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Effects of Arsenic Incorporation On Jarosite Dissolution Rates and Reaction Products

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Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207


Effects of arsenic incorporation on jarosite dissolution rates

and reaction products
Matthew R. Kendall a, Andrew S. Madden a,⇑, Megan E. Elwood Madden a,
Qinhong Hu b
University of Oklahoma, School of Geology and Geophysics, 100 East Boyd St. Rm. 710, Norman, OK 73019, USA
University of Texas at Arlington, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, 500 Yates Street, Box 19049, Arlington, TX 76019, USA

Received 12 June 2012; accepted in revised form 12 February 2013; Available online 27 February 2013


Batch dissolution experiments were undertaken on synthetic arsenojarosites at pH 2, pH 8, and in ultra-pure water to bet-
ter understand the influence of As incorporation on the kinetics and reaction products of jarosite dissolution. Incongruent
jarosite dissolution was observed in all experiments. Arsenojarosite lacks the pH dependency observed in K-jarosite dissolu-
tion, likely the result of surface arsenate–iron complexes preventing protonation at low pH and repelling hydroxyls at high
pH. The stronger bonding of arsenate to iron, compared to sulfate to iron, leads to an enrichment of surface layer arse-
nate–iron complex sites, inhibiting the dissolution of jarosite with time. The secondary reaction products formed during
the dissolution of arsenojarosite include maghemite, goethite, and hematite in ultra-pure water, and ferrihydrite in pH 8 Tris
buffered solution. Maghemite initially forms and transitions to hematite with time in ultra-pure water, but increasing arsenic
concentrations slow this transition. At pH >3.5, arsenic from the dissolution of arsenojarosite adsorbs onto newly formed
reaction products. Arsenic also inhibits the formation of goethite and reduces the crystallinity of the observed maghemite
reaction products. The coprecipitation of iron oxides with increasing amounts of arsenic results in a change from spherical
to “worm-like” aggregate morphology and provides a sink for arsenic released during arsenojarosite dissolution. This study
shows that in open systems with a flush of fresh solution, arsenic incorporation in jarosite results in an increase in dissolution
rates. In closed systems, however, increasing surface arsenate–iron complexes inhibit further dissolution of the underlying
bulk material, causing a reduction in dissolution rates as arsenic incorporation increases.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. INTRODUCTION from hot acid-leach solutions (Dutrizac and Jambor,

2000). Jarosite has also been observed or detected in acid
Jarosite-group minerals [(K, Na, H3O)Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6] sulfate soils (Hyashi, 1994), near oceanic fumaroles (Fulig-
are common alteration and hydrothermal phases, especially nati et al., 2002; Papike et al., 2006), within acidic saline
within the oxidized zones of sulfide ore bodies (Dutrizac lakes of Australia (Alpers et al., 1992; Benison and Laclair,
and Jambor, 2000). Depending on aqueous conditions, 2003), and on the surface of Mars (Squyres et al., 2004).
jarosite forms in the pH range 1–3 (Alpers et al., 1992; Big- The oxidative weathering of pyrite, or other ferrous sul-
ham et al., 1996; Savage et al., 2005). Jarosite is also a by- fides, is essential to the production of acid mine and acid
product in the metallurgical industry, where it is precipi- rock drainage (AMD/ARD) conditions (Bigham and
tated to scavenge excess dissolved Fe, Zn, Cu, As, and Cd Nordstrom, 2000). These minerals also contain trace to al-
most 50% arsenic (e.g., arsenopyrite and arsenious pyrite,
Fuess et al., 1987) that can be released upon weathering.
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 405 325 5327; fax: +1 405 325
Jarosite has been shown to incorporate arsenic in AMD/
3140. ARD environments (Slowey et al., 2007) and in the metal-
E-mail addresses: matthew.r.kendall-1@ou.edu (M.R. Kendall), lurgical process where jarosite precipitation is used for the
amadden@ou.edu (A.S. Madden), melwood@ou.edu (M.E. El-
wood Madden), maxhu@uta.edu (Q. Hu).

