AAR Spec S-4200
AAR Spec S-4200
AAR Spec S-4200
Electronically Controlled Brake Systems
or Appendix Topic Page
4.3.15 Network Device Input Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]38
4.3.16 Network Device Output Conducted Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]38
4.3.17 CCD or EOT in Shutdown Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]38
4.3.18 Messaging Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]39
4.3.19 Pneumatic Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]41
4.3.20 Continuous Reservoir Charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]42
4.3.21 Locomotive ECP Equipment as the EOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]42
4.4 Fault Response and Recovery Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]43
4.4.1 System Fault-Initiated Brake Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]45
4.4.2 Signal Transmission Faults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]45
4.4.3 Low Brake Pipe Pressure (BPP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]47
4.4.4 System Critical Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]48
4.4.5 Reduced Percentage of Operative Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]50
4.4.6 CCD Low Car Reservoir Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]50
4.4.7 Low Train Line Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]51
4.4.8 HEU Detects Use of Pneumatic Brake While Train Is Moving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]51
4.4.9 Train Speed Exceeds 20 mph in SWITCH Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]51
4.4.10 CCD or EOT Detects Low Battery Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]52
4.4.11 PSC or EOT Detects Greater Than 30 V When Power Is Off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]52
4.4.12 CCD Detects Incorrect BC Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]53
4.4.13 Multiple Lead (Active) HEUs in Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]53
4.4.14 CCD Detects Train Empty/Load Command Mismatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]53
4.4.15 Other Local Fault Detected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]54
4.4.16 Recovery from Emergency, Fault-Induced, or Penalty Brake Applications. . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]54
5.0 Environmental Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]54
5.1 Vibration and Shock Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]54
5.2 Temperature and Humidity Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]54
6.0 Approval Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II[S-4200]54
Appendix A Glossary of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II–55
Appendix B ECP Device Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-II–57
using electronically controlled freight brake systems suitable for service in all-electronic braked
trains. Operation of such systems in a conventionally (pneumatic-only) braked train is covered by
MSRP Standards S-461, S-462, S-464, and S-467.
2.1 An electronically controlled pneumatic (ECP) brake system is a train power braking system
actuated by compressed air and controlled by electronic signals originated at the locomotive for
service and emergency applications. The brake pipe is used to provide a constant supply of air to
the reservoirs.
2.2 The “cable-based” ECP brake system provides power and communications to all ECP brake
devices in the train via a two-conductor electric train line that spans the entire length of the train.
2.3 The system provides almost instantaneous response to braking commands, including gradu-
ated brake releases and reapplications. The system responds appropriately to undesired separa-
tion or malfunction of hoses, cabling, or brake pipe.
For purposes of this standard, terms used herein are defined as follows:
Table 3.1 General definitions (page 1 of 5)
3.1 Car Control The CCD is an electronic control device that replaces the function of
Device (CCD) the conventional pneumatic service and emergency portions during
electronic braking and provides for electronically controlled service
and emergency brake applications. The CCD interprets and acknowl-
edges the electronic signals and controls the service and emergency
braking functions on the car. In a stand-alone system, the CCD also
controls reservoir charging. The CCD also will send a warning signal to
the locomotive in case any of the components cannot respond appropri-
ately to a braking command. Each CCD has a unique electronic
address that is keyed to car reporting marks and number.
A CCD shall be activated by presence of train line power. Each CCD
contains a battery, which is charged from train line power. There are a
number of different types of CCD applications:
• Overlay brake system—An overlay ECP brake system is capa-
ble of operating in either a conventionally or electronically
braked train. A failure of the ECP overlay brake system would
enable a train to continue to operate as a conventionally
braked train using conventional control valves when the ECP
brake system is placed in cutout mode. An electronically
braked train must come to a complete stop before the ECP
brake system can be placed into cutout mode and train opera-
tion continued with the pneumatic brake. When operating in
the electronic mode, an overlay system and a pure ECP brake
system must operate identically, as specified in forthcoming
paragraphs of this standard.
• Emulator CCD—A CCD may optionally emulate the function of
the pneumatic control valve while in a conventionally braked
train. A suitable power source shall be provided to allow the
emulator CCD to function as specified at all train speeds for a
minimum of 48 hours. The functions and performance of pneu-
matic brake emulation must adhere to the requirements of
MSRP Standards S-461, S-462, S-464, and S-467.
• Stand-alone CCD—A CCD that cannot operate in a conven-
tional pneumatically braked train and must operate only in
ECP equipped trains.
shall be transmitting status messages to the HEU before the train line
power can be energized continuously. The EOT continually reports
brake pipe pressure and train line voltage to the HEU.
An EOT shall be activated by the presence of train line power.
The requirements defined herein are those EOT functions required for
ECP braked trains. The ECP EOT may be a device separate from the
EOT device specified for pneumatically braked trains in the AAR Com-
munication Manual, Part 12–15. For ECP trains capable of operating
in a pneumatic mode (overlay or emulator brake systems), a pneumatic
EOT function also shall be required. The ECP EOT functions may be
combined in a single, dual-mode device with the pneumatic EOT func-
tions. A dual-mode EOT device shall meet the requirements defined
herein for ECP operation and the requirements for pneumatic EOTs
specified in AAR Communications Manual, Part 12–15 and all applica-
ble FRA rules.
In trains that are operating with distributed power control per the
AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Standard
S-4200, “Trailing Locomotive Control with ITC Specification,” latest
revision, the ECP equipment on a locomotive at the end of the train
may perform the ECP EOT function. Locomotive ECP equipment func-
tioning as an EOT shall meet the requirements defined in
paragraph 4.3.21.
3.4 Train Line The train line is a two-conductor electric wire spanning the train that
carries both train line power (to operate all CCDs and EOT devices)
and communications network signals (superimposed on the power volt-
age). The train line shall meet the requirements of MSRP S-4210
“S-4210,” latest revision.
3.5 ECP Brake The ECP brake system power supply is a DC supply operating at nom-
(Train Line) inally 230 Vdc to provide electrical power, via the train line, to all con-
DC Power Supply nected CCDs and EOT devices. The power supply is mounted within a
locomotive and is controlled by a power supply controller (PSC), which
is a network device. The power supply shall meet the requirements of
MSRP S-4220 “ECP Cable-Based Brake DC Power Supply—Perfor-
mance Specification,” latest revision. A single power supply shall be
capable of supplying power to an ECP- equipped train consisting of a
minimum of 160 CCDs and an EOT.
• Locomotive road number
• Locomotive type
• Stretched length
• Nominal weight
• Number of axles
• Battery voltage fault threshold
• Battery voltage fault clear threshold
• Railroad default BBP setpoint
• Default train full-service NBR
• Suppression brake application
• Nominal wheel diameter
• Vehicle orientation reference
3.11 Operative Brake An operative brake is two braked trucks.
Trail State
(FS Brake)
Set-Up Process
(No (Brake Release Prevented)
Beacons) Select
BPP Setpoint
Change1 Run
RUN2 (FS Interlock) 1
Setup (FS Interlock Change
Change1 Release) Setup
Sequence Change1
Train Switch
Sequencing Mode
(FS Interlock
Release) ECP Diagnostic
Test Process
Run Mode
Mode Run
1. Set-Up changes are allowed only if the train is stopped or a full service brake application has
been in effect for at least 120 seconds, with the exception of changing the empty/load state.
2. Transition to RUN mode without initialization is allowed ONLY IF the EOT beacon has not been
lost for more than 3 seconds since the previous initialization.
IMPLEMENTED 02/2008 Once lead is selected and prior to completing the setup process, the lead HEU broad-
casts HEU beacon messages containing a full-service (100%) TBC, a train line power off command,
and initialization mode. Then the HEU enters the setup process.
4.2.2 Setup Description of Setup
Setup is an operation that allows the engineer to change the ECP brake system configuration.
With the exception of changing the empty/load setting from empty to loaded and changing the
train line power mode, setup changes shall not occur unless the train is stopped or until a full-ser-
vice application has been in effect for 120 seconds. Any setup change shall require an operator con-
firmation to become effective. Entering Setup from Trail State
Upon entering Setup from Trail state, all ECP brake system configuration information and operat-
ing mode may be selected. Setup shall not be exited until all configuration information is con-
firmed or the HEU is placed in the Trail state. Entering Setup from RUN, SWITCH, Initialization, CUTOUT Mode, or Diag-
nostic Tests
Upon entering Setup from an operating mode, some or all ECP brake system configuration infor-
mation and operating modes may be changed. Setup Operational Procedures
In Setup, the following information may be entered. HEU Trail
If Trail state is selected, then no other information needs to be entered. The HEU enters Trail
state. Train Line Power Mode Selection
The engineer may select Automatic Power mode or Power Off mode at any time (see
paragraph 4.3.3). The default is Power OFF. Brake Pipe Pressure Setpoint
The engineer must select the BP pressure setpoint (BPP setpoint), or the engineer may accept the
default setting. The BP pressure setpoint establishes the ECP brake system reference BP pres-
sure. The minimum pressure setting for ECP brake systems shall be 60 psig and the maximum
pressure setting shall be 110 psig, in increments of 1 psi. Empty/Load
For trains with cars that do not have local load sensing capability, the engineer must designate if
the train is empty or loaded prior to moving the train. The default setting on HEU power-up shall
be loaded. This empty/load setting shall be selectable by the operator during train setup and under
normal operating conditions (see paragraph The engineer shall not be allowed to
change the train’s empty/load setting from loaded to empty while the train is in motion. After oper-
ator confirmation, the empty/load setting shall be transmitted to all CCDs. If the engineer does not
change and/or confirm the current setting prior to moving the train, the HEU must, at a mini-
mum, provide a visual indication to the operator as a reminder. Note that if cars have an on-board
load sensor or empty/load device, or if car load data exists, the CCD shall ignore the HEU’s
“empty/load” command and use the other data (i.e., data on the car overrides data from the HEU
for that car). See paragraph 4.3.9, “CCDs Determine Car Load Value.”
In order to initialize the ECP system, CCDs and EOT shall be restarted via a train line
power application if they have been shut down. The HEU shall prompt the engineer when
entering Initialization to set train line power to AUTO when safe to do so. Within 2 seconds
after the train line voltage has reached 100 Vdc at the device, any CCDs or EOT that were
shut down restart (wake up) and begin to cut in. This procedure is necessary to prepare
CCDs and EOT for ECP brake system initialization. This 2-second power-up function shall
not depend on the existence of EOT or HEU beacons on the network. When the EOT is
activated, it shall begin transmitting EOT beacon and status messages to the HEU. The
EOT shall be activated by the presence of train line power.
2. The HEU shall establish the version compatibility level of the train per S-4230, latest
3. The HEU shall poll the network to identify all network devices. When devices have been
identified, they shall be assigned network addresses and shall be added to the HEU
4. The HEU database shall indicate the relative position of each network device within the
train (correlated to reporting marks or road numbers). The relative position shall be
determined as defined in paragraph
5. If additional CCDs are added to the database, the HEU shall configure the cars by
downloading operational data to each additional CCD.
6. Car-specific data (paragraph 3.9) from the car ID module shall be retrieved from each CCD.
7. The HEU transmits train configuration data to all ECP train line devices. This information
includes the train net braking ratio and brake pipe pressure setpoint.
8. Each CCD determines its car loading value in order to adjust brake cylinder pressures to
car loading (see paragraph 4.3.9, “CCDs Determine Car Load Value.”
9. Locomotive-specific data (paragraph 3.10) from the locomotive ID module shall be retrieved
from each trail HEU.
10. The HEU shall prompt the engineer to confirm or enter the total number of potentially
operative brakes. If a discrepancy is found, the database must be cross-checked against the
actual train configuration. After confirmation of the number of potentially operative brakes
in the train, the HEU may begin the train sequencing process.
During Initialization mode, the network devices shall not transmit exception messages except for
critical loss exceptions, PSC exceptions, and version compatibility exceptions per S-4230, latest
The engineer may cancel the initialization procedure at any time. If the initialization procedure is
cancelled, the HEU returns to the setup process and/or allows the engineer to restart the initial-
ization process. Sequencing
The ECP system shall provide the ability to sequence the train during ECP system initialization.
The lead HEU, as part of the initialization procedure, shall determine the relative position and ori-
entation of each vehicle within the train with respect to the locomotive on which the HEU desig-
nated as lead is installed. General Sequencing Requirements
The following are general requirements for sequencing.
1. All network devices shall provide an indication of their capablility to perform the
sequencing process during initialization.
2. The system shall be able to determine the sequential order of the vehicles in the train with
an accuracy of ±0 vehicles.
3. When sequencing is completed successfully, each vehicle shall retain its position and
4. Successful sequencing shall not be required for normal train operation.
5. Any failures related specifically to sequencing shall not affect normal train operation.
6. Sequencing shall not in any way inhibit the car’s ability to maintain the requested train
brake command as long as the CCD’s battery has sufficient charge to operate the CCD.
7. Sequencing shall not be affected by a low battery on a CCD (one that can still power the
CCD electronics, but would normally cause the CCD to shut down to conserve the battery).
IMPLEMENTED 02/2008 Hardware Requirements for Sequencing Train Line Power Supply Requirements
The ECP train line power supply shall provide a nominal 24 Vdc output as defined in S-4220,
“ECP Cable-Based Brake DC Power Supply—Performance Specification,” latest revision. This volt-
age shall be applied to the conductors of the train line during the sequencing process. Switchable Load Requirements
The ECP equipment on each car and locomotive shall provide a switchable load across the two con-
ductors of the train line. The switchable load, when activated, shall cause a DC current of 0.65 A
± 0.1 A to flow between the load and the train line power supply with the train line voltage at
24 Vdc. The total AC impedance presented by the ECP equipment on a vehicle shall be nominally
2,000 ohms in the 100-KHz to 450-KHz frequency band when the load is not activated and shall
not be reduced below 500 ohms when the load is connected. The default state of the switchable
load shall be not activated. With no switchable load connected and the train line voltage less than
30 Vdc, train line current shall not exceed 0.17 mA per device. Current Sensing Requirements
The ECP equipment on each car and locomotive (rail vehicle) shall be capable of sensing the train
line current resulting from the activation of one switchable load as defined in
paragraph, “Switchable Load Requirements,” when that rail vehicle is between the
train line power supply and the activated switchable load. No current shall be sensed when the
sensing vehicle is not between the train line power supply and the activated switchable load. The
ECP current sensor shall not be damaged by current up to 15 A.
Car ID Module
Loco ID
Short Long
TL Current
Power/Communications Hood Sensor Hood
Trainline End PS
Load End
1. Connect load across the train line in response to lead HEU commands.
2. Provide a timing function to automatically disconnect the load after train line current has
reached and maintained a level as specified in paragraph, “Switchable Load Re-
quirements,” for a minimum of 200 ms and a maximum of 300 ms of continuous connection.
3. Detect a valid sequencing train line current pulse when sequencing is active. A valid
current pulse shall be detected if train line current is at or above the limit as specified in
paragraph, “Switchable Load Requirements,” for a minimum of 100 ms and a
maximum of 400 ms continuous.
4. Maintain a lead locomotive sense status that is initialized to false and set to true if a valid
sequencing train line current pulse is detected during the lead locomotive sense phase.
5. Maintain a pulse counter that is initialized to zero and incremented by one during the
sequencing phase each time a valid train line current pulse is detected when this vehicle is
not the one connecting its load.
6. Maintain a vehicle orientation status relative to the lead locomotive that is determined by
detecting the presence/absence of train line current when this vehicle’s load is connected,
comparing it to a car/locomotive ID parameter that identifies how the current sensor was
installed on the vehicle, and reversing it if the lead locomotive sense status is set to true .
7. Determine the vehicle position based on the total number of vehicles sequenced, pulse count
and lead locomotive sense status. If the lead locomotive sense status is set to true, the
vehicle position shall be calculated as (pulse count + 1); otherwise the vehicle position shall
be calculated as (number of vehicles sequenced – pulse count).
8. Report the sequencing results as defined in S-4230, latest revision, to the lead HEU when
1. The HEU shall broadcast a Prepare for Sequencing command on the train line to initialize
all participating devices for sequencing. In response to this command, the CCDs and EOT
disable their normal low battery shutdown logic and participating devices reset their
position count and orientation status to unknown and lead locomotive sense status to false.
2. The HEU shall command 230 Vdc train line power to off.
3. After verifying that train line power is off, the HEU shall command a single PSC to energize
24 Vdc train line power.
4. After a minimum of 5 seconds, the HEU shall verify that 24 Vdc is present on the train line.
5. After verifying that 24 Vdc is present on the train line, if the enabled PSC is on the lead
locomotive, the HEU shall begin the vehicle sequencing phase; otherwise it shall begin the
lead locomotive sense phase
1. The HEU shall broadcast an Enable Lead Sense command on the train line to enable the
lead sense function on all participating devices.
