Dow Corning 200 Fluid
Dow Corning 200 Fluid
Dow Corning 200 Fluid
FEATURES Polydimethylsiloxane
• Water-clear silicone fluid available
in viscosities ranging from 0.65 to APPLICATIONS
60,000 cSt (mm²/s) • RELEASE MATERIAL: Used alone or as part of a compounded formula,
• Little change in physical properties DOW CORNING 200 Fluid provides a non-carbonising mould release for
over a wide temperature span - a rubber, plastics, and metal die castings.
relatively flat viscosity-temperature • FOAM PREVENTITIVE: Extremely small amounts of the fluid effectively
slope, and serviceability from control foam in many processing operations, especially in non-aqueous
-40°C up to 200°C systems.
• Excellent water repellency • MECHANICAL FLUID: Excellent viscosity-temperature characteristics,
• Good dielectic properties over a thermal and chemical stability, shear-breakdown resistance, compressibility,
wide range of temperatures and and rubber compatibility make DOW CORNING 200 Fluid outstanding for
frequencies mechanical/ hydraulic uses. Typical uses include hydrolic stabilisers, damping
• Low surface tension - readily wets
• SURFACE-ACTIVE MATERIAL: Added to vinyl plastisols,
clean surfaces to impart water
DOW CORNING 200 Fluid improves the flow characteristics, de-aerates and
repellency and release
lubricates the surface of the completed part.
• LUBRICANT: The fluid provides excellent lubrication for most plastic and
• Viscosities above 10 mm²/s also elastomeric surfaces. Lubricity with metals depends upon the combination
exhibit heat stability, oxidation involved. Care should be taken to select suitable metals for pumps and other
resistance, very low vapour items with moving parts.
pressures, and high flash point
• Low order of toxicity an important ingredient in hand creams, skin protectants, suntan lotions, and
• Essentially odourless hair grooming aids because it forms a non-greasy, protective film which resists
water and waterborne irritants, yet allows the skin to breathe. Literature is
• Soluble in a wide range of solvents
available that details the use of the fluid in cosmetics.
• Non-greasy and non-rancidifying • POLISHES AND CHEMICAL SPECIALITIES: DOW CORNING 200 Fluid
is used in most automobile and furniture polishes for its ease of application,
high gloss with minimum rubbing, and a durable water-repellant film. It is also
used in many other speciality formulations, including aerosol starches and
fabric conditioners. Additional literature is available.
• ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT: With excellent dielectric
properties, DOW CORNING 200 Fluid can be used for both insulating and
damping applications.
• PLASTIC ADDITIVE: Small amounts of DOW CORNING 200 Fluid can be
compounded into plastic in order to impart surface slip or anti-block and to
improve the processability of the plastic.
Ref. no. 22-0069N-01
Table 1: Typical properties of viscosity grades.
These values are not intended for use in preparing specifications.
Viscosity Flash Flash Specific Coefficient of Surface
at 25°C¹ Point, Point, Gravity Viscosity Volume Refractive Tension at Thermal
3 7 8 10
mm²/s closed open cup Pour at 25°/ Temperature Expansion, Index at 25°CmN/m Conductivity at Boiling Point
(cSt) cup² Point
15.6°C ¥ Coefficient
I/K 25°C 50°C
0.65 -3.3°C -68°C 0.761 0.31 0.00134 1.375 15.9 0.100 100°C at 760mm
(10.1 kPa)
1.0 34.4°C -100°C 0.818 0.41 0.00134 1.382 17.4 - 152°C at 760 mm
5.0 >100°C 135°C -100°C 0.920 0.55 0.00105 1.397 19.7 - 120-160°C at 0.5mm
% max weight loss
after 24 hrs at 150°C
10 >100°C >163°C -100°C 0.934 0.56 0.00108 1.399 20.1 0.134 10
20 >100°C >204°C -84°C 0.949 0.59 0.00107 1.400 20.6 0.142 10
50 >100°C >285°C -70°C 0.960 0.59 0.00104 1.401 20.8 - 2.0
100 >100°C >315°C -65°C 0.960 0.60 0.00096 1.402 20.9 0.155 0.5
200 >100°C >315°C -65°C 0.970 0.60 0.00096 1.403 21.0 - 0.5
300 >100°C >315°C -65°C 0.970 0.60 0.00096 1.403 21.0 0.155 0.5
350 >100°C >315°C -65°C 0.970 0.60 0.00096 1.403 21.1 0.159 0.5
500 >100°C >315°C -50°C 0.971 0.60 0.00096 1.403 21.1 - 0.5
1000 >100°C >321°C -50°C 0.971 0.61 0.00096 1.403 21.2 0.159 0.5
5000 >100°C >321°C -50°C 0.975 0.61 0.00096 1.403 21.4 0.159 2.0
10000 >100°C >321°C -50°C 0.975 0.61 0.00096 1.403 21.5 0.159 2.0
12500 >100°C >321°C -46°C 0.975 0.61 0.00096 1.403 21.5 0.155 2.0
30000 >100°C >321°C -43°C 0.975 0.61 0.00096 1.403 21.5 - 2.0
60000 >100°C >321°C -41°C 0.976 0.61 0.00096 1.403 21.5 - 2.0
Figure 1: Viscosity temperature slopes for DOW CORNING 200 Fluids and some petroleum oils.
Ref. no. 22-0069N-01
Figure 2: Compressibility of DOW CORNING 200 Fluid.
Ref. no. 22-0069N-01
6 05/01/1998 ® DOW CORNING is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.
Ref. no. 22-0069N-01 DC 2870 ©1997-2000 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved.