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Nama: Alidya Nasyahati STANBUK: 201812005 Kelas: Xa 113128-ID-peran-manajemen-pendidikan-dalam-menghad PDF

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STANBUK : 201812005

Fachri Widana Magister Manajemen Pendidikan
Universitas Negeri Jakarta




Education has an important role and a capital in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
Education is becoming an alternative to human resource development, human resource
development is expected to contribute postitif in the development and growth of the country.
Improvement of human resources becomes essential to improve the competitive edge of the
country. The analysis technique involves the interpretation of this study using a qualitative
approach (critical reasoning). The college has a role not only produce graduates who have only
intellectually intelligence alone (hard skills) but also must be able to produce graduates who
have the Traffic over (soft skills). Changing the paradigm of graduates of job seekers into job
creators. Need for strengthening the SME sector in order to shore up the nation's economy.
Need sinegisitas between the government, businessmen, and intellectuals in order to achieve
state goals. Keywords: Education, the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and Small Micro and
Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

Discussion result
1. Climate of MEA Competition
The ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) which has a pattern the ASEAN economy by way of
system preparation free trade or free trade between ASEAN member countries. Thinking
Globally, Prosperously Regionally - 2015 ASEAN Economic Community (2014: 3) AEC will
"establish ASEAN as a single market and production base with the aim of making ASEAN more
dynamic and competitive. "Being a challenge
state pain. Every country must be able and ready to compete in the global arena. There is no
more skating between countries at ASEAN region.
Competition is not only in the form of goods and services, it will but human resources also
have an important role in progress a country. Human resources must have high competitiveness
in the face of MEA. Competition to get jobs increasingly tight, competitors to get jobs not only
from within the country however, from the ASEAN region it is ready to expand to Indonesia for
get a job.
Labor service users not only have specifications high expertise of each workforce. Not only a
GPA value who are high but also have other skills (soft skills) need by the company. National
Association of Colleges and Employers Hendrawan et al. (2012: 67) stated that "in general,
users labor requires work skills in the form of 82% soft skills and 18% hard skils ".
In dealing with AEC Indonesia is not without problems, there are several things that still need
to be improved by Indonesia, among others:
a. Still increasing number of hidden unemployed (disguised unemployment);
b. Lower the number of new entrepreneurs to speed up disposal work event;
c. Indonesian workers are dominated by uneducated workers labor productivity is low
d. Increasing number of unemployed educated workers, the result incompatibility
between college graduates and market needs labor;
e. Inequality of labor productivity between economic sectors;
f. The informal sector dominates jobs, where this sector has not get optimal attention
from the government;
g. Unemployment in Indonesia is the highest unemployment of 10 ASEAN member
countries; unpreparedness of skilled workers inside facing mea 2015;
h. Workers' demands for minimum wages, employment contracts and guarantees social
work; and
i. The problem of many Indonesian workers spread abroad.

Urgency in Facing AEC In facing 2015 MEA, Indonesia said crucial problem that needs to be
given medicine to be able to compete MEA scene. Becker said that capital is not always in the
form of money, or bank account. Schools, training courses, medical care fees, and college is
Human capital is explained in terms of skills and knowledge possessed by the workforce. The
importance of working capital already proven true in the East Asia region today become a
competitive exporter in a short time due to focus human resource development as a top priority
economic growth and development.
Several factors cause the need to develop levels education in an effort to build the economy,
1. Higher education broadens knowledge and society increase the rationality of their
thinking. This is possible the community takes a more rational step in acting or make
2. Education allows people to learn the knowledge of technical knowledge needed to lead
and run modern enterprises and other modern activities
3. Better knowledge gained from education becomes incentives to create innovation in the
field engineering, economics and in various aspects of other people's lives.
Spanbauer in Dadang et al, (2012: 28) states there are seven elements in improving the
quality of education that must be financed, namely:
a. Human resources
b. Curriculum and instruction
c. Good setting (standard of excellence for design and implementation of operation)
d. Technology (standard technology)
e. Marketing
f. Costumer service
g. Management (providing leadership of the quality improvement).
Education has high quality if educational output value for people who need education.
Strengthening human resources can be done by reforming in education. Education is the key to
growth economy, this is supported by Solow in Hendrawan et al. (2012: 156) in the concept of
the growth model, he stated that the driving force economic growth is education. Educated
society high has a tendency to be easier to innovate in technology. Then strengthened by Nelson
and Phelps factors education determines the ability of the workforce to utilize new technology.
The Role of Education Management as a Supporting
Factor in Facing AEC Higher education is junior secondary education held to prepare students to
become members of the community who have academic and / or professional skills that can
apply, develop and / or create science, technology and / or art. Lecture is compulsory conduct
education, research and community service. The university is a college consisting of a number of
faculties who organizes academic and / or professional education in Indonesiaa number of
specific disciplines.
Higher education is a tool to realize goals redeem the life of the nation. Education is the way
permanent release and consists of two stages. The first stage is a time when humans become
aware of their liberation, who experience praxis changes the situation. The second stage was
built on stage first, and is a liberating cultural action process. However, universities should not
only be suppliers of labor must be a vehicle that can produce critical thinking transformative.
Provide the widest space to build knowledge, so that it will produce graduates who have high
innovation from the results of the construction of his knowledge.
Technological developments will encourage someone to keep innovating. With innovation can
help, access from change of importer to exporter. For export oriented MSMEs are not without
problems, the problem faced is,
a. There are institutional and business obstacles that cannot divided by MSMEs because:
1. They do not have strong access to the export market or not have access to
information about market opportunities global and requirements.
2. They cannot make adjustments to changes which runs fast in the export market.
3. There is a big risk in payment and destroying export products, especially late
payments can hurt the company small exporters who rely on financing from
daily transactions.
4. There are large costs involved in direct export activities and most MSMEs cannot
afford it limited working capital.
b. Financial Problem
 Capital of most MSMEs, especially Micro Enterprises limited, not only working capital
but also investment capital
 MSMEs do not receive sufficient support from the institution finance and guarantor in

These three elements are interrelated with each other, the innovator has succeeded open jobs,
absorb labor and income equalization. The government needs to be guarded by giving it policies
that can develop the business. Big business (big business) can support the development of small
businesses and vice versa. There is mutualism symbiosis of the three elements, as an illustration
illustrated as follows.

Perubahan ialah suatu keadaan yang sudah pasti terjadi dan perlu adanya penyesuaian
agar mampu bersaing. Pendidikan menjadi ujung tobak dalam pembentukan human capital
yang handal dalam menghadapi perubahan. Sebagai fungsi investasi, pendidikan
memberikan sumbangan dalam peningkatan kualitas hidup, kualitas manusia, dan
pendapatan nasional. Perguruan tinggi memiliki peran tidak hanya menghasilkan lulusan
yang hanya memiliki kecerdasan secara intelektual saja (hard skill) akan tetapi juga harus
mampu melahirkan lulusan yang memiliki kemapuan lebih (soft skill). Merubah paradigma
lulusan dari job seeker menjadi job creator. Perlu adanya penguatan pada sektor UMKM
dalam rangka menopang perekonomian bangsa. Perlu sinegisitas antara pemerintah,
pengusaha, dan intelektual agar dapat tercapai tujuan negara.

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