2. The HEU commands the load on the lead locomotive to be connected across the train line.
3. The load on the lead locomotive shall be connected and removed as defined in
paragraph, “General Software Requirements for Sequencing.”
4. All participating trailing devices shall read their current sensor and update their lead
locomotive sense status as defined in paragraph, “General Software Requirements
for Sequencing.”
5. Steps 2. through 4.) may be repeated up to two times to minimize the possibility of errors.
1. The HEU commands all participating devices to start counting current pulses.
2. The HEU commands a trailing device to connect its load across the train line.
3. The load on the trailing device shall be connected and removed as defined in
paragraph, “General Software Requirements for Sequencing.” The associated
network device shall respond with a Load Connected message.
4. All trailing devices participating in sequencing shall read their current sensor and update
their sequencing information as defined in paragraph, “General Software
Requirements for Sequencing.”
5. A minimum of 50 ms and a maximum of 150 ms after the load has been disconnected, the
device shall send a Load Removed message to the HEU.
6. The HEU waits a minimum of 50 ms.
7. The HEU repeats steps 2. through 6. for each vehicle in the train database.
8. The HEU commands all train line devices to stop counting pulses.
1. The HEU shall query each vehicle for its position count, orientation, and other sequencing
information as defined in S-4230, latest revision.
2. After all vehicles have been queried for their sequencing results, the HEU shall broadcast
an End Sequencing command to all train line devices. In response to this command, the
CCDs and EOT enable their normal low battery shutdown logic.
3. After sequencing is complete, the HEU can resume normal control of train line power.
Note: The lead HEU may, at the option of its manufacturer, resume normal control of train line
power prior to sending the queries to each vehicle for its sequencing data.
Note: The lead HEU may, at the option of its manufacturer, resume normal control of train line
power prior to sending the queries to each vehicle for its sequencing data.
I1 I2 I3 I4
L1 L2 L3 L4
V1 V2 V3 V4
3. Poll the PSC that was enabled for status.
4. Poll the PSC on the lead locomotive for status, if different.
5. Record the EOT measured voltage.
6. Disable the PSC under test.
7. Wait at least 15 seconds.
8. Repeat the above sequence for all PSCs. The HEU shall record any exception messages related to train line power supplies
under test for use by the HEU in automatically selecting power supplies and warn the engineer
accordingly. CCD/EOT Battery Tests
During the ECP diagnostic test, the HEU shall command the train line power OFF for at least 30
seconds while the ECP system is holding a full-service brake application. The HEU shall record
any exception messages related to low battery charge and warn the engineer accordingly.
4.2.5 RUN Mode Description
RUN mode is the main mode of operation of the ECP brake system and is selected when the train
consist is fully configured and ready for normal road operations. As such, all fault detection modes
(except for special SWITCH mode limits) are enabled to permit safe operation of long trains at full
1. The engineer’s brake command is read from the man-machine interface, translated by the
HEU to train brake commands (TBCs), and broadcast to all network devices as part of the
HEU beacon message.
2. HEU shall broadcast a “configuration” message containing BPP setpoint, train NBR, and
• The second class of faults is somewhat less severe, and must result in an immediate auto-
matic full service (or penalty brake application).
• The least severe fault class must result in a warning to the engineer, but must not signifi-
cantly interfere with the normal operation of the brake system. Note that some faults are compound faults (meaning a coincidence of two or more
Automatic Emergency
• Critical system loss (loss of BPP or communication)
Automatic Full Service
• Less than 85% operative brakes, causes for which include low battery charge, low
reservoir charge, CCD shut down, CCD cutout, and other disabling faults
• Low EOT battery charge
• Less than 90% operative brakes and either (a) low train line voltage or (b) train
operating in low power mode
• Use of locomotive pneumatic brake control
• Multiple lead (active) HEUs
Warning Only
• Low train line voltage
• High train line voltage
• Incorrect BCP
• Percentage of operative brakes falls below 95% or 90%
1. The lead HEU shall command train line power to off in the HEU beacon. Train line power
shall not be available while in CUTOUT mode.
2. The HEU shall command all CCDs, trailing HEUs, and the EOT to cut out as described in
paragraph 4.3.13 by entering CUTOUT mode.
• Acknowledgement (when applicable) Means of implementation of other required inputs shall be manufacturer specific. Interaction with Locomotive Systems/Signals
The HEU should be capable of responding to or generating the following locomotive system sig-
remote, distributed power locomotive consist. All other locomotives normally will be controlled via
existing locomotive multiple-unit (MU) cables and pipes.
4.3.2 Communication Network Test
Testing of network communication integrity may be performed during RUN mode and at other
times at the discretion of the manufacturer. The test may include evaluation of error rates and/or
analysis of signal attenuation through the network. To aid in system diagnostics, CCDs, PSCs, and EOTs shall maintain a count of CRC
errors detected by the communication network controller. This count shall be reset to zero at
power-up and once per hour by the HEU. Each CCD/PSC/EOT shall set a flag in its status report if
the CRC error count exceeds a threshold broadcast by the HEU. The HEU may use this informa-
tion to identify malfunctioning network devices or groups of network devices. To aid in system diagnostic services, the HEU may provide a means to measure the com-
munication signal voltage level at its interface to the communication medium. If provided, the
HEU shall make this measurement with a relative resolution of ±0.5 dB over a minimum 50 dB
dynamic range. The hardware that provides this measurement shall have no adverse effect on the
communication signal. Determination of train line faults shall be manufacturer specific. A special
“quiet” state shall be available when the train is stopped and holding a full-service interlock as
defined in S-4230, latest revision.
4.3.3 Train Line power control
Train Line Power shall be controlled by the HEU via commands to the PSCs and a power control
flag in the HEU beacon. The HEU power control shall be derived from a combination of engineer
input and other mode and fault data as defined in this section. Train Line Power Mode Control
The engineer shall be permitted to select the train line power mode at any time. There shall be two
engineer-selectable train line power modes: OFF and AUTOMATIC. The default train line power
mode shall be OFF. The HEU may change the train line power mode from AUTOMATIC to OFF as
defined in paragraph Power OFF Mode
When the Power OFF mode is selected or entered automatically, the HEU shall disable all power
supplies in the train by setting the power control flag in the HEU beacon to the OFF state. All
PSCs shall disable their associated train line power outputs when the power control flag in the
HEU beacon is set to OFF.
1. If the head end termination is not detected and/or the HEU has not received EOT beacons
for a minimum of 3 seconds and train is stopped:
A. The HEU shall provide a warning indicating train line power will be applied.
B. After the engineer has acknowledged the warning, the HEU shall request a confir-
mation that all personnel are clear from the train line.
C. After receiving this confirmation, the HEU shall command train line power to be ac-
tivated. If the head end termination and EOT are not detected within 8 seconds after
train line voltage has exceeded 30 Vdc at the activated PSC, the HEU shall automat-
ically command that power be disabled.
2. If the head end termination is present and the HEU has received one or more EOT beacons
in the last 3 seconds, it shall command that train line power be on continuously until a fault
or engineer command requires power to be commanded OFF.
3. If train line power is disabled due to a fault condition, the HEU power mode may continue
to be AUTOMATIC and power may be re-enabled depending on whether the train is in mo-
A. If the fault condition is cleared and the train is not stopped, the HEU may automat-
ically set the HEU beacon power control flag to ON and enable one or more PSCs to
provide train line power.
B. As long as the fault condition remains and the train is not stopped, the HEU may
continue to indicate AUTOMATIC power mode with train line power disabled.
C. If the train is stopped, the HEU shall automatically disable train line power and the
HEU may change the power mode to OFF.
4. If the ECP system is in RUN or SWITCH mode and the train is not stopped, the HEU may
enable train line power continuously even though the head end termination is not present
and/or the HEU has not received one or more EOT beacons in the last 3 seconds:
A. The HEU may automatically set the HEU beacon power control flag to ON and en-
able one or more PSCs to provide train line power.
B. If the train is stopped, the HEU shall automatically disable train line power. The
HEU may remain in AUTOMATIC power mode or the HEU may change the power
mode to OFF.
