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Teleporter D20

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The Teleporter

The teleporter is similar to the warmage, beguiler, or dread necromancer in that he specialises in one or
two schools of arcane magic, but while warmages destroy and beguilers deceive, teleporters travel. While
teleporters cannot summon energy as a wizard or sorcerer can, they can move things faster, better, more
often, and more freely than any other spellcaster. Since the ability to travel is of little use without the right
information, teleporters also learn divination magic to be able to communicate with and view distant
lands, and as a natural consequence of their powers they become skilled at disrupting or blocking the
travel magic of their enemies.

In an adventuring party teleporters function primarily as support, transporting party members in and out
of danger. They also have a limited ability to fill the roles of scout or damage dealer. While teleporters
lack the firepower of most arcane casters and the restorative magic of divine ones, a surprising amount of
problems can be solved by putting the right person in the right place at the right time.

A female teleporter is sometimes called a teleportress.

Viki, a teleporter

Abilities: Charisma is your primary stat, as it determines the quantity and effectiveness of your spells.
Constitution and Dexterity are also useful, as with any character; a teleporter has a low Hit Die and
benefits from extra hit points, and their inability to wear armour makes Dexterity valuable. Intelligence is
a good fourth choice, to benefit your knowledge skills.

Races: Adaptability and wanderlust means that humans and half-elves are the most common races among
teleporters, though halflings and elves also appreciate the freedom to travel in their long lifetimes.
Dwarves and half-orcs rarely become teleporters due to ther less forceful personalities and a general lack
of interest in seeing the world.
Alignment: Any
Alignment: While teleporters can be of any alignment, their tendency to travel constantly and never settle
down causes them to lean towards chaos. Good-aligned teleporters use their powers to move people out of
danger and to help them get where they need to go, while evil teleporters commit nefarious deeds and
then vanish into thin air before they can be brought to answer for their crimes. Neutral teleporters, more
common than either, simply use their abilities for profit, either joining mages' guilds or the Wayfarer's
Union, or working for anyone with a need for fast transport and the money to pay for it.

The Teleporter

Level Base Fort Ref Will Special 0 lvl 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Attack Save Save Save
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Displacer field, 5 3
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Abrupt Jaunt 6 4
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Advanced 6 5
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 6 6 3
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Teleportation 6 6 4
spell power +1
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Enhanced 6 6 5 3
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Advanced 6 6 6 4
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Dimensional 6 6 6 5 3
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Dimensional 6 6 6 6 4
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Teleportation 6 6 6 6 5 3
spell power +2
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 Advanced 6 6 6 6 6 4
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Improved 6 6 6 6 6 5 3
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Improved Abrupt 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 Advanced 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
spell power +3
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3

17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Endless 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4

18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Greater enhanced 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Advanced 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Teleportation 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
spell power +4,

Hit Die: d6
Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge
(geography) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Speak Language (none), Spellcraft (Int),
Survival (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha)

Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int modifier (x4 at first level)

Starting Gold: 3d4 x 10 (75 gp)

Starting Age: As sorcerer (PHB 109)

Class Features

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Teleporters are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow,
light crossbow, and quarterstaff. Teleporters are not proficient with any kind of armour or shield. Armour
of any type interferes with a teleporter's gestures, which can cause his spells with somatic components to

Spells: A teleporter casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the teleporter spell list below. When you
gain access to a new level of spells, you automatically know all the spells for that level on the teleporter's
spell list. You can cast any spell you know without preparing it ahead of time. Essentially, your spell list
is the same as your spells known list. You also have the option of adding to your existing spell list
through your advanced learning class feature (see below).

To cast a teleporter spell, you must have a Charisma score of 10 + the spell's level. The Difficulty Class
for a saving throw against a teleporter's spell is 10 + the spell's level + the teleporter's Charisma modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a teleporter can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day.
The base daily spell allotment is given on the table above. In addition, you receive bonus spells for a high
Charisma score (PHB 8).

A teleporter need not prepare spells in advance. You can cast any spell you know at any time, assuming
you have not yet used up your spells per day for that spell level.

Displacer Field (Su): While teleporters do not learn to use armour as warmages, beguilers, and dread
necromancers do, and have only a fraction of the defensive spells of a wizard or sorcerer, they benefit
from a powerful defensive teleportation field. When you are targeted by an attack which you are aware of
(including melee and ranged attacks, as well as single-target spells and effects, but not area effects), you
may attempt a displacer field check as an immediate action: roll 1d20 + your Charisma modifier + your
caster level for Conjuration (teleportation) spells. The DC of this check is equal to the opposing attack
roll. If the opposing attack is a spell or effect which does not use an attack roll (e.g. a single-target spell
such as hold person) the DC is 11 + the spell or effect's caster level.