0016-7037/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207 193

long-term disposal of arsenical waste (Savage et al., 2000, events or remediation by the addition of limestone will ini-
2005; Paktunc and Dutrizac, 2003; Slowey et al., 2007). tiate jarosite dissolution.
Understanding the effects of arsenic on jarosite dissolu- Jarosite dissolution at moderate to high pH forms
tion rates and mechanisms requires prerequisite knowledge nanoscale iron oxide reaction products, often described
of the jarosite crystal structure. Jarosite belongs to the iso- as Fe(OH)3 precipitates (Gasharova et al., 2005; Smith
structural jarosite-alunite group and has the general for- et al., 2006a,b; Welch et al., 2008) based on the lack of
mula of AB3(TO4)2(OH)6 (Papike et al., 2006). The A-site distinct morphological characteristics in SEM/AFM
commonly contains monovalent and divalent cations with images. Using Mo¨ ssbauer spectroscopy, SEM, and TEM,
a coordination number equal to or greater than 9 (Jambor, Barron et al. (2006) identified hematite, goethite, ferrihy-
1999; Hawthorne et al., 2000), with K +, Na+, and H3O+ drite, and lepidocrocite as jarosite reaction products in
being the dominant A-site ions but Pb2+, Ca2+, and simulated Martian brines. Their work showed that the
NH4+ may also be incorporated (Basciano and Peterson, addition of phosphate, a chemical analog to arsenate, sup-
2007). The octahedrally coordinated B-site, commonly ob- pressed the formation of goethite. Based on electron dif-
served with less than full occupancy, is filled by trivalent fraction results (TEM), Elwood Madden et al. (2012)
Fe3+ in the jarosite group and Al3+ in the alunite group found that dissolution products at pH >3.5 include schw-
(Baron and Palmer, 1996). The T-site is tetrahedrally coor- ertmannite at low temperatures (277 K), hematite, maghe-
dinated with S6+ being the dominant ion but As5+, P5+, mite, ferrihydrite, and minor goethite at room
Cr6+, and Se6+ have also been observed (Paktunc and temperature, and hematite with ferrihydrite at high tem-
Dutrizac, 2003; Savage et al., 2005; Morin and Calas, peratures (323 K).
2006; Smith et al., 2006a; Basciano and Peterson, 2007). It is estimated that mine effluents have damaged
With the variability in composition, charge balancing of 19,300 km of streams and 72,000 ha of lakes and reservoirs
the crystal structure is an inherent problem. Kubisz (Bigham and Nordstrom, 2000). With as many as 500,000
(1970) suggested that protonation of hydroxyl groups to inactive or abandoned mine sites in the United States (Big-
form water molecules could balance the lack of positive ham and Nordstrom, 2000), it is important to understand
charge in the B-site. Parker (1954) noted the presence of ex- the complex geochemical reactions that may enhance or re-
cess water in jarosite, as did Hendricks (1937). Using mag- duce the effects of AMD/ARD. The purposes of this inves-
netic resonance, Ripmeester et al. (1986) showed that water tigation were to: (1) determine the effects of arsenic
molecules substitute for hydroxyl groups in alunite. Within incorporation on rates of jarosite dissolution in conditions
the T-site, incorporation of As5+ leads to a net negative similar to AMD/ARD sites (pH 2), remediated AMD/
charge that may be compensated by protonation of the oxy- ARD sites (pH 8), and conditions during a sudden influx
anion (Paktunc and Dutrizac, 2003). Due to the variability of “fresh” water (ultra-pure water), (2) identify the nano-
in compositions, the alunite supergroup contains more than scale solid products of dissolution, (3) suggest the mecha-
40 characterized minerals. nism(s) by which dissolution is occurring, and (4)
When viewed down the a-axis, the crystal structure of determine the fate of arsenic during arsenojarosite
jarosite shows alternating layers of B-site octahedra and dissolution.
T-site tetrahedra (Papike et al., 2006; Electronic Annex, For this study, jarosite (KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6) was synthe-
Fig. EA-1). Savage et al. (2005) studied lattice parameter sized with the addition of varying amounts of aqueous
variability in synthetic arsenojarosite and found that the arsenate, forming arsenojarosites ((H3O)1 x,Kx)Fe3 y
c-axis expands by as much as 0.174 Å with arsenic substitu- ((SO4)2 z,(AsO4)z)(OH)6 3y (H2O)3y) with a range of
tion. An increased substitution of arsenate for sulfate re- arsenate-sulfate substitution. Far-from-equilibrium batch
sults in a lengthening of the a- and c-axes and likely dissolution experiments were conducted to determine short-
influences the stability of jarosite (Paktunc and Dutrizac, and longer-term K+ release, aqueous As concentrations,
2003). Ionic substitutions that alter the unit cell parameters and jarosite dissolution reaction products. The reaction
from ideal jarosite have been shown to influence dissolution products and textural evolution of jarosite grains were
rates and solubility. Substitution of H3O+ and Na+ in the observed and identified by TEM analyses.
A-site significantly increases the solubility of jarosite with
respect to end-member K-jarosite (Baron and Palmer,
1996), whereas chromate substitution for sulfate decreases 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
the solubility of end-member K-jarosite (Baron and Palmer,
2002). K-jarosite and arsenojarosites were synthesized using
XANES and X-ray diffraction analyses show that at previously developed methods (Baron and Palmer, 1996;
least 9.9 wt.% AsO43 can be structurally incorporated into Driscoll and Leinze, 2005; Savage et al., 2005). 200 mL of
synthetic jarosite (Paktunc and Dutrizac, 2003). Paktunc ultra-pure water was heated to 95 °C in a 1 L flask at
and Dutrizac (2003) and Savage et al. (2005) both demon- 1 atm. Ferric sulfate hydrate (52 g), potassium hydroxide
strated that arsenate is the only arsenic species incorporated (11.2 g), and varying amounts of potassium arsenate were
in the jarosite structure and that arsenate substitutes for then added to the solution, in that order. The mixture
sulfate. The incorporation of arsenic in jarosite (hereafter was stirred continuously by a magnetic stir bar and held
referred to as arsenojarosite) may have significant environ- at 95 °C for 4 h. After the 4 h period, the solution was
mental implications, should a change in aqueous conditions transferred to centrifuge containers and triply rinsed with
occur. For example, freshwater influx from heavy rainfall 10 3 N nitric acid for 15 min for AJ0.6 and AJ2.1 and ul-
194 M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207

tra-pure water for AJ3.7. The residual solids were then every 10–15 min for the first 2 h. Due to more rapid reac-
dried for 24 h at 110 °C. tion progress, the higher As containing jarosite (AJ2.1
Each synthetic sample was analyzed on a Rigaku Ultima and AJ3.7) dissolution experiments were sampled every
IV Powder X-ray Diffractometer to verify jarosite forma- 2–15 min for the first 2 h. Samples were also
tion. The diffractometer used a copper Ka X-ray source collected at increasing time intervals for the following
operating at 40 kV and 44 mA. Scans were collected from 14 days.
10 to 65 degrees 2h, with a step size of 0.02 degrees 2h, Samples of K-jarosite or arsenojarosite suspension
3 s dwell time, variable slits, 302 mm2 irradiated area, and were passed through 0.2 lm cellulose acetate syringe fil-
sample rotation of 30 rpm. Mineral identification and pat- ters and refrigerated until analyzed by Atomic Absor-
tern manipulation were conducted using MDI Jade 9 bance Spectrophotometry (AAS, Perkin–Elmer AAnalyst
software. 800) or Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
For chemical analyses, jarosite and arsenojarosite (ICP-MS, Perkin–Elmer ELAN DRC II). Reported con-
powders were placed onto conductive tape. Energy-Dis- centrations represent averages of triplicate analyses. Re-
persive X-ray Analysis was undertaken using a Cameca agent and calibration blanks were included in each
SX50 electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA) equipped analytical session, and randomly selected duplicates were
with a PGT PRISM 2000 Energy-Dispersive X-ray detec- included. For iron and arsenic analysis, all solutions were
tor, SAMx NumeriX pulse processor, and run via the acidified to 0.1 M (AAS) or 1% (ICP-MS) trace metal
SAMx IDFIX program. Operating conditions were grade HNO3. For flame AAS, aqueous potassium and
20 kV accelerating voltage, and 10 nA sample current iron concentrations were determined after optimizing the
(measured at the Faraday cup). The chemical formulae optical pathway, flame, and nebulizer settings. Ionization
for synthetic K-jarosite and arsenojarosites were subse- was suppressed by the addition of 2000 mg/L NaCl and
quently calculated using the formula presented by Kubisz 0.2 M HNO3 to all blanks, standards, and samples. Aque-
(1970). ous arsenic concentrations determined by transversely
The surface area of each synthetic sample was heated graphite furnace AAS (AAnalyst 800) included
determined by the N2 gas adsorption (BET) method (Em- Mg and Pd nitrate matrix modifiers. Calibration was per-
met and Brunauer, 1937). Prior to BET analysis, the formed over the linear response range from 1 to 100 lg/L
samples were outgassed under vacuum at 30 °C for arsenic. The instrument conditions for ICP-MS were as
24 h. follows: RF power, 1300 W; plasma argon gas flow
Far-from-equilibrium dissolution experiments were con- 15 L/min; nebulizer argon gas flow 0.9 L/min; auxiliary
ducted under a range of solution chemistries at room tem- argon gas flow 1.2 L/min; Meinhard Type A quartz neb-
perature (296 K) to determine jarosite dissolution rates ulizer; platinum sampling and skimmer cones. A standard
using K+ as the reaction variable. In each experiment, solution with 5 ppb of In-115, Sc-45, Li-6 and Bi-209 was
200 mL of solution was added to a 250 mL beaker and stir- used as internal standard and introduced online for ICP-
red with a Teflon-coated magnetic stir bar at 600 rpm. MS measurement.
Once the stirring was underway, the first control sample All aqueous concentrations were normalized to the sur-
was collected. Fifteen minutes later, 0.20 ± 0.007 g of jaro- face area of the K-jarosite or arsenojarosite added in each
site was added to the solution. Reaction duration was deter- experiment. Concentrations did not need to be adjusted
mined relative to the time when the jarosite was added. due to sampling since the slurry was continuously mixed
Experiments were replicated a minimum of three times and the jarosite was always suspended in solution; there-
and terminated after 14 days. fore, the ratio of jarosite/water in the beaker remained un-
In order to prevent addition of K+ ions to the batch changed during the experiment.
reactors from the pH electrode, the pH of the pre-jarosite Short-term dissolution rates were calculated using the
solution was determined from a separate aliquot collected first 2 h of K+ concentrations plotted against reaction
immediately prior to the control sample. The pH of the ini- time, then fit with a second-order polynomial. The deriv-
tial (jarosite + solution) slurry was determined by measur- ative of the equation was taken and the initial rate of K+
ing the pH over 1–15 min intervals from an aliquot release was then determined (Rimstidt and Newcomb,
collected in a fourth replicate experiment. The pH of the 1993).
slurry was plotted as a function of time and the pH versus Samples for transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
time data fit with a linear trend line to determine the initial were collected by extracting 10 lL of well-stirred
slurry pH using the y-intercept of the linear fit (Elwood suspension by pipette and dropping it onto a Cu grid
Madden et al., 2012). Final pH was determined by remov- with support film. Excess solution was wicked away with
ing an aliquot of the jarosite-solution slurry following the a wedge of filter paper. TEM images and Selected Area
final sampling point. Electron Diffraction (SAED) patterns were collected
In ultra-pure water (18.2 MO) experiments, the pH using a JEOL 2000FX TEM with an accelerating voltage
was allowed to drift freely. For pH 2 experiments, the of 200 keV. High-resolution TEM (HRTEM) imaging
solution contained H2SO4 and ultra-pure water, while was performed on a JEOL 2010F with an accelerating
pH 8 experiments consisted of a 0.5 M Tris solution that voltage of 200 keV. HRTEM images were analyzed with
was adjusted to pH 8 with the addition of 6 N HCl. For ImageJ and Digital Micrograph. Fast-Fourier Transforms
dissolution experiments involving the lowest As contain- (FFTs) were analyzed with the DiffTools plugin (Mitch-
ing jarosites (K-jarosite and AJ0.6), samples were taken ell, 2008).
M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207 195

