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International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 6(4), pp.

758-767, 18 February, 2011

Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/IJPS
DOI: 10.5897/IJPS10.553
ISSN 1992 - 1950 ©2011 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Investigation of the relationship between some basic

flow properties of shea butter biodiesel and their
blends with diesel fuel
C. C. Enweremadu1*, H. L. Rutto2 and J. T. Oladeji3
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vaal University of Technology, Private Bag X021,
Vanderbijlpark 1900, South Africa.
Department of Chemical Engineering, Vaal University of Technology, Private Bag X021,
Vanderbijlpark 1900, South Africa.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, PMB 4000,
Ogbomoso 210001, Nigeria.
Accepted 15 February, 2011

In this study, the density, viscosity, cloud and pour points of shea butter biodiesel-diesel fuel blends
were measured following ASTM test methods. In order to predict these properties, mixing rule was
evaluated as a function of the volume fraction of biodiesel in the blend. The effects of biodiesel fraction
on each of these properties in addition to the effects of temperature on density and viscosity were
investigated. The blends (B2, B5, B10, B20, B50 and B75) were prepared on a volume basis. Generalized
equations and Arrhenius equation for predicting the density and viscosity of the blends were used. The
low values of the absolute average deviations (AAD) and the maximum absolute deviations (MAD)
obtained confirmed the suitability of the mixing rule used. For all the blends, it was observed that the
results from the measured and estimated values of density and viscosities were in good agreement.
From the results, the density and viscosities of the blends decreased with increase in temperature while
these properties increased with increase of biodiesel content in the fuel blend. The cloud point and the
pour point of the blend increased as the biodiesel concentration increases. The values obtained from
empirical equations for predicting the relationship between cloud point, pour point and biodiesel
content in the blends were in good agreement with the experiments.

Key words: Shea butter biodiesel, blend, diesel, flow properties.


The possibility of using vegetable oils as fuel has been to reduce oil viscosity is called transesterification. This
recognized since the beginning of diesel engines. process results in the production of a fuel comprised of
Vegetable oil has very high viscosity for use in most mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids called
existing diesel engines as a straight replacement fuel oil. biodiesel. Biodiesel is the most widely accepted
There are a number of ways to reduce the viscosity of alternative fuel for diesel engines due to its technical,
vegetable oils. One of the most common methods used environmental and strategic advantages. It is the first
alternative fuel that passed the US EPA-required Tier I
and Tier II Health Effects testing requirements of the
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (Yuan et al., 2004).
*Corresponding author. E-mail:chrise@vut.ac.za. Tel: +27 16 Biodiesel has enhanced biodegradability, reduced
950 9158. Fax: +27 16 950 9797. toxicity and improved lubricity in comparison with
Enweremadu et al. 759

