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The Journal of Environmental Education

ISSN: 0095-8964 (Print) 1940-1892 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/vjee20

Reading social stories in the community: A

promising intervention for promoting children's
environmental knowledge and behavior in Jordan

Randa Ali Mahasneh, Michael H. Romanowski & Rana Basem Dajani

To cite this article: Randa Ali Mahasneh, Michael H. Romanowski & Rana Basem Dajani
(2017): Reading social stories in the community: A promising intervention for promoting children's
environmental knowledge and behavior in Jordan, The Journal of Environmental Education, DOI:

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00958964.2017.1319789

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2017, VOL. 0, NO. 0, 1–14

Reading social stories in the community: A promising intervention

for promoting children’s environmental knowledge and behavior
in Jordan
Randa Ali Mahasneha, Michael H. Romanowskia, and Rana Basem Dajanib
Qatar University, Doha, Qatar; bHashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan

Traditionally, education in various forms has been used as a tool to change electricity and water
values and behavior in children regarding the environment. This study consumption; environmental
reports findings from the We Love Reading Program that utilizes the reading education; littering; social
of Social Stories in various communities in Jordan to address the stories; We Love Reading
environmental problems of Jordan. Results indicated the effectiveness of this
informal educational intervention showing a significant increase in children’s
knowledge about environmental issues and a positive change in behavior
related to electricity and water consumption and littering, as reported by
parents. The authors provide several recommendations on how Social Stories
and appropriate curriculum can be used in schools and community to create
awareness in students regarding environmental issues.

The main purpose of environmental education is to develop within individuals and communities
sophisticated understandings of the complex nature of their environments. More important, the goal is
for individuals to acquire the knowledge, values, attitudes, and practical skills to participate in a
responsible and effective way in solving social problems and managing the quality of the environment.
Furthermore, environmental education seeks to develop a sense of responsibility and solidarity among
countries and regions as the foundation for a new international order to improve the environment
(Wals, 2007). However as cultures and ecosystems greatly vary, environmental educators in every
country develop materials and methods that reflect these differences (Meadows & Wright, 2008).
This article presents social stories as an intervention to educate children in Jordan about local envi-
ronmental issues. John Dewey (1938) argued “the primary purpose of education and schooling is not
so much to not prepare students to live a useful life, but to teach them how to live pragmatically and
immediately in their current environment” (Stemler & Bebell, 2013, p. 4). In this sense, education
equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills enabling them to participate in their commu-
nity and play a role in reconstructing society. This social reconstructionists’ view of the role of educa-
tion in society is based on several fundamental assumptions about society and education. Social
reconstructionists believe society is threatened by problems such as pollution, resource shortages, illit-
eracy, war and poverty just to name a few (Schiro, 2013) and the existence of society is at risk unless
these problems are resolved. However, this destruction can be prevented through education designed
to promote the reconstruction of a better society.

CONTACT Randa Ali Mahasneh ralmahasneh@qu.edu.qa P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/vjee.
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed on the publisher’s website.
© 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Dewey has been considered an environmental educator (Dennis & Knapp, 1997) suggesting an
experiential approach to student learning in the local environment in order to encourage students to
connect with their particular corners of the world (Dewey, 1915). Dewey’s work influenced various
experiential environmental education models such as outdoor education (Quay & Seaman, 2013),
place-based education (Gruenewald & Smith, 2007; Woodhouse & Knapp, 2000) and the action
competence approach in environmental education (Jensen & Schnack, 1997).
In what follows, we address how education in the form of reading-aloud social stories by adults in
the community can be employed to address the environmental problems of Jordan. First, we develop
the context of this study by describing the environmental problems facing Jordanian society. Second,
we discuss reading social stories as a pedagogical tool for children and describe the WLR Model.
Finally, we report findings about the impacts of reading social stories about water, energy, and littering
on children’s knowledge and behaviors related to these environmental issues.

