4.report On Grameen Bank
4.report On Grameen Bank
4.report On Grameen Bank
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1.1 Introduction:
HRM cycle as well as in any organization, training and development program plays an
important and vital role in achieving organizational mission, goals and objectives.
Training and development is the major factor that has a critical impact in hiring and
retaining superior human resources.
Training and development is one of the most vital activities of HRM. Training and
development is the only device to make the human resources effective in any
organization. Training and development is a continuous process and effective growth of
the organization that we mean depends on the proper utilization of human resource. To
stay competitive in the industry, we need advance technology, new product, new method
or working process and innovative research. So we need proper application of our
theoretical knowledge to get some benefits and make it more faithful. To apply the
theoretical knowledge in the practical working area internship program plays the eventual
Internship Program is a mandatory program for all students of BBA under Bangladesh
University of Business &Technology (BUBT). Practical orientation is positive
development in professional area. For the completion of this internship program, I have
chosen a bank named “Grameen Bank" and my internship report isbased on “Training
and development program of Grameen Bank”. I have prepared this report under
Mr.Md.Johirul Islam at Bangladesh University of Business and Technology. In the
study period mainly students’ gain theoretical knowledge but now a days, in the job
market there is no substitute of practical work experience. This program gives the
students the real life flavor & thereby helps to launch a career with some prior
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Since I have worked in the Grameen Bank, Mirpur -2 head office, I get the opportunity to
gain knowledge of different parts of banking activities of Grameen bank. The present
study aims to assess the level of training and development programs of the employees of
the Grameen bank. The employees belong to different categories such as officers, clerical
staff and sub-staff. The study explores level of training and development among
employees working in the Grameen bank and examines it in organizational context, such
as, rewards, promotion policies, working conditions, career development, inter-
relationships etc.
Education will be the most effective when theory and practice blends. Theoretical
knowledge gets its perfection with practical application and the internship is designed to
bridge the gap between the theoretical knowledge and real application. We all know that
there is no alternative of practical knowledge which is more beneficial than theoretical
aspects. The prime reason of this study is to become familiar with the practical business
world and to attain practical knowledge about the overall Banking and Corporate world,
which is so much essential for each and every student to meet the extreme growing
challenges in job market.
The broad objective of the study is to discussthe Training and development practices of
Grameen Bank.
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The following aspects can be listed as the specific objectives for the practical orientation
in Grameen Bank.”
In this report I have used questionnaires & interview method. In questionnaire section I
have put only close ended questions those have been answered by the employees. & I
have measured this answered in a rating scale so that, I can understand the percentage of
the employee overview. I also took some help from internet.
This is a descriptive type of research, which briefly reveals the training & development
procedure of Grameen Bank. It has been administered by collecting both primary &
secondary data.
Sampling method: The convenience sampling technique was used for collecting
the information.
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Questionnaire design: Questionnaire was prepared with both open ended & close
ended questions. Quantitative question were scaled with well knownlikert
Primary data: Primary data is the data, which is collected by the researcher directly by
survey, observation and experience.
Primary source:
Secondary data: Secondary data is the data taken by the researcher from secondary
sources, internal or external. That means the data, which was collected and used
previously for another purpose is called secondary data.
Secondary source:
The data gathered from both primary and secondary sources has been arranged orderly to
get a clear picture of training and development program of Grameen Bank(GB). The
study includes both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Quantitative questions were
scaled with well-known Likert method. In this study I used some computer software like
Microsoft office, Microsoft excels, Microsoft PowerPoint.
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However some of the limitations faced while preparing this report are shown below:
Time limitation: To complete the study time was limited by three months. It was
really very short time to know about an organization like Grameen Bank.
Inadequate Data: The unwillingness of the busy key persons, necessary data
collection became hard.
Lack of Record: Large scale research was not possible due to constrains and
restrictions posed by the organization. Unavailability of sufficient written
documents as required making a comprehensive study. In many cases up to date
information was not available.
Lack of Experiences: Lack experiences have acted as constraints in the way of
meticulous exploration of the topic. Being the temporary member of the
organization, it is not possible on my part to express some of the sensitive issues.
Connectivity with Study: The study may not give exact result as it is a study of
our learning process.
Restriction of Collection of Information: Again for formalities constraints
allowance was restricted. That’s why information shortage occurred.
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Part -02
Company Profile
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The origin of Grameen Bank can be traced back to 1976 when Professor Muhammad
Yunus, Head of the Rural Economics Program at the University of Chittagong, launched
an actionresearch project to examine the possibility of designing a credit delivery system
to provide banking services targeted at the rural poor. The Grameen Bank Project
Grameen means “rural" or "village" in Bangla language came into operation with the
following objectives: extend banking facilities to poor men and women, eliminate the
exploitation of the poor by money lenders; create opportunities for self-employment for
the vast multitude of unemployed people in rural Bangladesh; bring the disadvantaged,
mostly the women from the poorest households, within the fold of an organizational
format which they can understand and manage by themselves; and reverse the age-old
vicious circle of "low income, low saving & low investment", into virtuous circle of "low
income, injection of credit, investment, more income, more savings, more investment,
more income”. The action research demonstrated its strength in Jobra (a village adjacent
to Chittagong University) and some of the neighboring villages during 1976-1979. With
the sponsorship of the central bank of the country and support of the nationalized
commercial banks, the project was extended to Tangail district (a district north of Dhaka,
the capital city of Bangladesh) in1979. With the success in Tangail, the project was
extended to several other districts in the country. In October 1983, the Grameen Bank
Project was transformed into an independent.
The mission is to help the poor families to help themselves to overcome poverty. It is
targeted at the poor in rural area in Bangladesh, particularly poor women. It promotes
credit as a human right. It is not based on any collateral or legally enforceable contracts.
It is based on "trust", not on legal procedures and system. It is offered for creating self-
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employment for income-generating activities and housing for the poor people, as opposed
to consumption.
The goal, which is proclamation by the GB, is poverty alleviation mentioning the credit
as the most powerful instrument of engine of development, if has been providing group –
based credit facilities to the poorest section of rural society for the creation of self-
employment and income generating activities. The objectives, which are spiffed by the
GB, are mentioned here: -
To empower the rural poor especially the women who are seriously neglected and
ignored, through creation of self-employment opportunities and freedoms of
To provide financial services exclusively to the poorest section of rural area which
is excluded from the formal credit institutions.
To rescue the poor people from the informal moneylenders who arte exalting them
2.5 Strategies of the Grameen Bank: There are some strategies of the Grameen Bank.
They are given below:
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There are some functional Department of the Grameen Bank. They can given below
1. Grameen Telecom
2. Grameen Communications
3. Grameen Cyber net Ltd.
4. Grameen Software Ltd.
5. Grameen IT Park
6. Grameen Information Highways Ltd.
7. Grameen Star Education Ltd.
8. Grameen Bitek Ltd.
9. Grameen Shamogree (Products)
10. Grameen Sheikh (Education)
11. Grameen Capital Management Ltd.
12. Grameen ByabosaBikash (Business Promotion )
13.Grameen Trust
Grameen Bank claims to be different from conventional banks in that it provides loans to
the poor, who are otherwise seen as not credit-worthy. And this entrepreneurship can lift
a person, family and society up from poverty and into a self-sufficient, productive work-
force. The following are quick notes Grameen Bank products and conditions.
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open to all
1 year scheme (8.75% interest)
2 year scheme (9.25% interest)
3year scheme (9.5% interest)
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open to all
10.4% interest or double in 7 years
2.9.1 Strength
1. Creator of service himself has a personal experience and feel of being with the
customers. Muhammad Yunus himself being a resident of the Jobra village knew exactly
the problem that the community was
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facing and hence he could very well cater to the needs of the destitute by providing them
tailor-made lending services which can maintain a balance between their earnings and
repayment rates.
The biggest strength of Grameen Bank lies in bringing financial services to poor people
and making it financial sustainable by the economies of scale effect.
3.Grameen banks not only provides credit to its borrowers but also helps them grow their
small business and helps them learn the basic principles of healthy living and grows
along with the customers. This helps in the creation of loyal customers to the bank.
2.9.2 Weakness
1. It has been reported that female recipients of Grameen loans have experienced a higher
levels of violence.
2. There are also reports that the group-lending strategy implemented by Grameen has
led to greater conflict and violence between families.
2.9.3 Opportunities:
2. It has scope of market penetration through diversified products and wide banking
2.9.4 Threats:
1. Grameen has one particularly powerful threat: The Bangladeshi governing party, The
Awami League.
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Part -03
Theoretical Aspects
Human resource management (HRM) is an important part of any business. HRM is useful
to companies because it is what keeps employees motivated and helps the company
achieve goals. It will also outline how human resource management plays an important
role in the strategic planning in an organization. HRM aids a company in shaping it
employee base and eventually the overall the success of the company. Human Resource
Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment,
management and providing direction for the people who work in an organization. Human
Resource Management can also be performed by line managers. Human Resource
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Management involves the planning, organizing, directing and controlling the functions of
procuring, developing, maintaining and motivating a labor force.
Organizations also perform HRM functions and tasks by outsourcing various components
to outside suppliers and vendors.
There are four basic objectives that are common to Human Resource Management. The
objectives can be as under:
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3.3.1 Acquisition of Human Resource: There are two steps involved in acquisition
Internal &
Promotion from within an organization is called internal source and recruiting
new people from outside the organization is known as an external source.
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Selection: Once the recruiting effort has developed a pool of candidates, the next step
in the HRM process is to determine who is the best qualified for the job. Selection is a
process of hiring suitable people for the job. It is the process of screening job
applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired. The right man for
the right job is the main goal of selection. Selection device must be valid and reliable.
Managers can use a number of selection devices to reduce errors. The best known
selection devices are applicable forms, written tests, interviewing, medical test,
references or background investigations, and final decision of hiring.
Job Evaluation: It is a process of measuring and determining the value of each job in
relation to all jobs within the organization. Jobs are ranked in order to arrive at each
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Managers can choose different performance appraisal methods such as written essays,
critical incidents, graphic rating scales, behaviorally anchored rating scales, MBO and
360 degree feedback.
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3.3.3 Motivation of Human Resource: The motivation function is one of the most
important functions. After training and developing the employees the HR manager should
stimulate them to work well. For motivation purpose the HR manager have to give the
employees some compensation and benefit package.
3.3.4 Maintenance of Human Resource: The last phase of the HRM function is called
the maintenance function. For maintaining the people HRM should go for some method
of providing a safe and healthy work place, labor relation & collective bargaining.
3.4.1 Training:
Training is a process of achieving the knowledge to improve the current work skills and
According to Edwin Flippo, “Training is the act of increasing the skills of an employee
for doing a particular job”
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Establishing the skill requirements and the subsequent training needs of the
The design of the most suitable events and most effective training methods for
your organization
Delivery of the training with additional support for any open learning aspects.
Evaluation and validation of the training event to ensure that you achieve
identifiable and cost effective business improvements from the development of
your staff
3.4.3 Development:
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Individuals: Some training are designed only for the individuals, for those the
employees are individually responsible for their own development.
Training for teams: Trainings served for teams, when team performance is
Training for organizations: organizational training that may contain creating fair
and productive organizational environment, developing knowledge sharing
culture inside the organization.
Here are 5 key features your employee training program needs to have to be effective for
the modern workforce.
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Learn from the best. You want your employees to emulate the best trainers. Choosing the
wrong trainers can actually hurt you employees' business performance if they lose
interest in the training or are trained incorrectly. If you're limited to only a few great
trainers, you can easily replicate their great training through video.
Go above and beyond simply training each employee for their specific role. Employees
will be better equipped to assist others, exceed expectations and handle new
responsibilities better when they are equipped with more knowledge.
Make sure your program is built to expand. Sending in-person training is antiquated,
difficult to grow and extremely costly. Use the Internet and mobile training applications
to easily distribute training to as many employees as you need and easily share with new
employees when they join. Scalable programs can also reduce costs. By using mobile
training applications to make virtual copies of their training, the USDA saved over $1
million for training on one application.
Make sure your employees can access the training you provide at anytime. What's the
point of providing great training when employees will forget most of it
anyway? Employee handbooks and DVDs were the old way of providing
accessible information. Nowadays you can use video to replicate training sessions and
distribute the information for employees to access anytime. Supplemental materials,
beyond the core training, can also be made easily available through video.
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If your company is going to invest in training, make sure your employees are enjoying
and absorbing the information. Maybe you are providing the wrong training, not enough
training or maybe your employees become qualified enough to take on new
responsibilities. You will never know without the properfeedback methods. At Retrieve,
we integrated certifications and support into our training applications because our
customers wanted to make sure the information they provided was as effective as
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There are two types of training methods. They are given below
1. Coaching
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2. Mentoring
3. Job Rotation
6. Understudy
Mentoring: The focus in this training is on the development of attitude. It is used for
managerial employees. Mentoring is always done by a senior inside person. It is also one-
to- one interaction, like coaching.
Job Rotation: It is the process of training employees by rotating them through a series of
related jobs. Rotation not only makes a person well acquainted with different jobs, but it
also alleviates boredom and allows to develop rapport with a number of people. Rotation
must be logical.
Job Instructional Technique (JIT): It is a Step by step (structured) on the job training
method in which a suitable trainer prepares a trainee with an overview of the job, its
purpose, and the results desired, demonstrates the task or the skill to the trainee, allows
the trainee to show the demonstration on his or her own, and follows up to provide
feedback and help.The trainees are presented the learning material in written or by
learning machines through a series called ‘frames’. This method is a valuable tool for all
educators’ teachers and trainers. It helps us:
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Advantages Disadvantages
1. Quality depends on ability of trainer and
1. Generally most cost-effective.
time available.
Off-the-job training methods are conducted in separate from the job environment, study
material is supplied, there is full concentration on learning rather than performing, and
there is freedom of expression. Important methods include:
1. Classroom lecture
3 .Simulation exercise
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6. outside seminars
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A training need assessment is used to determine whether training is the right solution to a
work place problem. It is an ongoing process of gathering data to determine what training
needs exists so that training can be developed ton help the organization accomplish its
objectives. Training needs can be assessed by analyzing three major human resource
areas. This analysis will provide answers to the following questions:
Organizational Analysis
Personal Analysis
Task Analysis
An analysis of the business needs or other reasons the training is desired. An analysis of
the organization’s strategies, goals and objectives. What is the organization overall trying
to accomplish? The important questions being answered by this analysis are who decided
that training should be conducted.
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Person analysis helps to identify employees who need training that is whether employees’
current performance or expected performance indicates need for training. Identifies about
the knowledge, skill, and abilities do trainees already have in order to participate in the
Task analysis results in a description of work activities, including tasks performed by the
employee and the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to complete the tasks.
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3.13.3 Validation
Introduce and validate the training before a representative audience. Base final
revisions on pilot results to ensure program effectiveness.
When applicable, boost success with a train- the –trainer workshop that focuses
on presentation knowledge and skills in addition to training content.
3.13.5 Evaluation
Learning – Use feedback devices or pre- and posttests to measure what learners have
actually learned.
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Results – Determine the level of improvement in job performance and assess needed
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Part -04
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The Grameen bank believes that the best way for participants to learn about how the bank
works is through first hand exposure and observations at the field level. Through these
experiences, participants are encouraged to draw their own conclusions about the
effectiveness of Grameen bank’s work and the impact it has on the poorest of the poor.
The objectives of GB’s training programs are to:
Arouse curiosity
Stimulate interest on the subject of Micro financing
Encourage responsibility of self-motivated learning
Learn and share with others
Discover individual role in the organization and the global community
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Collect information
Analyze information
Developing a training plan
The need assessment of training and development programs are completed through a
three phase process which are:
i. Personal analyze
ii. Organizational analyze
iii. Analyze of job requirement
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job), “growth gap” (learning needed to achieve career goals) or “opportunity gap”
(learning needed to qualify for an identified new job or role). Education is the process of
increasing the level of knowledge and understanding. Training talks about ‘know-why’.
Most of the organizations are concern about know-how of employees. They are most
concerned with employee training. As I known; the Training Department of Grameen Bank
is highly concern with continuous training and development of the employees.
Several methods can be used to satisfy on organization training needs and accomplish its
objectives. The Grameen bank classified their training by two categories.
On the job training is normally given by senior employee or manager on the job sites of
the organization. The employee is shown how to perform the job is allowed to do it under
trainer’s supervision. The various forms of on the job training include the following:
a) Job rotation: Job rotation involves moving employees to various positions in the
organization in an effort to expand their skills, knowledge, and abilities. Job rotation
can be either horizontal or vertical. Vertical rotation is nothing more than promoting a
worker into a new position. Job rotation represents an excellent method for
broadening an individual’s exposure to company operations and for turning a
specialist into a generalist. In addition to increasing the individual’s experience
allowing him or her to exposure new information. It can also provide opportunities
for a more comprehensive and reliable evaluation of the employee by his or her
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d) Job Instruction Technique: Job instruction technique uses a strategy with focus on
knowledge (factual and procedural), skills and attitudes development.
b) Conferences and seminars: Employees attend the conference that focuses on relevant
topic that goes with their position. After this, the employees make their own presentation
in enhancing the learning experience. Therefore, at the end of a specific period the
employees call for a conference.
c) Lecture method: Lecture is given to enhance the knowledge of listener or to give him
the theoretical aspect of a topic. Training is basically incomplete without lecture. It is a
quick and simple way to provide knowledge to large groups of trainees as when the sales
force needs to learn the special features of a new product.
d) Video presentation: At the end of training held video presentation where a trainee
represents their presentation.
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Questionnaire is important for any types of research. Questions are designed and asked to
respondents to extract specific information.
For preparing this report a questionnaire was prepared and interviewed 10 employees of
Grameen bank, Mirpur-2, Head Office. The questionnaires are analyzed below:
2. Which of the following training and development methods Grameen bank provides?
Interpretation: This chart shows that 100% respondent says it provides on the job and
both say it provides off the job.
Comment: From the above table and graph, we can say that both of the following
training and development methods Grameen bank provides.
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Total 10 100%
Interpretation: Form the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were agreed with
the statement. That is 30% employees were strongly agreed and 40% employees were
agreed with this view and 30% are disagreed.
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Comment: So it can be said that the training programs of the Grameen bank are held
within the schedule time but in some content it is not.
Interpretation: Form the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were strongly
agreed with the statement. That is 90% employees were strongly agreed and 10%
employees were agreed.
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Comment: Above the pie chart data ensure that all of training programs of the Grameen
bank are effective. That’s why these training programs are making employee more
5. Grameen Bank employees are satisfied with the training content of that
Total 10 100%
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Interpretation: In this graph, it is seen that most of the employees were strongly agreed
with the statement. That is 70% employees were strongly agreed, agreed 20% and neutral
Comment: Majority respondents are satisfied with the training content of the bank.
Neutral 0 0%
Agree 3 30%
Strongly Agree 5 50%
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Total 10 100%
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Interpretation: In this graph, it is seen that most of the employees were strongly agreed
with the statement and some of the employees were agreed with the statement. That is
50% employees were strongly agreed, 30% employees were agreed and 20% disagreed
with the statement.
Comment: Majority employees are satisfied with the trainers and some are dissatisfied.
Total 10 100%
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Interpretation: From the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were strongly
agreed with the statement and some of the employees were agreed with the statement.
That is 40% employees were strongly agreed, 40% employees were agreed and 20%
disagree with the statement.
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Comment: The training environment of the Grameen bank is much more satisfactory and
training environment help employees to increase their skills but some are not satisfied
with the environment.
8. Grameen bank that training helps to increase the motivation at the job?
Total 10 100%
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Figure: Grameen bank that training helps to increase the motivation at the job.
Interpretation: From the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were strongly
agreed with the statement and some of the employees were agreed with the statement.
That is 70% employees were strongly agreed, 30% employees were agreed with the
Comment: To increase the motivation of the employees at the job; the training programs
of the Grameen bank help the employees because survey should it.
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Agree 5 50%
Strongly Agree 4 40%
Total 10 100%
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Interpretation: From the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were satisfied with
the training need assessment of Grameen bank. That is 40% employees were strongly
agreed, 50% employees were agreed and 10% disagree with the statement.
Comment: In very few times need assessment not done properly but in maximum times
they conduct it properly.
10. The learning objectives of training are met at the end of the training program?
Total 10 100%
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Figure: The learning objectives of training are met at the end of the training
Interpretation: From the graph, it is seen that most of the employees were strongly
agreed with the statement and some of the employees were agreed with the statement.
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That is 60% employees were strongly agreed, 40% employees were agreed with the
Comment: Since, after finishing the training program; learning objectives of the training
are met.
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5.1Major Findings:
1) Grameen bank provides both on the job training and off the training.
2) Grameen Bank employees are satisfied with the training contents of that
3) Grameen Bank does not follow fixed schedule for the training and development
4) Employees are happy with the trainers training system.
5) Some employees are not satisfied with the training environment in Grameen
5.2 Conclusion:
Grameen Bank is a statutory public authority, since it was established in 1983 under an
Ordinance. It is neither a NGO nor a bank/ a bank company/ a scheduled bank in
traditional term. Although its micro credit activities are similar to that of an NGO,
government possesses 25% ownership of that institution by law. The organization is
much more structured compared to any other bank operating local or foreign in
Bangladesh. It is relentless in pursuit of business innovation and improvement. It has a
reputation as a partner of consumer growth.
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Grameen Bank has become a large institution. From the very inception it plays a vital
role in the national economy. Grameen bank provides proper attention on every
department including the human resources department and an important function of this
HR department is training and development. Banking sectors no more depends on a
traditional method of banking. In this competitive world, this sector has trenched its
wings wide enough to cover any kind of financial service anywhere in this world.
From the phase of need assessment to evaluation of training, Grameen bank tries to
provide proper attention to enrich their employee’s skill for reaching in their desired goal.
With the help of training and development programs, organization can improve its
productivity and efficiency level to an utmost position.
Despite few of problems in training and development section in Grameen bank. It’s
improving employees and executives skills to reach the summit.
5.3 Recommendations:
As it is seen by all that the organizational and individual objectives are corresponding.
The accomplishment of both organizational and individual objectives can be directed by
training programs. Training and development make it possible through optimizing
utilization of human resources that will inspire the employees to attain the organizational
goals as well as their individual goals.
By studying and analyzing the current position of Grameen bank training and
development program, some problems are identified. So in this regard some
recommendations can be given-
5.4 Bibliography:
1. Mohiuddin Md. “Human Resource Management” 6th edition, India, Replika press Pvt.Ltd,2011
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2. Raymond A. Noe and KodwaniAnitabh Doe, “Employee training and development” 5 th edition,
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd.
http://www.Grameen Bank.com/
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Dear respondent,
Personal Information:
Department: ………………………………………………………..
Designation: ………………………………………………………..
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1. Do you have clear idea about different methods of training and development of
your organization?
A. Yes B. No
2. Which of the following training and development method Grameen bank
a. On the job
b. Off the job
c. Both
Please read carefully the questions and just put () in the respective box.
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