one’ an d’raging fire’; hence: of the One.

ARG is the root of the word ‘invoke’ and E means ‘Daughter of Light.’ Hence: invoke
the Daughter of Light.

GE means ‘not, is not,’ N adds the divine tinto to the word and S means ‘4th’ and
‘Daughter of Light’; hence, from the 4th or from the Daughter of Light.

Note that the 4th is the realm of the Daughter of Light.
As discussed in the first paragraph.
The Vision of IAN:
the Daughter of Light116
6. Vandanzan oripat es vami gest ageff ormatenodah zalpala doniton pasdaes
ganpogan Undanpel adin achaph maradon oxamax anolphe dan ieh voxad mar vox
ihedutharh aggs pal med lefe. IAN lefa dox parnix O droes marsibleh aho
dan adeph uloh iads ascleh da verox ans dalph che damph lam achos .


Star117 universal law life shall not form the material plane the way of the Lord. It also is
not the 4th the Trinity manifests at the start of the millennia, the angel of death they are in
the infinite place118 the Sun of God is begotten119 the daughters reside in the 4th the
angelic image of the Sun of God is made in the 4th the Master Magickian120 the Sun of
God from the divine Augoeides the Son of Light unites with the Daughter of Light the 26
comprise the all the Son of Light 3 in 1 merciful wherein they are separated in the third
the Magickal Childe wherein they are separated the fixed stars as receivers of the one
spread out against the sky the Magus. Dissolution the star of five first the Daughter of
Light appears IAN, first, the Daughter of Light visits the interior121 the sacrificial fire in
them 28 separate pairs the Holy Pentagram at any quarter protect the temple in sacred
measure 3 in 1 of the holy Lord of Hosts the end of sorrow the gods divine will there Holy
Spirit the Son of Son of Light is the Holy Pentagram among the first to give of the Son of
Light variation except the first 12 Guardian Angels.

Ian is listed as Iana on the 7-Fold Tablet.
Speaking to the Star that is the Augoeides; that part of our consciousness that is connected with the Universal expanse; seemingly
infinite in comparison with our planetary consciousness.
The place that is ‘no-place’ or the Pleroma.
This then refers to the spiritual Sun; said to be “behind” the material Sun.
Enki in Sumerian lore was referred to as the Master Magickian. This is about as far back as Western history takes us.
Perhaps a hint here also, of the V.I.T.R.I.O.L. of the Alchemist.

The “universal law” is held separate from the manifestation, which is the 4th plane and
hangs pendant to the Tree-of-Life and hence “the way of the Lord” is not the way of
manifestation on the material plane. The Trinity that we noted in the previous paragraph
emerges from the 4th or material plane is next said here to emerge at the start of each
“millennia,” which we might equate with each ‘Equinox of the Gods.’ This occurs with
the ‘angel of death’ that slays the old god and with all these old gods; it moves on to
dwell in the “infinite place” wherein also, the ‘Sun of God’ is begotten. The daughters
residing in the 4th are the harem led by the Daughter of Light. These are the original
earthly leaders during the matriarchal period.
The Sun of God being “made in the 4th” is the local Sun (Sol) of our solar system; this
becomes the physical incarnation of the archetypal image formulated in the infinite. By
way of the “Master Magickian” the Sun of God emerges from the “divine Augoeides”
and at his fiat the Son of Light and the Daughter of Light mate. Yet “the 26 comprise the
all,” which seems to have no apparent reference until we consider the true 13
constellations of the ecliptic in their male/female syzygies.
The Son of Light is next described as the “3 in 1” being the Trinity whose mercy is the
production of the Magickal Childe that is the next stage in human evolution. Various
syzygies then exist in these fixed stars spread out in the sky by the Magus that creates the
true religion (without sect) by fixing them as receptors of the One. Each star is a star of
five angles that dissolve ultimately into the One, but before all the that, the Daughter of
Light appears as Isis; she who is the first—the initiator.
Each star is a burning sacrificial fire holding 28, which seems but a mask for 10 (5+5 or
Pentagram united with Pentagram in syzygy). Each pentagram represents the four
material elements united with spirit and so the Magick is directed to place a pentagram in
the four quarters of the temple that the unity would descend from above. This is the
formula for the “end of sorrow” as therein dwells the One-God. The divine will is then
the pentagram anthropomorphosized as the Son of Son of Light, who dwells in
“variation” as each of 12 separate stars, which confounds us to some degree; in the
eternal argument…are there 12 or 13 on the ecliptic?


Van danzan oripat es vami gest

Star universal law life shall not form 4th the way of the Lord. It also is not the 4th

ageff ormatenodah
the Trinity (3) manifests at the start of the millennia, the angel of death

zalpala doniton pasdaes

they are in the infinit place the Sun of God is begotten the daughters reside in the 4th

ganpogan Undanpel
the angelic image of the Sun of God is made in the 4th the Master Magickian
adin achaph
the Sun of God from the divine Augoeides

maradon oxamax
the Son of Light unites with the Daughter of Light the 26 comprise the all

anolphe dan ieh voxad

the Son of Light 3 in 1 merciful wherein they are separated in the third

mar vox
the Magickal Childe wherein they are separated

ihedutharh aggs
the fixed stars as receivers of the one spread out against the sky the Magus.

pal med lefe.

Dissolution the star of five first the Daughter of Light appears

IAN lefa
I am the Daughter of Light first, the Daughter of Light visits the interior

dox parnix O
the sacrificial fire in them 28 separate pairs the Holy Pentagram

droes marsibleh aho dan

at any quarter protect the temple in sacred measure 3 in 1

adeph uloh iads ascleh da verox

of the holy Lord of Hosts the end of sorrow the gods divine will there Holy Spirit

ans dalph
the Son of Son of Light is the Holy Pentagram among the first to give

che damph lam achos.

of the Son of Light variation except the first 12 Guardian Angels.


DA is the root of ‘thrice,’ ‘logos’ and ‘there.’ N brings the tint of the divine to the word.
Z means ‘they’ and AN is the root of ‘Son of Son of Light-Mercury.’ Mercury is the
messenger of the gods; the same “they” that are found in the garden of Genesis. Hence,
Mercury is the Logos; the very word itself that is the fiat of the Universe or universal

OR is the root of several words that indicate a ‘manifestation,’ ‘presence’ or
‘appearance.’ IP is the root of several words that involve ‘not’ as a predicate (is not,
shall not, et al). AT is the root of ‘Daughter of Daughter of Light’ and ‘girdles, your
girdles.’ With the first two letters, we get the overall idea of ‘existence’ or ‘life’ followed
by the next two that give us the predicate as delineated and taking in ‘girdles’ as some
form of ‘binding’ or ‘binding into form’ as a girdle might do, we end up with life shall
not form.

VA is the root of words indicating ‘star,’ ‘the will of heaven’ or ‘constellations’ and all
things pertaining to the scepter of the Daughter of Light, as well as the words ‘work’ and
‘truth.’ Overall, this suggests an ontology of the movement or evolution of the Universe.
The ‘will of heaven’ working in this Manifestation of Truth122 implies an evolutionary
and/or involutionary impulse that is being revealed in this text to present truth as
universal law; the Dao or ‘way of things.’ MI is the root of several words; three being
some form of ‘continuance,’ five being some form of ‘power’ or ‘might,’ three meaning
‘behold,’ two meaning ‘corner’ and two meaning’ upon’ with a few odd meanings:
‘countenance of the Daughter of Light,’ ‘wisdom,’ and the number 3663. What stands
out amongst this are those words meaning ‘continuance,’ ‘power’ and ‘might.’ These
words connect well with the derived meaning of the first two letters; again suggesting
some sort of evolutionary or involutionary impulse connected with the stars, as brought
out by the connected symbolism; also of the Daughter of Light. 3663 by Aiq Bkr reduces
to 18 and suggests the XVIIIth Atu—the Moon that conveys the astral light to the Earth;
underneath the cloak of the Sun. A preponderance of the words; the Dao suggesting the
Milky Way of the stars; that yet might also be the Veil of Qesheth and hence, the way of
the Lord. This suggest both the Universal involution and the evolution as natural or
Universal law.

GES is the root of ‘is not the 4th’ and T means ‘it, also’; giving us it also is not the 4th.

AGE is the root of ‘the Trinity (3) echoes from the 4th’ and F means ‘visit, visit us.’ k
That there are two of ‘F,’ adds some weight to ‘visit;’ suggesting ‘’visits’ in emphasis as
an active force. Hence: the Trinity (3) manifests.

OR means ‘appear, appear before us,’ MA is the root of ‘millenia’ and ‘a thousand.’ TE
is the root of ‘death’ or ‘death dragon,’ N against tints the word with the divine. OD
means ‘and’ or ‘nor’ and AH means ‘inner/higher self.’ Literally, we get ‘appear [a
thousand/millennia] death angel (the divine tint) and inner self.’ Interpreting this, we get
at the start of the millennia, the angel of death.

Z means ‘they,’ ALP is the root of ‘infinite’ and ALA means place; giving us they are
in the infinite place.

cf. Gnostic Circles
DON is the Enochian letter ‘R’ spelled in full; meaning ‘Sun of God’ and ‘hellfire.’ I
means ‘is’ and ‘Son of Light-Sol or Venus.’ ON means ‘made, built.’ Hence, the Sun of
God is begotten.

PAS is the root of ‘the daughters,’ DA means ‘there’ and S means ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of
Light.’ Hence, the daughters reside in the 4th.

GANP is the root of ‘the angelic image of the Sun of God,’ OG is the root of ‘with the
4th’ and ‘with this’ and AN means ‘made, built.’ Hence, the angelic image of the Sun of
God is made in the 4th.

VND is the root of ‘leaves the 4th,’ AN is the root of ‘Son of Son of Light-Mercury’ and
PEL is the root of ‘he who works wonders.’ Here, it seems that Mercury is Thoth; the
Master Magickian and weaver of dreams. Hence, we would the Son of Son of Light
extols God’s wonders upon the Earth; but for the fact that this is obviously a formal name
with the word being found in upper case in the text. And so this would be the name of an
Enochian God; equivalent to Thoth…and so we say here, the Master Magickian…making
a formal title.

ADI is the root of ‘Sun of God from the 3rd’ and N adds a holy tint; hence, the Sun of
God from the divine.
MARA is the root of the phrase ‘the Son of Light with the Daughter of Light’ and DON is
the Enochian letter R spelled in full; being the root ‘hellfire’ and ‘the Sun of God.’ The
Son of Light mated with the Daughter of Light and by the flame of the burning divine
Sun is as the two are in a crucible and thus are fused together. Hence, the Son of Light
unites with the Daughter of Light.
OX means ’26,’ A means ‘in, with,’ MA means ‘possess’ and X has no meaning in itself;
but when spelled in full gives us PA, which means ‘keep’ and L, which means ‘first, of
the first, one, and all one.’ We literally get: ‘the 26 (in, with) possess the (one, all, first).’
From this we take the 26 comprise the all.

AN means ‘Son of Son of Light-Mercury,’ OLP is the root of the word ‘light,’ and HE
is the root of ‘a son of light,’ ‘Son of Light-Mars/Jupiter’ and ‘in ours.’ The
preponderance of these meanings gives us the Son of Light.

All three of these letters form the root of ‘mercy, his mercies.’ The essence of this is to
be merciful.
VOX means ‘wherein they are (separated)’ and AD means ‘in the third’ or ‘with the
third.’ Hence: wherein they are in the third.

These three letters form the root of the 4-lettered phrase: ‘the Son of Light with the
Daughter of Light.’ We’re going to call this the essence of their union, or the Magickal

IH is the root of ‘children of the light,’ ‘fixed stars’ and ‘Augoeides.’ ED is the root of
‘receive, as receivers,’ V has no meaning in itself, but spelled in full gives us VAL with
VA giving us the root of words referring to the stars and the starry heavens and L
meaning ‘first, one, of the first, all one.’ T means ‘it, also’ and H adds a divine tint to the
word. AR means ‘that, to fan or winnow’ and H again, adds a divine tint to the word.
With this we just about literally get the fixed stars as receivers of the one spread out
against the sky.

AG is the root of ‘no, none,’ G has no meaning in itself; but spelled in full gives us
GED, with GE meaning ‘no, is not’ and D meaning ‘third, the.’ S means ‘fourth’ or
‘Daughter of Light.’ Together this says ‘no or none is not the third-fourth,’ which
suggests to us the maya or ‘weaver of illusion’ or the Magus.
All three letters form the root of ‘all is in the one’ and ‘raging fire.’ The essence of this
gives us the dissolution.

These three letters are the Enochian letter ‘O’ spelled in full, which means ‘5,this.’ In
context with this paragraph, we might say this is a more articulate way of stating the Holy
Pentagram; thus the star of five.

LE is the phrase: ‘first, the Daughter of Light,’ F means ‘visit, visit us’ and E is the
Daughter of Light. Hence: first the Daughter of Light appears.

All three letters form the root of ‘Daughter of Light’ with only the letter A appended in
the full spelling. The fact that these three letters are all in upper case in the text shows
some formal importance for this word.123 What comes to mind is that this is a formal
name for either her or a field of action within which she operates. ‘Daughter of Light’ is
already a formal title for this character and we already have names for the field within
which she operates; her scepter or the Universe. Hence we here give her a voice and
fiat—IAN: I am the Daughter of Light.

This word also equals 65 by Enochian gematria, which is an intimation of Adonai.
LE is the phrase: ‘first, the Daughter of Light,’ F means ‘visit, visit us’ and A means
‘in, with.’ Hence: first, the Daughter of Light visits the interior.

DO is the root of the Enochian letter ‘D,’ which means ‘hellfire’ or ‘the Sun of God’ and
the X has no meaning in itself. Hellfire seems to represent the fury of the burning Sun
with the X in the shape of the Enochian letter represents the gallows of the ‘hanged man.’
Hence, we get the sacrifical fire.

PAR means ‘in them,’ NI means ‘28’ and X has no meaning in itself; however, when
spelled in full, PAL is the root of ‘two separated, pair.’ Literally, we get in them 28
separate pairs.

This letter is also capitalized in the midst of the text; indicating again, some formal
importance for this word.124 It already translates as ‘5’ or ‘this’ and as ‘5’ we can easily
assert the Holy Pentagram.

DRO is the root of ‘any, at any’ and ES means ‘fourth’; giving us at any quarter.

MAR means ‘Magickal Childe,’ SI is the root of ‘the covenant,’ ‘scorpions’ and ‘of the
temple.’ B has no meaning in itself, but spelled in full gives us PA, which means ‘keep.’
Literally we get ‘the covenant keep’ or ‘scorpions keep’ or ‘the temple keep.’ In context
with the paragraph, and with the pentagrams in the quarters, we choose the temple and
will use ‘keep’ to mean protect the temple.

A means ‘in, with’ and HO forms the root of two words that mean ‘worship’ and three
words that mean ‘measure,’ as well as words that mean ‘groan’ and ‘lives, lives (verb).’
Worship and measure being tied to together, we add sacredness to the measurement; give
us the prepositional phrase in sacred measure.

VL means ‘end’ and OH is the root of ‘woe.’ Together, we get the end of sorrow.

IAD is the root of ‘God’ and S means ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of Light.’ The first three
letters are obviously predominant and we may simply consider the S as adding a plurality
(the idea of the Elohim being multiple gods) and thus we may translate this as the gods.

It’s value of 70 is equivalent to the Devil Atu, which falls from the heaven wherein Tiphareth dwells as the Sun and brings
philosophy as a lamp to the human mind.
ASC is the root of ‘God,’ LE is the root of the phrase ‘first, the Daughter of Light’ and
H adds a holy tint to the word. Considering the Daughter of Light as Babalon; the first
desire that moves the Ain to incarnation, we can say here, divine will.

VE is the root of ‘as a flame’ and ‘enthroned.’ ROX is the root of ‘wine.’ In Alchemy,
wine is touted as the king of spirits; having a universal application, which ties in both
with ‘enthroned’ and ‘as a flame.’ Hence, we get the Universal Spirit or Holy Spirit.

AN is the ‘Son of Son of Light-Mercury’ and O means ‘5, this, Holy Pentagram.’ We
then get the statement: The Son of Son of Light is the Holy Pentagram.

DA is the root of ‘among,’ L is the root of ‘first, of the first, all, one, all one.’ PH is the
root of ‘give, I will give’ and ‘surrender.’ Literally, we get among the first to give.

C means ‘of, unto, on, with, o, oh,’ and HE is the root of ‘Son of Light-Mars, Mecury.’
We then get the prepositional phrase of the Son of Light.

LA means ‘of the first’ and M means ‘except, 9’; giving us except the first.

ACH is the root of ‘augoeides’ and OS means ‘12.’ From this we get 12 Guardian
I. NA: The Lord of Hosts
7. Amidangah lesco van gedon amchih ax or madol cramsa ne dah vadgs
lesgamph ar: mara panosch aschedh or samhámpors asco. pacadabaah asto a
vdrios archads ors arni. pamphica lan gebed druxarh fres adma. nah pamphes
ea vanglor brisfog mahad. no poho a palgeh donla def archas NA Degel .125
Fixed to the Son of Son of Light the spirits126 first, the Daughter of Light with the star of
five holy speech127 the Son of Light is with the 9 surround appear before us God’s
creation beginning with 9128 in the 4th holy thrice time first the watery loins of the
Daughter of Light spread out.129 The Son of Light with the Daughter of Light there are
12 pouring down130 God receives appear the righteous creatures of the Sun of God are
separated from the 4th this God. Profess the truth this was also in the zodiac131 spread
amongst the 3rd is the Daugher of Light with darkness the Beast. Infernal mother132
exalted not gathering the third the Angel of the East133 is among the third that which you
have within you is the fourth possess the third. Glorious Babalon astride the Beast with
the fruit of heaven with the eclipse134 the third is in darkness. The hexagram eightfold
law in thou art separated primordial fire visiting the Daughter of Light is spread
amongst the third, NA, not of the first.

This paragraph, the 7th of 49 paragraphs of 49 words (in most cases) leads me to speculate that this might signify the end of the first
septych of paragraphs and a possible new theme starting with the next as this summarizes or presents the culmination of the preceding
paragraphs. We’ll have to validate this—moving forward.
We are equating in this paragraph, the Daughter & Son of Light with Babalon & the Beast. If the Son of Son of Light represents
“spirits,” these may be the “righteous creatures” (themselves, possibly the Nephilim) that appear later in the paragraph.
“Holy Speech is prophecy; the voice of the Daughter of Light speaking to and informing the “star of five” as the Goddess
informing the heart of man. Indeed, Babalon is love.
9 is Yesod; the Formative World of the Qabalah (Yetzirah) and where “all the work gets done” per the Wake World.
Nuit—her body arched for love…per the quote from AL in our Commentary. Her loins are then her “universality’ in the 4th, as we
have described the 4th in previous paragraphs.
“12 pouring down” –AL:II.62 "I am uplifted in thine heart; and the kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy body." Here again
in this paragraph, the Son of Light is “with” the Daughter of Light; suggesting a ‘knowing’ of the Bible. And as this paragraph
continues, we will see that these two are here hailed as featured in the primordial story of the Zodiac.
This “truth” is a part of the antediluvian story or ancient wisdom of which the Zodiac at Dendarah (the most ancient known zodiac)
is but an artifact.
Babalon as mother of the Great N.O.X.
Is this not Lax from verse 3?
Sol in Luna; cf. translation (below)—hence: a lunar eclipse or the hiding of the Moon upon which the 3rd is somehow dependent;
being then “in darkness.” This alludes to the Goddess who singularly represents the mysteries. Hence Sophia in the ancient Gnostic
texts creates the demiurge and material universe; not of the godhead (expressed as a trinity). And so the maintenance of the material
universe is energy taken from outside the Universe that the Unverse is fed by her in a dependency upon her for this energy—the
‘unfragmentary,’ ‘non-atomic’ ‘universality’—energy being immaterial.

A certain reference to Genesis is found in “the righteous creatures of the Sun of God.”
And for that matter, Genesis is the key to Qabalah study and the mythos that connects
what would develop into Hebrew culture with its origins in an antideluvian culture that
today, seems all but lost in the winds of time. And perhaps, the Enochian angels that
presented Loagaeth to Dee & Kelly were truthful in declaring this to be a restoration of
the ancient wisdom.
This is a Universal wisdom that can be interpreted as being a wisdom fit for our solar
system and mythologically encoded into the Zodiac to both show the stature of the myth;
but also the depth and breadth of the awe the encouches the material plane of being.
AL:I.26 "Then saith the prophet and slave of the beauteous one: Who am I. and what shall be the
sign? So she answered him, bending down, a lambent flame of blue, all-touching, all penetrant, her
lovely hands upon the black earth, & her lithe body arched for love, and her soft feet not hurting the
little flowers: Thou knowest! And the sign shall be my ecstasy, the consciousness of the continuity of
existence, the omnipresence of my body."

Crowley writes in his commentary to this verse:

In the MSS., the last 5 words of this verse do not occur. The original reading is 'the
unfragmentary non-atomic fact of my universality'…It is extremely interesting to note
that in the light of the cosmic theory explained in the notes to verse 3 and 4, the original
phrase of Aiwass was exquisitely and exactly appropriate to his meaning. It take this
opportunity of quoting from Professor Eddington, Op. Cit., a passage which should make
it perfectly clear that the "mystical", "irrational", "paradoxical" conception of Nuit
expressed in this chapter has a parallel in the sober calculations of a perfectly orthodox
astronomer in the undeniably practical University -- a poor thing, but mine own -- of
Cambridge: "Whenever there is matter there is action and therefore curvature; and it is
interesting to notice that in ordinary matter the curvature of the space-time world is by no
means insignificant. For example, in water of ordinary density the curvature is the same
as that of space in the form of a sphere of radius 570,000,000 kilometers. The result is
even more surprising if expressed in time unites; the radius is about half-an-hour.
"It is difficult to picture quite what this means; but at least we can predict that a Globe of
water 570,000,000 km. radius would have extraordinary properties. Presumably there
must be an upper limit to the possible size of a globe of water. So far as I can make out a
homogeneous mass of water of about this size (and no larger) could exist. It
would have no centre, and no boundary, every point of it being in the same position with
respect to the whole mass as every other point of it -- like points ion the surface of a
sphere with respect to the surface. Any ray of light after traveling for an hour or two
would come back to the starting point. Nothing could enter or leave the mass, be
cause there is no boundary to enter or leave by; in fact, it is coextensive with space.
There could not be any other world anywhere else because there isn't an 'anywhere else'.
"The mass of this volume of water is not so great as the most moderate estimates of the
mass of the stellar system."

