Automotive Research and Development: Michigan Futures Applied Public Policy Research Seminar Spring 2007
Automotive Research and Development: Michigan Futures Applied Public Policy Research Seminar Spring 2007
Automotive Research and Development: Michigan Futures Applied Public Policy Research Seminar Spring 2007
It is estimated the average rate of return on capital investment in the United States
today ranges from 10% to 14%. In contrast, the private rate of return of R&D investments
is now estimated to be 25% to 30%. Furthermore, the social rate of return of R&D
investments, that is the rate of return that accrues not just to one firm, but to many firms,
industries, and consumers in the society, is typically 50% to 60%, almost four times the
In the Triad regions (the United States of America and Canada, i.e. North
America, Japan and Western Europe), the vehicles industry is mature and has been
plagued by overcapacity, cost pressures and low profitability. Only North America was
buoyant at the end of the 1990s out of the three Triad economies. This resulted from the
long boom of the United States’ economy, the substitution of imported Japanese cars by
cars built in transplant factories, and the profitable shift of consumer demand from
passenger cars towards light trucks. In contrast, vehicle sales in both Western Europe and
Japan were less in 1997 than they had been in 1990. Overall, vehicle sales in the three
Triad regions rose by only 0.6 per cent between 1990 and 1997, and production rose by
Companies no longer make decisions to locate and expand in states based on tax
policies and incentives alone. Rather decisions are based on a state’s talent pool and
(Duderstadt 2005). In the past, the facilities of foreign automotive companies, while
nominally involved in R&D, did little or nothing of this nature. Instead, their main
activities were, first, testing emissions for certification requirements and scanning the
general regulatory environment; second, evaluating the performance of their own and
competitors’ vehicles; and, third, monitoring US. automotive design and styling trends.
Recently, however, more ambitious aims have emerged. Several of the current facilities
have embraced advanced concept design, joint research, and vehicle prototype production.
In addition, companies have started research in parts and materials design and evaluation,
research on key technologies (such as new materials and battery technology), and the
The necessity of having R&D facilities in North America became evident in the
early 1990’s.
Prior to establishing an R&D center in [the United States], our engineers in [the
US. Plant] had to work with the R&D division and technical centers in Japan. We
were sending faxes to each other all the time and our engineers took many trips
between Japan and the United States. The process of developing and producing a
car for the US. market or correcting an engineering problem was very time
consuming. We have eliminated this lengthy process by establishing a U.S.
technical center [in close proximity] to our U.S. plant, sales office, and suppliers
in the United States. We expect to shorten the time needed for concurrent design
and development, concurrent development and engineering, and working on
design and engineering issues for our vehicles in or near production. (Manuel,
Dalton 1994)
These advanced facilities created opportunities within the US for high-tech automotive
Automotive research and development refers to any facility that supports at least
5. Parts design
6. Vehicle design
7. Prototype production
Recently, three significant changes have taken place in the automotive industry’s
value chain. First, there has been a shift in design activities from assemblers to suppliers,
alongside increased dialogue around design between the two parties. The suppliers, who
had previously provided ready-designed parts (for example, batteries) for many different
tailoring their products to the needs of specific companies. Similarly, many of the
subcontracting companies that had formerly worked to the assemblers’ designs moved
towards offering their own design solutions. In both cases, the assembler provides the
overall performance specifications and information about the interface with the rest of the
car, and the supplier then designs a solution using its own technology.
Second, there has been a shift towards the supply of complete functions (systems,
becomes responsible not only for the assembly of parts into complete units (dashboards,
brake-axle-suspension, seats, cockpit assemblies and soon), but also for the management
of second-tier suppliers. The assembler would previously have put these modules or
systems in-house, using parts supplied by many different component companies. In the
past, an assembler might design a seat, make detailed drawings of 20-30 separate
elements, find suppliers for each, take in the parts and assemble them into seats in-house.
Currently, the assemblers look for firms that will design and supply the whole seat, or
even a seating system, including headrest, seat belts and pretensioners. This has become
Third, the assemblers has become more involved in the specification of the
production and quality systems of their suppliers. With the increasing importance of just-
in-time (JIT) production systems and the imposition of quality-at-source, even simple
tasks became more critical for the overall efficiency of the operations. The assembler had
to invest in its relationships with suppliers. Accordingly, it made sense to have longer-
The global auto industry at the beginning of the 21st century is composed of a
number of different parts. The requirements of these different sections are quite distinct.
Assemblers and global mega-suppliers need global reach, innovation and design
capabilities, as well as considerable financial resources. In the second tier, global reach is
not required, even though there are some tendencies towards internationalization in this
sector. The competences needed in the third-tier are much less, but the returns are much
lower. Finally, the aftermarket section offers a completely different route to customers.
The business is much more fragmented and access is easier, but this sector is very price-
vehicle design and branding. Innovation and design capabilities remain critical as first
movers in new markets sections can gain important rents while other companies follow.
Some companies, such as Ford, appear to believe that core competences lie more in
branding and finance, and they are outsourcing parts of manufacturing. Others, such as
Global mega-suppliers are firms that supply major systems to the assemblers.