conventional diesel fuels. In addition, it is completely input data for predictive and diagnostic engine
miscible with petroleum diesel, allowing the blending of combustion models. In addition, it is necessary to know if
these two fuels in any proportion (Benjumea et al., 2008). the fuel resulting from the blending process meets the
Biodiesel is a promising alternative to crude oil-derived standard specifications for diesel fuels [Benjumea et al.,
diesel fuels because it is renewable, significantly reduces 2008]. Density and kinematic viscosity are the
particulate matter, hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide and parameters required by biodiesel and diesel fuel
life cycle net carbon dioxide emissions from combustion standards because they are key fuel properties for diesel
sources [Yuan et al., 2009]. In addition, it has the engines [Alptekin and Canakci, 2008]. Density directly
potential to relieve the non-crude oil-producing countries affects the engine performance characteristics, and it is
from their dependence on foreign crude oil. used as a precursor for a number of other fuel properties
Edible and non-edible vegetable oils remain the major such as heating value and viscosity [Yuan et al., 2009].
feedstock for biodiesel production. Tallow or animal fats, On the other hand, diesel fuel injection systems measure
used cooking oil and algae have also been used the fuel by volume. So the changes in the fuel density will
[Enweremadu and Mbarawa, 2009]. influence engine output power due to a different mass of
When using biodiesel in unmodified diesel engines, one fuel injected [Alptekin and Canakci, 2008]. Even more
issue that needs to be addressed is that biodiesel fuels than density, kinematic viscosity is an important property
have different properties from petroleum diesel. regarding fuel atomization, as well as fuel distribution.
Biodiesel, produced from vegetable oil or animal fats, High viscosity causes poor fuel atomization during the
generally has higher density, higher viscosity, higher spray, increases the engine deposits, needs more energy
cloud point and higher cetane number, and lower volatility to pump the fuel and wears fuel pump elements and
and heating value compared to commercial grades of injectors [Kinast, 2003].
diesel fuel [Öner and Altun, 2009]. Other drawbacks of The density and viscosity of the fuels affect the start of
biodiesel include worse low temperature properties, injection, the injection pressure, and the fuels spray
greater emissions of some oxygenated hydrocarbons, characteristics, so that they influence the engine
higher specific fuel consumption and decrease in brake performance, combustion and exhaust emissions.
thermal efficiency [Sudhir et al., 2007; Rao et al., 2008]. Analysis of these results can easily be carried out when
Engine manufacturers have raised concerns about some the key fuel properties of biodiesel-diesel fuel blends are
of these properties as they may affect the engine known.
performance and emissions since the engines were As the fuel properties of biodiesel differ from those of
originally optimized with petroleum diesel [Yuan et al., diesel fuels, the different engine performance and
2004]. The fuel properties of biodiesel must meet ASTM emissions will occur when biodiesel is used in diesel
D-6751 and EN 14214 specifications in USA and Europe. engines. Therefore, more investigations are needed
Although B100 (100 vol. % biodiesel) is rarely used, about the fuel properties of biodiesels and their blends
when these limits are met, the biodiesel can be used in with diesel fuels before using them in a diesel engine.
most modern engines without any modifications while Various techniques or methods and empirical model have
maintaining the engine’s durability and reliability [Van been developed for measuring and predicting the density
Gerpen, 2005]. Although biodiesel is miscible with and viscosity of pure biodiesel and its blends with diesel
petroleum diesel in any proportion, not all the blend [Tat and Van Gerpen, 1999; Yuan et al., 2005; Allen et
proportions may be used in diesel engines. The Engine al., 1999; Krisnangkura et al., 2006; Tate et al., 2006a, b].
Manufacturers Association (EMA) reported that biodiesel The cloud and pour points of biodiesel can be
blends up to 5% should not cause engine and fuel decreased by blending it with No. 2 diesel fuel as the
system problems (EMA, 2003). Blends of up to 20% cloud and pour points of biodiesel are higher than
biodiesel mixed with petroleum diesel fuels can be used petroleum diesel. Also, the lubricity of petroleum diesel
in nearly all diesel equipment and are compatible with increases on addition to biodiesel [Demirbas, 2005].
most storage and distribution equipment. Hence the Various techniques and empirical models have been
warranty on most new engines only allows a maximum of developed for cloud and pour points measurements of
B20 (20 vol. % biodiesel and 80 vol. % petroleum diesel) pure biodiesel from different feed stocks and its blends
to be used [Petersen, 2008]. It is asserted that 90% of air with diesel fuels [Mirante and Coutinho, 2001; Coutinho
toxics can be eliminated by using B100 whereas 20 to et al., 2002]. Both cloud and pour points of biodiesel and
40% are reduced using B20 [USDOE, 2004]. However, if its blends with diesel fuel decreases with biodiesel
the full benefits of biodiesel as a renewable fuel are to be concentration [Joshi and Pegg, 2007] and by the addition
realized, it must be used in a greater proportion. of pour point depressants [Huang and Wilson, 2000;
Therefore, to further tap into the benefits of using Kerschbaum and Rinke, 2004].
biodiesel, there is the need to increase ratio of biodiesel The objectives of this study are to investigate the
in biodiesel-diesel blends. relationships between some of the basic flow properties
It is important to know the basic properties of biodiesel- of shea butter biodiesel and their blends with diesel fuel
diesel blends as some of these properties are required as as a function of biodiesel fraction and temperature.
760 Int. J. Phys. Sci.

Table 1. Basic properties of shea butter biodiesel and diesel fuel.

