Cultural Management Practices of Chickpea
Cultural Management Practices of Chickpea
Cultural Management Practices of Chickpea
Government of Odisha
Science with a human face
IMOD Inclusive Market-Oriented Development • Innovate • Grow • Prosper
Cultural Management Practices of Chickpea
• Field selection
• Land Preparation
• Fertilizer application
• Sowing
• Irrigation
• Thinning and weeding
• Rouging
• Insect and disease management
• Post-harvest practices
a. Field Selection
• Well Drained
• Deep loams or silty clay loams or fine-textured deep black soils
• pH = 6.0 to 8.0
• Free from salinity
• Free from waterlogging
b. Land Preparation
c. Fertilizer application
The dose of fertilizer requirements vary from field to field and should be
determined based on the results of soil analysis.
d. Sowing
f. Weeding
h. Irrigation
Pod borer is the most important pest of chickpea and it damages almost all
the pods in case of severe damage.
Even though the pod borer resistant varieties are not available, this pest
can be controlled effectively through application of an integrated pest
management strategy (IPM). Some IPM practices are given below.
Harvest when leaves start to senesce, pods turn yellow, plants are dry, and
seed feels hard and rattles within the pod. Harvesting and threshing both can
be done by commercially available combine harvesters.
The dried seeds should be graded and free from plant parts, soil particles,
stones, weed seed, other crop seed, shriveled, broken, or damaged seed. The
cleaning and grading is achieved by winnowing and mechanical sieving.
m. Seed storage
Seed moisture level is 10 - 12% for short-term storage (up to 8 months). After
drying, the seed should be stored in polythene-lined gunny bags or in safe
storage structures (metal bins or earthen
containers) in air tight containers. Fumigate the
seed bins or the seed store periodically with
commercially available fumigants (e.g. ethylene
dibromide and phosphine).
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