Ownership and control over property is considered the most important property right. Courts must protect property rights through remedies like injunctions and damages, as property rights are hollow without means to enforce them. There are different types of agreements between neighbors regarding land use, such as easements which allow use of another's land, and covenants which restrict land use. Zoning laws systematically organize incompatible land uses through regulations and districts. The government also has power of eminent domain to take private property for public use, but it must provide compensation.
Ownership and control over property is considered the most important property right. Courts must protect property rights through remedies like injunctions and damages, as property rights are hollow without means to enforce them. There are different types of agreements between neighbors regarding land use, such as easements which allow use of another's land, and covenants which restrict land use. Zoning laws systematically organize incompatible land uses through regulations and districts. The government also has power of eminent domain to take private property for public use, but it must provide compensation.
Ownership and control over property is considered the most important property right. Courts must protect property rights through remedies like injunctions and damages, as property rights are hollow without means to enforce them. There are different types of agreements between neighbors regarding land use, such as easements which allow use of another's land, and covenants which restrict land use. Zoning laws systematically organize incompatible land uses through regulations and districts. The government also has power of eminent domain to take private property for public use, but it must provide compensation.
Ownership and control over property is considered the most important property right. Courts must protect property rights through remedies like injunctions and damages, as property rights are hollow without means to enforce them. There are different types of agreements between neighbors regarding land use, such as easements which allow use of another's land, and covenants which restrict land use. Zoning laws systematically organize incompatible land uses through regulations and districts. The government also has power of eminent domain to take private property for public use, but it must provide compensation.
Involves two parcesl of land: dominant (derives benefit) and servient (bears burden aka the land rights hollow if there's insufficient means to protect used). Can get via purchase, implied, presription, estoppel
Not absolute - dominion over
Right to Exclude (trespass: property rights doesn't give dominion Easement Appurtenant: benefits easement land invaded by physical over people on your property owner in the use of land belonging to that owner object) (property described in location terms - church purposes - not specific church) (PREFERRED BY COURTS) Private v. Public Nuisance Law: provides a Easement in Gross: benefits easement owner remedy for nonphysical personally rather than in connection with the Remedies: Injunction, Damages invasions to protect use and use of land (church example: want easement to be with them specifically, not the land) enjoyment of land Coase: nuisance law forces companies to take externality (pollution) into account Real Covenant (Damages): 4 requirements: writing, intend that it run with Easement: a grant of interest in the land, touch and concern, privity of estate Servitudes: agreements land that entitles a person to use land possessed by another (just between neighbors - land about use - right of way is a owned by one person subject common example) Equitable Servitude (Injunction) to specified use by another 4 requirements: writing, intend that it run with the land, touch and concern, NOTICE (not Covenant: a right that arises from privity) a promise respecting use of land by one landowner to another (like not to do something, for example) Termination: terminate based on changes inside or outside the land - remember changed circumstances rule! Euclidian Zoning: regulations on use, height, area to regulate property. Districts graded highest (single family homes) to lowest Variance: permits use of land in a way (worst type of industry). Higher uses permitted in areas zoned for lower uses, but not vice expressly prohibited. Two Rules: versa (can have single family home in 1. Necessary to avoid undue hardship apartment district; can't have commercial 2. Doesn't impinge on public good or Zoning: systematic appraoch to business in residential district. intent/purpose of zoning plane organizing incompatible land uses - zoning boards restrict certain areas Flexible Zoning to certain purposes Special Exception: puse permitted by Aesthetic Zoning: restrictions on ordinance that's not necessarily incompatible, apperance on property - valid if related but may cause harm if not watched. Two to general welfare approaches: 1. Zoners use as discretionary device, only Restrictions on Household approve if very general criteria met Composition: okay for safety reasons, 2. Very detailed criteria, and if met, exception but keep in mind FHA and discrimination granted
allowed for public use/public 1. Regulations that control nuisances or nuisance like activity are not takings, gov. shouldn't have to purpose - but always require pay to regulate/protect people from nuisance. compensation 2. Permanent physical occupation authorized by government is always a taking (even if serves public Eminent Domain interest - but has to be occupation by a third party). (Takings): power of government 3. A regulation that denies owner of all economically beneficial use is a taking (unless it was something to take title to property against the government could regulate before) owner's will Regulatory Takings: occurs when government regulates the use of property in a way that impacts Penn Central Test to Determine whether a owners, but may or may not regulation is a taking amount to a taking. Regulations 1. Economic impact of regulation that go too far = takings; so has the (interfererence with investment backed consequence of the regulation expectations, dimunition in value) amounted to a taking? 2. Character of government action (disproportionate affects, reciprocity of advantage, is government abusing power?