Properties Shea butter biodiesel Diesel

Density at 15°C (kg/m3) 877 854
Kinematic viscosity at 40°C (mm2/s) 4.42 2.87
Flash point (°C) 171 55
Pour point (°C) 3 -15
Cloud point ( C) 6 -13
High heating value (MJ/kg) 37.93 45.27
Cetane number 58 50
Acid value (mg KOH/g) 0.28 0.5
Ester content (%) 95.21 -

MATERIALS AND METHODS taken at 15°C. The biodiesel and the blends were cooled and
measurements taken with the density bottle when their
Biodiesel production and blend preparation temperatures reached 15°C. The tests were conducted three times
and the average results recorded.
The shea butter biodiesel used in this study was produced by The measured density of biodiesel and their blends with
Enweremadu and Alamu [2010]. The biodiesel is made from shea commercial grade No. 2 diesel were correlated as the function of
butter by modifying a two-stage acid-base transesterification biodiesel fraction and temperature respectively using the linear
process found online. The biodiesel conforms to the ASTM D6751 square method. The linear regression equations formulated are as
standard. During the acid-catalysed stage, the amount of methanol follows:
used is 20% of the volume of oil plus 60% excess methanol. One
litre of crude shea butter and 40% of the required volume of
methanol was measured and added to the heated shea butter at ρ = a(T) +b (1)
55°C. The mixture was stirred gently for 5 min using a magnetic
stirrer until it became murky. 1 ml of 95% sulfuric acid was added to Where T is the temperature (°C), ρ is the density (kg/m3), a and b
the mixture. Holding the temperature at 55°C, the mixture was are correlation coefficients.
stirred gently for 1 h at 500 to 600 rpm. The heat was removed and
stirring continued for another hour after which the mixture was
allowed to settle for 2 h. To the remaining 60% of the methanol 4.9 ρ = Ax+ B (2)
g potassium hydroxide (KOH) was added to form potassium
methoxide solution. 50% of this solution was added to the acid
Where ρ is the density (kg/m3), A and B are coefficients and x is
treated mixture and stirred gently for 5 min and allowed to settle for
biodiesel fraction.
6 to 12 h after which the glycerine was drained off. During the
alkali-catalysed stage, the mixture was heated to 55°C and the
The calculated values for the shea butter biodiesel and its blends
second half of the methoxide solution was slowly stirred in, mixing
were compared with measured values and the results are shown in
at the same speed for 1 h. On completion of the reaction, the
Tables 2 and 3.
product was poured into a separating funnel and allowed to settle
The density of the blends was also calculated from the densities
for 18 to 24 h. After separation of the biodiesel and glycerol, the
of each component using the equation (Clements, 1996):
fatty acid methyl ester was washed with 2 ml of 10% phosphoric
acid added to warm distilled water and dried with anhydrous sodium
sulphate. The measured and calculated characteristics of the
biodiesel are presented in Table 1.
ρblends= ρi xi (3)
There are three blending techniques generally used: Splash
blending, in-tank blending and in-line blending [Petersen, 2008; Where ρblends and ρi represent the density of the blends and the
Joshi, 2007]. Splash blending is an effective and efficient blending component i respectively, and xi is biodiesel fraction.
technique that is widely used. Due to the cloud point of the This equation has been employed to calculate the densities of
biodiesel being approximately 6°C, commercial grade No. 2 diesel the blends based on the measured densities of the pure biodiesel
was splash-blended with the biodiesel in a conical flask with and No. 2 diesel fuel. The results are used to determine the
continuous stirring to ensure uniform mixing. The biodiesel was applicability of the blending rule to the tested biodiesel fuel
blended with the diesel fuel at a volume base of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and according to Yuan et al. (2004).
75%. The properties of No. 2 diesel fuel are listed in Table 1.
Blends were prepared on a volume basis at the ambient
temperature of the blending location (about 25ºC) [Benjumea et al., Viscosity measurement
Kinematic viscosity was determined using Ubbelohde glass
capillary kinematic viscometer in a constant temperature water bath
Density measurement according to the standard method. Three measurements were
taken for each fuel sample and the average results recorded.
Density bottle was used to measure the density of the shea butter For viscosity as a function of biodiesel fraction, several studies
biodiesel, diesel fuel and their blends. The measurements were have been carried out in which the experimental data have been
Enweremadu et al. 761

Table 2. The measured and calculated density value of shea butter biodiesel-diesel fuel blends using
Equation (2).

Fuel Measured Calculated A B R² Error Absolute error (%)

B75 0.8695 0.8704 0.0010 0.10
B50 0.8645 0.8649 0.0004 0.05
B20 0.8582 0.8582 -5 0.0000 0.00
2×10 0.8537 0.9951
B10 0.8561 0.8560 0.0001 0.01
B5 0.8551 0.8549 0.0002 0.02
B2 0.8545 0.8542 0.0003 0.04

Table 3. The measured and calculated viscosity value of shea butter biodiesel-diesel fuel blends.

