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Non Linear

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Experiment 2.2: Non-Linear op-amp circuits ►2.


a. To study the operation of 741 op-amp as comparator.
b. To study the operation of active diode circuits (precisions circuits) using op-amps, such as half-
wave rectifier, clipper, clamper and peak detector circuits.


a. Power supply : Dual variable regulated low voltage DC source
b. Equipments : AFO, CRO and DMM
c. Resistors :
d. Capacitors :
e. Semiconductor : Diode 1N4002 and op-amp µA741
f. Miscellaneous : Bread board and wires


1. A certain op-amp has an open-loop gain of 200,000. The maximum saturated output levels of
this particular device are + 14V when the dc supply voltages are +15V. If a differential voltage
of 0.5m Vrms is applied between the inputs, what is the peak-to-peak value of the output?
2. Sketch the output voltage waveform for each circuit in fig.(a) with respect to the input. Show
voltage levels. Assume the maximum output levels of the op-amp are +12V.
+1V +7V
sine - - sine -
uA741 Vo uA741 Vo uA741 Vo

+ +2V + +


D1 D2
4.7V 4.7V
- +2V
uA741 Vo sine -
1k Vo
+5V +
sine +

1k Figure (a)

EC0222 Electronic Circuits Laboratory manual

Experiment 2.2: Non-Linear op-amp circuits ►2.17◄

3. For a positive clipper circuit, draw the output waveform if Vin is a 5VP sine wave at 100Hz and
Vref = +2V.
4. For a negative clipper circuit, draw the output waveform if Vin is a 5VP sine wave at 100Hz and
Vref = -2V.
5. For a precision HWR, draw the output waveform if Vin is a 300mV peak sine wave at 1KHz.
6. For the peak clamper circuit, draw the output voltage wave form if Vin = 50mVPP sine wave at
1000 Hz and (a) Vref = 25mV. (b) Vref = -25mV.

2.2.4 THEORY

The use of op-amps can improve the performance of a wide variety of signal processing
circuits. In rectifier circuits, the cut-in voltage drop that occurs with an ordinary semiconductor
diode can be eliminated to give precision rectification waveforms can be limited and clamped at
precise levels when op-amps are employed in clipping and clamping circuits. The error with peak
detectors can also be minimized by the use of the op-amps. Comparator
The simplest way to use an op-amp is open loop (no feedback resistors), as shown in figure
2-2-1(a). Because of the high gain of the op-amp, the slightest error voltage (typically in µV)
produced maximum output swing. For instance, when V1 is greater than V2, the error voltage is
positive and the output voltage goes to its maximum positive value (+Vsat), typically 1 to 2V less
than the supply voltage. On the other hand, if V1 is less than V2, the output voltage swings to its
maximum negative value (-Vsat).

+ +
Verror uA741 Vo

V2 Verror
- -


Fig 2-2-1(a) Comparator (b) input/output characteristics

Fig. 2-2-1 (b) summarizes the action. A positive error voltage drives the output to +Vsat. A negative
error voltage produces –Vsat when an op-amp is used like this, it is called a comparator because all it
can do is compare V1 to V2, producing a saturated positive or negative output, depending on
whether V1 is greater or less than V2.

EC0222 Electronic Circuits Laboratory manual

Experiment 2.2: Non-Linear op-amp circuits ►2.18◄

Basic comparator

A comparator, as its name implies, compares a signal voltage on one input of op-amp with a
known voltage called the reference voltage on the other input. Fig. 2-2-2 (a) shows an op-amp
comparator used as a voltage level detector.


uA741 Vo
1KHz -


pin 7 pin 4

10k POT

Fig 2-2-2(a) Basic non-inverting comparator, (b) input and output waveforms

Let us say that a fixed reference voltage Vref of +1V is applied to the inverting input and the other
time varying signal voltage Vin is applied to the non-inverting input. Because of this arrangement,
the circuit is of non-inverting type. When Vin is less than Vref, the output voltage VO is –Vsat because
the voltage at the inverting input is higher than Vin is greater than non-inverting input. On the other
hand, when Vin is greater than Vref, Vo goes to +Vsat. This VO changes from one level to another
level whenever Vin = Vref as shown in fig. 2.2.2 (b). At any given time, the circuit shows whether
Vin is greater than or less than Vref. The circuit is hence called a Voltage level detector.

