FTIR Sample
FTIR Sample
FTIR Sample
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Silica xerogel and its PEG assisted derivatives were prepared by sol–gel method for controlled release of
Received 17 December 2013 andrographolide. In vitro and in vivo release of andrographolide from the nano porous silica as well as PEG
Received in revised form 14 April 2014 modified silica matrix were studied. Drug release from the matrix increased with increasing percentage
Accepted 18 April 2014
of PEG and followed a biphasic pattern. The in vitro release profile followed zero order kinetics with
Available online 26 April 2014
erosion of the matrix for the first six hours and higuchi model with the diffusion mechanism for rest of
the time period. Pharmacokinetic data revealed sustained release of the drug from silica–drug composite
with higher elimination t1/2 than the pure drug. For all the formulations Level A in vitro-in vivo correlation
Nano porous silica gel
(IVIVC) was established with (R2 ) > 0.98. Histology of different organs was carried out following in vivo
PEG administration of the drug-carrier composite. The histological examination demonstrated absence of
Sustained release any inflammatory or degenerative response with the formulations. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
IVIVC data revealed the coexistence of andrographolide in the silica matrix. Transmission electron microscope
(TEM) images also unfold the repose matrix structure in PEG assisted derivatives than the pure matrix.
This study discloses that silica gel and PEG assisted derivatives could be used as a biocompatible and
sustained release device for andrographolide.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9477270256. Sustained release emphasizes on delivering therapeutic
E-mail address: riyachak329@gmail.com (S. Chakraborty). molecule or biomolecules over an extended period of time.
0927-7757/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
112 S. Chakraborty et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 455 (2014) 111–121
Prerequisite for delivery of molecules in a sustained manner are from plasma concentration–time curves. Attempts should be made
resorption of drug carrier material and diffusion. To suppress the to correlate at level B in case level A correlation cannot be estab-
systemic toxicity and damage of tissues due to carrier molecule lished. Level B correlations are based on statistical moment analysis
leads to the immediate endeavor for an ideally biodegradable mate- and compare the mean in vitro dissolution time of the formulation
rial possessing the property of biocompatibility [1]. Amorphous with either the mean residence time in the body or the mean in vivo
nanoporous silica exhibits unique physicochemical properties and dissolution time of the formulation. Level B IVIVC is known to be
due to its room-temperature synthesis, it becomes favorable for the useful for extended release products, although a single parameter
tissue response, making it a potential drug carrier in the biomedical is compared in this method. Level C IVIVC yields less information
field [1]. Silica encapsulation contributes to longer residence time which may find usefulness in formulation development. This type
in circulation, protection from degradation and providing greater of correlation represents a single-point relationship and compares,
therapeutic efficiency of drug [2]. Other unique features of the e.g. the time required for 50% drug release in vitro with the area
system include non-interfering drug activity, capacity of delivering under the concentration time curve [14,15].
a therapeutic dose of drug, homogenous drug distribution into the Andrographolide is a diterpene lactone, colorless, crystalline,
system [2,7]. Synthesis of silica gel through sol–gel route involves and bitter in taste and it is known for anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial,
a series of reactions, which includes hydrolysis and condensation anti-retroviral, anti-diabetic, pro-apoptotic, etc. properties. It is
[3–5]. Porous silica offers a major prevalence over non-porous sparingly soluble in water due to which it’s bio-distribution and
high surface area materials, where the deposited molecules are localization is limited. The plasma half life (t1/2 ) is also very short
not only adsorbed onto the silica surface but also confines into [16]. These are the reason behind encapsulation of the same into the
the pores [6]. Drug release by the virtue of matrix degradation silica gel matrix. Objectives of the present study were to evaluate (i)
to a higher extent would have been necessary if the doped the capability of silica gel to deliver andrographolide in a sustained
molecule is larger than the average pore size or entrapped within manner, (ii) in vitro and in vivo kinetics of release, their mechanism
an isolated pore. Organic additives are used during the sol–gel and correlation and (iii) the tissue distribution of andrographolide.
process as a technique to control the pore size of silica gel [6].
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is one of the most well known polymers
(organic additive) used in chemical and medical sciences due to 2. Experimental
its hydrophilicity, flexibility, lack of toxicity, non-immunogenicity
and easy availability [6,8,9]. PEG polymers have ether oxygen Tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS, reagent grade, 98%) and andro-
atoms (hydrogen-bonding acceptor) and a high affinity toward grapholide (98%) were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich and used
silanol groups (hydrogen-bonding donor) of silica species through without further purification. Absolute ethanol procured from
hydrogen-bonding interactions in the solution at almost neutral Merck Germany and polyethylene glycol was purchased from
pH value and ambient temperature [10,11]. PEG polymer finds Merck specialties private limited (Mumbai) and used as received.
widespread use as flocculants and structure directing agents Sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3 ),
in preparation of silica gel and microporous silica sphere [11]. sodium sulfate (Na2 SO4 ), potassium chloride (KCl), di-potassium
Properties like hydrogen bonding interactions between PEG and hydrogen phosphate anhydrous (K2 HPO4 ), magnesium chloride
silica, [12] the mobility of PEG upon immersion of PEG-templated hexahydrate (MgCl2 ·6H2 O), calcium chloride (CaCl2 ) and tris-
silica in water solution can be manipulated by temperature or buffer were purchased from Merck specialties private limited
pH [10]. Under physiological conditions facilitating drug release, (Mumbai) for SBF preparation. Deionized water (reagent grade)
PEG-templated silica can provide an avenue for formation of larger from hydro lab, Ruby Park, Kolkata was used throughout the exper-
pores in these materials by breakage of the hydrogen bonds [6]. imental procedure.
As PEG is a water-soluble agent, it can be liberated from materials
spontaneously resulting in complete release of a drug from the 2.1. Preparation of sol–gel processed silica gel particles
sol–gel matrix, perhaps without a higher burst release of the drug
[8]. In this present study, low molecular organic polymer, PEG 2.1.1. Silica gel with andrographolide
400 (where 400 indicates the average molecular weight) was Silica gel particles were prepared at room temperature by
used as additive to prepare the silica gel through sol gel route hydrolysis and polycondensation of tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS),
for modifying the matrix structure [8,11]. Kinetic models were water and ethanol in a mole ratio of TEOS: H2 O:C2 H5 OH = 1:4:2.
employed to evaluate the drug dissolution and modified release This ratio, following a series of preformulation studies, was found
dosage forms along with their in vitro release mechanism [12]. optimum. The weight ratio of andrographolide to silica was 7%. The
Both the in vitro dissolution characteristics of the drug and its TEOS and ethanol solution was magnetically stirred at 300 rpm for
in vivo bioavailability are the factors which govern the therapeutic 30 min followed by the addition of 2 mg andrographolide, water
efficacy of pharmaceutical formulations [13]. and ethanol and stirring was continued at the same speed until
In vitro–in vivo correlation (IVIVC) is associated with the rela- a clear solution was obtained. There after it was covered with a
tionships between the in vitro dissolution of a dosage form and parafilm and left for gelation [17–19]. Andrographolide and silica
the in vivo input rate of a drug released from the same dosage gel entrapped andrographolide were referred A and P0 in the rest
form. IVIVC is regularly used as both a method for evaluating prod- of the article.
uct quality following device preparation and as a surrogate for
predicting the biological performance of a dosage form in vivo.
They are particularly valuable since they can minimize the num- 2.1.2. Silica/PEG with andrographolide
ber of in vivo (human and animal) studies required for dosage form Low molecular weight polyethylene glycol (PEG) (400 g/mol)
development [13,14]. The United States pharmacopeia (USP) estab- was taken due to better water solubility, and it is easier to excrete
lished different levels of correlation, designated as A, B and C, in out from the body. As for polymers with higher molecular weight
decreasing order of preferences and acceptability, which depends accumulation in the liver takes place leading to macromolecular
on the method used to correlate the data. Level A IVIVC represents syndrome. Gels were prepared by co-hydrolysis of TEOS, PEG with
a point-to-point correlation between the in vivo absorption pro- water and ethanol in a mole ratio of 1:a:4:2, where ‘a’ is the mole
file and the in vitro release profile. Convolution or deconvolution ratio of PEG whose values are 0.03, 0.06, 0.09, and 0.12. Formu-
methods were employed to calculate the in vivo absorption profile lations were indicated as P1, P2, P3 and P4 indicating increasing
S. Chakraborty et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 455 (2014) 111–121 113
percentage of PEG [8,17–19]. In each formulation, the weight ratio Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) laboratory, Kolkata for the
of andrographolide to silica was 7%. present study. The animals were kept in the animal house for 7 days
prior to the initiation of the study. All animals were clinically exam-
2.2. Characterizations of samples ined upon arrival and any animal showing signs of abnormality or
disease was excluded.
