109 Syllabus 2018 Revised
109 Syllabus 2018 Revised
109 Syllabus 2018 Revised
Course Theme
War, Occupation, and Culture
Course Overview
This course is an introduction to academic communication with a focus on writing. Students will
be required to write three major papers: a narrative, a literary analysis, and a research project.
International cadets will develop an understanding of the U.S. university system in a military
setting, instructor expectations, and learning strategies for college success. This will include
developing Internet and library skills, as well as documentation styles and requirements.
Course Outcomes
Develop and write college essays relevant to English 111 and other core courses.
Identify characteristics of a variety of standard college essays in the U.S.
Recognize cultural variation in writing.
Compose grammatically accurate sentences with few errors.
Develop concise, varied sentence structure appropriate for academic audiences.
Conduct effective oral presentations.
Enhance critical thinking skills.
Learn effective study skills to ensure college success.
Use a variety of sources for research and document sources appropriately.
Come to class prepared having completed the writing homework or assigned reading.
Be ready to share your ideas.
Give your best effort.
Respect each other.
Required Texts
Hamid, Mohsin. Exit West. New York: Riverhead Books, 2017. Print.
ISBN 978-0-7352-1220-6
Otsuka, Julie. When the Emperor was Divine. New York: Anchor Books, 2002.
ISBN 978-0-385-72181-3
Required Materials
Journal (20 entries) 200 points (20%) 100 points before prog
Written Assignments
All assignments must be submitted on time, typed, and formatted according to instructions
reviewed in class. Essays must follow MLA documentation guidelines. You are also required to
utilize the writing assistance available at the Academic Success Center and document these visits
on your papers. To book an appointment in the evening go to:
You will be required to write 20 three-page journal entries worth 10 points each totaling 200
points. They are due every other lesson as indicated on the syllabus. Late journals will not be
Useful Links
Courses and Academic Success Center
MLA Support
Multi-lingual Dictionary
Lesson 10: Exit West: Identity Wheel & Dark London and Light London
Homework: Read pages 154-189 (Chapters Eight and Nine)
Journal 5 Due
Lesson 24: Peer Review: Bring printed draft of the Literary Analysis
Journal 12 Due
Lesson 25: Literary Analysis Due (Bring a hard copy to class and upload to BlackBoard)
Introduction to the Research Paper & Paper 3 Assignment
Brainstorm topics
Read sample papers
Journal Assignment: What are some interesting sources that you have come
across for your research? Have you come across any surprises?
Journal 18 Due
Journal 19 Due