Shayla 2lesson Plan
Shayla 2lesson Plan
Shayla 2lesson Plan
Rationale: One way to effectively address social injustices in a safe and productive context is
through literature. This book confronts the idea that young, impoverished students cannot make a
difference. This text shows that love and service for our community creates joy in ourselves and
I. Goal(s)/Objective(s)/Standard(s)
A. Goals-
Students will understand ways that they can make a positive difference in their
B. Objectives –
Students will discuss different ways of making their community beautiful through
answering questions about the main idea of the text.
C. Standard(s) –
2.RL.2.1 Ask and answer questions (e.g., who was the story about; why did an
event happen; where did the story happen) to demonstrate understanding of main
idea and key details in a text.
II. Materials
Something Beautiful by Sharon Dennis Wyeth
Chart Paper
Blank Postcards
Coloring Utensils
Behavior Management
Students will be given time count downs for each section of the anticipatory set.
Transitioning to the carpet after the anticipatory set before the read aloud will
help students to get wiggles out.
I will use call and response to gain student attention.
Students will be reminded to maintain a level 1 voice during work time.
As students are working I will also be walking around and conferencing with each
student about their ideas.
III. Anticipatory Set
- Okay Doodlebugs! Students will be sitting at their desks to start off. We are going
to play a little game, but in order to play you need to listen very closely. We need to have
a level 0 voice so you can hear my directions! Put in your bubble. For this game, you
may walk around the room as needed. Are you ready to play? Okay! The first thing I
want you to do is touch something blue. I am going to countdown from 10 and when I get
to 1 you should be touching something blue. Everyone found something blue; great job!
Next, I want you to close your eyes and take a deep breath through your nose. If you think
the air smells good then give me a thumbs up, if it smells bad a thumbs down, and if it
smells just okay then give a thumbs to the side. Nice. It looks like most people think the
air smells blank. Now I want you to close your eyes again and think about what your
tongue tastes like.. is it dry, wet, can you still taste what you ate for breakfast/ lunch? If
you like the way your tongue tastes then touch your nose. If you don’t like it then touch
your chin. You guys are funny. Here is the next thing I want you to do. I want you to
listen to me and copy what a do. Let’s try it. Here I will clap a few different rhythms for
them to echo back to me. Wow. We have some talented musicians in here. Now for the
very last thing, are you listening? It’s very important. I want you to look around this
room and find something that you think it beautiful. When you find that thing come sit on
the carpet. I am going to count down from 10 just like I did earlier so by 1 you should be
at the carpet. Once students have reached the carpet I will have a few of them tell me
what the beautiful thing is that they saw.
IV. Purpose
Today we are going to discover the main idea of this book by listening for what the
author wants us to learn while asking and answering questions about the text.
VIII. Closure
Macaroni and Cheese! *Everybody Freeze* I am so proud of how hard you have all
worked on your postcards today. This postcard could be this person’s something beautiful today
and that is really special. You guys are my something beautiful all the time. Now when you finish
your postcard, please bring it to me and I will make sure it gets delivered to the right person!
Self-Answer Questions
1. How many students achieved the objectives? For those that did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Bloom’s Taxonomy
b. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
7. Were the students able to make the connections from the anticipatory set to the completed
8. Were students able to see the potential of their personal action as a positive impact on the