ACPDM January - July 2018
ACPDM January - July 2018
ACPDM January - July 2018
Assignment Booklet
Course Code
Dear Student,
This booklet contains the assignments for the ACPDM – for the courses of BEE-001 BEE-002 & BEE-003. It is for
your kind information that each course has one assignment, which is based on course materials of these courses.
You are also advised to write your responses in your own words. This will improve your comprehension skills.
Further, you may note that in case the Coordinator / Counselor may summarily reject your assignment response
happens to be a copy of assignment response sheet submitted by another student, your assignment and/or your
marks might be made null and void. Therefore, you are strongly advised not to allow any other student to copy
it. The last date of submission of assignment is given against each assignment. You are advised not to wait for the
last date to submit your assignments.
This to inform that minimum duration of this programme is 6 months and max. Duration is 2 years. Please note
that if you fails to submit the assignment of any course in the registered session of 6 months then same set of
assignment is valid for one year, after one year you have to upload fresh set assignment of current year for
Please note , assignments submission are prerequisite to appear and pass in your Term End
Examination (TEE).
Please follow the above format strictly to facilitate evaluation and avoid delay.
Use only foolscap size writing paper (but not of very thin variety) for writing your answers.
Leave 3 cm margin on the left, top and bottom of your answer sheet.
Your answer should be logical and coherent.
While solving problems, clearly indicate the question number along with the part being solved. Recheck your
work before submitting it.
Wishing you all good luck!
Laser Typesetting by SOET, IGNOU, New Delhi.
Printed at:
Course Code: BEE-001
Maximum Marks: 100
Weightage : 30%
Q.1 (a) Why was the T&D loss assessment changed to AT&C loss determination in distribution?
Hence explain the term AT&C loss.Discuss the role of field level staff in controling AT & C
losses. As a manager, how would you facilitate them?
(b) List and explain various factors contributing to high technical and commercial losses in
power distribution utilities.
Q.2 (a) Discuss the role of central and state governments in power distribution sector reforms.
(b) Are the current power distribution reforms sufficient to achieve the goal of providing reliable
and quality power to all? Justify your answer.
Q.3 (a) Discuss the salient features of the electricity act, 2003 and objectives of National electricity
Policy in brief.
(b) How would the National Tariff policy help in realizing the aims and objectives of Electricity
Act 2003?
Q.4 (a) Discuss on key issues and challenges before the power distribution sector in India.
(b) Write the current demand and supply scenario of power in India. What measures have been
taken to improve the demand supply gap scenario?
Q.5 (a) Explain various aspects of transformer testing. What measures can be taken to enhance the
life and efficiency of the transformer. Explain various reasons leading to transformer failure.
(b) Outline the measures required for commercial loss reduction in the following areas :
(i) Direct tapping by non consumers (ii) Direct tapping and theft by tampering of
meter by consumers, and (iii) Metering, billing and collection deficiencies.
Q.6 (a) Suggest a long term plan and short term measures for reducing technical losses to
acceptable levels.
Q.7 (a) Discuss the role of CERC in tariff setting.
(b) What are the legal provisions as per the Electricity Act, 2003 for dealing with theft/pilferage
of energy?
Q.8 (a) Discuss the significance of technological interventions in metering, billing and collection for
the utility’s revenue protection.
(b) Explain the metering techniques used for LT and HT consumer metering.
Q.9 (a) Distinguish between various types of benchmarking. Also describe the process of
(b) Discuss the importance of seven quality control tools in the organization for performance
Q.10 (a) Identify KPIs for supply availability, reliability, consumer service, cost and profitability.
(b) Discuss the role of data warehouse and data mining in CRM framework.
Q.1 (a) Discuss the need for energy auditing and its objectives and functions.
(b) In your opinion, what problems will your utility encounter if it resorts to energy auditing? How
can these be managed?
Q.2 (a) Discuss the need and procedure of energy accounting.Explain how energy accounting can
benefit from the use of information technology?
(b) Outline the various options for (i) Ensuring energy security,(ii) Improved resource
management, and (iii) Use of energy efficient technologies.
Q.3 (a) Describe what you can do as a consumer to contribute to DSM and energy efficiency
(b) Discuss the techniques for Demand Side Management (DSM) in power systems.
Q.5 (a) Describe the major constituents of the disaster management system and their functions in
context to power utilities.
(b) What is business process reengineering? Discuss the steps that should be taken for
managing the change brought about by the use of IT in organizations.
Q.6 (a) Outline the causes of accidents in power distribution systems and the general measures for
preventing them. Describe the first aid measures to help the victim of :
(i)Electric shock, (ii)Burns, (iii)Physical shock, (iv)Heat exhaustion, and (v)Heat stroke.
(b) Explain the major causes for fire outbreaks in a power utility. What techniques can be used
for handling and preventing such fires?
Q.7 (a) What is ERP? Discuss the benefits of using ERP in a power distribution utility.
(b) What is SCADA? Discuss its usefulness for improving the operations of a power distribution
Q.8 (a) What is Geographic Information System (GIS)? Describe objectives and advantages of GIS
in power distribution system.
(b) Discuss various GIS applications for managing the power distribution network.
Q.9 (a) List the different tools used for customer analysis. Outline their features. How do they
benefit the utilities?
(b) State the benefits of AMR and outline the hardware requirements for it. Discuss the aspects
that should be kept in view while using AMR.
Q. 10 (a) Describe any case study related to energy management in Power Distribution.
(b) What is business process reengineering? Discuss the steps that should be taken for
managing the change brought about by the use of IT in organizations.
Q.1 (a) Is it possible to give a true or a fair view of a company’s position using accounting
information? Discuss.
(b) What are the provisions in IEA 2003 that endeavor to bring out transparency in the working
of discoms?.
Q.2 (a) What are important factors which help improving motivation and moral of employees an
(c) Is it possible to give a true or a fair view of a company’s position using accounting
information? Discuss.
Q.3 (a) What is organization communication? Write various goals of organization communication.
(b) What measures should be taken to make inter-personnel communication effective?
Q.4 (a) What are the main driving factors of change in any business?
(b) Explain various change models for business.
Q.5 (a) Explain various financial ratios falling under the category of liquidity ratios.Explain the
concept of financial leverage.
(b) Describe the process of conflict. What are different types of conflicts taking place in
business organizations?
Q.6 (a) Describe practices in complaint handling with reference to customer relationship
(b) ‘Customer relationship management has become an important area for public utilities’.
Analyze this statement in context of any organization.
Q.7 (a) Describe how you can use the print and electronic media to sensitize your customers about
timely payment of bills, and legalizing power connections.
(b) Explain the concept of supply chain management in detail.
Q.8 (a) Describe in brief the management processes of planning, controlling, organizing and
(b) With reference to cost management, explain following Material variance, fixed overhead
variance, Variable overhead variance, Labor variance and Sales variance.
Q.9 (a) Explain various investment evaluation methods.
(b) Describe various aspects of cost volume profit (CVP) analysis.
Q.10 (a) Give a comparison of unit rate and turnkey contracts.
(c) Explain various cost components of Detailed Project Report.