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Sciencedirect: Influence of Potato Flour On Dough Rheological Properties and Quality of Steamed Bread

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Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2016, 15(11): 2666–2676

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Influence of potato flour on dough rheological properties and quality

of steamed bread
1, 2 1 1 1 1
LIU Xing-li , MU Tai-hua , SUN Hong-nan , ZHANG Miao , CHEN Jing-wang

Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Processing, Ministry of Agriculture/Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy
of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, P.R.China
Laboratory of General and Organic Chemistry, University of Liege, Gembloux 2-5030, Belgium

It is a novel idea to make steamed bread by adding potato flour into wheat flour considering the production and nutritional
factors of potato. In this study, the influence of potato flour (0–35%) on dough rheology and quality of steamed bread were
investigated. Potato flour addition significantly influenced the dough rheological properties and steamed bread quality, such
as increased water absorption, the maximum gaseous release height, total volume of CO2 and hardness, while decreased
dough stability and specific volume of steamed bread. Moreover, correlation analysis suggested that dough height at the
maximum development time, dough stability, water absorption and the phase tangent can be used for predicting the techno-
logical quality of steamed bread. Potato-wheat steamed bread had higher dietary fibre, ash content and antioxidant activity
than those of wheat steamed bread. The estimated glycemic index decreased from 73.63 (0%) to 60.01 (35%). Considering
the sensory evaluation, the steamed bread with 20% potato flour is acceptable. In conclusion, adding appropriate quantity
of potato flour to wheat flour for steamed bread production will not only maintain the technological quality, but also can
improve the nutritional value of the steamed bread.

Keywords: potato flour, thermo-mechanical properties, viscoelasticity, rheofermentometer, texture properties, antioxidant activity

China (Zhang et al. 2007; Hao and Beta 2012; Lin et al.
2012; Zhu et al. 2014, 2016), South Africa (Lombard et al.
1. Introduction 2000; Nkhabutlane et al. 2014), Ghana (Nout et al. 1995;
Nche et al. 1996) and western countries (Sim et al. 2011)
Steamed bread is a staple food of China, and has been
have been committed to develop steamed bread. Moreover,
consumed for at least 2 000 years, taking up almost 40%
the acrylamide content and loss of soluble amino acids of
of wheat consumption (Wu et al. 2010). Various studies in
steamed bread are less than baked bread (Becalski et al.
2003). However, lysine, mineral element, and vitamins
content in only wheat steamed bread are not enough for
Received 30 November, 2015 Accepted 25 March, 2016 human nutrition balance if not supplemented with vegeta-
LIU Xing-li, E-mail: liuxingli1987@sina.cn; Correspondence MU bles, fruits or dairy products. It is necessary to add other
Tai-hua, Tel/Fax: +86-10-62815541, E-mail: mutaihua@126.com
flours or functional components to improve the nutrition and
© 2016, CAAS. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open create varieties of steamed breads, such as potato, sweet
acces s article under the CC BY-NC-ND licens e (ht tp: //
creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) potato, yam, oat, corn, wheat germ, barely, buckwheat,
doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(16)61388-6 fibre, and polyphenols steamed breads (Ananingsih et al.
2667 LIU Xing-li et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2016, 15(11): 2666–2676 2667

2013; Shiau et al. 2015; Sun et al. 2015). However, the between 170 and 200°C, then milled into flour by a hammer
other ingredients will change dough properties, which are mill, sieved with a 100-μm screen in order to obtain smooth
important for the quality of the end product. Many studies flour with a uniform particle size. Protein, ash, fat, dietary
found that thermo-mechanical parameters, dynamic rheo- fibre, and starch content in wheat flour were 13.22, 0.48,
logical properties, and fermentation characteristics had a 1.23, 1.88, and 60.58%, respectively, those of potato flour
remarkable influence on the volume, texture, and structure were 9.87, 1.86, 0.26, 6.28, and 68.78%, respectively.
of products (Sensoy et al. 2006; Kahraman et al. 2008; Wheat flour with different percentages of potato flour (0,
Ozturk et al. 2008; Verheyen et al. 2015). Therefore, it is 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35%) are formulated before being
important to study these dough properties in order to get analyzed. Yeast was purchased from Angel Yeast Co., Ltd.
high quality steamed bread. (Hubei, China).
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is one of the most widely
planted vegetables worldwide, the total production of po- 2.2. Thermo-mechanical rheological properties
tatoes in the world is 0.37 billion tons in 2013, and China,
the leading producer of potato, had an annual production of Thermo-mechanical properties investigations were per-
89.0 million tons in 2013 (24.17% of the world’s production) formed by Mixolab (Chopin, Tripetteet Renaud, Paris,
and is the only major food crop that belongs to tuber (FAO- France) which simultaneously determinates protein and
SAT 2015). One of the main commercial products is potato starch characteristics during the process of mixing at a
flour, which is convenient to store and circulate. Potato flour constant temperature, as well as during the period of heat-
protein is characterized by balanced amino acid composi- ing and cooling. The Mixolab was set to follow the Chopin+
tion, which improves the deficiency of cereal proteins, and program: Firstly, mixed for 8 min at 30°C, secondly heated
the dietary fibre (Bártová et al. 2015). Vitamin and mineral to 90°C at a speed of 4°C min–1, then maintained at 90°C
element content of potato flour are higher than wheat flour. for 7 min and lastly decreased the temperature to 30°C at
Moreover, potato flour contains several phytochemicals such a speed of 4°C min–1 (Jensen et al. 2015).
as polyphenolics and flavonoids, which have antioxidant,
anticancer, anti-hypertension activity, and so on (Ezekiel 2.3. Dynamic rheological properties
et al. 2013). Thus, it is rational to incorporate potato flour
into steamed food to enhance its nutritional and functional All dry samples (without yeast) were blended for 8 min
quality, along with novel eating properties. with the appropriate content of water (80% of the water
However, the major study on potato was focused on absorption according to Mixolab, 48.88, 58.80, 62.32, 66.16,
the starch, which was also the main component of the glu- 71.68, 75.28, and 77.20% for 0, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and
ten-free bread (Sarker et al. 2008; Onyango et al. 2011). 35%, respectively) using the mechanical stirrer (RW20, IKA
Nowadays, little information is available on the potato flour Labortechnic, Germany). In order to prevent moisture loss,
addition in wheat steamed bread. Therefore, in this study, we used paraffin to seal the edges of the dough. Dynamic
potato flour at various concentrations was incorporated oscillatory tests were conducted in an Anton Par Physica
into steamed bread, the dough rheological properties, MCR301 controlled stress oscillatory rheometer (Graz,
technological qualities and the correlations between them Austria). The temperature was maintained at (25±0.1)°C,
were analyzed. In addition, the nutrition qualities including the gap between plates was 1 mm. Frequency sweeps (from
proximate components, antioxidant capacity, and in vitro 1–100 rad s–1) were performed at a settled stress within the
starch digestibility of steamed bread were also evaluated. linear viscoelastic range. Experimental data were described
This study may stimulate further interest in the use of potato according to the following equations (Korus et al. 2009):
flour for novel product development. G´(ω)=K´ω n´
G´´(ω)=K´´ω n´´
2. Materials and methods Where, G´, a storage modulus (Pa); G´´, loss modulus
(Pa); ω, angular frequency (rad s–1); and K´, K´´, n´, n´´,
2.1. Materials experimental constants.

Wheat flour was obtained from Beijing Guchuan Food Ltd. 2.4. Rheofermentometer rheological measurements
(Beijing, China). Fresh potato (Shepody) was kindly pro-
vided by the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Rheofermentometer F3 was used to check dough fermenta-
Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Beijing, China). Potato tion properties (Chopin Technologies, France). 300 g mixed
tubers were peeled, washed, then steamed for 30 min at flour, 3 g yeast and appropriate water (according to 2.3) were
100°C, and dried in a dryer where the temperature varied blended at a low rate (80 r min–1) for 5 min using a Hobart
2668 LIU Xing-li et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2016, 15(11): 2666–2676 2668

mixer A-120 (The Hobart Manufacturing Company, Tory, 1 s. Hardness, adhesiveness, chewiness, and resilience
Ohio). Dough was mixed and placed (315 g) in the bucket were counted through the TPA graphic.
at constant temperature of 30°C for 3 h and 2 000 g was used Colour Colour parameters were measured using a Hunter
as a restraint. The fermentation rheological parameters con- Lab colour flex model A60-1012-312 (Hunter Associates
tained: dough development parameters (Hm , the maximum laboratory, Reston, VA). The equipment was standardized
height at development time (mm)); h, dough height at the each time with white and black standards. Samples were
terminate (mm); (Hm –h)Hm –1 that is reversely related to dough scanned to determine lightness (L*), red-green (a*) and
stability) and gas behavior (Hm ´, maximum height of gas yellow-blue (b*) colour components.
production (mm)); VT , total volume of gas produced during Chemical composition analysis Starch, crude fat, crude
three hour fermentation; Vr , total volume of the gas saving protein, dietary fibre, and ash of flour and steamed bread
at the end of time; RC (Vr/VT), the gas retention coefficient. were determined by association of official analytical chem-
ists (AOAC) methods (AAC 2000).
2.5. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of dough Total polyphenol content (TPC) was measured by using
the Folin-Ciocalteu method with a modification (Singleton
Dough samples for SEM examination were prepared according et al. 1999). Chlorogenic acid (CAE) was as standard, and
to the method of dynamic rheological properties, then frozen TPC of steamed bread was represented as mg CAE g–1 DW
(–45°C) and freeze dried. We fractured the freeze dried (Sun et al. 2014).
dough samples into small pieces of about 1 cm×1 cm×0.5 cm Antioxidant activity of steamed bread was determined by
(length×width×height). Gold was sprayed on the interior the oxygen radical absorption capacity (ORAC) assay, as
surface of the samples (Bárcenas et al. 2010). Sample reported by Sun et al. (2014). The antioxidant activity was
analysis was performed in a Hitachi S3400N (Japan) scan- represented as mg Trolox equivalents (TE) 100 mg–1 DW.
ning electron microscope. In vitro starch digestibility and expected glycemic index
Starch digestibility of steamed bread was determined ac-
2.6. Steamed bread making cording to the method reported by Gularte and Rosell (2011)
with slight modification. The starch hydrolysed within 30 min
The steamed bread was manufactured according to Ma et al. was rapidly digestible starch (RDS); the starch hydrolysed
(2014) with slight modification. 100 g mixed flour, 1 g yeast within 30 and 120 min was slowly digestible starch (SDS),
and appropriate water (according to 2.3) were blended at a and the remnant starch after 16 h was resistant starch (RS).
low rate (80 r min–1) for 5 min using a Hobart mixer A-120 We obtained the hydrolysis index (HI) through the equation
(The Hobart Manufacturing Company, Tory, Ohio). Dough (Granfeldt et al. 1992):
was putted in a fermenting machine for 1 h at 30°C and 85% HI=Ssample /Sglucose
relative humidity. The dough was mingled at a rate of 80 r Where, Ssample was the area under the hydrolysis curve
min–1 for 3.5 min, and chipped into pieces of 100 g, forming (0–180 min) of the sample and Sglucose was the area under the
a round shape. Finally, the dough pieces were placed in a hydrolysis curve of glucose (control) over 0–180 min. The
steam cooker (Supor Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China) estimated glycaemic index (eGI) was calculated according
and cooked for 30 min under atmospheric pressure. Steamed to the method of Granfeldt et al. (1992).
bread was cooled 60 min at room temperature before quality
evaluation, and freeze dried for compositional analysis. 2.8. Sensory evaluation

2.7. Steamed bread quality evaluation Discriminative testing was performed by nine panelists in
triplicate. All panelists were of Asian ethnicity with steamed
Specific volume and height/Diameter ratio We measured bread as part of the diet. The evaluation forms with a list of line
the specific volume of steamed bread using rapeseed dis- scales were given to each personnel. Panelists were given
placement method and the height/diameter ratio using a all seven samples with randomized numbers at the same
vernier caliper. time. The values of colour, adhesiveness, and firmness of
Texture profile analysis (TPA) TPA was conducted using the steamed bread were from 1 (the lowest) to 9 (the highest).
a TA-XT2i texture analyser equipped with a 5-kg load cell The overall acceptability of each sample was counted from 1
(Stable Microsystems Ltd., Godalming, London). The meas- (extremely the lowest) to 9 (extremely the highest).
urement probe was used 50 mm diameter cylinder, before
testing and after testing speed were 4.0 mm s –1, testing 2.9. Statistical analysis
speed was 1 mm s–1; the compression degree was 50%,
the interval time between the first and second cycles was All the experiments were conducted in triplicate, and the
2669 LIU Xing-li et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2016, 15(11): 2666–2676 2669

results were expressed as means±standard deviation. Sta- suggested that the gelling ability of wheat was the highest,
tistical analysis was executed using the Statistical Analysis which was decreased significantly with potato flour addition
System (SAS) ver. 9.2 software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, (Table 1). Increasing the amount of potato flour, the starch
NC, USA), P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. stability (C4) and starch retrogradation (C5) also decreased.

3. Results 3.2. Effect of potato flour on dynamic rheological

3.1. Effect of potato flour on thermo-mechanical
rheological properties Appendix A represented the variations in storage modulus
(G´), loss modulus (G´´), and damping factor (tanδ, the ratio
Table 1 showed the influence of potato flour on thermo-me- of G´ and G´´) for the samples. Table 2 contained param-
chanical rheological properties of wheat flour. The Mixolab eters of power law model describing the dependence G´,
condition mixing for 8 min at 30°C refers to the protein G´´=f(ω). G´ was larger than G´´, which indicates that elastic
characteristics of tested flour and it is characterized by the properties are predominated, not the viscous features. The
following parameters: water absorption, dough development addition of potato flour resulted in more evident changes of
time, dough stability and C2 (protein weakening due to me- dough rheology. Addition of potato flour increased the G´
chanical and thermal constraints). Development time (the and G´´ significantly which was also confirmed by the values
time required to obtain the maximum torque ((1.1±0.05) Nm) of K´and K´´ (Table 2). In the meantime, potato flour addition
at 30°C) of different proportions potato flour was significantly significantly reduced tanδ (from 0.404 to 0.283) compared
reduced (Table 1). Increasing the content of potato flour to only wheat dough (Appendix A and Table 2).
from 10 to 35%, dough stability and C2 also diminished
progressively. 3.3. Effect of potato flour on fermentation properties
The other Mixolab tested systems reveals the starch
properties. The starch gelatinization (C3), the starch stability Dough development and gassing power are two important
(C4) and starch retrogradation (C5) are important param- parameters of the fermentation process. The maximum
eters for researches (Ozturk et al. 2008). The result of C3 dough height (Hm ) and dough stability ((Hm –h) Hm –1) were

