Effective Adhesive Modulus Approach For Evaluation of Curing Stresses
Effective Adhesive Modulus Approach For Evaluation of Curing Stresses
Effective Adhesive Modulus Approach For Evaluation of Curing Stresses
A study was performed to measure the curing stresses of several epoxy systems using the bimaterial beam approach. In addition, the stress
relaxation pro®le of the adhesive bonded to the metallic strip (bimaterial strip) was compared to the relaxation pro®le of the bulk adhesive. It
was found that the shape of the relaxation curves was consistent for both samples, but that the magnitude of the two curves differed. It is
argued that the difference between the curves is a result of curing stress and that the long-term effective modulus as measured from the
bonded adhesive should be used to establish the curing stress. Use of an improper modulus is one possible cause of confusion regarding the
determination of curing stresses as reported in the literature. q 2001 Thiokol Propulsion. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights
Keywords: Residual stress; Viscoelastic modeling; Thermoset cure
1. Introduction will ®rst gelate and then vitrify. The gelation process results
in an equilibrium elastic modulus, whereas vitri®cation is
The use of adhesives as engineering materials requires an associated with the transition from a rubbery modulus to a
understanding of their mechanical properties. This includes glassy modulus [7]. The change in elastic modulus asso-
knowledge of the nature and magnitude of curing stresses ciated with gelation and vitri®cation is the dominating
formed when the material is used in an adhesive joint. These factor in the occurrence of the contractive stress rather
stresses can superimpose themselves on externally applied than just the volume contraction itself [8]. When the adhe-
stresses and thus cause premature failure of the adhesive sive is cured above the ultimate glass transition temperature,
bonds [1]. Cure stresses can also negatively impact the frac- curing stresses resulting from volume changes are mini-
ture properties of the adhesive [2]. Factors that will in¯u- mized because of the low magnitude of the rubbery modulus
ence the magnitude of the stresses include volume changes [9,10].
during curing, geometry of the constraining hardware, Curing stresses also result as the adhesive joint is cooled
curing time and temperature, material properties of the from the cure temperature to ambient temperature. Thermal
system, mechanical deformation, and dimensional changes stresses occurring from cooling arise from differential ther-
resulting from thermal ¯uctuations [3±5]. mal expansions in the joint. The magnitude of these stresses
Curing stresses can result from volume changes that will depend on the material constants of the adhesive includ-
occur during the polymerization process and will depend ing the thermal expansion coef®cient, Poisson's ratio, and
on the chemical nature of the material and the curing proce- elastic modulus [4]. These constants depend on the extent of
dure [6]. The adhesive can go through two main transitions cure, test temperature, and time scale at which they are
during the cure, gelation and vitri®cation. Gelation corre- evaluated. The magnitude of the curing stresses is also
sponds to the formation of an in®nite network. Vitri®cation affected by how constrained the adhesive is in the joint. If
occurs when the glass transition temperature, Tg, of the the material is subjected to a one-dimensional constraint, the
adhesive reaches the cure temperature. If the material is resulting stress will scale linearly with the dimensional
isothermally cured above the ultimate glass transition change resulting from thermal expansion and chemical
temperature, only gelation will occur. When the material shrinkage. This trend is true if the material behaves accord-
is cured below the ultimate glass transition temperature, it ing to the following assumptions: material isotropy, incre-
mental linear elastic behavior, history-dependent elastic
* Tel.: 11-435-863-3035; fax: 11-435-862-2202. coef®cients, and no viscoelastic behavior. The curing stres-
E-mail address: macondj@thiokol.com (D.J. Macon). ses under biaxial constraints will be larger by a factor of
0032-3861/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Thiokol Propulsion. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0032-386 1(00)00725-4
5286 D.J. Macon / Polymer 42 (2001) 5285±5291
1 2 y where y is Poisson's ratio. The curing stresses for strip having the dimensions of 5.79 £ 0.635 £ 0.013 cm.