Different instrumental facilities used during the experimental A total number of 15 male rats were divided into three groups
procedures described in the present manuscript are mentioned containing five in each. They were injected intraperitoneally with
here under. silica and PEG assisted silica loaded with andrographolide at a con-
In vitro drug dissolution was done by using USP II dissolution test centration of 2 mg/kg body weight while only andrographolide was
apparatus model TDP-06P, Electrolab, Mumbai; UV–visible spec- injected at a concentration of 20 mg/kg body weight. All injectable
troscopic analysis was done using Perkin Elmer model Lambda 35 were suspended in 0.5 mL physiological saline prior to adminis-
instrument; Infra-red spectroscopic analysis was done using Schi- tration. Blood samples drawn from the tail vein were collected
madzu model prestige22 instrument. The specific surface areas at a predetermined time interval in EDTA-coated tubes and cen-
were determined using the Brunauer–Emmet–Teller (BET) method trifuged; the prepared plasma was stored at −20 ◦ C prior to analysis
by using Gemini VII 2390 t surface area analyzer. TEM analysis was using an UV–visible spectrophotometer. Animals were euthanized
done by using HRTEM JEOL-TEM 2100. XRD analysis was done using on 8th day of administration of the initial dose. Heart, lung, spleen,
a Rigaku Ultima III. Light microscopy was done by LEITZ PERIPLAN liver, kidney and intestine were collected for histological analysis.
GF, model no 081465. Serum concentrations were used to determine various pharmacoki-
netic parameters. The area under the plasma concentration–time
2.3. In vitro dissolution test curve from zero to the last measurable plasma concentration at
time ‘t’ (AUC0−t ) was calculated using the linear trapezoidal rule.
Silica gel particles were immersed in 500 mL of SBF buffer of pH The area was extrapolated to infinity (AUC0−∞ ) by addition of Ct/kel
7.4, prepared to have an ion concentration nearly equal to that of to AUC0−t , where Ct is the last detectable drug concentration. The
human blood plasma (Na+ – 142.0, K+ – 5.0, Ca 2+ – 2.5, Mg2+ – 1.5, first order elimination rate constant (kel ) was estimated by the least
Cl− – 147.8, HCO3 − – 4.2, HPO4 2− – 1.0, and SO4 2− – 0.5 mM) fol- square regression of plasma concentration vs. time data points of
lowing the method described by Kokubo et al., 2003 at 37 ◦ C under the curves describing the terminal log-linear decaying phase. Elim-
rotation at a rate of 75 rpm. Aliquots (3 mL) of sample were removed ination half life (t1/2 ) was derived from kel (t1/2 = ln 2/kel , where ln is
for analysis at given time intervals and replaced with the same the natural logarithm). The absorption rate constant (ka ) was deter-
volume of fresh SBF (simulated body fluid) solution. The total vol- mined by the residual method. The AUMC is the area under the plot
ume of SBF-buffer for each sample was regularly replaced with an of time vs. the product of time and concentration extrapolated to
equal volume of pre-thermostatted SBF, every 24 h during release. infinity and was calculated by trapezoidal rule. The mean residence
The behavior of drug release was observed for 168 h [20–22]. The time (MRT) was determined by AUMC divided by AUC. The maxi-
collected solution was analyzed by UV–Vis spectroscope at a wave- mum observed andrographolide concentration (Cmax ) and the time
length of 227 nm. This method obeyed Beer’s law and the amount of at which Cmax was observed (Tmax ) were reported directly from the
andrographolide released was determined using a calibration curve profile. The fraction absorbed (fabs ) for each formulation was then
which was prepared using different amounts of andrographolide in calculated by using the mean (n = 5) plasma concentration vs. time
the range of 1–20 g [20–22]. profile for each formulation. Finally, the fraction of andrographolide
The results obtained from in vitro release studies were plotted in absorbed (fabs ) in vivo was plotted against the fraction released (frel )
different models. According to the zero-order equation (cumulative in vitro at corresponding time points. The slope, intercept, and cor-
amount of drug release versus time) the drug release rate is inde- relation coefficient describing the relationship between the mean
pendent of its concentration. The equation is C = K0 t, where K0 is the fabs and frel were then determined by linear regression [14,15,24].