Table 1 Effect of potato flour on thermo-mechanical properties of wheat flour1)

Water Dough Thermal
Compositions (%) absorption development stability C2 C3 C4 C5
(%) (min) (min)
0 61.1±0.1 a 2.87±0.02 f 6.18±0.07 g 0.44±0.01 c 1.97±0.01 g 1.92±0.01 g 3.11±0.02 g
10 73.5±0.2 b 1.75±0.01 e 2.13±0.06 f 0.17±0.01 b 1.39±0.02 f 1.19±0.01 f 1.77±0.01 f
15 77.9±0.1 c 1.52±0.02 d 1.98±0.02 e 0.11±0.02 a 1.05±0.04 e 1.01±0.02 e 1.52±0.02 e
20 82.7±0.1 d 1.26±0.03 c 1.75±0.01 d 0.11±0.01 a 0.84±0.01 d 0.85±0.01 d 1.32±0.03 d
25 89.6±0.1 e 1.18±0.01 b 1.62±0.04 c 0.10±0.01 a 0.78±0.03 c 0.71±0.02 c 1.10±0.01 c
30 94.1±0.1 f 1.15±0.01 b 1.52±0.02 b 0.10±0.02 a 0.67±0.01 b 0.58±0.01 b 0.92±0.01 b
35 96.5±0.1 g 1.10±0.04 a 1.40±0.03 a 0.10±0.03 a 0.57±0.02 a 0.48±0.01 a 0.82±0.04 a
C2 represents the weakening of the protein based on the mechanical work and the increasing temperature; C3 expresses the starch
gelatinization; C4 indicates the stability of the hot-formed gel; C5 represents starch retrogradation.
Different letters indicate significant difference at P<0.05. Values are means±SD. The same as below.

Table 2 Parameters of the power-law functions describing dependence of storage and loss moduli on angular frequency
G´=K´ω n´1) G´´=K´´ω n´´2)
Proportions (%) –3 n –3 n
tanδ (at 1 Hz)3)
K´×10 (Pa s ´) n´ K´´×10 (Pa s ´´) n´´
0 18.79±0.52 e 0.239±0.002 a 7.93±0.21 f 0.288±0.006 a 0.404±0.001 a
10 33.15±0.23 d 0.199±0.003 b 11.61±0.19 c 0.275±0.004 b 0.342±0.006 b
15 39.87±0.12 b 0.205±0.006 b 13.50±0.08 b 0.269±0.005 bc 0.323±0.005 d
20 33.12±1.59 d 0.205±0.001 b 11.59±0.27 c 0.266±0.008 bc 0.331±0.001 c
25 44.04±0.67 a 0.189±0.004 c 14.04±0.19 a 0.258±0.005 cd 0.308±0.004 e
30 35.56±0.42 c 0.181±0.006 d 10.84±0.09 d 0.253±0.009 d 0.297±0.002 f
35 35.29±0.17 c 0.167±0.003 e 10.32±0.12 e 0.249±0.004 d 0.283±0.002 g
G´, storage modulus (Pa); ω, angular frequency (rad s–1); K´, K´´, n´, n´´, experimental constants.
G´´, loss modulus (Pa).
tanδ, damping factor, the ratio of G´ and G´´.
2670 LIU Xing-li et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2016, 15(11): 2666–2676 2670

significantly lowered by the potato flour addition (Table 3). existed in all dough samples.
While, potato flour increased the total volume of CO2 (VT)
and Hm ´ (the maximum height of CO2 production). V T 3.5. Effect of potato flour on steamed bread techno-
(2 650 mL) was the highest when the concentration was logical qualities
up to 15%.
Specific volume and height/diameter ratio Photographs
3.4. Effect of potato flour on morphology structure of front, side and section of steamed bread with different
by SEM potato flour contents were displayed in Appendix B. With
potato flour addition, a reduction in the specific volume
The microstructures of dough with different proportions of (from 2.95 to 1.24 mL g–1) was observed, which might be
potato flour were evaluated by SEM (Fig. 1). The starch due to that potato flour diluted the gluten network, and the
granules were totally embedded in gluten network (0%), maximum dough height (Hm ) was decreased (Table 3). On
which was the typical structure of wheat dough (Sun et al. the other hand, an increase in height/diameter ratio (from
2015). The micrograph of the dough with 10 and 15% potato 0.64 to 1.36) was observed (Table 4 and Appendix B),
flour addition was similar to wheat dough, respectively. In and the reason could be assumed that the expansibility of
addition, high proportions of potato flour increased the sur- wheat dough was restrained and diameter was decreased
face connectivity between starch granules and gluten, and by potato flour addition.
the gluten strands in the dough cannot be clearly observed. Colour Table 4 displayed the results of L*, a*, and b* eval-
While, voids among the gluten network and starch granules uated of the steamed bread samples. Steamed breads

Table 3 Effect of potato flour on fermentation rheological properties of wheat dough

Dough development1) Gas behavior2)
Proportions (%)
Hm (mm) H (mm) (H m–h)/H m H m´ (mm) V T (mL) RC
0 36.4±0.1 a 20.0±0.1 c 45.1±1.1 a 70.8±1.1 f 1 572±21 f 98.6±0.1 ab
10 29.1±0.1 b 22.8±0.1 a 21.6±0.8 d 122.9±0.8 c 2 303±19 c 98.1±0.1 c
15 28.1±0.1 b 20.8±0.1 b 26.0±0.6 c 133.3±0.6 a 2 650±15 a 98.7±0.1 a
20 23.4±0.2 c 16.7±0.2 f 28.6±1.2 b 132.7±1.2 a 2 538±23 b 98.7±0.2 a
25 24.0±0.3 cd 17.4±0.3 e 27.5±0.9 bc 125.4±0.9 b 2 317±14 c 98.1±0.1 c
30 19.7±0.1 de 18.5±0.1 d 6.1±0.3 f 114.0±1.3 e 1 990±15 e 98.4±0.1 b
35Hm, dough height at maximum 17.0±0.1
1) e 15.0±0.1 e 11.8±1.3 e 118.6±1.3 d 2 100±15 d 98.5±0.1
development time; h, height of dough at the end of the test; (H m–h)/H m that is inversely related to dough ab
Hm´, the maximum height of CO 2 production; V T, total volume of CO2 (mL); RC, the CO2 retention coefficience.

0% 10% 15%

20.0 µm 20.0 µm 20.0 µm

20% 25% 30%

20.0 µm 20.0 µm 20.0 µm

Fig. 1 Microstructure of wheat dough with different potato flour proportions (magnification ×2 000).
2671 LIU Xing-li et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2016, 15(11): 2666–2676 2671

containing potato flour had lower L* values, higher a* and b* values compared to wheat
0.50±0.029 ab
0.49±0.017 ab

0.43±0.003 bc
0.43±0.006 bc
0.53±0.043 a

0.52±0.038 a

0.45±0.004 b

steamed bread. This suggested that the steamed bread stained toward a darker
colour, tending to yellow and red colour compared with only wheat steamed bread.
Texture properties Hardness, adhesiveness, chewiness and resilience were texture
attributes of steamed bread. These textural properties showed significant difference
9.96±0.57 de
8.84±0.75 de
Chewiness (N)

between samples (Table 4). Hardness is often considered as the index of the total
11.17±0.45 d

16.68±0.60 b
24.91±0.37 a
9.78±1.75 e

13.72±1.30 c

textural attributes. After addition of potato flour, the value of hardness was higher,
which significantly (P<0.05) differed from wheat steamed bread (17.43 Newton), the
hardness of potato-wheat compound steamed bread (35%) increased to 49.33 Newton.

Resilience indicated the recovery of steamed bread to its original position. The
resilience was not markedly influenced by the level of potato flour (P>0.05). Values
230.9±25.72 a
198.93±10.04 b

57.63±1.56 cd
110.75±25.43 c

0.73±0.11 d
0.72±0.15 d
82.48±4.11 c

of adhesiveness dropped sharply. Hardness had significantly related to chewiness,

which was the highest when 35% potato flour supplemented. Similar to hardness, the
addition of potato flour pronounced increased the value of chewiness.

3.6. Correlation analysis

Hardness (N)

32.99±1.26 b
49.33±0.41 a
21.18±1.64 e
25.26±0.68 d
28.13±0.94 c
17.43±1.70 f
18.67±1.81 f

The results for correlation between dough characters and technological parameters of
steamed bread quality (height/diameter ratio, specific volume, L*, hardness through the
result of principal components analysis (data not shown)) are shown in Fig. 2. Dough
characters had significant effect on the specific volume, especially water absorption (R2,
13.15±1.11 dc

13.99±0.47 bc

0.9748), Hm (R2, 0.9764) and n´´ (R2, 0.9785), and for height/diameter ratio were (H m–h)/
12.42±1.99 d

14.32±0.09 b
16.24±0.15 a
15.87±0.07 a
13.34±0.11 c

Hm (R2, 0.8197), Hm (R2, 0.8127), n´´ (R2, 0.8023), respectively. With regard to hardness,

the main dough characters were Hm (R2, 0.8672), n´´ (R2, 0.8578) and water absorption
(R2, 0.8410). However, the dough did not have significantly influenced on the L*, which
may be influenced by the material and making process. From these results, H m, (H m–h)/
–0.92±0.035 cd

–0.70±0.021 bc
–1.07±0.027 d

–1.13±0.030 d

–0.60±0.024 b
0.025±0.043 a
0.12±0.020 a

Hm, n´´ and water absorption can be used for predicting the quality of steamed bread.