Use of comparators

The comparators are interface circuits between analog and digital domains, converting a
continuous linear analog signal into a two-state digital signal. Comparators are used in circuits such
• Digital interfacing
• Schmitt triggers
• Discriminators
• Voltage level detectors
• Oscillators, etc.

EC0222 Electronic Circuits Laboratory manual

Experiment 2.2: Non-Linear op-amp circuits ►2.19◄

2-2-4-2 Active half wave rectifier

Op-amps can enhance the performance of diode circuits. For one thing, the op-amp can
eliminate the effect of diode offset voltage, allowing us to rectify, peak-detect, clip, and clamp low-
level signals (those with amplitudes smaller than the offset voltage). And because of their buffering
action op-amps can eliminate the effects of source and load on diode circuits. Circuits that combine
op-amps and diodes are called active diode circuits. Fig. 2-2-3 (a) shows an active HWR, with gain.

+ D1
uA741 Vo

- R1



Fig 2-2-3(a) Active HWR, (b) input and output waveforms

When the input signal goes positive, the op-amp goes positive and turns on the diode. The circuit
then acts as a conventional non-inverting amplifier, and the positive half-cycle appears across the
load resistor. On the other hand, when the input goes negative, the op-amp output goes negative and
turns off the diode. Since the diode is open, no voltage appears across the load resistor. This is why
the final output is almost a perfect half-wave signal.
The high gain of the op-amp virtually eliminates the effect of offset voltage. For instance,
if the offset voltage equals 0.7V and open-loop gain is 100,000, the input that just turns on the diode
Vin = = 7 µV .
When the input is greater than 7µV, the diode turns on and the circuit acts like a voltage follower.
The effect is equivalent to reducing the offset voltage by a factor of A.
The active HWR is useful with low-level signals. For instance, if we want to measure
sinusoidal voltages in the millivolt region, we can add a milliammeter in series with RL with the
proper value of RL, we can calibrate the meter to indicate rms millivolts.

EC0222 Electronic Circuits Laboratory manual

Experiment 2.2: Non-Linear op-amp circuits ►2.20◄

2-2-4-3 Active clipper

Clipper is a circuit that is used to clip off (remove) a certain portion of the input signal to
obtain a desired output wave shape. In op-amp clipper circuits, a rectified diode ma be used to clip
off certain parts of the input signal. Fig. 2-2-4 (a) shows an active positive clipper, a circuit that
removes positive parts of the input signal. The clipping level is determined by the reference voltage
Vref. R
Vin D1

10k POT

Fig 2-2-4(a) Active Limiter

(b) (c)
Fig 2-2-4 (b) input & output waveforms with +Vref, (c) input & output waveforms with -Vref
With the wiper all the way to the left, Vref is o and the non-inverting input is grounded. When Vin
goes positive, the error voltage drives the op-amp output negative and turns on the diode. This
means the final output VO is 0 (same as Vref) for any positive value of Vin.
When Vin goes negative, the op-amp output is positive, which turns off the diode and
opens the loop. When this happens, the final output VO is free to follow the negative half cycle of
the input voltage. This is why the negative half cycle appears at the output. To change the clipping
level, all we do is adjust Vref as needed.

