Lecture7 Reserve Estimation
Lecture7 Reserve Estimation
Lecture7 Reserve Estimation
Dr. Pushpa Sharma
• Oil reserves
Oil reserves are the amount of technically and economically
recoverable oil. Reserves may be for a well, for a reservoir, for a
field, for a nation, or for the world. Different classifications of
reserves are related to their degree of certainty.
• Oil in Place
The total estimated amount of oil in an oil reservoir, including both
producible and non-producible oil, is called oil in place.
• Recovery Factor
The ratio of producible oil reserves to total oil in place for a given
field is often referred to as the recovery factor.
Reserve Classification
• All reserve estimates involve uncertainty, depending on the amount
of reliable geologic and engineering data available and the
interpretation of those data. The relative degree of uncertainty can
be expressed by dividing reserves into two principal classifications—
"proven" (or "proved") and "unproven" (or "unproved").
Developed Probable
Proven Unproven
Proven Un Possible
Proven Reserves
• Proven reserves are those reserves claimed to have a reasonable
certainty (normally at least 90% confidence) of being recoverable
under existing economic and political conditions, with existing
technology. Industry specialists refer to this as P90 (i.e., having a
90% certainty of being produced). Proven reserves are also known
in the industry as 1P.
1. Reservoir type,
2. Source of reservoir energy,
3. Quantity and quality of the geological, engineering, and
geophysical data,
4. Assumptions adopted when making the estimate,
5. Available technology, and
6. Experience and knowledge of the evaluator.
Magnitude of uncertainty in reserves estimates
The magnitude of
uncertainty, however,
decreases with time
until the economic
limit is reached and
the ultimate recovery
is realized
Oil and Gas Reserves Estimation methods
1. Analogy,
2. Volumetric,
3. Decline analysis,
4. Material balance calculations for oil reservoirs,
5. Material balance calculations for gas reservoirs,
6. Reservoir simulation.
• Note that the reservoir area (A) and the recovery factor
(RF) are often subject to large errors. They are usually
determined from analogy or correlations.
Calculation of Oil in Place by Volumetric
1. Initial oil in place
2. Oil in place after volumetric depletion to abandonment pressure
3. Oil in place after water invasion at initial pressure
4. Oil reserve and Recovery Factor by volumetric depletion to
abandonment pressure
5. Oil reserve and Recovery factor by full water drive
• Reservoir bulk volume
Vb = 7758 x A x h = 7758 x 26,700 x 49 = 10.15 MMM bbl
• 1.
• 2.
• 3.
Decline curve method
• A decline curve of a well is simply a plot of the well’s production rate
on the y axis n versus time on the x-axis.
• With more and more low productivity wells coming on stream, there
is currently a swing toward decline rates proportional to production
rates (hyperbolic and harmonic).
• The equation of the straight line on the semilog paper is given by:
• Where:
q = well’s production rate at time t, STB/day
qi = well’s production rate at time 0, STB/day
D = nominal exponential decline rate, 1/day
t = time, day
The following table summarizes the
equations used in exponential decline.
Hyperbolic Decline
• Alternatively, if the well’s production data plotted on a semilog paper
concaves upward, then it is modeled with a hyperbolic decline.
• Where:
q = well’s production rate at time t, STB/day
qi = well’s production rate at time 0, STB/day
Di = initial nominal exponential decline rate (t = 0), 1/day
b = hyperbolic exponent
t = time, day
The following table summarizes the
equations used in hyperbolic decline:
Harmonic Decline
• A special case of the hyperbolic decline is known as “harmonic
decline”, where b is taken to be equal to 1.
2. Calculate the cumulative oil produced at the end of each year for five
years using:
3. Form the following table: