Pre-Dialysis Patients ' Perceived Autonomy, Self-Esteem and Labor Participation: Associations With Illness Perceptions and Treatment Perceptions. A Cross-Sectional Study
Pre-Dialysis Patients ' Perceived Autonomy, Self-Esteem and Labor Participation: Associations With Illness Perceptions and Treatment Perceptions. A Cross-Sectional Study
Pre-Dialysis Patients ' Perceived Autonomy, Self-Esteem and Labor Participation: Associations With Illness Perceptions and Treatment Perceptions. A Cross-Sectional Study
Background: Compared to healthy people, patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) participate less in paid jobs
and social activities. The aim of the study was to examine a) the perceived autonomy, self-esteem and labor
participation of patients in the pre-dialysis phase, b) pre-dialysis patients’ illness perceptions and treatment
perceptions, and c) the association of these perceptions with autonomy, self-esteem and labor participation.
Methods: Patients (N = 109) completed questionnaires at home. Data were analysed using bivariate and
multivariate analyses.
Results: The results showed that the average autonomy levels were not very high, but the average level of
self-esteem was rather high, and that drop out of the labor market already occurs during the pre-dialysis phase.
Positive illness and treatment beliefs were associated with higher autonomy and self-esteem levels, but not with
employment. Multiple regression analyses revealed that illness and treatment perceptions explained a substantial
amount of variance in autonomy (17%) and self-esteem (26%). The perception of less treatment disruption was an
important predictor.
Conclusions: Patient education on possibilities to combine CKD and its treatment with activities, including paid
work, might stimulate positive (realistic) beliefs and prevent or challenge negative beliefs. Interventions focusing on
these aspects may assist patients to adjust to CKD, and ultimately prevent unnecessary drop out of the labor
© 2010 Jansen et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Jansen et al. BMC Nephrology 2010, 11:35 Page 2 of 10
Results of a literature study revealed that people with illness and treatment [10]. Braun Curtin et al. [11]
chronic renal insufficiency experience difficulties in par- demonstrated that employed dialysis patients did not
ticipating in various domains of life, such as paid work, feel limited by their health in the hours they worked or
sports and other social and leisure activities [10]. It the kind of work in which they could engage. Unem-
seems in particular difficult to combine dialysis treat- ployed patients on the other hand, perceived their illness
ment with a paid job: several studies found labour parti- as a barrier to work. These findings are important since
cipation rates around 24% in dialysis patients aged both patient groups did not differ with respect to objec-
below 65 [11-13]. It is notable that people with CKD tive health indicators.
who are being prepared for renal replacement therapy Patients’ beliefs about their illness are the central con-
(pre-dialysis patients; CKD stage IV) already experience cepts of the Common Sense Model (CSM), which is a
work-related problems. Results from a Dutch study self-regulation model of health threat [21,22]. This
showed that patients mainly drop out the labor market model aims to explain patients’ responses to illness from
before the start with dialysis treatment: at the start of the cognitive representations patients hold about their
the treatment only 35% of the patients, aged 18 to 64 medical condition. Five domains of illness representa-
years, had a paid job compared to 61% in the general tions have been identified: (1) the identity or label (e.g.