EC0222 Electronic Circuits Laboratory manual

Experiment 2.2: Non-Linear op-amp circuits ►2.21◄

2-2-4-4 Active clamper

In clamper circuits, a predetermined dc level is added to the input voltage. In other words,
the output is clamped to a desired dc level. If the clamped dc level is positive, the clamper is called
a positive clamper. On the other hand, if the clamped dc level is negative, it is called a negative
clamper. The other equivalent terms for clamper are dc inserter or dc restorer.
A clamper circuit with a variable dc level is shown in fig. 2-2-5 (a). Here the input wave
form is clamped at +Vref and hence the circuit is called a positive clamper.
- + Vo

Vin 1k
4.7k +VCC D1



Fig 2-2-5(a) Peak clamper circuit

The output voltage of the clamper is a net result of ac and dc input voltages applied to the inverting
and non-inverting input terminals respectively. Therefore, to understand the circuit operation, each
input must be considered separately. First, consider Vref at the non-inverting input. Since this
voltage is positive, is +VO is positive, which forward biases diode D1. This closes the feedback loop
and the op-amp operates as a voltage follower. This is possible because C1 is an open circuit for dc
voltage. Therefore VO = Vref. As for as voltage Vin at the inverting input is concerned during its
negative half-cycle D1 conducts, charging C1 to the negative peak value of the VP. However, during
the positive half-cycle of Vin diode D1 is reverse biased and hence the voltage VP across the
capacitor acquired during the negative half-cycle is retained. Since this voltage VP is in series with
the positive peak voltage VP, the output peak voltage VO=2VP. Thus the net output is Vref+VP, so the
negative peak of 2VP is at Vref. For precision clamping C1Rd<<T/2, where Rd is the forward
resistance of the diode D1 (100Ω typically) and T is the time period of Vin. The input and output
wave forms are shown in fig. 2-2-5(b)

EC0222 Electronic Circuits Laboratory manual

Experiment 2.2: Non-Linear op-amp circuits ►2.22◄

(i) (ii)

Fig 2-2-5(b) Input and output waveforms (i) with Vref=0V, (ii) with +Vref, (iii) with -Vref
Resistor R is used to protect the op-amp against excessive discharge currents from capacitor C1
especially when the dc supply voltages are switched off. Negative clamping at a negative voltage is
accomplished by reversing diode D1 and using the negative reference voltage –Vref as shown in
figure 2-2-5(c).

2-2-4-5 Peak Detector Circuit

Square, triangular, saw-tooth and pulse waves are typical examples of non-sinusoidal
wave forms. A conventional ac voltmeter cannot be used to measure the rms value of the pure sine
wave. One possible solution for this problem is to measure the peak values of the non-sinusoidal
wave forms. Fig.2-2-6(a) shows a peak detector that measures the positive peak values of the input.

EC0222 Electronic Circuits Laboratory manual

Experiment 2.2: Non-Linear op-amp circuits ►2.23◄


10k D1
uA741 Vo

Vin -Vcc 10k

Fig 2-2-6(a) Peak detector

Fig 2-2-6(b) Input and output waveforms

During the positive half-cycle of Vin, the output of the op-amp drives D1 on charging capacitor C to
the positive peak value VP of the input voltage Vin. Thus when D1 is forward biased, the op-amp
acts as a voltage follower. On the other hand, during the negative half-cycle of the Vin, the diode D1
is reverse biased, and the voltage across C is retained. The only discharge path for C is through RL
since the input bias current is negligible. For proper operation of the circuit, the charging time
constant (CRd) and the discharge time constant (CRL) must satisfy the following conditions
CRd << T/10 and CRL ≥10T
where Rd is the forward resistance of the diode, RL is the load resistor and T is the time period of the
input waveform Vin The wave form for a square wave input is shown in fig.2-2-6(b)
For a very small RL, a voltage follower is connected between C and RL. The diode D2
conducts during the negative half-cycle of Vin, thus preventing the op-amp from going into

EC0222 Electronic Circuits Laboratory manual

Experiment 2.2: Non-Linear op-amp circuits ►2.24◄

Use op-amp dc power supply voltages of + 15V.

