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Cost Benefit Analysis of Earthquake Protection Programme Through Retrofitting of Non-Engineered Buildings

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Perhaps, this is rightly said that the “earthquake don’t kill people; but the buildings do”. In this
context, particularly, the earthquake resistant technology, which is now being adapted all over the
world, is particularly more relevant to the modern age disaster management for the building
constructions. It is noteworthy, that there are still a good number of the living structures, which
may not resist the earthquake shocks. No wonder many researchers are working in this field of
seismic strength assessment: and methodologies have been developed for different types of
building constructions. Their retrofitting against the seismic forces can further strengthen these
building structures. It is noted that over 60 % of the people killed in the earthquake due to
collapse of the masonry buildings. These buildings can be upgraded by various retrofitting
techniques depending upon the materials and the characteristics of the buildings.

To reduce the seismic hazard in any area under the disaster protection plans there is a need for the
fund allocation for the retrofitting programmes. However, to decide the priority and the amount
to be allocated for retrofitting out of the total budget allocation of disaster mitigation programmes,
there is the need for the assessment of the necessity and advantages of these programs. This could
be achieved through the proper Cost Benefit Analysis of the retrofitting planning.

The Cost Benefit Analysis depends on the estimation of the tangible and non-tangible losses. The
loss estimation, however depends on wide range of various factors and many other parameters.
The objective of the paper is to present and compare the methodologies for estimating the tangible
and intangible losses in context with the non engineered buildings. This is being achieved
through the comparison of two similar buildings: one which is retrofitted ; and the other which is
not retrofitted. The tangible and non-tangible losses for both the buildings are being estimated for
the life of the building. Further, The comparison is made to project the benefit to cost involved in
the retrofitted.

The outcomes of the work will bring out the indicators to be considered for the loss estimation
and Cost Benefit Analysis in the developing countries. The effects of these indicators on the loss
estimation and Cost Benefit Analysis will be projected with the help of a model by way of the
studies of the above. The benefits will accrue in terms of the loss savings. The loss estimation
model will become the data source for the Cost Benefit Analysis model. The result and the
conclusion of the work will be focused in the final paper with the help of facts and figures.


Social projects like Retrofitting of Existing Building need assessment because the government invests heavy
amount for benefits of the people. There are various methods available to assess the viability of such projects.
Those are Cost Benefit Analysis, Cost Effective Criteria and Acceptable Risk. The most commonly used method

Technical Officer, Disaster Management Institute, Bhopal
professor, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi
is Cost Benefit Analysis. Here the paper gives emphasis on assessment the benefits of retrofitting technique of
typical Brick Masonry Buildings built with mud mortar.

The methodology includes the estimation of losses, which is catagorised in to tangible and intangible ones. The
Tangible losses include direct structural and non-structural losses. The deaths, injuries to people caused by the
earthquake come in intangible losses. Estimation of structural losses is one of the most important issue in
earthquake damage assessment. The simplifies method i.e. Damage Probability Matrix (DPM) (Whitman.V.
Robert, J.W. Reed, Hong, S.T, 1973) is applied for the calculation of damage to the structure as well as non-
structural elements. As it is well known that, primary focus of the most earthquake protection programme is to
save life. For loss estimation studies to be useful for earthquake protection; there is a need to include an
assessment of the probable levels of human casualties both deaths and injuries which would be caused by the
earthquake. It is notoriously difficult to estimate the same, but lots of attempts have been put in this area. The
Lethality Ratio (A.W.Coburn, R.J.S.Spence & A. Pomonis, 1992) has been developed which can be effectively
used to estimate the same. The lethality ratio has been applied to assess the injury, death of affected people. The
loss estimation technique is applied to the mass of buildings, which are not retrofitted. Various parameters are
analysed and then the same mass of building is applied retrofitting technique. The application of retrofitting
certainly reduces the damage. The reduction of damage due to retrofitting is termed as benefits to the people.
The concept is applied on a village as a case study.