C. The PSC has not detected a disabling fault (e.g., very low input voltage from the
D. The PSC has not been commanded to a cut-out state by the HEU.
2. A PSC shall enable its associated train line power supply as the primary train line power
supply when the following conditions are true:
A. A PSC has determined that it is available as a primary train line power supply.
B. The last HEU beacon received has the power control flag set to ON.
C. The PSC has received an individual command from the HEU to enable the train line
power supply as a primary after the HEU beacon power control flag was set to ON.
D. The PSC detects a disabling fault (e.g., uncontrolled signal transmissions, very low
input voltage from the locomotive). The PSC shall then send an exception message
to the HEU.
E. The PSC detects less than 100 Vdc ± 4% at its output while supplying its maximum
rated current output (i.e., shorted train line). The PSC shall then send an exception
message to the HEU.
F. The PSC upon being enabled as primary detects less than 110 Vdc at its output with-
in 10 seconds after receipt of the enable command. The PSC shall then send an ex-
ception message to the HEU.
G. The PSC upon being enabled as secondary detects that it is not properly sharing the
train line load at its output within 10 seconds after the receipt of the enable com-
mand. The PSC shall then send an exception message to the HEU.
fully activated. Locomotive Power Management
The HEU may optionally utilize the PSC status responses to select PSCs to operate the ECP train
line while minimizing the effect of the ECP system on the locomotive power system. The HEU may
utilize the following criteria in determining PSCs to enable:
1. If a PSC indicates that its input voltage is below the locomotive specific threshold, it shall
not be enabled if there is any other PSC available with input voltage above the threshold.
2. If multiple PSCs indicate input voltage above the locomotive specific threshold, the HEU
may select PSCs based on the results of the ECP diagnostic test or other data. The criteria
could include the following:
A. PSC located on a locomotive other than the lead. This accounts for the likelihood
that the lead locomotive has a larger electrical load for other than the ECP system.
B. PSC that provided the highest average EOT and lead locomotive measured train
line voltage during diagnostic tests. This minimizes the train line cable losses.
C. Multiple PSCs may be enabled by the HEU if they meet the requirements of para-
graphs and HEU logic in selecting multiple PSCs to enable may
be manufacturer specific.
3. If all available PSCs indicate input voltage below the locomotive specific threshold, the
HEU may enable one or more PSCs using a manufacturer-specific algorithm. After operat-
ing for 15 minutes with PSC(s) indicating low input voltage, the HEU may command the
CCDs on the train line to limit their input power to less than 5 W average as defined in
paragraph 4.3.14. The HEU shall warn the engineer of this condition. If a PSC indicates
that its input voltage is above the locomotive specific threshold, it shall be enabled, PSCs
with low input voltage shall be disabled, and the CCDs shall be commanded back to their
normal power input mode.
IMPLEMENTED 02/2008 The train brake commands (TBC) determine the level of brake application for electroni-
cally controlled brake systems and shall be expressed as a percentage from 0% to 100% of full-ser-
vice braking force in 1% increments. A 100% TBC shall be for full service, and 0% shall be for full
release. Minimum service shall be at 10%, and an emergency brake application (whether inten-
tional or the result of a fault or penalty) shall result in a TBC of 120% (i.e., 120% of the full-service
brake cylinder pressure setting). A suppression brake application shall be railroad specific and programmed into the loco-
motive ID module. The default suppression brake application shall be full service.
4.3.5 Minimum Service Application
The minimum service brake application shall be at TBC = 10%. The minimum service brake cylin-
der pressure (MSP) is a preset value programmed in to the car ID module. Minimum service brake
cylinder default is 7 psig if no other value is provided in the car ID module.
4.3.6 Net Braking Ratio The CCD will provide the full-service brake cylinder pressure necessary to provide a train
net brake ratio that is transmitted by the HEU. The CCD shall have a default target NBR of 12.8% until a value is received from the
FSP = ---------------------
NBR = Net braking ratio
C = (Ap × LR × EFF)
Ap = Area of the brake cylinder piston
LR = Lever ratio
EFF = Brake rigging efficiency
W = Weight
FSP = Full-service brake cylinder pressure The constant C is programmed into the car ID module. The CCD uses the above formula to calculate its full-service brake cylinder pressure.
However in order to ensure that a sufficient amount of full-service BCP is available, a minimum
full-service BCP limit is needed. The minimum full-service BCP limit under any load condition
shall be 30% of its maximum gross rail load full-service BCP or 20.0 psig, whichever is higher. The CCD uses the above formula to calculate its full-service BCP. However a maximum
full-service BCP pressure limit is needed. It is needed in the event that the above FSP calculation
provides an unobtainable full-service BCP target and to ensure that a sufficient supply of air
exists for the CCD to provide emergency BCP defined in paragraph 4.3.8. The maximum full-ser-
vice BCP limit shall be determined by the following formula:
1. If a mechanical empty/load device is installed, the CCD’s car parameter database shall in-
dicate its presence. The CCD shall then use only the device’s indication of load or shall pro-
vide fully loaded BCP and rely on the empty/load device to adjust BCP for empty load.
2. If no mechanical empty/load device is installed, the CCD shall give the following priority to
load data:
A. On-board electronic load sensor data (note that this shall take precedence over the
HEU database value).
B. Empty/load command from HEU to an individual CCD, if it has been downloaded
since Initialization mode was last entered. CCDs shall reset individual car load data
back to the default value (car load data invalid) defined in S-4230, “S-4230,” latest
revision, upon entering Initialization mode. A change in the train E/L command
shall override the individual command to a CCD.
C. Train empty/load command from the HEU. (CCDs downloaded with individual, val-
id, load data, in the 0% to 100% range from item B above shall ignore train-wide
“empty/load” commands unless a change in the train E/L command has occurred.)
D. Default: assume full load (100% of car load).
3. A manual load data override shall not be provided. Other algorithms may be used to derive service BCP on less than fully loaded cars, pro-
vided such BCP does not produce an actual NBR exceeding 25% using the actual weight of the car.
4.3.11 Brake Cylinder Pressure Control
CCDs shall control brake cylinder pressures according to the following performance requirements
based on a standard AAR single car test rack with 50 ft of brake pipe:
1. Steady state BCP pressure regulation shall be within ±3 psi of target (final commanded)
2. The BCP control shall be as follows:
A. Minimum Service Application: BCP shall reach target pressure from a full release,
within ±3 psi, in no more than 2.0 seconds.
B. Full-Service Application: BCP shall reach target pressure from a full release, within
±3 psi, in no more than 10.0 seconds nor less than 6.0 seconds.
C. Emergency Application: BCP shall reach target pressure from a full release, within
±3 psi, in no more than 12.0 seconds nor less than 7.0 seconds.
3. Full-Service Release performance, from the time each CCD receives the new brake com-
mand, shall be as follows: BCP shall reduce to 5 psi or less in no more than 15.0 seconds nor
less than 6.0 seconds.
1. The brake cylinder release valve shall be capable of releasing air pressure from all brake
cylinders of air brake equipment regardless of the charge state of the brake pipe.
2. The brake cylinder release valve shall be capable of being manually actuated to release po-
sition by a single momentary pull of a release rod, from either side of the car, without re-
quiring that the rod be held until brake cylinder pressure has been depleted.
3. When electrically cut in, a CCD in the brake cylinder venting state shall generate an
incorrect brake cylinder exception in accordance with paragraph 4.4.12.
4. The reservoir air pressure shall be released by holding the release rod in the activated po-
sition. When electrically cut in and the reservoir has vented, the CCD shall become
inoperable and shall generate a low reservoir exception in accordance with paragraph 4.4.6.
5. The brake cylinder release valve shall not release brake cylinder pressure during any brake
application except under the circumstances of actuation by the release rod.
6. When activated while the brakes are applied, the brake cylinder release valve shall prevent
the further flow of air from the reservoir to the brake cylinder.
7. The car’s pneumatic backup shall remain functional in accordance with paragraph 4.3.19
when the brake cylinder release valve has been activated.
8. When the manual release is activated while the brake pipe is charged and the brakes are
applied, the following events will occur:
• Brake cylinder pressure will not reapply if the brake pipe remains charged and
TBC remains non-zero.
• Brake cylinder pressure will reapply when the brake pipe is vented due to
pneumatic backup.
The brake cylinder release valve shall reset automatically to reestablish the normal
operating connection to the brake cylinder once brake pipe pressure has been restored and
the CCD has been restored to a full release condition (CCD electrically cut in and
commanded to release by the HEU or electrically cut out).
9. The brake cylinder release valve shall not permit air to flow from the reservoir to the brake
cylinder while resetting.