3. RESULTS 3.2. Dissolution at pH 2

3.1. Characterization of synthetic jarosites 3.2.1. Solution chemistry and rate calculations
All experiments showed similar trends; a rapid increase
The K-jarosite and arsenojarosite synthesis produced in all aqueous concentrations during the first few days of
10YR 6/6 (Munsell color) precipitates with no observable dissolution followed by a decline in release rates thereafter
change in precipitate color with increased arsenic incor- (Fig. 3). Final arsenic concentrations ranged from below
poration. Bulk chemical composition was determined detection (10 nM) for K-jarosite to 275 lmol L 1 m 2
using EPMA for the A-, B- and T-site elements exclusive for AJ3.7 (Table 2). Values of measured pH remained
of H3O+ (Table 1). The chemical formulae for synthetic approximately 2 (Table 3) throughout the duration of the
K-jarosite and arsenojarosites, calculated using the for- experiment. Time-course evolution of element molar ratios
mula from Kubisz (1970), are reported in Table 1 and showed that dissolution at pH 2 was incongruent for all sol-
hereafter referred to as K-jarosite, AJ0.6, AJ2.1 and ids (Fig. 4). The As:K molar ratio for AJ3.7 was in excess of
AJ3.7. Kubisz (1970) recommends normalizing the for- the congruent As:K ratio, likely due to sorbed arsenic on
mula based on full T-site occupancy of SO4 = 2 (in this the initial jarosite synthesis product that was not fully des-
study SO4 + AsO4 = 2) with any residual charge imbal- orbed during the rinsing process. Similar results were also
ance compensated by additional OH . Paktunc and reported by Smith et al. (2006a).
Dutrizac (2003) found that the incorporation of small The average initial potassium release log rates
amounts of arsenate for sulfate did not create a large (mol m 2 s 1) for K-jarosite, AJ0.6, AJ2.1 and AJ3.7 were
charge-balance issue as long as some of the arsenate 8.42 (±0.031), 9.11 (±0.50), 8.70 (±0.17) and 7.79
was protonated to divalent or monovalent species. How- (±0.12), respectively (Table 2). The rapid jump in K+ at
ever, due to the difficulty in properly identifying the loca- the beginning of all experiments (e.g., Fig. 3A, C, E, and
tion of excess H+ ions, which are suggested to jump G) was excluded in the calculation of rates.
rapidly from OH to OH, SO4 to SO4, or AsO4 to The increased solubility of iron oxides at pH 2 limits
AsO4 (Paktunc and Dutrizac, 2003), the general chemical iron oxide reaction products from forming and allows for
formula from Kubisz (1970) was used. All synthetic K- the calculation of jarosite dissolution rates based on iron re-
jarosite and arsenojarosite precipitates showed less than lease. Sulfate also complexes with iron (Sapieszko et al.,
full iron occupancy within the B-site. A solid-solution 1977), further suppressing precipitation of iron oxides.
series between H3O+ and K+ occurs in the A-site, with Average short-term initial iron release log rates (mol m 2 -
the hydronium content derived from A-site substitutions s 1) for K-jarosite, AJ0.6, AJ2.1 and AJ3.7 were 9.1
of K + Na + H3O = 1. The T-site was occupied entirely (±0.00), 8.9 (±0.05), 9.3 (±0.28), and 8.8 (±0.06).
by SO42 in the K-jarosite precipitates whereas the arse- Aqueous chemistry was measured in a single replicate
nojarosite precipitates also contained 0.6, 2.1, and out to 14 days. The evolution of pH, surface area, reaction
3.7 wt.% arsenic. products, and sorption/desorption prevented a meaningful
X-ray diffraction patterns for synthesized K-jarosite and description of 2-week data in terms of dissolution rate.
arsenojarosites were compared to the Powder Diffraction However, the 14 days surface-area normalized values are
File (Electronic Annex, Fig. EA-2). Peaks arising from reported in Table 2. Sample AJ3.7 had the highest sur-
additional mineral phases were not observed. An increase face-area normalized concentration of aqueous arsenic
in d-spacing (peak shift towards lower 2h) was observed but the lowest concentration of potassium and iron.
with increasing arsenic incorporation for all peak positions
(Fig. 1). Consistent with XRD results, AJ0.0, AJ0.7, and 3.2.2. TEM of residual solids
AJ2.1 show no additional phases observed by TEM. For As expected based on iron solubility, reaction products
AJ3.7, however, unidentified fine-grained material was ob- were not observed forming on any jarosite surfaces or in
served associated with grain boundaries, likely the result bulk solution for all pH 2 dissolution experiments. Due
of rinsing. Jarosite grains exhibit rhombohedral (Fig. 2A) to the relatively large thickness of many jarosite grains,
to spherical (Fig. 2C) morphology with grain sizes ranging the electron beam only penetrated the outer edge. Even
from 0.05 to 3 microns. BET analysis yielded surface areas so, an increasing degree of dissolution was observed with
of 2.2, 0.8, 1.3 and 3.5 m2/g for K-jarosite, 0.6, 2.1 and time (Fig. 2D–F). After 2 h, grain boundaries are relatively
3.7 wt.% arsenic jarosite, respectively. smooth with minor pitting and boundary roughness begin-