population in 1997, the year the study was carried out ‘renal disease’) with associated emotions (’it makes me
[14]. A Swedish study among pre-dialysis patients and afraid’) and symptoms (’tiredness’, ‘itching’); (2) timeline,
patients on dialysis demonstrated that around 30% of reflecting patients’ expectations about the duration of
the pre-dialysis patients and more than 50% of the dialy- the condition and its characteristic course (acute,
sis patients reported stressors with respect to work and chronic, or episodic), (3) cause, reflecting patients’ ideas
leisure time [15]. about how one gets the disease (e.g. by stress or bad
Restrictions with regard to labor participation can luck), (4) beliefs about the cure or controllability of the
have serious drawbacks for a person’s well-being. Work disease, and (5) patient’s expectations about the physical,
is generally good for physical and mental health and social, economic and emotional consequences of the dis-
well-being, and unemployment is associated with ease. The CSM predicts that these cognitions are
negative health effects [16]. Moreover, participation in directly related to coping and via coping to adaptive
general is important for feelings of autonomy and self- outcomes such as quality of life. Furthermore, as treat-
esteem. According to Self-Determination Theory (SDT) ment constitutes a major part of the experience of any
autonomy is one of the basic psychological needs for chronic illness, it should be anticipated that patients
optimal functioning [17]. Reis et al. [18] found that var- also develop their beliefs regarding treatment or engage
iations in the fulfilment of autonomy independently pre- in treatment appraisals and evaluations that complement
dicted variability in daily well-being. Factors in the illness perceptions [23-25]. Recent studies found rela-
person or situation that facilitate autonomy are thus tionships between dialysis patients’ illness representa-
expected to enhance well-being, whereas factors that tions and well-being [9], mortality [26], and dialysis and
detract from fulfilment of this need will undermine renal transplant patients’ representations about their
well-being. In the SDT view, self-esteem is a derivative illness and treatment and health related quality of life
or by-product of need dynamics. When the fulfilment of [27]. Our research team recently conducted a study
the need for autonomy is hindered, one’s experience of among patients on dialysis [12] and the results showed
self-worth is also damaged, leading to either insecure or that patients’ illness and treatment perceptions signifi-
low self-esteem [19]. The feelings of self-worth depend- cantly contributed to the explained variance in both per-
ing on a person’s experience, is referred to as state ceived autonomy and state self-esteem, after controlling
self-esteem. Research showed that high as well as stable for socio-demographic and clinical characteristics.
self-esteem are associated with greater psychological Beliefs about greater personal control over the disease,
well-being [20]. less perceived impact of the illness and treatment on
In light of these findings it is important to uncover daily life, and less concern about the illness were impor-
the factors that influence feelings of autonomy, self- tant determinants. Contrary to our expectations, no sig-
esteem and labor participation in patients with CKD. nificant associations were found between illness
Socio-demographic factors (e.g. age, educational level) perceptions, treatment perceptions and labor participa-
and medical factors (e.g. severity of the health condition, tion. This may be caused by the fact that the working
type of treatment) obviously determine the extent to age group (18-64 years) of dialysis patients was small
which patients with CKD participate in paid jobs. (N = 62). An additional explanation might be that
Besides these factors, psychological factors may be patients who are on dialysis do not value a paid job as
important for labor participation and perceived auton- that important anymore, i.e. performing paid work
omy as well, in particular the way patients view their does not contribute to their feelings of autonomy and
Jansen et al. BMC Nephrology 2010, 11:35 Page 3 of 10
result of the illness (’identity’), greater feelings of autonomy and state self-esteem on the other hand, con-
concern about the illness (’concern’), better understanding trolling for background characteristics. Two blocks of
of the illness (’understanding’) and a stronger emotional variables were entered separately; block 1: Background
response to the illness (’emotional response’). A ninth variables (age, gender, educational level, number of
open-ended response item assessing the patients’ causal comorbid diseases); block 2: Illness and treatment per-
representation was not included in the study. The Brief ceptions variables. To perform regression analyses, the
IPQ has proven to be a reliable and valid measure of missing values on the comorbidity variable were
illness perceptions in a variety of illness populations [30]. replaced by the mean number of comorbid diseases
Treatment perceptions computed over the total study group.