The curvature of space is of course, Nuit’s body arched for love. And the globe of water
symbolizes both the Earth (Babalon) and the circumference (nowhere found) of the circle
that is Nuit—this all being the 4th and the only manifestation; per the quote: “there isn’t
anywhere else.” The 4th is the starry sky and its 5 is the Pentagram that is both the star of
humanity and the Augoeides. These “righteous creatures” ring of the legions of Lucifer’s
guardian angels that having originally swore to watch over and protect humanity had later
to defy God in order to keep the Oath. These beings are said to reside in the ‘lower
astral;’ where they were banished. But of course, that is the starry sky that has both an
outer and an inner dimension; flowing through each of us as the Aethyr (itself revealed
with thirty levels of “unfragmentary non-atomic” density).
In previous paragraphs, the 3rd has been shown to have emerged or emanated from the
4th; perhaps to demonstrate a movement to evolutionary subtlety. Through this
symbolism we suggest Babalon as the Earth [infernal] mother of the human archetype or
hologram in a movement upwards from “darkness with the Beast.” And as the “infernal
mother,” Babalon is exalted as the Scarlet Woman who carries a sword. She is “not
gathering”—a symbol that suggest both the maternal/domestic nature of the chaste
woman (cf. AL) and also a time when the human race was in its hunter-gatherer phase
before the next stage in our racial evolutionary development.
The “third,” even as the “Trinity” is of the nature of the inner God; the Khabs to the Khu
that is in this prophecy, the Universal garment. It is also “within you” as you are
possessed by the 4th—Nuit, arched for love—surrounding us as the night sky—her many
stars kissing us as the Aethyr in every moment. What a wonder! As Babalon, the
archetypal hologram (that also surrounds us) is shaped by her love; the khu astride our
Khabs. This is the “fruit of heaven”—the Magickal Childe. The eclipse is but Sol in
Luna—the Thelemic formula of Set appearing in the circle (cf. Liber XXXVI).
That the “third is in darkness” shows us the L.V.X. in the N.O.X.—the Magick Lamp
burning bright in the dark night. This instructs us on the infinitessimal One, appearing in
the pentagram to make the hexagram that is also the singularity of infinite existence
(immortality and bliss) as taught by the eightfold law. In this way we are no longer
separated from the primordial fire as found in the seed visited upon the Daughter of Light
and that is NA135 (a new being) emergent from the two…and “not the first.”


Amidan gah lesco

Fixed to the Son of Son of Light-Mercury the spirits first, the Daughter of Light with 5

van gedon amchih ax or

star holy speech the Son of Light is with the 9 surround appear, appear before us

madol cramsa ne dah vadgs

God’s creation beginning with 9 in the 4th holy thrice time

lesgamph ar:
first the watery loins of the Daughter of Light that, to fan or winnow.

mara panosch aschedh

The Son of Light with the Daughter of Light there are 12 pouring down God recieves

or samhámpors
appear, appear before us the righteous creatures of the Sun of God are separated from
the 4th

Also prefigured in Verse 2.
asco. pacadabaah asto a vdrios
this God. Profess the truth was also this in, with the zodiac

archads ors arni.

spread amongst the 3rd is the Daugher of Light with darkness the Beast.

pamphica lan gebed

Infernal mother power, in power, exalted not gathering the third

druxarh fres
the Angel of the East is among the third that which you have within you is the fourth

adma. nah pamphes ea vanglor

possess the third. Glorious Babalon astride the Beast with the fruit of heaven

brisfog mahad. no poho a

with the eclipse the third is in darkness. The hexagram eightfold law in, with

palgeh donla def archas

thou art separated primordial fire visiting the Daughter of Light is spread amongst the
NA Degel.
Lord of Hosts, Trinity not of the first.


AMI is the root of ‘fastened, I fastened,’ DA means ‘there’ and AN means ‘Son of Son
of Light-Mercury.’ Literally, we get Fixed to the Son of Son of Light-Mercury.

LES is the root of the phrase: ‘first, the Daugher of Light.’ C means ‘of, unto, on, with,
o, oh.’ And O means ‘5, this.’ We then get the expanded phrase: ‘first, the Daugher of
Light [of, unto, on, with, o, oh] this/[5]’ In context with the paragraph and the word that
follows this (star), we find: ‘first, the Daughter of Light with 5’—a reference to the

GEDO is the root of the word ‘speech’ with N adding a divine tint; thus, holy speech.

A means ‘in, with,’ M means ‘except, 9’ C means ‘of, unto,on, with; o,oh,’ H adds a
divine tint and I means ‘is’ or ‘Son of Light-Sol or Venus.’ Literally, we get: in 9 unto
the Son of Light. Hence, the Son of Light is with the 9.

These letters form the root of ‘surround the one’ with simply another A on the end.
Hence in the abbreviation, we get surround.
MAD means ‘God’ and OL means ‘make, I made’ or gives us the number ’24.’ Hence,
God’s creation.

CR is the root of ‘but’ or ‘beginning,’ A means ‘in, with,’ M means ‘except, 9,’ S means
‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of Light’ and A means ‘in, with.’ Literally, we get: but/beginning
in/with except/9 4th/Daughter of Light in/with. Hence: beginning with 9 in the 4th.

VA is the root of ‘eagle’ and D means ‘third.’ There is no meaning for G, so we look to
its full spelling (GED); giving us the root of ‘holy speech’ and ‘three-fold negative
God.’ And S means ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of Light.’ Literally, we get: eagle third holy
speech/three-fold negative God 4th/Daughter of Light. We seem to be dealing with the
trinity or some aspect of this in the eagle and so we can truncate our choices here to:
eagle third three-fold negative God 4th/Daughter of Light. And as the eagle is generally a
feminine alchemical symbol, we’ll also truncate the 4th out of our translation and connect
the idea of a three-headed eagle (past, present, future) with the Daughter of Light. This
overall gives the concept of time.

LE is the root of the phrase: ‘first, the Daughter of Light.’ S means ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter
of Light’ and GAMPH is the root of ‘the watery loins of the Daughter of Light.’ This
seems but a large conjunction: first, the watery loins of the Daughter of Light.

PAN is the root of ‘pouring down,’ ‘fire pouring down’ and ‘she who is Not, pouring
down’ and OSCH means ‘are 12 (12 are), let there be 12.’ Hence: there are 12 pouring

ASCH is the root of ‘God,’ ED is the root of ‘receive, as receivers’ and H adds a
divine tint. Hence: God receives.

SAM is the root of ‘to the righteous,’ HAM is the root of ‘creature(s),’ POR is the root
of ‘separate Sun of God’ and S means ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of Light.’ Hence: the righteous
creatures of the Sun of God are separated from the 4th.

ASC is the root of ‘God, God receives, divine will’ and O means ‘5, this.’ We then
literally get this God.
PA means ‘keep,’ CADA is the root of ‘Sagittarius (the Zodiacal King)’ and BAH is
the root of ‘cry aloud.’ We had to contract BAAH to BAH to get the last fragment; but
the repetition of the open vowel has a certain redundancy that we can use to justify this.
Sagittarius the present manifestation is synonymous with ‘truth’—hence, literally, we get
‘keep truth cry aloud’ or profess the truth.

AS means ‘was,’ T means ‘it, also’ and O means ‘5, this’—was also this.

ARCHAD is the root of ‘spread amongst the third’ and S means ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of
Light.’ Literally, spread amongst the third is the Daughter of Light.

ARN is the name of the second Aethyr and I means ‘is’ or ‘the Son of Light.’
Connecting ‘is’ with ‘the Son of Light’ points to the idea of the existence of being (as
God saying “I am”) The Son of Light is then the representative of the Individual;136
presented here as the Beast by the association of the second Aethyr with the Bull as a
symbol of the Beast that Babalon rides.

PAMPHICA is the root of ‘contemptuous tone’ (also says meaning unknown…?);
missing only the S, which means ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of Light.’ Immediately to mind
comes infernal mother as a symbol of Babalon.137

GE means ‘not, is not,’ and BE is the root of ‘coagula, gathering all, gathering the all.’
D means ‘third, the third.’ Literally, we get not gathering the third.

DRUX is the Enochian letter ‘N’ spelled in full, AR means ‘that, to fan or winnow’ and
H adds a tint of the divine. Breaking down the full spelling of the Enochian letter ‘N,’
we find: D means ‘third, the third,’ RU means ‘Angel of the East’ and X has no meaning
in itself. And we should leave it with out meaning as we would be overdoing things here.
Literally, then we have: third Angel of the East (that/to fan or winnow)—with a tint of
the divine. We might say that to fan or winnow is a spreading of effulgence (accounting
for the divine tint) and hence: the Angel of the East is among the third.

FR means ‘that which you have within yourself’ and ES means ‘fourth.’ Together, we
get: that which you have within you is the fourth.

This may be especially so for the translater as Gon is connected with his own private ritual for contact with the Holy Guardian
Angel or higher, divine self.
What comes to mind here is the 2nd chapter of Liber LXV; referring to the infernal shame of Khem triggered by the idea of a
“contemptuous tone” being a sort of ‘infernal logos’…the antithesis of the male Logos in the female.
AD means ‘in the third, with the third’ and MA means ‘possess.’ Hence, we get: possess
the third.

PAMP is the root of ‘contemptuous tone’ (also says meaning unknown…?), HE is the
root of ‘Son of Light (Mars or Jupiter) and S means ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of Light.’ The
root is a shorter segment than used in our above translation of PAMPHICA. And in
the former, we have the ‘Infernal Mother’ presented as a manifestation of Babalon;
whereas here we have both the Son and Daughter of Light or Babalon astride the Beast.

EA is the root of ‘among,’ which is EAI and a variation on AAI. We will shorten this
to a synonym: with.

VANG is the root of ‘will of heaven’ and LOR is the root of ‘flowers.’ The flowers
would be the product of the will of heaven or the fruit of heaven.

BRISF is in the dictionary as Angel-Luna in Sol; the angel of a solar eclipse? OG is
the root of ‘with the 4th’ and ‘with this’; essentially meaning ‘with.’ We then end up with
with the eclipse.

MAH is the root of ‘in darkness’ and AD means ‘in/with the third.’ Hence: the third is in

N adds a holy tint to L, which means ‘5,’ ‘this’ and ‘holy pentagram.’ The holy
pentagram with the colel (N) added to it gives us the hexagram.

P means ‘8’ and OHO is the root of ‘law, I made law.’ Hence: eightfold law. The
reference is obviously to what became known as the eightfold path of the Buddha: Right
Understanding, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right
Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration. This is used to develop insight into the
true nature of phenomena and to foster self-awakening.

PAL means ‘dissolution’ and GEH means ‘thou art.’ Dissolution was gleaned from
PALA, which means ‘pair (separated).’ Hence we get: thou art separated.

DON is the Enochian letter ‘R’ spelled in full; giving us ‘hell fire’ and ‘Sun of God.’
LA means ‘of the first.’ Together, we get a clear reference to the primordial fire.
DE means ‘of’ and F means ‘visit, visit us.’ Literally: ‘of [the] visit’ or visiting.

ARCHA is the root of ‘spread amongst the third’ with S meaning ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of
Light.’ Literally: the Daughter of Light is spread amongst the third.

DE means ‘of,’ GE means ‘not, is not’ and L means ‘one, all one, first, of the first.’ Together we get:
not of the first.
8. Vnaem palugh agan drosad ger max fa lefe pandas mars langed undes mar.
pachad odídos martíbah v' dramah noges gar. lenges argrasphe drulthe las
aséraphos. gamled cam led caph Snicol lumrad v ma. pa granse paphres a
drinox a demphe NA. geníle o danpha. NA ges a ne gaph a.


Nine skirts shine forth the Son of Son of Light is not any part of the third choice of the
dissolution arrives—first, the Daughter of Light appears a thousand angels keep holy the
Son of Light is the fourth the first utterance leaves the fourth the Magickal Childe. Being
of the holy trinity she awakens the eld of the king the Magickal Childe is the sacrifice
unto the higher self-star138 the third east is in darkness the hexagram is not the fourth the
archangel of the East.139 The 22nd Aethyr is not the fourth the Daughter of Daughter of
Light becomes Queen of the Moon the angel of the East is seated with the Daughter of
Light the rich are reflected in the East upon the Ecliptic. The watery loins of the
Daughter of Light initiate the East speaking first the Daughter of Light to the East in turn
the Seven Sheaths all named in the East are the third star possess. Keep the cry of the
elders praising the Lord of the Hosts in rememberance by invoking the Hexagram of
dissolution in singularity140 unto the Daughter of Light and the Lord of Hosts. From the
Lord of Hosts, the Son of Son of Light and the holy Pentagram; these three are One.
Lord of Hosts is not the fourth with great solemnity, surrender unto Ga.


The nine skirts are the Tree-of-Life from Kether to Malkuth. The third choice would
seem to indicate the Ruach (the culmination of the nine skirts) that ultimately is dissolved
to but grains of sand in the crossing of the Abyss and arriving at the City of the Pyramids.
That the Son of Son of Light is not of the Ruach with his father, the Son of Light; both
then being of the fourth or Assiah, the Son of Son of Light is then the utterance of his
father; being called the Magickal Child. The Daugher of Light being of the holy trinity is
Babalon; pouring ones blood into the Cup of her Fornications is the darkness of the
Abyss beyond the Ruach or third east.141 The hexagram is a symbol, not of the square of
the material plane, but is the symbol of the Archangel of the East; the symbol of the act
of sacrifice that produces the Magickal Childe or the spirit of the act itself. This act is an
impeccable mode of being that is poised in full consciousness. The Daughter then
becomes the Mother who sits with the Son of Light on the throne of Ra. She becomes
Queen of the Moon; the “rich” being those noble souls that have garnered their treasure
in Heaven as the scriptures assert. Their initiation by which they pierce the veil to the
higher life comes at the hands of the Goddess as the Rosicrucian mythos asserts and by

A reference to the Augeoides.
Is this not Gar in verse 11?
Seclusion comes from ‘separate’ in the original translation; reminiscent of that line from Liber AL, wherein Nuit says: “…if under
the night-stars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense before me, invoking me with a pure heart, and the Serpent
flame therein, thou shalt come a little to lie in my bosom…”
The third east may be a reference for Tiphareth, which has for a symbol, the resurrected Sun in the East.
way of Babalon and the Beast, are the seven demi-gods are manifested by their being
named of the Logos (the “star possess”142 or Augoeides) that is the Magickal Childe. The
Son of Son of Light is the Pentagram and the godhead; forming its own trinity.


Vnaem palugh agan drosad

Nine skirts143 shine forth not the Son of Son of Light any part of the third

ger max fa lefe

choose, choice of the dissolution arrives first, the Daughter of Light appears

pandas mars langed

a thousand angels keep holy the Son of Light is the fourth the first utterance

undes mar. pachad

leaves the fourth the Magickal Childe. Being of the holy trinity

odIdos martibah
she awakens the eld of the king the Magickal Childe is the sacrifice unto the higher self

v' dramah noges

star the (third) East is in darkness the hexagram is not the fourth

gar. lenges
the Archangel of the East.144 The 22nd Aethyr is not the fourth

the Daughter of Daughter of Light becomes Queen of the Moon145

drulthe las
the Angel of the East is seated with the Daughter of Light the rich

are reflected in the East on the Ecliptic.

This might be some reference to the alchemical substance of the Logos; that is the Philosopher’s Stone.
We write in Gnostic Cycles: We come next to the Gnostic Circle. We start with the Triangle, as it is the strongest structural shape
in the Universe. And of course, we add the circle, as its involvement in the Universe is apparent in both the motion of the planets and
the Will for that matter as well as the cyclic nature of life. The realization of the circle simultaneously produces the realization of the
number nine, as it is the highest of all known numbers (0 through 9) and at the opposite end of the numbers, which start with the circle
or zero. This should become more obvious if you consider the circular nature of things and note that the end is connected to the
beginning. Perhaps also, one could consider that there are nine planets circling the Sun in our Solar System. The circle then
represents the orbit, which is the nature of the Will whose highest expression is then the number nine.
Madame Blavatsky writes in her commentary to the Secret Doctrine; Stanza 4, Verse 5:
“0.” This means that the “Boundless Circle,” the zero, becomes a figure or number only when one of the other nine figures precedes
it, and thus manifests is value and potency; the Word or Logos in union with the Voice and Spirit* (the expression and source of
Consciousness), standing for the nine figures, the thus forming the Cypher, the Decad which contains in itself all the Universe. The
Triad forms the Tetraktys, or the Sacred Four, within the Circle, the Square within the Circle being the most potent of all the magical
The Archangel of the East may be Adonai and/or the Augoeides.
AL:I.16 "For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping starlight."
gamled cam
The watery loins of the Daughter of Light intiate the East speaking

led caph Snicol

first, the Daughter of Light to the East in turn the Seven Sheaths

lumrad v ma. pa granse

all named in the East are the third star possess. Keep the cry of the elders

paphres a
praising the Lord of the Hosts in rememberance in, with

drinox a demphe
invoke the Hexagram of dissolution in, with separate unto the Daughter of Light146

NA. genile
Lord of Hosts, Trinity. From the Lord of Hosts, the Son of Son of Light

o danpha.
5, this, the holy pentagram the three are One. 147

NA ges a ne gaph a.
Lord of Hosts, Trinity is not the 4th in, with holy I give Ga in, with.


VN is the Enochian letter ‘A’ spelled in full, VNA is the root of: these, skirt (n), the
skirts. EM means nine. Literally, we get nine skirts.

PAL is the Enochian letter ‘X’ spelled in full, which also means ‘dissolution.’ From this
we get the nature of the work of the Cross of Light. UG is the root of: strength (as a
noun) and the verbs: grow, wax or become strong. H means: The Lord of Hosts. The
dissolution that waxes mightily is the work of the godhead in manifestation. In this, the
one becomes many through that transposition from the Adam Kadmon hologram. This is
a projection of light that Shines forth.

AG means: no, none and AN is the Son of Son of Light, Mercury. From this we get the
phrase: ‘the Son of Son of Light is not’ or not the Son of Son of Light.

The dissolution [in, with] separate unto the Daughter of Light who is Babalon (she who awakens the eld of the King) is the pouring
of one’s blood into the Cup of Babalon; the pouring being the separation of the life force as a sacrificial offering that then one’s blood
comingles with the blood of the Saints—all for her drunken harlotry that is the dance of life itself.
The Son of Light was said earlier in this verse to be of the fourth; hence, Assiah—but perhaps of an archetypal manner as
descended from him, the Son of Son of Light, we find here, him being the Pentagram or in otherwoods, humanity itself on the material
plane. The Lord of Hosts (the Hexagram/Adonai) doesn’t form a trinity with the Son of Light and the Son of Son of Light. Rather the
godhead sends Ga or the Goddess; Gaia and the Shekina.
DRO is the root of: any, at any; and S by itself means ‘fourth.’ Combining the S with
the A, we get the root of ‘parts’ and AD means ‘in the third’ or ‘with the third.’
Together, we get the phrase: any part of the the third.

MA means ‘possess’ and A means ‘in, with.’ Add X, which means ‘dissolution’ and we
get: of the dissolution.

F means ‘visit, visit us’ and A means ‘in, with.’ Together we get ‘comes within’ or

PA means: keep; N is the holy letter H; Lord of Hosts, Trinity and DAS is the root of:
a thousand angels. Literally, we get the phrase: a thousand angels keep holy.

MAR is the root of: Son of Light and S is the Daughter of Light or fourth. The weight of
letters goes to the Son of Light with the suffix being considered a descriptor. Hence we
get from this, the phrase: the Son of Light is the fourth. Though there are a couple of
synchronicities in this word that perhaps should be explored. The word in English letters
is Mars, which may tell us that this ‘fourth’ that is the Son of Light is the demi-god Mars.
Also, the final letter being its counterpart; should we have translated this as the Daughter
of Light, sits in the Heh-final position on this tetragrammaton or four-lettered word of
this demi-god. This suggests a manifestation of some sort; perhaps, a ‘mode’ of
manifestation in accord with our intuition that these next seven verses should have their
own meaning with the whole containing seven different themes.

LA means: of the first and N is the holy letter H (na-Hath)—Lord of hosts, Trinity.
GED is the root of ‘holy speech’ and ‘three-fold negative God (N.O.X.) and also is the
Enochian letter G-spelled in full. The latter seems a reference to Ryan Higgins skrying of
the Holy Table.148 In essence, the N.O.X. as the L.V.X. is ‘of the first’ and we have a

We can glean greater insight into the translation of this word by appending a slightly edited version of Ryan’s description of this
letter in Liber Ged here directly:
Now the letter Ged is shown to me followed by an English ‘G’:
“It is a key, comeback and I’ll explain another time, our hour is come.”
In the list of letter essences complied by Patricia Schaffer, ‘Ged’ is attributed to the idea of not, none, being the root of negation. It is
also assigned the value of 3, Binah, the great mother, Babalon, and understanding. The initial vision of the eagle and the snake
connects with the element of water, the Hebrew letter Mem, also Nun and the Death Atu via Scorpio and the snake. The singing of the
angels was mind blowing, especially to hear what seemed to be a totally alien language clearly with repeatable words and a
mesmerizing expression of sound and sense. I’ll have to continue my work on translating the letters and work on a translation of the
hymns that I received in the vision.
The letter 'G' is very significant here since it is said to be a key. Now 'G' itself is 'not' as per the letter essences and seems to tie in with
The Book of the Law who's key is nothing:
46. Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen. (Liber Al ch:
Remember that Ain, 'nothing' adds up to 61 as called by the Jews. Ged is nothing as called by the Enochain angels and 'G' seems to be
an abbreviation for GA, which is the Enochian word for '31' which immediately corresponds with the work of Frater Achad who
whole and complete expression of the Logos; translated here as the first utterance. The G
and H both inscribed into this word show a dynamic relationship between the L.V.X. and
the N.O.X. as a proton and neutron in the nucleus of an atom.

PA means: keep and C means: of, unto, on, with, o, oh. H is the divine letter H with
AD meaning: in or with the third. Together, we get the phrase: being of the holy trinity.

OD means: and, nor and IDO is the root of ‘he who sis on the holy throne.’ S is the
Daughter of Light or fourth. We translate this as: She who awakens the eld of the King.
The Daughter of Light having been discussed above, is the final Heh of Tetragrammaton;
she being the Skekinah who awakens the eld of the Trinity, Kether—the father.

discovered 31 as the key to Liber AL. It seems that the key to the Holy Table and Liber AL vel Legis are one and the same, which is
fascinating considering that A.C. did not do any work with the Holy Table and that the Enochian system preceded Liber AL by over
three hundred years. It seems that the table opens a gateway for the magickal forces and intelligences that are behind the workings of
this current magickal Aeon as it began in 1904 with the reception of The Book of the Law. Now 31 is the ThRShRQ of 13, the sum of
'love' and 'unity' translated into Hebrew. The number 31 is also obtained when 93 is divided by 3. Here we can review our previous
discussion of 'GA':
It is also relevant to note that 'GA' equals 9 in Enochian Gematria and 9 is also the sum of the following Enochian words: CAB: 'a
rod', AG: 'no' as in 'not', and I: 'is'. So we see Ga as the active agent of creation since it is the will that is and is not, which suggests
infinite motion as being the agent of creation and thus the intelligent will whose true nature is spontaneity. The rod suggests the will,
whose nature is motion and we have the concepts of being and non being simultaneously combined through this gematria. It is the
motion of nothing that produces the myriad forms and is the quintessence of all life as we know it; it is the life pulse. We can also
see an analogy with the Thelemic holy word LAShTAL whose tripartite nature contains both positive and negative existence through
'La' and 'Al', equilibrated by the Hebrew letter shin, whose function is both spirit and fire, thus we have again the spiritual will. The
fact that each syllable in LAShTAL adds to 31 indicates that GA would fulfill the function of LAShTAL within the Enochian system
and may be a suitable substitute.
It is also useful to note that while 'G' as Ged is naught, the following 'A' as Un is considered to be the root of time and beginnings
according to Schaffer's letter essences. This also reaffirms the previous evidence suggesting that G as GA is the balance between
positive and negative existence and rather than being nothing, it is the pure potential of no-thing in particular. It is the heart being, an
ineffable something that can be anything or nothing since it is beyond all limits.
Further we should review our earlier correspondences that we drew up between GA and the Sigillum Dei Aemeth:
GA also directly connects to the Sigillum Dei Aemeth by the breakdown of Galethog on the SDA, which is formed from the first
series of letters and numbers surrounding the SDA, If we divide it into 4 parts we get four words of power: Ga, Le, Th, and Og. Since
it is on the outer rim it could function as an Enochian Tetragrammaton. The fact that Ga is 31, with 31 also being the Key to AL,
provides a perfect validation for Crowley’s visions in Liber CDXVIII and their incorporation into Thelemic doctrine, and which also
suggests some new Gnosis of a possibly even praetor human (Class A) contact in the work of Frater Abraxas.
It is also interesting to note that the scrying session took place before Frater Appollonius and Frater Abraxas began their translation of
this table and that the scrying itself sheds light on the topic of GA in the translation and thus acts as a further elaboration of the cipher
written on the Holy Table. Here again is the translation as we have it:
This is Ga making the Son of Son of Light; destroying the Prince, the first changing one and making the Sons of Son of Light. The
archetypal man, the Daughter of Light possess the partakers. Substantial, this in mourning the 8; except BABALON with IAO.
The Tablet of Union garland 12 constellations holy; made the Daughter of Light into the archetypal man. Visit us spirit of the Sun,
Ga, Guardian of the subtle body to charge the first inner essence.
In light of the scrying and the translation, it seems that Ga is the key to ultimate power since it is that creative force which makes the
sons of the sons of light, the holy guardian angels that initiate human kind to the perfection of the prince in tiphareth. Ga is that first
changing one being none and many and neither of these, the quintessence of life itself. It destroys prince of humanity as it creates it,
since GA's nature is change. The 8 may refer to Hadit, the secret self and the center of hell and our power. In ch 2 of Liber AL vel
Legis is says:
AL:II.15 For I am perfect, being Not; and my number is nine by the fools; but with the just I am eight, and one in eight:
Which is vital, for I am none indeed…
It is mourned since it undergoes the whip, (lamed) of Justice, whose number is 8 and portrays the mourning of karma, the painful
consequences of existence. Only Babalon and IAO are exempt from this since they are in ecstasy, the world and it's pain is but a
fraction of the tremor in their loving embrace. This obviously suggests a connection between IAO and the Beast, who are both the
rays of our lord the Sun. The Tablet of union is of the constellations from which 'man' is fashioned. Finally GA is identified as the
spirit of the Sun itself and this spirit is the Guardian of the subtle body. Thus the diamond body and our individual immortality
depends on our ability to embrace GA, that is to accept all things and embrace change. This is the key to our immortality which is
really the maintenance of our psychic integrity during the trials involved in manifesting various egos and universes. To always know
who we are: eternal stars, and to always act properly, that is taking full responsibility for all things good and bad and to enjoy them as
different forms of creative ecstasy.
MAR is the Magickal Childe and TIBia rhw door of: of sorrow. AH is the inner, or
higher self. We translate this as the statement: The Magickal Childe is the sacrifice unto
the higher self.

V is the Enochian letter V; spelled in full means: star.

D means: third and RA means: east with MAH meaning: in darkness. Taken together,
we get the statement: the third east is in darkness.

NO is the Hexagram and GES means ‘not the fourth.’ We then literally get: the
Hexagram is not the fourth.

GA this is Ga with R being the East. Ga being a reference to the highest and most subtle
force as described above, GAR is then the Archangel of the East.

LEN is the name of the 22nd Aethyr and GES means ‘not the fourth.’ Reading from
the 22nd Aethyr, we find a reference to Liber Loagaeth! Crowley says that LIN is:

“Chassan, ruler of Air; also, Strength. 118 = 2 x 59. 59 = Brethren (referred especially to Lilith and Samael). LIN
declares therefore the Twins concealed in Heru-Ra-Ha. 118 is also "to change, pass, renew" and "to ferment";
indicating the Formula of Horus; His first Formula is that of BABALON, for He is as yet within Her womb. But see
note on 10th Aire, regarding PARAOAN.

Significant passages in his skrying of the Aethyr are informative:

There comes first into the stone the mysterious table of forty-nine squares. [This table contains the
names of the Angels of the Seven Planetary Spheres: Shabathiel, Tzedquiel, Madimiel, Shemashiel,
Negahal, Kokabiel, and Levaniel. This seven-fold arrangement is of the Sigil of A.·. A.·. Babalon.
See Book of Lies, Cap. 49. And she is the Mother of Heru-Ra-Ha.] It is surrounded by an
innumerable company of angels; these angels are of all kinds, --- some brilliant and flashing as
gods, down to elemental creatures. The light comes and goes on the tablet; and now it is steady, and
I perceive that each letter of the tablet is composed of forty-nine other letters, in a language which
looks like that of Honorius; but when I would read, the letter that I look at becomes indistinct at

Further on in the text he again references the tablet:

And now he shows the tablet again, and he says: As there are 49 letters in the tablet, so are there 49
kinds of cosmos in every thought of God. And there are 49 interpretations of every cosmos, and
each interpretation is manifested in 49 ways. Thus also are the calls 495, but to each call there are
49 visions. And each vision is composed of 49 elements, except in the 10th Aethyr, that is
accursed, and that hath 42 [42 is the number of the Demiurge (see Genesis I), of the Assessors of
the Dead (see any book on Egyptian religion), of the Sterile Mother AMA, of Terror and
Destruction HHLB, of loss (YLB), of the verb "to cease" LDC, and of DL/, the Earth of Malkuth.
It is connected with the 10th Aethyr. See Equnox I, VII, pages 229-243, for the whole symbolism.].
Now I move up against the tablet, --- I cannot tell you with what rapture. And all the names of God,
that are not known even to the angels10, clothe me about.
All the seven senses are transmuted into one sense, and that sense is dissolved in itself ...(Here
occurs Samadhi.) ... Let me speak, O God; let me declare it ... all. It is useless; my heart faints, my
breath stops. There is no link between me and P[erdurabo]. I withdraw myself. I see the table again.

So far in this verse, we have in some way been dealing with two of the planetary demi-
gods. Hence, we translate this verse literally: the 22nd Aethyr is not the fourth.

AR means that, to fan or winnow and GRA is the root of moon, lunar. S means fourth
or Daughter of Daughter of Light, PH is the root of: give, I will give and E is the
Daughter of Light. Literally, that the Daughter of Daughter of Light of the Moon
(another planetary demi-god) gives to the Daughter of Light; so that we see the Daughter
(AMA) upon awakening the eld of the King becoming the Mother (AIMA).149 The
Daughter of Daughter of Light becomes Queen of the Moon.

DRU is the root of: the angel of the East is among the third; L means firs, of the first,
one, all one; TH is the root of: seats, in seats, their own seats and E is the Daughter of
Light. Literally, we get: The angel of the East is seated with the Daughter of Light.

ASE is the root of: reflected, was reflected; RA means east; PH is the root of : give, I
will give, surrender and OS means twelve. Together we get: (was) reflected in the East
on the ecliptic.

GAM is the root of: the watery loins of the Daughter of Light; LE means: first, the
Daugher of Light and D means third, the third. Literally, we get something like: ‘the
watery loins of the Daughter of Light, first, the Daughter of Light in the third.’ It is at
this point that we can clearly see the third may be interpreted as the East. In the present
context, the word “first” may be interpreted as an initiation; that: the watery loins of the
Daughter of Light initiate the East.

CAM is the root of: spoke, which we translate as speaking.

LE means first, the Daugher of Light and D means third, the third. Literally, we get first
the Daughter of Light the East, which needs to be worked into context; giving us: first,
the Daughter of Light to the East. We will interpret this into our English rendition by
connecting it to the previous word; speaking.

CAPH is the root of: successively, while time, the number of time, which we translate
as: in turn.

cf. The Formula of ALIM in Magick in Theory & Practice.
S means fourth, Daughter of Light; NI means twenty-eight and COL is the root of
sleeves. We divide the four into 28 to get seven sleeves. This sacred number (for the
seven sacred planets) and the capitalization of the word in the Enochian text suggest a
proper noun; hence: the Seven Sheaths.

L means (the) first, of the first, one, all one; UM means called, named; RA means East
and D means third, the third. If we take “all one” as all, we get all named to the East are
the third; suggesting the third to dwell in the eastern quadrant of Heaven (the ecliptic
being the circle of constellations about the Sun).

GRAN means elders and SE means mourning, cry. Together we get: the cry of the

PAP is the root of: remember, to this remembrance; H is the holy letter H referring to
the Lord of Hosts, Trinity and RES is the root of praise, that you may praise him. In
context, we get: praising the Lord of Hosts in rememberance.

DRI is the root of: great, greater, bring down; NO means the Hexagram and Xmeans
dissolution. That great/greater is equivalent (by translation) to ‘bring down’ in Enochian,
we are presented with the formula of invocation. Invocation is then associated with
dissolution, and we would say a dissolution from that of the fourth (Assiah) unto the
Ruach or astral body. The heart of the Ruach is Tiphareth; the dissolution of the cross, as
discussed above. If we invoke the Hexagram of dissolution, we are in the condition
described in the first chapter of Liber LXV:

12. Then was there silence. Speech had done with us awhile. There is a light
so strenuous that it is not perceived as light.
13. Wolf's bane is not so sharp as steel; yet it pierceth the body more subtly.
14. Even as evil kisses corrupt the blood, so do my words devour the spirit of
15. I breathe, and there is infinite dis-ease in the spirit.
16. As an acid eats into steel, as a cancer that utterly corrupts the body; so
am I unto the spirit of man.
17. I shall not rest until I have dissolved it all.

DEM means separate; PH is the root of: give, surrend3er, I will give and E is the
Daughter of Light. Literally, we get: separate unto the Daughter of Light.

GEN – is the root of: from (or) with the Lord of Hosts, from the fourth and ILE is the
root of: Son of Son of Light, Luna. Literally, we get: from the Lord of Hosts, the Son of
Son of Light.
DAN means 3 in 1 and PHA is the root of: give, I will give, surrender. By combining
‘3 in 1’ with surrender, we get: the three are One (the Daughter of Light, the Lord of
Hosts and the Magickal Childe).

GA is Ga and PH is the root of: give, I will give, surrender. From this we get: I give Ga.
9. Vlla doh aco par semna gan var se gar on dun. sebo dax se pal genso vax
necra par sesqui nat. axo nat sesqui ax olna dam var gen vox nap vax. Vro
varca cas nol undat vom Sangef famsed oh. sih adra gad gesco vansax ora
gal parsa.


The end of the beginning the holy fire of the Holy Pentagram in them the nine cries of
God of the angel that star mourning the archangel of the East made the body of God.
Separation loins cry dissolution from the Lord of Hosts, the holy Pentagram orbit
beginning with the Tree-of-Life in them the cry of the 4th wherein is the Lord. The
microcosm wherein is the Lord wherein the cry of the Daughter of Light surrounds
created within several the star in 9 from God wherein they are (separated) sword the
star is dissolved. This one spiritual Sun who is the first hexagram also, the Master
Magickian of everyone Sangef the Daughter of Light, crying in the third woe. The temple
and covenant of God involutes Ga, the third angel is not the fourth, but with the holy
Pentagram the circle of stars indwell the third with the Son of Son of Light in the 4th.


It can be postulated that the “holy fire of the Holy Pentagram” is the archetypal hologram
that is qabalistically referred to as the Adam Kadmon. “[I]n them,” in contrast with ‘in
him’ or ‘in it’ then refers to “the nine cries of God;” being the Sefirot as the measure of
the involutionary descent with each Sefira becoming its own being—“that star
mourning.” It is the archangel of the East; the place of resurrection that then formulates
this into what is called “the body of God” and that we can call also, the Universal Mind.
The genitals of the human being are key to the separation or individuation of Spirit,
which might also be called a fragmentation (considered within the Veil of Qesheth; the
Astral Triad on the Tree-of-Life) on a higher level. And it as if this part of the verse here
is regretful; crying out for a return or dissolution back into the Lord of Hosts. Yet, this
holy Pentagram that is the individuated spirit begins its orbit about the Lord of Hosts;
being the article of wonder and adoration for IT.
That the upper 9 Sefirot are contained in the 4th (Assiah) is another way of saying that
God is in Man as Man is in God; but after a different manner. And the Daughter of Light
being equivocated to the 4th as delineated in our commentary on the first verse, we also
have a symbolic analogy to the act of conception. This is God in its microcosmic
manifestation; the “Daughter of Light surround” that is “created within several” is a
certain allusion to the Augoeides experience belonging to the Adepts that have been
separated by the sword, as was placed in Genesis at the gates to the Garden of Eden. This
seems an allusion to those fallen angels of the pseudpegriphic legend; the legions of
guardian angels that guide the evolution of every individual human being being
“dissolved” into the lower astral plane of Malkuth/Assiah.
The Master Magickian is named Sangef and described as the first one to receive the seed
of God, which would seem an allusion to the Savior motif of Gnostic literature; the
spiritual Sun of God who is invoked by the Daughter of Light in the astral plane. But Ga
being not of the 4th, but of the Holy Pentagram indicates that Ga is the great Watcher
angel or Holy Guardian Angel of humanity (on a par with the pseudpegriphic Lucifer—
Light Bringer). The circle of stars then is not just existent in the material dimension, but
also in the 3rd; the astral that is the Son of Son of Light that we mention in the sixth verse
to be of the Ruach or plane of Yetzirah. The consistency of all the appearances of the
Son of Son of light in these verses has so far been quite profound.


Vlla doh aco par semna

The end of the beginning holy fire of the Holy Pentagram in them the nine cries of God

gan var se gar on

of the angel that star mourning, cry the archangel of the East made, built

dun. sebo dax se pal

the body of God. Separation loins mourning, cry dissolution

genso vax necra

from the Lord of Hosts, the holy Pentagram orbit beginning with the Tree-of-Life

par sesqui nat. axo nat

in them the cry of the 4th wherein is the Lord. The microcosm wherein is the Lord

sesqui ax olna dam

wherein the cry of the Daughter of Light surround created within several

var gen vox nap vax.

the star in 9 from God wherein they are (separated) sword the star is dissolved.

Vro varca cas nol undat

This one spiritual Sun who is the first hexagram also, the Master Magickian

vom Sangef famsed oh.

of everyone Sangef the Daughter of Light, crying in the third woe.

sih adra gad

The temple and covenant of God involutes Ga, the third angel

gesco vansax ora gal

is not the fourth, but with the holy Pentagram the circle of stars indwell the third

with the Son of Son of Light in the 4th.

VL means end and LA means ‘of the first.’ This easily translates as the end of the

DO is the root of Don (the Enochian letter R), which is the root for ‘hell fire’ and ‘the
Sun of God.’ H is the holy letter H; Lord of Hosts, Trinity. Together, we get holy fire.

A means ‘in, with;’ C means ‘of, unto, on, with, o, oh’ and O means ‘5, this, holy
pentagram’—giving us: of the holy pentagram.

SE means ‘mourning, cry;’ M means ‘except, of, 9’ and NA is the holy letter H—Lord
of Hosts, Trinity. This is translated as: the nine cries of God. There is some consistency
with the involutionary descent of the divine into incarnation as described in the second
chapter of Liber LXV:

LXV:I.4 “Stooping down, dipping my wings, I came unto the darkly-splendid abodes. There
in that formless abyss was I made a partaker of the Mysteries Averse.”
LXV:I.5 “I suffered the deadly embrace of the Snake and of the Goat; I paid the infernal
homage to the shame of Khem.”
LXV:I.6 “Therein was this virtue, that the One became the all.”

The ‘nine cries of God’ are the nine steps of descent from Malkuth to Yesod and a
development of the “nine skirts” (Vnaem) found in the previous verse.

GAN is the root of the word: angelic, which is then translated as: of the angel.

V means star and AR means ‘that, to fan or winnow.’ Together, we get: that star.

DU is the root of: ‘the body of God’ and N is the Lord of Hosts, Trinity. Simply, this is
but another spelling for: the body of God.

SE means ‘mourning, cry’ and BO is the root of the phrase ‘be thou’ and the word
‘reigns.’ We have seen in this verse, that the cry of God is in the establishment of the
Sefirot of the Tree-of-Life; creating an ‘I’ and ‘not-I’ relation (this being referred to in
Liber LXV, the “shame of Khem”). This is the process of non-individuated
consciousness that “became the all” or individuated consciousness. Hence, the word is
translated as: separation.
GENS is the root of the phrase: from the Lord of Hosts, and O means ‘5, this, the holy
Pentagram.’ Putting them together, we get the phrase: from the Lord of Hosts, the holy

V means ‘star’ and AX means ‘surround.’ Together we get: orbit. This is a word that
quite possibly could not exist (at least in common usage) during the time of John Dee as
Copernicus and Galileo (relative contemporaries of Dee) were only discovering that the
earth and other planets revolved around the Sun.

NE means ‘holy’ and CRA is the root of “beginning with the 9 in the 4th.” We translate
this as: beginning with the Tree-of-Life. The 9 in the 4th of course, are a representation of
the holy Sefirot in Assiah. Add a holy perspective on this and we should consider this as
greater; in other words, the Tree-of-Life.

SE means ‘mourning, cry;’ S means ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of Light;’ QU is the root of
‘wherein’ and I means ‘is’ or ‘Son of Light.’ This together, forms the subject of a
sentence: the cry of the 4th, wherein is…150

NA means ‘Lord of Hosts, Trinity’ (the holy letter H) and T means ‘it.’ As the Lord of
Hosts is a proper noun, the Lord is a bit more generic. The ‘it’ asks us to a more generic

AX means ‘surround’ and O means ‘5, this, the holy Pentagram.’ This immediately
brings to mind the following (Liber AL:I.60):

"My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us. The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in
the Middle, & the circle is Red. My colour is black to the blind, but the blue & gold are seen
of the seeing. Also I have a secret glory for them that love me."

60. Nuit: Her symbolic Figure.

Nuit declares her Nature in a Riddle of Number and Colour and Form: this also is elsewhere
explained being a matter of Magick and Wisdom proper to vowed Students rather than to the


Nu = 56 and 5 + 6 = 11.
The Circle in the Pentagram? See Liber NV.
The uninitiated perceive only darkness in Night; the wise perceive the golden stars in the vault
of azure.
Concerning that Secret Glory it is not here fitting to discourse.

It was only later that is was discovered that this word was accidentally translated twice (at two different times during the work on
this verse) and that both translations were similar. The earlier translation is but a few words above the current word to which this
footnote is attached.

The general significance of the number 11 is Magick, particularly that form of it which is
Love under Will; for it unites the 5 and the 6. Thus Abrahadabra has 11 letters; and 418 = 11 x 38.
This number must be thoroughly studied by the Qabalah.
In the original MSS. the second paragraph begins "The shape of my star is" -- and then breaks off
-- the Scribe was unable to hear what was being said. This was presumably because his mind was
so full of preconceived ideas about the different kinds of stars appropriate to various ideas. An
alternate phrase was subsequently dictated to the Scarlet Woman, and inserted in the manuscript by
her own hand.
This star is the pentagram, with the single point at the top. The points touch the parts of Nuith's
body as shown in the Stele. The earth-point marks the position of her feet, the fire-point, that of her
hands, the other three points -- air, spirit, and water respectively -- refer to "my secret centre, my
heart, and my tongue."


See Liber NV for all this.

“…who are of us.” US=6+60=66. “Who are of the Sun and use the Positive Current of
Force.” (6x11=66).
Also, 66=12, which is a number of the Zodiac.
US, therefore, indicates “those who belong to the Sun, who use the Force of AUD, and
who are of the Woman “that jetteth out the milk of the stars from her paps’”—the Milky Way, our
particular Galaxy.
The Law “is for all”, but Thelemites are defined as those who fulfill the above conditions.
You must make no mistake. There are people who are of the Sun, but use the Force of AUB; they
are not Thelemites. There are people who use the Force of AUD, but are not of the Sun, nor of any
other star of our Galaxy—they are guests in our system, so to speak. They, also, are not
Thelemites. It is with those two cases that a mistake is most likely, since there are some points of
sympathy, or rather, empathy; “thou hast no right but to do thy will.”
This note is for member of the Grades of Practicus, Philosophus, and Dominus Liminis.
But the Zelator will be wise if he tries to fathom it, since he “begins to study the formula of the
Rosy Cross.”

The word could be translated as ‘surround pentagram’ or ‘surrounding pentagram’—that

humanity and each of us is that pentagram that holds in its center a Universe; represented
by the circle. The pentagram itself is a symbol of the microcosm; as is the circle.

SE means ‘mourning, cry; S means ‘4th, Daughter of Light’ and QUI is the root of
‘wherein.’ Together, we get: Wherein the cry of the Daughter of Light.

OLN means ‘made’ and A means ‘in, with.’ Together: created within.’

DAM is the root of two words; ‘various’ and ‘variety.’ As a root, we find the more
general and non-descriptive term: several.

V means ‘star,’ A means ‘in, with’ and R means ‘except, of, 9.’ Together: the star in

This was again, previously translated in this same verse as ‘that star.’ Due to an oversight different aspects of the same letters were
brought out. This is much shows the valuation of choice as it does the importantce of context.
As prefix, we have used this consistently to denote: ‘from the Lord of Hosts’ and
especially the two letters GE. N is a shortened version again, of the ‘Lord of Hosts.’
And so this is translated into a shortened form: from God.

This is the root of two words referring to a sword.

V means ‘star;’ A means ‘in, with’ and X means ‘dissolution.’ Together, we get: the star
is dissolved.152

VR is the Enochian letter ‘L,’ which means: first, of the first, one, all one and O means:
this, 5. Together, we get: this one.

VA means ‘star;’ R is the Enochian letter DON-meaning: ‘hell-fire, Sun of God,
primordial fire’ and CA means ‘therefore, another.’ Expanded meaning for VA gives us
also: ‘eagle,’ ‘time’ and ‘the way of the Lord.’ And indeed, the way of the Lord is in
time; specifically, cycles of time and measured in the Starry Gnosis with the symbol of
the eagle. But we take the definition as ‘star’ connecting to the Sun of God; giving us
reference to ‘another’ Sun or the spiritual sun that is the Sun behind the Sun.