Table 1
Bulk chemical composition determined by Electron Probe Micro-Analysis (EPMA) for synthetic K-jarosite and arsenojarosite precipitates.
Chemical formulas were calculated using the formula provided by Kubisz (1970).
Sample Bulk chemical composition (wt.%) Formula of bulk solid based on (S + As) = 2
K Fe S As
K-jar 8.79 35.07 15.73 0.00 (H30)0.08K0.92Fe2.55(SO4)2(OH)4.65(H2O)1.35
AJ0.6 8.36 37.52 14.22 0.61 (H30)0.05K0.95Fe2.98[(SO4)1.98, (AsO4).02](OH)5.94(H2O)0.06
AJ2.1 8.64 35.67 14.50 2.10 (H30)0.07K0.93Fe2.71[(SO4)1.90, (AsO4).10](OH)5.04(H2O)0.96
AJ3.7 8.56 36.56 12.56 3.70 (H30)0.02K0.98Fe2.92[(SO4)1.80, (AsO4).20](OH)5.57(H2O)0.43
196 M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207

Fig. 1. XRD pattern of synthetic K-jarosite and arsenojarosite. A shift in peak positions toward higher d-spacing values (lower 2h region)
occur as arsenic incorporation increases.

ning to develop. After 14 days, grain textures showed signif- tions ranged from 21 (AJ3.7) to 100 (AJ0.6) lmol L 1 m 2
icant dissolution with all jarosite grains showing some de- (Table 2). The Fe:K molar ratios after 14 days for AJ0.6,
gree of pitting, creating a patchy texture in the thinner AJ2.1 and AJ3.7 were 0.052, 0.083 and 0.058, much lower
jarosite grains (especially Fig. 2D shows this well). SAED than the ratios reported for pH 2 dissolution. Incongruent
patterns of the thinner jarosite grains exhibiting the patchy dissolution is inferred based on these values and substan-
texture resulted in d-spacing values consistent with the ori- tiated with TEM observations of reaction products. Fe:K
ginal jarosite d-spacing values obtained from XRD. The molar ratios as high as 0.43, 0.48 and 0.12 were observed
lack of reaction products allowed for the measurement of during the first 2 h of dissolution as Fe was being precip-
surface area due to dissolution with AJ0.6 increasing from itated out and released more slowly than K. The As:K
0.75 to 2.63 m2/g after 14 days, and AJ2.1 increasing from molar ratios after 14 days were zero (to four decimal
1.27 to 2.44 m2/g after 14 days. places) for all experiments. During the first 2 h of dissolu-
tion, the largest As:K ratio observed for any experiment
3.3. Dissolution in ultra-pure water was 0.004.

3.3.1. Solution chemistry 3.3.2. TEM of residual solids

In ultra-pure water, concentrations of As and Fe are sig- The solubility of iron oxides in the pH range 4–5 is lower
nificantly lower than these measured from the pH 2 disso- than that of pH 2 and as a result, abundant reaction prod-
lution experiments (Fig. 5). Experiments show similar ucts were observed from the dissolution of K-jarosite and
trends: a rapid increase in K concentrations that then in- arsenojarosites in ultra-pure water. The mineralogy of the
creases more gradually with time, low Fe concentrations reaction products evolved with time. For K-jarosite, hema-
that slowly increase or plateau through time, and As con- tite and maghemite were the dominant phases present after
centrations that remain near background levels throughout. 10 h of dissolution but after 14 days, hematite was domi-
Table 3 reports the slurry, initial and final pH values from nant with minor goethite and maghemite (Elwood Madden
these experiments. All experiments showed a decrease in pH et al., 2012). For AJ0.6, ferrihydrite, hematite, and maghe-
with reaction progress. The average initial potassium re- mite were the dominant phases observed after 24 h of disso-
lease log rates (mol m 2 s 1) for K-jarosite, AJ0.6, AJ2.1 lution. Transformation to predominantly ferrihydrite and
and AJ3.7 in ultra-pure water were 9.20 (±0.05), 9.04 hematite occurred by 14 days with minor goethite (e.g.,
(±0.14), 8.93 (±0.20) and 7.70 (±0.09), respectively Electronic Annex, Fig. EA-3A and B). For AJ2.1, ferrihy-
(Table 3). drite and arsenic-bearing ferrihydrite, described as
After 14 days, As concentrations ranged from 0.066 “FeOAsOH” by Carlson et al. (2002) were the dominant
(AJ0.6) to 0.420 (AJ2.1) lmol L 1 m 2 and Fe concentra- phases after 14 days. In AJ3.7, a poorly crystalline phase
M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207 197

Fig. 2. TEM images of synthesized arsenojarosite starting material for AJ0.6 (A), AJ2.1 (B), and AJ3.7 (C) and reaction products (D–L). In
pH 2 H2SO4 solution after 2 weeks of dissolution: AJ0.6 (D), AJ2.1 (E) and AJ3.7 (F). AJ0.6 in ultra-pure water after 2.5 h (G), 16.5 h (H),
and 2 weeks (I). In pH 8 Tris buffered solution after 2 weeks: AJ0.6 (J), AJ2.1 (K), and AJ3.7 (L). P – pit, jar – jarosite, r.p. – reaction product.

was observed throughout the entire 14 days, eventually 2012). For AJ0.6 experiments, reaction products occurred
after 2 weeks appearing as “FeOHAs”. as aggregates of 5–10 nm subhedral grains or within aggre-
In K-jarosite dissolution experiments with ultra-pure gates containing goethite where the individual grains could
water, Elwood Madden et al. (2012) reported subhedral not be identified (Fig. 6A). In AJ2.1 and AJ3.7 experiments,
maghemite grains with sizes between 10–50 nm. With time, the reaction products occurred predominantly associated
hematite of 5–10 nm rounded to subhedral grains, or with jarosite grains and exhibited a “worm-like” (Fig. 6C
50 nm subhedral to euhedral grains with varying mor- and D) aggregate morphology. Crystal domains, however,
phologies, became dominant (Elwood Madden et al., still consisted of 5–10 nm subhedral grains.
198 M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207

(A) K-jarosite (B)

0.32 4

Concentration (mmol L-1 m-2)

Concentration (mmol L-1 m-2)
0.24 3

0.16 2
0.08 1

0.00 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 4 8 12 16
Time (hours) Time (days)

(C) AJ0.6 (D)

0.32 4

Concentration (mmol L-1 m-2)

Concentration (mmol L-1 m-2)

0.24 3

0.16 2 As
0.08 1 Fe

0.00 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 4 8 12 16
Time (hours) Time (days)

(E) AJ2.1 (F)

0.32 4
Concentration (mmol L-1 m-2)
Concentration (mmol L-1 m-2)

0.24 3

0.16 2 As
0.08 1 Fe

0.00 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 4 8 12 16
Time (hours) Time (days)

(G) AJ3.7 (H)

0.32 4
Concentration (mmol L-1 m-2)
Concentration (mmol L-1 m-2)

0.24 3

0.16 2 As
0.08 1 Fe

0.00 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 4 8 12 16
Time (hours) Time (days)

Fig. 3. Elemental concentrations from the dissolution of AJ0.0 (A and B), AJ0.6 (C and D), AJ2.1 (E and F) and AJ3.7 (G and H) in pH 2
H2SO4 solution.