If the check succeeds, and the attack is a ranged attack, spell, or effect, you may redirect the attack as you
teleport the shot or spell energy elsewhere. Pick a new legal target for the attack to which you have line of
sight and line of effect. If the attack used an attack roll, the result of your displacer field check becomes
the new attack roll.

Against melee attacks, the displacer field functions differently; in this case, the attacker is teleported up to
30 feet horizontally to an empty square of your choice. You must have line of sight and line of effect to
the destination. If the teleport puts the attacker out of melee range, the attack misses.

You decide whether to make your displacer field check after seeing the result of the opposing attack roll,
but before damage or saving throws are rolled. If you fail your check, the attack affects you normally.
This ability is an immediate action and can be activated at will.
Example: Viki, a 6th-level teleporter, is targeted by three ranged spike attacks from a manticore. Viki's
AC is 18; the manticore's attack rolls are 14, 26, and 19. The first attack misses and the second and third
attacks hit. Viki decides to use her displacer field ability against the third attack and rolls a 13. Adding
her Charisma modifer of +4 and her caster level of 7, this gives a final result of 24, which is enough to
redirect the attack. Viki decides to redirect the attack back at the manticore, and the 24 becomes the new
attack roll. Since 24 is enough to beat the manticore's AC, Viki and the manticore are hit with one spike

Hostile Teleportation (Ex): A teleporter can use teleportation spells and abilities against an unwilling
target, and need not accompany them on their journey. When you use a Conjuration (teleportation) spell
or effect that normally requires its targets to be willing, you can attempt to affect unwilling targets as
well. Unwilling targets receive a Will save; if they fail, they are teleported.

Furthermore, when using a Conjuration (teleportation) effect which has a target of "You and touched
objects or other willing creatures" you may choose to exclude yourself from the effect.

This ability does not extend to spells gained from other spellcasting classes.

Example: Viki, a 6th-level teleporter, casts Dimension Door against a goblin riding a worg. She succeeds
on her touch attack against the goblin, and since the goblin and the worg are touching each other, she
attempts to affect both of them. Viki's caster level for Conjuration (teleportation) spells is 7th, easily
enough to affect both the targets. The destination she chooses is straight up at maximum range, and she
chooses to exclude herself from the effect. Both the goblin and the worg receive Will saves. If they fail,
they will reappear 680 feet in the air above their current location, probably with unfortunate

Abrupt Jaunt (Su): At 2nd level, you gain the ability to teleport 10 feet as an immediate action. You can
use this ability once per point of Charisma bonus per day (so a teleporter with Charisma 17 could use this
ability three times per day). You can't bring other creatures with you, and you can't use this ability in
response to an attack you aren't aware of.

At 13th level, you can use this ability at will.

Advanced Learning: At 3rd level, you can add a new spell to your list, representing the result of
personal study and experimentation. The spell must be a sorcerer/wizard spell of the Conjuration or
Divination school and of a level no higher than that of the highest-level spell you already know. Once a
new spell is selected, it is forever added to your spell list and can be cast just like any other spell on your

You gain another new spell at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th level.

Teleportation Spell Power: At 5th level, you gain an untyped +1 bonus to your caster level for
Conjuration (teleportation) spells and abilities. This bonus increases to +2 at level 10, +3 at level 15, and
+4 at level 20.

Enhanced Capacity (Ex): At 6th level, a teleporter learns to transport material more efficiently. When
using any spell or effect with the teleportation descriptor that allows other creatures to be brought along
(such as teleport or dimension door) the number of Medium or smaller creatures you can bring along is
increased from one per three caster levels to one per two caster levels.

At 12th level, the number increases further to one per caster level.

At 18th level, the number becomes unlimited; you can transport any number of creatures, providing all
are in contact with each other and at least one is in contact with you.

Dimensional Jaunt: At 8th level, you gain Dimensional Jaunt as a bonus feat (Complete Mage, page 41).
Dimensional Freedom (Ex): At 9th level, a teleporter learns to break through magical effects that would
confine them. When one of your spells or abilities would otherwise be blocked by some effect which
prevents extradimensional movement (such as dimensional anchor, dimensional lock, or forbiddance) you
may make a caster level check, using your normal caster level for Conjuration (teleportation) spells,
against a DC of 11 + the caster level of the creator of the effect. If you succeed, your spell or ability
works after all. If you fail, your spell or ability is prevented as normal. This ability only works against
effects which specifically block travel; it offers no protection against effects which block magic in general
(such as counterspelling or antimagic field).

Endless Teleportation (Sp): At 17th level, you gain the ability to use greater teleport as a spell-like
ability at will.

Dimensional Mastery (Ex): A 20th-level teleporter has reached the peak of his abilities. Your caster
level checks for your Dimensional Freedom ability automatically succeed and you automatically
overcome the spell resistance of any creature you target with a Conjuration (teleportation) effect.