3.7. Effect of potato flour on steamed bread nutritional qualities

Table 4 Effect of potato flour on technological parameters of steamed bread

Proximate composition Table 5 showed the results of incorporation of potato flour on

the proximate composition of steamed bread. All the potato flour containing steamed
59.16±1.02 bc

59.29±0.13 bc
61.06±1.01 a
59.67±1.74 b

57.39±0.08 d

59.94±0.13 b
58.77±0.16 c

bread had higher levels of ash, dietary fibre, and starch. The dietary fibre and ash

in the 35% steamed bread were 68 and 330% greater than the only wheat steamed

bread. The starch content increased from 60.49 to 64.38% as potato flour addition
increased from 0 to 35%. Protein and fat content decreased significantly, but the amino
acid composition of protein was more balance than the only wheat steamed bread (lack
2.17±0.152 bc

L , determine lightness; a*, red-green; b*, yellow-blue.

Specific volume

2.95±0.182 a
2.45±0.394 b

1.28±0.028 d
1.24±0.024 d
2.02±0.058 c
1.92±0.050 c

of lysine) with respect to a reference protein of FAO/WHO. The lysine content of wheat
(mL g–1)

and potato flour was 20.6 and 39.71 mg g–1 protein, respectively.
In vitro starch digestibility and expected glycemic index Rapidly digestible starch
(RDS) ranged from 15.68 to 23.39%, and wheat steamed bread was found to have the
highest RDS content (Table 5). Slowly digestible starch (SDS) can increase the levels
of postprandial plasma glucose and insulin slowly (Englyst et al. 1996). Resistant starch

0.67±0.033 d
0.68±0.028 d

1.29±0.029 b
1.36±0.042 a
0.64±0.056 d

0.72±0.047 c
0.75±0.033 c

(RS) refers to the sum of intact starch and retrograded starch, which passed into the
large intestine. In this study, RS varied from 16.26 to 38.4%, RS contents of steamed

breads containing potato flour were higher than the only wheat steamed bread.
The values of the estimated glycaemic index (eGI) ranged from 60.01 to 73.63, the
eGI of steamed breads with potato flour were lower than the only wheat steamed bread
(Table 5).

Total polyphenol contents (TPC) and antioxidant activity TPC and antioxidant
activity of potato-wheat steamed bread samples were shown in Table 5. The TPC of

1) *

steamed bread increased with the addition of potato flour. When the addition level
2672 LIU Xing-li et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2016, 15(11): 2666–2676 2672

Water absorption
Retention coefficient 1 Dough development
Total volume of gas 0.5 Thermal stability

Hm´ 0 C2

–0.5 Height/Diameter ratio

(Hm–h)/Hm C3
Specific volume
-1 L*
h C4 Hardness

Hm C5

tanδ K´
n´´ n´

Fig. 2 Plot of correlation coefficientce between dough characters and technological parameters of steamed bread.