zero-order rate constant expressed in units of concentration/time
and t is the time. 2.5. In vitro–in vivo correlation (IVIVC)
Release rate is concentration dependent according to the first-
order equation (log cumulative percentage of drug remaining to For level A IVIVC, the fraction absorbed in vivo was plotted versus
be released versus time). The mathematical expression of the first the fraction released in vitro at the same time. Correlation A rep-
order equation is log C = log C0 − kt/2.303, where C0 is the initial resents a point-to-point relationship between in vitro dissolution
concentration of drug and K is first order constant. and the in vivo absorption. In vivo absorption profiles from plasma
Higuchi model (cumulative percentage of release versus square concentration were calculated and correlated with the percentage
root of time) describes the release of drugs from the insoluble released in vitro using a basic linear model with intercept (a) and
matrix as a square root of time dependent process based on Fick- slope (b) [13–15].
ian diffusion and the equation is Q = Kt1/2 , where K is the constant
reflecting the design variables of the system. Korsmeyer–Peppas (% absorbed)in vivo = a + b (% released)In vitro
equation (log cumulative percentage of drug released versus log
time) derived a simple relationship which described drug release
from a polymeric system. if (b) = (1); indicates (1:1 correlation)
From the equation Mt /M∞ = Ktn , “n” values can be used to charac- (b) = (−); indicates (in vivo process lags behind in vitro dissolution)
terize the mechanism of drug release. The value of “n” 0.45 indicates (b) = (+); indicates (has no clear meaning).
Fickian diffusion; 0.45 < n < 0.89, anomalous (non-Fickian) diffu-
sion; 0.89, case II transport; and n > 0.89, super case II transport 2.6. Histological effects of injected silica gel
The Heart, lung, spleen, liver, kidney and intestine were
2.4. In vivo release study removed and fixed in 10% formol-saline, embedded in paraffin,
sectioned and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histological
Fifteen (2 months old) male Sprague Dawley albino rats were examination using standard techniques. Samples were evaluated
procured from Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Council of using a light microscope.
114 S. Chakraborty et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 455 (2014) 111–121
3. Results and discussions vibrations of the polymer, at 2889 cm−1 was due to CH2 sym-
metrical stretching vibrations. A strong bond for conjugated C C
3.1. TEM analysis was appeared at 1650 cm−1 , weak bands at 1356 cm−1 due to
in plane scissoring of the CH2 group, 1256 cm−1 arose for O H
Fig. 1 shows the morphology of silica gel entrapped andro- deflection and strong peak at 1151 cm−1 of C O stretch of ether
grapholide (A) and PEG assisted silica gel-entrapped andro- coming from PEG. In PEG modified bare silica gel, in addition to
grapholide (B). PEG is an organic polymer known to have the the peaks of silica three distinct peaks 1647 cm−1 , 2934 cm−1 and
ability to decrease the dielectric constant of the solvent thus in 3402 cm−1 were obtained, which corresponds to the presence of
turn induces particle aggregation leading to relaxation of inter- PEG [8,28,29]. In pure andrographolide (C) characteristic vibra-
nal tension in the silica network which might have resulted in the tional peak at 3325 cm−1 due to a hydroxyl group, stretching mode
formation of branched structure with larger mesopores [8]. TEM appearing at 1710 for C O, peak at 1688 cm−1 was due to lactone
micrograph suggested crystalline patches found within the amor- ring, peak at 1446 cm−1 appeared due to C C, peak at 1254 cm−1
phous matrix of silica was andrographolide as shown in Fig. 2C due to C O, peak at 1021 cm−1 was due to presence of exocyclic
which was reconfirmed from the d-values obtained from XRD anal- methylene group, peak at 713 cm−1 was due to C C C and band at
ysis [25]. 568 cm−1 was found to the in-plane and out-of-plane deformations,
respectively, of the carbonyl group were observed [29,30]. The
3.2. Infra-red analysis peaks at 3392 cm−1 , 2926 cm−1 and 1668 cm−1 revealed the pres-
ence of andrographolide on to the PEG modified silica matrix. The
The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of silica gel, and infrared spectra of the PEG-modified andrographolide entrapped
gel-entrapped andrographolide were taken using an FTIR spec- gel showed no new bonds, indicating that the linkage between PEG
troscope. Fig. 2 represents the FTIR spectra of bare silica gel, and silica sol particles was by molecular forces or hydrogen bond.
