6'S Audit Sheet: Step S.No Item Rating (0-5) Comments 5 4 3 2 1
6'S Audit Sheet: Step S.No Item Rating (0-5) Comments 5 4 3 2 1
6'S Audit Sheet: Step S.No Item Rating (0-5) Comments 5 4 3 2 1
Sort 2 Unneeded items on walls/Boards (Notices, Old Posters) Unneeded items observed
3 Items are present in aisle ways, corridors and corners
Determine what is needed
and not needed 4 Unneeded inventory, supplies, parts, materials are present
5 Safety hazards (water, oil, chemical, machine/tools) exist
1 Correct places for items are not defined Area Identification done
Set in Order 2 Items are not in their correct places Loose material found on flo
A 3 Aisles , workstations, equipment locations are not indicated Work area, aisles propely i
place for everything and
everything in its place 4 Identification of area for keeping dust bin, Red tag items not done. Evident properly.
5 Quantity/Height limits are not defined Need to specify the points
1 Floors, surfaces and walls are not free from dirt, oil, grease & water Minor dust observed in few
Shine 2 Equipment is not kept free from dirt, oil and debris Done
3 Cleaning materials are not easily accessible
Cleaning and
looking for ways to keep it 4 Lines, labels and signs are not clean Few posters are not visible
5 Other cleaning problems are present
1 Standard procedures & necessary information is not visible Shelf life item list not displa
Standardize 2 All standards are not documented and not available Need to arrange MSDS for
3 Checklists established for all cleaning and maintenance jobs
Maintain and Monitor the
first three categories
Maintain and Monitor the
first three categories 4 Red tagged items are not cleared. Red tag area not defined, R
5 How many items cannot be located in 30 seconds or less 6 nos.
1 How many employees have not had 5 S training All employees educated for
2 How many times last week was the daily 5-S not performed 5S sustaianance observed
3 Number of times that personal belongings were not stored Up to the mark
Stick to the rules
4 Number of times job aids / tools were not available or up to date Up to the mark
5 All postings and displays current and up to date. Up to the mark
1 Ventilation and lighting are not adequate for the work ? Adequate
2 Wires and cables are not secured or not tie wrapped ? Need to improve
To prevent 3 Fire Extinguisher, Safety signage, Caution Areas are not Clearly visible Available, Need to display
4 100% safety awareness training not done. Training conducted, eviden
5 100% identified area Personal protective equipment (PPE) are not used PPE used wherever neces
2 Set 25 17 68%
3 Shine 25 17 68%
4 Standardize 25 11 44%
5 Sustain 25 15 60%
6 Safety 25 15 60%
150 91
Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment
Result Result Result Result
Assessment Score
Safety Set
Assessment Score
Sustain Shine