Environmental issues in Jordan

The country of Jordan had few documented environmental problems until the 1970s when faced with
modernization and population growth (Hadadin & Tarawneh, 2007). As the population increased, Jor-
dan faced, and still faces environmental challenges including scarcity of water and energy and
increased pollution. Currently, Jordan is one of the driest countries in the world with only 145 cubic
meters of water available per person annually, a level expected to fall below the absolute water poverty
line in little more than a decade (Oehring & Huser, 2014).
Yorke (2013, p. 8) states “80% of current supply depends on non-sustainable over-abstraction of
groundwater aquifers as well as and on cross-border surface flows, which are unpredictable and dimin-
ishing due to climate change, absence of joint management and regional instabilities.” Hadadin and
Tarawneh (2007) argue these growing deficits have dangerous consequences on the development and
health of the population. On the current trajectory, “Jordan will need access to costly new bulk water
supplies by the early 2020s. Since it lacks the resources to develop these on its own, it is in the region
that long-term water security will need to be negotiated” (Yorke, 2013, p. 8). Based on this information,
we argue that Jordanians need to be sensitive about water usage and minimize waste. Simple technolo-
gies will promote water consumption efficiencies and change in daily behaviors can support water
conservation in household tanks.
In addition, Jordan is one of the few countries in the region with limited fossil fuel to generate
energy. The country imports 97% of its energy (Milbert, 2014) and depends heavily on non-renewable
energy sources. Until now, the imported gas used to generate electricity has met almost 90% of Jordan’s
energy needs. Imports of crude and mineral oil products rose in 2011 and 2012 by a respective 61 and
21% (Oehring & Huser, 2014). In addition, the overall energy requirements of Jordanian households
have steadily increased since 2008 by an annual average of 10% and are expected to increase by another
50% during the next 50 years. Furthermore, the influx of at least 600,000 refugees from Syria to date
increases the demand for energy and has exacerbated the problem. Energy consumption accounts for
around 20% of Jordan’s national GDP and cost the country approximately 4 billion JOD in 2012
(Oehring & Huser, 2014). As with water conservation, simple technologies can make energy use more
efficient, and more importantly, changes in behavior may postpone rolling energy blackouts.
Finally, Balbo (2013a) states, “littering is a serious problem in Jordan, where trash collection infra-
structure is poorly developed and people are nonplussed by tossing trash in public and open spaces.”
Children may be careful at home when disposing of trash, but they seem to be careless in public parks,
throwing litter from car windows and littering their school environment. As the population of Jordan’s
cities has grown, Jordanians must change their views on littering before any meaningful change can
happen (Balbo, 2013b). We argue that Jordanian children grow up with little understanding of appro-
priate public behavior regarding litter and garbage and this needs to radically change through effective
education because of the unique population in Jordan. The United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (2014, p. 38) states, “the Jordanian population pyramid structure reflects the youthful-
ness of the population, around 12.75% of the population is under 4 years of age, and almost 24.57% is

under 14 years of age.” More important, and especially for this context, children aged 4-10 in Jordan
are considered among the most wasteful users of natural resources (World of Letters/PAP, 2010). This
requires the younger generations to develop an awareness of these environmental issues and an ethic
of appropriate environmental behavior, so they are equipped to possibly speak out to others about
inappropriate behavior and the environmental consequences. We argue that this can be accomplished
through education.