the three-dimensionally constrained system will increase The adhesive thickness was controlled to 0.005 cm. After
over the uniaxial case by a factor of 1=
1 2 2y: The effect coating with the adhesive, the bimaterial strip was placed at
of the constraining geometry can be examined by consider- 418C for 48 h and then rapidly cooled to 228C for the TIGA
ing an adhesive that is constrained in three-dimensions and 321 and EA 946 adhesives. This cure cycle was chosen
is cured above its ultimate glass transition temperature. For because it duplicates the cure schedule of these adhesives
this case, the material exhibits elastomeric-like behavior and as they are used on the nozzle of the Space Shuttle booster
Poisson's ratio approaches a value of 1/2. The denominator motor produced by Thiokol Propulsion Group. The Epon w
in 1=
1 2 2y approaches zero with the result of a large 828 1 Versamid w 140 epoxy was cured at 1218C for 15 h
induced stress for any process that results in shrinkage [3]. and then rapidly cooled to 228C.
From an engineering approach, measuring the stress asso-
ciated with the curing process is desirable. A number of 2.3. Curing stress
experimental approaches have been used to make these
After the bimaterial strip was cured and cooled to ambient
measurements and include wafer de¯ection [11], photo-
temperature, it began to curve. The de¯ection of the center
elasticity [12], strain gage [5,13,14], bimaterial strip
of the strip, d , was optically measured and related to the
[1,14±17,19], impulse viscoelasticity [18], and cantilever
radius of curvature, r , by the following relation
methods [10,20]. In addition, mathematical methods
have been used to estimate curing stresses in adhesive l2
joints. On the practical front, most of these analyses are d
elastic and make no allowance for stress relaxation of the
adhesive [20]. where l is the length of the bimaterial strip and it is assumed
Of particular interest to this work is the bimaterial strip that d ! r:
approach. This method is similar to the analysis of the bime-
tallic strip developed by Timoshenko [21]. If a layer of 2.4. Stress relaxation
adhesive bonded to a metallic strip contracts or expands, Recently, a DMA was used to measure the stress-free
the strip will curve in response. The extent of curvature is temperature of a bimaterial strip [23]. In this work, a Rheo-
a measure of the stress state in the adhesive if linear limits metrics RSA II DMA was used to measure the stress relaxa-
are maintained. Inoue and Kobatake also developed a rela- tion pro®le of both the bimaterial strip and bulk adhesive
tion to describe the residual stress for a composite strip as a using a 3-point bending setup. The bimaterial strip is placed
function of the radius of curvature [22]. Their derivation with the concave surface facing up and the loading arm is
differed from that of Timoshenko in that each ®lament in placed at the center of the strip. During testing, a step strain
the bimaterial strip is assumed to be cemented tightly of 0.1% was applied to the sample. The choice of 0.1%
instead of only at the ends. strain was well within the linear viscoelastic regime for
In this work, we utilize a bimaterial strip along with the these samples. After application of the step strain, the load-
relation of Inoue and Kobatake to measure the curing stress ing arm was able to monitor the applied force as a function
as a function of an equilibrium modulus. Afterwards, a of time. This stress relaxation test was repeated with the
dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA) is used to establish concave surface of the bimaterial strip facing down and
the stress relaxation pro®le of the bimaterial strip. The no difference in the relaxation pro®le was observed. A simi-
results are compared to the relaxation pro®le of the bulk lar approach allowed the stress relaxation pro®le to be eval-
adhesive. Finally, emphasis is placed on the role of the uated for the bulk adhesive molded into thin strips. The
measured modulus and how it relates to the curing stress. DMA was equipped with an oven that allowed these
measurements to be carried out over a relatively wide
2. Experimental temperature range.
Fig. 1. Coordinate systems of adhesive bonded to a brass shim as viewed If the observed moment of the bimaterial beam, M EI=r;
axially through the cross-sectional area. is used, Eq. (5) becomes
295 K
3.5 266 K
277 K
305 K
3.0 315K
log E(t) (MPa)
Data Master Curve: Reference Temperature = 295 K
319 K
-2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 -10 -5 0 5 10
3.2. Master stress relaxation curve the shift factor [25]. This relation is
T 2 Tg
If a relaxation spectrum of the adhesive is measured log aT
at different temperatures, a master curve can be C2 1 T 2 Tg
constructed by shifting the experimental logarithmic
where T is the temperature of interest, C1 and C2 are
curves along the time axis to obtain superposition.