PEG assisted silica gel, PEG assisted silica gel loaded with andro- Incorporation of PEG in the silica matrix acquired more hydrophilic-
grapholide, within the range of 4000–400 cm−1 (A). In the three ity due to formation of hydrogen bond [31,32].
samples; the peaks at 468 and 798 cm−1 were found for the Si O Si
bending vibration; the peak at 950 cm−1 and at 1078 cm−1 were 3.3. Surface area analysis
due to the Si OH stretching vibrations and Si OR stretching vibra-
tion, respectively [26,27]. For pure PEG, (B) the band appearing The surface areas were given in Table 1. PEG percentage is
at 3555 cm−1 was due to the presence of bonded hydroxyl group inversely proportional to surface area and pore volume. Pore
Fig. 1. TEM images of silica-andrographolide matrix (A), PEG assisted silica-andrographolide matrix (B), crystalline andrographolide entrapped into the pore of silica gel (C)
and XRD graph of andrographolide (C inset).
S. Chakraborty et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 455 (2014) 111–121 115
Fig. 2. FTIR spectrum of bare silica, PEG-silica, PEG assisted silica entrapped andrographolide (A), FTIR spectrum of PEG (B), FTIR spectrum of andrographolide (C).
volume decreased from 0.92 to 0.34 cm3 /g and an increase in aver- due to the entrapment or bounding of andrographolide in the
age pore diameter greater than 2 nm to almost 10 nm in case of all porous silica matrix [26,30,33]. Within the inner part of the gel,
formulations (P0, P1, P2, P3, and P4) respectively were observed the three-dimensional network of silica effectively immobilized
[8,32]. andrographolide molecules. The steric constrain of the matrix made
difficult for the medicine to elute completely from the matrix to the
surrounding fluid [8,30,33]. Since the typical equilibrium solubility
3.4. Release study and kinetics
at physiological pH (pH = 7.4) of amorphous silica is approximately
120 ppm [8], resulting in rapid achievement of the saturation level
3.4.1. In vitro dissolution kinetic analysis of silica carriers
of silica was found under the desired conditions of drug release. This
The in vitro release experiments were carried out in simu-
was the reason for incomplete drug release, especially the fraction
lated body fluid (SBF). The amounts of andrographolide released
that is entrapped in the isolated pores. The in vitro drug release
in SBF buffer from the silica gel matrix were measured at 227 nm
profiles of the andrographolide from the gel and that from the PEG
(Fig. 3A) (max of andrographolide at 227 nm), then plotted against
assisted silica gel were distinctly different at pH 7.4. Incorporation
time, and the concentrations were calculated from the standard
of PEG in the silica matrix allows the formation of a more intercon-
curves. The release kinetics in both the cases (PEG assisted and
nected porous network. Thus, the solution freely penetrates into
unassisted) was biphasic [22,32] initially it was very rapid in first
the pores of matrices due to the presence of broad channel, result-
6 h while a sustained release was observed at the second phase
ing in reduced internal tension in the silica network. Subsequently,
and gradually slowed down at around 168 h (Fig. 3). The first
andrographolide leached out without any obstacles [8,10,33]. Fig. 3
phase of burst release was due to the release of andrographolide
shows cumulative release of andrographolide from the silica matrix
which was adsorbed superficially on the outer surface, while the
as a function of time. The highest burst effect was observed for the
slowing down of release in the second release phase might be
sample P4, and close to 30.2% of the drug dose was released during
the first 6 h. The initial releases of andrographolide in first 6 h from
Table 1 rest of the formulations were 25.8%, 22.2%, 17.6% and 16% for P3,
Surface area of silica and PEG-silica formulations. P2, P1, and P0 respectively (Fig. 3B). The total percentage of andro-
Sample name PEG (%) Surface area Pore volume Average pore grapholide released during 168 h in SBF were 54.46%, 63.8%, 70.81%
(m2 /g) (cm3 /g) diameter (nm) and 80.2% for P1, P2, P3 and P4, respectively (Fig. 3). The release
P0 – 900 0.92 2.556
percentage of andrographolide in P0 was 46% during the experi-
P1 3 540.82 0.76 5.23 mental time period (168 h). The rate of release of andrographolide
P2 6 460.77 0.58 7.19 increased with an increase in the amount of PEG. The porosity of
P3 9 400.93 0.47 8.52 the drug incorporated substrate also played an important role in
P4 12 339.74 0.34 10.12
the release kinetics. Release of the entrapped agent from the silica
116 S. Chakraborty et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 455 (2014) 111–121
Fig. 3. In vitro dissolution profile of andrographolide from P0, P1, P2, P3, P4 formulations upto 168 h. Inset A shows the absorbance maxima of andrographolide at 227 nm.