Environmental education
Over the past three decades, environmental education has received considerable attention worldwide
(Arvai, Campbell, Baird, & Rivers, 2004; Athman & Monroe, 2004; Stern, Powell, & Ardoin, 2008). It has
been argued that any environmental crisis such as global warming and pollution requires an increased
level of awareness of this threat in order to protect the environment (Castillo, Garcia-Ruvalcaba, Marti-
nez, & Luis, 2002). Furthermore, Erzengin and Teke (2013) argue the cause of numerous environmental
problems lies in the careless behaviors of people. Therefore, it is vital that individuals cultivate an under-
standing of environmental problems and reflect on their own behaviors and the related consequences of
that behavior. The main assumption embedded in many environmental educational interventions is
increasing knowledge and awareness (Armstrong & Impara, 1991; Trewhella et. al., 2005; Vaughan,
Gack, Soloranzo, & Ray, 2003) improving attitudes (Aipanjiguly, Jacobson, & Flamm, 2002) and having
the potential to change behavior (Erol & Gezer, 2006). Therefore, many environmental interventions tar-
get environmental attitudes such as care and concern for the environment, knowledge, awareness, and
environmentally conscious behavior as ways to improve citizens’ environmental behavior.
It is important to note that the assumption of a linear causality of knowledge and attitude leading to
behavior change or simply that knowledge alone can lead to behavior change has been challenged
(Heimlich & Ardoin, 2008). It has been argued that understanding the problem will not necessarily
lead to behavior change. However, information about the problem is likely to lead to a change in
behavior when lack of knowledge is the main barrier to change (Spehr & Curnow, 2011). Furthermore,
improving people’s understanding of environmental issues and their impact contains an intrinsic value.
When members of the community have comprehensive understanding of a problem, the greater the
opportunity to provide solutions and the more likely change will be supported) Kollmuss & Agyeman,
The intervention in this study targets young children aged 3–12 who are considered among the most
wasteful users of natural resources in Jordan. Young children at this age probably lack information
about Jordan environmental problems, including causes of such problems, and how they can contrib-
ute to the solutions. Tuncay, Yılmaz-Tu€ uzu€un, and Tuncer Teksoz (2012) found the need to address
the affective and cognitive domains in order to raise environmentally responsible citizens whereas
Santrock (2006) argues that children’s understanding of environmental issues and their related
behavior choices are not based solely in the cognitive realm but rather, the affective and cognitive
should be treated equally.
Traditionally, formal environmental curriculum and informal interventions mainly target university
and school children (Damerell, Howe, & Milner-Gulland, 2013; Khawaja, 2003; Kiziltas & Halmtov,
2014; Metin, 2010; Sabo, 2010). Children are frequently selected for targeted interventions because atti-
tudes toward the environment develop at an early age and once formed, are not easily changed
(Asunta, 2003). Preschoolers are capable of constructing concepts concerning environmental problems
and enacting citizenship responsibilities (Sabo, 2010). Also, if children do not develop respect for the
environment in the early years of life, there is a risk that this attitude will never be developed
(Kahyaoglu & Yetişir, 2015; North American Association for Environmental Education, 2010; Tilbury,
1994; Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2008; Wilson, 1994). Furthermore, children
have a longer life span to influence environmental quality and can be effective agents for promoting
environmentally responsible behaviors among others (Damerell et al. 2013). Evidence supports a bi-
directional influence between parents and children regarding children’s impact of their parent’s envi-
ronmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors (Knafo & Galansky, 2008; Damerell et al. 2013).

Gender differences in environmentally responsible behaviors and attitudes have received consider-
able attention by scholars in the field of environmental education (Carlsson-Kanyama & Linden, 2007;
Gilg, Barr, & Ford, 2005; R€aty & Carlsson-Kanyama, 2010). Reported findings have been inconsistent.
A group of studies indicated that females have a higher level of pro-environmental attitudes and behav-
iors than males (Matthies et al., 2002; Sherkat & Ellison, 2007; Torgler, Garcıa-Vali~
nas, & Macintyre,
2008; Zelezny, Chua, & Aldrich, 2000), whereas another group of studies found no gender differences
in environmental behaviors (Blankenau, Snowden, & Langan, 2008) or males to be stronger environ-
mental behavior participants (Eisler, Eisler, & Yoshida, 2003). The current study contributes to the
literature regarding gender and environmentally responsible behavior.

Reading social stories in public: Utilizing WLR model

Since Gray (1995) developed the use of social stories, their use in education has grown (O’Hara, 2010).
Basically, a social story is a “social learning tool that supports the safe and meaningful exchange of
information” (Gray, 2016, para. 1). Social stories are short, simple personalized stories with illustra-
tions written at the children’s reading levels and from the perspective of the child using first-person
language (Gray, 2000; Gray & Garand, 1993). Social stories incorporate a variety of learning modes
and are often found interesting by the children because the stories contain information derived directly
from children’s personal experiences (More, 2010).
The use of social stories can be considered as “a behavioral intervention to improve children’s
social skills through combination of visual and verbal cues (O’Hara, 2010, p. 2). They are often
written and used by educators to convey social instruction and “to help children successfully
negotiate specific social situations that are frequently encountered by children” (More, 2011, p.
168). In particular, Attwood (1999) explains how the what, when, how, who, and why of a partic-
ular social situation can be provided by social stories. Social stories transmit values, engage the
imagination, and foster community (Kosa, 2008) and their use remains a central component of
moral/ethics education and continues to be used as a foundation for values instruction (Hunter
& Eder, 2010).
Research demonstrates that social stories can be a useful pedagogical strategy (Barnes & Bloom,
2014; Gray & Garand, 1993; Kokina & Kern, 2010). Each social story utilized in this study reflects
Gray’s (2015) requirements for social stories. Social stories must provide meaningful information with
a reassuring quality. Stories should provide answers to the “wh” questions and utilize positive language.
Each story should be tailored to the abilities, preferences, talents, and interests of the readers and
provide illustrations to enhance the meaning of the text. Furthermore, for the effective use of a social
story, quality communication skills and a positive relationship with the children is crucial. Effective
reading aloud and storytelling techniques encourage young children, especially those who cannot yet
read, to engage in their learning. Kosa (2008, p. 43) states,
consider the senses that learners rely on when presented with new information: kinesthetic learners learn best
when physically involved; tactual learners work best when feeling through tough and personal relationships; audi-
tory learners when speaking, hearing, discussing, and thinking aloud; and visual learners when seeing, reading,
and observing. Storytelling appeals to all.