The selected site lies on Indo-Nepal Border, Bhopatpur, a village in East Champaran, which is of high seismic
importance. The whole area is lying on alluvial soil, which is vulnerable to liquefaction, followed by an
earthquake. The questionnaire is prepared and details of mass housing are worked out. After complete survey,
the building inventories and other information are given final shape by developing a database. The database
includes building inventories and other parameters of geological and topological importance.

The surveyed village consists of various types of houses. Mainly the buildings are categorized as shown in table-
1. For the paper typical residential Non-reinforced Burnt Brick Masonry with mud mortar with sloping tiled roof
is selected.


The estimation of losses resulting from an earthquake is required that for each building class; the relationship
between the intensity of ground shaking and damage degree should be known or developed. Various methods of
estimating damage due to earthquake have been developed. Generally all these methods fall into one of these
groups: Empirical, Theoretical and Experimental. Empirical methods are entirely based on statistical
observations of building damage from past earthquake. The theoretical approach for building damage assessment
are typically based on detailed analysis of structural models incorporating beams and column element,
diaphragms and shear walls that are used to idealize building mathematically. The experimental method includes
the laboratory testing based result and damage is estimated accordingly.

The adopted method for estimation is based on the combination of empirical and theoretical method, which
includes the parameters and factors experienced from the past earthquake and accordingly the analysis is done to
find the damage states. The damage levels are divided into 6 states as shown in Table-2. To describe and
catagorise the damage that a building might experience, a set of damage states has been developed. Various
damage states are identified. Table-2 shows the followings:
A subjective description of physical damage
An objective ratio of repair cost to replacement cost
The Damage Probability Matrix is a set of probability mass function for damage at the given intensity. Since it is
difficult to evaluate with confidence each number in a column of a damage probability matrix, it is necessary to
use Mean Damage Ratio.
In general , the most revealing expressions are the ratios of monetary loss and buildings damage( Damage Ratio).
Almost any type of earthquake loss, For any facility or component, can be rationally deduced from these
expressions. For this study these ratios are defined as follows:
Damage Factor(DF) = Monetary Loss/ Replacement Value

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Damage Ratio ( DR) = Number of buildings damaged / Total number of buildings
The mean damage factor for a group of similar buildings exposed to the same ground shaking intensity is defined
as Mean damage factor ( MDF) = 1/n Σ n i = 1 ( Monetary Loss)i / (Replacement Cost)
n = Number of structures in selection
The mean damage factor reflects the damageability of building types, which is subjected to different ground
A typical set of buildings hypothetically applied ground motion of different intensities. For each intensity of
ground motion, the building loss is calculated in terms of money. The damage to the building is calculated as
money spent for repair the damage. The ratio of Damage Cost to the Replacement Cost gives the particular
building lying in prescribed state of damage. The damage ratio of each building is calculated following the
theoretical analysis. The table-3 shows the number of building lying in each category of damage.


Apart from physical or structural damage estimation, there is an essential need of estimating the intangible
losses. The casualties depend upon various factors (Coburn, A.W, R.J.S. Spence and A. Pomonis, 1992). The
casualty model can be stated as a series of five factors, which are applied to frame and masonry buildings.

Lethality ratio is composed of various parameters, which varies from place to place. Here the described
parameters are derived from place under study, and experience from the past earthquake of near by region. The
relationship between the number of people killed and the number of buildings, which collapse, the Lethality
Ratio, is the important parameters to determine. If this ratio is known, then human casualties can be estimated
from estimates of the number of building collapsed.