Treatment perceptions were assessed with the Treat-
ment Effects Questionnaire (TEQ; originally developed Results
as the IEQ-Tx by Greenberg and Peterson [32]; adapted Patients
by Griva et al. [27]). The TEQ consists of 20 items (e.g. Characteristics of the total study group are outlined in
‘My life revolves around this treatment’), scored on an Table 1. Approximately two-thirds of the patients were
8-point scale (0 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly male. Patients had a mean age of 64 years (SD = 14.9
agree). Scores are summed across individual ratings with years). The patients’ number of comorbid conditions
higher scores indicating greater perceived disruption ranged from 0 to 5, with 46% of the patients suffering
from the treatment. The TEQ has been used in a study from two or more comorbid conditions. Differences
with ESRD patients [27]. The Cronbach’s alpha for the between the responders and the non-responders with
scale in the current study was 0.94. respect to age, gender, and number of comorbid diseases
Background variables were examined and no significant differences were
Background characteristics included age, gender, living found.
status (living with versus without a partner), educational
level (highest level of completed education, classified as
low (primary education, lower secondary and lower Table 1 Background characteristics of participating
vocational education), moderate (intermediate secondary patients
and intermediate vocational education) and high (higher Total group
vocational education and university)) and number of Gender - N (%)
comorbid diseases (based on the presence of diabetes Male 69 (64)
mellitus type 2, hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, Female 39 (36)
vascular problems, ischemic heart disease, and heart Unknown 1
failure). Age, mean in years (SD) 64.3 (14.9),
range: 19-92
Statistical analysis Age, in groups - N (%)
Descriptive statistics were computed to describe the 18 - 49 years 21 (20)
extent to which pre-dialysis patients experience auton- 50 - 64 years 24 (22)
omy and state self-esteem, participate in the work ≥ 65 years 63 (58)
domain, and rate work as personally important. Rela- Unknown 1
tionships of the background characteristics with auton- Educational level - N (%)
omy, state self-esteem and labor participation were Low 46 (43)
assessed by use of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Moderate 45 (43)
Chi-square tests. High 15 (14)
Descriptive statistics were computed to describe Unknown 3
patients’ illness and treatment perceptions. Relationships Living status - N (%)
of the background characteristics with illness and treat- Living with a partner 69 (64)
ment perceptions were assessed by means of ANOVA. Living without a partner 38 (36)
Associations between illness perceptions and treatment Unknown 2
perceptions on the one hand and autonomy, state self- Number of comorbid diseases, 1.5 (1.2),
mean (SD) range: 0-5
esteem and labor participation on the other hand were
Number of comorbid diseases, in groups - N (%)
analysed by means of Pearson’s correlation coefficients
No comorbid diseases 23 (24)
and Student’s t-test. Furthermore, multiple linear regres-
One comorbid disease 28 (30)
sion analyses were performed, using the enter method,
Two or more comorbid diseases 44 (46)
to examine the relationship between illness and treat-
Unknown 14
ment perceptions on the one hand and perceived
Jansen et al. BMC Nephrology 2010, 11:35 Page 5 of 10
Table 3 Pearson’s correlations between illness perceptions, treatment perceptions and perceived autonomy, state self-
esteem (total group)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Consequences
2. Timeline .11
3. Personal control -.33** -.05
4. Treatment control -.17 .06 .44***
5. Identity .65*** .07 -.18 -.16
6. Concern .59*** .09 -.30** -.20* .49***
7. Understanding .13 -.01 .18 .21* .23* .03
8. Emotional response .58*** .04 -.20* -.14 .44*** .62*** .24*
9. Treatment disruption .45*** .01 -.10 -.23* .47*** .45*** .12 .56***
Global autonomy -.36*** .00 .22* .29** -.37*** -.30** -.01 -.37*** -.42***
Health related autonomy -.44*** -.12 .16 .15 -.34*** -.28** -.02 -.24* -.21
State self-esteem -.39*** .04 .20* .21* -.37*** -.44*** .03 -.49*** -.48***
* p < .05; * * p < .01; *** p < .001
Personal and treatment control beliefs are positively the variance in global autonomy (Table 5). In this
interrelated and both associated with less concern. model, fewer comorbid diseases were significantly asso-
ciated with higher levels of global autonomy. Adding the
Associations between independent and dependent illness and treatment perceptions to the model (block 2)
variables the percentage of explained variance significantly
Pearson’s correlation coefficients between illness percep- increased to 20%. None of the included variables
tions and treatment perceptions and perceived auton- reached the level of significance, though less perceived
omy and state self-esteem showed that stronger positive disruption from treatment was close to significance (p =
beliefs about the illness and treatment are related to 0.054). The results of the regression analysis with health
higher levels of perceived autonomy and state self- related perceived autonomy being the dependent vari-
esteem (Table 3). Within the working age group, the able, demonstrated that the background variables and
associations between the illness and treatment represen- illness and treatment perceptions variables did not
tations and labor participation were investigated by explain any substantial amount of variance (adjusted R2
means of Student’s t-test and the results demonstrated = 3,5%; data not shown).