Reading a story as a dramatic narrative may stir the emotions, contribute to the cognitive power of
these emotions, and make a particular contribution to moral learning (Hunter & Eder, 2010). Accord-
ing to Bouchard (2002), educational research demonstrates that children lack genuine moral experien-
ces that can be used to develop and demonstrate moral reasoning. This narrative approach creates a
situation where children can practice reasoning through self-reflection. We argue reading social stories
for children at a young age could become an effective tool for promoting environmental ethics because
social stories offer a more balanced human-environment relationship (Agelidou, 2010; Gough, 1993;
Nanson, 2005).
This study utilized a local program designed to encourage children to read for pleasure, We Love
Reading (WLR) was founded in 2006 and was selected by UNSECO as a literacy program and received

a literacy best-practice award from the Library of Congress and an award for innovation in education
from the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE). The program consists of trained adults
who hold regular reading sessions in their local communities in public spaces such as children centers,
mosques, and parks and these are termed WLR Libraries. Although storytelling has been used as a
learning tool in environmental education (Agelidou, 2010), this study utilized reading social stories
through the WLR Model that aim at developing love for reading in children. In this model, the social
stories were read aloud in a meaningful way to the children, and they were encouraged to perform the
activities listed at the end of each story, including coloring of informative drawings, and completing
the worksheets.

Procedure for developing the environmental intervention
Expert writers developed 12 fiction and/or non-fiction social stories, addressing the environmental
issues relevant to Jordanian society including water, energy, and littering. All 12 social stories were
written in Arabic and designed to introduce children to one of the three environmental issues by pro-
viding a particular relevant situation related to an environmental issue, asking a motivating question
that encourages children to think about possible solutions, identifying environmentally appropriate
action taken and portraying the benefits of the particular action. Stories include colorful illustrations
and an informative drawing for the child to color. Each book also includes a worksheet with suggested
activities related to conservation behaviors the child can perform in home or in the community. At the
end of each session, children are encouraged to implement the activities and to monitor and record
their own behaviors during the week. Examples of these activities include turning off the lights at
home regularly; dropping litter into an appropriate container when in public areas; turning off tap
water while brushing teeth; and admonishing someone else on inappropriate behavior. The worksheet
activities are intended to help the child acquire, through practical physical experience, the neural path-
ways needed to ensure the new environmental values are firmly embedded in the long-term memory.
Altogether, the stories, worksheets, and drawings set the stage for children to think critically about
these three local environmental issues and to reflect on their own environmental behaviors. The stories
were pretested with a group of children (ages 3 through 12) for the clarity of text, contents, and illustra-
tions (see Appendix A for a sample of illustrations, Appendix B for a sample of drawings, and
Appendix C for a sample worksheet in the supplementary online files).
In this study, 100 adult volunteers from the community were invited to We Love Reading (WLR)
training sessions and were committed to read aloud the stories to the children in 100 WLR libraries in
neighborhoods throughout Jordan. WLR training was provided through various interactive modules
addressing theoretical aspects of reading such as the importance of reading, and theories that encour-
age children to read. Adult volunteers were introduced to the WLR model and a detailed discussion on
the implementation of the model was provided emphasizing fundamental points such as choice of loca-
tion, times, and dates, how to gather the children and how to communicate with the parent and com-
munities. The training modules included practice of reading aloud in small and large groups that
provided feedback, discussion of possible challenges, and a detailed presentation of practice using fol-
low-up activities. Each trained volunteer read the stories to approximately 40 children in his or her
neighborhood library once a week for three months.