Spell List

A teleporter's spell list is very limited, and as spontaneous casters, they are always one level behind
prepared casters in terms of spell level. To make up for this, teleporters treat all spells with the
Conjuration (teleportation) type as being one spell level lower than they actually are – this is reflected in
the table below. Note that only a teleporter benefits from this reduction: a teleporter with the Scribe Scroll
feat could create a scroll of dimension door as a 3rd-level spell, but if a wizard were to write it into her
spell book, it would be a 4th-level spell as normal.

0-level: arcane mark, benign transposition (SpC), dancing lights, detect magic, hail of stone* (SpC),
message, read magic
1st-level: baleful transposition (SpC), comprehend languages, dimension hop (PHB II), identify, feather
fall, mage armour, resist planar alignment (SpC), rope trick*
2nd-level: analyze portal (SpC), anticipate teleportation (SpC), blink*, dimension step (PHB II), locate
object, portal alarm (SpC), regroup, rocks fall**, scattering trap (PHB II)
3rd-level: arcane sight, avoid planar effects (SpC), baleful blink* (PHB II), clairaudience/clairvoyance,
dimension door, dispel magic, greater mage armour (SpC), interplanar message (SpC), translocation
trick (SpC), tongues
4th-level: dimensional anchor, dimension jumper (C.Mage), dimension shuffle (PHB II), dismissal,
greater blink* (SpC), greater dimension door, improved portal alarm (SpC), locate creature, plane shift,
scrying, secret chest*, teleport, zone of respite (SpC)
5th-level: contact other plane, cometfall* (SpC), greater anticipate teleportation (SpC), make manifest
(SpC), prying eyes, seal portal (SpC), sending, tactical teleportation (C.Mage)
6th-level: analyze dweomer, banishment, ethereal jaunt*, ghost trap (SpC), greater dispel magic, greater
teleport, interplanar telepathic bond (SpC), mage's magnificent mansion*, phase door, planar bubble
(SpC), refuge, teleport object, true seeing
7th-level: deadfall* (SpC), greater arcane sight, greater plane shift, greater scrying, mass make manifest
(SpC), maze
8th-level: dimensional lock, discern location, etherealness*, gate***, greater dimension jumper
(C.Mage), greater prying eyes, teleportation circle
9th-level: astral projection, freedom, imprisonment, mage's disjunction, reality maelstrom (SpC), reaving
dispel (SpC), wish****

*The type of these spells is changed to Conjuration (teleportation). Instead of creating or summoning the
relevant material, the teleporter teleports it out or in.
**New spell, see below.
***Planar travel effect only.
****Transport travellers effect only.

Spells not contained in the Player's Handbook are abbreviated as follows: C.Mage = Complete Mage,
PHB II = Player's Handbook II, SpC = Spell Compendium.

New Spell: Rocks Fall


Rocks Fall
Conjuration (teleportation)
Level: Teleporter 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: 5-foot radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: No

This spell teleports a collection of objects from somewhere in the multiverse into the air directly above
the target. The objects immediately fall to the ground with a crash, dealing 1d6 points of bludgeoning
damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to all creatures and unattended objects within the target area.
The objects then teleport back to their place of origin.

The exact composition of the objects is chosen by the caster at the time of casting, and makes no
difference to the effect of the spell. By default, the spell creates rocks, but can also be used to drop stones,
logs, bricks, furniture, pianos, anvils, or any other inanimate object the caster can think of.

Adaptions & Notes

The teleporter is designed to be on the power level of the Beguiler, Dread Necromancer, Warblade,
Swordsage, or Crusader; very good at one thing, and moderately good at several others. With the
Advanced Learning feature and Use Magic Device skill, a teleporter should be able to hold their own in
even a high-power party.

If you want to increase the teleporter's power, you can start adding Conjuration (creation) spells to the
teleporter's spell list, the idea being that the teleporter isn't creating the materials, but teleporting them in
from somewhere in the multiverse. Be aware however that the Conjuration (creation) spells are among the
most powerful in the game, and if you add too many you'll end up making the teleporter better than the
Sorcerer in every way.

Using a Teleporter as an NPC

I originally designed the teleporter as an NPC class for one of my campaigns. It's often useful as a DM to
provide the players with a means of fast transport. However, a transportation service can be boring if it's
too predictable, so if using an NPC teleporter as a taxi service, an interesting variation is to add the
following class features:

Ever Ready: At 6th level, a teleporter gains the ability to cast the teleport spell without expending a spell
slot. However, if the teleporter does this, roll twice on the mishap chart and take the higher result. In
addition, a teleporter's teleport spells have no range limit and need no information on the destination (but
see below).