They are sometimes referred to as "Tier 0.5" suppliers, because they are closer to the
assemblers than the first-tier suppliers. These companies must have global coverage in
order to follow their customers to various locations around the world. They need design
and innovation capabilities in order to provide black-box solutions for the requirements
of their customers. Black-box solutions are solutions created by the suppliers using their
own technology to meet the performance and interface requirements set by assemblers.
First-tier suppliers are firms that supply direct to the assemblers. Some of these
suppliers have evolved into global mega-suppliers. First-tier suppliers require design and
innovation capabilities, but their global reach may be more limited. Second-tier suppliers
are firms that will often work to designs provided by assemblers or global megasuppliers.
They require process-engineering skills in order to meet cost and flexibility requirements.
In addition, the ability to meet quality requirements and obtain ISO9000 and increasingly
market. These firms may supply just one market, but there is some evidence of increasing
engineering skills are required. In the third-tier of the component chain, skill levels and
investments in training were limited and firms compete predominantly on price. A further
important segment of the automotive value chain is the aftermarket for replacement parts.
This is the sector that many firms in developing countries first moved into, even before
aftermarket products. Firms in this section compete predominantly on price and access to
cheaper raw materials and process engineering skills is important. Innovation is not
required because designs are copied from the existing components, but reverse
engineering capability and competence to translate designs into detailed drawings are
When a design team has been given the green light to start the development of a
new component, the associated activities and processes can be analyzed in three stages:
planning, design, and production. The planning phase activities refer to the functional
specifications in the new product such as general product definition, lead time
specifications, and outsourcing decisions. The design and production stages are often
referred to as detailed engineering phase where bill of materials and blue prints are
generated, prototypes are built and tested, manufacturing processes and equipment are
development the supplier and buyer join forces to set industry standards or create new
individual firms cannot afford to develop them alone. In many cases, firms join forces to
create the technological synergy necessary for innovation. Outsourced components can
inquiries and bids to take the responsibility for process engineering and production based
component area, tightly control component design quality and preserve bargaining power
with respect to supplier parts prices. With detail-controlled components, the assembler is
dependent on the supplier to deliver the part built to exact specifications. After supplier
selection from the bidding process, the assembler gets involved with supplier’s
functional specification and detailed engineering. These parts are taken by the supplier
from concept to production and sold to assemblers through catalogue. Often the
integration. The supplier of these parts often shows dominance over the technological
assemblers while detailed engineering is carried out by parts suppliers. The development
work of black-box parts is split between the assembler and the supplier. Typically,
exterior shapes, interface details, and other basic design information based on total
vehicle planning and layout. Black-box parts enable assemblers to utilize supplier’s
engineering expertise and manpower while maintaining control of basic design and total
system integrity. To the supplier, the accumulation of engineering expertise becomes its
competitive edge. Prototypes and production parts exchange between the supplier and the
assembler. Added value can be attained when supplier and assembler are willing to
issues when new technological solutions are created and patents attained (Appendix I:
Figure 5).
Based on the current understanding of what successfully drives and guides the
process of technical change, the role of government policy has shifted from pure supply-
push, such as government funded R&D, and become more focused on the demand side
Almost all the major car companies in the US, Europe and Japan have active
agencies. Therefore, gpvernment directs the paths of investment. Most of the car
company prototype hydrogen vehicles require use of fuel cells. It is difficult to determine
which automaker will win the race to commercialization and affordability. BMW was a
pioneer and has had prototype hydrogen cars since the 1960s. Honda and Toyota first
2002, and hope to be the first entrants (along with BMW and Nissan) into the lucrative
US retail market. Other car companies followed suit with new leasing arrangements in
Japan is one of the most important players in the international effort to develop a
hydrogen economy, not merely in R&D but also in terms of production plans. Several
factors are responsible for Japan's leadership role: the government's commitment to the
Kyoto Protocol, the country's high dependence on imported petroleum for transportation,
and Japan's need to retain its position as the high-tech superpower for new technologies
The WE-NET (World Energy Network) project was initiated in 1993 to enable the
resources, their transportation and utilization. The WE-NET project, completed in 2002,
and Industrial Technology Development Organization, which acted as the chief vehicle
for planning and implementation of hydrogen related R&D (WE-NET, 2004). Phase I of
the WE-NET project lasted from 1993–98 and focused on research on the feasibility of
different hydrogen technologies, and planning a vision for Japan's hydrogen energy
network. Phase II of the WE-NET project lasted from 1999–2002 and focused on
infrastructure as well as further research and planning. The combined R&D budget for
the first two phases was 20 billion yen (nearly US $200 million). A follow-up project
Hydrogen is envisioned to last until 2020 and focus on the gradual diffusion and
The WE-NET project has developed detailed plans for all the different
components of the hydrogen energy network including production, storage, transport and
utilization. In the near term most of the hydrogen is expected to come from reforming of
fossil fuel based sources with electrolysis, particularly from renewable generated
electricity, becoming the major mode of production in the long term. Liquefaction has
been seen as the main method for large-scale hydrogen storage and transportation, and
the WE-NET project has been extensively researching liquefaction plants and liquefied
area of R&D for WE-NET, and a pilot plant with an expected 60% efficiency will be
The area where progress and publicity has been most evident has been FCVs and
related infrastructure. Several dozen FCVs made by Japanese (Toyota, Honda, etc.) as
various public and commercial fleets in Japan, starting with a handful in 2001. The Japan
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Demonstration Project (JHFC) was launched in 2002 by the
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in partnership with all major automakers,
Japanese utilities and energy companies. The JHFC project has also started testing fuel-
cell cars and buses under a variety of real-life conditions to gather data on performance,
reliability and fuel consumption for evaluation. The WE-NET project estimates that in
the near term methanol or gasoline reforming would be the most practicable technology
for fuel cell applications but has a long-term goal of adopting pure hydrogen.
The MITI is responsible for Japanese industrial policy and strategic legislation
that affects industry and therefore it is responsible for Japanese energy policy, R&D
policy and technology policy. The responsibility of the MITI in the transport sector has
foremost been to support the development of new vehicles and fuels. The MITI may fund
company research on technologies that are in the public interest with 100% funding at the
early stage of development and between 50 to 67% as the technology comes closer to
(Ahman 2004). The MITI has identified three areas in which government support is
needed in equal measures: R&D on methods for providing hydrogen, standardization, and
The Japanese Government regards fuel cell development for vehicle use as a
strategic issue for the nation in the long term. Today, most Japanese automobile
manufacturers regard the fuel cell system as a strategic and proprietary issue and
finding from previous efforts to establish BPEV charging stations is the need for early
letting other countries to set the standards, but influencing coming world standards in a
Japanese way.
European Union
While Germany has the most advanced hydrogen energy program in continental
Europe, the most important regional policy initiative is that of the European Union (EU)
and European Commission (EC). A major report and action plan were issued by the
EU/EC in 2003 that outline the hydrogen vision. The report is a significant indication of
political body to do so beyond Iceland and Japan. A High-Level Group (HLG) was put
together to examine the potential contribution that hydrogen and fuel cells can play in the
long run to achieving viable, sustainable energy systems for Western Europe. The HLG
was created in 2002 by the Vice President of the EC responsible for energy and transport,
leading energy, automobile, and research institutions, i.e., “stakeholders.” The report
suggests that traditional fossil fuels and nuclear power can be used to produce hydrogen
energy, along with renewable energy sources, though with carbon sequestration in the
The report recommends the creation of a European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
Strategic Research Agenda and a Roadmap to define research priorities, for planning, to
set technical targets, and to outline pathways for the development of European hydrogen
and fuel-cell technologies. The driving forces behind these recommendations are both to
secure a sustainable energy future (and to not contribute to global climate change). In
addition the initiative is designed to secure diverse energy sources and avoid over-
The draft EC report suggested that fuel cells are intrinsically cleaner and more
efficient that conventional energy converters. The main problem with this is the focus on
the cleanliness of the energy carrier instead of the cleanliness of the fuel used to make
that carrier. Several existing hydrogen and fuel cell initiatives in EU member states were
major European cities. These cities include London, Hamburg, Madrid, Barcelona and
Stockholm. In addition, the report also calls for the establishment of several “centers of
excellence” for critical research, to develop rules on intellectual property rights, etc. The
government financial support anticipated for hydrogen and fuel-cell development in the
$1.7 billion over 5 years. The report ends with a call for strong public subsidy, since at
the present time the hydrogen/fuel-cell conversion cannot compete with conventional fuel
combustion technologies.
given the strong commitment to wind and (to a lesser extent) solar energy production in
Germany, Spain and Denmark. There are also major hydrogen and renewable energy
initiatives in the UK, though these are at an early stage. Finally, several of the initial
hydrogen energy fueling stations in Western Europe are based on renewable energy
sources for the hydrogen, such as hydroelectricity, geothermal, solar photovoltaic and
and another 60–70 in Europe and East Asia. These vehicles include cars, city busses, and
generations of its New Electric Car (NECAR), first introduced in 1994, and plans to
spend $1 billion more over the next 5–10 years. The NECAR-5 completed a cross-
produce and sell 100,000 of these vehicles by 2010 although 2015–25 is now more
United States
The larger exporting automobile manufacturers saw the future BPEV market in
California as both strategically and economically important. Toyota, Nissan and Honda
were all affected by the Californian ZEV mandate and now entered the BPEV
development race more seriously than before and began investing heavily in BPEV
technology, however, several state governments have developed their own hydrogen
energy programs. Chief among these are California, Michigan, Ohio and Hawaii.
venture that began in April 1999 and includes auto manufacturers, energy providers, fuel-
cell companies, and State and Federal government agencies. Its goals are to demonstrate
hydrogen FCV technology and alternative fuel infrastructure and fueling stations, explore
the path to commercialization and increase public awareness. The Fuel Cell Partnership
was stimulated in part by the California Air Resources Board's original mandate that 10%
of new cars sold in the State by 2003 were to be Zero Emission Vehicles. This deadline
has since been modified and delayed because of three lawsuits filed by GM,
DaimlerChrysler and Isuzu. Nevertheless, thus far California can point to several public
demonstrations of hydrogen vehicles and by far the most hydrogen fueling stations in the
US. The California Partnership plans to place up to 300 fuel-cell cars and busses in fleets
over the next few years, especially in the Los Angeles and San Francisco-Sacramento
The State of Michigan’s program is called the “NextEnergy” plan, in April 2002.
Detroit designated as a Renaissance Zone (a tax-free area that could result in tax rebates
based on job creation) in the hopes of luring cutting-edge, hydrogen R&D companies
from around the world. Further tax breaks would be available to individuals and
institutions that purchase the hydrogen-energy technologies created in the State. This
program is expected to cost $50 million over 3–5 years. The Michigan announcement
was followed by a competing $100 million, three year hydrogen fuel cell initiative in
(Dunn, 2001). While the goal of Hawaii's program is to develop hydrogen fuel for use in
the State and for export based on solar, wind and geothermal energies and perhaps
methane hydrates, the Michigan and Ohio programs will more likely be based on fossil
GM plans to mass produce a fuel-cell car called the AUTOnomy with a range of
200 miles. Since this prototype vehicle will have few parts its production cost is expected
to be low. GM's initial goal was to sell 1 million, affordable AUTOnomy's worldwide by
2010, although again 2015–25 is more realistic. GM is working with Dow Chemical Co.
to demonstrate and reduce the cost of its fuel-cell technology at Dow's Freeport chemical
plant in Texas. The third major US carmaker, Ford, plans to test 30 hybridized fuel-cell
cars (specifically an option on its Ford Focus) in Sacramento, Detroit and Orlando in late
2004. BP and Ballard are supporting this initiative. Embedded in these market plans are
alternate assumptions about the need for and cost of a hydrogen fuel delivery
infrastructure vs. small steam gas or methane reformers, or electrolyzers at local fueling
stations. As of today, however, hydrogen cars are far from affordable and far from a cost-
effective option to lower air pollution, greenhouse gases, or to improve energy security
(Solomon 2004).
million workers in 2004–05. Over half of them are in industrial high tech, many
associated with advanced manufacturing in the auto industry. Michigan is one of the
national leaders in industrial high tech (Appendix II: Figure 1). The sector grew very
rapidly during the 1990s, but has turned down with the rest of the economy since 2000. A
similar analysis of U.S. Patent Office information on patents received by state found that
Michigan ranked in sixth position with 17,603 patents received during the five-year
automotive supplier R&D facilities in Michigan. The Michigan facilities accounted for all
but 270 of the 11,966 (98%) jobs listed in these 81 supplier R&D facilities. Michigan had
all 23 of the listed foreign-owned supplier facilities. These new foreign supplier facilities
have all been built in the last seven years and now employ over 2,100. In recent years, the
state has also seen the startup of new vehicle producer R&D facilities by such companies
as Nissan, Mazda, Toyota and Saturn. In addition to R&D from the traditional automotive
companies, Michigan houses over 215 automotive research centers. For example, the
“capital” of the U.S. auto industry. Because the Big Three are headquartered in Michigan,
their research, engineering, and design functions are also centered here. In addition, many
overseas auto producers have located their U.S. tech centers in Michigan, and are
The TTC in Ann Arbor, MI contains 106 acres of land and 559,000 sq. ft. of floor
space. The TTC facilities include an Engineering Design building, an Evaluation building,
an Administration building, an Emission & Engine Tuning Lab, a Prototype Lab, and a
Check Road. The Ann Arbor facilities employ 583 workers, by far the majority of
The Toyota Tech Center (TTC), conducts automotive R&D work in technical
support for procurement of parts for local production, evaluations of parts, evaluation of
vehicles, styling, general design, emissions certification and technical research. TTC is
Toyota products, particularly those developed for the North American market. Major
The company's mission for the future is to continue to support Toyota's reputation
for excellence by developing automotive parts and materials that represent the best in
quality, cost, function and timing. In addition, TTC strives to contribute to the quality-of-
life and economic growth of the communities it serves, and to promote stable
employment and the well-being of its employees. In mid-2005 Toyota announced it had
signed a purchase agreement with the State of Michigan for property being offered by the
State of Michigan. The approximately 690 parcel of land owned by the State of Michigan
is located at the North West corner of US 23 and Willis Road in York Township,
Michigan. TTC plans to expand its research and development operations to complement
Toyota's increased localization and growth of manufacturing and sales in North America.
TTC's current 106 acre Ann Arbor campus has limited space for future growth.