no significant associations (Table 4). Finally, we performed regression analysis with state
Regression analysis was conducted with global auton- self-esteem being the dependent variable. The results
omy being the dependent variable. The results showed showed that the background variables explained 5% of
that the background variables accounted for only 3% of the variance. In the second model, in which the illness
and treatment perceptions were added, the percentage
Table 4 Differences in mean illness and treatment of explained variance increased by 26%, to 31%, with
perceptions scores between employed and unemployed less perceived disruption from the treatment being the
patients of working age (18-64 years) only significant predictor of state self-esteem (Table 6).
Employed Unemployed
N M (SD) N M (SD) t Df P Discussion
Consequences 22 6.7 (2.3) 18 6.8 (2.9) .129 38 0.9 The first aim of the study was to investigate the extent
Timeline 22 8.5 (2.6) 18 8.6 (2.3) .071 38 0.9 to which pre-dialysis patients experience feelings of
Personal control 21 4.9 (2.8) 18 3.7 (3.2) -1.229 37 0.23 autonomy and self-esteem, and participate in the work
Treatment 21 6.8 (2.0) 18 5.6 (3.5) -1.331 26.072 0.20 domain. Secondly, we wished to explore the content of
control patients’ illness and treatment perceptions, and whether
Identity 22 5.1 (2.9) 18 5.4 (3.2) .365 38 0.72 these perceptions are related to patients’ perceived
Concern 22 7.0 (2.8) 18 7.0 (2.7) .051 38 0.9 autonomy, state self-esteem and labor participation.
Understanding 21 7.1 (3.0) 18 7.1 (3.2) -.032 37 0.9 The mean age of the study group (64 years) and the
Emotional 22 5.6 (2.7) 18 4.5 (3.2) -1.123 38 0.27 gender distribution (64% male) corresponds with pre-
response dialysis patients and patients starting dialysis in the
Treatment 21 34.7 (22.9) 17 44.3 (31.3) 1.095 36 0.28 Netherlands [33,34]. By comparing the mean scores on
the autonomy measures of the total group with the
Jansen et al. BMC Nephrology 2010, 11:35 Page 7 of 10
Table 5 Multiple linear regression models for the answer scale, the results indicate that patients feel less
association between the independent variables and autonomous because of their health condition or other-
perceived global autonomy in pre-dialysis patients (total wise. In spite of this, most patients reported a high level
group) of self-esteem. The autonomy and self-esteem levels of
Model 1 (block 1) Model 2 (block 1+2) the pre-dialysis patients are slightly higher than the
(N = 88) (N = 88)
Beta Beta
reported levels by patients on dialysis [12].