was 10%, the content of TPC was the highest compared and pleasant appearance as regular wheat steamed bread.
to the other samples, especially an increase of polyphenol
amount of approximately 20% compared to the steamed 4. Discussion
bread only using wheat flour. However, TPC did not increase
proportionally with the potato flour increasing, which might 4.1. Potato flour addition affected the thermo-me-
be due to that not only the flour composition, but also the chanical properties of dough
production process which can influence its content. For
example, the fermentation process can generate some Mixolab is a new instrument to measure dough thermo-me-
phenolics, and steaming process may induce some loss of chanical properties, which can analyze the protein network
antioxidant ingredients. Steamed bread samples contain and starch behavior, and also can check the dough empirical
bioactive polyphenols, which may have significant health rheological quality (Abdel-Samie et al. 2010; Huang et al.
promoting effect on human health. 2010; Rosell et al. 2010). Samples containing potato flour
Antioxidant activity was determined by the oxygen radi- progressively decreased the dough development time, the
cal absorbance capacity (CRAC) method. The antioxidant reason may be attributed to that the pre-gelatinization of
activity of 30% potato-wheat compound steamed bread starch decreased the absorbed water time (Table 1). Dough
((1 858.04±11.45) mg ACE 100 g–1 DW) was 1.2 times that stability diminished markedly due to the higher content of
of the wheat steamed bread ((1 542.18±6.12) mg ACE fibre and diluted gluten network (Fig. 1) caused by the po-
100 g–1 DW). However, the correlation coefficience between tato flour addition. This might be due to that potato protein
antioxidant activity and TPC (R2=0.276) was low, indicating is not similar to the wheat protein from the technological
that TPC was not the only factor influencing on antioxidant point, and therefore the addition of potato flour alters the
activity. This result could be attributed to that, steamed wheat properties, which are accountable for the qualities
bread samples mentioned above might contain other con- of the final product. The results were supported by the
tents, which possess synergistic effect or antagonistic effect report of Rosell et al. (2010), who found that quinoa flour
on the antioxidant activity of polyphenol. (12.5–25%) addition decreased the dough development
time and dough stability.
3.8. Sensory evaluation Wheat flour had the highest starch gelatinization (C3),
starch stability (C4) and starch retrogradation (C5), and
Appendix C showed potato flour addition had a significant potato flour addition decreased the values of C3, C4 and
effect on colour. Steamed bread containing potato flour C5 (Table 1). Recently, Ozturk et al. (2008) also found that
appeared higher firmness than wheat steamed bread. How- wheat flours with high C3, C4 and C5 values (2.45, 2.46
ever, the trends about the cohesiveness and adhesiveness and 3.38 Nm, respectively), and the typical characters of
were opposite. The steamed bread containing 10–20% flour were special suitable for getting higher cookies quality,
potato flour received the similar overall acceptability scores for example, higher diameter and spread ratio. However,
(Appendix C). These findings can conclude that using the Kahraman et al. (2008) found that good cake flour should
potato flour up to 20% could obtain the analogous quality present low C2, C3, C4 and C5 values (0.39, 1.43, 1.36
2673 LIU Xing-li et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2016, 15(11): 2666–2676 2673

73.63±0.32 a
65.09±0.18 b
65.75±0.17 b
65.02±0.24 b
65.79±0.25 b
61.99±0.14 c
60.01±0.21 c

digestible starch; SDS, slowly

and 1.61 Nm, respectively). From this point, 35% potato flour could be fit for cakes,
not for cookies. But it is still difficult to predict the effect of such on steamed bread,
which is different from cookie and cake.

4.2. Potato flour addition influenced the dynamic rheological properties

16.26±0.11 g
32.12±0.24 d

30.77±0.06 e
38.4±0.22 a
35.9±0.14 b
33.18±0.01 c
29.56±0.08 f

of dough
RS (%)

Analysis of dynamic rheological properties of dough can give more information about
viscoelastic properties, which can affect the fermentation process and are important
DF, dietary fiber; TPC, total polyphenol contents, expressed as mg chlorogenic acid g–1 DW; antioxidant activity, expressed as μg TE g–1 DW; RDS, rapidly
23.39±0.12 a 60.35±0.32 a

20.75±0.11 c 46.07±0.12 d

1 787.96±12.78 b 15.68±0.14 g 53.55±0.52 b

1 858.04±11.45 a 18.37±0.08 f 43.23±0.08 e
20.49±0.08 d 43.61±0.21 e
18.90±0.04 e 48.99±0.11 c

63.46±0.13 b 11.91±0.09 c 1.03±0.01 bc 4.29±0.09 bc 1.29±0.08 c 1.79±0.02 ab 1 787.26±11.23 b 20.98±0.21 b 49.46±0.42 c

for the products production. The addition of potato flour significantly affected dough
SDS (%)

rheology (Table 2). It was manifested with the results of Balestra et al. (2011), gin-
ger powder addition significantly changed the moduli values representing dough
viscoelastic properties. In addition, the addition of potato flour caused a decrease of
tanδ and an increase of G´. The increased G´ declared that it was tough to mound
RDS (%)

from the viewpoint of industrialization (Peressini and Sensidoni 2009). The different
proportions of potato flour had different tanδ (Fig. 1), we speculate that the different
cross-linking levels and structural changes may cause the change. Dreese et al. (1998)
Antioxidant activity

had already reported that the polymer system’s cross-linking might exert the increase
1 542.18±6.12 e
1 663.05±5.78 d

1 796.78±9.87 b
62.91±0.52 b 12.21±0.12 b 1.08±0.02 b 3.79±0.12 b 1.08±0.21 b 1.80±0.02 ab 1 729.89±7.29 c

of storage modulus and the decrease of phase angle. In steamed bread production,
dough rheology changed with the change of composition and gluten network, and
then affected the starch gelatinization and viscoelasticity of the matrix. In this study,
the alteration of wheat dough rheology was likely due to the diluting effect of potato
flour on gluten network, and the interactions between the fibre structure and wheat
60.49±0.88 a 13.49±0.02 a 1.23±0.01 a 2.65±0.05 a 0.60±0.05 a 1.57±0.02 e
61.57±0.21 ab 12.61±0.02 b 1.13±0.01 b 3.23±0.10 b 0.92±0.11 b 1.81±0.01 a

63.57±0.96 b 11.24±0.05 cd 0.93±0.02 c 4.40±0.05 c 2.00±0.14 de 1.77±0.01 b

64.38±0.56 c 11.04±0.08 c 0.89±0.01 c 4.46±0.08 c 2.58±0.05 e 1.67±0.02 d
63.74±0.23 b 11.77±0.15 c 0.98±0.01 c 4.31±0.15 c 1.74±0.07 d 1.73±0.03 c

proteins. While, a low dietary fibre content had minor changes in steamed bread quality

because of the little change of dough viscoelastic properties (Balestra et al. 2011).