Reaction products from K-jarosite, AJ0.6, and AJ2.1 fringes (Fig. 6G and H). The spots in FFTs of HRTEM
were crystalline, whereas reaction products from AJ3.7 images (Fig. 6C,F, and I) provide a reciprocal space depic-
experiments exhibited a poorly crystalline phase through- tion of the distribution of these fringes. The spacings should
out. After 14 days, HRTEM images of AJ0.6 and AJ2.1 not be over-interpreted, since they depend on the angle of
reaction products (Fig. 6A–B and D–E) showed abundant overlap for overlying crystals and the exact focal condi-
lattice and Moire´ fringes, whereas poorly crystalline tions, which were set for best contrast rather than measure-
AJ3.7 reaction products showed no measureable lattice ment. However, the lack of spots in the AJ3.7 FFT (Fig. 6I)
M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207 199

Table 2 the amount of arsenic associated with the reaction products

Aqueous concentrations after 14 days normalized for initial surface of AJ3.7 compared to AJ0.6 reaction products. Overall,
area. alteration of aggregate morphology from spherical to
Sample K Fe As “worm-like” segments and decreased particle crystallinity
1 2 1 2 1 2
mmol L m mmol L m lmol L m were observed with increased arsenic concentrations.
pH 2 All jarosite grain textures indicated an increased degree
AJ0.6 1.90 3.03 118 of dissolution with time (e.g., Fig. 2G–I). Reaction prod-
AJ2.1 1.38 3.73 188 ucts were heavily associated with K-jarosite and arsenojaro-
AJ3.7 0.230 0.126 275 site grains and often obscured direct observations of the
UP water grain boundaries. After 2 h, grain boundaries were rela-
AJ0.6 1.91 0.100 0.066 tively smooth with minor pitting and boundary roughness
AJ2.1 0.969 0.080 0.420 beginning to develop. After 14 days, abundant reaction
AJ3.7 0.368 0.021 0.119 products were observed associated with jarosite grain
boundaries, but jarosite grains exhibited pitting (Fig. 2I)
pH 8
AJ0.6 1.70 0.230 3.28 and surface roughness where reaction products were not
AJ2.1 1.18 0.252 19.0 observed.
AJ3.7 0.418 0.135 20.2
3.4. Dissolution at pH 8

is typical of the lack of fringes in reaction product HRTEM 3.4.1. Solution chemistry
images. The Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) Within the first 2 h of reaction at pH 8 (Tris buffered),
of the 14 days reaction products showed an increase in concentrations of As and Fe were significantly lower than

Table 3
Solution conditions and dissolution rates for K-jarosite and arsenojarosite experiments in this study.
Sample Condition Slurry Initial Final Rate Log r
pH pH pH (mol m s 1)
K-jar H2SO4 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.60  10 8.44
K-jar H2SO4 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.61  10 8.44
K-jar H2SO4 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.08  10 8.39
AJ0.6 H2SO4 2.0 2.1 2.0 6.56  10 9.18
AJ0.6 H2SO4 2.0 2.1 2.0 2.63  10 8.58
AJ0.6 H2SO4 2.0 2.1 2.0 2.64  10 9.58
AJ2.1 H2SO4 2.0 2.1 2.0 1.57  10 8.80
AJ2.1 H2SO4 2.0 2.1 2.0 3.13  10 8.50
AJ2.1 H2SO4 2.0 2.1 2.0 1.57  10 8.80
AJ3.7 H2SO4 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.23  10 7.65
AJ3.7 H2SO4 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.39  10 7.86
AJ3.7 H2SO4 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.39  10 7.85
AJ0.6 Water 4.9 5.5 4.8 1.27  10 8.90
AJ0.6 Water 4.9 5.5 4.8 6.58  10 9.18
AJ0.6 Water 4.9 5.5 4.8 9.23  10 9.03
AJ2.1 Water 5.4 5.7 5.1 6.95  10 9.16
AJ2.1 Water 5.4 5.7 5.1 1.55  10 8.81
AJ2.1 Water 5.4 5.7 5.1 1.55  10 8.81
AJ3.7 Water 4.1 5.7 3.9 1.93  10 7.72
AJ3.7 Water 4.1 5.7 3.9 1.68  10 7.78
AJ3.7 Water 4.1 5.7 3.9 2.49  10 7.60
AJ0.6 Tris 7.6 8.0 8.0 1.33  10 8.88
AJ0.6 Tris 7.6 8.0 8.0 6.63  10 9.18
AJ0.6 Tris 7.6 8.0 8.0 1.07  10 8.97
AJ2.1 Tris 7.7 7.7 7.9 4.72  10 9.33
AJ2.1 Tris 7.7 7.7 7.9 2.35  10 9.63
AJ2.1 Tris 7.7 7.7 7.9 3.94  10 9.40
AJ3.7 Tris 7.9 8.0 8.0 8.45  10 8.07
AJ3.7 Tris 7.9 8.0 8.0 1.13  10 7.95
AJ3.7 Tris 7.9 8.0 8.0 2.81  10 7.55
200 M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207

(A) As and Fe concentrations from the pH 2 dissolution exper-

iments and only slightly lower than concentrations from the
ultra-pure water dissolution experiments (Fig. 7, as com-
pared with Figs. 3 and 5). After several days of dissolution,
reacted jarosite particles and reaction products passed
through the 0.2 lm filter (Electronic Annex, Fig. EA-4),
leading to the observed increase in aqueous concentrations.
A control experiment with AJ0.6 demonstrated no jarosite
could be detected by TEM passing the filters during the per-
iod of data collection used to calculate dissolution rates. All
pH 8 experiments showed similar trends; an initial rapid in-



Fig. 4. Time-course evolution of element molar ratios (Fe:K and

As:K) during dissolution of K-jarosite and arsenojarosite in pH 2
H2SO4 solution. All samples dissolve incongruently during the
duration of the dissolution experiments. The measured As:K molar
ratio for AJ3.7(D) is in excess of the expected congruent molar
ratio, likely due to excess arsenic adsorbed on the jarosite that was
not thoroughly desorbed during the rinsing procedure prior to the
dissolution experiments.
Fig. 5. As, K, and Fe released during dissolution of AJ0.6 (A),
AJ2.1 (B) and AJ3.7 (C) in ultra-pure water.
M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207 201

