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CHA-2, Sub Grade Soil

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CHA-2, Sub grade



Soil is the most important foundation and
construction material for pavement structures.
◦ Foundation material for all pavements as undisturbed in situ
sub grade material or transported and reworked
embankment material.

◦ Construction material for pavement structures either in its

natural form (sand and gravel) or in a processed form as
stabilized layer.

Soil investigation is, thus, an integral part of the

location, design and construction of highways.
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 2

The sub-grade is the undermost layer of

a pavement.

 And as such is one of the main concerns

of a pavement design.

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HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 4
 Many pavement failures could be traced to insufficient

consideration given to the natural sub-grade material,

especially in the case of problematic soils,

 The identification of which is of

paramount importance and half the solution

towards the mitigation measures.

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Sub grade

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 Subgrades usually consist of fine grained.

cohesive or non cohesive soils.

 All these materials exhibit a stress dependent

behavior implying that both the stiffness and

the shear strength increase with increasing


HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 7

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Soil Surveys and Investigations

 Along with traffic and economic criteria, the

design of a road and of a road’s pavement in
particular, is based on the surface and sub
soils conditions, and the characteristics and
quality of construction materials used.

 Soilsurvey for highway purposes involve the

exploration of the soils along the highway
routes and the identification of suitable soils
for use as sub base and fill materials.
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Soil Surveys and Investigations
 The results of soil investigation provide pertinent
information about soil and rock for a decision on
one or more of the following subjects.

◦ Selection of roadway alignment

◦ Decision of the need for sub grade or embankment
foundation treatment
◦ Investigation of slope stability in cuts and embankments
◦ Location and design of ditches and culverts
◦ Selection and design of the roadway pavement
◦ Location and evaluation of suitable borrow and
construction materials, and
◦ Design of foundations for bridges and other
HIGHWAY structures
II - Subgrade Soil 12
Soil Surveys and Investigations
Before a field investigation is carried out at
the site, preliminary information regarding soil
condition can often be obtained from the
following sources
i. Geological and agricultural soil maps . These often
indicate the types of soil or geological formation
that cover the area being investigated.
ii. Aerial photographs. Terrain information visible on
air photos can be used for identification of most
of the common bedrock types associated residual
soils, transported soils, and organic soils.
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 13
iii. Satellite images. Satellite images are employed as a
supplemental to air photos or as a substitute for air
photos for geological studies and soil investigations.
iv. Area reconnaissance. Reconnaissance survey aids in
securing broad understanding of soil conditions and
associated engineering problems that may be
encountered. The visual examination of vegetation
cover, roadway cuts, and valleys in the area can give
clue. The depth of water level in adjacent wells may
indicate the elevation of the groundwater table.

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Soil Surveys and Investigations
Field investigations and sample collection
for laboratory tests are commonly carried
out by the following four methods.
Geophysical methods (seismic or electrical).The
seismic refraction method relies on the principle
that the velocity of sound in soils and rocks is
differentfor different materials.Itis particularly
useful in predicting the depth to bedrock.
HIGHWAY II - Subgradl 19
The electrical resistivity mainly depends on the content of
clay minerals, moisture content, and type and concentration
of electrolyte in the soil-water. An increasing content of
clay, water or electrolyte causes decreasing the resistivity
of soils.

◦ Test pits or trenches: suitable for shallow depths only to

sample soils and rocks and register soil profiles.

◦ Hand augers: suitable for shallow depths only to obtain

disturbed or mixed samples of soils.

◦ Boring test holes and sampling with drill rigs: the principal
method for detailed soils investigations.

HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 20

Metal Rods


HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 21

Depth of investigations
 The design depth is defined as the depth from the
finished road level to the depth that the load bearing
strength of the soil no longer has an effect on the
pavement’s performance in relation to traffic loading.
 Properties of soil below the design depth may indirectly
affect pavement performance, but are generally
unrelated to traffic loading.

HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 22

 The depth of test pits and borings should in no
case be less than 1.5m below the proposed sub
grade level unless rock material is encountered.
A preliminary vertical alignment may be required
at the time of the soil survey in order to ensure
that soil samples are actually taken at levels that
fall within the design depth of the road.
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 23
Depth of investigations

 For ordinary work, it is quite sufficient to go to a depth of

about 3m below the proposed foundation level in areas of cut
and 3m below the existing ground in areas of fill investigations
in cuttings deeper than 3m could be impractical and special
equipment may have to be required.
 If possible, postponement of sampling until the time of
construction should be considered under such conditions.
 Evaluation of sub grade strength in embankment areas should be
based on the best possible information about likely sources of
fill materials for use within the design depth.
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 24

 As a standard guideline, at least one representative soil

sample should be collected per kilometer of the proposed

roadway alignment, with more frequent samples where

there are significant changes in soil type.