Dr. Akihiko Saito, Executive Vice President, Toyota Motor Corporation said of
We think the York Township property is large enough to give us the assurance of
being able to plan for TTC's short term as well as long term growth," said. "The
North American growth in sales opened the door for Toyota to establish our
manufacturing operations which in turn supported the localization of our R&D
presence. The York Township property will provide adequate space to conduct
our engineering and research for Toyota's core North American vehicle
development programs (
The purchase agreement allows TTC to move forward with due diligence activities and
obtain various approvals, which include zoning changes and site plan approval by York
Township. The first development phase is targeted for a capital investment of $150
million and will add 400 new jobs by 2010. In addition, "The State of Michigan has been
very active throughout this process and we appreciate the strong support. We believe
Michigan is the optimum place for Toyota to expand its home base for North American
Honda has one office in Michigan called the Honda R&D Americas. The HRA
overall purpose of the Automobile Technology Research (ATR) Group is performing
research that will help us better meet the future needs of Honda's customers. They are
investigating two main areas: the first is precompetitive cooperative research with other
Hills, MI with 250 employees in technical support for procurement of parts for local
production, evaluations of parts, evaluation of vehicles, styling and general design, parts
design vehicle design and prototype production ( Motors America, Inc.
has an office in Detroit that employs around 100 individuals in technical support for
procurement of parts for local production, evaluations of parts, and evaluation of vehicles
Two of Mazda North American Operations Inc. are situated in Flat Rock, MI and
styling and general design, parts design vehicle design and prototype production.
Mitsubishi Motors R&D of America, Inc. has an operation in Ann Arbor, MI. The facility
support roughly 50 jobs and these jobs are in technical support for procurement of parts
for local production, evaluations of parts, evaluation of vehicles, styling and general
Technical Center, located in southeast Michigan. The center was first opened in the early
computer network, state-of-the-art engineering facilities, and a new climatic wind tunnel.
The R&D Center also is the home of the GM Library and Information Centers, which
access global databases and library holdings around the world. The Research staff of 650
reflects GM global emphasis. The R&D Center draws on talent from around the world.
More than 50 percent of the staff are professional researchers, and more than 85 percent
of those have PhDs. Not surprisingly, the Big 10 universities are well-represented among
the staff, but so are the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of
California at Berkeley, and the universities of England. Fields of study also run the gamut,
in operation since 1951. The lab has made significant contributions to the auto industry
and society, developing cleaner, safer and more fuel-efficient vehicles. This research will
continue under the leadership of Dr. Gerhard Schmidt, who assumed the position of vice
president-Research at Ford Motor Company in 2001. He joined Ford from BMW AG,
where he led powertrain development. Schmidt leads a team of more than 1,000 scientists,
engineers and technicians from over 50 countries whose collaborative work is a model
for diversity.
Michigan’s position in a similar ranking of states. Michigan ranked second among the
fifty states in total private spending on R&D at $17.7 billion in 1999 (Appendix: II Figure
3). The Office for the Study of Automotive Transportation, (now CAR) conducted a
special survey (fall of 1999) of the three largest motorvehicle-manufacturing firms in the
United States (General Motors, Ford, and DaimlerChrysler) to directly tabulate their
high-tech employment. The three automotive firms were asked to provide their year-end,
Technology-oriented U.S. employment for the three firms totaled 47,548 in 1998. The
Big Three employed 37,489 of these employees in Michigan. In other words, almost 79
percent of Big Three, U.S., technology-oriented employees were working in the State of
Michigan in 1998. Furthermore, the results show that about 16 percent of the three
companies’ employment in Michigan falls into the high-tech category compared with
only 4 percent of their employment in the other 49 states (Appendix II: Figures 4 & 5).
a predominant site for automotive R&D. These include the presence of the Big Three
product development operations and the National Emissions Testing Laboratory of the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Ann Arbor. More importantly, perhaps, is the
fact that southeast Michigan contains the largest known concentration of experienced
trained within motor vehicle firms and a handful of large suppliers. This critical source of
automotive R&D labor actually attracts new automotive R&D operations to the state. For
example, Nissan's Director of North American R&D was quoted in Automotive News as
saying that, "Michigan is a logical choice. . .it is fashionable to have studios in California,
This is a reality which, of course, only reinforces the decision of many automotive
engineers to remain in Michigan, in close proximity to the largest and most active labor
market, for their services. The state's university system has reinforced this concentration
to some extent by maintaining a number of automotive R&D programs in their
engineering and institute programs alongside graduating the third most engineering
students in the country (Appendix II: Figure 6). In addition, because of the growing
interdependence between the auto manufacturers and their supplier firms many suppliers
Michigan’s automotive industry is far more technology intensive than the U.S.
automotive industry in general and this is reflected in Michigan being the number one
state in industrial R&D intensity (Feinstein 2000). Overall, Michigan is the number one
state for vehicle-related R&D activity, spending $10.3 billion annually and employing
Automotive companies, both U.S. and non- U.S., have chosen the Los Angeles
Metropolitan Area and other parts of Southern California as the place to put design
studios. There are 13 such studios in Southern California, seven being Japanese, three
being American, and the other three being Swedish, German, and South Korean (Manuel,
Dalton 1994). Calty Design Research, Inc. was the first major R&D institution
The Calty Design Research, Inc. in Newport Beach, California contains 8.4 acres
of land and 72,500 sq. ft. of floor space. Included in these facilities is an Emission Lab &
Engine Tuning Lab, a Fuel Cell Partnership Lab, and a Satellite Research Laboratory.