Fig. 6. TEM/HRTEM images and FFTs of reaction products from the dissolution of AJ0.6 (A–C), AJ2.1 (D–F), and AJ3.7 (G–I) in ultra-
pure water. A change in aggregate morphology and particle crystallinity occur with increased arsenic concentration, as verified by FFTs
(shown) and EDS (not shown).

crease in K concentrations in the first few hours, followed than the ratios reported during dissolution in ultra-pure
by a steadily declining rate with time, low Fe concentra- water at pH 4–5, likely a result of material passing through
tions that slowly increased through time, and As concentra- the filter. Incongruent dissolution is inferred based on mo-
tions that remained low but increased steadily as the lar ratio values and substantiated with TEM observations
experiment progressed. The pH remained approximately 8 of reaction products. Fe:K molar ratios steadily increased
throughout all experiments (Table 3). The average short- as the experiment progressed. The final (14 days) As:K mo-
term initial potassium release log rate (mol m 2 s 1) for lar ratios for AJ0.6, AJ2.1 and AJ3.7 were 0.002, 0.016, and
K-Jarosite, AJ0.6, AJ2.1 and AJ3.7 were 7.95 (±0.13), 0.048, respectively.
9.01 (±0.15), 9.45 (±0.16) and 7.86 (±0.27), respec-
tively (Table 2). 3.4.2. TEM of residual solids
After 14 days, As concentrations ranged from 3.28 Abundant reaction products formed on K-jarosite and
(AJ0.6) to 20.2 (AJ3.7) lmol L 1 m 2 with Fe concentra- arsenojarosite surfaces and in bulk solution for all TEM
tions ranging from 135 (AJ3.7) to 252 (AJ2.1) lmol L 1 - sampling times (e.g., Figs. 2K and L, and EA-3H–L). Reac-
m 2 (Table 2). The lowest concentration of surface-area tion product identification was difficult due to a film
normalized K+ was again found in experiments with remaining over much of the residual solids on the TEM
AJ3.7. At pH 8, the solubility of iron oxides are at a mini- grids. This film was likely the result of the Tris buffered
mum. However, after 14 days the Fe:K molar ratios for solution, since pH 2 and ultra-pure water samples did not
AJ0.6, AJ2.1 and AJ3.7 were 0.13, 0.21 and 0.32, higher contain this film. Areas on every grid remained unobscured.
202 M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207

Fig. 7. Elemental concentrations from the dissolution of AJ0.6 (A and B), AJ2.1 (C and D) and AJ3.7 (E and F) in pH 8 TRIS buffered
solutions. The increase in all concentrations after several days of dissolution is the results of jarosite and colloidal material passing through the
0.2 lm filter.

In these film-free areas, abundant poorly crystalline mate- 4. DISCUSSION

rial provided no discernible electron diffraction pattern.
Aggregates of 5 nm ferrihydrite were predominant phase 4.1. Dissolution rates
identified along with minor hematite and maghemite
(Fig. EA-3H–L). The dissolution rates measured in this study are similar
The evolution of jarosite grain textures showed an to rates calculated from synthetic K-jarosite dissolution
increasing degree of dissolution with time. After 2 h, grain data presented in the literature (Baron and Palmer, 1996;
boundaries had minor pitting and boundary roughness. Smith et al., 2006b; Elwood Madden et al., 2012). However,
After 14 days, dissolution textures were pervasive. All jaro- dissolution rates for K-jarosite containing substitutions in
site grains showed some degree of pitting, creating a patchy the T-site are presented here for the first time. Examples
texture in the thinner jarosite grains (Fig. 2J). SAED pat- of jarosite dissolution experiments in the literature where
terns of the thinner patchy jarosite grains gave d-spacing T-site substitutions either occurred or possibly occurred in-
values consistent with the original jarosite d-spacing values clude Smith et al. (2006a) and Welch et al. (2007). Smith
obtained from XRD. et al. (2006a) conducted dissolution experiments on Pb-
M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207 203

Table 4
Reported corresponding solution conditions and K-jarosite dissolution rates from other studies.
Source Condition Slurry Initial Final Rate Log r
pH pH pH (mol m s 1)
Elwood Madden et al. (2012) H2SO4 2.0 2.0 1.7 3.24  10 8.49
Elwood Madden et al. (2012) H2SO4 2.0 2.1 1.6 2.82  10 8.55
Elwood Madden et al. (2012) H2SO4 2.0 2.0 1.7 2.51  10 8.6
Elwood Madden et al. (2012) Water 4.4 7.1 4.4 7.08  10 9.15
Elwood Madden et al. (2012) Water 4.4 6.9 4.3 6.03  10 9.22
Elwood Madden et al. (2012) Water 4.4 6.5 4.4 5.75  10 9.24
Elwood Madden et al. (2012) MES 7.5 7.9 6.7 8.31  10 8.08
Elwood Madden et al. (2012) MES 7.5 8.1 6.8 1.10  10 7.96
Elwood Madden et al. (2012) MES 7.5 8.0 1.51  10 7.82
Smith et al. (2006b) (first 85 days) HCl 2.0 8.8
Smith et al. (2006b) (first 85 days) CaOH 8.0 9.1
Welch et al. (2008) Water 3.8 11.2 (0.1)
Welch et al. (2008) HCl 4.0 11.3 (0.9)
Welch et al. (2008) HCl 3.0 11.4 (0.4)
Welch et al. (2008) H2SO4 4.0 11.3 (0.5)
Welch et al. (2008) H2SO4 3.0 11.8 (0.3)
Gasharova et al. (2005) Water 5.5 6.8 (0.4)
Baron and Palmer (1996) HCl 2.0 8.5 (0.03)