Calculated Absolute error Error (%)

Fuel Measured A B C R²
Eq. 4 Eq. 5 Eq. 4 Eq. 5 Eq. 4 Eq. 5
B75 3.8850 0.9999 3.8851 3.8519 0.0001 0.0331 0.002 0.85
B50 3.4412 3.4465 3.4337 0.0053 0.0075 1.54 0.22
B20 3.0580 3.0475 3.0621 0.0105 0.0041 0.34 0.13
7×10-5 7×10-3 2.8585
B10 2.9451 2.9453 2.9516 0.0002 0.0065 0.01 0.22
B5 2.8952 2.8999 2.8883 0.0047 0.0069 0.16 0.24
B2 2.8744 2.8746 2.8815 0.0002 0.0071 0.01 0.25

correlated by empirical second-degree equation because a linear Such as in density, the equations obtained from regression analysis by
equation does not fit the data well. The same approach was used in using the measured values, were used to estimate the dependence of
this study. viscosity of the biodiesel blends on biodiesel fraction and
temperature respectively. Mixing rules were used to estimate the
2 basic properties of blends as a function of pure fuel properties and
η = Ax + Bx + C (4) biodiesel content. The suitability of these rules was evaluated by
means of the absolute average deviation (AAD) and maximum
where A, B, C are coefficients. average deviation (MAD), and calculated as;

The Grunberg-Nissan mixing rule has been widely used for 100 N
EXP - CAL (7)
predicting viscosity of liquid mixtures. The equation uses mole AAD =

i = 1 EXP
fraction and absolute viscosity. However, in this study the volume
fraction and kinematic viscosity were used because the estimated (8)
values were close to the measured values. Therefore, the MAD = max 100 *
Arrhenius-type equation was used:
where N is the number of experimental points, EXP and CAL stand
ln η B = VSB .ln η SB + V D .ln η D (5) for experimental and calculated respectively.

where ηB, ηSB, ηD is the kinematic viscosities of the blend, shea

Measurement of cloud and pour points
butter oil biodiesel and diesel respectively (mm2/s), and VSB , VD is
the volume fraction of shea butter biodiesel and diesel respectively.
The cloud point is the temperature at which a cloud of wax crystals first
The use of the Arrhenius-type equation has been found to be useful
appear in a liquid when it is cooled under controlled conditions during a
in predicting the viscosity of biodiesel-diesel fuel blends without
standard test (ASTM D2500) while the pour point is the temperature at
needing viscosity measurements [Alptekin and Canakci, 2008]. The which the fuel can no longer due to gel formation (ASTM D97). The
viscosity of the blends were calculated from Equations (4) and (5)
cloud and pour points were measured according to ASTM D2500
and validated by using the measured viscosity values. and ASTM D97 respectively, using a cloud and pour points
The variation of kinematic viscosity with temperature for different apparatus. All the measurements were done in triplicate for each
types of fluids is commonly represented by Andrade equation
sample and the results averaged.
[Benjumea et al., 2008; Kerschbaum and Rinke, 2004]:


 A + + 2

 T T 
η = e (6)
Density and viscosity results
where η is the kinematic viscosity (mm /s), and T is temperature
(°C). Many national standards on biodiesel give the density of
762 Int. J. Phys. Sci.

Table 4. Cloud point values of shea butter biodiesel-diesel fuel blends.

Fuel Measured Calculated Absolute error (K) Error (%)

B100 279 279.01 0.01 0.004
B75 275 274.87 0.13 0.047
B50 270 270.23 0.23 0.085
B20 264 264.01 0.01 0.003
B10 262 261.78 0.22 0.083
B5 261 260.64 0.36 0.137
B2 260 259.94 0.06 0.023
D 259 259.48 0.48 0.185

Table 5. Pour point values of shea butter biodiesel-diesel fuel blends.