Looking at the mean illness and treatment perceptions
Block 1: Background
characteristics of pre-dialysis patients it is noticed that patients are
Age in years .14 .02 quite worried about their illness (M = 6.9) and believe
Gender (ref: male) .01 - .04 that they themselves have rather little control over their
Educational level (ref: illness (M = 4.7). To compare, patients on dialysis
low) reported mean levels of 6.3 on the ‘concern’ dimension
Moderate - .06 - .07 and 4.9 on the ‘personal control’ dimension [12]. In a
High .03 - .07 study of Broadbent et al. people with diabetes and peo-
Number of comorbid - .27* - .17 ple with asthma reported higher mean levels of personal
diseases control (M = 6.7) [30]. Feelings of personal control are
Block 2: Perceptions important for dialysis patients’ quality of life [35,9]. Per-
Consequences - .06 sonal control over the illness refers to the feeling that
Personal control .08 one can influence the course of the illness and one can
Treatment control .12 fit the disease and treatment into daily life. In order to
Identity - .22 manage their illness pre-dialysis patients obviously are
Concern .19 dependent on treatment. However, this does not indi-
Emotional response - .14 cate that there are no possibilities for personal control.
Treatment disruption - .25 It is of great importance that pre-dialysis patients prac-
Adjusted R2 0.03 0.20** tice self care behaviors, such as following diets and per-
F change model 1.51 3.52** forming daily exercise in order to optimise their health
condition [36]. However, patients in this stage of the ill-
ness got the news that they have to start with renal
Table 6 Multiple linear regression models for the replacement therapy in the near future, which indicates
association between the independent variables and state that despite of their self care activities they apparently
self-esteem in pre-dialysis patients (total group) were not able to remain sufficient renal function. This
Model 1 (block 1) Model 2 (block 1+2) knowledge might have a negative effect on patients’ per-
(N = 91) (N = 91)
Beta Beta sonal control beliefs.
On the whole, the correlation analyses demonstrated
Block 1: Background
characteristics that as patients hold more positive beliefs about their ill-
Age in years .18 .07 ness and their current treatment, they perceive more
Gender (ref: male) - .06 - .08 autonomy (both global and health related) and have a
Educational level (ref: higher self-esteem. In light of these findings it is impor-
low) tant to point out the difference between the construct of
Moderate .00 - .04 personal control and the construct of autonomy, since
High .18 .09 autonomy is often incorrectly equated with ideas of
Number of comorbid - .16 - .05 internal locus of control [37,38]. Beliefs of personal con-
diseases trol reflect individuals’ beliefs regarding the extent to
Block 2: Perceptions which one feels that one can control or influence an
Consequences .07 outcome, for example one’s illness. However, people are
Personal control .18 autonomous when they act in accord with their authen-
Treatment control - .06 tic interests or integrated values and desires [17,37-39].
Identity - .18 To make the distinction more explicit, a person can
Concern - .11 experience control over carrying out a walking program,
Emotional response - .13 but not feel intrinsically motivated, and thus do not act
Treatment disruption - .31* in accordance with his/her own values.
Adjusted R 0.05 0.31*** The regression analyses revealed that the illness and
F change model 1.88 5.57*** treatment perceptions explain a substantial amount of
* p < .05; * * p < .01; *** p < .001 variance in predicting both global autonomy and state
Jansen et al. BMC Nephrology 2010, 11:35 Page 8 of 10
self-esteem after controlling for background characteris- lower than in the general population. Because of the
tics. These results illustrate that less perceived disrup- small number of patients aged 18-64 years, we could
tion by the treatment upon life is a significant predictor not investigate the relationships between patients’ per-
of state self-esteem. The findings furthermore suggest ceptions of their illness and current treatment on the
that less perceived impact of the treatment upon life is one hand and employment on the other hand more
an important determinant of global autonomy as well. thoroughly. The findings, however, do show some
Treatment in the pre-dialysis phase in most cases trends: employed patients perceive their treatment as
includes taking pharmacotherapy and following a diet. less disruptive and their illness as better controllable by
Although these treatments are far less disruptive than self care and medical care than unemployed patients.
dialysis treatment, the findings show that treatment A limitation of this study is the replacement of the
already is a significant theme in this stage of the illness. missing values on the variable comorbidity with the
Illness representations are considered to be constantly mean value of the total study group. Mean substitution
updated as new experiences and knowledge are acquired preserves the mean of a variable’s distribution; however,
[22]. In this transition phase of treatments, in which mean substitution typically distorts other characteristics
patients receive information on all available renal repla- of a variable’s distribution (i.e., variance, median) [41].