 Significant changes are those which affect the general

classification of the soils as well as their bearing

strength (CBR).

 The sampling location may be alternatively on the left

HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 25
 Table 4-1 gives a recommended sampling frequency and the
corresponding tests which may be altered depending on the
variations in soil types along the alignment.
 Spacing in specific locales may be increased where the
subgrade exhibits a fair degree of homogeneity, and
conversely be decreased where variations become evident,
or when problem soils or design problems are encountered.
 Table 4-1 Design depth (Tanzania pavement Design manual, 1999)

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 The recommended approximate quantity (mass) of sample

required may be determined by verifying the tests
required and referring to Table 4-2 below.
 It is simpler, and generally preferable, to retrieve in
the field each sample large enough to conduct all
required tests in the laboratory.

HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 28

 Table 4-2: Minimum Mass of Sample Required (Soils and Gravels)

HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 29


For new road alignments, the following

tests shall normally be conducted, as a
minimum, on the collected soil samples:

◦ Grain Size Analysis (AASHTO T88)

◦ Atterberg Limits (AASHTO T89, T90)
◦ Moisture Content (AASHTO T265)
◦ Compaction Test (AASHTO T180)
◦ CBR and Swell (AASHTO T193)
◦ Resilient Modulus Test (AASHTO T 307 -99 (2003)
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 30
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Sieve Analysis HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 32
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Grain Size Distribution Curve

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0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Particle size (mm)
Typical grading curves
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 36
Some typical grading curves are shown on
the figure.
The following descriptions are applied to
these curves
D Well graded material
C Uniform material
E Poorly graded material
B Well graded with some clay
A Well graded with an excess of fines

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HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 39
ASTM Soil Hydrometers

Mechanical Analysis Stirrer

HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 40
Atterberg Limits
The physical and mechanical behavior
of fine-grained soils is linked to four
distinct states:
 plastic, and
 liquid in order of increasing water content.
Let us consider a soil initially in a liquid
state that is allowed to dry uniformly.

Atterberg Limits
Border line water contents, separating the
different states of a fine grained soil

0 Shrinkage Plastic Liquid water content

limit limit limit

brittle- semi- plastic liquid

solid solid

Atterberg Limits

Liquid Limit (wL or LL):

Clay flows like liquid when w > LL
Plastic Limit (wP orPL):
Lowest water content where the clay is still plastic
Shrinkage Limit (wS or SL):

At w<SL, no volume reduction on drying

Plasticity Index (PI)
 Range of water content over which the soil remains

Plasticity Index = Liquid Limit – Plastic Limit

water content
0 Shrinkage Plastic Liquid
limit limit limit

plastic 44
Classifying Fines
Purely based on LL and PI
Intermediate plasticity

60 Low High
plasticity plasticity

ne -20
Plasticity index

40 i
Clays A- 3(L
20 Silts

0 20 35 50 100

Liquid Limit
Determination of Liquid Limit

Cone Penetrometer Hand-Operated Liquid Limit Devices
Compaction tests
Molds, Manual rammer, Extruder, Balance, Drying oven,
Mixing pan,
Trowel, #4 sieve, Moisture cans, Graduated cylinder, Straight

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CBR Test (AASHTO T193)

HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 59

swell plate with stem

surcharge weights

mold with soil

water perforated base

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HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 61
 The compaction test requires preparation of at
least four (preferably five) molds for compaction
and at least one mold for CBR.

 The CBR shall normally be measured after four

days of soaking, except in arid areas (annual
rainfall less than 500 mm).

 Inarid areas, the CBR may be measured at OMC

(optimum moisture content) or after a reduced
soaking period, depending on the equilibrium
moisture content predicted under the pavement in
the area (see ERA Pavement Design Manual -
2002). HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 62
 Thecompaction tests shall be conducted on samples
compacted to 95% of the MDD achieved by
AASHTO Test Method T180.

 The CBR tests shall be conducted at three levels

(normally 90%, 95%, and 100%) of compaction, and
at each level, two conditions of moisture.