Assessment tools
Knowledge worksheet
Environmental issues addressed in the stories were presented to children as a worksheet with 10 draw-
ings (see supplementary Appendix D for sample Knowledge Worksheet). Each depicted either an
appropriate or an inappropriate behavior related to electricity, water consumption, or littering. Chil-
dren were invited to respond to each drawing by selecting either the check mark if the behavior

depicted on the drawing is perceived as appropriate or the cross, if the behavior was perceived inappro-
priate. Children were required to respond to the worksheets before and after listening to the stories.
Worksheets were marked based on a high score of 10, and each child had two scores (pre- and post-
tests). Two thousand worksheets were distributed and 1,901 children ages 3 through 12 from 94 librar-
ies responded to the pre- and post-tests.

The behavior change measure

Parent Checklist: An assessment tool was used to collect data regarding children’s behavior change. An
educational consultant developed a checklist of 12 statements describing the three target environmen-
tal issues including four statements for each target issue. A group of five parents reviewed the checklist
for clarity prior to implementation. Parents were asked to use the checklist to record the frequencies of
their children’s behavior on a 3-point scale— always, sometimes, and rarely—after their children par-
ticipated in the intervention. The checklist included items that assessed children’s behavior change
regarding electricity consumption (e.g., My child turns off the light in his room before he or she leaves
it), water consumption (e.g., My child brushes his or her teeth using a cup of water), and littering (e.g.,
My child collects the garbage and puts it in the recycle bin). Out of 600 checklists sent to parents, 522
parents responded (an 87% return rate).

The results from assessing the impacts of the social stories intervention on children’s environmental
knowledge and behavior are presented here.

The impact of the intervention on children’s environmental knowledge

To assess the impact of reading social stories about the environmental issues, electricity consumption,
water consumption and littering on children’s knowledge, the means and standard deviation of child-
ren’s scores on the worksheet before and after the intervention were computed. Before analyzing the
data, children were divided into three age groups; early stage (3–6) years old, intermediate stage (7–9)
years old, and late stage (10–12) years old. Table 1 shows the results according to children’s gender
and age group.
The Table 1 results indicate differences between the means of children’s scores on the knowledge
test before and after the intervention according to gender and age group. For example, the knowledge
mean for male children in the early stage was 6.89, whereas post intervention it was 8.60. Moreover,
the knowledge mean for all children was 7.50 before the intervention, whereas post intervention it was
8.63. In order to examine whether the differences presented in Table 1 were significant, the statistical
procedure Two-Way ANOVA for repeated measure (One within-two between) design was applied.
Table 2 shows the results.
Table 2 shows that children’s knowledge differs significantly (p<0.05) before and after the
intervention, the value of partial eta squared, which reflects the size of the intervention effect on
children’s knowledge was 0.158, which is considered a large effect size according to Cohen
(1992). However, the effect of the intervention did not differ according to children’s gender,

Table 1. Means and standard deviation of children knowledge before and after the intervention according to children’s gender and
age group.
Male Female

Gender Early Stage Intermediate Stage Late Stage Early Stage Intermediate Stage Late Stage
Age Group
Environmental Knowledge Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post

Mean 6.89 8.60 7.52 8.58 7.95 8.82 6.95 8.59 7.71 8.64 8.29 8.72
SD 2.02 1.77 1.74 1.48 1.38 1.06 2.10 1.85 1.71 1.48 1.43 1.62
N 318 349 92 369 444 329

Table 2. Two-Way ANOVA for repeated measure design results for the effect of the intervention on children knowledge before and
after the intervention.
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared

Intervention 887.203 1.000 887.203 356.349 .000 .158

Intervention  gender 7.847 1.000 7.847 3.152 .076 .002
Intervention  Age group 138.008 2.000 69.004 27.716 .000 .028
Intervention  gender Age group 3.588 2.000 1.794 .721 .487 .001
Error (intervention) 4717.979 1895.000 2.490

which means that the intervention equally increased male and female knowledge about environ-
mental issues. Figure 1 demonstrates how the intervention affected children’s knowledge accord-
ing to their gender.
In addition, the Table 2 results indicate that the effect of the intervention on children’s scores on the
knowledge test differ significantly according to the children’s ages. Figure 2 demonstrates how the
intervention affected children’s knowledge according to their age group.
As shown in Figure 2, the effect of the intervention on the knowledge of children in early stage was
greater than its effect on children in the intermediate and late stages. These results indicate that
although the effect of the intervention was significant for all children its effect on early stage children
was more evident than the effect with the other two stages.