experimentally determined constants. In addition, a
The distance shifted represents the logarithm of the
small correction is required in the form of a vertical
shift factor, aT : Williams, Landel, and Ferry proposed
shift due to temperature variations and changes in
an empirical equation for the temperature dependence of
volume resulting from temperature changes [26]. The
correction factor is
Tg Tg
Tg ; t E
T; t=aT
EA946 with brass shim
EA946 without brass shim
where E
Tg ; t is the shifted modulus, r
Tg is the
density measured at Tg ; r
T is the density at tempera-
2.5 ture, T, E
T; t=aT is the modulus measured at tempera-
log E(t) (MPa)
2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0
-10 -5 0 5 10 -5 0 5 10
log time (sec) log time (sec)
Fig. 5. Master stress relaxation curve for Epon 828 1 Versamid 140 for
Fig. 4. Master stress relaxation curve for TIGA 321 for bulk adhesive and
bulk adhesive and adhesive bonded to brass shim.
adhesive bonded to brass shim.
tures but this value will not differ signi®cantly from the
range as [27]
measured long-term modulus. The adhesive used to gener-
ln li
T ln li
T0 1 a
T 2 T0
12 ate Fig. 5 was cured above its ultimate glass transition
where li
T is the length of the body at temperature, T, li
T0 temperature (878C). This allowed higher test temperatures
is the length of the body at some reference temperature, T0 ; to be used and a more proper equilibrium modulus to be
and a is the linear coef®cient of thermal expansion. Also, measured.
indicial notation is used. Since V l1 l2 l3 ; then Eq. (11) For the curves shown in Figs. 3±5, the effect of the curing
when used in conjunction with Eq. (12) becomes stress on the relaxation spectra is of particular interest.
Kubat and Rigdahl noted, at conditions of low stress and/
Tg or temperature, the following relation for both metals and
Tg ; t e3a
T2Tg E
T; t=aT
T polymers in a stress relaxation test [29±33]
Eq. (13) can be used to shift the relaxation curves to make a s
t 2 s i K
t 1 a2n
master curve. Fig. 2 illustrates a master relaxation curve for
TIGA 321 bonded to a brass shim. where s
t is the time-dependent measured stress, s i is the
internal stress and is assumed independent of time, t is
3.3. Relaxation curve for bulk adhesive versus bonded the time, K, a, and n are constants. The term on the right
adhesive of the equal sign is a decaying power law that yields a
relaxation spectrum. The terms on the left indicate that the
Figs. 3±5 show the relaxation curves for EA 946, TIGA resulting relaxation curve is shifted vertically by a constant,
321, and Epon 828 1 Versamid 140 for both the bulk and
which in this case they ascribe to the internal stress. In
bonded resin. The most noticeable features are that the
polymers, relaxation phenomena are often interpreted in
relaxation moduli for the bonded adhesives are of greater
magnitude than for the bulk adhesive and are generally
separated by a constant. This phenomenon has been 0.0 EA946 Without Brass Shim
etc. That is to say in terms of approaches where internal Instantaneous modulus with shim
Instantaneous modulus without shim
stress does not appear explicitly. However if the internal Long term modulus with shim
Long term modulus without shim
log F(m,n)
Eq. (14) can refer to two quite different physical phenomena
[34]. One type is a result of normal curing stresses found in
thermosets. The other type is often used in the ®eld of 1.3