Syllabus: Quality, John Wiley & Sons, 1st Edition
Syllabus: Quality, John Wiley & Sons, 1st Edition
Syllabus: Quality, John Wiley & Sons, 1st Edition
COURSE CATALOG DESCRIPTION: The aim of the course is to provide the fundamentals of quality
management including statistical quality control. The course covers acceptance sampling, types of sampling plans,
causes of variation, statistical process control, control charts, quality control tools and techniques. The managerial and
organizational aspects of quality, total quality management (TQM), quality awards, quality assurance systems, the IS0
certification process, six-sigma and the DMAIC process are also covered. Applications with statistical software
packages are also utilized.
Douglas C. Montgomery, Cheryl L. Jennings, Michele E. Pfund, 2011. Managing, Controlling, and Improving
Quality, John Wiley & Sons, 1st Edition
Grading will be based on a quiz (10%), a midterm exam (35%), and a final exam (55%).
Date Content
June 18 Introduction to Quality: basic definitions and historical development
June 22 Quality Management Philosophies
June 25 Management Aspects of Quality: TQM, ISO, Six-sigma,
June 29 Management Aspects of Quality: DFSS, Lean, DMAIC process
July 2 Tools and Techniques for Quality Control and Improvement
July 6 Statistical Inference about Product and Process Quality
July 9 Statistical Inference about Product and Process Quality
July 13 No lecture !!!
July 20 Control Charts for Variables: Xbar-R, Xbar-S, I-MR control charts
July 21 Control Charts for Variables: CUSUM, EWMA control charts. Process Capability
SATURDAY! Analysis using Control Charts
July 23 Control Charts for Attributes: p, np, c, u control charts
July 27 Lot-by-Lot Acceptance Sampling Procedures
July 30 Lot-by-Lot Acceptance Sampling Procedures
* This schedule is subject to change according to the class progress.
* Please note that there is not a class on July 13, and an additional lecture exists on July 21.