These facilities employs 107 of Toyotas 728 automotive R&D workers in the US. In
addition, the lead involvement by Toyota’s US.-based Calty Research Design in the
exterior design of the Lexus/Soarer Coupe began a general movement toward higher-
engages in technical support for procurement of parts for local production, evaluations of
parts, evaluation of vehicles, styling and general design, parts design, vehicle design and
prototype production occur at these facilities. The facility is located 30 miles north of Los
Angeles, HPD, a subsidiary of American Honda Motor Co., Inc., is the technical
operations center for Honda's North American motorsports engine programs. Currently,
HPD is focused on American Honda's participation in the IRL IndyCar Series and the
R&D of the Honda Indy V8 racing engine. Established in April of 1993, HPD currently
In addition, Honda has an Honda R&D Americas facility in Los Angeles. The Los
Angeles Center has the responsibility of envisioning the products customers will want
tomorrow. The focus is on product planning, market research, styling design and
engineering research. In addition, the LA associates strive to balance the needs of the
individual with environmental and safety concerns. The Los Angeles Center has evolved
The Honda Proving Center California is within two hours of Los Angeles
International Airport, Honda R&D Americas Inc. in LA, and American Honda Motor
Company, Inc. in Torrance. This site offers a unique variety of environments for vehicle
evaluation including on-site paved test courses modeled after common North American
public roads.
One of Nissan Design International, Inc’s facilities is located in San Diego and
has 50 employees for designing only. In addition, Isuzu Motors America, Inc. in Los
Angeles combined 192 employees including technical support for procurement of parts
individuals in positions regarding technical support for procurement of parts for local
production, evaluations of parts, evaluation of vehicles, styling and general design, parts
design vehicle design and prototype production. Mitsubishi Motors R&D of America, Inc.
has an operation in Cypress, CA. The facility supports 63 jobs and these jobs are in
technical support for procurement of parts for local production, evaluations of parts,
evaluation of vehicles, styling and general design, parts design vehicle design and
(DCREDNA) has three locations along the northern West Coast of the United States,
each with a unique strategic mission closely linked to the business communities of those
areas. DCREDNA in Palo Alto, in Silicon Valley, is the headquarters of DCREDNA. Its
services and processes. DCREDNA is a member of The California Fuel Cell Partnership,
advance fuel cell technology in DaimlerChrysler vehicles, both in North America and
California is very competitive in most high-tech related areas and the automotive
industry is one of them. Over all, California ranks first in R&D spending, first in the
automotive R&D spending. Many of these high numbers can be attributed to the sheer
sizes of California’s population but other factors must also be considered. For example,
California succeeded in the high-tech sector even with an unfavorable tax regime. In
addition, favorable government policies are in place towards education and research.
California’s largest strength lies in its forward looking policies. California has
been the nation trend setter for eco-friendly products and the automotive industry is no
exception. The example of the hydrogen car is just one instance of California pushing the
envelope in research initiatives. By setting standards for vehicle quality and emissions,
California is placing itself at the forefront for increased R&D investment. In addition, the
size of the California market is considerable and foreign companies need to be able to
respond to trends in the industry by establishing R&D centers within the state.
articulated in the United States because it is a sub segment of an industry that has
remained largely self-governed over its history. There are few policies that directly target
this industrial segment and therefore few regulations. Nevertheless, policies do exist in
both Michigan and California that target business growth in general and these policies
and regulations do have an indirect impact on the current and future strength of the
economy. Over $10.3 billion automotive R&D dollars are spent annually in Michigan
employing over 60,000 professionals across the public and private sector. In this
environment of economic success, the State of Michigan has chosen to implement very
few policies and virtually no regulatory requirements on the sector. Outside of basic
labor and environmental regulations that are applied across all sectors, the advanced
August of 2004, the Governor unveiled the Michigan Automotive Industry Economic
Development Strategy. While the plan has seven points, it can really be boiled down to
two main action items: (1) to bring new business to Michigan from other states or
countries, and (2) to help companies already in Michigan develop successful business
2006 that she would go anywhere and do anything to bring jobs to Michigan. Among her
trips were fruitful missions to Japan and Germany that produced advanced automotive
plants from companies such as Toyota and Daimler-Chrysler. The Governor has been
specifically tailored tax incentive programs and partially through the Small Business
Innovative Research (SBIR) /Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) funds, which
were made available through the 21st Century Jobs Fund. Unfortunately, these funds
have been exhausted and no new grants are being issued at this time (SBA).
The 21st Century Jobs Fund has been specifically tailored to only a handful of
automotive proposals were funded for a total of $37.3 million of investment by the
Michigan industries the SEIC targeted, none had more projects funded and only one, life
sciences, had more money invested in it. The SEIC is scheduled to award $75 million in
Ann Arbor’s Spark, the administrator of the Ann Arbor Smartzone, has created
their own statewide pre-seed capital fund with $8 million leveraged from the 21st Century
Jobs Fund. This fund may be used to invest in companies in the life sciences, homeland
the time of this writing only three companies have received support from the fund, two of
California does not have any specific measures designed to retain or attract
companies in automotive research and development. However, the state has various
policies that promote the growth of business in general. Most recently, Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger, veto of Senate Bill 815, which prevented the changing off the historic
workers' compensation reforms of 2004. By vetoing the bill the Governor also told small-
business owners that it is safe to expand their enterprises and hire more people by
preventing increases workers' compensation premiums that forced layoffs and business
closures. In addition, Californians in 2004 approved Propositions 57 and 58, ballot measures
that limit state spending and refinance the state’s debt. That same year the Legislature passed the
comprehensive workers’ compensation reform bill (SB 899), reducing employer costs by billions
of dollars.