Fuel Measured Calculated Absolute error (K) Error (%)

B100 276 275.8 0.2 0.072
B75 271 271.3 0.3 0.111
B50 266.7 266.5 0.2 0.074
B20 260.6 260.3 0.3 0.115
B10 258 258.2 0.2 0.077
B5 257 257.1 0.1 0.038
B2 256.6 256.4 0.2 0.077
D 256 256 0.0 0.000

biodiesel from 860 to 900 kg/m³ [Meher et al., 2006]. The minimum regression coefficient (R²) is 0.9999 for the fuel
density of the biodiesel produced in this study lies blends. The maximum percentage error obtained from
between these values. Petroleum diesel has a lower Equation (4) is 1.54% compared to 0.85% from Equation (5).
density than biodiesels. The density and viscosity of
biodiesel has been known to depend on the fatty acid
composition of the mixed esters and their purity [Allen et Cloud and pour points
al., 1999]. Also, the density of diesel fuel varies
depending on the refinery feedstock and the blending
streams in the diesel fuel boiling range. The density of Cloud and pour points are the key flow properties for
the blends will lie between the values of pure biodiesel winter fuel specification. The pour point is always lower
and diesel fuel. than the cloud point. All biodiesel fuels exhibit poor cold
Table 2 shows the measured density values, the flow properties with cloud and pour points higher than
calculated density values from regression analysis the those of petroleum diesel fuel and the same applies to
regression coefficient, the absolute error and percentage shea butter biodiesel. The results of measured,
error in Equation (2). The measured and the calculated calculated values, absolute error and percentage error of
values are in very good agreement. The minimum the cloud and pour points of the shea butter biodiesel and
regression coefficient (R²) is 0.9951 for the biodiesel- its blends are presented in Tables 4 and 5, respectively.
diesel fuel blends. The maximum absolute error between The measurements of the cloud and pour points have
the measured and calculated density values is 0.0004. been correlated as function of blend by empirical second-
According to some standards such as UNI 10635 (Italy) order polynomial equations. A regression analysis of the
and SS 155435 (Sweden), at 40°C the viscosity of data was carried out using POLYMATH®. From the
biodiesel falls between 1.9 and 6.0 mm²/s. The viscosities regression coefficient, it was observed that the regression
of biodiesel fuels are higher than those of diesel fuels. analysis of the data shows that the polynomial equation is
Hence it is expected that the viscosities of the blends will better fitted for the measured values than a linear
fall in the range between the pure biodiesel and the equation. The proposed equation for calculating cloud
diesel fuel. Table 3 shows the measured viscosity values, point as a function of blend is
the calculated viscosity values from regression analysis,
the regression coefficient, absolute and percentage error Tcp =259
.5+0.2347 2
VB +0.000394V
B (9)
obtained in Equations (4) and (5), respectively. The
Enweremadu et al. 763


880 B75


Density, kg/m³




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Temperature, ºC

Figure 1. Variation of density of shea butter biodiesel-diesel fuel blends with temperature.

Table 6. Linear regression constants and regression coefficients for the density of the
fuels using Equation (1).

Fuel a b R²
B100 887.0842 -0.689805 0.99958
B75 884.2321 -0.689587 0.99993
B50 881.1039 -0.684755 0.99999
B20 875.2437 -0.681508 0.99999
B10 870.0443 -0.648545 0.99999
B5 867.1529 -0.647440 0.99999
B2 865.7748 -0.648194 0.99999
D 863.0547 -0.635218 0.99962

The proposed equation for calculating pour point as a Figure 1. In the figure, the points show the measured
function is values while the lines are linear least square regression
lines. In the temperature range studied, the biodiesel fuel
Tpp = 256+ 0.2212V 2
(10) and its blends with diesel fuel have a similar linear
B + 0.000228V
density-temperature relationship. The regression lines
closely follow the measured data. Hence there are no
where VB is the volume fraction of biodiesel in the blend. qualitative differences in the behavior of the different
blends. The experimental data correlated by the linear
The measured and calculated values are in very good regressions are presented in Table 6. It can be seen from
agreement. Equation (9) gave a regression coefficient the table that the regression coefficient (R2) is greater
(R2) of 0.9985 while from Equation (10), R2 = 0.9992. than 0.99 in all cases indicating that the linear least
regression can represent very closely the density-
temperature relationship for the fuels tested.
Effect of temperature Figure 2 shows the viscosity-temperature curve for
pure biodiesel and its blends. As can be seen in this
The measured density as a function of temperature for figure, the curves show a similar trend for temperature
the pure biodiesel, diesel and their blends are shown in variation, and the curves are almost identical with
764 Int. J. Phys. Sci.