The impact of the intervention on children’s environmental behavior

Table 3 illustrates the results of parent’s ratings of their children’s electricity consumption behavioral
change as a result of the intervention.
As shown in Table 3, 46.9% of the parents rated highly that their children changed electricity con-
sumption behavior, 38.9% rated moderately that their children changed their electricity consumption
behavior, whereas only 14.2% of the parents rated that their children minimally changed their electric-
ity consumption behavior.

Figure 1. Line-graph of children’s means on knowledge test before and after the intervention according to their gender.

Figure 2. Line-graph of children’s means on knowledge test before and after the intervention according to their age group.

As Table 4 illustrates, 50% of the parents rated their children as moderately changing their water
consumption behavior, 31.4% of them rated their children as highly changing their water consumption
behavior, whereas only 18.6% of the parents rated that their children minimally changed their water
consumption behavior.
Table 5 demonstrates that 45.4% of the parents rated their children as moderately changing their lit-
tering behavior, 40.6% of them rated their children as highly changing their littering behavior, whereas
only 14.0% of the parents rated that their children minimally changed their littering behavior.

The primary goal of environmental education, in both formal and informal education, is to promote
awareness and sensitivity to environmental issues and to facilitate development of positive attitudes, emo-
tions, thoughts, and behaviors about the environment (Erol & Gezer, 2006; Metin, 2010). Sabo (2010, p.
263) states, “environmental education activities must be conducted in a relaxing atmosphere, where inter-
est and communication encourage the initiatives, but also everyone’s options.” However, most studies
have focused on environmental education in formal education settings such as schools and universities
(Kusmawan, Reynolds, & O’Toole, 2006; Lo, 2010; Makki, Abd-El-Khalicj, & Boujaoude, 2003; McMillan,

Table 3. Frequencies of parents’ ratings regarding their children electricity consumption behavioral change.
Parents Ratings
Behavioral change Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Low 74 14.2 14.2 14.2

Medium 203 38.9 38.9 53.1
High 245 46.9 46.9 100.0
Total 522 100.0 100.0

Table 4. Frequencies of parents’ ratings regarding their children water consumption behavioral change.

Parents Ratings
Behavioral change Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Low 97 18.6 18.6 18.6

Moderate 261 50.0 50.0 68.6
High 164 31.4 31.4 100.0
Total 522 100.0 100.0

2003). The current study is a large-scale intervention that took place in an informal setting within the
community utilizing reading social stories—a pedagogical tool that children inherently favor (Barnes &
Bloom, 2014).
Khawaja (2003) emphasized that the target of many of the environmental education interventions is
to raise children’s awareness about global issues facing the environment and that little has been done
toward educating children about similar issues plaguing local communities. In addition, it has been
argued in order to make environmental education more effective, it must begin at an early stage, where
children, including preschoolers, are capable of forming concepts concerning environmental problems
and enacting citizenship responsibilities (Hoge, 1996; Mencius, 1997; Thompson, 2011). This study
capitalized on this argument, targeting children aged 3–12 years focused on three local and relevant
environmental issues including electricity consumption, water consumption, and littering. The findings
support the value of the intervention, increasing children’s environmental knowledge and changing
their behaviors. Specifically, children’s knowledge about the three environmental issues increased sig-
nificantly. However, the increase in the environmental knowledge of the young children at the age of
(3–6) years was more evident. Keep in mind that, compared to younger children, older children could
possibly possess a basic or even a somewhat advanced understanding of the environmental issues
addressed. Therefore, there could be less change in older children’s’ knowledge. For younger children,
these issues could be new to them and therefore we could see a greater degree of change in their knowl-
edge and possibly their behavior. This result is consistent with previous research suggesting that pre-
schoolers are highly capable of forming concepts concerning environmental issues (Kiziltas &
Halmtov, 2014; Sabo, 2010). Nevertheless based on these findings, it can be argued that environmental
education can be utilized successfully with children up to 12 years of age. Additional research is needed
to determine the effectiveness of social stories addressing environmental issues with adolescents.
Whitehead (2007) argues that the most important aim in utilizing social stories in education is to
provide information to students. The current findings indicate that not only did the social stories pro-
vide information about the three environmental issues, but also have a significant impact on children’s
behavior as most parents rated that their children’s behavior to have changed highly or moderately in
the three environmental issues. These results indicate that children’s knowledge and behaviors have
been positively affected by the reading of social stories across all three environmental issues. Further-
more, studies of childhood have demonstrated that children possess significant views and perspectives
and children can use this knowledge to be active agents of social change (James & Prout, 1997; Jenks,
1996; Linares & Velez, 2007). Children as agents of social change move beyond changes in their behav-
ior in relation to these environmental issues and become proactive individuals who start to raise ques-
tions and challenge the behavior of others. The activities within this program provided opportunities