CAS is the root of words: whom, unto whom, to whom, unto whose, abiding their. We
then take the smaller version of the word, whom—to get who is.

NO means the hexagram and L means first. Together we get the first hexagram. That
first hexagram being the seed of God in man or the translation of the divine into the
hologram that is the Adam Kadmon and subsequently into every human being.

UNDA is the root of ‘the Master Magickian’ and T means ‘it, also.’ Together, we get
the phrase: also, the Master Magickian.

VOM is the root of the word meaning ‘unto everyone of you.’ The smaller word would
then be of everyone.

SANGEF due to the capitalization of its initial letter is a proper noun; being then a
name: Sangef—who is in terms of usage within the text, the Master Magickian.

This was again, previously ranlated in this same verse as ‘orbit.’ And though in this instance, we missed the conjoined letters A
and X in the dictionary; translating as ‘surround,’ and subsequently failed to arrive at the translation to be ‘orbit,’ we inadvertently
found a contextual interpretation. That this is now, the third time this same mistake was made inside this verse (though the conjoined
letters as a word is actually found ion verse 7 of this text), we have to suspect another hand behind what we’re doing; as if the
Enochian Angels are themselves guiding us.
FAM is the Enochian letter ‘S’; meaning the Daughter of Light or fourth. SE means
‘mourning, cry’ and D means: the third. Together, we get the phrase: the Daughter of
Light crying in the third. The Daughter of Light being the physical realm of the Stars as
the fourth world of the Qabalah, her cry in the third is the descent of woe (as found in the
sentence the word is being used within) from the astral plane (third) to the material solar
system—the astral plane including our thoughts (intellection) and feelings (emotion).
This then becomes an invocation.

SI is the root of: ‘of the temple,’ ‘the covenant’ and ‘scorpion.’ H is the holy letter
‘H’—the Lord of Hosts: the temple and covenant of God.

ADR is the root of ‘cast[ing] down’ and ‘mount, in the olive mount.’ A means ‘in, with.’
The idea of being cast down or casting down suggests the involutionary process and the
A as a suffix brings clarifies it in the present tense. Thus we get involutes.

GA This is the angel Ga (the Logos made manifest) and the D at the end of this name
means third. We add that D to the name and take the suggestion of a three-fold
expression of the name. The three letters together equal 13; a ThRShRQ of 31, which is
also a meaning of Ga. This then is translated as: Ga, the third angel.

GES means ‘is not the fourth,’ C means ‘of, unto, on, with, o, oh’ and O means ‘5, this,
the holy Pentagram.’ This is translated in context: is not the fourth, but with the holy
Pentagram. And what is being described here is the transference of the Adam Kadmon
from the spark of God within it to the igniting of the human manifestation.

VAN means ‘star,’ S means ‘4th, Daughter of Light’ and AX means ‘surround.’ From
this, the starry skies that are the 4th surround, which can be more specifically translated
as: the circle of stars.

OR means ‘visit, visit us, appear, appear before us’ and A means ‘with, in.’ This is
translated as indwell.
GAL is the Enochian letter ‘D’ spelled in full and which means ‘third, the third.’

PARS is the root of ‘the Son of Son of Light in the 4th’ and A means ‘in, with.’ This is
translated as: with the Son of Son of Light in the 4th.
The Voice of Va’aro
10. Varo.nab vbrah NA pa uotol ged ade pa cem na dax. van sebra dah oghe
aschin o nap gem phe axo or. nec a ve da pengon a moroh ah oha aspah. niz
ab vrdrah gohed a carnat dan faxmal gamph. gamph nacro vax asclad caf prac


Va’aro. The infinite God’s guardian star; NA, keep wherein [the] all153 is not the third;
in the third is the Daughter of Light keep with the nine, the trinity in your loins.154 The
Star warning thrice, the fourth begotten Son of Light, the divine will of the Holy Son of
Light;155 this sword is without the 9; the eighth Daughters of Light,156 the microcosm
appear, appear before us. Holiness in the spark of life; there, the voice of the eight
Daughters of Light with the appearance of the 9 woes; the inner self with woe;157 the
infinity within. They, the 28158 Daughters of the Daughter of Light; the dark star, ONE,
EVERLASTING159 with, invoke the Lord, 3 in 1, one with the infinite, that which is not.
That which is not; resurrection orbit; mighty Lucifer was the third, abides, dwelling in

Referencing the entire phenomenal Universe
The cosmogony set up here is that of the Universal Mind or undifferentiated consciousness that we call God is with the nine or the
encompassment of the nine or the Tree-of-Life from Kether to Yesod with the pendant Malkuth or Malka the Daughter (Goddess of
Initiation—Isis from the Rosicrucian perspective) being the “loins” of God that “keep[s] with” or mates the “nine”; and in the loins,
the Trinity (one in three—“with the nine” & three in one—“trinity” in God’s loins); a universal symbol.
This would suggest that there is one principal Son of Light with a legion or lesser Sons of Light.
Cf. Vs. 2 “the divine light emanating unto the highest heaven; being the Scepter of the Daughter of Daughter of Light will indwell
and gathering all unto the eternal cry they manifest 8 made by you , govern the 22 paths of the spirit with the Daughter of Light”—the
‘eternal cry’ being the Logos and the ‘8’ that govern the 22 paths of the Spirit would suggest the ‘eightfold star of the Messiah,’ which
is an expression of the infinite (or ‘eternal’) nature of the Logos. Indeed, ‘the divine light’ of the ‘highest heaven’ indwells in the
Logos. The Daughter of Light has already been equivocated to the Universe and ‘the eight Daughters of Light’ would be the 8 rays of
the ‘star of the Messiah.’ The ‘gathering all unto the eternal cry’ is the involution that manifests the Logos—1 in 8—infinity—that is
the Daughter of Light.
This is reminiscent of the second chapter of Liber LXV:II.4-6; wherein it is said: Stooping down, dipping my wings, I
came unto the darkly-splendid abodes. There in that formless abyss was I made a partaker of the Mysteries Averse.
I suffered the deadly embrace of the Snake and of the Goat; I paid the infernal homage to the shame of Khem.
Therein was this virtue, that the One became the all.
28 also reduces to 1 by AIQ BKR as found in our translation of the word: FAXMAL, which follows yet, in this sentence.
That this is underlined in the text may have been to signify that this word was already in the lexicon Dee & Kelly generated. Or it
could have been to underscore some importance to this that doesn’t seem apparent.
This paragraph starts with the feel of being a prayer or psalm to NA (the Lord of Hosts)
by Va’aro. The Daughter of Light keeps with Va’aro (who is the nine160 or astral nature),
the trinity in the loins of the infinite God. In the first paragraph of this prophecy, the
mate of the Daughter of Light was introduced as Vaa; who represented also, darkness.
And it is interesting, numerically, that he reappears in the tenth paragraph (reducing to
one by AIQ BKR).161 Vaa’s full name or another name for Vaa would be Va’aro.
Va’aro might also be the legion of guardian angels under Lucifer in the pseudpegriphic
mythos. Together the two of them create the Magickal Childe that is the trinity that both
creates and reigns over the Universe.
The second sentence is reminiscent of the previous verse: “The microcosm wherein is the
Lord wherein the cry of the Daughter of Light surrounds created within several the star
in 9 from God wherein they are (separated) sword the star is dissolved.” The star (or the
heart) that is dissolved by the 9, seemingly by the sword, in the previous verse is here
said to be “without the 9;” almost as if a foreign substance invading the body—as
described so eloquently in Liber LXV:I.13-17…

13. Wolf's bane is not so sharp as steel; yet it pierceth the body more subtly.
14. Even as evil kisses corrupt the blood, so do my words devour the spirit of man.
15. I breathe, and there is infinite dis-ease in the spirit.
16. As an acid eats into steel, as a cancer that utterly corrupts the body; so am I unto the
spirit of man.
17. I shall not rest until I have dissolved it all.

The sword is also reminiscent of the flaming swords placed outside the Garden of Eden;
after the fall; these being the swords that separate the spiritual universe from the material
universe. The sentence also seems to further develop this verse as a prayer or
incantation. And it is as also, that the idea of legions of lesser Sons or Daughters of Light
may be incorrect. That the eighth Daughter of Light is referred to as the microcosm
seems obviously to allude to the idea of infinity; the symbol of the ‘8’ when laid on its
side being the ‘leminscate’ or symbol of infinity (∞).
The Guardian Star is then the Holy Guardian Angel and Va’aro is clearly a pseudonym of
Lucifer. And Lucifer, the Light-Bringer is then also a keeper of the ‘woe’ that ‘shame of
Khem’ (discussed in footnote 136) that is the emersion into the imperfection of
incarnation. The 9 woes, tying back to the 8th verse (the 9 skirts) seem to represent the
Sefirot of the Nightside of the Tree-of-Life (the Veil of the N.O.X.) and what we assert as
the primal force (even the laughter of Hell’s own worm!) that is symbolized in the
Thelemic mythos as the Beast.
The “infinity within” is the trace back to undifferentiated consciousness. The projection
of the godhead, from the ‘One to the Many’ that for each individuation from the motion
of incarnation, is not so much from the ‘above to the below’ as it is an inversion from the
inner to the outer. As we look out into the material manifestion, we look in the direction

The nine would represent the first through ninth Sefirot on the Tree-of-Life; representing here, the Soul of the crystallized or
materially manifested being (suggested by Malkuth being without this structure). That Vaa or Va’aro represents the darkness, it
would be reasonable to consider this sentence as also alluding to the ‘nightside’ of the Tree-of-Life.
And it is interesting also that Vaa got the first nine verses and presumably Va’aro will have the next nine. So with this, we will
name the first nine verses as: The Book of Vaa and the second nine verses (presumably) The Book of Va’aro.
of the godhead; being ‘the thought’ of the godhead, as described in the ancient Gnostic
scriptures. The spiritual eye is that which sees this manifest within us; being the point
within each of us as it projects outwards.
The 28 Daughters of the Daughter of Light is a new pantheon introduced next. These are
said to one with the Dark Star (Va’aro), which we might assume to be of his seed in his
mating with the Daughter of Light; he himself, being one with the infinite God. 28 in the
Hebrew Qabalah is the value of both the words for Unity and Power. 28 is also the
number of the Lunar cycle and the value of the word ‘Deo’ in the English Qabalah. In
reference to the Lunar cycle, 28 then signifies the consciousness within the Veil of
Qesheth. Deo is God in Latin; quite possibly intimating that there are 28 specific powers
of God or 28 qualities in the unity of God. But this would have yet to be born out further
as the prophecy of Loagaeth unfolds.
“That which is NOT” of course, is a specific reference to the AIN SOPH; the AUR,
limitless light is the spiritual source behind the Sun, with the Sun being the symbol of
resurrection. In the Thelemic mythos, this is Horus; the equivalent of Lucifer, who was
seated at the left-hand of the throne of God; the throne being the third. That he and his
legions were caste from heaven and from his rank in the third (part of the trinity) into the
lower astral, he dwells in the foot of power in the material world to assist as the head of
the Secret Chiefs. Note also that Kether is in Malkuth as Malkuth is in Kether.


Varo. nab vbrah NA pa uotol

Va’aro. The infinite God guardian star Lord of Hosts keep wherein all

ged ade pa cem na dax.

is not the third in the third is the Daughter of Light keep with the nine trinity loins.

van sebra dah oghe aschin

Star warning thrice the fourth begotten Son of Light the divine will of the Holy Son
of Light

o nap gem phe axo

5, this, holy pentagram sword is not the 9 the eight Daughters of Light microcosm

or. nec a ve da
appear, appear before us. Holiness in, with the spark of life there

pengon a moroh
the voice of the eight Daughters of Light in, with the appearance of the 9 woes

ah oha aspah. niz

inner, higher self in or with woe the infinity within. 28 of them or they, the 28

ab vrdrah gohed a carnat

Daughter of Daughter of Light dark star ONE, EVERLASTING in, with invoke the
dan faxmal gamph. gamph
3 in 1 one with the infinite that which is not. That which is not

nacro vax cruscanse asclad caf

renewal or resurrection orbit more mighty Lucifer was the third abides

prac cruscanse.
dwelling in more, mighty.


VAR means ‘the star’ or ‘the star in 9’ (ninefold star) and O means ‘5’ or ‘this’ or ‘the
holy pentagram.’ The fact that this first word in the paragraph is followed by a period
indicates the word to be a name. In Sacred Geometry, nine is the Nonagon or in 3-D, the

The 9 (Ananda; translated as Bliss, being the pleasure experienced by Being in the course of
events.) is the completion of the creative cycle; represented by the Astral Plane Magick. It brings
attainment, compassion, and vision for the future through the wisdom gleaned from the journey
through the other numbers. However the 9 is not an endpoint, but merely the closing of the circle,
carrying us back to the 1 to begin the next evolution.

But for our purposes, the completion (9) of the incarnated, individualized being (5) is that
which operates on the material plane; this being the fully involuted being, which takes on
the name: Va’aro. This is the hologram brought to complete manifestation and the
fulfillment of the ‘asar un nefer.’ And the text has introduced a new character into the

NA is the Holy letter ‘H’ and the ‘Lord of Hosts.’ There is no meaning for the letter B,
but spelled in full is PA with P meaning ‘8’ and A meaning ‘in, with.’ The 8 refers to
the infinite nature of God and so is translated as The Infinite God.

V means ‘star,’ BRA is the root of the word that means ‘guard’ and H is the holy letter
for the Lord of Hosts. We translate this is as guardian star; the reference being to
Lucifer the light bringer and foremost of the Holy Guardian Angels whose task it was to
assist in the evolutionary development of humanity. Though, it may also refer to one of
the four ‘watcher’ stars of the Starry Gnosis; the four archangels.

UO is the root of ‘wherein,’ TOL is the root of ‘all’ or ‘on all.’ This translates as
wherein all.
GED is the Enochian letter ‘G’ spelled in full. GE means ‘not, is not’ and D means
‘third, the third.’ This translates as: is not the third.

AD means ‘in the third’ or ‘with the third’ and E is the Daughter of Light. This
translates as: in the third is the Daughter of Light.

C means ‘of, unto,on, with; o,oh’ and EM means ‘nine.’ This is a prepositional phrase
that translates as of, unto or with the nine.

SE means ‘mourning, cry’ and BRA is the root of the word that means ‘guard.’
Together, we get the word: warning.

O means ‘fourth’ or ‘Daughter of Light;’ G has no meaning in itsef, but spelled in full
(GED) is the root of ‘speech,’ ‘begotten,’ ‘from the Lord of Hosts’ and ‘from the 4th.’
HE is the root of ‘Son of Light.’ From this, the word is translated as: the fourth begotten
Son of Light.162

AS is the root of: ‘God,’ ‘God receives,’ ‘divine will’ and ‘this God.’ CHI is the root
of: ‘of the Son of Light’ and N is of the Holy Letter ‘H’—the Lord of Hosts. Together,
we get: the divine will of the Holy Son of Light.

GE means ‘not’ or ‘is not’ and M means ‘exept,’ ‘of’ and ‘9.’ Together this translates
as: is not the 9.

PH means ‘the eight Daughters of Light’ and E is the ‘Daughter of Light.’ This simply
translates as: the eight Daughters of Light.

NE means ‘holy’ and C means ‘of, unto, on, with, o, oh.’ The idea: ‘with holy’ or ‘of
holy’ seems to imply a sense or feeing of holiness. It then translates as: holiness.

VE is the root of ‘enthroned,’ ‘as a flame’ and ‘the Holy Spirit.’163 V means ‘star’ and
E is the Daughter of Light. This translates as: the spark of life.

A set of four Sons of Light could indicate the equivalence of the four archangels in Hebrew canon.
The prior translation of the word VEROX (Verox; being similar in form to Va’aro) in verse 6 yielded the following: “VE is the
root of ‘as a flame’ and ‘enthroned.’ ROX is the root of ‘wine.’ In Alchemy, wine is touted as the king of spirits; having a universal
application, which ties in both with ‘enthroned’ and ‘as a flame.’ Hence, we get the Universal Spirit or Holy Spirit.”
PE is the root of ‘the eight Daughters of Light’ translated on the Enochian Lamen. N
is the holy letter; ‘the Lord of Hosts,; GON1 6 4 is the Enochian letter ‘I’ spelled in full,
which has no meaning in itself as yet. However, GO means ‘speaks’ and N means ‘is
God.’ This translates as: the voice of the eight Daughters of Light.

M means ‘except’ and ‘9,’ OR means ‘appear, appear before us’ and OH is the root of
‘woe.’ This translates as: the appearance of the 9 woes.

OH is the root of ‘woe’ and A means ‘in, with.’ Together, this translates as: in or with

ASP is the name of the 21st Aethyr; AS meaning ‘was’ and P meaning ‘8.’165 AH
means ‘inner/higher self.’ That which ‘was 8’ is then the Holy Guardian Angel. And
considering the 8 as both the eight Daughters of Light and the microcosmic infinity that
they represent, the idea is proferred that the nature of the H.G.A. is an omnipresence,
articulated in greater detail by the qualities of each of the eight Daughters of Light. The
microcosm then is the holographic archetype of the Holy Guardian Angel; revealing to us
that it is the nature of the H.G.A. to be informed by the infinite Universe that is wisdom
of the Universal Mind. This word then translates as: the infinity within.

NI means ‘28’ and Z ‘they.’ The word translates as: 28 of them or they, the 28.

VR is the Enochian letter ‘L’ spelled in full; the V meaning ‘star’ and the R having no
intrinsic meaning. The Enochian letter ‘R’ spelled in full is the root of the words for ‘Sun
of God’ and ‘hell-fire.’ DRA is the root of ‘the (third) East is in darkness’ and H is
the holy letter: the Lord of Hosts. The ‘star’ that is the ‘Sun of God’ (the spirit behind
our Sun at the center of our solar system) being eclipsed (being the ‘East [sic] in
darkness’) we have reference to Osiris the ‘black god.’ Both Crowley’s and Motta’s
commentary to AL:I.8166 is suggested:
We are not to regard ourselves as base beings, without whose sphere is Light or "God". Our minds
and bodies are veils of the Light within. The uninitiate is a "Dark Star", and the Great Work for
him is to make his veils transparent by 'purifying' them. This 'purification' is really 'simplification';
it is not that the veil is dirty, but that the complexity of its folds makes it opaque. The Great Work
therefore consists principally in the solution of complexes. Everything in itself is perfect, but when

It is interesting to observe that the English letters ‘gon’ are used in the naming of the objects of Sacred Geomety (septagon,
pentagon, hexagon; et al) and that these letters also are a suffix in the English word: cosmogony; a cosmogon then being an
investigation into the structure of universal consciousness that is the divine mind.
In a synopsis of the 21st Aethyr, it is described as a place where the Vision of God is recognized as necessary to pass the Ordeal of
the Abyss. God is described as both Kether and the Hierophant in the “Ceremony of Magister Templi.” And of course the “8” that
“was” can be considered as a reference to the 8 th Aethyr and the manifestation of the Holy Guardian Angel. And so a transformation
in the nature of the work moves from the Vision of the H.G.A. to a vision of God; consistent with the Oath of the Abyss that is to
recognize all the events in one’s life as a direct dealing of God upon the Soul.
"The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs."
things are muddled, they become 'evil'. (This will be understood better in the Light of "The Hermit
of Esopus Island", q.v.) The Doctrine is evidently of supreme importance, from its position as the
first 'revelation' of Aiwass.
This 'star' or 'Inmost Light' is the original, individual, eternal essence. The Khu is the magical
garment which it weaves for itself, a 'form' for its Being Beyond Form, by use of which it can gain
experience through self-consciousness, as explained in the note to verses 2 and 3. This Khu is the
first veil, far subtler than mind or body, and truer; for its symbolic shape depends on the nature of
its Star.
Why are we told that the Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs? Did we then suppose the
converse? I think that we are warned against the idea of a Pleroma, a flame of which we are
Sparks, and to which we return when we 'attain'. That would indeed be to make the whole curse of
separate existence ridiculous, a senseless and inexcusable folly. It would throw us back on the
dilemma of Manichaeism. The idea of incarnations "perfecting" a thing originally perfect by
definition is imbecile. The only sane solution is as given previously, to suppose that the Perfect
enjoys experience of (apparent) Imperfection. (There are deeper resolutions of this problem
appropriate to the highest grades of initiation; but the above should suffice the average

When A.C. says, above, “Did we then suppose the converse?” he is speaking with his tongue in his
cheek. He knows perfectly well that all religions, without one single solitasry exception, suppose
the converse. He, himself, had once supposed the converse.
This central mystery reveald by Aiwass was the darkest secret of most Initiatic Schools. All
religions start as Methods of Theurgy; as Method degenerates into Routine, Blind Faith becomes
more virtuous than Experience, and Dogma is born. Then God is put on a pedestal, where He, or
She, or It, is less uncomfortably present when you indulge your basest appetites such as Preaching
and Saving Souls.
The formidable nature of the Book of the Law becomes apparent when we see that this “Dark
Mystery” is the first and simplest of its revelations. No wonder organized religions everywhere
fought it! No wonder “Initiatic Orders” which had only this “Awful Truth”—“Osiris is a Black
God”—to mask their financial and political maneuvers clamored that Aleister Crowley was a very
wicked man.—Motta

The word then is translated as: dark star.

CAR is the root of ‘sink’ and ‘come out.’ NAT means ‘the Lord.’ The Lord technically,
sinks or descends from the highest plane to ‘come out’ or appear before us. This is the
result of invocation (calling down). The word translates as: invoke the Lord.

FAX is the root of ‘7336’ and MAL is the shortened spelling of the Enochian letter
‘P,’ which is the number 8 (and a reference to the Daughters of Light). Eight gives us a
reference to infinity and the Holy Guardian Angel or Augoeides. 7336 may be a
reference to the number of angels in the pseudpegriphic legion of angels. But it also
reduces to 1 by AIQ BKR; giving us the idea of 1 in 8 or 1+8=9. If we consider the 9 as
the infinite astral or the macrocosmic infinity, we come to the same idea with 1 in 8.
Therefore, the word translates as: one with the infinite.

GAMPH is entirely the root of ‘the watery loins of the Daughter of Light.’ However,
the GA in that word is 31 and MPH is a god name of the Water Tablet in the West. It is
the remaining letters (EDAX) in the original word that gives reference to the Daughter
of Light. Removing these, we then should consider that 31167 is the Key to Liber AL vel
Legis and hence to key to life that unlocks to doors of death (the West and NOT). This is
the mission of Western Magick; giving us the translation of the word: that which is not.

NA is the Holy Letter ‘H’—the Lord of Hosts and CRO is the root of ‘beginning’ or
‘2nd beginning of the …’ This presents the idea of renewal or resurrection in translation.