 Thisprocedure is to determine design CBR and to

know the effect of the relative compaction and
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 63
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 64
The CBR is then determined by reading off from the curve the load that causes a penetration of

2.54 mm and dividing this value by the standard load (6.9 Mpa) required producing the same

penetration in the standard crushed stone as

Unit load for 2.54 mm penetration in test specimen

CBR   100
Unit load for 2.54 mm penetration in sandard crushed roack

HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 65

• Similarly, the CBR at 5.08 mm penetration is obtained by
dividing the load causing a penetration of 5.08 mm with the
load of 10.34 MPa required to produce the same
penetration in standard crushed stone.
• The two values are then compared and if the 2.54 mm
value is greater than the 5.08 value, it is the CBR of the
material and used for design purposes.
• If on the other hand the 5.08 mm value is larger, the
test is entirely repeated on a fresh specimen. If the new
percentage valve at 5.08 mm penetration is still greater,
then this is taken as the CBR value. HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 66
Resilient Modulus test

HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 67

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The results from the above testing,

combined with the relevant field
observations, will enable a classification
of the subgrade soils to be made.
A category of soil should include the
soils of the same type having fairly
consistent geotechnical characteristics
(Grading, Atterberg Limits, Compaction
and particularly CBR).
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 75

A soil map should be prepared indicating the

area limits of each soil type.

 Usually,
the number of soil categories will not
exceed 4 or 5 for a given road project.

 It is advisable to avoid introducing short

sections along the alignment with numerous
changes in the soil categories as this can make
the construction operations overly complicated.
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 76
 For pavement design, the road sections must be
defined in accordance with subgrade strength
classes, as follows
 Table 4-3: Subgrade Strength Class vs. CBRs

HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 77

 Almost all types of soil, ranging from sandy clays
through to broken rock, can be used for embankment
construction and pavement support, the main limitation
being the ease with which the material can be handled
and compacted. However, materials with CBRs less than
2 are usually very difficult to work and, as subgrade,
would lead to uneconomical pavement structures. Such
soils, except if unavoidable, are usually considered
unsuitable. If they must be used, they must be
covered by select subgrade materials or capping layers.
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 78

 The ERA Pavement Design Manual - 2002

also gives guidance regarding estimated
subgrade strength classes depending on the
plasticity of soils and the depth of the
water table. This estimated correlation can
usefully be referred to as a means to
ascertain the results of the above tests.
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 79

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Useful in determining the relative quality of the soil material for use in earthwork
structures, particularly embankments, sub-grades, sub-bases and bases.
Soil is classified into seven major groups, A-1 through A-7.
 Soils classified under groups A-1, A-2 and A-3 are granular materials where 35% or
less of the particles pass through the No. 200 sieve

Soils where more than 35% pass the No. 200 sieve are classified under groups A-4, A-
5, A-6 and A-7.

HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 81

To evaluate the quality of a soil as a highway sub-
grade material, a number called the group index

GI=(F-35)[0.2+0.005(LL-40)] + 0.01(F-15)

where, GI = group index

F = % of soil particles passing 0.075 mm
(No. 200) sieve in whole number based on
material passing 75 mm (3 in.) sieve,
LL = liquid limit expressed in whole number,
PI = plasticity index expressed in whole
number. HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 82
The quality of performance of a soil as a sub-
grade material is inversely proportional to the
group index.
GI-Value Evaluation as subgrade


0-1 Good

2-4 Fair

5-9 Poor

10-20 Very poor

HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 83
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 84
• The following data were obtained for a soil sample

• Sieve No. Percent passing

• 4 98

• 10 93

• 40 87

• 100 77

• 200 69

• Plasticity tests

• LL = 48 %, PL = 26 %

• Determine the classification of the soil and state whether this material is suitable in

its natural state for use as a subbase material

HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 85

•  Refer to Table 7.1. Since the percent passing
No. 200 sieve is 69, the soil must be a Silt-Clay
material. The LL is 48%, therefore it should fall
either in A-5 or A-7 category.

• The PI = LL-PL = 22> 10, so it must be a A-7

soil. In this case, LL-30 = 18; PI>(LL-30);
Therefore the soil can be classified as a A-7-6

•  GI = (69 – 35)[0.2+0.005(48-40)]+0.01(69 – 15)

(22-10) = 14.6 (Very Poor)

•  Conclusion: Unsuitable as a subbase material in

its natural state
HIGHWAY II - Subgrade Soil 86
Thank You!
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