The casualty model can be stated as a series of these factors, which are applied to classes of buildings. Number
of people killed in buildings of type B1B cab is expressed as:
KsB1B = D5B1B x (M1 B1B x M2 B1B x M3 B1B (M4 B1B + M5 B1B) - --------- (1)
Where D5 B1B is the total number of building
M1 = Population per building
M2 = Occupancy at the time of earthquake
M3 = Occupant trapped by collapse
M4 = Injury distribution at collapse
M5 = Mortality per collapse
(i) Population per building M1

Population per building varies considerably from place to place can change significantly in a town or region in
just few years. The factor can be estimated by a ratio of population to the number of buildings in a region. The
ratio is found to be 6 persons for selected village.

(ii) Occupancy at the Time of Earthquake M2:

The time of day that earthquake occurs has been known to affect the number of people killed. An earthquake
occurring when a lot of the population is an indoor kills more people in the buildings that collapse. The graph
has been plotted by surveying the area and it has been found that 97 % of people being inside house from 22
hrs to 4 hrs in morning. To estimate the maximum effects of severity, midnight is considered and factor is found
to be 0.97.

(iii) Occupant trapped by collapse M3:

There is a little details available to quantify it empirically, it is clear that not all the occupants that are inside a
building when an earthquake occurs are trapped if it collapse. People escape before collapse, or the collapse of

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the structure is not total, or they are able to free them selves relatively easily by their own efforts. The factor is
found to be 0.38 from the past experience.

(iv) Injury distribution at collapse M4:

People caught in buildings suffer a range of types of injuries. It has been broadly catagorised in terms of Deaths,
Severe injuries, Moderate Injuries and Light Injuries. The ratio of injury distribution at collapse has been derived
from past experience shown in Table-4.

(v) Mortality Post Collapse M5:

Those trapped in the rubble will die if they are not rescued and given medical treatment. Those who have
serious injuries will die quickly. In developing counties the settlements are in horizontal direction. The size of
the dwellings is very small. If it collapses, the relatives and other neighbors try to take out the people trapped as
early as possible. Such data is not available for the selected site. So it is considered to be zero in this case study.

Results obtained from the model are shown in Table-5, which shows the injuries and casualties before and after
retrofitting. It also shows the reduction of casualties due to retrofitting.


Buildings of various types such as those of clay, stone or brick in general and of reinforced concrete to a lesser
extent receive distress to various degrees in earthquake intensities VI and more on MMI or MSK scale. The level
of distress may vary from minor crack to partial to total destruction. A very large stock of such damageable
buildings exists in seismic zones III, IV and V of India. For this survival during future probable maximum
earthquake appropriate seismic retrofitting methods need to be involved and implemented in the field. The
method of strengthening naturally depends very largely on the structural scheme and materials used for the
construction of buildings in the first instance and the technology that is feasible and economical.

The term seismic retrofitting means upgrading the structural strength of a structure to make incapable of resisting
future probable earthquake shocks without serious damage. Here for retrofitting of existing masonry building,
the installation of horizontal and vertical reinforcement i.e. splints and bandage is applied in case study. The
splint and bandage method is preferable as it is cheap and no much skilled manpower is required. It can be
performed without affecting the function of building. This is the most applicable technique for seismic
strengthening of existing unreinforced buildings whether damaged or undamaged, to meet the requirement of
design seismic intensity VII or higher. Since it will not be feasible to insert the band inside the walls, they will
have to be added on the surface of masonry walls and bonded to them. In this technique the bandage is for
horizontal bands and splint for vertical steel. Here welded mesh type steel, equivalent to the required steel area
has to be provided at the critical section properly nailed to the masonry after removing the plaster and raking the
joints and covering the steel with micro-concrete to band it with the walls. Such bands and splints should
theoretically be provided on both faces of external as well as internal walls. As a minimum provision, however
these must be provided on all external or internal wall along with cross tie bars going across the building in both
directions, and embedded in the external wall bands. The crossbars are absolutely necessary in both directions to
ensure integral action of the bearing walls like a crate without separating at vertical corners.