Inset B shows the magnified In vitro dissolution profile of andrographolide from P0, P1, P2, P3, P4 formulations upto 6 h. The data are the five repeat experiments of each set.
Zero order release model of andrographolide in first 6 h (C) and Higuchi release mode of andrographolide in 12–168 h from the formulations (D).
matrix has been found to occur through diffusion-cum-degradation to determine the kinetics of andrographolide release from silica
mediated process [23]. Highly branched network structures of poly- matrix and PEG assisted silica matrix, the dissolution profiles were
meric materials derived from sol–gel method are advantageous as fitted in different mathematical models. The in vitro data (values
they provide gradual, time-dependent release [8,22,30,33]. In order obtained from 1 h to 168 h drug release) of the formulations were
Table 2
Comparative characteristics of regression values of different release kinetic models obtained for andrographolide eluted from the formulations.
Formulations Zero order regression coefficient R2 First order regression coefficient R2 Higuchi’s plot regression coefficient R2 Koresmeyer plot
Upto 6 h
P0 0.993 0.977 0.983 0.991 0.95
P1 0.991 0.983 0.98 0.99 0.94
P2 0.994 0.976 0.98 0.993 0.95
P3 0.992 0.986 0.986 0.99 0.98
P4 0.996 0.98 0.976 0.991 0.97
After 6 h
P0 0.978 0.98 0.997 0.99 0.286
P1 0.97 0.987 0.997 0.98 0.28
P2 0.976 0.983 0.993 0.98 0.28
P3 0.975 0.986 0.996 0.985 0.284
P4 0.978 0.985 0.995 0.988 0.28
S. Chakraborty et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 455 (2014) 111–121 117
Fig. 4. Comparative in vivo profiles of andrographolide. Mean (n = 5) plasma concentration of eluted andrographolide from the formulations vs. time profile after administration
of single dose in white albino rats. Inset A shows mean (n = 5) plasma concentration of andrographolide vs. time profile after administration of single dose in white albino
rats. Relationship between fraction dissolved in vitro vs. fraction absorbed in vivo for P0, P1, P2, P3 and P4 derived from pharmacokinetic profile.
fitted to zero-order, first-order, Higuchi, and Korsmeyer–Peppas The observed variances could be explained on the fact that the sur-
models [22,23]. The model that best fitted with the release data was face interactions of the drug as well as the diffusion barriers of the
evaluated based on the correlation coefficient (R2 ); the R2 values matrix control the release kinetics of the drug molecules [30,34].
obtained for all formulations in various models are given in Table 2.
During the initial period (for first 6 h) all the formulations (P0–P4) 3.4.2. In vivo pharmacokinetic evaluation of silica carriers
followed zero order release kinetics (Fig. 3C) with regression values The concentrations of drug in plasma were monitored for 168 h
(R2 ) >0.99. During the later period (12–168 h) all the formulations after the intraperitoneally administrated pure andrographolide,
(P0–P4) showed fair linearity in Higuchi’s model (Fig. 3D), with andrographolide silica and their PEG assisted derivatives. The mean
regression values (R2 ) 0.99. To establish this biphasic kinetics of plasma concentration profiles are provided in Fig. 4 and the mean
drug release; we fitted the data in Korsmeyer–Peppas equation for pharmacokinetic parameters for the drug and drug entrapped
the samples (P0–P4). It was found that during the burst period (for matrix are summarized in Table 3. The results were analyzed using a
the first 6 h), the release followed the super case II transport, which non-compartmental statistical design. These data were of consider-
was evident from the “n” values (≥0.9), while in a second phase able interest as it demonstrates the controlled release under in vivo
(12–168 h), the n value was <0.45, suggesting that a Fickian diffu- conditions. The prolonged and out stretched serum profile (Fig. 4)
sion release was predominant and the drug release occurred by a observed in this study should minimize the high drug concentra-
diffusion and erosion mechanism [22]. Interestingly, not only the tions which are associated with adverse secondary complications.
slope, but also the shape of the release curves was modified, indicat- This type of pharmacokinetic profile is usual for sustained release
ing refinements in the underlying kinetic phenomenon despite of preparations and indicates that andrographolide would stay within
the identical composition of the organic–inorganic hybrid matrix. the therapeutic territory for an extended period of time [14].
118 S. Chakraborty et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 455 (2014) 111–121
Table 3
Pharmacokinetic parameters for andrographolide after intraperitoneal administration in albino rats (n = 5) of A and P0, P1, P2, P3 and P4 formulations.
Formulations AUC0−∞ (ng h/ml) AUMC0−∞ (ng h/ml) Cmax (ng/ml) Tmax (h) MRT (h) ka (h−1 ) kel (h−1 ) Elimination t1/2 (h)
As shown in Table 3, Cmax , ka , and kel of all the formulations (P0, bioequivalence. Level A IVIVC was investigated using linear
P1, P2, P3 and P4) were significantly lower whereas MRT and Tmax regression and the results shown in Fig. 4 (P0–P4). Significant point-
were significantly higher than the crude material (A) though the to-point relationship was observed with regression coefficient
applied dose of crude material was 10 times higher than that of the (R2 >) of 0.98 and slope approaching toward unity, indicating a close
formulations [14]. An essential feature of the encasement is that it correlation between the in vitro release rates and in vivo absorp-
facilitates prolonged availability of the active drug in the blood cir- tion of the drug [40]. The level A IVIVC established in this study
culation which helps in cultivating the therapeutic concentrations confirmed the efficiency of proposed in vitro model in simulating
of the active drug for extended periods, consecutively reducing in vivo condition. Since it represents a point-to-point relationship
dosages and frequency of administration [35]. The elimination t1/2 between in vitro dissolution and the in vivo input rate, this kind of
value of the pure drug was found to be 3.15 h. Incorporation of correlation is quite important for the drug from the dosage form
the drug in silica nanoporous gel increased the elimination t1/2 by [13–15].
about 6-fold. Consequently, while Kel , Ka and Cmax decreased by
6.21-fold, 11.8-fold and 4.4-fold, respectively, AUC0-∞ , Tmax and 3.5. Histological changes in different organs
MRT increased by 15.27-fold, 6-fold, 5.83-fold, respectively. This
indicates the effectiveness of silica–drug formulation as a sustained Histological observations are summarized in Table 4 and rep-
release drug delivery system. Metal oxides have a hydroxyl group resentative micrograph are given in Fig. 5. Histology of kidney
in their surfaces rendering them with hydrophilic property. This showed profound changes, which include glomerulitis, necrosis,
natural hydrophilicity decreased oxide particle clearance resulting degeneration and hyperaemia for andrographolide whereas neg-
increased residence time in blood which intern elevated “elimina- ligible changes were found in silica and PEG assisted silica gel
tion t1/2 ” of silica–drug composite [36]. However, incorporation of
PEG in silica drug formulation increased MRT {P1 (7.06-fold) < P2 Table 4
(8.65-fold) < P3 (11.66-fold) < P4 (14.25-fold)} and AUC {P1 (16.97- Histological changes in different organs after administration of andrographolide,
fold) < P2 (17.82-fold) < P3 (19.63-fold) < P4 (21.03-fold)} values silica gel entrapped Andrographolide, PEG assisted silica gel entrapped Andro-
grapholide. [Note: – no pathological changes, 1+, 2+, 3+, 4+ different degrees of
while decreased Cmax {P1 (3.62-fold) > P2 (3.08-fold) > P3 (2.5-
changes. A = andrographolide, SA = silica gel entrapped andrographolide, S = silica
fold) > P4 (2.37-fold)}. The aspect which has evolved in case of gel, SAP = PEG assisted silica gel entrapped andrographolide].
PEG assisted silica gel from the data set of Table 3 reveals that
Different organ tissues A SA SAP
with increasing percentage of PEG in the formulation leads to the
simultaneous increase in AUC, MRT indicating a prolonged uninter- Kidney
rupted release of andrographolide from the silica matrix making Glomerulitis 3+ 2+ 1+
Necrosis of glomerular cell 2+ – –
it a sustained release system. Another interesting fact observed Necrosis of bowman’s capsule 2+ – –
was the decreasing trend of Kel from A to (P1–P4) by 7.42, 9.58, Degeneration of convoluted tubules 4+ 1+ 1+
12.77 and 15.34-folds respectively. On the other hand an increas- Necrosis of tubular cells 2+ – –
ing trend of elimination t1/2 was observed with increasing amount Hyperaemia of vessels 3+ 2+ 1+
Black particles – 2+ 1+
of PEG by 7.3, 8.8, 12, 14.7-folds for P1, P2, P3, and P4 respectively
indicating longer residence of andrographolide in the circulation Liver
establishing sustained delivery property of the system. The pro- Degenerative changes 3+ 2+ 1+
Apoptosis 3+ – –
longed circulation time that PEG bestows upon andrographolide is
Necrosis 1+ – –
through decrease in the rate of kidney clearance and an increase Intercellular space enlargement 3+ 1+ 1+
in protection from enzymatic degradation, both of which decrease Black particles – 2+ 1+
the overall clearance of the entrapped molecule. Presence of PEG Spleen
in the silica gel increases hydrophilicity at neutral pH. In contact Red pulp changes 3+ 2+ 1+
with aqueous fluid, PEG dissolves quickly leading to matrix degra- White pulp changes 3+ 2+ 1+
dation resulting increased percentage release of andrographolide Black particles – 2+ 1+
in comparison to pure silica matrix [37–39]. Biocompatibility and Lung
clearance of silica from circulation are provided in Supplementary Alveolar exudate 2+ 1+ 1+
documents S1. Interalveolar space exudate 2+ 1+ 1+
Hyperaemia of blood vessels 2+ 1+ 1+
Black particles – 3+ 2+
3.4.3. Establishment of in vitro/in vivo correlation
During pharmaceutical development correlations between
Degenerative changes 2+ – –
in vitro and in vivo data (IVIVC) are often used in order to opti- Necrotic changes 2+ – –
mize the formulation while reducing product development time Hyperaemia of blood vessels 3+ – –
and costs. A well correlation is a tool for predicting in vivo results Black particles – 2+ 1+
based on in vitro data and it allows dosage form optimization with Intestine
the fewest possible trials [13–15]. Mucosal inflammation 2+ – –
Establishment of an IVIVC can add in vivo meaning to the Ulceration 2+ – –
Black particles – 3+ 2+
in vitro dissolution test and can be useful as a surrogate for
S. Chakraborty et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 455 (2014) 111–121 119
Fig. 5. Representative microscopic images of histological section of tissues from different organs subjected to andrographolide, silica andrographolide and PEG assisted silica
entrapped andrographolide treated animals. Necrosis was absent silica gel. Inflammatory alveolar exudates, interalveolar space exu-
in silica and PEG assisted silica derivatives. Degenerative changes dates and hyperaemia of blood vessels were moderately present
and intercellular space enlargement along with apoptosis were in andrographolide treated lung cells while mild changes were
markedly present in liver cells of andrographolide treated rats, found in silica and PEG assisted form. Inflammatory degenerative,
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with silica, and its PEG assisted derivative. Nonspecific reactive andrographolide treated heart cells whereas such changes were not
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treated spleen cells, which was found to be moderate in case of sil- and ulceration in intestinal cells were observed in animals treated
ica gel while some minor changes were found with PEG assisted with crude drug where the same were not observed in silica and
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