Teleport Mishaps: Teleporters are not, in general, the most reliable of people. When casting teleport or
any similar spell, a teleporter does not use the normal familiarity chart from the PHB; instead, roll d100
on the chart below. (It's recommended that you have the players rather than the DM make this roll – it's
far more entertaining.) If using greater teleport rather than teleport, a teleporter rolls twice and takes the
lower result.
01-10: Thrown through Positive Energy Plane. Everyone teleported is affected as by a heal spell.
11-70: On target.
71-80: Off target by 1d100 % of travel distance in a random direction (roll 1d10 - 1: north, 2: northeast, 3:
east, 4: southeast, 5: south, 6: southwest, 7: west, 8: northwest, 9: straight up, 10: straight down.)
81-90: Similar location (anywhere that looks thematically similar to the target).
91-97: Thrown through space. Roll on the Random Planar Destinations table (Spell Compendium, pg
98-100: Thrown through time. Roll another d100 to see when:

01-20: Creation of the world. Consult your campaign world's creation mythology to see what's there.
21-40: Prehistory. Dinosaurs and aboleths.
41-60: Near past. Pick an eventful period within the campaign world's history.
61-80: Future. Dead suns and mind flayers.
81-100: Far future. Modern-day or science fiction setting of the DM's choice.

Getting back through time is at the DM's discretion. It's generally recommended to have the teleporter be
able to figure out a way home within rounds, minutes, hours, or days, depending on which number the
DM considers most amusing or dramatically appropriate. Really cruel DMs may leave the party stranded
in the new timeframe and require them to find their own way back.

New Teleporter Feats - PEACH!

I've been really encouraged by all the people supporting this class in the Homebrew Galleries nomination
page, and since a couple of my players have been planning to try it out in a campaign, I thought I'd add
some new material. One slight problem with the class as it stands is that there are very few feats that
really work with it except for the obvious-but-boring Spell Focus (Conjuration). So here's the first draft of
a few teleporter-only feats. Tell me if you think any are too strong, weak, or otherwise need

Notes in spoilers.

Guardian Displacer Field

You can extend the protection of your displacer field to nearby allies.

Prerequisite: Displacer field class feature.

Benefit: You can use your displacer field when another creature is targeted by an attack. The targeted
creature must be within 30 feet and within line of sight and line of effect, and you must be aware of the
attack and make a displacer field check as normal. If your check succeeds, your displacer field functions
exactly as if you had been the one targeted.
Normal: Your displacer field only works on attacks which target you.


A basic 'party protection' ability. I kind of like it since you have to spend your immediate action for the
round, meaning you'll be lowering your own defences in the process.

Area Displacer Field

Your displacer field can redirect area effects that target you.
Prerequisite: Displacer field class feature.
Benefit: You can use your displacer field when you are targeted by a spell or effect with a burst or spread
area. You must be within the area which the burst or spread would affect, and you must be aware of the
attack and make a displacer field check as normal. If your check succeeds, you may choose a new point of
origin for the burst or spread to which you have line of sight and line of effect. The new point of origin
must be a target which the creator of the effect could legally have chosen.
Normal: Your displacer field does not function against area attacks.
Special: If you also have the Guardian Displacer Field feat, you can use this ability even if you are not
within the burst or spread's area, so long as the point of origin for the burst or spread is within 30 feet and
within line of sight and line of effect.


I think Burst and Spread covers everything that you'd expect this kind of thing to cover. Note that it won't
work on stuff like Blasphemy which has to be centred on the caster.

Rapid Displacer Field

You can use your displacer field with lightning speed.

Prerequisites: Displacer field class feature, character level 15th or higher.

Benefit: Once per round, you can activate your displacer field as a free action instead of an immediate
action. You must still be aware of the attack. This feat 'refreshes' at the same time that your immediate
actions do, i.e. at the end of your turn.
Normal: Activating your displacer field is always an immediate action.


This is effectively the teleporter version of the Stance of Clarity Diamond Mind stance from Tome of
Battle, and has a similar level restriction. Still worried it might be too powerful, though - action economy
is a bit deal.

Greater Abrupt Jaunt

The range and precision of your Abrupt Jaunt ability improves.

Prerequisite: Abrupt Jaunt class feature.

Benefit: When you use Abrupt Jaunt, you may teleport anywhere between 5 and 20 feet.
Normal: Abrupt Jaunt teleports you 10 feet.


Not flashy, but useful. A lot of attack spells have a radius of 20 feet and a reach of 15 feet or more isn't
uncommon at higher levels.

Guardian Abrupt Jaunt

You can snatch allies out of danger with a quick teleport.

Prerequisite: Abrupt Jaunt class feature.

Benefit: You may use Abrupt Jaunt to teleport another willing creature instead of yourself. The creature
must be within 30 feet and within line of sight and line of effect.
Normal: Abrupt Jaunt teleports only yourself.


The equivalent of Guardian Displacer Field. Great for saving allies, but you'll run out of uses fast until
you hit level 13.

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