10. The brake cylinder release valve may automatically reset upon depletion of reservoir pres-
sure by leakage or otherwise but it shall not permit development of brake cylinder pressure
sufficient to set all brake shoes against the wheels of the car.
1. HEU commands a single CCD to cut out. This command is initiated by the engineer or the
2. HEU sets train operating mode to CUTOUT in the HEU beacon.
3. CCD detects a critical loss and determines that it is isolated.
4. Other CCD faults.
5. CCD detects that its transceiver is generating uncontrolled signal transmissions.
6. CCD detects low battery charge and train line power is not available. Except when the train operating mode is set to CUTOUT, when a CCD cuts out, it shall
transmit an exception message to the HEU if capable. If the CCD is operating on an over-
lay-equipped car without stuck brake protection, a visual and audible warning shall be given to
the train engineer any time a CCD is cut out or cuts out for any reason. This warning shall be
acknowledged. While cut out, a CCD shall suppress exception messages. Once a CCD is cut out, it shall remain cut out until one of the following occurs:
1. HEU commands a single CCD to cut in. This command is initiated by the engineer or the
2. CCD cuts in if it detects (via HEU beacon) that the operating mode was changed from
CUTOUT to another mode.
3. A CCD with fault detects that the fault condition is cleared. However, the HEU still
considers such a CCD as cut out and inoperative until the HEU determines that the CCD
is cut in.
4. HEU reinitializes train.
IMPLEMENTED 02/2008 Power consumed by each battery charger/CCD/EOT shall be limited to 10 W peak. The
CCD also shall have a low power consumption mode. This low power mode shall limit the average
power consumption from the train line by the CCD to 5 W over any 15-minute period. The CCD
shall enter this low power mode on initial power-up and when commanded to by the HEU. If
within 2 minutes of initial power-up a CCD does not receive a low power mode command from the
HEU, it shall revert to normal power consumption mode. The CCD also shall revert to normal
power consumption mode when commanded to by the HEU.
4.3.15 Network Device Input Characteristics
The input impedance of any network device shall be nominally 2,000 ohms in the 100-KHz to
450-KHz frequency band in receive mode.
4.3.16 Network Device Output Conducted Emissions
Output conducted emissions on the train line shall generally meet the requirements of FCC Sec-
tion 15.107. Specifically, the conducted emissions as measured on the train line in differential
mode may not exceed 106 dBμV from 9 kHz to 40 kHz; 86 dBμV from 40 kHz to 125 kHz; 36 dBμV
from 125 kHz to 140 kHz; 56 dBμV from 140 kHz to 450 kHz; and 48 dBμV from 450 kHz to 30
4.3.17 CCD or EOT in Shutdown Mode
Shutdown mode (or “battery conservation” mode) shuts off the CCD or EOT to minimize battery
drain. When shut down, the CCD or EOT is turned off. When a CCD shuts down, it releases its
ECP brake application and relinquishes control of brake cylinder pressure to the pneumatic
backup. If the brake pipe is charged and a pneumatic application is not in effect, brake cylinder
pressure will release; otherwise it will remain at the level commanded by the pneumatic backup.
When an EOT shuts down, it stops transmitting EOT beacons. Once train line power is lost, the
CCD or EOT either continues to operate off of battery power until its battery runs low or enters
into a timed shutdown mode. The intent of this logic is to allow the train to operate as long as pos-
sible after a loss of train line power and to conserve batteries if the device is disconnected from the
train line, the train is parked, or the ECP brake system is CUTOUT. The CCD or EOT shall shut-
down 1 hour after both train line power is lost and no HEU beacon has been received. The CCD or
EOT shall shut down after the train line power is lost and the train operating mode is set to CUT-
graduated service; 100% shall be full service; and 120% shall be emergency braking. Network Device Status Query
Each HEU beacon shall include a status query for an individual network device (trail HEU, PSC,
or CCD) during RUN mode. The network device status query shall be used by the ECP brake system
to periodically verify communications and control between the HEU and all network devices on the
train. It also shall gather data for diagnostic and event recording purposes. Network devices shall
be queried for their operating status on a round-robin basis by the HEU. During each round-robin
cycle, all CCDs, all active PSCs, and at least one inactive device (trail HEUs and standby PSCs)
shall be queried. Status queries to all inactive devices shall be completed on successive round-robin
polling cycles. With the transmission of each HEU beacon once per second, the HEU will query a
different network device by transmitting its address and a request for its status. There is no polling
cycle required in SWITCH mode. Train Configuration Command
Once every 120 seconds and upon setup changes, the HEU shall broadcast a configuration com-
mand message. This message shall contain the current BPP setpoint, train NBR, and other infor-
mation as defined in S-4230, latest revision. CCD Status Messages
When a CCD is queried, it shall transmit the following quantities:
1. BPP
2. Percentage brake applied (BCP relative to full-service application)
3. Reservoir pressure
4. Percentage of full load
5. Cut-in/cutout status
6. Other information as identified in S-4230, “S-4230,” latest revision.
Some of this information may be recorded by the locomotive’s event recorder and/or made available
for display to the engineer. To give “percent brake applied” status, the CCD shall compute the per-
centage of full-service BCP applied during each status query.
1. Status data
2. Train Line voltage
3. Other information as identified in S-4230, “S-4230,” latest revision
4. Input voltage
5. Output current
Some of this information may be recorded by the locomotive’s event recorder and/or made available
for display to the engineer. Trailing HEU Status Message
When a trailing HEU is queried, it shall read and transmit the following quantities:
1. Status data
2. Other information as identified in S-4230, “S-4230,” latest revision
Some of this information may be recorded by the locomotive’s event recorder and/or made available
for display to the engineer. Exception Messages
A network device shall generate an exception message when and as required by paragraph 4.4 of
this document and by S-4230, “S-4230,” latest revision. Control Messages
Control messages are generated by the HEU to command CCDs, PSCs, or EOT to operate in cer-
tain ways. They include the following:
• CCD cut-in/cutout
• Operating mode
• Train initialization and sequencing
• Car load
• PSC enabled/disabled
• Version compatibility
(Other messages concerning car health monitoring and distributed locomotive control are covered
in S-4230, “S-4230,” latest revision.)
is operational or during pneumatic operation in an overlay system. The pneumatic backup equip-
ment shall conform to existing AAR specifications for emergency venting devices as follows:
• Spacing in accordance with the paragraph entitled “Additional Equipment for Cars with
Brake Pipe Length in Excess of 75 ft” in MSRP Standard S-401, “Freight Car Brake
Design Requirements.” (Note: the words “control valve” refer to the emergency venting
device for ECP operation.)
• Triggering (by the rapid venting of BP to zero) compliant with the paragraph entitled
“Emergency Test,” in MSRP Standard S-486, “Code of Air Brake System Tests for Freight
Equipment—Single Car Test.” When possible, electronic CCD operation shall take precedence over or assist the pneu-
matic backup in controlling BCP. Operating CCDs shall sense loss of BPP (see paragraph
and respond accordingly. CCDs that may not be able to completely take precedence over pneumatic
backup (e.g., overlay CCDs, CCDs not communicating with the HEU but still powered by the train
line) shall assist in controlling BCP to the emergency pressure appropriate to car loading (see
paragraph 4.3.9). The pneumatic backup must remain active when a CCD has been cut out, disabled, or
shut down or has stopped receiving the HEU beacon. A pneumatic emergency brake application
shall be released when the brake pipe pressure has increased between the initial application
threshold and the remaining reservoir pressure or when electronic CCD operation has taken pre-
Note: Cars at any load not equipped with a pneumatic empty/load device will apply emergency
brakes at the loaded car pressure when the pneumatic backup applies the brakes. Pneumatic Backup Brake Performance The pneumatic backup (PB) application shall always be available irrespective of the
existing state of ECP operation, providing no mechanical isolation of the brake pipe signal by
means of dirt collector cutout cocks has been established. The pneumatic backup signal transmission rate shall exceed 750 ft/sec on an AAR
standard 150-car test rack. The pneumatic backup brake cylinder build-up time shall meet the requirements of an
ECP emergency application as specified in paragraph 4.3.11. With any group of five consecutive PB-equipped, 50-ft cars pneumatically cut out, an
emergency reduction of brake pipe pressure shall cause the remainder of the PB-equipped cars to
operate in emergency.
IMPLEMENTED 02/2008 The ECP equipment on the last locomotive in the train, if it is also the last vehicle in the
train, may perform the functions of the EOT as defined in this document and in S-4230, “S-4230,”
latest revision. The ECP equipment on a locomotive shall automatically enable the EOT function if the
following conditions are met:
1. The locomotive ECP equipment is capable of measuring brake pipe pressure.
2. The locomotive ECP equipment is capable of measuring train line voltage.
3. The locomotive ECP equipment detects the presence of the train line termination.
4. The locomotive ECP equipment is not on the lead locomotive.
5. The locomotive ECP equipment is receiving HEU beacons.
6. The locomotive ECP equipment is not receiving EOT beacons. Once the EOT function has been enabled for a locomotive ECP device, that device shall
continue to perform the EOT function until one of the following conditions is met:
1. Train line power is lost and no HEU beacons are detected for more than 1 hour.
2. Train line power is lost and the train operating mode is set to CUTOUT.
3. EOT beacons from another ECP network device, an EOT, or another locomotive ECP device
are detected on the train line. The purpose of the requirements in this section is to support a train that is operating
with distributed power control in accordance with AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended
Practices, Standard S-4250, “Trailing Locomotive Control with ITC Specification,” latest revision,
when the last vehicle in the train is a locomotive. To provide locomotive brake control for critical
loss penalties, the locomotive functioning as the EOT shall be capable of detecting an ECP critical
loss and providing local brake cylinder control. Locomotive ECP equipment functioning as the EOT shall perform the normal EOT fault
response and recovery as specified in paragraphs and 4.4. Locomotive as ECP EOT Loses Train Line Termination
If the locomotive ECP equipment functioning as the EOT detects the removal or loss of its train
line termination, it shall stop transmitting EOT beacons.
its own exceptions, shall prioritize them as shown in Table 4.3. When the HEU detects a fault con-
dition, the highest priority condition is acted upon first. Lower priority faults are handled only
after high-priority faults are cleared.
When an emergency brake application is active, a CCD shall suppress all exception messages
except for Critical Loss exception messages. Recovery from an emergency brake application shall
cause all CCD, trailing HEU, and EOT fault logic to be reset and/or enabled.
Exception-Clear messages shall be allowed when the HEU is commanding an emergency. Excep-
tion messages from a PSC shall be allowed in any mode.
Table 4.2 CCD, PSC, and EOT fault hierarchy and exception priority
Type of Fault Fault
1 Fault that may immediately disable • CCD/EOT/PSC Transceiver Generates Uncontrolled Signal Transmis-
the entire ECP control network sion
2 Fault that may cause a penalty or • CCD/EOT Detects Critical System Loss
emergency brake application • PSC Detects Multiple HEUs
• EOT Detects Low Battery Charge
3 Fault that may cause system • EOT Detects Low BPP
degradation • PSC Detects Loss of HEU Beacon
• EOT or PSC Detects Low/High Train Line Voltage
• PSC Detects Train Line Short Circuit
• PSC Detects Low Input Voltage
• PSC Detects Enable Fault
4 Fault that may disable a single CCD, • CCD Detects Incorrect BC Pressure
PSC, or EOT • CCD Detects Low Reservoir Pressure
• CCD Detects Low Battery Charge
• CCD, PSC, or EOT Detects Other Manufacturer-Specific
Self-Diagnostic Fault
• EOT Reports Low Battery Charge
• Penalty Brake Application
• Use of Pneumatic Brake while Train Is Moving
• Train Exceeds 20 mph in SWITCH Mode
• EOT Reports Critical Loss
• PSC Reports Detection of Multiple Lead HEUs
4 Fault that indicate multiple brakes • <95% Operative Brakes Detected
may eventually be disabled. • <90% Operative Brakes Detected
• CCD Reports Low Reservoir Pressure
• CCD Goes Off Line (or Cuts Out)
• CCD Reports Low Battery Charge
• EOT or PSC Reports Low or High Train Line Voltage
• EOT Reports Low Brake Pipe Pressure
• PSC Reports Other Disabling Fault
5 Individual device faults • CCD Detects Incorrect BC Pressure
• PSC or Trail HEU Fails to Respond to Status Query
• CCD/EOT/PSC/trail HEU Detects Other Self-Diagnostic Fault
• HEU registers less than 85% operative brakes (see paragraph
• HEU detects low train line voltage with less than 90% operative brakes (see
• EOT low battery charge (see paragraph 4.4.10) Conditions causing a penalty full-service brake application are described in the following
• HEU receives “Critical Loss” message from EOT (see paragraph
• HEU detects use of pneumatic brake while train is moving (see paragraph 4.4.8).
• Train speed exceeds 20 mph in SWITCH mode (see paragraph 4.4.9)
• PSC reports detection of multiple lead HEUs (see paragraph 4.4.13)
4.4.2 Signal Transmission Faults HEU Misses EOT Beacon (RUN Mode Only)
If the HEU fails to receive the EOT beacon for 3 seconds, the engineer shall be given an audible
and visible warning and the HEU shall automatically command an emergency brake (TBC=120%)
command and transmit a “train line power-off” command (see paragraph Recovering from a Missed EOT Beacon Fault If an HEU in this fault condition subsequently receives the EOT beacon, the fault is
cleared and the HEU will enable system recovery as described in paragraph 4.4.16. Loss of the
EOT beacon for more than 15 seconds while in RUN mode shall require a reinitialization of the
train. If the EOT beacon cannot be restored, then the engineer may change mode.
IMPLEMENTED 02/2008 Clearing a CCD or EOT or Trailing HEU Misses HEU Beacon Exception
If a CCD or EOT or trailing HEU subsequently receives the HEU beacon, it shall clear this excep-
tion, but shall not transmit an Exception-Clear message. If the TBC in the HEU beacon is less
than 120%, all other critical exception logic shall also be reset. After communication with the HEU
is restored, and the CCD or EOT or trailing HEU has no other faults, it shall resume normal oper-
ation. HEU Does Not Receive CCD’s Response to Status Query (RUN Mode Only)
If the HEU does not receive a response from a CCD logged as cut in to a Status Query message, the
HEU shall repeat the status query (re-poll the CCD) up to two times. If the HEU does not receive
the CCD’s response by the third query, the CCD is logged as inoperative by the HEU, and the HEU
transmits a cutout command to the CCD in accordance with paragraph 4.3.13. Recovery of a CCD that Failed to Respond to Status Query
If a CCD that is cut out because it failed to respond to the HEU status query responds to subse-
quent HEU status queries and reports that it is cut-in, the HEU shall log this CCD as operative. HEU Does Not Receive PSC’s Response to Status Query If the HEU does not receive a response from a PSC to a Status Query message, the HEU
shall repeat the status query (re-poll the PSC) up to two times. If the HEU does not receive the
PSC’s response by the third query and it is an active PSC, the PSC shall be commanded to an inac-
tive state and another PSC shall be commanded to an active state (if available) to power the train
line. If the HEU does not receive the PSC’s response by the third query and it is an inactive
PSC, the HEU shall log the PSC as inoperative for the purpose of being available for activation. If the PSC later resumes responding to the status query and has no other faults, the
HEU shall log the PSC as available for activation. HEU Does Not Receive Trailing HEU’s Response to Status Query If the HEU does not receive a response from a trailing HEU to a Status Query message,
the lead HEU shall repeat the status query (re-poll the trailing HEU) up to two times. If the lead
HEU does not receive the trailing HEU’s response by the third query, the lead HEU shall log that
trailing HEU as inoperative. If the trailing HEU later resumes responding to the status query and has no other
faults, the lead HEU shall log the trailing HEU operative.
that the local transceiver is the source. It shall then interrupt the transceiver by commanding an
immediate shutdown of the transceiver.
The device with the faulty transceiver shall cut out and shut down its transmitter within 1 second.
The device may attempt to re-enable its transmitter a maximum of two times, with a minimum
retry interval of 30 seconds, before shutting it down permanently. (Removal and reapplication of
power shall allow the device to re-enable its transmitter subject to another shutdown if uncon-
trolled signal transmissions are detected.) HEU Transceiver Generates Uncontrolled Signal Transmissions
If the HEU’s transceiver is the source of the fault, the HEU shall shut off its transmitter and, if it
is the LEAD HEU, it shall then warn the engineer. PSC Transceiver Generates Uncontrolled Signal Transmissions
If an enabled PSC’s transceiver is the source of the fault, the PSC shall shut off its transmitter,
disable its train line power output, and enter an inactive state. CCD Transceiver Generates Uncontrolled Signal Transmissions
If a CCD’s transceiver is the source of the fault, the CCD shall shut off its transmitter and cut out. EOT Transceiver Generates Uncontrolled Signal Transmissions
If an EOT’s transceiver is the source of the fault, the EOT shall shut down its transmitter. Normal
HEU fault logic shall then respond accordingly to the loss of EOT beacon. Recovery Procedure for Uncontrolled Signal Transmission
The faulty device must be cut out or otherwise disconnected from the network. In the case of the
HEU, another locomotive must be used as lead locomotive or the HEU must be replaced. In the
case of the EOT, the EOT must be replaced or the system mode must be changed.