AS means ‘was,’ CLA is the number 456 and D means ‘third, the third.’ 456 reduces
to 15 by AIQ BKR; the number to the Devil Atu. Literally, the third was the Devil;
easily renamed Lucifer, per the pseudpegriphic myth of Lucifer as the most beautiful of
God’s angels and the Guardian Angel of the human race. His legions are said to be so
great that there is one angel for every human being and personally assigned to each of us;
waiting for us to be able to hear its voice. When God had decided to destroy the human
race, Lucifer rebelled as he was tied to his duty to protect us. For this, it is said that he
and his legions were banished to the lower astral or etheric plane that is positioned
somewhere between Malkuth and Yesod on the Tree-of-Life (the Universe Atu). And on
the Tree-of-Life, the Devil Atu is the path that leads from Hod to Tiphareth (the Sefira of
the Prince; the Holy Guardian Angel). So the word translates as: Lucifer was the third.

CAF is the root of abiding and is translated as abides.

PRA is the root of the words: dwell, balance and unite. C means: of, unto,on, with, o
and oh. This translates as dwelling in.

This also is the value of ‘NOT’ in the English Qabalah.
The Voice of Gar 168

11. gam.
ohe gemph ubrah- ax. orpna nex- or napo, gemlo. a cheph can sedlo
pam- geman ange hanzu ALLA. Cappo- se damo gam- vas oro- dax- va ges-
palo palme pola.

Gals- ange no- tompa- ro sama dan genze axe. falod amruh acurtoh saxx par
mano gan vax no. gramfa gem sadgla loh vrox sappoh iad ah oha unra.


Gar. Woe of the Daughter of Light without the water guardian stars surround. 8 from
the Lord of hosts appear in holy dissolution appear before us sword from the first water.
With the strong cry (roar) of the Magickal Childe (beast/lion) gives us the holy
pentagram; 8 unto 9. The Son of Son of Light is not the 9 his thoughts are not the will of
God, ALLA. Therefore the Sons of God - cry several men the watery loins - Angel of
Daughter of Light [the] third man - loins – Va (spirit of Vaa) is not the 4th dissolves into
man dissolves into Daughter of Light two (together).

The 3rd into the 4th within the thought [of God] the hexagram - the exception of death is
life - 3rd Minister of Sol the 4th possesses 3 in 1 from the Daughter of Light surrounds the
Daughter of Light. The third arrives first the power and presence of the Lord of Hosts in
the angel of the East God is triumphant the 4th dissolves in them the soul of humanity of
the angel orbit the hexagram. Full moon is not the 9; the Daughter of Light is God’s
glory beams milk of the stars the mighty ogdoad God inner self with woe the wrathful

Gar is first translated as the Archangel of the East in verse 8; an interesting recursion here.
First Paragraph: Gar is here expressed as an emanation or “woe” of the Daughter of
Light apart from the Universal Zodiac; the “water guardian star surround.” Eight
represents the infinity of stars with the Sun or Lord of Hosts at its center; for us, the East.
The Ogdoad seems next to be giving to us a “sword”—having dissolved into a primordial
or “first water” that is before the constellations became fixed. This is the desire of the
Goddess/Babalon that moves the NOT into manifestation. And also this dissolution gives
up the Augoeides; birthed with a roar into its carnal nature169 and carrying the astral that
is the hologram of the Augoeides and represented by nine (the astral)—hence the 8 unto
9; the infinity giving us a Universe of stars or Augoeides (plural)…the ‘One’ or ‘Unity ‘
(Achad) of the Infinite Universe becoming the ‘all’ individualized into that Infinity. 170
Vaa is an angel of the 4 moons (new, 1st qtr., full, 3rd qtr.); by being “not the 4th,” makes
[him] the Full Moon. And as an angel of the Daughter of Light (Moon), the spirit that
comes from his loins is the “third man” a hologram (Adam Kadmon or Augoeides) that
dissolves both into the Moon/Daughter of Light and into humanity; the Moon and Man
becoming One. Even as Gurdjieff said, we are first of the Moon. Initiation is about
moving consciousness and transfiguring the body171 from its fusing with the Moon and
into a new fusion with the Sun. This also seems to allude to the union of the essence
from the loins of man with the essence from the loins of the Daughter of Light or
woman172 that comes by way of an intimate union between them173 with them both being
dissolved and the two of them together [“two (together)”].
Second Paragraph: The ‘thought of God’ is the Hexagram or the Astral Plane, which the
three Supernals are invested into;. the three into the fourth that is the Hexagram. But the
3rd is also the 3rd Minister of Sol (Ro174) that possesses the 4th or Astral Plane. And so the
Minister of Sol is the thought of God; a Son of Son of Light—the planet Jupiter. Jupiter
is the King of the Astral Plane and possesses the 4th that is the Astral Plane; that is the 3
into the 1; that is the Daughter of Daughter of Light surrounding herself…or her
effulgence…the glow of the night sky of stars…the milky star-sponge vision. There is
also a connection with this and the first sentence of the previous paragraph; the “water
guardian stars” that surround the Daughter of light. This is the milkiness in the star-
sponge vision that is also the effulgence of the Daughter of Light (the Milky Way
Galaxy) that emanates from her and engulfs her being, as if in transfiguration. That “the
third arrives first,” the Minister of Sol (Ro), who is “the power and presence of the Lord
of Hosts”—suggesting the physical body of the Sun of our solar system; particularly as
referred to as the “angel of the East.” This Sun as God is triumphant, which suggests the
idea of Horus triumphant; the resurrection of the Sun. The 4th or Full Moon diffuses the
energy of Sol into humanity; Sol being the angel that is orbited by the hexagram…the
soul within which is the divine presence. The full moon brings the milky Aethyr; not of
the astral or “9,” but of each an inner god in an infinite number of syzygies to provide a
world of activity; of contending forces.

the realm of five elements or the Holy Pentagram
cf. Liber LXV:II.6 “Therein was this virtue, that the One became the all.”
primarily through the alchemical nature of the Eucharist
AL:I.16 "For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping starlight."
generating the Eucharistic sacrament
The Egyptian ‘Ra’—Ra-Hoor-Khuit.

gam. ohe gemph ubrah- ax.

Gar. Woe of the Daughter of Light without the water guardian star surround.

orpna nex- or
8 from the Lord of hosts appear in holy dissolution appear, appear before us

napo, gemlo. a cheph can

sword from the first water. In, with the Magickal Childe strength

sedlo pam- geman

cry gives us the holy pentagram 8 unto/into 9. The Son of Son of Light is not the 9

ange hanzu ALLA. Cappo- se

his thoughts are not the will of God ALLA. Therefore the Sons of God - mourning, cry

damo gam - vas oro - dax -

several men the watery loins - Angel of Daughter of Light [the] third man - loins -

va ges- palo palme

spirit of Vaa175 is not the 4th176 dissolves into man dissolves into Daughter of Light

two (together), pair.

Gals- ange no -
The 3rd into the 4th within the thought [of God] the hexagram -

tompa - ro sama dan

rd th
the exception of death is life - 3 Minister of Sol the 4 possesses 3 in 1

genze axe. falod

from the Daughter of Light surrounds the Daughter of Light. The third arrives first

amruh acurtoh
the power and presence of the Lord of Hosts in the angel of the East God is triumphant

saxx par mano gan vax no.

the 4th dissolves in them the soul of humanity of the angel orbit the hexagram.

gramfa gem sadgla loh vrox

Full moon is not the 9 the Daughter of Light is God’s glory beams milk of the stars

sappoh iad ah oha unra.

the mighty ogdoad God inner/higher self in or with woe the wrathful sun.

Another example of the synchronicities in this translation. Vaa is recognized in the first verse as ‘angel of the 4 moons’ and the
word that follows Va (spirit of Vaa) in this verse translates as ‘is not the 4th.
We could say here: is not the 4th moon.

Gar as named by this verse. Because this is also the prefix of phrases that start with ‘the
watery loins…’ we may assume that this is the essence of the Goddess and Gar is then
the manifestation of that essence.

OH are a prefix for ‘woe’ and E is the Daughter of Light; hence, ‘the woe of the
Daughter of Light.’ We might then even infer that the Daughter of Light is the archetype
for the Goddess; woman being wo[e]man. The tears of a mother are almost an archetype,
so we should show that ‘woe’ is a femine archetype. Whether that be the tears of Isis for
Osiris or Mary for Jesus, we show this quality of the feminine psyche; suggesting ‘woe’
to mean much more than sorrow…or perhaps, something completely different.

GE means ‘not, is not’ and MPH is part of the godname for the Water Tablet. Literally
we can take this as ‘not the divine water(s)’ or ‘without the water,’ which might be a
reference to the ‘thought of God.’

OR means ‘appear, appear before us,’ P means ‘8’ and NA is the Lord of Hosts. With
but a subtle interpretation, we can say: ‘8 from the Lord of hosts appear.’

NE means ‘holy’ and X means ‘dissolution.’ In context, we see a prepositional phrase:
‘in holy dissolution.’

NAP is the root of ‘sword’ and O is ‘5, this, the holy pentagram.’ In context, we get
‘this sword’ or ‘the sword’ and then could simply translate this as a variant spelling for
the word: sword.

GEM is the root of ‘without the water’ and LO means ‘first, the first.’ Together, we
translate as: from the first water.

CHE means ‘of the Son of Light’ and PH seems almost inclusive of PAH, which is
the Ogdoad. The Ogdoad is connected with the elements of creation and the Son of Light
being of this, we get what seems like a direct reference to the Magickal Childe.

CAN is the root of the words ‘workers’ and ‘mighty.’ We can reduce that to ‘work,
SE means ‘mourning, cry,’ DL is the root of various tenses of the verb ‘give’ and O
means ‘five, this, holy pentagram.’ Literally: cry gives the holy pentagram or cry gives
us the five.

PA is ‘8’ or ‘keep’ and M is ‘except’ or ‘9.’
8 unto/into 9

GEM means ‘is not the 9’ and AN is the ‘Son of Son of Light, Mercury.’
The Son of Son of Light is not the 9.

AN is the ‘Son of Son of Light’ and ANG is the prefix for ‘thoughts, his thoughts.’ GE
is ‘not, is not’ and in context of the sentence this word is directly referring back to the
Son of Son of Light. We could say ‘Son of Son of Light, his thoughts are not’ [the
thoughts of the Son of Son of Light are not] or we could say in context ‘his thoughts are

HAN is the prefix for ‘the seed of God’ and ZU is the prefix for words meaning
‘fervently.’ The parts are a subject and verb: the seed of God determines; the idea being
that ferverency characterizes ‘the see of God’ and dives it the act of determining; having
volition. In that, it must be translated as the will of God.

The force of the sentence tells us, along with the capitalization and underlining of the
word, that this is a formal name: ALLA. We could note that possibly, this is the formal
name of God when referring to its capacity to go forth from non-differentiated
consciousness to individualized consciousness and through the medium of the Adam
Kadmon or Augoeides as the hologram/archetype comprehended in the upper region of
apprehension in the human mind. The correlation between AL (God/Existence in
duality) and LA (Naught), thus 2=0 as explained in the scholion to Liber V vel Reguli is
a marvelous synchronicity.

The following is extracted from Crowley’s “impressions” on the formula of LAShtAL:

I also am a Star in Space, unique and self-existent, an individual essence incorruptible; I also am one
Soul; I am identical with All and None. I am in All and all in Me; I am, apart from all and lord of all, and
one with all.
I am a God, I very God of very God; I go upon my way to work my will; I have made matter and
motion for my mirror; I have decreed for my delight that Nothingness should figure itself as twain, that
I might dream a dance of names and natures, and enjoy the substance of simplicity by watching the
wanderings of my shadows. I am not that which is not; I know not that which knows not; I love not that
which loves not. For I am Love, whereby division dies in delight; I am Knowledge, whereby all parts,
plunged in the whole, perish and pass into perfection; and I am that I am, the being wherein Being is
lost in Nothing, nor deigns to be but by its Will to unfold its nature, its need to express its perfection in
all possibilities, each phase a partial phantasm, and yet inevitable and absolute.
I am Omniscient, for naught exists for me unless I know it. I am Omnipotent, for naught occurs save
by Necessity my soul’s expression through my will to be, to do, to suffer the symbols of itself. I am
Omnipresent, for naught exists where I am not, who fashioned space as a condition of my
consciousness of myself, who am the centre of all, and my circumference the frame of mine own
I am the All, for all that exists for me is a necessary expression in thought of some tendency of my
nature, and all my thoughts are only the letters of my Name.
I am the One, for all that I am is not the absolute all, and all my all is mine and not another’s; mine,
who conceive of others like myself in essence and truth, yet unlike in expression and illusion.
I am the None, for all that I am is the imperfect image of the perfect; each partial phantom must perish
in the clasp of its counterpart; each form fulfil itself by finding its equated opposite, and satisfying its
need to be the Absolute by the attainment of annihilation.
The word, LAShTAL includes all this.
"LA" --- Naught. {335}
"AL" --- Two.
"L" is "Justice", the Kteis fulfilled by the Phallus, "Naught and Two" because the plus and the minus
have united in "love under will."
"A" is "the Fool", Naught in Thought (Parzival), Word (Harpocrates), and Action (Bacchus). He is the
boundless air, the wandering Ghost, but with "possibilities". He is the Naught that the Two have made
by "love under will".
"LA" thus represents the Ecstasy of Nuit and Hadit conjoined, lost in love, and making themselves
Naught thereby. Their child is begotten and conceived, but is in the phase of Naught also, as yet.
"LA" is thus the Universe in that phase, with its potentialities of manifestation.
"AL" on the contarary, though it is essentially identical with "LA", shows the Fool manifested through
the Equilibrium of Contraries. The weight is still nothing, but it is expressed as if it were two equal
weights in opposite scales. The indicator still points to zero.

In "LA" note that Saturn or Satan is exalted in the House of Venus or Astarte, and it is an airy sign.
Thus "L" is Father-Mother, Two and Naught, and the Spirit (Holy Ghost) of their Love is also Naught.
Love is AHBH, 13, which is AChD, Unity, I, Aleph, who is The Fool who is Naught, but none the less
an Individual One, who (as such) is not another, yet unconscious of himself until his Oneness
expresses itself as a duality.
Any impression or idea is unknowable in itself. It can mean nothing until brought into relation with
other things. The first step is to distinguish one thought from another; this is the condition of
recognizing it. To define it, we must perceive its orientation to all our other ideas. The extent of our
knowledge of any one thing varies therefore with the number of ideas with which we can compare it.
Every new fact not only adds itself to our universe, but increases the value of what we already
In "AL" this "The" or "God" arranges for "Contenance to behold contenance", by establishing itself as
an equilibrium, "A" the One-Naught conceived as "L" the Two-Naught. This "L" is the Son-Daughter
Horus-Harpocrates just as the other "L" was the Father-Mother Set-Isis. Here then is Tetragrammaton
once more, but expressed in identical equations in which every term is perfect in itself as a mode of
Crowley represents Sht as being the formula of this particular Aeon, which has its own
import but is not connected with this abstraction from the larger formula, which is ALLA
to be considered as a magickal formula showing the sub-strata or higher region beyond
the astral plane; the latter being that within which this Aeon manifests and the former
being what the Gnostics referred to as the ‘thought of God’ that also holds the astral

CA means ‘therore’ or ‘another,’ P means ‘8’ and O means ‘5.’ With two P’s we see
the number 16 (+5 is 21) or 88 (+5 is 93). 21 gives us the Universe Atu. If we take the
number ‘93’ and the sentence is literally translated as ‘therefore 93’ we get a statement
considering the LaShtAl as a summation of the limited expression of ALLA—the
manifested Universe. Qabalistic considerations give us of course, Love and Will in for
the Greek; but also the words for ‘by necessity’ and ‘legend/myth’ in the same. For the
Hebrew; we find words for ‘spark,’ Adept’ and ‘the Sons of God’—the last referring
obviously to the pseudpegriphic mythos. There are other mathematical expressions
possible (885 for the numerical layout and different multipliers), but they all yield large
numbers, which detracts from a more simple, and beautiful expression as found here. So
the word is translated as: therefore the Sons of God.

DAM means ‘several’ and O is ‘5, this, the holy pentagram.’ Combining ‘several’ with
the idea of the pentagram as ‘man’ gives us several men.

VA is the ‘spirit of Va’ (as translated below; the word being translated before this one)
and S is ‘4th’ and ‘Daughter of Light.’ And as VAS is the root of two different serviant
angels and a part in RII; angel of Daughter of Light.

OR is the root of ‘third, the third’ and O is ‘5, this, the holy pentagram.’ [the] third

VA spirit of Vaa
PAL1 7 7 is the word ‘dissolution’ and O is ‘5, this, the holy pentagram.’
Dissolves into man
PAL is the word ‘dissolution’ and ME is ‘Daughter of Light.’
Dissolves into Daughter of Light

GALS appears in the lexicon as the prefix of two unknown words GALSVAGAPH
& GALSVAGATH. GAL is the Enochian letter ‘D,’ which means ‘third, the third’
and S means ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of Light.’ The 3rd into the 4th.
also, the Enochian letter ‘X.’
There’s every reason to figure out the larger word for the sake of the lexicon. The only difference
between VAGAPH and VAGATH is in the fifth letter in both words; the former being a P and
the latter being a T. Before the different letters are four common letters: VAGA; VA being the
‘spirit of Vaa’ and GA being ‘31, make, with, name of an angel; meaning ‘Last breath of the
living’, spirits, the fifth angel.’ This gives us ‘spirit of Va, the 5th Angel.’
The last common letter is H, meaning ‘Lord of Hosts, Trinity’ and has been found in the translation
of this book to be the formal name ‘Na.’ To this suffix, we append two different letters: P, means
‘8’ and T, means ‘it, also.’ The two letters together give us ‘infinity (8) and ‘it also’ combining to
give us the idea of ‘immortality’ as ‘it’ is the Augoeides.
Combining the above into the two words found in the lexicon, we get: ‘spirit of Va, the 5th Angel is
immortal.’ And combiniong this with ‘the 3rd into the 4th shows the Full Moon (3rd) draining its
force and waning into the 3rd Qtr. or 4th Moon; as if the life force of the Aethyr is being blown into
a being. The full sentence this word represents is: The spirit of Va, the 5th Angel is the immortal

ANGE is the root of ‘thoughts, his thoughts.’ The suffix of the word in the lexicon
translates as ‘neither, nor’ and suggests a phrase: ‘nor his thoughts.’ Taking this out, we
can use the Gnostic narrative: within the thought [of God].

TE is a prefix for several words meaning ‘death,’ M means ‘except, 9’ and PA means
‘keep.’ Especially in context with what seems to be developing as this sentence is being
translated, the word seems to be an interplay between ‘death’ and life (‘keep’); hinging
on the astral (‘9’) as if this was a transformative or initiatory point; the exception of death
is life.

RO is the suff ix to several interesting words: ‘Son of Son of Light (Jupiter), 3rd minister
of Sol, Sun, wine.’ The 3rd mentioned in the sentence being translated is then the 3rd
minister of Sol who is also a Son of Son of Light (possibly named Ro178); akin to the
Egyptian Ra and the Sun, but perhas as it is found in the spirit of wine (its intoxication).
3rd Minister of Sol (a Son of Son of Light)

S is ‘4th, Daughter of Light,’ A means ‘in, with’ and MA means ‘possess.’
The 4th possesses

GEN is the root of several prepositional phrases: ‘from the…’ ZE means ‘Daughter of
Light.’ from the Daughter of Light

AX is the root of ‘surround, microcosm’ and E means ‘Daughter of Light.’
Surrounds the Daughter of Light
FA means ‘arrives,’ LO means ‘first, the first’ and D means ‘third, the third.’
Literally: ‘arrives [the] first [the] third,’ which easily be shaped syntactically as: ‘arrives
first, the third’—expressed in a more eloquent manner as: the third arrives first.
Rocle is the name for Thursday (Jupiter) on the 7 x 7 Tablet.
AM is the root of ‘power, a power, in power and presence,’ RU means ‘angel of the
East’ and H means ‘Lord of Hosts, Trinity.’ Literally: The power and presence of the
Lord of Hosts in the angel of the East.

AC gives us the idea of ‘within’ or ‘that which is within,’ UR is the Enochian letter ‘L’
(Ur—land of Abraham and Enoch), which means ‘first’ and TOH is the verb ‘triumphs’
in the present tense. That which is within; the inner star (and there are references to star,
Augoeides and diamond in words formed from AC and VR) or the hidden God—that
which is first; the first cause triumphs…God is triumphant.

S is ‘4th, Daughter of Light,’ A means ‘in, with’ and X means ‘dissolution.’
the 4th dissolves

MAN means ‘subtle body’ and O means ‘5, this, holy pentagram.’
the soul of humanity

GRAM means ‘lunar’ and FA means ‘arrives.’ Lunar means ‘of the moon’ and its
arrival is a verb that seems a completion of a journey, which seems to indicate the full

S means ‘4th, Daughter of Light,’ ADG is the root of the noun, ‘much glory’ and the
verb, ‘can’ and LA means ‘of the first.’
the Daughter of Light is God’s glory

LOH is the root of ‘shines.’


VR is the Enochian letter ‘L,’ which means ‘of the first.’ Also V by itself means ‘star’
and ROX means ‘wine.’ Note also that RO is the Sun! And OX means ’26’ (light,
vision in the Hebrew Qabalah). The L.V.X. is ‘of the first,’ which is the radiating light or
‘star wine’ of the Sun.
milk of the stars

SAP is the root of ‘sounds, the mighty’ and POH means ‘ogdoad (8-fold star).’
the mighty ogdoad

UN is the root of ‘anger, wrath’ and RA means ‘east.’
the wrathful Sun
The Voice of Alla
12. Se gors axol ma pa a oh la sabulan. Caph ardox anpho nad v' rnah ud ago
lan vans. v' xa grad orno dax palmes arisso dan vnra. vansample galse not
zablis ophide ALLA loh. gaslah osson luze adao max vanget or damo ans.
leoz dasch leoha dan se gla' spa neh.


Cry praises, the glory of God’s creation possess, keep with woe of the first who
proclaims. In turn fire of dissolution Mercury gives the holy pentagram the Holy Spirit
star sunrise third star not the fifth first God fourth star. Star in dissolution moonlight
divine visitation loins dissolution into the Daughter of Daughter of Light the mystical
marriage 3 in 1 the wrathful sun. The fabric of stars the night sky inside both S and Ab179
ride ALLA beams. This is why God the 12 reign the North Star with the third star of the
dissolution not the fourth star appear before us several men the Son of Son of Light is the
holy pentagram. First, the Daughter of Light beholds the Son of Son of Light a thousand
angels of God first, the daughter of Light in woe 3 in 1 mourning the first of the
Daughters of Light the Daughter of Light keeps holy God.