Outside of the policy realm California has a multitude of reasons for investing
advanced automotive work in the state. California has easy accessible information on
starting and moving businesses to the state. The two most noticeable publications are the
Small Business Start-up Kit for California and the California Investment Guide: An
Overview of Advantages, Assistance, Taxes and Permits. These publications give a well
laid vision for creating a business in the state as well as moving a business to the state,
giving many reasons for doing so along the way. Regarding automotive research and
• Over 2.5 million students are enrolled in 250 colleges and universities.
• The nation’s highest concentration of engineers, scientists, mathematicians and
skilled technicians.
• Six of the top 20 engineering schools are in California.
• California workers on average perform at 15% greater productivity than the
national average (according to Alan Greenspan).
• In 2004, California companies received more than $9.3 billion or 45 percent of all
venture capital dollars invested in the U.S.
• California offers a 15% R&D tax credit for in-house research and 24% for
contract research, the highest in the nation.
• California is the #1 state in the nation for attracting foreign direct investment,
reaching over $120 billion.
• California is globally connected with world-class infrastructure. More than 15,000
miles of highways and freeways carry over 1.3 billion tons of freight per year.
Twelve cargo airports carry more than 3 million tons of freight per year. Eleven
cargo seaports handle more than 7.7 million TEU’s (containers) and 60 million
metric tons per year of shipments, over 1/3 of the nation’s total waterborne cargo.
• Eighteen foreign trade zones (FTZ) allow tenants to delay or forgo import and
export duties on goods and raw materials until they enter U.S. commerce.
• Twenty-nine freight railroads operate over nearly 6,000 miles carry over 6 million
carloads and 155 million tons of freight
The most import provision out of this list for advanced automotive is the research tax
credit. It was designed to encourage companies to increase their basic research and
development activities in California, the research and development tax credit allows
companies to receive a 15 percent credit against their bank and corporation tax liability
for qualified in-house research expenses, and a 24 percent credit for basic
include wages, supplies and contract research costs. To qualify, research must be
conducted within California and include basic or applied research of scientific inquiry,
In addition, California tax law allows businesses that experience a loss for the
year to carry this loss forward to the next year in order to offset income in the following
years. New businesses can carry over 100 percent of their losses for 10 years if the loss is
in their first year of operation, 100 percent over seven years if the loss is in their second
year of operation, and 100 percent over six years if the loss is in
their third year of operation. Existing California business can carry over 50 percent of
automotive is limited currently, in the future, with the development of new automotive
technologies, the states may choose to regulate the area further. Three technologies that
have shown promise in the testing phase are hydrogen vehicles, hydraulic hybrids, and
electric automobiles.
option for reducing petroleum consumption and improving air quality. Hydrogen vehicles
are powered by fuel cells that produce no air pollutants and few greenhouse gases. If
fueled with pure hydrogen, fuel cells emit only heat and water as a byproduct.
Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are not yet commercially available. However, they are
the country. For example, Honda has placed several prototype light-duty FCX fuel cell
vehicles city fleets, and California transit agencies are demonstrating fuel cell buses in
revenue service.
vehicles are being conducted by DOE's FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies and
In addition, the HFCIT Program developed the Controlled Hydrogen Fleet and
performance of fuel cell vehicles and the supporting hydrogen infrastructure. Insights are
fed back into DOE's research and development program to guide and refocus future
Hydraulic Hybrids
A hybrid hydraulic system uses an accumulator (which stores energy as highly
compressed nitrogen gas) and one or more hydraulic pump/motors rather than the battery
Like their electric cousins, hydraulic hybrids can come in different configurations with
different benefits.
With HLA, a reversible hydraulic pump/motor and accumulators are added to optimize
fuel economy, while keeping the vehicle’s conventional engine and transmission.
Regenerative braking captures the braking kinetic energy. Earlier EPA prototypes stored
and re-delivered about 80% of braking energy back to the wheels. The efficiency of this
regenerative braking makes a hybrid hydraulic design very attractive for vehicles
The diesel-hydraulic hybrid under development for UPS, though, is a full series
hybrid system that incorporates the new EPA Clean Diesel Combustion engine for further
emissions benefits. The CDC engine powers a hydraulic pump rather than a
eliminates the need for a transmission. Regenerative braking captures additional energy
for the hydraulic system. Primary hydraulic components consist of two hydraulic
accumulator vessels, one engine hydraulic pump, and one integrated rear-drive hydraulic
pump-motor assembly
A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is a hybrid which has additional battery
capacity and the ability to be recharged from an external electrical outlet. In addition,
modifications are made to the vehicle's control software. The vehicle can be used for
short trips of moderate speed without needing the internal combustion engine (ICE)
component of the vehicle, thereby saving fuel costs. In this mode of operation the vehicle
operates as a pure battery electric vehicle with a weight penalty (the ICE). The long range
and additional power of the ICE power train is available when needed.