4.4.3 Low Brake Pipe Pressure (BPP) EOT Detects Low BPP
If an EOT detects BPP less than (0.67 × BPP setpoint), it shall transmit a Low BPP exception mes-
sage to the HEU. HEU Response to EOT Low BPP
The HEU shall detect low BPP at the EOT. On detection of low BPP at the EOT, the HEU shall
give an audible and visual warning to the engineer. The HEU may detect low EOT BPP either by
receipt of an EOT Low BPP exception message or based on information transmitted in the EOT
If a CCD or trailing HEU detects BPP less than (0.56 × BPP setpoint) it shall broadcast a Critical
Loss exception message. Clearing CCD or Trailing HEU Loss of BPP Exception
This exception shall be cleared when the CCD or trailing HEU detects that the BPP rises above
(0.67 × BPP setpoint). When this exception is cleared, it shall not transmit a Loss of BPP Excep-
tion Cleared message to the HEU. HEU Recovery from Loss of Brake Pipe Pressure in RUN Mode
The HEU shall not allow recovery from a loss of brake pipe pressure as described in
paragraph until it detects that the loss of BPP condition is cleared at the EOT. HEU Recovery from Loss of BPP in SWITCH mode
If an EOT is present, recover per paragraph Otherwise, 120 seconds after the emergency
brake application was made, the HEU shall command all CCDs and trailing HEUs to reset their
fault logic. If the CCDs or trailing HEUs do not re-initiate an emergency application, the HEU
clears the loss of BPP fault and allows recovery as described in paragraph
4.4.4 System Critical Loss
A System Critical Loss is defined as a loss of HEU beacon or a loss of BPP.
Critical loss fault logic brake control specified in this section for trailing HEUs applies to
ECP-equipped locomotives with the ability to provide locomotive retardation based on ECP brake
applications as specified in paragraph Multiple CCDs, Trailing HEUs, or EOT Has Critical Loss
If a CCD or trailing HEU receives a Critical Loss exception within 5 seconds of experiencing a crit-
ical loss, or experiences a critical loss within 5 seconds of receiving a Critical Loss exception mes-
sage, or receives Critical Loss exception messages from two other devices (CCDs or EOT or trailing
HEU) within 5 seconds, then that CCD or trailing HEU, if applicable (see paragraph, shall
make an electronic emergency brake application.
CCDs or trailing HEUs that go into self-initiated emergency shall maintain their emergency appli-
cation, regardless of the TBC in the HEU beacon, until the System Critical Loss fault condition is
cleared as described in paragraph
In RUN mode, the HEU shall register as inoperative any CCD that is disabled for any of the fol-
lowing reasons:
• Communication lost (CCD status query not answered)
• Low battery charge with no train line power
• Low reservoir charge
• CCD is cut out
The HEU shall then compute the percentage of operative brakes based on the total number of
potentially operative brakes determined during initialization and the number of remaining opera-
tive brakes. Fractional percentage operative computation results shall always be truncated down
to the next whole percentage point.
CCDs that have a low or missing battery but are functional when train line power is active may be
considered operative by the HEU for the purpose of calculating percentage of operative brakes as
long as the combined total of these and other inoperative CCDs does not exceed the threshold that
causes the HEU to command a penalty full-service brake application.
The following fault responses shall occur if the percentage of operative brakes falls below certain
thresholds. HEU Registers Less Than 95% or 90% Operative Brakes (RUN Mode Only)
If the percentage of operative brakes falls below 95%, the engineer shall be audibly and visually
warned and given the current percentage operable. If the percentage falls below 90%, the engineer
shall likewise be warned and given the percentage. These warnings must be acknowledged by the
engineer. See paragraph for the response if the percentage of operable brakes falls below
90% with low train line voltage. HEU Registers Less Than 85% Operative Brakes (RUN Mode Only)
If the percentage of operative brakes falls below 85%, the engineer shall be given a warning and
the HEU shall command an electronic full-service brake application.
4.4.6 CCD Low Car Reservoir Charge
If a CCD detects that its reservoir charge is less than (0.63 × BPP setpoint), then it will transmit a
Low Reservoir Charge exception message to the HEU. Clearing the CCD Low Car Reservoir Charge Exception
When the CCD detects that its reservoir charge exceeds (0.74 × BPP setpoint) the fault is cleared
and the CCD transmits a Low Reservoir Charge Exception Cleared message to the HEU. HEU Receives CCD Low Reservoir Charge Message (RUN Mode Only)
When the HEU receives a CCD Low Reservoir Charge exception message, it shall record the occur-
rence and log the CCD as inoperative. HEU Receives CCD Low Car Reservoir Charge Exception Cleared Message
When the HEU receives a CCD Low Reservoir Charge Exception Cleared message from a CCD, it
shall record the occurrence and log the CCD as operative.
4.4.7 Low Train Line Voltage
When the train line voltage falls below 100 Vdc ±4%, the ECP brake system shall continue to oper-
ate, on battery power if necessary, as defined in paragraph 4.3.14. EOT or PSC Detects Low Train Line Voltage
If, after allowing a 25-second settling period after the HEU beacon power flag is set to ON, the
EOT or any PSC detects that train line voltage is below 100 Vdc ± 4%, it shall transmit a Low
Train Line Voltage exception message to the HEU.
IMPLEMENTED 02/2008 Clearing an EOT or PSC Detects Low Train Line Voltage Exception
When the EOT or PSC that reported low train line voltage detects that the train line voltage
increases to more than 110 Vdc ± 4%, it shall clear this exception and transmit a Low Train Line
Voltage Exception Cleared message to the HEU. HEU Receives Low Train Line Voltage Exception Message (RUN Mode Only)
The HEU shall provide an audible and visual warning to the engineer that an EOT or PSC
detected that the train line voltage is less than 100 Vdc only when train line power is activated.
The audible warning shall cease when the engineer acknowledges the warning. HEU Receives Low Train Line Voltage Exception Clear Message
When all Low Train Line Voltage Exceptions have been cleared, the visual warning shall be
removed. Low Train Line Voltage or Train Operating in Low Power Mode with Less Than
90% Operative Brakes (RUN Mode Only)
If the percentage of operative brakes falls below 90% and any of the following conditions exist, the
HEU shall provide a warning to the engineer and command a full-service brake application.
• Train line power is off
• Low train line voltage is detected
• HEU is commanding CCDs to operate in low power mode
The process of determining percentage operative brakes shall be as outlined in paragraph 4.4.5,
“Reduced Percentage of Operative Brakes.”
4.4.8 HEU Detects Use of Pneumatic Brake While Train Is Moving
Whenever the ECP brake system is in RUN or SWITCH Mode and not in electronic emergency,
and while the train is in motion, movement of the automatic (pneumatic) brake valve handle to
any position in the service application zone shall result in a warning to the engineer indicating
that the automatic brake valve handle was used in error. An ECP penalty full-service application
shall occur after the handle is moved from the release position. The automatic brake valve handle
may be moved without penalty, however, when the train speed is zero or the HEU is already com-
manding an emergency application. Moving the automatic brake valve handle back to RELEASE
position shall clear the fault.
4.4.9 Train Speed Exceeds 20 mph in SWITCH Mode
If train speed exceeds 20 mph in SWITCH mode, the HEU shall command a penalty full-service
brake application and give a warning to the engineer. This penalty may be reset once train speed
falls below 20 mph or the system is placed in a different operating mode.