“Cry praises” has a sad, weeping tone; the sadness or ‘shame of Khem’ (per Liber LXV)
that is a characteristic of the involutionary process and hence, of the contemplation of the
“glory of God’s creation” that is the manifestation that results. The direction is that we
should “keep with woe” or revere “of the first”—the first being the Adam Kadmon and
the direction being “of” and not ‘as’ or ‘the same as’ that we should imitate, but that we
should revere the Adam Kadmon’s suffrage to drink the poison that removes it from the
pure, spiritual world into the dualistic and hence, impure world of manifestation. That it
is the Adam Kadmon “who proclaims,” it is a declarative act of will and hence, the ‘will
of God.’ This symbol has been corrupted into the concept of ‘original sin,’ which
misinterprets the possession of ‘woe’ in the act of creation and woe then devolves into
Two of the seven Daughters of Daughters of Light; stars of the Pleiades.
the humiliation of the crucifixion—a deplorable symbol!
We move next to the “fire of dissolution,” which has been corrupted into the Christian
Pentacost. It is interesting that the word ‘Pentacost’ has ‘penta’ or ‘five’ at its root,
which is for us, the holy pentagram. Mercury is the Logos of God, so at the heart of this
dissolving fire is the holy spirit or spirit of God, which comes to us directly at sunrise by
way of the Sun. The “third star not the fifth” shows the Earth (as third planet from the
Sun) as the receiver of the sunrise, which might be said to be the resurrection of RHK, as
described in Thelemic philosophy. The fifth planet would be Jupiter, which has been
described as the second Sun in our solar system (cf. the chapter: Gnostic Cycles in The
Starry Gnosis). And the “first god” is truly the “fourth star”—or shall we say the first
anthropomorophosized monotheistic God is the vengeful warrior: Jehovah as Mars (the
fourth planet from the Sun). This equivocates Jehovah with RHK and indeed, Jehovah as
the principal god at the culmination of the Age of Aries supports the notion.
The divine visitation is an allusion to the Holy Guardian Angel/Augoides that is the Holy
Spirit; a dissolution of fire from the wrathful (RHK) Sun-Horus. This pentacostal-type
dissolution is the mystical marriage that is the conjunction of three: Male-Female-
Magickal Childe. This is akin to what is called the descent of the Shekinah; not unlike
the “divine descent of Supramental Being,” as described by the Mother and Sri
The Daughters of Daughters of Light, S and Ab “ride ALLA beams”—revealing ALLA
as the Sun (the beams being the ‘fire of dissolution’) and strongly suggests the idea of the
Daughter taking the throne of the Mother and awakening the eld of the King in the Court
Card formula. This is a dynamic formula of ‘resurrection’ in Thelemic praxis.
“God the 12 reign” connected with “the North Star” presents the image of the North Star
reigning over the night sky; “the 12 [that reign (over)] being connected with
Nuit/Daughter of Light (the zodiac). That this is the third and not the fourth star seems to
indicate the astral plane (the third or Yetzirah) and not the material plane (Assiah); so that
the North Star, which serves as a navigational star on the sea denotatively, then
connotatively serves as the guiding beacon on the astral ‘sea’ that one navigates with a
boat, per the Egyptian pyramid mythos. The North Star then in this verse is being
designated as God.180
Next appear several men before God (who here, like in Genesis is designated as “us”)181
that may connect with the layers (through the four planes of the Tree-of-Life) of
involution and ‘several’ bodies representing the Adam Kadmon hologram; an “image of
an image” (per Liber LXV). And together the four planes of the tree with the fifth plane
of spirit create the holy pentagram that is the Son of Son of Light—perhaps represented
as five men (or elementals?—they somehow being less than stars in that they’re
represented as “men” and not “stars”).
The last sentence is quite profound; noting that the phrase “first, the Daughter of Light” is
used twice is obviously reducable to being restated once. The sentence then reduces to:
‘First the Daughter of Light beholds the Son of Son of Light a thousand angels of God in
woe…” The Son of Son of Light or holy pentagram is contemplated either with a

We know that the ancient Gnostics in discovering that the North Star moved claimed that this star then was not truly God, but the
Demiurge. But there is no sacred text that clearly makes this very important cosmological connection. And in response to these
ancient Gnostics we can suggest that rather then saying this movement proves Jehovah a fraud, that this shows Jehovah (or the
Demiurge) is an evolving being as are all Gods—constantly becoming. And are we (or ‘us’) ourselves not gods?
Also, Liber AL indicates that the ‘children of the stars’ are of ‘us.’
thousand angels or becomes a thousand angels—an awesome (“in woe”) scene;
consistent with many apocalyptic visions of the seven heavens. Next, “3 in 1 mourning
the first of the Daughters of Light” suggests the trinity in its relation to the zodiac and the
zodiac relating back to the trinity. But also that “3 in 1” may also represent the three
higher levels (Yetzirah, Briah, Atziluth) to be in one: Assiah that the night sky of stars (a
thousand angels) becomes a wonder (holy).


Se gors axol ma pa a
Mourning, cry praise or praises the glory of God’s creation possess keep in, with

oh la sabulan. Caph ardox anpho

woe of the first who proclaims. In turn fire of dissolution Mercury182 gives the holy

nad v' rnah ud ago lan vans. v'

the holy spirit star sunrise third star not the fifth first God fourth star. Star

xa grad orno dax palmes

in dissolution moonlight divine visitation loins dissolution into the Daughter of
Daughter of Light

arisso dan vnra. vansample galse not

the mystical marriage 3 in 1 the wrathful sun. The fabric of stars the night sky inside

zablis ophide ALLA loh. gaslah

both S and Ab183 coitus, of riding, rides ALLA beams. [this is] Why [did] God [?]

osson luze adao max

the 12 reign [over] the North Star in [or] with the third star of the dissolution

vanget or damo ans.

not the fourth star appear, appear before us several men the Son of Son of Light is
the holy pentagram.

leoz dasch
First, the Daughter of Light beholds the Son of Son of Light a thousand angels of God

leoha dan se gla

first, the daughter of Light in woe 3 in 1 mourning, cry the first of the Daughters of

spa neh.
the Daughter of Light keeps holy God.

Mercury is Thoth.
Two of the seven Daughters of Daughters of Light; stars of the Pleiades.

GO is the root of the verb: speaks; RS is the root of the word; admiration. From this,
we find the word praise or praises.

AXO means ‘microcosm’ and L means ‘5, this, the holy pentagram.’ As the
pentagram also represents the microcosm, which is man, we then get the idea of the
manifested star. The microcosm suggests 10 (Malkuth/manifestation) and the pentagram
suggests 5; together, giving us 15—the Devil Atu and path that leads from Hod to
Tiphareth. Crowley remarks in his essay on this Atu: “The formula of this card is then
the complete appreciation of all existing things.” This has been referred to in the past as
the ‘glory of the God’s creation.’—though even this symbol has been confused by the
Devil being described as the ruler of this world by those philosophical systems that rue
the material plane.

SAB is the root of the word: whose (from the Enochian word SABA, which is a
variation of the Enochian word: SOBA) UL means ‘end’ and AN is the ‘Son of Son
of Light: Mercury.’ The Sons of the Son of Light are the seven demi-gods or sacred
planets; the planet/god, Mercury for this word in translation. Literally, the word gives us:
‘whose end Mercury.’ Mercury is Thoth or wisdom as divine communication or
prophecy. Therefore, from the literal we get: who proclaims…the proclamation being his

ARDO is the root of the word: ARDON, which means: the Universal Mind. Instead of
an N on the end of the word, which means: the holy letter H (Na-hath) that refers to the
Lord of Hosts, we find a X, which means: dissolution. Breaking this down further, we
find that AR means: that, to fan or winnow; and DO means hell fire; Sun of God. We
then have a winnowing fire of dissolution; winnowing being its quality, allowing the
word to be translated as: fire of dissolution. Again, the symbol being perverted in the
Christian Pentacost, actually refers to an all-engulfing spiritual inspiration or passion.

AN is the ‘Son of Son of Light-Mercury,’ PH is the root of ‘give, I will give,
surrender,’ as well as ‘the eight daughters of Light’ and O means: 5, this, the holy
pentagram. The Son of Son of Light (or Mercury) gives the holy pentagram.

NAD is the root of NADO-fiery God. NA is ‘the Lord of Hosts’ and D is ‘third, the
third’—rather than DO (‘hell-fire’ and ‘Sun of God’), from which we got ‘fiery God.’
Instead, we get ‘the third God,’ which in the trinity would be the ‘holy spirit’ and that
proclaimed in the Christian gospel as the part of God that if blasphemed, cannot be
forgiven (though blasphemy against the Father and Son is forgiveable through
NAH means ‘glorious’—affix the R as a prefix and we get the idea for translation. R
itself only has its letter essence, which defines it as the “Root of Movement: move,
motion, emotion, motivate, change.” The letter are in Hebrew is the letter Resh and is an
appropriate attribution; considering the glorious movement of the sun rising; hence,

UD – root of the word for ‘zodiac.’ The V means ‘star’ and D means ‘third’—giving us
literally: third star.

AG means ‘no, none’ and O means ‘5, this, the holy pentagram’—giving us: not the

LA is ‘of the first’ and N is ‘the Lord of Hosts.’ Together, we get: First God.

VANS is the root of ‘circle of stars,’ which includes only two more letters (as a suffix?):
AX, which means ‘surround’—so we can remove the ‘circle’ idea from this constellation
of stars. VAN means ‘star’ and S is ‘fourth’ or ‘Daughter of Light.’ In context, this
translates as Fourth star.

X means ‘dissolution’ and A means ‘in, with.’ Literally, we get: in dissolution.’

GRAA means ‘moon’ and GRAM means ‘lunar’—the former being in the original
lexicon and the latter being our translation; considering M, meaning ‘except, 9.’ The
number 9 suggests the astral or Yesod; sphere of the Moon or the ‘lunar’ sphere. And in
the current work, the D means ‘third, the third’ and hence, Binah; the Great Mother. Per
AL:I.16—"For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame,
and to her the stooping starlight." And so the palace of Nuit (Binah) is the realm of the
stars that rain hard upon the body; per AL:II.62—"I am uplifted in thine heart; and the
kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy body." Keeping to the lunar theme, this word is
translated as moonlight.

OR is the Enochian letter ‘F’ and means ‘visit, visit us; appear, appear before us’ and
NO means ‘the hexagram.’ Together, this suggests the concept of God in Man (the
hexagram) that is then brought forth as a projection made manifest; the appearance of the
Augoeides. This is as much a description of divine visitation.

PAL is the Enochian letter ‘X’ spelled in full and means ‘dissolution,’ ME is the
‘Daughter of Light’ and S also means ‘Daughter of Light.’ The formula here is
‘dissolution into the Daughter of Daughter of Light.’ In verse 8, the descending (per
earlier verses) Daughter of Daughter of Light is referred to as “Queen of the Moon,”
which is consistent with the lunar theme being developed in the sentence in which this
word here translated is found. The idea of descending and being of the 4th suggests to us
the Shekinah.

AR means ‘that, to fan or winnow,’ I is the ‘Daughter of Light’ and IS is the ‘4th’;
S is ‘4th, Daughter of Light’ and O is ‘5, this, the holy pentagram.’ The word seems to
be a glyph of the mystical marriage; ‘to fan or winnow’ is dissolution connected with the
Daughter of Light and 5/the holy pentagram; man.

VAN is the Enochian letter ‘V/U’ and means ‘star,’ VANS means ‘4th star’; SAM is
the root of ‘the 4th posseses,’ VANSA is the ‘circle of stars;’ PL means ‘partakers, as
many’ and E is ‘the Daughter of Light.’ Circle of stars-possesses-as many-the Daughter
of Light. This strongly suggests Nuit as the fabric of stars.

GALS is the root of ‘the spirit of Va, the 5th angel is the immortal nature’ and E is
‘the Daugther of Light.’ The spirit of Va as the ‘immortal nature’ and the ‘5th angel’
suggests the star (that is the pentagram). Va is the root of words meaning ‘star’ and is the
spirit of Vaa that dissolves into man; who then dissolves into the Daughter of Light.
Indeed, the Daughter of Light and Vaa create the night sky; NOX and Vaa is the angel of
the four moons or four phases of the Moon. (cf. verses 1 and 11). As Va/Vaa is also a
reference to darkness, we get the idea of the night sky.

NOT- is the root of ‘in the midst’—the other three letters for this word (HOA) mean true
worshipper; suggesting a certain objective quality to what otherwise might be a very
subjective position to hold. So rather than implying ‘in the middle,’ this suggests inside.

Z means ‘they,’ AB is on of the seven names for ‘the Daughters of Daughters of
Light’—referencing the Pleiades and LI specifically means ‘first’ and is followed by
S, which is the first name on the list of Daughters of Daughters of Light. From this we
get the sentence fragrment: both S and Ab (should be followed by a verb—such as to say:
both S and Ab went to the store; or even preceded by a verb—such as to say: Henry
invited both S and Ab).

OPH is the root of ‘the 22 by 4’—the OP meaning ’22’ and leaves H, ‘the Lord of
Hosts.’ I means ‘is’ or ‘Son of Light-Sol or Venus’ and DE means ‘of.’ The ‘22 by
4’ represents the lesser paths of the Tree-of-Life that would also be the immortal nature
of the Lord of Hosts to be conflated with the ‘Son of Light’ as a biune god. Indeed, Sol
and Venus conflated into this single letter strongly evoke the perfect image of Babalon
and the Beast conjoined. As the word without both their names in it, doesn’t give us the
greater image of the two conjoined; but is the image of the coitus or of riding, rides itself.
ALLA—a formal name, as suggested by its upper case rendering in the text. Because of
this, we also get the name for this verse in Liber Loagaeth.

GAS is the root of a significant pseudpegriphic phrase; God speaking to Lucifer after
his so-called betrayal says: “Why didst thou so?” The remaining letters of this phrase
are: BAMPHO—the first three letters of which, BAM, are translated by Schueler (and
so of questionable value), means ‘forgotten,’ which could be a passive way of stating a
denial and which God may be doing to Lucifer with his question. Or ‘forgotten’ could be
part of the question that more literally asks: Why has thou forgotten me?—giving us an
allusion to the cry of Jesus on the cross before he died in the New Testamant: My God,
my God, why hast thou forsaken me? The next three letters of the pseudpegriphic phrase
are PHL; the P meaning ‘8,’ the H indicating the ‘Lord of Hosts’ and the L meaning
‘first, of the first, one, all one.’ Eight is the number indicating infinity and suggesting
here, immortality of the ‘One God.’ So what gets removed from the phrase is ‘God’ and
‘forgotten.’ This leaves the word: ‘Why’ or ‘for what reason’ as the meaning for the first
three letters of the current word.
The next three letters in the current word are LAH; indicated as “meaning unknown” in
the lexicon and requiring translation. The L means ‘first, of the first, one, all one’ and
AH means ‘inner/higher self.’ The “one” and “first” of the “inner/higher [selves]” is
God. So that literally, the two halves of the current word ask: [this is] Why [did] God [?]

OS means ‘12’ and SON is the root of ‘reign, reigns.’—the 12 reign [over]

L means ‘first, of the first, one, all one’ U means ‘star’ and ZE is the ‘Daughter of
Light.’ LV is also the root of one word that means ‘north, in the north’ and also ‘the
brightness, ornaments of brightness.’ The Daughter of Light as the zodiac, helps to
support the general confluence of meaning to indicate the North Star.

AD means ‘in the third, with the third’ and AO is the root of ‘stars, the stars.’ Literally,
the preposition: in [or] with the third star.

VAN is the Enochian letter ‘V/U’ and means ‘star,’ GE means ‘not, is not’ and T
means ‘4th’ and ‘Daughter of Daughter of Light.’ In context: not the fourth star.

LE means ‘first, the Daughter of Light,’ O means ‘5, this, the holy pentagram’ and Z
means ‘they’—giving us: first, the Daughter of Light the holy pentagram they. This can
be reworked into a coherent sentence: First, the Daughter of Light [they = (+)] the holy
pentagram. As the holy pentagram is embodied by five “men” (or elementals) and the
Daughter of Light is the zodiac, we get the overall allusion to the union of heaven and
Earth and the sentence may be saying that “they” the “men” become stars (noting that:
“Every man and every woman is a star.”—AL:I.3). But we have “first” at the start of the
sentence, so the Daughter of Light acts towards “they” of the holy pentagram. This
suggests Nuit bending to kiss Hadit, per AL:I.14—
Above, the gemmed azure is
The naked splendour of Nuit;
She bends in ecstasy to kiss
The secret ardours of Hadit
The winged globe,the starry blue,
Are mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
The holy pentagram is the Son of Son of Light; seemingly composed of the five elements
attributed to the pentagram. It is as if her stars are raining on his body in the manner of
Nuit bending in ecstasy. Also it suggests the Princess mating the Prince and taking the
throne of the Queen to awaken the eld of the King. First, the Daughter of Light beholds
the Son of Son of Light.

DAS is the root of ‘a thousand angels,’ C means ‘of, unto, on, with, o, oh’ and H
means ‘Lord of Hosts’—a thousand angels of God.

LE means ‘first, the Daughter of Light’ and OHA means ‘in or with woe’—first, the
Daughter of Light in woe.

S means ‘4’ or ‘the Daughter of Light’ and PA means ‘keep.’ —the Daughter of Light

NE is the root for various forms of the word ‘holy’ and H is ‘the Lord of Hosts.’
Together, we get: holy God.
13. Ampri apx ard ardo arga arges argah ax. osch nedo les icas. han andam
von ga lax man. nosch. dongo a yntar cey lude asch urise alpe gem var
dancet. nap alped v' rsbe temps a vod nos gema o ulon mancepax oxne pricos
a got. zalpa ne doxam orne.


The Son of Light is bound dissolves in the East with God spirit of the East inauguration
of the Age of Taurus spirit of God surround. 12 are holy fire, first, the fourth Daughter
of Light is another. God the Sons of Son of Light image of God Ga angel of the East
subtle body. The hexagram Daughter of Light with God. The Sun of God speaks in the
Sun shines of the Daughter of Light, the Son of Light the first and third stars are the
zodiac in God cry of the 25th Aethyr the eight Daughters of Light in one is not the 9 that
star, the star in 9 the Trinity is also with the Daughter of Light.


“The Son of Light is bound” seems an overt reference to the myth of Prometheus, who
stole the fire (spirit) of the gods and gave this to humanity, which is a key to the Christian
mystery…that God is in man and the Tetramgrammaton becomes the Pentagrammaton.
The Son of Light then represents the Adam Kadmon that carries the spirit of God as it
transforms into the human form. This descent or involution of spirit happens with the
astrological ‘Age of Taurus’ and to say “spirit of God surround’ is to indicate that this
was an event of significance blessed by God.
We’ve already been told that the Daughter of Light is the zodiac. But this was using the
Daughter of Light as a generic label. There are seven named Daughters of Light that are
named for the Hyades star cluster and connected with the Vernal Equinox; the fourth one
named Iana and introduced in verse 6. The Equinox is the delineator of the astral
calendar that also charts the evolutionary course of humanity; it being the point of
origination. And we can imagine time spread into an evolutionary spiral; that “the fourth
Daughter of Light is another.” Perhaps it is that each Daughter of Light presents one
round of the Zodiac in the Platonic Year that is founded on the Vernal Equinox.
Considering the Age of Taurus as the first astrological age, the fourth age would be the
Age of Aquarius.
Next comes a schematic of the soul; 1. God or pure, undifferentiated spirit, 2. the Sons of
Son of Light or the 7 sacred planets functioning as expressions of that spirit, 3. image of
God—the Augoeides/Hologram/Adam Kadmon, 4. Ga—Angel of the loins of the
Daughter of Light, which seems to suggest another aspect of the image of God, 5. angel
of the East, which we saw in verse 3 to be Lax, the thrice great and an allusion to Hermes
Trismegistus—this being a third aspect of the image of God. All of this combines into
the subtle body or soul.
The hexagram is used in Magick for planetary workings in contrast with the pentagram
that is used for elemental working. The Daughter of Light is the zodiac and the field of
the planets. Both of these are with God, which is an expansion of the initial word: the
hexagram: the symbol of God or Spirit in man—here the planets and the zodiac are in the
body of God.
“The Sun of God speaks in the Sun shines” suggests the “Sun of God” as the prana that is
connected with or delivered by the rays of the sun and captured in the air that we breathe.
The Daughter and Son of Light in syzygy represent the union of heaven and Earth in their
zodiacal perspectives described in the translation below. The 25th Aethyr presents the roar
of the Lion in such a way as to suggest the prana in that roar; the Lion being a symbol of
the Sun and that in the cry, carries the eitht-headed beast on its back as it rages through
the sky. This beast is not the lion-beast that is connected also with Babalon, but it seems
would be the “8 Daughters of Light in one” and “not the 9” or the astral/aethyr that
contains the prana. These 8 daughters are the stars of the Hyades and connected with the
Vernal Equinox suggesting that the solar-prana/aethyr spins the web of space/time in its
travel through the sky. The “star in 9” that is the “Trinity” is Sol that is the central lamp
in the zodiac or Daughter of Light—these last two images also reflecting the idea of
heaven and Earth in union.


Ampri apx ard ardo arga

The Son of Light is bound dissolves in the East with God spirit of the East

arges argah ax. osch

inauguration of the Age of Taurus spirit of God surround. Are 12, 12 are, let there be 12

nedo les icas. han andam

holy fire first, the fourth Daughter of Light is another. God the Sons of Son of Light

von ga lax man. nosch.

image of God Ga angel of the East in the mind, subtle body. The hexagram Daughter
of Light with God.

dongo a yntar cey

The Sun of God speaks in, with the Sun shines of the Daughter of Light,
the Son of Light

lude asch urise alpe

the first and third stars are the zodiac in God cry of the 25th Aethyr the eight Daughters
of Light in one

gem var dancet. nap

is not the 9 that star, the star in 9 the Trinity is also with the Daughter of Light. Sword

alped v' rsbe temps a

the third of the eight star chosen of the eight in, with
Daughters of Light Daughters of Light

vod nos gema o ulon mancepax

5, this, the holy pentagram

oxne pricos a got. zalpa ne doxam orne.

in, with Holy

AMP is the root of ‘bound by the Son of Light’—but without the I, we don’t have the
Son of Light in the fragment, R by itself has no meaning and we can refer to the letter
essence; giving us ‘Root of Movement: move, motion, emotion, motivate, change’ and
I gives us the verb ‘is’ and puts the ‘Son of Light (Sol or Venus) back into the mix. The
Son of Light is bound.

A means ‘in, with,’ P means ‘8’ and X means ‘dissolution’—dissolves.

A means ‘in, with’ R references RA—‘east’ and D means ‘third, the third.’ East is
attributed to air; the third of the alchemical elements: in the east.

ARDO is the root of the word: ARDON, which means: the Universal Mind. DO
indicates God, as does the letter R. And with A meaning ‘in, with,’ we get with God.

ARG is the root of ‘invoke’ and A means ‘in, with.’ The G itself gives the idea of
spirit and the R gives the idea of the East: spirit of the East.