(1) Basic comparator

1.1 Design a voltage level detector as shown in fig.2-2-2 (a) to detect a voltage level of 1V in a
sinusoidal input voltage. Consider R=1kΩ. Use 1N4002 diodes. Assemble the circuit.
1.2 Feed sinusoidal input of amplitude 3VP and frequency 1KHz. Adjust the 10K POT so that
1.3 Using a CRO observe the input and output waveforms simultaneously. Tabulate your readings
in table 2-2-1
1.4 Plot the input and output voltages on the same scale.

(2) Active HWR

2.1 Design an active half-wave rectifier as shown in fig.2-2-3 (a) for a gain of -4.7. Choose the
appropriate resistor values of R1 and R2. Consider RL = 10kΩ. Use 1N4002 diodes. Assemble
the circuit.
2.2 Feed sinusoidal input of amplitude 200mVPP and frequency 100Hz.
2.3 Using a CRO observe the input and output voltages simultaneously. Determine the amplitude
and frequency of the output voltage. Increase the frequency of the input signal till distortion
appears in the output. Record this frequency in table 2-2-2.
2.4 Plot the input and output voltages on the same scale.

(3) Active clipper

3.1 Assemble the clipping circuit as shown in fig. 2-2-4 (a) with R=2.2kΩ. Use 1N4002 diode.
3.2 Feed 3VP, 1 KHz sinusoidal input. Observe the input and output voltages on a CRO.
3.3 Look at the output signal while turning the potentiometer through its entire range.
3.4 Record your readings in table 2-2-3 for a desired clipping level. Plot the input and output
voltages on the same scale.

EC0222 Electronic Circuits Laboratory manual

Experiment 2.2: Non-Linear op-amp circuits ►2.25◄

(4) Active clamper

4.1 Design a positive clamping circuit with clamping level at zero as shown in fig. 2-2-5 (a). Note
that Vref = 0V. Consider C1 = 0.1µF, R = 4.7 KΩ and RL = 10 KΩ. Use 1N4002 diode.
Assemble the circuit.
4.2 Feed 5VPP, 10 KHz sinusoidal input.
4.3 Using a CRO observe the input and output voltages simultaneously. Determine the clamping
levels of the output voltage. Tabulate your readings in table 2-2-4.
4.4 Plot the input and output voltages on the same scale.

(5) Peak detector

5.1 Assemble the peak detector circuit as shown in fig. 2.2.6 (a). Assume R1=R2=RL=10kΩ and
C=1µF. Use 1N4002 diode.
5.2 Feed 5VP, 1 KHz square input.
5.3 Using a DMM, measure and record the dc output value in table 2-2-5.

Vref =
Particulars Amplitude Time Period Frequency

Input Voltage

Output Voltage

Table 2-2-1 Basic Comparator

Particulars Amplitude Time Period Frequency

Input Voltage

Output Voltage

Table 2-2-2 Active Half-wave Rectifier

Clipping Level =
Particulars Amplitude Time Period Frequency

Input Voltage

Output Voltage

Table 2-2-3 Active Clipper

EC0222 Electronic Circuits Laboratory manual

Experiment 2.2: Non-Linear op-amp circuits ►2.26◄

Clamping level =
Particulars Amplitude Time Period Frequency

Input Voltage

Output Voltage

Table 2-2-4 Active Clamper

Particulars Magnitude

Peak Value of AC

Input voltage

Output DC Voltage
across capacitor

Table 2-2-5 Peak Detector


1. The circuit of fig. 2-2-2(a) can be called “go-no go detector”. Explain why it is called so?
2. In the fig. 2-2-2 (a), if the POT is adjusted for Vref = -1V, what would be the output?
3. Set Vref = 0V in fig. 2-2-2 (a) to make a zero crossing detector observe the output waveform and
record your comments.
4. If the diode is reversed in fig. 2-2-3 (a), what would the output voltage be?
5. If the diode is reversed in fig. 2-2-4 (a), what would the output be like?
6. Is this circuit of problem 5 a positive or negative clipper?
7. If the diode is reversed in fig. 2-2-5(a), what would be the output?
8. If the diode is reversed in fig. 2-2-6(a), what would be the output?

EC0222 Electronic Circuits Laboratory manual

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