Given suitable infrastructure, PHEVs could also be recharged while the user
drives. The PHEV establishes contact with an electrified rail, plate or overhead wires on
the highway via an attached conducting wheel or other similar mechanism. The PHEV's
batteries are recharged by this process - on the highway - and can then be used normally
on other roads. This provides the advantage of virtually unrestricted highway range.
Since most destinations are within 100 km of a major highway, this reduces the need for
The technology for such infrastructure is old and well established. Electricity and
infrastructure costs can be funded by toll revenue, gasoline taxes or other sources.
HEVs), "full hybrids", and are sometimes called HEV-30 (for instance, to denote a hybrid
with a thirty-mile (50 km) electric range, compared to a HEV-0 (a non-plug-in hybrid).
However, Ford, GM, and Toyota have all used the term "Full Hybrid Technology" to
describe configurations that allow electric-only operation at low speeds (yet not PHEVs).
Two other PHEV names used by a major U.S. automotive supplier and in a 1999 SAE
paper are "energy hybrids" and "true hybrids". PHEVs can also operate in a mixed-mode
where both gas and external electricity are used simultaneously to increase gas mileage
for a particular range, usually at least double that of its electric-only range, but highly
Policy Recommendations
state’s poor economic standing. This, we believe, speaks to the industry’s strengths and
therefore we recommend that advanced automotive by and large be left alone. It does not
need regulation, nor does need specifically tailored programs to encourage its growth.
However, more generalized strategies aimed at entrepreneurs of any type will be helpful
to this industry’s command of talent and resources in the face increased competition from
the SmartZones. Many of Michigan’s SmartZones have molded themselves into business
accelerators aimed at specific industries, advanced automotive being one of them. This
kind of support is necessary to keep the industry among the top in the state. Second, the
state can make more pre-seed capital available for fledgling small businesses in Michigan,
including advanced automotive firms. Last, one of the most important outcomes from
these policies is not just the strengthening of Michigan’s advanced automotive industry,
but the diversification of firms in that industry. Our continued reliance on the big three
auto companies is hurting this state economically, and in the long run a diversification of
Appendix I
Figure 2
ISO 9000
The most important revised standard, ISO 9001:2000, uses a simple process-based
structure, which is more generic than the old 20-element structure of ISO 9001:1994, is
consistent with the plan-do-check improvement cycle used in the ISO 14000
environmental management systems standards, and adopts the process management
structure widely used in business today. ISO 9001:2000 addresses an organization’s
quality management system requirements, in order to demonstrate its capability to meet
customer requirements, and applies to all generic product categories, such as hardware,
software, processed materials and services.
ISO 9001:2000 registration gives the organization the benefit of an objectively evaluated
and enforced quality management system. It is a tangible expression of a firm’s
commitment to quality that is internationally understood and accepted. ISO 9001:2000
registration is carried out by registrars, accredited organizations that review the
organization’s quality manual and other documentation to ensure that they meet the
standard, and audit the firm’s processes to ensure that the quality management system
described in the documentation is in place and is effective.
QS-9000, released in 1994, is the ISO 9000 derivative for suppliers to the automotive Big
Three, DaimlerChrysler, Ford and General Motors. This quality management system
standard contains all of ISO 9001:1994, along with automotive sector-specific, and Big
Three and other Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) customer-specific
QS-9000 applies to all internal and external suppliers who furnish parts or materials for
production or service, along with heat treating, painting, plating or other finishing
services, directly to the Big Three, embracing the latest technology and taking a
preventive approach to quality issues. A QS-9000 quality management system provides
for continual improvement, emphasizes defect prevention and reduces waste in the supply
General Motors and DaimlerChrysler require their production and service suppliers to
register to QS-9000, while Ford requires conformance to the standard.
Figure 3
Start Design
Tests Tests
Project Selection
Figure 4
Specification Specification
Prototype Parts
Layout Layout
Detail Design
Prototype Parts
Detail Design
Production Installation
Process Process
Figure 5
Vehicle Concept Vehicle Concept
Prototype Parts Vehicle Test Detailed
Approval Prototype Parts
Production Press
Production Press
Appendix II
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Works Cited
State,” Center for Automotive Research: Conducted for the Michigan Economic
Competative Strucuture and Competative Advantage: How Did We Get into This
Agenda-Setting Conference for the Economic Issues Facing Michigan. March 14,
Humphrey, John. “The Global Automotive Industry Value Chain: What Prospects for
Manuel, Serapio and Dalton, Donald. “Foreign R&D in the United States,” IEEE
Ann Arbor, Transportation Research Institute, Office for the Study of Automotive
Transportation, 1992.
Solomon Barry D. and Banerjee, Abhijit. “A global survey of hydrogen energy research,
development and policy,” Department of Social Sciences, Michigan