4.3. Potato flour addition influenced the fermentation rheological properties

Ash (%)

of dough
Table 5 Chemical composition of steamed bread containing potato flour1)

For the bread products, one of the most important processes is fermentation, which
can produce gas through yeast activity, and enlarges the incorporated air bubbles
DF (%)

during the mixing process (Ktenioudaki et al. 2009). Many factors can change the
digestible starch; RS, resistant starch; eGI, estimated glycaemic index.

dough fermentation, and then modify the final product development, such as the
new materials, the yeast, and the temperature. Dough development (Hm and h)
was significantly decreased by the potato flour addition (Table 3). The reason might
Fat (%)

be speculated that potato flour restrained the extension of wheat dough during fer-
mentation process (Penella et al. 2008). And the dough stability also progressively
decreased with the potato flour addition, which was also confirmed by the Mixolab
result (Table 1) and SEM (Fig. 1). The effect was likely to be the reason that po-
Protein (%)

tato flour impeded the normal formation, diluted the gluten structure, reduced the
viscoelasticity (Table 2) and forced gas diffusion in all directions (Pomeranz et al.
1977). While, the total volume of gas was remarkably increased by the increasing
of potato flour, the reason might be that potato starch was gelatinized by making
potato flour process, the structure of potato starch was changed, active sites of starch
Starch (%)

were emerged, the enzyme could easily contact the starch active sites, and then
catalyze it into sugars which can be utilized by yeast. If we continued to increase
the potato flour concentration, the content of alpha-amylase decreased significantly
and affected the total volume of gas.
Proportions (%)

4.4. Potato flour addition influenced the microstructural properties of dough


We further studied the microstructural properties to help explain the dough properties.
2674 LIU Xing-li et al. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2016, 15(11): 2666–2676 2674

The SEM showed that the presence of potato flour disturbed 5. Conclusion
the formation of gluten network (Fig. 1). The potato flour
addition resulted in easy disruption of the gluten network, Supplementation of wheat flour with potato flour significantly
which also altered the dough viscoelasticity. This discov- influences the dough rheological properties and steamed
ery was supported by the reports of Sun et al. (2015) who bread quality, such as increased the water absorption, the
studied on wheat germ flour addition on Chinese steamed maximum gaseous release height, total volume of CO2 and
bread properties. The discontinuous gluten matrix implied hardness, with decreased dough stability, dough develop-
that the resistance and extensibility of dough were disturbed, ment and specific volume. Moreover, correlation analysis
which could cause a poor dough stability (Table 2) and suggested Hm , (Hm –h)/Hm , n´´ and water absorption can be
further influence the textural properties of steamed bread used for predicting the quality of steamed bread, which will
(Sim et al. 2003; Keeratipibul et al. 2010). save time and reduce duplication of work. In addition, potato
flour addition improved nutritional content of steamed bread,
4.5. Correlation analysis between dough rheology enhancing the dietary fibre, ash, total polyphenol content and
and steamed bread quality antioxidant activity. It reduced the rapidly digestible starch
and estimated glycemic index. These results showed that
With the development of the new equipment, a great number addition of 20% potato flour to steamed bread will enhance
of methods were used to check the quality of dough and the breads functional components and offer diverse diet to
product, which will contribute to get overall information of steamed bread consumers.
food. However, it will multiply the workload, and is difficult
to choose which kind of method or parameter. Meanwhile,
it has a high correlation between these parameters, indicat-
ing that it is possible to decrease the checked parameters
This scientific study was financed by the Public Welfare In-
through the analysis method (Verdú et al. 2015). Specific
dustry (Agriculture) Research Project of China (201503001-
volume, L* and hardness are important quality parameters
2), the Agricultural Special Financial in 2015 of China, and
of steamed bread (Principal components analysis, data not
the Basic Research Expenses Budget Incremental Project
shown). From these result of correlation between dough
of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2014ZL009).
characters and technological parameters, Hm , (Hm –h)/Hm ,
We thank the University of Liège-Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
n´´ and water absorption can be used for predicting the
and more specifically the research platform AgricultureIs Life
quality of steamed bread, which will save time and reduce
for the funding of the scientific stay in Belgium that made
duplication of work in future.
this paper possible.

4.6. In vitro starch digestibility and expected glyce-

Appendix associated with this paper can be available on
mic index were related to potato flour addition

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(Managing editor WENG Ling-yun)

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