ARG is the root of ‘spirit of the East’ and with both E and S referencing both the
words ‘fourth’ and ‘the Daughter of Light,’ we initially get: ‘spirit of the fourth Daughter
of Light.’ Howver, the reference here is to Iana (4th Daughter of Light), one of the stars
of the Hyades (meaning congregation of the judge or ruler) in Taurus; shaped like a V
(Bull’s horns) and representing the Vernal Equinox. So we can amend this to: spirit of
the vernal equinox or the inauguration of the Age of Taurus.

ARGA means ‘spirit of the East’ and H is the ‘Lord of Hosts’—spirit of God.

NE means ‘holy’ and DO is the root of the words for ‘hellfire’ and ‘Sun of God’—
holy fire.

LE is the phrase: ‘first the Daughter of Light’ and S means ‘fourth’ or ‘Daughter of
Light’—first, the fourth Daughter of Light.

I means ‘is’ or ‘Son of Light (Sol or Venus) CA means ‘therefore’ or ‘another’ and S
means ‘fourth’ or ‘Daughter of Light.’ The fourth Son of Light is Dmal and attributed to
Jupiter and not Sol or Venus, which means we can eliminate it in translation and use the
verb ‘is’ to connect to the previous sentence fragment and with the context of the
sentence, the S is simply connecting the word to the prior fragment, so that directly we
get the verb and object: is another.

HAN – These letters are at the root of ‘the seed of God’ and ‘the will of God.’
Essentially, the letters themselves mean God.

AN means ‘Son of Son of Light (Mercury) and DAM means ‘several.’ This puts the
Son of Son of Light in plural form: Sons of Son of Light.

NO means ‘the hexagram,’ S means ‘4th’ or ‘Daughter of Daughter of Light,’ C
means ‘of, unto, on, with, o, oh’ and H is ‘the Lord of Hosts’ or ‘God.’ From the text,
we see that this is a one Enochian-word sentence. So we can take each element as a word
with the first being literally that: the hexagram [fourth/Daughter of Light] [of, unto, on,
with] God. And from this, we’ll extract: the hexagram Daughter of Light with God.

DON is the root of ‘hell fire’ and ‘Sun of God’ and GO means ‘speaks’—the Sun of
God speaks.

Y means ‘is’ or ‘Son of Light (Sol or Venus) N is ‘the Lord of Hosts’ T is ‘it’ or
‘also’ and AR means ‘that’ or ‘to fan or winnow.’ There are three single letters and one
set of double letters giving us the elements of this word. Of the three, the central letter
indicates the divine; about which the Son of Light carrying the plantary essences of Sol
and Venus and ‘it’ or ‘also.’ This suggests that the word is representing a generic or
archetypal form of the Son of Light184 that we can say: ‘the Son of Light is spread out
(fan or winnow)’ or ‘the Son of Light also spreads.’ This archetypal Son of Light would
be the Christ that is the Logos (the thought of God) and is represented as Sol; the light of
Sol being a radiance, which could be a way of ‘spreading’—the Sun shines.

C means ‘of, unto, on, with, o, oh’ E is the ‘Daughter of Light’ and Y means ‘is’ or
‘Son of Light (Sol or Venus).’ Sol and Venus together and build into the essences I,
carry the image of the Beast (Sol/Lion) and Babalon (Venus). And E represents the
generic or archetypal Daughter of Light. That they are also similarly shaped also seems
to show a strong connection. We can then literally state: of the Daughter of Light, the
Son of Light.185

L means ‘one, all one, [the] first, of the first,’ UD means ‘third star’ and E is the
‘Daughter of Light.’ In the prior verse, the third star is shown to be the Earth that
suggests the first star as the Sun and states the first and third stars are the zodiac. It is

Being the Christ consciousness, which interestingly enough, is shown in Gnostic literature to be a merging of Jesus [Sol] with the
Goddess [Venus]—Mary Magdalene/Babalon.
Connecting this idea with the prior translated word, the light of the Sun is being shown to be merging with the night sky that is the
milky field of stars in a Eucharistic union.
being asserted that there are two perspectives by which to observe the zodiac; the first
being ‘tropical’ or Earth-centered and the second being sidereal or solar-centered.

ASCH is the root of ASCHA: ‘God’—the extra A (in, with) gives us in God.

URI is the name of the 25th Aethyr and SE means mourning, cry. It is obviously the
phrase: cry of the 25th Aethyr.

The Cry of the 25th Aethyr, Which is Called VTI186

"The Path of Teth (Atu XI. The Fire-Kerub in the Initiation).

The Vision of the Fruit of the Great Work of the Beast -
666. The Lion."

There is nothing in the stone but the pale gold of the Rosy Cross.

Now there comes an Angel with bright wings, that is the Angel of the 25th Aire. And all the aire is a dark olive
about him, like an alexandrite187 stone. He bears a pitcher188 or amphora.189 And now there comes another Angel
upon a white horse,190 and yet again another Angel upon a black bull. 191 And now there comes a lion192 and
swallows the two latter angels up. The first angel goes to the lion and closes his mouth.193 And behind them are
arrayed a great company of Angels with silver spears, like a forest. 194 And the Angel says: Blow, all ye trumpets,
for I will loose my hands from the mouth of the lion, and his roaring shall enkindle the worlds. 195
Then the trumpets blow, and the wind rises and whistles terribly. It is a blue wind with silver specks; and it
blows through the whole Aethyr. But through it one perceives the lion, which has become as a raging
And he roareth in an unknown tongue. But this is the interpretation thereof: Let the stars be burnt up in the fire
of my nostrils!197 Let all the gods and the archangels and the angels and the spirits that are on
the earth, and above the earth, and below the earth, that are in all the heavens and in all the hells, let them be as
motes dancing in the beam of mine eye! 198
I am he that swalloweth up death199 and victory.200 I have slain the crowned goat,201 and drunk up the great
sea.202 Like the ash of dried leaves the worlds are blown before me. Thou hast passed by me, and thou hast not
known me. Woe unto thee, that I have not devoured thee altogether!

VTI = {Capricorn}{Leo}{Sagittarius} = Caput Draconis, the head of the Lion-Serpent, the Beast 666. His father is
{Capricorn} Set or Pan; his mother, the woman clothed with the Sun as in Atu XIV. See 27th Aethyr. He is the burden of the
Moon, sanctified by 418. Atu XI (a partial form) with Atu XX (XI + XX = XXXI) gives the Key of the New Aeon.
The stone of Gemini, the twins, composing Heru-Ra-Ha, his Lord. Also the house of 3; that is, his form is Oracular.
The angel is an avatar of BABALON.
AMFORH = 719. This Angel is a veil for 156, the Woman who closes the mouth of the lion in the old Atu XI, and is the
Scarlet Woman who rides upon him in the new form.
The sorrow of Death.
This represents Jehovah and Jesus. The Pain of Toil. (Sin is Restriction).
Symbol of the Beast, 666.
See Atu XI. Babalon and the Beast conjoined.
pj note: This is strongly suggestive of Liber VII:VII.36—
The forest of the spears of the Most High is called Night, and Hades,and the Day of Wrath; but I am His captain, and I bear His cup.
4th and 11th Aethyrs.
The fourth aethyr concerns the Magus and the marriage of Chaos with the purified Virgin. The symbols of this verse are the night of
Pan; the Chariot Atu and the Cup of Babalon.
BABALON prepared 666 (in a certain very secret manner) to utter the word Qelhma.
i.e. 666 is now inspired.
Nostrils = 5 and 4. Energy and passion, also Breath of the Word.
Eye = Creative Light, i.e. of the Word.
Hod (the mercurial water): in all the Sephiroth below Tiphereth, out of balance, and the paths leading from them.
On my head is the crown, 419 rays203 far-darting. And my body is the body of the Snake,204 and my soul is the
soul of the Crowned Child.205 Though an Angel in white robes leadeth me,206 who shall ride upon me but the
Woman of Abominations?207 Who is the Beast?208 Am not I one more than he?209 In his hand is a sword that is a
book.210 In his hand is a spear that is a cup of fornication.211 Upon his mouth is set the great and terrible seal.212
And he hath the secret of V.213 His ten horns spring from five points,214 and his eight heads215 are as the
charioteer of the West.216 Thus doth the fire of the sun temper the spear of Mars, 217 and thus shall he be
worshipped, as the warrior lord of the sun. 218 Yet in him is the woman that devoureth with her water all the fire
of God.219

Alas! my lord, thou art joined with him that knoweth not these things.220

When shall the day come that men shall flock to this my gate, and fall into my furious throat, a whirlpool of fire?
This is hell unquenchable, and all they shall be utterly consumed therein. Therefore is that asbestos
unconsumable made pure.221

Each of my teeth222 is a letter of the reverberating name. My tongue is a pillar of fire,223 and from the glands of
my mouth arise four pillars of water.224 TAOTZEM225 is the name by which I am blasphemed. My name thou
shalt not know, lest thou pronounce it and pass by.

And now the Angel comes forward again and closes his mouth.

All this time heavy blows have been raining upon me from invisible angels, so that I am weighed down as with a
burden greater than the world.226 I am altogether crushed. Great millstones are hurled out of heaven upon
me.227 I am trying to crawl to the lion, 228 and the ground is covered with sharp knives. I cut myself at every

And the voice comes: Why art thou there who art here? 230 Hast thou not the sign of the number,231 and the seal
of the name,232 and the ring of the eye?233 Thou wilt not.234

Leo =  = U = UYU = 419. U = . U = snake by meaning.  = Horus.
The magical image of the 1st Decan of Leo, rising at the birth of 666, is a lion-headed serpent.
Horus, the Lord of 666.
The Avatar of Binah, in the opening of this Aethyr.
419-418=1. Or 667-666=1. 667 = hko kkish gynh, the Scarlet Woman.
Liber AL, his weapon.
This allusion must remain secret.
This seal is that of BBABALON. The Seal of the ATAT See the Book of Lies, kypmq (Cap. 49).
His motto as a Master of the Temple is this V.V.V.V.V. (Vi Veri Vniversum Vivus Vici).
V.V.V.V.V. Has 10 horns that spring from 5 points.
See the Book of Lies, Cap. mq, 49. But there is One Eighth Head too Sacredly terrible to mention.
Refers to Atu VII. H = The Chariot = 8. the Bearer of the Sangraal.
The Mystery 5°=6□ and 6°=5□, Heru-Ra-Ha is the Martial aspect of Sol.
See AL, Cap. III, v. 74.
Again a secret allusion.
The Seer was not yet a full initiate, and was hampered by A.C.
This paragraph prophesies the purging of the worldly Fire in the Aeon of Horus. "Hell" is the pure Inmost Self of Man,
that suffereth not extinction, but consumeth all the experiences of Life, coming thereby to know its own Perfection.
32 teeth; hence the Name is hvhyha = 32. Macroprosophus interfused with Microprosophus.
The tongue is the instrument of the Logos and so a Phallic or creative organ. Chokmah the logos, is the Root of Fire, and
the Masculine Energy.
These are the "Four Rivers of Eden". It is the fourfold understanding of the Logos. These reflect Him so perfectly that they
reproduce His Form.
mzit = 600. A "great number" of Sol, normally 6. 600 = Kosmos. The blasphemy is in taking the material for the Spiritual
"The Sin of the whole world". See the Mediterranean Manifesto.
Prophetic of the pains, the initiation to 9x = 2{square x}, undergone by 666 in order to become himself.
i.e. "Why art Thou not consciously identical with 666?"
The Qabalistic Proofs (of the truth of Aiwass) given by the virtues of 93.
The ring of V.V.V.V.V., mentioned in LXV, v. 16.
My resistance to the Great Work.
And I answered and said: I am a creature of earth, and ye would have me swim.

And the voice said: Thy fear is known; thine ignorance is known; thy weakness is known; but thou art nothing
in this matter. Shall the grain which is cast into the earth by the hand of the sower debate within itself, saying,
am I oats or barley? Bondslave of the curse, we give nothing, we take all. Be thou content. That which thou art,
thou art. Be content.235

And now the lion passeth over through the Aethyr with the crowned beast upon his back, and the tail of the lion
goes on instead of stopping, and on each hair of the tail is something or other --- sometimes a little house,
sometimes a planet, at other times a town. Then there is a great plain with soldiers fighting upon it, and an
enormously high mountain carved into a thousand temples, and more houses and fields and trees, and great
cities with wonderful buildings in them, statues and columns and
public buildings generally. This goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on all on the hairs of this lion's

And then there is the tuft of his tail, which is like a comet, but the head is a new universe, and each hair
streaming away from it is a Milky Way.

And then there is a pale stern figure, enormous, enormous, bigger than all that universe is, in silver armour,
with a sword and a pair of balances.237 That is only vague. All has gone into stone-gray, blank.

There is nothing.

Ain el Hajel.
November 25, 1909. 8:40-9:40 p.m.

(There were two voices in all this Cry,238 one behind the other --- or, one was the speech, and the other the meaning. And the
voice that was the speech was simply a roaring, one tremendous noise, like a mixture of thunder and water-falls and wild
beasts and bands and artillery.239 And yet it was articulate, though I cannot tell you what a single word was. But the meaning
of the voice --- the second voice --- was quite silent, and put the ideas directly into the brain of the Seer, as if by touch. It is not
certain whether the millstones and the sword-strokes that rained upon him were not these very sounds and ideas.)

A means ‘in, with,’ L means ‘one, all one, [the] first, of the first’ and PE means ‘the
eight Daughters of Light’—the eight Daughters of Light in one.240

The Angel promises the Seer that he shall be 666 in all truth, and counsels him to await His Hour in perfect confidence.
Prophetic of the results of the Great Work delivered by 666.
This refers to the Aeon which is to follow this of Horus. See _Liber AL_, Cap. III, v. 34. Its Lord is "the double-wanded
one" "Thmaist ---Justice."
pj note: These two voices represent the two perspectives by which the zodiac is perceived; per the context of the sentence this word
is found within.
pj note: This is reflected in a mythological tale told in ATAT circles—
Once upon a time there was a Great Wild Beast whose mighty roar could be heard all over a sleepy kingdom. In this kingdom there
were many lovely maidens. Each Maiden lived in a wonderful cottage by a lake or a stream or by the ocean or by an echoing valley.
The Children of this kingdom knew no mother or father but rather sought sustenance and comfort in the house of one of the many
Maidens. Each Maiden gathered about herself all of the beautiful Children that she came in contact with and taught them by the
L.V.X. of Her Soul. Each Maiden could hear the roar of the Great Wild Beast and knew that with each roar, new Children would come
seeking sustenance and shelter and knowledge. The maidens would leave on porch lights to guide the children to them for the
Kingdom was enveloped in eternal darkness save in the presence of a Maiden. If a Child learned well, they became a Maiden and left
the cottage, with a light of their own to build and light a cottage of their own. At intervals, a Great Wild Beast would be born and roar
for a time. Each Great Wild Beast, nearing the time of His passing, would teach a Maiden how to roar like them and instruct them to
pass the roar on until they heard another Great Wild Beast. One day, the Great Wild Beast died and his roar was not heard in the
Kingdom for many a year. The faithful Maidens kept the porch lights on for the Children, but some of the Maidens could not
themselves remember what they should teach the Children when they came. For these had taught only by the sound of the voice of the
Great Wild Beast and had never learned to teach by the L.V.X. of Her Soul. So when the voice of the Great Wild Beast could be heard
no more in the kingdom these Maidens gradually began to age and wither until they became Hags full of venom and hate (which is
love after another manner). Still, the Children came and still the Maidens and the Hags taught. If the Maidens taught self reliance, the
Hags taught submission. If the Maidens taught courage the Hags taught deceit. Thy was the way in the kingdom for many a year until
darkness was once again on the face of the deep and even this story was forgotten.
“in one” in the star cluster called the Hyades; connected with the Vernal Equinox and the Watcher star: Aldebaron. The reference
for this phrase suggests that these eight beings have united with this star connected with the Vernal Equinox—the point of balance and
the demarcation of time.
DAN means ‘3 in 1,’ C means ‘of, unto, on, with, o, oh,’ E is the ‘Daughter of Light’
and T means ‘it, also.’ These elements could be rendered as: the Trinity (or the Divine)
is with the Daughter of Light also—the Trinity is also with the Daugther of Light. This
makes more sense than saying the Daughter of Light is also a Trinity, as it flies in the
face of the ancient rendering of the Trinity; it being more connected with the Sun.

ALPE was just translated above and means ‘the eight Daghters of Light in one.’ By
adding a D, we need to connect this with the value placement ‘3rd’—the third of the eight
Daughters of Light.

RS is the root of ‘admiration,’ B has no meaning in itself, so we pull from its letter
essence and get ‘Root of Choice: duality, multiplicity, choose (between)’ and as well, we
can take the letter spelled in full [(PE); giving us ‘8’ and the ‘Daughter of Light’] with E
being again, the Daughter of Light—chosen of the 8 Daughters of Light.











14. Admag apa asco tar. gans oarz am seph selqui quisben alman. gons sa
ieh marsibleh gron ascabb gamat. ney aden vdan phand sempes nan narran al.
cano geme danse alde notes parcelah arb ner ga lum pancu príscas abra musce
an nox. napod a on dan sem ges asche.




Admag apa asco tar. gans oarz am seph selqui quisben alman. gons sa ieh

marsibleh gron ascabb gamat. ney aden vdan phand sempés nan narran al.

cano geme danse alde notes parcelah arb ner ga

31, make,with, spirits, angel, the
fifth angel

lum pancu priscas abra musce an nox. napod a on dan sem ges asche.
in, with











































II. Na: Lord of Hosts
15. Micasuráscha para te gámmes ádrios NA danos. vra lad pacad ur gesme
crus a prásep ed. a palse nax varno zum. zancú asdom baged V' rmigar orch
phaphes ustrá nox affod masco gax cámles vnsanba a oh la gras par quas.
cónsaqual lat gemdax tantat ba vod. talpah ian.




Mica suráscha para te gámmes ádrios NA danos. vra lad pacad ur gesme crus
a prásep ed. a palse nax varno zum. zancú asdom baged V' rmigar orch
phaphes ustrá nox affod masco gax cámles vnsanba a oh la gras par quas.
cónsaqual lat gemdax tantat ba vod. talpah ian.










































16. Gescó a taffom ges nat gam. pamphé ordáquaf cesto chídmap mischná ia-
ísg. iaiálphzudph a dancét vnban caf ránsembloh. daf- ma vp aschem graos
chrámsa asco dah. vímna gen álde os papéam och láuan vnad. oh drosad
údrios nagel panzo ab sescú. Vórge afcál vslaffda mórsab gaf ham de
Peleh asca.




Gescó a taffom ges nat gam. pamphé ordáquaf cesto chídmap mischná ia- ísg.
iaiálphzudph a dancét vnban caf ránsembloh. daf- ma vp aschem graos
chrámsa asco dah. vímna gen álde os papéam och láuan vnad. oh drosad
údrios nagel panzo ab sescú. Vórge afcál vslaffda mórsab gaf ham de
Peleh asca.














































17. Ar'tosa geme oh gálsagen axa loph gebed adóp: zarcas vr vánta pas
ámphe nóde alpan. nócas se ga ormácased lax naph talpt. pámphicas sandam
Voscméh iodh asclad ar. phan gas málse a quaz nam vngem vansel gembúgel a
gémbusez á- ro tehl alts murt valtab bániffa faxed ar chlyfod




Ar' tosa geme oh gálsagen axa loph gebed adóp: zarcas vr vánta pas
ámphe nóde alpan. nócas se ga ormácased
31, make,with, spirits, angel, the fifth angel
lax naph talpt. pámphicas sandam Voscméh iodh asclad ar. phan gas málse a
quaz nam vngem vansel gembúgel a gémbusez á- ro tehl alts murt valtab
bániffa faxed ar chlyfod










































18. Atam nat. glun asdeh ahlud gádre fam Shing la dan. guinsé life arilsar
zabulan cheuách se. amph lesche andam var ges ar phex are. NA tax páchel
lapídox ar da vax malcos. vna gra tassox varmára ud ga les vns ap se. ne da
ox lat ges ar.




A tam nat. glun asdeh ahlud gádre fam Shing la dan. guinsé life arilsar
zabulan cheuách se. amph lesche andam var ges ar phex are. NA tax páchel
lapídox ar da vax malcos. vna gra tassox varmára ud ga
31, make,with, spirits,
angel, the fifth angel
les vns ap se. ne da ox lat ges ar.












































19. Asmodahán pan casme co caph al oh. san ged a bansaa un adon a seb
Ian. agláho dánfa zúna cap orcha dah os. fámsah ON naäb ab nagah geha
fastod. hansey om hauan lagra gem gas mal. parcóg dax nedo va geda leb
ar' ua ne cap sem carvan.




Asmo dahán pan casme co caph al oh. san ged a bansaa un

Fire pouring down Woe.
adon a seb Ian. agláho dánfa zúna cap orcha dah os. fámsah ON
the face of God
naäb ab nagah geha fastod. hansey om hauan lagra gem gas mal. parcóg dax
nedo va geda leb ar' ua ne cap sem carvan.









































20. Onsem gelhóldim geb abníh ian. oxpha bas cappó cars órdriph grip gars.
of víndres nah ges páhado vllónooh can vaz a. fam gisril ag nóhol sep
gérba dot vánca NA. sem ah- pa nex ar- pah lad vamó iar séque. Vad ro
garb. ah sem dan van ged ah paleu




Onsem gelhóldim geb abníh ian. oxpha bas cappó cars órdriph grip gars.
of víndres nah ges páhado vllónooh can vaz a. fam gisril ag nóhol sep
gérba dot vánca NA. sem ah- pa nex ar- pah lad vamó iar séque. Vad ro
garb. ah sem dan van ged ah paleu













































21. Padohómagebs galpz arps apá nal Si. gámvagad al pódma gan NA. vr cas
nátmaz ándiglon ar' mbu. zántclumbar ar noxócharmah. Sapoh lan gamnox vxála
vors. Sábse cap vax mar vinco. Labandáho nas gampbox arce. dah
gorhahálpstd gascámpho lan ge. Béfes argédco nax arzulgh orh. sémhaham
vn' cal laf garp oxox. loangah.




Padohómagebs galpz arps apá nal Si. gámvagad al pódma gan NA. vr cas
nátmaz ándiglon ar' mbu. zántclumbar ar noxócharmah. Sapoh lan gamnox vxála
vors. Sábse cap vax mar vinco. Labandáho nas gampbox arce. dah
gorhahálpstd gascámpho lan ge. Béfes argédco nax arzulgh orh. sémhaham
vn' cal laf garp oxox. loangah.




































GASCÁMPHO Why didst thou so?—as God said to Lucifer.