Viscosity, mm²

6 B10

0 20 40 60 80 100
Temperature, ºC
Figure 2. Variation of kinematic viscosity of shea butter biodiesel-diesel fuel blends with

Table 7. Linear regression parameters for viscosity of the fuels using Equation (6).

Fuel A B C R²
B100 0.1834735 61.80109 -502.21520 0.98452
B75 0.1097112 61.18108 -495.93840 0.98452
B50 0.1097111 61.18108 -495.93840 0.98452
B20 -0.052505 60.32765 -491.28870 0.98411
B10 -0.081902 59.77445 -485.92190 0.98359
B5 -0.098879 59.88221 -487.05300 0.98322
B2 -0.106554 59.61703 -483.44900 0.98382
D -0.1619898 60.62911 -491.37200 0.98455

increase in diesel content. This is due to the fact that the shows close matched points which widens with increase
viscosity of the blends is much closer to the viscosity of in biodiesel content. The density of the blend approaches
diesel than shea butter biodiesel. The constants (A, B, C) that of diesel fuel as the biodiesel content decreases in
and the regression coefficients for each regression curve the blend. Therefore, the density of the fuel blend
in Figure 2 are given in Table 7. increases with the increase in the amount of biodiesel in
the blend. The prediction errors as indicated by AAD and
MAD are presented in Table 8. The MAD obtained for
Effect of biodiesel fraction estimating the blend density from Equation (3) is 0.114%.
Figure 4 shows the effect of biodiesel content on the
The variation in blend density with biodiesel content is viscosity of the blends. The viscosity of the blend
shown in Figure 3. The measured values matched to increases as the biodiesel content in the fuel mixture
points and the calculated values as a line from regression increase. The viscosity does not change mostly for the
analysis. The density of the blend up to 20% biodiesel blends up to 20% biodiesel as indicated by the close
Enweremadu et al. 765

Figure 3. Variation of density of shea butter biodiesel-diesel fuel blends with biodiesel content.

Table 8. Prediction errors for shea butter biodiesel-diesel fuel blend.

Density Viscosity Cloud point Pour point

AAD (%) MAD (%) AAD (%) MAD (%) AAD (%) MAD (%) AAD (%) MAD (%)
B100 0.011 0.114 0.002 0.023 0.0004 0.004 0.009 0.072
B75 0.010 0.104 0.0002 0.002 0.005 0.047 0.014 0.111
B50 0.005 0.046 0.015 0.145 0.011 0.085 0.009 0.075
B20 0.001 0.011 0.036 0.359 0.0004 0.004 0.014 0.115
B10 0.001 0.012 0.001 0.010 0.010 0.084 0.010 0.078
B5 0.002 0.023 0.014 0.138 0.0172 0.138 0.010 0.078
B2 0.004 0.035 0.002 0.021 0.003 0.023 0.000 0.000

matched points. The MAD obtained using the selected the measured values, were used for predicting the
mixing rule for estimating the blend viscosity is 0.359%. density and viscosities of the blends. Based on the
The measured cloud and pour points of the fuel blends analyses of the results obtained, the following
are presented in Figure 5. The cloud and pour points of conclusions can be drawn:
biodiesel decrease with increase in diesel content. The
MAD of 0.138 and 0.115% were obtained for cloud and 1. From the low values obtained for the AAD and MAD, it
pour points, respectively. was found that the mixing rules were suitable for
predicting the basic flow properties of shea butter
biodiesel-diesel blends as a function of biodiesel
Conclusions concentration. The density and viscosity of the blend
increased with increasing biodiesel content.
In this study, shea nut butter methyl ester was produced 2. The statistical regressions properly fitted the variation
from shea butter to be used as a biodiesel fuel. A study of density and kinematic viscosity obtained from the
was carried out to investigate how the basic flow experimental data. The biodiesel fuel and its blends had
properties: density, viscosity, cloud and pour points a linear density-temperature relationship similar to the
change when the biodiesel is blended with diesel fuel. diesel fuel. The kinematic viscosity decreased with
Generalized and empirical equations, validated by using increasing temperature.
766 Int. J. Phys. Sci.


Viscosity (mm²/s) 4


0 20 40 60 80 100
Biodiesel content (%)

Figure 4. Variation of kinematic viscosity of shea butter biodiesel-diesel fuel blends with biodiesel content.

Figure 5. Variation of cloud and pour points with biodiesel content.

3. The empirical equations to predict both the cloud and REFERENCES

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Enweremadu et al. 767

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