and Pb–As-jarosites, but dissolution rates could not be cal- (Fig. 8). This observed increase in dissolution rates is likely
culated due to the chemical behavior of Pb2+. Pb2+ substi- a result of the instability within the jarosite structure due to
tutes for K+ in the A-site but precipitated out with sulfate the incorporation of the slightly larger and higher charged
during the dissolution of Pb–As-jarosite at pH 2 and 8. arsenate complex which polarizes the surrounding bonds,
Welch et al. (2007) collected dissolution data on a natural making them more susceptible to attack. A possible expla-
jarosite sample where chromate, which readily substitutes nation for the anomalous behavior of AJ2.1 is the greater
into the T-site, was observed associated with jarosite. How- number of iron vacancies in this sample (Table 1) may
ever, Welch et al. (2007) noted that it was impossible to accommodate strain from arsenic substitution. However,
determine if the elements originated from the A-, B-, or this stabilization would be expected to slow rates at all
T-site or if they were associated with another phase and/ pH values. Similar dissolution rates observed at all three
or sorbed to surfaces. solution conditions for AJ0.6 and AJ3.7 and their similar
Due to the lack of K-jarosite dissolution experiments bulk solid K, Fe, and hydroxyl/water stoichiometry indi-
with known T-site substitutions, dissolution rates from this cate that the dissolution rate may also be related to the stoi-
study are compared solely with rates calculated from K- chiometry in the A-site, B-site, or hydroxyl/water site.
jarosite without T-site substitutions. When comparing rates K-jarosite exhibits a substantial variation in dissolution
from this study with dissolution data in the literature (Ta- rates for the different solution conditions (Fig. 9). Elwood
bles 3 and 4), there was a difference in the time scale over Madden et al. (2012) showed that K-jarosite dissolution is
which the dissolution rates were calculated. Initial dissolu- dependent on pH with a minimum rate occurring at pH
tion rates calculated for this study are based on data col- 3.5. Two different dissolution mechanisms were suggested
lected during the first 2 h of dissolution (short-term), to be occurring; at pH <3.5, H+ attack is the dominant
whereas data from Welch et al. (2007), Smith et al. mechanism while at pH >3.5, OH attack is the controlling
(2006b), and Baron and Palmer (1996) were collected over mechanism. Arsenojarosite dissolution rates presented here
a much greater time span (12–166 days). K-jarosite dissolu- suggest that a third mechanism may also play a role near
tion rates to date (Table 4) were compiled and critically the point of zero charge of K-jarosite, where dissolution
evaluated by Elwood Madden et al. (2012). Rates calcu- would be controlled by H2O attack. Similar trends have
lated in pH 2 conditions from the first 85 days of Smith been observed in the pH-dependence of dissolution rates
et al. (2006b) data and all of Baron and Palmer (1996) data for many minerals (e.g., Brady and House, 1996; Brantley,
show similar rates to short-term rates calculated for K-jaro- 2008).
site, AJ0.6, and AJ2.1 at pH 2 in this study. Calculated The pH-dependence of arsenojarosite results are com-
AJ3.7 short-term rates are substantially faster than all the pared with the pH-dependent rate of K-jarosite dissolution
rates reported in the literature. determined by Elwood Madden et al. (2012) in Fig. 9.
Incorporation of arsenic in jarosite appears to suppress
4.2. Dissolution mechanisms pH dependency, with AJ0.6 and AJ3.7 having nearly con-
stant log r of 9.0 and 7.7, respectively, through all pH
The average short-term dissolution rates calculated for values and AJ2.1 having a slightly decreasing log r from
arsenojarosite generally increase as the amount of incorpo- 8.8 to 9.4 as pH increases from 2 to 8. We suggest that
rated arsenic increases, with the exception of AJ2.1 at pH 8 the incorporation of arsenic into jarosite limits the effective-
204 M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207

arsenate at Fe–OH sites that prevents further attack by

H+ and OH in solution. It may be that the location of
the minimum in the dissolution rate of K-jarosite (i.e., the
point of the “V” in Fig. 9) near pH 3.5, and thus the change
in mechanism, relates to the hydrolysis of surface-associ-
ated Fe.
Based on the observation of incongruent dissolution, we
infer the rates of mineral dissolution are related in a com-
plex manner to the distribution of surface functional groups
(e.g., Brantley, 2008), but the aqueous data (e.g., Fig. 4)
suggest this distribution evolves with time. Modeling of
arsenate adsorption and surface speciation on goethite
and iron oxides by Fukushi and Sverjensky (2007) sug-
gested that the most stable arsenate–iron surface complexes
are (>FeO)2AsOOH at pH <5 and (>FeO)2AsO2 at pH
Fig. 8. Dissolution rates of K-jarosite and arsenojarosite versus >5. For arsenojarosite, we hypothesize that arsenate–iron
concentration of incorporated arsenic. In general, dissolution rates surface complexes limit the effectiveness of H+ and OH at-
increase as the amount of incorporated arsenic increases. tack on the Fe–OH bonds, affect iron hydrolysis, and in-
stead cause the overall short-term dissolution rate to be
controlled by the attack of H2O on the Fe–OH bonds.
The surface area-normalized concentration of K+ in
solution at 14 days of dissolution decreases for all experi-
ments as arsenic incorporation increases, providing sup-
porting evidence for a conceptual model wherein residual
arsenate surface complexes slow further dissolution,
(Fig. 10). It would be expected that a faster initial dissolu-
tion rate (Table 3, Fig. 8) with increased arsenic incorpora-
tion would create a greater concentration of K+ in solution
after 14 days, but the opposite trend was observed in this
In general, adsorption of inorganic oxyanions (e.g.,
phosphate, borate, and arsenate) that form bidentate binu-
clear surface complexes on oxide minerals leads to a de-
crease in dissolution rate (Stumm, 1997). For example,
Fig. 9. Dissolution rates of K-jarosite and arsenojarosite versus phosphate-loaded goethite dissolved much more slowly in
slurry pH at room temperature. Dotted line represents predicted HCl than phosphate-free goethite (Strauss et al., 1997).
rates for K-jarosite dissolution from Elwood Madden et al. (2012). Eick et al. (1999) demonstrated that arsenate adsorbed on
Errors bars represent one standard deviation from replicate the surface of goethite inhibited oxalate promoted dissolu-
experiments. tion, except at pH 6. Arsenate was more efficient at compet-
ing for goethite surface sites than oxalate and subsequently
increased the negative charge of the surface. This reduced
the rates of water exchange around iron, thereby decreasing
ness of H+ and OH attack, resulting in a predominantly
H2O attack mechanism in arsenojarosite. This change in
mechanism may be due to surface-bound arsenate prevent-
ing protonation at low pH and creating electrostatic repul-
sion of hydroxyls at higher pH.
The preferential removal of K+ and SO42 during disso-
lution (e.g., Fig. 4) reveals an underlying layer of Fe–OH–
Fe octahedra where the differences in bonding behavior be-
tween arsenate and sulfate become evident. Sulfate associ-
ates relatively weakly with ferric iron, while arsenate
forms strong ligand-exchange complexes. Therefore, sulfate
is preferentially released to solution versus arsenate. Paul-
ing ionic bond-valence analysis of oxygen atoms surround-
ing a hypothetical iron site in stoichiometric jarosite
illustrates that the dissolution of jarosite is likely controlled
by the breaking of Fe–O bonds (Elwood Madden et al.,
2012). Since the breaking of Fe–OH bonds is likely the rate
limiting step in jarosite dissolution, the removal of K+ and Fig. 10. Concentration of K+ in solution after 14 days of disso-
SO42 during dissolution results in an accumulation of lution decreases as the amount of incorporated arsenic increases.
M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207 205