22. orslah gemphe nahoh ama- natoph des garhul vanseph iuma lat gedos
lubah aha last gesto Vars macom des curad vals mors gaph gemsed pa campha
zednu ábfada máses lófgono Luruandah lesog iamle padel arphe nades
gulsad maf gescon lampharsad surem paphe arbasa arzusen agsde ghehol max
vrdra paf gals macrom finistab gelsaphan asten Vrnah




ors lah gemphe nahoh ama- natoph des garhul vanseph iuma lat gedos lubah
aha last gesto Vars macom des curad vals mors gaph gemsed pa campha zednu
ábfada máses lófgono Luruandah lesog iamle padel arphe nades gulsad maf
gescon lampharsad surem paphe arbasa arzusen agsde ghehol max vrdra paf
gals macrom finistab gelsaphan asten Vrnah





















































23. Aschval íamles árcasa árcasan arcúsma íabso gliden paha pacadúra gebne
óscaroh gádne au arua las genost cásme palsi uran vad gadeth axam pambo
cásmala sámnefa gárdomas árxad pámses gémulch gápes lof lachef ástma vates
garnsnas orue gad garmah sar' quel rúsan gages drusala phímacar aldech
oscom lat garset panóston.




Asch val íamles árcasa árcasan arcúsma íabso gliden paha pacadúra gebne
óscaroh gádne au arua las genost cásme palsi uran vad gadeth axam pambo
cásmala sámnefa gárdomas árxad pámses gémulch gápes lof lachef ástma vates
garnsnas orue gad garmah sar' quel rúsan gages drusala phímacar aldech
oscom lat garset panóston.














Ave, the Son of the Son of Light (as found in the lexicon)


































24. gude laz miz lábac vsca losd pa Cópad dem sebas gad váncro umas ges
umas umas ges gabre umas umáscala um' phazes umphagám maaga mosel iahal
loges vapron fémse dapax orgen láscod ia láscoda vága am lascafes iarques
préso tamísel vnsnapha ia dron goscam lápe voxa chimlah aueaux losge
auióxan lárgemah.




gude laz miz lábac vsca losd pa Cópad dem sebas gad váncro umas ges umas
umas ges gabre umas umáscala um' phazes umphagám maaga mosel iahal loges
vapron fémse dapax orgen láscod ia láscoda vága am lascafes iarques préso
tamísel vnsnapha ia dron goscam lápe voxa chimlah aueaux losge auióxan

















































25. zurethaxad lomah ied gura vancrásma ied sesch lapod vonse avó avé
lamsage zimah zemah zúmacah Vormex artman voz vozcha tolcas zapne zarvex
zorquem allahah gibúrod Ampátraton zimegauna zonze zámca aschma vlpa tapa
van vorxvam drusad Caph castárago grúmna can' caphes absacáncaphes zúmbala
teuort granx zumcot lu graf saxma Cape.




zureth axad lomah ied gura vancrásma ied sesch lapod vonse avó avé lamsage
zimah zemah zúmacah Vormex artman voz vozcha tolcas zapne zarvex zorquem
allahah gibúrod Ampátraton zimegauna zonze zámca aschma vlpa tapa van
vorxvam drusad Caph castárago grúmna can' caphes absacáncaphes zúmbala
teuort granx zumcot lu graf saxma Cape.















































26. Colage lam gem fam tepham vra ap du ca sampat vóxham Lúnzapha axquem
Bobagélzod gaphémse lan' se agni cam setquo teth gaphad oxámarah gímnephad
vox' canah vrn dage paphcod zámbuges zambe ach oha zambúges gásca lunpel
zadphe zómephol zun zadchal ureseh varún pachádah gusels vx amna pa granna
oh vz




Col age lam gem fam tepham vra ap du ca sampat vóxham Lúnzapha axquem
Bobagélzod gaphémse lan' se agni cam setquo teth gaphad oxámarah gímnephad
vox' canah vrn dage paphcod zámbuges zambe ach oha zambúges gásca lunpel
zadphe zómephol zun zadchal ureseh varún pachádah gusels vx amna pa granna
oh vz
















































The Vision of Van & Corhg
27. Atracas carmax pabámsed gero adol macom vaxt gestes ladúch carse ámages
dascal panselogen dursca zureóch pamcasáh vsca huädrongúnda malue ior.
gáscama af orthox VAN- CORHG aspe zubra vaacáäh gandeuá arinmaphel vax
oh saoh abra iehudeh gamphe vndáxa casmat lafet vncas laphet vanascor torx
glust hahaha enséde gumah galseds.




Col age lam gem fam tepham vra ap du ca sampat vóxham Lúnzapha axquem
Bobagélzod gaphémse lan' se agni cam setquo teth gaphad oxámarah gímnephad
vox' canah vrn dage paphcod zámbuges zambe ach oha zambúges gásca lunpel
zadphe zómephol zun zadchal ureseh varún pachádah gusels vx amna pa granna
oh vz














































The Vision of Excol, Phag & Martbh
28. Pacádphapalzé zuma carphah uzad capaden v' lsage EXCOL- PHAG-
MARTBH iasmadel vóscon sem abnérda tohcoth iamphala páhath órcheth
iesmog pasque Labáäh agas lada vng lasco ied ampha leda pageh gemze axax
ózed caphzed campha voxal luthed gedan famech ártsnad gathad zuresch
pascha lo guma hálphe dax vancron patel




Pacádpha palzé zuma carphah uzad capaden v' lsage EXCOL- PHAG-
MARTBH iasmadel vóscon sem abnérda tohcoth iamphala páhath órcheth
iesmog pasque Labáäh agas lada vng lasco ied ampha leda pageh gemze axax
ózed caphzed campha voxal luthed gedan famech ártsnad gathad zuresch
pascha lo guma hálphe dax vancron patel














































The Vision of Nobtdambth
29. Candalahad Bóbagen afna vorzed phadel NOBTDAMBTH gáscala oxad
vanges vodoth mured achna adcol damath zesvamcul pacadáah zimles zoraston
geh galze mazad pethel cusma iaphes huráscah órphade loscad mages mat
lúmfamge detchel orze cámalah vndan padgze páthmataph zumad lepháda oháäx
vlschan zembloh agne phamgah iudad capex Luzad vemech arse




Canda lahad Bóbagen afna vorzed phadel NOBTDAMBTH gáscala oxad

vanges vodoth mured achna adcol damath zesvamcul pacadáah zimles zoraston
geh galze mazad pethel cusma iaphes huráscah órphade loscad mages mat
lúmfamge detchel orze cámalah vndan padgze páthmataph zumad lepháda oháäx
vlschan zembloh agne phamgah iudad capex Luzad vemech arse














































The Vision of Congamphlgh
30. Ondagams luzgaph vxan genzed pádex CONGAMPHLGH ascath gadpham
zurdah zamge gloghcha sapax tastel vn' sada phatheth zúncapha oxamáchad
semteph ascle zuncas magzed dulm pamfra húsage axad exóradad casmet
ámphigel adcath luza pathem nécotheth gesch labba doh dóxa vascheth hoxan
lamésde lampha iodoch gonzah hamges glutha óxmogel démapha vz' ed ascraph.




Onda gams luzgaph vxan genzed pádex CÓNGAMPHLGH ascath gadpham

zurdah zamge gloghcha sapax tastel vn' sada phatheth zúncapha oxamáchad
semteph ascle zuncas magzed dulm pamfra húsage axad exóradad casmet
ámphigel adcath luza pathem nécotheth gesch labba doh dóxa vascheth hoxan
lamésde lampha iodoch gonzah hamges glutha óxmogel démapha vz' ed ascraph.















































The Vision of Orphamqam-nahe
31. zudathchádgama ómsage hor gadsa gézes ORPHÁMZAMNAHE gedod
asphed voxa gémgah lath gáphes zembloth chasca olphe dax marpha lothe sool
separ marges bosqui laxa cosneth gonse dadg voxma v' mage vnx gascheth
lood admah loo ga zem- chá- na- phe am' - na- la ia pacheth nox- da a- mah




zudath chádgama ómsage hor gadsa gézes ORPHÁMZAMNAHE gedod asphed

voxa gémgah lath gáphes zembloth chasca olphe dax marpha lothe sool separ
marges bosqui laxa cosneth gonse dadg voxma v' mage vnx gascheth lood
admah loo ga zem- chá- na- phe am' - na- la ia pacheth nox- da a- mah



































31, make,with, spirits, angel, the fifth angel (according to lexicon)




AM' -







In darkness (as found in the lexicon)
The Vision of Sem, Ga, Na, Da & Bah
32. Gedox al SEM- GA- NA- DA- BAH ongagágeda phachel loódath haxna
gu- na- pá- ge- pha al se geda oh oöda géhoph pachad enol adax loges
famgah laxqui hasche vadol vóms- a- na gax- ma- deph- na- zad gel panca vam
Sesquin oxal genoph voödal u- má- da- bah




Gedox al SEM- GA- NA- DA- BAH ongagágeda phachel loódath haxna
gu- na- pá- ge- pha al se geda oh oöda géhoph pachad enol adax loges
famgah laxqui hasche vadol vóms- a- na gax- ma- deph- na- zad gel panca vam
Sesquin oxal genoph voödal u- má- da- bah




31, make,with, spirits, angel, the fifth angel (according to lexicon)















Woe (according to lexicon)

























The Vision of Orchlodmaphag
33. Asgelun zumia paxchádma enohol duran ORCHLODMAPHAG mages
oschan lod bunda cap luzan lorpha leuándah orxzed famzad ge- nós- o- dath
phasélma gesda chom- gas- naph- geth- nag goth ládmano Vmvar gezen vax
gulzad margas luxt lapch iudath zomze van goth dah vorx guna ia ada Vox-
há- ma- na




Asge lun zumia paxchádma enohol duran ORCHLÓDMAPHAG mages oschan

lod bunda cap luzan lorpha leuándah orxzed famzad ge- nós- o- dath
phasélma gesda chom- gas- naph- geth- nag goth ládmano Vmvar gezen vax
gulzad margas luxt lapch iudath zomze van goth dah vorx guna ia ada Vox-
há- ma- na









































Visits (as found in the lexicon)







34. Arzegalsam vnza vcha pasel noxda Nobróschom gu- na- dé- pho- gas
dúnseph man- cax- mal- cás- mah ied- hah- mel- cár- na zemphe vncah
lethoph both- ned- ga- phí- cas- mel ioth- hath- cha- sad ma- ne- ded-
ma- gon zuna gothel pascheph nodax vam phath mata




Arze galsam vnza vcha pasel noxda Nobróschom gu- na- dé- pho- gas
dúnseph man- cax- mal- cás- mah ied- hah- mel- cár- na zemphe vncah
lethoph both- ned- ga- phí- cas- mel ioth- hath- cha- sad ma- ne- ded-
ma- gon zuna gothel pascheph nodax vam phath mata
















‘8’ (as found in lexicon)


In darkness (as found in the lexicon)










31, make,with, spirits, angel, the fifth angel (according to lexicon)
















The Vision of Vordomphanches
35. Aphath zunca voxmor can zadcheth napha. VORDOMPHANCHES ga-
ues- go- sa- del gurah leth agsnah orza max pace ieth cas lad fam pahógama
zon- chás- pha- ma zum- blés- cha- phax var- gat- ma- gas- ter ne- ho-
gat- ma- gan vn- ga- phax- ma- la gegath laxqu goga lab naches




Aphath zunca voxmor can zadcheth napha. VORDOMPHÁNCHES ga- ues-

go- sa- del gurah leth agsnah orza max pace ieth cas lad fam pahógama zon-
chás- pha- ma zum- blés- cha- phax var- gat- ma- gas- ter ne- ho- gat- ma-
gan vn- ga- phax- ma- la gegath laxqu goga lab naches








31, make,with, spirits, angel, the fifth angel (according to lexicon)


Speaks (as found in the lexicon)































31, make,with, spirits, angel, the fifth angel (according to lexicon)








36. gedóthar argo fa adóphanah gamsech olneh várasah iusmach

Vschna pháol doa vah oho lazed la- zu- red ámma donax valesto acaph
lámphages ronox ganma iudreth loth adágma gonsaph godálga phareph iadsma
zema loa ag- náph- ag- on zu- na- ha al me io- náp- ha- cas zeda ox arni




gedóthar argo fa adóphanah gamsech olneh várasah iusmach

Vschna pháol doa vah oho lazed la- zu- red ámma donax valesto acaph
lámphages ronox ganma iudreth loth adágma gonsaph godálga phareph iadsma
zema loa ag- náph- ag- on zu- na- ha al me io- náp- ha- cas zeda ox arni














































III. Na: Lord of Hosts
37. Adgzelgaolms vánaph osma vages otholl dox an ga had latqui dónaphe zu
gar. phamah nordeph gasmat gasque gasla gas NA gasmaphés gasmagél
gasnúnabe vamsech ábsechel gúlapha axnécho demsa pámbochaph iehúsa
gadaámah nosad iurés chy almse orsa vax marde zun éffa mochoéffa zuréheffa
asga Lubeth bethlémcha máxiche iehúscoth iaphan órnada vamne od ghim- noh




Adgzelga olms vánaph osma vages otholl dox an ga had latqui dónaphe zu
gar. phamah nordeph gasmat gasque gasla gas NA gasmaphés gasmagél
gasnúnabe vamsech ábsechel gúlapha axnécho demsa pámbochaph iehúsa
gadaámah nosad iurés chy almse orsa vax marde zun éffa mochoéffa zuréheffa
asga Lubeth bethlémcha máxiche iehúscoth iaphan órnada vamne od ghim- noh









31, make,with, spirits, angel, the fifth angel (according to lexicon)











































38. Arphe lamse gaphnedg argaph zonze zumcoth O' mdopadáphaab nulech
gaartha ancáphama soldémcah casdra vges lapha ludasphándo ga- lú- ba- noh
ap- á- cha- na iedeph zembloh zamgý ssel chéuacha laquet lozódma ierinth
onaph uzad máspela gý man orphámmagah iu- mes- ba- lé- go archánphame.
zamcheth zoach




Arphe lamse gaphnedg argaph zonze zumcoth O' mdopadáphaab nulech gaartha
ancáphama soldémcah casdra vges lapha ludasphándo ga- lú- ba- noh ap- á-
cha- na iedeph zembloh zamgý ssel chéuacha laquet lozódma ierinth onaph
uzad máspela gý man orphámmagah iu- mes- ba- lé- go archánphame. zamcheth

















31, make,with, spirits, angel, the fifth angel (according to lexicon)























Speaks (as found in the lexicon)


39. Am'chama zeuoth luthámba ganeph iamda ox oho iephad made noxa voscaph
bámgephes noschol apeth iale lod ga NA- zuma datques vorzad nu- mech
apheth nudach caseth iotha lax arseth armi pli ca tar bám a co zamgeph
gaseth vrnod arispa iex ban Setha. oh lagnaph dothoth brazed vamchach
odoámaäh zembles gunza naspolge gáthme orsoth zurath vámeth anseh.




Am' chama zeuoth luthámba ganeph iamda ox oho iephad made noxa voscaph
bámgephes noschol apeth iale lod ga NA- zuma datques vorzad nu- mech
apheth nudach caseth iotha lax arseth armi pli ca tar bám a co zamgeph
gaseth vrnod arispa iex ban Setha. oh lagnaph dothoth brazed vamchach
odoámaäh zembles gunza naspolge gáthme orsoth zurath vámeth anseh.

















31, make,with, spirits, angel, the fifth angel (according to lexicon)

























Woe (according to lexicon)












40. Zalpe íedmacha ámphas nethoth alphax durah gethos aschéph nethoth iubad
laxmah ionsa max dan do násdoga mátastos lateth vnchas amse Jacaph
zembloágauh ad- pha- má- gel lud- cha- dám- sa am- phí- ca- tol ar- nó-
pa- a a- da- pa- gé- moh no- dás- ma mac- hes- tép- ho-




Zalpe íedmacha ámphas nethoth alphax durah gethos aschéph nethoth iubad
laxmah ionsa max dan do násdoga mátastos lateth vnchas amse Jacaph
zembloágauh ad- pha- má- gel lud- cha- dám- sa am- phí- ca- tol ar- nó-
pa- a a- da- pa- gé- moh no- dás- ma mac- hes- tép- ho-














































41. Lumbor iemásch onzed gam- phi- dá- rah. gom- ás- cha- pa zeba zun amph
naho zucath uomplínanoháhal machal lozma dauangeth búches lauax orxod
maches donchaph luzath marpheth oz lanva don gáuah oschol lúmasa phedeph
omsa nax do- má- ge- re an- ge- no- phá- cha pha- cha- dó- na




Lumbor iemásch onzed gam- phi- dá- rah. gom- ás- cha- pa zeba zun amph
naho zucath uomplínanoháhal machal lozma dauangeth búches lauax orxod
maches donchaph luzath marpheth oz lanva don gáuah oschol lúmasa phedeph
omsa nax do- má- ge- re an- ge- no- phá- cha pha- cha- dó- na














































42. óschalazamges onphá gemes phaches nolpha daxeth machésmachoh
vastnálpoh gemas nach loscheph daphmech noth chales zunech maschol Lu
gasnaph malces gethcaph madena oäh gemsah pa luseth iorbástamax elcaph
rusam phanes domsath gel pachadóra amáxchano lu- ma- gé- no ar- ma- cha-
phá- me- lon adro micho natath iamesebáchola donádocha.




óschala zamges onphá gemes phaches nolpha daxeth machésmachoh vastnálpoh

gemas nach loscheph daphmech noth chales zunech maschol Lu gasnaph malces
gethcaph madena oäh gemsah pa luseth iorbástamax elcaph rusam phanes
domsath gel pachadóra amáxchano lu- ma- gé- no ar- ma- cha- phá- me- lon
adro micho natath iamesebáchola donádocha.














































43. Asmargehótha gabseph achándas vnáscor sátquama látquataf hun gánses
luximágelo ásquapa lochath anses dosam váthne gálsador ansech gódamah
vonsepaléscoh ádmacah lu zámpha oh adma zemblodárma varmíga zuna thotob
am- phi- cha- nó- sa ge- mi- cha- na- dá- bah Va- de- ma- do Va- se- la-
pa- gé- do




Asmar gehótha gabseph achándas vnáscor sátquama látquataf hun gánses

luximágelo ásquapa lochath anses dosam váthne gálsador ansech gódamah
vonsepaléscoh ádmacah lu zámpha oh adma zemblodárma varmíga zuna thotob
am- phi- cha- nó- sa ge- mi- cha- na- dá- bah Va- de- ma- do Va- se- la-
pa- gé- do























Woe (according to lexicon)
















Vaa, the name of an angel (as found in the lexicon)



Vaa, the name of an angel (as found in the lexicon)





Book A
44. A-mas- ca- ba- lo- no- cha a- nó- dah a- du- ra- dá- mah go- na- de-
pha- ge- no v- na- cha- pes- ma- cho ge- mi- na- do- cha- pa- mi- ca vu-
am- sa- pá- la- ge vocórthmoth achepasmácapha em- ca- ni- do- bah gedóah




A- mas- ca- ba- lo- no- cha a- nó- dah a- du- ra- dá- mah go- na- de-
pha- ge- no v- na- cha- pes- ma- cho ge- mi- na- do- cha- pa- mi- ca vu-
am- sa- pá- la- ge vocórthmoth achepasmácapha em- ca- ni- do- bah gedóah












In darkness (as found in the lexicon)

Speaks (as found in the lexicon)






























45. Nostoah geuámna da oscha lus palpal medna go- rum- ba- ló- geph a-
cap- na- pá- da- pha Vol- sé- ma go- no- gé- do- cha am- bu- sá- ba- loh
ge- mú- sa- cha va- mi- li- ó- pha zum- ne- ga- da- phá- ge- pha iuréhoh




Nostoah geuámna da oscha lus palpal medna go- rum- ba- ló- geph a- cap-
na- pá- da- pha Vol- sé- ma go- no- gé- do- cha am- bu- sá- ba- loh ge-
mú- sa- cha va- mi- li- ó- pha zum- ne- ga- da- phá- ge- pha iuréhoh









Speaks (as found in the lexicon)












Speaks (as found in the lexicon)













Vaa, the name of an angel (as found in the lexicon)







31, make,with, spirits, angel, the fifth angel (according to lexicon)




46. Zém-no- da amni fa chebseth vsángrada bo- sa- dó- ma zú- ma- coh a-
phi- na- bá- cha buzádbazu a- ma- cha- pa- do- mi- cha zu- ma- ne- pas- só
NA vuamanábadoth zum- ble- gám- pha zum- ble- cap- há- ma- cha




Zém- no- da amni fa chebseth vsángrada bo- sa- dó- ma zú- ma- coh a-
phi- na- bá- cha buzádbazu a- ma- cha- pa- do- mi- cha zu- ma- ne- pas- só
NA vuamanábadoth zum- ble- gám- pha zum- ble- cap- há- ma- cha









































47. Zudneph arni ioh pan zedco lamga nahad lébale nochas arni cans lósmo
iana olna dax zémblocha zedman púsatha vámo mah oxex párzu drána ánza
pasel lúmah cóxech á- da- max gónboh alze dah lúsache asneph gedma
noxdrúma Vamcáphnapham ástichel rátrugem abnath lonsas masqueth tauínar
tadna gehodód gaphrámsana asclor drusáxpa




Zudneph arni ioh pan zedco lamga nahad lébale nochas arni cans lósmo

iana olna dax zémblocha zedman púsatha vámo mah oxex

Iana (a Daughter of Light)

párzu drána ánza pasel lúmah cóxech á- da- max gónboh alze dah lúsache

asneph gedma noxdrúma Vamcáphnapham ástichel rátrugem abnath lonsas

masqueth tauínar tadna gehodód gaphrámsana asclor drusáxpa





Fire pouring down (as found in lexicon)














In darkness (as found in the lexicon)


























48. Amgédpha lazad ampha ladmaáchel galdamicháël Vn' za dédma Luz zácheph
pílathob ganó vamah zúnasch zemblagen ónman zuth catas max ordru iadse
lamad caphícha aschal luz. ampna zod- mí- na- da ex- cá- pha- nog sal- gém-
pha- ne Om vrza lat quartphe lasque deth ürad ox- ma- ná gam- ges




Amgédpha lazad ampha ladmaáchel galdamicháël Vn' za dédma Luz zácheph

pílathob ganó vamah zúnasch zemblagen ónman zuth catas max ordru iadse
lamad caphícha aschal luz. ampna zod- mí- na- da ex- cá- pha- nog sal- gém-
pha- ne Om vrza lat quartphe lasque deth ürad ox- ma- ná gam- ges















































49. Arneyvah nol gadeth adney ox vals nath gemseh ah orza val gemáh, oh
gedvá on zembáh nohhad vomfah olden ampha nols admácha nonsah vamfas
ornad, alphol andax o' rzadah vos ansoh hanzah voh adma iohá notma goth
vamsed adges onseple ondemax orzan, vnfa onmah vndabra gonsah gols nahad




Arney vah nol gadeth adney ox vals nath gemseh ah orza val gemáh, oh
gedvá on zembáh nohhad vomfah olden ampha nols admácha nonsah vamfas
ornad, alphol andax o' rzadah vos ansoh hanzah voh adma iohá notma goth
vamsed adges onseple ondemax orzan, vnfa onmah vndabra gonsah gols nahad














Woe (according to lexicon)


































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