Table 5. Frequencies of parents’ ratings regarding their children littering behavioral change.
Parents ratings
Behavior change Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Low 73 14.0 14.0 14.0

Moderate 237 45.4 45.4 59.4
High 212 40.6 40.6 100.0
Total 522 100.0 100.0

for children to act as agents of social change. For each environmental issue, there are coloring activities
and worksheets that ask children to monitor their behavior for one week in relation to the various envi-
ronmental issues. For example, water, a coloring activity, encourages children to “Ask Dad to install a
water-saving faucet” and in regard to littering, a worksheet asks the child to record if he or she “told
my friends about the harms of letting trash pile up.” (See Appendixes B and C). Overall, these results
indicate that children’s knowledge and behaviors have been positively affected by the reading of social
stories across all three environmental issues and opportunities are provided for children to become
agents of change.

Considering the social reconstructionists’ understanding of the purpose of education, we recommend
the use of social stories as a form of informal education within communities utilizing programs like
WLR. In the realm of formal education, we recommend that public schools develop appropriate curric-
ulum and pedagogies that can be integrated within existing curricula or courses to build an awareness
among students of the three pressing environmental issues facing Jordanian society. Curriculum needs
to include the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary and provide opportunities for students to
engage in a self-analysis of their own behavior in real-life situations while developing complex under-
standings of these important environmental issues. This should include the use of social stories by
teachers who have well-developed reading-aloud and storytelling skills. Additional research could be
conducted to assess the effectiveness of social stories within this context.
More important, children should engage in activities that require them to synthesize possible solu-
tions to environmental issues and explore opportunities to engage their own communities in projects
to develop awareness. For example, children might develop a community project that involves litter
collection or give a presentation to increase litter awareness to local community organizations. The
presentations should provide more complex understandings of litter problems by addressing topics
such as the harmful effects of litter on animals, the environmental problems that occur with the use of
plastic and littering, and the effects of decomposition on water supplies and plant life. These environ-
mental projects focus on the children’s experiences and invite them to engage in real social action activ-
ities, the essence of the social reconstructionist philosophy and the beginning of the reconstruction of
A deliberate effort to develop additional social stories that center not only on these three environ-
mental issues, but also provide opportunities for students to develop deeper and more complex under-
standings of broader environmental issues, is relevant not only to Jordan, but worldwide. If possible,
engaging students in the development of these stories would add value by incorporating their experien-
ces in the story content.
In closing, changing culture and behavior requires community involvement coupled with schools to
develop environmental understandings with students and support their active role in their community.
Incorporating an established program such as WLR, in addition to school curriculum that utilizes
social stories is well suited to achieve these goals and provide an opportunity for schools to have a last-
ing positive effect on students and culture.

This study has several limitations that should be addressed. First, the study used a checklist that was
completed by parents to collect data about children’s behavioral change. Using such an indirect
method to measure children’s environmental change was significant in this study because using a direct
method of observing children’s behavior was not feasible due to the large number of children partici-
pants. Further, it was also a concern to use a self-report measure with children at this young age of 3–
12. However, using the parent checklist raises an issue regarding recall bias. The relatively long period
of the intervention might influence parents’ memory and their retrospective ability. Future research
should utilize different methods to collect data regarding behavior change. In addition, future studies

need to introduce other methods to collect qualitative data to investigate how children who receive the
intervention construct their environmental knowledge. Finally, another set of data should be collected
after 6–12 months, as a follow-up to assess the effectiveness of the current intervention.

This intervention was supported by the Public Action for Water, Energy, and Environment Project (PAP). PAP is a
Jordanian nation-wide education and communication program funded by the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID)/Jordan and implemented by ECODIT LLC. ECODIT is an international development firm work-
ing with governments, businesses, and local communities to advance environmentally- and socially responsible develop-
ment around the world.

This research was funded by the USAID grant to Ecodit for the Program Action Project (PAP).

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