the dissolution rates (Eick et al., 1999). Decades of research nate will be released through desorption from or dissolution
have demonstrated a direct link between metal–ligand com- of the parent iron oxide. However, within the pH range of
plexation and water exchange rates (e.g., Rustad and common surface waters the adsorption of arsenate on iron
Casey, 2012). Stumm (1997) also suggested that the release oxides can be beneficial in mitigating arsenic migration
or removal of such complexes is energetically unfavorable, (Cheng et al., 2009). The ultra-pure water and pH 8 solu-
inhibiting proton- or ligand (hydroxyl)-promoted tions used in this study for the dissolution of arsenojarosite
dissolution. favor the precipitation of iron oxides that serve as a sink for
arsenic. The element concentration profiles from these
4.3. Residual solids experiments (Figs. 5 and 7) show a net deficiency of arsenic
and iron in solution compared to the pH 2 dissolution
The residual solids produced during jarosite dissolution experiment (Fig. 3). Fe:K and As:K molar ratios also indi-
were volumetrically dominated by reacted jarosite grains at cate a net deficiency of these two elements in solution. TEM
all sampling periods. Secondary reaction products become observations of iron oxide precipitation explain the low but
more abundant with time, especially at 14 days in pH measurable iron concentrations and low Fe:K molar ratios.
>3.5 experiments. These reaction products were only appar- The low aqueous arsenic concentration and low As:K mo-
ent from TEM observations, as other techniques (e.g., lar ratio that follow similar trends as iron, suggest that a
XRD and SEM) were incapable of resolving and identify- portion of the aqueous arsenic has adsorbed onto and/or
ing the nanoscale reaction products. coprecipitated with the newly formed iron oxide nanoparti-
The secondary reaction products observed during the cles, also verified by EDS. Subsequently, the release of ar-
dissolution of K-jarosite and arsenojarosite varied as a senic from arsenojarosite dissolution and the rapid
function of time, pH, and arsenic concentration, as identi- adsorption of arsenic by newly formed iron oxides show
fied by SAED. HRTEM images were also acquired, show- that the mobility of arsenic in AMD/ARD systems is
ing a multitude of lattice fringes (Fig. 6B and D) for many dependent on the cycling of arsenic on or within several
of the reaction products when the amount of incorporated minerals. Jarosite has the capability to serve as a sink for
arsenic was 2.1% or less. On the other hand, selected-area arsenic in highly acidic environments whereas iron oxides
electron diffraction patterns were less likely to indicate crys- serve as an additional sink for arsenic in conditions that
tallinity; patterns for many AJ0.6 and AJ2.1 reaction prod- are unfavorable for jarosite (pH >3–4).
ucts were dominated by broad rings with a smaller number The direct effects of arsenic incorporation on the disso-
of spots. This is typical for phases such as “2-line” ferrihy- lution kinetics of jarosite have not been previously investi-
drite, where lattice fringes are common even as SAED and gated. The experimental data from this study suggest that
XRD patterns are diffuse (e.g., Janney et al., 2000). the dissolution kinetics of arsenojarosite differs profoundly
On the other hand, increasing arsenic load leads to a de- from that of K-jarosite in terms of dissolution rates and
crease in reaction product crystallinity. This is significant mechanisms. In open systems (e.g., most AMD/ARD sys-
because, for example, amorphous ferric arsenate leads to tems), the increase in initial dissolution rates may lead to
arsenic solubilities greater than typical regulatory thresh- a sudden influx of arsenic that could detrimentally affect
olds (e.g., Paktunc and Bruggemann, 2010). A reduction the ecosystem of the downstream environment upon
in crystallinity has also been observed by Waychunas dissolution.
et al. (1993) and Violante et al. (2007) for arsenate coprecip- The batch reactor set-up used in this experiment is a
itated with iron oxides and Galvez et al. (1999) for ferrihy- closed system and is representative of conditions in capped
drite coprecipitated with phosphate. Additionally, at pH 8, AMD/ARD environments and also those thought to have
ferrihydrite solubility is very low, preventing recrystalliza- been present on the surface of Mars during aqueous diagen-
tion of the initial reaction product to form more thermody- esis of jarosite-bearing deposits. As jarosite dissolution pro-
namically stable phases. We hypothesize that the observed gresses, K+ and SO42 are preferentially leached from the
change in aggregate morphology from spherical (Fig. 6A) surface (Smith et al., 2006b), forming a residual surface
to “worm-like” (Fig. 6D, E, G, and H) can be attributed layer of iron. The breaking of Fe–OH bonds is assumed
to repulsive forces created by the increase in negative to be the rate- limiting step in jarosite dissolution, but dur-
charge of the particles as arsenic association increases, lim- ing arsenojarosite dissolution, arsenate likely remains
iting the surface interactions of particles. bonded to the surface due to the much stronger bonding
nature of arsenate to iron, compared with sulfate to iron.
5. IMPLICATIONS The increased number of arsenate–iron sites also inhibits
dissolution in these systems. This study has implications
Iron oxides have important implications on the fate and on the calculation of jarosite lifetimes on the surface of
transport of arsenic in AMD/ARD environments (Cheng Mars (Elwood Madden et al., 2009) due to the reduction
et al., 2009) as many have points of zero charge at pH in dissolution rates when phosphate, which is chemically
8.5 (pHpzc, pH at which the net surface charge is zero). similar to arsenate and has been widely observed with jaro-
As previously discussed, the dominant aqueous arsenate site on Mars (Rieder et al., 2004) is incorporated into the
species present at surface water conditions (pH 4–9) are jarosite or is present in solution during the dissolution of
H2AsO4 and HAsO42 which readily adsorb to the surface jarosite. In addition, this study will add to the understand-
of the positively charged iron oxy(hydr)oxides. In extremely ing of the geochemically complex nature of AMD/ARD
acidic (pH <2) or alkaline (pH >9.5) environments, arse- systems and the potential influence trace elements have on
206 M.R. Kendall et al. / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 112 (2013) 192–207

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N. Alpers, J. L. Jambor, and D. K. Nordstrom). Rev. Mineral.
This work was supported by NASA Mars Fundamental Re- Geochem. Mineralogical Society of America and Geochemical
search Program award NNX09AL18G. George Morgan of the Society, Washington, D.C, vol. 40, pp. 405–452.
OU Microprobe Laboratory and Greg Strout from the OU Samuel Eick M. J., Peak J. D. and Brady W. D. (1999) Effect of oxyanions
Roberts Noble Electron Microscopy Laboratory are thanked for on the oxalate-promoted dissolution of goethite. Soil Sci. Soc.
their technical assistance. We thank Don Rimstidt for helpful dis- Am. J. 63(5), 1133–1141.
cussions. The comments of Associate Editor Jacques Schott and Elwood Madden M. E., Madden A. S. and Rimstidt J. D. (2009)
two anonymous reviewers are greatly appreciated. How long was Meridiani Planum wet? Applying a jarosite
stopwatch to constrain the duration of diagenesis. Geology 37,
Elwood Madden M. E., Madden A. S., Rimstidt J. D., Zahrai S.,
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rates and nanoscale mineralogy. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 91,
Supplementary data associated with this article can be 306–321.
found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ Emmet P. H. and Brunauer S. (1937) The use of low temperature
j.gca.2013.02.019. van der Waals adsorption isotherms in determining the surface
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