Structural and casualties are estimated following the methodologies mentioned above. These methodologies are
applied before applying retrofitting to the mass of buildings. The additional cost for retrofitting incurred for each
house is calculated. The damage of buildings at various intensities after applying retrofitting is worked out. The
Figure-1 shows the number of buildings lying in particular state of damage before retrofitting technique is
applied. Damage Probability Matrix is once again developed for buildings after retrofitting. Figure-2 shows the
number of buildings lying in particular state of damage after retrofitting. The Figure-3 shows the mean damage
factor, which has been reduced to greater extent.

Similarly, the probable casualties are calculated for building without retrofitting. The figure-4 shows scenario of
various grades of injury and casualties before application of retrofitting. After application of retrofitting expected
casualties are evaluated are evaluated and found to be reduced many folds (Figure-5).

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Cost benefit analysis:

The most widely used method for choosing between alternative investment designed to achieve some socially
desirable outcome is Cost Benefit Analysis. At its simplest, the idea is that all the benefits of the project are
computed in financial terms, the cost are then deducted and the difference is the value of the project. All
projects with a positive value are worthwhile but in a situation with a number of possible alternative projects and
with limited reasons available for investment, The project with the higher value are chosen. Where earthquake
protection strategies involving for example building design are to be considered, the cost of the project is the
additional cost of providing earthquake resistance over the cost of construction in which no special provision for
earthquake resistance is made. while the benefits are the reductions in future losses. Future losses may usefully
be divided between tangible losses and intangible losses. Few assumptions have been made prior to calculation
of Cost Benefit Analysis.
The discount rate is assumed following the norms of Planning Commission of India.
The cost of construction and other costs are taken to be present cost.
Frequency of an earthquake is taken as 3 years.
The cost of damage is taken for structural and non-structural elements.
The cost of indirect damage is calculated for injury and death of human beings.
The value of human life and compensation for injuries are assumed suitably.

The benefit from the earthquake protection programme is shown in terms of reduction of losses. Table-6 shows
the reduction of structural damage after applying retrofitting in monetary terms. Similarly for casualties,
following the government norms the valuation of person has been done. Each individual’s death, the
compensation of Rs. 1,00,000 is provided to the families, Rs. 50,000 for severely injured person, Rs. 25,000 for
moderately injured person and Rs. 10,000 for light injured persons. Based on these facts the reduction in
casualties is worked out in terms of money. The Table-6 shows the benefits of retrofitting for intangibles.

The Cost Benefit Analysis(CBA) is the ratio of benefits to the present cost of investment. Following the concept.
CBA is calculated for each intensity for intangibles and tangible. The Figure-6 and Table-7 shows the cost
benefit ratio for various intensities.


The result shows (Figure-7) the retrofitting technique is feasible to reduce the vulnerability of damage caused by
earthquake. This technique of retrofitting is most suited for the intensity VII and above, but it is very much
suited for the intensity IX, as the cost benefit ratio is maximum at this intensity.


A methodology has been described for formulating the viability and feasibility of Splint and bandage type of
retrofitting technique to reduce earthquake losses. The techniques have been suggested for assessment of losses
for tangible and intangible ones. The parameters have been developed and derived for the developing countries
for the assessment of losses and evaluation of disaster mitigation through retrofitting.


1. ATC(1985) ‘Earthquake damage evaluation data for California’, Atc-13 Report, Applied technology
council, Redwood City, California
2. ATC(1991-92) ‘Evaluation of the performance of seismically retrofitted building’, Applied technology
council, Redwood City, California
3. A, Coburn, Robin Spence, ‘Earthquake protection’, 1992, john Wiley &b Sons Ltd., England
4. A.S.Arya, ‘Damage scenario of a Hypothetical 8.0 Magnitude earthquake in Kangara region of
Himanchal Pradesh’, Bulletin of Indian Society of Earthquake technology, Vol-27, No-3, Sept 1990
5. IS-13935; 1993, ‘Repair & Seismic Restrengthening of buildings- Guidelines’
6. ‘A manual of earthquake resistant Non-engineered Construction’, ISET, University of Roorkee, 1989
7. A.W.Coburn, A. Pomonis, S.Sakai & R J S Spence , ‘Reducing human casualties in building collapse
methods of optimising disaster plans to reduce injury levels’