IMPLEMENTED 02/2008 HEU Receives CCD Low Battery Charge Exception Message (RUN Mode Only)
The HEU shall include CCDs reporting low battery charge in its calculation of inoperative CCDs. HEU Receives CCD Low Battery Charge Exception Cleared Message
The HEU shall include the CCD that cleared the Low Battery exception as an operative brake
unless another fault prevents this. HEU Detects EOT Low Battery Charge (RUN Mode Only)
The HEU shall detect an EOT low battery charge. On detection of an EOT low battery charge, the
HEU shall command a full-service brake application and provide a warning to the engineer. The
HEU may detect an EOT low battery charge either by receipt of a Low Battery Charge exception
message from an EOT or based on information in the EOT beacon. HEU Receives EOT Low Battery Charge Exception Cleared Message
The HEU clears the fault when an EOT Low Battery Charge Exception Clear message is received,
the EOT beacon indicates charged battery, or the train mode is changed.
4.4.11 PSC or EOT Detects Greater Than 30 V When Power Is Off
Allowing for a 10-second settling period after the HEU beacon power flag is set to OFF, if the train
line voltage monitored by a PSC or the EOT is greater than 30 Vdc ±4%, the PSC or EOT shall
transmit a High Train Line Voltage exception message to the HEU. Clearing PSC or EOT Detects Greater Than 30 V When Power Is Off
If the train line voltage detected by the PSC or EOT with an active High Train Line Voltage excep-
tion is less than 10 Vdc ±4% or the HEU beacon power flag is set to ON, the PSCs or EOT shall
transmit a High Train Line Voltage Exception Cleared message to the HEU. HEU Receives PSC or EOT Detects Greater Than 30 V When Power Is Off
If the HEU receives a High Train Line Voltage exception message from a PSC or EOT, it shall visu-
ally and audibly warn the engineer that the train line voltage is not off. This shall be an acknowl-
edged warning. An indication that the train line voltage is still on shall remain displayed until the
PSCs or EOT clear the exception or the operating mode is changed.
With the exception of the condition noted above, a CCD shall not automatically cut out as a result
of detecting incorrect BCP. Clearing CCD Detects Incorrect BC Pressure Exception
If a CCD determines that is has regained control of the BCP, it shall transmit an Incorrect BC
Pressure Exception Cleared message. The engineer then has the option to cut in the CCD. HEU Receives CCD Incorrect BCP Exception
Upon receiving an Incorrect BCP exception message from a CCD, the HEU shall warn the engi-
neer (see paragraph of this condition and indicate on which car the malfunction is occur-
ring. If it is determined by the engineer or the HEU that the CCD has failed, then the HEU will
command it to cut out. See paragraph 4.3.13, “CCD Cutout/Cut-In.”
4.4.13 Multiple Lead (Active) HEUs in Network
Multiple lead HEUs shall be detected by PSCs. The PSC shall count the HEU beacons received
over a 5-second time period and report an exception if the count is 8 or more. Upon receipt of this
exception message, all lead HEUs shall broadcast HEU beacons with the mode set to Initialization
and a TBC of 100% and then transition to the trail state.
4.4.14 CCD Detects Train Empty/Load Command Mismatch
If a CCD detects a train empty/load command mismatch, it shall report an invalid empty/load com-
mand status to the HEU when polled. CCDs that are responding to the train empty/load command
shall default to a LOADED state when a command mismatch is detected. CCD Clears Train Empty/Load Command Mismatch
The CCD shall clear the train empty/load command mismatch when the two train empty/load com-
mand signals are the same. HEU Receives Train Empty/Load Command Mismatch
The HEU shall monitor the train empty/load command status reported by each CCD during the
polling process. If the CCD reports a train empty/load command mismatch, the HEU shall provide
a warning to the operator.
• Car sensor detects worn brake shoes
4.4.16 Recovery from Emergency, Fault-Induced, or Penalty Brake Applications
In all cases, an ECP brake system fault-induced full-service or full-service-penalty application
shall stay in effect for 120 seconds or until the train has stopped. An ECP electronic emergency
shall remain in effect for a minimum of 120 seconds. After the cause has been eliminated, the HEU
shall provide a means for the engineer to release the interlock. Releasing the interlock shall cause
an HEU that has a 120% application to transition to 100% application, or an HEU that has a 100%
application to remain at 100% application, where subsequent brake controller operation shall
again be permitted.
5.1 Vibration and Shock Environments
The CCD shall be designed and mounted on the base structure of the car to withstand continuous
vibrations, in the three major axes, of 0.4 g rms with a frequency content from 1 Hz to 150 Hz, con-
taining peak values of ±3 g in the 1-Hz to 100-Hz bandwidth. The CCD and its mounting shall also
be designed to withstand a longitudinally oriented shock impulse (half sine wave) of 10-g peak
with a ramp time of 20 msec to 50 msec. If the CCD is mounted on the car strength members (ribs,
slope sheet support columns, etc.), then the bracket and mounting arrangements, together with
the electronics packaging, shall be designed to provide protection from the amplification effects of
any local vibration resonances. It should be noted that peak resonant acceleration levels in excess
of 15 g in the 100–150 Hz range and values in excess of 50 g in the 200–500 Hz range have been
measured on car strength members as a result of shock impulses sustained during yard impacts.
5.2 Temperature and Humidity Requirements
The CCD shall be designed to operate in temperatures from –46 °C to 66 °C in all humidity condi-
Refer to Standard S-4240.
Device used to store and provide electrical power to each CCD and EOT, even when
Battery train line electrical power is unavailable; the battery is recharged by the “battery charger”
when the train line is energized
Device that receives direct current electrical power from the train line and provides
Battery charger
current to recharge batteries on a CCD or EOT
BCP Brake cylinder pressure (usually in psig)
BP Brake pipe; main pneumatic power transmission conduit in a train
BPP Brake pipe pressure (usually in psig)
Percentage of full gross rail load; the actual weight of the car divided by the GRL,
expressed in percent
HEU Head-end unit (see definition, paragraph 3.2)
Lead locomotive HEU at front of train, set to “lead” (or active) mode; the lead HEU
Lead initiates all train brake commands (TBCs) and performs all system diagnostic and
control functions
Loss of beacon See “Loss of communications”
Indicated by any the following faults related to either the HEU or EOT beacon:
• Beacon not received by another device
• Beacon discontinued
Loss of communications
• Beacon masked by noise
• Beacon corrupted by a malfunctioning transmitter such that it is not recognizable
by a normally functioning transceiver
Loss of signal See “Loss of communications”
Net braking ratio; the sum of the actual normal (perpendicular) brake shoe forces on all
of the wheels on a car divided by the actual weight of the car on the rail; the term is used
NBR specifically in tread braking applications. In this standard, NBR refers to the loaded net
brake ratio resulting from a full-service (100%) brake application from a 90-psi brake
pipe pressure.
Noise (in communications net- Presence of excessive electrical noise on the network that materially degrades or
work) interferes with normal electronic communications
An individual brake set that is fully functional and that applies correct braking forces on
Operative brake
two braked trucks in response to the engineer’s or HEU’s braking commands
Operating modes Modes of system operation that depend on the type of train operation requirements
Packet Network communications term; quantity of data
Percentage braking applied The percentage of full-service braking that is applied at a given car
Percentage car load The percentage of full-rated car load
A remote locomotive is one that is generally placed at a distance behind the lead
Remote locomotive in a train and is found in distributed (locomotive) power applications; a
remote power supply is a train line power supply mounted within a remote locomotive
Process by which a CCD or EOT is “wakened” or turned on after having been shut down;
Restart if it has no internal faults, a restarted CCD or EOT is able to be cut in to resume normal
braking functions
Process by which a CCD or EOT shuts off to save its battery, usually in response to an
Shut down
extended train line power outage or disconnection
A mechanism in an overlay CCD that significantly increases the probability that the
pneumatic service portion is maintained in a release state when it would normally
Stuck brake protection respond to fluctuations in brake pipe pressure that could cause the brake to become
stuck in the applied state. Stuck brake protection is enabled in the CCD by the
application of train line power.
Train brake command; the message transmitted by the lead HEU that indicates to the
entire ECP brake system the current braking application to be made, if any
Trailing locomotive HEU behind lead unit, set to “trail” (or inactive) mode; trailing HEUs
Trail do not initiate train brake commands (TBCs) nor do they perform any system diagnostic
and control functions
Train line The electric power and signal conduit in a train (see definition, paragraph 3.4)
Vdc Volts direct current
Zero speed This is a locomotive specific zero speed setting
ver3.0 E-II [S-4200] 56 7/1/04
AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices
Electronically Controlled Brake Systems
S-4200 Compatibility
Version Reasons for Current
ECP Device
Compatibility Version
Mandatory Current
HEU 2 2 Initial version
CCD 2 2 Initial version
PSC 2 2 Initial version
EOT 2 2 Initial version