cement therapies, it therefore can be expected that In spite of this we decided to substitute the missing
patients are more occupied with treatment in general, values by the mean in order to be able to make maximal
both their current treatment as well as their future use of the data of all our cases. Another issue to note is
treatment. the use of single-item measures in order to minimize the
It should be noted that a large amount of variance burden on respondents. Single-item measures are some-
remained unexplained. This indicates that other factors times seen as less psychometrically sound than multiple-
are of influence as well, for example the extent to which items. However, several studies show that single-item
people in the patient’s close environment, like the measures and their multiple counterparts are comparable
patient’s partner or care providers, support the patient. [42,43]. Moreover, Gardner et al. [42] demonstrate that a
Moreover, health related perceived autonomy could not well-developed single item measure can be appropriate in
be predicted by the illness perceptions and treatment avoiding common methods variance, which is often a
perceptions. An explanation for this finding might be problem with psychological measures that require
that patients are inclined to interpret ‘health’ as ‘physical respondent self-reports of attitudes, beliefs, perceptions,
health’. At this stage of the illness, the renal disease - in and the like. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the pre-
most cases - will however not be associated with severe sent study had a cross-sectional design which means that
physical symptoms, which is also reflected by the mean no conclusions can be drawn regarding the causality of
score on the ‘identity’ dimension. the observed relationships. Notwithstanding this limita-
Because of the relatively old age of the study group (M tion, our results suggest that the beliefs pre-dialysis
= 64 years), only 45 patients (42%) were of working age patients hold about their illness and treatment are impor-
(18-64 years). Fifty-one percent of the patients aged tant factors for patients’ sense of (global) autonomy and
between 18 and 64 years performed paid work for at self-esteem. Finally, it should be noted that the study
least 12 h per week, which is a higher percentage com- sample was rather small (N = 109), as well as the working
pared to dialysis patients; 24% [12], though considerably age sample (N = 45). Consequently there was little statis-
lower than that of the general Dutch population tical power to demonstrate relationships between percep-
between the ages of 15-64 years; 65% [40]. Thus, as sug- tions and labor participation in particular. Future
gested by Van Manen et al. [14], drop out of the labor research should take this issue into account. It would be
market already occurs before patients start with dialysis worthwhile to investigate these relationships once again
treatment. Furthermore, the results show that, despite of in a larger sample of pre-dialysis patients.
their health condition, patients of working age place
relatively high importance on carrying out a paid job. Conclusions
These findings point to importance and necessity of In light of the findings it seems important that patients
work related assistance in an early stage of the illness with severe CKD are educated by a multi-professional
process. We wish to mention here that the average age team, comprising of nephrologists, dialysis nurses as well
of the working age group (18-64 years) was rather high as employment experts and social workers, on the possi-
(50 years) and 53% of the working age group was 50 bilities to combine CKD and its treatment with daily
years or older. To put this into perspective, in 2006, activities, including work. By means of education, positive
32% of the Dutch people aged 20-64 years were 50-64 (realistic) beliefs might be stimulated and negative beliefs
years [40]. Notwithstanding that, our results suggest that may be prevented or challenged. This might contribute
labour participation in pre-dialysis patients is indeed to a greater sense of autonomy and self-esteem as well as
Jansen et al. BMC Nephrology 2010, 11:35 Page 9 of 10
to participation in general. This education should take The authors have had no involvements that might raise the question of bias
in the work reported or in the conclusions, implications, or opinions stated.
place as soon as possible. Research suggests that inter- The results presented in this paper have not been published previously in
ventions to change cognitions should focus on patients in whole or part, except in abstract format.
an early stage of the illness process [44]. The best
Received: 19 May 2010 Accepted: 8 December 2010
moment to offer interventions to alter maladaptive beliefs Published: 8 December 2010
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