5 0199
8. R, Razani, N.N Nielson,, ‘Valuation of human life in seismic risk’
9. Robert V. Whitman, John W. Reed & Shew Tien Hong, ‘Earthquake damage Probability matrix’, 10th
world conference on earthquake Engineering

Category A B C X
Sub-Category A1 A2 A3 B1 C1 C2 C3 X1 X2
Mud Unburnt Stone Burnt Concrete Wooden Ekra GI & Bamboo
Brick Brick other & Thatch
Sloping Roof         
Flat Roof X        


Grade Damage Central Description
State Damage
1 Slight 0 -1 Non-structural damage need not be repaired
2 Light 1 – 10 Fine cracks in plaster, Fall of small piece of plaster
3 Moderate 10 – 30 Small cracks in wall, fall of fairly large piece, pan tiles slip off;
cracks in chimney, parts of chimney fall down
4 Heavy 30 – 60 Large and deep cracks in walls, fall of chimney
5 Major 60 – 100 Gaps in walls, parts of building may collapse, separate parts of
building lose their cohesion, inner wall collapse
6 Destroyed 100 Total collapse of buildings


Damage Range Central INTENSITY
Grade Damage
Number of Number of Number of Number of
Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings
1 0-1 0.5 **** **** ****
2 1- 10 5 35 11 6 ****
3 10 - 30 20 13 7 2 14
4 30 – 60 45 9 16 5 43
5 60 – 100 80 **** 23 44 ****
6 100 100 **** **** **** ****


Injury Grade Description % of affected people
Death 1 Death caused by 20 %
Sever 2 Immediate medical 30 %
injury attention
Moderate 3 Hospitalisation for 30 %
injury long duration
Light 4 Not necessitating 20 %
Injury Hospitalisation

6 0199
Injury Level Grade VI VII VIII IX

% reduction

% reduction

% reduction

% reduction













Dead or 1 6 0 100 24 3 88 32 12 63 47 12 75
Severe 2 11 2 82 36 5 87 48 18 63 71 18 75
Moderate 3 11 2 82 36 5 87 48 17 65 71 18 75
Light Injury 4 7 1 86 24 2 92 32 10 69 46 17 63


Intensity Tangible Damage Intangible Damage Total Damage Cost
cost Cost









VI 358938 176690 1495000 160000 1853938 336690
VII 2122630 537117 5340000 695000 7462630 1232117
VIII 3194906 1208625 7120000 2625000 10314906 3833625
IX 4809458 2915360 10485000 2720000 15294458 5635360


Benfits from Investments for retrofitting Cost
retrofitting benefit
1517248 548335 2.767
6230513 548335 11.36
6481281 548335 11.82
9659098 548335 17.615

Damage probability matrix before Retrofittings Damage probability matrix after Retrofittings

No. of Buildings

No. of Buildings

S tate-1
state 2 State-1
20 30
S tate-3 State-2
10 20
S tate-4 State-3
0 S tate-5 10 State-4
S tate-6 State-5
Damage Level Series6

Figure-1 Figure-2

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Comparision of Mean Damage Factor befor and after
retrofitting Casualties before R Etrofitting

0.8 80
Mean Damage


Grade -1
0.4 Grade-2
40 Grade -3
20 Grade-4
Intensity VI VII VIII IX

Figure-3 Figure-4

Casualties A fter R etrofitting Cost Benefir Ratio Vs Intensity

Cost Benefit Ratio

15 Grade-1 15
10 10

5 Grade-4 5
VI VII VIII IX Cost Benefit
Intensity Ratio

Figure-5 Figure 6

Loss Reduction due to Retroifitting

Cost of money

Cost Before Retrofitting
Cost after Retrofitting




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